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EF Sports Network

Baseball Looks Forward to New Season with New Coaches

By: E. Gonzalez


Baseball season is approaching very quickly, and with last year's outcome, many are excited and thrilled to start up the sport they enjoy the most.

Many of the players are mostly excited about the new coaches and how they will work together.

“I'm excited to get back on the field and compete with a great new coach,” sophomore Brody Parker said. “We have high expectations that we intend to fulfill.”

Some players are excited to show all the hard work and dedication they have put into getting better at the sport they have been most excited for all year.

“I'm excited about our next season,” freshman Landon Lawless said. “I know we have a bright future ahead of us, especially since we've all been putting in the work and hitting the gym every day.”

Some returning players are ready to get back into the season after last year not being their best. They know with the team and hard work they’ve put in at practice that they will be stronger and better this year.

“I am very excited for this upcoming baseball season,” junior Sawyer Whaley said. “After a not so good ending last year, I feel that this year we can show people what EF baseball is really about. I can’t wait to get out there with the team and put the work in.”