Tiger Roar Summer 2021

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DU NH AM S CH O O L • S U MME R 2021

Serving with honor:

Ben Jones ’00

Dear Dunham Family, AS THE ISRAELITES PREPARED TO ENTER THE PROMISED LAND, Joshua was told to be strong and courageous. As we prepare celebrate 40 years of the quest for excellence in Christian education, in many respects, we are entering the promised land. The hopes and dreams of our founders have not only been realized, but by all measures, The Dunham School is thriving. The overwhelming evidence of student achievement and commitment to our Christian mission is documented in the pages that follow. We give all praise, honor, and glory to the God that made it so, especially during a school year that was like no other because of COVID-19. Whatever your relationship is to The Dunham School, I would ask that you join us in a prayer of thanksgiving for all that God has accomplished through His school. While we will take this year to celebrate our many blessings, personally, I cannot wait to see all that God will continue to do through His people and through The Dunham School. I believe that God calls us to be a beacon on a hill and a light for Christ to the city of Baton Rouge, the state of Louisiana, and the world. I am blessed to have seen His hand of guidance, correction, provision, and protection through all of our successes and challenges. We will continue to be strong and courageous as we live out our good purpose to educate the minds and hearts of our children for Christ for generations to come! With humble thanks and gratitude for all who have served,


Steven A. Eagleton EDITOR

Marguerite Estes Director of Marketing CONTRIBUTORS

Phyllis Alexander Kyle Bove Kelly DeRossette Steve Eagleton Marguerite Estes Allyson Guay Allyson Jones Hingle ’92 Ashley Istre PHOTOGRAPHY

Phyllis Alexander Alex Goss ’01 Aaron Hogan/Eye Wander Christian Johnson ’11 Steve Johnson Ben Jones ’00 Romaguera Photography Nikki Slaton and various Dunham constituents GRAPHIC DESIGN

Barbara Himber

Steven A. Eagleton Head of School

TigerRoar S U M M E R 2 02 1 MISSION

The Dunham School seeks to provide

students with the opportunity for college preparatory education set in the framework of Christian instruction and example. To this end, the school offers boys and girls rigorous academic instruction, challenging athletic and recreational activities, and creative expression in the fine arts. Each of these opportunities is ultimately grounded in a desire to educate the heart. Tiger Roar magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Marketing and Communications for alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and other friends of the School. Copyright © 2021 The Dunham School. All rights reserved. Please forward address changes to: The Dunham School 11111 Roy Emerson Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 or christen.blanchard@dunhamschool.org Stay Connected with Dunham! dunhamschool.org

Non-discriminatory admissions policy.

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27 features

in every issue

2 Returning to School Safely: Preserving the School Experience

10 Student Achievements

5 Dunham Early Childhood Center to Open in August 2021

20 Fine Arts

6 Celebrating the Class of 2021 24 State Champions: Dunham Athletes Claim 12 State Titles

16 Faculty News 27 Athletics 32 Faith and Service 34 Community Events

39 Annual Giving Exceeds $1,000,000

44 Alumni Gatherings

42 Serving with Honor: Ben Jones ’00

48 Class Notes

57 Tiger Tracks: Alex Goss ’01


Ben Jones ’00 currently serves as a C-130 Aircraft Commander in the Air Force Reserve. Read the full article on page 42. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR



Preserving the School Experience in a Pandemic By Allyson Guay

When the news first broke about the coronavirus in January of 2020, the Dunham

administration and faculty reviewed and updated a distance learning plan already in place as a precaution, unaware that they would be called upon to execute that plan in March of 2020 and keep it in place for the remainder of the 2019–2020 school year. As a seven-time Apple Distinguished School, Dunham had the creativity, innovation, and proficiency to nimbly transition to distance learning. When the decision was made to reopen for face-to-face learning for the 2020–2021 school year, the school relied on those same qualities to create a safe learning environment where students could continue to experience all aspects of school life as fully as possible.

For Head of School Steven Eagleton and his leadership team, the goal was always to reopen fully for the 2020–2021 school year. Thanks to a unique partnership with Ochsner Medical, Dunham was able to safely operate day camps and athletic practices over the summer and began planning in earnest for the start of school. Due to traditionally small class sizes, campus layout, and the dedication of the faculty, along with health and safety protocols developed in partnership with Ochsner, students returned for face-toface learning on August 6, 2020. Almost every aspect of the school experience, from carpool and lunch procedures to classroom arrangement and traffic flow, had to be modified. The health and safety of students and staff were monitored daily, and COVID-19 testing and reporting protocols were put in place. Remaining in compliance with the CDC, AAP, LHSAA, and the 2

Louisiana Department of Health, the school was able to create the best experience possible for each student, complete with athletic, fine arts, and extracurricular activities that keep them plugged in, connected, and supported all year. Not only did students excel academically, but with modifications and a little creativity, they were able to bring live theatre back to the Brown-Holt Chapel Arts Center with an improv comedy show in January and A Night at the Movies later in the spring. In athletics, competition continued at the highest level with teams bringing home a record number of state championship titles this year. Reflecting on the success of the 2020–2021 school year, Steve Eagleton says, “There was no instruction manual for operating school during a pandemic. The situation and restrictions seemed to change weekly, if not daily, so our teachers really had to be flexible, pivot, and keep on going. Right: Leslie Anna Allred ’31

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It would have been easier to say ‘no’ to all extracurricular activities and events and keep our campus completely closed off, but wherever we could, we found ways to safely have those events, whether that meant going virtual, modifying in-person events for safety, or a combination of the two.” While many schools and businesses struggled to remain open, Dunham actually grew during the pandemic, picking up a number of new students mid-year and announcing the launch of a new two-year-old program. Easing of state and local restrictions and the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine allowed the school to hold many of the traditional end-of-the-year events in person.

“Knowing my girls could go back to school in August and to have been in school continuously since then

has been such a blessing. As a mom, it was proving impossible to be all the things they needed during quarantine: teacher, guidance counselor, chef, PE teacher, art instructor, music teacher, and librarian. The administration and teachers deserve all the credit for believing a safe environment was possible and for delivering on it. They decided learning loss wasn’t an option and because of that, my girls have thrived educationally during what’s been an otherwise challenging year for all of their other activities.

— Jenna Prather, parent

Keeping the Wheels Turning and Students Learning COVID-19 protocols and procedures were put in place to keep all members of the Dunham community safe and healthy during the school year. • Every family submitted a Parent Partnership & Wellness Agreement. • All students in grades 3-12, faculty, staff, and visitors wore approved face coverings while on campus. • Temperature checks were implemented at before school each day. Students who manifested symptoms during the day were sent home. • Deep cleaning and sanitation took place several times each day. Hand sanitizing stations were placed throughout campus, and students were required to bring their own hand sanitizer each day.


• COVID-19 testing and follow-up procedures were developed in partnership with Ochsner Medical.

• To promote social distancing, classroom desk arrangements and daily schedules were adjusted to meet safety guidelines. • Lunch service continued with all meals served “grab and go” style. Dining hall occupancy was reduced, and outside eating areas were created. • Large group gatherings (such as chapel, morning meetings, and similar activities) were redesigned to allow students to experience these events in their classrooms. • Carpool procedures were redesigned, and the Safe Dismissal app was used to move students efficiently from their classrooms to their cars.

Dunham Early Childhood Center to Open in August 2021 In response to the growing demand for high of Science in Elementary Education from Louiquality instruction for younger children, The siana State University and a Master of Education Dunham School is pleased to announce the in Early Childhood Education from Northwestern August 2021 opening of the Dunham Early State University. In 2013, she joined the faculty at Childhood Center, a new preschool program for Dunham, where she has taught pre-kindergarten two-year-old students. for the past eight years. The Reggio Emilia-inspired program is a With a heart for children and a love for The natural expansion of the school’s already robust Dunham School, Mrs. Barkas feels her experience pre-kindergarten curriculum and will include as a teacher, alumna, and mother of two young Morgan Barkas ’09 developmentally appropriate learning activities children has equipped her well to lead this new designed to build early literacy, phonics, math, program. “As director of the Dunham Early science, technology, and gross motor skills as well as foundaChildhood Center, my goal is to create and ensure a nurturing, tional instruction in Bible, music, world languages, and art. high-quality learning environment for every child enrolled,” says “We are excited to expand our offerings to include a twoMrs. Barkas. “I’m excited to carry on the school’s legacy of excelyear-old program,” says Head of School Steve Eagleton. “One of lence with the youngest Dunham Tigers this fall.” our long-held desires has been to serve younger students, and The Dunham Early Childhood Center will be located on the opening of the Dunham Early Childhood Center has been Dunham’s main campus. Each classroom will be staffed by a three years in the making. We feel we are uniquely equipped to lead and assistant teacher. To accommodate working parents, provide a high-quality Christian education for two-year-olds that early and late care, snacks, and lunch will be provided at no parents cannot find anywhere else in the Baton Rouge marketadditional charge. place.” Response to the opening of the new program has been high, Dunham alumna Morgan Barkas ’09 will serve as director of and the school currently has a waiting list of families wishing to the Dunham Early Childhood Center. Mrs. Barkas holds a Bachelor enroll for 2021-2022.

“I’m excited to carry on the school’s legacy of excellence with the youngest Dunham Tigers this fall.”

— Morgan Barkas ’09

Thankyou, BatonRouge! When the votes were tallied, Dunham was thrilled to sweep Baton Rouge Parents Magazine’s 2020 Family Favorites, winning awards in eight categories. The school was named Reader’s Choice Favorite in the private middle school, private elementary school principal, private middle school principal, and summer camp categories and named finalist in the private high school, private elementary school, private high school principal, and local sports team categories.

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C E L E B R AT I N G T H E C L ASS O F 2 02 1

Carlos Stewart receives the 2021 Hall of Fame Award from last year’s award recipient, Hannah Pixley ’20

Salutatorian Raveena Vij also received the 2021 Servant’s Heart Award.

Class of 2021 Valedictorian Rhett Greer


K–12 GRADUATES Twenty-five members of the Class of 2021 have been at Dunham since kindergarten. Pictured are (seated, from left) Morgan Auzine, Sophie Rollins, Brooks LaPlace, Charlie Hays, Sarah Ellen Henry, Ainsley Jarreau, Kallie Lodrigue, Raveena Vij, Charles Riley, Suzie Fagan, Campbell Smith, Jackson Boswell, (standing, from left) Parker King, Becket Pricer, Henry Hayes, Jon Melara, Lethan Nguyen, Blocker Harvison, Seth Redmond, Jackson Jeter, Charles Riley, Baron Hingle, Ryan Dupuy, Jordi Melara, and Solomon Riley. Not pictured: JP Dowling




CLASS OF 2021 LEGACY GRADUATES celebrate with their alumni parents. Pictured are (from left) Trent Langlinais, Karen Champagne Mayeux ’87, Allyson Jones Hingle ’92, Baron Hingle, Patti Peters Dowling ’92, JP Dowling, Jarred Coates ’88, and Gabriel Coates. Becket Pricer, senior class president and recipient of the Katharine O. Dunham Award

The Crimson and Silver Award, the highest honor possible, is given to the senior who has exemplified the love of Christ with both peers and faculty and whose life has clearly reflected a desire to honor God and acknowledge Him in all his or her ways. HALL OF FAME AWARD Carlos Stewart

The Hall of Fame Award is presented to the senior who has brought the greatest positive community recognition to the school during the course of his or her athletic high school career. KATHARINE O. DUNHAM AWARD Becket Pricer

Established in memory of Katharine Dunham, this award recognizes the senior whose conduct and character best exemplify the school’s Honor Code by demonstrating a strong sense of personal honor and integrity in his or her daily life. SERVANT’S HEART AWARD Raveena Vij

The Servant’s Heart Award honors the senior whose high school career has displayed an attitude of serving others by performing selfless acts of willing and cheerful service at school, at church, and in the greater community.

Right: Head of School Steve Eagleton presents the Crimson and Silver Award to Chase Augustus.

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C E L E B R AT I N G T H E C L ASS O F 2 02 1

Tiffinie Burychka Named 2021 Liz Peters Master Teacher

by Phyllis Alexander

Tiffinie Normand Burychka received the 2021 Liz Peters Master Teacher Award during commencement exercises on May 22. This annual award, given in memory of the late Liz Peters, recognizes a member of the faculty for continued excellence in the classroom. “Mrs. Burychka is an expert teacher who sees the good in every child and in every situation. When there is a child who has challenges, whether academically or socially and emotionally, I know I can count on her to meet the needs of the child in a way that will have the most positive outcome,” said Lower School Principal & Dean of Faculty Deedra LaPlace. “She has earned the trust and admiration of students, parents, and colleagues in Head of School Steve Eagleton presents Tiffinie Burychka with the 2021 Liz Peters Master fulfilling the mission of The Dunham School.” Teacher Award. They are joined by JP Dowling ’21, Patti Peters Dowling ’92, and Bill Peters. Mrs. Burychka has faithfully served the school for 23 years as a lead teacher in the Lower School and has mentored numerous new teachers. In addition, she has served as the director of the faculty nursery and the upper school cheer sponsor. She holds her undergraduate and master’s degrees from Louisiana State University. “Receiving the Liz Peters Master Teacher Award is such a high honor. It is so humbling to be selected for this prestigious award. It is a beautiful reminder of not only the amazing teachers who have received this award before me, but also our Heavenly Master who is the ultimate teacher,” Mrs. Burychka said. “More than half of my life has been spent as an educator at Dunham. The families, faculty, and staff hold a very special place in my heart. I am so thankful for the Peters family and their continued support and love for The Dunham School.”

DUNHAM FACULTY AND STAFF MEMBERS AND THEIR 2021 GRADUATES include (seated, from left) Lollie Aulet, Sandra Holmes, Mary Richardson, Nikki Slaton, Mandy Day, Deedra LaPlace, Allyson Jones Hingle ’92, Mollie Riley, Michelle Pricer, Grady Hazel, Stacie Boswell, (standing, from left) Jonathan Aulet, Mary Ashley Richardson, Camden Holmes, Keeley Slaton, Patrick Day, Brooks LaPlace, Baron Hingle, Charles Riley, Becket Pricer, Parker King, and Jackson Boswell.

Congratulations to Coach McIlwain on this well deserved honor!


Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

The 67 seniors in the Class of 2021 received 222 acceptances to 75 colleges and universities and earned more than $9,426,158 in scholarship offers.

2021 College Acceptances The University of Alabama The University of Alabama at Birmingham Appalachian State University University of Arkansas Auburn University Barry University Baton Rouge Community College Baylor University Belmont University Berry College Centenary College of Louisiana Charleston Southern University College of Charleston Davidson College Dixie State University Eastern Kentucky University Elon University Fisk University Florida State University Furman University Georgia Southern University Harvard University University of Hawaii at Manoa High Point University Hollins University University of Houston Schools in bold indicate matriculation.

James Madison University Le Moyne College Long Island University University of Louisiana at Lafayette University of Louisiana at Monroe Louisiana College Louisiana State University Louisiana Tech University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University New Orleans Macalester College McGill University Millsaps College University of Mississippi Mississippi College Mississippi State University University of New Orleans Nicholls State University University of North Texas The University of Northwestern Ohio Northwestern State University of Louisiana University of Notre Dame Oklahoma State University of Technology Pacific University Purdue University Rhodes College

Ringling College of Art and Design Ryerson University Saint Louis University Samford University Santa Clara University Savannah College of Art and Design University of South Carolina Southeastern Louisiana University Southern Methodist University Southern University and A&M College University of Southern Mississippi Southwestern University Spring Hill College Stony Brook University Syracuse University The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Texas A&M University Texas Christian University Trinity University Tulane University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Washington University in St. Louis The University of West Florida

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2020 AP Scholars

AT THE END OF LAST SUMMER, The Dunham School was thrilled to learn that 23 students, including graduates from the Class of 2020, were named Advanced Placement® (AP) Scholars by the College Board based on their outstanding performances on AP exams taken in May of 2020. Created by the College Board in 1955, the AP program provides students with the opportunity to earn college credit for coursework completed during their high school careers. Results from 2021 AP exams will be released in August. NATIONAL AP SCHOLAR

Awarded to students who receive an average score of at least 4 or higher on eight or more exams.

Caroline Bardwell ’20

Sydney Boudreaux ’22

Rhett Greer ’21

Joshua Harris ’22

Willie Leggett ’20

Ashley McCarthy ’20

Campbell Smith ’21

Emma Spencer ’20

Ciara Venable ’20


Awarded to students who earn an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on five or more exams. Caroline Bardwell ’20 Reagan Courville ’21 Caden Eagleton ’20 Catherine Enos ’20 Rhett Greer ’21 Tré Landaiche’20 Willie Leggett ’20 Charles Roemer ’21 Emma Spencer ’20 Ciara Venable ’20 Raveena Vij ’21


Awarded to students earning an average score of 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more exams. Davis Covington ’20 Ashley McCarthy ’20 Victoria Saffell ’20 AP SCHOLAR

Awarded to students who earn scores of 3 or more on at least three exams. Sydney Boudreaux ’22 Joshua Harris ’22 Camden Holmes ’21 Kyla Johnson ’20 Maya Jones ’20 Jet McDuffie ’20 Sophie Rollins ’21 Campbell Smith ’21 Devyani Vij ’22 10

Reagan Courville ’21

Davis Covington ’20

Caden Eagleton ’20

Catherine Enos ’20

Camden Holmes ’21

Kyla Johnson ’20

Mya Jones ’20

Tré Landaiche ’20

Jett McDuffie ’20

Charles Roemer ’20

Sophie Rollins ’20

Victoria Saffell ’20

Ciara Venable ’20

Devyani Vij ’22

Raveena Vij ’20

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National Merit Commended Students by Phyllis Alexander

JP Dowling ’21

Rhett Greer ’21

Raveena Vij ’21

Congratulations to seniors JP Dowling, Rhett Greer, and Raveena Vij for their recognition as National Merit Commended Students. These accomplished scholars placed among the top 50,000 scorers of more than 1.5 million students who entered the competition by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®) during their junior year of high school.

Tiger Robotics Team Takes First Place in Spring Challenge

Members of the Tiger Robotics Team work on cyber challenges as part of the RARC spring competition.

The Upper School Tiger Robotics Team placed first in the high school division of the Regional Autonomous Robotics Circuit (RARC) competition in April. Due to restrictions on large group gatherings, the spring event was held virtually using a Capture The Flag platform, where students worked to solve coding, 12

programming and encryption challenges. Team members include Jeremiah Blanchard ’24, Adrian Raymond ’24, Gus Van Haute ’24, Philip Van Haute ’22, and Devyani Vij ’22. The team placed third in an earlier RARC competition in November.

UPPER SCHOOL AWARDS Adam Corbett Drama Award Gabe Bostick ’22

Kiwanis Courtesy Award

Charles Roemer ’21 Receives Outstanding High School Volunteer Award Congratulations to senior Charles Roemer V, who received a scholarship from the Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation for his volunteer activities and heart for service.

John Walker McDonald ’22

Knights of Columbus Award Chase Augustus ’21

Godly Character Awards Gabe Bostick ’22 Anna Dodd ’23 Mason Elliott ’24

Students of the Year Jordi Melara ’21 Kennedy Morgan ’22 Simone Riley ’23 Tyler Thibodeaux ’24

Hands-on Learning Ms. Stilley’s PreK-3 class welcomed eight baby chicks to coincide with their study of eggs and Easter. Before the temporary classroom visitors arrived, students learned about various animals that hatch from of eggs.




EIGHTH GRADE AWARDS Headmaster’s Awards Sheldon Gremillion Alex Smith

Two Coins Scholarship Award Braeden Andree

Godly Character Awards Macey Theriot Alex Smith

Spirit of Service Awards Wait Herrod Sheldon Gremillion

NJHS Achievement Award Alysse Fee

NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY In April, 27 middle school students were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society as a result of their outstanding academic achievement, service, character, and leadership. 8th GRADE Mac Greene Lauren Henley Macey Theriot

7th GRADE Gavin Byrd Megan Harman Ava Grayce Prestridge-Hoover Georgia Theriot

Congratulations to the 2021 National Junior Honor Society inductees.

Making Cultural Connections Kindergarten students learn more about Chinese culture and customs during a Skpe chat with Mrs. Mandy Hollingshead, a teacher who lives in China.

6th GRADE Bailey Adams Parker Allee Emma Harper Blumentritt Brody Burychka Emaline Chen Ryan Gisclair Jeremiah Goudeau Brooklyn Gremillion Elijah Haven Rocco Lambe Sloan Lambe Katherine McDonald Jack McKearn Charlie Myers Claire Nesheiwat Jenna Robey Kirsten Stewart Braden Sullivan Riley Walker Devyn Wild 14

Breaking Ground In January, Upper School Community Prefect Jase Augustus ’21 had the honor of introducing East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor President Sharon Weston Broome at the groundbreaking ceremony for The Mall of Louisiana Boulevard Project, a new four lane roadway that will run from Perkins Road to the Mall of Louisiana Ring Road. Among other things, the project will include two new bridges over Dawson Creek and a 10-foot shared path for walking and biking. Head of School Steve Eagleton also participated in the event. Jase Augustus ’21 and East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor President Sharon Weston Broome

National Honor Society

National Honor Society inductees from the Classes of 2021 and 2022

National Honor Society inductees from the Class of 2023

The Dunham chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) welcomed 73 upper school students as new members in a double induction ceremony that included students who qualified this year as well as those who were unable to be inducted in the spring of 2020 due to Covid-19. The National Honor Society is a nationwide organization for high school students. Membership selection is based academic achievement, leadership, service, and character. CLASS OF 2021

Caroline Latuso


Mary Clayton Jumonville

Ryan Dupuy

Madison LeBlanc

Pena Albert

Elizabeth McDonald

Suzie Fagan

Haley Malik

Braden Augustus

Jordyn Minor

Sarah Jewell

Malloy McArthur

John Taylor Bennett

Paige Odom

Jon Melara

Kennedy Morgan

Camryn Boldt

Caylin Pixley

Patrick Murphy

Chloe Byrd

Riley Ries

Dylan Pixley

Eleanor Camerlinck

Simone Riley

Suhi Rachamallu

Molly Coast

Jake Rizzo

Jackson Randall

Carson Covington

Grace Robvais

Sophie Roussel

Rhaia Davey

Elliott Spencer

Anna Kathryn Slaton

Reese Davis

Rachel Stanger

Aubrey Sorrells

Katey Day

Madison Stephens

Emmie Stevens

Samantha Donadieu

Sarah Stringfellow

Laine Sullivan

Hannah Erikson

Brooks Thornton

Adele Talbot

Riley Ewing

Kennedy Tircuit

Daniel Thompson

Jackson Ford

Myla Washington

Catherine Van Haute

Collin Franta

Devyani Vij

Gavin Guerin

Lawrence Watts

Kari Johnson

Matthew Weiner

Lyndsy Joseph

CLASS OF 2022 Maddie Benton Gabriel Bostick Sydney Boudreaux Sarah Brady Jacqueline Brady Alise Broussard Connor Eagleton Taylor Fitch Logan Fox Hayden Hand Thomas Hansborough Joshua Harris Jacob Hedges Lane Jarreau

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FAC U LT Y a n d STA F F


Mike Jenkins Retires After 30 Years of Service Mike Jenkins retired at the end of May after 30 years of service to The Dunham School as a faithful teacher, coach, administrator, and mentor. Mr. Jenkins, who joined the school in 1991, taught numerous courses, including Bible, Louisiana History, American History, World History, World Geography, economics, and middle school science and math. He served as head coach for middle school football, basketball, and baseball and as assistant coach for varsity baseball, basketball, and football. In 2004, he helped lead the Dunham Tigers to a state championship title in football. Former administrative duties include middle school principal, middle school dean of student activities, middle school athletic director, upper school dean of students, and retreat coordinator. A devoted mentor to students, Mr. Jenkins also sponsored Youth Legislature and Fellowship of Christian Athletes, coordinated the seventh-grade Washington, DC trip, served as the eighth-grade team leader, and, as he recently noted, drove the bus for field trips, retreats, and athletic events for 28 years. Perhaps his most important role, however, was that of father to two Dunham graduates, his sons Calip ’05 and Wally Jenkins ’09. In 2010, Mr. Jenkins and his late wife, Sharon, established the Two Coins Scholarship, which is awarded each spring to an eighth-grade student.

DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT In January, Kelly DeRossette was named director of development. Kelly, who joined Dunham in 2017 as director of annual giving and constituent relations, now oversees all areas of fundraising, including capital campaign management, annual giving, corporate sponsorships, alumni relations, special events, and volunteer activities.

SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR Ashley Istre joined the development staff as special events coordinator responsible for Jubilee, Carnival, and other special events. She also assists with volunteer activities. She previously served as a learning assistant in the Lower School, DPA president from 2016–2019, and annual giving parent campaign co-chair.

CHRISTIAN JOHNSON ’11 joined the marketing and communications team as assistant director of marketing. In addition to managing the Dunham Broadcast Network, Christian produces video content for the school and assists with day-to-day communications, including social media and website management.

C. JAYE MILLER ’07 joined the business office in March as accounts payable manager. C. Jaye holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Oklahoma City University. 16

RETIRED Carol Hill retired from the business office as accounts payable manager. Family, friends, and coworkers gathered for a reception held on March 4, in the Brown-Holt Chapel Arts Center to celebrate Carol and her 23 years of faithful service to The Dunham School.

2020-2021 NEW FACULTY

Dunham welcomed six new faculty members at the beginning of the 2020–2021 school year. Pictured are (front, from left) Caroline McNulty (Pre-K4), Caitlyn McCormick (biology), Elizabeth Robin (MS counselor), (back row) Bonnie Greene (LS reading and research), Jason Wilson (Bible), and Michael Hull (band).

CPA Association Honors Grady Hazel for Exceptional Service The Dunham School is thrilled to announce that the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants (LCPA) recently honored Director of Finance and Operations Grady Hazel for his remarkable contribution to the CPA profession by establishing The Grady Hazel Scholarship, which will be awarded annually to an accounting major at a Louisiana university. Before joining the Dunham administration in 2016, Grady served as executive director of LCPA for 17 years and G400 Relations Manager with the American Institute of CPAs for three years. Previously, he spent 23 years with the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, where he was the associate superintendent of business affairs for eight years. He is a current member of the State Board of CPAs of Louisiana and holds a bachelor of science and an MBA from LSU. During his time at LCPA, Grady was noted as a leader in the area of advocacy, working often with state legislators to protect the rights of taxpayers and preserve the strength of the CPA designation. As the lead presenter of Ethics for Louisiana CPAs, he donated all of his customary speaker’s fees back to LCPA’s Educational Scholarship Fund. Grady is grandfather of four Dunham students, Parker King ’21, Olivia King ’23, Camille Istre ’26, and Jack Istre ’29. His daughter, Ashley Istre, serves as Dunham’s special events coordinator.



the Dunham staff in August as the administrative assistant for the McKay Academic Center. Stephanie, who previously worked for BBP Sales, says she loves being around the students all day and especially enjoys coming to work with her husband, upper school teacher Kenneth Whitfield.

department chair Jessica Shelton who successfully defended her dissertation last fall and completed all requirements to earn her Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Southeastern Louisiana University in the fall. Dr. Shelton joined the faculty in 2019.

US ART TEACHER NICOLE COTTEN CALLAC ’08 put paintbrush to paper to create the colorful original artwork that graced the cover of inRegister’s “Women With A Cause” issue published in December of 2020.

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Hilary Morris Named Head Coach for Girls Basketball Hilary Morris was promoted to head coach for girls basketball in April. Since joining Dunham in 2019, Coach Morris has served as assistant coach for the varsity girls basketball team, head swim coach, and assistant track and field coach. As P.E. department chair, she has had a tremendous effect on our athletic program by sparking a passion for sports in our middle school girls. Previously, Coach Morris was assistant varsity girls basketball coach at Denham Springs High School, helping lead the team to a Class 5A state runner-up finish. She also coached junior varsity girls basketball and girls track and field at Southside Junior High in Denham Springs and varsity, junior varsity, and junior high girls basketball at D’Arbonne Woods Charter School in Farmerville, La. An accomplished athlete in her own right, Coach Morris played basketball for Whitman College (NCAA Division III), where she served as team captain for two seasons. During her collegiate career, she led her team in scoring in her junior and senior seasons and led the team and conference in 3-point field goals made during her senior season. She received the Lee Coleman Award as most outstanding senior female performer and was named to the First-Team All-Northwest Conference in 2009 and 2010.

Jonathan Pixley Retires from Dunham Basketball Marking the end of an era, Head Boys Basketball Coach Jonathan Pixley retired at the end of the school year to serve as vice president of business development at Match Point, an innovative tech company that connects influencers and athletes with local businesses. Coach Pixley also continues to train professional basketball players and has maintained his role as director of basketball at Team Sportsplex. In announcing his decision to retire, Coach Pixley said, “While I will no longer be the head basketball coach or a member of the faculty at The Dunham School, I will continue to support the school as if I never left. My heart will always be here—this is home to me and my family, and nothing can change that. Simply put, I am a better man because of the opportunity to serve here for the past two decades.” Coach Pixley leaves Dunham as one of the most decorated coaches in school history. In his 20-year tenure as head basketball coach, his teams accumulated 437 victories, won eight district championships, played in five consecutive state championship games, and claimed the Division III state title three times in the past four years. He has been District Coach of the Year eight times and was named the 2021 2A State Coach of the Year.

RETIRED Tim Jorgensen retired at the end of the school year. Coach Jorgensen spent 18 seasons in the NFL as assistant coach for the Philadelphia Eagles and the Atlanta Falcons and as the head strength coach for the Cleveland Browns. He also spent time at the NCAA level serving on the staff at both LSU and Alabama. In the early 2000s, Coach Jorgensen began working with the Dunham athletic department, and in 2004 joined the staff as the full-time head strength and conditioning coach. He also served as head coach for the track and field program. During his tenure, Dunham athletes have won team or individual state championship titles in basketball, cross country, football, golf, swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling. 18

Chad Myers Named Head Coach for Boys Basketball Chad Myers ’97 was named head coach for boys basketball in April, following a national search to find a replacement for retiring coach Jonathan Pixley. When announcing the news, Head of School Steve Eagleton said, “As an alumnus, former player, and long-serving boys assistant coach, Chad is uniquely qualified to lead our boys basketball program. As assistant boys basketball coach, he has been integral to the remarkable achievements of the team, including three state championship wins in the past four years. We are thrilled that he has accepted the position and are excited to see him further the success of the program by raising godly

men through the sport of basketball.” Coach Myers served as boys basketball assistant coach for 18 years and coached girls basketball as well as girls and boys tennis for 15 years. In 2007, he led the girls basketball team to a final four appearance in his first year as head coach. Since then he has amassed more than 260 head coaching victories, including a 2018 district championship title. He was named District Coach of the Year in 2018 and AAU National Champion Head Coach in 2013. Under his tenure, the boys tennis team has claimed three state championship titles, and the girls tennis team has been state runners-up twice.

SERVICE ANNIVERSARIES Faculty and staff who celebrated milestone service anniversaries in both 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 were recognized at the end-ofthe-year luncheon. 5 YEARS Adrienne Clement* Marguerite Estes Lauren Franzella Lauren Hawkins* Grady Hazel Elisa Major* Kristi McCain* Bekah Myers* Pinpin Peng Allison Roark* Sherry Swanner Austin Trosclair* Jessi Wilson*

INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION (ISTE) Four faculty and staff members completed their ISTE Certification, a competencybased certification for educators that focuses on transforming education by using technology to engage students in real-world, active learning. Pictured are (counter clockwise from top left) Nikole Blanchard, Claire Hebert, Jackie Wilson, and Mary Elizabeth Carruth, who joined the technology team in August.

10 YEARS Richard Hansen Lori Latuso* Lisa Murray* Melissa Stevens* Roxanne Taylor* Ed Van Haute

15 YEARS Stacie Boswell Angi Eagleton* Valerie Jaques* 20 YEARS Steve Eagleton Amanda McIlwain Mitch McIlwain* Donna Pixley Jonathan Pixley* 25 YEARS Deedra LaPlace Lisa Stilley* 30 YEARS Mike Jenkins 35 YEARS Sharon Towry



Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 19



Improv Comedy Show UPPER SCHOOL STUDENTS put their quick-thinking skills and comedic talent to the test at the improv show in January.


A Night at the Movies

WITH A LITTLE INGENUITY AND CREATIVITY, Dunham thespians found ways to bring live performances back to the BrownHolt Chapel Arts Center while observing Covid-19 health protocols.

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 21


V I S UA L A R TS • DA N C E • M U S I C

Master Class Series Inspires Fine Arts Students Dunham dance and band students found plenty of inspiration this spring from visiting artists Warren Wolf, Jr., and Brian Watson. In early March, Wolf, a world-class multi-instrumentalist, performed and collaborated with band students, sharing his ability, knowledge, and passion for music. During the class, students were able to ask Wolf questions about his thought process and his approach to music. Later in the month, professional dancer and choreographer Brian Watson put the Dance II Honors class through its paces, working with the students to prepare and choreograph a dynamic piece performed at the Fine Arts Festival in April. “Visiting artists such as Warren Wolf and Brian Watson create an aesthetic framework for students to develop confidence through the introduction of new concepts and diverse cultures. The opportunity to work with artists of their stature is a powerful educational ingredient that enhances our students’ learning through exciting and meaningful experiences,” says Fine Arts Chair Lisa Murray. Warren Wolf’s master class was made possible by The Arts Council of Baton Rouge and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. Partners in the Arts sponsored Brian Watson’s visit.

BRIAN WATSON Professional dancer and choreographer Brian Wilson works with the Dance II Honors class to prepare a piece for the Fine Arts Festival.

FINE ARTS FESTIVAL Upper School art student Nicole 22

Perkowski ’21 showcases her work at the Fine Arts Festival in April.

WARREN WOLF, JR., left, inspired Dunham band members as a visiting artist. Below: students and band director Michael Hull with Warren Wolf

THE DUNHAM SCHOOL CHOIR herald in the holidays at the Christmas concert.

FOURTH-GRADE STUDENTS perform in the annual Christmas program.

SIXTH-GRADERS perform A Christmas Carol.

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 23

thleticsState Champions! After having their spring seasons cut short last year due to the pandemic, Tiger athletes came roaring back ready to compete and win, claiming 12 team or individual state titles—the most in school history! BACK-TO-BACK CHAMPIONS BOYS BASKETBALL In a comeback 52-48 victory, the boys basketball team overpowered Newman to claim the LHSAA Division III state title at Burton Coliseum on March 12. The Tigers, who finished the season 18-11, have played in five consecutive state championship games, grabbing the state title three times in last four years, including last year’s win over crosstown rival Episcopal. Prior to the championship game, senior Becket Pricer received the 2021 Horizon Award presented by the LHSAA to a student who displays outstanding citizenship, leadership, and academic achievement. Standout senior guard Carlos Stewart, who has committed to play for Santa Clara University next year, was named Division III Outstanding Player and garnered numerous post-season honors, including Gatorade Louisiana Player of the Year, Max Preps Louisiana High School Player of the Year, NAACP Player of the Year, Advocate Star of Stars, and USA Today High School Sports Award State Winner for Boys Basketball. Coach Jonathan Pixley, who announced his decision to retire at the end of the school year, was named District Coach of the Year and 2A State Coach of the Year. In addition, the boys team had players named to the Academic All-State, All-State, All-District, and All-Metro teams (see full list on page 29).

PATRICK MURPHY WINS TWO STATE SWIMMING TITLES Two-event winner Patrick Murphy ’22 led the way as the Dunham Tigers finished fourth in the Division IV boys competition at the LHSAA State Swim Meet held November 18-19, at the YMCA of Northwest Louisiana in Shreveport. Patrick won the 100 breaststroke and the 200-yard individual medley, setting a new pool record with his breaststroke time of 59.49. The four-man Tiger relay team of Patrick Murphy, Reed Jantzi ’22, Baron Hingle ’21, and Hayden Hingle ’24 came in third in the 400 freestyle relay. With just four team members, the small but mighty team finished in fourth place overall out of 17 teams, all with much larger rosters. Other individual highlights from the meet included top ten finishes for Reed Jantzi who finished in second place in the 100 backstroke and fifth place in the 100 butterfly. In post-season, Baron Hingle was named to the Academic All-State Team, and Patrick Murphy was selected for the All-Metro 1st Team. 24

The 2021 Division IV State Champs. Pictured (from left) are Coach Chad Myers ’97, Jonathan Melara ’21, Daniel Petty ’21, Jordi Melara ’21, Michael Dudley ’22, Evan Gleason ’22, Cade Cloud ’22, Ashton DuPont ’24, Lethan Nguyen ’21, and Coach Ronnie Walters.

BOYS TENNIS SERVES UP THREE STATE TITLES After having their 2020 season cut short due to Covid-19, the thrill of victory was extra sweet for the members of the Dunham boys tennis team who served up enough points to claim the 2021 Division IV State Championship, the team’s third state title since 2018 (there was no state championship in 2020). And, as if one state trophy wasn’t enough, the team Above: State Singles Champion returned to campus with two more in tow after Michael Dudley ’22 Michael Dudley ’22 won the state singles title, and Left: State Doubles Champions Evan Gleason ’22 and Lethan Nguyen ’21 teamed up Evan Gleason ’22 and Lethan to claim the doubles title. Dudley, Gleason, and NguyNguyen ’21 en were named to the All-Metro Team, along with doubles partners Jordi Melara ’21 and Daniel Petty ’21. Jordi and brother Jonathan Melara ’21 were named to the Academic All-State Team. In an interview with The Advocate, Coach Chad Myers ’97 said, “It was a really great team effort. But the last two times, we won without winning either the singles or the doubles tournament. I challenged them to do that, and they got it done.”

RYAN DUPUY SETS RECORD AT STATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Senior Ryan Dupuy posted a stellar eight-under-par 64 at the state golf tournament to claim the Division III boys individual state title while the boys team finished in third place after a fantastic two days at the tournament. Ryan’s 12-under-par 68-64—132 score is the lowest two-round total in any of the six boys’ and girls’ divisions at the state tournament in six years. Ryan, who has signed to play golf for the University of Southern Mississippi and was named Advocate Star of Stars for boys golf, claimed the Baton Rouge Metro Championship earlier in the season, won the American Junior Golf Association Tournament in September of 2020, and was named to the Academic All-State, All-State, and All-Metro teams as well as the prestigious 2020 Rolex All-American Team. District golf champion John Collier Thornton ’21 was also named to the Academic All-State, All-State, and All-Metro teams. Seth Redmond ’21 was named Academic All-State, and Brooks Thornton ’23 was named All-Metro. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 25


Tigers Runners Go the Distance to Win Four State Titles Five runners. Five races. Four State Championships. One State Runner-Up.

Far left: 3200m State Champion John Walker McDonald ’22 Above: 4x800 Relay State Champs (from left) Reagan Courville ’21, Miles Pelton ’21, Reese Davis ’23, and John Walker McDonald ’22 Left: 1600m and 3200m State Champion Riley Ries ’23

Tiger distance runners made the most of their opportunities to bring home championship medals in four of five events at the 2021 2A State Track Meet, held May 7, at LSU’s Bernie Moore Track Stadium. The 4x800 relay team of Reagan Courville ’21, Reese Davis ’23, Miles Pelton ’21, and John Walker McDonald ’22 got the Tigers on the winning track as they captured Dunham’s first championship title of the day with a finish time of 8:30.57, setting a 2A state record for that race. Riley Ries ’23, the lone Tiger female runner, collected individual championships in both the 1600m and 3200m with her 1600m time of 5:27.99 and 3200m time of 11:36.51 setting a school record. John Walker McDonald took a huge early lead to win the 3200 m (10:02.52) after finishing second in the 1600 m (4:43.64). In postseason, Reagan Courville, Camden Holmes ’21, Parker King ’21, Miles Pelton, and Nicole Perkowski ’21 were named to the Academic All-State Team.

JOHN WALKER MCDONALD NAMED 2A STATE CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPION It was a great day for our Tiger runners at the 2020 State Cross Country meet, held November 16, at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, La. John Walker McDonald ’22 finished in first place as the 2020 2A State Cross Country Champion. John Walker, who clocked in with 16:13.0 run time (the fastest time of the day across all classifications), led the Dunham boys team to a second place finish, claiming the runner-up trophy just six points behind the winning team. Riley Ries ’23 placed fourth in the girls meet with a time of 19:40. Top ten performances by John Walker and Riley garnered 2020 All-State individual honors while the Dunham boys team received All-State team honors. In addition, Miles Pelton ’21 and Reagan Courville ’21 were honored as members of the 2020 2A Cross Country Academic All-State Team. Congratulations to our Tiger runners and coaches for a great end to a fantastic season!


2020-2021 Basketball MVP Molly Coast ’23

2020–2021 Football MVP Jordi Melara ’21

2020–2021 Football MVP Matthew Weiner ’22

GIRLS BASKETBALL It was a year of growth

FOOTBALL Despite a delayed start for games due to Covid regulations and a

for the young Lady Tigers basketball team coached by Chad Myers ’97 and Hilary Morris. Although the girls faced ups and downs in the 2020-2021 season, each member of the team showed up and played with heart and determination at every game. At the conclusion of the season, Molly Coast ’23, Mollee Day ’25, and Nia Marshall ’22 were named to the All-District 1st Team.

number of season-ending injuries, the Tigers displayed heart, effort, attitude, and toughness on a weekly basis. After a season marked by highs and lows, the Tigers brought home a 22-0 victory over St. Thomas Aquinas in the first round of playoffs before falling to St. Charles in the quarterfinals. Post-season saw Camden Holmes ’21 and Jordi Melara ’21 named to the Academic All-State Team. Braden Augustus ’23, Jonathan Crump ’21, Jordan Dupre ’22, Jake Rizzo ’23, and Matthew Weiner ’22 were named All-District 1st Team, and Connor Boldt ’21, Gerret Davis ’21, Blocker Harvison ’21, Jake Ledet ’22, Jordi Melara, and Matthew Weiner were named to All-District 2nd Team.

2020–2021 Volleyball MVP Kibi Huggins ’21

2020–2021 Volleyball MVP Caylin Pixley ’23

2020–2021 Wrestling MVP Christian Scott ’26

VOLLEYBALL The Lady Tigers Volleyball team measured success in the 2020 season not

WRESTLING The small but mighty

by the number of games won or lost but by the opportunity to grow and play well together in the midst of a pandemic and make it to the regional playoffs. Senior Nicole Perkowski was named to both the Academic All-State Team and the Academic All-State Composite Team based on her stellar academic achievements. Kibi Huggins ’21 and Caylin Pixley ’23 were named All-State, All-District, and All-Metro. Nicole Perkowski and Kennedy Stewart ’24 also received All-District honors, and Jada Hayes ’23 was named All-District Honorable Mention. In addition, Kibi Huggins, who will play for Southeastern Louisiana University, was selected to play in the LHSCCA All-Star Volleyball Game.

wrestling team approached the 2020-2021 season with a focus on technical development and mental conditioning. Seventhgrader Christian Scott was named team MVP at Dunham’s winter sports convocation, where teammate James Baldwin ’23 received the Tiger Tradition Award. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 27


2020–2021 Soccer MVP Blake Romaine ’21

2020–2021 Softball MVP Laine Sullivan ’22

GIRLS SOFTBALL Teamwork, camaraderie, and a winning attitude were on display at every game played by the Lady Tigers softball team who hit their stride in the second half of the season before a tough loss to Episcopal in the district championship. Post season honors went to Mollee Day ’25, Taylor Fitch ’22, Madison LeBlanc ’22, Claire McIlwain ’24, and Laine Sullivan ’22, who were named to the All-District 1st Team, and Olivia King ’23 and Nia Marshall ’22, who were named to the All-District 2nd Team.

2020–2021 Baseball MPV Lane Jarreau ’22

BOYS SOCCER After a successful regu-

BASEBALL After a slow start to the

lar season, the boys soccer team hit the road to face Catholic-New Iberia in the regional playoffs. During a fierce game marked by a tie at the end of regulation play, two overtimes, golden goal, and sudden death periods, the Tigers finally went down in a match decided by penalty kicks. Blake Romaine ’21, recipient of the team MVP award, was named All-District MVP. Charles Riley ’21 was named Academic All-State. All-District 1st Team selections included Blake Romaine, Jackson Ford ’23, Hayden Harman ’23, and Jonathan Melara ’21. Ethan Courter ’24, Mason Elliott ’24, Jordi Melara ’21, and Matthew Weiner ’22 were named to the All-District 2nd Team.

season, the Tigers came together as a team with a big win at home over Catholic-New Iberia and finishing the season as the district champions with Coach Wes Theriot named District Coach of the Year. Luke Bernard ’21, Anthony Burychka ’21, and Cameron LeBlanc ’21 were named Academic All-State. Luke Bernard was also named to the AllDistrict 1st Team along with Colin Boldt ’23, Grant Cohn ’23, Jacob Hedges ’22, Gabe Hitzman ’21, Lane Jarreau ’22, Trent Langlinais ’21, and Solomon Riley ’21.

GIRLS GOLF Sharon Towry returned to coaching this year, serving as the head coach for the girls golf team. The small three-player team of Riley Ewing ’23, Elizabeth McDonald ’23, and Campbell Smith ’21 boldly stepped up to every tee box and made the most of each opportunity to play together, develop their golf skills, and exemplify what it means to be a Tiger athlete. Girls Golf Coach Sharon Towry with (from left) Elizabeth McDonald ’23, team MVP Riley Ewing ’23, and Campbell Smith

2020–2021 Tennis MVP Lizzie McFeaters ’21

GIRLS TENNIS The girls tennis team


finished the regular season 9-4, with Lizzie McFeaters ’21 and Helen Watts ’24 qualifying for state in singles. Early in the season, a group of freshmen players made bold statements at the UTR tournament, where Helen Watts won gold and Stella Boone ’24 won silver in AA singles; Mallory Golightly ’24 won gold and Katie Harris ’24 won silver in A singles; and the doubles team of Stella Boone and Malyn Rolling ’24 won silver in AA doubles.

2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 AT H L E T I C H O N O R S BASEBALL

LHSAA DIVISION III DISTRICT CHAMPIONS District Coach of the Year Wes Theriot Academic All-State Luke Bernard ’21 Anthony Burychka ’21 Cameron Leblanc ’21 All-District 1st Team Luke Bernard ’21 Colin Boldt ’23 Grant Cohn ’23 Jacob Hedges ’22 Gabe Hitzman ’21 Lane Jarreau ’22 Trent Langlinais ’21 Solomon Riley ’21


GIRLS BASKETBALL All-District 1st Team Molly Coast ’23 Mollee Day ’25 Nia Marshall ’22


All-District 1st Team Blake Romaine ’21 Jackson Ford ’23 Hayden Harman ’23 Jonathan Melara ’21

Academic All-State Reagan Courville ’21 Parker King ’21 Miles Pelton ’21

All-Metro John Walker McDonald ’22 Riley Ries ’22

LHSAA Division III Horizon Award Becket Pricer ’21


Max Preps Louisiana High School Player of the Year Carlos Stewart ’21 NAACP Player of the Year Carlos Stewart ’21 State Coach of the Year Jonathan Pixley Academic All-State Rhett Greer ’21 Henry Hays ’21 Becket Pricer ’21 Charles Roemer ’21 All-State 1st Team Carlos Stewart ’21 All-District MVP Carlos Stewart ’21 All-District 1st Team Carlos Stewart ’21 (MVP) Chase Augustus ’21 Jase Augustus ’21 All-Metro 1st Team Carlos Stewart ’21

Academic All-State Charles Riley ’21

Academic All-State Composite Reagan Courville ’21 Miles Pelton ’21

LHSAA Division III Outstanding Player Carlos Stewart ’21

LSWA Mr. Basketball Carlos Stewart ’21


LHSAA Division IV State Runner-Up 100m Backstroke Reed Jantzi ’22

All-District MVP Blake Romaine ’21


Gatorade Lousiana Player of the Year Carlos Stewart ’21

LHSAA Division IV State Champion 100m Breaststroke Patrick Murphy ’22

LHSAA Division IV State Champion John Walker McDonald ’22

All-State John Walker McDonald ’22 Miles Pelton ’21 Riley Ries ’23

Advocate Star of Stars Carlos Stewart ’21

All-Metro Ryan Dupuy ’21 Brooks Thornton ’23 John Collier Thornton ’21

Academic All-State Camden Holmes ’21 Jordi Melara ’21 All-District 1st Team Braden Augustus ’23 Jonathan Crump ’21 Jordan Dupre ’22 Jake Rizzo ’23 Matthew Weiner ’22 All-District 2nd Team Connor Boldt ’21 Gerret Davis ’21 Blocker Harvison ’21 Jake Ledet ’22 Jordi Melara ’21 Matthew Weiner ’22


LHSAA Division III State Individual Champion Ryan Dupuy ’21 Baton Rouge Metro Champion Ryan Dupuy ’21 District Champion John Collier Thornton ’21 Advocate Star of Stars Ryan Dupuy ’21 Academic All-State Ryan Dupuy ’21 Seth Redmond ’21 John Collier Thornton ’21 All-State Ryan Dupuy ’21 John Collier Thornton ’21

All-District 2nd Team Ethan Courter ’24 Mason Elliott ’24 Jordi Melara ’21 Matthew Weiner ’22 All-Metro 1st Team Blake Romaine ’21

GIRLS SOCCER Academic All-State Sarah Ellen Henry ’21 Katherine Jewell ’21 Sarah Jewell ’21 Nilayah Peter ’21 All-District Offensive MVP Elise Ford ’25 All-District 1st Team Elise Ford ’25 CeCe Carter ’23 Sam Donadieu ’23 Sarah Stringfellow ’23 All-District Honorable Mention Eleanor Camerlinck ’23 Adele Talbot ’22 All-Metro 1st Team Elise Ford ’25 All-Metro Honorable Mention Eleanor Camerlinck ’23 Sam Donadieu ’23

SOFTBALL All-District 1st Team Mollee Day ’25 Taylor Fitch ’22 Madison LeBlanc ’22 Claire McIlwain ’24 Laine Sullivan ’22 All-District 2nd Team Nia Marshall ’22 Olivia King ’23

SWIMMING LHSAA Division IV State Champion 200m Medley Patrick Murphy ’22

Academic All-State Baron Hingle ’21 All-Metro 1st Team Patrick Murphy ’22

LHSAA 2A State Runner-Up (1,600m) John Walker McDonald ’22 Regional Champion (1600m; 3200m) John Walker McDonald ’22 District Champions (4x800 Relay) Ethan Courter ’24 Reagan Courville ’21 Reese Davis ’23 Tyler Thibodeaux ’24 District Champion (1600m; 3200m) John Walker McDonald ’22


LHSAA DIVISION IV BOYS TENNIS STATE CHAMPIONS LHSAA Division IV Boys Tennis State Singles Champion Michael Dudley ’22 LHSAA Division IV Boys Tennis State Doubles Champions Evan Gleason ’22 Lethan Nguyen ’21

District Champion (800m) Reese Davis ’23 Academic All-State Reagan Courville ’21 Camden Holmes ’21 Parker King ’21 Miles Pelton ’21 Nicole Perkowski ’21

GIRLS TRACK & FIELD LHSAA 2A State Track Champion (1600m; 3200m) Riley Ries ’23

Regional Singles Champion Michael Dudley ’22 Regional Doubles Champions Evan Gleason ’22 Lethan Nguyen ’21

Regional Champion (1600m; 3200m) Riley Ries ’23

Academic All-State Jonathan Melara ’21 Jordi Melara ’21

District Champion (1600m; 3200m) Riley Ries ’23

All-Metro Michael Dudley ’22, Singles Evan Gleason ’22, Doubles Jordi Melara ’21, Doubles Lethan Nguyen ’21, Doubles Daniel Petty ’21, Doubles

District Champion (Javelin) Rhaia Davey ’23

All-Metro Honorable Mention Jonathan Melara ’21, Singles

VOLLEYBALL Academic All-State Composite Nicole Perkowski ’21 Academic All-State Nicole Perkowski ’21 All-State Kibi Huggins ’21 Caylin Pixley ’23

BOYS TRACK & FIELD LHSAA 2A State Champions (4x800 Relay) Reagan Courville ’21 Reese Davis ’23 John Walker McDonald ’22 Miles Pelton ’21 LHSAA 2A State Track Champion (3200m) John Walker McDonald ’22

All-District 1st Team Kibi Huggins ‘21 Nicole Perkowski ’21 Caylin Pixley ’23 Kennedy Stewart ’24 All-District Honorable Mention Jada Hayes ’23 All-Metro Kibbi Huggins ’21 Caylin Pixley ’23

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 29


Class of 2021 Collegiate Athletes Congratulations to the following

GIRLS SOCCER It was a season of firsts

2020–2021 Soccer MVP Elise Ford ’25

for the girls soccer team who claimed their first tournament championship win in program history at the Club Baton Rouge Kickoff Tournament in December followed by a 1-0 victory over Menard in February to mark their first playoff win. Although the historic season ended on the road with a 3-0 loss to Ouachita Christian in the regional round of playoffs, the Lady Tigers proved they were fierce competitors who will only get better with time. Eighth-grader Elise Ford was named All-District Offensive MVP and selected for the All-District and All-Metro 1st teams. Sarah Ellen Henry ’21, Katherine Jewell ’21, Sarah Jewell ’21, and Nilayah Peter ’21 were named Academic All-State. Joining Elise Ford on the All-District 1st Team were CeCe Carter ’23, Sam Donadieu ’23, and Sarah Stringfellow ’23. Eleanor Camerlinck ’23 and Adele Talbot ’22 received All-District Honorable Mention honors, and Camerlinck and Sam Donadieu received All-Metro Honorable Mention honors.

stand-out athletes who have traded in their Tiger stripes and signed national letters of intent to fulfill their dreams of competing at the collegiate level.


University of Southern Mississippi Golf


Southeastern Louisiana University Volleyball


Eastern Kentucky University Baseball

CARLOS STEWART ’21 Santa Clara University Basketball

2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 AT H L E T I C AWA R D S MALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR Ryan Dupuy ’21 Carlos Stewart ’21





Lane Jarreau ’22, Baseball Carlos Stewart ’21, Boys Basketball Molly Coast ’23, Girls Basketball John Walker McDonald ’22, Boys Cross Country Riley Ries ’23, Girls Cross Country Jordi Melara ’21, Football Matthew Weiner ’22, Football Ryan Dupuy ’21, Boys Golf Riley Ewing ’23, Girls Golf Blake Romaine ’21, Boys Soccer Elise Ford ’25, Girls Soccer Laine Sullivan ’22, Softball Patrick Murphy ’22, Swimming Evan Gleason ’22, Boys Tennis 30

Michael Dudley ’22, Boys Tennis Lethan Nguyen ’21, Boys Tennis Elizabeth McFeaters ’21, Girls Tennis John Walker McDonald ’22, Boys Track and Field Riley Ries ’23, Girls Track and Field Kibi Huggins ’21, Volleyball Caylin Pixley ’23, Volleyball Kristian Scott ’26, Wrestling


Trent Langlinais ’21, Baseball Chase Augustus ’21, Boys Basketball Jase Augustus ’21, Boys Basketball Nia Marshall ’22, Girls Basketball Miles Pelton ’21, Boys Cross Country Kennedy Morgan ’22, Girls Cross Country Blocker Harvison ’21, Football Seth Redmond ’21, Boys Golf Elizabeth McDonald ’23, Girls Golf Jonathan Melara ’21, Boys Soccer Sarah Stringfellow ’23, Girls Soccer Claire McIlwain ’24, Softball Adrian Raymond ’24, Swimming Daniel Petty ’21, Boys Tennis Helen Watts ’24, Girls Tennis Lawrence Watts ’22, Boys Track and Field Kari Johnson ’23, Girls Track and Field Rhaia Davey ’23, Volleyball


Luke Bernard ’21, Baseball Rhett Greer ’21, Boys Basketball Henry Hays ’21, Boys Basketball Becket Pricer ’21, Boys Basketball Charles Roemer ’21, Boys Basketball Sarah Brady ’22 Girls Basketball Parker King ’21, Boys Cross Country Maddie Benton ’22, Girls Cross Country Camden Holmes ’21, Football John Collier Thornton ’21, Boys Golf Campbell Smith ’21, Girls Golf James Milton ’21, Boys Soccer Sarah Ellen Henry ’21, Girls Soccer Madison LeBlanc ’22, Softball Baron Hingle ’21, Swimming Jonathan Melara ’21, Boys Tennis Jordi Melara ’21, Boys Tennis Reagan Courville ’21, Boys Track and Field Parker King ’21, Boys Track and Field Miles Pelton ’21, Boys Track and Field Nicole Perkowski ’21, Girls Track and Field Nicole Perkowski ’21, Volleyball James Baldwin ’23, Wrestling

GONE FISHING Congratulations to the Dunham Bass Fishing team of Alex Parsons ’22 and Mason Sullivan ’22, who finished 19th out of 120 boats in the Louisiana High School Bass Nation team tournament held at Pass Manchac on April 10-11. Their top 20 finish qualified them for the state tournament in May.


US KIDS GOLF Congratulations of Owen Lejeune ’30, who has qualified to play in the US Kids Golf World Championship this summer in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Owen, who played in the tournament last year, won both the US Kids Golf Coast Tour Championship and the Country Club of Louisiana Junior Club Championship and finished third on the Kelly Gibson Junior Golf Tour. With his dad, Dana, as his partner, Owen won the BREC Parent/Child Championship and placed 4th in the US Kids Parent/Child World Championship.

Last fall, Dunham Tennis Coach Ronnie Walters was named the 2019-2020 National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Louisiana Tennis Coach of the Year. The prestigious award was based on Walters’ performance as a coach and the positive impact he has had on the athletes in the school’s tennis program. Ronnie Walters has coached boys and girls tennis for the past seven years and led the boys’ tennis team to LHSAA Division IV state championship titles in 2018, 2019, and 2021. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 31

Faith andService

LESSONS & CAROLS The nativity tableau is recreated during the traditional Lessons & Carols chapel in December.

CEREAL BOX DOMINO CHALLENGE After completing the Cereal Box Domino Challenge, Lower School students donated 1,080 unopened boxes of cereal to the Baton Rouge food bank.

MEN’S CLUB SERVICE DAY Thank you to members OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Middle School students packed special items into Christmas boxes to be delivered to children around the world.

of the Dunham Men’s Club who worked tirelessly in July to clear and mulch flower beds, trim trees, and spruce up the campus.



After the Dunham community raised more than $2,100 for Active for Austism in April, Head of School Steve Eagleton (left), MAC Director Barbara Germany (right), MAC Resource Coordinator Nikki Slaton (second from right), and Dunham students present a check to representatives from Families Helping Families.

VETERAN’S DAY CHAPEL Lower School honored servicemen and women during Veteran’s Day Chapel.

VALENTINE’S DAY CARDS 4th grade students made special Valentine’s Day cards for residents at The Haven retirement community.

CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS Madeline Murphy ’25 and her eighth-grade classmates made more than 100 Christmas cards to share with residents at The Haven and Sunrise retirement communities and clients of St. Charles place.

DUNHAM GIVES BACK Service Prefect Campbell Smith ’21 announces that more than 2,020 items were collected for the Upper School’s hurricane relief service project.

SCARVES FROM THE HEART Third graders model scarves created during a special Innovation Lab “From the Heart” project. The finished scarves were distributed to the homeless by Healing Place Church.

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 33



Bring-A-Ringer Father and son duo Ty and Hayden Hingle ’24 enjoy the Bring-A-Ringer tennis fundraiser with Malyn Rolling ’24 and her father, John Mark.

Homecoming Homecoming Queen Suzie Fagan ’21 (front, center) with Homecoming Maids (front, from left) Sarah Ellen Henry ’21, Raveena Vij ’21, Ainsley Jarreau ’21, Campbell Smith ’21, (middle, from left) Sara Kathryn Breland ’22, Sophie Roussel ’22, Kylie Westbrook ’22, (back, from left) Mary Claton Jumonville ’23, Molly Coast ’23, Lilly Rollins ’24, and Grace Dykes ’24.

Father Son BBQ

Father Daughter Dance Dunham girls and their fathers danced the day away at the Father Daughter Dance in February.


Former NFL linebacker Billy Andrews, pictured with grandson Seth Redmond ’21, was the speaker for the Father Son Barbecue in October.

Breakfast with


The lobby of the Brown-Holt Chapel Arts Center was transformed into a Winter Wonderland for this year’s drop-in Breakfast with Santa event, complete with grab-and-go treats, crafts, and photos with Santa.

Bekah and Abby Ryan Myers ’28

Amie, Michael, Parker ’33, and Colin Rabel ’30

Men’s Steak Night Head of School Steve Eagleton, Thomas Hansbrough, Charles Jantzi, Scott McClain, and Steve Malik enjoy Men’s Steak Night.

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 35




The Dunham Alumni Association hosted its 10th Annual Dunham Cup Golf Classic on November 2, 2020, at The University Club of Baton Rouge. The nearly $19,000 raised will help support upcoming alumni programs and events. Thank you to our 2020–2021 corporate sponsors (see page 38) for making this year’s event a success.

2020 Dunham Cup Champions Todd Guerin and Scott Sterling

SAVE THE DATE! 2021 Dunham Cup Golf Classic | Monday, November 1 The University Club of Baton Rouge


Austin Theriot ’03, Marc Corkern ’03, Mitch McIlwain ’94, and Mitchell Hayes ’03

Thank you to platinum sponsor Neighbors Federal Credit Union, represented by players Eddie Vollenweider, Anthony Pitalo, Steve Webb, and Greg Inman.

Brian Dantin ’96

Hole-in-One Contest sponsors Shane Barksdale, Darrell Lakvold, and Chad Milton from Milton Lakvold Real Estate, LLC.


Jubilee guests enjoy the beautiful outdoor setting during the live auction at the Capitol Park Museum.

The Roaring Twenties was the theme for the Dunham Jubilee that took place on November 12, 2020, at the Capitol Park Museum. Thanks to the event committee, our corporate sponsors, and the generosity of the Dunham community, $30,000 was raised for Dunham academics, arts, athletics, and more than $16,450 was raised for the Annual Giving Faculty Fund, on top of the nearly $70,000 previously raised during the online event that took place last March.


Above: Cole Olivier ’26 with his winning design for the 2021 Carnival t-shirt

Although Covid-19 restrictions prevented us from hosting our traditional event at the Dunham Stadium, the 2021 Carnival took place at Main Event on April 24, complete with unlimited bowling, laser tag, and arcade games. This year’s event, which included a silent auction featuring student artwork and other exciting items, raised $10,000 for Dunham arts and athletics and an additional $1,225 for the Annual Giving Faculty Fund.

Thank you to our 2020–2021 Premier Sponsors! The Dunham community is grateful to our corporate sponsors for their generous support of our fundraising events. Please see page 38 for a complete list of our sponsors. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 37

G iving

2 0 2 0 – 2 0 2 1 CO R P O R AT E S P O N S O R S H I P S

The Dunham Corporate Sponsorship Program gave local businesses the opportunity to partner with the school in a unique way that provided valuable brand exposure while also positively impacting the experiences of Dunham students. The new program raised $143,200 in support of Dunham arts, academics, and athletics and proved to be a valuable asset for companies that wished to reach Dunham’s families and fans throughout the school year. Thank you to our corporate sponsors!

Premier Sponsors


Dudley DeBosier I n j u r y

L a w y e r s

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Cardinal Sponsors

Become a Corporate Sponsor! Sponsorship levels range from $1,000 to $20,000 and include logo recognition and other benefits across athletic events and the Dunham Broadcast Network, as well as the school’s largest signature events—Jubilee, Carnival, and the Dunham Cup Golf Classic. For more information, please visit dunhamschool.org/giving/corporate-sponsorships or email kelly.derossette@dunhamschool.org. 38

2 0 2 0 – 2 02 1 A N N UA L

G iving



$1,000,000! Due to the overwhelming generosity of the Dunham community, we are excited to announce that annual giving has exceeded $1,173,926. Restructured into three funds for 2020-2021, the Annual Giving Campaign provides additional support in strategic areas that assist the school in fulfilling its mission to educate minds and hearts for Christ.



The Faculty Fund assists the school in hiring and retaining outstanding teachers and in providing ongoing professional development for the individuals who have the greatest impact on our students’ lives.

The Scholarship fund assists the school in providing nearly $2,000,000 annually in merit and need-based scholarships to academically talented students who otherwise might not have access to a Dunham education.

AREA OF GREATEST NEED Gifts designated to the Area of Greatest Need provide the general operating budget with unrestricted funds that are used to support the school’s highest priorities each year in areas such as academics, arts, technology, or small campus improvements.

2020-2021 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Area of Greatest Need:............................. $766,106 Faculty Fund:................................................$231,189 Scholarship Fund:.......................................$163,823 Participation The Annual Giving Campaign is an investment

Annual Giving Parent Cabinet:.......................100%

in excellence that has a direct impact on the people

Board of Trustees:............................................100%

and programs that make The Dunham School an

Faculty & Staff:..................................................100%

amazing place to learn and grow. To make a


gift to the campaign, please visit


Thankyou! Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 39

G iving

McVea Quest Center Improvements The McVea Quest Center is being refurbished this summer thanks to a generous gift from the David and Rica Carpenter Family and Laurie, Ally ’19, and Jackson Randall ’21. Updates to the facility will include new lighting, modular furnishings, the construction of new collaborative and functional spaces, and glass divider walls to allow for additional learning and meeting areas. Renovations began in June and are expected to be completed prior to the start of the 2021-2022 school year. This project is the first to be completed as part of the campus improvements outlined in the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.

State Fair Foundation Presents Dunham with $10,000 Loret Wilson Fremin ’89 and her father, Warren Wilson, present Head of School Steve Eagleton with a check for $10,000 on behalf of The Greater Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation. In 2015, the foundation established the Warren J. Wilson Greater Baton Rouge State Fair Scholarship in recognition of Mr. Wilson’s 50 years of volunteer service. The annual scholarship is awarded to a Dunham upper school student who demonstrates excellence in academics, leadership, and community service.



Leave Your

The Dunham Legacy Society honors donors who have included The Dunham School in their estate plans. Bequests and other planned gifts, including retirement accounts, charitable remainder trusts, life insurance, or gift annuities, help secure the School’s financial sustainability and impact the lives of future generations of students. We encourage you to contact our development office to discuss the options and set up a legacy gift that is most impactful for you and your family. For more information, please visit www.dunham school.org/ plannedgiving or contact Kelly DeRossette at 225-767-7097 at ext. 355 or kelly.derossette@dunhamschool.org. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 41

Serving with honor:

Ben Jones ’00

How did you get into the field you’re in now? There’s never been a day in my life that I didn’t want to fly. I watched my uncle who was an Air Force Thunderbird pilot growing up, and that’s all I ever wanted to do. I knew the direction of each step towards an airplane cockpit for pretty much my entire life. I believe God specifically tailors our DNA to suit what He intends for us to do, and I always asked Him to show me what it was. The path never looks quite like we think it will though. In what ways did Dunham prepare you? Dunham was an excellent environment to prepare for the challenges of becoming a military and commercial pilot. The academic challenges were my number one adversary, and having a cadre of Godly men and women helping me believe in myself when it felt impossible was huge. All it takes is one teacher or one coach to encourage and believe in the kid who struggles, and it can be the difference for him or her for the rest of his or her life. It is difficult to see the impact of the positive and the negative things we do and say to those we lead — it is an epic and eternal responsibility. The athletic field is a perfect training ground for life’s challenges because it is a combat environment similar to the real battlefield. It prepares men and women by teaching teamwork, trust, how to lead and follow, and how to fight through fear. Any time you face a situation that makes you dig deep down in your gut to persevere through a challenge, it is a good thing. I learned to never, never, never ever give in or give up. What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? I always wanted to be a husband and a father, and hopefully I’m succeeding at both. Hopefully championing my children as my parents did me is my crowning personal achievement. Regarding professional achievements, I would have to say that graduating #1 in my Air Force pilot training class after years and years of pursuit was incredibly rewarding. 42

Ben Jones is a C-130 Aircraft Commander in the Air Force Reserve, commercial pilot for Delta Air Lines, cancer survivor, family man, and proud multi-time Dunham Field Day pie eating contest winner. Ben, who graduated from Louisiana Tech, currently lives in Pensacola, Florida. He and his wife, Wendy, have four children, Stephen, Katelyn, Madalyn, and Colton.

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would be your alternate profession or dream job? Being an airshow pilot would be the dream, but that’s probably too close to qualify as an answer. I’ve always been a huge weather geek and was fascinated with thunderstorms. I probably would have pursued meteorology or storm chasing. Interestingly, part of our mission in the C-130 is to fly into hurricanes to determine their strength and direction, but it’s purely a coincidence that flying and storm chasing ended up together. My mother was always so patient and brave because even in high school when it started to storm, I started to drive. I’ve also always been very interested in people, and psychology would have been a close third. As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be Maverick from Top Gun. Flying supersonic fighter jets and shaking your fist at planes on your motorcycle seemed like the coolest thing in the world. I eventually discovered that living on a boat packed in tight with a bunch of other dudes and not flying as much as it seems you do in the movie steered me towards the Air Force. I also discovered that often the most rewarding missions are flown by the slower aircrafts that are the unsung heroes of the Air Force inventory. What’s one thing someone wouldn’t know about you? I’m an open book and a talker so that’s probably a short list. Probably that my right leg is ever so slightly shorter than my left from breaking it so many times growing up. If only that were an excuse for not being able to throw a baseball as well as I should have been able to. If you could go back and give advice to yourself as a senior at Dunham, what would you say? That is definitely not a short list. I’d for sure tell myself not to take that last double-up back flip on the wakeboard because you’re going to destroy your knees and miss half of your senior football season, but hey ... sometimes you just gotta send it. YOLO. I’d also say eat breakfast and learn what a real muscle-building diet actually looks like, join the Air National Guard first, ask Katelyn Dial out, hit that last pitch a fraction of an inch lower, and stop worrying about trigonometry. What do you like to do for fun? My family and I love being on the boat and anchoring out in the lagoon at the beach or heading to our favorite waterfront restaurants. When I’ve got free time solo (which is rare), I love to hunt, ski the mountains, fish, and ride my motorcycle. Favorite thing to do in Pensacola? Definitely either being on the boat for a Blue Angels beach airshow or to fly down the beach at low altitude in a Piper Cub airplane with the doors off. It’s like riding a motorcycle in the sky and you get a view of the beautiful Florida beaches like no other. What’s your favorite book? That is a really, really tough one so you’ll just have to accept a top four: Proverbs, Ephesians, The Story of Liberty by Charles Coffin, and Forever Flying by Bob Hoover.

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 43



2020-2021 DUNHAM ALUMNI COUNCIL Chad Myers ’97 President

Ryan Gisclair ’97 Vice President

Ashley Baxter D’Aubin ’10 Secretary

Tracy Shean Jantzi ’90 Breakfast with Santa Chair

Jimmy Robbins ’87 Dunham Cup Co-Chair

Brad Watts ’87 Dunham Cup Co-Chair

Amy Evans Broussard ’96 Chris Broussard ’89 Hayden Clark ’10 Patti Peters Dowling ’92 Hayden Dudley ’19 Loret Wilson Fremin ’89 Allyson Jones Hingle ’92 Hunter Kinchen ’10 Cary Koch ’05 Gayden Jones Landry ’97 Rebecca Lunceford ’05 Mitchell Meredith ’08 Tre Nelson ’14 Sean Owens ’02 Elizabeth Butts Singletary ’04 Bailey Wax ’13 Lindsey Wilkerson ’13


2020-2021 Alumni Council Chris Broussard ’89, Ashley Baxter D’Aubin ’10, Brad Watts ’87, Allyson Jones Hingle ’92, Tracy Shean Jantzi ’90, Amy Evans Broussard ’96, Chad Myers ’97, Ryan Gisclair ’97, Elizabeth Butts Singletary ’04, Loret Wilson Fremin ’89, Rebecca Lunceford ’05, Kyle Bove, and Hunter Kinchen ’10

HolidayParty Dunham alumni gathered on the patio Zippy’s Burrito’s Tacos & More on December 18, for the annual holiday gathering. Thank you to Zippy’s owner Neal Hendrick ’87 for hosting our group.


Dunham students and their alumni parents gather on the field at Homecoming.

Former Homecoming Queens returned to celebrate at the 2020 Homecoming Game. Pictured from left are Anna Rathbone Miller ’08, Maci Jackson ’18, Alexa Haman ’17, 2020 Homecoming Queen Susie Fagan ’21, Annie Hodges ’20, Alyssa Barnes ’19, and Brooke Landreneau Fair ’98. Cade Williams ’17, Luke Scoggins ’17, Alyx Breaux ’17, Steve Eagleton, Alec Duhe ’16, and Adam Miller ’17

Above: Steve Eagleton, Kyle Bove, Ryan Gisclair ’97, Chris Broussard ’89, Rebecca Lunceford ’05, Allyson Jones Hingle ’92, Gayden Jones Landry ’97, and Amy Evans Broussard ’96 Left: Members of the Class of 2015 celebrated their five-year reunion at the holiday party. Pictured are (front row, from left) Molly Corbett, Grace Courville, Sarah Whitlow, (back row) Olevia Sharbaugh, Sydney Boudreaux, Grace Foil, Lawson Nguyen, and Aline Moreaux. Ben Jones ’90 and John Shirley ’92

Blake Fair ’24, Noah Fair ’18, and Steve Fair

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 45

lumniWeekend2021 CrawfishBoil We were excited to celebrate Alumni Weekend with a crawfish boil in the front circle on April 17.

Above: Above: Becky Brennan, Tre Nelson ’14, Jared Blackburn, and Susan Waters ’10

Left: Charlotte D’Aubin ’36, Joel D’Aubin ’10, Ashley Baxter D’Aubin ’10, Lauren Kinchen, Remi Kinchen, Hunter Kinchen ’10, and Piper Kinchen

2020 DunhamCup

Christian Johnson ’11, Brian Dantin ’96, Robby Durham ’86, Jimmy Robbins ’87, Jon Thorning ’04, Brad Watts ’87, Kent Wells ’87, Allyson Jones Hingle ’92, Mitch McIlwain ’94, Mitchell Hayes ’03, Tracy Shean Jantzi ’90, Austin Theriot ’03, Joel D’Aubin ’10, Marc Corkern ’03, Chris Broussard ’89, Matthew D’Aubin ’06, Hunter Kinchen ’10, Ryan Gisclair ’97, and Sean Owens ’02 46

Save the Date for Alumni Weekend 2022! April 29-30, 2022

Above: William and Matthew Vosburg, Carolyn Kirk Wilkinson ’98, and Troy Wilkinson Below: John Stewart Coast ’90, Chris Broussard ’89, Loret Wilson Fremin ’89, and Kristy Coast

Above: Tracy Shean Jantzi ’90, Charles Wang ’18, and Miles Jantzi ’18

Below: Eric Fulcher and C. Jaye Miller ’07

Upper: Hayden Clark ’10 and wife Jenee with sons Hayden and Harper John Above: Morgan Gremillion Barkas ’09, Ruthie Barkas ’35, Brooks Barkas ’37, Matthew Barkas ’08, Ryan May ’13, and Mackenzie Gremillion May ’13

SS uu m mm m ee rr 22 0 02 21 | T I G E R R O A R | 4 7



Class Notes

Thomas Gerald Gray II was recently elected mayor in St. Martin, Minnesota. He has worked for the Department of Defense at a maintenance facility as a maintenance administrative supply technician for the last 16 years. Thomas has been in the Army Reserve for 27 years with three deployments. He survived eight IED attacks in Iraq and attributes his faith in God to his survival and ability to return home. He is currently still serving in the Reserve and holds the rank of Sergeant First Class E-7. He also has served as a firefighter and EMT for the past 20 years. Thomas has been married for 26 years and has five children and seven grandchildren. Neal Hendrick, owner of Zippy’s Burritos Tacos & More, has opened up a second express location featuring a limited menu in the LSU Student Union.


Loret Wilson Fremin and her father, Warren Wilson, along with The Baton Rouge State Fair Foundation, presented a $10,000 check to The Dunham School in honor of Mr. Wilson’s 50 years of volunteer service to the organization (see photo on p. 38).


David Patrick will serve as assistant coach of the Australian men’s basketball squad at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. David is the current associate head basketball coach for the University of Arkansas.


In February, Robin Dufilho, above, married at Erick Narez at The Greenery in Amite, La. Tigers in the wedding included Amy Evans Broussard, Wynter Samaha, Krissi Dufilho Roff ’97, and Todd Dufilho ’00. Classmate Kristen Rosfeld was in attendance. The couple now resides in Prairieville, La.


Robert Johnson ’03 with wife Morgan and sons Paul and Luke Robin Dufilho ’96 with husband Erick Narez


Chad Myers has been named boys basketball head coach at Dunham (see story on p. 16).


Molly Smith married Brandon Whitt ’98 in June of 2020 at her childhood home in the Wimbledon subdivision. Sarah Smith Sickler ’01 and Mathew Spear ’98 were in the wedding party. Guests included alumni Abbey Constant Reiners, Lindsay Walters Anders, Jace Tadie, and Jeffrey Sickler.

The Class of 2003 mourns the loss of Emileigh Searcy Bernard, who passed away on November 19, 2020. Heartfelt condolences are extended to her family. Mitchell Haynes and wife Maryanna welcomed their third child, August “Ace” Steven Haynes, in August. He joins siblings Harper (5) and Pierre (3). Robert Johnson and wife Morgan welcomed Luke Trotter Johnson in January. Luke weighed 10 pounds, 10 ounces. He joins big brother Paul (4). The Johnsons live in Baton Rouge, where Robert is a chemical engineer for IFF.

Pierre, Ace, and Harper Haynes, children of Mitchell Haynes ’03


Rob Leblanc and wife Kenley welcomed their first child, Jesse Robert Kingston Leblanc II, on Christmas day. Jordan Shelton Olsan and husband Andrew welcomed their son, Shelton Harris Olsan, in August.

2005 Molly Smith Whitt ’03 and Brandon Whitt ’98 walked down to the Dunham campus following their wedding at Molly’s childhood home in the Wimbledon subdivision.

Milestones M A R R I AG E S

Andrew and Jordan Shelton Olsan ’04 with baby Shelton

Robin Dufilho ’96 to Erick Narez, February 6, 2021

Evelyn Louise Dawson to Ashley Thibodeaux Dawson ’06 and Jacob Dawson ’06, July 23, 2020

Molly Smith ’03 to Brandon Whitt ’98, June 13, 2020

Hayes Martin to Mitchell and Sydnee Winston Martin ’06, October 30, 2020

Jenna Bond ’08 to Kevin Alford, December 31, 2020

Mary Amelia “Millie” Owens to Benjamin and Jessica Drewes Owens ’06, September 4, 2020

Jennie Garland ’09 to Chase Forbes, March 13, 2021

Dolly Andrews to Hunter and Katie Penton Andrews ’06, August 30, 2020

Kyle Duhe ’13 to Monica Ramos, February 1, 2020

Ava Louise Meredith to Claudia and Collins Meredith ’06, February 3, 2021

MacKenzie Gremillion ’13 to Ryan May ’13, May 16, 2020

Samuel Reed Parsons to Crista and Miles Parsons ’06, July 8, 2020.

Olivia Perego ’13 to Nolan John Edwards II, December 18, 2020

Charlotte and Evelyn Sykora to Courtney and Jay Sykora ’06, March 4, 2020

Brianna Beall ’15 to Ryan Key, March 20, 2021

Ryder Alexander Callac to Matt and Nicole Cotten Callac ’08, January 23, 2021

BIRTHS & ADOPTONS Luke Trotter Johnson to Morgan and Robert Johnson ’03, January 27, 2021 August Steven Haynes to Maryanna and Mitchell Haynes ’03, August 6, 2020

Greyson James Cooper to Mark and Kate Fenn Cooper ’08, March 23, 2020 Preston Joseph Pace to Blake and Amanda Migues Pace ’08, April 15, 2020

Jesse Robert Kingston Leblanc II to Kenley and Rob Leblanc ’04, Dec. 25, 2020.

Aiden Katherine Bowling to Anna Pendergast Bowling ’09 and Ethan Bowling ’09, December 30, 2020

Shelton Harris Olsan to Andrew and Jordan Shelton Olsan ’04, August 23, 2020.

Fiora Jane Governor to Tahe and Shelby Swetman Governor ’09, July 6, 2020

Daniel Evan Kiggans to Leighanne and Matthew Kiggans ’05, February 19, 2021

Greyson Oliver Kaiser to Josh and Ashlyn Brooke Watson Kaiser ’10, August 25, 2019

Evelyn Grace O’Quinn to Ryan and Caroline Ellard O’Quinn ’05, February 21, 2021

William Taylor Lattanzi, Jr. to Taylor and Katie Andrews Lattanzi ’10, March 15, 2020

Callie Gorman was featured on the cover of the January issue of Marika Magazine. Callie

Mateo Jorquero to Claire Cook ’10 and Felipe Jorquera, August 4, 2019 Truman Jacob Lueke to Caty Payton Luecke ’10 and Trent Luecke ’10, February 23, 2020 Annie Mae Parker to Tyler and Mary Margaret Kiggans Parker ’10, May 12, 2020 Jacob Anthony David to Sarah McClelland David ’10 and Blake David ’10, April 18, 2020 Grace Ann Hudson to Taylor and Devon-Leigh Tait Hudson ’10, September 5, 2020 Ezra Thomas LaBorde to Christopher and Danielle LeBlanc LaBorde ’10, March 16, 2021 Brooklyn Hunt Duplessis to Kimberly and Connor Duplessis ’11, April 27, 2020 Genevieve Kathleen Kiggans to Carlee and Daniel Paul Kiggans ’11, November 14, 2020 Joseph James “Joe” Wallace to Stephanie and Ben Wallace ’11, August 11, 2020 Sonny Lee Zoghbi to Kelly and Michael Zoghbi ’11, June 19, 2020 Macy Claire and Kylie Amanda Fuson to Michael and Madeline May Fuson ’12, March 8, 202 Lottie Kyle Finical to Lauren Talbert Finical ’13 and Peyton Finical ’13, February 12, 2021 James Carter Wilkerson to Wakely Carter ’18, May 18, 2020

IN MEMORIAM Emileigh Searcy Bernard ’03, November 19, 2020 Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 49


Class Notes

Evelyn Grace, daughter of Caroline Ellard O’Quinn ’05

Evelyn, daughter of Ashley Thibodeaux Dawson ’06 and Jason Dawson ’06

Claudia and Collins Meredith ’06 with their children, Gabriel, Ella, Marshall, and Ava Louise Hunter and Katie Penton Andrews ’06 with Scarlet, McNeil, and Dolly.

22.5 inches long. Daniel joins siblings Eden (8), TJ (4), and Lottie (1). Cary Koch started Pelican State Partners. Rebecca Lunceford received a Master of Religion from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) in South Hamilton, Ma. She returned from the mission field after almost a decade abroad. Rebecca began work as development associate at Alzheimer’s Services of the Capital Area, a local non-profit, in January 2020.

lives in Huntington Beach, Ca., where she is a social media influencer and owns her own company, Callie Gorman Wellness. Callie offers individualized training sessions for her clients so that they can find happiness within themselves and discover their own potential. Matthew Kiggans and wife Leighanne welcomed Daniel Evan in February. He weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces and was 50

Ashley Thibodeaux Dawson and Jacob Dawson welcomed Evelyn Louise in July of 2020. Evelyn weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. Sydnee Winston Martin and her husband welcomed a son, Hayes Martin, in October. Hayes joins big sister Hadley Martin.

Caroline Ellard O’Quinn and husband Ryan welcomed Evelyn Grace O’Quinn in February. Evelyn weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 20 ¼ inches long. She joins big brothers Lochlan (5) and Callan (2).


Katie Penton Andrews and her husband, Hunter, welcomed Dolly Andrews in August. Dolly joins siblings Scarlet (7) and McNeil (5). Anna Claire, Caroline, and Millie Owens, daughters of Jessica Drewes Owens ’06

Charlotte and Evelyn Sykora, twin daughters of Jay Sykora ’06

Collins Meredith and wife Claudia welcomed Ava Louise to their family in February. She joins siblings Gabriel (6), Ella (3), and Marshall (1). She weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Kevin and Jenna Bond Alford ’08

Mark, Greyson James, and Kate Fenn Cooper ’08

Jessica Drewes Owens and husband Benjamin welcomed Mary Amelia “Millie” in September. She joins her big sisters, Anna Claire (10) and Caroline (5). Miles Parsons and wife Crista welcomed Samuel Reed in July of 2020. Jay Sykora and his wife, Courtney, had twin girls, Charlotte and Evelyn Sykora in March of 2020.


Nicole Cotten Callac, above, and husband Matt welcomed Ryder Alexander Callac in January.


Kate Fenn Cooper and husband Mark welcomed Greyson James Cooper in March of 2020.

C. Jaye Miller is now the accounts payable manager at Dunham.

Jenna Bond married Kevin Alford on December 31, 2020, at The White Magnolia in Kentwood, La. Alumni in the bridal party included Nicole Resweber Chase and Nathalie Malcom, Kristin Frankhouser Schlarp ’07, and Joseph Bond ’05. Classmates Andrew Alexander and Jena Kyle Wynne attended the wedding. Paige Roberts Jeansonne did Jenna’s makeup. The Alfords reside in Geismar, La., where Jenna works in industrial sales for GCI, Inc., and Kevin is the assistant road master for BNSF Railroad.

Blake and Amanda Migues Pace ’08 with their children, Sarah Beth and Preston Joseph

Amanda Migues Pace and husband Blake welcomed son Preston Joseph in April of 2020. Preston joins his big sister, Sarah Beth (2). Ryan Thibodeaux, left, graduated with honors from Southern Law School on January 15, 2021. He is currently employed at Melancon and Rimes, owned by Robert Rimes ’91. Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 51


Class Notes

Tahe and Shelby Swetman Governor ’09 with baby Fiora Jane

Chase and Jennie Garland Forbes ’09

Above: Jacob Anthony, son of Sarah McClelland David ’10 and Blake David ’10 Right: Taylor and Devon-Leigh Tait Hudson ’10 with their children, William and Grace Ann


Claire Cook ’10 and Felipe Jorquera with son Mateo


Morgan Gremillion Barkas was named director of the Dunham Early Childhood Center, which will open in August of 2021 (see story on p. 5). Ethan Bowling and wife Anna welcomed baby Aiden Katherine in December. Jennie Garland married Chase Forbes on March 13 in Santa Rosa Beach. Elizabeth Phillips Hargis ’13 was a bridesmaid.


Shelby Swetman Governor and her husband, Tahe, welcomed baby Fiora Jane in July of 2020. The Governors are now the campus pastors for Bethany Church in New Orleans and are also the young adult pastors at all of the Bethany campuses. They moved to New Orleans at the end of 2020 and are excited for all God has in store! Anyone in the New Orleans area looking for community is welcome to join them!

Claire Cook and husband Felipe Jorquera welcomed their son, Mateo, in August of 2019 in Santiago, Chile. Claire graduated from LSU in 2013 and then moved to Barcelona, Spain, where she became certified to teach English as a second language. She met Felipe in Barcelona in 2017, and the couple moved to Chile shortly thereafter. They moved back to Baton Rouge this year for Felipe to study for his master’s at LSU Law School. Based on her experience of giving birth in a foreign country and after much research, Claire

Josh and Ashlyn Brooke Watson Kaiser ’10 with children Kennedy and Grayson Oliver

founded The Natural Mama Podcast. Follow @naturalmamapodcast on Instagram or visit www.thenaturalmamapodcast.com to learn more. Blake David and wife Sarah welcomed their first baby, Jacob Anthony, in April of 2020. He weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces and was 22.5 inches long. Devon-Leigh Tait Hudson and husband Taylor had their second baby, Grace Ann, in September. She is welcomed by her older brother William (2). Ashlyn Brooke Watson Kaiser and husband Josh welcomed Greyson Oliver in August of 2019. Josh joins his stepsister Kennedy (9). The couple now resides in Simpsonville, Ky. Ashlyn, who graduated from the University of Louisville with a bachelor’s in psychology, says, “I am thankful for my education and the foundation of faith that Dunham instilled in me. Without the lessons learned at Dunham, I would not be the person or mother I am today.”


Ezra Thomas, son of Danielle LeBlanc LaBorde ’10

William Taylor, son of Katie Andrews Lattanzi ’10

Danielle LeBlanc LaBorde and husband Christopher welcomed their son, Ezra Thomas LaBorde, in March 16, 2021. Katie Andrews Lattanzi and husband Taylor welcomed their first baby, William Taylor Lattanzi, Jr., in March of 2020. Caty Payton Luecke and Trent Luecke welcomed Truman Jacob in February of 2020. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. Mary Margaret Kiggans Parker and husband Tyler welcomed Annie Mae Parker in May of 2020 in Houston, Texas.

Truman Jacob, son of Caty Payton Luecke ’10 and Trent Luecke ’10


Connor Duplessis and wife Kimberly welcomed Brooklyn Hunt Duplessis in of 2020. They currently live in New Orleans and work for Antioch Community Church. Daniel Kiggans and wife Carlee welcomed Genevieve Kathleen Kiggans in November. She weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces and was 20.25 inches long. Ben Wallace and wife Stephanie welcomed their first baby, Joseph James “Joe” Wallace, in August.

Annie Mae, daughter of Mary Margaret Kiggans Parker ’10

Dunham Alumni, we want to hear from you. Stay connected with the school and your classmates by sending updates about your career, weddings, births, and other news you’d like to share. When submitting photographs, please send a high-resolution file and include a full caption that identifies everyone in the picture. Submit updates through Dunham Connect at alumni.dunhamschool.org. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity, and style.

Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 53


Class Notes

Kimberly and Connor Duplessis ’11 with daughter Brooklyn Hunt

Carlee and Daniel Kiggans ’11 with baby Genevieve Kathleen

Michael Zoghbi and wife Kelly welcomed Sonny Lee Zoghbi in June of 2020 in New Orleans.


Madeline May Fuson and husband Michael welcomed twin girls, Macy Claire and Kylie Amanda in March in Baton Rouge.


Kyle Duhe married Monica Ramos on February 1, 2020, in New Orleans at the Old Ursuline Convent. They currently live in Baton Rouge where Kyle is a residential mortgage loan originator for Mortgage Financial Services. Lauren Talbert Finical and Peyton Finical welcomed Lottie Kyle Finical in February. She weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. MacKenzie Gremillion married Ryan May on May 16, 2020 with only immediate family present due to Covid-19 restrictions. MacKenzie reports that the wedding turned out to be the most perfect day even Stephanie and Ben Wallace ’11 and baby Joseph James 54

Kelly and Michael Zoghbi ’11 welcome baby Sonny Lee

though it was completely different from their expectations. Tigers in the wedding party included family members, Matthew Barkas ’08, Morgan Gremillion Barkas ’09, Reid May ’16, and Ruthie Barkas ’35. Alumni Katherine Burley ’13, Magan Zimmerman Cavalier ’04, Rachel Zimmerman Bass ’06, and Philip Moody ’12 were originally asked to be in the wedding. Alys Murray-Davies’ tenth novel, Small Town Secrets, was published in March. Olivia Perego married Nolan John Edwards II on December 18, 2020, in New Orleans. The ceremony took place at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church, where a live stream was set up for all of their family and friends who were unable to attend. Due to Covid-19, they have postponed their reception until December 17, 2021, at The Roosevelt Hotel. Despite Covid-19 restrictions, the couple enjoyed a first dance and a beautiful send-off with sparklers, captured by a live painter, following the ceremony. The couple currently lives in Lafayette, La.


Brianna Beall married Ryan Key on March 20, 2021. Chloe Enos graduated from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2018 after studying photography and fashion

Macy Claire and Kylie Amanda, twin daughters of Madeline May Fuson ’12

Monica and Kyle Duhe ’13

MacKenzie Gremillion ’13 and Ryan May ’13

merchandising. She currently lives in Los Angeles, where she works as a photographer and retoucher for the popular clothing company and lifestyle brand Show Me Your Mumu. After graduating in May of 2019 from LSU’s E.J. Ourso College of Business, Grace Foil ’15 worked as the recruiting manager for The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company before joining Hancock Whitney Bank in August of 2020.

2016 Nolan and Olivia Perego Edwards ’13

Susanna Bilbao is in physical therapy school.


Congratulations to Harris McKay, who received the SPIN Master Award from TCU last fall.


Caroline Landreneau is an instructor at David Vincent’s Martial Arts and Fitness in Baton Rouge and also is a mermaid at the Blue Zoo. Wakely Carter welcomed James Carter Wilkerson on May 18, 2020. She a fulltime student majoring in marketing.

Lottie Kyle, daughter of Lauren Talbert Finical ’13 and Peyton Finical ’13 Right: Chloe Enos ’15

Grace Foil ’15 Summer 2021 | TIGER ROAR | 55


Class Notes

Wakely Carter ’18 and her son, James Carter Wilkerson.

Garrett Jones ’19 (far right) with fellow members of the Student Government Association at Spring Hill College

Hayden Dudley ’19 Jessica Williams ’19


Hayden Dudley was hired as the Student Equipment Manager of the LSU Men’s Tennis Team. Parker Harris had an article published in The Chronicle, an independent news organization at Duke University. Garrett Jones was sworn in as a sophomore senator in the Student Government Association at Spring Hill College in October. Jessica Williams is in the honors college at the University of Arkansas, majoring in food science with a culinary option and a minor in nutrition.


Last summer, Baton Rouge Mayor Sharon Weston Broome awarded Kyla Johnson a $2,000 scholarship for her winning essay on education in a Covid-19 world. In the fall, Kyla successfully completed her basic training and took her place among the cadre of cadets at the United States Military Academy. Joining Kyla at the Class of 2024 Acceptance Day Parade was Kobe Semien ’19, brother of Erik Semien ’17, who is also at West Point. Kyla Johnson ’20


Kobe Semien ’19

TigerTracks: Alex Goss ’01 is founder and CEO of Goss Advisors, based in New Orleans. Last year, Goss Advisors was named the #1 fastestgrowing company owned or led by an LSU alumnus. How did you get into the field you’re in now? I was lucky enough to land my first job at a startup IT firm in NYC. That experience planted the desire to be an entrepreneur. 2008 was a tough year for the startup world, but the silver lining was that it brought me back to Louisiana where I began to work with my dad. Working with him was a blast but also gave me insight into a much-needed service his industry was lacking. From there, Goss Advisors was born. In what ways did Dunham prepare you? In more ways than I could ever write here. I started in kindergarten and went all the way through. So much of who I am is due to my experiences at Dunham. It’s hard to grasp what’s being imprinted on you while you’re in it. 20 years removed, I’m unbelievably grateful for the life lessons and education I received from Dunham. What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? Watching my two boys under the age of three, growing into kids full of love, excitement, and potential.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? The President. What’s one thing someone wouldn’t know about you? I almost went to law school after graduating. Katrina happened and changed my mind. Ironically, I ended up marrying a lawyer. If you could go back and give advice to yourself as a senior at Dunham, what would you say? Take more study abroad classes in college. What do you like to do for fun? Play golf and hunt. Favorite thing to do in New Orleans? Eat! What’s your favorite book? Animal Farm by George Orwell.

If you weren’t doing what you’re doing now, what would be your alternate profession or dream job? Either politics or an author. Who knows? Maybe there’s still time.

Know a Dunham alumna or alumnus who is doing amazing things in their community? Let us know, and they could be featured in the next Tiger Tracks! Email us at alumni@dunhamschool.org.

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