Issue 13

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Issue 13 / June 2013

from Kuwaitis to the world!


The Monthly Key to Your City

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99 KUWAITI EMBASSIES WORLDWIDE @thecitymagazine @thecitymags theCity Magazine

Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa

Al Raya Mall


from Kuwaitis to the world!

All issues, one website! More news, more events on our instagram account

@thecitymagazine 3

Dear readers, The long summer is here, and it's pretty exciting at theCITY. We have several new pages to introduce. Anmar Al-Darmi will be introducing you to authentic Kuwaiti recipes. Nour AlNafisi will be doing theVISIT every month where she meets with successful entrepreneurs to talk about the challenges they have faced. The page I am most excited about is Asma Al-Mulla's page, in which she talks about the most luxurious spots around Kuwait. They Love Where They Live, another one of our latest additions talks about the experience of expats in Kuwait and what makes them love where they live. One thing to look forward to here in Kuwait is the way traffic and life in general become more relaxed. It's the perfect timing for you to tackle any projects you've left unattended. We wish you a fun summer if you're looking for run, a relaxed summer if you're longing for relaxation, and a productive summer if you're an aspiring workaholic. Kind regards,

Sincerely, Khaled Al-Qahtani

،‫أعزائي القراء‬ ‫ ونحن‬،‫يحتوي عددنا هذا على عدد من الكتاب الجدد المميزين‬ ‫ نقدم‬.‫سعداء جدا ً لوجودهم معنا ابتداءا ً من عدد فصل الصيف‬ ‫ تكتب فيها عن المطبخ‬،‫صفحة جديدة للمبدعة أنمار الدارمي‬ ‫ كما نقدم صفحة مميزة ألسماء المال‬.‫الكويتي وعالقتها به‬ ‫تكتب فيها عن أفخم األماكن التي يمكنكم زيارتها لقضاء أمتع‬ ‫ الرائعة نور النفيسي تقدم صفحة مميزة‬.‫األوقات في الكويت‬ ،‫تعرفنا فيها على أهم المشاريع الصغيرة المميزة في الكويت‬ ‫من الصور المميزة‬ ‫ولطيفة مدوه المصورة الموهوبة تعد صفحة‬ ‫ كما نقدم في هذا العدد صفحة مميزة‬.‫التي التقطتها لألطفال‬ .‫تركز على تجربة الوافدين الذين يعيشون في الكويت‬ ‫في مجلة ذا سيتي بإبداع الشباب الكويتيين ونعدكم في‬ ‫الجديدة بتعريفكم على تشكيلة متنوعة من المقاالت‬ ‫ أتمنى أن تستمتعوا‬.‫وشابات مبدعين في مجاالتهم‬ .‫الصيف ونراكم على خير في عددنا القادم‬

‫نؤمن‬ ‫سنتنا‬ ‫لشباب‬ ‫بفصل‬

‫أطيب التمنيات‬ ‫لنا الرشيد‬


Athoob Al-Shuaibi

Dalal Al-Janaie

Fadhila Al-Madouh

Jadel & Jawa Al-Awadhi

Areej Hamadah

Dana Al-Tuwarish

Faisal Al-Thani

Khalil Al-Hamar

Ali Al-Khudari

Essa Al-Essa

Hind Al-Nahedh

Lana Al-Resheed

Basma Sultan

Fawaz Al-Omaim

Hisham Al-Sumaiew

Mohammed Al-Rasheed

Bashayer Al-Osaimi

Farah Al-Humaidhi

Jumana Al-Awadhi

Maha Al-Qandi

Ali Zaman

Nouf & Shabari Al-Qahtani

Noora Al-Askar

Nora Al-Ajmi

Peter Corridon

Nouf Al-Jassim

Yousef Al-Neemah

Ramez A. Sabawi

Cover by Latifa Madouh


Khadeija Al-Shimmiri

Hamad Al-Ghunaimi

Ebrahim Al-Awadi

Abdulrhman Al-Yousef









Spotlights On:

Latifa / page54 ASma / page 26 theVISIT / page 34

Anmar / page 46

Bait Dickson / page 30

Nancy / page 56

What’s In: Khaled Al-Qahtani


LIFE 14 Catch a Husband


16 The Human Effect

60 MakeUp By Farah

17 ‫ننشر التوعية‬

62 Fashionable Spirit

19 ‫المشهد المناسب‬

64 Hello Summer!

20 Social Media

65 ‫اختاري األبيض‬

22 Your Villa: Your Self

66 Vitrine d'un Magasin

25 theVILLA 28 Innovative Technologies


32 Bleach

68 Making Waves 70 Flyboarding

WELLNESS 39 ‫إمنح الحياة‬ 41 Omar Al-Othman 42 Byan Dental 44 Healthy Summer! 45 the PHARMACISTS

72 SLS

Lana Al-Resheed Managing Director

Shaza Ayesh

General Manager PR & Marketing

Basma Sultan Operation Manager

Khadeija Al-Shimmiri Sales Team

Dana Baluch Ali Moussa Mohammad Essa Content Editor

Hussain Al-Qatari Graphic Designer

Hussain Kuwala Head of Photography

Abdulrhman Al-Yousef

YOUTH 74 Sports Crazy 75 ‫نصائح للكورس الصيفي‬ 76 My Kinda Summer!


Hamad Al-Ghunaimi Ebrahim Al-Awadi Business Development

Bader Al-Mutawa

79 theJAY's Published and Distributed By:

FOOD 48 Mother's Nature Way 51 ‫الشوكوالتة‬







For Advertising, contact: 65558679 - 22390518 For Media and Press Invitations: Statement of Copyright: theCITY™ is owned and published by GREAT KUWAIT MEDIA. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. ® the CITY logo is owned by GREAT KUWAIT MEDIA. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any format without the written consent of the publisher.

DISCLAIMER Reasonable care is taken to ensure that theCITY Magazine articles and other information in the magazine are up-to-date and as accurate as possible as of the time of publication. No responsibility can be taken by theCITY Magazine for any errors or omissions contained herein. Furthermore, responsibility for any losses, damages or distress resulting from adherence to any information made available through this magazine is not the responsibility of theCITY Magazine. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of theCITY Magazine.

Humood Almajid

Call Center Agent Tell us about your experience at Zain. Firstly, I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to the employer of choice—Zain—for choosing me as Zain’s Talent. Working with Zain has definitely added to my overall work experience as a professionally committed and motivated employee. Tell us about your experience as an employee in Zain. How did that help you in your growth, career-wise? Being part of a great, leading company such as Zain helps employees exert maximum efforts in order to escalate the career ladder. The company continuously looks for ways to develop their employees’ skills and considers them the biggest assets. Employees drive overall success. It is honestly one of the best working environments to work in. When did you start working with Zain and what department do you work for now? I hold a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from The American University of Kuwait. I started working with Zain in August of 2011, and ever since then I have been working in the Customer Care Division. Throughout my career, I’ve attended ongoing development and learning seminars that aim at enhancing my skills as well as exceed the customer’s expectations.

A Wonderful World


What have you learned from Zain? As a Zain employee, I learned how to work hand-in-hand with other team members, but that’s not all. Zain employees are trained to be brand ambassadors who spread Zain values such as radiance, belonging, and heart. We spread these values among other team members to ensure that the expectations of such a huge organization are well-met. What would you say are the most important things that define your work experience with Zain? The most important elements that define my work experience at Zain would be: the endless support received from my superiors, and the encouragement to do more. This motivation factor acts as a crucial element in any employee’s life to go beyond boundaries and achieve great targets. From your experience, what do you tell new graduates looking for a job in the private sector? From my experience in one of the biggest economic organizations and a leader in Kuwait’s telecom industry, Zain provides great job opportunities to potential graduates and helps them gain the work experience they need to establish a solid career path.


The “O” Word! Are You Obese? Body mass index (BMI) measurement is the most accurate way to classify obesity for both males and females. Use this formula to calculate your BMI:

BM I =

(your (your

weight in KG)


in meters)2

Where do you fall on the BMI scale? Normal: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 Overweight: BMI between 25.0 and 29.9 Obese: BMI between 30.0 and 30.9 Extremely obese: BMI of 40.0 +

Obesity as we know it, is excessive body fat that impairs health

dramatically. If you step into any mall in Kuwait and engage in the popular activity of people watching, it won’t be long before you notice that obesity is the signature trend. It does not discriminate between men and women, or children and adults. The rise of obesity in Kuwait is attributed to the imbalance between the calories consumed and the ones burned. Overtime, when people increasingly eat high calorie foods, without exerting physical energy, the excess energy is stored as fat. As the body fat increases, the person’s general health begins to deteriorate.

risks related to obesity: hma, type I I diabetes, heart disease, ast , joi nt pain, sleep apnea, depression social discrimi nation

Whether you’re trying to maintain your weight, or lose a few kilos, here are some quick and easy steps you can start taking towards a healthier you: • Cut out fried food! Opt for baked and grilled foods instead. • Dine out less, and be aware of your eating portions. Remember, balance is key! • Increase fruit and vegetable consumption, as they are packed with vitamins and nutrients, and are low in calories eight • Replace whole with skimmed dairy, or at least rw e v O “ sity are low-fat. Eat more yogurt, as it is rich in healthy and obeeading risk l bacteria which aids in digestion. the fifthal deaths. Ats • Sit down less. Do not spend more than an hour for glob million adultsult a re least 2.8 at a time sitting down (this includes tv, laptop, year aseight or h c a e die erw 44% of v aimless driving, etc.) o g in of be In addition, s are • Move more! Get at least 30-60 minutes of . n e e s rd obe ight etes bu e b physical activity daily. ia rw d e v e o h t ble to • Drink more water. Make sure you get at least 2 attributa d obesity” an litres of water a day, especially in this summer ealth heat! World H on ati • Choose healthier desserts and snacks. Our Organiz Sweet & Savory set is a delicious, yet lowcalorie option!

Elements is a guilt-free bakery offering delicious lowcalorie desserts, all which have been developed alongside a team of licensed diet and health professionals, and certified by an A-Class, internationally accredited laboratory.

@eat_ elements

‫حل و‬ ‫ال‬

‫و الم و الح‬



‫‪Sweet & S‬‬ ‫لة‬ ‫شكي ‪avo‬‬ ‫‪ry‬‬ ‫‪S‬‬

Dalal Al-Janaie @marsvenuskuwait @marsvenuskuwait

Hello again dear readers! I am so happy to meet with you once again! Ramadan is around the corner and here in Kuwait, and this month is the start of the wedding season. Weddings left and right, and love is in the air. Everyone is holly and jolly and getting prepped and prodded for these magical evenings. The truth is, however, it’s not so holly and jolly for everyone. For single ladies, it can get stressful and a little depressing waiting for your turn. Many of you may be thinking, where do I find “the one”? Where is he hiding? When is it my turn? Ladies, I feel you. I’d like to take a moment and help you keep a few things in perspective and provide a little guidance on a few points that you may have overlooked.

1. Breathe! Have Faith and Enjoy the Journey.

Ladies, remember to see things as they truly are. It’s important to keep things in perspective. Remember, whatever is meant to be will be and if it’s not meant to be, it will never be. You can be perfect and things may not work out and on the opposite side, you can be terribly wrong and have things work out. Ladies, please don’t waste your life away being sad and overanalyzing everything that happened or didn’t happen. It’s so sad seeing young women, full of potential, sitting at home, moping around, sad and depressed that their significant other hasn’t arrived. Things happen in their own time and in their own way, worrying and stressing about it will only make you annoying and stressed, so stop it. Enjoy your time and

think of it as a special window of opportunity to find yourself, develop skills, and enfulge all your heart's desires. Have faith in a higher power and trust that time is not your enemy, but a gift, enjoy it!

great husbands through family marriages so give them a chance. Your family circle is a great group to “fish” in, and find your future husband. Keep an open mind, jump in, and don’t take yourself so seriously. Loosen up and enjoy!

2. Be an Active Part in the Community.

4. Participate in Courses and Continue your Education.

If you are reading this article then I am sure you are lucky. So tell me, as a lucky person, are you giving back? Are you contributing to the community? Are you helping those who need you or are you being negative and complaining about what you don’t have? Remember, you have a lot to be grateful for and those who are grateful will attract more. So, what’s the next step? Choose an avenue you would like to contribute to and take the initiative to help. Community service centers are everyone here in Kuwait and can be found on Instagram or online. There are amazing groups with amazing people who help in the areas of medical care, child care, labor workers, etc…

Knowledge is power. Expand your mind. I encourage you to participate in courses, trainings, seminars, etc… where your horizons will expand and you can meet individuals similar to yourself. Are you thinking of getting your masters or PhD? Go for it! Don’t sit at home waiting, go out, educate yourself, and mix with different groups of people. Remember, people who join in your courses have similar interests as you and similar mindsets as you. Where you fish for a husband is as important as who you are fishing for. Males you meet at universities or courses are educated, and special. Go on! Don’t delay. Join a course as soon as possible.

The people you will meet will also contribute to the change in your perspective and even your life. This select group will become part of your inner circle of friends, help you fill your time effectively, and who knows, one of them may be Mr. Right!

Work. The four letter word that causes so many people disdain. Although you may not think it’s the best place to mingle, believe it or not, many people find their significant others at work. So, my question is, what’s your work demeanor? When you are at work, don’t close yourself off, avoid negativity. Enjoy your time at work and smile. Those who radiate happiness and enthusiasm are the most attractive. If you feel you can’t be happy at work and hate it, maybe it’s time to switch jobs. In all cases, having something in common, like work, can be a plus. Smile, look good, and keep an open mind. Most importantly, if there is a special fish at work, give him a chance! Well dearest readers, I wish you all happy fishing and a happy wedding season. Good luck finding your Mr. Right!

3. Participate in Family Gatherings.

Your family is home. Your family is your safety. For those of you who are avoiding family gatherings, one question, why? No matter how much you run away from them or hide from them, you are stuck to your family and they are stuck to you. Accept your family and embrace them. Participate in family gatherings and connect with them. For those of you who are opposed to family marriages, don’t be so quick to judge. Many people find

5. Be Happy at Work.


‫أين أذهب الصطياد‬ ‫شريك الحياة؟‬ ‫مرحبا بكم مرة أخرى و يسعدني أن التقي بكم على الخير و‬ ‫المحبة‪ .‬نحن اآلن في الكويت نعيش أجواء ما قبل شهر رمضان‬

‫المبارك‪ .‬و هذا الوقت من السنة يتميز باحتفاالت الزواج و الزفاف‪.‬‬ ‫فنرى األعراس تقام يوميا في جميع مناطق الكويت‪ ،‬و نشاهد البنات‬ ‫يتجملن و يلبسن أحلى الفساتين و اإلكسسوارات‪.‬‬

‫و لكن هذه المناسبات السعيدة بالنسبة لبعض البنات الغير متزوجات‬ ‫تعتبر مصدرا للشعور بالحزن و بخيبة األمل‬

‫لعدم زواجهن حتى‬

‫اآلن‪ .‬فيغمرهن شعور بالتساؤل حول متى يحين دورهن؟ و أين‬

‫يمكنهن الحصول على الزوج المناسب؟ و أين يختبئ هذا الزوج؟‬

‫أنا أتفهم أحاسيسكن و مشاعركن حول موضوع تأخر زواجكن‪،‬‬

‫فدعوني أجيب على تساؤالتكن للحصول على الزوج المناسب و ذلك‬ ‫بأتباع النقاط التالية‪-:‬‬

‫‪ – 1‬خذي نفسا عميقا‪ ،‬و تيقني بأن الزواج قسمة و‬ ‫نصيب‬ ‫أن جميع أمورك بيد الله‪ ،‬فاستمتعي بحياتك و ال تفكري بهذا‬

‫الموضوع‪ .‬فمن المحزن بأن نعرف أن هناك بعض البنات يجلسن في‬

‫تتاح لكي فرصة كبيرة لتخالطي أشخاص لديهم نفس ميولك‪ ،‬و‬ ‫من يدري فقد تجدي الشخص المناسب‪.‬‬

‫‪ – 3‬شاركي بالمناسبات العائلية و اندمجي فيها‪.‬‬ ‫فأسرتك تشمل المحيطين بك من األهل و األقرباء و هم الذين‬ ‫يختارون ألبنائهم زواج األقارب‪ .‬و بما اننا في مجتمع له عاداته و‬ ‫تقاليده فمن الخطأ محاولة تجنب الزيارات و اللقاءات العائلية‪ ،‬حيث‬ ‫أنك ملزمة بهم و هم ملزمون بك في جميع المناسبات‪ .‬فأنصحك‬ ‫بأن تتقبلينهم و تحتوينهم‪ ،‬فقد تأتيك الفرصة المناسبة للزواج‬ ‫من أحد األقارب‪.‬‬ ‫و إذا كنت تعارضين هذا النوع من الزواج فأرجوا أن تعيدي النظر في‬ ‫الموضوع و تفكري بعقلية متفتحة فهناك الكثير من زواج األقارب‬ ‫الناجحة‪ .‬فدائرة األهل هي من أكثر األماكن التي يمكنك أن تجدي‬ ‫فيها زوج المستقبل‪.‬‬

‫البيت ينتظرن زوج المستقبل أن يحضر‪ .‬فنراهن يندبن سوء حظهن‪،‬‬

‫و يعشن بكآبة لعدم قدوم فتى أحالمهن‪.‬‬

‫أنا أنصحك بأن ال تضييعي حياتك بهذه الطريقة‪ .‬فاالنتظار‪ ،‬و القلق‬ ‫نتائجهم معروفة و هي العيش ببؤس و بزيادة التجاعيد على‬

‫وجهك‪ .‬فاستمتعي بحياتك‪ ،‬و اشغلي نفسك بأشياء مفيدة محببة‬

‫لديك عن طريق تنمية هواياتك و تطوير قدراتك‪ .‬و ثقي بأن هناك‬ ‫قوة عظيمة تدير مصير حياتك و زواجك‪ ،‬و كوني على يقين بأن‬

‫تأخر زواجك يصب في مصلحتك و سعادتك‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 2‬شاركي في برامج خدمة المجتمع‪.‬‬

‫فهل تساعدين و تساهمين في رفع المعاناة عن اآلخرين؟ أم‬ ‫أنك سلبية‪ ،‬و دائمة التشكي من عدم امتالكك لألشياء التي عند‬

‫اآلخرين؟ تذكري بأن لديك الكثير لتحمدي الله عليه‪ .‬و أنا على‬ ‫يقين بأن غالبية البنات الكويتيات محظوظات في ما من الله‬

‫عليهن من نعم‪ .‬و الله سبحانه و تعالى يقول‪:‬‬ ‫" لئن شكرتم ألزيدنكم "‪.‬‬

‫فنصيحتي لك بأن تختاري أحد مجاالت الحياة التي تحبين أن‬ ‫تساهمي بالنهوض بها مثل الصحة أو األطفال أو البيئة أو غيره‪،‬‬

‫ثم انضمي إلى إحدى اللجان و الجماعات التابعة لها‪ .‬ففي الكويت‬ ‫هناك مراكز كثيرة لبرامج خدمة المجتمع‪ ،‬و التي يمكن أن يستدل‬

‫عليها عبر اإلنستجرام و اإلنترنت‪.‬‬

‫إن تقديم المساعدة لآلخرين سوف يجعلك تشعرين بإحساس رائع‬ ‫من السعادة‪ ،‬و سوف يمأل وقتك بالفائدة‪ .‬و في نفس الوقت سوف‬

‫‪ – 4‬نمي عقلك و قدراتك باالشتراك بالندوات و المحاضرات‬ ‫و أخذ الدورات و حضور المؤتمرات و غيره من هذه األمور‪.‬‬ ‫و حاولي تكملة دراستك في المجال الذي تحبينه بدال من الجلوس‬ ‫في البيت و االنتظار لقدوم الزوج‪ .‬هذه األماكن ستوفر لك فرصة‬ ‫كبيرة للعثور على زوج المستقبل المثقف‪.‬‬

‫‪ – 5‬كوني سعيدة في مجال عملك حيث هناك فرصة‬ ‫كبيرة ألن تجدي الزوج المناسب لك‪.‬‬ ‫و ال تركزي في عملك على األمور السلبية فقط‪ ،‬و استمتعي بوقتك‬ ‫و أنت تعملين‪ ،‬و ابتسمي و اهتمي بمظهرك و أشعي السعادة‬ ‫فيما حولك‪ .‬فإحساسك بالراحة و أنت تعملين و ابتسامتك التي تنير‬ ‫وجهك يعتبر من األمور الجذابة‪ .‬فكثير من البنات وجدوا أزواجهم‬ ‫في محيط عملهم‪ .‬فإن كنت غير سعيدة في عملك فأعتقد بأنه‬ ‫قد آن األوان لتغييره‪.‬‬ ‫أتمنى لكم صيدا موفقا و زواجا سعيدا بإذن الله‪.‬‬

‫و أتمنى أن‬

‫تتواصلوا معي بخصوص تجاربكم الشخصية و أسئلتكم حول هذا‬ ‫الموضوع و ذلك من خالل شبكات التواصل اإلجتماعي‪.‬‬


Ramez A. Sabawi

The Human Effect: Why Kuwait Has "It."

When I come back to Kuwait, it feels like coming home. Such a phrase is very common coming from any Kuwaiti, but when it comes from an Australian who happens to have Middle Eastern roots--whose lived and worked across many cities worldwide, from Melbourne to London and from Dubai to Amman--it can be an odd sentiment and one worth thinking about. You see, I am talking about myself. The truth is that I have never ever imagined visiting Kuwait in my life. I never considered it as a tourist destination, let alone actually living, working and enjoying every minute in this warm and friendly state. Since first arriving to Kuwait 5 years ago, I was met with friendly and accommodating people from all sectors of the society. I managed to enrich my social life with many extremely nice and cultured groups of friends and colleagues at work. The social gatherings at the Diwaniya are quite a unique way in keeping social links alive and expanding friendly networks. This made me feel really at home amongst close friends. On the other hand, I welcomed all the social traditions, and I was eager to learn and know a lot about the local traditions and culture. I enjoy learning about how people managed to have this social link, which creates such an easy living environment. It feels as if you are amongst a huge extended family where everyone knows someone who is a friend of someone, and so on. I guess this human effect is what makes a difference. This is the factor which makes me Kuwait feel like home whenever I fly back to it from my many travels. It all comes down to the human effect. Kuwaitis are friendly, helpful, and they have gained a lot of experience and openness through the natural passion they have for travel. In my opinion, this has opened new dimensions to their social character and deepened their ability to enrich their culture. With all the modern aspects of technology and science which Kuwaitis experience across the world and managed to bring back to their country, while preserving their unique cultural identity, they provide a wonderful, welcoming balance. Such unique character in the social structure of Kuwait was never felt during the many years I spent in London and Australia. It is this strong human effect as I mentioned earlier that made all the difference. Kuwait is a young country with more than 50% of its population under 30 years old. Young generations are dynamic and active, and eager to learn and develop. These are definitely signs of a bright future for any nation.


‫‪Jumana Al-Awadhi‬‬ ‫‪@organickuwait‬‬ ‫‪@welovekuwait‬‬

‫خلونا‬ ‫ننشر التوعية‬ ‫مع بعض‬ ‫وايد أمهات ومدرسات بالكويت يشكون من عدم التزام بعض األهالي‬

‫بوجبات صحية للمدرسة ويدزون مع عيالهم أكل ممكن يضر اليهال‬ ‫الثانين‪ .‬أكيد بدون قصد‪ .‬مو عناد‪ ،‬صدقوني‪ .‬وايد أعرف أمهات من‬

‫مشاغلهم ما عندهم وقت يلتفتون للثقافة الغذائية‪ .‬و لو يدرون‬

‫بمضرته لعيالهم و عيال الناس جان ما عطوهم‪.‬‬

‫مرة سمعت مدرسة تقول حق أم ال تعطين ولدج أكل صحي أو خبز‬

‫أسمر ألنه مو متين‪ .‬هالكالم معناته أن حتى المدرسات الزم نثقفهم‬

‫عشان مصلحة عيالنا‪.‬‬

‫العلم نور و نعمة الله معطيك إياها‪ .‬اللي يعرف المفروض يعلم اللي‬

‫مايعرف و ينشر الخير‪ .‬ال تبخلين على عيالج و مجتمعج بمجهود‬ ‫بسيط ممكن يسوي تغيير‪ .‬ماكو شي اسمه تغيير بسيط أو صغير‪.‬‬

‫الصغير يكبر ويتحول لظاهرة‪.‬‬

‫مستحيل أنسى وجه أستاذي اللي درسني تغذية طبيعية من ‪ 13‬سنة‬

‫وهو يشرحلي شلون مجموعة صغيرة بسنغافورة قدروا ينشرون علوم‬ ‫التغذية الطبيعية بزمن كان صعب يصير أي تغيير والحين ماكو شارع‬

‫بديرتهم يخلى من مطعم أورجانيك‪.‬‬

‫لحد يقولي ماكو فايدة‪ .‬شلون ماكو فايدة وانا أشوف كل يوم ناس‬

‫أكثر و أكثر تدور الثقافة الغذائية و تمارسها و تتعلمها‪ .‬الكويت جزء‬ ‫من هالعالم المتقدم ودام المدارس واألهالي بالعالم التفتوا لهالموضوع‬

‫عيل إحنا مو أقل منهم علم وثقافة ووعي واهتمام بالمجتمع والناس‪.‬‬ ‫األسبوع اللي فات طلبت مني مدرسة ولدي اني أكلم أم طفل معاهم‬

‫بالصف أمه رافضة ان ولدها يشارك ببرنامج األكل الصحي بالمدرسة‪.‬‬

‫تقول المدرسة ان كان عبالها عشان ما تبي تدفع المبلغ لكن انصدمت‬

‫انها تقول انها مو شايفة له أهمية‪ .‬لما كلمتها اكتشفت أنها أم‬ ‫حنونة و خايفة ان ولدها مايحب األكل وتعتقد ان عشان األكل اللي‬

‫تشتريه مكتوب عليه جملة "مزود بالفيتامينات" يعني خالص اهوا‬

‫أحسن أكل حقه‪ .‬درس بسيط عن تغذية األطفال وخلت ولدها يشترك‪.‬‬ ‫عيالي يداومون في مدرسة فيها درس يومي عن التغذية و قانون‬ ‫صارم ضد األكل المصنع وممنوع فيها الحليب اللي فيه نكهات فراولة‬ ‫موز كاكاو وعندهم مطبخ بالمدرسة يسوي كل يوم شوربة وأكل‬ ‫صحي باالضافة الى فواكه طازجة‪ .‬مرات أشوف بساطة المينيو وأقول‬ ‫احنا نقدر نسوي أحسن منهم مليون مرة بالكويت! شناقصنا؟ شزودهم‬ ‫عنا؟ بس يبيله اهتمام وحنة شوي عالمدارس‪.‬‬ ‫منو تساعدني نكتب رسالة نموذجية انشرها هني بصفحتي بالمجلة‬ ‫عشان أي أم تعاني من المشكلة بس تصورها وتطبعها وتدزها حق‬ ‫المدرسة توزعها؟ األهالي ما يسمعون كالم المدرسات مساكين والمضرة‬ ‫ما تقتصر على السمنة‪ .‬في أطفال فيهم سكر أو نشاط مفرط أو عدم‬ ‫تركيز وهاألكل يخرب تعب أمه‪ .‬السالفة مو بس سالفة طفل فيه‬ ‫حساسية‪ .‬حتى األطفال اللي مافيهم شي يستحقون األكل األفضل‬ ‫حق صحتهم الجسدية والنفسية‪ .‬اكتشفت إن إرسال رسالة على ورقة‬ ‫هي طريقة فعالة جدا ً للتأثير وأحداث التغيير المطلوب‪ .‬رسالة بسيطة‬ ‫ممكن تغير تفكير شخص وتثقفه وتفيد عياله وعيالنا‪ .‬خنسوي‬ ‫رسالة نموذجية تخلينا كلنا كأهل بصف واحد ندافع عن حق عيالنا‬ ‫باألكل اللي يفيدهم و مايضرهم‪ .‬لو شخص واحد يتأثر هذا كفاية ان‬ ‫يخلي هالمجهود مو ضايع‪.‬‬ ‫ال ننطر قانون وال مدرسة تحاول‪ .‬خل ننشر هالثقافة بيدنا ونساعد‬ ‫بعض‪ .‬منو متحمسة وتبي تكتب الرسالة النموذجية لألهل والمدرسات؟‬ ‫دزولي رسائلكم وأفكاركم وانشالله يطلع معانا شي مرتب وحلو ويفيد‬ ‫الناس يا رب‪.‬‬


‫الهالك له بدال مما كان يرشده عليه الرسول ‪-‬صلى الله عليه وسلم‪-‬‬ ‫وهو أن يختار ويجعلها تطهيرا له من الذنوب‪.‬‬

‫وفي أحد األبحاث التي تذكر أنه في أثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية‬

‫قرر أدلوف هتلر أن يعاقب ثالثة من جنوده نتيجة عصيانهم‬ ‫العسكري وتخليهم عن األوامر المطلوبة منهم‪,‬فطلب من المختصين‬ ‫النفسيين أن يجدو عقاب ًأ نفسي ًا مهلك ًا لهؤالء الجنود‪,‬فأدخلة كل‬

‫جندي في غرفة صغيره تتساقط بها قطرات الماء ببطئ ‪,‬وأخبروا‬

‫الجنود أنهم إستنشقوا إحدى الغازات السامة القاتلة والتي لن تبقي‬ ‫لحياتهم إال الساعات القليلة ‪,‬فأغلقوا األبواب عليهم‪ ,‬وبعد مرور‬ ‫مايقارب ثالث ساعات كانت المفاجأة المدهشة!‬

‫اإلنجاز‪,‬فالفروق بين التوجه نحو االنفعال والتفاعل تكون في صغائر‬

‫األمور التي لها تأثير كبير مثل بعض الكلمات التي يستخدمها‬

‫الناجحين كما هي مبينة في الجدول اآلتي‪-:‬‬

‫التوجه نحو االنفعال "أنت المتأثر" التوجه نحو التفاعل "أنت المؤثر"‬

‫‪ -1‬لقد انتهى األمر وليس بيدي شيء‪ .‬‬ ‫فلننظر نحو البدائل لدينا ونختار ونحاول‬

‫‪ -2‬هذه أطباعي ولن أغيرها‪ .‬‬

‫أنا الذي أقرر طباعي وأرتقي بها نحو األفضل‪.‬‬

‫‪ -3‬أعلم أنه سيتم الرفض؟ ‪.‬‬

‫تم فتح األبواب على كل جندي فإذا اثنان من الجنود قد وجدوا‬

‫سأحاول وأبادر والخيرة فيما اختاره الله‪.‬‬

‫الهالك‪,‬ويشير الباحثين أن ايمان الجنود العميق ب"فكرة" استنشاقهم‬

‫‪" -4‬لو" كان أو "أصبح"‪ .‬‬

‫ميتين بالفعل والجندي اآلخر كان في حالة يرثى لها وعلى وشك‬

‫للغاز السام أدى الى العديد من "العمليات العضوية الداخلية" من‬

‫زيادت نبضات القلب وضغط الدم وكذلك زادت حدة التنفس والتشنجات‬ ‫الجسمانية بسبب الرسائل السلبية المهلكة المتبادلة بين "الفكرة" و‬ ‫"العمليات العضوية الداخلية" والتي كانت تنمي كل منهما األخرى‬

‫الى درجة الموت‪.‬‬

‫تذكروا دائما "أنتم المؤثرون!"‬‫إن لعملية اإلختيار بين اإلستجابه وعدم اإلستجابة للمؤثرات الخارجية‬ ‫شأنا عظيما في التحكم واختيارنا لسلوكياتنا‪ ,‬وكنت ُأبصر في‬ ‫الصيف والحرارة على أشدها من يتذمر ويسخط من الجو الملتهب‬

‫بالحراره ‪,‬وال يقتصر األمر على ذلك ولكن على سب وشتم الجو‬ ‫ونسي ما نهى عنه عليه‬ ‫واليوم والعمل والذي هو مصدر الرزق‪,‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم في الحديث القدسي الذي يرويه عن‬ ‫ربه و الذي يقول فيه الله تعالى‪(( :‬يؤذيني ابن آدم يسب الدهر‪،‬‬

‫وأنا الدهر بيدي األمر‪ ،‬أقلب الليل والنهار))‪ .‬فنتيجة هذه االنفعاالت‬ ‫السلبية هي التأثير على القرارات واألهداف وعلى تقديرنا لذاتنا‪,‬وكما‬

‫أن التمرد على مظاهر الطبيعة لن يغيرها‪.‬‬

‫وبالمقابل هنالك من أتقن فنون التعامل مع هذه المؤثرات فكان‬ ‫هو المؤثر على العوامل الخارجية وليس العكس ‪,‬فنرى من يشغل‬ ‫نفسه إما بإنجاز أعماله واإلستمتاع بها أو بالقراءة أو بالسفر أو‬

‫باالستمتاع بالبحر والرياضات المائية بحيث يبعد نفسه عن دائرة‬ ‫اإلنفعال‪ ،‬وكذلك في مشهد فصل الشتاء الذي يتكرر ولكن بنص‬ ‫مختلف فترى من ال يكاد يهنأ له بال بسبب البرد القارص وترى‬

‫اآلخرون من يجيدون فن التأثير على الظروف من حولهم‪ ,‬فيقوم‬

‫بإنجاز اعماله وتحقيق أهدافه وتحمل هذا األمر وترى من يذهب‬ ‫لالستمتاع بالمخيمات واإلستمتاع بدفء النار او بالقراءة والعمل على‬


‫نعم الله ال تعد وال تحصى وسأسعى للحصول على الفرص‪.‬‬

‫‪ -5‬ال أستطيع ‪.‬‬

‫لكل مشكلة حل وسأتمكن من النجاح إن شاء الله‪.‬‬

‫‪ -6‬التغير أمر صعب‪ .‬‬

‫ما أروع التحدي في التغيير‪.‬‬

‫‪ -7‬أنا فاشل‪ .‬‬ ‫أنا ناجح‪.‬‬

‫‪ -8‬أشعر بالعجز وقلة الحيلة‪ .‬‬

‫أنا أشحذ قواي بتحمل مسؤوليتي في حياتي‪.‬‬

‫تذكروا دائما‪ :‬التهوين ال التهويل!‬‫إن إعطاء الضوء األخضر و اإلقرار للعوامل والمؤثرات الخارجية بالتأثير‬ ‫على سلوكك وأفكارك وقراراتك يضعك في دوامة الناس االنفعاليين‪،‬‬

‫فال تكن صيدا سهال للعوامل والمؤثرات الخارجية‪ ،‬ولكن أجعل‬ ‫من األمور مناخ ًا يالئمك‪،‬واسمع الرسالة السامية التي ينطق بها‬

‫المصطفى –صلى الله عليه وسلم‪ -‬في الحديث الذي رواه الترمذي‬ ‫س ِ‬ ‫‪((:‬فمن ِ‬ ‫السخط))‪,‬إن اإلنسان هو من‬ ‫فله‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫خ َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫رض َ‬ ‫فله الرضا‪,‬ومن َ‬ ‫يلون حياته باللون الذي يريده كما تلون البحر بلون السماء‪ .‬إن من‬ ‫ينجحون في تغيير حياتهم هم الذين معهم معتقدات وأفكار‬

‫ليس باستطاعة أي مؤثر أن يؤثر فيها‪ ،‬ألن القيم التي تحكمهم ما‬ ‫هي إال نتاج تفكير عميق ودقيق‪ ،‬فلديهم قناعات غير عادية بأنهم‬ ‫من يختارون ألنفسهم‪ ،‬فتذكر عندما تغضب أنك أنت من قررت ذلك‪،‬‬ ‫وكذلك عندما تبتسم أيضا أنك أنت من قرر ذلك‪،‬وعندما تكون فقيرا‬ ‫أو غنيا أنك انت من تقرر ذلك‪ ,‬فاختر المشهد المناسب في حياتك‪.‬‬

‫‪Yousef Al-Neemah‬‬ ‫‪@yneemah‬‬ ‫‪@yneemah‬‬

‫اختر‬ ‫المشهد‬ ‫المناسب‬ ‫في حياتك‬

‫الحياة ما هي إال مشاهد متفرقة ومختلفة‪ ,‬فمنها المشاهد أو‬

‫الكوابيس السلبية التي تحقق لنا حياة الفشل والتعاسة ومنها‬ ‫اإليجابي الذي يحقق غاياتنا واهدافنا ويدفعنا الى اإلنجاز والى‬ ‫التفاعل مع الحياة واختيار المشاهد التي تسعدنا واإلبتعاد عن‬

‫كابوس اإلنفعال وضعف قوة اإلختيار‪,‬فاإلنسان أكثرمايتعب حين‬

‫يكون مجمدا في مكانه جاهال لقدراته مسيرا ً وراء إنفعاالته ‪ ،‬لقد‬ ‫وهب الله تعالى اإلنسان نعم ًا التعد وال تحصى‪,‬ومن أعظم النعم‬ ‫قل من أحسن إستخدامها و فك شفرتها وهي قوة اإلختيار‪،‬‬ ‫التي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫فلإلنسان أن يختار مشهد ودور الضحية لإلنفعاالت ويفقد التحكم‬ ‫في سلوكياته وبالتالي يفقد القدرة على اشباع حاجاته ‪ ،‬وله‬


‫وهذه العاناصر األربعة هي التي ترسم مالمح سلوكياتنا التي تحدد‬ ‫حياتنا ‪,‬فالعنصر األول وهو األفعال وهو العنصر األكثر قابلية للتحكم‬

‫والسيطرة ويملك اإلنسان كامل الصالحيات في السيطرة عليه‪,‬ومشاعر‬ ‫اإلنسان وتفكيره وهو العنصر الثالث يمكن التحكم والسيطره عليهم‬

‫ولكن بدرجه أقل ويعتمد ذلك سيطرة اإلنسان على أفعاله وعلى‬ ‫وعيه وتواجده في اللحظة‪,‬فعال سبيل المثال عند فشل األنسان‬

‫في أمر من أمور حياته سواء في حياته الدراسية أو الوظيفية‬ ‫أو العائلية أوالتجارية وغيرها من جوانب الحياة يتجه الى ترجيح‬ ‫كفة العنصر الثالث و هو التفكير في الفشل الذي أعاقه عن الوصول‬

‫الى مراده مما يتسبب في بشعور سلبي يؤدي إلى عجز في‬ ‫قلب هذه المحنة إلى منحة من خالل ترجيح كفة العنصر األول‬

‫وهو األفعال وهو ما يتجه ويحسن التحكم به‬

‫الناس الناجحين‬

‫ون مناخ ًا مشحونا بطاقة من‬ ‫في الحياة‪ ,‬فهذا الشعور السلبي ُي َك ْ‬ ‫اليأس واإلحباط والتشائم والتعاسة‪ ,‬فتنفتح الطرق المهلكة لألفعال‬ ‫مثل العزله والتدخين وتوتر العالقات مع األقربين وإهمال المظهر‬

‫وضياع األوقات من غير افعال‪ ,‬وغيرها من األفعال التي تعزز وتنمي‬ ‫هذه األفكار وتدفع بالعنصر الثاني وهو اإلنفعال عن طريق الغضب‬

‫أو الحزن والقلق المبالغ فيه إلى حد التأثير على العنصر الرابع‬

‫وهو الوظائف العضوية الداخلية‪ ,‬وقد يؤدي الى امراض عضوية مثل‬ ‫الجلطة و ضغط الدم المرتفع وتصلب الشرايين والقرحة‪.‬‬

‫هارفارد ودراسة حول خطورة التفكير السلبي‬‫وهذا ما أشار اليه في كتابه العالج بالطاقة هربرت سبنسر أستاذ علم‬

‫النفس في جامعة هارفارد‪,‬حيث قرر أن أكثر من ‪ %75‬من األمراض‬ ‫العضوية‪ ،‬أساسها التحدث مع الذات بشكل سلبي‪ ،‬وهو ما يسميه‬

‫علماء النفس التمثيل الداخلي ومعناها هو الطريقة التي يمثل بها‬ ‫اإلنسان حياته داخليا بما في ذلك األفكار وترتيبها في العقل‪،‬‬

‫وأن ذلك يسبب أمراض ًا متعددة منها أمراض القلب والصداع والقرحة‬ ‫والجلطة وضغط الدم‪ ،‬ويضعف الجهاز العصبي وجهاز المناعة وقد‬

‫يصل أيض ًا إلى السرطان‪.‬‬

‫أن يتجه نحو دور الشخص الناجح الذي هو من يقرر استجاباته‬

‫إن المرض الحقيقي هو مرض األفكار الذي يجذب مرض األبدان‪,‬فمهما‬

‫ولمن حوله ‪ ,‬فلك أن تنفعل ولك أن تتفاعل‪.‬‬

‫وجسده فإن صح ان "العقل السليم في الجسم السليم" فكذلك أقول‬

‫وسلوكياته ويقرر التفاعل مع األحداث إيجابيا بما يعود بالنفع للفرد‬

‫بلغ اإلنسان من صحة بدن‪ ,‬ولم يحافظ على صحة ذهنه هلك عقله‬

‫أن "الجسم السليم في العقل السليم" ‪ ،‬وهذا ما يؤكد أن الفكر‬

‫إن السلوك الكلي لإلنسان يتكون من أربعة عناصر هي‪:‬‬ ‫ ‬


‫ ‬


‫ ‬ ‫ ‬

‫•االنفعاالت‬ ‫•الوظائف العضوية الداخلية‬

‫يسبب األمراض‪.‬‬

‫يتلوى من شدة‬ ‫عاد النبي –صلى الله عليه وسلم‪ -‬أعرابيا مريض ًا‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫حمى تفور‪,‬‬ ‫األعرابي‪ :‬بل هي‬ ‫ور))‪,‬فقال‬ ‫مواسي‬ ‫الح َّمى‪,‬فقال له‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا‪((:‬ط ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ه ٌ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫‪:‬فن َع ْم إذاً))‪.‬‬ ‫على شيخ كبير‪,‬لتورده القبر‪.‬قال))‬ ‫َ‬ ‫إن األعرابي لم يرض بأن يكون طهورا ً واختار أن تكون الحمى باب‬


Hind Al-Nahedh @Hindrelations

Social Media Summer Reads!

Summer is officially here. Everything is business as usual, but our Friday afternoons have gotten a little shorter, and our weekends a little longer as the summer heat slowly starts to stretch. I have put together an extensive list of the top new social media books to help make your Friday afternoons in the sun guilt-free. Why guilt-free? You’ll be getting all the fun of reading, but it will feel like you’ve taken a mellow, laid-back business course while sipping on your cool summer drinks on the beach in your chalet. Take these books with you to the beach towel, chaise longue, or the airplane seat. Sit back with your feet up, and catch up on the latest expert trends and strategies to utilize social media for your business.

Likeonomics: The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action By Rohit Bhargava Likeonomics uncovers five key principles to win trust (or win it back)—and keep it. You’ll learn how to use the TRUST formula (Truth, Relevance, Unselfishness, Simplicity, and Timing) to power every relationship. Being more believable is the real secret to standing out—whether you are trying to grow your business, win an election, or find your next job —and this book will help you get there.

Optimize: How to Attract and Engage More

Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing By Lee Odden Optimize is designed to give readers a practical approach to integrating search and social media optimization with content marketing to boost relevance, visibility, and customer engagement. Companies, large and small, will benefit from the practical planning and creative content marketing tactics in this book that have been proven to increase online performance across marketing, public relations, and customer service.

Social Media Commerce for Dummies By Marsha Collier Social media commerce is a booming industry. By using social networks in the context of e-commerce transactions, brands large and small are making their products more available and more convenient for customers. This oneof-a-kind guide introduces you to social media commerce and explains how you can use social


Likeable media to provide better customer service, collect payments online, and build your customer base. Online marketing expert Marsha Collier helps you determine where you have the best opportunity to reach your market, which sites you should integrate with, and much more.

The Zen of Social Media Marketing

By Shama Hyder Kabani Shama Hyder Kabani, president of Web marketing firm Marketing Zen and social media expert, will teach you how to access all the benefits of social media marketing without the stress! With a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Chris Brogan, The Zen of Social Media Marketing outlines the most popular social media tools, from Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn, and teaches you how to use them, step by step. She provides proven strategies for success from the businesses she works with every day, along with shortcuts and tips to help you make the most of your time and energy.

The New Rules of Marketing & PR By David Meerman Scott The New Rules of Marketing and PR shows you how to leverage the potential that Webbased communication offers your business. Finally, you can speak directly to customers and buyers, establishing a personal link with the people who make your business work. This one-of-a- kind guide includes a step-by-step action plan for harnessing the power of the Internet to create compelling messages, get them in front of customers, and lead those customers into the buying process.

Return On Influence: The Revolutionary

Power of Klout, Social Scoring, and Influence Marketing By Mark Schaefer Return on Influence is the first book to explore how brands are identifying and leveraging the world’s most powerful bloggers, tweeters, and YouTube celebrities to build product awareness, brand buzz, and new sales.

Business: Why Today’s Consumers Demand More and How Leaders Can Deliver By Dave Kerpen This best seller changed the way businesses interact with their customers on a daily basis. Likeable Business lays out 11 strategies for organizations of all sizes to spur growth, profits, and overall success. Dave Kerpen reveals the remarkable returns you’ll get when you gain the trust of your customers and stakeholders. In today’s social media world, it literally pays to be likeable.

The E-Factor: Entrepreneurship in the Social Media Age

By Adrie Reinders and Marion Freijsen In The E-Factor educates entrepreneurs on the pitfalls that take down most entrepreneurs before they get started, such as restricted resources, skills gaps, and financial limitations, and show you how to overcome these obstacles. Discover how best to secure funding for your fledgling startup and how to use new forms of social media work to your advantage. Along the way, read a wide array of case studies of successes and learn lessons from others’ failures, including those from small business owners and burgeoning entrepreneurs, all the way up to multinational corporations, global brand leaders, and the founders themselves.

Have I missed any? Which social media marketing books are on your summer reading list? I would like to hear your comments on the hashtag #socialmediasummer. For the next issue, I will prepare more interesting books about the best practices to help you build your online strategies. Enjoy your summer! Stay connected, and stay social!


Farah Al-Humaidhi @piecesbyfarah @piecesbyfarah

Your Villa: Your Self

It's easy to see the major shift in the role of women in our society today. In the fact, in the past few decades alone, the change has been significant. Women today are more aware of their design needs, they travel around often, and they stay in glamorous & chic hotels. In short: Women are exposed. It is very important that a house has the touches of its owners. No matter how renowned the hired designer is, a house is never a real home until it reflects those who occupy it. Women today are moving towards designing their own houses, hosting, and planning their own events. If you examine them closer you might notice that some just leave subtle touches while others opt for more bold imprints. In both cases, the point is that they want everything to have their touchs and to reflect who they truly are. The task of designing, though outwardly simple, can become challenging if one is not conscious of what lies ahead. There are a few simple rules and lots of tricks that can make the whole task uncomplicated and even inspiring! All you have to know is how to get there. That's why I designed a course called “Design Your Villa." This course is quiet essential to those with no background in design whatsoever or to those who plan to deal with their contractors directly. In this course I have elaborated on spaces, zoning, space allocations, furniture arrangements, color scheme and combination, materials, lighting and basic electrical information. When one is aware of these basic issues, dealing with contractors becomes unproblematic. To begin with they have a better understanding of the terminologies and this, in return, reduces the possibility for any miscommunications. They learn to differentiate between what they want and what the contractor proposes. Participants get instructed on how to draw a basic plan, how to shop using this plan, and how to convey ideas to contractors through those plans. They are also instructed on how to read the plans of others. At th end of each day in our 3-day course order the participants form groups to complete assignments to help enhance and apply what they acquired in during the day. This step makes the information more tangible and comprehensive. So far we have provided only bimonthly introductory courses and very soon we will start adding on more advanced courses in addition to specialized courses such as materials, technical colors, lighting etc.

Testimonials from Participants:

1. The workshop was amazing! I loved every minute! It was excellent and I learned a lot. Definitely time worthy. I can’t wait to redesign my room. BADRIYAH AL MUDHAF 2. The best course I've ever attended. I think I am finally ready to start renovating my house. Thank you Farah, we will miss it! JENAN AL SAAD 3. It was an inspiring course, as well as professionally & technically perfect. RANIA AL MUTAWA



‫السهل عليك ان تختار غرفة النوم‬ ‫المناسبة الن لون األرضية و ورق‬ ‫الحائط يساهم ويسهل اختيارك‬ ‫للون غرفة النوم‪ ،‬بالتحديد لون‬ ‫السرير وما يتبعه من مكتبة‬ ‫مدرسية وغيره وإضافة المعلقات‪.‬‬ ‫احرص علي اإلضافات الصغيرة‬ ‫بما يتماشى مع لون و نمط‬ ‫الغرفة واجعل طفلك يختار أو‬ ‫يشارك في االختيار حتي في‬ ‫اختيارك المعلقات‪ .‬أطلق له‬ ‫الحرية مع توجيهات بسيطة‬ ‫دون إلحاح واجعل منه الرسام‬ ‫الصغير المصمم المبدع الذي رسم‬ ‫و لون غرفة نومه بثقة وحرية‬ ‫النه يري شخصيته من خالل‬ ‫غرفة نومه‪ ،‬ومثل ما كنت شخص‬ ‫متفتح و ديمقراطي احرص ان ال‬ ‫تقع بالفخ من خالل باب الحرية‬ ‫والعقل المتفتح وتجنب ان توفر‬ ‫له تلفزيونه الخاص حتى لو كان‬ ‫هذا التلفزيون فقط الستخدام ال‬ ‫بالي ستيشين‪ .‬وال تنجرف وراء‬ ‫المشاعر في هذا الموضوع وكن‬ ‫حاسم أقنعه بموضوعية أن غرفة‬ ‫النوم لها استخدامات محدده‬ ‫مقتصرة بالنوم و باستخدامه‬ ‫للمكتبة المدرسية فقط ال غير‬ ‫وأنك علي استعداد لتوفير البديل‬ ‫وذلك عن طريق وضع التلفزيون‬ ‫في مكانه الصحيح في غرفة‬ ‫المعيشة المخصصة له ولباقي‬ ‫بتوازن‬ ‫طفلك‬ ‫دلل‬ ‫األسرة‪.‬‬ ‫واستمتع معه واجعل من كل‬ ‫خطوة معه هي خطوة مرح‬ ‫ومتعة بكل حب‪ .‬فهمت وعرفت‬ ‫السعادة عندما حققت رغبتات‬ ‫أوالدي وسمحت البني شمالن‬ ‫وهو يبلغ من العمر ‪ ٤‬سنين وكم‬ ‫شهر أن يختار غرفة نومه‪ ،‬الله‬ ‫يحفظه ويحفظ أوالدكم من كل‬ ‫شر ان شاء الله‪ .‬إنه طفل حب أن‬ ‫يصمم غرفته على مزاجه مثل ما‬ ‫وفكرته‬ ‫يقولون‪ .‬من ابداعاته‬ ‫انه طلب مني انه عندما يستلقي‬ ‫يود ان يري صورة راس ميكي‬ ‫ماوس والن عمره ‪ ٤‬سنين فانني‬ ‫ترجمة رغبته من خالل اختار‬ ‫ان تكون االسقف محفورة علي‬ ‫شكل راس ميكي ماوس‪ .‬حققت‬ ‫رغبته وأضفت عليها ان يكون‬ ‫فيها إضاءة مخفية وأيض ًا أضفنا‬ ‫التكييف المخفي‪ ،‬والنه ولد و‬ ‫دائم ًا ما يشد األوالد السيارات‬ ‫وكل ماهو أكشن اختار ان يقود‬ ‫سيارته في احالمة وكان له سرير‬ ‫السيارة واللون أيض ًا من اختياره‬ ‫وكل ما زاره صديق حرص ان‬ ‫يدخله لغرفة نومه ليريه أنه هو‬ ‫من اختار سريره‪ .‬ان الحرية عززت‬ ‫ثقته بنفسه وأصبح أكثر سعادة‬ ‫ألنه هو المصمم المبدع الصغير‪.‬‬ ‫تمتع بفرحة أوالدك واكتشف‬ ‫مواهبهم و ادعم أفكارهم لتري‬ ‫الجانب المبدع والمبتكر من خالل‬ ‫إطالق سراح خيالهم وأفكارهم‪.‬‬ ‫ستتعرف علي طفل جديد مواكب‬ ‫لزمانه ومكانه‪.‬‬




‫‪By Abkhat Al-Roumi‬‬

‫المصمم‬ ‫الصغير‬

‫المصمم الصغير هو الهبة من الله‬ ‫عز وجل ونعمة من المنعم الوهاب‪:‬‬ ‫أطفالنا‪ .‬هم فلذات أكبادنا‪ ،‬وألن‬ ‫أوالدنا هم أمانة فى أعناقنا‬ ‫ونحن مسئولون عنهم‪ ،‬فمن‬ ‫حقهم علينا أن نكرمهم ونحسن‬ ‫تربيتهم‪.‬‬

‫كن قائدا ً لطيف ًا‪ .‬يجب أن يعرف‬ ‫األطفال دون أدنى شك أن اآلباء‬ ‫هم قادتهم‪ ،‬ولكن ال يمنع أن‬ ‫يكونوا قادة أنفسهم في المنزل‬ ‫من خالل تصميم غرفة النوم‬ ‫الخاصة بهم‪ .‬أطلق لهم العنان‬ ‫وتعرف علي شخصية طفلك‪.‬‬ ‫من المكن أن تحلل شخصية‬ ‫اختيارهم‬ ‫طريق‬ ‫عن‬ ‫أوالدك‬ ‫األلوان واألثاث‪ .‬تعرف على ذوق‬ ‫طفلك وتفهم احتياجاته وذوقه‪.‬‬ ‫إن احترام ذوق الطفل يعزز من‬ ‫شخصيته ويدفعه إلى األمام‬ ‫بثبات‪ .‬خروجه عن ذوق األم و األب‬ ‫يشعره بالثقة‪ ،‬ومتنفسه الوحيد‬ ‫هو أن يصمم أو يشارك في‬ ‫تصميم غرفة نومه وهنا يأتي‬ ‫دور األم واألب بفتح الباب بحرية‬ ‫وال يمنع أن يكون هناك توجيه‬ ‫ونصائح البنك ولكن ابتعد عن‬ ‫اإلصرار بتوجيهاتك ونصائحك ألنها‬ ‫تهز الطفل وتشكك في خياراته‪،‬‬ ‫وعندها يشعر بأنه غير قادر على‬ ‫اإلختيارأاو أنه غير كفء سيؤثر‬ ‫ذلك على نفسيته وشخصيته‪ .‬من‬ ‫األفضل أن تفرش الخيارات له دون‬

‫أن يكون لك أي تأثير على ذوقه‬ ‫لكي تفهم احتياجاته‪ .‬يجب أن‬ ‫تفتح قلبك وتنتظر أن يخرج‬ ‫كل ماهو في مكنونه و تعيش‬ ‫أحالمه‪ .‬من المهم ان تعيش‬ ‫معه الحلم‪ ،‬عندها فقط ستتفهم‬ ‫ذوقة و توافق عليه‪.‬‬

‫يوضح لك الصورة أكثر‪ .‬الموضوع‬ ‫بسيط‪ :‬قربك منه والحوارات‬ ‫المستمرة مع قليل من الحرية‬ ‫تسهل عليك توجيهه وتقديم‬ ‫النصح له حين يقرر أن يختار‬ ‫غرفة نوم بيته الصغير‪ ،‬دائرة‬ ‫أحالمه و محيطة الخاص‪.‬‬

‫لكل طفل عالمه الخاص‬ ‫وأحالمه‪ .‬ما المانع أن يعيش‬ ‫حلمه في غرفة نومه وأن‬ ‫يستمتع بطفولته البريئة‬ ‫بسعادة وحرية؟‬


‫لي صديق كان كثيرا ما يتذمر‬ ‫ويكره غرفة نومه في طفولته‪،‬‬ ‫أخبرني أن والديه تكلفوا كثيرا‬ ‫وأنهم سافروا إلى إيطاليا لشراء‬ ‫غرف النوم و غيره وأن قيمة‬ ‫غرفة نومه كانت عالية التكلفة و‬ ‫ذات طابع كالسيكي راقي ولكن‬ ‫كل ما زار صديق له زاد كرهه‬ ‫لغرفة نومه وانزعاجه ألنها لم‬ ‫تكن على ذوقة‪ .‬كان يشعر أنها‬ ‫ال تتناسب مع عمره وأنها اقل‬ ‫مرح ًا من غرف أصدقاءه ألنه كان‬ ‫يحلم بسرير على سيارة ومكتبة‬ ‫دراسية بنفس األسلوب وأنه لم‬ ‫ينسي مع أنه بلغ من العمر ‪٤٨‬‬ ‫سنة إال انه يذكر هذه المرحلة‬ ‫بحياته لك العمر كله يا صديقي‬ ‫العزيز‪ ).‬هذا يدل على أن غرفة‬ ‫نوم الطفل لها تأثير علي‬ ‫شخصيته سواء كانت من اختياره‬ ‫او اختيار والديه‪.‬‬

‫كيف أتعرف علي ذوق أوالدي؟‬

‫من السهل أن تتعرف على ذوق‬ ‫أوالدك وميولهم وذلك عن طريق‬ ‫قربك منهم وأيض ًا إجابتك علي‬ ‫األسئلة سواء كانت بنظرك مهمة‬ ‫أو غير مهمة‪ .‬اإلجابة والحوار يدعم‬ ‫شخصيته ويعزز ثقتة بنفسه‪.‬‬ ‫الحظ اختياره الأللعاب و نوعيتها‬ ‫وافتح له المجال أن يختار ثيابه‪.‬‬ ‫عندها ستتعرف أكثر علي ذوقة‬ ‫واأللوان التي يحبها وتتعرف‬ ‫أكثر على ميوله‪ .‬انتبه إلى‬ ‫برنامجه المفضل في التلفزيون‬ ‫وعلى ألعابه اإللكترونية‪ .‬حتى‬ ‫نوعية أكله وما يحب وما يكره‬

‫أسهل‬ ‫ناجح ؟‬


‫الغرفة بدايتها بالحوائط واألرضية‬ ‫أوال‪ ،‬هذا اذا لم تكن األسقف‬ ‫تحتاج إلى تغير‪ ،‬أما اذا كنت‬ ‫بحاجة لتغيير األسقف احرص‬ ‫على أن يكون التكييف مخفي‬ ‫في االسقف وأن تجمع بين‬ ‫اإلضاءة الظاهرة والمخفية‪ ،‬ومن‬ ‫الضروري إضافة إضاءة التحكم‬ ‫اليدوي للضوء‪.‬‬

‫لغرف‬ ‫دائم ًا‬ ‫باألرضية‪.‬‬ ‫نبدأ‬ ‫األطفال يفضل استخدام الخشب‬ ‫( الباركيه) ألن له طابع خاص و‬ ‫دافئ وسهل التنظيف باإلضافة‬ ‫إلى أنك تستطيع اأن تختار‬ ‫منه اللون الذي يناسبك ألن‬ ‫خياراته كثيرة‪ .‬من الممكن أن‬ ‫تختار الرخام وتضيف قطعة‬ ‫سجاد صغيرة‪ .‬أما السجاد دائم ًا‬ ‫ما استبعده النه غير عملي‬ ‫لغرفة االطفال والمراهقين‪ .‬من‬ ‫الممكن أن نكتفي بقطع سجاد‬ ‫صغيرة‪ ،‬ولكن عدا ذلك ال أفضلها‪.‬‬ ‫السيراميك دائم ًا ما يخسرك تعبك‬ ‫بالتصميم النه مهما كان غالي‬ ‫الثمن ومصنعية ممتازة فإنه‬ ‫ال يرتقي للرخام والباركية ذو‬ ‫الجودة الجيدة‪.‬‬ ‫أما الحوائط دائم ًا و أبدا خياري‬ ‫هو ورق الحائط أو الخلط بين‬ ‫ورق الحائط واألصباغ عند اختيارك‬ ‫لورق الحائط وبعد تركيبة وقبل‬ ‫ان تمتلئ الغرفة باألثاث ستري‬ ‫ان ورق الحائط له النصيب األكبر‬ ‫وتشعر انك تود ان تضيف األثاث‬ ‫بأسرع وقت ممكن ألن له دور‬ ‫كبير بين األرضية واألثاث‪ .‬ألوانه‬ ‫وخياراته متعددة‪ .‬بعد اختيار‬ ‫ورق الحائط واألرضية أصبح من‬


Fine Living

with Asma Al-Mulla Safir Suite. Safir International Hotel & Residence.


Upon walking through the wide wooden door and stepping on the hardwood floor, my eyes caught the strong sunlight of the room. I was mesmerized. The eighty-five square meters suite of Safir International Hotel has skylight windows with an exceptional view of the beach. You can enjoy the charming panoramic view of that beach from the burgundy-colored sofas in the lavish living room. The view left me speechless. The light that came through those huge skylight windows took my breath away. The large living room also has a 6-person mahogany dining table. The dining area is surrounded by mirrors and amazing art pieces from Artist Ulla Al-Ayoubi, which I found myself admiring helplessly.

A walk into the closet took me straight to the bathroom door. Luxurious Chopard products were lined on a wide marble sink. To the right, a comfortable jacuzzi, with an accompanying flat-screen TV and a walk-in shower with full massage jets comes on your left. I had a unique experience at this Safir International Hotel suite. It is luxury combined with tradition and it surely will leave you in awe. Truly, it is the legendary Arabian hospitality with a taste of the fine living.


Photography by Abdulrahman Al-Yousef

The second door in the executive suite living room took me to the royal bedroom. A marvelous kingsize bed, with calm dustypurple sheets and covers looks extremely cozy. Each side has a small nightstand with relaxing dimmed lights. A ceiling-high window, covered with a dark shade of satin purple curtains overlooks the blue Arabian Gulf. Another mahogany door took me to the spacious walk-in closet of the room, 'every girls’ dream,' I thought to myself.

Innovative Technologies at Your Service

Rare Company is a fairly new, aspiring business that aims to bring innovative new technologies to the Kuwaiti consumer, especially in the field of home entertainment. Behind Rare and its sister companies is a young Kuwaiti man, Nawaf Al-Shamari. Here is our chitchat with Nawaf about his various business ventures, especially Rare.

Ů?Tell us a little bit about yourself. My name is Nawaf Al Shamari. I graduated from California State University, majoring in Business Management. I worked in the US in the field of real estate for 7 years, and then moved back to Kuwait by the end of 2009. I decided to establish my own company in 2011.

What does Rare specialize in, and what are the specialties of its sister companies? Rare was established in 2011 as a supplier for new innovative digital displays and advanced high-technology solutions. In 2012 we established two more divisions under Rare: Acquante--which specializes in fountains, aquatic ballets and digital water curtains--and Geisha, which is our media and advertising venture.

What are the services offered by Rare? Rare offers a variety of up-to-date technologies in different lines of work and industry who are seeking International Innovative markets in order to bring the best to Kuwait and the GCC market as a whole. We own six exclusive distribution rights to sell products in the GCC, as well as Iraq. Some of our products are AV and digital signage for indoor/outdoor use, home theater screens, intelligent or switchable smart glass which transforms from being clear to frosted, where it can also be used as a surface to project video on, creating a high-def display. We also sell mirrorvision TV, Art Speakers, and even LED perimeter systems for stadiums. The digital water curtains are also an innovative element in urban design, which we distribute here in Kuwait. The curtain becomes an elegant water billboard that can be used as public information meeting point interacting with the people. It is also a playful element, refreshing & relaxing for consumers. Rare deals with well-known and reputable suppliers from UK, Spain, Netherlands, and USA to bring the latest technologies and ideas to provide individuals and corporates with the best products in the global market. Our product designs are simple, unique, and modern to target the high-end interior design companies, as well as media and advertising agencies. Our goal is to provide the best solutions to businesses who wish to appear in a magnificent form and to become a bright establishment at a very competitive cost. I believe that we are the vision of tomorrow, with the technology of today.

What are the future plans for Rare? The future plans is to expand our services and find good distributors for our products and services in Kuwait and the GCC region overall. Rare Company



+965 65070112


By Bashayer Alosami

old is gold

Bait Dickson For the summer issue, I decided to visit some place many locals don't think of often. It's a place that is usually visited by tourists, although I can guarantee that even locals will appreciate its beauty and charm once they give it a try and pay this place a visit. It is Bait Dickson, or Dickson's House. Located on the Arabian Gulf Road, Bait Dickson is a true monument of what Kuwait used to be. I love how it still stands as a reminder of the essence of Kuwait. It is where a lot of interaction between Kuwaiti citizens and expatriate communities took place in the past. The guide, Fayez Khan, who moved to Kuwait in the 70's told me all about it, and the way he told the stories about the place was so lively, I could almost picture the events taking place there. When Fayez Khan arrived to Kuwait on Wednesday, the 12th of May 1976, he was received by a Yemeni driver and a Pakistani cook. Diverse expatriate citizenship was present all throughout Kuwait’s booming golden era in the 70’s, and and it is something that is quite admirable and worth noting. Fayez’s father worked in Harold Dickson’s house in the 40’s. Mr Dickson’s generosity extended to include Fayez and his siblings; he helped him find a job at several aviation companies in Kuwait. In 1999, Fayez retired and decided to be the cultural guide at Beit Dickson. He was, after all, quite close to the Dickson family. The house, he noted, used to belong to Al-Asfoor family. It was acquired by the British colonial administrator Harold Dickson and his family. Mr Dickson’s relationship with the Kuwaiti people is something to admire. He was loved by the citizens of Kuwait, and his wife Violet was quite popular among the Kuwaiti women. She was visited by the wives of merchants and the wives of desert nomads, and formed strong bonds with them. She drove her Mercedes every afternoon to her friends who lived on the outskirts of Kuwait City or in other suburbs, and they had tea with biscuits, gossiped, and chitchatted.


Such close ties bonded Mr Dickson with the people of the Gulf, he even gave his kids Arabic names. His son is Saud, and it is said that he was named after a Saudi dignitary, and his daughter, Zahra, is named after a little Iraqi girl Mr Dickson met when he worked in Iraq. We took a tour around the house with Mr Fayez, and he managed to bring every corner of the house to life with the stories he told. Mr Dickson truly loved Kuwait, and asked to be buried here in Kuwait. Such is the love that many expatriate citizens have for Kuwait and its people and culture. Visit Bait Dickson. You’ll have a great time, and Mr Fayez is quite a fun person to listen to.

Photography by Hamad Al-Jhunaimi

Admission is free and the location is fantastic because it's close to several other social hubs. It's not too far from some malls and it's close to the Seef coastal strip with its trendy restaurants, so pass by on your way to dinner one day. You won't regret it.


Can you tell us a little bit about Bleach? Bleach is a housekeeping company that provides high class cleaning service to both residential and commercial sectors. Our unique service is done through our professional and fully dedicated workers. We do believe that your residence and work place needs to have a clean and healthy environment. Bleach can save residence owners all the trouble from hiring maids with high cost, cultural differences, bad communication through the services we provide. Who are your target audience? The targeted segments of the Bleach clients are families and newly weds with small and medium sized apartments and houses, small business (cafes, restaurants, health clubs, and fashion stores), and small to medium sized commercial offices. What are the packages you offer your clients? We have service packages which are provided to our

clients in both residential and commercial sectors. We provide monthly and yearly subscriptions with options of cleaning one time to four times a week. Customized service are also given to business owners depending on their needs. We also provide monthly special added value packages to all our clients during specials occasions in the different seasons of the year. What makes Bleach unique? What makes Bleach stand out from other companies is that we are the first company to consider housekeeping as a main profession in Kuwait. What are your plans for the future? It's a bit early to talk about expanding out of Kuwait, however we do have plans for local expansion and providing a variety of house services. How can people book an appointment? For any orders and appointments all you have to do is call 60963306 / 69333716 / 94437726



THE visiT By Noor Al-Nafisi

Affection For Confection: Choco & More


Tell us a little bit about Chocolates & More. Who owns it? Chocolates & More is specialized in chocolates, pralines, truffles and confections. I started as a home-based bussiness in 2003 and opened my first chocolate boutique in 2012. It’s owned by me, Athoub Alnasrallah.

What were the difficulties you faced when you started? The most difficult part was getting raw materials and equipment to Kuwait. The bureaucracy of the customs was one of the main hurdles that I faced.

Have you ever felt so challenged and wished you could just quit the project? I am blessed with a supportive family, especially my husband who is always by my side. I never felt like quitting despite all the difficulties.

What gives you satisfaction at work? When I put together a recipe and people come up to me and tell me how good it tastes. That’s extremely fulfilling to me.

In your opinion, how can someone reach success? You can reach success by arranging your goals and being creative. You have to prioritize in order to succeed. What are the services you provide? We provide catering for weddings and baby showers, and we also customize according to the demands of our clients for any occasion. We also do services for corporates. What about the prices of the products, what's the price range? Our prices are very reasonable, and they range from KD 16 to KD 26.


@chocolatesandmore + 965 22405050

Where do you get the chocolate from, and how many kinds do you offer? We get our raw chocolate from France and Belgium, and so far we have around 150 different kinds of chocolates. Is your chocolate made here in Kuwait, or do you import it? We import the raw chocolate and ingredients only, but we make them here in Kuwait in our central kitchen. Do you have anything special for Ramadan? Yes, we have a nice collection of packaging with nice Ramadan themes. This year we also have our own customized molds for the chocolate, especially for Ramadan.

Photography by Abdulrahman Al-Yousef

Where are you located, and how can people get in touch with you for orders? We are located in Kuwait City, Sharg, Alghawali Mall.




Dr Rana Al Abdul Razak


‫عيش الحياة ‪...‬‬ ‫إمنح الحياة‬

‫برز اسم الدكتورة رنا العبدالرزاق‬

‫فكرة النادي حول العالم وسرعان‬

‫فهي طبيبة متفانية وناشطة‬






‫حقوقية مهتمة بعدة قضايا‬ ‫إنسانية في الكويت بشكل خاص‬

‫وفي اإلقليم بشكل عام‪.‬‬

‫ما بدأت دول أخرى في تبينيها‬





‫من ‪ ٦٠‬فرع حول العالم‪ .‬قبل‬

‫‪ ٥‬سنوات خطرت ببالي فكرة‬ ‫تاسيس فرع للنادي في الكويت‬


‫وذلك لما يمكن ان يقوم به هذا‬

‫جاهدة إلى االرتقاء بوعي أفراد‬

‫الكويت حول أهمية التبرع بالدم‪.‬‬







‫المجتمع حول مختلف القضايا‪،‬‬

‫النادي من توعية للشباب في‬

‫وقد انطلق نادي ‪ ٢٥‬في الكويت‬

‫رسميا قبل ‪ ٤‬أعوام‬


‫ويفرحنا جدا ً أن تكون امرأة‬ ‫كويتية طموحة قد وصلت إلى‬

‫وسبق اإلعالن عن التأسيس سنة‬

‫تحدثنا معها عن نادي ‪ ٢٥‬للتبرع‬

‫المتطوعين في النادي وتحديد‬

‫مراتب عالية من النجاح والتميز‪.‬‬

‫بالدم كونها أحد المؤسسين له‬ ‫والداعمين لبرامجه‪.‬‬

‫ ما هو نادي ‪٢٥‬؟ متى بدأ‬‫بالعمل؟‬ ‫نادي ‪ ٢٥‬هو نادي تطوعي انطلق‬ ‫قبل‬





‫كانت الفكرة منه تحفيز الشباب‬ ‫اليافعين‬




‫والحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي‬ ‫يساهم في توفير الدم اآلمن‬

‫للمرضى في دولة تعتبر األعلى‬ ‫في نسبة إنتشار مرض األيدز‬ ‫آنذاك‪.‬‬




‫كاملة من التحضيرات الستقطاب‬ ‫أهداف عمله وتدريب المتطوعين‬ ‫وتاهيلهم للقيام باعمال النادي‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬ما هي النشاطات التي نظمها‬

‫النادي؟‬ ‫شارك‬





‫قياس مخرجاتها وانجازاتها‪ .‬كما‬

‫الكويت مما أسهم في إنقاذ‬

‫كبيرة جعلت االعضاء يشعرون‬




‫اآلالف من المتبرعين بالدم حول‬ ‫أرواح اآلالف من المرضى‪.‬‬


‫كيف يمكن المشاركة في‬‫نادي ‪٢٥‬؟‬

‫ما هي مخططاتك المستقبلية؟‬

‫يمكن ألي شابة أو شاب االنضمام‬

‫إلى النادي وهناك نوعين من‬ ‫العضوية‪:‬‬




‫بالتطوع في أنشطة النادي) و‬

‫عضو متبرع بالدم (يتبرع بالدم‬ ‫بصفة مستمرة بهدف الوصول‬

‫ل ‪ ٢٥‬تبرع) ويمكن الجمع بين‬

‫النوعين من العضوية ‪.‬‬

‫الحد األدني لعمر االشتراك بالنادي‬

‫هو ‪ ١٤‬مع العلم أن التبرع بالدم‬

‫ال يبدأ قبل سن ال ‪ ١٧‬سنة‪.‬‬

‫من يرغب باالشتراك عليه تعبئة‬

‫استمارة طلب العضوية وسيتم‬

‫أهمها االحتفال سنويا بمناسبة‬

‫لتحديد نوع العمل الذي يمكنه‬

‫حمالت التبرع في السنوية في‬

‫لالنشطة المختلفة للنادي‬

‫اليوم العالمي للمتبرعين بالدم‪،‬‬ ‫لتجارية‪،‬‬



‫حملة سنوية للتبرع بالدم خالل‬ ‫احتفاالت االعياد الوطنية‪ ،‬باالضافة‬

‫اإلتصال به من قبل اعضاء النادي‬

‫المساهمة به ودعوته للتطوع‬



‫الشباب حول التبرع بالدم ولزيادة‬ ‫ثقافتهم‬








‫نجاح الفكرة أدى إلى إنتشار‬



‫الخفية عن اغلي شرائح المجتمع‬







‫مستوى النادي فقط وإنما أيضا‬

‫على المستوى الشخصي حيث‬ ‫أن‬




‫أسهمت في تطوير إمكانياتهم‬ ‫وشخصياتهم وتعزيز قيم العاطاء‬

‫والمواطنة الحقيقية لديهم‬ ‫أما‬






‫بالعمل‬ ‫العطاد‬

‫الشخصي‬ ‫التطوعي‬


‫وتطوير تجارب العمل التطوعي‬

‫وغيرها من األنشطة التطوعية‬

‫التطوعية نجد فيها الكثير من‬

‫وطواقمه من أجل تقديم خدمة‬

‫الحقيقي وغياب االستمرارية‪ .‬هذا‬

‫هذا ويقوم أغلب أعضاء النادي‬



‫للوصول ل ‪ ٢٥‬تبرع في أقرب‬

‫‪ ٢٥‬كانت من التجارب الناجحة‬

‫الحماس الشبابي مع انعدام االنجاز‬




‫بول للطيارات الخفيفة وحمالت‬






‫من االهتمام بالعمل التطوعي‬

‫أقرانهم من الشباب على التبرع‬ ‫لدى‬

‫‪ ٢٥‬هي ان اراه اكبر وان يحصل‬

‫أن أتمكن من تحويل هذا الشغف‬


‫بالدم واإلنضمام للنادي هادفين‬


‫أهم االهداف التي أسعى لرؤيتها‬

‫إلى العديد من األنشطة األخرى‬

‫في الكويت لكن أغلب التجارب‬






‫هل ترين أن هناك وعي‬ ‫كاف لنشاطات النادي؟‬

‫مثل المشاركة في مسابقة ريد‬



‫مباشرة بارواح االخرين‬


‫أدبي ًا بالتبرع بالدم ‪ ٢٥‬مرة قبل‬ ‫عيد ميالدهم ال ‪ ٢٥‬ويعملون‬ ‫حث‬



‫استطاعو أن يحققوه ليس على‬


‫االنشطة والفعاليات منذ تاسيسه‬

‫ان للعمل فيها قيمة انسانية‬







‫أفضل للمتبرعين‪.‬‬







‫لدي الى خطوات عملية تسهم‬

‫بالتبرع الدوري بالدم ويهدفون‬

‫التطوعية‪ ،‬لذا فإن تجربة نادي‬


‫وذلك لوضوح اهدافها ولسهولة‬





‫تتحقق على أرض الواقع وأتمنى‬

‫ياتي بشكل اساسي بسبب غياب‬ ‫لهذه‬





‫في تحقيق التغيير في ثقافة‬ ‫العمل‬


‫عموما في الكويت‪.‬‬


‫‪@club25kuw‬‬ ‫‪@club25kw‬‬ ‫‪@club25kw‬‬








‫كلمنا عن نفسك‪ .‬من هو عمر العثمان؟‬

‫عمر العثمان ‪ ،‬مذيع في تلفزيون و راديو الوطن و يعمل مديرا ً‬ ‫للعالقات العامه في احد الشركات الخاصه المتخصصة بالتغذية ‪،‬‬ ‫مدون منذ اربع سنوات و تم اختياره من فوربس الشرق االوسط كواحد‬ ‫من اهم ‪ ١٠٠‬شخصية مؤثرة في تويتر‬ ‫يحب متابعة الجديد في مختلف المجاالت و يحرص على تغطيتها‬ ‫من خالل حساباته في مواقع التواصل االجتماعي بشكل عام ‪ ،‬اغلب‬ ‫وقته يقضيه في العمل و الوقت المتبقي يحرص ان يكون مجزءا ً‬ ‫بين القراءة االدبية او السياسية و االطالع على اخر اخبار التكنولوجيا‬ ‫و مواقع التواصل االجتماعي‬

‫كلمنا عن ليان‪ .‬كيف انضممت إلى المجموعة؟‬

‫كنت في اسباني ًا في مايوركا مشارك ًا في فعالية مختصة برياضة‬ ‫الدراجات الهوائية مع حين ابلغوني منظمة ليان باختياري للذهاب‬ ‫معهم في رحلة تطوع اغاثية الى الالجئين السوريين على الحدود‬ ‫السورية اللبنانية ‪ ،‬و طوال المدة التي تواجدت فيها في اسبانيا‬ ‫كنت افكر ماذا يمكن ان ارى او اقدم في رحلتي الى الالجئين ‪،‬‬ ‫حتى رجعت و انضممت الى المجموعة هناك و وجدت ان ليان هي‬ ‫جهة تعمل جاهدا ً على توفير سبل الراحة و االستقرار للنازحين‬ ‫السوريين حتى يرزقهم الله الفرج و يرجعون الى ديارهم من مؤى‬ ‫و مأكل و ملبس و االهم من ذلك االهتمام الطبي سواء على مستوى‬ ‫العالج الجسدي او النفسي‬

‫ماذا عملت في رحلتك مع مجموعة ليان؟‬

‫كانت رحلة ليان هدفها ان تستقطب وجوه اعالمية و فعالة في‬ ‫مواقع التواصل االجتماعي من كافة دول الخليج ‪ ،‬لتسليط الضوء‬ ‫على ما يتم عمله هناك ‪ ،‬و اليصال الصوت بطريقة سهله عبر‬ ‫تويتر و االنستغرام عما يحدث هناك و كيف يمكن للناس المساعده‬ ‫‪ ،‬لذا كانت رحلتنا متنوعة االنشطة ‪ ،‬بين زياراة الى الالجئين و‬ ‫التعرف على احتياجاتهم و توصيل المساعدات العينيه و الطبيه ‪ ،‬و‬ ‫بناء المخيمات المجهزة بالتدفأة و دور المياه باالضافة الى انشطة‬ ‫متنوعة لالطفال ‪ ،‬حتى كتب الله لنا ان جهزنا عرس ًا ألحد النازحين‬ ‫الذي تزوج من نازحه هناك خالل فترة تواجدهم في الخيم اكثر‬ ‫من سنة ‪ ،‬فكانت فرحة من نوع اخر جدا ً اتوقع لن احس فيه ابدا ً‬ ‫مرة اخرى‬

‫كيف كانت تجربتك مع ليان؟‬

‫كانت التجربة مؤلمة ‪ ،‬فعندما تشاهد اشخاص تنقصهم احتياجات‬ ‫الحياة االساسية تعلم و تقدر كل ما من الله عليك من خير و نعم‬ ‫‪ ،‬و كيف يعيش عائلة كاملة مكونه من ‪ ٧‬اشخاص بخيمة واحدة‬ ‫هي غرفة نومهم و صالتهم و مطبخهم و مكان تجمعهم ‪،‬‬ ‫تقدر فسحة الحياة التي تتمتع بها يومي ًا من اول ما تفتح عينك‬ ‫في يومك ‪ ،‬اسأل الله ان يخفف عنهم و يرزقهم الحياة التي‬ ‫يستحقونها‬

‫لك مشوار طويل في العمل التطوعي واألنشطة الشبابية‪ ،‬فقد كنت‬ ‫من أول من انضم لبرامج لوياك الصيفية‪ .‬كلمنا عن ذلك‪.‬‬ ‫من اجمل الخبرات التي كنت جزءا ً منها " لوياك " المكان الذي‬ ‫يفتح لك مجال ان تتعلم اساسيات الحياة الحقيقية ‪ ،‬و طريقة‬ ‫ال عن نفسك‬ ‫االعتماد على النفس في العمل و كيف تكون مسؤو ً‬ ‫و تكون صاحب قرار ‪ ،‬فعملي في لوياك كانت متنوع ًا بين رئيس ًا‬ ‫للجنة االعالمية و مؤسس مجلة لوياكي التي الزالت و حتى بعد اكثر‬ ‫من ‪ ٧‬سنوات تصدر حتى االن ‪ ،‬باالضافة الى عملي في االدارة ‪ ،‬و‬ ‫متطوع ًا في دار المسنين و دور الرعاية اعطاني الخبره التي ال يمكن‬ ‫ان اتعلمها نظري ًا في اي مكان‬

‫ماذا أضاف العمل التطوعي إلى شخصيتك؟‬

‫عمل التطوع دائم ًا يصقل الشخصية و يجعلك اقوى و تتحمل اكثر‬ ‫و اتوقع وجود الفرصة في الحياة للتطوع يجب ان يستغل دائم ًا‬ ‫‪ ،‬فطعم العمل التطوعي و الخبرة التي يمكن ان تكتسبها فيه ال‬ ‫تقدر بثمن‬

‫هل ترى أن لدينا عدد كاف من األنشطة التطوعية في‬ ‫الكويت؟‬ ‫لدينا العديد من الخيارات للعمل التطوعي في الكويت‬ ‫ما نحتاجه هو التوعية لالنضمام الى هذه الجهات و التوجبه من‬ ‫المسؤولين للشباب ليكونون جزءا ً من المجتمع‬

‫ما هي امنياتك المستقبلية؟‬

‫اتمنى ان يكون لدى الخبرة اكثر في دعم العمل التطوعي عن طريق‬ ‫عملي االعالمي و امثل الكويت عالمي ًا و اشارك في المحافل الدولية‬ ‫التي من شأنها تحسين مستوى معيشة الالجئين في العالم و‬ ‫المحتاجين و اصحاب االوضاع الصعبة‬ ‫و ايض ًا اتمنى تسليط الضوء اكثر على متعة و فائدة العمل التطوعي‬ ‫و كيف يمكن ان يصقل شخصية االنسان بطريقة جدا ً مؤثرة‬

‫كلمة شكر لمن تقدمها؟‬

‫كل خبرة و معرفة مررت بها صنعت شخصيتي اليوم‬ ‫ابتداء من منزل والدي ‪ ،‬بوجود امي و ابي حفظهم الرب ‪ ،‬و اخواني‬ ‫ً‬ ‫حتى اصل الى قراء مجلتكم الموقره ‪ ،‬كل شخص مر في طريق‬ ‫حياتي و بصم فيها بكلمة او تصرف انا ممتن له حتى لو كان‬ ‫يقصد االساءة كما قال الشاعر‬

‫عداي لهم فضل علي و منه ‪ ،‬فال اذهب الرحمن عني االعاديا‬ ‫هم بحثوا عن زلتي فاجتنبتها ‪ ،‬و نافسوني فاكتسبت المعاليا‬


Dr Noor Al Chouehey

General Practioner- Salmiya Branch Bayan Dental Clinic @bayandentalkw @Bayandental

Physical Appearance Are you looking to improve your physical appearance ? Are you dreaming of a brighter smile ? A whiter set of teeth improves your smile, your look and, of course, increase your self confidence. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry treatment; its main indication is elimination of discoloration, stains and natural pigmentation of the teeth. However, this procedure is not 100 percent predicable as the results are variable depending on many parameters related to each patient. In some cases, relapse is probable as fade may show up over time, especially if a person smokes or drinks a lot of coffee or tea. Unlike porcelain veneers, which are stain-resistant dental prosthetics, the natural teeth retain the ability to absorb stains, and a patient may need another whitening treatment in the future for better maintenance. If you are interested in revitalizing your smile, there are two types of whitening available: in-office and at-home treatments. Regardless of which treatment option you choose, you can expect your teeth to be noticeably brighter after therapy. Teeth bleaching provides relatively quick results about an hour with in-office whitening, and a week or two with at-home whitening , it is possible that more than one treatment may be necessary to completely bleach the teeth.

In-office bleaching: The professional teeth whitening process begins with a minor cleaning and removal of any plaque along the gum line. Once this has been accomplished, the material (peroxide-based gel) is applied directly to the teeth. Also, the initiation of the active ingredient is performed with heat, a special light, and/or a laser. Results are seen in only 30 to 60 minutes and whitens teeth by as many as 10 shades lighter. Costs for the procedure vary from dentist to dentist, but, typically the results are similar. There are many kits in the market where manufacturers such as Rembrandt速, Zoom速 and BriteSmile速 are very similar. In extreme cases, the laser teeth whitening procedure may need to be repeated to address deep stains caused by medications .

At-home bleaching: It is indicated for patients who don't have the time to schedule several dental appointments. The initial visit should be to the dentist for a check-up to ensure that they do not have any cavities or excess plaque buildup. This is a necessary stage as teeth whitening gel can cause damage to weak or decayed teeth. Once this

is completed, the dentist will take impressions to make customized whitening trays tailored to the patient's specific needs. In addition, they will provide a peroxide-based teeth whitening gel to use with the trays. The frequent use of this gel will depend on a patient's demand in terms of esthetic goals and sensitivity level. It is up to the patient to decide when, where, and how often to wear these trays. Many teeth whitening regimens are designed to be worn overnight, but the dentist may offer options for daytime use. It is recommended that the trays are worn daily to receive optimal results as quickly as possible. Typically, results can be seen within two weeks. The cost of at-home teeth bleaching kits can vary greatly depending on the specific product.

Benefits: The teeth whitening procedure offers many benefits including the bright white smile whether you choose in-office or athome teeth whitening, the results are amazing because whitening systems penetrate the outer layer of teeth. They are also controllable, allowing a cosmetic dentist to adjust the level of whitening to meet the patient's needs and goals and it is considered as non-invasive treatment for patients with dental anxiety and those who are seeking results without having to undergo cosmetic surgery such as porcelain veneers and dental crowns. Side effects: There are some side effects and risks associated with the teeth whitening procedure such as gum sensitivity which is one of the most common problems with teeth whitening. Gum sensitivity can result if the whitening gel comes into contact with the gums causing irritation; however, it is temporary, and can be greatly mitigated with experience and a proper treatment plan. The degree of whiteness depends on several factors, including: patient's degree of discoloration, his lifestyle and dietary habits and whether the he wears the whitening trays as directed (in cases of at-home teeth whitening). Although, most teeth whitening systems minimize gum and tooth sensitivity, a person who normally has sensitive teeth and gums is more likely to experience irritation during or after professional bleaching. If you have sensitive teeth and gums, other alternatives include the placement of porcelain veneers or crowns are the choice of treatment.



Peter Corridon

Have a Healthy Summer!

Once again, we are ushering in the summer. This is a special time in the Gulf region as it comes with a mix of welcomed, extended periods of daylight and, most times, arduous rises in temperature. Nevertheless, we have become accustomed to these yearly changes, as it often affords us much desired beach time, evening picnics, and vacation travel. As you make plans for this upcoming period, allow me to make a few recommendations to encourage prudent, informed choices for your safety, your enjoyment and, most importantly, your health this summer! Whether you decide to stay local or perhaps spend your summer at an international, exotic destination, the following 4 reminders may be useful to you. Firstly, please remember to consult with your primary physician or health center. This is often a good precaution for those with existing conditions who plan to travel or engage in events (local and foreign) that may pose potential health risks. This is also important if you are travelling to destinations that require precaution to would-be visitors. Such a process can clearly also benefit those without existing health concerns. Secondly, please allow me to remind you that, while you are on vacation from work, you are not on vacation from your health. As one who travels frequently, I know that it can be difficult to seek out healthy options in new places and airports. As such, you may be able to overcome this by packing a few snacks for your journeys. Some delicious and healthy options include nuts, cereal and fruit. These carry well, and generally adhere to airport security checks. Never

mind about drinks, it is generally easy to acquire water and healthy fruit drinks void of high fructose corn syrup during your journey. This is highly important if you decide to stay within the Gulf as sweltering summer temperatures can quickly rob you of necessary nutrients. Thirdly, please respect the sun in all its glory! Sunblock is definitely a must if you and the kids are planning on spending extended time outdoors. Please ignore the incorrect myth that darker skinned people do not require protection from the sun. So make sure you and the family are well prepared for the evening boat ride, the days willed with swimming, biking and walking, and even the great games of football, as excessive sun exposure can be detrimental to anyone’s health. Lastly, let me provide a note to assist you in preserving your mental health, by trying to prepare well for travel with kids. The last thing you would like to do is return from vacation more tired than when you left or to experience some unfortunate mishap while away. In order to reduce the chances of such outcomes, it would be useful to assemble a good first aid supply that includes sanitizers; cold, flu, food poisoning, indigestion medications, and vitamins (in particular vitamin C). Along with all of this, be sure to make provisions to overcome jetlag. If you are travelling across international time zones make sure to properly secure and discard medicines and possibly harmful agents from minors. Beyond, these precautions, you can add you personal or family specific touches to make sure that this summer will be one to enjoy and remember!


‫‪Nouf & Shabari Al-Qahtani‬‬ ‫‪@dwaa_kwt‬‬

‫‪the PHARMACISTS‬‬ ‫‪cebralex‬‬ ‫هذا الدواء من مضاد االلتهابات الغير ستيرويديه ‪ ,‬يستخدم لتخفيف‬

‫االلم وااللتهابات ‪,‬ليس له تأثير على المعدة وال يسبب القرحات اال اذا‬

‫استخدم بجرعات عاليه ‪ ,‬ال يستخدم في حاالت الخلل في وظائف‬

‫‪.‬الكبد او فشل القلب ‪ ,‬اهم اعراضه الجانبيه احتباس السوائل‬

‫‪depakine‬‬ ‫دواء يستعمل لمنع اختالجات الدماغ وكبح حاالت الصرع ولكن ال‬

‫يشفي من مرض الصرع والتشنج ولكن يعمل على التحكم بالكهرباء‬

‫الزائدة في الدماغ فيعمل على تقليل عدد مرات تكرار الحالة ‪ ,‬اهم‬

‫‪ .‬اعرلضه الجانبيه هو الشعور بالغثيان والنعاس‬

‫‪stugeron‬‬ ‫هو نوع من االدوية الذي يستخدم للسيطره على اعراض القيء في‬

‫حاالت اضطرابات االذن الداخليه المسببه للدوران وطنين االذن المرتبط‬ ‫بمرض مينير االذن الوسطى وفي حاالت السفر وغيرها ‪ ,‬اهم اعراضه‬ ‫الجانبيه هو النعاس لذا توخي الحذر من قيادة المركبات واالالت‬


‫‪cafergot‬‬ ‫هذا الدواء يستعمل لمنع وعالج اوجاع الرأس الناتجه عن الشقيقة‬

‫(الصداع النصفي) ‪ ,‬حيث يمنع عن طريث تقليص االوعيه الدمويه‬

‫المحيطه بالجمجمة ‪ ,‬يكون ناجحا اذا أخذ مع ظهور البوادر االولى‬

‫لتوبة الشقيقه ‪,‬اهم اعراضه الجانبيه هو القيء غثيان والم في‬ ‫‪ .‬اليدين‬

‫‪seritide‬‬ ‫يستخدم في حاالت االنسداد الرئوي الحاد (الربو) ‪ ,‬حيث يتم‬ ‫استنشاقه عن طريق الرئتين والشعب الهوائية وتقليل االلتهاب‬ ‫‪,‬موانع استخدامه هم مرضى القلب واالوعيه الدمويه مرضى الكبد‬

‫ومن لديهم مستوى منخفض من البوتاسيوم ‪ ,‬اهم اعراضه الجانبيه‬

‫‪ .‬زيادة معدل ضربات القلب‬

‫‪betaserc‬‬ ‫يستخدم لمعالجة المصاحبة لمتالزمة مرض المينير ( التهاب االذن‬

‫الوسطى) ومتمثلة في الدوران المصاحبة بغثيان وقيءوالطنين‬ ‫االذن ‪,‬حيث تعمل على تحسين الدورة الدموية في االذن الداخلية‬

‫‪, .‬واسترخاء الصمامات ‪ ,‬اهم اعراضه الجانبيه اضطرابات في المعدة‬



is Cooking "A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe." -Thomas Keller. I was a very creative kid. I always had this desire to get my hands into some mess. Paint, chalk, markers, you name it! I took on painting and it was quite fun. After some time though, I still felt like I wasn't really fulfilled. I slowly started to lose interest and felt like I needed to get my hands into something new, something that would open up new doors. I wanted to get lost in creativity. That’s when I found my path to the magical world of pots and pans. They become my paint buckets and paint brushes. Now, at 20, I'm lost in a world of new aromas and delicious flavors. A while back, I decided to take on Kuwaiti cooking. Thanks to my loving mother, Kuwaiti cooking has made me fall in love with cooking even more. It’s not just a few spices thrown together, it’s experimenting and turning your dish into a work of art. Stay tuned for some real Kuwaiti cooking here!


Photography by Abdulrahman Al-Yousef


Mother Nature's Way Give Your Pets Real Love How much do you love your pets? Wouldn't you want to give them the love and care they deserve? Imagine your pets living a lifr with minimal (if any, at all!) health issues. Do you know how that can be achieved? With proper diet. Here we speak to Kuwait's first pet food home-based business owner, Sumaya Cherri about her business Nature's Pets. What is Nature's Pets?

The name was derived from our main focus on bringing back what our domestic pets have been longing for: living a natural lifestyle the way Mother Nature intended. Since it was our choice to bring these animals into our homes and away from their natural habitat, it is also our responsibility to give them care in every aspect! Nature’s Pets is a local small business that produces the very finest all-natural nutritional formulas and treats for your beloved pets. The products are made with care and under individual control.

When did you start keeping cats?

I have always had pets in my life growing up; everywhere I went I was a cat magnet. I connected very easily with them whether they were stray or domestic. Whenever an opportunity came to save, medicate or rehome a cat, I took it.

What made you start this business?

Simply, my love for pets and their health. One day, I sat watching my cat Ruby eating his canned food and biscuits and I realized that something is not right. Why is my cat eating some strong smelling food and dried up biscuits? I wanted to know more. I began researching day and night, intensively, about the nutritional requirements and how I can obtain them using natural fresh ingredients rather than supplementing them. As days passed by, I also began to notice so many pet food companies were removing their supplies off the market since 2007 due to the amounts of diseases that they have caused to pets. Finally, when I was in the U.S. which the home of pet food companies, I decided to take the matter into my own hands and not rely on companies and created my own natural and healthy food for my pets.

How many cats do you have?

Currently, I own 9 cats, Ruby- a 2 year old Persian Male, his 7 month old son Tommy, which is a mix breed of Persian and Doll Face, a 2 year old Persian Chinchilla Um Khodood (Miss Cheeks), whom I was helping recover from fungus and ear mites, and her beautiful 6 little kittens! However, this number is never stable, as I always have cats coming and going.

What are the meals made up of?

The meals follow a formulated 'prey model,' which, studies have shown, is the closest to what the prey content is. It consists mainly of proteins, organs and bones and all the vitamins come from the fresh


ingredients themselves. There is also the additional omegas (Omega 3 &6) for the meals to be balanced.

Where do you get the meats from? All meats are class ‘A’ meats that are made for human consumption. They are bought at supermarkets, butchers and farms. Additional vitamins are bought from the United States.

What are the benefits of the food you provide?

It is more of a drastic lifestyle change! Your pet will exhibit changes inside and out starting with a much softer natural hair coat and shine. The new diet will allow themto regain energy due to the fact that now their digestive system is functioning the way it should be. Also a stronger immune system, resulting in less trips to the vet, and most important-

ly being on this diet adjusts your pets' weight and build muscle. Last but not least, ending your suffering from stinky bad breath and odor from the litter box.

Why is it considered better than other brands? The current brands available at your stores and markets are loaded with chemical preservatives, added colors, flavor enhancers and artificial vitamins. Wouldn’t you rather eat natural and healthy unprocessed food? Just as unhealthy foods affect every aspect of our life it also affects the life of your pets. The hair, the immunity to diseases, the digestive system, the strength and nature of your pet are all dependant on the food they consume. Our food is based on health and care rather than profit and processing. To give your pets back their health, vitality,

strength and care is what we offer. Nothing is more important than that to your pets.

What are your plans for the future? My aim and vision for the future is be the first in Kuwait and the Gulf region to raise awareness about healthier pet food. I plan to establish a business or rather a home where all pet owners can gather as a community to learn, share and educate each other, a place not only for products but also a platform for pet owners and pet health care providers to discuss their pets health.

How can people place an order or contact you? For placing orders contact us on whatsapp at 66973332, where we will go over all our packages. @naturespets

Photography by Khadija Al-Shimmiri



‫ﻣﺠﻤﻊ ارﺟﺎن ‪ -‬اﻟﺒﺪع ‪ -‬ﺷﺎرع اﻟﺘﻌﺎون ت‪:‬‬

‫‪222-63164 / 222-63163‬‬

‫‪Hamad Bouqammaz‬‬ ‫‪@makzarah‬‬

‫هل سمعتِ م عن دخول الشوكوالتة‬ ‫التجميل؟‬ ‫مستحضرات‬ ‫عالم‬ ‫لحسن حظ عاشقاتها دخلت عالم‬ ‫مستحضرات التجميل واكتسب‬ ‫طعمها اللذيذ خاصية الدفاع‬ ‫عن البشرة والشعر لما تحتويه‬ ‫من مكونات تعيد إلى البشره‬ ‫نضارتها وشبابها وإلى الشعر‬ ‫لمعانه وحيويته سواء تعلق األمر‬ ‫بالمنتجات العصرية أو الوصفات‬ ‫المنزلية‪.‬‬ ‫وتحتوي الشوكوالتة على ‪300‬‬ ‫مادة طبيعية مفيدة منها المواد‬ ‫المرطبة التي تؤخر ظهور عوامل‬ ‫الشيخوخة والبشرة مع تقدم‬ ‫العمر تفقدت جزءا من طاقتها‬ ‫وقدرتها على امتصاص المواد‬ ‫المغذية سواء من الطعام أو‬ ‫الدواء باإلضافة إلى تأثيرات عوامل‬ ‫أخرى تحيط بنا سواء بإرادتنا‬ ‫أو بفعل الطبيعة والضغوطات‬ ‫النفسية والتلوث واألتربة وغيرها‪.‬‬ ‫لهذه‬




‫التجميل معادلة لها مفعول‬ ‫السحر على البشرة بأنواعها كافة‬ ‫وبخاصة البشرة الدهنية كي‬ ‫تب ّرئ ساحة الشوكوالتة من كل‬ ‫التهم التي توجه إليها بأنها‬ ‫أحد أكبر أسباب إيذاء البشرة‬ ‫الدهنية وإصابتها بالبثور وحب‬ ‫الشباب‪ ,‬وكان في السابق و مازال‬ ‫السيدات يستخدمنه زبدة الكاكاو‬ ‫لترطيب الشفاة فهذا ليس بجديد‬ ‫فالشوكوالتة‬ ‫علي الشوكوالتة‪,‬‬ ‫ايض ًا دخلت في المساج‪.‬‬ ‫قد تحتاج المرأة بعد يوم طويل‬ ‫من العمل واإلرهاق والتعب إلى‬ ‫لمسة رقيقة تريح جسدها وتمدها‬ ‫بالحيوية واالنتعاش وتنقلها إلى‬ ‫أجواء مناسبة من األفكار األخرى‬ ‫غير التفكير في تعب اليوم الشاق‬ ‫لذا ينصح الخبراء في هذه الحالة‬ ‫بعمل مساج للجسم فهو طريقة‬ ‫مثالية لضخ االنتعاش داخل أعضاء‬ ‫الجسم وينصح الخبراء المرأة‬ ‫بإستخدام طريقة جديدة للمساج‬ ‫وهي بواسطة الشوكوال فهذا‬ ‫النوع من المساج ليس بجديد‬ ‫في عمر اإلنسان إذ استخدمت‬ ‫أشكاله البدائية قبل ألفي عام‬ ‫كوسيلة ناجحة لتحسين المزاج‬ ‫الشخصي وأيض ًا لتلميع بشرة‬ ‫الجلد وتنعيمها‪.‬‬ ‫وبفضل المساج الجديد والذي‬ ‫يتطلب دهن الجسم بالشوكوالتة‬ ‫فإن بعض الفيتامينات والحوامض‬ ‫المعدنية‬ ‫والعناصر‬ ‫األمينية‬ ‫والمواد المضادة لألكسدة تنفذ‬ ‫إلى طبقات الجلد وتنشط خالياها‬ ‫السطحية الواقعة تحت الجلد‬ ‫مباشرة والتي يصلها المساج‬ ‫حيث تتجدد وتتغذى بعد أن‬ ‫تترطب البشرة بل وتساعد في‬ ‫إنتاج هرمون السعادة الذي يريح‬ ‫النفس والجسد‪.‬‬ ‫كما أن المساج بالشوكوالتة يطرد‬ ‫مؤثرات الضغط النفسي ويزيح‬ ‫الكآبة ويقضي على التعب ويتميز‬ ‫بسرعة نتائجها حيث تظهر البشرة‬ ‫أكثر ريعان ًا وشفافية ونعومة بعد‬ ‫انتهاء فترة المساج مباشرة‪.‬‬


Interviewed by Khadija Al-Shimmiri


Ali Jassim Haidar `Freelance Photographer +965 96682224 @alijhaidar


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Ali Haider. I'm a single father of the most amazing 13-year old girl in the world. I have a several diplomas in field of mechanical engineering. My ambition is to further my education in the field of photography.

Bayt Lothan's Photography Club. The club includes some of Kuwait's best photographers. I believe that being around them helped me polish my skills immensely.

What are the achievements you are most When did your interest proud of? in photography begin? I have been very fortuIt started with my passion for cars. I love cars, their design and architecture is impressive to me. I started as a photographer of cars as a hobby, and later started to expand little by little. In my opinion one should be specialized in a certain kind of photography. I don't believe in being a jack of all trades when it comes to photography. Of course in the beginning I was given a walkthrough in photography by some of the most experienced local photographers, especially renowned photographer Yousef Al-Kandari who was in charge of


nate lately. In the sports season 2011-2012 I covered 34 local and international events, and that's one thing I am very proud of. One of the difficulties I faced was the fact that some of those events were held indoors with poor lighting, but I managed to get the pictures at the right angle. I also covered the Motocross World Championship in Qatar; GymnasticsTrampoline in Aspire Academy also in Qatar; the Kuwait National Rally; Qatar International Enduro, and several other events.

How do you improve your skills as a photographer? Improving skills is quite tough when you're trying to get into such a big realm as photography. I try to read and I get myself engaged in fruitful discussion and conversation with colleagues in the same field. I also believe that practice makes perfect, so I try to practice as much as I can.

Who would you like to thank? Quite a lot of people in fact! Let's start with theCITY Magazine, for their support of Kuwaiti talent. I especially thank them for giving me the opportunity to be the photographer of theCITY Runway, their successful fashion show in cooperation with Evento. I would like to thank everyone in Bayt Lothan, and every single person who helped me whether by giving instructions or criticism for my work.



By Latifa Madouh




They Live Where They


Where are you from? I am from Beirut, Lebanon.

When did you come to Kuwait? I came to Kuwait in April of 2007.

What do you do? I'm a TV director. I mainly run the two famous, Kuwaiti shows, ‘Banat w Bas’ with Hessa Al-Loughani, and I co-direct the famous late night show ‘Taw il Lail.’ I also have an upcoming show which will hopefully air during this Ramadan, on both Al-Watan & Funoon.

Why did you choose Kuwait as your home? Well, honestly, it was not planned. After graduating with a BA in Communication from Notre Dame University I started as an assistant director for Rotana TV, under StudioVision in Lebanon. Two years later I started directing. At that point I met Mr. Ahmad Al Doghaji, and when they were recruiting for Al-Watan, Mr. Doghaji contacted me. What I had originally planned on was to work with them to help start a TV station and, by doing so, add plenty of valuable and special experience to my resume. Once I had done that I was definitely planning on going back to my beloved Beirut. Then we started prepping; working long hours; testing; and doing dry rehearsals for months. Then we went on air and I absolutely loved the result.

Eventually, months and years passed and my shows started to get bigger and more famous than I had ever expected. In time, Kuwait grew on me and it helped me build my name. Moreover, Al-Watan TV supported me in every way. All my crazy ideas; visions; filming in Kuwait; abroad; covering things we dreamed of—they made it happen. What I love about Al-Watan TV is that they allow creativity. Even when things don’t turn out great, they don't stop you from trying and learning. You rarely find people happy with their jobs—but I am! I have the most viewed show in the Gulf. Sometimes it even gets to number 1 in the ratings! At Al-Watan, nothing stops us from achieving our next big thing.

What do you love most about Kuwait?

I'm a proud Lebanese, who never thought of moving out. Obviously, moving to Kuwait was hard, but at first it was all about work, projects, and big dreams so the initial time flew by. Then I started mingling and my best friend Hessa AlLoughani—my presenter—had a big part in making me love Kuwait. In short: Kuwait has a lot of love to give. The people, the support, the family traditions are so close to where I come from, and the society is very friendly and open to new ideas. Everywhere I go they know me, and they are proud of my work. The compliments I hear from people—friends as well as

Nancy Jamaleddine came to Kuwait

as a television director with an ambitious plan and a creative attitude to work with Al-Watan. As a woman in her field, the odds were stacked against her as the perception of powerful, female directors was still a relatively new idea which many people had issues with. However, with Nancy’s perseverance and with the support which Kuwait has given her, she helped change that perception for the better. Now she is the woman behind a top-rated TV show and she celebrates her achievements by giving other deserving women in Kuwait the platform they need to shine and grow.

people I don't know—makes me love every bit of my work and makes me love Kuwait. I feel at home.

What do you think of the Kuwaiti lifestyle and culture?

I come from a similar background. I am an Arab so most of the traditions I was raised with are the same here. This makes it easier for me. As for the lifestyle, I’ve learned to create my own lifestyle in Kuwait in order to cope with everything. Due to my job, I travel a lot. I also have good friends and I am very social. I love to interact with people, so you will see me out in plenty of social events here. How much of an impact has Kuwait had on your life? Kuwait has a big impact on my life. People go to the States to "live the American dream”—Well, I am living my dream out here. I achieved a lot here and I made a bigger name for myself in the industry.

What have you gained from Kuwait and given Kuwait?

One thing that I did in Kuwait and that I am so proud of is the way I helped change the perception of women in Arab television. Back when I started my show 'Banat w Bas,’ the first two years were a disaster. No Kuwaiti girl wanted to be on the show. It was a taboo. Their families disapproved and they thought it was a disgrace.

Hessa and I had a hard time, but we never lost faith in what we believe in. Eventually, we proved to everyone that they were wrong and, with time, we changed the way people perceive television or any kind of media. Now we are proud to have the finest Kuwaiti ladies on our show and to shed light on the amazing things they do. Now my show is a leading show in Kuwait. We have become trendsetters for ladies: we bring them fashion, travel, pioneering women, film festivals, celebrities, and, most importantly, we encourage them to stand out. Kuwait gave me all that I need in order to get to where I am now. Every time I get statistics about my show as a top rated show in the Middle East, my heart skips a beat!

What does Kuwait mean to you on a personal level?

Kuwait is where my best friends live and where my show is number one. I don't feel like I am away from home. The love, appreciation, and care everyone shows me here is indescribable.

What would you like to say to Kuwait if you could?

I see lots of hidden talents and dreams in young Kuwaitis. From my side, I’m trying to shed a light on as much of that talent as I can through my shows in order to give them the chance to be recognized. Let's give Kuwait support and believe in it, and it will shine!



Photography by Abdulrahman Al-Yousef

Dress By Stella McCartney Jewelry By Shourouk


Dress By Azzidne Alaia Jewelry By Eddie Borgo


An "every day" look is a look that has to be natural containing natural colors like tones of nude and brown and thats what the talented makeup artist Farah applied on Khadeija Alshimmiri.


Photography by Abdulrahman Al-Yousef

The foundation I chose was Madly Yours with a tone that suits the complexion, and it was set with loose powder. The blush I chose was a warm peachy color from Nouba and Madly Yours to highlight the cheekbone and to make the blush stand out. The pallet used in this look was Urban Decay's 'Naked.' I chose this pallet because it has mostly warm natural tones. An everyday look does not want to be filled with colors or thick eyeliner, so what I did is only draw a small eyeliner angle in the inner corner of the eye while giving the outer corner the effect of an eyeliner look. It was finished off with lashes from Kiss. I added BeYu volume mascara on the lower and upper lashes. To finish up the look, a great natural peach lipstick will be perfect.



The Fashionable Spirit

We're in love with the vibrant colors and chic designs of Amani's outfits. We're hardcore supporters of all creative females in Kuwait (girl power!) and Amani is no exception. Take a look at those wonderful designs and make sure you get in touch with Amani -- with summer approaching and Ramadan followed by Eid, you'll certainly need to dress to impress, and Amani's got your back! Here is our little chitchat with her. Give us some background information about you. I'm Amani Al-Terkait. By day I work as a radiology specialist, and after work I enjoy my passion, which is fashion and photography. I fell in love with colors and fabrics at an early age. Growing up, I watched my mother cut and sew fabrics, which was her favorite hobby. You can say I took after her. I started designing in 2004, mostly for myself and my little daughter. I just wanted to create my own look and be different than everybody else.

What makes your designs unique in your opinion? I guess my attention to detail. I spend a lot of time on each piece, and my motto is quality over quantity -- so I only participate in 2 events every year. I like the end result to be neat and clean, and of course stylish. I like every detail to be polished and perfect.

What do you think of other designers here in Kuwait? Did you have any collaborations? I haven't had the fortune to collaborate with any designers yet, but I truly admire many of the talents we have here in Kuwait.

Do you have a store? Not yet. I'm currently only a home-business.


What are your future plans? My future plan is to open a fashion cafe or a salon concept, which is hopefully going to be my next step once I'm established here as a designer.

How can people get in touch with you? @wishboutique



Ornate with the vibrant colors

Photography by Khadija Al-Shimmiri

Nouf Al-Jassim @nafnoof

Hello Summer! When summer is here, all that we think about is how to get that golden tanned color! Are you wondering which outfits and accessories would go with your tanned color? When I think about summer, always the neon colors pop into my head! Any simple outifit/dress will pop more with your tanned colors and a simple or maybe statement pieces of bright accessory, with a different color of a bright pair of sandals. Summer is all about mixing and matching colorful shades. Turquoise is a summer jewelry staple. The bright hue instantly perks up any outfit and adds the right dose of bohemian-cool to it! And next to the turquoise, there is the coral that we cannot get enough of. The colors of sea waters and desert sunsets, these bright summer hues find their way into any piece as the temper-

ature rises. A classic coupling in jewellery and nature, turquoise and coral complement each other beautifully. Warm coral paired with cool turquoise just feels refreshing, like swimming in the sea after soaking up the sun. Pastels never really go out of fashion, especially in summer. They are a wonderful way of creating a look that is girly, summery and stylish. Pastels fall back in and out of fashion depending on the time of year, but they always tend to work well as a failsafe summer accessories color when you need them. And as I mentioned, we are ready to show off our tanned colour so you may show your tanned feet also! As for foot accessories, just choose the right nail color and the right sandals to compliment your feet, and put on some anklets, a cute toe ring or even both to make them look sexier!


‫‪Maha Al-Qandi‬‬ ‫‪@Mahaalqandi‬‬ ‫‪@Mahaalqandi‬‬

‫اختاري األبيض‬ ‫لطلة أجمل‬ ‫أساسيات الموضه في الصيف هي ذاتها في كل موسم ‪ ،‬ولكن‬ ‫يقوم المصممين في كل سنه باضافة لمساتهم وبصماتهم على‬ ‫تصاميمهم لتشكل موضه جديده تتالئم مع التغيرات المحيطه بها‪.‬‬ ‫وال يمكن أن ننكر بأن الموضه تنتقل من سنه الى أخرى فهناك‬ ‫رجوع لبعض صيحات الموضه القديمه مثل التطريز والزينه البارزه‬ ‫وااللوان الفاقعه (النيون) وكذلك الدانتيل بطابعه االنثوي الجميل‬ ‫سواء بالمالبس او االحذيه او الشنط‪..‬‬ ‫وعاده ما يميل النساء في الصيف الى األلوان الفاتحه وخاصه اللون‬ ‫األبيض لما يضفيه من انتعاش واطالله نقيه بارده فهو لون مناسب‬ ‫لصيفنا وأجوائنا الصيفيه الحاره جدا ‪ ،،‬فارتداء األبيض على األبيض‬ ‫هو من انجح الطالت لهذا الفصل‪.‬‬ ‫ويعتبر اللون االبيض عدو لكثير من النساء وخاصة ذوات الجسم‬ ‫الممتلىء ‪ ،‬لذلك يجب الحرص عند اختيار القطع اال تكون ضيقه جدا‬ ‫أو شفافه ومراعاة أن يكون لونها مناسب للون البشره فهناك درجات‬ ‫للون االبيض تتراوح بين االبيض الناصع والمزرق واالوف وايت وكذلك‬ ‫االبيض العاجي‪..‬‬


Fadhila Madouh @fustaniun

Vitrine d'un Magasin

It's rare today to see a window display that really stops you in your tracks. It just doesn't happen very often. Walking down the boulevard de la Croisette in Cannes, France is a journey through an exciting and interesting show of mannequins. It isn't how much money you spend on a display; it is how clever and imaginative a display designer or a visual merchandiser can be, and how they can translate ideas into reality using a modest budget. Mannequins, lights, and ordinary things are used to create wonders through the magic of display, and make retailing a form of entertainment. Display is an art form, not a show of figures and torsos backed up by a monsterous photograph. Retailers should know and understand the value of display, and know how to target their customers with presentations that enhance the products. Famous designer shops, boutiques, and department stores in major cities feature spectacular and innovative window displays all year long. But have you ever wondered what the window displays in the relaxed south of France look like? Let me tell you.

Hermés window display, Cannes 2013. At Hermés the display designers created an underwater life display. The didn't use mannequins, but formed sculptures of a female and a male wild swimmers out of hundreds of shiny blue acrylic fish diving for high luxury Hermés merchandise in the turquoise waters of the Cote d'azure. Vital and exciting display composition. A unique treat for the eyes.

Hugo Boss window display, Cannes 2013. Hugo boss is all set to set sail on the cool blue waters with a series of sea-going summertime vignettes. The clever use of glowing neon sky/sea background adds great kinetic energy to the look. A brilliant impact of light against silver mannequins. A strong vertical statement in an elegant yacht somewhere off the coast of France.

Dior window display, Cannes 2013. Dior believes in repetition in theses windows. Repetition can be boring- or it can be a reinforcement of an idea. The designers created a display that has a timeless and unique philosophical approach related to the inspiration behind the collection. And what goes inside the mind of lady Dior. Breaking the repetition of interior doors using a lady Dior bag in red leather or a Barbie doll all dressed in Dior is a total attention- getter.

Dolce&Gabbana window display, Cannes 2013. Sometimes you don't need to see a window filled with panels and shiny stuff to back up the merchandise. D&G classically presented their Sicilian inspired collection against a red velvet curtain. The display team believed that just using effective lighting will help emphasize the exquisite details on the dress forms.

Chanel window display, Cannes 2013. Chanel window display always takes and uses the concept of its seasonal fashion show both ready-to-wear or haute couture shows. The sliding shoji door used to create a mood of ultra-sophisticated skyscrapers of downtown Singapore. The positioning of the mannequins is tying the composition together and leading the viewers' eye to a colonial style mixed with Parisian riviera chic.


Making Waves

MOHAMMAD BURABIA Mohammad Burabia is a young national champion in the sport of jet ski racing. With several titles under his belt, Burabia is a true inspiration for Kuwaiti youth. Here is our conversation with him. Can you tell us a little bit about the sport that you play and when your passion for it started? The sport I play is jet ski racing. I started in 2006 when I was 17. My role model is my older brother. We used to practice together whenever we went to the chalet. Where do you usually practice now? I still practice mostly at our chalet and also I practice in Kuwait Sea Club. I practice three times a week, on Friday, Saturday and on Tuesday. What are your achievements so far? Now many competitions did you win? I won 15 times the World Championship within 6 years in the USA. I also won 3 times in the UAE championship, 5 times in local tournaments, and I won the second place in the Asia Beach Games Tournament in Oman. Today I am the 3rd person in the world have 15 titles, and next October I will compete again in an international championship. My gaol is to get the biggest number of awards worldwide.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I am 24 years old. I have a job, but this is my passion. I spend most of my free time if not jet skiing then fishing, swimming, or traveling. I have a work station where I spend time working on jet skis. Do you get enough support from people about the sport that you love? Yes, I get quite a lot of support from my family. Both my parents are supportive, as well as my older brother who helped me take the first steps towards this ambition. What is your advise to other sports enthusiasts? Safety. I cannot stress this enough. Taking safety precautions is vital. Wear your life suit, helmet, gloves and complete safety gear. I also advise enthusiasts to never give up. If it's your passion and you think you can do something big, then do it. Who would you like to thank? I would like to especially thank theCITY Magazine for its support. It's really good to see that a magazine is focusing on Kuwaiti talent like this. I also like to thank my sponsors Marco Marine and PrioriderKW, Kuwait Sea Club and the Public Authority for Youth and Sports. I also would like to thank Alshaya Marine for sponsoring me for the year 2013.



the VIBE

Rock Those Waves With A Flyboard!


Dabbous Marine Flyboard Team has participated in the first world championship in Qatar. Mr. Dhari Al-Dabbous, owner of Dabbous Marine, ranked 19 out of 59 participants respectively. This competition was the first of its kind worldwide and had a lot of international media coverage, proving that Flyboards are taking summer sports enthusiasts by storm. Flyboards are safe and easy to use. Aside from being extremely fun, Flyboards also provide an excellent workout.


Follow us @aldabbousmarine +965 99585251

the AUTO

By Hisham

The Stunning Mercedes SLS To many automobile enthusiasts, the 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL was the pinnacle of sports car design. With its low-slung stance and distinctive gullwing doors, the 300SL was the first gasoline-powered car equipped with fuel injection directly into the combustion chamber, and it solidified the German carmaker's reputation for crafting highly desirable, slick sports cars. Now, more than 50 years later, Mercedes is revisiting the legendary Gullwing with the all-new 2011 SLS AMG. The first car developed from scratch by their in-house performance arm AMG, the new Gullwing is proof that Mercedes-Benz can still manufacture true high-end sports cars. This one is sure to become a classic.


Photography by Ebrahim Al-Awadi Under the Hood This slick vehicle uses the same hand-built 6.3-liter V8 engine that powers other AMG products. In the SLS, it produces 571 horsepower at 6800 rpm and 479 lb-ft of torque at 4750 rpm. Compared with other versions of this engine, which make 525 horses, the SLS engine has a reworked valve train and camshafts, flow-optimized tubular headers, a better-breathing intake system and a less-restrictive exhaust system. To optimize balance, the SLS has a front mid-engine design and a rear transaxle. The engine sits behind the front axle in an aluminum spaceframe. It is linked to the 7-speed dual-clutch automated manual transmission by a carbonfiber composite driveshaft. The result is a near-perfect 47/53 front/ rear weight balance. Thanks to a dry sump oiling system with an external oil reservoir, the engine sits


lower than it would with a taller oil pan, thus lowering the car's center of gravity. With a dual-clutch design, the transmission uses one clutch to hold the current gear and one to ready the next. Gear shifts are instantaneous, with almost no loss of tractive power. The transmission can be left in Drive to shift like an automatic, or drivers can shift manually via the gearshift or a pair of steering-wheel paddles. The transmission also has Comfort, Sport and Sport Plus settings that change the shift schedule. EPA fuel-economy numbers are not yet available.

On the Road From behind the wheel, the SLS AMG feels solid — like it's been carved from marble — but light and tossable. Those are the qualities of a stiff body structure at work. Turn the wheel, stab the throttle or push the brake pedal,

and the car reacts immediately. The steering feels firm and direct, and the car turns in quickly with little to no lean. The ride, predictably, is firmer than most would prefer, especially with the optional Performance Suspension. All the effort AMG has put into optimizing the balance of the SLS has really paid off. With more weight over the rear wheels and tons of power on tap, you might think that the SLS would be a beast to drive, with a nasty tendency for the rear end to come around if you get on the throttle too early coming out of a turn. While some of that character is certainly there, we found the SLS surprisingly easy to drive. Goose the throttle midturn and the rear end will start to kick out, but it's easy to catch, and a really good driver can drift and power oversteer the car through joyous arcs. The power is monstrous, with willing response through all rev rang-

es. Floor it from a stop, and the 6.3-liter V8 engine barks like a big dog as it vaults the car to 60 mph in only 3.7 seconds. If you let off the throttle at that point, the engine crackles, pops and burbles like a stock car slowing for a pit stop. AMG calls it "controlled backfire." We call it cool. If you hold your foot to the floor, the SLS AMG just keeps accelerating all the way up to an electronically limited 197 mph. But if you just want to take it easy, the car is perfectly willing to amble slowly along the boulevard, with only the droning engine note detracting from a relaxed cruise. The engine is well-matched to the new 7-speed dual-clutch automated manual transmission. In the Comfort setting, the transmission shifts at lower rpm to improve fuel economy. In the Sport and Sport Plus settings, the shifts are later, making power more readily available. -MSNAuto

Ali Zaman

Sports Crazy!

Sports have played an important role in my life ever since I was very young. My interest began since my first walking stages. I loved walking! I'm not sure if all kids do love that, but I was quite addicted to walking as a kid. I loved the excitement that I felt when football matches started, especially when the scores were close until the very end of the game--not forgetting the happiness that overcame me when my favorite team won. I started playing football at the age of 5, and started professionally when I was at the age of 11. I believe playing sports has helped develop and change me into the person I am today. Unlike many people's relationship with sports, I feel that it is something I truly can't live without. One of my most memorable moments was at my first football match. I scored the last goal, bringing our team to a win. The July heat in Kuwait was unbearable. It was the semi-final game. We were drenched in sweat as we ran back and forth to get the ball. “Get the ball!” The coach yelled. We were down by one score in the last minutes. I was running towards the ball and had no teammates next to me, but I tried my best and snatched the ball from the attacker. I was ready for this moment; this is why I stayed late after every practice; this is why I was the captain

of the team; this was my moment. In the next few seconds, I had the chance to show my strength as a scorer and my ability to be a leader under pressure. I stepped up and ran to the other team’s goal and passed by all the attackers and the coach screamed, “Ali, shoot! Let’s go number 17!” That made me even more nervous, but now I was more determined than ever to kick the ball. I knew that I had to find a way to lead my team to victory. All of my hard work and dedication should pay off now! The goalkeeper went through his motions and just stood there like a wall. He was staring at me, daring me to shoot! I ran for the goal, and when I was near I kicked the ball with all my strength. I made it! My coach and teammates leaped with joy because we had just won the semifinal game! I believe my strength gave me the ability to kick the ball. My teammates and I would always joke around about who had the biggest muscles, who could bench the most weight and who could run the fastest. I was the strongest that day! I feel like being a part of this team and other teams, taught me a lot about getting along with people. It taught me that you had to get along with everyone on the team because each player has his job to do. I did my job

by scoring when my team needed me most. When my coach selected me to be team captain of Al-Arabi team, I felt like it was because I had gained the respect of my coaches and teammates. As team captain, I remember the time I had to give a speech to my team because we had lost an important game. “We played a great game. You shouldn’t hang your heads. We gave it our best and that is all I can ask from you. We ran, threw, and hit our hardest until the game was over. All the hard work paid off. We should be proud of our effort and the way we played the game.” I was nervous, but knew it was my responsibility to cheer my team up when they were down. This experience has helped me become more independent. I’m obtaining the ability to talk like a leader in front of my team and a group. Sports helped me realize that you can’t win at everything in life until you work hard for it. Through sports, I have learned to cope with losing and winning. I have a special sign in my room that says: “You can learn little from victory. You can learn everything from defeat.”


‫‪Ali Al-Khudari‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫‪@alialkhudari‬‬ ‫‪@alialkhudari‬‬

‫نصائح‬ ‫للكورس‬ ‫الصيفي‬

‫أبارك في البداية لمجلتي العزيزة على مرور سنة منذ طباعة أول‬ ‫عدد وأتمنى لها االستمرار والنجاح الدائم‪ .‬في هذا العدد مع بداية‬ ‫الصيف وبداية الكورس الصيفي في بعض الجامعات أحببت أن أنقل‬ ‫لكم تجربتي وبعض النصائح للفصل الصيفي القصير بعد تخرجي‬ ‫من جامعة الكويت‪ .‬الكثير من الطلبة و الطالبات يريدون السفر‬ ‫واالستمتاع في الصيف والبحر واألجواء المشمسة ولكن يمر أمامهم‬ ‫ما يعتبرونه عقبه لهم وهو الفصل الصيفي‪ .‬مثل ما بعض الطلبة‬ ‫يعلمون أن الفصل الصيفي هو فصل اختياري و ليس إجباري‪ ،‬ومن‬ ‫وجهة نظري إن المعادلة بسيطة لمن يراها عقبة له ولمتعته‪.‬‬ ‫انظر لهذا الفصل من الناحية األخرى وهي اإليجابية ‪ ،‬ففي الفصل‬ ‫الصيفي يكون عدد األسابيع قليل وأيضا أوقات الدوام تنتهي مبكرا‬ ‫فيمكن إنهاء مادة في وقت قصير بدل الفصول اإلجبارية الطويلة‬ ‫فيمكن للطالب أن ينهي نصف عدد مواد الكورس اإلجباري بوقت‬ ‫وفترة أقل من نصف الفصل العادي‪ .‬وأيضا كذلك لقصر الوقت يقوم‬ ‫العديد من الدكاترة بإلغاء بعض أجزاء المادة الغير مهمة حتى‬ ‫يسعفهم الوقت فهذه فرصة للطلبة لإلنتهاء من المواد الصعبة‬ ‫و الثقيلة بقدر ومجهود أقل وفترة قصيرة وكذلك دخول الفصل‬ ‫الصيفي في شهر رمضان المبارك من ما يجعل الدكاترة يسترحمون‬ ‫بالطلبة ويقدرون ظروفهم و يساعدونهم‪ .‬أما لهواة السفر‪ ،‬يوجد‬ ‫بين الفصل الثاني والصيفي عطلة قصيرة للسفر لألماكن القريبة‬ ‫فهي عطلة شبه كافية و هو ما كنت افعله في فترة دراستي‬ ‫ففي العطلة القصيرة هذه أسافر إلى دبي مثال للراحة واالستجمام‬ ‫و إراحة العقل‪ .‬كذلك ينطبق الموضوع على هواة البحر و الحداق و‬ ‫الطراد و الجت سكي و التان‪ ،‬فيوجد وقت لالستمتاع باإلضافة إلى‬ ‫عطلة نهاية االسبوع أثناء الفصل الصيفي‪ ،‬و من مميزات هذا الفصل‬ ‫أن المواد التي يوجد بها تقارير و بحوث يقوم بعض الدكاترة‬ ‫بإلغائها للتخفيف على الطالب‪ .‬وآخر سبب يجعلني أنصح بأخذ‬ ‫الفصل الصيفي و عدم تركه هو الحلم الذي ينتظره الطالب من أول‬ ‫يوم بالدراسة وهو التخرج فحتى تتخرج أسرع و ال تتاخر سجل‬ ‫في هذا الفصل و أسقط حمل بعض المواد من عاتقك ‪ ،‬و بعد ذلك‬ ‫ان شاء الله سترى أن الفصل انتهى في غمضة عين ودون تعب و‬ ‫سترتاح و تستمتع بالدرجات وأتمنى لكم التوفيق ‪.‬‬ ‫نصائح بسيطة حتى أختم بها الموضوع‪ ،‬نعم الصيف حار في‬ ‫الكويت فانصح بعدم شرب القهوة صباح ًا‪ .‬يمكن استبداله بعصير‬ ‫برتقال طازج و بارد يجعلك تشعر بالنشاط و له نقس مفعول القهوة‬ ‫و هذا عن تجربة شخصية ‪ ،‬كذلك ال تجعل اصدقائك الذين ال يوجد‬ ‫لديهم فصل صيفي ان يؤثروا عليك و على دراستك‪ ،‬فاحرص على‬ ‫النوم في وقت مبكر حتى يرتاح عقلك ‪ ،‬و إن شاء الله بعد الفصل‬ ‫و التخرج ستجد وقت كثير لالستمتاع و االصدقاء‪.‬‬


Mohammed Al-Rasheed @Fried_Junk @Fried_Junk

It's that time of the year again. We are left with the same question one again: What are we going to do this summer? Which country are we going to visit? What will our sleepovers schedule look like? Well, let me tell you how I like to plan my summer. The first thing I do is hit the beach with my best friends. We need some time to relax and release the tension from all the hard work we did throughout the year for our grades, right? I mean, we all need some relaxation from time to time, and what better time than the beginning of the holiday? I’m sure I'm not alone in this; a lot of people go to the beach after the finals. The heat of the summer, tanning, jet skis, banana boats and even yacht trips is what summer's all about! Each person starts his summer in his own way, but here are some suggestions I have for your summer. I know it's hot, but you know what beats the heat in my opinion? A bicycle ride. Get into your shorts, put on a tank top and take a bike ride around your neighbourhood. Simply enjoy the hot fresh air with your friends. The more the bikes, the better it's going to be. But don't forget your bottle of water and a hat to protect your head from the sun! How about playing other games outdoors? Outdoor games are extremely fun, and since the summer is going to be really hot then maybe you should include water in your outdoor games. For example, water balloons, water guns, or do something more useful and actually wash the cars of your parents and neighbours. A car wash is ALWAYS fun; it's a chance to spray your friends or brothers/sisters with water freely! Be unique in your outdoor activities by just adding water to your games to avoid the summer heat. What about at night? Stay up as late as you like. Yes! It’s the best summer activity! Sleeping late or in the morning is the most amazing experience you’re going to go through. Movies, yummy food, and good company! Isn't that the best thing? If you're staying up late with a group of friends, take a walk late in the evening or early in the morning. The weather then is excellent and it's very safe in Kuwait, thank God. Or you can sleep outside. I mean actually outside, in the garden, if you can. It should be quite fun! With all this free time, you still have one thing left.. Take this time to achieve your goals in life. You have three months to have lots of fun, so enjoy your time but make sure you get some work done. Achieve some goals, and if you have any pending projects, this is the perfect time to tackle them. Have a lovely summer. Enjoy and be happy!



Real Name: Catarina Barbosa Home Country: Portugal Age: 17 Height: 168 cm Weight: 71 kg Eye Color: Black Hair Color: Black Base of Operation: THE 99 Steps Foundation, Seville, Spain

Character Profile: Catarina Barbosa was a runaway teen that lived on the streets and fought for everything she ever had. She traveled from country to country, often as a stowaway. And along the way, she became an expert fighter. When Catarina reached the UAE, she entered the Abu Dhabi Grappling Championship by pretending to be a boy. She won several matches before her ruse was discovered. Booted out, Catarina was approached by operators of an illegal fighting ring based in Cairo. Catarina became a champion fighter for the organization, still disguising her gender. Nawaf—known to THE 99 as Jabbar—convinced Catarina to join Dr. Ramzi’s cause after he fought her in a grueling arena battle. Mumita wears her gem in a custom-designed combat gauntlet. She retains many of her rough edges; she’s often sarcastic, particularly to Noora, whom she regards as a spoiled rich girl. But since joining THE 99, Mumita has tackled her studies with a vengeance and discovered she has a hidden talent for chess. Dr. Ramzi has reminded her more than once that she must learn when not to be the Destroyer, as well as when to embrace her power. Perhaps Dr. Ramzi sees Mumita as a possible successor to him one day, if she can master her violent nature. This causes further friction with Noora, who, as one of the most senior members, see herself as the natural leader.


Enhanced speed, strength, agility, and reflexes. Nearly invulnerable.


the Jay's

Aloha readers! It’s summertime! And as they say, in summer hair gets lighter, skin gets darker, water gets warmer, drinks get colder, music gets louder, nights get longer, and life gets better! There is no way better to start off your summer than being next to the beach, tanning and setting your mind free from everything! Personally summer is our favorite season, the ocean breeze with salty air and sun-kissed skin makes it perfect. And, of course, let’s not forget the secret of having the hottest tan! We both favor Banana Boat over any product, just because it gives an amazing color after tanning, but we tend to mix more than one product together. First we start off by applying Banana Boat, and after 30 minutes we add the Carrot Coppertone. It’s also one of our favorite products to use for tanning!


We like trying out new places to spend in summer, but we always end up in tropical places which we love the most! Places with pools, beaches and hot weather give summer its meaning. Just when we're done from school, on top of our to-do list is to go summer shopping. Our favorite summer pieces are floral dresses, light flowy shirts, and a pair of Havianas Summer basically is: No school. Sleepovers. Tanning. Beaches. Water fights. Tank tops. Flip flops. Lemonade. Sunglasses. Taking pictures. Late nights. Bikinis. Ice-cream. Memories. Warm air. Camps. Short shorts. Sleeping in. Summer Breeze. Tan lines. Sand castles. Long hair. Mud fights. Bonfires. Slushies. Pool parties. Sun-kissed hair. Palm trees. Barbques. Blue skies. Concerts. Make it count!


Comedy in theCITY MadStand hosted a VIP reception party at Eninas Gallery on the evening of May 22 for the stand-up comedians of its third comedy event in Kuwait, which took place the following night. The reception was attended by social media personalities as well as VIP guests. The event started with speeches by Jarrah Al-Bloushi from MadStand, Lana Al-Resheed from theCITY Magazine, and Shuaib Al-Hajri from Belmokhba TV. MadStand is a company launched by a group of young people in Kuwait as a part of Helium Group. It has organized in total three standup comedy events so far, all of which were successful. The comedians at the show were Sayyood, Faisal Al-Basri, Shaikha Al-Khaldi, Ibrahim Missisipi, Ibrahim Al-Khairallah, and Bader Saleh. It was a full house, with 1250 people in attendance. The show was quite a success; the room filled with roaring laughter at the comedians' jokes. Sayyood demonstrated to the audience how Kuwaitis from every different background have their unique way of saying 'hello.' Faisal Al-Basri proposed ideas that will help the audience in showing up late to work if they ever feel like doing that. Shaikha explained what Kaifan means to her, in full definition. Ibrahim Missisipi showed the pure and real hilarious sense of humor with his jokes. Ibrahim Al-Khairallah talked about how he's in fact quite different from a crocodile. Bader Saleh, in his unique and humorous way, talked about formative art as he sees it. TheCITY Magazine in its continuous efforts to encourage young people was the official media sponsor for the event. TheCITY wishes that such ventures would flourish here in Kuwait. We believe that nothing beats a stressful week better than a good laugh.








‫اشلون يسلمون‬


‫الدوام امبجر‬



‫شعيب االنسانية‬




SAYOOD demonstrated to the audience how Kuwaitis from every different background have their unique way of saying hello.


FAISAL AL-BASRI proposed ideas that will help the audience in showing up late to work if they ever feel like doing that.


EBRAHIM KHAIRALLAH talked about how he's in fact quite different from a crocodile.

‫كيفان مالتي‬


‫تميلح البنات‬





SHAIKHA explained what Kaifan means to her, in full definition.


EBRAHIM MISSISIPI showed the pure and real hilarious sense of humor with his jokes.


Bader Saleh, in his unique and humorous way, talked about formative art as he sees it.



Stay tuned for more theCITY events! 87


Kuwait’s Brightest and Biggest Stars Take New York! AT


Our very own Basma Sultan hosted a social event for the ages! In the same urban, hip spirit of New York City, everyone was brought together to mingle, enjoy a fun atmosphere, and chill out. With the help of some special organizers, a royal dinner, and a magical venue, we were all transported to NYBEE for a night on the town!


Sponsors & Organized By 89

the VIBE


PERFUMER IN PROVENCE THE SCHOOL OF GRASSE THE TRUE STORY OF COLLECTION DE GRASSE A PLACE THAT UNITES PRECIOUS INGREDIENTS FROM NEAR AND FAR The story began quite by chance, with the creation of a pair of scented gloves. A guild of glove makes and perfumers emerged, prompting a development in the cultivation of fragrant plants from the Grasse region. Local growers learned to cultivate jasmine, rose and orange blossom. The most adventurous perfumers headed to the Far Eat in search of magnolia, or to Madagascar, in search of vanilla. At the end of the 18th century, it wa san undeniable fact: Europe drew its essence from Grasse. It is the world capital of perfumery. The greatest perfumers in the world learned their skills in the laboratories of Grasse. PRECIOUS EXRACTS FROM CLOSE & DISTANT LANDS TWO BY TOW, THE INGREDIENTS HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TOGETHER

“I Was Born With This Garden In My Head’’ Karine Dubreuil, Perfumer For L’occitane A Love Of Provence And A Taste For Simplicity Karine Dubreuil shares a love of Provence and a taste for simplicity with Olivier Baussan, founder of the brand. Karine Dubreuil trained at the Roure school of perfumery in Grasse has already created one beautiful compositions for L’OCCITANE. Now, further strengthening the bond with L’OCCITANE, she has created La Collection de Grasse – a fragrance collection inspired by the town of her childhood.

Magnolia from the Far East, blackberry from the south of France, green tea from Japan, bitter orange from Tunisia, jasmine from Grasse and Egypt, bergamot from Italy, vanilla from Madagascar, narcissus from France… The list of extracts chosen for this collection already takes you on a wonderful journey… Karine Dubreiul spontaneously chose a figurative style. For a fragrance to have a true transparency, you must make no concessions when choosing your ingredients. Two by two, the ingredients have been brought together, using the ampersand, symbol to link the raw materials and give a name to each of the four Eaux de Toilette in La Collection de Grasse.


JASMIN & BERGAMOTE DAY AND NIGHT THE FRAGRANCE Bergamot discreetly lights up the scent and continues to retain a lingering presence. Contrasts blend with ambivalence, while jasmine reveals all its facets. The balance fluctuates between petals and leaves, freshness and sensuality. KEY RAW MATERIALS Jasmine absolutes from Grasse and Egypt, bergamot essential oil from Italy. FAMILY jasmine floral DESIGNED FOR women


MAGNOLIA & MURE A MYSTERIOUS COINCIDENCE THE FRAGRANCE Between flower and fruit, the magnolia essence provides the prelude to wild and slightly musky blackberry notes. Present throughout the fragrance, blackberry gives a tenderness to the woody structure. KEY RAW MATERIALS Magnolia essential oil from the Far East, blackberry infusion from the South of France. FAMILY fruity chypre DESIGNED FOR women

THE VERT & BIGARADE SHARED MEMORIES THE FRAGRANCE This great classic from L’OCCITANE joins La Collection de Grasse. Essential and aimed at both men and women, it has a thirst-quenching effect, when sparkling citrus notes burst forth in an accord of sweet and bitter orange. KEY RAW MATERIALS Green tea extract from Japan, bitter orange essential oil fromTunisia. FAMILY aromatic citruc DESIGNED FOR men and women


THE FRAGRANCE Discreet at first, the scent of narcissus swells to reveal a bouquet of white flowers and spicy heart accords. Finally, the vanilla borrows the wilder, untamed notes of narcissus that give it its spirit. KEY RAW MATERIALS Vanilla absolutes from Madagascar, narcissus absolute from France. FAMILY vanilla oriental DESIGNED FOR women

the VIBE


LAUNCHES THE NEW HILAL COLLECTION Pendant collection features Islamic

iconic amulets to celebrate faith, goodness & protection

Mouawad, the luxury jewellery and watch maker, celebrates the upcoming holy month of Ramadan with the launch of the Hilal collection across all its Middle Eastern boutiques. The new collection comprises hand-crafted pendants in 18K white gold with precious gemstones that feature iconic Islamic amulets—the perfect accessory for those customers that wish to celebrate their faith with an extraordinary and contemporary signature design. “The new Hilal collection has been designed and realized by Mouawad’s jewellery masters, taking inspiration from the culture and traditions of the Middle East, the region where the Mouawad family and the Mouawad brand have our roots”, commented Pascal Mouawad, fourth generation Co-Guardian of the family business Mouawad’s Hilal collection features popular symbols from the Islamic world - the Hamsa hand, the Allah script and the Evil Eye—all exquisitely detailed in 18K white gold, with black and white diamonds, rubies, blue sapphires, black onyx and mother-of-pearl. All Hilal pendants come with an 18K white gold chain and make the perfect Eid gift for loved ones. The Hilal Hamsa pendant – also known as Fatima Hand - a palm-shaped amulet popular in the Middle East to ward off danger, comes in four different colour versions: black with unique black diamonds, white with sparkling white diamonds, blue with blue sapphires, and red with rubies, all set on 18K white gold. Two different designs have been realized for the Allah script; one design features a pear shaped pendant with a black onyx or mother-of-pearl surface engraved with a diamond Allah script, and a second design featuring the Allah script with the crescent moon and star motif, available in white diamonds, blue sapphires or rubies. The Hilal collection is now available in all Mouawad boutiques across the region, with prices ranging from $2,387 to $11,707. For more information about Mouawad, its collections and boutique locations please visit


Following in the success of its locations at 360 Mall and Dubai Mall, Eye Boutique invited the media and press representatives in Kuwait for the opening of its third store located in The Avenues III. This latest addition to the Eye Boutique network features collections of some of the world’s finest eyewear brands, catering to a variety of lifestyles in both medical frames and sunglasses. Eye Boutique’s vision and philosophy has always been focused on the delivery of extraordinary service, bolstered with an exceptional collection of world-class eyewear pieces. A team that is not only technically proficient, but also well versed in fashion, style and the demands of modern life, complete the uniqueness of the Eye Boutique experience. Eye Boutique extends an open invitation for all to visit its new showroom located in The Avenues – Phase III, next to the entrance of the Gold Market; and enjoy a cup of espresso as you experience a uniquely sophisticated service first hand, and as you discover the new you.


Spring Summer '13 Collection There is no greater reference for Brazilian summer than Rio de Janeiro. A wonderful city full of colors, light and samba that inspire fashion in all senses. In total harmony with this environment, Dumond presents a summer collection filled with swing. The Brazilian woman, who knows how to enjoy the beach with the same intensity that she enjoys the nightlife and all the wonders of Rio, now has her lifestyle portrayed by the brand. There are several shoes, handbags and accessories in a perfect mix between modern and cool.

Brand translates the Brazilian lifestyle of beauty, colors and swing into shoes and accessories

This season, the color blocks revisit candy colors. A real fruit salad, filled with lighter shades including guava, lime, raspberry and blueberry, which come to refresh the summer. Multicolored braids in the right amount give grace and freshness to shoes. Typically urban materials, such as satin, lurex and pearly varnish, work with leopard and snake prints, setting a glamorous, sophisticated touch. Stiletto heels accompany the main trends and platforms come to impose.

With so many colorful and cheerful details, Dumond reinforces the desire to further illuminate the wardrobe of updated women. Available at The Grand Avenues -Phase III.


June READS The Ocean at the End of the Lane By Neil Gaiman A brilliantly imaginative and poignant fairy tale from the modern master of wonder and terror, The Ocean at the End of the Lane is Neil Gaiman’s first new novel for adults since his #1 New York Times bestseller Anansi Boys. This bewitching and harrowing tale of mystery and survival, and memory and magic, makes the impossible all too real...

Joyland Stephen King A STUNNING NEW NOVEL FROM ONE OF THE BESTSELLING AUTHORS OF ALL TIME! Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever.

TransAtlantic By Colum McCann In the National Book Award–winning Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCann thrilled readers with a marvelous high-wire act of fiction that The New York Times Book Review called “an emotional tour de force.” Now McCann demonstrates once again why he is one of the most acclaimed and essential authors of his generation with a soaring novel that spans continents, leaps centuries, and unites a cast of deftly rendered characters, both real and imagined.

The Boys in the Boat By Daniel James Brown Daniel James Brown’s robust book tells the story of the University of Washington’s 1936 eight-oar crew and their epic quest for an Olympic gold medal, a team that transformed the sport and grabbed the attention of millions of Americans. he sons of loggers, shipyard workers, and farmers, the boys defeated elite rivals first from eastern and British universities and finally the German crew rowing for Adolf Hitler in the Olympic games in Berlin, 1936.

The Last Summer of the Camperdowns By Elizabeth Kelly The Last Summer of the Camperdowns, from the bestselling author of Apologize, Apologize!, introduces Riddle James Camperdown, the twelve-year-old daughter of the idealistic Camp and his manicured, razor-sharp wife, Greer. It’s 1972, and Riddle’s father is running for office from the family compound in Wellfleet, Massachusetts.

Revolutionary Summer By Joseph J. Ellis A distinctive portrait of the crescendo moment in American history from the Pulitzer-winning American historian, Joseph Ellis. The summer months of 1776 witnessed the most consequential events in the story of our country’s founding. While the thirteen colonies came together and agreed to secede from the British Empire, the British were dispatching the largest armada ever to cross the Atlantic to crush the rebellion in the cradle.

Bobcat and Other Stories By Rebecca Lee

You Are One of Them

Rebecca Lee, one of our most gifted and original short story writers, guides readers into a range of landscapes, both foreign and domestic, crafting stories as rich as novels. A student plagiarizes a paper and holds fast to her alibi until she finds herself complicit in the resurrection of one professor's shadowy past.

By Elliott Holt Sarah Zuckerman and Jennifer Jones are best friends in an upscale part of Washington, D.C., in the politically charged 1980s. Sarah is the shy, wary product of an unhappy home: her father abandoned the family to return to his native England; her agoraphobic mother is obsessed with fears of nuclear war. Jenny is an all-American girl who has seemingly perfect parents.


HOROSCOPES ARIES (March 21 - April 20)

Playing things safe might seem the wiser course, but it won’t bring that sweet knowledge of having stayed in the game to the end. Losing isn’t the worst thing that could happen. It could seem far worse at a later date not to have tried at all. And the chances might just be about 50-50 that you could win.

TAURUS (April 21 - MAY 21)

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22)

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 21)

The knowledge you have in special areas has long been virtually wasted. Consider seriously baking advantage of your knowledge and your skills to make money for yourself for a change, instead of adding to the coffers of others. but not at a cheap price.

Academic pursuits and/or specialized learning activities go well for you now. This could be a good time to take up the study of that musical instrumennt you have been threatening to learn for many years. You could also run into some financial problems now.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22) Catch up with the world and try to stay out of dreamland. Your biggest fault is talking about grandiose plans and never getting off the dime to do something concrete about them. Your talents are virtually endless, but your love of ease and sloth can be your undoing.

Use every effort to get in touch with a close friend whom you have let slide into oblivion. There could be something truly amazing and exciting in it for you if you do. Social activities should be soft-pedaled for awhile until you find out more about a certain situation.

Set up some intricate safeguards to protect yourself and your property, especially if you are dealing with a financial project of some size. Risking personal debt on an unproven project could bind you up for some time to come — but if it seems right, there is no reason why you shouldn’t take a solid position with savings or personal leverage.

CAPRICION (December 22 - January 19)

Try turning yourself around by making an honest effort to look at both sides of a situation before sounding off. There is an excellent chance for you to improve your present financial or career position, but you may have to take the bull by the horns and move as quickly as an Olympic sprinter to do so.

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

AQUARIUS (January 21 - February 19)

VIRGO (August 23 - September 23)

PISCES (February 20 - March 20)

Upward and onward should be your cry now. Your abilities have never been tested so much as they are likely to be in a short time — but if you react with one-tenth of your capability, you could rise to the top of the pack with scarcely a feather ruffled. Speak seriously with an employer about your situation

An interesting new romantic situation could open up for you at this point — and it may well be with someone you already know and least suspect. Correct behaviour is important to you now, however, as many eyes are on you. If you are already in a mate situation.


LIBRA (September 24 - October 23)

Now is the time to consider taking a rest from your labors. Like many of your sign, you may have burned yourself out without once getting away for a few days of real rest. If you can manage to do so now, your health — and future productivity — would benefit immensely.

Stealing a kiss may seem like enormous fun at the time, but such simple pleasures could develop into big problems if the proper safeguards are not taken into consideration. Steer clear of fast-money schemes.

Strongly consider rewarding your co-workers for the successful completion of a project for which you have received the lion’s share of credit. This could insure future loyalty and it might take no more than a simple pat on the back, although something more concrete might not be amiss.

ALI AL-ARBASH SONS JEWELLERY 22410410 :‫ ت‬- ‫ مركز األربش التجاري‬- ‫ المباركية‬- ‫الكويت‬ @arbashonline

La Collection de Grasse EAUX DE TOILETTE

A new collection celebrating the fragrant destiny of the French Provençal town of Grasse, by bringing together raw materials from close and distant lands.


• Kuwait International Airport - The Visitor 24319731 • Al Kout Mall 23930292 • Arraya Center - Tanagra 22997706

22410410 :‫ ت‬- ‫ مركز األربش التجاري‬- ‫ المباركية‬- ‫الكويت‬

• Al-Fanar - Tanagra 25717893 • Al-Salhiya Complex - Tanagra 22979006 • The Avenues 22597145 -



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