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Counselor's corner

Creating a Balanced Life: Mind, Body, Soul, and Self-Care by Shobana Powell, LMSW


ave you ever wondered how to maintain a sense of peace in a world that sometimes seems to be moving too fast? We can be so easily distracted by our everlasting to-do lists, never-ending currents events, and ever-changing technology, that we often neglect our own self-care. We often allow others or our circumstances dictate whether we live in a world of chaos or whether we will find peace that day. Sometimes, we prioritize the lives of our loved ones so much that we forget to take care of ourselves. The key to creating a balanced life, and regaining control over our own lives, is remaining intentional about self-care. That is to say, if we pay respect to the very things that make us human, such as the physical, the spiritual, the emotional, the mental, and the social aspects of our lives, we begin to take control over our own sense of peace. Each aspect of our self-care holds great importance in our journey towards developing a balanced life. We must prioritize and embrace each of the facets of our wellbeing. Electing one or two tangible goals in each of those areas in our lives allows for a structured self-care plan for maintaining a balanced life. Each of our prefer-


May 2015

ences and passions are distinct, and as such, there is no limit to the creativity and individuality that a self-care plan can hold.

Types of Self-Care:

• Physical: When taking the time to sit down and reflect on healthy, balanced living, it may seem obvious to prioritize our physical health, but in reality, when stress enters our lives, taking care of our own bodies is often

doctor when setting a healthy goal for maintaining regular exercise, sleep, and diet, keeping in mind any injuries, medication or medical concerns

• Spiritual: Spirituality can include a religion, belief system, moral code, connection to more than ourselves, or even a deeper connection to oneself, such as through mediation or mindfulness. Some may choose to pray, sing or worship, read religious or spiritual texts, read books related to spirituality, treat others with kindness, practice yoga or deep breathing, or even reflect on a sunrise or the beauty of nature around us. • Emotional:

the first thing to fall to the wayside. We might think, I can skip a few hours of sleep, my morning walk, or even a meal to get this done. However, when we neglect our physical needs, our productivity, efficiency, mood, and overall health suffer (Dahn & Penedo, 2005). Be sure to consult with your

Maintaining emotional health entails deliberately reflecting on our emotional needs and developing specific interventions to help address those needs. For example, if you struggle with bottling up your emotions, journaling or art can be effective and safe ways to express yourself. Some individuals might gain emotional energy from spending a few minutes in the sun each day. For others, emotional wellbeing may look like repeating self-affirmations or regularly sharing statements of gratitude with others to encourage a positive internal perspective.

• Mental: Stimulating our intellectual side is very important to maintaining a balanced life. This

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