The Carillon Volume 52 Issue 6

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the carillon The University of Regina Students’ Newspaper since 1962 Oct. 8 - 21, 2009 Volume 52, Issue 6


Two decades ago, the federal government capped First Nations tuition funding. Today, FNUniv students are feeling the impact. They took to the U of R campus to protest at the beginning of the month, and the Carillon was there. news 3

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Kelsey Conway Jarrett Crowe Tyler Dekok


a rts & culture

sp ort s

Jennifer Squires Lisa Goudy Taylor Tiefenbach Alexandra Fox

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Stephanie Love, Mason Pitzel, Owen Nimetz, Laura Osicki, Bryn Levy, Kate Crowley, Jeffery R. Webber, Tiffany Cassidy, Nathan Frank, Jon Hamelin, Jon Roe, Matt Lee, Enyinnah Okere, Joel Yoemans, Cassidy MacFadzean, Jack Nicholl, Regan Meloche.

knockout dining

7 sfu gtfo


o p- ed

fe atu re

th e p a pe r


Joana Cook, Mark Hadubiak, Joshua Jakubowski, Janet Novak, Melanie Metcalf, Laura Osicki, Rhiannon Ward, Anna Weber 227 Riddell Centre University of Regina - 3737 Wascana Parkway Regina, SK, Canada, S4S 0A2 Ph: (306) 586-8867 Fax: (306) 586-7422 Circulation: 4.000 Printed by Transcontinental Publishing Inc., Saskatoon

The Carillon welcomes contributions to its pages. Correspondence can be mailed, e-mailed, or dropped off in person. Please include your name, address and telephone number on all letters to the editor. Only the author’s name, title/position (if applicable) and city will be published. Names may be withheld upon request at the discretion of the Carillon. Letters should be no more then 350 words and may be edited for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. The Carillon is a wholly autonomous organization with no affiliation with the University of Regina Students’ Union. Opinions expressed in the pages of the Carillon are expressly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Carillon Newspaper Inc. Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing in the Carillon are those of the advertisers and not necessarily of the Carillon Newspaper Inc. or its staff. The Carillon is published no less than 11 times each semester during the fall and winter semesters and periodically throughout the summer. The Carillon is published by The Carillon Newspaper Inc., a non–profit corporation.

18 ponder polanski

CIS got game


w hat ’s t ha t y ou s a id ? H o w c an t h e C I S ( C an a d i an In t e r u n iv e r s it y S p o r t ) im p r ov e ?

“Allow tech schools to compete against university teams.”

Jeff Mhon Second Year International Studies

“I don’t know what that is … t h e y s h o u l d a d v e r t i s e .”

Avery Lafrentz Second Year Masters in Architecture

th e man ifesto

In keeping with our reckless image, our office has absolutely no concrete information on the Carillon’s formative years readily available. What follows is what’s been passed down from editor to editor for over forty years.

In the late 1950s, the University of Regina planned the construction of several new buildings on the campus grounds. One of these proposed buildings was a bell tower on the academic green. If you look out on the academic green today, the first thing you’ll notice is that it has absolutely nothing resembling a bell tower.

The University never got a bell tower, but what it did get was the Carillon, a newspaper that serves as a symbolic bell tower on campus, a loud and clear voice belonging to each and every student. Illegitimi non carborundum.

“I d o n ’ t k n o w w h a t t h a t i s …

more advertisement … posters … Facebook.”

“I don’t even know what that is

… so th ey n e ed t o g et o ut t he re mo re.”

Jordan Padbury

Kristy Fyfe

Fourth Year Engineering

Second Year Geography


News Editor: Austin M. Davis the carillon, Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

The drums beat on FNUniv students actively pursue treaty rights

austin m. davis news editor

Cold rain and a strong wind could not deter student activists from going through with their organized demonstration at the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv) on Oct. 1. At 10:30 a.m. the approximately two dozen students that had assembled in the FNUniv atrium put down their coffees and grabbed handmade signs with slogans like, “Education is our new buffalo,” and, “Take our education, take our future.” The crowd was led through the building and followed the sounds of drums and singing out the west doors, heading towards Luther College. “It would take a lot more than just a little cold and wind to [make us] not do this,” shouted Cadmus Delmore, during the outdoor leg of the cross-campus trek. “Our forefathers suffered a lot more than what we’re going through.” Second year business student and organizer of Thursday’s events, Delorme was one of two young men leading the group through the breeze. They carried a banner that read, in large text, “All education is a treaty right!!” And below that statement: “The promise must be kept.” The demonstrators marched through every main building on campus after they reached Luther. The group created quite a spectacle for the students who happened to be sitting in classrooms adjacent to the route of the rally. The morning’s proceedings were not simply to raise awareness on

treaty rights, but to actively pursue a 20-year-old cause. “We’re fighting today for post-secondary,” Delorme said. “Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), who administer First Nations funds from the federal government, they don’t consider anything past grade 12 a treaty right. They capped what we are allowed to spend in 1989 at 2 per cent increase every year ... First Nations people are being refused funding because of the cap.” Though the group was met with indifference while in the Riddell Centre, a powerful moment occurred in the last building of the planned tour. Just before reaching the doors leading outside in the old section of the Kinesiology building, a group of students who were not participating in the rally cheered enthusiastically, encouraging the demonstrators as they headed back to FNUniv. Delorme formally delivered a letter to a representative for INAC, concluding the rally, but there were still speeches, pizza lunch, and a student powwow performance. In attendance during the rally was University of Regina Students’ Union Vice-President of External Affairs, Katie Honey. Honey endorsed the activists’ discourse, saying that URSU fully supported the demonstrators and their cause. Her point was silently reiterated by URSU President Kyle Addison and Vice-President of Operations & Finance, Jay Nauta, who both walked into the building with their arms filled with stacks of pizza boxes. The speeches, which began shortly after 11 a.m., were given by unique and captivating speakers.

Delorme acted as master of ceremonies, and was nearly in awe of all four community leaders he called upon. Tony Cote, an elder, began with a prayer that echoed through the building. He then spoke of the necessity that students take advantage of the post-secondary opportunity and continue to pursue their goals. During his speech he cited a day care and a recreational center as topics to look at for the future of FNUniv. Cote was followed by Deanette Starblanket and Darlene Lanceley. Starblanket, a teacher of Delorme’s, spoke of the importance of understanding the “spirit and intent” of the treaties, with particular focus on the parts dealing with education. Lanceley, a sociology Ph.D. candidate at the University of Saskatchewan, shared her story of participating in a hunger strike when the federal government moved administration of post-secondary funding to individual First Nations twenty years ago. The speeches were concluded by Perry Bellegarde, former Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations chief. Bellegarde hit most of the points that had been covered by the others but was still forceful with his message. Of the cap, Bellegarde said, “It’s basically limiting access for a lot of our students. There are 10,000 students on the wait list ... left without access to education.” Before Bellegarde concluded he remarked to the crowd, which had nearly tripled by this point, “This is not a protest what you’re doing. This is activism.”

10,000 20 students on the waiting list for the FNUniv.

Photos by Jarrett Crowe

years since 2 per cent cap was implemented on the Post Secondary Student Support Program.


indexed bursaries available to “Aboriginal students” in Saskatchewan according to the INAC website.

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

4 news

GBLUR is here to help

GBLURʼs Nathan Seckinger is taking the centre in new directions Jarrett Crowe

Student centre for sexuality makes changes lisa goudy

news writer

GBLUR is a student-run non-profit organization that, according to their website, “Provides support and resources for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, inter-sex, or queers (LGBTIQ) at the University of Regina.” It also has a library that can be accessed for students who are doing research on gender studies or purely out of interest. There is a drop-in centre where people can have counseling, access to reliable information, or just to hang out - and you don’t have to be LGBTIQ to drop by the centre.

“This is

no t a closed community.”

Nathan Seckinger GBLUR Director

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sept. 21, GBLUR discussed some new things happening within the organization, including changes to their election structure, their involvement with Canadian Blood Services, and the development of the Rainbow Wellness Centre. The AGM gave an update on what the organization has been involved in, including the standard annual financial aspects and electing a new board. It also provided an overview of GBLUR’s activities over the past year, but upcoming changes were also discussed. The election structure, for instance, needed to be changed. According to Nathan Seckinger, the director of GBLUR, the problem with the structure was that students were elected without adequate experience and training, which resulted in crests and valleys in the system. It was approved that there will now be three elections per year, as opposed to just one. Three seats beginning every semester will last for one year plus an additional month for training time. Seckinger says that this will create a constant influx to create a more stable operating system. Another major area discussed was GBLUR’s involvement with Canadian Blood Services and the LGBTIQ working group. Seckinger says that there are many different types of people with different oppressions and therefore do not have the same needs. Canadian Blood Services has a policy that men who have had sex even once with other men are not allowed to donate blood, but Seckinger says that they are working towards getting this changed because it is dis-

criminatory. The biggest development that GBLUR is undergoing is the Rainbow Wellness Resource Centre. Seckinger says that this centre is just like a “big GBLUR.” The GBLUR centre in the Riddell Centre at the U of R has become responsible for all the needs of LGBTIQ individuals that are both on and off campus. The Rainbow Wellness Resource centre will cover the entire South Saskatchewan region, largely dependent on community needs. Seckinger says that it will have a, “focus on providing a one-stop, go-to place,” that provides peer support, constant workshops, and a meeting place off-campus. There is nobody in Canada who has a policy remotely similar to GBLUR’s and Seckinger hopes that this centre will encourage the construction of more queer businesses and institutions. The exact location of this centre has not been fixed, as it will be the last thing to finalize in its development. Seckinger says that they cannot apply for grants for another few months, but the ideal location is downtown. Seckinger says that, “traditionally it is left up to queers to decide their own needs” but he says that is just as effective as letting schizophrenics run a mental facility. Many people think that these things shouldn’t be public affairs, but Seckinger disagrees. “This is not a closed community,” says Seckinger. The centre will be available to the public in general to provide support for the community and their needs. He hopes that the centre will open its doors in six to twelve months.

Guaranteed excitement

jennifer squires news writer

The mysterious message from University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor, Vianne Timmons, was finally announced on Sept. 30. The message was regarding a program unique to the U of R called the UR Guarantee, which aims to help students gain employment based on their degree of choice. The program works with enrolled students to provide them with various mandatory and elective opportunities to help them enhance their resume in order to gain “meaningful employment” after graduation. These opportunities are to ensure that students maintain a level of academic success, are active on campus, and participate in services or leadership programs such as volunteer work or a mentorship program. Students will also receive personal one-on-one career counseling. At the heart of the program is the guarantee itself: the promise that if participants do not gain a careeroriented job within six months of graduation, the U of R will provide them with a bursary equivalent to a year’s worth of tuition. This allows for the participant to enhance their resume with up to 30 additional credit hours. This program is the first of its kind in Canada and adds much more value and incentive to receive a degree from the U of R. Timmons is excited about the program adding that, “We are showing confidence in our students and the education they receive at the University of Regina.” However, since the kinks of this program are yet to be worked out,

the program is currently unavailable for enrollment at the present. The program was designed to help attract future students and no one with more than 30 credit hours may apply. This is because the required and elective career assistance opportunities are designed to take place over four or five years of a degree. The program comes out of the new U of R strategic plan for the next few years. The program is called “mâmawohkamâtowin: Our Work, Our People, Our Communities.” Along with the UR Guarantee, the strategic plan includes a commitment to sustainability, building better partnerships with our affiliated schools (First Nations University of Canada, Luther College, Campion, the Institut Français, and the Gabriel Dumont Institute), and a promise to increase the amount of funding available to students from bursaries and scholarships. The UR Guarantee came out of the reminder that the U of R is a tool for students to receive gainful employment. “In these economic times, students and their parents are more focused on the end result – a career – than ever before,” says Timmons. The program has been in development for a number of years and was kept secret as an attempt not to ruin the surprise and impact of the unveiling of the program. The UR Guarantee came out of discussions with members of the faculty and community alike and the success of U of R graduates in the workplace. Student success is a very important aspect of the new strategic plan and as such, this program is committed to see graduates reach their full potential.

“The UR Guarantee came out of the

reminder that the U of R is a tool for students to receive gainful employment.” Jennifer Squires

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

news 5

Man stalked imprisoned democracy activist Suu Kyi’s “swimmer stalker” contributed to lengthened sentence alex colgan

features editor

People are still wondering, more than a month after John Yettaw returned home after a strange odyssey in Myanmar (formerly Burma), what this American was thinking. It began on the evening of May 3, when he strapped on a pair of homemade flippers and illegally swam to the Rangoon home of Aung San Suu Kyi — the imprisoned democracy activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who has been on house arrest for 13 of the past 19 years, since winning the 1990 Burmese elections provoked that country’s ruling military junta. It ended on Aug. 19, after the United States negotiated Yettaw’s release from Burmese prison, but Suu Kyi now faces an extended house arrest as a result. John Yettaw hails from Falcon, Missouri. A Vietnam veteran, he suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder and diabetes. He has not worked full time for the last 20 years, instead pursuing multiple degrees in psychology, biology, and criminal justice. His friends and family describe him

as gentle but odd; he has a history of experiencing “visions.” He later claimed that he had learned from a divine vision that terrorists were planning to assassinate Suu Kyi, and that he had to save her. This year’s voyage wasn’t the first time Suu Kyi’s “stalker swimmer” visited the guarded compound; on Nov. 30, 2008, he made a similar journey, swimming across Lake Inya, entering the property through an underground culvert, and climbing a fence. On that occasion, he did not communicate with Suu Kyi directly, but left a copy of the Book of Mormon for her. The authorities were notified and Yettaw was allowed to leave. Before he left the U.S. in April 2009, Yettaw told his relatives that he planned to write a “faith-based” book on heroism, and was going to Asia to write about people coping with stress and abuse. This time he managed to meet Suu Kyi herself. When he asked her to let him stay there a few days, she refused, but relented after he complained of hunger, exhaustion, and leg cramps. He swam back the way he came just before midnight on May 5; police fished him out of the lake at 5 a.m. It is not known what he

It began on the evening of May 3, when he strapped on a pair of homemade flippers and ill eg al ly swa m to the Rangoon home of Aung San Suu Kyi.” Alex Colgan photo by

Democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi has been under house arrest for 13 of the past 19 years

was doing for those five hours. Yettaw was charged with illegally entering a restricted zone and violating immigration laws, while Suu Kyi was charged with violating the terms of her house arrest, as she was forbidden to have overnight visitors. Both pleaded not guilty to their charges, but on Aug. 11 both were convicted and sentenced to prison: Yettaw for seven years, and Suu Kyi for three years (which was almost immediately commuted to 18 months’ house

arrest). On Aug. 12, U.S. Senator Jim Webb managed to negotiate Yettaw’s release from prison, and he came home the following week. In an exclusive interview in August with Newsweek, Yettaw claimed that Suu Kyi’s guards had allowed him into the house. He was “brokenhearted” that Suu Kyi is again under house arrest, but denied that he was responsible. However, many analysts have

concluded that Yettaw’s actions have become a convenient legal pretext for extending Suu Kyi’s house arrest, which would have expired later that month. She may be ineligible for the general election that Myanmar plans to hold next year. If so, Yettaw’s actions, however benign, may have helped the military junta retain its fierce hold over the country by keeping Suu Kyi out of the spotlight, and damaged the prospects for democracy in Myanmar.

MADD says bar's cash promotion encourages binge drinking Edmonton's Union Hall bar giving cash to students on student nights alexandria eldridge

CUP alberta and northern bureau chief

EDMONTON (CUP) – A promotion put on by an Edmonton bar where students get cash if they show ID at the door has become a controversial subject in the community. If a student shows ID at the door of the Union Hall before 10 p.m. on a “student night” – usually Thursdays – they receive $10 cash and a token that they can redeem for another $10 cash at 12:30 a.m., when a money table is brought out. Jesse James is the director of operations for the nightclub side at Gateway Entertainment, which operates Union Hall. He described how the idea of the promotion came about. “This year we wanted to really come out of September with a bang and just go for a really crazy incentive especially in light of the recent competition and in light of the economic situation,” James said. James also described the promotion as a response to new Alberta liquor laws on minimum drink prices. “We’re not allowed to give away free booze of any kind, so the only thing we’re legally allowed to give is cash, so the cash is more geared towards getting people a couple drinks essentially for free . . . you don’t have to buy drinks, but that’s the idea of it,” James said. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have expressed their disapproval of the promotion. Gladys Shelstad, vice president of the Edmonton and area Chapter, wants owners to be more responsible. “More my concern is that they put minimum drink pricing in effect for a reason and bars should be abid-

ing by that . . . they should be wanting all their patrons to be safe,” Shelstad said. James said that regardless of whether or not they give away cash at the door, they are always aware of patrons’ safety. “Whether we give them 20 bucks or they’re just spending their own money, we have to always be aware of someone’s level of intoxication,” James said. James also said that the promotion is more geared towards back-toschool and was intended to get people down to the Union. The club was renovated over the summer and now has a new DJ. “The nightclub business is all about change and all about keeping cutting-edge, so we have a couple other cool ideas in the works to follow up this promotion when we do decide to end it,” James said. At this point in time, the Union Hall is the only establishment employing the promotion. The Ranch, another Gateway Entertainment establishment, closed it doors on Oct. 1, ending the promotion at that location. Shelstad feels that there is a reason that other establishments are not following suit. “I think the respectable bars are going to still maintain the liquor bylaws and they are going to enforce it and be respectable,” she said. Shelstad also mentioned that this promotion is only available for students, which might upset other patrons. “There’s a lot of other customers, a lot of other patrons out there than just students . . . that bar is showing favoritism for students over other patrons,” Shelstad said. She said the reason that MADD has commented on this issue is because it could encourage binge

And we thought the Lazy Owlʼs $2.75 drink nights were easy on our wallets


drinking. “These people that take the money from the bar, are they going to go and drink more and indulge quickly and in large amounts? I don’t know. I’m hoping not, I hope that everyone drinks responsibly

because at the end of the day we want you guys all to be safe,” said Shelstad. But James stressed that students do not need to spend money on drinking, and need to make their own choices.

“I think that these choices are at our fingertips in all walks of life and in all things, and I think that people have be held accountable for their own actions.”

a&c Waking up Alice

Arts & Culture Editor: James Brotheridge the carillon, Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

Local theatre production aiming for national tour john cameron

production manager

“This has been a project that’s been two years in the making,” Joey Tremblay said between bites of pizza. “I guess it's a long preparation.” You’ll have to excuse him for being in the middle of lunch. Tremblay and the cast and crew of The Alice Nocturne have a lot of work to do before the play premieres on Thursday, Oct. 15. The play is in the midst of its final rehearsals before its first public performance opens the Globe Theatre’s fall season. However tired Tremblay and cast member Darla Biccum were when they sat down for an interview on Sunday, Oct. 4, though, they still managed to fill an empty Globe lobby with feelings of excitement and anticipation. The Alice Nocturne is a play with a peculiar method of development. Tremblay had previously developed and headed up Fusion, a developGlobe Theatre mental workshop program at the Above: The cast of The Alice Nocturne; Bottom right: Roger Schlutzʼs costume designs play an integral part in the new Globe Globe for young adult performers, but he had grown restless with it. performance About two years ago, he approached the Globe’s Artistic Director, Ruth Smillie, with an idea for a new program. “I wanted to hand [Fusion] over to someone else and I wanted to start a young company so they could graduate from [its] school setting to a more professional setting,” he explained. “So we made a professional young company. “The first project that we did, I said, ‘I don’t want to start by writing a script. I want to go into the studio It gave us that ability to Any sound always and make it a studio project.’” With the music of Chopin and use our imaginations to touches you in a place the writing of Lewis Carroll as inspilive vicariously through a you don’t understand. It’s ration, Tremblay and a small group of performers began to workshop story ... There’s so many very visceral, not part of what eventually became The Alice scenes I wrote specifical- your mind but of the Nocturne. The final play, which debuted in a truncated form last ly to take that journey. I body. It’s so ephemeral April, is about Mabel Pennyworth, started to use Chopin as and of the moment. It’s an Edwardian woman who takes a motifs for character or hard to describe. mysterious potion and wakes up in Carroll’s familiar Wonderland. In it, storyline that keep occurshe encounters fractured versions of ring. people from her life, and she attempts to use her experiences with these distorted characters to overcome her depression. Carroll’s dreamlike imagery and hallucinatory style provided a lot of material for Tremblay and company It gave us a license to If the story is the heart to explore, as did the theatre of Carroll’s day. “That kind of dreamtake huge journeys and of this piece, Chopin is like fantasy was very much part of unexpected turns. the heartbeat – it really the Victorian theatrical genre,” he explained. “We took the cues from is what compels you to there to set the play so that we could want to know what’s travel huge distances just by doing next. transformations onstage, with lowtech magic as opposed to expensive scenography.” Getting the play to a stage where such transformations could be

Moonlighting sonatas Director Joey Tremblay and actress Darla Biccum talk about the way Chopin’s music influenced The Alice Nocturne



accomplished was a lengthy process of collaborating, workshopping, and refining. Biccum described the experience of joining the cast in the middle of this process as “being invited into a really cool playground with a lot of great gym equipment.” When pressed to expand on this theme, Tremblay and Biccum began trading off rapid-fire thoughts in an effort to fully express the thrill of the collaborative process. “There’s a dialogue between the visual and the performance element of it ... There’s a freedom to that. The goal is that everything that we do onstage has grown organically out of the process, so everything matters,” Tremblay said. “Text matters as much as the visual, as much as the performance style, as much as the lights. You couldn’t pull any one of those out without feeling like something was missing, which is kind of an opposite way of working, which makes this a little bit different than most plays.” “I think that’s why, for me, it’s like a playground,” Biccum explained. “We have our points we need to get to, but the route through which we get there is really open to interpretation, free for us to have our input ... There’s a lot of opportunity for a creative voice.” Tremblay warned that this creative freedom was not without its problems. “The price of that is that whenever any of us – the performer, myself as director, or the designer – shoves something on this, makes a decision appliquéd on top of the process, it falls apart. “The story goes, ‘I don’t want that. You didn’t find what I am yet.’ It’s this really weird mindset.” “I think that’s the entertaining part of the rehearsal processes,” Biccum responded. “You start to get more finely tuned with everybody in the process. It makes it more exciting and takes you to levels creatively that you didn’t expect to get to.” Being in tune with each other allowed the cast to confront problems that cropped up even in these late stages of rehearsal. Tremblay gave an example from that day’s work, where the cast discovered that they were focusing too hard on the movement in the transitions between


“Text matters as much as the visual, as much as the performance style, as much as the lights.”

Joey Tremblay Globe Theatre

scenes and had lost track of why those transitions were important to the story. “What we found out today was to trust the writing and trust the scenes,” he said. “When we settle, the beauty of this is that we go all kinetic during a transition and we get to a scene and we go still. We can trust that just speaking to each other is engaging enough. We’ve got enough visual stimuli and lots of intrigue to keep us with the play.” “It’s so liberating to trust the story,” Biccum laughed. The Alice Nocturne has no real sets to speak of, instead relying on the “low-tech magic” of certain props and the expressive costuming of designer Roger Schlutz. Costumes play an important role in the play, emphasizing and exaggerating the characters’ core traits, helping the actors do so as well. “Roger’s really echoed [the character development] with the designs as well,” she continued. “He’s really assisted my process as an actor in creating that through-line visually as well as what I try to do performatively, whether it’s an accent or physicality or what have you.” The focus on costume and character in creating Wonderland rather than the set is intentional. It’s meant to help take the play on the road. From the beginning, Tremblay has envisioned The Alice Nocturne as a touring performance, and he said that a successful pitch session at the Magnetic North Festival in Ottawa earlier this year has stirred up excitement to bring the play to cities across Canada. “[I hope that] it doesn’t just land at the Globe,” he said. “If we’re going to put that much effort into new work ... we should put that much effort into pushing it out of the city and seeing what happens in a national context. We’ve talked to people across Canada. It’s the envy of Canada right now ... Regional theatres of this caliber, this size, don’t bother spending this much money on the development of work. “I just think it’s a shame if that just ends here.” The Alice Nocturne runs from Oct. 14 to Oct. 31 on the Mainstage at the Globe Theatre.

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

a&c 7

This Goat lives

First liar, first liar

Fainting Goat brings new life to local cuisine stephanie love contributor

Debuting in September, the Fainting Goat is a unique gem in the heart of the Queen City. The restaurant is a true family affair, with brothers Justin and Dylan Ludwig working alongside mom/head chef Lauren Mentiplay and her husband Brian. The family get-together has been working out well for the restaurant. The small space on Albert Street and not far from College Avenue is the perfect place for a romantic dinner or a night out with friends. With what little space there is in the area, not an inch is spared. On the Wednesday I visited, the restaurant bustled with live music, art, and dining from every corner of the room. The warm autumn colors painted on the wall gave off an intense glow of comfort. Co-owner Justin’s intentions are for the restaurant to build a community-minded atmosphere. “Being part of a community means embracing the varying demographics that make up a community,” said Justin. Justin, cofounder of Regina label Harvest King Records and member of Kleins96 and Amour Fou, wants his restaurant to be a “showcase for local artists and musicians.” This particular night, locals Cameron Wensel, John Fettes, and Andrew Love were all performing. Premiering new artwork that night was local artist Cara De Gennaro, her dreamy paintings hung along the walls. Though with very little space to manoeuvre around, the servers seemed to have to push their way through the people who opted to stand near the bar during the musical performances. Not one for the grasps of claustrophobia, I chose to sit and watch the performance from a barstool. Of course, the most important part any restaurant is its menu, which boasts unique foods from

Jennifer Garner canʼt lie about Ricky Gervaisʼ snub-nosed face

The Invention of Lying Directed by Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson Starring Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Louis C.K., Rob Lowe

james brotheridge a&c editor

The Fainting Goat 2330 Albert Street Kelsey Conway

around the globe. The restaurant’s menu, as Ludwig describes it, showcases foods from the East Mediterranean, the Middle East, and North Africa, a different selection seldom seen in town. The appetizer menu includes tasty samosas, trout patties with a

smoky sauce, and pita chips with dip, all at reasonable prices. The dinner menu features a wide variety of meats. Meats such as duck, lamb, and even sausage from the Italian Star Deli for pizza are some of the main attractions. Not yet ready for the acquired taste section of the menu, I opted for a pizza featuring herbs, artichoke, olives, and a very creamy cheese with a delightful aftertaste. All the items on the menu are made in house and from scratch, adding to the originality of the menu. With all the healthy selections to choose from, no one should be at a loss in satisfying their hunger. Justin described his restaurant as offering “healthy and delicious meals along with an array of reasonably priced and equally delicious drinks.” The unique drink menu offers a wide and original selection. All the Caesars are made with different kinds of infused vodkas, such as bacon and jalapeno, and sundried tomato and basil. The smoky BBQ Caesar is very spicy but nicely complements the pizza. Along with Caesars, there is a long list of different import beers and a selection of organic wines at good prices. Regina’s newest casual dining spot is definitely one that must be checked out. The casual atmosphere paired with art, live music, great food, and awesome drinks makes for an experience outside of the norm for Queen City dining.

Ricky Gervais fans that keep up to date with their RSS feeds have a lot at stake in The Invention of Lying. Gervais, the writer, director, and actor behind the smash-hit series The Office and Extras, has been obsessive about updating his followers on the progress of this film. Co-stars and cameos were announced months beforehand; blogs gave production details; videos showed Gervais harassing Jonah Hill on set and documenting Louis C.K.’s fear of in-flight turbulence. Before a teaser trailer was even released, expectations were that this would be another fantastic work by Gervais. The concept almost guaranteed success. Gervais plays Mark Bellison, a failing scriptwriter in a world without lying. This also means a world without filters, apparently. Soon after the film starts, Mark goes on a date with Anna McDoogles (Jennifer Garner) who says he’s fat, ugly, and unlikely to succeed in romancing her. Being as honest as everyone else in this world, Mark is forced to agree. As his life falls apart around him, something in his brain compels him to say something that isn’t true. His liberties with the truth are met with absolute trust from those around him. Not only can he lie, but he can get away with it, too. Have mercy on the world where Ricky Gervais holds this power. With his bar buddy Greg (Louis C.K.) in tow, Mark sets out to use his new talent to gain fame and fortune and, hopefully, win the girl along the way.

As an idea, The Invention of Lying is near unassailable, but the execution isn’t entirely there. The possibilities, especially in the care of a great comedy mind like Gervais, are exciting. The reimagining of our world as this one is intriguing, but the film doesn’t complete it. Their world has evolved into a mirror image of ours, except pop commercials are honest and feature no BMX bikes, and people say whatever is on their mind at all times. But isn’t there still a process of selection when it comes to speaking? Besides, the film suggests that pure honesty turns folks into shallow and awkward people disconnected from their emotions. If this is the argument of the movie, it doesn’t take the viewer all the way there. As a comedy, it could be better as well. Gervais is a capable performer and writer, but his real strength lies in playing the loveable prick. Here, he’s playing the meek pushover. He works as this sort of straight man, but his full potential isn’t coming out. Even a movie where he is the only one who can lie, his misinformation is almost always benevolent. The performances here are still entertaining, especially Gervais and Louis C.K., and the writing is often sharp. The greatest asset this film has is a lighthearted whimsy that’s infectious. The need for depth is at odds with that feel-good vibe. In trying to make a film both weighty and comedic, Gervais has stumbled, but the former new wave, no-hitw o n d e r- t u r n e d - c o m e d i a n h a s recovered from far, far worse.

“Not only can he lie, but he can get away

with it, too. Have mercy on the world where Ricky Gervais holds this power.” James Brotheridge

Make moving easier

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

8 a&c

The human test dummy Author continues self-help experiments with new book taylor tiefenbach a&c writer

With the release of his latest book, The Guinea Pig Diaries: My Life as an Experiment, A.J. Jacobs again invites readers to look in on his ongoing quest for self-improvement. While in his previous two books, Jacobs focused on a single topic – reading the entire encyclopedia in Know-It-All and following every rule in the Bible in The Year of Living Biblically – here he embarks on nine separate experiments. These include posing as a super hot nanny on a online dating site, being as rational as possible, and, my personal favourite, following George Washington’s list of 110 rules for life, the second rule of which is don’t adjust yourself in public. Reading about this smattering of projects could become tacky and boring, but Jacobs is able to keep them fresh by fully committing. “It’s almost like method acting,” said Jacobs. “I try to get lost in the moment.” Achieving this means lots of research, which suits Jacobs just fine. “I had to become an ‘expert’ in all these different topics,” he said. “It was actually more work than I bargained for, but I really enjoyed it.” This Sean Penn-esque approach led to embarrassing but hilarious situations for Jacobs. When following Washington’s rules, he refuses to shake a new acquaintance’s hand, leading to a tense lunch. Jacobs tries to look beyond those situations when remembering his experiences.

“I know it’s embarrassing and I know people are looking at me, but I’m hopeful that something good will come out of it.” Jacobs is also not afraid to involve his family in his experiments. Sometimes, it seems as if he writes thinking no one he knows will read it. When writing about “Operation Ideal Husband,” the experiment where he did everything his wife asked of him for a month, he is candid about the dynamics of his marriage.



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a&c writer

A.J. Jacobs


taylor tiefenbach

an ‘expert’ in all these different topics. It was actually more work than I bargained for, but I really enjoyed it.”

car illon@ursu.ur egiInterested in contributing n a . c a c a r i l l o n @ u r s u . u r e Carillon? gtointhe carillon@ursu.u regina.cacarillon@ursu. u r e g i n a . c a c a r i l l o n @ u r s Drop byinour office u .ureg caril(227 lon@u rsu.ur egina.cacarilRiddell Centre) or send an lo n@urtosu.uregina.caca e-mail acrairllilo lon n@ @u ur rss uu er ge ing a.icn aa.c aar illon@ursu.ur egito find out how you can. na.caarillon@ursu.ureRegister online @

Series of open debates kicks off its second year

“I had to become

Director Carmen Gonza

Talkin’ about talkin’

He says she has “mixed feelings” about being used as a character, but he forwards her the many emails he gets praising her. “Hopefully those smooth over anything.” The rest of his family “were a little freaked out” as well about being in his writings, but they’ve gotten over it. Jacobs does not shy away from using his family because they are interesting. “I feel incredibly lucky that I have these great characters in my life.”

Jacobs is in the middle of a book tour supporting The Guinea Pig Diaries, but has already planned his next book. It will be the third part of his self-improvement trilogy. After dealing with the mind in Know-ItAll and the spirit in The Year of Living Biblically, Jacobs aims to transform his body to become the healthiest person in the world. He plans to have that book out sometime within the next couple years. “Unless I die while I’m doing it.”

Dishware to wheel throwing lisa goudy

news writer

Ceramics are pretty versatile. No surprise they come in handy for art, too, as proven by the Fifth Parallel Gallery’s new exhibition, Three Views of Contemporary Ceramics. The exhibit features sculptures by Jenn Mapplebeck, Mark Porcina, and Zane Wilcox. Mapplebeck’s sculptures are primarily from commercially manufactured dishware. After finding the dishware, she incorporated various elements, particularly those from nature such as leaves, bugs, and rats. Mapplebeck says in her artist statement that she began working with such dishware “more for its sentimental rather than intrinsic value.” The dishes could be representative of civilisation and industrialised society. She finds the use of dishware symbolic of the ways in which the human race has manipulated the natural environment. She also suggests that any one object can embody many different elements. Porcina’s pieces are largely made of porcelain and hand-decorated, but one work is made using a pottery wheel, or is “wheel thrown.” Porcina says that nature, organic patterns, and textures inspire these pieces of work. “When you take multiples together, it changes the form,” said Porcina. He hopes to question what the viewer believes the art is made of. Porcina has been interested in art ever since he was young and has always enjoyed working with his hands. He has been sculpting since 2000 and began working with ceramics after he graduated from the University of Regina in 2005

with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in sculpting. His speciality for the last four years has been clay. He used to work at the Mackenzie Art Gallery and is currently teaching a throwing class, with an introduction on how to use the wheel, at the Pasqua Recreation Centre in Regina. He says that there is a whole other avenue of clay, something more abstract, and that there are more ways to present clay. The third artist, Wilcox, uses reduction-fired stoneware in his pieces at the gallery. His sculptures are abstract, including slabs and bowls that play with light reflection. Wilcox says that he is “interested in making sculpture as a counterpoint to the saturation of information that is inherit to our current cultural landscape.” He explores abstract form and deals with physical illusions and visual perception. His art is meant to fool the viewer’s perceptions. For instance, in some of his sculptures, parts of it seem to disappear when the perspective is changed. This results in a “visual game” for the observer. Wilcox has been sculpting for roughly the past five years. He graduated with a BA in Music, but he believes that the creative arts have a link to visual art. He also received a diploma in studio ceramics. Combined, all three of these artists create dissimilar views using ceramics. These different perspectives give the viewer unique ideas on art that challenge, question, and manipulate the audience. Three Views of Contemporary Ceramics can be viewed at the Fifth Parallel Gallery in the Riddell Centre from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday.

A diverse mix of community members met up in the upper level of La Bodega on Monday, Sept. 28 as the second year of Talkin’ About School and Society kicked off. Rather than a simple lecture series, Talkin’ About is an informal debate and discussion about issues facing – you guessed it – school and society. The night’s topic was “Youth, Gangs, Dropouts, and Racism.” The room was beyond capacity with an estimated 80 people in attendance – the largest turn out yet. The rough outline for the night began with three short “presentation/provocations” made by invited guests to get the discussions going. Discussion revolved primarily around North Central Regina and its local high school, Scott Collegiate. The poverty of that area can be a sensitive topic, but people were encouraged to give their honest opinions. There were some heated moments, especially during a debate on whether the root of the problem was based in race or class, but people were there to engage, not pick fights. The large group discussion was moderated by the event’s founder and co-chair, Marc Spooner, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education. Spooner got the idea for Talkin’ About after participating in a similar event called Café Scientifique put on by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, in which they talked about cancer research. “If they can hold events in a bar area, why don’t we?” said Spooner. After receiving encouragement from fellow education professor Patrick Lewis, Spooner applied for funding from the Faculty of Education. It was approved and Spooner and Lewis became co-chairs of the event. Spooner is extremely proud of the University of Regina and faculty of education for sponsoring the event. “What a testimony to a university living up to its rhetoric in terms of accepting free speech and dialogue and diversity of opinions.” The set-up at La Bodega aims to add more voices, rather than restricting them to only those connected to the University. Not only is admission free, but a food spread and water station is provided free of charge. This is meant to allow those who may be normally priced-out of a place like La Bodega to attend and voice their thoughts. As well, no microphones are used, a point Spooner is quick to mention. “I’m really opposed to that. The whole point is that everyone has a voice.” Another equalizing feature is the awkwardness of the room. The room is hot and cramped, with some people sitting on the floor while others stand in the doorframe of the bathroom. The emphasis on diversity seems to be working as Monday’s turn out included students, teachers from all levels of education, and even a mayoral candidate. The next Talkin’ About is scheduled for Nov. 16, the topic being “Pathologizing Childhood and Adolescence.” The debate has already begun, as Spooner has received an e-mail asking, “Since when did childhood shift from our hopes for the future to a something we need to fix?” If you know the answer, feel free to share.

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

a&c 15

cd reviews Rum Runner What’s the Music Mean to You? Stumble

Pearl Jam Backspacer Island

A cursory glance at the liner notes would indicate that these five Calgary men are incapable of being sober – thematically, most of the album’s 11 songs revolve around drinking in some way, and accompanying the lyrics for each song is a recommendation for what sort of liquor should be imbibed while listening. This, obviously, is nothing short of white-hot awesomeness. As for the actual album, What’s the Music Mean to You?, a question that I will at no point try to answer here, is just as awesome. Stylistically, whatever your mind conjures up when you hear the name “Rum Runner” probably isn’t far off the mark. These guys play rich, acoustic-based

punk rock in the vein of Against Me!, with tinges of Green on Red and the Replacements showing through. Evidently, they also love pub-crew backing vocals, which may, after a few beers, create the positive illusion of being surrounded by close friends even when you’re listening alone. Opener “Love’s Lovely Counterfeit” (serve with champagne) and the trumpet-laden “Lareina” (serve with Gran Reserva Ribera del Duero) are two of the strongest tracks here, their scruffy jauntiness rivaled only by the fantastic title track (serve with Monthelie) and its couplet “We know that we’re mere shadows of your heroes/But we’re irreverent and lurid tonight,” summing up both Rum Runner’s existence and

the main reason for listening to them. The ballads contained herein are relatively lame, and at times it seems their lyricist’s thesaurus should’ve been confiscated, but, all and all, this album makes for a great party soundtrack, assuming you like your parties raucous and rustic. And while I’m not much of a drinking man myself, the fact that I get a contact buzz just listening to this album is a testament to its calibre.

The living legends of rock are back from the studio with Backspacer. We haven’t heard much from Pearl Jam in the last three years since their 2006 self-titled release. Those familiar with the band who came to popularity at the height of grunge should know that their best and strongest work has come out in the past decade. For everyone else, it’s time to school yourselves. For their ninth album, Pearl Jam have reset their genre again, marking a new beginning for the group. They’ve lost touch with their grunge side since 1996’s No Code. For the past 13 years, new wave and punk have crept into the songs, but now, they’re going back to their harder alternative beginnings.

The album starts off with three hard-hitting tracks, including first single “The Fixer.” The rock community shouldn’t discount melodic post-grunge music, as the boys of Pearl Jam have been playing it for the last 19 years. Backspacer doesn’t relent in showcasing their acoustic talents, as well as the song writing ability of each member. The new wave and metal influences on the last two songs should resonate with alternrock fans who’ve been pushed aside. Pearl Jam is currently on their Backspacer tour in North America and Australia. They’ve been busy otherwise, releasing a reissue of seminal album Ten in March earlier this year. Further good news for Pearl Jammers everywhere: the

band is planning to have a complete re-release of their discography by 2011 for their 20th anniversary, just in time to remind long-time fans how old they and the music they listen to are.

The soundtrack to Being Erica states on the back that it hopes the songs on the album will trigger fantastic memories for the listener. This goal seems to be a lofty one, but the soundtrack does manage to be nostalgic in a slightly depressive and annoying manner. Amidst the awkward sound bites from the show are slow, languid, emotional songs, along with tracks by Right Said Fred and MC Hammer. While I don’t personally find “I’m Too Sexy” a wonderful memory, the soundtrack tries to knock you over the head with how the premise of the show is time travel. This premise allows the disc to use all your favourite sounds of the ’80s and ’90s. However, this playlist could be

found on any light FM radio station and therefore is pretty useless. One of the things that bodes well for Being Erica is its use of Canadian content. This is not so surprising, seeing as the television show airs on CBC. The Canadian artists range from Stars, Melanie Doane, the Northern Pikes, and Marc Jordan. They all provide some of the strongest points to the soundtrack. A number of sound bites are embedded in the soundtrack. There are eight in total and they tend to be ineffective. I watch this show, and the quotes they picked are not ones that I as a viewer find particularly engaging. If anything, these blurbs from the show just suck my interest from

listening to the soundtrack. Overall, as a fan of the show, this soundtrack was a disappointment. Even if you’re a diehard, I’d avoid this one.

Call it “The Myth of the Turmoil.” Plenty of records follow the narrative – the natural tensions of being in a band finally rear their head and threaten to overwhelm the band, so the band decides to commit them to tape. Audiences love it, even if the sessions have the nasty habit of permanently shattering the band in question. Let’s hope Paramore have worked it out. For Brand New Eyes, they’ve approached the studio as if it was something between a psychiatrist’s couch and an exorcist’s training room, eventually thrashing out 40 minutes of unbelievably hooky pop. Hayley Williams’ lyrics are brutally, sardonically cathartic. “I can’t excite you anymore,” she purrs on lead single “Ignorance,” and you wonder who she’s singing it to – imagined lover, bandmates, bored audiences? Whoever it is, she’s clearly pissed at them.

The whole band has approached the record with the same desire for psychological release. Brand New Eyes ends up reflecting this and sounding less like contemporary Hot Topic music and more like a “what if” scenario where Jade Tree’s late-’90s/early-’00s roster of hooky Midwest emo bands got a bigger budget. See: burbling guitar interplay on “Playing God,” Promise Ring-y leads on “Turn It Off,” fistpumping anthem “Feeling Sorry.” They’re all enormous! Hooks of such magnitude are only possible when a band is working as a unit – and whatever their relationship was as people when they went into the studio, Paramore’s relationship to each other as bandmates has never been tighter. Williams’ vocals catch a lot of the spotlight, but her performance often makes enough room for

the other band members to weave dynamically in, out, and around her melodies. Surprisingly, this is made even clearer by two of the band’s quietest songs, delicate ballad “The Only Exception” and late album what-thefuck folk lullaby “Misguided Ghosts.” Both songs showcase the band’s increasingly honed ability to draw up hooks from a variety of sources. Paramore have proven that they can keep moving forward to bigger things, and with any luck they’ll hang together long enough to do so again.

Various Artists Being Erica (Music from the Original Series) EMI

Paramore Brand New Eyes Fueled By Ramen

mason pitzelcontributor

owen nimetzcontributor

laura osickicontributor

john cameronproduction manager

If you want to review a CD for the Carillon, drop by the office (Rm. 227, Riddell Centre) and pick one up. If it’s awesome, you get a free CD; if it’s not, you can pawn it and buy a cheese bun at Henderson’s. E i t h er w a y , y o u w i n .


Sports Editor: Jordan Reid the carillon, Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

Design by Graeme Zirk

Balsillie, dream teams, Sundin’s soup commercials nathan frank, jon hamelin, peter mills, jordan reid, graeme zirk this weekʼs roundtable

A U.S. bankruptcy court officially denied billionaire Jim Balsillie’s bid to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes, ending any chance of the team ending up in Hamilton, as was his plan. Given unlimited economical resources where would you put a team and why? Nathan Frank: It’s time to put another team in Canada. Hamilton and Winnipeg appear to be the most viable markets. Corporate sponsorship and an individual or group with deep pockets are the two most important pieces to the puzzle. I wish Saskatoon was an option, but lack of corporate sponsorship is the major issue. Jon Hamelin: I would put a team anywhere in Canada. The NHL is so anti-Canada yet Canada is where the spirit of the game truly comes alive. I don’t know if I would put another franchise in Ontario, but I would likely put one in either Winnipeg or Saskatoon.

Peter Mills: Saskatoon, but this would only work if I did, in fact, have unlimited resources. The population is small but Saskatchewan’s passion for hockey is no different than any other part of Canada. There are more players in the NHL from Saskatchewan than any other province or state in North America; it only make sense that they have the opportunity to stay here. Too bad the next NHL team will be in Las Vegas, Kansas City, or Oklahoma City thanks again, Gary “The Plague” Bettman.

Jordan Reid: Obviously I would put one in Saskatchewan. There is no way we couldn’t generate more revenue than the Phoenix Coyotes. Who in Arizona even likes hockey?

Graeme Zirk: I’m disappointed. I really would have liked to have seen another Canadian team in the league, even if it was in Ontario. If I were a crazy billionaire with a hockey team, I would bring back the Jets and the Nordiques because in my opinion they never should have left. So you have a team. and money isn’t a factor. What five players and goalie do you go for?

Frank: Sidney Crosby centering Alex Ovechkin and Evgeni Malkin. Towering Zdeno Chara and Chris Pronger holding the fort on defence, and Roberto Luongo between the pipes. Combined pay for these five players – $48.25 million! Hamelin: Ovechkin, Zetterberg, Kovalchuk, Malkin, and Pronger. Goalie: Roberto Luongo.

Mills: Henrik Lundqvist, Henrik Zetterberg, Daniel Sedin, Henrik Sedin, Nickolas Lidstrom, and Niklas Kronwall. That’s right, Swedish hockey is the shit. Reid: Ovechkin, Malkin, and Crosby up front, with Nik Lidstrom and Sean Avery keeping pucks away from Luongo. Beat that.

Zirk: My ideal line up would consist of Dustin Byfuglien, Sean Avery, Ryan Getzlaf, Evgeni Malkin, Carey Price, and then with my fabulous wealth I would get Wendel Clark to come out of retirement. I need a surly old man to keep those overpaid “young’ins” in check.


Mats Sundin retired from hockey this past week. Sad to see him go? Or happy that he now has plenty of time to revive his career as a pitchman for Campbell’s Chunky Soup? Frank: I’m happy to see him go! He was a great player but I could not stand him for most of his career because he was with the Maple Leafs. He should have retired before last season – he looked very slow. He definitely shines brightest on Campbell’s Chunky soup commercials and should get back into that gig. Hamelin: Who knows if he’s gone for good. Brett Farve has retired 100 times and yet he’s still playing. Mats Sundin is meant to be a Maple Leaf, and if they don’t want him then the time was right for him to retire.

Mills: I forgot about Sundin years ago. He was a fabulous centre in his prime, but his legacy will be the same as the Toronto Maple Leafs of the past decade – a complete joke.

Reid: Not that I care that much about hockey, but I care enough to hate the Leafs and any of their representatives. Mats blows at making soup commercials, and at leading teams far in the playoffs, and while his departure might have been relevant 10 years ago, nobody gives a shit now.

Zirk: He was a good player but he is 38 years old and he has been playing in the NHL since I was four. It’s probably time to move on. I look forward to his soup commercials. Who are your early favourites for MVP, rookie of the year, Vezina trophy, and leading goal scorer?

Frank: Alex Ovechkin is the favourite to win the MVP and lead in goal scoring for the third straight season. He’s the best at what he does. Simeon Varlomov, goaltender for the Washington Capitals, is my pick for rookie of the year, and Roberto Luongo is my pick to win the Vezina trophy, for the first time in his career.

Hamelin: MVP – Ovechkin. Rookie of the Year – I’ll cop out and pick Tavares. Vezina trophy – Roberto Luongo. Leading goal scorer – Dany Heatley. Mills: MVP – Joe Thornton. Rookie of the year – John Tavares. Vezina trophy – Roberto Luongo, finally. Maurice Richard trophy – Alexander Ovechkin, obviously.

Reid: MVP will be Ovechkin for the third year in a row. Top rookie will be Tavares, or maybe Eberle. Vezina winner should be Luongo, making it a sweep for him among the voters here that care. I’ll probably give the Maurice Richard trophy to Ovechkin, again, because the guy is a straight-up freak of nature. Zirk: I really don’t give a hoot beacuse award trophy thingies mean nothing. Why do you love or hate hockey?

Frank: It’s our game! I spent my childhood always playing hockey and dreaming about scoring the game-winning goal in the Stanley Cup final. Today it is my therapy. I love cheering for my favorite teams. I still love playing it. I think the fact that the game is on ice and the movement is so unique is what makes it the best. If only I could get paid to play hockey for a living. NHL’ers have it too good.

Hamelin: I don’t have tons of time to watch lots of hockey games, but I definitely tune in sometimes during the playoffs. The NHL is so antiCanadian so it’s kind of hard to fully support a league that is this way.

Mills: I love hockey because its roots are deep in Canadian culture. However, I hate the NHL. Bettman is an arrogant ignoramous who is only interested in creating new teams in U.S. markets that I don’t give a damn about because, like Phoenix, Tampa Bay, and Nashville, they’re destined for failure. The only way the NHL could ever be interesting is if they helped develop an international system similar to the Champions League in Europe. Reid: Oh, let me count the ways. There are barely any Canadian teams in what is widely seen as a Canadian sport. Hockey players are, in my experience, generally bags of douche, and the last NHL strike is the main reason why there is so much goddamn poker on television. I pretty much stopped caring after the strike.

Zirk: I like hockey, but it’s hard to follow it when you don’t have a television and there are 15 million games a season. I hate the current state of the NHL – I can’t stand all the southern expansion teams. No one cares about hockey in Nashville or Phoenix, and there’s no reason one of those teams couldn’t function in Canada. That being said, I do like how the “new NHL” is younger and faster. It’s not as goonish as it used to be and that makes for an entertaining game.

“It really, really makes our lineup pretty potent, and one of the best in the American League.” J.P. Ricciardi, upon signing Frank Thomas in Nov. 2006. The Big Hurt experiment ended in Apr. 2008, putting a big, $8 million hurt on the Jays’ payroll.

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009


sports 11

F r id a y , Oc t . 2 , 2 0 0 9

Dismal weekend in Cougar territory

Men’s Hockey

Soccer team drops to 1-7-0

2–9 Cougars drop to 0-1-0. Cougars goal scorers: Justin Scott and Blair Stengler.

Men’s Volleyball

2–3 (25-17, 25-22, 26-28, 22-25, 15-12)

Women’s Volleyball

1–3 (23-25, 25-8, 25-23, 25-14)

Women’s Volleyball

2–3 (25-22, 18-25, 25-19, 19-25, 27-25)

Men’s Volleyball

3–2 (25-23, 27-25, 23-25, 22-25, 15-5)

S a t u r d a y, O ct . 3 , 2 0 0 9 Cross Country University of Saskatchewan Open First-year Cougar Wyatt Baiton finished first. Melissa Petersen finished 14th place.

alex fox

sports writer

After spending last weekend in Alberta the University of Regina women’s soccer team hosted No. 1ranked Trinity Western and UBC at the U of R field. Unfortunately the change in location did not alter the outcome of the games. On Oct. 4, the Cougars lost 3-0 to the top-ranked soccer team in Canada, the Trinity Western Spartans. The Cougars’ defense managed to hold their own against the Spartans for nearly the entire first half. Regina goalkeeper Michelle Anderson withstood the Spartans’ numerous attempts but in the last two minutes of the first half, Trinity Western’s Melissa Mobilio slipped one past the Cougars. The second half continued along the same route. A mad scramble enabled Spartans’ Alexi Foster to sneak another goal in on Anderson nearly nineteen minutes into the second half. Regina did not get deep

enough into their opponent’s territory to score against TWU. Their offense faltered while under pressure up the middle, with TWU taking 14 shots on goal while Regina only had five. With just over five minutes left in the game, TWU’s Daniela Gerig scored another to seal the Cougars’ fate. Cougars first-year forward Meagan Cormier has already made a name for herself as the top scorer on the Cougars. Cormier reflected on their first loss of the weekend, “I don’t think there was anything we could have done differently. I don’t think the score reflects how we played. I think it was pretty evenly matched. Stuff happens, we had our chances. We didn’t capitalize on our chances and they did.” The following day the Regina Cougars hosted the UBC Thunderbirds at on yet another chilly autumn day. Regina’s 5-0 loss to the T-birds added to their six game losing streak. Once again, the Cougars held their own for most of the first half. The Cougars improved their ball

“I think it was pretty evenly matched.” Meagan Cormier

Men’s Volleyball

Cougars defender Sarah Novak, above, plays keep away with a pesky forward

Globe Theatre

control compared to Saturday’s game, but still buckled towards the end of the half when UBC’s Rachael Sawer scored on the Cougars. UBC took control of the game with their three goals in the second half. The third goal was provided by a penalty shot from UBC’s Caitlin Davie, after a yellow card on Cougars’ Tegan Koroluk. The final goal was a header by UBC, clinching the 5-0 win. Goalkeeper Michelle Anderson’s number of saves doubled during Sunday’s game. UBC attempted 28 shots and Anderson had 10 saves compared to Saturday’s 5. With the victory UBC improved to 2-2-2, while the

Cougars dropped to 1-7-0. Cormier remains optimistic about the Cougars’ losses, saying “I think we put a lot of passion and heart into that game.” She did not let the cold weather affect her attitude while playing. “I thought it was perfect weather for playing soccer! Better than hot, for me anyway.” The Cougars now enter their bye week. They will travel to Saskatoon on Oct. 17 to face the Huskies, and the following day will travel to face the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

0– 3 (25-19, 25-23, 25-20)

Women’s Volleyball

0–3 (25-23, 25-22, 25-23)

Women’s Soccer

3–0 No. 1-ranked Trinity Western improved to 5-0-0.

Men’s Hockey

3–5 Cougars dropped to 0-2-0. Cougars goal scorers: Craig Cuthbert, Dan Bohemier, and Caine Pearpoint.

Women’s Volleyball

1–3 (20-25, 25-18, 25-23, 25-11)

Men’s Volleyball

1–3 (25-21, 25-22, 22-25, 25-21)

S u n d a y , Oc t . 4 , 2 0 0 9 Women’s Soccer

5–0 Cougars fail to score for fifth straight game, drop to 1-7-0.

Women’s Volleyball

3–1 (25-14, 25-15, 19-25, 26-24)

“SFUIt’says s goodbye unfo r t u n a t e ” to the CIS and hello to the NCAA Division II peter mills

editor in chief

Earlier this year the NCAA approved a 10-year pilot program to allow international universities to join the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II. The overwhelming majority of Canadian universities showed no interest in joining the NCAA. However, this past summer, Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Burnaby, B.C. became the first institution outside of the United States to be accepted to the NCAA. SFU's decision to join the NCAA didn't come as a surprise considering their several decade long history in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). SFU currently has 19 teams competing in the NAIA and CIS. Initially SFU was to play two more seasons in the Canada West – one of four conferences in the CIS – before joining the NCAA for the 2011-12 season. However, after being put on probation by the Canada West in September, SFU worried that the Canada West was going to kick them out following the 2009-10 campaign. SFU athletic director Dr. David Murphy told the Vancouver Sun that he didn't believe his university had "done anything to warrant being placed on probation." University of Regina athletic director Dick White disagreed while explaining the implications of the probation decision. "We felt it entirely inappropriate for SFU to have any impact on the future of Canada West," said White. "Fundamentally [probation] doesn't allow any of their people to hold an office in Canada West, and it doesn't allow them any vote at our AGM. It still allows their teams to participate fully, win champi-

SFUʼs womenʼs basketball team will have to start a new legacy in the NCAA Division II

onships, be all stars." In order to ensure their athletes have a league to play in next season, SFU reached out to the NCAA and were granted entry a year early. White, who was the president of the CIS from 2005 to 2009, said that if SFU does in fact join the NCAA Division II next season "[Canada West] could resolve what was really going to be a sticky issue." However, he also explained "[SFU] haven't officially withdrawn from us ... they haven't communicated formally with us at all." From the very beginning SFU acted without any form of consultation with the Canada West, making things incredibly difficult. White said, "They probably don't feel they really need to. All along we would have preferred ... to have the opportunity to work back and forth with how the transition looked like, what's our public strategy going to be. We would have preferred that but it hasn't gone that way for whatever reason. It's unfortunate." SFU has constantly praised the NCAA for its’ world-class level of competition. But, White explained that NCAA Division II is not as prestigious as Division I. "Even though it’s quite convenient to say NCAA, Division II and III are dramatically

different from Division I. And, quite frankly ... Division II and III are not that different, from what I hear ... from CIS.” White also explained “There are CIS schools that beat Division I schools." White did acknowledge that the NCAA "have a few enhanced scholarship opportunities and those kind of things.” Despite Murphy's explanation to the Vancouver Sun that SFU's experience in the CIS was "wonderful", White said their constant public praise of the “superior” NCAA has brought unnecessary negatively toward the CIS. “My preference, and I think members of the conference agree ... if [the NCAA] is were you want to be that's your universities' autonomous privilege, but then get out of our league. We're not hear just to be your whipping boy, to be here for your convenience ... don't be

negative about our league, because we think the CIS does many good things." In the wake of such negative attention many have argued that SFU’s departure has hurt the image of the CIS. White explained "SFU not horribly ... the contemplation of UBC, or if UBC were to go would be more hurtful than SFU. I say that only because SFU had a long history in the U.S. ... we weren't over shocked by their decision to go back ... we can manage this one just fine.” When asked whether he thought any other universities might follow suit – typical examples include the University of Toronto, UBC, and McGill – White responded firmly "No I don't." So what lies ahead for the Canada West? "Hopefully this is coming to some sort of an end in the next little while and [Canada West] can get on with our business,” said White. “We’ve got to make next year's schedule [and] we can't do that until we know who's in and who's out. We need to look at our league and our competitive structure ... there's more important things to do than worry about [SFU] but this is in the way of us moving forward." Turn to page 15 of this issue for a debate on SFU’s withdrawl from CIS featuring the editors of the Gauntlet (University of Calgary), the Peak (Simon Fraser University), and the Carillon.

“There's more important things to do than

worry about [SFU] but this is in the way of us moving forward.” Dick White U of R athletic director

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

12 sports

09/10 NH Central 1. Chicago Blackhawks

Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, and cast proved just how quick a group of young players can develop. After losing in the Western final in their first crack at post-season play, the sky is the limit this season. 2. Detroit Red Wings

The perennial top-tier team. Even with the loss of key players this offseason, it is difficult to bet against the Red Wings. Year in and year out they consistently bring in new talent to fill their holes. 3. St. Louis Blues

If you thought the St. Louis Blues were going to make the playoffs last season, put up your hand. No one thought they would be in the dance last year, but they surprised us all. The same squad is back to compete this year, and the Blues will likely be back in the playoffs this season. 4. Columbus Blue Jackets

The Jackets have finally come along, though it took them long enough. The task at hand for the Blue Jackets now is to continue to improve and build around their stars. The big question mark this season has to be Mason. Will he go through the sophomore slump? Will it ruin the team’s playoff aspirations? 5. Nashville Predators

The Predators have had trouble putting it all together the past number of seasons. It seems injuries and contract disputes have pushed this bubble team out of the playoffs each season, and their average roster will likely finish outside of the playoffs once again.

Northwest Pacific 1. Vancouver Canucks

1. San Jose Sharks

This summer was the summer of big contract signings for the Canucks. Vancouver signed franchise player Roberto Luongo for 12 years. The consistently productive Sedin twins were also signed to long-term deals. The Canucks look very similar to last season, except even stronger, and appear to have all the pieces in place to challenge in the West.

After once again falling short in the playoffs, the Sharks brass promised they would make changes to the core of this team to become an actual threat come playoff time. The Sharks did make a major move by picking up Dany Heatley. Heatley will be completely lethal with Joe Thornton for 82 games, and the Sharks will dominate the regular season once again.

The signing of Jay Boumeester this summer strengthens an already big-name defence in Calgary. The question for Calgary is whether or not they will get the secondary scoring needed to compete with the top teams in the West.

Despite the loss of Chris Pronger this offseason, the Ducks still look strong, led by Regina’s own Ryan Getzlaf, who has become one of the top five forwards in the NHL. Expect Anaheim to be a dark horse favourite in the West.

2. Calgary Flames

3. Edmonton Oilers

2. Anaheim Ducks

3. Los Angeles Kings

The Oilers are in desperate need of tweaking, though with the correct tweaks they will go from a disorganized group of youngsters and underachievers who will miss the playoffs to a top five team in the West. There is that fine of a line in Edmonton.

This team is headed in the right direction, that is for sure, and soon this will be one of the most stacked teams in all the land. Will this be the year that this group of young stars comes together and competes for a playoff spot? Could be.

This club is far from wild. They have played boring hockey for years, but although they were boring they were successful. This off-season, however, they lost their franchise player, coach, and general manager. With new, inexperienced management and coaching it is fair to expect the Wild to struggle this year as everyone gets comfortable.

The Stars look to rebound after a season full of turmoil last year. Everything that could have gone wrong for the Stars did. A healthy Brendan Morrow will make a big difference for the Stars this season and should make them much more competitive.

4. Minnesota Wild

5. Colorado Avalanche

The Avalanche are in the heart of a rebuilding process. This season Colorado has many holes and will finish near the bottom of the West. It will be interesting to see how Craig Anderson performs this season. He played well last year, but how will he play as the starter in Colorado?

4. Dallas Stars

5. Phoenix Coyotes

It is difficult to expect much from the Coyotes after the turmoil off the ice this summer. I would hazard that a lack of vision, guidance, and stability for the franchise will have to hurt this young group. Expect the Coyotes to be near the bottom of the West this season.

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

sports 13

L preview “Expect Anaheim to be a dark horse favourite.”

Atlantic 1. Philadelphia Flyers

Northeast Southeast 1. Boston Bruins

You’ve got to be excited The Bruins became top about this year’s Broad dogs in the East last Street Bullies. They are year before bowing out going to be just that, bulin the second round. lies, and it is exciting. Despite the loss of Phil Adding Chris Pronger Kessel this summer, the gives the Flyers a towering, imposing, Bruins still look to be puck-moving defence. The question mark, contenders in the East once again. though, is Ray Emery. He will need to be solid for Philly to challenge for the Stanley 2. Ottawa Senators Cup. Finally the Senators can 2. Pittsburgh Penguins turn the page away from the Dany Heatley drama. The Penguins made With the trade of important moves midJonathan Cheechoo and season last year, picking Milan Michalek for the up Regina-native Chris Heatley Ottawa has solidified their top six Kunitz and Bill Guerin, forwards. That is given that Cheechoo has as well as making an a turnaround season. It is all on paper in important coaching change. The Dan Ottawa, but many players need to step up Bylsma-led group never looked back, win- for the Sens to be a playoff team. ning the Cup. Apparently you cannot count out a group built around two of the 3. Montreal Canadiens top three stars in the game. Expect the Penguins to be contenders again. The name of the game in Montreal is turnover. 3. New Jersey Devils With Gomez setting up former teammate and How do the Devils win one-time 48-goal-scorer every year? It puzzled Brian Gionta, as well as me last year that they sniper Mike Camalleri, I expect Montreal finished as a high seed in to have a far more potent trio than the comthe East. As I looked at bination they had last season. the roster before last season it looked like a farm club with a Hall of 4. Buffalo Sabres Fame goaltender and a handful of wily vets. My thought is that great coaching and The Sabres are an exammanagement of a “team” made the differ- ple of the fine line ence for last year’s Devils. It will make the between mediocrity and difference again. contention in the capsystem NHL. The Sabres 4. New York Rangers have not been able to get over the hump and back I am not sure how Glen into the playoffs since the loss of Daniel Sather still has a job. His Briere and Chris Drury, and this season signing of big-name they will miss the playoffs again. players to big contracts has just made him look 5. Toronto Maple Leafs silly. Look at the big picture. Take some advice from Ken Holland Brian Burke toughened or Lou Lamourelo. The Rangers appear to up his team this off-seahave many holes in the roster this season son, bringing in big boys and will likely be on the outside looking in Colton Orr, Francois come April. Beuchemin, and Mike Komisarek. The most 5. New York Islanders important acquisition of the off-season was the trade for Phil Kessel. Another example of a He gives the Leafs the goal-scorer they desteam stock full of young- perately needed, but even with this addisters and stock full of tion the Leafs are still a couple good playholes. ers away from being a playoff team.

1. Washington Capitals

Alex Ovechkin and company took another step forward last season, but it all came crashing down in the second round, when the exciting Caps were out-played by a stronger Pittsburgh team. Entering this season it is clear that the Caps need to become a more responsible team. They do this and they are a favourite in the East. 2. Carolina Hurricanes

It’s the same old, same old in Carolina. Health has been the difference between success and failure in Raleigh. The ’Canes will be competitive again this year but don’t expect a repeat Eastern final finish for Carolina. 3. Florida Panthers

A well-coached Panthers team made a run at the playoffs last season, missing out in the final days of the season. With the loss of their franchise player, Jay Boumeester, the Panthers will miss the playoffs as usual. 4. Tampa Bay Lightning

This off-season the Lightning replaced Vinny Prospal, who had an off year, with journeyman Alex Tanguay. The Bolts bolstered the defence with signings of Mattias Ohlund and Matt Walker, and also drafted Victor Hedman. These moves put the Lightning on the right path, however they are still too thin on the back end and in net. They are a borderline team. If everything falls into place they are in the playoffs. 5. Atlanta Thrashers

Atlanta is not known for being a strong sports city, nor are the Thrashers known for winning many games. This season is a crossroads season for the Thrashers. If the Thrashers struggle. star player Ilya Kovalchuk is expected to leave, which would spell disaster for the ATL. nathan frank contributor

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

14 advertisement

Friday, Oct. 9

vs Simon Fraser University Clan 7 p.m. Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field

Friday, Oct. 30

vs University of Saskatchewan Huskies 7 p.m. Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field

Tickets are available on game days at the Mosaic Stadium Adult Ticket - $17.50 Each adult may bring 4 children age 12 and under to the game free of charge. Student Ticket – Free with valid U of R student card Child Ticket - $2.00







5 $1










the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

sports 15

SFU debate

Writers from Saskatchewan, Alberta, and B.C. debate SFU’s departure from CIS peter mills, jon roe, matt lee

1) Is Simon Fraser University’s move to NCAA Division II good or bad for SFU?

Peter Mills, The Carillon (University of Regina): I don't think it’s necessarily either. Sure, SFU will now be more attractive to North American student-athletes in terms of being the only Canadian university that competes in the NCAA. It is also a positive for SFU athletes because they’ll be eligible for more scholarships. However, let’s not be fooled – Division II is not anywhere near as high of quality athletics as Division I. The CIS provides an equal, if not better level of competition to that of Division II. I can’t see rivalry games – such as the Shrum Bowl against UBC - against Northwest Nazarene University being very popular, nor exciting. Also, ask fourth-year basketball player Lisa Tindle – who attended SFU expecting to play five years – if its a good move or not. Note: NCAA Division II only allows four years of eligibility. Jon Roe, The Gauntlet (University of Calgary): In the long run it’s probably a good thing. In the short term maybe not so much. Long-term, they’ll have an edge in recruiting because they’ll be the only school that will offer NCAA competition with a Canadian education. Right now, there’s likely a few hurdles they’ll face adapting and for some sports NCAA Division II is a drop down from the CIS. If I was an athlete in something like volleyball or basketball, I probably wouldn’t be too happy.

Matt Lee, The Peak (SFU): The move was definitely good for the majority of the sports teams, as now SFU can lay claim to the fact they’ll be able to offer a Canadian education and have their athletes play against the best American competition in the world. However, some teams already play NCAA Division I and II schools in athletics and were not happy about leaving the CIS.

2) Is SFU’s move to NCAA Division II good or bad for the Canada West? CIS?

Will SFUʼs football team benefit from competing in the NCAA?

The Carillon (U of R): The CIS and Canada West will only suffer in terms of negative public opinion resulting from SFU’s anti-CIS sentiments. The Canada West will be perfectly fine following the departure of one member university, regardless of their size and competitive abilties. In the case of SFU, the Clan only competed in three CIS sports (football, basketball, and volleyball) and until last season, SFU’s football team was the laughing stock of the Canada West. With several new members on the horizon, the Canada West and CIS will prevail. SFU may represent Canada in the NCAA simply because they’re the only Canadian member, but rest assured, the CIS, and not SFU, represents the true identity of Canadian athletics. The Gauntlet (U of C): The move is bad for Canada West and CIS, at least the optics of it are. But if they can hold the fort and keep, say, UBC from jumping ship, then it likely won’t mean anything in the long run. Simon Fraser wasn’t a charter school, though they had a football team. They were always an outsider and had an eye on American competition.

The Peak (SFU): The move was very bad for the Canada West and CIS, and SFU’s athletic director has felt the heat in return. Perhaps once one Canadian institution leaves, the CIS

feels other schools will follow suit.

3) Which SFU team will benefit the most?

The Carillon (U of R): It is definitely true that SFU’s football will attract more American, and possibly Canadian, football players. However, it’s not going to be easy for SFU’s football team and coaches to make a quick transition to American football. Personally, I think women’s basketball will benefit the most, despite (reluctantly) leaving behind a dominant CIS legacy. If any SFU team has a chance of winning a Division II national championship, or even making the jump to Division I, it’s the women’s basketball team. The Gauntlet (U of C): I’m not really sure. Recruiting wise, maybe football. Especially for Canadian players with an eye on the NFL, if they can play with American rules, the better.

The Peak (SFU): The team that will benefit the most with the move is likely the football team. Despite playing tough competition, they’ll have a much better chance of recruiting some of the best football players in all of Canada as opposed to just B.C. Some other sports teams will see a small boost in the quality of recruiting.

4) Which SFU team will benefit the least?

The Carillon (U of R): I would argue that the men’s basketball will benefit the least. B.C. athletes who wish to go to school in Canada, want to play for a national championship contender, and hope to play for as long as possible will likely elect to go to UBC rather than SFU. Furthermore, athletes hoping to potentially make the NBA, such as Vancouver ’s Robert Sacre, will surely choose NCAA Division I schools such as Gonzaga, Washington, or Oregon long before they consider SFU.

The Gauntlet (U of C): I think most teams lose a bit from this. Travelwise, competition becomes a bit more difficult, though Canada West is fairly stretched as well. I don’t think they'll play as good of basketball or volleyball teams in Division II then they faced in Canada West. I’m not really sure about soccer, either.

The Peak (SFU): The women’s basketball team, which won three CIS National titles in the last eight years, will likely be hurt the most. In addition to leaving a conference they have been championship contenders in for the last 10 years, they have also lost a year of eligibility for some of their best players this season. Laurelle Weigl, who also represents Team Canada, is headed into her

third and last year of eligibility, as opposed to having a fourth year. 5) If you were in charge of SFU athletics would you stay in the CIS or move to NCAA Division II?

The Carillon (U of R): This is incredibly difficult to answer simply because of SFU’s history of playing university athletics in the U.S. Personally, I believe the CIS is better than NCAA Division II overall. Being in the NCAA may look good on a resume, but I would never become an ex-pat university for anything less than Division I.

The Gauntlet (U of C): I think the Division II move makes sense from SFU’s perspective. There’s a lot of benefit from being the only school that can offer this. They have a history of competing in American leagues, so this isn’t new. Though I think I’d have to honestly believe that there was a very realistic possibility of our teams moving up to Division I within 10 years, which I’m not so sure about.

The Peak (SFU): I think the move as a whole benefited the school, as scholarships will result in an influx of quality athletes to SFU. While some teams are clearly not thrilled with the move, in the long-term, the move to the NCAA Division II will benefit most, if not all sports clubs.

“SFU may represent Canada

in the NCAA simply because they’re the only Canadian member, but r es t as su red , the CI S, and not SFU, re pre sen t s t he t ru e id ent i t y of C a n a d i a n a t h l e t i c s”

Peter Mills

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

16 sports

Riders in first place funk

Good week, bad week

Saskatchewan can’t keep pace in race for first jon hamelin

... had a good week.


The Saskatchewan Roughriders’ week 14, 19-16 loss to the B.C. Lions proved one thing – they are not destined for first place in the West. With a win, the Riders would have put themselves six points up on the B.C. Lions, four points up on the Edmonton Eskimos, and remained tied with the Calgary Stampeders for first. But alas, the Riders can only sit back and contemplate how they lost yet another crucial game against a team with a losing record. Of course, falling short in big games is nothing new for anyone who has been avidly following the Roughriders this season. Taking a trip down memory lane, we arrive at week four of the season. The 2-1 Riders welcomed the 1-2 Eskimos into town. With a win, the Riders would have jumped four points ahead of the Eskimos, putting them in an early hole. A 220 blown lead later and the Riders found themselves upset by the visiting Eskimos. Two weeks later, the Riders lost on the road to a Lions team that was 1-5, missing an opportunity to bury the Lions in the Western Division basement. But the disappointments did not end there. In week 12, facing the Eskimos at home, the Roughriders gave up a late touchdown to Maurice Mann to lose the game. The Riders’ conservative approach

Pele/Rio de Janeiro

Brazilian football legend Pele, a three-time World Cup winner, was in tears after Rio de Janeiro was awarded the 2016 Olympic Games – the first ever in South America. Pele, who is arguably the world’s most prominent athlete, helped secure Brazil’s bid for the 2016 Olympics and even criticized NBA Hall of Famer Michael Jordan for not doing the same for Chicago’s bid. Simply having the games in Brazil will catapult soccer to the magnitude of hockey at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics as the “must-see” event of the Games. This is enhanced by the fact that the 2016 Olympics in Rio will occur only two years after Brazil hosts the World Cup in 2014. Also, Brazil’s victory will give Pele another reason to publicly gloat in light of Maradona.

Minnesota Twins

Cates struggles against an awful B.C. rush defence

while they were winning led to their downfall. That brings us to the B.C. loss. The Riders defence did everything it could, crushing Buck Pierece with regularity, yet the offence couldn’t produce against one of the worst defences in the league. It was disappointing to see them come up short in such a huge game. Ironically enough, head coach Ken Miller passed on a few long field goal attempts in the game that could have led to a Riders win. In a season where every Western team has been mediocre,

the Riders have failed to step up and claim first place for themselves. They have had the chances, and there is no doubt they are talented enough, yet this Saskatchewan Roughriders team doesn’t appear to be ready to take the next step to glory. The Riders will now prepare for a week 15 showdown at home against the Toronto Argonauts. The game will undoubtedly be a makeup game for the Riders after their crucial loss against the Lions. Hey, at least they have proved apt at winning those games.

J.P. Ricciardi finally fired

One month ago, the Minnesota Twins were one game above .500, six games behind the American League Central leading Detroit Tigers, and out of a playoff spot. However, after going 17-4 to finish the 2009 MLB regular season, including a 6-5, 12 inning victory in a one-game playoff against the Tigers, the Twins (86-76) captured the American League Central title. Michael Cuddyer has stepped up admirably in place of all-star Justin Morneau. Since taking over for Morneau, Cuddyer has batted .333 with eight home runs and 24 RBIs in 20 games at first base. The Twins’ spectacular play has also led to financial success. In the past four games alone, the Twins have brought in over 180,000 fans.

Alex Rodriguez

New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez hit a three-run homer and a grand slam in New York’s 10-run seventh inning against the Tampa Bay Rays in the regular-season finale. The Yankees went on to win 10-2. Rodriguez became the first player to have seven RBIs in a single inning, which is second behind only Fernando Tatis – who had an MLB record eight RBIs in a single inning. The two home runs gave Rodriguez 30 on the season and 100 RBIs. Despite missing 28 games due to hip surgery, A-Rod recorded 30 homers and 100 RBIs for the 13th time in his career – 12th in a row – giving him a new MLB record. Look for A-Rod to be on the “… had a bad week” list as soon as the playoffs begin.

Oct. 3, Canada’s new independence day

... had a bad week.


J.P. Riccardi

enyinnah okere

Blue Jays fans breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the news that Toronto Blue Jays general manager J.P. Ricciardi had been fired after eight years of playoff-free baseball. In Ricciardi’s eight seasons as GM, the Jays finished behind the Yankees and Red Sox in every season but one. Toronto was also one of just eight teams to have failed to make the post-season since 2000. During his tenure. Ricciardi went through four different managers, and endless over-paid, overrated, and over-thehill players. When Ricciardi joined the Blue Jays he preached the importance of building the farm system – which he did – and resisting the urge to sign high-priced free agents – which he could not resist.

J.P. Ricciardi, general manager for the Toronto Blue Jays, was fired last week, after eight years of terrible signings and not even a sniff of the playoffs. Here are some of his worst moves.

Alex Rios (who left with no compensation)

Ricciardi granted Rios a seven-year, $69.8 million contract extension, an amazing amount for a corner outfielder who has never hit over 25 home runs in his career. Rios used to be a great outfielder, but even that has slipped. For the next six years Rios will average about $1 million for every two home runs he bangs.

Darian Durant

The Saskatchewan Roughriders quarterback is once again under incredible scrutiny. Despite rallying his team with a touchdown pass and two-point conversion with just over two minutes left against the B.C. Lions, Durant struggled for nearly the entire game. Durant threw two intercep- tions, missed wide-open receivers, rushed for only 12 yards against an awful rush defence, and “led” his offence to only eight points in slightly less than 58 minutes. Following the game Durant reassured Rider fans telling Newstalk Radio that the Riders were “right were they wanted to be.” He is currently leading the CFL with 22 turnovers.

BJ Ryan

The one-year wonder for the Orioles. What did he get for one year? Five years, $47 million from J.P. It didn’t matter that he had an extensive history of injuries. What has happened to our 30-year-old closer of the future? He was cut, with $15 million that Toronto had to pay on his contract.

Frank Thomas

Two years, $18.12 million. J.P. knew Toronto needed a big bat to compete in the AL East, so he hopped into his time machine and jumped to 1996 to sign the Big Hurt. We know how this played out. Thomas played one year for the Jays, bangin’ 26 dingers and a respectable 96 RBIs. The next year he was cut with $8 million for the Blue Jays to eat.

Vernon Fucking Wells

The worst contract in sports! Makes the Barry Zito signing look genius.

Andrei Markov

You knocked us on our asses too, Vernon.

Wells has a full no-trade clause in his contract, and in the next five years he averages $22 million a season. Before signing that contract, Wells had career highs of 33 home runs and 117 RBIs. Since signing that monster $126 million over seven year contract? His 2007 stats – 16 home runs and 80 RBIs. 2008 – 20 and 78. 2009 – 15, 66. This year, Vernon Wells averaged well over $1 million a home run, not to mention that he has become one of the worst

outfielders in baseball. Vernon Wells is absolutely untradeable, so thank you, J.P.


This prick also lied to us about the extent of the BJ Ryan injury, picked a senseless fight with Adam Dunn, and was generally a smarmy bitch. Good riddance!

The Montreal Canadiens all-star defenseman Andrei Markov will be forced to miss the next four months due to serious ankle injury. The veteran blue-liner left the Habs’ first game of the season after he lacerated a tendon in his ankle. Markov was arguably Montreal’s best player. In 2008-09, Markov enjoyed a career-year, posting 64 points. This season, Markov was expected to be the on-ice leader in Montreal as they have recently hired a new head coach, several new players, and still haven’t selected a captain. Worse for the Canadiens is the fact that Markov, arguably one of the NHL’s best all-around defenceman, has been replaced with the aging Roman Hamrlik.

peter millseditor in chief

graphic s

Interested i n contri buting v isual el ements to the Caril lon? Sen d an e -mai l to gr aeme _zi rk@ ho t mail .com .

Graphics Editor: Graeme Zirk the carillon, Oct. 8 - 21, 2009


CIS: they bring you the games

Features Editor: Alex Colgan the carillon, Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

The evolution of university sports and the need for fan turnout alex colgan

features editor

As students, we often take sports events for granted. Someone organizes them, the fans and athletes show up, and then we talk about it over a beer. Of course, it’s not that simple; without the power and dedication of a conference organization to coordinate with universities, bring us these games, and send our teams to nationals, we wouldn’t have much to cheer for. Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) is Canada’s central governing body for university sports. Founded in 1961 as the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union (CIAU), the

organization has come a long way in almost half a century. Although the CIAU was initially founded as a way of centralizing an evolving system of Canadian interuniversity athletic programs — so that rules could be standardized, and discussion on common issues and coordinated national and international events could take place — collective promotions and marketing became more prominent as the CIAU expanded its mandate and received increasing federal support. In June 2001, the CIAU changed its name and logo to CIS, as today “athletics” typically conveys “track and field,” while “union” refers to labour organizations. The new name is wider and more inclusive, to reflect the changing mis-

sion and function of the organization. CIS has four regional associations or conferences. The University of Regina is a member of the Canada West University Athletic Association (CWUAA), which coordinates all of the interuniversity sports events from Winnipeg to Victoria. The other three conferences are Ontario University Athletics (OAU), Quebec Student Sports Federation (QSSF), and Atlantic University Sport (AUS). Every year, universities representing each conference compete nationally, in a wide variety of sports, including basketball, hockey, football, soccer, and rugby. In today’s issue, we explore the relationship between the U of R and the CIS, and talk to people in the athletic community about the state of

sports in this little university of ours. We consider the bigger questions: the progress of brands and marketing, TV deals, the need for competitions where our athletes can shine, and student pride despite student apathy. Plus, how can the CIS and its events escape from under the shadow of the NCAA, which has a great deal more media coverage? Besides these questions, we also have a couple of answers: student athletics need fan support, and sports events are a lot of fun. Even if you don’t particularly like sports, and have no idea how points are awarded in rugby, you really don’t have to! You just have to show up: meet new people, cheer for your fellow students, and have a great time.

Fan support running strong jennifer squires news writer

With last year’s student union voter turnout at a record-breaking 25 per cent, we can see that while student apathy is decreasing, in many ways it’s still going strong. How does apathy affect our University of Regina Cougars and Rams? Surprisingly, the fan turnout at our games remains strong. Despite the occasional hiccup from the weather, fan numbers are good, says Dick White, Director of Cougar Athletics for the university. “I’m not displeased,” he says. Besides fan support, financial support is also a key element in any athletics program, and the university has not failed to deliver. White explains that the university “has traditionally been in the top three universities in terms of money awarded in athletic scholarships.” This may seem like a lot of money, but when you put it into perspective, you realize just how much this money is needed. “Our athletes can’t work. They’re almost always at practice, at games, and as such, generally they cannot hold a job during the semester they are competing.” Our athletes practice and perform to represent the university, and they deserve support. So why not support our athletes by showing up to watch a game or two? Cougars and Rams games are free for students when you show your student card. A portion of your student fees goes to fund the athletics here anyway, so you may as well take advantage of what you’re helping to fund. One of the biggest concerns facing fans and the athletic department is location. While we have a football field, it is not equipped with facilities and stands for fans, which is why the Rams play at Mosaic Stadium. But White hopes for funding for a quality stadium here on campus, so fans don’t have to go too far. If we had a stadium on campus, White says, “people could go to the game and go for a drink at the Owl after.” Not to mention that students living in residence wouldn’t have to go too far from home, and students that live off-campus could catch a game after class. The Rams are allowed to charge for admittance into their games because they are not funded by the university, but are instead exclusively funded from outside sources, like corporate sponsorship.

Cougars and Rams games are free for students because a portion of our student fees goes to fund athletics. You may as well take advantage of that and see a game! What’s the best thing about our athletic teams? How about that they are almost entirely made up of students from Regina and its surrounding area? That means that the university is recognizing and keeping local talent where it was fostered. Our teams also have a writer at the Leader-Post that writes exclusively about our athletes and their triumphs. So next time you’re in the Centre for Health and Kinesiology, pick up a Rams or Cougars schedule, and get out and support the athletes representing your school.

Team support isn’t a chore

alex fox

sports writer

As university students, we inevitably accept a certain amount of responsibility. To get the degree, you pass the class. To pass the class, you go to the finals. To make friends, you make the effort to talk with perfect strangers. It’s always a compromise: a matter of give and take. Perhaps that’s why so many students decide not to support the Cougars or Rams as much as they might. With so much responsibility come Friday night most students have roughly three things on their mind: the library, alcohol, and socializing (although not necessarily in that order). It’s hard, after a long week, to scrape together a couple bucks to support our athletes as they compete against other schools in sports you may not necessarily understand. Nevertheless, consider these reasons for why you might actually choose to accept yet another responsibility:

1. It’s free. Admission is usually free when you present your student ID. 2. There are ways to incorporate alcohol into these sporting events. Alcohol is usually served at some of them, or at a nearby location.

3. You can socialize. Win their hearts with your sports savvy and U of R pride.

Marc Mueller, starting quarterback for the Rams, says that Rams fans are important to the team: “We love our fans. I think we’re probably second in the CanWest league only to the University of Saskatchewan, but they don’t have the Riders to compete with. “I think the Ram-a-Rama thing has really helped ... everyone has really enjoyed that,” Mueller says, referring to the university’s new promotion to boost fans. A Ram-a-Rama ticket enables a student to attend all four home games, via bus ride from the Owl to the game and back. The student also receives a beer, a burger, and

Photo by Jarret Crowe

access to pre- and post- game festivities. Jamal Williams, a fifth-year, record-setting men’s-basketball player, also feels that fan support is crucial. “Going to other universities and experiencing a more rowdy crowd ... it’s definitely tough to play games like that, when you have the crowd on the other team’s back.” Williams argues that not only are you boosting your social life and sports savvy, but your presence boosts the team’s intimidation factor and contributes to morale. “I think when those teams come here they don’t experience that as much, [and] it’s easier for them.” Supporting the university you attend, whether it be in sports, arts, or anything else, should never be a burden. It should be something you’re proud to do. You only have so many years here, and should always make the most of it. Give it a shot, and you’ll realize that there’s nothing better than getting with friends, sharing some laughs, watching some local talent and, as Williams says, “just gettin’ rowdy!”

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

a&c 15

CIS turnout, coverage overshadowed by NCAA peter mills

editor in chief

Athletics are a critical institution for all North American universities. Year after year, they provide educational opportunities to countless individuals who would have never aspired to receive a post-secondary degree, often for financial or intellectual reasons. However, they are also about business, marketing, and consumerism. For the CIS, it’s not easy to attract consumers when the NCAA – the international powerhouse of university athletics – is in such close proximity. Furthermore, there are many things the CIS must consider and improve on if they hope to attract more support for their brand.

Media. If there is one thing that sports fans cannot get enough of, it’s information via the media. Representation through the media is likely the easiest way to differentiate between the CIS and NCAA. The media coverage of the NCAA is incredibly wide-spread, whereas the most consistent media coverage for the CIS comes from yours truly and others just like me across the country. Despite the pride I have for student newspapers, I hardly view it as adequate when compared to ESPN’s coverage of the NCAA. Even without prior knowledge of the circus that is the NCAA sports coverage, one can see that the Canadian sports networks have abandoned CIS coverage. In Saskatchewan, Shaw Communications Inc. may broadcast a couple home games the entire season, but those who care enough to watch it on T.V. will likely go to the game. In recent years, The Score has significantly increased its efforts to improve coverage of CIS basketball and football. However, it is unusual to see basketball games before the post-season and the only football coverage is in Eastern Canada – which is hardly adequate, considering teams from the Canada West are perennial Vanier Cup finalists. The NCAA’s main advantage is that such massive media output allows both the league and the individual universities to collect a significant source of income. ABC, CBS, ESPN, Sports Illustrated and endless local networks currently cover major NCAA sports and preview specials are unavoidable on any given Saturday.

Fanaticism. Have you ever seen an NCAA basketball game? They’re rude, crude and always passionate. They may discourage lewd behaviour, but their fanatic reputation is only helping attract more fans. All comparisons aside, attendance at CIS events is usually pathetic. With the possible exception of the Laval Rouge et Or football team, university sports in Canada are not sufficiently supported. Cities with million-plus populations, such as Toronto and Vancouver, should be ashamed to seat less than 2000 spectators at the majority of their football games. Similarly, the University of Saskatchewan – perennial Vanier Cup contenders in a province that bleeds football – should average more than a mere 4000 spectators per game. For the CIS, the most adverse effect of inadequate fan support is insignificant ticket revenue.

While media coverage of the NCAA is incredibly widespread, Canadian sports networks have abandoned CIS coverage. Residential Experience. The entire residential experience in NCAA Div I universities is superior. For fans of the NCAA, sporting events – particularly basketball and football games – are the perfect opportunity to experience several facets of extracurricular student life. Fans make Mecca-type pilgrimages to opposing stadiums as an opportunity to meet new people, party and, most importantly, they serve as a unifying experience to one’s alma mater that may potential last a lifetime. NCAA alumni seem to have a deeper personal connection to their alma mater, and this attachment creates a lifetime consumer of that school’s brand. By comparison, CIS culture is sporadic; there is not the same grassroots movement or sense of community. CIS fans do not undertake large pilgrimages or develop the same connections; solidarity, unfortunately, begins and ends with the games themselves, if it exists at all.

CIS consolidates its brand to strengthen fan base alex colgan

features editor

When it comes to brands, it’s all about recognition. A solid brand will be simple but memorable. Who doesn’t recognize Canada’s iconic maple leaf, or the casual swoops of the CocaCola logo? Every organization must carefully consider its face to the world, as the right logo can work magic. Ever since the CIAU changed its name to CIS, the organization and its four conferences have been trying to establish their brand and logo. Compared to other regions, our progress here in the west has been slow, but steady. Unlike Canada West, the Atlantic and Ontario divisions have paid support staff specifically dedicated to marketing, and have managed to take advantage of opportunities that have not been fully explored in the west. However, the Canada West conference recently hired a VicePresident in charge of marketing, Dick White, who is also the University of Regina’s Cougar athletics director. According to White, Canada West faces a number of challenges in promoting games. The division spans over 1900 kilometres, from Winnipeg to Victoria, so the division’s 14 universities are largely autonomous. Also, as White points out, the western provinces already have professional sports teams that are easily accessible and very popular: “It’s hard to compete for sports entertainment dollars with the Roughriders.” With geography and competition in mind, the main issue becomes establishing brand recognition. CIS is still in a process of rebranding, as the logo from 2001 has since been refreshed and sim-

Above: Sparsely filled seats at a Rams game (photo by Jarrett Crowe) Below: Crowds packed into stadium at NCAA game (photo courtesy Florida Athletics)

plified: the letters “CIS” over a swooping ribbon of colour with a maple leaf at one end. White says that this will go much farther in establishing recognition than the old logo, which was a “U” with a maple leaf next to it. He points out that major professional leagues (eg. CFL, NHL) use full acronyms in their logos, and for a good reason: people remember it.

“It’s hard to compete for

sports entertainment dollars with the Roughriders.” Dick White VP-Marketing, Canada West

With this rebranding effort comes the issue of promotion and coordination. White is establishing brand recognition through exposure: banners in gymnasiums, and logos on helmets, uniforms, signboards, and athletics department websites. According to Sandy Slavin, President of the Canada West association, CIS has been working in recent years to increase coordination with individual universities to garner enthusiasm for events. As football continues to be the West’s “most popular interuniversity sport,” CIS is increasing its fan base across the country by focusing on the logistical challenges of events hosting, and developing contracts for TV coverage of the national championships. Shaw TV in the West has CIS events coverage, although Shaw remains unavailable in Regina.

The marketing strategy for the Canada West association is long-term: while White admits that he’s not “the branding police,” he is work-

ing hard to make logos consistent and visible across four provinces, in the hope that this will boost event attendance.

op-ed Polanski Must Pay

Roman Polanski has had a hard life. His mother was killed in a Nazi concentration camp, and his pregnant wife was butchered by a gang of lunatics. However, plenty of people with lives just as tragic have gone to jail for a lot less than drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl. If having a hard life entitled people to a “get out of jail free” card, Conrad Black and Bernie Madoff would be the only people on Earth still in prison. Unfortunately for Polanski, he finally slithered out of France into a country where rape isn’t excusable on account of your tally of Academy Awards. If an Oscar pardons rape, are we far from the day when winning an MTV award covers shooting Kanye West when he crashes the stage during your acceptance speech? Is a Gemini award going to be a license to knock over a liquor store? Of course this sort of thing would be ridiculous and Polanski’s case is no different. The film industry’s show of support for Polanski is outrageous. The fact that Hollywood can support giving a pedophile a free pass while patting themselves on the back for adopting cute little orphans is hypo-

Op-Ed Editor: Barbara Woolsey the carillon, Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

“It’s Chinatown”

critical. All the people bleating that Polanski is somehow a victim of a miscarriage of justice need to find a better martyr. People serving outrageous sentences for minor drug offences or third strike shoplifting convictions are easy to find in American prisons and are far more worthy of sympathy. That the victim in the case apparently wants to see Polanski let off the hook is irrelevant. Punishment for crimes is not about individual whims; it is about a nation’s right to enforce reasonable standards of conduct for people within its borders. No one in a democracy is supposed to be above the law, regardless of their cultural significance, how sad their lives are, or how many Hollywood bigwigs they can call to their aid. Roman Polanski has been allowed to roam free for far too long and it is about time that he paid for his crime.

bryn levy


Los Angeles Times Collection, UCLA Library Department of Special Collections

There’s a scene in Rosemary’s Baby where Mia Farrow, soporific and stark naked, is raped by Satan. All the while she believes she’s in a lucid dream, a nightmare. She regains consciousness and finds herself eye to eye with Satan before screaming, “This is no dream, this is really happening.” The film’s writer and director, the mousy Polish import, Roman Polanski, has probably said the same words aloud. Perhaps in his youth, when his parents were sent to concentration camps (his mother died in Auschwitz) or in the late ’60s upon receiving news that his friends, wife, and unborn child were brutally butchered. Last week, he was arrested after 31 years in exile. These were not dreams. These things really happened. Let’s talk facts for a moment. In 1977, Roman Polanski was convicted of unlawful sex with a minor – to be specific, a 13-yearold girl on Quaaludes. Polanski served time in jail, 42 days of a 90day sentence to evaluate his behavior. After his sentence and subsequent psychological evaluations, the consensus was that he should receive parole. However, the case’s judge, Laurence J. Rittenband, dismissed the results in favour of a prison sentence hyperbolic to the crime, a decision deemed grossly unethical by the

defence attorney, the prosecutor, and even the victim’s family. Polanski escaped serving his sentence by hightailing to France where he started a family and continued to make films. On Sept. 26, Polanski was finally cornered in Switzerland and arrested for his crimes. He now faces extradition to the United States. Hundreds of filmmakers from around the world have quickly raised their voices in support of Polanski by signing their name to a “Free Polanski” petition, including Martin Scorsese, Pedro Almodóvar, and Woody Allen. My gut reaction upon hearing the news of Polanski’s arrest was to also support him. It seemed to me that a 76-year-old man with a wife, kids, and a recently rejuvenated career presented no threat to the public and with the charges as old as they were, they might as well have been forgotten. Polanski has also endured some horrific things in his lifetime. But despite such hardships, he managed to persevere, continuing to make some of the greatest films in contemporary cinema. For this, he’s something of a hero. I am biased. I love the man’s work. I fondly remember the night I saw The Tenant so many years ago. It was on a half-broken videotape with a worn plastic case cursed by the olfactory library sig-

nature of the last borrower ’s armpit – I remember it all so vividly. So I’ve grown up with this bias, like so many others, which prohibits me from being able to celebrate Polanski’s arrest. Yet at the same time, I can’t altogether condemn it. I can list all of Polanski’s accomplishments but the truth remains, he raped a 13-year-old girl. But even if I were able to erase his oeuvre from my mind and place my judgment solely upon the case’s facts, I’d still have no answers. This has turned into such a clusterfuck of injustices that I don’t believe any sound, concrete conclusion can be made. There is no perfect moral solution, no matter how desperately we search for one. It’s quite possible that Roman Polanski will spend the rest of his life in prison and whether you think that’s right or wrong is irrelevant. It’s the justice system working as it was designed to, impartially and mechanically. In the words of Polanski himself through character J.J. Gittes, “It’s Chinatown.” All we can do is marvel at his work and observe how closely art imitated life, right down to the ambivalent ending.

matt yim

b aa ra ck so b a m a sw in e hfelu t h t p e e c h s t e p n h a r p e r c a n a d i a n e l e c t i o n t wdiy ttg e r i t u n e s k a n y e w e s t lra a g a t p a i n a u t o t u n e e m a i l y o u r o p i n i o n s t o e c e s s i o n a f g h a n io stuatn t a s e r s d o m e b a i l s h ea la tct h cna@ rv ere b a ngik p te cy s w e e r s t h p s t ra r i l l o u s u . u r e n a a d o u c h e b a g s t h o s e a s s h o l e s w h o g i v e y o u t i c k e trsow hep nla yc oeu p ark im np th e w n g o n c a u s a l l t h i n g s c a p i talist gay photographer

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

op-ed 21


Them fighting words When you were growing up, your mother always told you, “It takes the bigger person to walk away.” Your mother was always right. But back then the Internet wasn’t what it is today. Take out the World Wide and what you’ve got is a Web, impossible to untangle to the point of entrapment. The Internet was created as a tool for universal authorship, accessibility, and availability of information for everyone. However, as with anything, corruption occurs. The Internet is the new liquid courage. Forget tequila, through conventions such as social networking, blogs, and threads, everybody is able to disseminate their opinions, no matter how hateful or dangerous they may be. The rub remains in that people can post relatively anything without a face,

under a meaningless alias that conceals their true identity. This protection has made people braver than ever. They are given the opportunity to say things that they probably would not be so bold to say in real life situations. There is a convenience to this endless dialogue. Comments can be made comfortably from the living room couch, while you’re in class, or even from a mobile phone. In a real life conversation, you only have so many seconds to formulate a response without looking stupid. On the Internet, there is the time to better articulate thoughts and say more without the possibility of interruption. The medium also allows for an audience of millions and these people can judge your expressions but they can’t judge you, because if you so choose, they haven’t a clue who you are.

There is nothing wrong with freedom of expression – it is a right on which democratic society thrives and depends upon. However, how critically should opinions be taken when they are presented without a face? Those who frequent threads and opinion boards must be constantly taking this into consideration. Even on just a personal level, there seems to be a growing influx of what should be intimate, face-toface conversations happening over Facebook and MSN. Instead of making an apology via Facebook chat, call the person or better yet, ask to see them. People are too readily using the easy way out and in doing so, sacrificing sincerity. Email is a quick way to deal with confrontation. As human beings, we inherently fear negative reaction and rejection. But whatever hap-

The Lazy Owl is not so Lazy Think all campus bars are mostly the same? Filled with first year students drunk on drink specials and guys trying to convince girls to go and see their dorm room. Think again. Louis’ campus bar at the University of Saskatchewan and the Lazy Owl here at the University of Regina are two very different places. Louis’, hardly a bar but rather a cave-like place with no windows – I guess they don't want you to find your way out once you've gotten in – lags far behind the Lazy Owl in awesomeness. It’s like a maze to find the bar, endless stairs and twists and turns. Once you arrive,

you realize that Louis’ is a hole. You're disappointed to find groups of engineers discussing dungeons and dragons on one side (it’s not even shocking to see them dressed up in their costumes) and on the other side, the university debate team talking amongst themselves about uninteresting shit. Where are the hot girls? Not in Louis’. The closest Louis’ would have is the occasional soulless commerce girl. In general, the Lazy Owl is just more fun. First, it's much bigger and second, they have more than one waitress. At Louis’ it’s too hard to get service a lot of time. Also, there is no waiting in line behind

debaters and engineers ordering up another glass of pop. I was shocked upon first entering the Owl. “Wow, it has windows!” I said only to have my friends look at me strangely. I was also surprised that they have a dance floor. Louis’, being the only campus bar I had been to before the Lazy Owl, led me to believe that dancing in campus bars was nonexistent. Nor did I think there would be comfy couches to sit on as opposed to the metal chairs in Louis’. But that probably runs with the dungeon themed sporting events. I should probably mention

pened to looking someone in the eye instead of his or her profile picture? The Internet isn’t castrating society; it’s stopping us before we can even grow a pair. Online, debates are more steadfast, the arguments even better articulated. Maybe that’s the way it should be. Maybe that’s how intelligent conversation thrives. Social networking provides for a good way for people to keep in touch, as do threads and blogs allowing for the practice of freedom of speech. Technology cannot be escaped; therefore we must be willing to grow as it does. The Internet should be used to develop the strength of humanity as opposed to exacerbate its weaknesses.

barbara woolsey op-ed editor

something positive about Louis’, but it’s rather hard to find anything, other than the occasional band that pops through. It must be a major source of income for the bar, considering the most people I have seen there at once was 15. Saskatoon may have a larger campus, but Regina definitely has the better campus bar. But hey, if you’re into drinking in a cave, maybe Louis’ is your thing.

kate crowley contributor

iiiin n n ncccco o o om m m miiiin n n ng g g g

Thursday, Oct. 8


Upcoming events for the coming week

U of R Men's Basketball vs Medicine Hat College 7 p.m. CKHS

Chad Vangaalen, Castlemusic 8 p.m. The Exchange Chad’s back again after guitar-rocking the Regina Folk Fest.

Susu Robin, Belle Plaine 9:45 p.m. The Abbey Robin’s leaving town, so this might be one of your last chances in awhile to check her out. Friday, Oct. 9

Calgary Hitmen vs Regina Pats 7 p.m. Brandt Centre U of R Rams Football vs Simon Fraser 7 p.m. Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field

U of R Men's Hockey vs UBC 7 p.m. Sherwood Ice Sports Centre

Kenny G 8 p.m. Casino Regina Show Lounge Between his hair and his music, one thing’s clear – this dude doesn’t give a shit.

Tony Bennett 8 p.m. Conexus Arts Centre I guarantee that if you go with grandma, she’ll say this 83 year old has “still got it.”

Room 333 9 p.m. The Exchange This Saskatchewan hard-rock group has the sparsest MySpace ever, other than the

huge banner image.

Arctic, Friendo 10 p.m. O’Hanlon’s Can’t get much more chill than the Arctic.

U of R Men's Volleyball vs TBA Time TBA CKHS Saturday, Oct. 10

Toronto Argonauts at Saskatchewan Roughriders 7 p.m. Mosaic Stadium at Taylor Field

U of R Men's Hockey vs UBC 7 p.m. Sherwood Ice Sports Centre

U of R Women's Basketball vs Bishop's 8 p.m. CKHS

BEERFEST 8 p.m. The Lazy Owl Regina Engineering Students’ Society’s night of mayhem. The Nylons 8 p.m. Casino Regina Show Lounge A capella music lives!

Dreadnaut, Xplicit, Lest We Fail 8 p.m. The Exchange A Mohawk and dreads in one band together? The 20th century is an amazing place.

Ray Eberle 9:30 p.m. The Abbey Local blues aficionado takes time away from his two bands to play solo. Madcowboys 10 p.m. The Gaslight

Cussin’ and rockabilly continue to be friends.

The Mahones, the Popes, Ray Gange 10 p.m. The Distrikt The lead from the Popes was so fucked he got kicked out of the Pogues, the drunkest. band in Ireland U of R Men's Volleyball vs TBA Time TBA CKHS Sunday, Oct. 11

Scatterheart 9 p.m. The Exchange Their opening spot for Bif Naked must’ve had them enamoured with Regina, since they’ve been twice.

U of R Men's Volleyball vs TBA Time TBA CKHS Tuesday, Oct. 13

Collective Soul 8 p.m. Casino Regina Show Lounge You might have to Collect your Soul another time – this show is sold out. Torngat 9 p.m. The Club Great instrumental act from Montreal. Wednesday, Oct. 14

The Alice Nocturne Check times The Globe Theatre The play so good it went from the Sandbox to the Mainstage. Going until Oct. 31. Clue Check times

Regina Performing Arts Centre If you have a “clue,” you’ll check this performance by the Regina Little Theatre. Thursday, Oct. 15

Mark Berube 9 p.m. The Club Van-City to Montreal songsmith proves you don’t need a guitar in your band to keep current. Friday, Oct. 16

U of R Women's Basketball vs Brandon 6:15 p.m. CKHS

U of R Women's Basketball vs Victoria 7 p.m. CKHS

U of R Men's Hockey vs Saskatchewan 7 p.m. Sherwood Ice Sports Centre

Kamloops Blazers at Regina Pats 7 p.m. Brandt Centre U of R Men's Basketball vs Minot State 8 p.m. CKHS

U of R Men's Basketball vs Williston State College Time TBA CKHS

George Jones 8 p.m. Casino Regina Show Lounge If year’s of country sadness hasn’t stopped George, age certainly won’t.

Kobra and the Lotus, Plagued Inferno, Awkward Silence, Autaric 8 p.m.

The Exchange guessing Awkward I’m Silence is anything but.

Jet, Kill Hannah 9 p.m. The Drink After hearing fellow Aussies AC/DC played Taylor Field, Jet decided to be exclusive and play a club show. Saturday, Oct. 17

Lethbridge Hurricanes Regina Pats 7 p.m. Brandt Centre

In the story "A tasty treat instead," published in the Oct. 1-7 issue of the Carillon, a quotation of mine was used out of context, leaving a distinctly false impression about my position on an extremly important matter in contemporary Canadian politics. I was quoted as saying, “‘This massive stimulus package that was introduced before - last year - needs to be reined in, and we need to rein in the deficit,’ Dr. Webber said. ‘In order to do that, they are promising - both main parties in the system - not to increase taxes. Which intrinsically means - though they don't announce the details - massive cuts to social services, massive cuts to spending. There's no other way to describe that circle if you want to bring the budget defict back to zero.’” The quotation is accurate, but I wasn't expressing my own opinion when I said it. What I was trying to explain is how both the Liberals and Conservatives are framing the discussion and the alternatives we have before us - their perspective on the need to curbing deficits introduced by the recent stimulus package through attacks on the poor and working class communities by way of various budget cuts and reductions in social services. My opinion is precisely the opposite of the Liberals and Conservatives. I believe reining in the deficit by cutting back social services and social spending for the poor and working class to be the worst possible policy in the current conjuncture. Indeed, I think the urgent necessity of the day is for workers, community organizations, the poor, and students to build a campaign of resistance against these austerity measures which are likely to be introduced in the near future, and to begin rebuilding our collective capacities to fight back and to organize ourselves to push for a different kind of society in which the economy is organized to meet popular needs rather than the narrow interests of a small corporate elite.


You Say Party! We Say Die! 9 p.m. Riddell Centre You say dance rock! I say your post-punk influences are all right by me! U of R convocation Conexus Arts Centre Congrats!

Let There Be Theremin 9 p.m. The Fainting Goat Local cuisine and rockabilly played with a Theremin.

jeffery r. webber

assistant professor department of political science university of regina

Get your event listed in incoming! Send an e-mail to carillon @ ursu.ur to find out how!

Teach English Abroad

Sunday, Oct. 18

U of R Women's Basketball vs Lethbridge 1 p.m. CKHS Monday, Oct. 19

Young Galaxy, Bend Sinister, Foxwarren 8 p.m. The Exchange Young Galaxy are off Arts and Crafts and onto a better second album.

Del Barber 9 p.m. The Club His last show before returning home to Winnipeg after touring.

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the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

22 op-ed

As strong as mom I have had a very straightforward goal for the past year, though I wasn’t aware of it until recently. The driving motivation in every aspect of my life since Sept. 28, 2008 has been to make my mother proud. Straightforward yes, but not especially simple. Eva Brigitte Hildegard Davis battled breast cancer on-and-off for 14 years. I was four when she was first diagnosed and my little brother, Tanner, was not even one – this kind of fear was far above us. Though the medical procedures at that point were not as exceptional as they are now, the doctors spotted the abnormality early and she overcame the disease. Incredibly my family was given 10 years of peace which we took full advantage of, enjoying vacations to locations both warm and cold. While I was in high school, she noticed that peculiar little lump had returned. That time around I was old enough to get scared, but not necessarily mature enough to provide the strength my family required of me. I recall quickly writing a final exam at Luther College and walking down Dewdney to the Pasqua Hospital to see my mom after the doctors had performed surgery to remove the troublesome breast entirely. She was truly amazing throughout all of that shit. Strong, kind, and wise are what I remember the most, even while she was receiving high dosages of chemotherapy – the only conceivable treatment that can be said might have effects worse than the disease itself. She was so determined to bat-

tle right on through because she had a loving husband and two sons she wanted to see grow up. She was so quick to recover, to wake up in the morning to make breakfast and take our chocolate Labrador, Hershee, for long walks while listening to CBC Radio. After I graduated in 2007, the four of us drove to California in our Hyundai SUV for a two week road trip. Though it turned out to be a decent vacation, most of my memories are retrospectively of her dry cough, which didn’t seem to alarm any of us at the time, but she had decided in advance to get it checked out when we returned. Sure enough, it was time for her to battle round three, with Tanner, Darrell (my dad), and I cheering her on, doing all we could for her in the corner. The diagnosis was a bit more serious, though some of this information was not revealed to me at the time. The cancer had spread to her lungs and the treatment would be intensive and immediate. She didn’t hesitate. And so my mom fought again, harder this time, because her opponent proved to be more relentless than its’ predecessors. About a month after her chemotherapy, her and Tanner went to Calgary. Tanner had a close friend living there, but my mom had alternative motives: she had every intention of participating in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer, a two day, 60 km walk. She walked 35 km the first, and every step of the 25 km on the second. There is a picture that ran in a Calgary newspaper of her crossing the finish line on that second day,

A reader’s responsibility

crying – and bald as a result of treatment – meeting Tanner at the finish line. It’s truly astounding how quickly things can change. August, 2008, Tanner and I were in Whitehorse. Before we’d left, my mom and I had a strange moment where I made her promise she’d still be around when we returned. She was. But on Darrell’s birthday, she had had a seizure. There was no more talk about recovery, the focus shifted to palliative care. For more than a month she continued to battle valiantly, though without the strength to leave bed. It was a long year. I’ve been battling against my rebel tendencies, knowing that to make her proud, I would have to dust myself off sooner rather than later. I participated in the CIBC Run For the Cure that was held the morning of Oct. 4 in Regina. I raised some money and ran five kilometers in 27 minutes; not bad for a reformed smoker, though nothing in comparison to Eva’s achievement. I ran because I needed her strength again. I needed to challenge myself because she couldn’t do it for me. I thought about her every step I ran. And as long as I remember how hard she fought, and for how long, I’m sure I’ll be okay.

austin m. davis

picture of the week

Marc Messett

news editor

Colin Thatcher told MacLean’s magazine that he has written his new book as “a record of what actually happened, if for nothing else, for my grandchildren and their children as they come along.” In his book, Final Appeal: Anatomy of a Frame, he tells the story of his dealings with the justice system. In 1984, he was found guilty of the murder of his ex-wife JoAnn Wilson, but has always maintained his innocence. Now, the Saskatchewan government is attempting to take any profit he makes from the book. They believe the work falls under the category of criminals profiting from their crimes, which goes against new legislation passed this spring. But even with Thatcher not earning money, is there more to this story that makes buying his book a moral dilemma? The book is not a shocking discovery in that Thatcher criticizes the justice system. He has been vocal for some time in that regard. As a result, Thatcher has quite a few people supportive of his innocence, but this is not about the justness of the verdict. Regardless of which side you’ve taken in the debate on his innocence, Colin Thatcher has been tried and convicted of murder. The ethical question remains, should Colin Thatcher be benefiting from his crimes? Everyone has the right to freedom of speech but through this book, a convicted murder is being given a platform to speak his mind. It does not make sense to me that Thatcher’s book is written for his family as he says it is. Why

would his children want to be reminded of the tragic death of their mother? Thatcher has put himself back into the spotlight by sparking interest in his controversial case. Is it possible that Thatcher has an ulterior motivation for releasing this book? Could this be a move to save face on Thatcher’s part? He was denied early parole through the faint hope clause. This is a clause that allows a Canadian prisoner who has been sentenced to life in prison apply for early parole after he has served more than 15 years. The world can now read about how Colin Thatcher believes he was wronged by the justice system. The book has the potential to be a medium for gathering support. We cannot regard it too lightly. We will have to question how to proceed as readers. How can we satisfy our curiosity without feeling guilty ourselves by allowing him to benefit from his crime? At this point, Thatcher and his publisher are choosing to ignore the letter from the government requesting voluntary payments of the book’s profits. This case will likely be taken to court and we will have to wait and see the outcome. We should all be allowed to buy a copy and read the book, but be on our guard. This isn’t a case study or an impartial documentary. This is the tale of a convicted murderer seeking compassion.

tiffany cassidy contributor

the carillon Oct. 8 - 21, 2009

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Keyboard player wanted for femalefronted pop-rock band. Contact Jeremy @ 535-2337. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Kind and playful babysitter needed for 2 half days per week (mornings or afternoons) for 3 children ages 5, 3, and 1. $10/hr. Call Marie at 5025477. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– We are a professional consultation service providing research, editing, proof-reading and tutoring services for students who need help completing assignments. We have the experts to help you. Email today! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Declasses are for chumps! Suck on that! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dear guy in the red and black jacket who walks all over campus: I want to have your ambulatory babies. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I’m going to miss my bus! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dear girls in Riddelle (however you spell it). I don’t give a damn about the Hills, American Idol, or who hooked up with who this weekend. Please go back to high school where they may. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– How many 5 cent candies for a buck? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I love getting free shit! Hurray for random girls giving us Red Bulls! –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Jet e Love ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

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name e-mail student number message

Women be shoppin’ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Please, we live in Canada. Walk on the RIGHT side of the hallway. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Dear ladies of the U of R. The university is not a nightclub. No wants to see your [too offensive for the

Carillon]. Love, the Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– )) <> (( Who can tell me what this picture means? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Don’t skateboard in the University. Seriously, you’ll get put in a headlock

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