Admissions Viewbook 2019

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ALL FOR HIM Omnia Ipsi

Guided by Our Mission The mission of The Christian Academy is to partner with Christian parents to equip students through a classical education with the necessary skills to pursue excellence through Christ in every area of life.

Learn. Believe. Serve. Founded in 1951, The Christian Academy (TCA), one of the finest Christ-centered classical schools in southeastern Pennsylvania, is committed to partnering with parents. TCA is a Christian school where we learn about God and the world He has made, believe the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and serve others with His compassion and grace. We unashamedly stand firm on God’s revelation of Himself and His world through the Word of God. TCA seeks to teach all subjects as parts of an integrated whole with the Bible at the center.

At the same time, TCA is a classical school that designs both its subject matter and teaching methods to correspond to our students’ developmental stages. Our Christ-centered and classical approach seeks to equip all of our students to pursue excellence through Christ in every area of life.




Elementary students absorb information to learn the building blocks, or the grammar, of subjects.

Middle school students capitalize on their aptitude to argue to learn logic and critical thinking.

High school students craft persuasive arguments and critique the rhetoric of the world around them.

TCA equips students to do whatever God calls them to do. Whether our students choose college, trade school, or the workforce, they can represent Christ in every area of society. While our school is predominantly college-preparatory, our students’ time at TCA helps them discern their gifts and abilities so they can pursue excellence while following God’s leading in their lives.


Student to faculty ratio


of faculty hold advanced degrees

325 Students 3 Countries, 3 States 120 Churches

Elementary School

GAINING KNOWLEDGE Whether connecting Ancient Egyptian civilization and soil types, learning about nutrients in the food they eat, reading a mystery, or practicing math facts through speed drills, Elementary students at TCA spend their school days in an engaging environment designed by committed and caring teachers who address the whole child from a Christian worldview. Every day, through God’s Word, students learn about God’s love for them and how God will help them develop character qualities that are pleasing to Him. Hiding God’s Word in their hearts by memorizing Bible passages and catechism questions and answers, students lay a firm foundation upon which God can build their faith. They are also given opportunities to share God’s love with others through service projects, such as visiting nursing home residents or raising funds to build wells in developing countries.

“ It’s in their moments of discovery,

when they react with wide-eyes and a loud ‘Wow!’ that I’m grateful to teach in such a hands-on way.” Lori Miller, 3rd Grade Teacher

Rooted In


All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. | 2 TIMOTHY 3:16

Rooted In


Academically, they begin to prepare for high school by becoming effective readers, writers, and researchers; competent mathematicians; and scientific thinkers. In Bible class and through individual interactions with their teachers, they find out that God is “big enough” to handle their questions, that He has designed them to think through their faith and make it their own. Middle School students at TCA discover that God wants to use their gifts and abilities to serve others and further His kingdom.

Although we often succeed in teaching our students ‘subjects,’ we often fail in teaching them how to think. They learn ‘everything’ except the art of learning. ” Dorothy L. Sayers, Author of “The Lost Tools of Learning”

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. | PROVERBS 9:10

Most Middle School students question everything. A TCA education helps them to think logically, to learn to ask the right kinds of questions and to evaluate the answers they receive, so they can become wise. In challenging classes led by caring teachers, students learn that all academic subjects are parts of the world God made and come to understand their place in that world.


Middle School

High School

EXERCISING WISDOM What is real? What is a human being? How do I know right from wrong? Who is the ultimate authority? Whether they admit it or not, High School students are looking for answers to life’s big questions and to evaluate answers. Firmly based on a Christian worldview, TCA teachers and the content they explore in their classes help our students integrate their knowledge of God’s Word and His world with their ability to think logically, so they can rightly understand and respond to the world around them. Our college-preparatory program challenges students through a humanities-driven study of literature and history, comprehensive coverage of science and mathematics, relevant world languages, and biblical doctrine and ethics. By honing their rhetorical skills in seven interdisciplinary research projects, our high school students become persuasive communicators of their perspectives and their faith.

“ My passion is to provide a thoughtful, well-mediated forum where students can walk away with subject content and conversations centered on their personal growth.” Brendan Michael, High School English

Rooted In


And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. | COLOSSIANS 1:17

Guidance and College Counseling

DISCOVERING NEXT STEPS With the help of our Guidance Office, TCA students and their parents spend time preparing for life after high-school. Ninth-Eleventh grade students take the PSAT each year, providing valuable test-taking experience and feedback to customize their studying. They also participate in a focused guidance activity. All of these experiences help our students thrive as they seek the Lord’s direction for thier lives.

Ninth - HS Orientation: Courses, electives, service opportunities Tenth - Career seminar: Abilities, interests, aspirations Eleventh - Post-high school transition plan: Choices, applications, goals. Twelveth - Cairn University RIDE Seminar: Resume, Interview, Dress, Etiquette

Rooted In


TCA graduates go to college with 100+ pages of written work in their personal portfolio and potentially earn up to 15 college credits.

Matriculating Colleges University of Pittsburgh Penn State University Clemson University Messiah College Liberty University Grove City College University of Pennsylvania West Chester University Cairn University

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Hm, and He will make straight your paths.

Each TCA graduating class on average is offered $1.6 million in scholarships


Michelle Chuplis HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH “At TCA, there is a genuine atmosphere of care and love rooted in Christ. All of the teachers personally know the deep love of God, and in turn they aim to show that love to the students. As 1 John 4:19 explains, “We love because he first loved us.” Teachers build relationships with students not because they want a certain behavior out of the kids in their class but because they truly care about them as people and want to invest in them.”

William and Lori Lockwood TCA PARENTS “TCA has been a place where we have been able to watch our son thrive. Each teacher he has encountered has had a hand in his beginning steps to becoming a remarkable young man.”

At TCA I found an intentional integration of love, wisdom, and care. It’s contagious. It gives a sense of family across all of our grade levels.

Ryan Davis, Educational Technologist


WORSHIPPING TOGETHER Jesus said that “true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him” (John 4:23). True worship happens at TCA. Whether in weekly chapels, middle school and high school retreats, or in Bible classes, students are challenged and supported in their walk with God. Chapel - from its praise and worship music, messages from God’s Word, panel discussions, or small-group sessions - provides a weekly reminder of God’s love and work in their lives. Annual retreats give students the opportunity to set school aside and focus on their own spiritual growth and community building. Each of these times allows TCA students “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”

It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates His presence to men. C.S. Lewis


SERVING TOGETHER CITY, SERVICE, MISSION Chicago, Illinois How TCA serves: Going on short-term missions trips, partnering with alreadyestablished organizations working for good and serving in urban areas around the US.


YOUNG LIVES Chester, PA How TCA serves: Donating baby items, sorting baby clothes, providing fellowship and childcare during club events, holding free photo sessions during the holidays and Mother’s Day.

How TCA serves: Leading worship, becoming pen pals, co-writing Mother’s Day cards, and celebrating 100 Days of School together.

RIDDLE VILLAGE Media, PA How TCA serves: Providing gifts, Christmas caroling, and interacting with both residents and staff throughout the school year.

Rooted In

ACTS 20:35

How TCA serves: Toy and food drives, sorting Christmas toys for local families, cleaning facilities, preparing food.

ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Brookhaven, PA How TCA serves: Partnering with our local community by maintaining the appeal of Brookhaven Road between Routes 352 and 452.

NIGHT TO SHINE Brookhaven, PA How TCA serves: Hosting a prom for 100 individuals with special needs and disabilities in our communities.

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.�



COMPETING TOGETHER Like Olympic athlete Eric Liddell, who felt God’s pleasure when he ran, TCA students see athletics as a means of using the gifts God has given them. Whether defending a goal, shooting a free throw, or catching a fly ball, TCA athletes know that participating in sports will build their bodies and sharpen their skills. Furthermore, playing on a team helps athletes learn lifelong lessons, such as discipline, perseverance, and teamwork. They learn that whatever they do, they should “work at it with all their heart” since they are playing for the Lord.

Over 70 league championships

County All-time Leading Scorer (Boys) District 1 Championship (Girls) All-State Boys & Girls Soccer Team selections

All-County Player of the Year (Boys)

Three National Christian School Tournament Championships 18 players in 1000 Point Club

Rooted In

Colossians 3:23

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.


CREATING TOGETHER In Art and the Bible, Francis A. Schaeffer declares: “A Christian should use these arts to the glory of God, not just as tracts, mind you, but as things of beauty to the praise of God. An artwork can be a doxology in itself.” Through the Fine Arts, our students develop technique and style. They explore and represent the world that God created. They learn to express themselves in ways that involve creativity, imagination, and discipline. Through the Fine Arts, our students glorify God.

Students will say, ‘I never thought I could do anything like that.’ That is what creative empowerment looks like. That is the crossroads where worship, faith, and art meet.

Christine Uzele, MS & HS Art Teacher


I have the opportunity to share Christ with my students in every aspect of our day. � Angela Maguire, 4th Grade Teacher

Learn word origins, culture, discipline in Latin

Focus on fitness, skills, fun in PE

Discover adventure, mystery, empathy in a Library book

Explore color, shape, creativity in Art

Unite tone, rhythm, joy in Music

Admissions Process

GET TO KNOW US BETTER We would love to connect. At The Christian Academy we offer multiple opportunities for you and your family to see first hand what the TCA community is all about:




Come in for a personalized tour of our campus and have your questions answered by our Director of Admissions.

Experience TCA firsthand. Our student ambassadors will show you a day in the life of a TCA student for a half or full day.

Come in for a student-led tour of TCA’s campus on the first Wednesday of each month, October-June / 8:30-10:30 am.

READY TO ENROLL? STEP 1: APPLY Applications for enrollment can be completed on our website, by clicking “Apply Today” on our home page. Please know that over 50% of our families receive financial assistance.

STEP 2: ASSESSMENT At any time during the application process, your student can come in for our entrance test. Once the application and assessment are complete, we will soon be in touch with a decision letter!

Led by Our Vision The vision of The Christian Academy is to be a life-giving oasis in the desert where all students are biblically trained in body, mind and spirit so that they will radically influence their communities for Christ and His glory.

THE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 4301 Chandler Drive, Brookhaven, PA 19015 610. 872. 5100

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