Nov. 26 memo from president

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Mills College Mail -­ Ferguson Discussions

Ari Nussbaum <>

Ferguson Discussions 1 message President's Office <> Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 11:22 AM To: Mills College Faculty <>, Mills College Staff <>, Mills College Students <>



Mills Community


Alecia A. DeCoudreaux, President


November 26, 2014


Ferguson Discussions

In this time of unrest, I felt it important to share my concerns and support for the campus community. I know that for many the decision of the Missouri grand jury is deeply disturbing. No matter where you stand on the decision, it is clearly evident by the number of protests that have occurred around the country in the past 48 hours that for many people of color and their allies, there is a strongly held belief that the lives of their brothers, fathers, and friends are not valued. As President Obama acknowledged in his address, following the grand jury announcement, this case highlights the legacy of racial discrimination in this country. There is a divide in our society highlighting systemic inequalities and I encourage the campus community to continue to engage in active and constructive dialogue to find solutions to these challenges and to work together to address racism. Upon return from the Thanksgiving holidays, there will be several opportunities for the campus to engage in continued dialogue. Further information will be sent regarding events for the first week in December. Planning is underway for a dinner discussion on Thursday, December 4, from 5:00 pm-­‐ 7:30 pm in the Student Union (dinner at 5:00 pm, program from 5:30 pm-­‐7:30 pm). Please respond by noon on December 2 to if you are able to attend. Our hearts go out to Michael Brown's family and to every family touched by violence. Such violence affects all members of these communities and families throughout the country. We know that some members of our community attended the demonstrations over the past two days and may choose to participate in others. In general, responses can be unpredictable. We advise caution and increased awareness when attending such gatherings.



Mills College Mail -­ Ferguson Discussions

I wish you all a peaceful Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends.


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