February/March 2013

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Rakhassa Bey+ + + + // AHA High Point Horse of the Year


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine


February / March 2013 THE

a r a b i a n

a r a b i a n SPORT HORSE


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6 Uphoria A Half-Arabian Tops All - by Peggy Ingles

Publisher Cassandra Ingles Editor Peggy Ingles

10 breeder profile USEF Breeder of the Year, Sue Eves

18 Top sires & dams of SHN by Arlene Magid

Advertising (410) 823-5579

30 Rakhassa Bey++++// AHA High Point Horse of the Year - by Peggy Ingles

44 Tamarillo - Still going strong by Samantha L Clark for EVENTING NATION

Website TheArabianSportHorse.com Email

48 profiles in courage Helen Donnell and Stattok - by Karin Foley


54 Ta’ez+// From Backyard Foal to U.S. National Champion - by Kat Walden

Submissions & Story Ideas Welcomed!

Copyright 2013 All rights reserved.

66 Dressage The Base for Equestrian Disciplines - by Sue Kolstad

70 Touch the sky Q&A with Sherry Gardner

No reproduction without written permission.


Please see our contributors’ bios on our website at thearabiansporthorse.com/features


Bits and Pieces




Back to Basics


Conformation Clinic


Reading Reflections


“Winter Fun” Photos


USDF Year End Awards




Turn Back the Clock


Service Listings


NAAAHA Year End Awards


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

BITS and Pieces

Photo by Jo-Anne Campone


GRC Photo


On January 30th one of the most successful straight Crabbet

Vermiculus, a 2005 16.1 bay Anglo-Arabian, is a full brother to

stallions in the USA passed away. His name was *Magic Domino

world class eventer Snooze Alarm. Snooze Alarm completed the

AHS+++// (Ludomino x Hamsfah). He was 24 years old.

four star Rolex Kentucky 3-Day Event in 2010. He was also named

Arlene Magid wrote a book about him several years ago, and here is the opening section: *Magic Domino AHS+++// stands alone among living pure Crabbet stallions in North America. He was the first Arabian stallion

to the USEF Eventing Team B- List in 2009, was a 3 time member of the Area 8 North American Young Rider Championships team, and completed multiple three day events at the CCI*** and CCI** levels.

to be approved by the Canadian Sport Horse Registry. No other

Vermiculus is proving to be even more exciting than Snooze. He

living straight Crabbet stallion has as extensive a show record (his

has the movement, scope, and bravery to be very competitive at

honors include 4 U.S. Top Ten titles in sport horse halter, a U.S.

the top of the sport. Olympian and US team coach David O’Connor

National win in dressage, 10 regional dressage and sport horse

thinks he is a special horse and well worth the time and commit-

show hack titles, and 5 regional titles in sport horse halter and

ment it will take to campaign him to the top of the sport with the

numerous wins in open dressage competing against all breeds).

goal of representing the United States.

*Magic Domino AHS+++// has sired 27 get who have been suc-

This syndicate is designed to be as affordable as possible in the

cessful in the show ring. 14 have regional and/or National titles,

hope of involving people who would love to be a part of an event

including National Championships in hunter hack, dressage, sport

horse without the high financial commitment and risk.

horse show hack, sport horse under saddle and sport horse halter

From his rider, Lauren Kieffer, “I bought him from his breeders,

and top ten titles in hunt pleasure and hunter over fences. His re-

Jeanne and Lawson Williams, as a three year old and began his

markable record as a show horse and sire is only part of his story,

training as a four year old. He began his eventing career that

as his superb temperament has won the hearts of his owners and

spring and is hands down the bravest young horse I have ridden.

many fans. A great champion with a great heart! All of us at The Arabian Sport Horse send our condolences to his owners, Kim and Mark Thomason.

“As we all know, nothing with horses is a guarantee, but I have never been more sure of a horse’s mental and physical ability to be a top contender in this sport.” For more information and details on the syndicate, please go to www.laurenkieffer.com

February / March 2013

Welcome to the debut issue of The Arabian Sport Horse! For years we’ve heard Sport Horse folks wishing for more complete coverage of competitions, stallions, breeders, trainers and riders. We hope we will fulfill that wish starting today! With the most talented group of contributors we’ve had the privilege to work with, we think you will find something of interest for each of you, our readers. Keep us in mind when you have exciting news to share or hear of a terrific story from the Sport Horse community. With your help, The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine will be fabulous! Enjoy, Peggy and Cassandra Ingles




The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine


A Half-Arabian Tops All By Peggy Ingles

On January 6, at the 2012 Young Horse

Uphoria’s story begins back in the 1990s

at feed store? She agreed to go along just

Show Finals in Wellington, Florida, a black

in Texas, where his grandsire, Fyre One,

to keep her friend from buying the horse!

two-year-old half Arabian wowed the

had a bit of a notorious beginning.

judges and the crowd.

The stallion was living at, of all things, Rebecca Pennington of Sonesta Farms in

a Tennessee Walker barn. The seller told

Uphoria, sired by the KWPN stallion UB40

Cypress, TX had grown up around Arabians.

the ladies that she had bought the stal-

and out of the Arabian mare BF Moon Fyre,

Her friend, Rebecca Jacobs, had a sweet

lion from someone that was disbursing

earned the high score of 8.76 from three

Arabian pleasure horse, when in 1991,

their horses in lots of three. The seller had

internationally renowned judges against

Jacobs saw an ad in a feed store for a black

purchased one lot but really didn’t need

mostly warmbloods. His young breeder/

Arabian stallion. She called Pennington to

a stallion.

owner, 26 year-old law school graduate

tell her she was going to go see the horse

Samantha Werner was ecstatic.

and Pennington was understandably skep-

The three walked into the barn to look

tical. What sort of a horse was advertised

at the little stallion. Pennington recalls, “I

February / March 2013

When Werner told them he was Photo by Worth A Shot Farm

half Arabian, they

Photo by Bob Langrish

couldn’t believe it.

tured knee, Pennington climbed on him

wheeled and dealerd her down to $1,500

after watching him go. He knew nothing

and he was theirs!

but tried his best, and so she decided what the heck, they could perhaps take him and

Fyre One became the foundation of

geld him and Jacobs could use him for a

Jacobs’ breeding program for riding Ara-

pleasure horse.

bians. He turned out to be homozygous black, and sired many incredibly athletic

fully expected to see a stall walker, or see

Just out of curiosity, Pennington asked

horses, few smaller than a true 15 hands,

him raking his teeth across the bars.” In-

the seller if the horse had come with pa-

most well over that including a mare

stead the seller pulled this beautiful little

pers, and the seller handed them over.

named BF Moon Fyre, Uphoria’s dam, that

Arabian from the stall without so much as

When Pennington looked at his pedigree,

finished right at 15.2 hands.

a lead shank attached to his halter, just her

she was shocked beyond belief. His dam

finger hooked in the ring under his chin.

was Fyre-Love, a *Bask daughter who

Moon Fyre was out of Bold Narkise, Pen-

They walked him outside to get a better

sold at the 1981 *Bask Classic auction for

nington’s dressage horse, who was sired

look, right next to some mares that were

$500,000 in foal to *Aladdinn, the result-

by Bold Sundancer++, a real McCoy son.

obviously in heat, and he never batted an

ing foal being this horse in front of them,

Moon was shown a little bit as a youngster

eye, even when she put him nose to nose

Fyre One. (Fyre-Love+ later sold in the

before they decided to breed her. She had

with them.

1985 *Bask Classic auction for a record

two purebred foals before Uphoria came

high price of $1.5 million.)


Still trying to find something wrong, Pennington asked “Does he ride?”, all the

Realizing what a gem the stallion was,

Samantha Werner got her first Arabian as

while thinking “Here we go…this will be

Pennington took Jacobs aside and said,

a teen, a purebred named EA Aurora. They

good!” The seller responded that they had

“Play along with me, we’re buying him!”

showed in Hunter Pleasure for a while,

ridden him a few times. So, despite a frac-

The seller wanted $2,500, Pennington

then Werner decided to start learning



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine dressage under the tutelage of Lisa PayneHyslop, a well known dressage trainer in Wellington, FL, who used to show Arabians herself. The pair was enjoying dressage and were successful up to Third Level, winning two Regional Championships and numerous Top 5’s.

Werner had always wanted to breed her mare to a warmblood, and after checking out many available stallions, she decided on the Hanoverian stallion Akatschi at Iron Spring Farm. When she was ready to breed, she contacted Iron Spring and was told that they had just sold Akatschi back to Europe, but they had another newly imported Dutch stallion, UB40, standing at

Photo by Worth A Shot Farm

their farm. She saw him and was immediately sold on the idea of using him, due to his modern type and lightness. Werner tried for 3 years to breed Aurora but could never get her to carry to term.

Moon’s due date! Werner and her family

tion” award.

plus about a thousand other Internet viewRather than give up, she decided to do a Google search for “custom breeding for

ers looked on as the beautiful black colt was born. He was named “Uphoria.”

Arabian mares,” and up popped Sonesta

In late 2011, Werner had heard about a show series for young sport horses, held at different venues up and down the East

Farms in Texas. Werner called Pennington

Pennington knew early on that he was

Coast. The Young Horse Show Series was

and spoke at length about leasing their

special. “Aside from being quite striking

founded in 2009 as a means for sport

Arabian mare BF Moon Fyre to UB40 with

in looks, by the time he was 3 days old it

horse breeders, owners, trainers and riders

the resulting foal belonging to Werner.

was clear that his movement was extraor-

of all disciplines to exhibit and evaluate

They came to an agreement, the mare was

dinary,” she recalls.

their young horses. People who had seen

bred, and they settled in for the long wait.

Uphoria told Werner she should take him Because Pennington and Jacobs also

to one of these shows.

Moon is known for having her foals two

breed warmbloods, they were familiar

weeks early, so Werner and her mother

with various warmblood inspections for

So, in February 2012, the pair headed to

traveled to Texas during that time and

breeding stock. They had gotten Moon ap-

a YHS show in Wellington, not expecting

stayed the better part of a week hoping

proved RPSI previously, and now decided

anything but to get Uphoria some mileage.

Moon would foal, which she didn’t. They

to take her to the German Oldenburg in-

In the Two Year Old In-Hand Division, the

headed back to Florida resigned to the

spection with Uphoria at her side. Sure

horses are shown at the walk and trot in

fact that they would have to watch their

enough, at his foal inspection the Olden-

a circle, then at liberty. The professional

foal be born via Internet camera. - which

burg inspectors from Germany loved him

handler told Werner that Uphoria was “

is exactly what happened two weeks after

and gave him the coveted “Foal of Distinc-

One of the best horses I have seen in the

February / March 2013

whole country.”

In January, 2013, at the Championship

The judges, Jos Sevriens and Hilda Gur-

Finals, Werner watched from the stands as

ney, were full of praise. Hilda said Upho-

One of the judges, Jos Sevriens, spoke

her young gelding went into the ring two

ria would be a top contender to represent

with Werner after the class and told her

different days to strut his stuff. “Each time

the U.S. in the F.E.I. Young Horse Dressage

how magnificent he thought her horse

Uphoria came in the ring, the people in the

division, and couldn’t believe he was half

was and how much Uphoria reminded

stands whooped and hollered just like it

Arabian, although she breeds half Ara-

him of Apache, the famous stallion in Eu-

was an Arabian show!” said Werner. “It was

bians herself. Jos remembered him from

rope. Other comments included his stellar

really something and Uri definitely turned

February and said he was even more spec-

presence, his beautiful head and elegant

it on for the audience!” He earned the high

tacular. Hilda offered to take him herself if


score of the first qualifying day, an 8.63.

Werner couldn’t locate the perfect trainer.

When Werner told them he was half Ara-

On the final evening, under the lights,

For now, Uphoria is hanging out at home,

bian, they couldn’t believe it. She was told

Uphoria was again the crowd favorite. He

longeing a few days a week and getting

that she must get him out in the world -

had had throngs of visitors to his stall the

used to wearing tack. Werner’s plans for

finding the right trainer was key. Uphoria

entire weekend as word spread about

his future will wait until her law career is

earned a whopping 8.86 that day. After the

the phenomenon. When scores were an-

off and running, but you can be sure we

series was complete, Uphoria was named

nounced, he had blown away the compe-

will hear more about them both!

the 2012 High Score In-Hand Champion of

tition again with an 8.76! His score was

the eight shows of the series, with that one

the highest of the show until a 4 year old

score which he earned at the only show he

earned an 8.77.




The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

LEFT: Mirai C (left) and Anna Miraih C (right) out of Windsong Bey. RIGHT: Sue Eves with Klint Black +++/ Photos courtesy of Sue Eves

Breeder Profile

Sue Eves Named the USEF Arabian Breeder of the Year for 2012, Sue Eves of Robesonia, Pennsylvania, has spent a lifetime perfecting her breeding program.

Her home base is the idyllic Charming

was 8. It’s a discipline that I respect and

Meadow Farm, birthplace of several Na-

am familiar with and since Arabian horses

tional Champions, including Klint Black++/,

are so wonderfully suited to sport horse

Rakhassa Bey++++// and Jebediah Black+.


the transition from Main Ring to

Sport Horse was an easy one for me to You’ve been actively involved with Ara-


bians for nearly 50 years and have successfully competed and bred horses that

How & when did you get involved with

have done well in the traditional Main


Ring Disciplines.... what makes you so passionate about Arabian Sport Horses?

... I saw the value of actually riding the horses that

Like so many in this breed, I was intro-

you have bred;

duced to the mystique of Arabians by Wal-

how important

I have owned and shown Arabians suc-

ter Farley’s “Black Stallion” books. When I

cessfully since the mid 1960s, but when

was 15, my parents purchased a 6 week

an athletic

AHA instituted the Arabian Sport Horse

old Arabian filly for me. I had owned

structure is to the

division, I felt like I was finally “home”. I

other breeds since I was 12, but my first

grew up in southeastern Pennsylvania

love was Arabians and this filly was my

which is the epicenter of the sport horse

dream come true. She was the first horse

disciplines of dressage, hunter/ jumper

that I raised from a foal and it was because

and eventing. I was in Pony Club as a kid

of her that I realized my passion in life is

and rode Hunt seat and dressage since I

working with young horses. I showed her

horse’s attitude toward work

February / March 2013

Jebediah Black+, National Champion Arabian Training Level Dressage., 2011 Photo courtesy of Sue Eves

Rakhassa Bey++++//, 2012 AHA High Point Horse, 2012 National Champion SHIH Mares, SHUS ATR, Reserve National Champion Working Hunter AAO, SHIH ATH, SHUS, Hunter Hack Open & ATR. Photo by Liz Crawley

Klint Black+, 2005 National Champion Arabian SHIH Stallion with the highest purebred score in the history of Sport Horse Nationals. Photo courtesy of Sue Eves

in halter, English pleasure, Western pleas-

and in the years since I have bred a total

tion after producing that first foal.

ure, costume, trail and dressage and, when

of 50. The Arabian business was very dif-

she was older, bred her. So Munire el Ajzaa

ferent in the early 70s, not nearly so frag-

There were no “sport horses” then; hunt

started me down the road...

mented and specialized, so my goal then

seat and saddle seat were judged together

was to produce a purebred Arabian - and

in the same class. We were just starting to

When did you decide to breed Arabian

the rest would take care of itself. Luckily,

get some dressage and over fences classes

horses and what were your goals?

I had college level genetics and anatomy

in our shows and everything was held in

and physiology at that same time, so I

the same ring - no “back 40” for hunter/

quickly started paying a little more atten-

dressage horses in those days. Because

The first foal that I bred was born in 1971



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine we didn’t have the specialization then that

that is intrinsically cheerful. I had gone to

we see now, our horses were expected to

2 generations 4 times with my horses but

go in multiple disciplines and as a result

I wasn’t getting the combination of tem-

we had horses that were mentally and

perament, quality, athleticism and brains

physically able to switch gears from Eng-

that I wanted.

lish to Western to driving or costume. And that has always stayed with me... I grew up

That changed with the purchase of Khar-

with Arabians being the “versatile breed”

bon Bey V (Huckleberry Bey++ X Khemo

meaning that each horse had the brains

Rahbecca) from Sheila in 1982 and the

and structure to do a variety of things.

purchase of Believe It Ornot (Khemos-

Windsong Bey with foal, Mirai C, Reserve National Champion Yearling Sport Horse Filly. Photo courtesy of Sue Eves

abi++++// X Tashe by Gamaar) in 1983. Today’s Sport Horses are the epitome

Those two horse gave me the foundation

of that - just look at horses like Mirage

of my current herd - now in its 5th gen-

V++++// , a National level winner in Hand,

eration and the formula that I have found

in FEI level Dressage, in Sport Horse Un-

successful for the type of horse I want to

der Saddle and in Working Cow Horse. Of

live with... Varian through the sire line/

course, I’m very proud to have bred Klint

Khemosabi++++// through the dam line.

Black+++/ a National level winner in Hand

Add a dash a Crabbet and you’ve got a

and Western Pleasure and an East Coast

“Sue-bred” horse!

winner in Sport Horse Show Hack; and Rakhassa Bey++++// a National level winner

What do you consider your greatest

in Hand, Over Fences and in Sport Horse

achievement in breeding horses?

Under Saddle. While it’s tempting to do a laundry list of So, although sport horses were not specif-

the horses that I’ve bred that have won, I

ically my goal, the sport horse disciplines

really don’t feel that show ring wins are my

are a perfect fit for a horse with correct,

“greatest achievement” in breeding hors-

functional structure and the temperament

es. Rather, I am most proud of the rela-

to accept training and that’s what I have

tionships that I’ve made over the years as

been trying to breed for the last 40+ years.

a result of the horses I’ve bred - the people I’ve met that have become lifelong friends

Who was your biggest influence regard-

that I never would have made had it not

ing your breeding decisions?

been for the foals I’ve raised.

Like so many in our breed, I would have

What characteristics do you consider

to say Sheila Varian was the most influ-

“must haves” in a breeding animal?

ential person in my breeding decisions . Through her example I saw the value of


actually riding the horses that you have

ment. If you don’t have a horse with a

bred; how important an athletic structure

great temperament, you don’t have a

is to the horse’s attitude toward work; and

horse worth owning. I’ve found that tem-

how delightful it is to live with a horse

perament is highly inheritable - and I don’t



Black Magyk, Top Ten 2 Year Old Gelding, Regional Champion Sport Horse In Hand and Halter Photo courtesy of Sue Eves

February / March 2013

just mean disposition, but also the ability

type no Arab.” I love Arabian horses. When

provement/ don’t breed opposites and

to handle stress and fear. Intelligence is

people look at my horses I want them to

hope for a miracle.”

part of the temperament equation too. I

have no question that they are looking at

want a horse that enjoys my company as

an Arabian horse. Now, I realize that differ-

much as I enjoy his, and I want to spend

ent people have different versions of what

my time learning new things, not having to

“Arabian type” is and I can live with that.

“Breed what you like.

relearn yesterday’s lessons.

But when people look at my horses, I want

good chance you will have to live with the

them to say, “THAT’s an Arabian” and not

result because if you breed for the market,

“IS that an Arabian?”

the flavor of the month will have changed

Structure, structure, structure. “No legs, no horse” is a saying that I grew up with

“Breed for genetics, not geography.”

There’s a pretty

by the time your foal is old enough to sell.”

and absolutely believe in. Over the years

When matching a stallion to a mare, what

I have seen too many horse owners deal

do you consider their most important at-

Joking aside - what I have found that

with colossal expense and frustration sim-

tributes in order to produce a successful

works for me is to start off with stallions

ply because their horses were designed

sport horse?

and mares with trainable dispositions and

to break down. As breeders it is our re-

athletic structure that look like Arabians.

sponsibility to give owners the basic raw

I had three great pieces of advice that I’ve

Most of the time you’ll end up with an at-

materials to succeed and that starts with a

followed and have told many others when

tractive, functional horse that will respond

functional structure.

it comes to breeding:

positively to whatever discipline you choose - and isn’t that the definition of an

Type, type, type. “No legs no horse, no

“Breed similar types and hope for an im-

Arabian Sport Horse?



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

A Few Horses Bred by Sue Eves Rakhassa Bey++++// - owned by Bill and Alexis Doughty - Earmed her Legion of Masters in one year. 2012 AHA High Point Horse of the Year. National Champion SHIH Mares, National Champion SHUS ATR, Res. National Champion Working Hunter AAO, SHIH ATH, SHUS, Open, Hunter Hack Open & ATR Klint Black+++/ - owned by Flois and Cindy Burrow - National Champion Sport Horse Stallion (with the highest purebred score in the history of Sport Horse Nationals), Canadian National Champion Western Pleasure , US Reserve National Western Pleasure, East Coast Champion Sport Horse Stallion, Sport Horse Under Saddle and twice Sport Horse Show Hack, Reserve East Coast Champion Halter Stallion and Halter Stallion ATH Jebediah Black+ - owned at the time of his win by Lynn Tucker - 2011 National Champion Arabian Training Level Dressage Kholela Bey+++// - owned by Megan Frantz - 8 Top Tens including Top Ten Sport Horse Mare ATH, Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle Open, ATR and Junior Horse, Top Ten Dressage Training Level Open and ATR. Black Magyk - owned by Dawn and Clint Voris - Top Ten 2 Year Old Gelding, Regional Champion Sport Horse In Hand and Halter Amira Moon Bey - owned by Tina Stoernal - East Coast Champion Sport Horse Mare Misty Moon Bey - owned by Judy Walter - Reserve East Coast Champion Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse Rajima Black - East Coast Reserve Champion Sport Horse Mare ATH Windsong Bey - Aristocrat Mare - the only mare to have 4 National level winners in the same year. (Klint Black+++/, Kholela Bey+++//, Anna Miriah C and Mirai C.) Anna Miriah C (out of Windsong and bred by Beth Conti) - Reserve National Champion 2 Year Old Sport Horse Filly - owned by Lynn Tucker Mirai C (out of Windsong and bred by Beth Conti) - Reserve National Champion Yearling Sport Horse Filly - owned at the time of her win by Beth Conti. Summer Wind Bey+//, a multi National Champion Western Pleasure Champion in JTR, JOTR and Open as well as a Top Ten winner in WP ATR and Ladies Western Sidesaddle.

Kharifa Bey (purchased by Sheila Varian and dam of Windsong Bey and National Champion Western Pleasure Futurity, Khantina Bey V)

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Back to Basics By Ashley Wren

Back to the basic exercises can be great not

minutes longer to strengthen that side and

his feet, rhythm, and helps develop and

only for starting a young jumping prospect

help even the horse. While trotting and

loosen back muscles used in jumping. The

but also for the most seasoned of horses.

cantering I will work on lengthening and

basic set up between poles for the aver-

There are many ground pole exercises that

collection, up and downward transitions,

age horse is walk: 3 feet, trot: 4-4.5 feet,

one can use to teach your horse balance,

circles, etc. Using these techniques make

and canter: 11 feet. The poles may need

rhythm, collection and lengthening of

jumping easier down the road and helps

adjustment to suit your horse’s individual

strides, picking their feet up, developing

make your flatwork more interesting for

stride length. I like to only use around 4

both the horse’s and rider’s eye for jump-

both you and the horse. In flatwork, jump-

poles because I find that more can cause

ing, etc. These exercises accomplish these

ing, training, and anything you do with

nervousness in the horse and with any less

objectives without pounding the horse’s

their horse try not to drill your horse. Drill-

the horse will not pay attention. If I raise

legs by jumping or making a younger

ing a horse creates more problems than it

the poles for a true cavalletti set up, I pre-

horse nervous while facing a jump. I was

helps by causing the horse to resent the

fer to only raise them to a height of 6-8”.

told growing up by many top profession-

exercise, they will become nervous or will

Remember to have your horse straight and

als that a horse has only so many jumps in

not want to move forward (horse will start

in the middle and to get into a two-point

them. I try to remember this advice while

to hollow its back, etc.). Try to look at train-

position about a stride out so your horse

training my horses, and I also like to return

ing your horse like working with a small

feels free to use its self. Besides keep-

to the basics during the off-season colder

child, fun but educational.

ing them straight, try not to interfere with

months for a review for the horses. Here

your horse, especially its stride length; this

are a few exercises I highly recommend to

Rhythm is very important both in and out

helps the horse to problem-solve on their

incorporate into your training program.

of the show ring - rhythm causes relaxa-

own and will keep you from interfering

tion. A tense horse will hollow their back

and incorrectly adjusting thereby caus-

Before starting your training for the day,

and this creates both a choppy ride and

ing a problem within the exercise for your

warm up your horse properly with flat

a horse that is not properly using its self.

horse. As a rule of thumb, trotting creates

work. I like to walk my horse for around

In the ring, judges, especially hunter and

muscle while cantering creates balance

2-3 minutes on a loose rein to allow them

equitation judges, want to see a rhythmic

and rhythm.

to stretch and relax. Just like before a per-

canter with cadence. The judges not only

son works out they stretch and warm up

want to see this because the horse is prop-

The second exercise, which is another

their muscles, this helps prevent injuries

erly being worked but it displays a better

great exercise with poles, is to set up a line

and strained muscles. During my flatwork,

picture like the rider and horse are work-

that measures 72 feet between poles. The

I work the horse evenly both directions

ing as one, like a waltz.

line exercise can be later used with jumps,

to ensure that the horse is both properly

but for this purpose it is being used as a

warmed up and develops muscle evenly

The first exercise is the use of ground

ground pole exercise. This exercise’s main

on both sides. Some horses tended to fa-

poles like a cavalletti system for the dif-

purpose is to establish rhythm and work

vor one side more than the other, just like

ferent gates; this exercise accomplishes

on collection and lengthening while work-

humans have a dominant hand. In those

the objective that the horse is more aware

ing on the rider’s eye for the jumping dis-

cases, I will work the weaker side for a few

of his feet and surroundings, picking up

tance. For young or less experienced rid-

February / March 2013


ers, I would encourage placing the poles

adding and subtracting strides remember

left and perpendicular of the pole that has

between standards so the rider does not

to make sure to every now and then to go

just been covered. Continue this pattern

feel the need to look down at the poles.

back to the true 5 strides and remember

of going over each pole in the cycle. The

While cantering the line, the rider is to

that cadence is very important in this ex-

exercise should be repeated with the left

work on the ability to adjust the horse’s


lead but turning left instead of right in or-

stride length while keeping a consistent

der to create the clover leaf pattern. This

canter cadence. After a few times through

The third exercise is a cloverleaf-like pat-

exercise is also a great tool to teach the

the line with achieving a nice consistent

tern with the poles set up in the middle

horse to land on the correct lead after a

5-stride cantering, then the true exercise

in a + pattern. This exercise is a great tool

jump. Remember not to drive in and cut

can begin. Before entering the line, the

to help with properly balanced turns, lead

the turns in this exercise and keep an even

rider determines if one wants to lengthen

changes, and again working on overall bal-


or collect the stride of the horse to either

ance and cadence. I also like to use this

leave a stride out for a 4-stride or add an

exercise later with jumps for handy hunt-

These exercises will help either the green

extra stride for the 6-stride line. With a

er, equitation, and jumper training. While

or veteran horse both in and out of the

veteran horse that has great adjustability,

cantering on the right lead, start with one

show ring. Remember to have fun and cre-

one will be able to add and subtract more

of the poles and afterwards the rider turns

ate a stress-free training environment for

than one stride. As you change between

right to return to the pole that is to the

you and your horse!



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

It’s fascinating to note how many of the top ranked sport horses differ in pedigree from their main ring counterparts.

Top Arabian Sires & Dams

AT THE 2012 SPORT HORSE NATIONALS By Arlene Magid Photos Courtesy of Arlene Magid

The 2012 Sport Horse Nationals Lead-

English Pleasure winner and his descend-


ing Sires and Dams represented many dif-

ants have won in all disciplines in which


ferent bloodlines popular in the breed, but

Arabians compete, including racing, en-

breeder who most influenced the show’s

all are from lines noted for their athletic

durance, and all show ring classes!

winners is Bazy Tankersley of Al-Marah




talent. It’s fascinating to note how many of

In modern Arabian breeding, the Bay-

Arabians. 23 of the winners were of all Al-

the top ranked sport horses differ in pedi-

Abi++ grandsons Bey Shah+ and Huckle-

Marah breeding, and one horse was of half

gree from their main ring counterparts.

berry Bey++ have been most influential,

Al-Marah lineage. Al-Marah’s program has

Two long time successful American

and in addition to the Varian-bred stal-

focused on linebreeding to Skowronek,

breeding programs were represented by

lions to whom many of the 2012 Sport

the Polish superstar who was the linchpin

many of the winning horses. Varian Arabi-

Horse National winners trace, 13 addition-

of the Crabbet Stud in England. In early

ans of California had eight winners of all

al sires of winners are of the Bay-Abi++

years, Al-Marah linebred to Skowronek

Varian breeding and 12 who were half-

sire line, including the Huckleberry Bey++

through his sons *Raffles and *Raseyn and

Varian, as well as many who showed influ-

sons Hucks Legacy, Hucklebey Berry+/, H

later incorporated the blood of *Count

ence from the great Varian sire line that

A Huckster+, and Hey Hallelujah++// as

Dorsaz and *Ranix, both sons of Rissalix

began with U.S. National Champion Stal-

well as the stallions Showkayce+, Show-

imported from England, to the herd.

lion Bay-Abi++ in the early 1960s. He was

gun PGN++//, Sshameless++, and NV Beau

Later introduction of Spanish lines in-

also a U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure and

Bey, who trace to Bay-Abi++ through Bey

cluded the use of imports from Australia,

February / March 2013 including the multiple National Champion

winning get!


also the top winning mare of the show as

Sport Horse Stallion *Bremervale Androni-

Seven different sires had multiple

she had 10 titles, eight of them in per-

cus++/ who blends Spanish and Crabbet

Sport Horse National winners in halter.

formance. Sundance Kid V was also the

lines. One of the most successful nicks for

Multiple National Champion Dressage,

grandsire of two other National Champi-

Mrs. Tankersley has been the cross of the

Aul Magic+/ (Aulrab x Magic Alarieha),

ons in halter, National Champion Mare ATH

inbred *Raseyn stallion, Dreamazon+++/,

is the sire of the full brothers Aul Turbo

Twilight Kolors and National Champion

and her homebred AM Sea Captain++ who

Charged+ and Aulways Magic+++//, both

Gelding ATH Everwatch PC.

is linebred to her foundation sire, Indraff, a

top ten winners already discussed with

AM Power Raid+++/ is the sire of three

*Raffles son.

their dam Aur Silver Myst. Desperado V

halter winners: Reserve National Cham-

Al-Marah also owns four of the Lead-

(Huckleberry Bey++ x Daraska) sired Top

pion Mare and Top Ten Mare ATH Power-

ing Halter Sires at Sport Horse Nationals.

Ten Sport Horse Gelding Bay Star Bey and

raid Dawning Sun+++/, Top Ten Mare AM

They include: AM Power Raid+++/ (AM

Mirage V++++//, the Reserve National

Sweet Victory, and Top Ten Gelding ATH

Double Dream x HH Maid Marian) and AM

Champion Stallion and National Champion

RR Powerplay RR++//. The latter two also

Double Dream (Dreamazon+++/ x CF Gai

Stallion ATH. Desperado V was one of the

have performance titles.

Fantasia), sire of three winners apiece; AM

most influential overall sires at the show

AM Double Dream’s three halter win-

Good Oldboy+ (AM Sea Captain++ x AM Tis

as nine of his grandget also won halter

ners include Top Ten Mare ATH Al-Marah

Beverlie), sire of 5 winners; and *Bremer-

and/or performance titles.

So Powerful, Top Ten Stallion and Stallion

vale Andronicus++/ (*Desperado AHSA

Sundance Kid V (Desperado V x Sweet

ATH AM Mighty Hector++++//, and Nation-

x Bremervale Rhapsody), the top ranked

Shalimar V) sired three of the halter win-

al Champion Gelding and Top Ten Gelding

halter sire with six winners. Al-Marah also

ners: Top Ten Mare and Mare ATH Fe-

ATH Al-Marah Mighty Brite++++//, all also

had three of the top-ranked halter & per-

lenah++, the National Champion Stallion

winners under saddle.

formance sires, including *Bremervale An-

Mojave Kid++++//, and National Champi-

AM Good Oldboy+’s five halter win-

dronicus++/, who was the Leading Halter

on Mare and Reserve National Champion

ners are Top Ten Mares and Mares ATH AM

& Performance Sire with seven different

Mare ATH is Rakhassa Bey+++//, who was

Stars Inyour Eyes++++// and AM Capri-

*Bremervale Andronicus++/ (*Desperado AHSA x Bremervale Rhapsody) was the Leading Halter Sire and the Leading Halter and Performance Sire. Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine






February / March 2013



AM Power Raid+++/ (AM Double

Dream x HH Maid Marion) ranked third among the Leading Halter and Performance Sires. Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians


Sundance Kid V (Desperado V x

Sweet Shalimar V) is the only stallion to sire both the U.S. National Champion Sport Horse Stallion and Mare in the


same year. Stuart Vesty Photo


AM Good Oldboy+ (AM Sea Cap-

tain++ x AM Tis Beverlie) ranked second as a Leading Halter Sire Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians


Leading Dam Krystal Charm (AAF

Kaset+ x Aristo Kryztina)


Multiple National Champion

*Khadraj NA+++/ (Ponomarev x Khatreena NA), one of the Leading Halter and Performance Sires. Judith Photo


Desperado V (Huckleberry Bey++

x Daraska) ranked third as a Leading Halter and Performance Sire but was one of the most influential sires at the show with many winning grandget. Don Severa Photo


National Champion Monogramm

(Negatraz x *Monogramma), one of the leading Halter & Performance Sires, had two sons who sired winners also.


U.S. National Champion Stallion

Echo Magnifficoo (Aladdinn Echo x S S Magnolia), one of the Leading Performance Sires. Jeff Little Photo




The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine cious Star, Top Ten Stallion ATH AM Fiesty

stallion, a Brazilian import, a *Bask++ son

cellent sire of sport horse competitiors.

Star+++/, National Champion Two Year Old

and U.S. National Champion Stallion Echo

His two winners at the show are Top Ten

Colt Payback Flamboyant, and Reserve Na-

Magnifficoo, who is best known for his

Third and Fourth Level Dressage Bonne

tional Champion Yearling Colt/Gelding AM

National level halter winners but has also

Vivant++++// (also a Top Ten Stallion)

Indeed A Star.

sired two U.S. National Champion Jumpers

and Annapolis++//, who had six titles in

and a National Champion in reining.

working hunter, hunter hack, and sport




six halter winners, three of them National

Baywatch V++ (Sundance Kid V x Ber-

horse under saddle, four of them National

Champions. They include Top Ten Yearling

ryantka V) is linebred to Huckleberry

Championships. Both Bonne Vivant++++//

Colt Ar-Raqis, Top Ten Yearling Filly AM

Bey++ and had an excellent show career

and Annapolis++// are pure Polish. Mono-

Emilias Samba, Top Ten Gelding and Geld-

in which he was named Canadian National

gramm also had two sons who sired win-

ing ATH Al-Marah Prince John+++/, Nation-

Champion Junior Stallion and U.S. Top

ners at the show: *Kordelas, who sired

al Champion Two Year Old Filly Al-Marah

Ten Country Pleasure. He was exported to

both halter and under saddle winners, and

Jessica, Reserve National Champion Two

South Africa in 2010. His winners at the

*Ganges, sire of Top Ten Mare and Mare

Year Old Gelding AM Demetrius Cleon,

2012 Sport Horse Nationals are Top Ten

ATH Fellanaka.

and National Champion Yearling Filly AM

Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse RC

The linebred *Bask++ son, Bask Flame,

Actress Aedile, who is inbred as she is out

Vinn Diesel (who is of all Varian breeding)

well known for his National winners in

of his 3/4 sister *Bremervale Heiress.

and National Champion Gelding ATH and

saddleseat competition, is also a success-

Sport Horse Under Saddle Everwatch PC.

ful sport horse sire. His winners were Top

The Leading Performance Sires at Sport Horse Nationals include two bred by Al-

Monogramm (Negatraz x *Monogram-

Ten Second Level Dressage ATR and AOTR

Marah, three bred by Varian Arabians, two

ma) has sired World and U.S. National

Wesleys Chance and Top Ten Sport Horse

pure Polish stallions, one straight Spanish

Champions in halter and is also an ex-

Show Hack ATR Roxy Music+/.

Leading Dam Reem Al Fala

Leading Dam Aur Silver Myst

(AM Gypsy Vision x Al Marah Kandu)

(Aur Mystique x Aura Magic) Johnny Johnston Photo

February / March 2013 U.S. National Champion Stallion Echo

True Love by *Bask++) was a multiple Top

two National Champion Dressage winners.

Magnifficoo (Aladdinn Echo x SS Magnolia)

Ten Pleasure Driving winner during his

His three winning get this year are first

is the sire of Top Ten Training Level Dres-

show career. He is the sire of three 2012

time National winner, Top Ten Green Work-

sage and Training Level Dressage AOTR

Sport Horse National winners. His son, SS

ing Hunter, Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR,

Echo Magniffied (a first time National win-

Romeos Legacy++//, was a Top Ten Sport

Hunter Hack ATR and Hunter Hack AOTR

ner) and MA Alis Gold, Top Ten Jumper

Horse Under Saddle ATR and Gelding ATH.

RA Kilohana+; National Champion Training

and Speed Jumper and National Cham-

Another son, Romeos Shakespear+/, was a

Level Dressage Junior Horse and Top Ten

pion Jumper ATR with an 11 year old girl

Top Ten Sport Horse Show Hack and Sport

Sport Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse ST


Horse Show Hack ATR. His daughter, Ro-

Shaamrock+++/, and National Champion


meos Kandi+//, is the National Champion

First Level Dressage, Top Ten Training Lev-

*Granizar (Ghadames x Kadina) sired two

Third and Fourth Level Dressage ATR and

el Dressage, and Top Ten Sport Horse Mare

performance winners, both of whom had

a Top Ten winner in Third and Fourth Level


won in sport horse halter as two year





AM Power Raid+++/ sired three per-

olds. His daughter, Cleopattraa, was a Top

Multiple National Champion Western

formance winners, two of them also halter

Ten Hunter Hack Junior Horse, and his

Pleasure and Top Ten Stallion *Khadraj

winners. His son, AM Zipy Sharp Shooter,

son, Czantiago++/, was Reserve National

NA+++/ (Ponomarev x Khatreena NA) is

achieved his first National level wins with

Champion Hunter Hack Junior Horse, Top

primarily Russian in pedigree and is one

Top Tens in Green Working Hunter, Sport

Ten Hunter Hack AOTR, Green Working

of the breed’s leading sires of National

Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse, and

Hunter, Training Level Dressage Junior

winners in western pleasure and hunter

Hunter Hack Junior Horse. His son, Power

Horse and Training Level Dressage AOTR.

pleasure. He’s now becoming a force to be

Play RR++//, was Top Ten Second Level

reckoned with as a sport horse sire with

Dressage in addition to his halter title, and

Pure Polish Romeo VF+/ (*Aladdinn x

Leading Dam Calika V

Pure Polish Romeo VF+/

(*Sanadik El Shaklan x Calaberri V)

(*Aladdinn x True Love)

Photo by Kathy Allen

one of the Leading Performance Sires Rob Hess Photo



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine AM Sweet Victory was U.S. Reserve Nation-

Horse Under Saddle, Hunter Hack, Hunter

Five mares produced two Sport Horse

al Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle

Hack AOTR). Rakhassa Bey++++// began

National winners apiece. Three had win-

Junior Horse in addition to her halter title.

her show career in 2012 at age 13, an age

ners in both halter and under saddle, and

Desperado V sired four of the under

at which many show horses are already

one had two performance winners. The Al-

saddle winners. His son, Bay Star Bey, was

retired. Sadly this great mare was lost to

Marah-bred mare, Reem Al Fala (AM Gypsy

Top Ten First Level Dressage ATR and AOTR.

colic shortly after the show ended.

Vision x Al Marah Kandu), produced mul-

His son, Mirage V++++//, was named Na-

Top-ranked Leading Sport Horse Per-

tiple Sport Horse national winners for the

tional Champion Intermediate Dressage

formance Sire is AM Double Dream, sire of

second year in a row. Her sire is a son of

I and Top Ten Sport Horse Under saddle

five winners. They include Top Ten Train-

the predominantly Crabbet *Bremervale

and Prix St Georges Dressage in addition

ing Level Dressage Junior Horse Al-Marah

Destiny, an Australian import, and her

to his two National Championships in hal-

So Powerful (also a halter winner), Top Ten

dam is double *Count Dorsaz. She is also

ter. Another son, Rawhide V+, was Reserve

Training Level Dressage Al-Marah Mighty

linebred to *Raffles. Her winners this year

National Champion Training Level Dres-

Brite++++// (also a National Champion in

are Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion and Sport

sage ATR and had six top tens in dressage,

halter), Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle

Horse Under Saddle Junior Horse Al Marah

sport horse under saddle and sport horse

Junior Horse and Training Level Dressage

Swift++ (by Al-Marah Quebec) and Nation-

show hack. His son, Surreal Bey, had six ti-

Junior Horse Al-Marah Power Parade++,

al Champion Two Year Old Filly Al-Marah

tles including National Champion Working


Jessica (by *Bremervale Andronicus++/),

Hunter ATR and Reserve National Cham-

Hunter and Top Ten Hunter Hack Al-Marah

pion First Level Dressage ATR with addi-

Power Reign++++//, and National Cham-

Also ranking as a Sport Horse Nation-

tional Top Tens in green working hunter,

pion Working Hunter, Reserve National

als Leading Dam for the second year in a

sport horse under saddle, dressage, and

Champion Working Hunter ATR, Top Ten

row is Aur Silver Myst, a CMK (Crabbet/

hunter hack.

Hunter Hack and Hunter Hack ATR AM

Maynesboro/Kellogg) mare who has two

Mighty Hector+++//.

lines to phenomenal Aurab, one of the

Like his sire, Desperado V, Sundance




who is linebred to *Bremervale Destiny.

Kid V also sired four Sport Horse National

Charts accompany this article indicat-

most influential modern CMK stallions

winners under saddle, two of them Na-

ing the Leading Halter Sires, Leading Per-

whose descendants have excelled in sport

tional Champions in both halter and per-

formance Sires, and Leading Halter and

horse competition. Both of her winners

formance. His Top Ten winners are Risque

Performance Sires. Two stallions who rank

carry three lines to Aurab and two lines to

Dancer V+, who had four Top Tens in first

on the Leading Halter and Performance Sire

U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure

and second level dressage, and Mi Luce-

Chart have not yet been fully discussed. In

*Lewisfield Magic+/. They are full broth-

ro+/, who had two Top Tens in training lev-

addition to his top rank as Leading Halter

ers sired by multiple National Champion

el and first level dressage AOTR. Sundance

Sire, *Bremervale Andronicus++// also

dressage Aul Magic+/: Top Ten Sport Horse

Kid V’s son, Mojave Kid++++//, was Nation-

tops the Halter and Performance Sires as

Stallion Aul Turbo Charged+, and Top Ten

al Champion Sport Horse Show Hack and

his son, AM Chose Othello++, won his first

Sport Horser Stallion, Sport Horse Stallion

Top Ten Second Level Dressage. Sundance

National level awards at the show with

ATH, Sport Horse Show Hack, Fourth Level

Kid V’s daughter, Rakhassa Bey++++//,

Top Tens in Training Level Dressage Jun-

Dressage and Reserve National Champion

was the top winning mare of the show with

ior Horse and First Level Dressage. The

Third Level Dressage Aulways Magic+++//.

two National Championships in halter and

Monogramm son, *Kordelas, sired Top Ten

Calika V (*Sanadik El Shaklan x Cala-

eight performance titles including five Na-

Yearling Colt/Gelding Kajertan Ibn Korde-

berri Bey V by Huckleberry Bey++) was

tional Championships or Reserve National

las and Top Ten First Level Dressage ATR TA

bred by Varian Arabians. Her sire is half-

Championships (National Champion Sport

Glacier+, who has previous National wins


Horse Under Saddle ATR, Reserve National

in reining, proving his versatility! Both of

She has produced 6 champions, three of

Champion Working Hunter AOTR, Sport

the winning *Kordelas get are pure Polish.

them Sport Horse National winners, and




February / March 2013


The Spanish import *Granizar

AM Double Dream

Leading Dam MSU Eternity

(Ghadames x Kadina)

(Dreamazon+++/ x CF Gai Fantasia)

(*Napitok+ x Easter Basket)

one of the Leading Performance Sires

the top ranked Sport Horse Nationals

Photo courtesy of Pattie Inglese

Performance Sire Photo courtesy of Al-Marah Arabians

two of them won titles this year. Her son,

Romeos Kandi+// (by Romeo VF). Krystal

pions at the show. Both are full siblings

RC Vinn Diesel (by Baywatch V++), was

Charm is pure Polish, a daughter of U.S.

sired by U.S. Reserve National Champion

a U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Under Saddle

National Champion Stallion AAF Kaset+

Country Pleasure Hucks Legacy (a son of

Junior Horse, and his 3/4 brother Mojave

(by U.S. National Champion Stallion *Alad-

Huckleberry Bey++). MSU Start Again was

Kid++++// (by Sundance Kid V, sire of Bay-

dinn) out of Aristo Kryztina, a daughter

named National Champion Two Year Old

watch V++) won four titles: U.S. National

of U.S. Top Ten Stallion Ariston and a ma-

Gelding and Supreme Champion Two Year

Champion Sport Horse Stallion and Sport

ternal granddaughter of U.S. Top Ten Park

Old. MSU Starta Legacy++++// was the Re-

Horse Show Hack and Top Ten Sport Horse

*Wiraz++ and National winner producer

serve Champion Sport Horse Gelding and

Stallion ATH and Second Level Dressage.

*Rokitka. Interestingly, Romeos Kandi+//

Gelding ATH and a Top Ten winner in Train-

He now has a total of 20 National titles

is linebred to *Aladddinn, as she is by an

ing Level Dressage AOTR.

and many will remember his spectacular

*Aladdinn son out of an *Aladdinn grand-

triumph in the liberty class at Scottsdale


this year!

The top-ranked Leading Sport Horse

Sport Horse Nationals Leading Dam,

Dam for 2012 also achieved this honor

Krystal Charm, produced 2012 U.S. Top Ten

in 2011, when she had three winning

Sport Horse Show Hack ATR Roxy Music+/

offspring. This year, MSU Eternity (Cana-

(by Bask Flame) and of National Champion

dian National Champion Park *Napitok+

Third and Fourth Level Dressage ATR and

x Easter Basket by *Bask++ x *Silfretta)

Top Ten Third and Fourth Level Dressage

is the dam of two of the National Cham-

See next page for rankings.


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Sport Horse Nationals Leading Halter Sires Ranked by Number of Winners: 1. *Bremervale Andronicus++// - 6 winners 2. AM Good Oldboy+ - 5 winners 3. (tie) Sundance Kid V, AM Power Raid+++/, AM Double Dream - 3 winners 4. (tie) Desperado V and Aul Magic+/ - 2 winners

Sport Horse Nationals Leading Performance Sires Ranked By Number of Winners: 1. AM Double Dream – 5 winners 2. (tie) Desperado V and Sundance Kid V – 4 winners 3. (tie) *Khadraj NA, AM Power Raid+++/, Romeo VF+/ - 3 winners 4. (tie) Monogramm, *Granizar, Bask Flame, Echo Magnifficoo, Baywatch V++ - 2 winners

Sport Horse Nationals Leading Halter and Performance Sires Ranked by Number of Winners: 1. *Bremervale Andronicus++// - 7 (6 halter, 1 performance) 2. (tie) AM Double Dream and Sundance Kid V – 5 winners 3. Desperado V - 4 winners 4. (tie) *Khadraj NA, Romeo VF+/ and AM Power Raid+++/ - 3 winners 5. (tie) *Kordelas, Hucks Legacy and Monogramm, Baywatch V++ - 2 winners

For Sale

Best Wishes to The Arabian Sport Horse

Ishtihar Ibn Hadidi

2010 Grey Straight Egyptian Gelding Super Balanced Sport Prospect. Already titled as a yearling in halter, this young gelding is bold with tons of bounce. Sired by Paris World Champion Hadidi out of a Reserve World Champion daughter. Look at the balance as a yearling! Coming three, get him while you can. See him move on video at www.twosilos.com. Gail Mailloux Two Silos Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC 436 Wren Road • Rogersville, Missouri 65742 USA www.twosilos.com • twosilos@swbell.net www.twosilos.com 417-753-7141 Farm 417-818-3709 Cell

Stone Hollow Sport Horses

February / March 2013

Eastern Arabian Horse Show


EAST COAST CHAMPIONSHIPS August 1 - 4, 2013 Virginia Horse Center • Lexington, VA • Sport Horse Nationals Judge Brigitte Simmons - Dressage • Working Hunters, Jumpers & Dressage • Sport Horse In Hand & Under Saddle Splits • Dressage Classes Added: PSG, I-1, I-2, Grand Prix • New Home of Sport Horse Nationals • Youth Championship Trophies

Lynn Kaufman

• Great Prizes! Neck Ribbons, Garlands, Trophies, Coolers



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

READING REFLECTIONS By Dawn Jones-Low Books have always been important to me. As a child, I spent countless hours reading at home and at the public library. Growing up in the suburbs in a non-horsey family, books were also my main entryway to the world of horses and provided fuel for my dreams. Several decades into adulthood, books are still a treasure to me as they continue to inspire and inform all areas of my life –including riding and horsemanship. This column gives me an opportunity to use some of those books as a springboard for sharing ideas and inspiration with readers.

A few years ago, I was contacted by Jeff

egon Dressage Society in 1971. Accounts

books included The Golden Book of Ara-

Tracy, the “Cowboy Cook,” who was a fam-

from his students indicate that he was a

bian Horse Showing, Dressage: a Study of

ily friend and riding student of Ward Wells

kind and patient teacher with horses and

the Finer Points of Riding by Wynmalen,

because I had mentioned Ward Wells on

riders. These students express deep admi-

Training the Horse and Rider by Stecken,

my farm’s website. For those of you who

ration for his riding skill and for his teach-

The Olympic Dressage Test in Pictures by

have not heard of him, Ward Wells trained

ing; none seem to have felt intimidated

De Romaszkan, and Modern Horsemanship

several Arabians to advanced dressage in-

by him. He must have been a remarkable

by Rodzianko. When Jeff offered me the

cluding haute ecole decades before the

teacher. The ODS established the Ward

books at a very fair price, of course I said

discipline was popular in the US. He bred

Wells Memorial Trophy in 1983 following


eleven Arabian foals from the mid 1940’s

his death the previous year and awarded it

to the mid 1950’s. He performed dressage

for many years.

Opening the package of books felt like discovering buried treasure.


exhibitions with the Arabian stallions,

Jeff inherited several of Ward Wells’

from a personal collection sometimes

Sharik and The Count of Al-Marah. Photos

books, but they were idle on the shelf

include connections to the individual to

reveal a rider with a superb seat and quiet

since Jeff was no longer involved with

whom they once belonged. In this case

aids. Oregon’s “Father of Dressage,” Ward

horses. He searched on the internet for

each book was inscribed with “Ward W.

Wells taught lessons and clinics and was

someone who might appreciate the books

Wells,” there is a charming letter from a

instrumental in the formation of the Or-

and their connection to Ward Wells. The

friend, and, most intriguingly, the dres-

February / March 2013


sage books have passages that are marked

and cultivate, in sympathy with his horse,

desire to continually improve our riding

in red.

While many of the highlighted

the animal’s rhythm at the trot.” Stecken’s

and horsemanship, and the generosity

selections deal with the intricate aids re-

book is also heavily marked showing that

of spirit that he showed as a teacher and

quired for specific movements, much of

Mr. Wells continued to study and refine his

horseman. I am incredibly grateful to Jeff

what is marked regards the importance

understanding of dressage throughout his

Tracy for the opportunity to be touched

of the obligation of the rider to maintain


by Ward Wells’ wisdom via these books.

harmony with the horse. For instance, the

Ward Wells provides those of us in

One day I hope to entrust the books to

following passage in Wynmalen’s book is

the Arabian sport horse community—and

another person who can appreciate them

neatly underlined:

“There is a time for

beyond—with an example to emulate.

and further disseminate some of the es-

everything in horse schooling and it is of

While it may be true that most of us will

sence of the exemplary equestrian life of

the essence of the trainer’s talent that he

never achieve the level of riding attained

Ward W. Wells.

shall be able to bide that time.” Later in

by a master like Ward Wells, we can share

the same book: “He has but to supervise

the deep love for the Arabian horse, the

Inscriptions by Ward Wells on the inside of the books

Important passages underlined by Wells in Training the Horse and Rider by Fritz Stecken published in 1977

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Rakhassa Bey+ + + + // AHA High Point Horse of the Year

Photo by Lynn Kaufman


From that day forward, the world was their oyster.

I first met Rakhassa Bey (Sundance Kid

mellow and friendly. We took it as a good

V x Bonwood Splendor) in 2000 when she

omen that I have a daughter named Cassie,

was just a yearling. One of my boarders,

which did cause some confusion at times!

Kim Ruppert, was looking for a new horse

Kim was in love! We brought the filly

to replace the gelding she had just retired.

home and waited for her to grow up. She

Kim contacted her gelding’s breeder, Su-

was the sweetest girl, quiet and gentle and

zanne Eves, to see if she had anything

easy to live with. She claimed our minia-

similar for sale. When we saw Khassie, we

ture donkey as her own, “protecting” him

knew she was the one. Tall, beautiful bay

from the other horses but in the process

filly with four white socks and a blaze, big

sometimes bowling him over. Poor donkey!

liquid eyes and a teacup nose. She was

When the time came to break her to

February / March 2013

Rakhassa Bey++++// was the top winning horse at Sport Horse Nationals in 2012, her only time competing at a National Championship show. Photo by Suzanne Sturgill

Record of success The only Arabian to earn the Legion of Masters in a single year.

Khassidy Bey, a 2006 gelding sired by Klint Black+++/, is the only offspring of Rakhassa Bey++++// Photo courtesy of Bonnie Kessler, owner

ride, she was really a cinch - quiet and

asked Kim if she could lease the mare to

interested, one of which took her home to

quick to learn. For a while, we had to use

breed to her gorgeous stallion Klint Black,

try her and after several months decided

a crupper to keep the saddle from sliding

a National Champion in his own right. The

not to purchase her.

forward until she grew some withers. Kim

resulting foal looked just like Khassie, big

had a busy social and school life, so Khas-

bay and beautiful with lots of chrome.

So I called my friend Alexis StarerDoughty at Bayview Farm in Cape Charles,

sie had it pretty easy. She went to a few

Several years went by with Khassie liv-

Virginia. I explained to her about Khassie

shows, exhibiting in halter, sport horse in

ing at Sue’s and being a mom and pasture

and told her, “You must go get this horse!”

hand, and some under saddle classes lo-

ornament. Kim was busy building her ca-

Alexis bought her sight unseen for a song.

cally and always did well. People would

reer and her parents were justifiably a little

Her husband Bill thought she was crazy,

stop and stare because she was so beauti-

tired of paying board on Kim’s two horses

but when he saw Khassie step off the

ful and such a gorgeous mover. Many of-

that she never had time to ride or show.

trailer he was sold. The first time Alexis

fered to buy her, but she was not for sale.

In 2011, Kim asked me to help her find a

rode the mare, she called me to say how

In 2005, an injury forced me to close

great home for Khassie. I asked a couple

much she loved her, and I couldn’t have

my barn. At this time Khassie’s breeder

of people that I knew who may have been

been happier. Alexis continued her train-



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine ing over fences, and she was a natural, with exceptional form. I knew Khassie had the

horse of the entire show.

the whole way. She handled the show at-

Early on this year, Khassie was leading

mosphere with a nonchalant air, that is,

the country in points for the Arabian Horse

until she saw the carriage horses in Idaho!

From that day forward, the world was

Association High Point Horse of the Year,

She flipped her tail up over her back and

their oyster. At their first horse show to-

something we laughed about knowing it

pranced the whole way back to her stall,

gether in January, Alexis and Khassie won

was only for a short time. We never dreamt

not her usual demeanor.

almost every class they went in – Working

she could stay on top. During the course

Less than two weeks after returning

Hunter, Sport Horse In Hand & Under Sad-

of the year she had earned numerous

home from her triumphant National show,

dle. Alexis did all of the riding, and Bill han-

achievement awards up to and including

Khassie colicked. The Doughtys took her

dled the In Hand classes. This pattern of vic-

the Legion of Masters, a feat no purebred

to their vet’s clinic where he operated on

tories was one that would be consistently

has ever achieved in one show season. As

her and found a fatty tumor in her abdo-

repeated throughout the year. They attend-

it turned out, she earned more points than

men that part of her small intestine had

ed five Regional Championship shows and

any horse in the history of the high point

wrapped around. He removed the tumor

accumulated 20 Regional Championships


and 4 feet of her intestine. Khassie seemed

right home.

and 9 Reserve Regional Championships in

All of this was done with a sunny dis-

Working Hunter, Hunter Hack, Sport Horse

position and a fantastic work ethic. Khas-

In Hand & Sport Horse Under Saddle.

sie traveled the best of any of their horses,

At that time their only option was to op-

guzzling water and munching hay happily

erate again, to see what was going on. The

Judges and competitors often complimented Bill and Alexis on their mare in both the conformation and performance classes. ”The epitome of an Arabian Sport Horse;” “The closest to a perfect horse as I’ve ever judged;” “Her beauty and elegance capture you as soon as she walks in the ring,” are just a few. The end of September, Bill, Alexis, and Khassie competed at Sport Horse Nationals in Idaho and it turned out to be the stuff dreams are made of for the Doughtys. Khassie earned a National Championships in Open Sport Horse In Hand Mares and Sport Horse Under Saddle ATR; Reserve National Championships in Working Hunter AAOTR, Open Hunter Hack, Hunter Hack AAOTR, Open Sport Horse Under Saddle and Sport Horse In Hand Mares ATH; and 3 Top Tens in Green Working Hunter, Working Hunter ATR and Hunter Hack ATR. Bill and Khassie competed for the Supreme Champion Sport Horse In Hand class and she was one of 3 horses pulled out by the judges for a final look. Khassie was the most winning

to recover well initially but a couple of days later became painful again.

February / March 2013 vet found two more kinks in her intestine

tripping - but I missed riding so much that I

and we were able to accomplish every goal

involving 15 feet that would have to be re-

decided to give it a try. Windsong and Ra-

we set (even ones that seemed impossible).

moved. It was then that the Doughtys made

jima were tied up with their foals, so Khas-

She is a very special horse who will forever

the difficult decision to let their precious

sie stepped up and became my therapy

hold a special place in my heart. As I wipe

mare go.

horse. She was so careful with me (I kept

away the tears I am reminded how much I

As Rakhassa Bey’s breeder and caregiv-

losing my stirrup since I had no feeling in

still miss her.”

er for several years, Sue Eves has this to

my foot) and she would automatically stop

And Alexis, “I have owned a lot of really

say, “I have so many wonderful memories

and let me get reorganized. She got me

nice, talented horses. But Khassie was the

of Khassie from the night she was foaled to

riding again and as a result I have so many

whole package: Beautiful, sweet, trainable,

the beautiful colt she produced and what a

happy memories of mornings that I shared

mellow, athletic and gentle. From Leadline

great mom she was, but I think the most en-

with Khassie doing the thing I love most.

to showhunter, she was awesome. I’m so

during gift that Khassie gave to me was the

She is missed.”

glad she came into our lives, even though

gift of confidence. I had nerve damage in

Bill says this about his mare, “I feel that

my leg following hip replacement surgery

everyone has a purpose that they were put

that left my leg numb and my foot partially

on this planet to do. Khassie’s purpose was

In the words of Ted Geisel (Dr. Seuss),


to touch so many people’s lives in the time

“Don’t cry because it’s over. 
Smile because

“I had really lost my confidence to ride

that she was given. I feel very blessed that

it happened.”

- I was having trouble just walking without

she took the route directly into our lives

she left so quickly. We will never forget her.”


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Rakhassa Bey++++// 2012 Year End Awards AHA 2012 Horse of the Year



(Most Points ever)

Champion Hunter/Jumper

Champion Hunter/Jumper

Most Winning Horse at 2012 Sport Horse

Champion Sport Horse

Champion Specialty




Champion Hunter/Jumper

Reserve Champion 10 & Over

Champion Hunter/Jumper

Reserve Champion Sport Horse

5th Overall


Champion Specialty Reserve Champion Sport Horse

USEF HORSE OF THE YEAR – REGION 15 Champion Hunter/Jumper Reserve Champion Specialty Third Sport Horse

Suzanne Sturgill Photo


Preserve Your

Winning Moments

Bob Tarr Photography • Cincinnati, Ohio • (513) 851-8529 • www.BobTarr.com • Bob@BobTarr.com


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Studio 131 Photography

ZLA Pepets Regalo+//

HS Khozmik Enkhanted+++//

PUREBRED ARABIAN Training Level - Open 1. 70.000, ZLA PEPETS REGALO+//, Katie Keim 2. 69.000, HS KHOZMIK ENKHANTED+++//, Holly Schnader 3. 68.229, NABORS GREY TANDOLYN, Linda HollingsworthJones 4. 68.200, HS HISANIS HAIMOVI, Jennifer McCloud 5. 66.800, RA PADRE, Pamela Thompson Junior/Young Rider 1. 69.000, HS KHOZMIK ENKHANTED+++//, Holly Schnader 2. 64.822, CW FACTOR, Mackenzie Rivers 3. 64.600, MESMERYZ+/, Madeline Ramon Adult Amateur 1. 70.000, ZLA PEPETS REGALO+//, Katie Keim 2. 65.521, SRF THE WHISTLER, Elizabeth Cohen

3. 62.700, HR WAJUR+, Lee Bergstrom Vintage Cup 1. 66.800, RA PADRE, Pamela Thompson 2. 62.700, HR WAJUR+, Lee Gergstrom

USDF All-Breeds First Level - Open 1. 69.436, LP SNICKERS+/, Michelle Freeman 2. 67.742, BA VYAGRA BEY+++/, Jo Butterworth Devine 3. 65.000, GYBSON GIRL+, Karen Rains 4. 64.382, JAZZZZ, Elaine Marion and Hannah Reed 5. 64.274, KINGS RANSOM EE+/, Adrienne Brason

Tracy Kelsey Photo


CW Factor

BA Vyagra Bey+++/


February / March 2013

Junior/Young Rider 1. 69.436, LP SNICKERS+/, Michelle Freeman 2. 62.984, MESMERYZ+/, Madeleine Ramon 3. 60.923, OFW AMBUSH+, Jennifer Beca Adult Amateur 1. 67.742, BA VYAGRA BEY+++/, Jo Butterworth Devine 2. 65.000, GYBSON GIRL+, Karen Rains 3. 64.573, JAZZZZ, Hannah Reed 4. 62.274, KINGS RANSOM EE+/, Adrienne Brason 5. 64.194, CJA DEBBONHEIR+, Jodi Reynolds Vintage Cup 1. 62.258, HR WAJUR+, Lee Bergstrom Second Level - Open 1. 65.119, OKW ATOMIC++/, Patience PrineCarr 2. 64.976, EMILIO BFA+/, Stacy Hastings 3. 64.881, NAVAJO X++//, Patrice Tipton and Nicki McGinnis

Marielle Watson Photo

Aulways Magic+++// 3. 62.500, CW MONTEREY BAY+, Stephanie Stewart 4. 61.683, KOLI BEY BERRY+, Terry Benedetti 5. 61.579, BEY DREAMER, Lisa Kunzman Vintage Cup 1. 65.119, OKW ATOMIC++/, Patience PrineCarr Third Level - Open 1. 66.923, AULWAYS MAGIC+++//, Patience Prine-Carr 2. 64.091, OKW ATOMIC++/, Patience PrineCarr 3. 62.877, MFAX AMEER EL KINAAN, Jessica Fussner

s Award Winners

Marielle Watson Photo

Iva Knapp Photo

4. 64.429, LP SNICKERS+/, Michelle Freeman 5. 63.929, ROL SUPER SUNDAY+/, Megan Cheshire, Kim Lacy Junior/Young Rider 1. 62.429, LP SNICKERS+/, Michelle Freeman Adult Amateur 1. 64.881, NAVAJO X++//, Patrice Tipton 2. 63.571, ROL SUPER SUNDAY+/, Megan Chashire

Gib Tipton Photo

Navajo X++//

OKW Atomic++/

Emilio BFA+/


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine Wendy Peterson Photo

Suzanne Sturgill Photo


Khemos Khopi+++/ Mirage V++++// Prix St. Georges - Open 1. 63.158, ALEROS+/, Hilda Gurney

USDF All-Breeds HALF-ARABIAN AND ANGLO-ARABIAN Training Level - Open 1. 72.700, AROSENTHYME MA+++/, Nicol Hinde 2. 72.500, ELIJAS TRUBADOR MGF+, Tracy Pierce 3. 71.071, KURT ALI KHAN+, Cynthia DeRousie 4. 70.200, LADY LORIA++++//, Taylor Bowman 5. 69.800, LJS SUBLIME+/, Amy Ayres Junior/Young Rider 1. 70.200, LADY LORIA++++//, Taylor Bowman 2. 69.000, DARKCYDE OF THE MOON++++//, Holly Schnader Adult Amateur 1. 71.071, KURT ALI KHAN+, Cynthia DeRousie 2. 69.800, LJS SUBLIME+/, Amy Ayres 3. 69.250, GS MANITOU+/, Laurie Tibbs

Photo BobTarr.com

Photo BobTarr.com

4. 62.564, KHEMOS DRAMA+++//, Emily Craig 5. 61.667, ROL SUPER SUNDAY+/, Megan Cheshire and Kim Lacy Junior/Young Rider 1. 65.564, KHEMOS DRAMA+++//, Emily Craig Vintage Cup 1. 66.923, AULWAYS MAGIC+++//, Patience PrineCarr 2. 64.091, OKW ATOMIC++/, Patience Prine-Carr Fourth Level - Open 1. 65.563, FOCUS SHALIMOR++//, Marilyn Weber 2. 64.850, AULWAYS MAGIC+++//, Patience PrineCarr Vintage Cup 1. 64.850, AULWAYS MAGIC+++//, Patience PrineCarr Intermediate I - Open 1. 63.816, KS FADLS PHOENIX, Melissa Lund 2. 60.757, MIRAGE V++++//, Jennifer Tobie Junior/Young Rider 1. 63.816, KS FADLS PHOENIX, Melissa Lund

Arosenthyme MA+++/

Double XL++++//

Darkcyde Of The

February / March 2013


First Dance of Color+ Pulsar+/

s Award Winners Vintage Cup 1. 66.200, MC ENDLESS ECHO+/, Sherri Booye First Level - Open 1. 70.731, BOUCCOS FLIGHT PLAN+, Eliza Ginn 2. 70.345, KHEMOS KHOPI+++/, Heather Rudd 3. 69.408, ELIJAS TRUBADOR MGF+, Tracy Pierce 4. 67.420, LJS SUBLIME+/, Amy Ayres 5. 67.419, LADY LORIA++++//, Taylor Bowman Junior/Young Rider 1. 70.731, BOUCCOS FLIGHT PLAN+, Eliza Ginn 2. 67.419, LADY LORIA++++//, Taylor Bowman 3. 66.613, MS SPANISH LEGACY++/, Laura Killian 4. 64.678, FA PATRIOT++//, Katie Lang 5. 64.483, DARKCYDE OF THE MOON++++//, Holly Schnader

e Moon++++//

First Class Image+++/

Adult Amateur 1. 70.345, KHEMOS KHOPI+++/, Heather Rudd 2. 67.420, LJS SUBLIME+/, Amy Ayres 3. 67.258, FIRST DANCE OF COLOR+, Carol Mavros 4. 65.000, WHEELL OF FORTUNE+, Stephanie Stewart 5. 63.468, HI HANDSOME CCR+/, Karen Bovee Vintage Cup 1. 67.258, FIRST DANCE OF COLOR+, Carol Mavros Second Level - Open 1. 67.857, DOUBLE XL++++//, Caitlin Zeck 2. 65.857, AUL GOLD, Debbie Ross 3. 65.089, C J ONE FOR THE MONEY+//, Janet Ward 4. 65.060, KHEMOS KHOPI+++/, Heather Rudd 4. 65.060, FIRST DANCE OF COLOR+, Carol Mavros

Photo BobTarr.com

4. 67.100, FIRST CLASS IMAGE+++/, Kathleen Cannon 5. 66.200, MC ENDLESS ECHO+/, Sherri Booye

Buoccos Flight Plan+

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Marielle Watson Photo

PR Captain Hook+//

Image by www.ShortHorseStudios.com

Suzanne Sturgill Photo

Buster Bey+/

Ellis Photography

Junior/Young Rider 1. 62.895, MS SPANISH LEGACY++/, Laura Killian Adult Amateur 1. 67.857, DOUBLE XL++++//, Caitlin Zech 2. 65.857, AUL GOLD, Debbie Ross 3. 65.089, C J ONE FOR THE MONEY+//, Janet Ward 4. 65.060, FIRST DANCE OF COLOR+, Carol Mavros 4. 65.060, KHEMOS KHOPI+++/, Heather Rudd Vintage Cup 1. 65.857, AUL GOLD, Debbie Ross 2. 65.060, FIRST DANCE OF COLOR+, Carol Mavros Third Level - Open 1. 64.176, IVE BEEN RIPPED++//, Jessica Fussner 2. 62.821, FIRGROVE PALADIN+//, Sheila McElwee 3. 62.276, BUSTER BEY+/, Kristine Phelps Fourth Level - Open 1. 64.813, RHOLACON+/, Tracey Dikkers 2. 64.459, PR CAPTAIN HOOK+//, Mimi Stanley Intermediate II - Open 1. 62.829, KB JULL FAHIM+//, Chelsey Sibley Prix St. Georges - Open 1. 64.079, PULSAR+/, Trudy Tatum 2. 63.422, DARK PRANKSTER+++//, Madeleine Hoshizaki and Patience Prine-Carr Adult Amateur 1. 64.079, PULSAR+/, Trudy Tatum Vintage Cup 1. 66.513, DARK PRANKSTER+++//, Patience Prine-Carr


Dark Prankster+++//

Suzanne Sturgill Photo


KB Jull Fahim+//

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE USDF ALL-BREEDS AWARDS, VISIT: The Arabian Horse Association -www.arabianhorses.org/activities/dressage/allbreed.asp www.arabianhorses.org/activities/dressage/allbreed.asp The U.S. Dressage Federation -www.usdf.org/awards/all-breeds/index.asp www.usdf.org/awards/all-breeds/index.asp

February / March 2013


2005 - 2013



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Tamarillo Still going strong By Samantha L Clark for EVENTING NATION

With the old year behind us we’ve all read those “Best Of” lists

and no doubt made our own resolutions, along with hopes and dreams for the future. January is traditionally a time of new beginnings, foals on the ground, fresh starts and looking forward, making plans. Without a major Championship (the Europeans notwithstanding) 2013 will be a year of consolidation and preparation for the WEG in Normandy in 2014, and further ahead for the Olympics in Rio just three and a half years away now. However, it also means that the four star Championships will be more competitive than ever, and unbelievably as I cast my eye down William Fox-Pitt’s long, long list of victories, six at Burghley alone, it’s almost incredible that he has only won Badminton once. On a part bred Arab called Tamarillo. I was lucky enough to visit Biddesden Stud recently where Tamarillo was born and bred, and where the line continues. Biddesden is very much a family affair as Rebecca, the third generation to be riding and hunting Biddesden-bred stock explains,

Tamarillo and William Fox-Pitt competing at the Athens Olympics. Photo by Al Bello for Gettyimages used with the kind permission of Biddesden Stud.

Piquante – a four year old mare by Persiflage who also stands at Biddesden, out of Thais, also at Biddesden who is by Tarnik, the sire of Tamarillo. “We have Arabs because my grandparents bought two mares in the thirties from the Crabbet Park stud, and that’s the foundation. With my parents being interested in eventing it’s just slowly Tamarillo, now 21, with owner Mary Guinness. Tamarillo is currently enjoying retirement at William Fox-Pitt’s Dorset yard, giving the odd lesson to working students and being spoilt as is his wont!

become more focused on competition, but Finn wanted to really combine the toughness, stamina and lightness of movement of the Arabs with the scope and speed of the thoroughbred.” Rebec-

February / March 2013 ca and her brother Rory both ride and hunt regularly, and are keen

by Rory who tells me proudly that William rated his canter bet-

and knowledgeable but it is their father Finn who really runs the

ter than Tamarillo’s! William is also currently eventing a rising

business, and Katey Cuthbertson, a Lucinda Green protege, who

7-year-old by All That Jazz, Star Time, bred by his mother Marietta.

competes the eventers.

Persiflage is a rising eleven year old Anglo Arab stallion by Primi-

Rory also hunts Alcibiades, above, who is by All That Jazz.

tive Rising out of a mare called Doyenne with 60 British Eventing points and what seems to be an unbelievably sweet temperament; he trots up beautifully on the road outside the yard in the rain, and stands good-naturedly for a picture. The yard is friendly and functional, with horses tucked into boxes in every corner, yearlings sharing barns, a walker and the lorry also somehow finding space in the beautiful old-fashioned yard, and this is also reflected in the approach to breeding - modern but traditional, an English/ Irish heritage and it’s a business but also a passion. As houseguest Valerie Vizcarrondo explains, ” Here it’s all about the horses; it’s refreshing, it’s horsemanship on a different level, it’s bred into people here, it’s just a part of the culture, here you live it.”

Also by All That Jazz, this nice rising seven-year-old mare called Annaliese. This was the horse that Valerie told me she “should talk to Finn about bringing back to the States, she’s lovely, she’s serious. I saw her out hunting and although she’s not as typey, just the way that she handled herself, I was ready to put her on a plane, I need to do some wheeling and dealing! ”Having arrived just before Christmas, Valerie was getting a crash course, luckily not literally, in the Biddesden style and loving every minute of it, although we both laughed when she told me she was presented with a pair of rubber riding boots on arrival – indispensable! – and she shared some of her adventures since, “I”ve had a fabulous time; everyone’s enjoyed making great fun of me for not knowing any of the traditions and the food but I feel like that’s kind of my purpose here so it’s been fine, I’m the comic

All That Jazz, above, is an Anglo Arab stallion by SS City Lights

relief! Adventure beckons!

(Arab) by Belingo (TB) imported from Australia. Sourced and com-

“The first day I got here at noon and I was on a horse, All That

peted by William Fox-Pitt and then Dan Jocelyn, he’s now hunted

Jazz, until dark so I could take him hunting the next day which



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine was Christmas Eve. We had a day off for Christmas and then we went hunting on Boxing Day – horses decorated and we hacked miles into the village, all of that fabulous stuff. We were backs to the wind, heads down, pouring down rain and not a single person is talking about going in! We’re going out again on Saturday and I don’t know who I’ll be riding or where it is. “I had no expectations really but knowing about Tamarillo I thought all the horses would be sharp and good-looking and fun, and they’re all lovely. The Biddesden Type is my type of horse – compact, uphill, very classy looking, I prefer to ride something that looks the part, Ferrari types, a little bit like that, and they’re all that way. “

Turkish Candle competed up to intermediate level with Canadian rider Vanessa Fenwick before starting her career as a brood mare at Biddesden. and told him he’s not a stallion any more! We did it with Jazz and Persiflage as well and the advantage is he’s already proven by the time he’s already competing at a fairly high level, but it does definitely depend on the stallion.” As many breeders will tell you an awful lot also depends on the mare, and Incognito is by Turkish Candle, who Finn, Rebecca and Rory all think may be good enough to be a foundation mare for Biddesden in the future.

Imbroglio, above, a 2005 mare by Indoctro (Dutch Warmblood) out of Turkish Candle, “She reminds me of the horse I did Young Riders on,” says Valerie Vizcarrondo. The Dutch Warmblood influence is a fairly new development and happened as a result of Finn’s travels, “On my trip to Holland to VDL, at the top of the range was Indoctro, a very good show-jumper himself but a famous show jumper sire so we used him. She’s out of an Anglo Arab mare who went two star, and she’s seven and went two star

Sisyrinchium, above, a 22 year old pure-bred Arab Stallion “has

this year with Katey.” Katey concurs that although perhaps ideally

produced quite a few nice eventers over the years,” and Vanessa

she might be a hand higher, Katey is herself petite and adds that

Fenwick also brought over the current Jessie Phoenix ride, Bid-

she went inside the time at all her intermediates easily, and Finn

desden-bred Erodium who is by Emilion and out of a half sister

agrees, “We were so delighted with her we did use the stallion

to Sisyrinchium.

again and now have a rising three year old colt.”

Piquante’s mother Thais (next photo), a 1995 mare by Tarnik

“The idea of using the Indoctro blood is to get a little more train

(sire of Tamarillo) and brought in to hunt this season as her swan-

ability and a little more snap in the front end, sometimes the thor-

song as she was not in foal this year. It was almost by chance that

oughbreds have a tendency to dangle their front legs. She (Imbro-

Finn bred Tamarillo, or perhaps you could say it was meant to be?

glio) hasn’t got the big movement but the brother (Incognito) has.

”I first saw Tarnik when I was competing against him in a marathon;

He’ll be broken in the spring, but we have already used him as a

Tarnick won and my horse Ansty came second but I’d spent many,

stud. After he covered two mares we had to turn him back into a

many miles admiring his back end and knew I wanted to use him!

colt in which we succeeded: we turned him out with a big gelding

The years passed and then he came over to visit and we bred to

February / March 2013

him.” The rest, of course, is eventing history: to scratch the surface Tamarillo won Badminton with William Fox-Pitt in 2004 and was second there in 2002 and 2005, he won Burghley in 2008, an

Persiflage at Houghton last May. Photo by Photosynergy used with the kind permission of Biddesden Stud.

individual silver and team gold medal at the European Champion-

remember William riding him right up to the crowd around the

ships at Blenheim in 2005 and Team Gold at the WEG in Aachen in

dressage ring trying to get him do his spook before he went in, but

2006. Finn tried to put his finger on what made Tamarillo so good,

he did gradually get better.

“Watching his lateral movement, he found crossing his hind leg

“It was so surprising to see a horse do that and then go out and

very easy which a lot of thoroughbreds find difficult to do, and

do these enormous jumps cross country. Funnily enough, watch-

he turned out to be a very good cross country horse. It may be

ing him go round Badminton he would gallop round with his ears

that of course he did have a very good rider, and they developed

pricked and I asked William about that later, and he told me he

their careers together; he really made William I think, and William

thought it was because he found it so easy; for most horses it’s

made him - they found each other at just the right time. It is so

very hard, those are very big fences and when they’re under ex-

surprising that he was so brave because he was so very spooky

treme exertion they don’t put their ears forward, so maybe that’s

and it doesn’t seem to be the same thing as being cowardly! I do

what it was: he just was a very athletic horse and brave, and so it just seemed to be very easy for him.” I imagine Finn must regret not keeping Tamarillo entire, “Oh Gracious yes, but we had no idea where he was heading, and we have all sorts of plans to over come that!”

You can stay up to

date with those plans by visiting the Biddesden facebook page, or please visit their website if you’d like details on contacting them. Connections to the Tamarillo line are in Persiflage’s dam’s family, and this season Biddesden will start shipping his semen to the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In fact in a later email in which Rebecca is trying to patiently untangle the bloodlines for me she muses that Tamarillo, Persiflage, Sisyrinchium and Erodium can all be traced back to their foundation mare Dafinetta who was originally bought in the ’30s by her grandmother. Many thanks to the Guinness family for so kindly showing me all the horses in the rain during the Christmas holidays and their Tamarillo retires in an emotional ceremony after the show-jumping at Badminton. Ridden by William Fox-Pitt and pictured with long-time groom Jackie Potts. Photo used with kind permission by Nico Morgan.

collaboration with this article, and thank you for reading. Go Anglo Arabs and any and all crosses in between, and Go Eventing!



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Profiles in Courage

Never Say Never By Karin Foley

Helen Donnell and her purebred Arabian gelding, Stattok (affectionately called “Stat”), are a team in the world of Eventing. Together they prove that having the courage of your convictions is often the definition of true courage. Stattok is sired by the multi-National Champion Stallion *Padron’s son AAF Solitaire, who was out of the Topol daughter *Statistika, lines that are well known for athletic ability. His dam, Z F Desiree by *Napitok+, produced a multi-National Champion in Hunter Pleasure, and a multi-National Top Ten winner in English Pleasure & Pleasure Driving. *Napitok was Canadian National Champion Park Horse and is the sire of many National Champions in English Pleasure, Country English, Show Hack, Hunter Pleasure & Pleasure Driving. Z F Desiree’s dam was RO Fanciray, dam of Multi-National Champion Park Horse Zodiac Matador+. Eventing competition consists of three phases: Dressage, Cross Country and Stadium Jumping. The first phase, Dressage, demonstrates the horse and rider’s ability to perform a series of prescribed classical movements on the flat in an enclosed arena. The second phase, Cross Country, requires the horse and rider to gallop over natural, usually gently rolling, terrain, jumping a variety of fixed obstacles along the way. In the final phase, Show Jumping, horse and rider jump a series of stadium fences in an enclosed arena. The rider accumulates penalty points in each phase based on a variety of fault factors, and the rider with the lowest amount of points at the end of the three phases wins the day. The sport evolved over time from a military contest to an Olympic event. It is a fascinating sport that attracts competitors that range from serious amateur riders to professionals; Olympians and international stars. At the highest levels the sport is dominated by professionals riding Warmbloods, many of which trace back to horses of Arabian

February / March 2013

David Mullinix Photography



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine and Thoroughbred blood.

the rider must qualify.

disparage an Arab bred horse. I have heard

The sport of Eventing requires commit-

Helen and Stattok began their journey

them disparage incorrect riding and tact-

ment and preparation. It takes years for a

together back in 2007 when Helen took

less correction. I have heard them chuckle

horse with great natural ability to reach the

Stat on as a resale project - intending to

about an over blinged horse being ridden

highest levels. Of the sport’s three phases

get him going and send him on to another

by an underprepared rider. Never once

only one, Dressage, is the least bit sub-

rider. The rest of their six-year journey is,

have I heard a single judge belittle a breed

jective. Elapsed time on the cross coun-

as they say, history.

of horse or score a horse lower because of

try phase is what the measure is. Elapsed

Whether it is determining that a much-

its breed, and most particularly not an Ara-

times and fault penalties during a Stadium

lauded jumping trainer was “not all that,”

bian horse. On one memorable occasion, I

Jumping round are what counts regard-

or a well-respected clinician’s assessment

noticed that a particular judge had written

less of breed. Alternatively, one dressage

of her little horse was just plain wrong,

the word “ARABIAN” in all caps on a score

judge might score one ride a bit different

Helen has made her own choices. Even

sheet and ask her why. Her response: “Be-

than another dressage judge evaluating

after Olympian and international competi-

cause he is so awesome, I wanted to re-

the same ride. But the difference in score

tor, clinician, and author Jimmy Wofford

member him!”

will not be a significant percentage.

said that Stat was not capable of horse

Denny Emerson is known to many in

While Eventing has six levels, from

striding and therefore could not make the

the Arabian horse world as a man with a

Beginner Novice through Advanced, the

distances, Helen was not deterred. Mov-

Tevis Cup belt buckle. Many do not know

majority of riders will never ride above

ing forward after that kind of pronounce-

that Denny was named one of the 50 most

the lowest level, Beginner Novice.

ment takes courage.

While Helen and

influential horsemen of the 20th Century

rider moves up through the levels there

Stat’s journey has been littered with ob-

by the Chronicle of the Horse in 2000. He

are fewer and fewer competitors at each

stacles and wrong turns, she has managed

is also the only rider to have won both a

subsequent level.

to keep her eye on the goal and achieve

gold medal in Eventing and a Tevis Cup

progress proving once again that it is all

buckle. Where I live his name is whis-

about the journey.

pered with the appropriate reverence. He

As a

Helen and Stat are currently working at Preliminary level, or as it is more commonly known “Prelim.” The United States

Personally I do not believe, as many

is as much well known for his personal

Eventing Association (USEA) defines the

do, that there is true breed prejudice re-

accomplishments as for his generosity to

Preliminary Level as “a moderate examina-

garding the Arabian horse. People’s opin-

students of the sport of Eventing. This ex-

tion of competitors and horses in a regular

ions are just that, opinions. I have scribed

perience makes Denny uniquely qualified

training program preparing for one star

for more than a dozen dressage judges at

to comment on the capabilities of horses


open venues and never heard one of them

for the sport of Eventing. He said, “Much

In order to compete at Prelim,

of what we humans do with horses create those self-fulfilling prophecies. If we say,

“The Preliminary Level is a moderate examination of competitors and horses in a regular training program preparing for One Star Events. The dressage test may include medium paces at the trot and canter, as well as the introduction of leg yielding, shoulder in, rein back, and changes of lead through the trot. The crosscountry should include tests of accuracy, agility, boldness, control, judgment and jumping ability. Obstacles may now include angled lines, corners, simple bounces, slopes, and combinations involving water or narrow fences. The jumping course shall include two doubles, or a double and a triple, and may incorporate alternative obstacles. It will emphasize quickness of recovery, and may require lengthening or shortening stride. Jumps can reach the height of 3’7”.” Taken from USEA glossary definition of Preliminary Level

for example, thoroughbreds aren’t good for distance riding, then people do not compete them. So, they don’t do well. So people don’t compete them. Or Arabs are good for distance, but not for combined training (Eventing), or whatever. A horse simply does not know what breed it is or what it is not supposed to be good at.” On the other hand, a capable yet poorly trained horse of any breed competing any-

February / March 2013 where and at any time perpetuates a nega-

picture of what is important to me in a

three phases of Eventing requires seri-

tive perception of the particular breed’s

Stadium Jumping coach is that there is no

ous, committed work with often slow and

capabilities. An Arabian-bred horse pre-

disconnect between how to ride a course

sometimes discouraging rates of progress.

sented with a face coated in grease and

of fences and how to ride dressage. “ Find-

Both the horse and rider must be prepared

not prepared for the task at hand is go-

ing a coach for any of the phases can feel

and capable. Horses with the right amount

ing to perpetuate a negative stereotype.

impossible at times.

of natural talent for the sport often don’t

While each horse breed has its own unique

Stadium Jumping is Stat and Helen’s

make it to the highest levels because they

man-made issues related to competition,

most challenging phase, and it seemed

are missing that something extra called

perhaps no horse is so misunderstood as

for a long time that a coach was not to be

the Arabian.

This is largely due to the

found. Helen tried out several jumping

general public’s lack of knowledge about

coaches before finding the right one, and

the breed and the perpetuation by some

also found that even though she had some

of the negative stereotypes of the breed.

enthusiastic recommendations, the coach-

Personally, I would prefer the breed to be

es she tried just could not help her. Con-

underestimated, and therefore have the

cerning one highly touted instructor, Helen

opportunity to “WOW!” rather than the

said, “Despite the glowing recommenda-

other way around.

tions, I found her to be a mediocre instruc-

While there are Arabian horses who

tor. Stat learned a hundred times more on

are made to do the work it can be, as Hel-

our next outing with Missy Ransehausen at

en says, “frustrating to try and track real

Longwood Farm a couple of months later.

sporting performance among Arab blood-

Better teacher, better course.”

lines” for the purpose of athletic competi-

Most would agree the key to a success-

tion. This makes it daunting for someone

ful Eventing horse is three good gaits. The

trying to find an Arabian horse for any par-

definition of exactly what are three good

ticular sport. The descriptive attributes of

gaits can be hard to pin down. The type of

Arabian horses in most “for sale” ads can

hind-end movement where the “engine”

make the task a lesson in profound frus-

is all out behind, or what I refer to is the

tration, causing the potential buyer to look

“hocks are out in the next county,” does

elsewhere. Accurately predicting the ca-

not a great Eventing horse make. Helen

pability of the offspring of a stallion that

says, “A horse like this can push horizon-

has been fitted with weighted shoes or

tally.” This kind of movement works for

taught a way of going by using techniques


that make most practicing true horse peo-

push off with vertical power,” which is an

ple cringe, is nearly impossible.

absolute must for successful dressage and

Another piece that can be daunting is being able to do similar work with your

You can see how Stattok’s body changed over time thanks to the training and conditioning program.


But it “cannot coil up and 2011

jumping. Eventing with any horse is not for the

horse in each of the phases so that it all

faint of heart.

makes sense. You need each phase to be

natural athlete, horse or rider, probably

an extension of the others, and not an iso-

will never make it past Beginner Novice.

lated exercise. When Helen needed help

You cannot send an Eventing horse to the

with her stadium jumping she looked for

trainer in February and have it winning

quite a while for the right help. “The big

blue ribbons in June. Progress with the


Even the most talented

David Mullinix Photography



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine heart.

pared for almost any possibility. A waving

they recommend to all their students. Hel-

Glenn Randall, Sr., who trained horses

flag or horn going off cannot deter the

en found this out in a most disappointing

for the movies from Roy Roger’s Trigger to

horse from its job on the day of the Horse

way. “Last winter I rode a clinic with Jimmy

horses in Ben Hur, once said, ” You cannot

Trial or Three Day Event as disappoint-

Wofford. Very disappointing, as he made

force a horse to be brilliant.” This com-

ment or catastrophe will ensue. This is

it quite clear he didn’t feel Stat belonged

ment, related to me by Helen, left such an

something Helen knows something about.

in the training level group. He repeatedly

indelible impression on me that I success-

“At Stat’s first schooling show, [competing]

said he (Stat) was not capable of making

fully tracked down Randall’s family to con-

Training Level 1 and 2, he was terrified

horse striding.” Helen went on to say, “At

firm the quote. Nowhere is that more true

of the white vinyl rail. We did the entire

the time, I wasn’t capable of making him

than in the sport of Eventing. Even more

first dressage test without getting within

make the distances. Thanks to my current

important to consider is that it is not just

10 feet of it.” After that experience it was

coach, Beto (Javier Gamboa), now we both

about talent, training and heart. “Fitness

abundantly clear there were holes in their


and strength are huge factors often over-

training and Helen found a new coach.

It was overcoming that obstacle of

looked by those who have not played in

As emphatic as I am that there is very

striding that allowed the team to move

the big leagues,” says Helen. The amount

little true breed prejudice among judges,

to the next level from Training level (the

of time, and yes, boring work required to

I am as certain there is breed prejudice

level Wofford was sure they could not

get a horse to a level of fitness and there-

among trainers and clinicians.

It goes

make) to Prelim. Prelim is considered the

fore develop the strength to do the work

hand in hand with those “trainers” who

first “qualifying level.” It means that the

requires patience, discipline, commitment

immediately insist that a new student will

rider has to have scored not more than 50

and time to do the work required for suc-

never progress without that particular sad-

penalty points in the dressage test, have

cess. An Eventing horse needs to be pre-

dle or bit and the saddle being the one

had no jumping penalties at obstacles on

Helen and Stattok’s Fitness, Strength Training and Conditioning Schedule: “Gallop day” is 20 min walk, 20-30 min trot, then 3 sets of 4-5 min canter/galloping at prescribed speeds, with 2-3 min walk breaks between. Walk and trot on the roads in their neighborhood, currently doing galloping in a neighbor’s hay field. Ends with 15-20 min walk to cool out and get home. Showjumping schools are now mostly at their coach’s barn. Time permitting, they hack over and back, 30 min each way of walk and trot. Actual jump work varies - gymnastics, courses, or focused work on a particular line/distance like triple combinations (which are tricky since the distances are set for horse strides - but Stat has learned how to do them). Overall conditioning - 1-2 days a week they go for a hack/ trail ride. 1.5 to 2 hours, half or more in trot. Depending where they go, gallop day and/or trail day will include 20 min walking on asphalt, a key part of keeping his stifles strong.

Helen and Stat schooling over a ditch in 2008

February / March 2013 the cross country test, and not more than

cavalletti, bounce jumps, and exercises

distances. Sometimes the progress flows

90 seconds (35 penalty points) exceeding

like rein back to trot transitions build spe-

and sometimes it stalls. “Stat and I had an

the optimum time and not more than 16

cific strengths. But mostly we hit the roads

excellent show jump school this afternoon

penalties at obstacles in the Jumping Test.

and trials, a mix of work in deep footing

with our coach. Took the fences up close

Being prepared to compete requires an

and work on hard (paved) footing proved

to competition size for the first time since

ongoing commitment of time and resourc-

the ticket to strengthening the muscles

our November event, without any of the

es. You have to begin preparing months in

around the stifles to stop the catching.”

worried scrambling he was doing before.”

advance to be ready for the event. Back

Helen went on to say that “The addition

For many horse and rider combina-

in November, Helen told me “I’m going to

of trotting on paved roads (wearing knee

tions it is not the big stuff that makes the

push myself to get back to 5 days a week

boots) came from a top sports vet in Ken-

difference, it is the small details that add

riding with the aim of getting us fit enough

tucky, who said that when the horse gets

up to something all over time. It takes reg-

to run Prelim in February.” A typical rider

fit enough at it to stop scuffing his toes,

ular, steady work and conditioning to get

finds it hard to stick to the boring stuff

he’ll also stop catching his stifles.” This

to the big stuff. According to Helen, “ To

of working on the basics, and training for

had been an issue for Stat and the plan

me, that’s part of prioritizing…making the

strength typically means work out side of


big as well as small changes necessary to

the arena. “I can’t imagine trying to reach

Distance riders at all levels seem to un-

real fitness with only an arena. I have been

derstand the need for conditioning that is

stuck in a small arena during the week,

sometimes missing in other equine sports.

but took the horses to the mountains on

Most eventers do some distance work and

weekends,” recalls Helen. “ I did use arena

many more fox hunt in the off season, and

work as part of Stat’s strength training –

in the process improve their times and

accomplish one’s goals.”

Cross Country schooling in 2009 Training Level Dressage test in 2010



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Ta’ez and Chelsey Silbley after winning Grand Prix Dressage at Sport Horse Nationals in 2008. Suzanne Sturgill Photo

Ta’ez+// From Backyard Foal to U.S. National Champion

Ta’ez+// earned the AHA Legion of Excellence designation and is also U.S. National Champion for Prix St. Georges (2001, New Mexico) and Intermediare I (2004, California), and Reserve Champion at Fourth Level (2001). His qualifying scores were

By Kat D. Walden

earned in open, all-breed shows. He has won national year-end dressage awards

Ta’ez (pronounced Tah-ezz) is a retired

the big boys—warmbloods, that is—and

from as many as three different organi-

Grand Prix dressage horse that just hap-

he held his own. On a good day he won,

zations in a year, winning at every level

pens to be a purebred Arabian stallion. At

but even on a bad day he earned respecta-

from Training on up. From AHA alone, he

Northern California dressage shows for a

ble scores and finished in the ribbons. He

won All Breeds for every level from 2nd

number of years, other exhibitors often

is the quintessential American underdog,

Level all the way up to Intermediare I. In

referred to him as that “cute little horse.”

beginning life literally in the back yard of

2001, the United States Dressage Federa-

Some of them did not think he was quite

his small breeder and growing up to be the

tion (USDF) ranked him 25th out of 186

so “cute” after he placed ahead of their

2008 Arabian Horse Association (AHA) Na-

qualified horses of all breeds at Fourth

horses. Ta’ez, known to his friends as Ted-

tional Champion for Grand Prix dressage.

Level and 50th out of 367 horses at Prix

dy, stands just 14.3 hands, but he ran with

St. Georges. He also won many honors for

February / March 2013 musical freestyle at levels ranging from

segment in the Carrousel du Roi, a rec-

exhibitions ridden by Bubbles Hiller. She

First to Intermediare I. He won the 1997

reation of a baroque classical equitation

produced nine offspring including, besides

USDF Freestyle Championship and placed

pageant to music produced in association

Ted, a winning Western Pleasure horse and

Third at 4th Level another year. In addi-

with the University of California at Berke-

an endurance horse with 2635 AERC miles

tion, he won the exhibition Freestyle Class

ley. He also appeared twice by invitation

through 2004.

at the 2004 and 2008 AHA U.S. National

at Dressage in the Wine Country, a well-

Sport Horse Show.

known, very popular Northern California

Bright Future Farms in Walnut Creek, Cali-

exhibition show. As a young stallion, he

fornia, USA, is now located on approxi-

was a Reserve Champion in-hand prior to

mately seven acres on North Gate Road,

Along the way, Teddy—as he is fondly

but it began several miles west in owner Carol P. DiMaggio’s back yard stable. Seranado was one of Carol’s foundation mares, purchased at auction as a threein-one package with foal at side and bred back.

When Carol had the opportunity

to breed to *Ralvon Elijah, there was no question that Seranado would be one of the mares sent to his court. For the first

Photo by Nikolai Kabaniev

couple of years of Teddy’s life, she could look out her back windows and see him behind the house. She saw great possibilities for Teddy from the beginning and sacrificed to provide him with the best training she could find.

Teddy began his show career with Jane Mendelsohn, who started out as a hunter/ jumper and event rider and trainer. She

known for his soft coat and excellent tem-

the creation of the IAHA/AHA Sport Horse

honed her dressage skills as she took Ted

perament—was schooled over fences, rid-


up from Training to Third level. She eventually continued on to F.E.I. levels with her

den for many hours in the hills around Mt. Diablo, California--usually in the company

A 1989 son of the imported international

own stallion and won up to Preliminary

of mares and/or geldings--earned reserve

champion *Ralvon Elijah, Teddy inherited

level in eventing with her purebred geld-

championships in Arabian Costume, fin-

instantly recognizable Arab breed type

ing. Jane wrote, “Ta’ez has all the attrib-

ished some Limited Distance AERC rides

and the bright chestnut with iridescent

utes of a successful and classically correct

and competed in a Trail Trial and a Poker

metallic highlights for which the Ralvon

dressage horse: three good gaits, natural

Ride. Many upper level dressage horses

horses are known. He has enough white to

balance and cadence, intelligence, supple-

never get out of the arena, but Ted also

add some flash. His masculinity shows at

ness and a wonderful disposition, includ-

appeared several times in 4th of July pa-

a glance; he is over 60% Crabbet by pedi-

ing a sense of humor.”

rades, and led a Halloween Costume Ride

gree, and he looks it. His dam, Seranado

from his farm for a number of years. He

(SX Coronado x NZ Seraleh by Natez), was

After Jane moved to Florida, Teddy spent

was featured twice as lead horse for his

best known for her bridle-less stock horse

a year with the up-and-coming dressage



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine trainer Elizabeth Britten Hendrix, who ad-

brought Ta’ez and well-known Dressage

When asked how she felt about work-

vanced his career during five short months

competitor Chelsey Sibley together, it was

ing with him, Chelsey Sibley responded,

sufficiently to qualify for the California

a match made in heaven…Teddy and Sibley

“Teddy is one of the easiest horses I have

Dressage Society (CDS) Championship

work together like old friends, in fact they

trained. He learns so quickly… He is a little

show and earn USDF All Breeds awards.

are very much alike; they are both fiery

horse with a big heart. When I ride him, he

With Ted standing a breed average of 14.3

redheads, have a sense of humor, a good

feels like a big horse; the only difference is

hh and Liz nearly six feet tall, they were

work ethic and love to show off.”

when I get off Teddy, as opposed to one of

not an entirely harmonious pairing. Nev-

my warmbloods, my feet don’t hurt from

ertheless, Liz did a good job with him in

From the time Jane Mendelsohn moved

the long drop. I like that!” He was the first

the interim period when Chelsey Sibley

away, Teddy was only rarely in full-time

horse that she put her son on as a toddler

had too many other horses to take him in

training. For most of the subsequent years,

and is still a favorite, although she has not


owner-breeder Carol DiMaggio hauled him

ridden him for several years.

from Walnut Creek to the Oakland Hills 45 A few years ago, “S” judge Creeky Rout-

minutes one way twice a week for school-

Ta’ez is an inspected and approved breed-

son wrote: “I have had the opportunity to

ing with Chelsey Sibley. When Chelsey

ing stallion for the International Sport-

judge Ta’ez a number of times and work

moved to a farm outside Sonora, Califor-

horse Registry-Oldenburg North America

with him in clinic situations. Ta’ez is an

nia, over two hours away, Teddy started

(ISR-Oldenburg N.A.), the American Trakeh-

incredibly intelligent and willing horse

going to stay with her for three weeks to

ner Association (ATA) and the American

capable of going to the top in dressage.

a month at a time and going to a couple of

Warmblood Society (AWS). He did the free

Ta’ez’ high I.Q. makes it critical that he is

shows during each session. In between he

jump for the ATA inspection, although as

teamed with the right trainer/rider. When

was always at home to breed mares right

an FEI dressage horse, it would not have

Carol DiMaggio played matchmaker and

through the show season.

been required. (He is the first Arabian stal-

His many accomplishments surely prove Ta’ez+// to be a stellar example of a trainable, versatile Arabian horse.

Ta’ez and Chelsey Sibley at Region 3 Show Exhibition 2007 Photo by Nancy Whitaker

February / March 2013 lion in the U.S. to be approved for Olden-

under); unfortunately, he died of colic

Most of Teddy’s offspring have not been

burg breeding.) He has also been granted

before he could be started under saddle.

shown extensively, since when he was

a special approval by the Oldenburg GOV

Ted’s first son Ta’if TZ++ won 2004 U.S. Na-

actively showing, his training and show

(German registry) due to his performance

tional Champion at First Level and Top Ten

expenses required the lion’s share of the

record. They would accept his offspring

Sport Horse In-Hand, after several years

Bright Future Farms show budget. All of

out of Oldenburg mares and also offspring

out of schooling and competition.


them, however, received dressage training

of his inspected daughters sired by ap-



at home, have been ridden out on trails

proved OLD stallions, providing the foals

daughters out of a ¾-Trakehner mare,

and most have at least been started over

pass their inspections.

Meika++ and Medina TZ, won in hand as


youngsters and showed in dressage, sport Approvals are wonderful, but the proof of

horse under saddle and, one of them, over

Teddy’s two youngest sons, 2007 pure-

a breeding horse is in his offspring. Of his

fences. Both expect foals by Oldenburg

bred stallion Tarim TZ and 2007 Half-Ar-

small number of offspring shown, seven of

stallions in 2013 that will be registered as

ab/Oldenburg stallion Tzar TZ, currently

Teddy’s sons and daughters have cham-

Oldenburgs. Two purebred geldings have

carry on in the show arena. Tzar capped

pionships and reserves for Sport Horse In

done well in lower level dressage with

his 2012 show season with three AHA Re-

Hand, and two have their Legion of Merit.

amateur riders. Another, Tahari, aka Razzi,

gion 3 Championships, for HA/AA Hunter

One son, Caliph TZ out of a Swedish Warm-

competes in eventing and goes out with

Hack Junior Horse, HA/AA Low Jumper

blood mare, was third in USDF Dressage

the Los Altos Hounds with his amateur

and HA/AA Sport Horse Stallions In-Hand,

Sport Horse Breeding Horse of the Year

owner. Yet another, Tai Juan, has finished

a Reserve for HA/AA Sport Horse Under

2001, AWS In-Hand Year End Awards Gold

1600 endurance miles with two Best Con-

Saddle Jr. Horse, and a Top Five for A/HA/

Medal 2001 Colts/Geldings and In-Hand

ditions, mostly carrying a junior rider.

AA Dressage Training Level AT. He is in

Young Horse of the Year (three years and

Ta’ez and Jane Mendelsohn ready for costume class at DAHA show in 1999 Photo courtesy of Kat Walden Ta’ez and Jo at a Poker Ride in 2005 Photo by Carol Mingst

training for his debut in eventing. Tarim,



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine who is several months younger, is Teddy’s

by the affectionate, but somewhat conde-

examples of an outstanding Arabian sport

most look-alike son, a “Teddy” in grey. Not

scending, “that cute little horse,” he won

horse. Other good Arabian dressage hors-

started under saddle until he was four and

F.E.I. classes against imported, and much

es received most of the attention. Surely

only shown lightly so far, he has wins in-

larger, warmbloods. Ignoring his scores

it cannot be because of lack of advertising,

hand, for Arabian Sport Horse Under Sad-

from All-Arabian shows, his 30 open dres-

since farm ads in national, regional and

dle and a Top Five for Region 3 Arabian

sage scores from Prix St. Georges to Grand

local publications featured him for more

Sport Horse Under Saddle Jr. Horse. On

Prix through September, 2007 give him an

than a decade. And it cannot be because

January 20, 2013, he made his debut at an

average score of 61.416% at F.E.I. levels.

there is no information about him in print;

open dressage show, placing 3rd out of 11

His highest career score, 70.256%, was

his achievements are a matter of record

horses at Training Level Test 2 with a good

earned for Fourth Level: Test 1 at an open

and can be looked up. Therefore, it must

score of 68.9%. Clearly, Teddy passes on

show. With such credible scores, he was

be because, like Rodney Dangerfield, he

his best qualities, and with luck, these last

accepted and respected in California dres-

just “gets no respect”—at least in Arabian

two sons will pass them on to future gen-

sage circles.

horse circles. This author, for one, hopes


that in future this will change. Teddy is too Oddly, Teddy has rarely been cited, ex-

good a horse not to be acknowledged and

Sadly, Teddy’s fertility began to decline

cept in passing, by other authors writing in

remembered for his accomplishments.

when he was in his late teens. Veterinar-

Arabian magazines when they have given

ians could not determine the cause or reverse the decline, and he can no longer settle mares although his libido remains strong. By the time he was competing at F.E.I. levels, and other breeders wanted to use him, his semen would not ship, so his lifetime total offspring will remain at just 23 (one gelding was never registered).

Nevertheless, his overall health is fine, and in retirement, he is ridden lightly on the farm or out on trails fairly regularly. He still enjoys the prime stallion stall and paddock where he can watch the mares and horses working in the arena.

His many accomplishments surely prove Ta’ez+// to be a stellar example of a trainable, versatile Arabian horse. He has been a wonderful ambassador for the Arab breed at open dressage shows, at local area parades and at cultural events, and he is a favorite at his owner’s all-breed boarding stable and sport horse center. Although at open shows he was known

Photo by Kat Walden

February / March 2013



Medina TZ and Svenja at Region 3 Show 2006

Meika++ and Svenja at PCASHC

Sonny with Chelsey at 2006 Region 3 Show

Caroline Powell jumping Tzar TZ: by Johanna Constance

Photo by Kat Walden Lily Wynkoop and her Tazmira in action: by Kat Walden

Photo by Kat Walden Tarim TZ (purebred) and Tzar TZ (Arab-Oldenburg)


Payback Ranch Arabians

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Al-Marah Bloodline Herd Dispersal

Solid, core breeding horses from my herd. All are completely sound, breeding sound, in fine health and UTD with everything. CA & LFS tested. Several are AWR First Premium. Photos & videos.

Arabian STALLIONS - For Sale Or Lease to Approved Homes

AM Ghost Ship -- (AM Sea Captain++ x Al-Marah Stopsign) National Winner in Cutting (1997) - Double Registered AWR. American Warmblood Registry L1 First Premium Sporthorse Stallion. Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated Sire, SCID clear, CA clear, LFS clear Payback Sea Drift -- (AM Clem DreamOn x AM Sirena) 2000 First Premium AWR Youngstock, SCID clear, CA carrier, LFS clear


1991 AM Buckanirs Lass+ (AM Sea Captain++ x AM Honeysuckle) National Champion Arabian Cutting Horse (1997-1998), ASHA ‘1998 Horse of the Year’. TWO offspring earning National Wins in 2012 - IN FOAL 1990 AM Sirena (AM Sea Captain++ x Al-Marah Tsee) IN FOAL 2000 Payback MiSeaGida (AM Ghost Ship x Shalimar Greygida) OPEN 2001 Payback Calm Sea (AM Ghost Ship x Socorro Ferson) OPEN --Green broke / In-Hand 2008 Payback Morning Gale (AM Ghost Ship x Socorro Ferson) OPEN - Started

2005 Payback DreamaDonna (AM Ghost Ship x Dreamazon+++ dtr) OPEN - Started

1996 Payback Lumiere (Al-Marah Garcon+ x Tsea Note) IN FOAL

1996 Carmel-ByThe-Sea (AM Sea Captain++ x Al-Marah Stopsign) IN FOAL


Payback Flamboyant -2012 Sport Horse National 2-Year Old In-Hand Champion Colt (AM Good OldBoy+ x AM Buckanirs Lass+)

1996 PR Ddreams Dahlia (AM Double Dream x dam of National Champ) IN FOAL COLT: 2012 Payback KodaChrome (Payback Typhoon x AM Sirena) Golden Chestnut Sabino w/ Chrome FILLY: 2012 Payback Mari (TWS Gai Phoenix x Payback Calm Sea) Melanie Johnson / Twin Falls, ID • Phone: 830-221-6321 (cell) FOR VIDEOS & PRICING CONTACT: www.paybackranch.com •• Email: paybackranch@yahoo.com

February / March 2013



By Kat D. Walden Photos with permission of Sherry Trethewey Stewart


erishal, a 1949 blaze-faced chestnut Arabian stallion, was by Ferhal out of *Rishafieh, who was purchased with Ferishal at side by Margaret

Trethewey of Coniagas Ranch in British Columbia, Canada. Through a long show career trained and ridden by Barbara Marsden McCauley, he won consistently in open jumping shows, open hunter, show hack, hunter hack and dressage.

One year, he was the Western Canadian Dressage Champion for the Medium test, and he placed each of the three times he was shown at the all-breed Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. He never placed lower than second in local One Day Events; he won a Vancouver 3-Day event.

At age 13, Ferishal competed at the 1962 Pebble Beach 3-Day Event (California) as a member of the San Fernando Rey team. At 14.3 hh he was a full hand shorter than any other horse entered, the only stallion and the only Arabian at the event. His efforts helped his team to a Bronze medal.

Ferishal was also successful in the breeding barn. Many of his get, purebred and part-Arabian, won in jumping, dressage and hunter, winning at the local and regional level in British Columbia. Several of his get were shown both as ponies and as horses, depending on the show.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

North American Anglo-Arabian

Year-End Award Winners The North American Anglo-Arabian Horse Association (NAAAHA)

Championship, two Reserve National Championships and four Na-

has announced the winners of its High Point Program for Anglo-

tional Top Ten titles in addition to 27 Regional Championships! He

Arabians that compete in Working Hunter, Jumper, Eventing., Dres-

has been named 2012 USEF Champion HA/AA Hunter Champion

sage, Sport Horse/Hunter Under Saddle, Conformation, Endurance

HOTY, and earned 3rd place in USEF Sport Horse HOTY.

and Competitive Trail. All shows and rides whether rated or unrated counted towards these awards.

One More Round was also named 2012 American Performance Horse Champion 7 - 9 year olds and fourth place Overall.

This year’s Grand Champion Anglo-Arabian is the lovely bay gelding ONE MORE ROUND++++//, bred and owned by Bill Doughty

One More Round earned Bill the USEF Leading Owner Award, Third

and shown by Bill and his wife, Alexis Starer-Doughty. They are the

Place in the Leading Breeder Award and his sire, Al Jassur Laddin,

owners of Bayview Farm in Cape Charles, Virginia.

Third Place in the Leading Sire Award nationally. He was also the 2011 USEF Grand Champion HA/AA Horse of the Year.

In just this year of showing, One More Round earned one National

2012 ANGLO-ARABIAN HORSE OF THE YEAR One More Round/Alexis & Bill Doughty


February / March 2013



Champion: One More Round/Alexis & Bill Doughty

Champion: MW Harvest Moon/Philippa Sumsion

Reserve: Church Creek/Alexis & Bill Doughty

Reserve: Khemos Khopi/John Albright & Heather Rudd

Third: Galileo/Ashley Wren

Third: Almost Crimson/Catherine Ginn

Fourth: RA Peaceinyourheart/Miranda Kuchera

Fourth: CA Zanes Darjeeling/Megan Hays

Fifth: NF Miss Scarlett Slew/Marian LaLonde

Fifth: VF Majestic Rogue/Madeline Jahns


Sixth: Little Traverse Bay/Samantha Gioia

One More Round++++// - Alexis & Bill Doughty

Church Creek++++// - Alexis & Bill Doughty

Photo by Joan Tabler

Photo by Don Stine

MW Harvest Moon+/ - Philippa Sumsion

Khemos Khopi+++/ - John Albright & Heather Rudd

Photo by Denis Bater

Photo by Wendy Peterson Photos


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Sport Horse/Hunter Under Saddle


Champion: One More Round/Alexis & Bill Doughty

Champion: Church Creek/Alexis & Bill Doughty

Reserve: Gentlemans Quarterly/Meaghan Calnan

Reserve: One More Round/Alexis & Bill Doughty

Third: FOD Dancing In Time/Kimberly Hofmyer

Third: VF Majestic Rogue/Madeline Jahns

Fourth: VF Majestic Rogue/Madeline Jahns

Fourth: Khemos Khopi/John Albright & Heather Rudd

Fifth: NF Miss Scarlett Slew/Marian LaLonde

Fifth: NF Miss Scarlett Slew/Marian LaLonde

Sixth: RA Peaceinyourheart/Miranda Kuchera

Sixth: RA Peaceinyourheart/Miranda Kuchera

Gentleman’s Quarterly - Meaghan Calnan

Galileo - Ashley Wren

Photo by Ashley Photo

Photo by Hope Carlin

Almost Crimson+/ - Catherine Ginn

CA Zanes Darjeeling+ - Megan Hays

Photo by Robin Ginn

Photo by Suzanne Sturgill

February / March 2013



Champion: Vermiculus/Lauren Kieffer

Champion: SS Allsfairn War/Susan Young Reserve: AJ She-Ra/Alexis Jones

Each Champion and Reserve Champion received an engraved trophy plate. All placings also received a large ribbon. NAAAHA has sponsored awards at both Sport Horse and Youth Nationals since 2007, in addition to its year-end awards program. You can visit NAAAHA’s website, www.NAAAHA.com for more information, or call (410) 823-5579.

Vermiculus - Lauren Kieffer

SS Allsfairn War - Susan Young

Photo by GRC Photo

Photo courtesy of Susan Young

NF Miss Scarlett Slew - Marian LaLonde

AJ She-Ra - Alexis Jones

Photo by Don Stine

Photo by John Nowell


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine


The Base for Equestrian Disciplines By Sue Kolstad

In the beginning Tamara Torti


Our history was written from the backs

wild races of horses and domesticated

with his breeding program. Legend contin-

of horses, there would be no history of

breeds. There are no factual records from

ues to Mohammed, son of Allah, who was

mankind without the horse. No one knows

the earliest timeline of man and horse so

camping in the dessert, after three days of

exactly when or where our partnership

we must rely on legends for the earliest

withholding water, he released 100 mares

began; the horse makes his first appear-

historical records of the progression of

and when he called them back, five re-

ance in the history of mankind as a deity,

man’s relationship with the noble horse

turned. He blessed them and they became

his proud noble free nature exalted him to

to our current time. Only the hardiest and

the founding dams of the noblest breeds

divine stature. From god he became slave,

healthiest horses were able to survive the

of Arabia. The descendants of these horses

but then his back became the throne for

harsh living conditions on the Arabian

help to make the base of the family tree

man, lord of the earth.

Peninsula. The earliest legends date back

from which the Thoroughbred springs up

to King Solomon, the son of David who

as well.

The search for the earliest recorded blood-

prided himself in owning magnificent Ara-

lines originates with the Arabian horse

bian steeds which he took great care to

The dog, the cat and the horse have been

which constitutes the borderline between

increase the beauty, stamina and agility of

man’s partners through the test of time.

February / March 2013 While man has been able to look down

cable riddle of horses behaving contrary

upon the dog and cat, he has had to look

to their nature in the service of man. Is the

up to the horse. Unable to master him

dread of the rider greater than the fear of

with human strength, the horse has com-

the terror towards which it is being urged?

manded man’s respect through the force

Or is there a connection between man

of his movements and nature of his char-

and horse which transcends what can be

acter, which has remained unalterable.

expected of natural impulse? Throughout

Throughout our history, whatever men

history, man has prevailed upon the horse

have discovered, developed or mastered,

for service, for work and for war, but in to-

they have used for warlike purposes. The

day’s technological world, the horse is no

horse had barely changed from a source

longer capable of service to maintain man-

of food, and he was tamed, harnessed and

kind and now his use has been replaced

ridden by warriors. The birth of Dressage

by sport.

is founded in the fundamental principals established from wartime purposes.

Our inherent love and unexplainable spiritual connection to the horse has taken us

Again and again we encounter the inexpli-

down many new roads since we no longer

Today’s arabian

18th & 19th century A Mamluk cavalryman, Carle Vernet 1810

Again and again we encounter the inexplicable riddle of horses behaving contrary to their nature in the service of man.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine employ the horse as a utilitarian animal

horse competition today. You will find Ar-

sport horses in Europe. In Europe, each

needed for everyday living. When the tank

abs competing from Saddle seat to Stock

country holds keurings in the fall where

the car and the tractor replaced the horse,

seat and everything in between. The Arab

the breeders bring their offspring to be

it was thought for a time the need for the

has been bred for beauty, agility, stamina,

presented to the judges of the country for

horse in our society would dissipate, but

and to perform in every discipline a horse-

recognition and ratings for their blood-

our inherent love and spiritual connection

man could possibly conceive. Not only is

lines. Exact records are kept and it is with

to the horse has proven the opposite to be

the Arabian horse the oldest breed on re-

great pride that the breeders take home

true. Since the horse has lost his use as a

cord, it is continued to be used today to

high ratings. Our country has been intro-

servant to enable us to function, he is re-

improve the breeding programs of many of

ducing this same methodology to improve

gaining his throne.

the European Warm bloods, by occasion-

the quality of homebred horses and the

ally introducing some new Arabian blood,

Arabian world is keeping up with, if not out

”Thy back shall be the throne from whence

they enhance the looks and quality of the

front with the presentations. The biggest

all prayers rise unto me”


difference I have noticed in the Arabians breeding program has been the improve-

I intend to write a series of articles about

Since the inception of the sport horse divi-

ment of the straightness of the legs, size

how dressage is the base for all equestrian

sion in the Arabian shows, the quality of

and angle of the hooves and change of an-

disciplines and I will feature a different

dressage and sport horses has improved

gle for strength over the croup and loins.

discipline in each article.

tenfold. I judged sport horse shows more

To date, there is no other breed of horse

than ten yrs ago and many times had to

that can compare with the beauty of the

It all began with The Arabian: The Arabian

instruct the handlers as to how to present

Arabian’s head, so it goes unsaid; there is

Sport Horse

their horses. Today the overall quality of

no need to change a good thing! Every or-

horses and handlers has improved to the

ganization has their own method of judg-

The Arabian horse is one of the most ver-

point that they are generally on a par with

ing the horse with a rating system, the

satile breeds of horses in the world of

the handlers who have been presenting

Arab system gives points for each section

Sinaia - 1940s Courtesy of Michael Bowling

Bedouin with an Arabian horse. Photo from the University of Wellington

“Arab Horsemen” Painted by Eugene Fromentin

February / March 2013

Federico Grisone A French riding master known for being able to train a horse quickly and whose methods remain controversial

François Baucher Referred to as the “father of the art of equitationâ€? and one of the first masters of dressage and courtly riding



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine physique. In today’s world, we are breedof the horse’s body, e.g.: head/neck, shoul-

from the gymnastic exercises which en-

ing better and better athletes, horses

der/back, legs, etc I believe it is this form

hance the ability of the horse to perform

that in theory require less training and in

which has helped the breeders improve

as an athlete. This is the ultimate goal of

breeder’s words, they are “trained by the

the quality of the horses over a period of

dressage training. The classical principals

stud”. However, no matter how correct the

time, and it is with great delight I get to

of training have been passed down from

conformation might be, the horse needs

give higher scores for the beautiful Arabi-

the beginning of our partnership with the

to be understood mentally and physi-

ans I’m delighted to judge from one year

horse. Correct training principals enhance

cally before it can be trained to compete

to the next. As for the performance por-

our influence on our equine partners

and perform in the required discipline. In

tion of the sport horse division, I have also

whether the use is a trail companion or

order for a rider to obtain an education,

been delighted to see a great improve-

an Olympian. Many discussions have been

a three way partnership is a necessity, a

ment in the quality of training and correct

held as to what is the definition of “Classi-

horse, a rider and an educated trainer. At

development of the horse’s bodies which

cal”, one of my mentors and great friend’s

this time, I doubt trainers who have dedi-

can only be attributed to the influence of

Dr Max Gahwyler and I had many conver-

cated their lives to the art, will be replaced

dressage training.

sations about the definition: we decided

by computers. And so it is, the horse who

the answer is; THAT WHICH STANDS THE

once helped us rise above the ground is

Now we ask the universal question: What

TEST OF TIME. The great masters whose in-

now keeping us grounded.

is Dressage? There are many answers, but

fluence has given us the foundation which

the easiest and most acceptable is, it’s a

we are continuing to build upon today

*Historical information and credit given to

French word which means “training or

have used dressage training as physical

“the Kingdom of the Horse” by Hans Hein-

schooling”. When basic correct principals

therapy to improve and enhance the mus-

rich Isenbart 1970

of training are applied, the body improves

cles and strength of the horse’s natural

Author Bio - Sue Kolstad Sue Kolstad is an S rated Dressage Judge, a

and student of the history of dressage.

recipient of all three USDF medals, Bronze, Silver and Gold. She has been active in

Her love for the horse has led her in many

Dressage for over 30 years. Her resume

directions and she has enjoyed horses in

includes a teaching degree in education,

multiple disciplines into which she has

Riding Instructor Certification from UW

incorporated her background of dressage.

River Falls Wi., Vi Hopkins Symposium for

Sue has evented through prelim, com-

Riding Instructors, participation in all edu-

peted in combined driving, hunters, jump-

cational potions of the USDF Instructor

ers, endurance races, as well as showing

Certification program.

sport horses, including stallion presentations. She has imported many horses from

Sue has trained and competed many hors-

Europe which have gone on to produce

es through FEI levels including three at

champions in the US. Many of her stu-

Grand Prix. Her background includes train-

dents have won medals and champion-

ing extensively with a European Master for

ships through all the levels up to GP. Sue is

several years as well as continuing to train

devoted to education and the classical de-

and clinic as often as possible with top cli-

velopment of the sport of Dressage, which

nicians and respected professionals both

consumes her life. Not many people can

in the US and abroad. She is an avid reader

say, “I love what I do and I do what I love”

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine


Riding was simply magic when I was nine,

Olympic Alternate, and Dr. Hilary Clayton,

ing.” Some of the most aware have said, “I

watching elite riders at the US Equestrian

world-renowned equine anatomy/move-

don’t know.” Some describe formulas that

Center. Beautiful things happened effort-

ment researcher.

reflect the “calculus” of their own bodies,

lessly when people rode horses. My moth-

without grasping that most people are

er first entrusted me to a stable where

Mary continues to unravel the “magic” of

processing simpler levels of “math !” Much

mounts unbalanced me with spooks and

how talented riders use their bodies to

of a natural performer’s fundamental skill

bucks. That didn’t stop me from wanting to

achieve seemingly effortless results. As

is unconscious. Since they don’t have to

ride. But, I did need Dramamine to quell

athletes on horseback we can use our own

consciously juggle basics, they have more

the nausea on the drive to the stable! Mom

anatomy to communicate to the horse a

than average “brain space” available for

then found a riding academy with good

streamlined framework for movement.

consciously refining skills.

lesson horses. It would be decades before

Simultaneously, Dr. Clayton is revealing

I grasped the amount of training those tol-

the science of how talented horses’ bod-

Most of us need those fundamentals when

erant mounts had received! But, I quickly

ies move. Meanwhile, innovative Ameri-

we start out. RWYM coach Anna Redmond

became aware that it was hard to get my

can horsemen like Mark Rashid, Kathleen

wrote, “If good riding is like baking a cake,

body to do what the teacher directed. It

Lindley, and Australian equine behaviorist,

talented riders already have the cake and

wasn’t just effortless magic after all!

Dr. Andrew McLean, are describing how to

can work on icing it. Most riders don’t need

insightfully communicate with the horse’s

icing instructions yet. They need the basic

In the 1970’s, a young riding teacher in

mind. Wanless’s strategies utilize how

recipe for making the cake…how much

England was frustrated by her inability to

people and horses learn and how the hu-

flour? Eggs?”

excel as a rider. That began her inquiry into

man body can contribute to horse perfor-

what makes someone ‘talented.’ In the en-


suing 40 years, Mary Wanless developed the, “Ride With Your Mind”TM

The way we organize our own bodies in the saddle is the way we influence our


The field of sports-coaching has discov-

horses. Equestrians often agree that the

method of coaching riders. Wanless has

ered that naturally able performers are

rider’s body is very important. Yet, many of

authored six books translated into many

less likely to know how they do a skill

us overlook how critical the rider’s body is

languages, produced a DVD series, and

than people who have had to struggle to

to the horse’s well-being and success due

coaches clinics around the world. She has

master the same skill. Natural perform-

to the difficulty of communicating the “in-

presented symposia on the biomechanics

ers start at a different point than most

gredients” to the rider. Wanless’ Ride With

of the rider-horse interface in the UK and

of us: they “just do it.” When asked how

Your Mind work is a system of continually

US with her student, Heather Blitz, 2012

or what they are doing, some say, “noth-

evolving strategies. Her strategies address

February / March 2013 tools of mental awareness and body con-

Alaska from San Francisco wouldn’t help.

trol that underpin good riding.

Traditional teaching uses conventions of language that relate to where we are go-

Visit again to find out more about these

Each of us has uniquely disorganized pat-

ing - the destination. Though we all may be

strategies for using the brain to commu-

terns of body movement and stabilization

aiming for the same destination, a descrip-

nicate with horses through behavioral

that unbalance the horse or send him con-

tion of how to get to Alaska from someone

science and biomechanics. For more in-

flicting signals. We need to maintain con-

else’s starting point doesn’t serve us well.

formation about this learning and coach-

sistent body control for the rider to cease

Each body benefits from tailored instruc-

ing strategy see a wealth of information

being part of the problem and become


at www.Mary-Wanless.com.

part of the solution. Ride With Your MIND


Mary has

trained and accredited over 30 coaches

consciously and precisely enables people

From the unique starting point of their

worldwide, including five in the USA at

to build body organization that enhances

own bodies, RWYM’s coaching strategies


horse performance. Riders start with ba-

enable riders to map the territory they

sic building-blocks in bite-sized chunks.

themselves have to cross to arrive at good

Lisa May is an accredited RWYM coach

Step-by-step they learn to influence the

riding. Naturally able riders’ “home” is

working with Wanless since 1997. Also

horse in a “talented” way.

closer to the Alaska of high performance.

a Professional Association of Horseman-

Their unique training problems become

ship International instructor, she travels

Picture skilled riding as a beautiful geo-

easier to solve when they master the “First

for clinics from her home in Maryland

graphic destination like Alaska. The direc-

Toolkit” of the body. Their goals become


tions to travel depend on where you live.

easier to reach as they affect their horse

Giving a Maryland-er, like me, directions to

in the way their trainer has asked for all

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Touch the Sky Q&A with Sherry Gardner

Six of the nine entries in the Jumper di-

It was fascinating to watch these horses

vision at Sport Horse Nationals hailed

with their very young pilots navigating the

from the host state of Idaho. Five of them

big colorful fences and tight turns required

How long have you all been riding Arabi-

belong to the same family, the Gardners,

in Jumpers. Their honesty, athletic ability,


of the town of Weiser. Competing were

and desire to take care of their passengers

mother Sherry, and her children Aurora,

were apparent to all.

14, Rhyan, 13, Vanessa, 11 and Clint, 9. All

ceived Top Tens in their respective classes.

They all have been riding since before they were born and probably rode more

were riding Arabians except for mom who

Vanessa earned a National Champion in

than they walked. My girls have always

was on her Half-Arabian mare. Cheering

the Amateur class on the family’s stal-

been more horse-crazy than the boys and

them on were Elizabeth, 5, Johnny, 3, and

lion MA Alis Gold, and her brother Rhyan

have spent more hours at earlier ages, but

Thomas, 1. There will be another addition

earned a Reserve Championship in Open

once the boys decided it was their thing,

to the family in March.

on Bint Narcissas. Their siblings all re-

they caught up quickly.

February / March 2013 How long have you had Arabians in the

hard work.

about showing?

Outside of Arabian shows, where else

The kids love showing and work hard so

does your family show their Arabians?

they can. Rhyan worked in a local farmer’s


We have always ridden and had Arabians. I think I got my first one when I was 16, the

cornfield in the heat of the summer and

same one that Aurora has been riding and

We have had a lot of fun showing in the

they all worked hard in the garden grow-

showing in the jumpers and my son Clint

open jumper shows locally and even

ing veggies to sell in town. While their dad

competed on this year at Scottsdale and

traveled to a cross country course a couple

went to work at night and slept during the

Nationals. He has been with me since be-

of times this year. That was new and a lot

day, the kids and I picked up out of the

fore I was married and is still a member of

of fun.

field and hand stacked nearly 3,000 bales

our family. He is also the horse every child learned to ride on first.

of hay. That was a lot of work. The money Besides riding, what does your family

we made and saved from all this made it

like to do for fun?

possible for us to go to Nationals this year.

We are an outdoor family, so we love

What horses do you compete?

Who is their instructor?

I have always been their instructor and let

camping, fishing, and hunting. Aurora and

them set the pace and their own goals.

Rhyan both shot their first deer this year

We have five horses we show. Vanessa

right where we live. The kids all love music

shows our stallion, MA Alis Gold, a 1998

and singing and like to play the violin and

stallion. We got him as a 2-year-old, and

piano. They also love playing with their

I trained him completely by myself. When


he was a finished horse, Vanessa took him

Do you keep your horses at home?

We live on 80+ acres and the horses live out here, too. We have a small farm where

over and they are a fabulous team.

we grow our own hay, have a milk cow,

The enthusiasm your children have for

chickens, and grow a large garden. The

riding and showing is obvious when

The first day at Nationals, she told me she

kids have certainly learned the value of

watching them. Do they get nervous

had fasted and prayed and knew she was

Eleven-year-old Vanessa Gardner and MA Alis Gold (Echo Magnifficoo x JJ Ali Baska). Photo courtesy of Don Stine Homebred GA Fhantasy (Blue Moonlite x Khajun Girl) and Aurora Gardner Out of the Saddle Photography

Horses are the best thing for kids and families, especially Arabians. They teach them responsibility, self-confidence, hard work, love, selflessness and service.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine going to win. The next day, she went into

was a baby. I got to show him in 4-H as a

stone Bay, aka Bailey, a 2000 mare. She

her National Champion class and took

teenager where he took champion yearling

came to me under saddle and I introduced

home the roses. It was awesome. Rhyan

over a huge class. Magic is my soul mate

her to jumping, and she is a natural. I had a

did the same thing two years ago at her

and I trained him completely, finished him,

fabulous time and we had so much fun as

age at Nationals on his horse, Bint Narcis-

then Aurora moved onto him when she

a family. We counted all the wins as team

sas, a 1991 mare that he trained to jump

was 5 years old, and he became hers. She

wins and always say if it’s not fun don’t do


could go out in the pen, catch him, halter


him, and saddle him by herself at that age. Aurora competed on a brand new horse

She was determined that she was going to

Aurora is taking Wil O Wisp, a 2008 half

this year that we actually bred and raised,

be with me and do what I was doing.

Arab gelding, to Scottsdale for his very first

named GA Fhantasy, a 2001 mare. She is

show this year. She has done most of the

a daughter of a stallion we used to own

This was Clint’s very first year showing a

that Aurora got to show at Scottsdale

big horse and he just started riding Mag-

earlier this year. This was Fhantasy’s very

ic in December of 2011. He took him to

What do you think makes Arabians such a

first show ever. Aurora has mostly trained

Scottsdale two months later and won all

great family horse?

this mare on her own with a few rides and

his classes. He took to it like a fish to water.

some groundwork from me. We were very

His nerves hit him pretty hard at Nationals

Arabians are not only the best horses,

impressed with how well she did.

but he stuck with it and learned he could

they are the very best family horses. When

do challenging things.

you get on the inside of one and make it to

Clint showed Belesemo Classic, aka Magic, a 1994 gelding that I have had since he

training on him herself - they’ll do great.

their heart they become a part of you and I was able to show my mare, Hucks Moon-

you them. They are so in tune with your

Mom Sherry Gardner on her Half-Arabian Hucks Moonstone Bey (Hucks Premier V x Bi Mi Dark Duet) Out of the Saddle Photography

February / March 2013 energy - how you feel and your attitude.

In what way do you think being involved

ways been easy to have them under foot,

They have the biggest hearts ever. There

with horses helps a child’s development?

but it has definitely been worth it, and I

is nothing they won’t do for you when you


wouldn’t change a thing. We are all living

become one with them. We have some

Horses are the best thing for kids and

our dreams and loving every minute of it.

oldies but goodies.

families, especially Arabians. They teach

It just keeps getting better and better.

them responsibility, self-confidence, hard What are your plans for the coming year?

Our horses don’t lead a pampered life, but

work, love, selflessness, and service. Jump-

they know they are loved and love be-

ing has been so good for all of us. It makes

ing used. They get very jealous when the

you conquer your fears and know that you

We are headed to Scottsdale in February

kids ride someone else. They know we

can do hard things. It pushes you and your

for the jumper classes. Then, we really

are counting on them and, therefore, pull

relationship with your horse to another

want to start holding some fun open jump

their own weight. They round up cows in

level. It creates a bond like no other.

shows at our place this year. We also want

the mountains and go where no one else

to chase the open jumper circuit on this

can. They round up herds of horses in the

My kids have learned perseverance and

side of the country and to play in 3-day

mountains in the winter in the middle of

strength. They have learned that winning

eventing this year to see where that takes

the snowstorms. They cross any water,

isn’t everything and to enjoy it when it’s

us. Our big goal is to someday compete in

climb any mountain, and go anywhere at

your turn. They have learned patience

the Rolex 3-Day event. We’ll see.

any speed and never quit. That’s what Ara-

and heartache. They have learned that

bians are. These are friends you can count

relationships matter more than anything.

on and ours love their lives!

I have watched their characters bloom and grow through horses. It has not al-

Rhyan Gardner on 21 year-old Bint Narcissas (*Pass x Narcissas) Out of the Saddle Photography

First-timer 9-year old Clint Gardner on Belesemo Classic (Belesemo Magic x Triad Silvertess) Out of the Saddle Photography


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Conformation Clinic With Elaine Kerrigan and Peter Mileo loin in this photo. Hind legs have good alignment as they appear

Purebred #1

to be plumb. Hocks are set low and the stifle is below the shaft. Hind quarter could be deeper and tie into the gaskin lower. Good joints front and rear. Tail set well. The good shoulder may help make up for what could be a lack of front end reach due to what appears to be a shorter humerus. With the longer loin and coupling this horse may not round it’s back and track up under itself as well as some other horses with shorter, stronger loins. Please remember I’m judging the horse from one photo only. Photo by Wojtek Kwiatkowski

Elaine Kerrigan: Pleasing masculine head. Long neck tying in high and smoothly to long very sloping shoulder. This horse should have plenty of forehand freedom and reach. Saddle position sets quite back and possible too close to loin. Care should be taken to make sure the saddle will not sit too far back on the loin. Hindquarters tie in smoothly through loin. The shoulder muscling seems a little more developed than the hindquarter muscling. Care should be taken to insure the development of impulsion power from hindquarters to carry the forehand. Hocks set just a little high and would like to

Purebred #2

see a bit more bone to support the body. Sloping pastern angle in front, dropping fetlock slightly. Could stress tendons and liga-

Elaine Kerrigan:


Attractive head setting on a shorter than ideal neck, though neck shows correct development. Even though a neck might be shorter

Peter Mileo:

than Ideal, the shape, placement and muscle development can

Lovely neck with a clean throat. Pleasing eye and ears. Shoulder

make a successful sport horse. Rider must take into account and

is laid back well but it could be longer. I think this may be due to

be knowledgeable in the correct way to develop a well function-

what appears to be a short humerus as the front legs look like

ing elastic neck (no matter what length) that does not conflict

they are set too far forward. Legs look plumb with good angles to

with impulsion from hindquarters and overall balance in motion.

the pasterns and feet. Cannon to forearm ratio looks good. I wish

Would like to see the shoulder blade laying back toward the with-

we could see this horse from the front as he appears to be narrow

er position. Having a shoulder blade that lays closer to the place-

chested but I can’t tell for sure here. I like his wither and his back

ment of the withers, providing the withers are in good placement,

appears short. The loin and coupling could be stronger. The cou-

might allow for a more attainable “uphill” balance and carriage of

pling (point of hip to last rib) appears to be long and so does the

the neck. Developed withers and good saddle position. Important

February / March 2013 for ease of saddle fit and placement, including girth, that would affect performance. Also, obviously, affects the placement of the

Purebred #3

rider. While a little long, the loin is supportive and connecting well to hindquarters. The loin muscling is the key to allowing the hindquarters to be able to carry the balance of the horse and rider. Again, rider can develop a loin that may not be ideal. Hindquarter muscling showing good development. Important to see that the hindquarter is showing the muscle development that indicates that the horse is creating impulsion from the hindquarters. A little bit tied in at the knee, but shows good bone support. Adequate “bone”, which also includes the tendons and ligaments is impor-

Elaine Kerrigan:

tant to long term soundness.

Typey, pretty Arabian head on a bit of a short neck. Even though a neck might be shorter than Ideal, the shape, placement and mus-

Peter Mileo:

cle development can make a successful sport horse. Rider must

Neck is a bit heavy but he appears like he could use it and bend

take into account and be knowledgeable in the correct way to de-

at the poll. Nice eye and ears. Shoulder is a bit steeper than Pure-

velop a well functioning elastic neck (no matter what length) that

bred 1 but Purebred 2 appears to have a longer humerus as his

does not conflict with impulsion from hindquarters and overall

front legs appear to be set back more. I’m not sure how to judge

balance in motion. Would like to see the shoulder blade lay fur-

his front legs. Cannon to forearm ratio looks good but I have ques-

ther back. Having a shoulder blade that lays closer to the place-

tions regarding his left front leg. I wish the photo was more of a

ment of the withers, providing the withers are in good placement,

side view or more of the angle of Horse 1 which is easier to judge

might allow for a more attainable “uphill” balance and carriage

the front leg alignment. His wither, back, loin and coupling look

of the neck. Fairly good saddle position if the withers were more

good. I don’t like his rear leg alignment. He looks like if he were

defined. Wither area is very fleshy and saddle could be unstable.

standing plumb his legs would fall behind plumb or out behind.

Though tying together fairly smoothly, the loin and hindquarters

His hindquarter looks like it is deep and ties in to his gaskin well.

need muscle development. The loin and hindquarter muscling is

Tail set is good and his joints look like they are of good size. The

the key to be able to carry the balance of the horse and rider.

straighter shoulder could be helped by the longer humerus when

Adequate bone support, though a little tied in at the knee. Could

it comes to reach but ideally you want the good shoulder angle

compromise tendons and ligaments.

like Purebred 1 and the longer humerus that this guy appears to

Peter Mileo:

have. While this horse has a good loin I worry about the rear leg

The neck looks a bit thick at the base and not as well shaped as

alignment allowing this horse to track up under itself.

Horse 1 and 2. Eyes are set low and ears appear pleasing. I’d like to see a more defined shoulder also. Not a very good wither on

Submit Your Horse Would you like to enter your horse into our free Conformation Clinic?

this horse. Humerus appears short here too. Short cannons up front with good pastern angles. I think the coupling and loin could be better as the coupling is long for the overall body of this horse. The hindquarter is also not very deep and it is not of good length compared to the rest of the body. Tail set fine but croup is short

Please email your submission to: info@thearabiansporthorse.com Subject: Conformation Clinic Submissions will be featured at our discretion. Photo credit must be provided.

which goes with the lack of length of hindquarter. Hocks are set low and the rear legs are plumb. I would question this horses overall athletic ability since the shoulder does not have a particularly good angle and the humerus is short. The below average loin and hind end would make me question the ability for this horse to track up under itself.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine Half-Arabian #1

Half-Arabian #2 Elaine Kerrigan:

Elaine Kerrigan:

Attractive head on a lovely shaped neck and shoulder. Neck a lit-

Pleasing head on an appropriate length of neck, but a bit too

tle short, but typical at this age and should lengthen with matu-

much development of the underside of muscling of neck. Over-

rity. Already developing withers and a good saddle position. A bit

development of the muscling on the underside of neck could in-

higher in hindquarters at this time, but shows good development

dicate that the horse braces against the rider or rider is in need

and muscling. Loin strength should improve as the balance ma-

of helping the horse become more elastic and supple, so topline

tures. Plenty of bone at this stage. Generally all the comments in

develops correctly. Neck also is placed appropriately to the well

regards to this foal are indicative of a promising sport horse pros-

developed withers. Horse should be able to improve topline. A bit

pect. Neck, shoulder and forehand conformation suggests a horse

more slope to the shoulder would improve the saddle position,

that could have an “up hill” balance at maturity. Though the foal

but does not detract from function. Withers should stabilize the

is at a growth stage showing to be higher in the hindquarters than

saddle and just places the saddle far enough back so girth should

the forehand, the hindquarters show good muscling, indicating

not interfere with elbows. Loin could use a bit more muscling to

that this foal should be able to carry from behind as it continues

strengthen the topline and continue to develop hindquarter mus-

to mature.

cling. As hindquarters and loin strengthen, the rider should be able to supple the forehand and improve overall balance. Good

Peter Mileo:

placement of hocks. Improves long-term soundness of hind legs.

Since this is a foal I’ll be a bit faster. Well-defined and shaped

Front legs could use a bit more bone to match the hind legs. Could

neck with a clean throat. Low set eye. Shoulder angle is good as

compromise foreleg tendons or ligaments.

is the open angle to the shoulder and humerus. Nice plumb front legs with good pastern angles as well as nice large knees. Short

Peter Mileo:

back but since he is butt high I’d rather not comment on the loin.

Neck is of good length but lacks shape. Pleasing low set eye. Nice

The foal does appear to have a short coupling. I really like the

shoulder angle and good length of shoulder. Front legs look like

depth of hindquarter and the length. I always like to see a foal

they are aligned well but they appear light for the size of this

with a good shoulder angle and a hind end that is longer than the

horses front end. Short back but the loin and coupling could be

front end. Rear legs are nice and plumb. It will be interesting to

stronger. Hind end is deep but it looks like it could be longer com-

see him as a yearling, two year old and three year old. Other than

pared to the forehand. Rear legs look plumb. Tail is set a bit low.

being butt high, this foal has all the parts. It will be interesting to

My first impression is this should have good length of stride in

see a video of it moving as I would guess it is a very athletic foal.

front but may not track up under itself well due to the loin, coupling and hind end not being as good as the forehand.

Rosa Noir

2012 Black Hanoverian/Arabian Filly (Rosenthal x Belle Noir by NV Beau Bey)

Half-Arabian #3 Elaine Kerrigan: Pleasant head. Neck, though is set a little low on the shoulders, shows the ability to stretch its topline muscles. A low set neck can be more difficult to elevate and allow the shoulders to lift, however a rider can help by encouraging the horse to stretch the topline of the neck and subsequently improving forehand carriage. Shoulders are a little steep, (see prior reference) but withers are well defined with sufficient saddle position. Saddle position can be affected by shoulder angle, however the withers on this horse should help with saddle stability, though the girth area might be close to the elbows and could irritate the girth area if saddle does not fit the horse well. Fairly supportive loin through to a nicely developing hindquarter. The muscle development shows attention to encouraging the horse to power from hindquarters. Good bone. A more appropriate stance could be more flattering and allow a better evaluation. Left hind leg is stretched too far back somewhat distorting the overall picture of balance.

Peter Mileo: Nice long, well defined neck. It is set a bit low since the shoulder is so straight. Pleasing eye that is set low. Good front leg alignment and pastern angles. Cannons are short. Front cannons might be a bit light. The back looks soft and the loin and coupling are


eus Z




Siring Horses with

Arabian Type Movement Talent

long and weak. Hindquarter could be longer and deeper. Hind end angulation looks OK. Rear legs look plumb. Hocks are set low. I would guess that this horse, with a straighter shoulder than ideal, would not have great reach in front and appear to have a good

Anglo Sired by Zeus MR

over reach from behind but that might be due more to the lack of reach in front. The loin and coupling could hinder good hind end engagement and rounding of the back.



The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

“Royal Tosk” Left: Tijon Moore and Royal Tosk schooling a water jump last summer. Right: Tijon and Royal on their way to winning a Reserve National Championship

The oldest horse competing at the 2012 Sport Horse Nationals was the 23-year-old purebred Royal Tosk. He not only competed but clinched a Reserve National Championship for his owners, Jodi Renee and Tijon Moore, in the Amateur Jumper class. By Jodi Renee Photos courtesy of Out of the Saddle Photography

It is said that timing is everything, and that

desire for a good horse that her 8-year-

the newly conceived concept of sharing a

is exactly the case when it came to Royal

old daughter could learn to jump on. Add

horse, he had become a part of our family.

Tosk becoming a part of our lives. My heart

to that my desire for a trail horse, and we

Royal moved in with Tijon and her family

longed for a good trail horse of my own.

started dreaming, then imagining, “What

with their other horses, just down the road

Desiring the peaceful, soul soothing mo-

if!” We suddenly realized that by combin-

from the little subdivision where I live.

ments that can only be experienced on

ing our efforts and resources, we could

horseback, I didn’t think it was a remote

possibly find that “right” horse that would

Royal Tosk (Mi Tosk x Royal Zamelli) started

possibility living in a subdivision with lim-

fill both needs.

life in Louisiana where he was a Western

ited resources. But, what is meant to be will happen.

Pleasure horse. At the age of 15, he was Our search quickly led us to Royal Tosk, a

purchased by Sherry Gardner, an Idaho

then 22 year old chestnut Arabian gelding

trainer well versed in natural horseman-

While spending a day with my friend, Tijon

with a flaxen mane and tail. He immedi-

ship, who taught him how to jump. A friend

Moore, as her personal photographer at a

ately won our hearts with his gentle na-

of the Gardners also showed him quite a

local Derby, she expressed a dream and

ture and obvious skills. Within a week of

bit and won tons of ribbons with him and

February / March 2013 then ended up buying him. Royal was sold

at a play day with his Special Olympics

a few years later to another acquaintance,

rider. He is my trail buddy, Tijon’s jumping

but he didn’t really fit into their program,

champion, the thrill to a great-grandmoth-

so he just sort of hung around not doing

er as she mounts a horse for the first time


since she was a teen, and the lesson horse


for my granddaughters, Baylee and Megan. At the 2012 Sport Horse Nationals, our Royal carried Tijon to a Reserve National

Tijon’s 9-year-old daughter, Josilyn, is now

Championship in the Amateur Jumper

competing with Royal, as well, and will be

class at the age of 23. We were thrilled be-

going to the Arabian Show at Scottsdale in

yond belief and grateful to everyone who

February. We have only had him since July

helped us, directly or indirectly, to achieve

2011, but he feels like he has been with

more than we ever dreamt possible!

us always. It’s hard to remember what life was like “before Royal.” Our dreams come

Royal is a ride for all ages, young and old

true daily as we love, care for, ride, jump,

alike. He is that horse you can trust to give

and learn from this amazing, once in a life-

a 3-year-old child their first pony ride. He

time horse we so proudly call “ours.”

carefully weaves his way through the poles Tijon’s daughter, Josilyn, riding Royal through the course at a Mountain Trail Challenge.

Royal Tosk is sired by US Top Ten Stallion and Park Horse, Mi Tosk, who was the product of a very successful cross of *Bask++ and the Troy daughter Toi. This cross also produced Mi Toska+++, a multiple National Champion English Pleasure horse. Mi Tosk sired National Champions in Park, English Pleasure, Halter and Country, among them Cytosk+++/. His dam is Royal Zamelli, sired by RLF Royal Fix (by Golden Fix) out of the Lewisfield Sun God daughter Lewisfield Sunbee.

Tijon and Royal enjoying their victory.

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The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

Winter Fun


Photo by Maria Schalla

February / March 2013

Photo by Maria Schalla

Winter Fun


The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

On the Market CLASSIFIED PHOTO ADS - $20 per ad per issue

Easily win your Silver Medal! FEI Purebred 12 yr, gelding CMK Arabian, athletic, talented and could easily be your Grand Prix horse! Training Int-1. Well mannered, safe at shows. Competes OPEN. Perfect for a Jr, accomplished amateur or to someone who wants to take him all the way. Has the buttons if you know how to push them! Fun, sweet friendly horse. Excellent pedigree. Keyword here SAFE! Right match only. $30,000. Contact elleneeckstein@gmail.com or call 805-441-9278

Rajima Black is available for an onsite 2013 breeding lease. She’s by National Champion Klint Black+++/ out of a Gai Radiant daughter. Rajima is currently open and ready to breed to the stallion of your choice. She has had 3 foals - her oldest is 2011 Top Ten Two Year Old SHIH Gelding. She’s SCID clear, CA n/n and homozygous black. More pictures, link to allbreedspedigree.com for her extended pedigree, and videos of her foals at www.klintblack.com. Email for lease details. seves@1usa.com Jamira Black is a daughter of National Champion Sport Horse Stallion PA Nyte Star out of a daughter of National Champion Sport Horse Stallion Klint Black+++/. She has the quality, size and temperament to be a top contender in the Arabian Sport Horse division and the strength of pedigree to be a foundation quality broodmare when her show career is over. Her full brother was 2011 Top Ten SHIH 2 Year Old Gelding missing Reserve National Champion by just 4/10ths of a point! Her dam was East Coast Reserve Champion SHIH AOTH. Don’t miss this chance to start at the top with your Arabian Sport Horse prospect. Video, link to her pedigree and additional photos of her, her sire and dam at www.klintblack.com. Sweepstakes & SHN Payback eligible. seves@1usa.com

TIENTO: 2011 ½ Arab, 1/2Andalusian. ½ bro to dressage phenom, RubyDelSol (USDF Nat’l Champ; wins @ FEI, schooling GrandPrix after only 4yrs training). 3 fancy gaits, athletic, charming workmanlike temperament. Longes, longlines, ponies, trailers, bathes, vacuums... Now 15h, will dapple grey, ready to start u/s fall 2013. Registered. Dam (Barbary, Rathketeer, BayElBey) is sport horse Arab & RPSI Main Mare book approved. Sire, Excelso: many GP wins, throws great temperament, mov’t, trainability, collection, flying changes, size & soundness). Price as of 1/1/2103: $10,000. Pics/video/info: sophie@montana.net MV Dark Danzer: Black/White Tobiano Mare. Registered Half-Arabian & Pinto. 15H, 15 years. Danzer has extensive trail, mountain, beach and horse camping experience. She is really good mannered, loads, hauls, bathes, ties etc. She is a very pretty, kind mare with clean legs and a good work ethic; is pleasant to be around and fun to ride! Danzer has had one foal by a solid bay endurance stallion; she threw her Black/White Tobiano color. Danzer is currently being ridden 3-4 times a week on trails and in dressage lessons. $3,500.00 Andrea 503 810 5960 redcedar_ranch@yahoo.com

February / March 2013


Services Our Services Directory is available for just an annual fee of $25 (6 issues). Subject Headers created as needed. Not for Stallions or Horses for Sale.

FARMS RIMROCK EQUESTRIAN CENTER, Ashley Wren, Billings, MT• Hunters, Jumpers, Equitation www.RimrockEquestrianCenter.com • rimrockequestrian@yahoo.com MYSTIC RANCH ARABIANS, Karen Ernst, Herald, CA • Breeders of Arabian Sport Horses www.MysticRanchArabians.com • mysticrch@softcom.net

Who Says DQs Don’t Have a Sense of Humor?

Members of the Foothills Chapter of the California Dressage Society showed their support for the “Official Sport of the Summer” as proclaimed by satirist Stephen Colbert. “Competitive Horse Prancing” came to the media’s attention due to the Romney’s mare Rafalca earning a place on the US Olympic Dressage Team. Pictured left to right: Colleen Reid, Rita Mason, Debbie Ross and Ashleigh Flores-Simmons Astride is Crystal Alatalo on Xenya owned by the Stanley Ranch. Photo courtesy of bobtarr.com

ABILITY Gregg & Nancy Shafer


EURO TOI Lucy Boyd Taylor

We’ve got it going on!

SP DEPARTURE Beverly Stevens


RUSSIAN ROULETT Angelique Anthony

CZANTIAGO Stanley Ranch

SOLIEL CA Cambria DeMarco



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