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JAS Obelisk Marker inaugurated in Carcar Heritage City


Obelisk Marker in Honor of World War II Martyr & Masonic Icon – Past Grand Master Jose Abad Santos, Inaugurated in the Heritage City of Carcar


By WB Jeff Edward Pintac, PM / Head News Correspondent

Carcar – Barili Highway, Cebu

Leon Kilat Masonic Lodge (LKML) No. 437 performed a dedication ceremony of the Obelisk Marker in honor of former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines and an iconic member of the Free & Accepted Masons of the Philippines - MW Jose Abad Santos, PGM last February 17, 2021.

The obelisk marker was completed three months after its groundbreaking ceremony last November 14 through the guidance of DPWH Undersecretary Rafael C. Yabut, who is a member of Jose Abad Santos Masonic Lodge No.333.

Leading the solemnities was Worshipful Master David Alexander T. Patriana of LKML 437 in coordination with the DPWH 2nd District, headed by District Engineer and Masonic member Engr. Leslie Anthony Molina and Carcar City - LGU represented by City Administrator Roger Montesclaros and the City Council, together with dignitaries from other Masonic Lodges and Government Offices. According to City Admin Montesclaros, the obelisk marker uplifts the area, Sitio Tanawan in Brgy. Guadalupe as it has been infamous as a “notorious”

site where persons have been slain and all the negative connotation it carries. The obelisk marker will also serve as an education center to remind the people of its historic relevance as it is the site where Jose Abad Santos was captured by the Japanese on April 11, 1942, together with his son José Jr. (nicknamed Pepito), Col. Benito Valeriano, and two enlisted men. They were taken to Basak Elementary School and later to Cebu Capitol Building. Eventually, Jose Abad Santos and his son will be brought by the invaders to Mindanao.

Montesclaros also shared that City Mayor Mercedita Apura commends Leon Kilat Masonic Lodge No.437 for the initiative as it will greatly boost the economy for the nearby residents and serve as a tourist spot, being located in a very scenic location, overlooking the City’s mountain ranges, and immediately within the boundary of the 56-hectare National Park of Carcar City.

Since its opening the obelisk marker has been visited by local tourists, passers-by, and onlookers, appreciating the picturesque beauty it offers, far from its old and isolated condition. More importantly, the location commemorates the nobility of a Filipino hero. In his lifetime, Jose Abad Santos exemplified the qualities of a true Civil Servant having served as a Secretary of Justice and appointed as the 5th magistrate or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. During the 2nd World War, he became the acting President of the Commonwealth and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

Refusing to cooperate with the Japanese, Jose Abad Santos was executed on May 1, 1942 by orders from the Japanese High Command. He shall be forever known as one of the Philippine Government Officials who did not collaborate with the enemy.