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Your God Is Too Small For Curvy-Thick Girls Learning To Love Their Flesh by Hazel Cherry

Your God Is Too Small for Curvy thick Girls Learning to Love their Flesh

poetry by Hazel Cherry

Toni says, love ain’t thin. My thighs are full of meaning. My hips carry the brute force of the world. I work hard to fit into my jeans.

It took me years to see God in my reflection. And you mean to tell me the God you preachin’ don’t want women to love the glorious bodies he gave ‘em?

Your God sounds insanely moody. Needy, even. Nah, I need a God that loves me big and round. Pound for pound.

I need a God that can handle the line of questioning that comes from the beautiful intrinsic brain He gave me. Your God always wants you sad, weepy and sufferin’. What kind of God is that? Then you say God is love. Baby that don’t match.

I need a God who wants me to have bliss and pleasure. Suffering always be there, why would God want me to have more of it? Make it make sense.

My God knows when I’m bluffing and knows how to shoot the breeze. Speaks to me in the wind and in the trees. My God laughs with me on the porch and at my kitchen stove. My God loves everything about me and had fun fashioning the little intricate details of my personality. The good book say, I’m a fearfully and wonderfully made being.

My God is proud when I pursue my dreams and wants more than I can imagine for me. Your God don’t want you to enjoy the gift life.

Sweetie sounds to me like you’re in prison and God is the Warden. I’m gone pray you get free and taste the life that Jesus say he came to give you abundantly.


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