TA B L E O F CO N T E N TS Registration Information.........................................3 Typical Day at Camp..............................................4 Transportation.......................................................5 What Will My Camper Need?...............................6-8 All Deaf Camps.............................................6 Camp Attire.................................................6 Special Needs..............................................6 Medical, Illness, Injury...................................7 Precautions During High Temperatures............8 Rules of Respect and Safety.....................................9 Rules for Electronic Devices (phones, etc.)................10 Parents’ Resources List..........................................11
R E G I S T RAT I O N I N FO R M AT I O N All children registered for The Deaf Camp must complete the following forms, unless specified otherwise: ❑ Registration Information ❑ Medical Form ❑ Transportation Form ❑ Photo/Film Release ❑ Swimming Release ❑ Sunscreen Release
❑ Agreement to Handbook ❑ A deposit of $50 Registration & a deposit of $50 by May 15 will reserve your camper’s spot, transportation (if needed), and guaranteed t-shirt. (Registrations and deposits after May 15 will not guarantee transportation or a t-shirt.)
Deaf Camp MiNi: We must have a minimum of six participants. • Ages: 2 to 5 years old (Must be potty trained.) • Dates: June 10-July 24, 2024 • Cost: $240
Deaf Camp ROOTS • Ages: 6 to 13 years old • Dates: June 4-July 26, 2024 • Cost: $499
Deaf TEEN Summit: We must have a minimum of six participants. • Ages: 14 years old to high school seniors • Dates: June 4-July 26, 2024 • Cost: $499
*THERE WILL BE NO DEAF CAMP THE WEEK OF JULY 4. Remaining balance of camp fees can be paid in full prior to first day of camp. Please contact administrative assistant for payment options.
Deaf Camp ROOTS and Deaf TEEN Summit begin at 8:30 AM and will end at 4:30 PM.
Deaf Camp MiNi begins at 9:00 AM and will end at 1:00 PM, on Mondays and Wednesdays only.
The June and July calendars will be provided to parents after registration packet has been turned in. The Deaf Camp calendar will include all field trips, field/water days, days we have access to microwave, or days a sack lunch will be needed. Flyers may be sent home for reminders or for more detailed information during Deaf Camp weeks.
T RA N S P O R TAT I O N Deaf ROOTS & Deaf TEEN Summit/Interns Drop-Off/Pick-Up Locations: We have a limited number of seats we can provide in our Deaf Camp vehicles. The transportation form includes locations and times of drop-off and pick-up, so please be sure to select one prior to Sunday, May 1, to reserve a seat for your camper if they need transportation to the Deaf Camp. Be sure to include all persons who will pick up your camper on the transportation form; the adult must show a photo ID to the Deaf Camp staff at time of pick-up. If your camper will arrive after the time camp begins or leave before camp ends, please notify the Deaf Camp staff prior to arrival or at morning drop-off. Please note that Deaf Camp vehicles are not wheelchair accessible. Please also contact our Deaf Camp director prior to registering your child if your child has any physical accommodation needs. • Deaf Camp Drop-Off Time: 8:45–9:00 AM • Deaf Camp Pick-Up Time: 4:00–4:30 PM Other Locations Indicated on Transportation Form: • Drop-Off Time: 8:15–8:30 AM • Pick-Up Time: 4:30–4:45 PM
Deaf MiNi We are unable to provide transportation for MiNi campers due to the need for car seats. Parents of MiNi campers will be responsible for dropping off and picking up their MiNi Campers at our Deaf Camp location on Mondays and Wednesdays. Be sure to include all persons who will pick up your camper on the transportation form; the adult must show a photo ID to the Deaf Camp staff at the time of pick-up. • Deaf Camp MiNi Drop-Off Time: 8:45–9:00 AM • Deaf Camp MiNi Pick-Up Time: 12:45-1:00 PM
W H AT W I L L M Y C A M P E R N E E D ? For All Deaf Camps Each day, a camper will need to bring lunch. After registering, we will send a calendar that marks which days campers will have access to the microwave. The calendar will also mark all field trips, and each week, flyers will be sent home detailing what campers will need to have. Your camper must have their Deaf Camp -shirt on each field trip day for safety purposes. Tennis shoes and sunscreen are recommended.
Camp Attire Campers should be dressed appropriately for camp. Please have them wear comfortable, flexible clothes. Keep in mind that we spend time outdoors most days, so dressing appropriately for the temperature is important. It is also wise to dress your camper in clothes you do not mind getting dirty. The calendar will include the days we will be swimming or have water day, so please be sure your camper has an appropriate swimsuit, towel, extra change of clothes, AND a plastic bag for their wet clothes. Young ladies’ swimsuits may only be a one-piece or a tankini (must cover the belly). Young men must have swim trunks, not regular shorts. We recommend having a light jacket for indoors as the Deaf Camp can get cold sometimes! We will have a cubby for each camper, and they can keep their light jacket in their cubby throughout the summer, if desired. In the event of rain, all game activities will be indoors. If rain falls on a field trip day, we will send a flyer notification, and/or directly contact you with any updates such as changing the day’s field trip activity, etc. The Deaf Camp MiNi (age 3-5) and young ROOTS (age 6-9) should bring an extra change of clothes.
Special Needs The Deaf Camp makes every attempt to serve campers with special physical or emotional needs. However, our setting may make it difficult to accommodate campers with certain limitations. Parents/guardians of campers with accommodations must contact thedeafcamp@brentwoodbaptist. com prior to registering for camp. This will allow the director and staff to better understand and discuss your camper’s specific needs and requirements before registering.
W H AT W I L L M Y C A M P E R N E E D ? Medication, Illness, and Injury The Deaf Camp prefers that all medication is dispensed at home. However, we realize it may be necessary to administer some prescriptions at camp. Parents/guardians should follow these guidelines for medication at camp: • Medication must be brought to camp by the camper’s guardian on a daily basis, and any medication will need to go home with the child every day. • All medication must be in its original packaging identifying the prescribing physician, name of prescription, proper dosage, and frequency of administration. • The medical form must include any medication that needs to be administered. • Camper are responsible for keeping their inhaler, EpiPen, or any allergy medications with them all day at Deaf Camp. This information must be included in the medical form as well. The Deaf Camp is a well-child program and cannot provide care for sick campers. A child who is sick should be kept at home. Any campers showing signs of illness including but not limited to fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or rashes should not participate in camp. If a child becomes ill at camp, a parent or guardian will be contacted by Deaf Camp staff to come pick up their camper. All sick campers must be picked up within one hour from the time their parent or guardian is notified. Please note: In the event of a serious emergency, 911 will be called first. It is a parent or guardian’s responsibility to turn in a completed and notarized medical form that includes health insurance information prior to Sunday, May 1. Parents and guardians are responsible for providing sunscreen for their child to use at camp. Parents and guardians are also expected to apply the first coat of sunscreen in the morning before bringing their child to camp. Deaf Camp staff will stop activities for all children to apply sunscreen prior to outdoor activities. The sunscreen release form must be filled out and turned prior to the first day of Deaf Camp. Please understand that while the use of sunscreen will aid in protecting against harmful sunrays, it may not prevent your child from getting sunburnt.
W H AT W I L L M Y C A M P E R N E E D ? Precautions During High Temperatures Since our afternoon activities are outside on the field daily, with the exception of rainy days, we take extra precaution with high temperatures. Here are a few things you can do during those high temperatures, along with the steps we take to keep your camper safe: • Dress your camper in loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing, a well-fitting hat, and sunglasses. • Bring a reusable water bottle. In additional to a water bottle, Deaf Camp staff will have a water cooler on hand. • Apply sunscreen. (Recommended 30+ SPF before arriving to camp • Shaded areas have been identified for your camper to take breaks. • When the heat index reaches 100 (unless it is a water day or a field trip involving swimming or water activities), all activities will be moved indoors.
RULES OF RESPECT & SAFETY Rules of Respect • Respect staff and campers
• No regular shorts (Must wear swim trunks)
• Respect property
• No boyfriends or girlfriends at camp
• No running unless part of a game
• No holding hands
• No gum
• Shorts and pants must be pulled up to the waist
• No display of disrespect
• No food or drink on the vans or buses
• No two-piece swimsuits
• Absolutely no sharing food at lunch or at snack time due to possible allergies
(Any belly covering is an acceptable two-piece)
Consequences for Breaking Rules of Respect • Sit out 5–15 minutes at the pool, during recreation, or during an afternoon activity. • If the camper persistently breaks these rules, the Deaf Camp staff will have the option to call parents or guardians and send the child home for the day. • If a camper cannot display appropriate behaviors, he or she will not be able to go on the field trips.
Rules of Safety • Must wear the Deaf Camp t-shirt on ALL field trips • Seatbelt must be worn in Deaf Church vehicles • No fighting with staff or campers (includes hitting, kicking, or biting) • No running away from staff • No stealing • No weapon of any kind • No dangerous acts at the swimming pool, such as pushing a camper in the pool or holding a child under water • Any other act that is harmful to the child or to other children and/or Deaf Camp staff Any of the above is grounds for suspension; however, first offense will probably see one of the following consequences for breaking rules of safety: • Deaf Camp supervisor or staff will call the camper’s parent to pick him or her up for that day. • Inform parent that child is not to attend camp the following day. • Inform parent that the child will not be able to attend an outing (decided by Deaf Camp staff).
R U L E S F O R H E A R I N G A I D S & V I S UA L D E V I C E S Rules for Hearing Aids and Visual Devices: • Camper is responsible for safely securing all devices, especially on water days and amusement park days. • Camper must have have a case, waterproof container, or ziplock bag for devices. (Backpacks often end up on wet floors.)
Rules for Electronic Devices: • Cell phones, iPads, iPods, and video game consoles must be turned off and put away in backpacks/ cubbies during Deaf Camp. *Campers are not allowed to play games, watch movies, or use the internet while traveling on Deaf Church buses locally or for field trips.* • Disclaimer: Deaf Camp staff and volunteers are not responsible for electronics that are broken, stolen, misused, or lost. We suggest leaving phones and electronics at home. You will always have direct access to your camper through the Deaf Camp staff.
PA R E N T R E S O U R C E L I S T • Deaf Camp Facebook Page: • Deaf Camp Instagram: @thedeafcamp • Deaf Church at Brentwood Baptist: • Nashville Library for The Deaf and Hard of Hearing: • Tennessee School for The Deaf (TSD): • BRIDGES for The Deaf and Hard of Hearing: • Gates Communication: • American Society of Deaf Children: • Gallaudet University | ASL CONNECT: • National Association of The Deaf (NAD): • American With Disabilities Act (ADA): • Tennessee Early Intervention System: