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EF Sports Network

Girl’s Basketball is Close to an End


By: C. Lawless

During this basketball season, the team has played hard in many tournaments and games. Now, they are towards the end of the second round of district.

In the first and most of the second part of district, the team did not play as well as they hoped to, but they are keeping their heads held high.

As the end of the season and the school year approaches, seniors are holding on to the moments and memories they have, but they are also looking towards the future.

“Last season didn’t go how we wanted it, so we are trying our best to prove everyone wrong. We just need to keep finishing, making shots, and play as a team.”

With the five seniors that graduated, there are only four returning players. Even though they are a young team, they still have so much heart for the game.

“This team wants to make the basketball program better,” junior Travis Stephens said. “Not for just for us but for the upcoming people too. We’re obviously a young team with only two seniors, so almost everyone is coming back next year. We’re only gonna get better from there.”

The season isn’t just about winning; the memories made will last a lifetime.

“It is bittersweet, but I am ready to see what the rest of the season has to hold for our team,” senior Caitlyn Attaway said. “I have enjoyed playing this year. We have improved this season as a team and have worked very hard together in practices and games. I think we will perform well in the next games no matter the outcome. I am sad this is my last season playing this sport, but I am ready to see what the future holds.”

“My favorite memory has to be after our second tournament,” junior Dravian Rather said. “We went to a pizza place and the guy was complaining trying to charge Coach Boone more than the regular price, so coach realized that and we were about leave and the old man started begging us to stay and going under his regular price. It was hilarious, one of the funniest things ever. I love this year and love the team, and regardless of our record, only we know what it’s supposed to truly look like. Just know next year we’re most definitely competing for first in district.”

The boys will play at Tatum High School for their district matchup today.

“This group of girls has been so much fun to be on a team with and get to know,” senior Kyleigh Griffin said. “I am hoping that we will be able to bring home a win soon, and I do think we could make playoffs if everyone stays focused and plays their best each game. It's bittersweet because I have played this sport for years. I'm not ready to give it up, but I'm excited to find new hobbies to fill my time!”

Many of the underclassmen are “sad” that the season is getting closer to an end, especially since they will not get another chance to play with this group of seniors.