Saturday 10 dec 2016

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Vol. II

Issue 142

Dibrugarh, Saturday, December 10, 2016

Stand up for someone's rights today!


Price -

The All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) today demanded immediate revocation of the Cabinet decision to approve relaxation in the recruitment criteria for Post Graduate Teachers from the existing 90:10 ratio to 50:50 ratio for APST and NonAPST, and to make Aadhaar Card mandatory for students of the state who is pursuing their study across the country. Addressing the media at Arunachal Press Club, AAPSU president Hawa Bagang said that the state has plenty of educated and

well qualified youths, especially in Science stream.Stating that the state government cannot implement the 50:50 ratio with such ease, Bagang claimed that it would curtail the employment opportunity of state’s talented and qualified youths. “If State government is really concerned about quality education then concerned department has to stop the practise of backdoor appointment, which is quite common in recruitment process of PGT and TGT teachers,” said Bagang, while adding that AAPSU, which stands for the students’ community, would not tolerate any

CABINET DECISIONS Cabinet approved to relax the recruitment criteria from existing 90:10 ratios to 50:50 ratio basis for APST and Non-APST To make Aadhaar Card mandatory for students of the state who is pursuing their study across the country.

illegal activities which would hamper the smooth functioning of schools. Speaking on the implementation of Aadhaar card, where it was mandatory for every student to have an Aadhaar

card, so that students hailing from far off and inaccessible areas could receive benefits, Bagang said that there are still many districts in the state, where Aadhaar card is yet to reach due to communication gap. Appealing to the state government to keep a check on misappropriation of stipend fund released for students, Bagang alleged that in some schools, the concerned authorities release stipend for 40 to 50 students, while in reality the number of students is only 10 to 20. “If the state government is not in a position to handle the issue of stipend for students, then AAPSU

can also play a role to provide benefits to the students,” he claimed and further pleaded to the state government to hand over the issue of stipend to the AAPSU so that union could bring the actual facts and figures of students eligible to receive stipend. Meanwhile, welcoming the cabinet’s decision to implement the 7th Central Pay Commission in the state, AAPSU urged the Education Department to exempt candidates who have already qualified for National Eligibility Test and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) etc at University level from appearing for the APTET examination.

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How to Crack Entrance Exams in 2017



AAPSU demands immediate revocation of the Cabinet decision A Staff Reporter Itanagar, Dec 9


CM Khandu: key to switching to cashless society is seamless connectivity ET Bureau, Itanagar, Dec 9

“Network service providers have a major role to play to make the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi a reality,” said Chief Minister Pema Khandu after launching 4G network of Vodaphone here in a glittering function at Dree Ground today. While strongly advocating the masterstroke of Prime Minister on demonetization, Khandu said that corruption and terrorism can only be contained by adopting cashless transaction. In order to materialize cashless transaction, a seamless internet connectivity is required which is being provided by the network service providers, Khandu reasoned. He further added that Information technology will be the driving force to change the face of the country.

He congratulated Vodaphone for launching 4G network and said that the network giant’s move has come in the right moment when the entire country is standing with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his mission to fight corruption and terrorism. He hoped that with the launch of Vodaphone 4G, common people will be benefitted the most and that they could easily avail the online facilities from the lightning speed internet service provided by the service provider. Khandu disclosed the gathering about Government of India’s target of connecting all the gram panchayats of Arunachal Pradesh with IT services by next year. “Tough terrains with low density of road network are few immediate bottlenecks in bringing in IT connectivity in the state, but we are confident that basic common services will

reach every village of the state soon as Government of India and the state Government are equally optimistic to make the digital India campaign happen in Arunachal” CM emphatically said.Khandu said that the role of private players are equally important to connect the state with rest of the world. He thanked the Vodaphone for choosing Arunachal for launching their first 4G network in Northeast. “The state government will always lend you the helping hand to enhance your reach and connectivity”, CM assured. Among others, Home Minister Kumar Waii, Ministers Rajesh Tacho, Jomde Kena, Hunchun Ngandam, Tamiyo Taga, Parliamentary Secretary Pani Taram with Operation Director, Vodaphone India Arvind Vohra and CEO and Business head Vodaphone Northeast Alok Verma were present on the occasion.

Surge in healthcare system, a respite for underprivileged in Lohit

District Hospital at Tezu, Lohit District Bishnu Rana Tezu, 09 Dec

Much to the delight of citizens in Lohit and its adjoining district, The General Hospital which of late has been raised from District Hospital is progressively endow with adequate medic & paramedic staff to deliver better healthcare service to the needy public of the region. As per information received, Dr S Chai Pul DMO reveals that 4 (four) General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO), 4 General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) and 4 Auxiliary

Nursing Midwifery (ANM) have started joining the Hospital giving much respite to the public. “With this joining the GDMO number goes to the strength of 7 (seven) resulting a ray of hope in improving the health service. We have Gynecologist, Pediatrics, Orthopedic, Surgeon, Eye Specialist, Anesthetist and Dentist. However Medicine Specialist, Pathologist and ENT Specialist are yet to be filled up. Effort continues at higher level where local MLA Dr Mohesh Chai has been putting relentless attempt to place these professional and soon we

would have at least deliver justice in catering better health service. The MLA is also striving hard to well equipped the Hospital since elected to cater better health delivery system in the district”, she says. Presently safe delivery, minor operation and surgery including cataract operation have been satisfactorily been done at the Hospital to relieve the underprivileged patient from huge cost of treatment in Assam Nursing Home, the DMO says further. Earlier the skeleton of staffs and absence of satisfactory well trained health care

professional have stumbled the health delivery system. Meanwhile, separate Gyne Ward, Blood Bank, new OPD building, upcoming Trauma centre, expected Digital X – Ray Machine and lot more impending amenities could facilitate to upgrade the quality health care service in days to come. “This sign of surge in health care system in General Hospital would bring some respite for those unprivileged who could not afford expensive treatment in Assam”, hopes a patient in the state of anonymity.

Another blow to NSCN(K) by Assam rifles cmyk

Delivering yet another blow to the NSCN(K), the Jairampur Battalion of Assam Rifles conducted a successful operation in Changlang District on 09

December 2016. The operation resulted in successful apprehension of a Over Ground Worker (OGW) named Mr Khinpang Jugli of NSCN(K), Rajapio in the outfit.

troops swiftly reached the loc of the suspect's house, cordoned the house and established surveillance. The suspect tried to flee but was apprehended by the troops.

On an intelligence report of presence of cadre in Kharsang, the Assam Rifles

This cadre was actively involved in extortion and his apprehension has

struck a blow to the extortion activities being carried out by the underground cadres of the gp in the area. The operation has tightened the noose around the gp and has brought relief to the local population. Assam Rifles once again truly stood by their motto "Friends of the north east".


ET Bureau Jairampur, Dec 9


P2 Aries The desire to beautify your home could hit you full force today, Aries. Perhaps you're expecting visitors or house guests and want to make a good impression. You could prowl through antique stores looking for knickknacks. You might set your sights on doing something a bit more ambitious than you originally planned. Enjoy yourself, but be careful. You don't want to tire yourself out.

Taurus A new neighbor could arrive who you feel especially drawn to, Taurus. You might have high hopes for a friendship with this person. He or she may seem especially congenial and share a lot of your interests, and this could seem almost too perfect. However, you're in just the mood to idealize new relationships, so don't get too excited until you get to know this person better.

Gemini You could be feeling especially sociable today. Maybe there's a party of some kind in your neighborhood. You could hear some good news, and there is probably some truth to it, but take everything you hear through the grapevine with a grain of salt. Not everything you hear is based on fact. If you can, go to someone in a position to know and find out from him or her.

Cancer You're feeling especially loving, attractive, and romantic, so romance is likely to be on your mind. Romantic novels and movies could seem especially appealing. If you're currently involved, you will probably receive a lot of attention from your mate. If not, expect to receive admiring glances from those around you, including strangers! You could meet a potential date, but take care to get to know this person before getting too excited.

Leo An increased level of ESP and imagination could have you feeling more creative and artistic. You might want to channel this energy into writing, painting, or adding touches to your living room. You're likely to be especially attuned to the thoughts and feelings of others, particularly family. You could grow closer, especially if you sense what they need even before they do.

Virgo An attractive neighbor with whom you seem to share a bond could become a friend. A group you're affiliated with could be expressing highly idealized goals and purposes. These goals are likely to be admirable, Virgo, but they may not be all that realistic. Bear that in mind before committing to any course of action. You need more facts before you can proceed.

Libra Dreams of a new career could fill your mind today, perhaps because of too much stress in your current one. You might even think of becoming a movie star! Go for your dream if you feel it's what you want, Libra. Remember that any moneymaking enterprise, no matter how creative, is still a business. Make use of your natural business talent to find out what you need to know.

A dozen book inaugurated in Jorhat Book Fair ET Correspondent Jorhat, Dec 9: Making a record by itself, Jorhat College recognized educational institutions of Jorhat had inaugurated a dozen book in the ongoing 11th Jorhat book fair on Friday. Among the twelve books, that has been inaugurated in the book fair, six of them were of Thesis while the others were of General writing. Based on the history department thesis of Jorhat College and edited by Soumitra Pujari "History of Print Media of colonial Assam and its Impact on contemporary society “was inaugurated by retired Principal of Jorhat College Dr. Pabitra Pran Goshwami. " Politics of Small States in India with Special Referring to North East" which was edited by Rupali Bora and Bidyut Bora of Political Science department was inaugurated by retired lecturer of Dibrugarh University Dr. Adil up Yasin. Edited by Dr. Neelema Bora of economics department of Jorhat College, "Social

Enterpreurnership as the best solution to the problem of mass property and climate change " was inaugurated by Dr. Anil Saikia. "Radha Krishna thought and it's relevance in present society " based upon the thesis of Education and Logic and Philosophy department and edited by Julie Saikia was inaugurated by noted literally person Binita Dutta. Edited by Dr. Diganta Kumar Phukan of Sociology department of Jorhat College "Science Technology and their impact on society with special reference to

Seminar on civil service exam held in DHSK College A Staff Reporter Dibrugarh, Dec 9: The Information and Career Guidance Cell (ICGC) of DHSK College in collaboration with Academy of Civil Services, Dibrugarh organized a one-day seminar for UPSC/APSC aspirants on December 6 at the college auditorium. The resource persons of the programme were Sajid Puthen and Mohd. Safi from Kerala and they talked in detail about the different components of Civil Service Examination and how to prepare for the same. The participants consisted of students from the host and other nearby

colleges. The 15-day coaching on UPSC/APSC and other competitive examinations, which was scheduled to start at DHSK College from December 6, has been postponed until January, 2017 keeping in mind the ongoing practical examination of students of various semesters. The Coordinator of ICGC, Dr. Bhaskar Das informed that the exact date would be intimated later. However registration for the same will continue and interested candidates may contact the Information and Career Guidance Cell of the College.

north east was inaugurated by Dr. Chandan Hazarikia. "Tea Industry and society in Assam : Problem and prospect" edited by Swapna Jyoti Bora of Sociology Department of Jorhat College was inaugurated by Dr. Pradeep Kumar Baruah. On the other hand, written Mukul Kandali and Ranjita Adhyapak, office staff of the Jorhat College, a book of features writing was inaugurated by Dr. Paresh Chandra Baruah, written by Ranjit Kumar Hazarika of Political Science department of Jorhat College, "Contemporary issues and challenges in north east was

ET Correspondent Dibrugarh, Dec 9: Noted journalist and film critic Farhana Ahmed’s documentary film Sisters in Arms, has been selected for the prestigious 5th Mumbai Short International Film Festival, scheduled to start from December 21. This was stated by the festival organizers on their website. Produced by Debakrishna Dutta on the banner of Muffossil Mirror, Sisters in Arms narrates the uneven life of former female cadres of the ULFA.


A new friend could arrive today, Capricorn. You're probably going to like this person very much. He or she probably shares many of your interests. You could become close friends. The downside is that you aren't likely to see anyone as they really are, only an idealized picture. When you meet this person, make an effort to see the real person behind the mask and accept them as they are.

Aquarius If you've been thinking about a job change or even a new career, a chance encounter could provide the opportunity. However, Aquarius, remember, "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is." Get the facts as clearly as you can. Consider all the ins and outs before committing yourself or getting too excited about it. If you still want to pursue the opportunity, go for it.

Pisces A journey by air to a distant place might be on your mind, though you might not make it for a long time. Knowledge is important to you, and you can be insatiably curious. This is likely to be one of those days, Pisces. A friend or lover could bring some new information that sparks your curiosity, perhaps something related to astrology or the occult. You will want to pursue it.

ET Correspondent Margherita, Dec 9: Kangan Baruah Nangia daughter of Gautam Baruah Nangia and Monica Baruah Nangia a resident of Margherita brought laurels to the region by getting highest rank in Diploma in Acting at Actor Prepares Institute Mumbai which is run by Bollywood Actor Anupam Kher. Kangana Baruah Nangia received her certificate few days back at

Actor Prepares Institute Mumbai which was given away by Anupam Kher. Kangana Baruah Nangia has played various Dramas at the famous Mandi House Delhi, Sriram Centre Gurgaon, Mandi House Auditorium, Little theater Group and also at Assam Valley School. Various Social Organisations and Cultural Society of Margherita has wished wished her for achieving this feet.

ET Correspondent Dibrugarh, Dec 9: Tea garden workers affiliated to the Assam Chah Mazdoor Sangha (ACMS) have opposed the state government's decision to pay wages directly to their bank accounts.

Workers in the tea gardens are usually paid wages in cash on a fortnightly basis; Fridays and Saturdays are the pay days. General Secretary of ACMS Dileswar Tanti said they wholeheartedly supported the Centre's demonetisation policy and the state government's decision to open bank accounts for tea garden workers, but the abrupt switch to an online payment system would pose several difficulties for them. "For the last 70 years, workers have been paid their wages in cash. Since most

of them are illiterate, it will be hard for them to suddenly adopt the system of online transaction," Tanti said. ACMS's Dibrugarh circle general secretary Nabin Chandra Keot said every garden would need at least four or five ATM kiosks for smooth flow of money. "Every tea garden needs between Rs 20 and Rs 40 lakh

to pay its workers. Therefore, this amount has to be filled in the ATMs on pay day. Every garden employs 1,000 to 1,500 workers so a single ATM machine will not be sufficient," said Keot. Workers of all tea gardens staged an hour-long dharna on Wednesday to protest against the government's move.


Namrup Academy win



Margherita Girl brings laurels to the State

garden workers of Assam Sisters in Tea oppose online wage payment Arms screening on Dec 21

Spiritual goals may be at the top of your priority list now, Scorpio. You may be looking for metaphysical seminars or meditation workshops, perhaps taking place in a distant state or foreign country. You're likely to find it difficult to make a decision about any options right now. Whatever you're considering, make sure you know all the facts before making a choice of any kind.

Lovely dreams could spark your imagination and get your artistic abilities going. You could learn a lot about yourself and whatever has been limiting you. Write down whatever comes your way so you can work with it later, but don't try to make sense of it today. Wait a while and then consider everything in a more practical light. You may be surprised at the difference in you.

inaugurated by Dr Munindra Kunwar, written by Dr. Debabrata Sharma, principal of Jorhat College, "Surendra Nath Buragohain " was inaugurated by Dr. Soumendra Nath Buragohain, Utpol Dutta, lecturer of Jorhat College his "Jorhat and it's history " was inaugurated by Dr. Debabrata Sharma, written by Dr. Anima Neog of Assamese department of Jorhat College "swarajuttar kalar axomiya vraman sahitya" was inaugurated by Dr. Binapani Devi while Dr. Diganta Kumar Phukan's "bipanna parivesh bishmita samaj" was inaugurated by Dr. Gulap Chandra Deka.

Members of Asam Jatiyatabadi Yuba Chatra Prishad (AJYCP) members of Jorhat unit burnt the effigy of PM Narendra Modi along and CM Sarbanada Sonowal in protest against citizenship granted to Hindu Bangladeshi. Pic. Nekib Ahmed

Sports Reporter Dibrugarh, Dec. 9: Namrup Cricket Academy defeated Jeoti Moral Sangha by three wickets in the senior division cricket league tournament organized by Dibrugarh District Sports Association at DDSA stadium here today. Electing to bat first, Jeoti Moral Sangha scored 112 in 28.3 overs before being

bowled out. Diganta Talukdar scored 44 off 56 balls(5x4) and Debo Buragohain contributed 18 off 35 deliveries (4x1, 6x1). Pragyan Sarma scored run a ball 12. For Namrup Cricket Academy, Biraj Chetia wreaked four for 18 in 6.3 overs . Dipen Konwar and Ravi Sharma took two wickets a piece conceding 5 and 34 runs respectively.

Sanjib Brahma Academy beat Tinsukia Sports Reporter Dibrugarh, Dec. 9: Sanjib Brahma Academy defeated Tinsukia Town Club 2-0 in the A-division football league 2016-17 Tinsukia Zone of Tinsukia District Sports Association organized by Dibru United at Janamukh playground in Tinsukia today. Bhaitya Raj Borgohain opened the floodgates for

Sanjib Brahma Academy in the 24th minute through a pass from the midfield. Tinsukia Town Club tried their best to come back in the match but failed in their attempts. Joon Saikia scored the second goal for his team in the 66th minute through header. Tomorrow, Tinsukia Hockley Club will lock horn with Sripuria Club.

In run chase, Namrup scored 113 for seven in 24.5 overs. Dipen Konwar smashed 42 off 40 balls(5x4, 6x1) and Rupek Dey scored 20 off 44 balls(4x1). Dipak Talukdar contributed 15 off 18 deliveries (4x3). Narendra Das took four wickets for Jeoti Moral. Dipen Konwar was adjudged man of the match.

Oil India in Final Sports Reporter Dibrugarh, Dec. 9: Oil India Football Club enters in the final of the ongoing Namrup Gold Football tournament 2016 organised by Namrup Town Club by defeating Assam State Electricity Board 4-3 at Gandhi Maidan in Namrup on yesterday. The regulation time was ended in a goalless draw and extra 15 minutes was given by the referee but both the teams failed to score in the allotted time. In the sudden death Oil India FC defeated ASEB 4-3.



Chief Minister Pema Khandu inspects Nugong Bridge

CoSAAP welcomes implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission in Arunachal

ET Bureau, PANGIN, Dec 9: Chief Minister Pema Khandu today inspected the construction of a motorable suspension bridge over Siang River in between BRTF road and Komsing village at Sangam point. The 225 metre bridge named as Nugong bridge was envisaged to provide road connectivity to the historically important village of Komsing and to other villages of Nugong Banggo, which remains unconnected as situated on left bank of Siang river. The foundation stone for the bridge was laid by former Chief Minister, late Dorjee Khandu in 2008 and funded by DONER. Since then due to delay in funds from the centre, the project remained unfinished escalating the project costs. In his discussion with the officials of the PWD – the executing agency,

Staff Reporte ITANAGAR, 9 DEC:The Confederation of Service Association of Arunachal Pradesh (CoSAAP) today extended gratitude to the state government for implementing the 7th Central Pay Commission scales of pay effective from January 1, 2016.The apex government employees’ organization also thanked Chief Minister Pema Khandu and his Cabinet, along with bureaucrats for making one of the prioritized demands of the CoSAAP into a reality, and further urged the State Government to look into the other pending issues raised by the CoSAAP at the earliest. It

the Chief Minister assured his commitment for completion of the bridge, due to historical importance of Komsing village and its relevance to Ango – Abor war, and also since the bridge will connect 1 circle and 8 villages. He also announced later in a public gathering at Pangin, that the state government will meet up all fund gaps required for the bridge and assured that the matter will be discussed on how to meet up the gaps and through which head to be funded. The Chief Minister was accompanied by Home Minister Kumar Waii, Education Minister Honchun Ngandam, Panchayati Raj & Rural Development Minister Tanga Byaling, Advisor to Chief Minister, Tapang Taloh and Parliamentary Secretary Home Pani Taram.

Chief Minister Pema Khandu visits Pangin ET Bureau PANGIN, Dec 9: Chief Minister Pema Khandu in his maiden visit to Pangin was accorded a warm welcome led by Advisor to Chief Minister, Tapang Taloh. People dressed in traditional attire, school students and Gaon Burahs welcomed the the Chief Minister who was accompanied by Home Minister Kumar Waii, Education Minister Honchun Ngandam, Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Minister Tanga Byaling and Parliamentary Secretary Home Pani Taram. Attending the public meeting, the Chief Minister appreciated the bold decision of Taloh for having sacrificed his ministerial post, which he said was done for the larger interest of the state. Khandu appreciated the gesture as an expression

of confidence shown by him to see a stable government under his leadership. Speaking on the cordial relation shared between his late father Dorjee Khandu, former CM and Taloh, the Chief Minister recalled that during his father’s tenure also, he had sacrificed the Ministerial post. "It is only during difficult times that our own people will be willing to make sacrifices," he said adding that leadership quality shown by Taloh is rare to see. Speaking on Siang district creation, the Chief Minister said the demand was raised since 1982. Since Arunachal is a big state, creation of more districts to bring government closer to the people is a good step, said Khandu. "I favour creation of new districts though I understand that it has huge finan-

cial liabilities," he said and informed that about 4-5 such demands are still pending, which will be examined in the cabinet soon. Khandu said that as Tourism Minister during Nabam Tuki government, he was always in support for creation of Siang district and had assured his cooperation if moved in the cabinet. Consequently, the Siang district was created in 2013 during which he had visited Pangin accompanying former CM Tuki for its inauguration. The Chief Minister promised that the state government will release final notification within two months for establishing the district headquarters for Siang district. He appealed the people to come to amicable solution in their choice for district headquarters. The new district headquarter,

Khandu promised, will be made fully functional within short time as funds for development activities won't be a hindrance informing that the state cabinet has decided on a separate fund provision for it. Observing that Siang district is rich in agriculture and horticulture sector, the Chief Minister assured that state government will frame policy to provide better marketing access to the farmers. He also called for the district to explore more on avenues like tourism and hydropower declaring that any developmental activities that are culturally, environmentally and demographically harmful will never be encouraged. Informing on major initiatives being taken by state government for development, the Chief Minister

said that a special package from centre is being awaited, for which the government had already submitted a proposal. Also the state government has released Rs 2200 crore through State Development Council (SDC) to the departments. Earlier in his speech, Home Minister Waii called on people of Arunachal, especially from Abotani belt to find ways to resolve conflicts peacefully and conduct themselves so that development is not hampered. Comparing Tawang with Abotani belt, he said though Tawang has difficult terrain, central government officials prefer to visit that place just because people are highly hospitable there. The Minister said people need to rethink on their conduct and not make atmosphere difficult for develop-

ment to come. Appreciating Khandu's leadership, Ngandam informed that state government has released Rs 10 crore for each constituency cutting across party lines. "That is equality and equality will lead to development," he said. The Education Minister also briefed on centre- state relation and said the relation is growing stronger each day. He also informed of recent state government release of Rs 53 crore for SSA teachers. Also speaking on occasion, Taram and Byaling appreciated Taloh's leadership and credited him on creation of Siang district. The public meeting also witnessed colourful cultural dances presented by school children of KGBV and Govt Higher Secondary School, Pangin.

Karbak launches bus service for Kamba (P) Kena and Transport Parliamentary Secretary Likha Saaya for immediate sanction of the bus as per the request made by him for public service.

KAMBA, 9 DEC: Parliamentary Secretary Nyamar Karbak and senior citizen Gumde Karbak jointly flagged-off the APST bus service from Itanagar to Kamba at Itanagar, in presence of Tuter Dulom, Station Superintendent APST Itanagar. “The introduction of bus service is not big news for other developed areas, but for a constituency

like ours it is a great relief,” said the parliamentary secretary, who hoped that the introduction of direct bus services would ease the communication bottleneck to a large extend for students, medical patients and poor people throughout the year.On behalf of people of the area, Karbak also extended his gratitude to Transport Minister Jomde

Karbak appealed to the public to cooperate with the staff engaged in the service, and urged on them to maintain the bus to avail the best of its services.APST Itanagar Station Superintendent Tuter Dulom also appealed to the public to care for the bus and advised the public not to carry/transport any objectionable items in the bus, like timber, prohibited hunting items, any kind of medicinal plant, which is restricted under certain laws.The flag-off ceremony was attended by Tojo Karga, RWD EE Deli Kambu, officers of 27th Liromoba Assembly Constituency, students and public.

GPTI hosts skill development programme Aalo, Dec 9: A monthlong skill development and vocational training programme, organized by the GPTI was inaugurated by ADC Nyiken Lollen at Aalo today, with more than 150 trainees and trainers attending the programme. Speaking on the occasion ADC Lollen and DMO Dr Marbom Basar appreciated the constant efforts put in by Chairman of GPTI Topu Basar Ete, for conducting such trainings to develop the skills of the district youths. The advised all participants to make best use of the training so that they have more selfemployment avenues or be eligible to receive gov-

ernment subsidies based on their skills.ADI Geto Ori disclosed that the GPTI is a registered society for skilled development and act as a training provider under the State Livelihood Mission for the benefit of unemployed youths of the

state.The UPO Aalo also extended his gratitude to everyone for making the programme a success.The programme was also attended by UD Deputy Director UD Geto Ori, DVO, and host of other dignitaries. (DIPRO)

also called on the employees’ community of the state to discharge their respective duties sincerely and contribute to the cause of the development of the state. Meanwhile, the Arunachal Pradesh Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) also welcomed the decision of the North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA) Government to implement the 7th Central Pay Commission in the state and hoped that this decision would fulfill the genuine entitlement of statement government employees. Appreciating the decision of Chief Minister Pema Khandu, BJP state president Tapir Gao opined that

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan launched

Maksam Tayeng Pasighat, Dec 9: The ambitious scheme of Narendra Modi Government with an objective to boost the health care facilities for the pregnant women, especially the poor, the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) was launched at General Hospital, Pasighat by East Siang Zila Parishad, Chairperson, Kaling Dai in the presence of Dr. Kabang Lego, Jt. DHS (T&R), Dr. Mandip Perme, DMO, Dr. Tatok Gao, DRCHO, Dr. YR Darang, Medical Superintendent and host of senior doctors and staffs of General Hospital, Pasighat today. On the launching day, total of 52 pregnant women were provided free antenatal check up with free ultrasonography and laboratory test. While speaking on the sideline of PMSMA and its importance, Dr. Mandip Perme briefed the pregnant women about the objectives of the scheme. Under the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan, the preg-

Legal awareness for women and children CHAYANG TAJO, 9 DEC: The Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Women (APSCW), headed by its Chairperson Mitali Tingkhatra conducted its maiden two days legal awareness programme at Chayang Tajo circle, under East Kameng district on December 5 and 6 last. Sponsored by the National Commission for Women, the awareness programme dealt with bonded labour and child labour, child and forced marriage, Domestic Violence Act, 2005, polygamy and compulsory marriage registration, Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, POCSO Act, 2012, free legal aid, and rights of women and livelihood.

free bonded labour, but many senior citizens want to continue the system. Resource person on the occasion, Ripe Bagra, an Assistant Professor from Himalayan University, Itanagar, spoke on Child Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006 and requested the gathering to stop the practice.APSCW Chairperson Tingkhatra spoke on Domestic Violence Act, 2005 in detail, and the various provisions under it. Saying that gaon burahs are the grass root level representatives of the administration, she asserted that it was essential for them to impart the awareness among their villagers to stop child marriage and in turn also stop domestic violence.

Speaking on bonded and child labour, especially in East Kameng district, Chayang Tajo ADC Ashok Tajo admitted that bonded labour and child labour practises are still found in the district, where the Solung/Puriok community serves as labourers.He informed that he has tried to

She informed the people of the interior circle that the Constitution of India has granted equality to all, and accordingly, there should be no discrimination between girls and boys. When the APSCW team visited KGBV Chayang Tajo, Block Education Officer Dali Tajo requested that the commis-

sion take the issue of upgrading the KGBV School to class X and include it under RMSA as the school has been running under cash crunch and other infrastructural issues. Assistant Professor Bagra also enlightened the students on POCSO Act, 2012, while APSCW Member Secretary Yame Higio, APSCW members Duma Yekar and Oter Ering Tayeng advised students to study well and achieve success in life. The APSCW team also visited Sangchu Sollung village and interacted with the Puroik people and students and advised the students and teachers to focus on education and briefed about the POCSO Act. Later, the team also visited VKV Chayang Tajo and interacted with the principal and teachers, where Tingkhatra appealed to the school authority to impart the knowledge of POCSO Act, 2012 to the students, and to coordinate with the Commission if any cases arise which violates the Act.

the decision would usher in a vibrant local economy, and that it indeed is a wonderful New Year’s gift for thousands of state government employees and their family members. Gao also appealed to all the state government employees to reciprocate the gesture of the state government by carrying out their duties sincerely and diligently. Also, Gao lauded the initiative of the chief minister for taking up the issue of honouring Nabam Runghi, who was instrumental in making Itanagar the capital of Arunachal Pradesh. He also appreciated the gold medal and cash price that has been announced by the state government.

nant women will be given free health check-up and required treatment for free on 9th of every month. The scheme which was initially launched on 9th June 2016 will be applicable for pregnant women to avail in all Government hospitals across the country. Normally, when a woman gets pregnant, she suffers from various kinds of diseases and health issues such as blood pressure, high sugar and hormonal diseases. The scheme thus will provide free checkup to the pregnant women assuring their good health and birth of a healthy child, added sources. The scheme also aims to provide a healthy life to the pregnant women, lowering the maternity mortality rate, making pregnant women aware of their health issues/diseases, making sure safe delivery and healthy life of the baby. District Asha Nodal Officer with DCM, Ashas and faculty members of GNM school of Nursing with students were also present during the launching programme

AACWA endorses use of EDC machine for debit/credit card payments at petrol pumps ET Bureau Itanagar, Dec 9: The All Arunachal Contractor’s Welfare Association (AACWA) has appealed to all proprietors of Petrol Pumps of twin capital Complex to install Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine to facilitate debit/ credit card payments in their petrol pumps for easy and fast mode of transaction to all customer while filling fuel in their pumps. Post- demonetization customers have been experiencing a horrid time waiting in queues in filling fuel at

petrol pumps. To add to the woes of the customers, as a result of severe cash crunch, customers are in the receiving end as some miscreants taking undue advantage fill up fuel at the cost of other customer’s convenience. In a press statement released by All Arunachal Contractor’s Welfare Association said that that introduction of Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine will facilitate smooth electronic transaction sans any hassles and this will improve customer’s experience at the petrol pumps.

Association calls for card swipe machines A Staff Reporter Itanagar, Dec 9 : The All Arunachal Contractor’s Welfare Association (AACWA) today appealed to all petrol depots within the Capital Complex to go digital and immediately introduce card swiping machines in their depots to provide easy and fast mode of transaction to all customers. The AACWA opined that af-

ter demonetizations customers have to wait for longer than usual after filling fuel due to shortage of notes in petrol depots. That introduction of card swipe machines will also help check illegal filling by miscreants, it added, and requested banks authorities to provide the machines immediately to all business owners that require it.


ATA anticipates demands will be met A Staff Reporter Itanagar, Dec 9: After the State Cabinet’s announcement that the Post Graduate Teachers would be conferred gazetted status, the Arunachal Teachers’ Association (ATA) hoped that all other un-addressed demands of the teaching community would also be completed soon. Thanking the state government for this step, the ATA said that the

historic pronouncement would heighten the spirit of the teaching community. However, it hoped that the association’s earlier demands would also be soon looked into, which include complete bifurcation of Secondary and Elementary Education, timely conduct of DPC for all category from PRT to Joint Director level, creation of DDSE and DDEE at district level, cre-

ation of SEO, sanction of principal and HM/VP posts, modification of JT RR, single entry grade for teachers at both the directorate and the issues of SSA and RMSA teachers. The ATA cited that the demands of the teaching community are not new and the non-fulfillment of these demands has led to the discontentment in the teaching community in the recent past.

The association, on behalf of the teaching community is still waiting in anticipation for fulfillment of written assurance given by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh to the teaching community during statewide pens and tools down strike held in October this year. The ATA also extended gratitude on approving the implementation of 7th CPC.

GALAPFH demands immediate payment of damages cost for the past five years or face legal consequences A Staff Reporter ITANAGAR, 9 DEC: After reports surfaced that Chief Secretary Shakuntala Gamlin suggested change in the site for the Greenfield Airport from Hollongi to Banderdewa, the Greenfield Airport Land Affected Peoples Forum of Hollongi (GALAPFH), today demanded immediate payment of damages cost for the past five years from the government, or face legal consequences.Alleging that the Chief Secretary’s Office is misguiding the Government of India and Airport Authority of India (AAI) by informing that the state government will provide free land at Banderdewa, the GALAPFH questioned the integrity of the state government in establishing an airport in Arunachal Pradesh.Addressing reporters today, GALAPFH secretary Likha Taji said that the land owners have refrained from doing any sort

of work on their land following guidelines, where the Papum Pare Deputy Commissioner had prohibited land owners to carry out any activities under the airport notified area. He claimed that the assets of the farmers were frozen for five years and now the lost damage cost amounts to Rs. 190 crore for the period of five years.Also condemning the remark of the CS that the area from Magoni River to Changmara River is a Chakma inhabited area, the GALAPFH claimed that the said area has always been the ancestral property of the Nyishis of the state.“How can she suggest another site for the airport when Hollongi has been approved and decided upon after considering all future expansion and feasibility factors?,” questioned Taji.The GALAPFH also alleged that the CS handpicked a few officers from the state to take an ariel survey of

Karsingsa-Banderdewa and Hollongi on December 8 last, when AAI, DGCA and MoRTH authorities arrived here.The Guwahati High Court had constituted an independent committee under the chairmanship of Justice A C Upadhayay and other members in 2013, where the committee addressed all relevant issues regarding the site selection and compared Hollongi against Banderdewa.After careful evaluation, the committee had noted that Hollongi is technically and scientifically fit for an airport. All members subscribed to the view that the site for construction of the airport at Hollongi would be more appropriate, suitable and convenient in terms of topography, environment impact, constructability, airport operation and safety point of view.Disappointed with the idea that Arunachal may not receive an airport, GALAPFH chairman Nera

Techi said that the chief secretary’s statement at New Delhi on September 17 to push the site from Hollongi to Banderdewa is Contempt of Court.However, they said that the airport site location is a secondary issue for the land owners now, and that the loss for the past five years has to be compensated for. “It is disheartening to learn that Arunachal may not receive an airport amidst the site controversy, but innocent land owners of Hollongi cannot and should not be sandwiched in the politics of airport construction,”Nera said.Reiterating its stand to take legal recourse, the GALAPFH also warned of democratic movements if the government fails to compensate the land owners for the loss it has faced in the past five years.

P4 Dambuk gears up for Orange Festival ET Bureau Roing, 9 DEC : A meeting was convened at the office of the Deputy Commissioner today to review the progress of arrangements for the ensuing four days Orange Festival scheduled from December 15 to 18 at Dambuk in Lower Dibang Valley district.In the meeting Deputy Commissioner Deepak Shinde reviewed the details on security arrangement, water supply, maintenance and cleaning of roads, accommodation for security personnel and visitors, and called upon all HoDs and stakeholders to be proac-

December 7, 2016 a female elephant was died of suspected fighting with another wild elephant at Madhupur under Khowang forest range. In the past 16 years 1,024 people have been killed by wild elephants in 22 districts. Assam is yet to utilise around Rs 2.37 crore sanctioned by Project Elephant for the last two years while elephants are dying in the state because of accidents and electrocutions. Project Elephant was launched in 1992 as a centrally sponsored scheme to protect elephants, their habitat and corridors. “Man-elephant conflict has been rising tremendously in the area and the wild animals have to pay the price in most cases and our forest department has turned a blind

eye into the matter. The elephant have comes out from the forest in search of fodder because of deforestation. It is a high time the forest department should take stringent punishment if anyone found of laying high voltage electric wire in the field,’’ said a nature enthusiast. Sources said a herd of 70 -odd elephants come out from the nearby Dehing Medela reserve forest in search of food and for the past one month created trouble for the villagers by destroying their crops. Khowang forest ranger said that they have found a male elephant lying dead at a paddy field at Lezai Kolakhowa. “We have not seen any electric polls where the jumbo was died.

Therefore, how the animal could come in touch with live electric wire,” questioned Khowang forest ranger. “Recently, three elephants have been died in the area and two of them died due to electrocution,’’ he said. He added that they have not found any evidence against anyone. He further added, “We have written a letter to Assam power distribution company LTD. to cut the connection of electricity during night because maximum of elephant death were reported during the midnight’’. According to sources some cultivators in the area have resorted to laying live electric wires in their paddy fields by tapping power directly from nearby high tension wires to protect their crops from wild elephants. On the other hand,

APSTS General Manager Abu Tayeng highlighted on the previous two editions of the festival and informed that a large number of visitors are expected this year, including national and in-

ternational tourists, who will arrive to witness the musical concert which has renowned international artists. He also sought full cooperation for success of the event and urged everyone to facilitate the visiting tourists to have a pleasant stay in the district during the festival. Briefing on tentative programme of the festival event, Dambuk ADC Atul Tayeng informed that Orange Festival at Dambuk is an annual mega adventure event participated by major rock bands and sports events by leading automobiles companies. The

event is also attended by a large number of national and international tourists, and is being widely covered by local and national media. In the third edition of the Orange Festival, offroading competition, Orange 4x4 Fury, TDS Rally Championship and the first India performance of international metal guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen is expected to pull a large crowd to Dambuk sub-division. The Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and other dignitaries are also expected to attend the festival this year.

Jamoh inspects developmental project along PLT Road A Staff Reporter PASIGHAT, Dec 09: In an effort to ensure quality work and timely completion of projects under 37th Pasighat West constituency, local MLA cum Parliamentary Secretary, Agriculture, Er. Tatung Jamoh inspected Pasighat-Ledun-Tene Road and compound wall of Community Health Center, Bilat today.

Road under SIDF and compound wall construction of CHC, Bilat under SPA, Jamoh directed the concern executing agency to ensure quality work, as in some poor quality cases, roads start weathering off within short period thereby wasting public money. Jamoh also batted for timely completion of all ongoing projects. MLA was accompanied by AE, WRD, Er. Oyin Tamuk, AE, PWD, Er. Binam Mesar and Gaon Burah, Mirem, Talo Padung.

While inspecting the road renovation project along Pasighat-Ledum-Tene

Forest department files FIR against series of Jumbo deaths A Staff Reporter Dibrugarh, Dec. 9: In a span of less than one month four elephant have died in Lezai Kalakhowa area under Khowang forest range. On Friday morning, a male elephant was found dead at a paddy field of Lezai Kalakhowa 20 km from here. The forest officials said the elephant died due to electrocution after it came into contact with a live electric wire put up by the people of the area to scare away wild animals. An FIR was lodged at Dibrugarh police station. On November 19, an elephant calf had died of suspected electrocution at Bordoibam village and another died on November 23 at Panigaon due to suspected electruction. On

tive for successful conduct of the four-day event. Regarding entry of visitors and Inner Line Permit issues, he informed that the District Administration has already written to its counterpart East Siang Deputy Commissioner to provide all necessary assistance and set up special ILP counter at Ruksin check gate.

the local people of the area blamed the forest department that due to the negligence of department the elephant died. Assam forest minister Pramila Rani Brahma on yesterday said that her department will take a slew of initiatives soon to prevent the man-elephant conflict which has claimed over a thousand lives in the state. In 2005, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, USA sanctioned an amount of Rs 5.3 lakh under the Asian Elephant Welfare Fund for construction of a 3-strand electric power fence along the Dehing Medela Reserve Forest to check elephant depredation in the area but now the 3-stranded electric power fence was broken and the elephant easily moved from the area.


Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal today took stock of the preparations of the Swahid Divas 2016 to be held on Saturday at Khanapara,Guwahati. Assam to offer Shraddhanjali to the martyrs of the Assam MOvement on the occasion of Swahid Divas on Saturday. Their sacrifices won't go in vain, said Sonowal.

Assam police achieve Injured wild jumbo 100% FIR digitization TNN Guwahati, Dec 9: As part of a modernization drive, Assam Police have achieved cent per cent FIR digitization this year. Till November 30, at least 86,000 FIRs have been digitized and uploaded on the system. "Assam was recently placed among the ten best-performing states as far as imple-

mentation of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems is concerned. The digitization was completed using 86% of the funds allotted to us - Rs 34.68 crore," said an Assam Police statement. State police also announced that they would install solar power plants in 48 police stations in rural areas and upgrade interrogation rooms in several others.

AgustaWestland choppers deal: CBI arrests ex IAF chief S P Tyagi, two others IANS New Delhi, Dec 9 : The CBI on Friday arrested former Indian Air Force (IAF) chief S.P. Tyagi on charges of corruption in its ongoing probe into the Rs 3,600-crore AgustaWestland helicopter deal. S.P. Tyagi was taken into custody from Delhi along with his cousin Sanjeev Tyagi alias Julie Tyagi and a Delhi-based lawyer, Gautam Khaitan. "S.P. Tyagi, his cousin Sanjeev and Gautam Khaitan were arrested from Delhi. They will be produced before a designated CBI court on Saturday," CBI spokesperson Devpreet Singh told IANS. S.P. Tyagi, his cousins Sanjeev, Rajiv and Sandeep and 10 others, including three European middlemen-- Guido Ralph Haschke, Carlo Vlentino Ferdinando Gerosa and Christian Michel -- were named in an FIR which the Central Bureau of Investigation lodged in March 2013. Others named in the FIR are the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Aeromatrix Info Solution Pvt Ltd Praveen Bakshi, Chairman of IDS Infotech Ltd (India) Satish Bagrodia and its Managing Director Pratap K. Aggarwal.

Giuseppe Orsi and Bruno Spagnolini, then CEOs of the Italy-based companies Finmeccanica and AgustaWestland, were also named in the FIR. And so were companies Finmeccanica, AgustaWestland, IDS Infotech Ltd (India) and Aeromatrix India. The former IAF chief has been accused in Italy and India of helping AgustaWestland win the chopper contract by reducing the flying ceiling of the helicopter from 6,000 metres to 4,500 metres (15,000 feet). He has denied the allegations and said the decision was reportedly taken in consultation with officials of the Special Protection Group and the Prime Minister's Office. Twelve helicopters were to be bought by India. Tyagi headed the IAF from 2004 to 2007 when the Congress ruled India. The chopper deal, cancelled in January 2013, resurfaced after an Italian court in April purportedly referred to Congress President Sonia Gandhi and former prime minister Manmohan Singh, among others, in connection with the chopper deal but gave no details of any wrongdoing by either.


ET Correspondent Bokajan, Dec 9: A team of Forest officials and WTI (Wildlife Trust of India) veterinarians rescued a injured wild elephant at Nambor Reserve Forest in Karbi Anglong-Golaghat border here on Friday.The 20 year old ailing elephant has reportedly been separated from its herd and believed to have come from Kaziranga in search of food. "The elephant was under our observation past few days. It was limping and the injury has probably been caused by a spear used during a human elephant conflict to ward off the animal. The veterinarian team has administered medication and the elephant will hopefully recover soon," said Ranger Bibison Tokbi, Eastern Range, Silonijan, Karbi Anglong.

Financial Aid Provided to Student: ET Correspondent Golaghat , Dec 09: Maheswari Sabha Golaghat in association with all Maheswari Organisations in Golaghat recently provided some financial assistance to a poor and meritorious student. The organisations donated an amount of fifteen thousand rupees to the student to continue his studies .


NORTHEAST P5 convicted for 9 years rigorous imprisonment Manipur cabinet decides Six for killing an 80-year-old man in Tripura formation of 7 new districts


Imphal, Dec 09: Manipur government, led by Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh, has decided to form 7 more new districts, bifurcating the existing 9 districts of the state, a state cabinet secretariat source said today. The decision for formation of seven new districts was taken in a state cabinet meeting chaired by the Chief Minister last evening at the CM's secretariat, the source said. "Manipur will now have 16 districts and the deci-

sion for formation of 7 new districts was taken for administrative convenience and to enable the state government take up development works effectively even in the remote and underdeveloped parts of the state," the chief minister told PTI over phone this morning. The newly formed districts are Kangpokpi, Tengnoupal, Pherzawl, Noney, Kamjong, Jiribam and Kakching, the cabinet secretariat source said.

Posting of the new Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police for the newly formed districts were also effected in the government order issued yesterday, the source said. Manipur earlier had 9 districts - Imphal West, Imphal East, Bishnupur, Thoubal, Ukhrul, Senapati, Tamenglong, Churachandpur and Chandel. The chief minister explained that inauguration of the new districts

would be taken up as soon as possible before the announcement of state assembly elections by the Election Commission of India. The move came in the backdrop of the United Naga Council (UNC) launching economic blockade in Manipur for more than one month since November one last in protest against the formation of Sadar Hills (Kangpokpi) and Jiribam districts. (PTI)

Agartala, Dec 09 : Six youths accused of killing an 80-year-old man three years ago have been convicted for nine years rigorous imprisonment by the additional District and Sessions Judge of Khowai Pankaj Kumar Datta. The judgement was delivered on Thursday. The convicts are Dipu Sabar, Smarajit Khashi, Swapan Khashi, Laxman Khashi, Rajesh Khashi and Kajal Khashi. All are resident of Khashia Basti of Barbaghai area under Khowai sub-division. The killing was the sequel of an eve teasing incident which the father of the school going girl pro-

three eve teasers accompanied by the others in an inebriated condition enters the house of the girl and attacked her father Jitendra Debbarma with lathi and sharp cutting weapons. They attacked his elderly father Arjun Debbarma too when he came to his son's rescue and fled away. The elderly man later succumbed to his injuries in the G B Hospital in Agartala. Delivering the judgement the Judge commented it was a Image for Representation purpose. planned attack and a serious kind of crime and tested on March 19,2013. of dire consequence if the perpetrators of the The father of the girl similar incident is re- crime must be punished Jitendra Debbarma threat- peated. to set an example before ened the three eve teasers On the same night the the society. (Agencies)

NMA reaches out to NSCK 24×7 pharmacy, cancer (K) to reconsider CF Dimapur, Dec 09: A four-member 'peace team' of the Naga Mothers Association (NMA) led by its president Abeiu Meru recently crossed over to Myanmar to reach out to the NSCN (K), in order to urge the group to reconsider cease-fire (CF) with Government of India. Informing this in a press note, NMA president Abeiu Meru and advisor Dr Rosemary Dzuvichu said their appealed was conveyed to NSCN (K) chairman SS Khaplang and that their appointment was accepted to meet the chairman soon. This was the second peace mission for a dialogue with NSCN (K) across the borders since last year and NMA was

The four-member 'peace team' of the NMA.

hopeful of meeting the NSCN (K) chairman soon, it added. Meanwhile, refuting the news report published in a local daily, that the peace team was led by the wife of an NSCN (K)

functionary, NMA said it was false and speculative. In the midst of armed conflicts, NMA said such wrong information by some news agency would give rise to misunderstandings. It further re-

MTC runs in the red with Rs 34.11 cr loss in 10 years Shillong, Dec 09: The gove r n m e n t - o w n e d Meghalaya Transport Corporation (MTC) has incurred a loss of Rs 3,410.77 lakh in the past 10 years. Reply to an RTI query by this scribe revealed that the corporation has operated in the red from 2005 to 2015 during which its loss was Rs 3410.77 lakh. The loss in the financial year 201314 was Rs 572.59 lakh. The Corporation has also generated revenue of Rs 4493.19 lakh in the last ten years (2005-2015). It has recorded 42.10 lakh passengers from 2006-07 to 201516. The RTI reply indicated that the number of passengers marginally went down in the past 10 years. In 200607, 4.63 lakh passengers used MTC services that came down to 3.69 lakh in 2015-16. As per the RTI, MTC owns

61 vehicles, out of which 56 is in running condition. MTC buses ply on 16 routes and have both day and night services. The corporation has as many as 232 employees. Reacting to a query about steps taken to make MTC an efficient and revenuegenerating body, the RTI reply stated that a performance report of all categories of staff is to be submitted on a bi-weekly basis for review. Also, training of employees, including officers, has been conducted in batches at the Central Institute of Road Transport in Pune. But there is no plan to privatise MTC. A management information cell has been created for computerisation and costcutting measures are being implemented. Though the MTC posted revenue of Rs 4493.19 in the

last 10 years, salary of as many as 232 staff and pension liabilities have made the PSU a loss making unit. The single chopper owned by MTC has earned revenue over Rs 1.83 crore in the past five years. The number of passengers using the service on the Shillong-Guwahati-Tura route was 12,566. MTC charges Rs 1,500 per adult passenger for using the chopper service between Shillong-Guwahati, Rs 1,000 for children between two and 12 years and Rs 500 for infants below two years. MTC charges Rs 1,900 per passenger for ShillongGuwahati-Tura, Rs 1,500 for children between two and 12 years and Rs 700 for infants below two years. It charges Rs 1,700 per person for Guwahati-Tura. (Agencies)

Former Talui village chief laid to rest with customary honour

R Lester Makang Ukhrul, Dec 9 : More than one thousand family members, Church elders, village chiefs, social leaders, friends and local villagers gathered at the Talui pre-centenary hall and bid their last adieu to former Talui village headman S. Rashing moments before his mortal remains were laid to rest with full customary honour at the internment at his residence campus at Ruireitang here on Friday. Second son S. Khavangpam said their father S. Rashing, aged 90, passed away at 11:30 pm on December 7 after a brief illness. He had been on medication as his had deteriorated since he got a BP stroke on December 3 last.

On behalf of family, S Khavangpam acknowledged relentless support of villagers during his headmanship for over four decades and begged for his shortcomings and if any of his remarks and deeds had caused unintended hurt to anyone's sentiments. In his traditional realm for over 41 years since coronated as Talui headman on 15 September in 1950, late Rashing was responsible for bringing myriad major developments in Talui village. In his condolence speech, acting headman R Agiron eulogized Rashing as a visionary pioneer who brought various developments in his village, and sustained the village peacefully under his administration.

Among his accomplishments as Talui headman, S. Rashing constructed Ukhrul-Talui road under BDO Fund in 19541958, Agiron said. He said establishment of Talui PWD Office, Post Office, District Council, Dispensary, Tasar Farm, Water Supply Scheme and primary health centre in the village occurred in his time. Rashing also falicitated in installation of Electric Power Generator in 1975 and electrification of Talui 1987 through commissioning of 33/11 KV Sub-Station in 1987. Further, Rashing also served Circle Development Block, Zingtun Longphang, Tangkhul Shiyan Chikan Drafting Committee, Talui Higher Secondary Academy Board, Block Development Committee as chairman and various other capacities. Representatives of Tangkhul Naga Wungnao Long (TNWL), Tangkhul Naga Zingtun Longphang (TNZL) and social organizations who attended the funeral ceremony testified that Rashing has left a legacy of wisdom and true leadership in the western Ukhrul.

quested that proper confirmation be made before going to press. The association has thanked IGAR (N) and commanders for granting permission to cross over without any problems and the willing support given by Naga mothers for peace initiatives. Further, NMA has fervently appealed to both sides for restraint and to avoid armed confrontations and killings, in the interest of peace. "NMA is deeply committed to carry on the peace initiatives further and will do so," it added. Besides Meru and Dzuvichu the peace team includes NMA secretary Lochumbeni Humtsoe and member Angela Yhome. (Agencies)

meds a far cry at CH Shillong, Dec 09: There are more shortcomings in the running of the Shillong Civil Hospital than what Health Minister Roshan Warjri detected during her surprise visit to the hospital on Wednesday. Though there were talks about setting up a roundthe-clock pharmacy at Civil Hospital, it is yet to materialise. Sources said the proposals for the 24×7 pharmacy and a canteen inside the hospital are pending with the Planning Department for at least two years. The 24×7 pharmacy would have saved many lives as relatives of criti-

Corruption can undermine development: Gov Dimapur, Dec 09: On the eve of International AntiCorruption Day on December 9, Nagaland Governor P.B. Acharya has appealed to all stakeholders, NGOs, religious groups, civil society etc to come together and spread greater awareness against corruption in order to make Nagaland a "corruption-free state" for development, peace, prosperity and security. Acharya in a press communiqué issued by PRO Raj Bhavan Kohima, said the occasion was observed annually to combat problems and threats posed by corruption to the stability and security of society and undermining institutions and values of democracy justice and jeopardizing sustainable

development and rule of law. He said as per UNDP the loss due to corruption in developing countries, was ten times the amount for official development assistance. Acharya said "rooting out corruption would allow social and economic development" and also cited the "bold step" against corruption and black money by prime minister Modi through demonetisation of 500 and 1000 rupee notes. He said various NGOs in Nagaland were fighting against corruption, which affected the system of education, health, justice, democracy, prosperity and sustainable development. (Agencies)

cal patients in the hospital need not have to search for medicines during emergency as they do now because they have no other option. Moreover, there was demand from several quarters to set up an ATM at Civil Hospital which would have eased the problems related to payment of bills. Sources said the Civil Hospital does not provide medicines for cancer patients though it charges Rs 500 for treatment of each patient. Now patients have to bank on private medical shops. Sources wanted to know in what manner the hos-

pital is utilising the money. Following media reports about the inspection by the Health Minister to the Civil Hospital, the Meghalaya United Women's Welfare Organisation president, Aruna Biswa, visited the hospital on Thursday and found that there were no adequate toilets for women patients in the general ward. While appreciating the move of the Health Minister to streamline the system, Biswa urged the government to address the various concerns of the cancer patients, besides setting up a 24×7 pharmacy and ATM at the hospital. (Agencies)

CM, Guv fail to greet people for Nongkrem dance Shillong, Dec 09: Chief Minister Mukul Sangma and Governor V. Shanmuganathan have failed to greet the people of the State through the media on the occasion of the annual Nongkrem dance festival held on Thursday. Curiously, the Governor, who hails from Tamil Nadu, was prompt to send an advertisement to all the newspapers on Wednesday condoling the death of writer Cho S. Ramaswamy from the same state, but there was no message of greetings from him wishing the people on the occasion of the annual festival held in Smit. Earlier, both the Chief Minister and the Governor had greeted the people on the occasion of Wangala dance festival held last month. Moreover, though the Chief Minister had condoled the death of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, there was no word of condolence from the Governor unlike in the case of Cho S. Ramaswamy who passed away a day after the demise of Jayalalithaa. (Agencies)

Gaidon, Stephen remanded till Dec 22 Imphal, Dec 09: The Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Imphal East has rejected the bail plea of United Naga Council (UNC) president Gaidon Kamei and information secretary SK Stephen and they have been remanded to judicial custody till December 22. In the meantime, Tadubi policestation has formally arrested both the UNC functionaries in connection with another case. A single bench of the High Court of Manipur passed an order regarding a transfer petition filed by the Advocate General on the ground of urgency and public importance. According to the order passed by the High Court, the AG submitted that an FIR number 12(11) 2016 registered at Mao police station was pending before the CJM Senapati

United Naga Council (UNC) president Gaidon Kamei.

Court in which UNC president Gaidon Kamei (52) and information secretary Shangkhel Stephen (36) were charged for offence under different sections of IPC. The AG further submitted that the economic blockade is imposed by the United Naga Council and backed by other Naga organisations, of which the two arrested

persons are key functionaries and it has been going since November 1, which has led to immense sufferings of the people of the State . After hearing the Attorney General , the High Court directed that Gaidon Kamei and Shangkhel Stephen be produced before the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Imphal East. (Agencies)

CIRCA reaches SH Mahila Cong members out to UNC resign from party

Imphal, Dec 09 : In a significant development, a five member team of the Coalition for Indigenes' Rights Campaign (CIRCA) met representatives of the United Naga Council (UNC) at Senapati district headquarters today and highlighted the immense suffering of the people in different parts of the State due to the economic blockade, which came into force from November 1. In a statement, the media co-ordinator of CIRCA said that during the discussion session, the UNC members said that it would be in the fitness of things for the Government to keep in mind the interest and well being of all communities while taking any decision. The UNC members also expressed their idea on how they may put across

certain points to the Government so that the blockade may be lifted, said CIRCA. Today's meeting with the UNC was line with the discussion session organised by CIRCA on December 5 on the theme, 'Ethnic Divide-A challenge to the future of the Indigenes' and the decision 'action for reconciliation and concession building' taken therein after the discussion session, added the statement. CIRCA will continue holding dialogues with different civil society organisations and the Government to settle the matter, added the statement and urged all stakeholders to extend their co-operation to the venture. (Agencies)

members of Sadar Hills Mahila District Congress Committee, Tinkholhing Vaiphei stated in the resignation letter that failure to declare Sadar Hills as a full-fledged district has compelled them to resign from the primary membership of the party. She also said that the mass resignation letter was submitted as per the resolutions of the Sadar Hills Mahila District Congress Image for Representation purpose. Committee meeting held on December 3 at Sadar Hills, Dec 09: Sadar Hills have resigned Kangpokpi. Taking strong exception to from the primary mem- Tinkholhing further said the alleged 'betrayal' over bership of the Congress that the decision to resign was unanimous in the face the Sadar Hills district is- party yesterday. sue as well as following The resignation letter was of the 'infamous betrayal' the immense pressure submitted to the president on the part of the Conmounted by the JAC for of Manipur Pradesh gress Government led by Sadar Hills, members of Mahila Congress Com- O Ibobi Singh even after installing the declaration the Mahila District mittee. C o n g r e s s C o m m i t t e e Signed on behalf of all the plaque. (Agencies)


Today's quote

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

– Maya Angelou

A reform at risk Finance Minister Arun Jaitley is keeping his fingers crossed about sticking to the April 1, 2017 target to implement the Goods and Services Tax regime. The GST Council he heads meets again on December 11-12 to try to reach a consensus on three pieces of legislation that need to be cleared by Parliament in this session for a rollout in April. In its previous three meetings, the Council failed to resolve an impasse between the States and the Centre on who would have administrative control over taxpayers in the new tax regime. The Finance Ministry has proposed a dual control model where both vertically split the taxpayer base for administrative purposes. But States including West Bengal, Kerala and Uttar Pradesh are keen to retain control over all goods and services providers with an annual turnover of less than Rs.1.5 crore. At the last meeting, the States hardened their position by flagging the loss of revenue on account of the demonetisation of high value currency notes. While the Council is yet to discuss the legislation that deals with compensation for loss of revenue, it has gone over nine chapters each of the two other proposed laws that Parliament needs to pass to ring in the GST, including the model GST law. For a rapprochement with States on these bills, the Centre may have to be more generous in responding to their demands. It could also resort to a vote for the first time in the Council instead of seeking to forge unanimous decisions. Parliament is expected to function for just three days next week. Unless its schedule is extended, with the currency crisis stalling proceedings so far, the GST's April timeline is looking increasingly tricky. It is true that the government is likely to push the three GST bills as Money bills, so they only need a Lok Sabha nod, and the GST regime can kick in as late as September 2017. But implementing such a big-ticket tax reform without bringing all States on board or getting the new regime going in the middle of a financial year would inspire less confidence than otherwise. It would also be a headache for industry as well as the taxman. Opposition-ruled States, on their part, must resist the temptation to derail the tax reform, and work to ensure that the fine print actually boosts investor sentiment. For instance, there is a proposal to set up an anti-profiteering authority that could penalise businesses if they are deemed to have not transmitted GST benefits to consumers. Just as States should compete for investment, businesses should be allowed to compete freely.

Europe walks a tightrope As 2016 draws to a close after Brexit in the U.K. and the election of Donald Trump in the U.S., it is tempting to label it the Year of Resurgent Nationalism. Yet in its dying gasp the global season of elections has produced two surprise results, in Austria and Italy, which give pause. Last weekend Austria rejected far-right candidate Norbert Hofer in its presidential election, instead placing confidence in Alexander Van der Bellen, a former leader of the Green Party who has said he would be an "open-minded, liberal-minded and above all a pro-European president." In Italy a more mixed result was delivered, with voters resoundingly defeating a referendum driven by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to change Italy's constitution by reducing the numbers and power of the Senate. While some in Italy's political right have seized upon the result as a big victory for anti-establishment forces, the vote defies the simplistic narrative of a "populist revolt against globalisation and elites" that has been applied elsewhere. It is evident that the focus of the vote was Mr. Renzi's own record in office and the relative merits of the constitutional reforms he was proposing, which also explains why he resigned. The debates leading up to the vote, similarly, hardly touched upon burning issues such as immigration writ large in Britain or America. Instead they thrashed out questions on the potential of the reforms to be anti-democratic and capable of altering in-built constitutional checks and balances. Despite the election outcomes in Europe being at odds with the broader global surge in promajoritarian national politics, there is one common thread that binds the two: a hatefully bitter polarisation of the electorate of each country. In Italy, while the opposition to Mr. Renzi's plans came from mainstream political figures, including members of his Democratic Party, former prime ministers and academics and judges, the far right Northern League and the Five Star Movement left an indelible mark on the No campaign. These groups and their anti-immigrant rhetoric have thus received a boost. In Austria the flip side of Mr. Van der Bellen's win was that Mr. Hofer's Freedom Party managed to pull in some 2.2 million votes despite standing stoutly against the Social Democrats, the Popular Party and the Green Party, besides several among the establishment media. The fact that French far-right leader Marine Le Pen assured Mr. Hofer that he would win the next legislative election is a signal of confidence in the power of the rising anti-establishment mood. As the divide between "elites" and "the forgotten man and woman" widens, the need to rethink liberal politics has become imperative.

EDITORIAL P6 Stand up for someone's rights today! the world.

Human Rights Day is Ranjan K Baruah observed by the international community every year on 10 December. It Every individual on commemorates the day earth has human rights in 1948 the United Nabut problem comes when tions General Assembly those rights are violated. adopted the Universal There are different forms Declaration of Human of human rights violation Rights. The formal incepwhich may start from tion of Human Rights home like domestic vio- Day dates from 1950, aflence. Presence of ter the Assembly passed Armed Forces (Special resolution 423 (V) invitPowers) Act is a big ing all States and interquestion when it comes to ested organizations to human rights. Every indi- adopt 10 December of vidual whether child or each year as Human adult must enjoy their hu- Rights Day. man rights but due to many reasons we could When the General Ashear news related to hu- sembly adopted the Decman rights violations. laration, with 48 states in There may be some dif- favor and eight abstenferent laws in different tions, it was proclaimed countries but universal as a "common standard declaration of human of achievement for all rights is for all. One of the peoples and all nations", important occasions re- towards which individuals lated to human rights is and societies should the human rights day "strive by progressive which is observed around measures, national and

international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance". Although the Declaration with its broad range of political, civil, social, cultural and economic rights is not a binding document, it inspired more than 60 human rights instruments which together constitute an international standard of human rights. This year's Human Rights Day campaign, "Stand up for someone's rights today!", is based on the Declaration's fundamental proposition that each one of us -- everywhere and at all times -is entitled to the full range of human rights, and that it's everyone's responsibility to uphold them. Many of us are fearful about the way the world is heading. Disrespect for basic human rights continues to be widespread in all parts of the globe. Extremist move-

ments subject people to horrific violence. Messages of intolerance and hatred prey on our fears. It's our time to take a stand. We must defend someone's rights. Ban Ki-moon , United Nations Secretary-General on his message said that " at a time of multiplying conflicts, intensifying humanitarian needs and rising hate speech, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reminds us that recognition of "the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world". Step by step, we can build a future based on our shared values of equality and human dignity." He also added that "upholding human rights is in the interest of all. Respect for human rights advances well-being for every individual, stability for every society, and

harmony for our interconnected world." UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein on his message said that "it's time for each of us to step up for human rights. There is no action that is too small: wherever you are, you can make a difference. Together, let's take a stand for more humanity" Justice Shri H.L. Dattu, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission on his message said that "The Preamble of the Constitution of India and the Articles relating to the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy make the protection of human rights a Constitutional obligation of the State as well as the duty of a citizen. " He also added that "let us join hands to create a society in which human rights of

every individual are respected and protected in our quest for the growth and development of our great nation." Let us stand up for someone's rights every day and it is possible for us .It starts with each and every one of us. Step forward and defend the rights of a refugee or migrant, a person with disabilities, an LGBT person, a woman, a child, indigenous peoples, a minority group, or anyone else at risk of discrimination or violence. Acts like AFSPA must be repealed for ensuring human rights for all individuals specially in North Eastern region. Let us all be a voice for human rights and not a victim. If we do not raise voice for others tomorrow we might be at risk. (With inputs from UN publication and feedback may be sent to

Making of a mammoth tragedy The decision to demonetise will cause grievous injury to the honest Indian who earns wages in cash. The dishonest black money hoarder will get away with a mere rap on the knuckles It is said that "money is an idea that inspires confidence". At the stroke of the midnight hour, on November 9, 2016, the confidence of more than a billion Indians was destroyed. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had declared that more than 85 per cent of the value of money held in notes of Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 was worthless overnight. In one impetuous decision, the Prime Minister has shattered the faith and confidence that hundreds of millions of Indians had reposed in the Government of India to protect them and their money. The Prime Minister in his address to the nation said, "there comes a time in the history of a country's development when a need is felt for a strong and decisive step," and propounded two primary reasons for this decision. One was to check "enemies from across the border… using fake currency notes". The other was to "break the grip of corruption and black money".

Both these intentions are honourable and deserve to be supported whole-heartedly. Counterfeit currency and black money are as grave a threat to the idea of India as terrorism and social division. They deserve to be extinguished using all the firepower at our disposal. However, the popular saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" serves as a useful reminder and warning in this context. The underlying premise behind the decision of the Prime Minister to render Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 currencies as illegal overnight seems to be this false notion that 'all cash is black money and all black money is in cash'. This is far from reality. Let us understand why. . Life thrown into disarray More than 90 per cent of India's workforce still earn their wages in cash. These consist of hundreds of millions of agriculture workers, construction workers and so on. While the number of bank branches in rural areas have nearly doubled since 2001, there are still more than 600 million Indians who live in a town or village with no bank. Cash is the bedrock of the lives of these people. Their daily subsistence depends on their cash

being accepted as a me- pected to be holders of unaccounted dium of valid currency. such They save their money in wealth, not on all citizens. cash which, as it grows, Evidence from these past is stored in denominations attempts has shown that of Rs.500 and Rs.1,000 a large majority of this notes. To tarnish these as unaccounted wealth is not 'black money' and throw stored in the form of cash. the lives of these hun- All black money is not in cash, dreds Dr. Manmohan Singh only a of miltiny lions of poor people in disarray is fraction is. Against this a mammoth tragedy. The backdrop, the decision by vast majority of Indians the Prime Minister is earn in cash, transact in bound to have obverse cash and save in cash, all implications by causing legitimately. It is the fun- grievous injury to the hondamental duty of a demo- est Indian who earns his/ cratically elected govern- her wages in cash and a ment in any sovereign mere rap on the knucknation to protect the les to the dishonest black rights and livelihood of its money hoarder. To make citizens. The recent de- it worse, the government cision by the Prime Min- has actually made it ister is a travesty of this easier to generate such unaccounted wealth in fundamental duty. Black money in India is the future by the introduca genuine concern. This tion of a Rs.2,000 note. is wealth that has been This brazen policy meaaccumulated over years sure has neither tackled by those with unac- the stock of black money counted sources of in- holistically nor has it come. Unlike the poor, stemmed the flow of it. holders of black money It is no surprise that the have access to various forms of wealth such as logistical challenge of reland, gold, foreign ex- placing billions of old curchange, etc. There have rency notes with new been various attempts by ones is a monumental many governments in the one. It is a huge chalpast decades to recover lenge in most nations, and this illicit wealth through in a country as vast and actions by the Income diverse as India it was Tax department, the En- bound to be doubly so. forcement Directorate This is also one reason and schemes such as Vol- why most nations that untary Disclosure. These have undertaken such measures were targeted currency swap operations strikes at only those sus- have done so over a cer-

The hedgehogs It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The hedgehogs, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. After awhile, they decided to distance themselves one from the

other and they began to gether. die, alone and frozen. They learned to live So they had to make a with the little wounds choice: either accept caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.

the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being to-

The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities.

tain time period and not as a sudden overnight operation. It is heartbreaking to see and hear of millions of poor Indians standing in long lines to withdraw some money for basic sustenance. As someone who has experienced long lines for rationed food during war time, I never imagined that one day I would find my own countrymen and women waiting endlessly for rationed money. That all of this suffering is due to one hasty decision makes it even more disconcerting. The macroeconomic impact of this decision of the government is likely to be hazardous. At a time when India's trade numbers are at multiyear lows, industrial production is shrinking and job creation is anaemic, this policy can act as a negative shock to the economy. It is indeed true that India's cash to GDP ratio is very high vis-à-vis other nations. But this is also an indicator of the Indian economy's dependence on cash. Consumer confidence is an important economic variable in a nation's growth prospects. It is now evident that this sudden overnight ban on currency has dented the confidence of hundreds of millions of Indian consumers, which can have severe economic ramifications. The scars of an overnight

depletion of the honest wealth of a vast majority of Indians combined with their ordeal of rationed access to new currency will be too deep to heal quickly. This can have ripple effects on GDP growth and job creation. It is my humble opinion that we as a nation should brace ourselves for a tough period over the coming months, needlessly so. Unintended consequences Black money is a menace to our society that we need to eliminate. In doing so, we have to be mindful of the potential impact on hundreds of millions of other honest citizens. It may be tempting and self-fulfilling to believe that one has all the solutions and previous governments were merely lackadaisical in their attempts to curb black money. It is not so. Leaders and governments have to care for their weak and at no point can they abdicate this responsibility. Most policy decisions carry risks of unintended consequences. It is important to deftly balance these risks with the potential benefits of such decisions. Waging a war on black money may sound enticing. But it cannot entail even a single loss of life of an honest Indian.

Multifaceted Cho In the death of Cho S. Ramaswamy, the nation has lost a stalwart journalist, a fearless political commentator, and an astute political analyst. None in the country have made such a strong imprint as he did in such varied fields. When the government issued a postage stamp on Sanjay Gandhi posthumously, Cho issued his own stamp honouring Capt. Saxena, the pilot who died with Sanjay. Khirod Chand Yadav Teok, Jorhat



10 Futuristic Technology That May Come True Very Soon Technology never stands still: it's always changing, adapting and progressing, and oftentimes things that seemed improbable (or even impossible) one year can quickly start becoming possible only a few short years afterwards. Wearable computers seemed like a fanciful idea only recently, but now they're pretty much the next big thing to go mainstream. The emergence of the Oculus Rift could probaby catapult virtual and augmented reality into literal reality. With this in mind, here's a list of 10 interesting futuristic technologies that we'll most probably be seeing in the near future. Although these are mostly still in the very early stages, they're at something of a middle ground. While you won't see these readily available everywhere yet, but at least we now know that in due time, they will become actual products we can see, touch and utilize. Without further ado, here's the list.

Aerofex Aero-X If you're a Star Wars fan, the Aerofex AeroX, a real-life equivalent of the Star Wars speeder bike, is definitely something you'll want to keep your eyes on. The Aero-X is the result of more than 15 years of research and development. Powered by a water-cooled 240 horsepower engine and two large rotors, the Aero-Xcan hover at an altitude of 12 feet and at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour power. It can also

carry up to 310 pounds. Think of the potential. Also, as a result of this extended research and development period, Aerofex claims to have overcome the dangerous coupling effect that can arise due to using two rotors, ensuring that the Aero-X will be safe and easy to control. The Aero-X is currently available for preorder for a refundable $5000 deposit. The final unit is scheduled to be available in 2017 at the price of $85,000.

Prosthetics With A Sense Of Touch Jet Pack International H202 Jet Pack International are making great strides in jetpack technology H202 and H202-Z jetpacks. As the name suggests, both the H202 and H202-Z are hydrogen peroxide-fueled jetpacks that will allow uers to fly at up to 77 miles per hour at a maximum height of 250 feet. So far thought, the higher-capacity H202-Z is only capable of a maximum flight length

In March 2013, Denis Aabo Sorensen had the privilege of testing a new type of prosthetic hand, created by a group of European engineers and scientists. Unlike conventional prosthetics, the new prosthetic hand connects directly to the remaining nerves in Denis' upper arm. This means that the "hand" has a sense of touch and is actually controllable.

of 33 seconds and a maximum travel distance of 3,300 feet. But you have to admit, it's a start. The Jet Pack International units have great potential, and the lacking travel time and distance is outweighed by how mobile and controllable the flight is, not to mention how compact the units actually are. The Jet Pack International H202 and H202Z are actually currently available, albeit not commercially: you can assemble the jetpack yourself, if you have $100,000 lying around.

Titan Arm

fire protection for Special Operations soldiers. The aim is to provide these soldiers with better, more mobile and more versatile protection than what currently exists. The development of the TALOS suit will be a collaborative effort between universities, government agencies and corporations.

The Titan Arm is the work of a team from the University of Pennsylvania, and is a strength-enhancing upper-body exoskeleton that will help you lift an extra 40 pounds. Granted, it's a far cry from the Powerloader we see - and love - in the Alien films but the Titan Arm was designed with a more humble goal in mind.

TALOS "Iron Man suit" TALOS stands for Tactical Assault

Light Operator Suit, a combat suit that the US Army hopes will become a reality within the next four years. The TALOS provides ballistic, shock and

Don't expect to be able to buy this, of course, although there's every chance that some of the tech here could eventually trickle down to civilian uses.

3D Printed Food

Super Maglev Train Chinese researchers have recently been looking into the n ext phase of train transportation, beyond even Maglev technology. China and Japan already have very fast Maglev trains that are capable of reaching over 260 miles per hour, but the new next-generation Maglev technology, dubbed super Maglev, will apparently be even faster.

tube, further reducing air resistance, allowing for higher, mind-boggling speeds. Researchers claim that such enclosedtube Maglev systems could see trains reaching speeds of up to 1800 miles per hour.

Of course, there are doubts about the feasability of constructing long vacuum tubes and keeping them pressurised, but if scientists and engineers can figure that out, we may one day be able to cross Super Maglev is built on large distances quicker the same Maglev technol- and more safer than ogy, but it encapsulates we've ever imagined posthe train in a vacuum sible.

In addition, the hand required a lot of processing power, and was hooked up to a laptop; researchers are working on making the processing computer small enough to be integrated within the implant itself.

While there is yet to be a working prototype, development is proceeding at a rapid pace. The head of the US Special Operations Command, Admiral William McRaven is confident that unpowered prototypes will be ready in June. There is also the goal of testing a complete working prototype in August 2018.

The Titan Arm is built to help rehabilitate a person who've suffered serious arm injuries or strokes as well as provide some extra strength and protection for anyone who lifts heavy objects for a living. To keep costs low, the Titan Arm uses 3D printing techniques allowing the prototype development costing to be reduced to ÂŁ1200. This, and the fact that the developers gained extra funding by winning the 2013 James Dyson Award, means that the Titan Arm may just become a commonplace sight in the near future.

Blindfolded tests showed that Denis was indeed able to differentiate between different items such as a bottle, a baseball and a mandarin

orange. It also could exert different levels of pressure, allowing Denis to touch, hold or grab something. While this prosthetic hand is indeed a great leap forward, it's still far from ready for widespread use: the arm required electrodes to be implanted directly into Sorensen, and tests still need to be carried out to determine the durability of these electrodes.

3D printing has taken the world by storm, and slowly but surely people are being won over by the idea that it's for more than just gadgets. Food is also something that can be feasily 3D printed. German company, Biozoon, is harnessing the power of 3D printing to create seneoPro, a range of 3Dprintable powder mixtures that solidifies when printed but also very quickly melts when eaten. The main target for this new 3D-printable food is elderly patients who suffer from dysphagia, or the inability to swallow. for this new 3D-printable food are elderly patients who suffer from dysphagia, or the inability to swallow. Such a technology would definitely reduce the risk of choking, and the 3D-printed

Cave2 Cave2 is a hybrid reality environment that lets artists, scientists and engineers become fully immersed in their research. The Cave2 is a 360° wraparound structure consisting of 72 LCD panels, a 20speaker surround sound system and a 10-camera optical motion tracking system. With 3D glasses, scientists and engineers will actually be able to virtually experi-

nature of seneoPro means that caregivers and family members can very easily

mix and match the powders to create all types of dishes. And you can also add col-

ence and move through anything of their choosing, whether it's the human body or planets in the solar system. The Cave2 holds an immense amount of potential, especially for situations involving large amounts of data requiring visualization. In fact, a recent project fed crime data from the city of Chicago into Cave2, allowing policymakers and investigators to virtually fly through Chicago, accompanied by real-time crime data and information.

oring agents and texturizers to make the food even more appealing.

Store Dot Fast Charging Battery StoreDot, a ground-breaking nanotechnology company, recently unveiled a prototype for a next-generation battery that harnesses all their knowledge of nanotechnology and energy storage technologies. StoreDot uses bio-organic "nanodots" that have increased electrode capacitance and electrolyte performance. The science is a bit complex, but the outcome is simple: as a result of these nanodots, the battery can be fully charged in only 30 seconds.

High Power Wireless Charging

wireless charging can also be done a distance away.

Wireless charging, up until now, usually means charging via a pad, rather than via wires and cables. But if you ask the team from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

The team recently demonstrated a prototype of a new Dipole Coil Resonant System (DCRS) that can wirelessly power devices up to 15 feet away. The DCRS system achieves this using a magnetic field, and is apparently pow-

erful enough to charge up to 40 mobile phones, and can even power larger devices, like a TV. There's no word yet on how soon we'll be seeing this technology in the real world, but in the mean time you can check out Cota, a somewhat similar wireless charging technology that's coming soon.

The best thing is that, since StoreDot's nanodots are bio-organic, they're a lot more environmentally friendly, not to mention power-efficient, than a lot of other competing nanodot technologies which often use dangerous metals and chemicals. They're also apparently cheap to manufacture, so who knows, we may be seeing super-fast batteries in our smartphones before too long.




Sushil Modi questions Nitish's Akbar takes dig at Sino-Pak friendship silence on triple talaq Patna, Dec 9 : Senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi today questioned the silence of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and RJD chief Lalu Prasad on the Allahabad High Court's observation that "triple talaq is cruelty against Muslim women". He also said that his party is on board with the court's observations. "It is baffling that Nitish Kumar and Lalu Prasad have chosen to maintain stoic silence on the raging issue of triple talaq for the sake of vote bank politics," Modi alleged. Asking Kumar if he had taken consent of the male population before granting 50 percent reservation to women in the state's panchayats, he said if not, why wasn't he supporting Muslim women in their crusade against the men-

Senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi. ace which was opposed by 90 percent of them. Claiming inconsistency in the chief minister's stand on empowerment of women, the BJP leader accused him of not backing Muslim women in their fight against triple

talaq and polygamy for the sake of vote bank politics. He claimed this amounted to leaving the fate of women in the hands of hardliners of the minority community. Modi also reminded

JDS calls demonetisation "absurd" ? Bengaluru, Dec 9 : JDS National Executive today attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi's demonetisation move, terming it "absurd" and asked "like minded" parties to join hands in countering the "anti-democratic" ruling BJP-led NDA on all fronts. The two-day meet, which concluded here today, also elected former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda and his son former Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy as the party's National and Karnataka State Unit Presidents respectively. The unanimous election of the father-son duo has reestablished the firm grip of the family over the party, which has considerable presence in Karnataka with the backing from the influential Vokkaliga community. In its political resolution, JDS said "unprecedented financially absurd moves" claiming to be great economic reforms initiated by Modi starting with the demonetisation of highvalue currency notes has

paralysed the lives of crores of people belonging to the lowest and middle class layers of the society for more than a month. "...more dangerous political emergency through back door by defeating the constitutional provisions is being cunningly introduced by the BJP dispensation for the convenience of the corporate," the resolution alleged. The five-page resolution, released to the media, was proposed by Kerala Irrigation Minister Mathue Thomas and seconded by Kumaraswamy. Charging that India was facing an "alarming" situation, the resolution said ever since the Modi government came to power, "the country has been at the cross roads of history." It said the erstwhile Janata Party Government of 1977 had ensured that citizen rights will never again be curtailed, adding that, "Now, to resist and defeat this fascist takeover and the anti-democratic corporate rule of the country, unity of all democratic,

secular and socialist forces is required." Referring to the sufferings faced by people belonging to different sections following demonetisation and reported deaths because of it, the resolution said multimillionaires, richest and those in the "good books" of the ruling party have never had any problem in the crisis. Alleging that the role of the Parliament itself was totally ignored in shaping the destiny of the country with the Prime Minister not 'properly' attending its sessions and answering the issues raised by the Opposition, it said "days to come will definitely bring out further casualties in the society." For the first time, in the history of India, communalism 'sponsored' by the government itself has started to dominate the social fabric, it charged, adding minorities were not only attacked and humiliated but a conspiracy was designed to pressurise them to heed to the will and wish of the communal forces. (PTI)

Kumar that he had imposed prohibition in the state on the demand of women at a function last year. "If you can impose prohibition in Bihar on the call of a few women, why don't you muster courage to oppose triple talaq?" he said. Reformist measures were not implemented after taking consent of those opposing it and if it was so, the practise of 'Sati' would not have been done away with, he added. Stating that the Allahabad High Court has observed that Muslim Personal Law was not above right to equality and fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, Modi asked the ruling grand alliance leaders to clarify their stand on triple talaq. (PTI)

New Delhi, Dec 9 : In a veiled dig at Sino-Pakistan friendship, Minister of State for External Affairs M J Akbar today said a "mature" friend is far more valuable than a "hysterical" partner. Addressing the first India-China think-tank forum here, Akbar also said the time has come for India and China to regain the reputation of being a global manufacturing hub. He referred to the past when India accounted for 24 per cent of the global manufacturing output and China 30 per cent. "There cannot be any situation in which two nations do not have some differences. Of course, there will be some but mature nations can take their problems to a decent space of a dialogue table. "A mature friend is far, far more valuable than a

Bhagwant Mann suspended from Lok Sabha for videography of Parliament New Delhi, Dec 09: AAP member Bhagwant Mann, who was held guilty by a parliamentary panel of putting the security of Parliament House at risk, was on Friday suspended from the Lok Sabha for the remainder of the Winter Session. The House approved a motion put by Kirit Somaiya, who headed the 9-member committee probing the videography issue, after it tabled the report on Thursday. "That the House having taken note of the report of the committee to inquire into the improper conduct of a member of the Lok Sabha accepts the findings and recommendations of the committee that Bhagwant Mann has committed a highly objectionable act which is unbecoming of a member of the House and that he may be suspended from the membership of the House for the remaining period of the current session...," the motion read. The committee in its report had held that the conduct

HIGHLIGHTS Bhagwant Mann suspended from the Lok Sabha for the remainder of the Winter Session He was held guilty by a parliamentary panel for videography of Parliament The Session concludes on December 16 of 43-year-old Mann, who had landed in a controversy in July after live-streaming from Parliament House on social media, was "highly objectionable" which showed him "bereft of basic knowledge, etiquettes and responsibilities of the office he holds". Asking Mann to refrain from such misdemeanour, the committee in its recommendations impressed upon him the "utmost need for strict adherence to norms and standards of etiquette, due compliance of the rules of procedure and well settled rich traditions of Parliament." (Agencies)

Education is precondition of economic growth: Manmohan New Delhi, Dec 09: Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said that a well educated population, adequately equipped with knowledge and skills, is a precondition of sustained economic growth. The expansion of educational opportunities at all levels (from elementary to higher education) has contributed to accelerate economic growth by creating a more productive labour force endowed with enhanced knowledge and skills and promoting and encouraging modern attitudes among all the diverse segments of population, he said. In his inaugural address on the occasion of 17th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Social Sciences Institutions (IASSI), he said education is well recognised as an instrument of fast economic development and is key to the achievement of social and economic transformation. IASSI is a federal body of Universities and research Institutions in India founded by Tarlok Singh, who through his work and writings left a lasting imprint on all areas of governance in this country. Education, and particularly higher education has drawn attention in recent times as never before, to the advent of a knowledge society in which knowledge is not just a means of cultural advancement or skill improvement, but

knowledge as mover of technology and innovation, itself has become an industry providing lead to economic growth, he said. There is a close relationship between the generation of knowledge and innovations leading to higher productivity, he said. "The adoption of innovations and absorptions of new technologies depends on spread of education in general and science education in particular. The fast growing economies in the 21st century are going to be knowledge dominated and largely service economies," he said. The expansion of education and its equitable access will determine largely the future of economic and social progress of India, he said. The expansion of education determines not only the rate of economic progress but also the rate of social and economic transformation, he said. "Whether the nature of this transformation and economic progress will be inclusive or exclusive depends on the equitable access and quality of education for all below the age of 25 years," he said. India has experienced an absolute decline in workforce engaged in agriculture as cultivators and agricultural labourers, he said. As per NSS surveys, the percentage of workforce engaged in agriculture in 1999-2000 was 56.64 per

cent which declined to 48.9 per cent in 2011-12, he said. The workforce being released from agriculture is shifting to urban areas in search of work, he said. It is through the education and employment that the common people can be empowered and made partners in economic and social transformation of the country, he said. "By imparting universally accepted secular education the individuals can be empowered with human values which enable them to contribute in building a socially and culturally harmonious society," he said. The religious, caste and class divisions can be overcome by an educated society endowed with values based on equality, liberty and fraternity, he said. Educated individuals can be transformed into culturally advanced citizens who have the capacity to enjoy their own liberty and respect liberty of others in a multi-cultural and multireligious society of India which is correctly described as 'unity in diversity', he said. "The educated citizens also become participants in deepening and widening of democracy, observing rule of law and saving the polity from deviations from democratic principles," he said. While noting the great economic progress India has made since the liberalisation of economy in 1991, he lamented that

the benefits of this progress are not equitably distributed. Apart from inequality in distribution of wealth/productive resources, the differentials in educational attainments and skills explain the growing inequality in the income, he said. In the situation of growing inequality, the quality of education has also become highly differentiated, he said. "There are schools for haves and schools for have nots leading to social segregation of children from different classes of population," he said. Although 67 per cent of India's population live in the rural India but the percentage of rural students in the higher education is very low, he said, adding that there is dire need to improve infrastructure in rural schools. There is also a need to bring changes in the attitude of educational administration and motivational level of teachers in the government and aided schools, he said. The work in educational institutions need to be regularly monitored without compromising their autonomy, he said. Underlining the importance of higher education, the former prime minister said: "For a knowledge based society, the base of higher education has to be wide - wider the base, higher the peak." He also exhorted the government to achieve the

long cherished target (since 1968) of spending 6 per cent of GDP on education through public funding. While recognising the role played by 'for profit' private educational institutions, he cautioned against too much dependence on private providers which could lead to non- inclusive educational system. Access to Information and Knowledge is the most important ingredient for quality of education and barring a few exceptions, quality of higher education in India leaves much to be desired, he said. "Text books are basic to teaching and learning. Most of the available textbooks are not even well written. Somehow, in India, the best known scholars and scientists do not write text books, while in the West, even noble laureates have written text books," he said, underlining the need for translations into regional Indian languages of foreign Journals and magazines. "Special attention has to be paid to the education of women if their participation in labour force is to go up," he said. If the country has to realize the full potentials of demographic dividend of our young population and to qualify for being a global power, it has no other option but to achieve high levels both in quality and quantity of education, he added. (PTI)

Minister of State for External Affairs M J Akbar hysterical partner," Akbar said at the inauguration of the two-day forum. His remarks appeared an indirect message to China which describes Pakistan as a "all weather ally" and has strong defence and trade

ties with it. In the backdrop of the several terror strikes carried out in India by Pakistan-based groups, Akbar said dangers from terrorism are not limited to the fact that it kills people but also in its use

of fear to divide people, especially in societies and nations which are built on pluralism. He warned that complacence was absolutely the "biggest danger" while dealing with new realities posed by terrorism. Commenting on the current situation in the region, the minister said, "Peace is sometimes more difficult to find than war." He also said in the post British empire era, both India and China agreed that religion cannot be the basis of nationalism. "In the (Indian) sub-continent this idea was challenged by votaries of the Muslim League, who argued that religion could be basis of nation state. Parallel story that religion on which they wanted nation state, Islam, there is no history of Islam being basis of political unity," he said. (PTI)

Amarinder Singh is epicurean monarch: Badal Ludhiana, Dec 9 : Describing state Congress Chief Amarinder Singh as a "epicurean monarch", Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal today asked him to list "any single sacrifice" made for the state and its people. Addressing the gathering during Sangat Darshan programme in Raikot assembly segment here, the Chief Minister said Amarinder was a "typical king" who was a firm believer in absolute powers for rulers without bothering for the subjects. He said Amarinder was trying to mislead people by "promising moon" to them whereas in reality he just wanted to form government. "Nothing good for the state could be expected from a Maharaja like Captain," he said. The Chief Minister cautioned the people that if voted to power both the Congress and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) would "discontinue" several propeople schemes and subsidies being currently given He said both Congress and AAP have a "proven track record of being antipoor and anti-Punjabis". He said during his stint as chief minister Amarinder

Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal. had "discontinued" free power to people and welfare schemes were a "distant dream" during his regime. Badal said that AAP government in Delhi has "done nothing" tangible on the welfare front adding that even its leaders in Punjab were insulting beneficiaries of pro-poor schemes by terming them as beggars. He said that if voted again to power the SAD-BJP alliance would dedicate the next term for economic prosperity of every section of society and enhance their income manifold. Badal said there was complete synergy between

NDA government at Centre and SAD-BJP government in the state. He also said there was no revolt in party over ticket distribution adding that only those people were leaving Akali Dal, who have been denied tickets by the party. He said demonetisation would prove very beneficial for the countrymen as this step has been taken in larger interest of the country. He said that after initial hiccups this scheme would act as a catalyst to wipe out the parallel economy propelled by Black money and corruption. (PTI)

Deeply pained by allegations against army: Parrikar writes to Mamata

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar New Delhi, Dec 09: Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has written to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjeeexpressing "deep pain" over her allegations against the army for its recent exercise at toll gates in the state and said they can "adversely" impact the morale of the armed forces. In a strongly worded letter, Parrikar said that while political parties and politicians may have the luxury of making "wild and unsubstantiated allegations against each other", one needs to be extremely careful while referring to the armed forces. "Your allegations in this regard run the risk of adversely impacting the morale of the country's armed forces and the same were not expected from a person

of your standing and experience in public life," the Minister said. Banerjee, who has been opposing the Centre's demonetization move, had accused it of deploying the army at toll plazas in West Bengal without informing the state government and described it as "unprecedented" and "a very serious situation worse than Emergency". The Trinamool Congress had refused to leave her office in Kolkata till the Army men were withdrawn from toll plazas, and had asked whether it was an "army coup", drawing sharp reaction from the Centre. Terming it as "avoidable controversy" over the exercise carried out by the Eastern Command in West Bengal and other states under

the jurisdiction to collect information about the movement of heavy vehicles at toll gates, Parrikar, in his letter to Banerjee dated 8 December, said it is carried out by all formations of the army all across the country for many years. He said the exercises are held as per the dates convenient to the army in consultation with agencies of the state government. "I have been deeply pained by your allegations as reported in the media. If only you had enquired with the agencies concerned of the state government, you would have come to know of the extensive correspondence between the Army and the state agencies including the joint inspection of sites carried out by them," Parrikar said in his letter to Banerjee. Describing Indian army as the "most disciplined institution of the country", he said the nation is proud of their "professionalism and apolitical conduct". He added that the army authorities were forced to put the record straight in the matter by presenting evidence of their communication with the state agencies concerned including rescheduling of the data collection operations on their response. (PTI)

EDUCATION How to Crack Entrance Exams in 2017


drinks as much as you can.

Cracking any entrance exam is not an easy task. Nobody is born intelligent but exceptions apply everywhere. Have you ever wondered why only few students are able to make it and others cry because it was not in their luck? Are you one of them? We hope you aren’t.

20. Never lose your heart: If you find the question paper is not up to your expectations, do not just give away. Put all your acumen and energy to get the best out of it. Some other important tips on how to crack entrance exams

Here are the best 20 tips and trick plus 5 muntras on how to crack entrance exams in 2017. 1. Think Big: To get the goal you want in life, you need motivation. The bigger your dream, the bigger is your success. Motivation creates commitment, which in turn creates zeal to just make it happen. 2. Every battle is first won in the mind. Some people are in the habit of leaving jobs half finished. Quitting is a negative habit and won’t take you far in life. 3. Take Your First Step: Know exactly where you stand and what do you need to get through this exam. Ask yourself “Am I ready?” Once you are mentally and physically prepared, you need to know about the examination like eligibility criteria, exam pattern, reservation policy (if you are in India), how many students are competing and important dates of examination. 4. Right Approach: Now it’s time to collect study material. Ask your teacher which writer’s book is best for this particular topic? Along with it purchase sample papers of the exam from local market shop. We suggest not to download sample papers and previous years question papers from internet, instead have a book. The reason behind this suggestion is while we were having discussion with some students earlier, many of them avoided downloaded material reasoning that it affects their concentration and causes eye strain. While we also feel they are right, but it depends on individual’s choice. 5. Plan your Strategy Pro-

a time table. Since we were kids once in a while every one of us had been as asked to prepare a time table by our dear teachers. We hardly followed those. But now that we are grown up, it’s time to take that seriously and utilize productively. Your performance has to be increasing constantly and that leaves you no other choice than to follow the time table. And this directs us to our next milestone how should you manage your time? 7. How to study: During my days in school some idiots used to laugh at me because I ask too many questions. Please don’t over judge me, I was not a nerd. But what I wanted to make sure is I am getting best of every topic. One of the most common technique is called “Reverse engineering” in which a learner starts thinking opposite of told method used. You have to think out of box. Try to solve one numerical in different ways. If you can’t, why are teachers for? Get their help. 8. Raise hand: Got a doubt, then raise your hand. Remember what your teacher advised during your first public speed. Same rule apply in classroom. You have to ask your doubts. Oh you are worried what will your friends say because you are going to ask such a stupid question? Is it going to ruin my impression on girls? So let it be. You are paying for knowledge, not for some fake and filthy impression. So the next time you are in class and you got a question,

topic most of the students we met felt at one point that they are not going to make it because of huge syllabus of entrance examination and competition. But it was the will power which made it happen. We suggest you to keep your head cool. Negative thoughts really affect the whole study plan. Don’t let it ruin your confidence. Believe in yourself and say it loudly “I will make it”. Other important thing is to visualize that you have cracked the examination. How happy you are and how much proud your parents and your relatives are. This will surely boost your confidence and you will feel better.

exhausted your limits. See what you had missed earlier. Practice similar problems. Doing 100 quality and concepts-based questions is more important than doing 1000 questions, which have not been selected carefully. Devise your own shortcuts and ways to tackle particular kind of problems. Don’t Just Shoot: Well begun is half done, so start professionally, with a cool head. Read the question properly and try to understand it. If you have understood the intricacy of the questions, then half of

6. Proper Study Plan: It is justifiably same, “He WHO fails to set up, plans to fail”. No one will undermine the importance of coming up with once doing any necessary task, and if it means that making ready for any entrance test, you must be even additional careful. Prepare

raise your hand and ask. Let the back benchers have some hearty laugh because this is best what they can do. 9. Time Management: The students should properly plan their time. Time management is a critical factor in preparation of any exam so that one can get through it. Student should develop habit of writing as many as possible tests. 10. Dedication: Dedication and spirit both are two sides of same coin. Both work extremely well if they are in coordination. During our study on this

crease your test-taking speed. It will help you overcome panic. It will give you a clear picture about the topics you’re weak in. Have a wrist watch at the day of examination.

ØIf you have enough time for the exam, pick a chapter you are weak in and one that is important from the exam standpoint. ØOr if you do not have enough time, pick a chapter that you are comfortable, have not practiced enough and that is an important chapter.

17. Group study: I was in Patna recently and I was amazed to see how students were studying there. Vibhay Rao, the man who gave his land to students says “This is not Dilli (Delhi) Sir, these students don’t have money to join coaching institutes. So what they do is study themselves whole day and

ØAny day give priority to important chapters if you have not revised them or not practiced enough questions on them.

they come here in the evening to discuss their doubts. Previous year (2013), two students cracked IIT.” Really the whole scenario was amazing.What I want to suggest you that join group study only if it is turning out to be really productive.


18. Control your Excitement and Anxiety: Resist yourself in displaying over excitement and anxiety. Your temperament is vital in handling the situation. Always act, never react.

ØIt’s better to make your own notes than your friends’ or teachers’.

Ø If exams are just approaching, leave out any new chapters because it will create a lot of stress and anyway you cannot master it enough for the

11. Syllabus Check: A lot of students study everything even it is not in entrance examinations’ syllabus. Keep the syllabus of examination on study table. Check it before you begin and after you end your studies to know how much you need to cover this day. 12. Test and motivate yourself: It’s important to test your understandings and skills time to time. This makes sure that you are at right path and figures out your weak points. You can take previous year’s entrance question papers and try to solve those questions what you have studied so far. Don’t try to solve those questions which you haven’t study yet. Once you get good score in these tests, award yourself. This may be anything as per your wish like going to a movie, playing half an hour video game or reading your favorite

the job is done. Paper which starts well, ends well too. Never try such questions in which you are not sure of the right choice because there is negative marking in the examination. 15. Increase speed and accuracy: Practice, practice and practice is what you need. There are no shortcuts to success. All you have to do is practice. Study but objective approach to the subject is mandatory nowadays. Have a clock on your table and try to solve the sample paper in in given time. Learn to coordinate with clock. If you are serious about entrance examination act like you are.Benefits of having a clock are: 16. Study room: Find a place which suits you best, which has least distracting elements (music, family conversation etc.).Once you got your dream room, here is the next advice. Don’t use the bed for study every time. Drag yourself to your table, if not you are going to regret later. It will in-

fessionally and Meticulously: Analyze your shortcomings and strengths to plan your strategy. Accumulate your resources and utilize for best results. It requires strategic planning, positive attitude, hard work, careful guidance and loads of practice.


comics. This not only recharges your mind but also motivates you to do better next time. 13. How to approach a question: Try conventional methods first, say experts. If they don’t work out, try to understand the problem again and find clues that can lead you to the solution. “Go through the concepts related to the problem once again and see how they can be applied to the problem at hand. Try to relate the problem to real-life situations. It will help you to analyze it better. Refer to the solution, only when you have

19. Fill the empty spaces: Try to fill the empty spaces means read, recite, and memorize the concepts/formulas while eating, waiting and travelling etc. Breathing exercises should be included in this regime in order to relieve the stress and be ready for intellectual challenges. Food is also a very important aspect that needs to be taken care of when preparing for entrance examinations. Stay away from fried, fatty and high sugar foods and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water or energy

ØBasics should be cleared through standard books of class. Ø Once the basics are clear, students can move up the ladder by opting to read various other books in the market.

ØHave 15 minutes break between two subjects. ØAlways remember how much days you have in your hand. Ø Always keep water bottle on your study table. ØTurn off your gadgets during study (recommended). ØA proper time table does not include whole day study. Ø Go to a park or have some fresh air somehow. Ø Always be focused while studying.

How to Become a Fashion Designer Fashion designers are the people who create the clothing and accessories purchased by the billions every year by consumers. In doing this, designers regularly study fashion trends, sketch designs, select colors and fabrics, and oversee the process by which their original designs come to fruition in the form of new clothes and accessories. m The design process, which typically takes between 18 and 24 months, involves the following steps: m Researching future fashion trends. Some designers use trend reports that project the particular styles, colors, and fabrics which are expected to be popular for a certain season in the future. m Sketching preliminary designs. Although most designers initially sketch designs by hand, a growing number now make use of computer-aided design (CAD) software to translate these hand sketches to the computer. m Visiting manufacturers or trade shows. Fabric samples help designers decide which fabrics to use with which designs. m Creating a prototype of the article using cheaper materials. The prototype is tried on a model for design adjustments. m Making samples using the actual material, marketing them to clothing retailers, and displaying them at fashion and trade shows. When retailers at the shows place orders, these items can then be manufactured and distributed. Depending on their experience level and also on the size of the design firm they work for, fashion designers may have varying levels of involvement in some or all of these process steps. Some fashion designers are self-employed. They generally work for individual clients on a contract or on a jobby-job basis. These types of designers tend to have sporadic working hours, often needing to make adjustments to their workday (or work nights) to meet deadlines. Other designers are employed by manufacturing establishments, wholesalers, or design firms, creating designs for the mass market. These types of designers generally tend to have a more normal work schedule, although even they will occasionally need to work long hours to meet production deadlines or prepare for fashion shows. Steps to Become a Fashion Designer To be a fashion designer, you should 1. Become familiar with the tools of the trade. Fashion designers can't do their job if they aren't able to put their ideas on paper and then make prototypes. In addition, programs such as Adobe Illustrator and the Optitex Pattern Making Suite may also be used by designers to easily modify their ideas and experiment with new looks. At the very least, you should have basic knowledge of sewing and drawing prior to applying to a degree program. Some fashion designers teach themselves these skills, but you could take sewing classes at a local fabric shop or learn drawing techniques through programs offered

at art museums, art councils and community colleges. Although it may be difficult to gain hands-on experience with specialized pattern-making software outside of design school, classes for Illustrator may be found at community college. 2. Apply to design school. At this point, you should have the basic skills necessary to begin designing. Now it's time to apply to a design school where you can be professionally trained. Art and design schools may offer both associate degrees and bachelor's degrees. Associate degrees may be completed in 1-2 years and offer a basic overview of the profession. However, a Bachelor of Fine Arts may be preferred by some employers and offer greater opportunity to specialize studies in an area such as children's wear, special occasion or intimate apparel. Some schools may combine design degrees with business or marketing coursework to round out your skills. Request information from several schools to determine which offers the program that best matches your career goals. Ask for information on the school's retention and graduation rates as well for details on where recent graduates are working. 3. Create a professional portfolio. Selecting the right school is important because it will likely be the place where you develop your professional portfolio. "Attend a good school with a high reputation for turning out good designers," advises Nicola Schulten-Gaywood, an independent footwear designer in Rockford, Michigan. "You will need to show a superb portfolio." A portfolio can vary depending on your specialty and, at the start, may include a mix of personal projects and class assignments. Your design school may also have career counselors available to help you craft a resume to accompany your portfolio. 4. Complete an internship. Some fashion design schools may have an established internship program while other schools may leave students to independently pursue these opportunities. Either way, an internship is an important step, one that not only allows you make networking connections but also helps you learn how to work in the collaborative environment that marks most designer jobs. "You may be creative but if you interrupt other people's ideas, are inflexible and want to "own" every idea yourself, you probably won't make it," Schulten-Gaywood says. "If you want to start you own line, I would still advise a solid stint in the industry so you understand all aspects." 5. Get ready to work hard. The final step in how to become a fashion designer involves working hard to prove your worth. New designers need to be willing to step up as a part of a team rather than insisting on their particular vision. "Show that you are willing to work day and night, re-do [a design] over and over until it is perfect," says SchultenGaywood. "These characteristics are just as important as attending the right school programs."




With Senate passing bill, India to UN calls on Suu Kyi to become key defence partner of U.S. visit crisis-hit Rakhine The 2017 National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA), passed earlier by the U.S. House of Representatives, now goes to Obama for signature Washington, Dec 09: The United States Congress has cleared the decks for India to become a "major defence partner," with the Senate overwhelmingly passing the $618-billion American defence budget for 2017 on Thursday by 92 to 7 votes. The 2017 National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) was passed earlier by the U.S. House of Representatives by 375-34 votes and now heads to the White House for President Barack Obama to sign it into law. "I applaud the inclusion of forward-leaning provisions designed to strengthen bilateral defence cooperation with India, including expanded military-to-military engagement, increased defence trade, and greater cooperation on technological development," Senator Mark Warner, Co-Chair of the Senate India Caucus, said in a statement after the Senate passed the bill. 'India, an important part-

"As the world's largest democracy and one with which U.S. strategic interests increasingly align, India is an important partner in promoting economic growth and global security," said Senator Mark Warner, Co-Chair of the Senate India Caucus, after the Senate passed the bill on Thursday by 92 to 7 votes.

ner' "As the world's largest democracy and one with which U.S. strategic interests increasingly align, India is an important partner in promoting economic growth and global security," said Mr. Warner, who will serve as Vice-Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the 115th

Congress. Titled 'Enhancing defense and security cooperation with India,' Section 1292 of the NDAA asks the Defence Secretary and the Secretary of State to take steps necessary to recognise India as America's major defence partner of the U.S. It also asks the adminis-

tration to designate an individual within the executive branch who has experience in defence acquisition and technology to reinforce and ensure, through inter-agency policy coordination, the success of the Framework for the U.S.-India Defence Relationship; and to help resolve remaining issues impeding U.S.-India defense trade, security cooperation, and co-production and co-development opportunities. 'Transfer of advanced technology' The Act calls for approval and facilitation of transfer of advanced technology, consistent with U.S. conventional arms transfer policy, to support combined military planning with India's military for missions such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, counter-piracy, freedom of navigation, and maritime domain awareness missions, and to promote weapons systems interoperability.

Calling to strengthen the effectiveness of the U.S.India Defence Trade and Technology Initiative and the durability of the Department of Defence's 'India Rapid Reaction Cell,' NDAA 2017 also seeks collaboration with India to develop mutually agreeable mechanisms to verify the security of defence articles, defence services and related technology such as appropriate cyber security and end use monitoring arrangements consistent with U.S.' export control laws and policy. After the passage of the bill, within 180 days, the Secretary of Defence and Secretary of State have been asked to jointly submit to the Congressional Defence Committees and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on how the U.S. is supporting its defence relationship with India. (PTI)

South Korea Parliament Votes to Impeach President Park Geun-hye Seoul, Dec 09: South Korea's Parliament voted on Friday to impeach President Park Geunhye, an aloof conservative who took a hard line against North Korea and rose to power with strong support from those who revered her father, the military dictator Park Chung-hee. The vote against Ms. Park, the nation's first female leader, followed weeks of damaging disclosures in a corruption scandal that has all but paralyzed the government and produced the largest street protests in the nation's history. Her powers are suspended while the Constitutional Court considers whether to remove her from office. Ms. Park suggested that she intended to fight her impeachment, telling cabinet members hours later that she would "calmly" prepare for the court trial and giving no hint that she would resign. "I am gravely accepting the voices of the people and the National Assembly, and I sincerely hope that the confusion will come to a satisfactory end," she said at the presidential Blue House in a meeting broadcast on national television. She also apologized - her fourth public apology in less than seven weeks - for "my lack of discretion and my carelessness," but she did not acknowledge any legal wrongdoing. Ms. Park has been accused of allowing a shadowy confidante, the daughter of a religious sect leader, to exercise remarkable influence on matters ranging from choosing top government officials to her wardrobe, and of helping her extort tens of millions of dollars from South Korean companies. The scandal, which gained national attention less than two months ago, has cast a harsh light on collusion between the presidency and big business in one of Asia's most dynamic economies. Thousands of people who had gathered outside the Parliament building in the frigid cold danced, cheered and blew on horns when the news was an-

nounced. "My heart is beating so fast," said Han Joo-young, 47, an executive at a nonprofit organization who had come from Paju, north of the capital. "I am so touched that people who are usually powerless can have so much power when they come together." The impeachment motion, accusing Ms. Park of "extensive and serious violations of the Constitution and the law," will now be taken up by the Constitutional Court, which has six months to decide whether the charges are true and merit her ouster. A total of 234 lawmakers voted for impeachment, well over the required two-thirds threshold in the 300-seat National Assembly, the lone house of Parliament in South Korea. The vote was by secret ballot, but the results indicated that nearly half of the 128 lawmakers in Ms. Park's party, Saenuri, had joined the opposition in moving to oust her. Prime Minister Hwang Kyoahn, a former prosecutor and staunch defender of Ms. Park, will serve as acting president in the meantime. If the court votes to remove Ms. Park, South Korea will hold an election for a new president in 60 days. The political turmoil ushers in a period of uncertainty as South Korea faces a slowing economy, a growing nuclear threat from North Korea and a more assertive China. Ms. Park had adopted a tough stance toward the North, focusing on stronger sanctions, and had agreed to deploy an American advanced missile defense system that infuriated the Chinese. Her unpopularity increases the chances of a liberal candidate winning the next election, possibly upending her North Korea approach and steering the country closer to China. Domestically, her undoing provides the latest example of how corruption and influence-peddling remain entrenched at the top echelons of political and corporate life in South Korea.

Ms. Park addressing the nation over the scandal in November. She has been accused of allowing a shadowy confidante, Choi Soon-sil, to exercise remarkable influence on matters including choosing government officials, and of helping Ms. Choi extort tens of millions of dollars from South Korean companies The nexus of industry and political power has fueled South Korea's transformation from a war-torn agrarian country into a global economic powerhouse, yet the ties between government and business have yielded recurring corruption scandals. Ms. Park, 64, came to power in early 2013, backed mostly by older Koreans who had hoped she would be a contemporary version of her father, often viewed as the modernizer of South Korea. Instead, she became the least popular leader since the country began democratizing in the late 1980s, according to recent polls. Critics said she was authoritarian and used state power to muzzle critics while shielded by a coterie of advisers. The vote for impeachment in the National Assembly was a victory both for the opposition and the huge crowds of South Koreans who filled central Seoul for the past six weekends demanding that she resign immediately or face impeachment. Recent surveys showed that a vast majority of South Koreans agreed with the demonstrators. "It is a victory of the people's will and Korea's democracy," said Kang Won-taek, a professor of political science at Seoul National University. "It is Korea's glorious revolution,

achieved without blood and without any serious violence." The last time South Koreans took to the streets to kick out an unpopular leader, in 1960, they had to fight bloody battles with police officers armed with rifles. That uprising forced Syngman Rhee, the country's founding and authoritarian president, to resign and flee into exile in Hawaii. Vice President Lee Kipoong, a Rhee confidant who was at the center of a corruption scandal, and his family ended their lives in a group suicide as mobs approached their home in Seoul. In subsequent decades, when South Koreans demanded more democracy, their military dictators, including Ms. Park's father, brutally suppressed them through martial law, torturing and even executing their leaders. In 1987, violence erupted again as people took to the streets to demand free presidential elections, forcing the military government to back down. This time, in a sign of how far South Korea's democracy has matured, peaceful crowds achieved their goal without a single arrest. Increasingly large numbers of protesters gathered in the capital, including 1.7 million people on Saturday -

the largest protest in South Korean history. Ms. Park became the first South Korean president to lose an impeachment vote since 2004, when the National Assembly moved to impeach Roh Moo-hyun for violating election law. Two months later, the Constitutional Court ruled that Mr. Roh's offense was too minor to justify impeachment and restored him to office. But Ms. Park faces much more serious accusations. Still, it is difficult to predict when and how the Constitutional Court will rule on Ms. Park's fate. Removing her would require the votes of at least six of the nine Constitutional Court judges. Among the current judges, six were appointed by Ms. Park or her conservative predecessor, or are otherwise seen as being close to her party. The process, which may include hearings, will buy time for Ms. Park's embattled party to recover from the scandal and prepare for the next presidential election if the court decides to formally unseat her. If a liberal candidate wins the next election, the plan for the American missile deployment could be in trouble. Although none of the politicians cited as potential presidential candidates have specified that they would reverse the plan if elected, liberals have criticized the deployment, saying that South Korea should pursue a more balanced diplomacy between Washington and Beijing. That may present a challenge for the incoming administration of Donald J. Trump, as he deliberates over whether to adjust Washington's approach toward North Korea's advancing nuclear-missile program. Shortly after the impeachment vote, Mr. Hwang, the prime minister, warned that North Korea may try provocations to "incite domestic unrest" in the South during its transition period. Han Min-koo, the defense minister, ordered the military to heighten vigilance against the North. (Agencies)

Aung San Suu Kyi Yangon, Dec 09: The UN has urged Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi to visit northern Rakhine state, where the army is accused of carrying out a brutal crackdown on the Muslim Rohingya minority. The Nobel peace prize winner has faced growing international criticism for not stopping the military's campaign, which has pushed more than 20,000 Rohingya over the border to Bangladesh, bringing tales of mass rape, murder and arson. The crackdown was launched in response to deadly raids on police posts in October. Malaysia has accused the army of "genocide"charges Myanmar offi-

cials have vehemently denied. Suu Kyi has described the situation as "under control" and asked the international community to stop stoking the "fires of resentment". In a statement released in New York on Thursday, UN special adviser on Myanmar Vijay Nambiar appealed directly to the peace icon to intervene. "The adoption of a generally defensive rather than proactive approach to providing security to the local population, have caused frustration locally and disappointment internationally," he said. "I also appeal to Daw Suu to visit Maungdaw and Buthidaung and reassure the civilian population

North Korea capable of launching nuke, does not master targeting: US official Washington, Dec 09: North Korea has developed the capability to pair a nuclear warhead with a missile and launch it, but has not mastered bringing the weapon back from space and onto a target, a senior US defensce official said today. Pyongyang has conducted a series of missile launches in the wake of its fourth nuclear test in January, to the consternation of regional countries and many in the international community. While experts say the North is thought to have succeeded in making nuclear warheads small enough to arm Scud missiles, it is unclear if they can put a weapon on a bigger rocket that travels further and deploys a warhead from space. "Truthfully, they have the capability right now to be able to deliver a nuclear weapon, they are just not sure about re-entry, that's why they continue to test their systems out there," the official said. He added that he believed the North Koreans can already "mate" a missile with a warhead. But "they are not sure of the re-entry capability for a strategic strike, so they are endeavoring to try and overcome that." In the wake of ramped-up testing by North Korea's leader

A man watches a TV news program showing a file image of missile launch conducted by North Korea, at the Seoul Railway Station in Seoul. Kim Jong-Un, the United States is deploying an advanced missile defense system in South Korea. Despite strong objections from China and Russia, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system will be ready within about 10 months, the Pentagon says. North Korea's continued nuclear testing is generating renewed concern in the US military, and the Pentagon has numerous contingency plans to more assertively try to rein in the country's atomic capabilities. Something we are "very much leaning into (is) being more prepared for the future (in) North Korea," the official said. "It is the threat that keeps me

including six measuring between 3 and 3.9 magnitude. Schools were evacuated in affected areas and some had classes suspended in Hutubi. Two persons sustained minor injuries. Seven houses were toppled, another 18 were severely damaged and 379 had cracks following the tremor, according to the local command center for earthquakes. The China Earthquake Administration has launched

an emergency response, and work teams have been sent to Xinjiang to help with relief work, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. Wang Guiqin, who lives on the second floor of a building in Hutubi, said "the building was shaking and the lamp looked like it would fall. The balcony door shook open". Liu Xingguo in Hutubi said he was in his yard when the quake struck. He felt the ground shaking, but his

brick house was not damaged. He did not see any other houses collapse in the village. A Xinhua reporter in Urumqi said his office building shook for more than 10 seconds. Drinks cans and bottles fell from shelves in a supermarket in Urumqi. Meanwhile, 24 trains have been affected as local railway authorities suspended rail services out of safety concerns.

A safety check was conducted on railway facilities between Urumqi and Kuytun, according to the Urumqi Railway Bureau. The quake's epicentre was in northern Hutubi, a sparsely-populated region at an altitude of 1,500 meters. More than 70 per cent of houses in Hutubi and the neighbouring regions of Manas and Shihezi are government-subsidised earthquake-proof properties. (Agencies)

awake at night. You've heard other senior leaders say the same thing, primarily because we don't know what the 'Dear Leader' in North Korea really is after." The official noted that the United States and its allies have little leverage over isolationist North Korea. "We are in a very tenuous situation with not a lot of leverage, not a lot of initiative in terms of negotiations," the official said. "So as you might imagine, we are preparing for contingency operations to the degree we need to." The official said the United States has had backup military plans at the ready since the 1953 armistice between the North and South. (PTI)

UN envoy says Syria peace talks should restart

2 injured in quake in China Beijing, Dec 09: At least two persons were injured after a powerful 6.2magnitute earthquake jolted Hutubi County in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The quake, which occurred yesterday, struck at a depth of 6-km, and was feltstrongly in Urumqi, the regional capital 100-km away, and other parts of northern Xinjiang. The quake was followed by more than 140 aftershocks,

there that they will be protected," he added, referring to the locked down area in Rakhine. The bloodshed presents the biggest challenge to Suu Kyi since her party won Myanmar's first democratic elections in a generation last year. It has galvanised Muslim nations around the region, with protesters decrying the latest crackdown as the culmination of years of discrimination and abuse suffered by the stateless Rohingya. On Sunday Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak taunted Suu Kyi, who the former junta kept under house arrest for almost 20 years, before a crowd of some 5,000 protesters in Kuala Lumpur. "What's the use of Aung San Suu Kyi having a Nobel prize?" he asked the protesters. "The world cannot sit and watch genocide taking place." Activists say Buddhistmajority Myanmar's stateless Muslim Rohingya minority are among the most persecuted in the world. More than 120,000 have been trapped in squalid displacement camps since the last major outbreak of violence erupted in Rakhine in 2012. (PTI)

Staffan de Mistura, UN Special Envoy for Syria. United Nation, Dec 09: The UN envoy for Syria has said that political talks to end the nearly six-year war should resume soon. Staffan de Mistura told reporters on Thursday following a closed-door meeting of the Security Council that "now is the time to actually look seriously at the possible renewal of political discussions." The envoy raised the possibility of a return to the negotiating table as Russia announced that the Syrian army was halting military operations

in order to evacuate civilians from Aleppo. Backed by Russia, Syrian forces have captured about 85 per cent of eastern Aleppo after three weeks of heavy fighting to seize one of the last opposition strongholds. "Military victories are not a victory for peace, because peace needs to be won separately," De Mistura said. Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said he hoped talks could resume before UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon leaves office on De-

cember 31. "Time is short. It would be important to revive the talks before Mr Ban's term expires, in just 20 days," Churkin told reporters. The last round of UN-brokered peace talks ended in April, with no progress on the key issue of Syria's future government and the fate of President Bashar alAssad. De Mistura said talks would be possible if the government in Damascus were ready to "discuss substantially" the terms of a settlement and if the opposition did not "refuse to come." Without an effort to restart peace talks, there will be an "impression which no one wants to have that there is only a military victory, only a military solution. There is neither," he added. More than 300,000 people have been killed since the conflict began in March 2011, and over half the population has been displaced, with millions becoming refugees. Moscow launched an air war in support of Assad's forces last year, while Washington has supported rebel forces battling the regime. (PTI)




Sensex soars to 1-month high, Watal Panel on digital paybest weekly show since Sept ments submits report to FM Mumbai, Dec 09: The market rally went on for the second day today, with the Sensex spurting 53 points to bring up a fresh 1-month closing high of 26,747, in keeping with strong global indices amid investor optimism. On a weekly basis, both key indices - the Sensex and the Nifty - recorded their best gains since September 2 by rising 516.52 points, or 1.96 per cent, and 174.95 points, or 2.16 per cent, respectively. The BSE Sensex after shuttling between 26,803.76 and 26,707.81 closed at 26,747.18, up 52.90 points, or 0.20 per cent on continuous foreign capital inflows. This is the highest closing since November 11. The index had rallied 457

Image for Representation purpose. points in the previous session. The broader NSE Nifty scaled a high of 8,274.95, but profit-taking pulled it down to close at 8,261.75, still up 14.90 points, or 0.18 per cent. Risk appetite improved

further on the back of a rally in global markets after US stocks hit new records yesterday after the European Central Bank extended its massive stimulus programme beyond March though it scaled down the size of the

purchase. Covering up short positions by speculators fearing buying activity to pick up in the coming session supported the upside, observers said. Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) bought shares worth a net Rs 698.86 crore yesterday, as per provisional data. Most Asian markets remained firm, with Japan's Nikkei rising 1.23 per cent and Shanghai Composite Index up 0.54 per cent. Hong Kong's Hang Seng fell 0.44 per cent though. European indices advanced in early trade amid supportive policies from ECB. The Frankfurt's DAX 30 added 1.75 per cent and Paris CAC gained 0.87 per cent while London's FTSE was up

0.42 per cent. Among 30 Sensex constituents, SBI gained the most as it rose by 2.41 per cent, followed by ICICI (2.35 per cent), ONGC (1.61 per cent), Axis Bank (1.51 per cent) and ITC (1.20 per cent). Bajaj Auto was battered the most by falling 2.05 per cent and Coal India lost 1.60 per cent. Among the BSE sectoral indices, realty rose the most by 1.62 per cent followed by bankex 1.14 per cent, FMCG 0.52 per cent, PSU 0.50 per cent, infrastructure 0.48 per cent and IT 0.47 per cent. Broader markets were in a finer shape, with the small-cap and mid-cap firming up 0.52 per cent and 0.21 per cent, respectively, after investors built more bets. (PTI)

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. New Delhi, Dec 09: A committee, which was set up to suggest ways to make India a digital payment economy, today submitted its report to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. The panel, headed by former finance secretary Ratan P Watal, was set up in August. It was entrusted with the task of recommending steps to promote card payments through incentives like tax rebates and cashback

schemes. The panel, sources said, reviewed the payments system in the country and recommended mediumterm measures for encouraging digital payments, in line with global best practices. It also studied the feasibility of creating a payments history of all card/digital payments and ensure that merchants/consumers can leverage the data to access "instant, low-cost microcredit" through digital

means and create necessary linkage between the payment history and credit information. It has also recommended need for changes in the regulatory mechanism under various laws, relevant for the purpose of promotion of payments by digital modes. It also suggested ways for leveraging Aadhaar, or any other proof of identity for authentication of card/digital transactions and setting up of a centralised KYC Registry. The committee also delved into the scope of integration of all government systems like Public Finance Management System, PayGov, Bharatkosh and eKuber. The 11-member committee included former RBI Deputy Governor H R Khan, CBDT and UIDAI Chairperson and heads of Indian Banks' Association, Nasscom, Internet and Mobile Association of India. (PTI)

Rupee snaps Biggest seizure of Rs 142 cr winning streak, cash, gold post demonetisation surrenders 22 paise All problems will end in 15

The total value of the assets is about Rs 142.81 crore. Chennai, Dec 09: In the biggest seizure of cash and gold post demonetisation, the Income Tax department today said it has seized unaccounted assets worth over Rs 142 crore -- that includes about Rs 10 crore in new notes and gold bars weighing 127 kg -- during searches at multiple locations in Chennai to check taxevasion. This largest seizure of new currency notes in the country, after the old Rs 500/1,000 notes were scrapped on November 8, was seized by the sleuths of the investigation wing of the Income Taxdepartment after raids were launched yesterday on eight premises of a group engaged in sand mining in Tamil Nadu. "The group has sand mining licence for the entire state of Tamil Nadu. Eight premises (six residential and two offices) were covered in

the search. "During the search, Rs 96.89 crore cash in old high denomination notes and Rs 9.63 crore in new Rs 2000 currency notes along with gold weighing 127 kg worth approximately Rs 36.29 crore were found and seized, as unaccounted assets," the Central Board of Direct Taxes, policy-making body for the I-T department, said in a statement issued in Delhi. The total value of the assets is about Rs 142.81 crore. Pictures of the seizures made by the sleuths in Chennai show big paper cartons packed with old and new notes kept side-byside shining gold bars in a room in a posh locality in the southern metropolis. It added that the searches are "still in progress at four out of the total 8 premises and more specific details

including modus operandi would emerge after examination of the documents and other evidence detected during the search." Meanwhile, officials said S Reddy, a contractor working with the state government, has claimed the entire money and the gold as his own and is being questioned along with few other people. A senior department official said this seizure of gold and cash was "an unprecedented amount that the tax department has seized in recent times." The department, the officials said, carried out the searches based on intelligence inputs about the activities of Reddy and few others for the last few days. Officials said the agency was investigating how the new notes in such a large quantity were stashed by the individual. The bundles of the new Rs 2000, that were seized, had no banking slips on the them and were jumbled up to mislead investigators, they said. The officials said a number of documents related to financial transactions, entries of gold sale and records of sale/purchase have also been seized by the tax sleuths. "He (Reddy) is a contractor working with the state government. He is claiming the entire cash and gold to be his own. Further probe is on," they said. (PTI)

days: Govt reassures SC on note ban inconvenience The government was responding to the apex court's question on why the former had not been able to give Rs 24,000 to every customer per week.

The rupee had gained 27 paise to close at a near one-month high of 67.36 against the US currency.

Mumbai, Dec 09: Ending its three-day winning run, the rupee on Friday retreated from nearly a one-month high by falling 22 paise to 67.58 against the US dollar in early trade at the forex market on fresh demand for the American unit. Moreoever, weakness in other currencies including euro against the dollar after European Central Bank's decision to extend asset purchases until the end of next year, weighed on the rupee, forex deal-

ers said. However, a higher opening of the domestic equity market, capped the fall, the brokers added. Yesterday, the rupee had gained 27 paise to close at a near one-month high of 67.36 against the US currency due to continuous selling of the greenback by exporters and banks. Meanwhile, the benchmark BSE Sensex surged 108.98 points, or 0.40 per cent, to 26,803.26 in early trade on Friday. (PTI)

New Delhi, Dec 09: Defending the ban on high-currency notes, the government on Friday told the Supreme Court that it is "not sitting around doing nothing" and all the problems will be over in another "1015 days". The government was responding to the apex court's question on why the former had not been able to give Rs 24,000 to every customer per week. "Should there be a minimum amount the bank should give to customer?" it asked. Prashant Bhushan, who was appearing on behalf of a petitioner, told the court that there was no preparation on part of the government to deal with the impending situation. "There was no cash in ATMs, recalibration was not done well and cooperative banks were being discriminated against," Bhushan told the court. Attorney general Mukul Rohatgi, however, told the court that the government had taken all the necessary steps to ease the inconvenience of the public.

The bench of Chief Justice T.S. Thakur, Justice A.M. Khanwilkar and D.Y. Chandrachud also asked the government to state if it could relax curbs on accepting deposits by the district cooperative banks after imposing certain conditions. Senior counsel Kapil Sibal, appearing for a petitioner, told the court that contrary to the government's claim, there was no cash in the banks. Former Finance Minister and senior counsel P. Chidambaram told the court that all the Reserve Bank of India printing presses can print only 3 billion currency notes per month. Replacing every demonetised note with a new note will take at least six months, Chidambaram told the court. However, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi told the Supreme Court that since November 8, deposits of around Rs 12 lakh crore have come back into the banking system, which is higher than government estimates. The deposits could

go up by another Rs 1 lakh crore, Rohatgi told apex court, while assuring the SC that Rs 4 lakh crore worth of new notes have been printed. He added that about Rs 3.5 lakh crore notes of Rs 500 and Rs 2,000denomination have been pumped back into the banking system. The Supreme Court was hearing a batch of petitions and public interest litigations (PILs) challenging the demonetisation policy of the Central government, which came into effect on the midnight of November 8. Several petitions were filed, including one by Vivek Narayan Sharma, against the policy that has "caused massive upheavals" across the nation. The petitioners have questioned the government's rational and modus operandi behind the implementation of the policy, as it has reportedly caused inconvenience to the general public. The hearing will resume on December 14. (PTI)

Unravelling the mystery behind Rs 3-lakh crore deposits in 15 days New Delhi, Dec 09: From September 16 to 30, a staggering Rs 3.03 lakh crore of time deposits - fixed and recurring were made at banks. This has never happened in any fortnight since January 2001. September 16 is also the date from which the Reserve Bank India (RBI), in a rare later decision, chose to implement an incremental Cash Reserve Ratio rule of 100 per cent, retrospectively. RBI said this was done to impound additional cash flowing into banks, assessing the impact of demonetisation, which was announced only on the night of November 8. Clearly, then, RBI was aware that enough deposits - liquidity in bank parlance - were available with banks from September 16. What is also intriguing is that in the fortnight after September 30, as much as Rs 1.2 lakh crore of time deposits were liquidated. This is again unprecedented. More, these liquidated deposits do not show up in saving or current accounts in the fortnight report of October 14. In fact, these latter deposits also dipped by Rs 1.22 lakh crore over the same fortnight. To understand this, Business Standard sent detailed queries to the ministry of finance and RBI, on these series of exceptional deposits and withdrawals. Neither replied. Some official explanations have come. Yet, some senior econo-

mists and bankers have asked either for investigations or more factual detail. 'It's nothing' Finance Minister Arun Jaitley dismissed these exceptional deposits as a 'marginal spike', attributing it to dispersal of pay commission arrears from August 31 to September 15. He rubbished suggestions that these deposits were a result of news about the coming demonetisation leaking out. Jaitley's justification can at best explain a fraction of the increase in deposits. The payout on account of the pay commission till the first week of September was roughly Rs 45,000 crore, according to the chief economic advisor (CEA) of State Bank of India (SBI), and Rs 34,600 crore, according to a study by India Ratings and Research. More, these payouts would first be transferred to employees' salary accounts and should, thus, first reflect in an increase in demand deposits. Even assuming every beneficiary converted this windfall into time deposits, the explanation falls short. Arundhati Bhattacharya, chief of SBI, while speaking to NDTV, gave a similar explanation as Jaitley did. She also cited the higher military pension payout (One Rank, One Pension) and the annual phenomenon of people breaking their term deposits during the Ganapati Festival around this

Image for Representation purpose. time to justify the spike. However, adding, that because of the demonetisationrush, she had not had the time to look carefully at September deposits. Not quite In absolute terms, the Rs 3 lakh crore jump in deposits (3.2 per cent higher than in the previous fortnight) is exceptional even after taking these averments into account. The previous highest increase in time deposits over a fortnight was Rs 1.79 lakh crore on April 8, 2011. In percentage terms, fortnight on previous fortnight, there have been only three other occasions that term deposits have jumped by more than three

per cent. The highest was of four per cent (fortnight on fortnight) in the fortnight ending May 3, 2002; however, the amount was significantly lower, at Rs 44,700 crore. The average increase in deposits in September over the last 12 years is typically around Rs 1 lakh crore. This time, it has risen by Rs 287,118 crore. Bhattacharya's colleague, Soumya Kanti Gosh, the CEA at SBI, contradicts her claims. He had as early as March 2016 written that the government was possibly working towards demonetisation, saying rural India was seeing more of Rs 100 notes than of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000. Raghuram Rajan, ex-

RBI governor, during whose tenure this trend was captured, did not respond to queries on this issue. But, records show that as early as May, RBI was pushing banks to install ATM machines solely for Rs 100 notes. In an official report, Ghosh says the trend increase in aggregate (both term and demand) deposits and the pay commission account for, at best, 70 per cent of the month's increase in deposits in September. Ghosh does not look at the fortnightly data, which would have shown spikes in both deposits and withdrawals. He hypothesised that the balance amount, Rs 85,818 crore, came from people making deposits to avail of lower tax rates under the usual annual income tax return, as compared to the 45 per cent imposed under the first income disclosure scheme (IDS) which ended on September 30. However, another top official at SBI is unsatisfied with his colleague's explanation. "I don't think anyone can have a conclusive answer unless he has access to data on large deposits. I saw the report from SBI's chief economist, saying that it can partly be explained by IDS; I don't think it is a full explanation," he says. A joint managing director (JMD) of a large private bank said the explanation was "far-fetched". Neither wished to speak on record. Banks do not reveal data of who

made deposits or to whom loans were given, as part of their fiduciary relation with clients. Possible The most innocuous explanation for this jump rests upon when RBI captures the data. RBI collates fortnightly data from banks ending on Fridays. The second quarter ended September 30 was a Friday, when banks sent their fortnightly data. "Possibly, the unusual jump was captured in RBI reports because the quarter ended September coincided with the particular day of the fortnight that RBI captures data - a Friday," says the chief economist at a private bank. This does seem to fit with the explanation offered by some others. Madan Sabnavis, chief economist at CARE Ratings, says: "One reason could be the seasonal factor, where banks meet targets, which then fall as (short-term) corporate deposits mature." The JMD of the large private bank this newspaper spoke to did concur. "Quarter end, banks want to show a higher deposit base. Customers draw down limits and make deposits. Once the quarter is over, these are liquidated again. It is not an abnormal move. Close to a quarter end or half-year end, there are a lot of redemptions from mutual funds(MFs). It lies in bank deposits. Then, post the quarter end, it goes back to the MFs." "There have often been such

temporary spikes in deposits and credit offtake during the last reporting fortnight of some quarters, which might be on account of window-dressing by some banks," agrees Aditi Nayar, senior economist with ICRA. However... Business Standard reviewed past data. Sharp spikes do occur in term deposits around quarter ends, particularly at year ends. But, these have never been as large as this September. In the quarter ending June, time deposits grew by Rs 1.04 lakh crore. On April 1, they'd grown by Rs 1.54 lakh crore. However, such quarter-end surges have remained in the range of Rs 1-1.5 lakh crore. To examine the explanation of MF redemptions, we also looked at data put out by the Association of Mutual Funds in India. These show that net inflows in liquid funds actually increased by Rs 19,630 crore in September; in income and gilt funds, it declined by Rs 11,024 crore and Rs 961 crore, respectively. These diverse hypotheses have led some to demand greater detail and even investigation. Pronab Sen, former chief statistician to the government, says: "This should have been investigated then and should be investigated now. As far as I know, it is unprecedented. I can't think of any event which would have led to it." An ex-board member of RBI, Vipin Mallik, is of the same

mind. "In my experience, whenever there has been a scale disproportionate to trend, it is a case for investigation." In the shadow of few details, hypotheses multiply. There could have been a surge in remittances from abroad in this period. As data for the September quarter on remittances are yet to be released, one cannot be certain. Foreign institutional investor flows could account for part of the increase but the net investment was $1.4 billion in September. The other oddity is the liquidation of Rs 1.2 lakh crore of term deposits in the subsequent fortnight. A possible explanation is redemption of FCNR deposits in this period. "A large part of the Rs 1.5 lakh crore term deposits that were liquidated were outflows on account of the FCNR scheme" says SBI's Ghosh. It is also possible that part of this was withdrawn on account of the festive season, some suggest. Yet, past data shows the amounts withdrawn annually during the festive season are significantly lower. At the fortnight ending October 16, 2015, only Rs 42,700 crore was withdrawn. In percentage terms, too, the withdrawal was the highest this year. Possibly, all these explanations can add up to explain the surge in deposits and withdrawals. Without details, it is difficult to draw either a conclusion or consensus. (Agencies)




P12 Vijay, Pujara shine after India bowl England out for 400

Murali Vijay PTI Mumbai, Dec. 9: India made a strong reply with the bat after off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin picked up yet another five-wicket haul as the hosts reached 146 for 1 on the second day of the fourth cricket Test against England here to-

day. After Ashwin took two more wickets today to return with innings figures of 6/112, Murali Vijay (70 batting) and Cheteshwar Pujara (47 batting) led a solid Indian reply to England's first innings 400 all out with a 107-run stand for the un-

broken second wicket to help the hosts take the Day 2 honours. India, 2-0 up in the fivematch Test series, now trail England by 254 runs with nine first innings wickets in hand on a Wankhede Stadium track offering copious turn and bounce to the spinners.

Opener Vijay rediscovered his form with an elegant knock of 70 not out while in-form number three Pujara continued to torment the visitors with his impeccable judgement with his bat in making 47 not out as Indiaclosed the day with their nose ahead on 146 for 1 in 52 overs.

The duo's unfinished second wicket partnership of 107 runs came from 228 balls and it was their seventh 100-plus stand in Tests and second of the series after the double century stand in the drawn series opener at Rajkot. Earlier, Indian spin twins Ravichandran Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja claimed all the 10 wickets between them to bowl England out for 400 in the visitors' first innings, 22 minutes into the second session. Ashwin bagged 6 for 112 with his off-spin, his 23rd five-wicket haul in his 43rd match, while leftarm spinner Jadeja claimed 4 for 109 as the tourists were all out in the postlunch session. Ashwin has now equalled legendary Kapil Dev's tally of 23 fivewicket hauls in Test cricket to be behind just Anil Kumble (35) and Harbhajan Singh (25). Opener K L Rahul (24) was out before Vijay and Pujara, who had put on a stand of 211 in the series opener at Rajkot, came together to consolidate the innings by negotiating the spin of Moeen Ali and Adil Rashid with aplomb.

Umpire Reiffel not Devendro, Manoj advance to take further part with contrasting wins at in fourth Test boxing nationals

Paul Reiffel PTI Mumbai, Dec. 9: Umpire Paul Reiffel, who got injured on the head on day one of the ongoing Test between India and England and retired to the pavilion for medical attention, would not take further part in the game, ICC has announced. "Paul Reiffel underwent precautionary tests yesterday, which came back all clear. Paul, however, has been advised to rest, which is the normal course prescribed following a concussion. As such, he will not take any further part in the Mumbai Test and has been replaced by Marais Erasmus," said a statement from the International Cricket Council today. The unusual incident took place in the post lunch session on the first day of the penultimate Test of the series yesterday when onfield umpire Reiffel,

standing at the square leg, was struck on the back of his head by a throw from fielder Bhuvneshwar Kumar in the deep. The former Australia fast bowler was hit flush on the back of his head when the ball was thrown by Bhuvneshwar from deep square leg, resulting in his fall on the turf. Play was halted for a while as on-field medical attention was administered before the dazed official left the ground to go into the pavilion for further rest and recuperation. Later he underwent MRI scan in a nearby hospital. Reiffel was immediately replaced by Erasmus, who was doing the third umpire's duty indoors and his duties were transferred to reserve official Shamsuddin. The incident happened close to the first hour of play in the second session yesterday.

IANS Guwahati, Dec 9 : The Commonwealth Games medallist duo of Laishram Devendro Singh and Manoj Kumar notched up contrasting wins in their new weight categories to advance on the second day of the senior men's national championship here on Friday. The second day at the nationals turned out to be much more organised and disciplined than the first day with more that 100 bouts being held during the day. Manipur's Devendro overcame some anxious moments to beat lesser known Bhoj Raj of Uttar Pradesh 3-2 in his maiden attempt at the Flyweight (52 kilogram) category. The 24-year-year-old Asian Championships and Commonwealth Games silver medallist started on a shaky note but soon picked up the momentum in the second and third rounds to get a split 3-2 verdict in his favour. The celebrated Devendro, who so far used to ply his trade in the Light Flyweight category (49 kg) reasoned that his decision to move up to a higher weight category was due to injuries and better hand-eye coordination. "Light fly was not difficult to maintain, I could bring it down when I wanted but it was leading to injuries and it was also affecting my hand-eye coordination," Devendro

Manoj Kumar said after his exhausting bout at the Sarusajai indoor Stadium here. "I had been competing in light-flyweight since 2007 and I thought this was the time to change." "Today my body felt a bit tight but maybe it was because I was competing after a long time, this is my first competition after Olympics," added the affable boxer, who missed out on Olympic qualification earlier this year despite being a medallist in the final qualifying tournament. The diminutive boxer from Manipur would be turning up for the Services Sports Control Board (SSCB), his first competitive outing after the heartbreak he endured at the final Asian Olympic Qualifiers in June. The National Championships would be an opportunity for him for the Asian Championships silver medallist to make a fresh

start. Besides Devendro, Manoj Kumar from the Railways Sports Promotion Board (RSPB), also made a memorable debut in the welterweight (69kg) after deciding to jump a division post the Rio Olympics. The 29-year-old Manoj, who defeated Commonwealth Games silver medallist Mandeep Jangra in the Railways' trials to book his berth for the nationals, outpunched Tamil Nadu's Manikanadan 5-0 in a contest that started on an even keel but eventually turned out to be lopsided. "I felt good. There was no stiffness in the body either, my gloves were not of great fitting. So I was avoiding hitting too powerfully because that could have caused injury. But overall I was happy with how the bout turned out for me," the two-time Olympian said.

Guimaraes plays down favourites tag, says team identity key to Mumbai's success IANS Kolkata, Dec. 9: Mumbai City FC are in the semi-finals of the Indian Super League (ISL) for the first time and coach Alexandre Guimaraes is of the opinion that they are not wearing the favourites tag due to that reason. "We are in the semis for first time. Atletico de Kolkata (ATK) have been here two times already," the 57-year old Costa Rican told report-

ers on Friday when quizzed whether they have the edge over ATK going by form in the first leg of the semi-finals at the Rabindra Sarovar Stadium here on Saturday. "We are very excited to play our first semi. We are willing to do well like we did during the whole tournament. We will play against a team that is also offensive like we play," he said, adding that the tie will be decided in the second leg in

Mumbai. "It will be decided in Mumbai," the experienced coach opined. Guimaraes said his team's identity is what drives them. "The confidence that we have been very stable during the tournament is good. The players embrace the idea and are trying to play with the mentality in good and bad times," he said. "Our confidence is based on

team identity. We have to play to preserve the identity which is important for Mumbai City FC project." Mumbai have a very strong attacking line led by marquee man Diego Forlan. In defence, Lucian Goian has been in top form. "We have been very solid but we don't just defend. We have scored goals and have talented players up front which gives me the chance to choose from this bunch,"

the coach said. Asked if having the most noted big fish in Forlan is an added incentive, Guimaraes said, "Indeed. His intention of development of football that you here are trying to do is visible. He is one of the them who sets the precedent. He has shown his winning mentality and his professionalism. This is a guy who really wants to contribute for the team and development of Indian football."

Mary Kom decides to return to her ‘original’ 48kg category

Indian woman boxer M C Mary Kom PTI Guwahati, Dec. 9: The fire back in her belly after overcoming the Olympic heartbreak, celebrated Indian woman boxer M C Mary Kom has decided to go back to the light flyweight 48kg division amid speculation that it is among the two categories that the International Boxing Association (AIBA) is pushing for inclusion in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. “I have decided to move back to light flyweight because that is my original weight category. I feel the most comfortable competing in it and I don’t have to punish my body to maintain this weight,” Mary Kom, an Olympic bronze-medallist, told PTI. “I am feeling very positive once again and just wait and watch what I do now,” she added. The 33-year-old mother of three from Manipur, is set to be honoured with the AIBA Legend’s Award for her stellar career so far during the world body’s 70th anniversary celebrations on December 20. The award comes as a bright spot in a rather disappointing year during which the multiple-time Asian champion missed

out on qualifying for the Rio Games after losing early in the World Championships in May. There was speculation that she could even call time on her career after she accepted the Rajya Sabha nomination from the government. But the effervescent boxer is raring to come back to the ring now. “I have got the fire back. I have been training and I feel competitive. I felt bad when I could not make it to the Olympics, it was a heartbreak but I am over it now and back to what I do best in the ring. I think AIBA is going to include light flyweight in the Asian and Commonwealth Games and it could also make it to the Olympics, so I am keeping my fingers crossed,” she said. AIBA President Ching Kuo Wu has already stated that he considers it his responsibility to ensure that women’s boxing categories increase from the current three — 51kg, 60kg and 75 kg — to five by the 2020 Games. There is speculation that light flyweight is among the weight categories which would be pushed for inclusion. Mary Kom’s trainer Chhote Lal Yadav, who is now an assistant coach with the national women’s

team, said the diminutive Manipuri has been training with rigour. “The power in her punches has increased manifold because of this decision as she no longer has to work hard to increase her weight. Light flyweight is her natural weight and that has improved her strength. She has been training hard and will be a force to reckon with,” Yadav, who is here as Services Sports Control Board (SSCB) coach in the ongoing men’s National Championships, said. “In fact, I can say that she is going to strike it big in this category. There are very few girls who match up to her in this division even after these many years,” he added. It is notable that Mary Kom’s last world title, in the 2010 Barbados edition, had come in the 48kg category, while four others had been achieved in pinweight (46kg) prior to that. She had jumped to flyweight 51kg after it was included in the 2012 Olympic Games. She went on to win the bronze medal in the Games. She also won a gold medal in the 2014 Asian Games where women’s boxing made its debut.

Kashyap reaches semifinals in Korea PTI Jeju (Korea), Dec. 9: Commonwealth Games champion P Kashyap advanced to the semifinals of the Korea Open Grand Prix Gold badminton tournament after edging past Korea's Jeon Hyeok Jin in a three-game thriller here today. Kashyap, who is on a comeback trail after recovering his fitness following a long injury lay-off, defeated sixth seed Jin 18-21 21-8 21-16 in a nearly onehour men's singles contest of the USD 120,000 event here. The London Olympics quarter-finalist will face Korean top seed Son Wan Ho in the semifinals. Kashyap blew a 9-5 and 11-8 lead at one stage to allow Jin make a comeback and draw parity at 1111. The Korean then managed to move ahead to a 19-14 lead. The Indian did narrow down the gap to 18-19 but could not stop Jin from pocketing the opening game. Kashyap got back his bearing in the second game as he dished out a superlative performance to jump to a 6-1 lead early on and then surged to 10-3 and then to 15-8. He then reeled off six straight points to win the second game and bounce back into the match. In the decider, Jin changed

P Kashyap his gears and zoomed to a 9-3 lead but Kashyap showed tremendous grit as he crafted his way back to draw level at 11-11 and grab a 13-11 lead. After a few tight rallies, it was the Indian who had the last laugh as he rode on a five-point burst to win the deciding game and seal the issue. (REOPENS SPF 7) Kashyap said he was happy to have beaten a player who had reached the Australian Open Super Series finals earlier this year. "He is a good player, he reached the Australian Open finals but then he had a break as he went for compulsory military training. He used to be in top

20," said Kashyap. The shuttler from Hyderabad said that he decided to play more rallies in the second and third games and the strategy worked for him. "I could play fast paced rallies, the conditions were suitable to me. I could play my strokes. He has got a good defence and so I decided to play more rallies in the second and third game and it worked. "Tomorrow it would be a tough match. We have played a few times and I have beaten him (Korea's top seed Son Wan Ho) twice, so hope to do well. I am feeling good about my rhythm in this event. I prepared well for this," said Kashyap.

Tele : 0373-2327517

Editor: Prahlad Hammey



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