Hearts of Steel

Page 48


spirit of confusion. Some have been felt by few, some by all. But you all touch each other and all have an effect upon another.” Stuart paused. The message seemed to have ceased in mid-flow. Then from the other side of the room, Cal took up the torch: “I say unto you…”—only a few words into his first public message, Cal suddenly started coughing and spluttering—“I say unto you…” He croaked again. There was a silence. “I say unto you, strip yourselves naked and be loosed of your bondage. There is something very important that I want you to do, and you must be ready to do it.” Nobody blinked an eye. Nobody moved an inch. Cal continued: “There must be nothing that holds you back from following where I would lead, from going all the way with Me. I will lead you on a treasure hunt, for there is an important mission that you must accomplish for Me. And the treasure shall be two-fold, for you shall find treasures of earth and treasures of Heaven. The one shall last and the other shall be taken away, but both of them I give unto your hand that they might be a blessing to you and unto the world. “So get yourselves up from this place and be gone. I will go with you and I will guide you, and you shall not come to harm as long as you follow Me.” There was another pause. Then Stuart said, “Where do You want us to go, Lord? What should we do first? You are our Husband and our Lover, and we need You so much! We don’t want to make a move without You!” After a silence, the instruction came: “Go to the mailbox. There shall the hunt begin.” With those words, the Spirit and anointing 38

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