The africa institute provides a center for arab african studies and events

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The Africa Institute Provides a Center for Arab-African Studies and Events

The Africa Institute was established by the Government of the Emirate of Sharjah to actualize the goals that were agreed upon in the first African and Arab relation symposium. This symposium was held in the region in the year 1976 and was a groundbreaking move in bringing more attention to the history between these two groups with deep historic connections. The Africa Institute was, therefore, established upon a seed that was planted by respected scholars. These scholars were united to strengthen the relations between Africans and Arabs. Talking about the institution’s view of African studies, the company’s spokesperson commented, “To us, African studies is not constrained by territorial boundaries but is a global enterprise. It is upon this concept that this institution was founded, to be a platform for unraveling the mystery behind Africa and its people. Overly, we seek to continue exploring the areas that medieval scholars had built on while fueling the emerging lines that are of great interest to modern scholars.” It was a great pleasure for The Africa Institute to host the Global Africa Conference that was held on 12th to March 14, 2019. This conference was a manifestation of the institution’s resolve to stop at nothing in accomplishing its goals. The theme of the three-day conference was ‘Africa and African diaspora studies in the 21st century.’ The Africa Institute brought together scholars from across the world as main speakers and participants for the event. These scholars propelled the conversation on the direction that these scholarly fields have taken. There were different categories of speakers who interrogated the approach to different interdisciplinary perspectives in the modern age and what the future holds for scholars.

Speaking about what hosting the Global Africa conference in the rebuilt Africa Hall meant, the company’s spokesperson said, “The first symposium held in Sharjah took place at the Africa Hall that was rightfully named given that it hosted the cultural and political event. It was expected that this hall would, over the decades, become a symbol of unity and a place for hosting future events. Unfortunately, the original hall was demolished as the government took upon the mandate of setting up modernist buildings. It was, therefore, great news when the government gave the go-ahead for rebuilding the African Hall at the exact location it was to accomplish its goals.� For an institution that focuses on humanities and social sciences, The Africa Institute has made it part of its operational objectives to host events consistently. It is for this reason that the institution ever has a symposium, conference, public lectures, or staged plays, among other events taking place in its hall. This provides the general public with a point of connecting to Afro-Arab studies and findings by scholars that answer essential questions the society faces.

About Africa Institute: The Africa Institute was established in Sharjah, UAE, to be a dedicated institution for the study, documentation, and research of the historical, present, and future interactions of Africans and Arabs.

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