7 minute read

Mayon Lodge No.61

Compiled by WM Manuel D. Pineda

The synergy of the Lodge continuously increased the numbers and strength within and outside its jurisdiction. Its magnificent and collective efforts produced Masons worthy of comparison to the charter group 100 years earlier. With unity and harmony as cornerstone, the lodge nurtured a brotherhood that bridged the path from the old to the new. The involvement of families of Masons in the community activities of the Fraternity, service to the poor and needy, and the raising of younger, worthy members helped the lodge succeed in Making Good Men Better .


A Century Ago

On July 12, 1920, Grand Master Rafael Palma issued the dispensation that gave life to this Bicol lodge with the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands granting its charter on January 25 the following year.

The initial set of officers of Mayon Lodge No. 61 includes Charter Master William Clarence Ogan, Provincial Treasurer of Albay. He was assisted by Senior Warden - Lot Dean Lockwood, and Junior Warden - Julio Manalang. Among the lodge’s illustrious charter members were: Rev. Roy H. Brown, future President of Siliman University; Arlington C. Betts, the first Civil Governor of Albay; William H. Pickell, Division Superintendent of Schools; Feliciano Imperial; businessman Lazaro Tani, Presbyterian master builder Kenneth MacDonald - and war-time general Benito Trinidad who became a Judge of the Court of First Instance for Legazpi. Together with the brethren from the Isarog Lodge No. 33 led by WB Mariano de la Rosa, WB Julian Ocampo, WB Mariano Abella and WB Jose Garchitorena, all prominent citizens of Camarines Sur. The first petitioners were Juan Esteves, PNB Manager, educator Antonio Buenaventura, and lawyer Manuel M. Calleja.

On the eve of its constitution, MW Edwin Elser and other Mason dignitaries took the Bicol Express and the following day constituted lodge and installed the charter officers in a private ceremony attended only by Master Masons of Albay.


In 1924, WM Lot Dean Lockwood replaced WB William C. Ogan who retired and moved to Bohol to start his own bus company. From 1924 up to 1942, a mixture of twelve (12) enigmatic Filipino and American Masters of the Lodges continued to shed light to the brethren; WB Benito Trinidad (1927), WB Feliciano Imperial became mayor of Legazpi City (WM 1928) and first petitioner WB Manuel M. Calleja (WM 19301933) became Governor of Albay from 1931 to 1940. On January 27, 1936, Justice Leonard Goddard of the Philippines Supreme Court became a Master Mason in this lodge.

The 2nd World War - Peace and harmony ended for the local masons with the surprise landing of the Japanese Imperial Navy in Legazpi and Sorsogon. In Legazpi, the Camara building was desecrated, Naga’s Isarog 33 was razed to the ground. The first Mason casualty was WB Lazaro Tani, killed on April 18, 1942 in Sorsogon by the advancing Japanese Army. Dr. Mcanis

and his Presbyterian medical staff (Milwaukee & Ago Hospital) were rounded up and sent to Manila. WB Kenneth MacDonald and WB Stephen L. Smith were captured and interned at the Santo Tomas University for the duration of the war.

WM Agapito L. Lorete was then a senior cashier at the Bureau of Customs in Tabaco, Albay. Gazing out to the island of San Miguel one day, he saw numerous boats bearing Japanese flags. He locked up the office and vault full of money and fled his family to the hinterlands – in the boundary of Sorsogon and Daraga. The lodge master named his sons Amerigo and Vicente – taken together they allude to an American Victory accompanying Brother Douglas MacArthur’s promise of return. Maintaining contact with the brethren through clandestine meetings, his term of four years under in a global crisis made him the longest serving Master of the Mayon 61.


General MacArthur’s return to the Philippines led to the country’s liberation. WB Lorete returned the money from the vault to the Philippine Government and for his honesty was appointed Board of Tax Appeals of Legazpi City by President Elpidio Quirino.

WB Stephen L. Smith worked with his son Donald Smith in writing their experiences at the Los Banos Internment Camp. The father and son story became a best seller entitled “We Survived War's Crucible: A True Story of Imprisonment and Rescue in World War II Philippines (SBN-13: 978-1434329677 and ISBN-10: 1434329674).

Also released from Santo Tomas was WB William Clarence Ogan, who after hugging his liberators was chased by the airport MPs in the next minute after jumping off from a plane bound for the U.S. He lost 35 kilos in weight due to lack of food at the camps was sent back in Bohol to be nursed back to good health by seven of his native wives (separately). The Charter Master dropped his working tools on Feb. 1, 1963 at 85 years of age. Buried at the American Memorial Cemetery his tombstone says it all. “Here He lies Where He wants to Be.” When acting Grand Master Michael Goldenberg hosted the 1946 Annual Communications in Manila. Both ANCOM delegates WB Agapito L. Lorete and WM-elect Leon B. Tiansay, were shocked by the number of Masons missing from the ranks. Over a thousand Brethren were unaccounted for. The Japanese persecution of Masons in the Philippines had indeed taken its toll.


Masons assumed the Master’s role outside their lodge. A decade after he revived the lodge in 1946, WB Leon Tiansay found himself Master again, this time, of Julian Ocampo Memorial Lodge No. 146 in Camarines Sur, acceding to perpetuate the memory of a brother whose organizational influence fifty years earlier are still felt all over the Bicol Region. Today, their patience has paid off as the JOML No.146 is thriving with dedicated and active members striving to make a difference, not only in their district of Rinconada but all over Camarines Sur and beyond. WB Ceasar Padre (1999) helped charter Ma-Bu-Ti Lodge No.329 in Masbate - the second island Lodge in the Bicolandia.


For 30 years the lodge had no temple, meeting from one building to another. VW Ellizer R. Seville, Jr. donated his parcel of land in Daraga, Albay and in 1957, WM Domingo Ragoc supported by master builders Galang, Ago, and MacDonald, and backed by brethren contributions to the temple fund was able to construct an edifice. At the turn of the 2nd Millenium - Mayon No.61 under WM Caesar Lopez banded with neighboring Lodges of Bulusan No.33 and Ma-Bu-Ti No.339 in hosting the 2001 Annual Communications (ANCOM). With District Deputy Grand Master William Cu as ANCOM Chairman, the Albay Astrodome accommodated over 2,000 Masons who witnessed the turn-over of the Grand Oriental Chair from MW Oscar Bunyi to MW John Ochoa. Four years later with profits from ANCOM 2001 The VW Ellizer R. Seville Masonic

Center was opened in in Daraga, Albay.


The celebrated ascension of one of its members, MW Juanito G. Espino, Jr. to the Grand Oriental Chair (MY 2013 – 2014) brought pride and joy to his Mother Lodge.

In 2014, Masonic District RV-B, with Mayon No.61 as lead lodge won the bid to host ANCOM 2015. Set to be held in Legazpi City, recently hailed as one of the “Most Livable City in the Philippines”.

VW Noel E. Rosal – the City Mayor strived to make the event fruitful and meaningful. Even raising an 18-Meter High Obelisk at the Embarcadero de Legazpi Coastal Boulevard.

The lodge won recognition when WB Jerome C. Lee was awarded Outstanding Worshipful Master at the Tagaytay ANCOM in 2016. Other members were also bestowed District Level Recognitions as well as Outstanding Masons in various fields of endeavor by the Grand Lodge. In 2019, VW George Naag set into motion the Centennial Celebration Committee headed by Past Masters of the lodge. High-profile projects that celebrate and highlight the impact of Bicolano Freemasonry in the socio-economic and cultural heritage of the city were planned unfortunately, some were placed on hold due to the current health crisis.

The disrupted year 2020 brought about by the Corona Virus was a challenge to all. The Three Lights - WM Manuel Pineda, SW Robert Magayanes, and JW Omar Escandor faced many risks to rally the brethren to remain healthy, safe, and united, ever reminding that together the Brethren shall overcome

On June 2, Mayon Lodge No.61 will celebrate the Centenary of Masonry in the City of Legazpi in the Province of Albay. Historically, the Lodge has been marking some of their milestone years under disrupted situations. Their 25th Silver Anniversary fell just after the end of WWII in 1946, while the 50th Golden Anniversary in 1971 was held a year before the declaration of Martial Law. They were more fortunate in 1996 as they celebrated their 75th Diamond Anniversary in more comfortable conditions. On their 100th Year this 2021 – the whole world is fighting against the COVID-19 Pandemic. A resolution of Thanks and Gratitude signed by Vice Gov. Grex Lagman was presented to Mayon Lodge No. 61 by the Provincial Government of Albay for a Century of Dedicated Service to the Province.