The EDIT Issue 15- Spring 2020

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Spring Edition March 2020 Issue 15

Letter from Editor in Chief

Hi volunteers! This years’ Spring Edition of The EDIT is something I’m very proud of. From features about Trade Unionism- pulling on the strikes which have occurred at all universities across the United Kingdom over the past year- to a celebration of LGBT+ in sport, exclusives with Twin Atlantic, celebrating wonderful women in rock music, and, not forgetting the global obsession at the moment- TikTok. I believe that it truly celebrates all students’ at GCU and it allows for everyone to write about what interests them. I hope that all readers enjoy this years Spring Edition. This is my last EDIT edition as Editor in Chief. I am grateful to each and every one of you for the time and effort put in each and every time. I am proud of all our volunteers and the amazing effort that you all continue to put in for both online articles, and, when it comes to our print editions. I am proud of you all for your commitment to producing a great edition, especially to all committee members.

I also owe a thanks to Lora Addison for being an incredible staff support. She is a credit to the Students’ Association and has always been there, no matter the time or the query. Volunteering whilst at university has been wonderful for me as it has helped me to come out of my shell whilst encouraging me to be who I am and not change myself for anyone. Volunteering at university helps build confidence skills and allows you to meet new people, building friendships for life. It also gives you great experience and is something to put on your CV which will help you in the future when it comes to seeking employment. I encourage everyone to get involved with societies, sports clubs, liberation groups, student medias and representation groups. I promise you will not regret it! You can find out more about sports clubs, societies, liberation and representation groups as well as both student

media groups by visiting- www. I have met so many friends for life through the EDIT and other volunteering roles I partook in through the Students’ Association during my time at GCU and they have helped me grow into the outgoing bubbly person that I am right now. I am grateful for all the amazing opportunities I have been given through being part of The EDIT and it has made my experience at GCU one that I will never forget. I will miss reading and editing all the amazing articles and I wish all contributors the best for the future. Stick in with your studies but also make sure that you enjoy your life whilst at university as it will fly by you quicker than you realise.

Mon Editor in Chief x

Contents The Team

Monica Allen Edition-in-Chief Erin Paterson Deputy Editor Arts & Culture Editor Siobhan Macdonald Head of Social Media Nicole Gray Online Editor Kirsten Irvine Fashion Editor Callum McQuade Music Editor Hannah MacKenzie Wood News & Features Editor Craig Edwards Head of Events Tóra Jóhannusardóttir Head of Design William Campbell Head of Photography Abbie Meehan Sports Editor Rebeka Lužaitytė Entertainment & Tech Editor

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Cover / Tóra Jóhannusardóttir

News & Features

Student Solidarity Across Glasgow What Are Trade Unions? Their Working Conditions Are Our Learning Conditions Coronavirus


The Concert Lookbook Forget the Florals The Death of the Worst Dressed List Nails as Fresh as Spring Occasion Wear SS2020

Entertainment & Technology

Tiktok - the Marmite of the Internet Miss Americana 1917 Go Beyond the Songs with BTS Jojo Rabbit: A Review

Arts & Culture

My Experience at GCU The Woman in Black Theatre Review The Griffin Food Review


Twin Atlantic: 2020 is the Year of Power Talking it Through with Jonas Blue Women of Rock


Homophobia Scotland Hockey: Making It Everyone’s Game The Successor to Andy Murray

Student Solidarity Across Glasgow Staff are striking due to 4 things; casualisation, inequality (in terms of gender and BME), salaries and workload. Casualisation Over 100,000 staff are employed on fixed-term contracts, and an additional 70,000 are employed on other casual contracts across the United Kingdom. The teaching and research which occurs at universities would not be possible without these staff members. Workload Work overload has increased in recent years. It was found that staff do on average 45-50 hours of work per week yet salaries do not reflect this, and, this is not sustainable or fair. Salaries University salaries have fallen counter to inflation by over 20% since 2009. This is not acceptable, especially when senior management are found to be given bonuses. Inequality There are inequalities that exist in pay structures. It has been found that disability pay inequality is 8.7%, women on average are paid 15.1% less than men, and a study also found that black academic staff earn 12-13% less than white colleagues of both the same gender and experience. UCU feel that something has to change as in today’s society, it is deplorable.


Lecturers at GCU, as well as across the country announced that they would be taking 14 days of strike action from the 20th of February up until the 13th of March. Back in November and December, 8 days of strike action occurred, however, despite this there was no resolution given. Full details of the stikes are: Week one Week two

Thursday 20 & Friday 21 February Monday 24, Tuesday 25 & Wednesday 26 February Week three Monday 2, Tuesday 3, Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 March Week four Monday 9, Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11, Thursday 12 & Friday 13 March

At GCU we have the ‘Student Solidarity Network’ who have done some great work and continue to stand with lecturers on the picket lines at our front entrance. I spoke with Lewis Akers-President of the ‘Student Solidarity Network GCU’ and asked him why he thinks it is important for students’ to show solidarity with striking lecturer’s. ‘If we tolerate inequality among university staff then it becomes part of the culture of universities and seeps through into treatment of students. Better working conditions leads to more satisfied staff who have more time to make sure they can dedicate the time needed to making sure they deliver the best level of education for students. Casualisation means that academia is extremely hard to get into. This is because jobs are insecure, not always well paid, and, often don’t offer the hours needed. This restricts the types of people who can access academia and eventually gain full-time jobs. Marketisation (running universities like businesses) means we are treated as customers rather than students. We want to be seen as students with unique differences rather than just numbers. Trade Union victories in one place pave the way for other victories and for that to become the norm elsewhere. One example of this would be the equal pay strikes at Ford in the 1970s when women striked for equal pay and won. As a result of their battle, equal pay legalisation was brought in by the government of that time. ‘

Information true by the date March 4th 2020

Back during November and December, thirteen students from Stirling University occupied a university room in solidarity with their university staff who were on strike. Instead of being commended for their efforts, these students have been suspended from their studies for eight weeks (possibly more), with more than half of them staying in university accommodation. This suspension restricts them from submitting coursework which will mean that they may fail, with no guarantee they can return to study in September. On Friday the 21st of February, the second day of the strikes, Vice Chancellors from universities all across Scotland were avoiding the pickets at a secret meeting at the Glasgow School of Art. However, it wasn’t a secret for long. The word got out to students and workers across Glasgow and the surrounding areas. From 8 am that morning there was a crowd of around 50 students

News & Feature

Students across Glasgow and the west have stood in solidarity with striking lecturers. Various ‘student solidarity’ groups exist across universities and colleges.

from Strathclyde University, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow Caledonian University and Glasgow University outside the doors of where the meeting was taking place. Some of their signs read “Equal Pay Now!”, “Treat Staff and Students with Respect!” and “We Love Our Staff!”. Those in attendance hounded the VCs and made sure to disrupt their discussion, further voicing their concerns regarding the reasons for industrial action. They also called for the punishment of the thirteen Stirling University Students to be ceased. Some of the ‘Stirling Thirteen’ were also in attendance to show their solidarity with those on strike across the country. It is clear that students’ across Glasgow and the west want changes to be made. They know that the working conditions of university staff is also their learning conditions and they call for changes to be made promptly and support staff in their efforts for it to be rectified.

Written by Monica Allen Illustration by Carolina Ferguson Designed by Carolina Ferguson



TRADE UNIONS? Written by Lewis Akers, President of The Student Solidarity Network Designed by Carolina Ferguson

One question many students will be asking in the wake of the UCU university strikes is “what are trade unions?” and “why do they matter?” The dictionary definition for trade union is “An organised association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests.” However, this definition fails to cover the history, the goals and victories of the trade union movement. For that reason, this article hopes to give an accessible and concise answer to the question of “what are trade unions?”



What do they want?

The first trade unions as we know them today were formed in the 18th and 19th century. They came to prominence in the advent of the industrial revolution. This brought about a change in the world of work and a coming together of even greater masses of people in big cities. This led to the spread of radical ideas and more power being placed in the hands of the workers as their ability to collectively stop working and demand better grew. Many of the victories that the original trade unionists won are still things we enjoy today such as weekends and the 8-hour working day.

Trade unions have an extensive list of demands. Many more than we have time to cover in this article. The following points are the most well known and stereotypical demands:


Better pay and jobs


Better working conditions and respect in the workplace


Sexual equality and an end to the gender pay gap


Political change and more democracy

News & Feature

However, this list is not extensive. Trade Unions in modern history have been at the forefront of the fight for LGBT+ equality and have taken on the issue of climate change to call for a just transition that doesn’t leave workers without jobs when we transition away from fossil fuels. How do they achieve it? The main way unions get what they want is by withdrawing labour. This is basically when you stop working in order to put pressure on employers to give in to your demands. This can include a full stop to working or a partial stop to working. Always, the point is to achieve a preplanned demand. So, for example, university strikes just now are aiming for a pay rise, end of casual contracts and the gender pay gap. In addition to this, unions lobby government and support employees in meetings with bosses among other things.

Why are they important? By using techniques like striking have brought about significant changes to society, including:

A national minimum wage


The abolition of child labour


Improved worker safety


Improved parental leave such as maternity leave


Equality legislation


Holiday and sickness pay

Unions are more important than ever before with automation, climate change, and the rise of extreme governments. They give us a way to hold power. They give us a way to change the world for the better and to make our voices heard. But only together can weachieve this.

Photographs / Catriona Mowatt



THEIR WORKING CONDITIONS ARE OUR LEARNING CONDITIONS As students reading this will know, lecturers at Glasgow Caley and across the country are taking strike action over pay, working conditions and pensions. Once again, they’ve taken to the picket lines in the wind and the rain, without pay, fighting a fight that they shouldn’t have to. And, once again, it’s heartening to see students showing solidarity with them. As NUS Scotland President, I am proud to give my full support and extend the solidarity of the student movement to our lecturers. In a recent media interview, a journalist asked me why NUS Scotland is supporting our lecturers. What do lecturers’ pay and conditions have to do with students? They have everything to do with students because lecturers’ working conditions are students’ learning conditions. We want to learn from the best, and unless lecturing and academia is an attractive career, it’s our education that will be undermined in the long-term. We can’t have that. NUS Scotland also represents thousands of postgraduate students who are teaching in our universities. They have a stake in this strike. The precarity that many of them face – just as they embark on their academic careers – needs to be recognised. I have been appalled to read reports – in the press and shared in social media – of institutions issuing warnings to postgraduate students, telling them they would be penalised for striking, with potential implications for their scholarships and funding. Wouldn’t university bosses’ time be better spent around the negotiating table rather than trying to scare trade union members away from it? The bottom line is this: the only people who can end this disruption and conclude this dispute are the bosses. They need to get back around the table, negotiate seriously and in good faith with the trade unions and agree to a fair and sustainable settlement which will ensure we do not just end up right back here again.


Photograph / Flickr / secretlondon123 Staff unions have a long history of backing Scotland’s students. Free tuition, better cost-of-living support, fighting exploitation of working students, public investment in learning and teaching, and much, much more. And we know that they’ll have our backs in future struggles too. We as students do not have the power to end this strike action, but we can show our solidarity with our lecturers. Find out how by contacting your students’association or the GCU Student Solidarity Network.

Written By Liam McCabe, NUS Scotland President Designed by Carolina Ferguson

News & Feature

Coronavirus Written by Abbie Meehan Designed by Carolina Ferguson

The world has been in a media meltdown since the outbreak of a virtually unknown disease called the ‘Corona-virus’. The virus originated in a seafood market in Wuhan, located in Eastern China. The virus was behind a number of pneumonia cases that came to light at the beginning of 2020 and has now circulated its way around most of Western Europe, before eventually reaching the UK. In the UK, there are currently 319 reported cases of coronavirus, with the latest being four people who travelled to the UK via plane after their Japan cruise ship was evacuated due to panic over the illness. But, although this has the capabilities to turn into a deadly pandemic, many are using the news of this disease to further push their racist, backwards agendas. On February 9th, a 29-year-old woman was rushed to hospital with a concussion as she was assaulted while protecting her friend from a racist attack. Meera Solanki, a trainee lawyer, was out celebrating her birthday with friends when an unidentified man began to harass the group. It is alleged the man began to shout racial slurs, before saying, “take your f**king coronavirus and take it back home.” Solanki tried to diffuse the situation and pushed the man away, who then punched her in the head and she fell to the ground unconscious. This incident is one of the many reported racist attacks that have spiked since the coronavirus outbreak. At times like this, the world needs to be reminded that one race is not responsible for a disease, and we need to cast our thoughts back to the AIDS crisis in the early 80’s. This resulted in the persecution of many gay men and it is further stressed that we cannot allow another situation like that to happen again. We need to work together as a society to battle these diseases, and not create scapegoats. Information correct as of 9th of March 2020.


the concert lookbook As a UNESCO City of Music, Glasgow provides a stage to musicians from all around the world. However, every time we buy a ticket for a concert we always start wondering: what should I wear? This is why we created a lookbook capturing the essence of the artists who are destined to take over the world in 2020.


lana del rey

x x

Lana’s romantic and vintage style has always managed to transform the audience into her magical world of music. Her songs and fashion choices are a contemporary ode to the Hollywood glamour combining retro hairstyles such as long 40s waves and her signature black eyeliner look. Inspired by her ‘Lust for Life’ album cover, this look includes some delicate daisies in the hair and a white polka dot flowy dress.

x x Halsey is a creative and experimental artist who isn’t afraid to express her personality through her ever-changing music style. The tour in support of her latest album ‘Manic’ combines pastel tones and geometrical shapes providing a look into her personality. The blue eyeshadow represents her struggles while the pink symbolises positivity and happiness.

x x harry styles x x Bold, flamboyant and androgynous - that’s the way to describe the style of Harry Styles. His collection of floral colourful shirts and widelegged, sailor-style trousers is a key part of the look for his album ‘Fine Line’. So as we’re impatiently waiting for his concert in April, we are getting ready for the show with a similar combination iconic of the singer’s fashion style.


my chemical romance It’s time to take out the black eyeliner and put on some black clothes because My Chemical Romance have officially returned. The iconic rock band is back on tour and we came up with this early 2000s emo look inspired by the music video for ‘Helena’. A black blazer and shirt with a red tie and dark makeup are a perfect match for their gig.

Written by Tsvetelina Peneva Photo credits: Liisi Hänninen Designed by Joanna Hughes


forget the florals springtime ‘20 #trending

Blessed with the styles of spring, Milan, New York, London and Paris fashion week have provided us with some much-needed colour and inspiration to help us get through the tail end of winter. Spring allows us to explore colour, print and cuts that we may not gravitate towards during the winter months. Here are some of the #trending styles we will see launch onto the high street in the coming months, and how to style these spring must haves.

GO FOR GLOW Last year we saw the spark in neon fashion, from slime green in street wear, to hot pink accessories. The neon trend is not slowing down anytime soon, with Jacquemus featuring fuchsias, and bright blues striking the runway. The neon trend is steering away from just casualwear and streetwear, being adapted into more tailored and formal cuts. What I love about neon wear is that it can be masculine or very feminine, both factors that are super important in developing your personal style. For everyday neon wear, I would recommend styling and matching your accessories to act as a feature, giving an all-black outfit some extra oomph.

HERE FOR SHEER A slightly riskier trend to embrace us this season, perhaps not the most wearable in windswept Glasgow, however, for a more formal event, sheer clothing is a MUST. We have seen celebrities wear sheer gowns over award season from Doja Cat, to Scarlett Johansson. Perfectly placed embellishments and transparent panels were featured in the Grammys and the Oscars. Proving that although sheer may be conventionally daring, doesn’t take

away from the elegance that can be portrayed. If you hope to hop on this trend, sheer cut out dresses are everywhere, and sheer flares seem to be rising into popularity, as seen by Balmain. Sheer clothing can also be layered to create the illusion of modesty, alongside adding depth to an outfit.

Written by Georgia Brown Photo credits: TagWalk Designed by Joanna Hughes

Tailoring goes hand in hand with another trend this spring, that being shirts. Yes, plain white shirts were featured all over the runway in New York and Milan. I don’t know about you, but I will be raiding the men’s sale section in hopes of finding some flattering androgynous clothing.


TAILORING This trend has been around since the beginning of time and remains to be timeless. Unisex, androgynous and easy to personalise, tailored clothing is a worthy investment. This spring, the catwalks have shown shoulder pads and shorts in replacement of trousers in suits. Both for men and women, gender does not apply to fashion, especially with tailoring. Vintage and charity shops have an amazing array of blazers and blouses, if you wish to be more sustainable and would like more affordable choices. Zara also offers a wide range in tailored choices, whether you prefer a fitted look, or a more comfortable oversized look. You will be able to find something that suits you anywhere you shop. A plain black blazer should be a staple in everyone’s wardrobe, paired with jeans or a pencil skirt. The flavour is immaculate *chefs kiss*.

Milan and Paris fashion week featured tiered dresses and skirts galore. My inner ballerina is free with this trend, layered tulle and flared tiered dresses and skirts are super chic and can be adapted to be super glamourous with heels and jewellery or made relatively casual with some chunky trainers and a graphic tee. Tulle and tiered clothing can often be quite daunting, as so much fabric can sometimes be overpowering. Regardless, tiered skirts are a must over spring. Tiered clothing allows for much needed depth and movement to an outfit, which is guaranteed to spark a new sense of confidence you may not have witnessed before. Zara and ASOS are your best bets for finding these sorts of frills.

Spring is for colour and new things, so don’t be afraid to freshen your wardrobe up with some of these spring must-haves.


the death of the

worst dressed lists Growing up I have always been interested in fashion and beauty before I knew how to turn these interests into hobbies of my own. I loved awards season and red-carpet fashion, something that I have taken into my 20s with me as well. Watching the Met Gala red carpet is something I look forward to every year. One thing that used to always come hand in hand with these events, is the best dressed and worst dressed lists. I remember being 12 looking through the magazines and newspapers in the shops seeing these lists and absolutely cringing at the outfits on the worstdressed lists. Because, 12-year-old me clearly knows fashion better than the designers who created these dresses, the stylists, hair and make-up artists who all worked for hours to create whichever celebrities look. Worst dressed lists are something that most papers and magazines have dropped since 2008, unless you’re The Daily Mail. The whole premise of them is to bring women down and make them feel insecure and unhappy after a night that they probably felt beautiful on. Celebrity stylist Cher Coulter, who works with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley told The Telegraph in 2016: “But thanks to the emergence of these lists, things that should stay in people’s heads are there in black and white for the whole world to see online. The world we live in now is so judgmental and so passive.” “I think you have to really look at who is judging them. You’re just looking into someone’s own thought bubble. They might not be fashion people or people who understand fashion,” she says.

People have put the rise, and now subsequent fall of these lists as the reason why actresses take less risks on the red carpet. Fashion is meant for selfexpression, risk-taking and creativity and as lovely and classic as the little black dress trend is – we do want to see bold choices on the red carpet. It’s easy to understand why people choose the safe option now to avoid the embarrassment and humiliation that would come with being a worst-dressed meme on one of these lists. The main thing is, fashion is subjective. An outfit or designer that I adore could be the ugliest thing to someone else. My opinion that it’s great, doesn’t make it great or make someone else’s opinion invalid. Worst dressed lists are the embodiment of everything wrong with the media – women hating whilst acting as if fashion choices are breaking news stories. They perpetuate the idea that it’s okay to dissect woman’s fashion choices as a way to zoom in on their ‘flaws’ for clickbait to pick apart and belittle them.



People are becoming less interested in reading tabloid trash, and just this week #IBlockedTheMailAndTheSun was trending on Twitter. I say we stick with this by not only blocking media outlets that push hateful messages into our society, but by also blocking out hateful articles such as these worst-dressed lists – no matter what.

Written by Siobhan Macdonald Photo credits: Unsplash Designed by Joanna Hughes



nails as fresh as

spring! Written by Kirsten Irvine Photo credits: Superdrug Designed by Joanna Hughes


Everyone loves that fresh manicure feeling. However, attending salons can be very pricey for students on a budget. Resorting back Check Your Baggage £7.99 from Superdrug to the original method of nail polish from a Essie nail polishes are amazing. bottle allows you to find The colour is so vibrant after one application you really don’t the perfect colour and need a second coat – what’s not create the look over to love! This shade is perfect for and over again. Here are The EDIT’s top nail colour suggestions to help you beat the winter blues and dive into Spring.

RIMMEL Rita Ora Go Wild-er-ness £3.49 from Superdrug

This polish is from the festival collection selected by Rita Ora for Rimmel. This shade promises to dry in 60 seconds and this is definitely true, there is zero tackiness to be found. The purple tones of this polish would be perfect to wear even on those days when the sun isn’t shining to add that element of brightness to your look.

BARRY M Gelly Nail Paint Greenberry £3.99 from Superdrug

Spring as it contains all those amazing Spring undertones of warm yellow and mustard. It really makes your nails stand out without being overpowering.

This high-shine polish is a breath of fresh air. Barry M polishes last really well in comparison to other drug store polishes. The “gelly” polish range is naturally a bit thicker than the ordinary ones and doesn’t require a top-coat, it’s a win win! This colour just screams Spring – its bright and would be perfect to pair with light pastel tones.



Super Gel New Romantic

It’s A Boy

£6.99 from Superdrug This shade is so elegant and feminine. I love how subtle this baby pink colour is, it effortlessly compliments any outfit by adding a touch of class. If you’re someone who tends to stay away from bold nail colours, this shade is perfect for adding a hint of colour without turning heads.

£3.99 from Superdrug This shade is the champion of the pastel shades! Like a bright blue Spring sky, this colour is sure to transform basic nails into something exciting. This colour can be intensified with how many coats of polish you choose to apply. Pastel shades are an essential for the brighter months – why not start experimenting with this gorgeous baby blue shade.


OCCASION WEAR SS2020 It can be hard to find something appropriate to wear in your wardrobe when it comes to formal events such as weddings, parties, christenings or even university balls. The thought of finding something formal when most high-street fashion is casual can seem extremely overwhelming. We’ve done the groundwork for you by sourcing the best new occasion wear dresses available on the high-street.





Pink Organza Maxi Dress (£160)

Blue Embellished Midi Dress (£89)

This dress is absolutely gorgeous. The cross-back straps along the back of the dress give this dress an added element of class and sophistication. Paired with some nude heels and a small clutch bag, this dress would be perfect for a Spring wedding.

Turn heads at any formal occasion with this princess worthy dress. The subtle tulle over the pleats at the front, make it look very catwalk and high-fashion inspired. Pair this dress with some dainty jewellery to complete the look.











Gold Glitter Pleated Wrap Midi Dress (£29.99)

Emerald Green Strappy Satin Cowl Midi Dress (£25)

Black Ruched Bias Satin Slip Dress (£35)

Gold and bold – this dress is a statement itself. The shimmer and shine of this dress catches the light effortlessly, almost like highlighter personified in an item of clothing. Perfect for any occasion this wrap dress would like amazing with some block heels for a chic finish.

This simple dress proves that less is more. Drawing attention to all the right places, this satin number is sure to make you feel like the best version of yourself. This midi dress can be dressed up to the max or even dressed down a little for a slightly more casual look. Pair this with a bright red lip to compliment the rich emerald tone.

Every girl needs a LBD and what better one than this! This dress is perfect for any party or posh date night. Satin is such a romantic material and this deep black colour adds clarity and character to the dress. Pair this dress with some gold accessories for a more bold look. Written by Kirsten Irvine Photo credits: Stated store Designed by Joanna Hughes



Erin Sarah Lindsay TikTok: you either love it or don’t understand it. Those who love it bask in the abundance of creativity and humour it offers. Those who don’t understand it find it cringy, uncool and a waste of time. I feel sorry for the latter. Vine was great, wasn’t it? There are many similarities that the two platforms share. Everyone liked Vine, but the same energy isn’t reciprocated for TikTok and for a reason: you could never replace the iconic vines that still circulate the internet today. They hold an outstanding legacy in contemporary online culture. Even though TikTok hasn’t reached the same level of importance (yet!), it makes up for what it lacks in the popularity factor by offering more than its precursor ever did. The ability to create a video up to 60 seconds long is already a defeat on Vine’s part. Add to that features such as soundtrack syncing, augmented reality filters, editing tools and the option to share and collaborate on your favourite videos turns the platform into an addictive social network. No wonder the platform sees over 500 million users a month. But for those of you who have no idea where to start, I’ve listed a small number of TikTokers that are currently providing some of the best content on the platform.

Instagram / @skinnypudge

@skinnypudge This channel is basically just a man and his cat. But the enthusiasm spectrum is what makes this channel so funny. Zach Padgett is just out there living his best life with his cat Elvis, arguably the best duo on the platform at the moment. The amount of joy that dressing up Elvis brings to Zach is so heart-warming. We have seen Elvis in a tiny cowboy hat, Elvis as a sandwich, Elvis as an alien, and my favourite, Elvis as prison Mike. Sure, Elvis doesn’t seem so thrilled, but the cut zooms into his face make the videos golden.

Instagram / @colewalliser

@colewalliser This Canadian filmmaker is behind E!’s Glambot at the biggest red carpet events. The Glambot gloriously shoots portraits of celebrities in 1000fps slow-motion frames. Brad Pitt, Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet, and the cast of Parasite are the most recent faces to be featured. Walliser offers a behind the scenes look to the process, where he has 30 seconds to explain to the celebrities what it is and what to do. It is

Instagram / @brittany_broski

@brittany_broski You probably know her as Kombucha Girl, but her comedy doesn’t end there. Her facial expressions can be

Entertainment & Technology


both amusing and intriguing to watch, and the results are always flawless. Perhaps the one good thing to come out of quite a lack-lustre award season.

further enjoyed in her other videos, where she can be seen flawlessly lip-syncing to the Macarena, using the filters to become a potato, and more recently, a cheese puff, and putting on Southern, English and Italian-American accents to create the best character videos. You can’t really describe her videos, but that’s usually what makes something so funny. Her range is truly remarkable.

Instagram / @charlidamelio

@charlidamelio Charli is one of the most successful TikTokers with over 27 million followers. Yes, she is affiliated with The Hype House, which brings more cringe than thrill to someone my age. But, for a 15-year-old, she is creating high-quality content that is quite inspiring. I’m not one for dance routine videos, but hers are so flawlessly executed that it’s easy to become addicted. On top of that, she is bringing back old classic hits, dancing to her own remixes of the likes of Rich Girl and Hit Me Baby One More Time that makes me think she has a pretty cool style for a young teenager.

Designed by Megan Beattie


Photograph / Netflix

Photograph / Netflix



After years of people making assumptions about her life, Taylor Swift finally gets to tell her own truth in her new documentary The Netflix documentary follows Taylor as she goes from someone living to fulfil other people’s expectations to someone that lives for themselves. She addresses topics that have long been the subject of debates and wild theories in the media, such as Kanye West interrupting her acceptance speech at the VMAs in 2009, her dating life and even an eating disorder. Incredibly honest, Taylor recalls how these struggles impacted her and how they led to her taking a year off from the public eye. She explains how she had to deconstruct an entire belief system she developed while growing up, including always striving to be the good girl, until she realised that it was impossible to maintain this image without consequences in her personal life. One of the most powerful moments in the documentary


is Taylor deciding to break her silence on politics during midterm elections in 2018. Swift explains that she feels it necessary for her to use her voice for good, especially after her legal battle with a radio DJ who sexually assaulted her showcasing how women’s voices can be disregarded. Having gone through this harrowing experience, she decided that the next time she can change something for the better, she will. However, afraid of the backlash, her dad and her team argue against her speaking out. Still, she is determined to endorse the democratic candidate, who fights for the values and rights she believes in. This highlights how important political positioning is nowadays and just how emotionally charged for someone whose image determines

everything. Seeing the passion and certainty with which Taylor stood up against her team by skillfully arguing the reasoning behind her beliefs was especially moving after her long silence on this polarising topic. Another interesting aspect in the documentary is Taylor acknowledging several issues in the music and entertainment industry, such as the sexism female artists experience. She talks about how the length of her career is limited due to her age, and how there is a constant need for her and fellow female singers to reinvent themselves in order to stay relevant. She paints a grim picture of the life of a superstar, one with a schedule years in advance, unable to unshackle herself from the grips of worldwide expectations.

Despite Taylor’s honest accounts and showing glimpses into several parts of her private life, the documentary does keep a certain distance and is by no means a tell-all. However, the reasoning behind this is obvious throughout the documentary as it talks about the negative impact media has had on her. She is not shown as perfect, but instead, simply human: someone that struggles with their confidence, body, and beliefs like the rest of us. Taylor is finally at a point in her life where her beliefs align with her public persona, where she is free to support the causes she stands for. Miss American’ paints an interesting and entertaining picture of the complexity of her experiences as one of the most famous and talented singer-songwriters of all time.

Designed by Megan Beattie

Entertainment & Technology


It took about three minutes to realise what director Sam Mendes was trying to pull off. That infamous one-shot experience. It’s a tough challenge – for every Rope and Mr. Robot, there are a multitude of movies where this approach comes off as laboured and clumsy. But not here. Within the next three minutes, he had won me over. It’s clear that his long background in directing for the stage, combined with his knowledge and experience working on film, has made him the perfect person to bring us into such an experience. The shots are edited together seamlessly, and the performances of the two leads George MacKay and Dean Charles-Chapman as Lance Corporals Schofield and Blake hold up throughout those long takes. Both must be given credit, but MacKay is especially one to watch. He covers with ease the complex contradictions of a soldier in war – the exhaustion and yearning for an escape mixed with the determination to stand ground and complete the task at hand: a race against time and across a lot of ground to stop a planned push-forward of troops at the frontline that will end terribly. The soundtrack and the continuous feel of the movie combine to make for a bubbling pot of tension that still manages to find a way to surprise you with it does boil over into climactic moments. As you fall through this hellish and often isolating landscape, there are a few surprises through the film that really do leave their mark in your head. One of these is a moment where the race against time becomes almost literal. It hits you in such an unflinchingly emotional way that rather escapes wording. And in the quieter, less disruptive points of the film the horror, the bloodshed, and the stakes melt back just enough for us to take in the simple and yet gigantic toll of the war. MacKay’s character is battered and bruised both

Photograph / IMDB

physically and mentally through the ordeal. He faces substantial loss during the film. And yet, he is just one of many who faced such things. All those involved manage to balance great stakes and great introspection. Early on, there is a light sprinkling of humour amongst proceedings to help ease the audience in. Even when it is laughter in the face of horror from broken men. Something which comes across well in Schofield – his bantering with Blake as they proceed across no man’s land is tinged with worry for his brother on the frontline. And unlike quite a few war films, it does not linger on its own achievements. For every technically impressive feat, the movie brings, it also is sure to keep the audience in check with another harrowing sight or surprising set piece. Your heart is with Schofield and Blake all of the way, hoping for the best, but as is said in the third act by Benedict Cumberbatch (one of many big stars with their own parts to play in the boys’ tale), hope is a dangerous thing. Though no movie could ever quite cover the magnitude of impact that the First World War had, this movie does the best job that could be done. It tears away as much of the wall between the characters and us as it can and shows one day in the life of two boys who have lost their innocence far too soon and must fight through hell on Earth.

Designed by Megan Beattie



Worldwide sensation BTS has been dominating the news recently: they’ve performed at the Grammys, attended The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, recorded a Carpool Karaoke with James Corden, and even more so after the release of their newest album MAP OF THE SOUL: 7. However, what some might not know, is that they provide their fans, or the ARMY, with a lot more content than just epic music and mind-blowing performances. They have several movies, a documentary series, and hilarious variety shows that fans can acquire from their online community platforms Weverse and Vlive. Here’s some of their best. Bring the Soul: Movie and Documentary Series Bring the Soul is their second tour movie, but the first to be extended into a documentary series. The movie follows the band through their Love Yourself stadium tour, which ran from the 25th of August 2018, until the 7th of April 2019. While the film itself had only limited screenings in

August 2019, the 6 episodes-long documentary series can be purchased on Weverse. Both feature heart wrenching and honest portrayals of the s truggles they have gone through during the physically and mentally demanding concerts, with some funny stories in between to lighten up the mood. They show one on one interviews with the members, who talk the fans through some of their injuries, their fights and disagreements, what their journey has been like so far, as well as their dreams for the future. Watching this, you’ll get to know a little bit more about how each member operates on tour, and how much the fans’ support means to all of them. It’s emotional, sweet, and funny, and will definitely make you appreciate the hard work artists put in to entertain their followers. Bon Voyage Season 4 BTS has come back with their fourth edition of their travelling show, this time heading to New Zealand. It’s an 8 episodes-long adventure where the boys go on an RV road trip on the beautiful island to camp, fish, go horseback riding, and enjoy their time away together. Bon Voyage is a show where you can see the members relax a bit in places where they are free to roam around like any normal young adult would. It continues to be a

Photograph / Facebook

wholesome series that humanises the idols and portrays how close they really are to each other. All four seasons are available to purchase on Wever se with English subtitles. Run BTS This is a variety show that has been running since 2015, with 94 episodes so far, usually airing on Tuesdays on Vlive, free for all with English subtitles. Each episode is 30 minutes long, and shows the band playing games, trying to complete challenges, or compete in competitions against each other. Run BTS is famous for “top 10 anime betrayal” memes, while the members act like winning the games is the most important thing in the whole wide world. They have prizes to compete for, as well as penalties for the losing team to avoid. It shows the comedic side of the group and provides ARMY with inside jokes and hilarious one-liners, like Lachimolala.

Photograph / Koreaboo Designed by Megan Beattie


Entertainment & Technology jojo rabbit, credit 20th century fox.jpg

Photograph / 20th Century Fox



Lewis Akers

Jojo Rabbit, Taiki Waitis film adaptation of Caging Skies, is a piece of thought-provoking cinema that manages to bring light to an otherwise-dark part of human history. The film comedically and tragically tells the story of a young boy and his journey from fanatical Nazism through to admitting that his views were not as noble as he once thought. The director’s depiction of the conflict between good and evil through the eyes of a child gives it an innocence which means you can forgive jokes which in other circumstances may seem crass or in ill taste. While having some real laugh out loud moments, the film is a deeply reflective piece of cinema about how evil can be challenged if we are brave enough to confront it. The film, in terms of its light-hearted humour, is very much in the same vein as some of Taika Waititi’s previous work such as the 2014 vampire mockumentary What We Do In The Shadows. However, because of the much more serious manner of Jojo Rabbit, he mocks stereotypes and caricatures to point out the ridiculousness of their existence. He uses comedy as a medium by which to highlight the absurdities of

the human condition. He uses it as a way of undermining the Nazi ideology and pointing out its deficiency and evil nature as a set of ideas. The most striking moment occurs towards the end, when Jojo, who’s wearing Nazi regalia, sees his mother’s shoes dangling from a post in the town square, a punishment for her part in the resistance. This stark contrast between light-hearted and deeply moving moments makes the movie’s message even more hard-hitting. Jojo’s own values are challenged and shaken by the consequences of the system which he believes in. Overall, I believe Jojo Rabbit will leave a lasting impression on any viewer. Although the film may not appeal to everyone due to its dark humour, I believe it will rightfully become a cult classic for movie buffs and casual viewers alike.

Designed by Megan Beattie 16

Arts & Culture

My Experience at GCU Coming to Glasgow to study was one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever made. I have lived with my family my whole life and leaving them was not an easy choice. After graduation, I decided to study Masters abroad so the hunt for universities began. While I was searching, I came across Glasgow Caledonian University. It is one of the top ranked universities in the UK. I done some research and finally made my decision to study at GCU. I had my visa processed and in September I was in Glasgow. When I arrived at the airport after such a long journey I was confused and ended up getting lost. But thanks to the GCU Meet and Greet Taxi service for International students, I found my way to my accommodation quickly and easily. I was impressed with this initiative; and I vividly remember my first day at University. There were so many questions in my mind; had I made the right decision, should I have looked for other universities, would academic staff help and support me in my studies, and, most importantly how would I survive one whole year at this university. It felt like all of the other students were staring at me but again GCU Student’s Association volunteers were there to help and guide me. The fresher’s week was great, it was created to welcome us, to get settled, to explore the university and Glasgow and to meet fellow students. Now after six months, I look back on my first day when I was confused and had no confidence to succeed but now everything is different. Now I can walk in MY university with pride, I have made many friends and it feels like home. The teaching staff are very supportive and helpful and I like open door policy where I can meet my supervisor and discuss my problems. Finally I have my answer, that I made the right decision choosing to study at Glasgow Caledonian University. By Ashan Aslam


The Woman in Black Theatre Review Take a seatbelt with you if you go to see Stephen Mallatratt’s adaptation of Susan Hill’s ‘The Woman in Black’, because you will struggle to stay in your seat. Daniel Easton keeps the audience hanging on his every word and it is hard to tell if he is acting or genuinely terrified of the eerie veiled figure creeping around the shadows at the edge of the stage. An unexpected turn of events was Robert Goodale appearing on stage as Arthur Kipps and reading dully from a very large manuscript. Murmurs from the audience confirmed everyone was confused, until Easton appeared at the back of the audience as The Actor, who had decided to help Arthur tell his story by playing him in a performance. There did seem to be a lot of discussion and chit-chat about Arthur’s poor acting skills and why The Actor must play his role rather than just getting on with the story and the performance. Some audience members did start to talk among themselves giving the impression that there was a common theme of boredom running throughout the theatre. When they did eventually get on with the story, lighting and sound effects were one of the best parts of the performance. Lighting designer Kevin Sleep, and sound designer Sebastian

Frost did an unbelievable job for this show. Onstage there was only one basket, a stool, a chair and a coat rack. Lighting was used to show where the actor was, dimmed lights when he was inside Eel Marsh house, bright white light when it was daytime outside, red lighting whenever the woman in black was near or something frightening was happening. The basket was turned into a horse and carriage with horse sound effects, a storm was created with flashes of light and noises of thunder and lighting, a café was created with sounds of clattering plates and people talking. Because there are only two actors in this performance Goodale took on the role of five different parts, and he did a tremendous job. When playing Arthur Kipps, he slouched slightly let his hands shake and spoke in a rushed, nervous and scared manor. When he played the coachman he walked slowly, hunched over and mumbled when he talked, when he played the bartender in the hotel he stood up tall and straight and rushed around the stage as though in a permanent hurry, showing just through movement how busy this pub was even though we couldn’t see it. Whenever the woman in black appears onstage both actors are very careful to ensure that

only the actor looks at her, Arthur Kipps never notices or reacts to her presence. When the curtain at the back of the stage is revealed to be concealing the nursery, a black-faced rag doll is seen lying on the bed which felt rather distasteful and unnecessary because they are now extremely outdated and associated with racism. Although the play is set when these dolls were acceptable, it did not add anything to the play and could have been easily removed. It was also difficult to immerse yourself in the storyline and use your imagination to see what the actors saw onstage because they kept jumping back to being Arthur Kipps and an actor discussing his acting abilities and if he was doing the performance justice. It definitely would have been much more successful had they simply got on with the story and then went back to being Arthur Kipps and an actor at the very end of the performance. Despite this small negative, The Woman in Black is an exceptional performance and there were even several members of the audience who actually screamed. An incredible use of acting, lighting, sound and imagination that will leave your heart racing and your hands covering your eyes. Erin Paterson

Photograph / / Dun Deagth


Arts & Culture

The Griffin Food Review

One of Glasgow’s oldest pubs, The Griffin, is perfect for all occasions. With three separate rooms you can choose what kind of night you are going to have. The very first room is a typical pub, with a bar in the centre and booths in an almost circle around the edge of the room, it is always crammed full of people and is better if you are out strictly for some cocktails. The second room, also known as the Gin Palace, is much quieter however it does still have a bar. Perfect for a bite to eat and a refreshing gin cocktail. The third room at the very back of the pub is ideal for large parties and events, with long tables that seat up to twelve people and twinkling “everything fairy lights draped along the ceiling. freshly made

is and home-cooked in the kitchen.

With the pub having the Gin Palace, the majority of their cocktails are of course gin based. However, even if you are unsure when it comes to trying gin the amount of variety they have on the menu there will definitely be a flavour for everyone. They can also give you recommendations of beverages if you tell the bartender what flavour you normally enjoy, i.e. sweet, citrus, mint etc.

Photograph / Erin Paterson

The Cajun sweet potato fries are the perfect combination of crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, you really don’t need a dip with these the seasoning is more than enough, however they do have dips you can choose from. The macaroni was drowning in cheese sauce, and a side portion is perfect for a light bite. Again if you aren’t a massive fan of cheese, you may find this macaroni just too cheesy.

The food is exceptional, it is clear that everything is freshly made and homecooked in the kitchen. The Griffin are famous for their chicken goujons, if this is your dish of choice you can pick step-by-step what crumb you would prefer, side and a dip. The portion sizes are decent, and they definitely don’t scrimp or save when plating up their delicious creations. The crumb on the chicken was crispy and golden, and, the chicken itself was perfectly cooked, the garlic mayo was full of flavour and unless you are a massive garlic fan, you may find it too strong.

Because this pub is directly across the road from the King’s Theatre, it is ideal for a pre-theatre bite to eat and or drink. If you visit their website they also host events that they advertise and sell tickets for: http:// Erin Paterson 20

Twin Atlantic: 2020 Is The Year of


It’s been over four years since an album release, and three years since a headline UK/IE tour, but Glaswegian rockers Twin Atlantic are back with more POWER than ever before. We spoke to Ross McNae, bassist, keyboard and backing vocalist of the band to discuss their new album POWER and the upcoming tour in 2020.

To start off with, Ross, what is in the water this year that is going to make 2020 huge for Twin Atlantic? The main thing this year is that we are finally going to be out playing new songs to our fans again, that was a massive thing we missed when writing this album. Of course, we got to play Summer Sessions last year with The 1975 and other support acts but it has been too long since we got out and played new songs for the crowds. We have had, I think, three and a half years since our last record and we have spent all that time writing, recording and building our studio. We’ve been through record label changes, management changes, you name it, we’ve done it these last few years and it has been a rollercoaster of emotions. You mentioned the Glasgow studio, was that always a dream for the band to have a recording space of your own in your hometown or was that a newfound idea? Honestly, it was never a set out plan to have our own studio. The idea came about during a type of

interim period when we had just ended a deal with our record label and we were searching around for a new label at the time. It felt like we needed a change and that was when we decided to set up a space for us to rehearse and record locally. We wanted to see how far we could take the demos we were writing ourselves before getting someone else involved and it has paid off now. The songs on this album feel a lot more personal now that it has been released, is that due to how much creative power (to pardon the pun) you all had when writing the music? Hand on heart, we have had such a good time making this album and it has opened our eyes to so many other things, such as making music with so many other amazing people and our studio has become much more open in the sense that other artists can come and record here with their bands etc. It has reignited the love we have always had for our music and just added an extra spark to us as a band. Moving onto the music, is there a specific song on the album that you yourself prefer and are looking forward to performing?

Oh, ‘Ultraviolet Truth’ for sure. This song, for me and Sam anyway, is the most direct link back to the spark that made us who we are. There’s a lot of nostalgia in that song, similar to Depeche Mode or New Order, that isn’t necessarily linked to a time, but more a feeling in various periods of time in our lives. How is this album different from your other records that you’ve released over the years? This album shows off more of our own personal influences, the likes of U2, Depeche Mode, LCD Soundsystem, we’ve stuck to our own sound while branching out and making more risky, different sounding tracks.

Photograph / Chuff Media Written by Abbie Meehan Designed by Hannah Temple



Talking it Through with Jonas Blue

Securing a spot in the line-up for Creamfields in the summer, a nationwide tour and a brand-new single featuring Paloma Faith - 2020 is shaping up to be a busy one for this Essex man. The Blueprint tour was one of the DJ’s biggest to date and included a date at Glasgow’s SWG3.

His brand new single ‘Mistakes’ with Paloma Faith is sure to be one we can expect to hear in clubs, bars and dance floors across the globe this summer. The song is based around being “better off” not being in a relationship with someone, but still going back to them. He admits he has wanted to work with Faith for a long time despite having worked with a string of artists over the years and recalls his time with a certain member of One Direction as meme as memorable. “They’ve all been great in different ways -JP Cooper and Liam have been favourites, JP’s voice is just so perfect in tone and has so much soul, and Liam is just a great guy to be around and really professional and disciplined with his vocal recording; we recorded Polaroid in my tiny studio in my “It was quite mad parents garage.” having someone from He admits it’s difficult to get used to waking up in a different location every day on tour, but his fans keep him going.

one of the biggest boy bands ever in my parent’s tiny garage!”

“It’s got to be the energy and vibe you get from a great crowd and how it makes you feel seeing them sing your songs back to you, you just can’t beat that feeling.” Not one to hog the limelight Jonas, also known as Guy James Robinson, says he will always enjoy the intimacy with fans offered by small venues. “You can’t beat a big festival like Tomorrowland main stage, but sometimes you wanna get an intimate vibe in a club and really be connected with the crowd and not feel the pressure to play in a certain way and keep it a bit more underground.” The interaction with fans is something Jonas values the most about being on tour which is why he says he makes every effort to meet and grab a selfie with the super-fans who have helped to propel him to where he is today. When asked what is next, he reveals he would like to go back to his roots and put on a show in the place where he found his passion for DJing and music. “I have some amazing shows in the schedule, lots of activity in Asia and some extensive time in the U.S. “Of course Ibiza is always a key part of the summer schedule, which I love, as Ibiza really inspired the start of Jonas Blue.” Written by Callum McQuade Designed by Hannah Temple

Photograph / DF Concerts 22

Women of Rock Rock and metal music have always largely been considered as male-orientated genres. However, female-fronted bands have been around for years, and are helping to change that stereotypical view. Women in rock have a special place in the music industry as they have the chance to use their voice to express female empowerment and inspire girls around the world to simply be themselves.

Lzzy Hale (Halestorm)

Amy Lee (Evanescence)

Amy Lee is one of the most popular voices in mainstream rock music. She’s the founding member of the band Evanescence which received global success after the release of their single ‘Bring Me To Life’ in 2003. Her recognisable vocals include three octaves and bring an ethereal and dramatic feel to the band’s music. Amy’s fashion style often includes clothes she made herself to preserve the atmosphere of her songs while performing on stage. Evanescence will perform in Glasgow’s SSE Hydro on April 28th 2020.

Amy Lee (Evanescence)

Lzzy Hale and her younger brother Arejay started the band Halestorm when she was only 13 years old. They quickly gained global recognition due to their exhausting tour schedule which consists of up to 250 shows a year.v Lzzy’s songwriting style often includes lyrical themes such as sexual and female empowerment with personal songs such as ‘Do Not Disturb’ and ‘I Am The Fire’. Her powerful vocals on the single ‘Love Bites (So Do I)’ led to the band receiving their first Grammy award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance in 2013.

Photograph / / Justin Higuchi 23

Music Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless)

Maria Brink (In This Moment)

Maria Brink rose to fame as the lead singer of the American metal band In This Moment. Her tough childhood inspired her to become an artist as she began songwriting at a young age to express her emotions and struggles. Maria’s signature screaming and raspy vocals help her portray lyrics about her positive and negative life experiences and turning her weaknesses into strengths. The band’s latest work includes religious themes and imagery with their new album ‘Mother’ set to be released on March 27th 2020.

Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless)

Taylor Momsen started her career as a model and actress, best known for her role in the TV drama series Gossip Girl. However, she wanted to pursue her passion for music and founded the band The Pretty Reckless in 2009 when she was just 16 years old. Taylor brought a new younger voice to the rock genre and even broke records becoming the only female-fronted band to have their first four singles climb to number 1 on the mainstream rock charts. Their new highly anticipated album titled ‘Death by Rock and Roll’ is set to be released later this year.

Photograph / / digboston

Tarja Turunen is a Finnish heavy metal singersongwriter who became famous as a member of the band Nightwish. She is a professional classical singer with an impressive vocal range of three octaves. The combination of her dramatic opera-style lead vocals and the sound of hard and fast guitar riffs led to the band Nightwish achieving critical and commercial success worldwide. Even though she left the band in 2005, Tarja started working on her solo career releasing seven studio albums to date and continuously touring the world. She will be performing at the Garage in Glasgow on March 20th 2020. Written by Tsvetelina Peneva Designed by Hannah Temple

Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish)

Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish)

Photograph / Facebook / @tarjaofficial 24


Abbie Meehan Designed by Nicole Blair




The successor to Andy Murray

Aidan McHugh is set to be the next great Scot in Tennis





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