How Triratna Works

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 - plus, possibly, unexpected gifts such as a legacy. Sometimes local Right Livelihood enterprises have been able to make generous donations to their local Centres or other Triratna projects, but of course they can only do this if they themselves are profitable. Triratna’s UK Buddhist Centres have recently been running a legacy campaign and it’s hoped this will grow as an income stream in the future. Many Centres have put considerable effort into buying property to secure their future, so have significant assets on their balance sheets - but mortgages to match! In the past, mitras were invited to contribute ‘Mitra Dana’ to support the work of the Mitra Convenors, but this seems to have ceased at least for now. Centres’ incomes are naturally used mainly to finance their own activities, including of course supporting the local Centre team. In supporting individuals Triratna has always aimed to be flexible, meeting people’s different needs according to their different circumstances - and the general principle of simplicity in lifestyle.

How Triratna Works |


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