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everyone you know someday will die by Nicholas Barnes

entire animal-murdering family from out of my life…I’m not just going to throw that all away and become just as selfish as everyone else.” “Who’s Becca?” asked Damiano. “My pet pig I had as a kid. She was murdered by my father because ‘that’s how things work’” replied Lola. “Ah,” said Damiano. “I suppose that’s why you don’t eat animal products. So what’s the issue here? This is not animal blood. It’s human blood.” Lola looked down at her hands. “Right.” “Then, at least in my logic, spending an eternity feeding off of humans would fulfill your life’s mission better than hanging sad animal posters around the city and eating tofu for every meal,” said Damiano. Lola looked at him, and then back at the cup. In his own twisted way, Damiano was right. People were the problem. They murder animals, destroy ecosystems, build machines that poison the air, and then have the audacity to make plans to leave for another planet instead of cleaning up their own mess. The only other human Lola did like turned out to not be a human at all, which in retrospect made sense as to how they got along in the first place. Lola raised the teacup. “For Becca.”


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