Warriors in Final Fray

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A good thirty-some years later, Marduke has secured a place for herself on the lower rungs of the behind-the-scenes Antichrist hierarchy, and is ready to exact her revenge on the hippies and their current worldwide missionary outreach group known as The Family. With the help of Will, the former band’s drummer who is now working for her, Marduke obtains the addresses to several key Family Homes where her targets are located, and begins plotting to attack them. However, Marduke does not anticipate the change of heart and attitude that begins to come over Will when he is put back in contact with his old friends and comes into contact with an abundance of Family material on their Web site. Nor does she anticipate that Judy—an ex-groupie and loyal fan of Will, who met him the night the band broke up, and stayed with him ever since—had been led to the Lord by Lenny that same night. And so the prayers of Don and Gypsy, now married with five kids—John, Simeon, Marina, James, and Carolyn—are able to turn the Lord’s hand to move in Judy’s life. Through her pleading, Will’s heart is turned to the Lord, and together they decide to warn Don and Gypsy of the impending trouble to their Home, and of global changes that will soon take place—an act that ends up costing Will his life. Yet even Will’s death works against Marduke, as he is recruited in the spirit to join a team of powerful helpers under the command of Wally (a former Wicca priest who was converted and then killed at Marduke’s command) who protect Don, Gypsy, and their Home in Africa—as well as Don and Gypsy’s oldest son, John, who has left the Family—from Marduke’s attempts to get at them.

In the meantime, even more sinister forces are working behind the scenes to prepare the world for the human savior they are about to introduce: the powerful and mysterious Chairman and his one-world government—who the Family will recognize and know as the long-foretold Antichrist.



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