1 minute read

my people by Zander Moreno Lozano

my people, bred out of corn husks and strawberry stems, with whiplash’d wrath do such crop yield form soil rich. my people, fervent porridge of the scorched seasons and flood’d rains do break bone paralleled confusion in search of next meal. my people

poetry by Zander Moreno Lozano


5 my people, fragrance’d maiz y jugo de naranja, sol y tierra vive debajo sus uñas, en las calles rodantes reemplazan voces ligeras de ayer pasado. my people, con magia indigena revolt shrapnel noses cause crescent of devotion, for tending the land hath cost us centuries. my people, stewards with

flock as abundant earth, mound’d knowledge like dirt burrow’d chapulines and wheat’d fields of daily bread. my people, bright with shades of melanin, we color each other out of luck for we are made in image of soil richness, celery fruit’d sweet. my people, crecen sentimiento genial en fruto


de su labor, temen crecer hijo derrumbado y desecho. my people, tout in frugal intention carry intent in throat’d tales of wonder. my people, whisper guerrilla spear’d songs serenad’d in soil richness yield of crop grant wishes far beyond generations. my people, dwell on land

with perished ancestral bones catacomb burrow’d far beneath guanajuato ganache colonize’d frosting. my people, sembrando momentos cranial en paso, toman el camino con menos paso, siembran maiz pa’ el camino. y gritan sin vergüenza por el cielo cai mas cerca cada dia.


mi gente, my people, we, orange auburn soul groan in earth palette, as moved pallet construction in suburb backyard. mi gente, my people, i will seek you as pollen fall, again.


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