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GLP Concludes Renovations


GLP Concludes Renovations


By VW J. Harold W. Santiago, Grand Scribe

Plaridel Masonic Temple

On March 5 – the Grand Lodge Premises was blessed by a Catholic Priest as the renovations during the extended term of MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr. was nearing its completion. Officiating the ceremony was Fr. Roland Jaluag, from Jesus, Lord Divine Mercy Parish in Mapayapa Village I, Pasong Tamo, Quezon City.

“This is the fourth occasion that Fr. Roland have graced the GLP during my term.” A grateful Grand Master said. “The first time was in the Mass celebrated last May 2, 2019, when I reported for office; followed by the 107th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge on December 19, 2019; then during the blessing of the three lodge halls and my Natal Day in November 20 of last year. MW Suan added.

With the surplus cash donations from the initial renovation of Stafford, Palma, and Bonifacio Halls in 2020, MW Agapito S. Suan, Jr. made the necessary assessments and estimates for the continued renovation of other areas in the Grand Lodge. Seeing the amount to be adequate for the remaining task at hand, the Grand Master approved the continuation of the GLP renovation in 2021.

GLP Admin Offices, Records Section, and the GLP Roof Deck were a sight to behold. Thanks to the craftsmanship of AA Modern Builders – the same contractor who did the GLP Renovations in 2020.

Jose Abad Santos Hall

Renovation of the grandest hall in Plaridel Masonic Temple took place February 15 to April 5. Scope of Work for the project which cost 850,000.00 php, included the installation of a Great Arch in the East, refurbishment of the tessellated pavement, and the replacement of the benches with auditorium chairs. The other Lodge Furnitures were given a renewed finish to complement the Temple’s makeover.

Named after the Past Grand Master known for steadfastness in the solemn observance of his duty to God and Country at the price of his life, the Jose Abad Santos Hall is the birthplace of many lodges as most Institution and Constitution Ceremonies were held on its hallowed grounds.

GLP Admin Office and Archives Other Improvements

The remaining budget were spent for the rehabilitation of the GLP Roof Deck which is now shaded jade and ochre.

The new Plaridel Temple was given a fresh coat of white pain as well.

‘’The GLP Renovations will be enjoyed in full not by me but by our successor, RW Rolen Paulino, the GLP employees, and our Brethren. And it is rightfully so, for that is what we had in mind during our unexpectedly extended term.” Explained MW Jun Suan whose humble request is that all temple improvements made, whether for strength or ornament, be taken care of to last for years to come.

The workplace for the GLP Admin Staff were also taken care of with a remodeling which started in January 11 until April 14 – a week before the long-awaited Annual Communications. At this time, the Offices of the Chief of Staff and Assistant Grand Secretary were redesigned and all office partitions, as well as tables and chairs replaced with new modular. The interiors and its contents were also included in the replacement list. The Office Upgrade Project cost 1,100,000.00 php. In the first 4 months of 2021, Admin Operations was transferred at the left wing of the Aguinaldo Hall at the ground floor. The months before ANCOM were the busiest for the GLP Staff as each of the more than 400 subordinate lodges make their last-minute transactions to be granted individual accreditation for their representatives to be eligible to vote and participate in the plenary.