Paul Keller Memorial

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In loving memory of Paul Keller

In loving memory...

On the 22nd of July 2020 we lost a wonderful friend and colleague in Paul Keller. This sudden and tragic loss will have a profound impact on his family, the wider Enterprise Data and Lloyds world that knew him so well, and of course within the DCS Lab, where Paul had been an integral part of our community for such a long time. The impact Paul has had on his colleagues is far reaching. As a community we have found strength to cope as best we can through coming together and expressing our thoughts and feelings, to mourn the loss but also celebrate the life of a dear friend and colleague. To that end this book has been created to allow his friends in DCS to share our many wonderful memories of him, to help share the burden of grief that comes with such a loss. It can also ease our collective pain as a community by enabling the celebration of his full and fabulous life, and its positive impact on us all

It looks like more of a personal loss, specially when I was working so closely with him for 3 years now. He was more of a friend who was guiding me at every aspect of the life and not just on the usual work front. I am missing his appreciation emails/Star of the Sprint nominations he used to sent at end of each sprint :( it will not be easy to have our team calls without him and to go back to office and not have him on that chair, we miss you a lot Paul.. Mayank Barjatiya

Paul would always ask me about how the dog was getting on. He didn’t just care about people ! Simon

I remember when I first met Paul in May 2019 - I was new to ED and the lab and was in a meeting in London with about 20 of the old S&I team all debating vociferously about the progress of their projects - I had no idea what they were talking about or who anyone was. Paul took the time to introduce himself, ask about me and explain who was who and what was going on. He was also very supportive when I lost a close friend at the start of the lockdown. He was a lovely man and I will very much miss his good nature and our little chats about the world. Alison

I will miss Paul greatly. I only quite recently got to know him better through his involvement in the Mental Health Working Group. He was a terrific bloke, I’ll always be grateful for his involvement and his willingness to generate good conversations. What i respected most was how he put people at the heart of everything. His humour and warmth will leave a big gap. Carl Porter

I have worked with Paul almost constantly since i started at the bank. From the moment i arrived, he was the one who made me feel at home and get used to working within EDH. From then, has has been my mentor throughout my time here, always pushing me to try new things, put myself out there and pursue the paths i wanted. He was someone i could fall back on when i needed support and was always there to cheer you up in your bad days. He was such a kind-hearted, warm, funny and welcoming man and i counted him among my friends, not just as a colleague. One of the best memories of him that i remember was at Christmas 2019. Me and Karen (both from FDM) did not have any special thanks or celebrations from our company that everyone else did from Lloyds, TCS, Kubrik etc. Paul recognised this and took us down to the pub after work as a treat on him, to have a few drinks and to have a good chat. That made us feel so much more included in the lab and actually really made my Christmas period! On the other side, he was fantastic at his job, pushing our team to achieve great things and always volunteering himself for everything from the social side, to the Mental Health Working Group and to the People Health Metrics. This epitomized his “people first” approach to the job and life. I will sorely miss him and even now i expect him to message me about going for a run or having his “Guns Out” when the sun was shining. Always put a smile to my face! Miss you Paul! I will always aspire to #BeMorePaul James Collins

Paul was people’s person, a great mentor, guide and friend always looking after everyone around him. Still cannot believe he is not going to be around... Nishi Jain

Paul was one of the most cheerful person, will remember all the chit chats we had. He used to sit at front desk and its nice to see a cheerful face when you enter you work area.. it is indeed a great Loss.. Sakshi Mehta

How he always hated the uncomfortable silence at the start of Scaled calls so always piped up with a “Hello”. 9 out of 10 times me and him would then have a lovely chat about life in front of everyone. Was a bright and lovely way to start those meetings and I’ll sorely miss their absence. Tom Y

Paul took the time out to check in with me a couple of times over the past three months since my move to Finance, just to see how things were going - summed him up as a person, always going out of his way to make other people’s lives better. He was great company, a genuine guy and Fatherly figure to lots of people & I feel lucky to have had the chance to get to know him. I loved chatting about New Zealand with him, a special place to me - hearing him speak fondly about it is something I’ll always remember. Moe mai, Paul. Tom C

Paul was my 1st PM when i joined IM in CRS Programme. And for the past 3 years i was fortunate to work closely with Paul in CRS, DTIS and DCS lab. He was very friendly and supportive. He has a great sense of humour and always cares for our personal life and family. We were part of the London Walk the Talk marathon and we didn’t feel the tiredness of walking the whole day as Paul was with us who kept us going with all his jokes. Can’t imagine office without Paul...Will miss him a lot... Arun Sundarlal

Always found Paul smiling and cheerful, a happy soul who seemed to be following the concept of Carpe Diem - live the moment. He did live every moment and made others live their too. For all his generous nature of bringing chocolates, goodies, cookies for all. And his love for Indian snacks! He will be so greatly missed. I’ll miss Paul a lot... Devi B

I recently got to know Paul on Mental Health group meetings. He was very kind and cheerful person. He has always given so many valuable inputs. I will miss listening him on those calls. Kanchan Agarwal

I was working with Paul since my CRSMI days (from 2017 onwards). He creates family like atmosphere with a beautiful smile always. He used to take care of everyone he meet. He used to us ask about our kids and used to give tips to make them busy during this lockdown time. We cant imagine office without Paul especially sitting on same table. We miss you Paul and wanted to extended my condolence to the family Sankar Vemana

What I loved about Paul is that he dealt with people, ignoring any of boundaries of grade or team. He just wanted to help people, make them comfortable. That’s a skill that isn’t valued enough... he will leave a massive hole in the team. Ironically, Paul would be the person who would be helping us through this.... Simon Elliott

I will remember Paul as a very kind person who was always worried about the well-being of others. He was funny and I will also remember him for his laughter and his jokes. I worked on the presentation for EDH all colleague call where we showcased how we coped during the lockdown and had fun-filled meetings with him for two days. That was the last time I talked to him. I’ll miss him sitting on the corner chair when the office opens and his laughter that I could hear on the other end of the room. Amit Sharma

I came across this metaphor for grief the other day that I found really helpful. It’s not something that is predicable or uniform and isn’t something people just “get over”. Gonna miss Paul. Tom Youdan

Miss you Paul so much !! An absolute charm to talk to, always had sparkle in his eyes whenever we had a conversation in my time with him in RLC in 2018. Always had a smile on his face and would lighten up the mood so well that it would pump up the team to deliver more. Akhilesh Khurana

Paul was a gem of a person, He was very caring and always motivated his team, I am going to miss his starts of the sprint email, He would send me after every sprint closure with an intention of awarding his team. During the pandemic onset, He was the only one reaching out to me asking if the offshore teams had a comfortable environment working from home. He will be dearly missed. Priyanka Jain

Paul was such a terrific guy, so caring and kind. He has been so supportive to me and so many others. I will miss him terribly. Anna Fowler

Paul was an honest man and he corralled a warm-hearted vibe wherever he went, but he was also incredibly humble about it. Rob Hales

I remembered Paul with his ‘colourful’ headband! Never stop to cheers people up Esther Teoh

Paul will be greatly missed!! He was approachable and down to earth . Always helping and appreciating teams effort. He was always delightful to talk to . Need to learn humility and team spirit from him. Sandeep Dhamija

Paul, was the one who is always there to support us with everything we need. He was very cheerful & always had a smiling face & cracked some jokes usually. It will be hard to digest that he is not around & will be missed greatly & always live in our hearts. Nitin Narwal

The amazing quality of Paul is to get along with everyone very easily, cracking the jokes even about himself, making everyone comfortable and always ready to help and support his team.. we all are going to miss him dearly.. Seemant Srivastava

Paul always said we need to talk more about people, we need to take care of our people to make sure they are doing good Rahul Saluja

I will always remember Paul as a go to person with lot of compassion for others. He used to talk about IPL, Cricket, Samosa, weather and many other things that I never felt that I didn’t get a chance to meet him in a person and he sits thousands of miles away. A cheerful person with zest for life - Paul you will be missed. Saurabh Dwivedi

Paul was a real people’s person. He didn’t care who you are, grade or otherwise, he always had time with a smile to greet you. He would stop by my desk just to say hello and have a quick natter. Having spoken to him briefly via OCS on Tuesday and receiving that news on Wednesday was a real shock. Softly spoken and full of positivity. I could not stop picturing him in his pink shirt - he will be sadly missed! Sleep and take your rest Paul - may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace and may God’s perpetual light always shine on you on most especially your wife. Jeannette Wright

Paul was such a warm and kind person; always made time for you, always made time to listen and was always inclusive and friendly. He is a great loss to us all. John Hogg

What a super guy, will miss Paul massively. So positive, so supportive of anything I asked his help or involvement with, clearly cared hugely about his colleagues and tackled everything with such good humour. Paul’s presence in Chiswell Street made the place a better environment to work in. He understood clearly that by creating a environment where people feel happy, at ease and valued, good work was bound to ensue. I admired the way Paul would get up and walk round to your desk and crack a daft joke before quickly discussing the issue at hand. Far more personable than relying on email and OCS chat. He did this with everyone regardless of your grade or role or whether he wanted to discuss an urgent work query or the best pub to choose for a St Patrick’s Day beer. By doing so he’d get people talking and engaging with each other and having a laugh, naturally creating a great working environment. Even whilst WFH he’d still ‘drop by’ for a virtual chat. A big loss for us all in Chiswell St. Rob Pearce

From the moment i joined the bank about a year and a half ago, he was the one who was there to help settle me in and make me feel comfortable. He was always the one to help everyone around him and make everyone feel at home! He was an inspiration to me! Paul was the one who always pushed me to better myself and be involved in more things, to excel in my role and i really aspire to be someone like him! He was so involved in the lab and with everyone in it. it is just such a loss to not have him with us anymore. I echo Mayank in saying i would count him as a friend and this is a personal loss as well as a professional one. Miss you Paul! James Collins

Paul was an incredible bloke. Personally he has helped me so much - I joined during a high pressure time late 2018 and even then Paul still took time to welcome me and “show me the ropes” without this I think I would have struggled. He was always checking up on me and making sure I was coping ok. He was always available to ask for help whether it was my apprenticeship work, day to day work, or even just talk about personal stuff. He was kind and generous man and had and incredible moral compass. The way everyone’s talking about his people skills tells you what you need to know about him, he made sure he knew everyone’s name and had individual relationships throughout the Lab – he was always my “go-to guy” for anything. We always had a “beer tally” as that was his way of saying thanks for a favour. “I owe you a beer” – I am just upset I will no longer be able to have that beer with him. Greg Boddy

Paul was a integral part of the PO community, whilst not a typical PO, he was a peoples person and he will be greatly missed. As soon as you walked onto the floor of Chiswell Street he was there, you had to pass Paul to get into the office, he was the guardian of Chiswell Street making sure everyone was ok and including everyone in his and John coffee rounds making me feel welcomed. He will be sorely missed by everyone on that floor. Great to share a story about his recent running stories, recently over taken by a walker - but a show of his character that he was still out there. Chris Herriott

Only really came across in the Scaled Ceremonies, apart from those times when I travelled up to London, and he was the first up out of the chair with a big handshake and so incredibly welcoming. The Scales ceremonies are not going to be the same without him, he hated the start of the calls, whilst waiting for everyone to join the call, so would always start a chat whilst waiting, and its going to be very hard now. He was so incredibly supportive and I’ll always remember that and miss it a lot. Tom Youdan

Paul was my first PO when I joined chetak and shadowfax. Paul was a wonderful person. He use to always encourage the team and would be very cheerful during the calls. Team found great support while working with him. I am going to miss him alot, my prayers are with his family that they find strength. Person like Paul is hard to come by, we lost a gem. Abhishek Sharma

Paul was the IT PM when I joined IM for CRS programme in 2017 during transition phase. From that day till we got segregated with Lab structure, worked closely with Paul. He was very helpful and easily reachable person for any kind of query we have. We surely miss his guidance. Goutami Pappu

Where does one begin with this…………….. I have had the pleasure and the privilege of working with closely with Paul for the last 6 years. 3 of those were on the CRS/ FATCA programmes where Paul’s determination, perseverance and extensive knowledge were hugely valuable to all around him. The ‘Hotel California’ programme as Paul named it, he’ll be smiling at that! And through those tough days and nights Paul had a wonderful talent of being able to lift people’s spirits. Paul had a gift for connecting with people, and for bringing people together. At work networking events most people find walking into a room full of strangers as a daunting experience, whereas Paul would just view it as a great opportunity to go and chat to lots of new exciting people. I already know that future Christmas parties will not be as enjoyable as previous years, quite simply because Paul will not be there as the driving force behind it. Along with his eclectic collection of xmas jumper and t-shirts. His smiles, laughter and dubious jokes around the office will be remembered. His shirts always hanging out can also not go unmentioned, it didn’t bother him and it was just part of Paul being Paul. You took him as you found him and he would do the same for you. He would never judge you, and he would see the best in everyone and embrace it. I don’t believe that he had a bad bone in his body. We could all learn something from the values that Paul lived his life by. Through all of this time I count myself as being fortunate enough to have got to know Paul very well, and I will always think of him as being a close personal friend. I will miss our wanderings around the city at lunchtime, the banter over a pint, or just dropping by his desk for a chat and a biscuit. He leaves a hole in all of our hearts and will be dearly missed. The world will not be the same without him. Andrew Poulton

I would not be exaggerating at all if I said that Paul was one of the happiest people in the office and his jovial and often wellhumored sarcasm showed that he was never aside from keeping things real and on a chilled out plain. Not to mention the amount of times that Paul had me in stitches laughing with some of the stuff he used to come out with. Paul took the time to give me a two hour chat sesh on the whole EDH process as well as some good life lessons from the heart in something like my second day at Lloyds! I was super grateful for this as it was quite a jarring situation as I’d just been coming in practically straight from Uni. However, Paul was mega chill and after answering my questions in the chat, told me to reach out whenever I needed to. Will miss the weekly “Rock & Metal Album Nomination and Sharing” OCS chat we had around the first few weeks I ever joined Lloyd. Loved when he would surprise me with the fact that he actually took the time to listen to some of my favourite albums on his journey home and give me his thoughts on them and likewise I’d always check out the tunes he’d recommend to me and do the same. He once came in and said to me something along the lines of “James mate - listened to that “Car Bomb” band you recommended - was pretty good but not really my cup of tea” which became a running joke for ages after that. Both coming from quite different genres of music (Paul’s classic Rock and my Death Metal ) we’d always have interesting stories to tell each other about what concerts we were going to and where we’d been. Above all though, the best memories ABOVE ALL was whenever Paul took center stage at our social meetings (Christmas, Halloween, charity events) to really remind us of why as a team, it would be so important for us to get together and be thankful for one another for our efforts and as colleagues whilst filling his speeches with side-splitting commentaries of the most hilarious kind. RIP mate. James Schiele

I sadly only got to know and work with Paul over the last few months as we built the ED PO community. He was such a star, always making time for people. He was Mr Values and Behaviours. Such a lovely man. Zoe Brown

Paul was more of a friend to all than just a colleague. The kind of comforting vibes he had associated with his smiling face and amicable happy-go-lucky personality is very rare to find. If there was a list of things that people find good about travelling to work, a lovely greet from Paul would feature on the top 5. I remember how he once reached out to all TCS onshore contractors while in a meeting and made them feel appreciated in his own way by saying thanks for they are working away from their home and families. That moment, my admiration for him, grew many folds. An ideal colleague. A lovely being. He was so invoved with his work and for most as a mentor and as a friend that at times, it felt as if he is enjoying the proceedings on the floor as an engrossed audience of a play sitting on his revolving chair. On so many levels, his loss feels so personal. We’re going to miss the happiest face on the floor when we return to office. Gaurav Bhatnagar

I have been one of the lucky ones to have spent so much time in the near company of Paul. First encounter was in early 2013- the FATCA project – Paul was the first person to come over and help me get up and running , explain who everyone was and where to sit and the process. A BA then, he always had time for stupid questions. He’s been a close friend ever since; we followed the same path - transferring to permanent and then moving to EDH. It’s hard, you only realise how much you much you are connected to your colleagues until they are gone. A huge loss. Fond memories of discussions over tea and biscuits, rock music, lunch time walks exploring our city, team quizzes organised by Paul, checking out all the pubs between Chiswell and Cannon St (31 pubs- not all at once), his selfless charity work and the laughter and joy he brought into working place. John Harris

Paul was one if the kindest people I have met. He was never too busy for anyone and always seemed genuinely interested in how you were. While working with Paul I saw how welcoming he was to new joiners to the team and would always ensure people felt valued and included. Paul was also integral to my fundraising efforts for Mental Health UK and helped with so many of the events that were run as well as encouraging people to dig deep and donate! I also did the London Walk The Talk with Paul, it was a gruelling day but we chatted about his days as a teacher and his love of music. I don’t think I have met any one else who could match Paul’s love of music!! He was always recommending albums and artists. Throughout the lockdown Paul often reached out to just check in and see how I was doing and would always have time for a catch up. He will be sorely missed and I hope all who knew him can try to keep his incredibly kind and caring spirit going. Faith Crummack I had the pleasure and honour of working with Paul on CM&P. What a truly happy, genuine and caring person. Such a huge loss. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and colleagues. Paul will be deeply missed. Jo Mitchell

Sad to speak of Paul in the past tense. He was a delightful character to know and speak with and although I didn’t work with him directly, he was a presence in the office that you just could not ignore as he made his “rounds”. He was matter of fact and honest as the day is long with his opinions. Only last December at the ED Christmas dinner, he held the table spellbound with his wonderful anecdotes and jokes! He was such a gentleman and nice guy. Peaceful journey Paul, we will reminisce over you fondly. Tayo Alabi

Paul was so welcoming to me when I joined the Lab and while we never met in person, he maintained contact with regular check-ins, always asking about the Recognition updates for forthcoming Townhalls. His priority was always his team and making the Lab a better place to be. He joined the Bristol book club just as we started a new book “Quiet” and as the only extrovert in the group, he was enjoying meeting a new bunch of people and learning more about how to work better with and support his more introverted colleagues. I shall miss him terribly and am heartened by the outpouring of love on this page. #BeMorePaul Philippa Clarke I’ve only known Paul a short time, but there are already countless memories I could share here. He was just that sort of person. My enduring sentiment is that he was someone I wanted to be better friends with. It’s a feeling I don’t get often. In his absence, I will endeavour to be better friends with those people who are around me. That’s the legacy he’s left for me. I miss him deeply. Tariq RP

Whenever I think about anyone with always smiley face, He is Paul. I can’t imagine Chiswell without Paul, he always keeps environment lively. He always took care for team and motivated them. We have lost GEM. We will miss your absence Paul. It looks GOD also in need of some good people. We know wherever you will be, you will always be happy and keeping all happy around you. Shasvat

Where to start when Julie Pinged me over the OCS that did you hear the news about Paul, I had the biggest shock , my body went numb, my eyes were filled with tears, it was a one of a kind moment where I felt I lost someone very close. remembering him back from 2013 at our all fav dungeon Ground floor emerald house and room G13 where I first meet and spoke to him he was very quick to run me through the details on the data FATCA FEFS feed and I asked why and who named it FEFS he had a laugh and pointed me to Maralina one of the architectects… that day and today when I am writing this for you Paul.. you have been the most cheerfull, helpful and kind person one could meet, coffee lady in emerald house,the sandwich ladies at the little bar near Sampson house everyone knew him and always had a laugh with him, Me John & paul had a really good working relationship and so a good outside work work .. I will miss our walks by the river, our mini Scottish meal breaks biscuits chocolates and special tea’s.... always there with a smile early in the office in the corner with a smiling face, never saw him speaking with anger with anyone, best part of his personality was any calls where you have 300+ people likes of senior most people he would not mind asking a question or when there will be a party for all the colleagues for the hard work they are doing.. I believe doing that comes naturally and reflects how bold you were Paul... for me he will always be remembered as the one who singed as a referee for my Daughters’ Siya and Mine UK citizenships form.... You left too early Paul there is so much more you could have given to this world and there is a saying that God takes the good ones early and leave the bad ones to keep fighting.. whereever you are Paul J Keller sleep well..your will be in our hearts and mind forever.. Love & Regards … Amit Porwal

Well Paul when I very first heard the news I didn’t quite believe it. I sat and shed a tear...….hardly surprising is it really. If you read all these wonderful comments the same signature traits are there in all. He just loved and cared for the colleagues around him...…..the world and bank would be a better place if we all learnt from Paul. We first met in the manic days of CRS, trying to implement a key project on new tech no-one knew anything about. Paul filling roles as analyst, PM, Implementation Manager, you name it, he stepped up to the challenge, did what was needed and then on to the next challenge. We shared many a chat, coffee and beer at a night out chatting about a similar passion, namely rugby.....he was a New Zealander after all. When my son went out to play in NZ Paul was there with help and advice.....(in a NZ accent)….”Keith mate, whatever he needs when he is out there give me a call and i’ll make sure he has someone to look after him”....well Paul, the heavens will now be looking after you...…...the world has lost you far too soon. To family and close friends, my best wishes to you all. Keith

I’ve known Paul probably since about 2013 when I started working on FATCA as a colleague, as his line manager but probably most importantly he was someone I classed as a good friend. Paul just loved being around people, he loved to chat, loved to get to know you and know what was going on. He was kind and gentle and would engage with anyone, he wasn’t bothered who you were - you were just another human being to him and he just wanted to be as helpful as he could towards you. As a team we’ve been through some really difficult work times trying to deliver FATCA and CRS, and at some points the pressure was quite high, - you could always count on Paul to be the one to burst that with a throw away comment that helped us all regain some perspective.....don’t get me wrong he didn’t always get his timing right but you could tell Paul and he wouldn’t take offense. I think my over-riding memory of Paul is how he would just pop up for a chat, we’d put the world to rights, talk about what was going on in out lives, sports and our dogs. Always smiling, always laughing or cracking a joke, a wonderful person! Travel safe mate - I’ll really miss you! Richard Taylor

I started working with Paul since 2014 with FATCA followed with CRS. Our patch changed as I went into PFFC and he was in EDH but destiny brought all of us together as he became our key contact for DCS. As a memory whenever I visited RLC London, He was there with warm smile as always having cookies next to him to offer. It was a great bonding created where we looked upon each other to get things right. I still recall the last call I had with him where he was asking for my Run being completed as he did his quite early you will be badly missed my friend. Rakesh Yadav

Paul, we have had so many good memories working together. Since I met you first time in RLC, you struck me as a person who anyone could connect to very easily. Your enthusiasm and passion always showed through the interactions. We were not surprised when you were chosen as the presenter for the Diwali function. I knew one day you wanted to be a coach and I wish I could help you in your ambitions eventually. May your soul rest in peace. Abhi Selukar

It will be really Hard to go to office and not have a chat with him. He was the first person i used to wish good morning everyday and he always use to come to my desk and chat about Football i will miss the football chat and the smiling face that he had for the whole day and he can cheer you up what ever your mood are in. He was one of the most cheerful person i have met till date. Ankit Singht

Paul was always so positive, jovial, caring and happy. Whenever I had any interactions with Paul, he lit up my day. Often sharing a joke but also his caring nature, he always cared about people first and foremost and was respected for that. A loss of a fantastic guy far too soon. Louise Whitlock

I was lucky enough to work with Paul and got a chance to see what a great man he was. He always treated us like a family and always there for us. I will miss him dearly and wanted to extended my condolence to the family. Praveen Jha

Where do I start...we were a great double-act and weirdly, I have known him since only June last year....and it turned into a fabulous relationship. An incredible human being who had the right priorities in life. He valued colleagues and their wellbeing ahead of anything else which absolutely the right mantra. Always made me I will miss the banter e.g. remarks about my height which I would then respond with ‘which part of Australia you from again?’. Won’t be the same without him and feels surreal that I won’t get the ‘Hey Rahman’ popping up on Teams or Lync. A wonderful, wonderful colleague and human being and someone whom I admired for his values and behaviours. Big loss. Abdur Rahman

Paul was a wonderful man to have as part of the team and I think we’ll feel his loss dearly which says a lot about his contribution to Enterprise Data and beyond. I second the call to #BemorePaul as we could all learn so much from his way of connecting with people and making everyone feel seen and appreciated. My memories of Paul are of his badgering me enthusiastically to get time not for himself but for others who did not know me in order to champion their cause, e.g. the Disability Networks as well as his own lovely method of checking in on all of us in ED all of the time to check we were ok. When we went into lockdown he made sure he checked I was ok locked down by myself with no work agenda, it was such a Paul thing to think to do - always looking after others. I am in many ways glad we are not in Chiswell St right now as I cannot imagine it without Paul making it a fun and vibrant place to be. I hope to honour him by thinking about how I and all of us can make that location and the ED team a better more human place to be. Rest in peace Paul Jo Rees-Hayward

Where do i start... Oh I was lost for words when i saw the email... I was shaken to have lost a good friend that i have known from my GTC days. Whenever i feel let down, i pop in at his desk and would talk to him which will make me feel better. We have spoken in lengths on Cricket, Football(though my knowledge was limited). Paul always lights up the place where ever he is... May god bless his soul and courage to his dear ones to sail through..... Paul - you will always be in our hearts and will be missed and i cant imagine a DCS space in Chiswell without you when the offices re-open. Ganesh Ethiraj

#bemorepaul The lab commemorates our colleague Paul Keller by instilling within Enterprise Data some of the positive behaviours that characterised him and that he championed so well. What to #bemorepaul means to us… Thinking about how other people might be feeling right now - focusing on others not yourself • Not being scared of “borders” - grade, team, location • Not waiting to be asked to do the right thing • Looking out for people who might have a problem - checking is better than fixing • Make the time for others, recognise the value it gives to them • Not putting off talking to people, do it now • Keeping a sense of humour about things

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