The EDIT Issue 13- Freshers Edition September 2019

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September 2019


Freshers Edition

Issue 13

Meet The Team Monica Allen Editor-in-Chief

Adam Lyon Deputy Editor

Siobhan Macdonald Head of Social Media

Callum McQuade Music Editor

Nicola Gray Online Editor

Kirsten Irvine Fashion Editor

Erin Patterson Arts & Culture Editor

Hannah MacKenzie Wood News & Features Editor

Craig Edwards Head of Events

Tóra Jóhannusardóttir Head of Design

William Campbell Head of Photography

Abbie Meehan Sports Editor

Rebeka Lužaitytė Entertainment & Tech Editor


News and Features 2 3 4 5 7

European Project: Friends, Travel and Experience Welcome to TEDxGlasgowCaledonianUniversity Society Come and Try-Events UK Getaways to Beat the Holiday Blues Sustainably Savy Student Style

Arts and Culture 9 11 12 13

Liam Farrelly Serenity Now Review Frida and Coco Freshers welcome to Glasgow!

Fashion 14 15 17 18 19

How To Make The Most of Your Uni Room Shopping on DEPOP How to Style Band Merch The Three Best Books for Lovers of Fashion How to Fall in Love (with yourself)

Music 23 24 25 27

Ones To Watch Won't Leave Quietly More than Meets the Ear No Strangers to Scotland

Entertainment and Technology Cover / Eilidh Mackay

28 29 30 31 33

The Dead Don't Die Blethered Podcast Review What’s wrong with alright? Top TV Picks of 2019 How women in tech are changing the game in Scotland

Sports 35 Historical Debut for Scotland & Victory for Americans 37 Uphill Battle for Scotland National Team 38 Who've You Got Your Eye On?

Welcome to the first edition of The EDIT of 2019/2020! This edition is the first to be put together by our new committee, so we hope you enjoy what we have to offer and appreciate all the hard work that we have put into it. We are always looking for volunteers to write, submit photography, help us plan events and tell us about their creative endeavours. So keep an eye on our social media, listed below, to find out how you can get involved with The EDIT!

The Student’s Association is a great place to check out if you don’t already know what it is! It is the building which is home to many key things you will need throughout your studies-

I have been volunteering with The EDIT since I started here at GCU and I am currently going into my fourth year studying social sciences. I love everything GCU and I praise them at any opportunity when given one. The services that they offer and their commitment to being a University ‘For the Common Good’ is something which I think makes them stand out from the crowd!

More details are available online at

We have an area dedicated to The EDIT on the second floor of the Student’s Association which is free for volunteers to use at any point, we also keep all old editions there too so feel free to swing by and pick up some!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @theeditgcu and check out all articles on

The Advice Centre Open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday The 24 Hour Computer Lab (Located on Ground 0) Your Full Time Officer’s Main Office The Re:Union Bar and Grill

We will be holiding a GCU Summer Sessions in collaboration with Radio Caley, our Sister Student Media on Thursday the 19th of September and our first All Magazine Meeting! Come along to both to find out more about what we do and meet the team!

Can’t wait to meet you all!


Editor in Chief

A huge welcome to all students old and new! Whether you are returning from the summer fresh and raring to go or are joining us for the first time we are so looking forward to seeing you around campus. We have such a diverse range of students at GCU which makes us happy as diversity prepares our students for working in the global community. Our diverse range of students include; our international students, our articulation students straight from college (fun fact- all of your FTOs were articulation


students), our disabled students, our careexperienced, our BME, our LGBT+ and our mature students (another fun fact- two of your FTOs were mature students…. not that you can tell). Please come up and talk to us when you see us around campus, we love talking to you and aim to represent ALL voices at our university! Love and peace,

Susan, Eilidh, Moses and Bethany.

News and Feautures

European Project: Friends, Travels and Experience “You have the opportunity to represent GCU and work on a European project for four months and go to Belgium and Portugal for free”, my professor said, and I was sold. Little did I know that I was about to gain important experience and make friends for a lifetime. Blended Mobility is a European run project gathering students from various universities across Europe to work together with a Belgian startup to develop a product. Students are in three fields: IT, marketing, and design. Together with a product owner, the students aim to create value for the company by working together and handover a product by the end of the four months. For the past four months, I had been working as a designer and a project manager for a Belgian startup creating an innovative product to help gain knowledge about our underground system. Whilst it was challenging to work and manage remotely, however, the project provided great opportunities; visited two new countries, made worldly friends, and got real-life experience before leaving “The days were university.

long, but always ended up with a Belgian beer in hand and laughs”

The project started in Ghent in Belgium in February where everyone met up with the host company and the start-up. The project was introduced, and we started working on project planning. The days were long, but always ended up with a Belgian beer in hand and laughs with the rest of the team members. After Belgium, we all went home and worked online for four months before presenting the project to the host company and the start-up in Portugal.

I would thoroughly recommend anyone to join this project or one similar to this one if the opportunity is granted. It is all about that hands-on experience and creating bonds with people who potentially are going to be your next co-worker or employer. Most importantly, you get to grow personally as you learn a lot about culture and if you are lucky, you get to taste their food too!

Tóra Jóhannusardóttir 2

Image & Graphic / Tóra Jóhannusardóttir

As a project manager, I worked very closely with every team member and the product owner. The management allowed me to gain experience in working with various people of different backgrounds, but more importantly, to make friends across borders. As a designer, I got to work on a real-life project that has granted me relevant experience. One that employers have already acknowledged.


Welcome to


Robbie Radev

On the 12th of October 2019, students and graduates are hosting the first-ever TEDxconference at Glasgow Caledonian University.

obbie Radev, a Business and Financestudent, applied during his second year of university to hold a license to host a TEDx-conference. When this was granted, he gathered an ambitious team of now 30 student volunteers divided into six divisions. The team is responsible for organising the inaugural edition of our TEDx conference with intentions of promoting different views on ideas and concepts. With our TEDx Conference theme, Unfolding Good Together, TEDxGlasgowCaledonianUniversity aims to showcase different aspects of how our world is connected. By using a transdisciplinary lens, a variety of topics and ideas on the theme, these will commemorate the importance of bringing positive change to society and individuals. We would like to demonstrate this concept through a series of dynamic origami-designed identities using four symbols constituting of Confidence, Leadership, Entrepreneurial Mind-set, and Active and Global Citizenship. This inaugural theme was chosen for our conference given the motto of our university, “Working for the Common Weal”, which represents our institution and its community. We as the first-ever team of TEDx for Glasgow Caledonian University are all about “leaving a legacy” and bringing back to our community by commemorating on our institution’s aim. Join us on October 12 to get inspired, get challenged, establish connections, push boundaries and set out new ways of understanding and sharing social good.

The team



Head of Video

Head of Marketing

Michelangelo Nicole

Head of Curators


Head of Comms


Head of Web


Head of Branding


News and Feautures

Society / Group




Ghibli Film Screening Music Night

Cali-Otaku Society Christian Union

16.00 - 18.00 18.45

NH208 Student Association


Movie, Pizza and Popcorn CSI Come and Try Photo Challenge Freshers' Welcome

The Circle Society CSI GCU Christian Union National Union of Ghana Students' Society (NUGS)

18.00 - 21.00 17.30 - 20.00 17.00 17.00

NH209 NH208 Student Association Social Learning Space

Movies and Chill

Psychology Society

17.00 - 20.30 13.00 - 14.00 14.00 - 16.00 18.30

Re:Union Bar and Grill

17.00 17.00 - 21.00 12.00 - 14.00 18.00 - 21.00 19.00

Student Association Re:Union Bar and Grill NH208 Revolution Mitchell Street Outside Students’ Association

Food Night Dungeons & Dragons Taster Sessions Chess Come and Try Freshers’ Night Summer Sessions GCU Edition

Christian Union Dungeons & Dragons Society GCU Check Mate Society Events Society Radio Caley and The EDIT

17.30 13.00 - 17.00

Students’ Association W323, W324, W325

17.00 - 19.00 19.00 - Late 18.30 - 22.30

NH208 Re:union Bar and Grill Re:union Bar and Grill

12 HR Gaming Marathon Welcome Party/ Club Crawl Re:Charge Brunch and Protest

GCU Gaming Society Greek-Cypriot Society

19.30 - 07.00 21.30 - Late

Social Learning Space Re:union Bar and Grill

Esports Society GCU Extinction Rebellion Society Christian Union

19.00 - 23.00 10.00 - 14.00

Summoners Bar Campus Location TBC


Students' Association


Freshers' Welcome Party (Move Night) BBQ and Rounder’s

Nigerian Students' Society

19.00 - 21.00

Social Learning Space

Christian Union


Students' Association

First All Magazine Meeting


18.00 - 20.00

Re:Union Bar and Grill





GGU Choir Come and Try GCU Choir Drama Come and Try GCU Drama and Theatre Production Society Accountancy and Risk Accountancy and Risk & & Finance Societies Finance Societies Welcome Event Games Night Christian Union Social Night GCU Business Society Meet the Members Common Good Society Welcome Event Biosciences Society Welcome Night Out Law Society

George Moore 4th floor ‘conference room’ Faith and Belief Centre Social Learning Space





Activity / Event


Society Come and Try-Events





UK Getaways to Beat the Holiday Blues After a long summer free of uni stress, the holiday blues will soon kick in for many of us returning to GCU. So if looming group projects, dissertations and deadlines already have you browsing the best budget airline deals for a quick mid-semester getaway, here are some UK destinations that will save you the flight…




Photo / Jonathan Ricci / Unsplash

Photo / Tim Hill / Pixabay

The backdrop to many novels, TV shows and films, it’s no surprise that the cobblestoned capital is so popular with tourists from home and abroad alike. With plenty of landmarks and sites tucked into its nooks and crannies, Edinburgh will be sure to delight those looking for a bit of culture whilst distracting themselves from essay writing. Visit the hidden streets below the city and learn about what life was like for inhabitants hundreds of years ago at Mary King’s Close or view the stunning artwork on display at the Scottish National Gallery. There’s also plenty of bars and cafes to serve as the perfect pit stops in between soaking up the sites, such as The Elephant House where JK Rowling wrote about the adventures of the world’s most famous boy wizard.

For a change of pace from the humdrum of Glasgow city life, Whitby is the ideal place to recharge your batteries. This picturesque seaport is crammed full of quaint cafes and cosy pubs, making it the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the fresh sea air. Come rain or shine, Sandsend beach will never fail to impress; enjoy a leisurely walk with views over the town and the North Sea, investigating rock pools along the way. A real treat for bookworms, Whitby is also overlooked by the ruins of its namesake Abbey, the inspiration behind Bram Stoker’s gothic horror ‘Dracula’.

News and Feautures


Isle of Arran

Photo / Nico Kaiser / Flickr

If a drink and a dance is what you need to take your mind off a never-ending workload, look no further than Belfast. About a twohour drive from Glasgow, hop on the ferry at Cairnryan for an incredible city break and a good old Irish knees-up. You’re never too far away from a great pub in this town, with bars such as Filthy McNasty’s and The Dirty Onion providing fantastic live music from local talent. For those looking to keep the party going, nightclubs including Kremlin and Thompson’s Garage will provide you with classic club anthems until the early hours. And if you’re not too tired the morning after the night before, why not take a leisurely stroll around some of the city’s attractions such as Titanic Belfast and Ulster Museum.

Photo / Becky Williamson / Creative Commons

Scotland’s islands are renowned for their rugged natural beauty, and the Isle of Arran is no different. Budding hikers may choose to venture up Goat Fell, a climb that rewards those who take on the challenge with stunning panoramic views from the highest point on the Isle. However, those looking for more laid-back ventures can embark on a variety of coastal walks or enjoy a bit of the island’s history at the 19th century Brodick Castle. There are also a number of restaurants serving fresh Scottish produce to enjoy after a day of adventuring, and despite its remote location Arran nightlife is anything but quiet, with a handful of pubs offering entertainment and live music.

Hannah Wood 6

Sustainably Savy Student Style Monica Allen

There are so many ways which you can be more sustainable and help the environment. Some are quite simple and easy to-do and some a little more complicated but once you get used to them they will become a habit. In the long run they will also save you money- what every student wants! Single use plastic is considered to be one of most thrown away item throughout the world. The UN Environment recently reported that a mere nine per cent of the nine billion tonnes of plastic waste throughout the world has been recycled. Plastic mostly ends up in a landfill or in the oceans having drastic effects on the environment not to mention how harmful they are to the animals in our oceans. Unfortunately plastics do not biodegrade they waste away into smaller plastic parts often regarded as microplastics. There are many ways which you can contribute to helping slow down climate change as reduce the amongst of waste on landfills.


News and Feautures



Using reusable water bottles- investing in a good water bottle- whether it be plastic or metal will help the environment. All you have to do is keep filling it up with water or the beverage of your preference. Not only will it help reduce the amount of plastic waste it will also help your pocket. Throughout GCU and Glasgow there are several facilities for filling up water bottles.


Think about how you shop- do you purchase items from charity shops or Photo / Shanna Camillerion vintage stores / Unsplash or do you buy new items? Buying from charity shops or vintage stores or online platforms such as ebay and depop will help the environment as you are purchasing clothes that are new to you but means that they will not be binned.

Feeling like you are bored of the clothes in your wardrobe? If you’re Handy with a sewing machine why not transform your clothes into something new? Or even sell your clothes on eBay or Depop so that they aren’t just going into a bin.

Photo courtesy /

Photo courtesy /

Are you a frequent user of cotton pads for removing make up? Get yourself some Bamboo Cotton Pads- these are readily available on Amazon or Ebay for a steal and they are reusable and much better for the environment! Think about how many cotton pads you use on average a week and the cost it equates to!


Photo / William Campbell

Photo courtesy /


A lover of hot drinks from places like Starbucks and Costa? Keep a KeepCup or Flask on hand and carry them about with you. Most coffee shops now actually add money if you wish to take drinks out, however, if you come equipped with your own cup suitable for taking drinks out in you may actually get a discount for doing so.


Get yourself an Eco-Friendly Razor! Disposable Razors end up in landfills as they cannot be recycled which contributes to a lot of landfill waste which takes years to decompose. I suggest you get yourself a nondisposable “lifetime” razor and get a hard shaving soap which will last you much longer than your typical shaving cream or foam! These are available online and at many shops on the high street and you can get razors from Ebay or Amazon for a small price and they are typically sold in bundles of hundreds which will realistically last you for a long time!


Liam Farrelly

Photo / Trudy Sade

Liam Farrelly is a 19-yearold up and coming Scottish comedian, and we found out some hints and tips for anyone starting out in comedy in this interview.


Arts and Culture

Why did you decide that you wanted to get into comedy? I don’t really know, to be honest, it was getting towards the end of high school most people seemed to have some sort of plan of what they were going to do, like going to university or getting jobs and I didn’t. I’d always liked stand-up comedy and watched it a lot. I just thought you’ve got nothing to lose by giving it a go, I thought if it goes badly it’s not going to massively mess up your plans because you don’t have any. So, I just did it and it went well so I kept doing it and it’s gone alright so far.

What was the hardest part of becoming a comedian? It’s probably getting stage time, you need a lot of it when you are starting out just so you can work material out in front of an audience, get used to being on stage, mic technique and stuff like that. It is really difficult getting gigs when you are starting out because you don’t know anyone so you don’t know who to speak to or where to go to get gigs, it can be a bit of a nightmare. The flip side of it is that when you do find out who to talk to, they’ve probably not seen you perform before so you’re asking them to have a certain amount of trust in you which is difficult cause you could go on stage and totally bomb. As you go on though it does get easier, more and more people see you, you start to build connections that’s why when you start out you need to every and any gig you can get.

What has been your best/favourite moment so far in your comedy career? I’d probably say doing tour support for Tom Stade, I remember watching Tom on Michael McIntyre’s comedy roadshow when I was like 10 so it was pretty crazy to be opening for him on tour.

What is your dream venue to perform in? I don’t really have a dream venue when it comes to that type of stuff I don’t really plan ahead, I just concentrate on doing the gigs I’m booked for and that’s led to me being booked for some pretty interesting gigs in places like Belfast, London, Wales and all over place never really sure how I’ve ended up being booked for these gigs but I’m not complaining.

Where do you get ideas for your jokes and gig material? From my own life mainly, I’ve had quite a unique life so far so I’ve just ended up writing about that. I think for me, material always work better when the audience can tell the material is coming from a real place, most of my stuff is based on true stories that I’ve heightened or exaggerated, I’ve found that’s what’s worked best for me.

Who is your biggest inspiration? Do you have any tips for anyone trying to pursue a career in comedy? Just do as many gigs as you can, you need to get comfortable with being on stage and that will only come by doing lots of gigs. You need to write as much as you can as well, try and build up as much quality material as you can.

Erin Paterson

Designer: Louise Speirs

Obviously coming from Scotland, the classic influences are like Billy Connolly, Kevin Bridges and Frankie Boyle. With Netflix having so many comedy specials it’s massively increased the amount of comedy I’ve been able to watch, so really been inspired by a lot of things. I really enjoyed Bo Burnham, Ally Wong, Dave Chappelle, Patrice O’Neal, Nikki Glaser and Aziz Ansari’s new special is great.


Serenity Now Review Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of years, it won’t come as a surprise to know that our planet is seriously in trouble. Temperatures are rising worldwide; pollution is constantly increasing and it feels as though the news gets bleaker every day. In times like these, it can be overwhelming- yes, billion-dollar manufacturing companies are the guilty party here and should be held the most accountable, but there are small steps that can be taken for ordinary people that can significantly reduce your impact on the planet. Ditching single-use plastic, choosing public transport over driving, and- probably the simplest of all- making slight changes to your diet.

Photos / Nicola Ray

chocolate chips, walnuts and whipped cream. A study by the journal Science last year These were genuinely the fluffiest pancakes found that cutting down your meat and dairy I’ve ever tasted, even pre-vegan, and since intake is the “single biggest way to reduce they’re made with wholegrains, they were environmental impact”. A massive 60% of filling but without being too heavy. No brunch global emissions are caused by animal is complete without a coffee, and this one agriculture, and 83% of farmland worldwide is was no exception. The café has a range of used to produce it. Obviously, not everybody in plant milks to choose from, such as soya, the world is going to go vegan at the drop of almond and- my personal favourite- oat milk. a hat, no matter how many scary statistics you For me, this is probably the one that tastes throw at them. I’ll admit that when I decided to most like dairy milk, and it goes so well in go vegan around two years ago, hot drinks- especially mochas, I was worried that there wouldn’t "and I most recently which is what I decided to have. discovered Serenity be that much choice when I went The food here is very reasonably Now, and the best out to eat- I wanted to make this priced considering how fresh pancakes I’ve had in decision and do my small bit for and healthy it is, and there’s a my life" the planet, but I really loved all two-for-one deal for students types of food. Needless to say, I shouldn’t have on Tuesdays. Pop along, and you can enjoy a worried. Glasgow is packed with amazing wholesome meal and a CBD-infused gummy plant-based restaurants and cafes, and I most bear or two if the dissertation stress is getting recently discovered Serenity Now, and the best too much. pancakes I’ve had in my life. Situated on Great Western Road, Serenity Now is a 100% vegan café, serving up brunch, cakes and sandwiches, as well as selling their own merch. I went for brunch, which is the most important meal of the day and anyone who disagrees is wrong. Serenity Now’s brunch menu boasts every type of breakfast food you could ever crave, such as vegan fried chicken (made of seitan) and waffles, a breakfast burrito and a classic fry up. I went for a stack of pancakes covered in maple syrup, banana,

It’s been a long time coming, but I feel like people are finally realizing that vegan food isn’t just tofu and falafel and it can actually be delicious. Shameless self-promotion incoming, but my vegan food Instagram is a place where I share simple recipes and post honest reviews of places such as this, as well as sharing tips on how to generally be more environmentally friendly. Although it doesn’t seem like it, tiny changes can make a big difference and you’ll feel such a sense of accomplishment for trying.

Nıcola Roy


Arts and Culture

Frida and Coco Glasgow’s Newest Vintage Store come Art Gallery ‘Frida and Coco’ is a brand-new vintage clothing store situated at 262 High Street, Glasgow. A mere 10/15-minute walk from Glasgow Caledonian University and a short 5-minute walk from George Square.

It’s the place to be if you want one of a kind clothing at a good price. The shop opened in June and has been thriving well since. Owner Louise Lawn decided to swap careers after being a high school art teacher for several years and felt she was in need of a change. Her love for art, fashion and shopping made her want to pursue her childhood dream of owning her own vintage store come art gallery. The shop stocks a massive variation of items, from casual t-shirts to 60s and 70s style dresses. It also stocks one of a kind bags and jewellery, some of which are made by the owner herself. Frida and Coco do stock some designer items, but they don’t tend to stay on the shelf very long! Louise sources the items she sells in different ways. Some are items of her own that she no longer wears, some are purchased at vintage

clothing fayres, kilo sales and quirky shops, and items have also been donated by friends or customers. As well as being a vintage store the shop also displays some local art, you can contact Louise or simply bring some in to let her see it! The shop is named after her cats but the names also have an important significance. Frida is after Frida Kahlo the Mexican painter and Coco after Coco Chanel the French fashion designer, two people who are an inspiration to Louise. The shop is typically open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am until 5pm. Keep yourself up to date with the Frida and Coco Facebook and Instagram pages and don’t hesitate to send a message if you have a particular type of item that you are looking for. Like the page on Facebook and follow on Instagram!

Monica Allen @FridaandCoco

Photo / Facebook / Frida and Coco


Freshers welcome to Glasgow! A city brimming with culture, arts and history. The city has an extensive collection of galleries and museums from the impressive Kelvingrove Art Gallery located in the west end of the city, to the fabulous Riverside Museum celebrating the cities unique transport heritage. The city is famous for its nightlife with a diverse range of comedy, spoken word and an assortment of music scenes that will appeal to any taste making it the focal point for events and gigs throughout Scotland. In the summer the city hosts music festivals in both the Bellahouston Park (Summer Sessions) and Glasgow Green (Trnsmt). For those that wish to see gigs throughout the academic year, there are over a hundred venues from the 12,000 capacity SEE Hydro, the iconic Barrowlands Ballroom, and the cult bar King Tuts Wah Wah Hut. No matter what your taste in music Glasgow will cover it no doubt. The spoken word scene includes slam poetry contests, spoken word renditions from awardwinning authors and seasoned poets. Two of the best nights are held monthly at the CCA on Sauchiehall Street (Seeds of Thought) and the Drygate (Sonnet Youth) and both venues are less than a ten-minute walk from the campus. Comedy is also well served in the city with the Glasgow International Comedy Festival being held at over 150 venues in the city throughout

the month of March each year. The city also boasts two dedicated comedy clubs, The Stand in the cities west end hosting all genres of comedy seven days a week and the newly opened Glasgow GLEE club (less than a twominute walk from our campus) operating at the weekends with touring shows midweek. The very best of local, national and international comedians perform at these venues and the standard of Scottish Comedy has never been higher, with Kevin Bridges blazing a trail across the UK on tour, GCU graduate Stephen Buchanan winning the prestigious BBC New Comedy Award in 2018 and a host of new talent breaking out. Due to the city being the centre of all things cultural, artistic and fun the Glasgow Caledonian Events Society was created last year in conjunction with the student’s association. Free to join, this society has been set up for new and existing students to not only socialise within the campus and city but to experience the extensive calendar of events available during term time. If you are interested in finding out more, please come along to the freshers fayre and chat to our members at the Event’s Society stall or alternatively our ‘Come and Try’ event is on the 19th of September, starting at 7 pm in the Re:Union bar on Campus.

Chrissy Ross



How To Make The Most of Your Uni Room Moving away from home comes with feelings of both excitement and apprehension. Eager for the new independence, university students often can’t wait to get into their flats and start decorating. Although student accommodation is fun, different and most importantly a place of your own, arriving in the small, basic room that you are assigned to can be slightly deflating. It’s not quite the Instagram- able, stylish space most envision for their future homes. It often smells sterile, unfamiliar and most rooms boast pretty funky curtains. But don’t worry, it’s your first ever place away from home and it’s not hard or costly to transform it into a small patch of comfort.

Photo / Iona Stevenson

Firstly, let’s talk about good places to find bargains. The most obvious being IKEA, which must be given its due. For students it’s great, with budget bedding, fairy lights, artificial plants, rugs and much more it’s definitely a place to visit if you’re moving out. Most things needed to kit out a new uni room can be found in IKEA but in terms of other places eBay is great for specifics like coloured folders

ideal helper in making a for your work, curtains and room look more alive and desk organisers. B & M sell brighter. If you’re all about very affordable cushions, the low maintenance, go lamps and soft furnishings. for fake plants, IKEA have One of the main things ones perfect for shelves and to focus on is not having windowsills. However, if you too many crazy colours think you could look after and patterns going on. As real ones, there are often I mentioned before most house plant sales put on rooms in halls have pattern in Glasgow. Just search for curtains, (unless you plan them on Facebook and on bringing your own) there will usually be so opting for around one coming up. two well matched One of the main Real plants are colours will help things to focus on is great for injecting keep things not having too many an element looking cohesive crazy colours and authenticity in and calm. For patterns going on. your room and are bedding, I am really cheap too. a great believer in quality. You Lastly, this isn’t so much don’t have to spend a of an aesthetic thing but fortune, but considering we as I said earlier, halls can spend a lot of time in bed often smell unfamiliar (students especially), I would which can make feeling recommend in investing settled a bit harder. Student in a better duvet from accommodation is often strict somewhere like John Lewis. on not having candles, so fragrance sticks are a good Lighting is also important alternative. They’re really to help make your room affordable and will help feel cosy, so the obvious make you feel more at home way to achieve this is fairy in your new room. lights. You can get plug in LED ones pretty cheap from The whole experience of loads of homeware shops moving into your own space and they’re an easy way is really fun so enjoy, and of making the space feel happy decorating! homelier and look super cute too. Plants are also an Iona Stevenson


Shopping on As the second largest polluter in the world, the fashion industry has a lot to answer to when it comes to climate change. Our consumerist lifestyles have led to the rise of fast fashion, the mass-production of in-style items that are churned out at break-neck speed in the cheapest possible way. Unsurprisingly, this method of manufacturing is anything but sustainable, with our desire to look on trend having a disastrous impact on our planet. So, in an effort to become more environmentally friendly, I decided back in March to ditch the high street in favour of a more sustainable way of shopping – Depop.


Following accounts and liking posts is key

It can be slightly daunting when you first set up your account to be faced with an empty feed. With millions of items on sale, where do you begin? To start, advertise your account on social media to encourage people to follow you, who you can then follow back. Make yourself visible on the platform by liking posts, even if you don’t intend to buy the product, as other people will often follow accounts that have liked similar products to them. You can also look up certain styles to find accounts that suit your personal fashion taste, or search certain brands of clothing for potential items.


The Instagram of second-hand clothing, Depop is an app where you can buy and sell to anyone all over the world. Similar to Ebay but aimed at a younger market with more of a focus on fashion, the app currently has over 10 million users and recently raised $62 million to continue its US expansion. Now a dedicated user of the online marketplace, here are some top tips to help you get the best out of Depop and encourage you to make your wardrobe greener (although, maybe not literally).


Happy shopping!

There are benefits to both generic and specific searches Say you have an event coming up that you need an outfit for. Searching generic terms such as “prom dress” or “going out skirt” will throw up thousands of results that you can scroll through for inspiration. Once you have an idea of the kind of look you want, creating a new search that is much more specific, for example “strapless maxi-length red dress size 8” or “white off the shoulder long sleeved top size 12” will help you narrow down your results. Just like with online shopping, you can also apply filters to your search on Depop for specific sizes, brands and prices.

Once you have found a product, don’t stop searching

So you have found the perfect item, and your finger is hovering over buy now bottom – but your search isn’t over quite yet. By using the information of the product, you can now create a very specific search to see if other buyers are selling the same product. This way, you can check that the item you have found is the cheapest option available to save you kicking yourself when you realise you could have bought the same item for significantly less cash. You can also use the handy “more things you might like” feature at the bottom of the post; you may find a cheaper alternative here or something even better.



Always check the accounts bio and message the seller before purchasing

I learned the hard way that the item you fell in love with might still be on the seller’s page, but no longer available. To save you from disappoint and going through the hassle of getting a refund, message the seller first. Some even stipulate this in their bio, so make sure to check this before you hit buy.


Use retailers for inspiration

Just because you have given up traipsing around the New Look or endlessly adding to your cart on PrettyLittleThing, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use your favourite retailers for inspiration. They can give you an idea of what sort of outfits are popular or on-trend, which you can then search for on Depop. Whether it’s the exact item or something similar, you will often be able to find it on the app – and at a cheaper price too.


Give yourself plenty of time for delivery

One of the downfalls of Depop is that next day delivery is often not an option. If you know that you need an outfit for a certain holiday or occasion, be sure to order it well in advance to save you having to organise an alternative last minute. Sometimes sellers will post items first class for a fee at your request and in my experience most items have arrived usually within the week, but this can’t always be guaranteed.

Photo courtesy /

Photo / Amplitude Magazin / Unsplash Graphic / Tóra Jóhannusardóttir

How to Style Band Merch Abbie Meehan explains how you can get the most out of your memorabilia from gigs. Photo / Abbie Meehan

As an avid concert goer and the self-confessed lover of all things black, I know how to make the average band tee work. But can you make band merchandise a fashion statement? Here are my top ways to make memorabilia look stylish. Photo courtesy / Catfish and the Bottlemen

Not just about T-Shirts


One of my favourite things to do with band tees is to layer a long sleeved top underneath it. It may be such a simple addition to an outfit but can add a lot of style. Block colours are good for t-shirts with a lot going on in terms of design, whereas striped tops are perfect for more simple looks. These two tshirts are by an independent Instagram designer called Tatiana (@ lajeunesupreme), based in Switzerland, who is killing the game lately with her sick style of bold font and collage print. It can also pay off to keep it simple and pair a t-shirt, some jeans and a splash of colour with a belt to just round off a relatively laidback but still cool outfit. Catfish and the Bottlemen have the coolest merch with a football strip vibe, putting two of their songs ‘7’ and ‘26’ on the back of the tops.

Sometimes, all it takes to pull off some band merch is an accessory. One of my favourite buys at gigs or on the artists stores is hats and badges as they are usually on the cheaper scale and can be worn at literally any time. Badges are a personal favourite of mine and I’ve practically covered a vintage Levi’s denim jacket in them. I wear my Nina Nesbitt ‘Lotus’ hat almost 24/7, especially if I am having a bad hair day and it’s a perfect accessory to any of my outfits because what doesn’t go with black? My Harry Styles ‘Fender Telecaster’ pin is one of my favourite badges and is also by an independent artist based in the UK. PinsBySophie is an Etsy artist who creates her own pins based upon her music interests and sells them for a very reasonable price on the Etsy site, which is a store based solely for independent artists looking to sell their unique goods.

And that’s my top tips for wearing band merchandise while still keeping it relaxed and stylish. To see more from the independent artists I mentioned above, the links are below and please always support people like them. The world needs more creativity, rather than the same slogans on t-shirts every time you walk into a retail shop. @lajeunesupreme



Abbie Meehan


The Three Best Books for Lovers of Fashion Kirsten Irvine


Fashion is a colossal area that involves so many different things from selfexpression to the latest trends. If you’re eager to expand your knowledge, here are some binge worthy books that you should invest in.

Fashion That Changed the World by Jennifer Croll. Bursting at the seams with inspiring memoirs, glossy pictures and fashion history – this book is perfect for those who want to know more about what influenced the fashion we love today.


The New Fashion Rules by Victoria Magrath.

This book is just as gorgeous inside as it is on the cover. Complete with anecdotes about the new internet age of fashion, tips on how to build your own fashion blog and how to find your own style – this book is definitely one that every fashion-loving millennial should have on their bookshelf.


The Little Book of Chanel by Emma BaxterWright.

This book is a portal into the life of one of fashion’s biggest and most influential names – Coco Chanel. Read about Chanel’s signature pieces whilst enjoying flicking through endless sketches of early designs. This book is a work of art.

Photo courtesy /


How to Fall in Love (with yourself) I

n our society, we often something that made me feel the need to build others feel different, unattractive up, support one another, be and impacted my social kind to people regardless of life. Perhaps this is you, with their appearance. However, acne or something similar, we find that with ourselves, whether it be your weight or it tends to be a different overall appearance. Your story. Before hitting puberty, emotions are completely girls and boys are told that valid in this sense, as it can feeling confident in the way be incredibly difficult seeing they look or how they are people with the ‘so-called’ is directly related to being perfect life and perfect body, conceited or cocky. In fact, When it doesn’t represent that is wrong. But due to this the majority and doesn’t being inevitable it has represent you. led to a generation of young adults If you are feeling to an anything like For me, loving extent different, me, perhaps myself wasn’t just or not good you have external, it was enough. For struggled about being happy me, loving with the pain as the person I am. myself wasn’t just of not loving external, it was yourself and about being happy as understand how the person I am, although detrimental it can be my acne and weight took for your friendships and your a significant toll on how mental health. However, I perceived myself in loving yourself is a journey comparison to the more and I hope this article sparks traditional standards of some determination in you beauty. These standards of to start working towards the beauty are constantly being destination of self-love. presented, meaning it tends to be something that we struggle to comprehend, male or female. Acne was one of the most horrific things for my confidence and has taken four years to accept, it is


Photo / Georgia Brown


loving yourself is a journey



Cutting off Toxicity Toxic people can be the starting point for low selfesteem, and it can take a long time to even recognise the impact that negative people can have on your selfesteem. If a friend, family member or somebody you follow on social media makes you feel insecure or question yourself in a negative way, are they worth your energy? This is where envy and sadness comes into play, having envy for someone does not spur you on, or inspire you to be better, rather it consumes a huge amount of energy which you could in turn use to focus on bettering yourself. Feeling sad often comes hand in


Change your mindset

We often tend to be very critical of ourselves and expect the impossible, even simple things like feeling down because we are not toned to perfection or we are dealing with bad skin. It is important to put emphasis on the little successes that we achieve to keep the balance. For the longest time I was negative when it came to everything, rather than being hopeful for the future, I saw it as a chore instead. This mentality is exhausting to live with and over time can develop into a bad habit which is hard to break.

hand with toxic people, they may make you feel unworthy to be associated with them, or make you feel less worthy through subtle behaviour. This is a red flag, toxicity isn’t just around throughout high school, it will continue to prevail into the far future, as we will always come across nasty people. The way to deal with that is to not associate with people that push you down, to pull themselves up. Having friends and family that question you and challenge your opinions can be great, as it can help to develop your character. However, if these challenges are brought to the surface frequently and seem

to be hypercritical and nonconstructive, perhaps it isn’t for the good to be associated with that person or those people.

Rather than thinking that “my acne makes me feel unattractive”, perhaps look at it from a different perspective such as “my acne is bad; however, it might inspire someone else to accept their skin.” We must not over-analyse everything we do, as over time that can lead to us losing motivation in the things we love. Of course, self-criticism is vital in improving, but it can be done in a way which is accepting of your current circumstances. For example, appreciating how well you

did in an exam, or how productive you were in a day. Be happy with the people you surround yourself with and be grateful about the opportunities that will come your way. It will be difficult to shift that automatic thinking in a different direction, put by putting things into perspective and being grateful for the smallest things enables you to deal with the more difficult situations with ease, and moreover makes you a more empathetic person.

Minimising your time spent on social media will also help to reduce your exposure to things that may cause you to be hypercritical of yourself and your lifestyle. On average we spent at least 2 hours on social media a day, this amount of time can be spent elsewhere to boost your serotonin production rather than just trigger the dopamine receptors, which social media does.



Comparison is Catastropic

This is quite self-explanatory, but comparing yourself to others is very damaging. Don’t compare income, skills, accomplishments and your life in general to your family, siblings, friends or even strangers on the internet. It is a downward spiral and it is important to know that when you feel as though you aren’t accomplishing much, someone else is comparing themselves to you. I always say that life isn’t a race, it’s a journey. Everybody finds their own place and goes down different routes. Just because the way you get to the end goal is different, doesn’t mean you won’t end up there. Comparing yourself to others without knowing the full extent of their situation


Lastly, know your worth

I understand how difficult it can be when trying to value your self-worth, especially when you are struggling with a feeling of importance or individuality. However, each one of us is rare, different and special. If you think you are insignificant, ask anyone who loves you what they think. Each individual aspect of you as a person is what makes you, you. From your skin, to your upbringing, right down to how you style your hair. Accept the fact that your worth is not dependant


can cause a sense of loss and lack of security within yourself. That is normal, of course comparing yourself to anyone will make you feel inferior or lacking in some department. We also must accept that life isn’t always fair, naturally some people will be born into success and privilege, but does that mean I should feel rubbish about myself because I am not Kim Kardashian’s child? No, not at all. I may never wear a Gucci tutu, but I’ve been incredibly lucky to have been blessed with a wonderful family and a great education. Try not to compare yourself to those born with certain advantages, like wealthy parents, or a fast metabolism or the best social connections

possible. It is perfectly okay to take things at your own pace and do it your own way. Try not to gauge your success through others, as everybody’s perception of success is different, and everyone that is perceived to be perfect, are just an illusion of our own insecurities. Comparison can quickly turn friends into rivals, which in the long run is not effective. Finding other ways to measure personal success is important, try not to base it on wealth or popularity, rather make a list true to yourself of what you feel capable of and then some. By achieving those goals, you are being your best self without the concern of others, which in this sense is insignificant.

on the likes you get on Instagram, or how others perceive you.

is a lifelong movement that will encourage growth and acceptance of yourself and others. Little steps everyday (even if that is a facemask) will prove to be monumental over time.

Self-love should come purely from you; it is hard for the best of people and it’s not something that takes a few days to distinguish. I could sit here and discuss the mental benefits that a bubble bath will give you or how a facemask and candles will solve your problems, however selfcare isn’t just little actions to make you feel better, it

Georgia Brown

Photo / Allie Smith / Unsplash

Ones To Watch Angie McMahon – Salt


McMahon, who has enjoyed critical acclaim after winning a competition to open for Bon Jovi in 2013, has been (rightly) compared to the likes of Florence & The Machine. However, instead of riding the wave, McMahon took time off after the tour to re-evaluate her sound without the industry pressure. Salt, which is incredibly mature without losing any sense of youthful sincerity, is a good mix of earnest and fun. Every song on the record is un-skippable. Never have the lyrics “I spend so much time eating pasta although I’m probably allergic and other people seem to move so much faster” sounded so heartfelt. Salt is timeless and is bound to become one of the most notable albums of the last few years. Photo



Ada Lea – What We Say In Private Alexandra Levy, who records under the name of Ada Lea, is a Canadian visual artist and a painter who has recently expanded her creative skillset into producing an enticing, messy, but essentially pure indie pop record. Self-described as a “profound pop” album, what we say in private is hands down one of the most exciting debuts this year. Born out of heartbreak, Lea’s at-timesangsty record is only made better with her moody voice. She welcomes the chaos of thoughts and emotions that people are often encouraged to keep private and manages to convey it without leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. The song what makes me sad sounds as if Lea recorded it drunk, with the echoes trailing behind just a tad late, but which bring a sense of playfulness to an otherwise emotional rendition of feeling lost after a breakup. With every song Lea takes refreshing risks that pay off. Photo





Clairo – Immunity

Clairo’s Pretty Girl, which enjoyed viral success online, act as shorthand for the type of music critics often label as “bedroom pop”. With her debut album Immunity, Clairo is attempting to break free from the constraints of that label and prove she is capable of more than the allegations of nepotism imply. Immunity doesn’t disappoint: the coming-of-age album is sweet without being sickly and shows a Lorde-like potential of becoming the type of electro pop that audiences across all age groups will enjoy. Bags is the clear standout, with the lyric “you can call me by the name I gave you yesterday” being a quiet admission of Clairo’s sexuality and a nod to a queer love story in Luca Guadagnino’s 2017 adaptation of Call Me By Your Name. Photo


Rebeka Luzaityte

Designer: Eilidh Mackay

Won't Leave Quietly

Off the back of the success of Shockwave earlier in the year and the release of his new album Why Me? Why Not, Gallagher will return to Glasgow one last time in the 2010s to please the crowd. Tickets range from around £43-£64 while re-sale tickets are also available via Ticketmaster from fans who are selling their tickets for the price they paid or less. AURORA SWG3 8th November The Norwegian singersongwriter has used her latest album A Different Kind of Human (Step 2) to talk about LGBTQ rights as well as mental health

and hopes to use her tour to continue to spread the message of empowerment. Fans will no doubt be treated to a selection of her classic songs including Runaway, Awakening and Under the Stars as well as material from the new album. The Chemical Brothers The Hydro 23rd November

Undoubtedly this man is the most talked about artist of the year thanks to his smash hit single Someone You Loved and charisma that has allowed him to respond humorously to criticism from Liam Gallagher. His two night stint at the O2 Academy follows his support slot on Bastille’s tour earlier this year when his career was just going from strength to strength. Due to the popularity of this small intimate tour Capaldi

has announced he will do a follow-up arena tour early next year.

Liam Gallagher The Hydro 15th November

Lewis Capaldi O2 Academy 7th & 8th December

As we get ready to enter into a brand new decade in a matter of months here is a rundown of some of this decade’s most talked about talent who will grace the stage in Glasgow once more in the 2010s.

The electronic duo released their ninth studio album No Geography to critical acclaim in April and will be bringing their strobe lights, lasers and psychedelic images to Glasgow this November. The demand for this tour has been so popular that the band have added extra dates including one at the O2 arena in London.

Callum McQuade 24

More Than Meets The Ear In an era where it has never been more of a challenge to break into the music industry yet new artists have never had more opportunities to share their music than ever before, two lads from Hamilton are bringing people together. Aptly named “Mick N Phil” the twin brothers are making their mark on their community playing a range of styles from well-known country classics to their own original music. Ahead of the release of their upcoming EP in October and their brand new single The Key the boys admit they are always striving for perfection when it comes to their own music. P: “The sounds vary greatly between each song and that was one of the hardest parts of the process because we would nearly finish a song, but then we would go back to the drawing board. We really want to make sure everyone gets the same vibes from the songs as we do.” Not ones to leave the audience feeling left out, the duo believe interaction throughout their sets is very important. M: “We want to create a party atmosphere for people and have a laugh – if they’re going to spend their hard earned money coming out to see us we want them to have a good time. We have loads of original music right now as well as a band who plays with us and we are even thinking about bringing bingo in to play a half time segment.” P: “Sometimes if it’s really busy and we know folk are enjoying themselves we’ll ask the crowd to throw songs at us and try to play them off of the top of our heads. Even if it’s just a minute of the song and then we will jump to the next one and so on – it’s gone wrong countless times.” Authenticity, being true to yourself and showcasing your personality is what the newest generation of music fans is looking for and both

guys are happy to help people going through difficult times. The writing process of one of their most popular songs Like It Used To helped them to express how they feel about tragically losing their mum to suicide when they were both just 18 months old. M: “When something like that happens in your life it seems to be the only thing you can think about and we were writing in the summer time so we really wanted to write a summer song, but we couldn’t zone out. We have done quite a bit of work with different charities and we started to see different situations are scenarios people would go through it influenced some of our music. We really wanted to find out what makes somebody feel that what and do those sort of things and we started volunteering with people.” P: “We had to write that song to move onto the next one. I think one of the most magical feelings about music is the fact that everybody can take their own messages from our songs and that’s the beauty of music. The brothers don’t miss a beat when reaching out to potential fans all over the world and they know you only have seconds to grab people’s attention online.” M: “We like doing one minute covers on Instagram right now as it’s a really good way to get folk to listen. One of our favourite artists to cover is Tyler Hilton, who played Chris Keller in a show called One Tree Hill, he’s an incredible musician as well as an actor. When we first started doing gigs years ago we would do country covers and people would ask if they were our songs and when we would tell them who it was they had no idea, but we would tell them to go and watch more of our covers on YouTube. Now when we play songs by other people at our gigs they know them because they have seen bits from our channel.”

Callum McQuade


Designer: Eilidh Mackay

Photo / Zoe Darque

“Everybody can take their own messages from our songs and that’s the beauty of music.”

No Strangers to Scotland: Scouting for Girls Will Tour Scotland This Autumn Much-loved English indie-pop band Scouting for Girls have announced a range of tour dates in Scotland at the end of the year to accompany their latest album, the first in four years. Their fifth album, entitled The Trouble with Boys, follows on from over ten years of success with memorable songs such as She’s So Lovely, Heartbeat and Elvis Ain’t Dead. The first single on the album, Grown Up, has already been a huge hit with fans. The hitmakers will play at nine different venues across Scotland throughout November and December, starting in Galashiels on the 6th November. They will take their music to fans in Inverness, Forres, Kirkwall, Aberdeen, Perth, Dunkeld and Stirling, before playing Glasgow’s Old Fruitmarket on 13 December. The band, who started out in London in 2005, have sold over two million records to date, with fans picking up over one million copies of their self-entitled debut album alone, which also reached number one in the UK charts. During their last tour they played to more people than they ever had before to celebrate 10 years since their first album which went onto sell over one million copies before being certified triple platinum. Lead singer Roy Keane regularly visits Glasgow and has done several times since the band last played at the O2 ABC towards the end of 2017 with some of his most notable appearances behind the decks at Kokomo nightclub. They have been nominated for numerous accolades, including four BRIT Awards for breakthrough act, live


act and two nominations for best British single for Heartbeat and This Ain’t A Love Song.  They were also nominated for an Ivor Novello award in 2011 for the same single.

Adam Lyon

Designer: Louise Speirs

Photo / Creative Commons

Entertainment and Technology

The Dead Don't Die

Jarmusch’s dark comedy is a hidden gem among summer blockbusters

Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, Steve Buscemi and Danny Glover. Not only is this a list of some of the most respected and talented actors in Hollywood, but it is also a small portion of the star-studded cast that Jim Jarmusch’s The Dead Don’t Die has to offer. This dark comedy gem, lost among blockbusters such as SpiderMan: Homecoming, The Lion King and Toy Story 4, leaves the longest lasting impression.

come and save the day. The police force tries their best, but they ultimately cannot be everywhere at once, leaving most to fight alone for their best shot at survival. The residents take different approaches: some barricade themselves in for as long as possible, others try to shoot every zombie they can, and others make a run for it. However, in due course, they all learn that the only way to truly stop a zombie is to “kill the head.”

The movie follows a group of residents from Centreville, a seemingly peaceful town, which is suddenly faced with a zombie apocalypse. It focuses on Chief of Police Cliff Robertson (Murray) and Officer Ronnie Peterson (Driver), and occasionally Officer Mindy Morrison (Chloë Sevigny) as they try to ensure the safety of the townsfolk amidst the apocalypse after a tragedy at the local diner. Strangely, long before anyone comes face to face with the undead, everyone feels very confident that they have got a zombie problem despite this being an extremely unlikely circumstance.

The acting is incredible from the ensemble cast who each provide a hilariously blunt and convincing performance. Whilst not being an outright comedy, the theatre was in hysterics almost constantly due to how the movie pokes fun at stereotypical tropes of the zombie genre as well as at the ridiculous dialogue and behaviour of the characters.

What is interesting about this movie is that there is no standout hero-figure to

Despite each cast member providing a fantastic performance, the standout is Tilda Swinton as the eccentric Zelda Winston, a mortician with an unusual shrine of samurai swords kept conveniently close to the corpses she looks after. A morgue, of course, is not the ideal place to be when the dead begin to reanimate,

but Zelda couldn’t be more prepared. Who better than Tilda Swinton to portray the most unusual woman in town? It couldn’t have been represented any better than when Mindy claims “she’s strange”, to which Cliff responds: “she’s Scottish.” If you are a fan of actionpacked, creepy and gory zombie movies or if you love a classic comedy then The Dead Don’t Die probably isn’t the movie for you. Admittedly, this type of humour is not for everyone and some people just want to see one hero butchering every zombie in sight and finding a cure. However, if you love a black comedy with clever fourth wall breaks, unexpected cameos (Iggy Pop anyone?), and references specific to the actors, then this movie will not disappoint.

Caitlin Black

Designer: Lauren Pitbladdo


Photo / Focus Features

Blethered Podcast Review A podcast that showcases Scotlands best and brighest Blethered is a Glasgow (and sometimes Barcelona) based podcast available on Spotify and iTunes. Created and hosted by Sean McDonald, the first episode was released in January 2019 and has already amassed over 100,000 streams. Serious and heavy subjects are brought to light by Sean and his guests. While the titles and descriptions provide a helpful indication of what to expect from each episode, I would advise everyone not to let the topics put you off. Nothing is too embarrassing or controversial to comment on in this podcast – in a good way. One episode that always sticks in my mind is a chat about gambling addiction amongst men. It’s not something I can relate to in any way other than the fact I sell scratch cards behind the kiosk at work. Hearing someone who has suffered with this addiction changed the way I thought of the issue altogether. Blethered is educational in a way where the listener doesn’t always realise they are learning something new. I don’t know nearly as much

as I should about current affairs and politics but listening to the different topics discussed on this podcast makes me feel more clued up. Many of the podcasts revolve around the guest star, and if you involve yourself in Scottish Twitter then many of the guests to you will be household names. From well-known Glaswegians like author Chris McQueer and filmmaker Paul Black to Joe Hullait, creator of the popular BBC show Scots Squad, the podcast has welcomed a range of different talents. After the first handful of episodes failed to feature any women, McDonald welcomed actress and comedian Rachel Jackson on the show and since then the show has been more balanced. Most recently, Mhairi Black made her Blethered debut, and helped produce one of my favourite episodes to date. Sean invites Mhairi to discuss her job and UK politics as a whole but doesn’t only focus on this. We get to learn about Mhairi’s life away from parliament, her advice for good mental health

and even her thoughts on Love Island. Listening to their conversation feels like listening to your own friends having a chat; it doesn’t feel embarrassing or forced, it always flows naturally. Sean makes a great role model for young Scottish people as with every new podcast he tackles a new prejudice or social problem or discusses careers and different ways of life. Blethered challenges the idea that being successful in Scotland is ‘a riddy’ and provides an unfiltered platform that showcases Scottish talent and reminds listeners that troublesome times can always be overcome.

Mary Boag

Designer : Lauren Pitbladdo

29 Photo /

Entertainment and Technology

What’s wrong with alright? Photo / 20th Century Fox

“It’s alright” - the answer we’ve all heard before when asking a friend about their opinion on a movie. The words like "dreadful" are easier understood. In that case, you can avoid the movie, or watch it out of morbid curiosity about how bad it really is. Nobody ever seems to know what to do with "alright". Between John Wick 3 taking us all by storm and Hellboy bombing at the box office, it's easy to see how movies such as X-Men: Dark Phoenix are being left suspended between the two extremes of opinion. "Well, that was alright..." was the one thing my friends said about Dark Phoenix. They didn't have anything more to say about it. And really, that feels quite a shame to me. Dark Phoenix may not have done anything groundbreaking with the X-Men world and its characters. It's no Endgame by any means. If there's one thing that this movie makes clear - whether it be through how the characters deal with loss, or the way the end of the third act is written to bring the focus back to Jean (Sophie Turner) it's that it was never trying to be Endgame. The mentality that every movie needs to be either utterly bad or a total masterpiece to be worth notable recognition is problematic. No matter where you stand on Dark Phoenix as a movie, it proves audiences are too dismissive of the alright. Outside of the fanbase, who are still vigorously arguing where it fits against the rest of the franchise, talk of it has just... vanished. Is this what cinema will boil down to? Everything in between of best and worst left to gather dust? I hope not, because that would be a sad loss for all of us. When we think of these movies as just "alright", we don’t spend any time talking about how any part of them made us feel or what sort of moral we may have taken away from it. Having only two

outcomes – fantastic or awful - forces us to have higher expectations for movies who set out to entertain. There's nothing wrong with a packed three-hour epic with a multitude of famous names. But would it still be epic if everyone did the same thing? Dark Phoenix is not exempt from criticism. A lot of the founding setup for the plot is quickly and haphazardly done and there were some clunky bits of dialogue (that surprise f-bomb being notably painful). But it was more than "alright". The score wonderfully keeps the tension building in the action scenes, the fights are well choreographed, and the confrontational moments between Jean and Magneto (Michael Fassbender) are a great showcase of the acting talent. The story may not have been mind-blowing, but it was entertaining, capable on a technical level and worked as a not-toofinal end cap for the X-Men franchise. We need to stop dreading the alright movies and start discussing them. Talk about the pros and cons. Even if it's a low-key film about a bunch of friends running around a city getting into mischief with a small cast, there'll be something in there to have a conversation about. Let the filmmakers see that audiences are not passive. Show the budding film students in the crowd that there's nothing wrong with making something alright - because even alright has its praises to be sung. And give yourself a break from this year's equals of Birdemic and settle for a Lost In Munich. It may not join your digital collection, but it'll certainly level your expectations. It’s important to keep the conversation going. It might seem a little silly at first but try it. If it doesn't work for you then, well, that's quite alright.

Jamie Hartley Cowan 30

Top TV Picks of 2019 Stranger Things

The long-anticipated return of everyone’s favourite sci-fi drama brings a refreshing balance of carnival sunshine and sinister terror. The show’s best yet, season three of Stranger Things introduces new characters, storylines and discourses. The underlying themes of this season centre on the search for identity and love. Most notably, Eleven’s exploration into her status and image despite being hindered by her powers, Billy’s heroic redemption arc and the unlikely yet endearing friendship between Steve and Robin. Available on Netflix

Lunatics Chris Lilley’s new creation continues his classic mockumentary style, similar to Summer Heights High and Ja’mie: Private School Girl. This time, it’s a whole new bunch of weird and wacky characters, ranging from Keith Dick, a wannabe designer who is in love with his cash register, to a 7-foot-3 teenager starting college in California. Even though the series isn’t praised as highly by critics as Lilley’s previous shows, Lunatics brings a good dose of comedy and eccentricity that is sure to entertain. Available on Netflix

Photos / Netflix & Pixabay & BBC


Entertainment and Technology

Black Mirror The fifth season of Black Mirror produces another gripping series focusing on society’s relationship with technology by illustrating a dystopian future. The highlight of the season is episode three, which stars Miley Cyrus as popstar Ashley O, whose manager creates an AI doll of her. Perhaps it’s the songs in the episode that are the most prominent. The remixes of two Nine Inch Nails songs, although annoyingly catchy at first, went down a storm on Cyrus’ Glastonbury setlist. Available on Netflix

The Walking Dead

Season nine of The Walking Dead brings a well needed change of scenery. Previous seasons of the show lacked the depth which brought the first few seasons to life, where Rick and his fellow survivors left viewers on edge as to how they would navigate the apocalypse. The introduction of the Whisperers allows the show to expand as does the series’ new villain, Alpha, who is more terrifying than all of her male counterparts put together. Available on Amazon Prime

Louis Theroux

Choosing only one Theroux documentary from this year proves nearly impossible. Of the three he has created so far, each deal with subjects so different that it rates them incomparable. The Night In Question tackles the issue of sexual assault in US universities, Mothers On The Edge explores new mothers battling mental illness, whilst Surviving America’s Most Hated Family sees Theroux return to the controversial Westboro Baptist Church for the third time. Each was executed in prime Louis Theroux fashion, which leaves viewers eagerly waiting for his next documentary. Available on BBC iPlayer

Erin Lindsay

Designer: Louise Speirs


How women in tech are changing the game in Scotland Rebeka Luzaityte

Women have been transforming the tech sector immensely both on a global and local scale. Employers in the industry are constantly looking to diversify and bring in often-overlooked talent and Ladies of Code, an international community of professionals and geeks alike, is a place “where people learn how to incorporate inclusivity within the tech industry as well as share computer programming tips and tricks”. By holding monthly meetups, Ladies of Code encourages women-identifying and non-binary people to network, socialise and develop coding skills. Carole Logan, the leader of the Glasgow chapter of Ladies of Code, says the group offers something others often lack: “When you go to regular tech meetups in Glasgow there’s not as many women as there are in here. We’ve got students, we’ve got tech developers from other countries and everyone in between. “I think the fact we have so many people in the group and they come along regularly kind of shows that there’s a need for these meetups and that people are out there,” Carole adds. Ladies of Code Glasgow currently has over 600 members. Irene Macbain, who got into coding through a different route than most, never thought she would become a software developer: “There are times in life where you might find yourself facing a major blocker. For me, in 2001, my doctor said you’ll never work again. “For a long time, I was on disability benefits and I was doing volunteering,” says Irene. She adds that coding and technology nowadays enable a lot of people to “work from home” and “feel


Photo courtesy / Ladies of Code

part of the society”. Irene has recently gained her Masters degree in Smart Networks and landed a job at a wellknown company. However, coding can be rigorous and isolating, which makes Ladies of Code a great place to meet like-minded people within the industry and develop your skills: “I think you learn quicker when you’re collaborating. Whether you’re at uni in a group learning or whether you’re in a company learning on the job, I think the bottom line is you learn quicker when you’re bouncing off each other,” says Irene. She also stresses that “this is a saturated market” and that “good developers are few and far between”. Software development is not an easy job and new developers often realise that “the job is the same day in and day out”, which can pose a challenge because people move on to other projects “just to do something different,” adds Irene. By seeking out a community, developers can also break free of “bad habits” in their coding by seeing how other people approach the same problem. In any case, Irene is positive that success in the field is not dependent on “how young or old you are, as long as you’re willing to learn.”

"the bottom line is you learn quicker when you’re bouncing off each other"

Fiona Heath, who gave her first talk at the June meetup, says Ladies of Code is a place that encourages celebration of achievements as well as discussion on shortcomings: “It’s about making it okay that you don’t know, because nobody knows all the answers. Talking about your failures is actually really important.” Fiona adds: “Don’t get comfortable because things are always changing.” Photo / Andrew Neel / Unsplash

Historical Debut for Scotland For a second successive time and fourth in its history, the FIFA Women’s World Cup was lifted high into the sky by the hands of an American.

The eighth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup was the biggest and most successful to date but just like four years ago, the USA were unbeatable. They had sent warning signs out early in the competition. A 13-0 battering of Thailand broke the record for biggest winning margin at the tournament. Victories over Chile and Sweden secured a highly predictable top spot in Group F with eighteen goals scored and none conceded. Spain gave the defending champions a scare but two Megan Rapinoe penalties secured passage into the last eight while the captain went into the headlines with her comments about the US President, Donald Trump. Rapinoe stole the headlines a few days later as her double sent the hosts packing in Paris and set up a semi-final against England. This was a meeting that many had anticipated could decide the World Cup as a whole. England had escaped the emotionally charged Cameroon side without picking up any injuries in a high tempered affair before putting a strong Norwegian side to the sword with ease. However, like four years ago, England would fall at the semi-final stage as two headers, the second from Alex Morgan who celebrated with the controversial ‘tea drinking celebration’ sent Phil Neville’s side out and a few days later they would suffer defeat to Sweden in the thirdfourth place play off. The Swedes had just missed out on a second World Cup final after an extra time defeat to the Netherlands but third place was their best performance since finishing runners-up to Germany in 2003. It was the defending champions versus the European champions in the final and the Dutch did something that no one managed


in the whole of the World Cup, stop America scoring in the first half. Two goals in the space of eight minutes in the second half denied the Dutch a first World Cup triumph and perhaps showed the gulf America still have over Europe in women’s football.

The Scots

The 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup was the first time Scotland featured on the world stage for the first time this century and the first time in the history of the women’s game. Shelley Kerr’s side was given a horrible looking draw with England, 2011 runners-up Japan and an up and coming Argentina side. Just like two years at the European Championships, Scotland opened their tournament against England but unlike two years ago in Utrecht, it was not as one sided. A harsh penalty gave England the lead before they doubled it shortly before half time but Claire Emslie made history by scoring Scotland’s first ever goal at a World Cup. A narrow 2-1 defeat was followed by the same scoreline against Japan as the Scots were left to rue refereeing decisions once again, and that was just a flavour of what was to come. The format of the Women’s World Cup means four of the best third places in the group stage also qualify to the knockout stage and the equation was simple for Scotland as they arrived at the Parc Des Princes. Win and third





Victory for Americans place would be secured and highly likely, one of the best third place spots. Argentina stood in their way, a country who also had the same situation. For 70 minutes, Scotland played like a team that were heading to the knockout stage. Three up and seemingly cruising but what was to come would be classic Scotland and join the list of unlucky decisions to cost Scotland in sport such as the awarding of a free kick for Italy that would ultimately lead to Scotland narrowly failing to qualify for Euro 2008 or a penalty to Australia in the final moments to deny Scotland victory and a spot at the Rugby World Cup semi-finals four years ago. Two goals in the space of five minutes brought Argentina back into the game before a rash challenge awarded Argentina a penalty, admittedly though, six minutes after the challenge had been made as the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) took its time. The initial penalty was saved but once again VAR would be the cause of nightmares of Scots as a retake was given and with the ball hitting the back of the net, it signalled the end for Scotland in France.

Photo / Craig Edwards

VAR Controversy

VAR in football is a very divisive issue. Does it take too long or is it even getting decisions right? In France this summer, VAR would create headlines but mainly for the wrong reasons. It would be wrong to put the blame solely at VAR’s door as the IFaB brought in new rules ahead of the tournament. As you may have guessed, this was always a recipe for disaster. The new rules combined with VAR brought the tournament as a whole under intense spotlight as handballs caused penalties to be given that would ultimately knock teams out such as Japan as they conceded in the dying moments in their last 16 tie against the Netherlands. Scotland conceded a penalty due to handball against England but failed to receive one when Japan handled in the box the following game. Norway had a penalty appeal waved away in their quarter-final clash against England as the new rules caused chaos at times.

Summer of Success

Despite the issues regarding the officiating at times during the tournament, the World Cup can be deemed a success but there is still plenty of work to be done. In Paris, ahead of Scotland’s Group D match against Argentina, you would have not been blamed for being unaware a World Cup was even happening, never mind that a game was taking place in the city as the lack of signage and supporter events were evident. It wasn’t till you were at the Parc Des Princes was it clear that a World Cup was taking place. Clearly, there is still work to be done ahead of the next major tournament, the European Championships, in two years’ time being hosted by England but women’s football is on the rise, and for once, the Scottish team took part in it.

Craig Edwards

Designer: Eilidh Mackay


Uphill Battle on for Scotland National Team Steve Clarke made his managerial debut for Scotland in June, when he watched his new-look national team clinch a narrow 2-1 victory over Cyprus. Despite chances, the tie remained goalless at the break – not the comfortable lead many were hoping for. The deadlock was broken on the hour mark though, when national team captain Andy Robertson took matters into his own hands, firing his team in front with a powerful strike from outside the area. The Hampden crowd were up on their feet for attempts on goal by Ryan Fraser and Stephen O’Donnell but the final finish was not there this time. It looked all too familiar when Cyprus equalised with five minutes remaining. Kousoulos was left unmarked on the sixyard line nodding in from a corner to draw the visitors level. However, Clarke’s Scotland bounced back two minutes later, when substitute Oliver Burke hit the post with a glancing header. Luckily, he was there to tap-in to an empty net on the rebound to give Scotland the victory. Scotland’s luck wasn’t to be forever however, when they came up against the Belgian giants at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels. The first half had been full of meticulous defending and very little chances for the Scots, with a heart-breaking end to the 45 when Scott McTominay switched off in the box and Romelu Lukaku headed home. To go in level at half-time would have been considered a small victory in many eyes against the number one team in the world, and Belgium only added salt to the wounds with a second strike from the Manchester United frontman in the 57th minute. The final nail in


Photo /


the coffin of this defeat was late in the game with a final minute goal from Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne. One of Scotland’s only chances to grab a goal came in the ninth minute when striker Oli Burke got in behind Belgium’s defence through a cleverly-flicked Armstrong pass, but Burke’s first touch wasn’t quick enough and his strike flickered past the post. The man of the match in a Scotland top had to be goalkeeper David Marshall who batted off chance after chance, including a stunning free-kick from 25 yards. This means that Scotland have taken six points from a potential 12 and face strong opponents Russia and Belgium in the next round of qualifiers in September. It may seem a near impossible task to qualify for a major tournament for the first time since 1998, but something the Tartan Army is always full of is hope.

Fraser McNicoll & Abbie Meehan Designer: Eilidh Mackay


Who’ve You Got Your Eye On? Scottish Football Preview for 19/20 Season Scottish Premiership

Celtic go in search of their ninth Scottish Premiership title, following in the footsteps of themselves in the 60s and Rangers in the 90s. Neil Lennon, appointed following their slightly controversial Scottish Cup triumph over Hearts has started well in the UEFA Champions League qualifiers but they are not the only side to have shown promise in Europe this season.

Photo / Abbie Meehan

Rangers are expected to be Celtic’s closest challengers and have avoided embarrassing UEFA Europa League exits to St Joseph’s and Progres Niederkorn as Stephen Gerrard aims to go one better than second place last year but a trophy of some kind is most likely required at Ibrox to show some progress is being made. Aberdeen missed out on third place on the final day of the season last year and have lost captain Graeme Shinnie to Derby County but the signing of Craig Bryson from the Rams has pleased the Pittodrie faithful and Derek McInnes and his side will be looking at keeping the top two honest throughout the season and potentially claiming a cup along the way. Scotland’s fourth side in Europe this season were Kilmarnock who exited the competition almost as fast as they entered it as they were embarrassed by Connah’s Quay Nomads of Wales. The departure of Steve Clarke seems to have hit them hard and could see them

vulnerable to teams below them including the Edinburgh duo of Hibernian and Heart who have both strengthened over the summer along with Motherwell. At the wrong end of the table, newly promoted Ross County will try and follow the example of Livingston last year by surviving in their first season back in the top flight. Livi themselves have lost key players including Craig Halkett and Liam Kelly and could face a real struggle to stay up but another summer of chaos at St Mirren may be their saving grace. Jim Goodwin needs to get his Buddies side firing sooner rather than later while St Johnstone had a horrible Betfred Cup campaign after defeats to League One Forfar Athletic and Montrose saw the Saints crash out at the group stage. Hamilton survived on the final day of the league season last year and the Accies will be looking to do the same again in 2019/20.

Scottish Championship

Photo / Craig Edwards

The Scottish Championship may well become the tale of two teams in one city fighting over a return to the top flight. Recently relegated Dundee join their city neighbours Dundee United in the second tier of Scottish football with both aiming for a return to the Premiership. James McPake takes charge of the Dens Park side with ex-Scotland


manager Gordon Strachan joining behind the scenes. Robbie Neilson’s United missed out on promotion in a penalty shoot-out to St Mirren in May but have recruited Lawrence Shankland in a bid to make it fourth time lucky and return to the top flight. Inverness Caledonian Thistle were beaten in the semi-finals of the playoffs last year and will look to follow their highland neighbours Ross County in returning to the Premiership while Ayr United, Dunfermline Athletic and Partick Thistle are the most likely candidates to challenge for the playoff spots. Greenock Morton have a new man in the dugout in David Hopkin who two years ago took Livingston up from the Championship. Queen of the South will hope to avoid the playoffs this year while part time Alloa Athletic will need to be as good as last year if they are to avoid the drop while Arbroath make a welcome return to the second tier for the first time since 2003.

Scottish League One

away from the drop zone while Airdrieonians have made the decision to move into a hybrid system of part time and full-time players. East Fife progressed into the second round of the Betfred Cup and could be a team to watch while Stranraer and Dumbarton will hope to threaten the promotion playoffs, rather than the relegation ones.

Scottish League Two

Photo / Craig Edwards

Cove Rangers make their SPFL debut following their 7-0 playoff victory over Berwick Rangers in May saw them promoted from the Highland League and it would take a brave person to bet against them making it successive promotions. Mitch Megginson scored 49 goals in all competitions last season and is already off the mark this year. Edinburgh City is the only other side to have experience promotion to the SPFL and after a couple of consolidating years, missed out on promotion to League One in the playoffs last year despite leading the table for a large portion of the season.

Photo / Craig Edwards

Falkirk are the big favourites in Scottish League One in 2019/20 following their relegation from the Championship last year. Ray McKinnon has invested heavily at the Falkirk Stadium with the sole aim of returning to the second tier as champions come May. Two of the four angus sides are still in the third tier with both missing out on promotion in the playoffs last season and both Forfar Athletic and Montrose have impressed in the Betfred Cup. Raith Rovers are in their third season at this level and have lost their top goal scorer from last year in Kevin Nesbit but will still be looking to pile the pressure on Falkirk. Newly promoted Peterhead and Clyde will be teams to watch out for as they aim to use that promotion bounce to stay


Brechin City have suffered back to back relegations and need to find form fast if they are to have a chance of promotion back to League One and the same can be said of Stenhousemuir who also drop down to the fourth tier. Annan Athletic, Queen’s Park and Stirling Albion will all have playoff aspirations this season while the battle to avoid tenth place and the relegation playoff with the winner of the Highland or Lowland League will be very tight. Albion Rovers produced a great escape and under Kevin Harper will hope to have an easier time of it this year while Cowdenbeath and Elgin City could be sucked into a relegation fight if they are not careful.


Highland League

Photo / Craig Edwards

The departure of Cove Rangers due to their promotion to Scottish League Two leaves the Highland League with only 17 members for the 2019/20 season. Brora Rangers were runnersup last season and are favourites to claim the title this year, but will have to fight off the threat of Fraserburgh, Formartine United and Inverurie Loco Works. The last champions other than Cove were Buckie Thistle but following a mid-table finish last season, Thistle will be looking to fight back at the top of the Highland League. Victory over Nairn County in the North of Scotland Cup secured Fort William’s first victory in over 800 days and after finishing on -7 points last year, the aim will be to secure a first league victory in two years and potentially threaten Lossiemouth, Strathspey Thistle and Clachnacuddin above them.

Photo / Amadej Tauses / Unsplash

Lowland League

Photo / Craig Edwards

Kelty Hearts have grabbed the headlines in the Lowland League during the summer with their signings as Barry Ferguson aims for the title in his first full season in charge. Kelty started the season in the right way with an 8-0 thrashing of Dalbeattie Star but to take the crown, they will have to beat defending champions East Kilbride. Kilby, who had a strong Betfred Cup campaign which included a penalty shoot-out victory over premiership side St Mirren, will aim to regain their title and have a third shot at promotion in the pyramid playoffs. Berwick Rangers make their debut in the Lowland League this season following relegation from the SPFL and have a very tough test ahead of them if they are to make an instant return. Fellow ex-SPFL member East Stirlingshire have spent big over the summer with signings of Nicky Low and Mark Millar while former champions Spartans hope to improve on last year’s fourth place. Civil Service Strollers were the surprise package last year and along with Cumbernauld Colts, newly promoted Bonnyrigg Rose and newly named Caledonian Braves (previously known as Edusport Academy), could be dark horses in threatening the favourites. At the bottom of the table, the fight to avoid the drop to the East of Scotland League is likely to be between Dalbeattie Star, Gretna 2008 and Vale of Leithen with the two university sides of Stirling and Edinburgh potentially in the mix as well.

Craig Edwards



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Articles inside

Who've You Got Your Eye On?

pages 41-44

Uphill Battle for Scotland National Team

page 40

How women in tech are changing the game in Scotland

pages 36-39

Top TV Picks of 2019

pages 34-35

What’s wrong with alright?

page 33

Blethered Podcast Review

page 32

The Dead Don't Die

page 31

No Strangers to Scotland

page 30

Won't Leave Quietly

page 27

More than Meets the Ear

pages 28-29

Ones To Watch

page 26

How to Style Band Merch

page 20

How to Fall in Love (with yourself

pages 22-25

The Three Best Books for Lovers of Fashion

page 21

Shopping on DEPOP

pages 18-19

Freshers welcome to Glasgow

page 16

How To Make The Most of Your Uni Room

page 17

Frida and Coco

page 15

European Project: Friends, Travel and Experience

page 5

UK Getaways to Beat the Holiday Blues

pages 8-9

Liam Farrelly

pages 12-13

Serenity Now Review

page 14

Sustainably Savy Student Style

pages 10-11
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