Canvas Magazine | Making the Grade

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ne of the most common recurring dreams people report is the one where they are a student, they show up for class and are surprised to find out there’s a midterm or final exam for which they are not prepared. Sound familiar? You arrive for class a few minutes late, the teacher is handing out exams and you’re anxiously wishing you had studied, wishing you had come to class more often, wishing you had at least remembered to bring a pencil to take the test.

Navigating the Learning Curve from PSP to MSP by Lorrie Bryan

Dream interpreters often associate this dream with feelings of coming up short and being unprepared for life. Even if you dismiss the notion of dream interpretation, you likely see the parallel dynamic prevalent in the print industry today. Rapid acceleration of digital technology and the global economic recession have necessitated a need for transformation in the print industry. Although there is ambiguity about what the emerging successful business model should look like, industry leaders generally agree that printers who aren’t preparing—doing their homework and showing up with tools—are not going to pass the test and make the grade.


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