Buccaneer Winter 2021 Edition

Page 1


Mental support from our furry friends pg. 18

Barry brings in Divine nine pg. 4 december commencement ceremony cancelled pg. 6-7 Creating safe spaces: Supporting roommate mental health pg. 19





Layout and Graphics Editor WILLIMA NGUYEN

Web & Digital Editor


Copy Editor


Assistant Photo & Graphics Editor


A pathway to citizenship: Mateo Gomez's story pg. 5


Staff Writers


Post-pandemic athletics: FALL SPORTS Rebounding after a year of uncertainty pg. 8-9

Staff Photographers The Buccaneer welcomes student contributions. Editors assign stories for pay at this time. Letters to the editor, story ideas, news releases, photos and artwork can be submitted to The Buccaneer office in Garner Hall or through campus mail or email. All contributed material must include the signature and the mailbox or telephone number of the contributor. The Buccaneer reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for style and length. Contributed material does not necessarily reflect the opinions and policies of The Buccaneer editorial staff or those of Barry University. “Interested in advertising your business in the Buccaneer? Contact Professor Tiffani Knowles, 305-899-4572” Circulation: 700


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The battle for the best christmas drink PG. 12



3 Image courtesy of Health Matters.

Fear no more:

The Truth about Blood Clotting and the Covid-19 Vaccine By Lana Sumner-Borema The availability of COVID-19 vaccines caused massive relief around the globe and also raised questions about the vaccine that have left many unwilling to get vaccinated. There is a widespread concern about getting blood clots from the vaccine. As reported by the FDA on April 13, 2021, six cases out of the 6.8 million doses of J&J vaccines issued caused blood clots, leading to a temporary ten-day hold on administration of the vaccine. According to hepatologist Kylene Metzger at University of Utah Health, a doctor who specializes in the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas, this clotting is known as VaccineInduced



(VITT). VITT clotting is unique to J&J and AstraZenca—a vaccine manufactured by British and Swedish parties—as both are not Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) vaccines. According to Metzger’s article “Blood Clotting, Covid-19 and Vaccines,” the clotting is caused in rare cases when “... antibodies that the body produces as a side effect of the vaccine lead to uncontrolled activation of platelets. This causes both low platelet counts and blood clots to form in unusual areas.”

Metzger adds that the CDC stated as of

said Ettrich. “We also all have backgrounds in

June 30, 2021 that the probability of clotting

the scientific realm so we trusted the science.”

from the J&J vaccine is 35 out of 12.5 million

Ettrich is puzzled by the widespread fear

vaccination,” said Stampolkou. “They try to

cases, “two to three cases per million,” or a

of blood clots from the vaccine. He notes that

talk to other friends and family about getting

.0002 percent chance risk. The chance of

there are other clot-causing pharmaceuticals

vaccinated because it’s true: the vaccine can

getting a blood clot from COVID-19 itself is

widely used in America.

save lives.”

themselves before making their decision. “Now,






a 20 to 40 percent risk in severe cases and a

“I knew before [getting vaccinated] that

Despite this belief, Stampolkou also shared

3 to 9 percent risk in mild or moderate cases.

other medicines, like birth control, also cause

the negative experiences she had with the

blood clots and no one really talks about

vaccine. For a week after her dosage of J&J,

that,” said Ettrich.

Stampolkou found herself feeling fatigued,







vaccinated multiplies your chances of getting blood clots by 15,000 in the mildest cases of COVID-19, and 200,000 in the most severe cases. There




increased risk of clotting in COVID-19 patients with underlying illnesses, according to the CDC. This includes patients

Maria Stampolkou, a senior criminology

“I knew before [getting vaccinated] that other medicines, like birth control, also cause blood clots and no one realy talks about that.” -Jakub Ettrich, a junior majoring in biochemistry

with a history of blood clots, hereditary

and sociology major and a native of Thessaloniki in



there is an irrational

something uncommon to the athlete on the rowing team. Still, a week of fatigue was worth it for Stampolkou, who now feels “free” of her fear of the virus.

fear of the vaccine in

As new variants of COVID-19 spread,

her country. She came

widespread vaccination is becoming an

to this realization when

important solution. Viruses are smarter

she heard her parents’

than complex human cells and without the

perspective on the vaccine.

vaccine, the virus may continue to mutate in

blood clotting disorder, obese patients, cancer

“The media presents the vaccine differently

patients, and those with hypertension or

in the United States than in Greece,” said

A booster dose is available to anyone 18


Stampolkou. “I [feel] in the United States

or older in a high-risk setting, like a college

order to take advantage of these cells.

Junior biochemistry major at Barry, Jakub

the message is more ‘Get vaccinated. Protect

campus. The patient must have received their

Ettrich, is convinced by these statistics and

yourself and others,’ while in Greece the

first dose of the J&J vaccine two months ago

accredits his fearlessness in getting vaccinated

message is that the government inserts chips

or the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine six months

to his family’s background in science.

to track you all the time.”

ago. If you are still hesitant about the vaccine,

“None of us hesitated to get the vaccine

Despite the media’s negative presentation,

since all of us have gotten many vaccines over

Stampolkou made her parents read articles

the years and never experienced any issues,”

about the COVID-19 vaccine to educate

read trustworthy research and talk to doctors before making your decision.



WINTER 2021 Photo courtesy of Jeffrey Palmer.

Barry Brings in Divine Nine:

greek life to include black fraternities this spring By Shanieya Harris Is that stomping I hear? Campus life at Barry University is taking things up a notch by bringing The Divine Nine—historically black Greek life organizations—on board. According to Scott Smith, the director of academic and student experience, Barry sent official letters of support and invitations to Alpha Phi Alpha and Phi Beta Sigma fraternities and Delta Sigma Theta and Zeta Phi Beta sororities to join our campus community in 2022. Both Phi Beta Sigma fraternity incorporated and Zeta Phi Beta sorority incorporated have shared that they intend to begin their intake process on campus next spring. While Alpha Phi Alpha and Delta Sigma Theta are still pending, students have a lot to be excited about in the semester to come. Phi Beta Sigma Affectionately known as the Sigmas, the brothers in this fraternity are marked by their colors in royal blue and pure white. Notable members are athletes Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith and actors Terrence Howard and Blair Underwood. Founded in 1914, their overall goal is to “reaffirm and maintain a strong commitment to brotherhood, scholarship and service, ensure that the fraternity programs are focused and committed to serving humanity, create an environment that respects the dignity and worth of each brother, [and] exhibit integrity and ethical behavior in conducting the fraternity's business.” Zeta Phi Beta Affectionately known as the Zetas, the sisters in this sorority are also marked by

royal blue and white as well as characteristics including service, sisterly love, scholarship, and maintaining finer womanhood. Notable members of Zeta Phi Beta have been author Zora Neale Hurston, entertainer Towanda Braxton, comedian Sheryl Underwood and vocalist Dionne Warwick. According to the organization’s website, zphib1920.org, “From the sorority's inception, the members of Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma have successfully collaborated on a variety of community service projects, shared national, regional, state and local activities and developed and enjoyed the bonds afforded a sisterhood and brotherhood with a shared purpose.” An info session was hosted earlier this semester on Aug. 23 to provide students with both general information about what Greek life is like and what is expected of each organization, including topics like leadership, academic requirements, time commitment and service opportunities. There was a panel that consisted of representatives from the

nine members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council also known as the “Divine Nine” which is composed of historically African American fraternities and sororities. Currently, Barry University is home to one sorority, Alpha Phi, and two fraternities, Alpha Delta Gamma and Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc. Of the three listed, none of these organizations are historically black which makes this new edition to the community special to campus. Barry officials feel that bringing these new organizations to Barry University will enhance campus life, diversifying our university’s Greek life program. “We have partnered with representatives from the Miami office of National PanHellenic Council as well as leaders and alumni from the various Greek letter organizations to expand the Greek Life program at Barry University,” Scott said. “Many Catholic institutions have successful and thriving Greek communities, and we believe Barry University can as well. For a Photo courtesy of Atlanta Greek Picnic YouTube.

long time, Greek life is something that Barry students of color have expressed interest in, and it is now becoming a reality. “I am very excited to see new organizations on campus that reflect those like myself. I think this is exactly what this university needs to enhance campus life. I always see it in the movies and now I will be able to experience it for myself,” said senior Jenise Smalls, majoring in psychology. Students will have the opportunity to get involved on campus and create positive impacts and outlooks for life. Each organization is looking to gain about 15 to 20 Barry University students as part of their body by next year 2022. So, how do students get involved and what is the criteria? While each organization has their own unique set of obligations and criteria, students are expected to be in good academic and social standing within the university. Students can anticipate taking part in a number of activities as well as paying dues that will vary based on the organization. The school is creating an event that will showcase all the new pledges to their peers in Spring 2022. Campus staff have expressed their sincere excitement for this new partnership at Barry University. “This is a monumental step in a university that is extremely diverse. To have these new organizations is something well deserved and says a lot about our leadership!” said Housing and Residence Life Administrative Assistant Ela Gorwky.



5 Mateo Gomez reading in his office. Photograph by Jimmy Muniz Jr.

A pathway to citizenship: Mateo Gomez's Story By Isabel Pulgarin We all have an idea of the American dream. Ever since his parents moved to Aventura from Medellín, Colombia when he was two, Barry graduate student Mateo Gomez has lived his version of this dream. Growing up watching Dora the Explorer and Caso Cerrado, he collected an interesting blend of bi-cultural knowledge that turned him into who he is today. He speaks English and Spanish fluently without a hint of the other’s accent. “From day one I had that normal ‘gringo’ accent,” Gomez joked. “My parents did not speak English, so they had to get me tutors.” Mateo was 12 when his family became legal residents of the U.S. That was when he began growing into a true scholar. In the seventh grade, he fell in love with all things politics. He enjoyed his civic classes and won many awards, simulating courthouse activities. “Miami is extremely Hispanic and my family is very Colombian. I just had the chance to be American but still be super Colombian at the same time. I was both and I knew that since day one,” he said. His father was in hospitality and worked feverishly to give the family a better life. “Hispanic parents that come over here, they keep on telling you things like, ‘Vinimos por ti...We came to this country for your future, not us, so take advantage of all of that’ and so that started being implanted in me,” he said.

Gomez went to Alonzo and Tracy Mourning Senior High, became very involved in their law academy and started interning in the ninth grade with local judges. They were some of his first mentors within the political arena. No one knew that only three years earlier, he had adjusted his immigration status to green cardholder. Why? He knew more about U.S. politics than most of his American-born peers. He soon became the internship coordinator for the North Dade Justice Center in the 11th Judicial Circuit and by his senior year became president of the law academy. With the inspiration of his favorite high school teacher, Gomez applied to Barry University as a political science major in the fall of 2016. By his next semester, President Donald Trump was being inaugurated. When it came to President Trump’s border wall, Gomez was very vocal in his frustration. “Immigration reform has to happen but the wall was not the way to resolve things. People come here in search of the American dream. Jorge Ramos said it best… that’s not who we are. We are hard-working people. We came here for an opportunity,” he said. Gomez stood out as a young person who cared about his country and was invited by his professor, Dr. Sean Foreman, to speak with producers and directors at the local PBS station, the day before the inauguration. That encounter lit a passion in him. His interest spurred him on to pursue an

additional major at Barry -- broadcast and emerging media. He took his dual studies seriously enough to pursue his own connections in the South Florida media sphere. His first encounter was in 2018 with broadcast royalty and Peruvian-American writer and journalist Jaime Bayly. “I’m persistent, so I just showed up at the studio one day and was like, ‘I’m a broadcast major I want to learn.’ I would go to literally every single show, and he even offered me a job,” Gomez said mildly. He turned down the job because he was only a sophomore but, from that apprenticeship, he moved on to gain even more connections in the broadcast world like Don Francisco, Jorge Ramos and the Miami Heat. After graduating in 2020, he decided to pursue an MBA with a specialization in marketing at Barry. He is even co-teaching a political communication class with Dr. Foreman. “Teaching a class as my last major thing I do at Barry is pretty cool,” he said. With a long history of hosting, mediating, networking, writing, and interviewing here at Barry, he is honored to teach a course he’s passionate about and merges two things he loves: politics and journalism. While earning his master’s, he works as a bartender and for Basketball Hall of Famer Alonzo Mourning at his foundation. “I used to freak out over him because I’m a

huge Heat fan, so for me it was ‘holy crap, its Alonzo Mourning. I went to the high school named after him’ and now he’s my boss… it’s all about networking,” he said. From hosting a TEDx at Barry in February of 2020 to going head-to-head in a Town Hall with President Joe Biden a month before election day, Gomez is a young, South American migrant who has done a lot and will soon have three degrees, to boot. In late 2018, he became a naturalized citizen. “I have always felt like I was from the US… this time, though, it was like ok. Now I can feel that way and express it by doing things that Americans can do - like voting,” he said. It is a milestone that he wishes other immigrant students could also experience. Legislation that would give temporary status, a work permit and protection from deportation to the undocumented is the hope for many who have contributed to the U.S. as Gomez has done. Yet, Congress has still not garnered enough bipartisan support for it. Gomez believes that immigration reform will not come to pass until we get past the separation in Congress. He believes the American dream still exists. People just need to find ways to stand out and get ahead, he said. “Jorge Ramos sent me his book about being an immigrant during the Trump era. He told me something huge… to speak up. And that’s what I’ve been doing,” Gomez said.



WINTER 2021 Photo courtesy of Barry University Athletics.

December Commencement ceremony cancelled

By Lana Sumner-Borema

busy with a shadowing program.” Over the summer, Barry President Mike Allen announced the cancellation of the December commencement ceremony. The May commencement ceremony will now include all graduates from the fall term. The email announcing this major change was sent to all students after the decision was made, leaving some Barry seniors who were planning to walk in December with no chance to voice their opinion on the matter. Ahmad Alharbi is one of these students. As a biology pre-optometry student from Saudi Arabia, Alharbi will be occupied with optometry research and work during the spring commencement. He made these plans last summer, assuming he would have the opportunity to walk in December. As an international student, the news of the cancelled December commencement hit especially hard because Alharbi did not have plans to expend time or money to return to Barry. “[A spring commencement] would mean that I have to get a new visa, which requires a lot of money and time especially with COVID,” said Alharbi. “Secondly, I’ll be

Like Alharbi, many students at Barry are on student visas or other international visas

While students are disappointed that they

Similarly, a biology major from the

won’t be able to attend spring graduation,

Bahamas who wanted to remain anonymous

their families are even more devastated.

explains how difficult the announcement was

and renewal or extensions on the visas must

“The news was very heartbreaking to my

be planned in advance in order for them to

family, since they were planning to surprise me

“Being able to graduate and to be

remain in the country.

by coming to the commencement ceremony,”

commended for all the hard work I have

While this allows diversity at Barry,

said Alharbi. “As the first person in my family

accomplished is a token I dreamed of,” said

the implications of cancelling a winter

to graduate from a university abroad, it would

the student. “It is something to cherish.”

commencement are more impactful for international students than



students. A chemistry senior from Jamaica who wanted


“My parents did not have an opportunity to attend University and were anticipating my graduation. With this change, my family and I are very disappointed.”


anonymous said she

-Anonymous chemistry senior from Jamaica

could not attend the spring commencement because of her plans to attend graduate school in the spring.

for her and her family.

be devastating for them to

However, from their disappointment came

not see me walk holding my

action as Alharbi organized petitions across

diploma and celebrating my

Barry to protest the cancellation of the

long hard journey of the

December ceremony.

past four years.” The


student distraught excessive




After getting 226 signatures, he was able to chemistry


organize a meeting with the President’s office


on Nov. 8. At this meeting, Alharbi learned



that the reasons for cancelling the ceremony



included financial and logistical reasons,


according to Vice President of Student

due to


graduation in December.

Affairs, Scott Smith.

“My older sister stayed in Miami instead

Still, Barry’s winter graduates feel that

“I’m not planning on attending the Spring

of going back to Antigua to continue her

their sentimental reasons for wanting the

commencement because it won’t fit in my

studies because she knew I was supposed

ceremony far outweigh the financial concerns

schedule, [being] that I’m planning to go out

to graduate in December and she wanted

of the university. Alharbi and the other 226

of state for graduate school,” said the student.

to see me graduate,” said the student. “My

students said they would appreciate any

She adds that it was “disrespectful” for

parents did not have an opportunity to

means to celebrate this notable moment of

the university to not consult students in the

attend University and were anticipating my

their academic careers, even if it's just a small

decision, as many graduates were planning

graduation. With this change, my family and

ceremony with their fellow graduates.

their futures around a December ceremony.

I are very disappointed.”




Former SGA President, Sirena Register. Photograph by Emma James.

Barry University President, Mike Allen, PhD Image courtesy of Archdiocese of Miami.

Photo courtesy of Barry University.



WINTER 2021 Women's volleyball team during the National Anthem. Photography by Jimmy Muniz Jr.

Post-Pandemic Athletics:

Fall Sports Rebounding After a Year of Uncertainty By Lana Sumner-Borema While many Barry students are grateful for the switch back to in-person learning, Barry student-athletes are especially appreciative to be able to get back to their normal sports seasons. Although practices continued throughout the pandemic, team numbers shrank since some decided to take remote classes during the 2020-2021 school year. Now, whether on the field, on the court, or in the water, fall sports have made a welcome comeback. This fall, in-season sports include men’s and women’s soccer and women’s volleyball. The head coaches for these sports gave The Buccaneer some insight on how their teams are doing and what they hope to accomplish in the first season back after COVID. New to Barry, head coach Tafadzwa Ziyenge of women’s soccer said that the team is itching to compete. According to Ziyenge, he and the athletes are grateful to be back on the field. “More than ever before, I am very aware and appreciative of how blessed I am to be able to step on the soccer field,” said Ziyenge. “Everything I took for granted I now am very thankful for.” Women’s soccer began their season on a high note against Florida National University on Sept. 3, with a win of 5-0. The Bucs then went on to beat the Embry-Riddle Eagles on Oct. 2, which Coach Ziyenge considers to be a major success. “[Embry-Riddle] are preseason favorites to win the conference,”

said Ziyenge. [They are a] very well-coached support has been [lower],” said McCrath. team [with] a rich history of success.” “There is less concern by the student body The wins continued on Oct. 30, when the now to build awesome relationships.” Bucs beat Eckerd College 2-1. Still, McCrath notes that player While the players are excited to be on the relationships and morale have maintained field, Coach Ziyenge claims the players do it their course. In fact, these connections earned for the fans—that is, the more support they men’s soccer impressive wins against Florida have, the greater the Tech and Embry-Riddle. wins. “We get our energy from our While the wins have been exciting, McCrath “A major reason why we love what we fans and they are our most feels the team still needs to important ally.” get used to playing again do is because of who since returning from the we play in front of,” -Tafadzwa Ziyenge, Head Coach said Ziyenge. “We get pandemic. One thing the of Women's Soccer our energy from the fans and team needs to work on is limiting they are our most important ally.” their hesitation, he said. Men’s soccer coach, Stephen McCrath, “[The guys] are very close as people and agrees with the importance of the fanbase. they are passionate to succeed together, but as However, he feels that the environment in the a team that gets it done there needs to be no stands has changed since the pandemic. hesitations. We hesitate just often enough that “Over the past number of years, including we let other teams get away with [the win],” the year we won the national title, the fan said McCrath.

At the end of the day, however, McCrath knows his team has what it takes to succeed this season. Volleyball coach Steve Hendricks also predicts success, especially after eleven successful years coaching at Barry. By midOctober, the team was in the middle of the pack in Sunshine State Standings. While the team is excited to be back on the court, there have been a few setbacks, including the loss of valuable senior, captain, and All-American middle blocker Anastasiia Samokhvalova who had to retire from the sport in her senior year. Samokhvalova, playing as an MVP on Barry’s volleyball team since 2017, had to step down after leading her team through half of the fall 2021 season due to athletic injuries that intensified over the past few years. Still, the team pushed through this hardship. By the end of October, they competed at the South Region Crossover Tournament in Winter Haven, Florida. At this tournament, Barry won three games against Valdosta State, Union University, and the University of Auburn, Montgomery. These wins demonstrate the excitement of fall sports teams to get back to doing what they love. All coaches encourage Barry students to bring excitement to sporting events throughout the school year. While the pandemic kept the Barry community apart, players and coaches hope fan support will come back stronger than ever in this post-pandemic year.

Women's soccer team during practice.



9 Bianca Pasca, a junior majoring in finance and international business, in a game against Rollins College 9/17. Photography by Jimmy Muniz Jr.

Men's soccer team in a match against Keiser University 9/11.

Cam McDonald, a sophmore majoring in sport management, in a match against Keiser University 9/11.

Lauren Hall, a senior majoring in exercise and physiology, in a match against Lynn University 10/6.

Monica Lopez, a junior majoring in marketing, in a game against Rollins College 9/17.

From left to right: Daniel Schaal, a junior, and David Polanco, a freshman majoring in international business during soccer practice.

Angelina Sieloff, a freshman majoring in exercise science, in a match against Lynn University 10/6.



WINTER 2021 Photo courtesy of AARC.

Senior season:

What to do after graduation

By Liz Calvo

As the end of the fall semester approaches, many seniors are getting ready to graduate and begin a new chapter in their lives. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic still at large, plans may need to be adapted. Seniors are wondering: Should they move forward with their career plans? Is travelling still a possibility? Do they need to reevaluate their plans? Janyce Condoe, a senior majoring in graphic design, believes that even if it means taking precautions, seniors should follow through with their graduation plans.

Tamia Leslie, also a senior graphic design major, agrees with Condoe. “The pandemic has impacted many people negatively, but we should do the best we can within hard times,” said Leslie. Travel Plans Students intending to travel should research their potential destinations. Some locations require tourists to quarantine for precaution, which will take time out of their vacation days. In addition, even with a negative COVID test, many places require masks. “I felt that traveling has become a bit harder,” said Condoe. “A person has to be tested before traveling to wherever they are going, follow the country's rules, and be quarantined before doing [activities].” Beyond quarantine rules, the pandemic created significant drops in airfare prices. Hopper, a travel trends analyst website, reported that, “Airfare is estimated to drop 10 [percent] into September until late November 2021, the average round-trip domestic flight costing $260.” Still, the prices are likely to rise by 11 percent between late November and December, according to Hopper, but prices will still be lower than pre-pandemic prices.

In addition, hotel prices have decreased significantly. NerdWallet, a financial analyst website, reported “...an average price of $186 per night in 2020 compared to $274 per night at the same hotels in 2019 — a 32 [percent] drop.” Despite the potential price drops, students believe traveling is still expensive. “When the pandemic first started, traveling was extremely cheap,” said Leslie. “However, I feel now that things are semi-normal, traveling is expensive.” Graduate School vs. Job Prospects Besides vacation plans, however, further education and career paths are on the minds of graduating seniors. According to a blog at Northeastern University, students searching for graduate schools should focus on studying their passions while also keeping their career goals in mind. Making sure students are getting a program they love that will benefit them in their future is crucial. “Grad school isn’t undergrad,” said Shaunie Marshall, the associate director of the career center. “Your area of study is narrow and more focused, so it’s important to know exactly what you want to study and have passion for the subject.”

Instead of grad school, however, many graduates might decide to jump right into the workforce. Leslie is one of those students. “The goal is to start working immediately after graduation, but I know it’ll take some time,” said Leslie. Leslie believes it could be harder for some people with less experience to get a job. Still, because of the “hiring influx” many businesses are having, there may be many job openings. Despite these openings, some people are not fully willing to start working. “There are a ton of job openings, yet many people who want to work can't get hired,” said Condoe. “Low-paying jobs that don’t come with benefits are not the types of jobs workers are eager to take.” Leslie agrees, adding that a lot of finding a job is about networking. "When trying to find a job, it's not about what you know. It's about who you know,” she said. Regardless of what students have planned, graduation is creeping around the corner, so it is important for students to plan best for themselves and their future. Most of all, students should enjoy the rest of their senior year!



11 Courtesy of BUSAA.



WINTER 2021 Photo courtesy of History.

The battle for the best christmas drink

By Liam Bouza

Rican drink, occasionally known as the management major, is passionate about this. As the end of the semester rapidly “Coquito is the best holiday drink out Puerto Rican Eggnog. It is rum-based, with approaches, Barry students are beaming with creamy coconut milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg. there and I will hear nothing about anything excitement for the impending holiday season. Every Puerto Rican knows Coquito, and it is else,” said Espada. With the “Hallo” part of Hallo-thanksmas This is not to say that the other factions likely that they either know someone who has over, students are looking forward to the will go quietly into the night. Many people, a secret recipe or they have one themselves. season of turkey and Santa Claus. Sorrel is a Jamaican drink that contains like Chrystepher Lopez, a freshman theater At Barry, there is an array of cultures that sorrel, or dried hibiscus, major, have taken a make the holiday spirit bright. With around “Coquito is the best holiday hard look at Coquito ginger, orange, cinnamon, 37 percent of the Barry community being and water. Just like Coquito, drink out there and I will hear and have claimed Hispanic, another 36 percent being Black or the drink is rum-based, and nothing about anything else.” that Eggnog is the African American, and another 14 percent various Jamaican families best holiday drink. -Diego Espada, a freshman being white, there are tons of traditions “[Eggnog is] the typical have their own recipes for pulling majoring in sports management spreading at Barry that mean there is never movie drink,” said Lopez. off a good Sorrel. a dull moment when it comes to the holidays. “You see it in every Christmas movie, Many Hispanics within the Barry Regarding Christmas, the community defend Coquito as the and it really makes you get into the biggest debate among students best holiday drink. For them, this is spirit of Christmas.” is the age-old war between the On the other hand, Janell Campbell, the drink that accentuates festivities big three: Coquito, Sorrel, and a freshman theater major, said that like Nochebuena, or Christmas Eve, Eggnog. and Three Kings Day. Three Kings if she had to pick, she would choose Each is an alcoholic holiday Day is a Hispanic holiday which “Sorrel every day, all day.” drink from different cultures. However, Campbell did admit that celebrates the revelation of God Eggnog is a dairy-based drink she has never tried Coquito before incarnate as Jesus Christ. containing egg-whites, For Barry’s Hispanic and is willing to give it a chance--even egg-yolks, cream, sugar, Puerto Rican Holiday Drink: Coquito community and beyond, though she doubts it would be as good milk, and bourbon. as Sorrel. Coquito sets the tone for these celebrations. Coquito, or “Little Coconut,” is a Puerto Senior marketing major Veronica Diego Espada, a freshman sports

Ospina believes the feud is not only about the best drink, but how the drinks bring the spirit of the holidays together. She believes Coquito does this best. “[Coquito] is best when drank with friends and family,” said Ospina. “You miss out if you don’t share it with someone you care about.” Although the debate is still ongoing, it is clear that the holidays certainly have a way of bringing out the competitive and compassionate sides of all cultures. One thing everyone has in common is the desire to cherish the holiday season.

Photo courtesy of LovetoKnow.



13 Photo courtesy of Adobe Stock.

Cultural Competence at Barry & Beyond


By Ingrid Moreno

Located in Miami, a multicultural city, Barry University values and incorporates cultural





community,” highlighted in the university’s core commitments. According to American Psychological



competence is "the ability to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures or belief systems different from one's own." This is a crucial concept that promotes better communication and union with people around us. Regardless of where students, faculty, and staff come from, what language they speak, and how they look, Barry thrives on respect, help, and supporting each other’s cultures. Whether you are a Miami resident or have traveled here to study at Barry University, you will eventually encounter and interact with diverse cultures, causing cultural competence to become a crucial element of your daily life. The Buccaneer has compiled four simple tips to help the Barry community become culturally competent.

1. Learn about your culture

will help you to become more culturally

also encouraging others to do the same.

One of the first steps to take is to learn

competent with just a simple conversation

It is important to promote cross-cultural

with possible new friends.

communication, diversity, and knowledge.

more about your roots, values, customs, and beliefs. You might be surprised to discover new insights into your culture. Your parents

Pass down the word. Tell your friends, 3. Daily Principles

family, classmates, and coworkers about how

and grandparents can be a primary source

Carrying principles such as having an

learning about other cultures has helped

since they may have first-hand experience in

open mind to multiple perspectives, building

you grow and change. You could also use

your culture.

cultural bridges, and engaging in social

social media to reach bigger audiences and

responsibility, are all part of being culturally

spread the importance of being culturally

2. Educate yourself about other cultures

competent. There is more than one way

competent, especially in a multicultural city

Diverse cultures have different impacts

to interpret a certain idea or thought,

like Miami.

on our experiences, knowledge, beliefs, and

which could also be due to different beliefs,


actions. Lack of understanding of other

traditions, and values.




Pineda, who is majoring in public relations and advertising told The Buccaneer why she

cultures can cause miscommunication with

It is important to be open to all these

peers. Learning about other cultures does not

interpretations to understand and learn from

have to be only about reading information

each other. Building cultural bridges is about

“Miami is a melting pot city in which you

about them. You could also try their signature

incorporating others into your world, to create

will encounter a variety of attitudes, cultures,

foods, listen to their music, find out about

union and reach better communication. As a

and traditions all interacting with each

their holidays, and even read or watch travel

member of society, you also have the duty

other. Understanding your own culture and

blogs. One of the best ways is to participate

of social responsibility by acting in the best

acknowledging others helps you engage and

in diverse groups and exchange what you

interest of your community, standing up

interact with others in a much respectful and

know about each other’s cultures.

against discrimination, and advocating for

knowledgeable manner.”

Interacting with diverse groups is also a

social justice.

Private Practitioner Pamela A. Hays,

great way to learn about your other cultures

Ph.D., of Soldotna, Alaska said, "Cultural

and teach others about yours. Interacting

4. Raise Awareness

with people outside of your usual group at

Being culturally competent is not only

school, work, and in other social encounters

thought cultural competence is important.




competence is a lifelong project. You have to information


keep finding ways to expand your learning."



WINTER 2021 Photo courtesy of GQ.

What's on your Buc Playlist?

By Shanieya Harris

Students walk around campus, phone in hand and headphones covering their ears. It seems to be a college ritual. Nothing else matters when consumed by the rhythm of a great song. Students get to release their stress when they press play. In this state of mind, one doesn't think about an upcoming exam or a final project. So, have you ever thought about what is pumping through the headphones of your peers on campus? Seriously, what could everyone else around you possibly be listening to? The Buccaneer is here to let you in on that spicy secret! Read into the minds of those around you and jam along to our Buc Playlist.

Photo courtesy of BBC.Q.

Fifty students on campus were surveyed about their favorite song at the moment. The top three songs noted to be on the playlist of those in the Barry University community were “Tia Tamera” by Doja Cat at 32.7 percent, “Boom” by DPR LIVE at 26.5 percent and “Waves” by Miguel at 14.3 percent. The honorable mentions were “#1 Fan” by Driver Era, “When it Rains it Pours” by Luke Combs, “Eleanor Rigby” by Cody Fry, “My Universe” by COLDPLAY featuring BTS, “Have Mercy by Chloe” and, lastly, “Love” by Nwantiti. But, truly, the list could go on! Music is one of the many ways we express ourselves. These diverse selections reflect on the many different faces we see on campus. Oftentimes, we listen to a song without a care in the world for how it made it into our heads or how it earned the right to be on our playlist. For some, it just happens but The Buccaneer did the hard work for you all and asked 50 students where they discovered their favorite songs these days. Of the many places that students found their music, we can conclude that social media is at the forefront for music consumption.

Our results show that 34.5 percent of students found their music on TikTok, 25 percent on Instagram and 22.9 percent on Spotify. While some simply like the artists or hear about a song from a friend, these don't quite influence a student’s playlist decision the way that social media does. In 2021, social media is fast at spreading content and easily accessible to consume as much music as you’d like especially on platforms such as TikTok. This is an application that allows viewers to hear bits and pieces of the most current music in a hassle-free manner and set to a trendy dance, to boot. According to a report by MRC Data – a data analytics provider to the music business – 67 percent of TikTok users say that they are more likely to seek out a song on a music streaming platform after they have heard it on TikTok. In fact, 72 percent of TikTok users agree that they associate certain songs specifically with TikTok. Whether you like your music blasting through the speakers in your dorm or in your personal set of airpods, music has a lot say about us at Barry University. Therefore, jam on!

Top 3 songs Tia Tamera by doja cat

32.7% Boom by dpr live

26.5% Waves by miguel

14.3% Honorable mentions — #1 Fan by driver era — love by nwantiti — my universe by coldplay ft. bts



15 Photo courtesy of IndieWire.

Reboots & Remakes: wins or fails? By Liam Bouza Over the years, movie-goers have received the gift (or potentially curse) of remakes and reboots. Reboots are films which take the structure of the original film and add new adventures to it. Remakes are simply classic films redone. The multitude of reboots and remakes begs the question: are there more fails or wins? Many movie fanatics, when faced with the news of their favorite movie being remade, will hold their breath until the film gets released. The expectations are typically sky high. Production companies recognize that fans everywhere thrive off of remake culture. According to Doc’s Drive-In Theatre, these companies calculate the risk of going forward

with a remake or reboot, while keeping in mind which characters in a show or film fans connect to the most. This way, production companies make money on selling fans a feeling of nostalgia that they know fans adore. As Doc’s DriveIn Theatre writes, “As long as reboots and remakes are a safe bet for production studios, money will rule decision making in Hollywood.” A prime example of this is the 1995 film “Jumanji,” starring Robin Williams. This film is now on Netflix. The 2017 remake, “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” starring Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Karen Gillan, and Nick Jonas, made $962.1 million in revenue worldwide, according to Forbes.

This success earned it a sequel in 2019: “Jumanji: The Next Level." In the original, "Jumanji" was a board game that brought the jungle world to the player. For the game to stop becoming reality, the players had to finish playing. Similarly, in the new versions of the film, Jumanji is a video game that takes the players into its world. If the players want to return to reality (and their lives), they have to finish the game. Another prominent, though possibly overdone, reboot is the classic “A Cinderella Story." Cultured Vultures columnist Natasha Alvar wrote an article titled, “Why Does Cinderella Keep Getting Adapted?” In the article, Alvar expressed her belief that “A Cinderella Story” reboots are overplayed.

Love Reboots & Remakes? here are a few to keep an eye out for: Photo courtesy of Film Daily.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (Nov. 19, 2021)

Photo courtesy of Pinterest & BBC Music Magazine.

West Side Story (Dec. 10, 2021)

“After so many different iterations, do we really need a new one?” wrote Alvar. The original film, “A Cinderella Story” came out in 2004. It was followed by “Another Cinderella Story” in 2008, “A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song” in 2011, “A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits” in 2016, “A Cinderella Story: A Christmas Wish” in 2019, and “A Cinderella Story: Starstruck” in 2021. Each of these films follows a girl who is an outcast and falls for the “popular guy.” Although an “unlikely” pair, the two end up together. While Alvar thinks these reboots may be a fail, the nostalgia they bring back may make them a win. The uncertainty about this highlights the fact that reboots and remakes always face the possibility of flopping – it's a coin toss every single time. Photo courtesy of DynamicsArts.

The Batman (March 4, 2022)



WINTER 2021 Photo courtesy of Good Housekeeping.

Quarantined Christmas no more

By Suzannah Young

Think back to last Christmas – or what we now remember as The Quarantined Christmas. For students on campus, travelling home was difficult, sometimes scary, and in some cases, not even possible. Despite this, those fortunate enough to be at home for the holidays experienced limited family gatherings, broken traditions, and cancelled events. According to a repost from Triple A (AAA), numbers of both automobile and air travelers decreased significantly in 2020, with 25 percent less people traveling on the road than in 2019, and 60 percent less traveling by plane. Still, those who did travel during the 2020 holiday season undoubtedly saw the economic impact of the pandemic on the transportation industry as a benefit to their personal bank account. Not only were flights cheaper, but gas prices were also lower and traffic was not as heavy. So, what can we expect for the 2021 holiday season? In the U.S., AAA predicts travel for Thanksgiving 2021 will rebound to near pre-pandemic levels, with 53.4 million Americans expected to travel for the holiday—a 13 percent increase from last year.

Still, junior communications major, Anjali Anirude, said that, unfortunately, the pandemic is still taking a toll on her family’s holiday plans. “Usually, we will have family come in from all over the country and have a huge Christmas party, but with COVID, it doesn’t seem like that is going to happen this year,” Anirude said. Last year, Barry housing and residence life officials offered students the ability to stay on campus over winter break free of charge. This year, however, housing and residence life has returned to its original policy. Those students who decide to stay on campus over the break will be charged. As a commuter student from Miami, Anirude said that even though she did not have to travel home over winter break, the pandemic holiday of 2020 was not the same. “Last year, our family wasn’t able to come down to Miami, so I miss having us all together,” Anirude said. While Anirude and her family are still having a somewhat isolated Christmas,

others, like junior communications major Dominique Pineda, are excited to be able to travel somewhat normally again. Pineda and her family are originally from Honduras, but have lived in the U.S. for a few years. Normally, they travel home to Honduras for the holidays. They even braved the trip last Christmas. “Christmas is the most special holiday for my family, so we try to go [to Honduras] every year,” Pineda said. “The whole family tries to get together in December even though we all live in different places.” Other students have travel plans involving their friends. Senior psychology major Vivian Brinkmann, for example, lives in Germany with her family, but this year, she does not plan to travel home. “Last year I was in Germany for the whole holiday,” Brinkmann said. “[This year] I just want to be in Miami with my friends and have a different kind of Christmas. I am hoping that I can travel around the United States or maybe even to Mexico.” If you are taking a vacation this holiday season or traveling home, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) advises fully

vaccinated people to continue wearing masks when utilizing public transportation and recommends researching the local COVID-19 guidelines for their destinations. For the unvaccinated, the CDC recommends the above, as well as maintaining social distancing guidelines, washing hands often, and getting tested upon arrival at your destination or self-quarantining for 10 days if testing is not available. While vaccine availability and decreased travel restrictions mean more in-person family gatherings this holiday season, the CDC advises celebrating outdoors or increasing the air flow for indoor celebrations. Since it seems that most Americans are reverting to their original holiday traditions, The Buccaneer hopes Barry students have a safe and happy holiday, wherever they may be celebrating from.

Photo courtesy of Business Insider & Good Housekeeping.




Photo courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.

Photo courtesy of Marketwatch.

Movie theater or Home Theater?

By Isabel Pulgarin

Before 2021 comes to a close, there are many exciting movies coming out on both the big screen and all streaming services. With this “new normal,” movie lovers will have to decide the best way to watch these blockbusters. Is it in the movie theaters with the reaction of a big crowd, surround sound, and captivating story-tall visuals? Or is it in the comfort of your own home with free snacks and the people of your choosing? The Buccaneer conducted a survey of 61 students to find out what Barry students think is the best way to watch movies postpandemic. In this survey, 51 percent of students prefer watching movies at home and 49 percent prefer the theaters. It’s an interesting split as the pandemic halted the movie industry and shifted the audience to their TV and computer screens. Within this group, about 48 percent are waiting to see Marvel Studios’ “SpiderMan: No Way Home” when it comes out exclusively in theaters Dec. 17. This SpiderMan film is the third of the Spider-Man Marvel Cinematic Universe, excluding Sony’s previous Spider-Man movies portrayed by two other actors. This installment follows friendly neighborhood hero Peter Parker, played by Tom Holland, as he tries to navigate life unmasked -- following events from “SpiderMan: Homecoming.” In this movie, Parker seeks help from fellow superhero, Doctor Strange, which unleashes the multiverse, the MCU’s various dimensions. Plans for its streaming release has not been announced by either Marvel Studios producers or Sony, the

distributors and film owners of the franchise. After a few months, though, around the summer of 2022, the movie, along with the rest of the Spider-Man franchise, should be available to rent and own on Amazon, Apple TV, and YouTube. When asked which movies they are awaiting before the year’s over, about 28 percent voted on three upcoming Marvel movies. All of which, except “Encanto,” can

who fall in love from different ethnic, rival backgrounds. This Steven Spielberg film releases Dec. 10. About 8 percent of surveyed students are waiting to see Disney’s upcoming Marvel film, “Eternals” which released on Nov. 5. This film follows Marvel’s “Avengers: Endgame” and introduces a secret alien race of immortal beings with superhuman powers who reunite after thousands of years to

WHERE WOULD YOU SEE A MOVIE? Based on a survey involving 61 Barry students

At a theater 49%

be seen exclusively in theaters for a 45-day theatrical window following a lawsuit over the same day theater and streaming release of Disney’s Marvel movie “Black Widow,” according to Deadline. About 13 percent of students chose Disney’s “West Side Story,” a new adaption of the 1957 musical classic that explores a 1950s New York love story of two teenagers

At home 51%

fight evil Deviants, “mankind’s most ancient enemy,” per IMDb. Senior public relations and advertising major Jada Mohammed saw Disney’s recent Marvel movie, “Shang Chi,” in the theaters. She preferred seeing Marvel’s new “Eternals” on the big screen, too. “It’s a tradition for my boyfriend and I to go see Marvel movies in theater,” said

Mohammed. “We have been doing it since we started dating, and it feels wrong to break the tradition. It’s a different experience to go out on a date and enjoy the movie in a theater - especially the Marvel ones since it’s the only movie genre we have in common.” During the pandemic, she had to resort to drive-in theaters to keep their movie date tradition alive. Meanwhile, about 7 percent are awaiting Disney’s “Encanto” on Nov. 24 which follows the Colombian Madrigal family living in an enchanted house, the Encanto, that has blessed each child with magical powers — all except Mirabel, though she soon becomes the only one able to save the magic of the Encanto. About 7 percent of students are waiting to see “The Matrix Resurrections” when it releases both in theaters and on HBO Max Dec. 22. This will be the fourth installment of the Matrix trilogy and 20 years since the last film, “The Matrix Revolutions.” This film follows Neo — who now is Thomas A. Anderson — within the false reality called the Matrix and his journey to reopening his mind to the lie humanity has been living in and his true role as “The One” to free humanity from a centuries-long war. Tamia Leslie, a senior graphic design major, recently watched “Malignant” on HBO Max, a horror movie about a woman who dreams of horrific murders that are actually real. Leslie wishes she had watched it in theaters when it came out Sept. 10. “It’s been the best horror movie I’ve seen this year,” said Leslie. “All in all, if a movie is horror or something part of a fandom I’m connected to, count me in."




Monika Herrera's cat. Photography by Jimmy Muniz Jr.

Mental support from our furry friends

By Jessica Espinoza

an ESA, it is important to understand the

blood pressure, and reduced depression.”

After a tough year and a half through the

difference between an ESA and a service dog.

To obtain an emotional support animal, a

pandemic, Barry students and faculty alike

Service animals “are individually trained

letter of diagnosis from the owner’s doctor or

understand the importance of caring for

to do work or perform tasks for people with

your mental health. While some people turn

disabilities,” according to the American

Herrera, for example, had to complete the

to working out, journaling, or the arts to help

Disabilities Act. Service animals can only be

required steps in order to be able to bring

them destress during crucial times, others

dogs, while an emotional support animal can

Simba onto campus.

have found companionship in a furry friend.

be almost any pet that provides comfort to a

According to the American Kennel Club

person in need.

psychiatrist is typically required.

“I had to obtain a letter from a licensed counselor confirming I qualify for an

Organization (AKC), an emotional support

The training is what makes an ESA different

ESA, and [I had to] complete a form with

animal (ESA) is a type of support animal

from a service dog, which is trained to perform

Accessibility Services that asked for my

which is prescribed by a licensed mental

tasks like guiding visually impaired individuals

animal’s vaccinations and [the] letter from

health professional to a person with a

around obstacles or helping a person who

my counselor,” said Herrera.

disabling mental illness.

is experiencing a panic attack. In order to

She adds that the form is valid for one


academic year, and she must renew it

these tasks,


An emotional support animal is different from a service dog in that an ESA is not generally allowed into places where service dogs are allowed. This includes restaurants or shopping malls, for example.

“I personally believe bringing my cat on campus has improved my college life, and has helped me enjoy being here more.”

Despite these limitations, Barry student Monika Herrera, a senior in pre-

-Monika Herrera, a senior majoring in pre-law

the animals

For Barry students who need a support

need to be

animal, Herrera believes the process is easy.


She adds that having an ESA helps both



herself and her friends, as she lets them visit

mitigate a

Simba whenever they need a little extra love,

particular disability.


law, has been able to bring her very own

While emotional support animals do not

Overall, Herrera believes that emotional

emotional support animal on campus--her

undergo this training, a psychiatrist may

support animals on Barry’s campus are

cat, Simba.

recommend that a person get a pet to help

important to campus life.

“I personally believe bringing my cat on campus has improved my college life and has helped me enjoy being here more,” said Herrera. For students who want to apply to get

decrease their anxiety or fight feelings of loneliness.

Kayla Padilla, a senior majoring in athletic training, with roommate's emotional support pet.

“Having animals on campus is a beautiful thing,” said Herrera. “It adds more of a

According to apibhs.com, research shows

community feel to campus being able to see

that, while holding or petting an animal,

people walking their dogs and playing with

people experience a “normalized heart rate,

them outside.”

Monika Herrera and her cat.



19 Photo courtesy of Wawanesa Insurance.

Creating Safe Spaces:

Supporting roommate Mental health By Ingrid Moreno Dealing with a mental issue can affect every aspect of your life, such as relationships with others, academics, professional, and personal life. Although sometimes we take mental health for granted by prioritizing other tasks and responsibilities, setting self-care aside, and causing you to be worn out, this is a quite common situation that could happen to many students, including your roommate. If you suspect your roommate is dealing with a mental health issue and are not sure how to help them, The Buccaneer shared below six tips to assist them without neglecting your health in the process. Tip 1- Pay Attention to Changes in Behavior When living with a roommate who is battling mental health issues, it is important to become aware of what they are struggling with. If you notice extreme changes in mood, behavior, and appearance, look it into it. Research symptoms related to depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental issues they could be experiencing. Additionally, express your concern to them about their recent changes, encouraging them to get professional help.

Tip 2- Form A Bond with Them Forming a respectful relationship with your roommate is important, as you both will be sharing your space. You should work with your roommate to create a safe space, where you can address your concerns with one another to create a bond. When someone struggles with mental health, it can be difficult to open up, which is why letting them know you care, and you are ready to listen, makes it easier for them to communicate their thoughts and worries better. Do not forget to do small, nice gestures by asking them to hang out, share a meal, pick up the dorm together, or do something you both enjoy. According to Dr. Ashley Austen, a social work professor at Barry, the best way to support a roommate with mental health issues is by being “compassionate, nonjudgmental, and empathetic." Tip 3- Get Proper Help Dealing with mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and addictions is difficult without the proper care. Ask your roommate how you can help if you feel it is needed. You can ask if they would like you to reach

out to a mental healthcare service on their behalf. Barry provides psychological services to registered students at the center for counseling. The counseling service is given to students with no extra fee and walkin appointments are even available for students going through a crisis. You can let them know they can contact the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, which is located in Landon Student Union 105, or call them at 305-899-3950. Getting the proper treatment for a mental illness is important. Therapy, counseling, medication, and social support can help improve your roommate’s mental health, as long as they are ready and willing to start the recovery process. It is most important to respect their decision. Tip 4- Set Boundaries Since you want your dorm to have a positive environment, rules and boundaries could be good for both you and your roommate. One of these rules should be to maintain your privacy, respect each other’s schedules, and communicate before making a decision that could affect both. Conversations and situations that happen in the dorm should go unspoken with other people, the exception being if you believe

your roommate is in danger of hurting themselves or others. In this case, reach out to a mental health professional. Barry provides residents with a way to set boundaries with a Roommate Agreement, which residents must sign with their roommate to establish their desired time to go to bed, to study, and more to make sure everyone is on the same page. Tip 5- Take Care of Yourself While you are supporting your roommate, it is equally important to do a mental check with yourself to ensure that you are doing okay, and your mental health is not being affected in the process. Make sure to prioritize yourself even as you help your roommate. Austen emphasizes the importance of being “self-compassionate,” meaning you should set boundaries and take breaks because as she mentioned, “you can’t be a support to your roommate if you don’t have anything else to give.” These boundaries should include balancing the time spent helping roommates with time spent “filling ourselves up with what we need, whether is spiritual, exercise, sleep, or things that bring you joy, that makes you emotionally strong and be a good shoulder to lean on.”


STUDENT HACKS Graphics courtesy of Hitch.

New rideshare app means new travel options

By Shanieya Harris

A new ride share company launched in Florida on Sept. 3 is changing the way students do long-distance travel. This Texasbased company has made intercity travel more convenient and affordable for students to hitch a ride home during holiday break. Hitch is the first-ever company in history to fill the 50 to 350-mile ride share gap -eliminating the need to take a bus or deal with the airport for short flights, such as to Tampa or Orlando. This company works somewhat differently from Uber and Lyft. For instance, a ride from Barry University in Miami to downtown Tampa costs over $300 on Uber and over $400 on Lyft. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, these apps no longer offer shared rides. On Hitch, premium rides start at $95 per seat for private, door-to-door service and $20 for shared rides. Students can schedule rides on the same day or up to 60 days prior. You even have the unique option of connecting your social media accounts to see if any mutual friends are in a shared car before you book. Hitch also acts as a delivery service for students who forgot a computer charger back at the dorm or need a perishable holiday gift to be sent ahead of them.


CASA's goal is to provide the strategies, tools, and support needed for students to achieve their fullest potential and realize their succeses. Our team of expert coaches and advisors collaborates across campus systems, working with faculty and administrators to provide academic resources necessary for each student to become successful.

FedEx and UPS, on average, are 10 times as expensive to deliver something you need that same day. So, this feature cuts costs for students on a tight budget. What’s really inspiring is that the company was founded by college student, Kush Singh, when he was only 19 years old and too young to even rent a car. He borrowed his friend’s car and logged over 25,000 miles for free to prove his model was worthy of investment. Two years later, he has launched in 23 cities so far throughout Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. As safety is an obvious concern for riders who are used to Uber or Lyft, Hitch also completes thorough background checks on their drivers. Every driver is 21 years of age or older; has a valid license, registration and insurance and owns a four-door car no older than 10 years. In fact, the company is recruiting college student drivers in Florida who are projected to make anywhere from $40 to $80 a ride

going to places they might be traveling to anyway. Barry students get their first ride free, up to $50 off by using the code BUNEWS1. If you verify your student email, you can receive up to 20 percent off each ride for the rest of the school year. Go to www.ridehitch.com to learn more, including discovering routes within Florida, or download the Hitch app.



21 Graphics courtesy of Avid.

Furthering a career in communications: Barry's new avid certification program By Brianna Lopez Barry is officially offering a new course: COM 356 Editing Digital Media, in which students learn video editing on Avid Media Composer and get the opportunity to take the official Avid certification exam. Avid is a software company that dominates the television, internet, film, and music industries. Their editing technology is used by more than 95 percent of today’s film and television production companies. Studios worldwide seek out creators and editors who are Avid certified. Luckily, for Barry students, Professor John Musulin of the communication department attended a special training in Hollywood where he became an Avid Certified Instructor (ACI). This allowed the university to become certified as part of the Avid Learning Partner (ALP) Program and be authorized to offer the official Avid training and testing. Musulin conducted a virtual beta test of the course with former Barry undergraduate student Mateo Gomez at the beginning of the pandemic. The following fall, he had five students who did independent studies in the Avid Video Editing Certification course, the success of which enabled the department to

officially offer the course as a requirement in the television & digital media major. COM 356 first ran last spring, and six students earned their certification. Nehemiah Reid, a television and digital media junior, was one of the first students to earn the certification. He is certain that this will benefit his career. “This class [is one] I knew I needed to progress in the career that I want further in my future,” said Reid. “And it was fun, being able to know how to make different video clips come together into one whole package. [It is] a skill worth knowing.” Besides the chance to earn certification, the course gives students a general introduction and overview of how to edit using Avid Media Composer software. This, according to Musulin, is crucial for students’ careers. “Being certified on Avid will undoubtedly help those interested in pursuing a career in film, internet, TV, and media because it is the industry standard editing program,” said Musulin. “That’s where most jobs are.” Reid agrees. “Being certified can bring so many different things into fruition for me,” said Reid. “I now have a resource I can use to

help me create a further career for myself.” Confident in his skills, Reid adds: “If anyone needs editing, hit me up!” In fact, Musulin notes that the Avid certification can sometimes be the determining factor when an employer decides who to hire or who to promote. This course, then, puts students one step ahead in their career. Students are also likely to earn more money as an Avid-certified editor. Musulin learned this at the Avid film & broadcast seminar taught at Barry in January 2020. “At the seminar, [we learned] that Avid editors, over the course of their careers, will earn $1 million more than editors who spend their career working on other editing platforms,” said Musulin. This statistic is based on the average career length—about 40 years—which means Avid-certified employees may earn up to $25,000 more a year than their noncertified counterparts. Such benefits make the course desirable even beyond students. Industry professionals can take an accelerated version of the course at Barry. They attend an eight-hour course for five days straight to earn their certification. This suits working professionals

who do not have time for a 16-week course. In fact, one working professional, Dyaundra Stroman, found out about Barry’s course all the way in Hollywood. As an Avid Learning Partner Program, Barry’s information can be found on Avid’s official website, allowing industry professionals everywhere to attend Barry to get certified. In January, the communication department will begin training employees from Spanish-language network Univision. With over 100 editing stations at Univision, their employees will take the accelerated course and earn their certification at Barry in order to operate them. “[The Avid Learning Partner Program] will draw positive attention to the university and to the communication department,” said Musulin. Reid encourages anyone interested in the course to take it. “Be prepared to struggle just a little bit, until you understand it completely,” said Reid. “[But] it’s useful. If you want to make your own videos, create your own content, this course can help you.” For more information about the Avid Certification course, contact Professor Musulin at jmusulin@barry.edu.



WINTER 2021 Courtesy of Unsplash.

Holiday word scramble Scrambled words




Hitch offers private and shared rides from Miami to Tampa, Orlando, Ft. Myers, West Palm Beach, and more. First ride FREE* CODE: BUNEWS1 *discount applies up to $50



STAY WOKE Speech and Debate Competition



FIRST PLACE _______________________ SECOND PLACE _____________________ THIRD PLACE _______________________

Use this tournament sheet to keep track of the debate winners at the 2021 contest. Watch Live on BTV Channel 14 and predict your winners. A. SPEAKER = Affirmative Speaker N. SPEAKER = Negative Speaker
















Wednesday, November 17 at 5:30PM


Stay Woke Speech & Debate Watch Party Live on BTV 14 At Bucky’s Cove 5:15-7:30 PM

Food & Beverages available for reasonable prices Burgers & Hotdogs

Chicken Sandwiches Nachos Wings

Beer, Wine, Soda

BTV Channel 14


BTV 14 Premiere Night

Programming Schedule 5:30 PM 5:45 PM 7:30 PM

Stay Woke Speech & Debate

Pre-Show from Watch Party at Bucky’s Cove

Stay Woke Speech & Debate

Live Coverage from the David Brinkley Television Studio

Stay Woke Speech & Debate

Post-Show from Watch Party at Bucky’s Cove

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