Jail Bankers, Raise SS to 70, Bank Holiday, Chemtrails, Movies Watch You

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STIGLITZ: We Have To Throw Bankers In Jail Or The Economy Won't Recover

11-04-10 I know so many people who say it’s an outrage that we had more accountability in the ’80’s with the S&L crisis than we are having today. Yeah, we fine them, and what is the big lesson? Behave badly, and the government might take 5% or 10% of what you got in your ill-gotten gains, but you’re still sitting home pretty with your several hundred million dollars that you have left over after paying fines that look very large by ordinary standards but look small compared to the amount that you’ve been able to cash in. In 2005, we passed a bankruptcy reform. It was a reform pushed by the banks. It was designed to allow them to make bad loans to people to who didn’t understand what was going on, and then basically choke them. Squeeze them dry. And we should have called it, “the new indentured servitude law.” Because that’s what it did. This is indentured servitude. http://www.businessinsider.com/nobel-economist-says-we-have-to-prosecute-fraud-or-else-the-economy-wont-recover-2010-11

John Boehner Says In Order To Pay For The Wars, We Need To Raise The Social Security Retirement Age To 70

11-08-10 Ensuring there's enough money to pay for the war will require reforming the country's entitlement system, Boehner said. He said he'd favor increasing the Social Security retirement age to 70 for people who have at least 20 years until retirement, tying cost-of-living increases to the consumer price index rather than wage inflation and limiting payments to those who need them. "We need to look at the American people and explain to them that we're broke," Boehner said. "If you have substantial non-Social Security income while you're retired, why are we paying you at a time when we're broke? We just need to be honest with people." http://dailybail.com/home/john-boehner-says-in-order-to-pay-for-the-wars-we-need-to-ra.html

ATMs Crash Across The Country After “Bank Holiday” Warning

11-08-10 Following rumors of a “bank holiday” that could limit or prevent altogether cash withdrawals later this week, Twitter and other Internet forums were raging yesterday about numerous ATMs across the country that crashed in the early hours of Sunday morning, preventing customers from performing basic transactions. It’s unknown whether the crashes were partly a result of a surge of people trying to withdraw their money in preparation for any feared bank shutdown, or if mere technical glitches were to blame. The fact that the problem affected numerous different banks in different parts of the U.S. would seem to indicate the former. http://www.infowars.com/atms-crash-across-the-country-after-bank-holiday-warning/

Chemtrails – The List of Patents For Stratosperic Arial Spraying Programs!

11-08-10 For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of ‘chemtrails’, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear folks. WE ARE BEING SPRAYING LIKE VERMIN! United States Patent and Trademark Office 1338343 – April 27, 1920 – Process And Apparatus For The Production of Intense Artificial Clouds, Fogs, or Mists http://www.sovereignindependent.com/?p=9344

Anti-Piracy Tool For Cinemas Will Recognize Emotions

11-02-10 Filmgoers are already being carefully watched for suspicious behavior by Big Brother’s cameras, but soon this technology will be upgraded with sophisticated emotion recognition software. “We want to devise instruments that will be capable of collecting data that can be used by cinemas to monitor audience reactions to films and adverts and also to gather data about attention and audience movement,” Dr. Farooq said. What was once a relaxing evening out might be turning into an interactive consumer research lab, with cameras carefully analyzing, recording and storing your every move – while you’re being charged for the privilege. http://torrentfreak.com/anti-piracy-tool-for-cinemas-will-recognize-emotions-101102

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