October 2015

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U.S.-Cuban detente worries refugees By David Dinnell Carlos Mayans remembers April of 1962 as if it were yesterday. "Some things you never forget," he said of what was a monumental year for him and his family.

Photo by David Dinell

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All of Carlos Mayans’ possessions were jammed into this suitcase when he left Cuba in 1962.

That was when 13-year-old Mayans escaped from Communist-controlled Cuba, a month after his brother and sister did. He lived in a refugee camp for almost two months before he came to live with foster parents in Kansas. He's been here ever since. He made a new life for himself, including serving as Wichita's mayor from 2003 to 2007. Mayans has not been back to Cuba. He can't go, even if he wanted to. His passport is stamped, "not to return." Now 67 and retired, he and his wife, Linda, live in west Wichita. Mayans recently spent some time reflecting on the huge changes going on between his native country and his adopted country. For the first time since 1961, the United States and Cuba have diplomatic relations, which started this past summer. Mayans has mixed feelings. "Opening it up is not necessarily a bad thing," he said, "and I hope things will change. But I have my doubts." He's disappointed that the United

Photo courtesy of Operation Perdo Pan Group

Aircrafts such as this one brought children from Cuba to the United States in the early 1960s during Operation Peter Pan. States is not getting concessions from the Cuban government to improve its human rights record, to hold fair elections and to ensure that economic development reaches the poorest among the Cuban population.

'Hypocritical' rulers Moving into a new phase of U.S.-Cuba relations will take careful stewardship and wary oversight, Mayans said. "Good things can happen, but they have to be managed." He makes no secret of his disdain See Cuba, page 12

Memories of the days of live TV Editor’s note: KAKE-TV, Ch. 10, celebrates its 61st anniversary Oct. 19, 2015. By David Dunn I have great memories about my days at KAKE-TV. In 1952 I was working as the engineering studio supervisor at KANS radio. I was 19 and had been with them since 1947, or since I was 14. I was in radio heaven. I had worked my way through North High School and bought a new Chrysler. (I don’t know how I did that on $50 a week.) I felt so successful that I started planning a wedding to my 7th grade sweetheart. We met at Horace Mann and just knew that we had the world by the tail.

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Central Plains Area Agency on Aging or call your county Department on Aging: 1-855-200-2372

The day after my wedding Imagine waking up in the Lassen Hotel Bridal Suite the morning after your Saturday-night wedding with your beautiful 18-year-old bride next to you, and then telling her you have to do a remote broadcast of a choir at the Forum Auditorium. Well that was me, the devoted engineer. It was a blessing in disguise though, because the chief engineer of KAKE Radio, Harold Newby, was doing the same thing. I don’t think it was his wedding morning, but he was broadcasting the same singing group. We started talking afterwards, and he wanted to know See KAKE, page 8

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the active age


October 2015

October 2015

the active age

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Space Needle on Century II or Lake Wichita?

By Ken Stephens If you can suspend your logical, pragmatic side and enable your creative side, let’s envision the future: Wichitopolia. During a two-week residency at the Harvester Arts gallery, Robert Bubp, associate professor of painting and drawing at Wichita State University, asked students, friends, people he met on the street and visitors to the gallery to color on maps, draw or write on yellow sticky notes how they’d like to see Wichita develop over the next 25 to 50 years. The results showed that people are in touch with Wichita’s assets and needs and concerned about its future, even if some of the things on their wish list were outrageous. “What’s fun, whimsical or absurd is allowable,” he said. Like someone’s suggestion for an international elephant preserve north of the Sedgwick County Zoo and Sedgwick County Park, never mind that there are already several hundred homes in the area. Bubp’s degrees are in the arts, although he said he’s had an interest in urban planning ever since graduate school. The great thing about being an artist, he said, is that he can pretend – he doesn’t have to have a degree in architecture or urban planning to take an interest and express his ideas. And he wanted to encourage as many other unlicensed dreamers to express their ideas about Wichita, as he has in similar projects in Salina and Corpus Christi. “In the arts, you can pretend to take on the role of someone in the field.

“You don’t have to be an expert. There’s no one saying you can’t do it. … One way to engage without being trained is to make art out of it.” At every workshop leading up to August’s Final Friday, Bubp talked about how the city of Los Angeles applied Photo by Ken Stephens an innovative Wichita State University art professer Robert Bubp solution to water shares Wichitopolia vision. conservation: They dumped millions of black plastic anyway, creating a Venice-like floating balls into a reservoir, creating a floatcity between the Arkansas River and ing evaporation barrier that will save the Big Ditch. millions of gallons of water a year. But, Bubp said, the discussion “It was a creative and seemingly eventually always turns to “What outrageous solution,” he said. about the serious stuff ?” The results of those workshops, “The serious answers,” he said, “are both whimsical and serious, were best resolved when the most creative on display at Harvester Arts, 215 N. possibilities are explored.” Washington. Bike lanes as a part of all new street On the whimsical side, several sug- construction; bicycle rental stations gested that Wichita needs some sort all over the city; better public transof landmark observation tower. Bupb portation, including light rail within drew Century II with a Seattle Space the city; and high-speed Amtrak Needle sprouting from the roof. service from Dallas to Oklahoma City, He pointed out that when the through Wichita to Kansas City. Eifel Tower was built in Paris it was Others wanted more trees along pointless and completely out of place WaterWalk, a downtown park at Wain terms of form and scale. Yet today terman and Main Street; an open air there is no more iconic structure in the downtown mall north of Kellogg and world. Broadway; a downtown grocery store; Someone else suggested lakefront geographically distributed homeless housing. Why not create Lake Wichshelters; more tennis courts and jogita, permanently inundating areas ging paths; and community gardens. that seem to flood during heavy rain Some wanted more support for the

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arts, more public sculpture and more museums, including a Kansas history center with an agriculture museum and event center. There was concern about the quality and quantity of water in our future and one suggestion for developing a gray water system for using some wastewater for lawn and landscape irrigation. More environmental concerns cropped up with suggestions for city incentives for retrofitting existing buildings with green energy, rooftop plantings, solar and wind energy installations all over town, and more recycling – or as someone wrote on a map: “Turn trash into something amazing.” One person suggested re-creating Ackerman Island, which used to hold a baseball stadium and amusement park in the river north of Douglas. Another wanted new standards for buildings, including wider doorways to accommodate wheelchairs, and elevators that announced floors to help the blind. Some others wanted “help” for Towne West and revitalization of the Plainview and Oaklawn/Sunview neighborhoods in southeast Wichita. Bubp pasted up a comment from someone who said, “There should be things on the south side of town. There’s really no reason to go there unless you live there. Museums, art centers, shopping.” There will be a related exhibition at Harvester in January. Other artists will be invited to create works responding to Bubp’s installation, and he’ll be invited back as well. Contact Ken Stephens at Ken.Stephens@sbcglobal.net

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the active age

October 2015

There’s a new restaurant in town By Annette Graham CPAAA Executive Director There are lots of dining choices that we can make on any given day. Some are healthy; some, not so much. When you resolve to eat healthier, the question becomes: Where should I go? Where can I find a cooked-fromscratch, tasty meal? Where can I find a meal that provides me with details on the calories and nutrients? Where can I go to find all of that for a reasonable price? Let us introduce you to the new restaurant chain: Friendship Meals. Operated by Aging Projects, there

are 21 Friendship Meals sites in Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties. For specific locations, contact the ADRC Call Center at 855-200-2372. With funding from the Older Americans Act, Friendship Meals will make available a fresh meal at noon Monday through Friday to individuals 60 and older who make a reservation… just like a fine-dining establishment. At this dining establishment, no tipping is required but you are asked

to contribute $3 toward the cost of the meal if you can. Younger individuals also are welcome to dine at Friendship Meal for a price of $7.50. “Doggie bags” can be available to those who request a second take-home meal; reservations also are required for the carry out. We are able to bring a new dining experience to our communities while being efficient in our use of funds from the Older Americans Act. I challenge everyone to try out and visit all 21 sites. Rozie O’Brien, director of Aging

Projects, encourages everyone to try the Friendship Meals. "Instead of grabbing a fast-food burger or a TV dinner from the freezer, come join us even once a week. Your support helps keep this program strong, and helps us extend our reach to more people.” Central Plains Area Agency on Aging is available to assist caregivers and seniors through life’s transitions with various levels of support. For information about local programs for seniors, caregivers or persons with disabilities contact 1-855200-2372 or visit www.cpaaa.org.

Vintage ‘base ball’ festival Your favorite Christmas gift?

Experience the National Past Time as it was played in Wichita during the 1870s, starting at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at Old Cowtown Museum. Wichita Bull Stockings, Emporia White Stockings, Hodgeman County Nine, Topeka Westerns and the Lincoln, Neb., Olympic Base Ball Club will be participating in the Base Ball Festival. Watch the game of Base Ball as the “ballists” of the city played it. The lineup included Albert Alexander Hyde (3b), James Cairns (1b), L.A. Brown (rf ), Ed. F. Sheets (captain, 2b) and Judge Lauck’s boys, Ern and Ed. Learn about the men who helped

build Base Ball in Wichita: Sol H. Kohn, C.F. Gilbert, E.B. Jewett, L.N. Woodcock, W.A. Richey, T.L. Nixon and others through the 1870s and later. These men and others helped build the City of Wichita and helped make Base Ball a mainstay in its sports lore. Vance “Bull” Davis, a founding member of the Cowtown Vintage Base Ball club, urged Wichitans and others to “come out and support your boys.” To get involved or for more information, email cowtownbaseball@ yahoo.com or contact Kurt, 316-7332561 or Old Cowtown Museum, 316350-3323.

Do you remember your all-time favorite Christmas gift? We’re asking you to share that story – in 500 words or less. A panel will select several entries to appear in our December the active age. Others may be printed on our website, theactiveage.com. If there is an appropriate photo, please share that also. If we need to

copy it for you, we’ll make sure to return it. Email your memory to fran@ theactiveage. com. Include your name and any other information pertinent to the story. Deadline for the story is Nov. 12.

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October 2015

the active age

Page 5

Joe Gallegos has led three different lives By Bob Latta Wichitan Joe Gallegos said he has seen a lot in his lifetime. “It’s been quite a life. I’m retired now. I go and do what I want. If I want to go out of town, I grab a ticket and go. If I want to go exercise, I do. “I’m in charge.” It wasn’t always that way for Joe, 89. In a sense, the life-long Wichitan has led three different lives – growing up poor in the city’s “barrio,” a World War II veteran and Bronze Star recipient, and a parking meter technician. Joe was born in Wichita in September 1925 and grew up in a neighborhood southeast of downtown. He’s not sure if his parents were born in Mexico or Spain. He said at that time – the 1920s and 1930s – people of different cultures tended to flock together when they came to Wichita. There were nine children in his family, and they lived in a small house. As with similar houses nearby, it wasn’t divided into rooms. Joe attended Our Lady of Guadalupe school. Nuns belonging to the

Photo by David Dinnell

Joe Gallegos converted a parking meter to a lamp. He sprayed the heavy steel meter gold and wired it for a living room lamp. order of the Sisters of the Holy Ghosts He remembers his father putting him were the teachers. Chuckling, he rein wagon and wheeling him under called one particular Sister vividly. “She the Kellogg Bridge to cool off in hot was mean!” weather. There was no air conditioning. Apparently she didn’t spare the rod. Favorite pastimes were playing Joe recalls it was a simpler time. hockey with a stick and a flattened Pet Milk can as the puck or throwing washers into a hole, similar to playing horseshoes. Playing marbles was another popular pastime. Because his father died when Joe was 6 or 7, Joe worked at a “paying” job early in life. He remembers working on farms, picking fruit and vegetables, from sunrise to sunset at farms just outside of Wichita and in western Kansas and eastern Colorado. He earned a $1 a day. “It was that or nothing,” he said. When World War II broke out, Joe tried to enlist, but was turned down. He was only 16. However, when he turned 18, Joe got his wish. Signing up with Uncle Sam earned him a trip to Europe and the war theater of France and Germany.

He went overseas on the Queen Mary, along with about 10,000 shipmates. Later, while golfing with a buddy after the war, he was asked if he noticed being followed by German submarines. Joe said no, but thinking back, he thought maybe that was why they had zigzagged their way to Europe. If there were any German subs, Joe figured the Queen Mary outran them, “because it was pretty fast despite its size.” Joe’s welcome to Europe was noted by hitting rough water, probably in the English Channel, with the ship tilting from side to side. “The ship tables were anchored, but if you stood up, your food tray wound up on the other side of the ship.” They were supposed to land at Marseille, France, but wound up at LaHarve. He and his duffle bag got separated during the landing, and he hasn’t seen it to this day. One of his regrets is the loss of a picture of his girlfriend. The picture showed just her bare legs propped up – a rarity because of the long dresses of the day. To make the picture even more of a loss, he had gotten singer Ella Fitzgerald to sign it at a USO show. Today, Joe still wonders if there wasn’t more he could have done during the war, although he isn’t sure what it would have been. He was in an Army company that did advance scouting, looking for the enemy as the Germans retreated. There were two scouts in his group. Joe was the lead scout; the other followed a short distance behind him. Although he was shot at countless times, he never was hit. But afterwards his clothes and equipment would indicate that bullets apparently had come pretty close. “There were a lot of scary times out there.” He spent five months and 25 days See next page

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From previous page overseas, mostly in France and western Germany. For his service he received a Bronze Star. His name is engraved on the back of it. “It was a real interesting life. I liked the Army.” Returning to Wichita, Joe found jobs here and there. He would find a job, but often would not stay at it for very long, sometimes only a day or two. One job he liked was as an usher at the Crawford Theater on South Topeka. “It had three balconies. If they filled up all three, in the top one, it felt like you were sitting up in the sky,” Joe recalled. “Oh you could see the movie OK up there. It was just climbing all those steps.” Another job was working on typewriters. He’d take them to the offices downtown and the “girls” would want to know how to test them. “I was expected to type, but I didn’t.” He’d hit some keys and show them what it could do. In 1947, he went to Kansas City to become a watchmaker. After the training, he thought about opening a watch repair shop, “but it was too expensive.” Learning about watches led to

his long-term career - working with Wichita’s parking meters In 1969, he landed a job working for the city. He stayed with it for more than 20 years, retiring in 1990 as supervisor of the parking meter shop. Joe said the city started using parking meters about 1941. “They had just removed the old ones when I began working for the city. Two companies provided the meters. They had 2-hour and 10-hour meters.” He had about 5,000 meters to take care of. Joe learned to install and repair them. “The treasurer’s office had two collectors for the meters. Meter-money collection was done daily, but the city didn’t want people to know the time of day or day of the week that any given meter might be serviced,” he explained. Joe has a parking meter at home that he converted into a lamp. “You put a dime in, turn the handle and the bulb comes on,” he said, smiling proudly. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a dime, turned the handle on the meter and the bulb shone for a dozen minutes. Another part of his job was to help take traffic counts – laying the tubes across the streets for the vehicles to drive over. They did traffic counts at all major intersections.

October 2015

AARP’s Tax-Aide Seeks volunteers

Photo by David Dinell

In the 1960s downtown parking meters accepted pennies.

They also did traffic counts at the request of developers who were considering opening a new business or development. “Developers wanted to know about traffic patterns before the construction began,” Joe explained. For his service, the city presented Joe with a certificate of appreciation when he retired. “It’s been quite a life,” he said.

Are you good with numbers and comfortable working on a computer? AARP would like you to become a volunteer tax preparer with Tax-Aide? Tax-Aide is the nation’s largest volunteer-run tax assistance service. Almost four out of five people who are helped by Tax-Aide are 60 or older. This past tax season, 43 local volunteers from Butler, Harvey and Sedgwick counties prepared more than 2,800 tax returns for low- to moderate-income seniors and others who came to the Free Tax Help sites located in senior centers and other locations. You’ll work directly with taxpayers, filling out returns and helping them seek a refund. You will receive the latest tax forms and software. A new Volunteer Orientation will be held Wednesday, Oct. 21. To learn more, email KSTaxHelp@gmail.com. Information about the program is also available at https://www.kstaxaide. com/.

Contact Bob Latta at lattabob@yahoo.com

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October 2015

the active age

Page 7

Column: rigid, relatively slender, upright support By Ted Blankenship Now and then people ask me how I get ideas. They will say something like, “How do you get ideas for those articles you write?” I reply, “They aren’t articles; they’re columns.” “They look like articles to me.” The way most newspaper people get ideas for “articles” is to go to the city desk and the city editor says something like, “Go cover the undertaker’s convention.” That’s a wonderful idea because the editor says it is. Just to keep things straight, an article is a story about something that happened, and usually is called straight news. A feature article is factual but it’s about something that is interesting though not necessarily a news event. An editorial is opinion that is displayed on the editorial page. A column can be opinion or a personal story that sometimes is part fiction. A column is an essay. Now, wasn’t that informative? But let’s get back to ideas. First we have to know what an idea is. James Webb Young, who wrote a book on the

subject, said, “An idea is nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements.” Phosphorus and oxygen aren’t any older than other elements, but if you combine them, you’re going to get a nasty explosion. So let’s not do that. The dictionary has about four inches of words that try to define the word idea. An example: “What exists in the mind as a presentation (as of something comprehended). No wonder people have trouble getting ideas. No one knows what they are. There are lots of books about getting ideas. They’re pretty much alike, so I’ll tell you what’s in them and save you the cost of the books. I will give you only one or two methods because I may want to write a book some day, and I don’t want to give away all the good stuff. First, most of the books say you need to know exactly which idea you want before you try to get it. In my

case that would be an idea for a column. I already knew that before I read the book. I probably should be more specific, but I’ll take anything I can get. I think they mean that I need to define the problem. In that case, I would say, “I need an idea to keep me from losing my job.” The next thing the books tell you is to do some research and go to bed. According to the books, your subconscious mind will work on the problem and you will have an idea when you wake up. So, I decided to try it. I did the research (mostly on things unrelated to the problem) and ate some leftovers, then went to bed. It worked. I awakened the next morning and an idea was waiting for me. I ran to the computer and wrote it down: “I’m hungry.” That wasn’t the idea I was hoping for. A few years ago, brainstorming was the rage. Note to TV weather people: brainstorming is nothing to get excited about. The rules are simple. You get a group of people together, preferably

folks who have never had an idea in their lives. A person who doesn’t like to think is put in the middle and becomes the interlocutor. That person is there to keep things going. That’s needed because after an idea or two, things slow down and there is total silence — or some snoring. Participants blurt out anything that comes to mind, no matter how ridiculous. And, the rules say you can’t judge any of the ideas — just keep ‘em coming. So it goes something like this: “Turn it upside down. Make it smaller. Put wheels on it and fold it up like a newspaper. Spread toothpaste on it.” What? It’s difficult to keep from judging these kinds of suggestions, but who knows? If Edison had spread toothpaste on the light bulb, there would have been less light coming through, but the moths would have had fewer cavities. Contact Ted Blankenship at tblankenship@cox.net

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the active age


From page 1 why my broadcast sounded better than his. I told him my “technique,” and he was obviously impressed. He told me that he would be the chief at KAKE-TV, and if I wanted a job to come see him. We met the next day, and I was hired as an audio engineer at Channel 10. It was difficult to say goodbye to my radio friends. Vernon “Pappy” Reed, the program director, warned me that more than likely the large KAKE-TV building would be turned into a skating rink. “TV is just not going to stick around,” he said. In those days, ABC didn’t start its programming until about 7 p.m. Program director John Quigley from a Kansas City TV station and Martin Umansky, the newly appointed general manager, planned a lot of live programming. I was thrown into a heavy schedule of “pre-air” production. Many on-camera auditions were held at the temporary offices at 204 N. Waco. These auditions gave us crewmembers, mostly from radio, an opportunity to get used to the TV equipment. Our inexperienced boom-microphone operator hit one poor woman who was auditioning for an on-camera job very hard in the head. To make matters worse, she didn’t get hired. The tin hut While we were on Waco, a Quonset building (called the “tin hut” by the employees) was being assembled

next to the KAKE studios, also under construction, at 1500 N. West St. When the tin hut was ready, temporary sets and a glassed-in control room were built so we could start rehearsing live programming. It was an excellent way to do things, and everything ran smooth as glass on sign-on day. (Not like Wichita’s first TV station in Hutchinson where, on sign-on day, the first thing you heard was a curse word.) KAKE became the epitome of locally produced, creative programming, headed up by John Froome, a great personality. John and I were already good friends; he had been an announcer and copywriter at KANS radio. The big day finally arrived KAKE signed on the air at 3 p.m. Oct. 19, 1954. I was a cameraman and had spent hour after hour practicing with the camera. We wanted everything to be perfect. Unfortunately, the long-awaited studio next to the Quonset wasn’t ready, but everyone else certainly was. We started our well-rehearsed shows in the tin hut, and KAKE soon became Wichita’s top-rated station. It was another big day when we moved into the state-of-the-art studios in the building they still use today. The day started with Romper Room, a popular show in other cities, each with its own teacher. Our teacher was Miss Barbara (Barbara Balay) whom all the preschoolers loved. Later in the morning was Open House with Ethel Jane King. King was

October 2015

already well known as a radio star on KFH. Deputy Dusty came on right after school. Its star, Dusty Herring, was a real Wichita deputy sheriff. He was dressed to the hilt in a cowboy outfit and had, on film, his faithful horse Kazan. The show began with Dusty riding up to a jailhouse. He dismounted and walked in the front door. We would immediately cut to a live shot of Dusty in the studio, walking through the door and sitting down at his desk by the jail cell. When Western stars came to town, Dusty was the first to interview them. When one of my childhood idols, Gene Autry, was interviewed, Dusty had his hands full. Autry See next page

This KAKE display ad and the display ad on page 1 were created for the trade press. The first ad, headlined ‘Wichita’s First and Only VHF’ appeared as a fullpage ad on Nov. 8, 1954, in Broadcasting-Telecasting Magazine. This ad, noting some of the station’s shows, was in the magazine’s Dec. 13 edition. Both ads list the station’s address as 204 N. Waco.

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October 2015

the active age

Page 9

TV channels coveted items in early ‘50s By Charles Frodsham In the early 1950s there were multiple applicants for the four available TV channels in the Wichita-Hutchinson area: Channels 3, 10, 12 and 16. KAKE Broadcasting, owner of radio station KAKE, filed its application March 12, 1951, to operate on VHF Channel 10. Both KAKE and Mid-Continent Television wanted Channel 10. In March 1954, to avoid further delays of litigation before the FCC, a merger was proposed that gave stockholders from each company equal holdings. It was approved in early April 1954. KAKE-TV began broadcasting at 3 p.m. Oct. 19, 1954, as an ABC affiliate. Its first live local programming was 90 minutes later with Ethel Jane


From previous page

had been to a party and was inebriated; one of the many precarious things during the days of live television. KAKE had an outstanding 10 p.m. line-up. Greg Gamer was named news director after his coverage of the devastating Udall tornado in 1955. He was the anchor for 31 years, doing more than 17,300 newscasts. Jack Miller, an ex-newspaper sports writer, was the announcer on What’s the

King's Open House, followed by Deputy Dusty at 4 and Kansas Newsreel with Guy Runnion at 5:45. Greg Gamer was later named the news anchor . Other on-air talent included John Froome, Jack Miller and Dusty Herring, eventually joined by personalities and performers Henry Harvey, Bill McLane, Tom Leahy, Lee Parsons and Karl Berg. Their temporary offices were at 204 N. Waco, until a studio-office complex at 1500 N. West St. was completed. There were now three stations in the Wichita area: KTVH, Hutchinson, Ch. 12, CBS; KEDD, Wichita, Ch. 16, NBC; and KAKE, Ch. 10, ABC. KARD, Ch. 3, went on air in the fall of 1955. Martin Umansky, who had been Score?. Froome also did the weather. After he gave the temperatures and other information, he turned on the “Weatherscope;” a film showed “outside conditions.” It was a good gimmick that got a lot of attention. Froome also hosted the Best of Hollywood at 10:30, which featured old movies, and later The Old Cobbler. I played Dennis, his Leprechaun, with a speeded-up voice. Henry Harvey from KFBI radio had a children’s show featuring Bugs Bunny and Warner Brothers cartoons. He was Freddy Fudd, a “relative” of

KAKE Radio’s sales manager, was named general manager of the television station. Other executives included John Quigley, operations manager; Don Waldron, national sales manager; Bryce Benedict, local sales manager; Paul Threlfall, news director; and Harold Newby, chief engineer. KAKE-TV excelled in live programming. Many of the on-air personalities also were actors. Umansky, who was very active in community theater, began his radio career as Martin Bass, an on-air personality at radio stations KANS and KAKE.

Courtesy photo

The late Martin Umansky

the cartoon character Elmer Fudd. At Christmas time, Henry was probably one of the best Santa Clauses in the country. Dusty’s Jambore was a popular Saturday night show starring Dusty Herring and the Ark Valley Boys, a country-western band that started at KFH. KAKE kept adding live shows such as the IGA Partyline with Froome and a live studio audience. When Chuck Connors, who played the Rifleman on TV, was a guest on Partyline I was the director. He told

Contact Charles Frodsham at ckfrodsham@nckcn.co

me that I should be in Hollywood. That’s all it took. I gave notice and was on my way to LA within two weeks. He suggested that I go to a certain TV station. I was hired, and it started my career as a Hollywood director. Contact David Dunn at ddunn1439@aol.com For a story about KAKE’s “golden age” in the 1970s and ‘80s, more photos and a YouTube video, visit theactiveage.com/stories.

Alzheimer’s Care Update by Doug Stark

“Dos & Don’ts” of Compassionate Care: Never Reason, Always Divert There is nothing logical about the thought process of people suffering with Alzheimer’s. They are often unable to distinguish between past and present. They may confuse even their closest loved ones with people long since passed, or not recognize them at all. Their fear and frustration can trigger emotional outbursts and aggressive behavior. Because an ability to reason is no longer within the scope of their brain functioning, dealing with these types of behaviors requires extraordinary patience and the use of specialized techniques to pacify and comfort someone with Alzheimer’s. One such technique is diversion. Rather than attempting to reason - i.e. “The doctor said

you can’t drive anymore, so why don’t you let me drive,” caregivers are better advised to divert the person’s attention, “What a beautiful day to take a drive through the park. I know the way.” Shifting focus away from any point of contention can relieve the frustrations of the moment and avoid a potentially more serious situation. Doug Stark is President of ComfortCare Homes, the pioneer in resident-based Alzheimer’s care since 1993

If you have a question you would like answered, please email me at dougs@comfortcarehomes.com, or call 685-3322. For more Alzheimer’s Care Updates visit our blog at www.comfortcarehomeswichita.com/blog www.theactiveage.com

Page 10

the active age

October 2015

Visitor ‘didn’t imagine a place this pretty in Kansas’ By Bob Rives “We live in Colorado and just didn’t imagine a place this pretty in Kansas,” she said. The woman and her husband had stopped at the Pawnee Indian Museum 180 miles northwest of Wichita, almost in Nebraska. Although taken with its beauty, their interest was in Zebulon Pike, the Army lieutenant-Plains explorer who gave his name to one of Colorado’s best-known mountains. In 1806, the story went, he stopped in what would become northern Kansas, took down a Spanish flag at a Pawnee Indian village and replaced it with the stars and stripes. A stone monument in front of the museum marks that site. Only the story isn’t true. By the 1930s, historians were agreeing that Lt. Pike actually raised the American flag at the Pawnee village. But before he got there, the tribe had moved 40 miles north on the Republican River to near Guide Rock, Neb. It was there he switched the flags. But it still worked out well. The Kansas site became the first state park in Kansas, dating to 1901 when George and Elizabeth Johnson deeded

the state of Kansas could have picked a prettier spot. Sitting atop a high bluff above the Republican River, for some 30 years it was home to perhaps as many as 2,000 Pawnees who built a walled city and filled it with earthen lodges. With that population, the village today would be the second largest town in Republic County behind its county seat, Belleville. The wall stood chest high and was important because the Pawnees were almost constantly at war, particularly with the neighboring Osage and Kaws. With the Photo by Bob Rives fort, they were safe to plant A stone monument in front of the museum was installed in 1091 to supposedcorn, process the game killed ly mark the spot where Army Lt. Zebulon Pike lowered the Spanish flag and by the men and rear their chilreplaced it with the U.S. banner. dren. They lived in Republic 6 acres of their farm for the monugovernment. Everyone, including the County in the late 1700s until ment. women, had a vote in tribal matters. In the land gave out and the trees were all Today it hosts the Pawnee Indian fact, the women built and owned the used, Gould says. Museum, a tribe French traders called lodges that made up the village,” says But even though they fought with “Republican” but who were sometimes Richard Gould, site administrator for other tribes, the Pawnees also traded called the “Wolf People.” the Kansas State Historical Society. actively with many and with Euro“French traders gave them the Neither Lt. Pike, the Pawnees nor See next page name ‘Republican’ because of their

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October 2015

Museum From previous page

peans who came their way, offering a variety of goods including horses. One plains traveler complained that they charged exorbitant prices for the animals they offered for sale. The tribe had 1,500 to 2,000 horses, one reason they spent half their year away from the village on the plains where the animals could freely graze. The other reason for excursions away was to hunt buffalo. “There weren’t many buffalo at the site of the village,” Gould explains. “There probably were more elk. So they would leave their lodges and move west during buffalo migrations to hunt as well as to pasture their horses.” Today depressions can still be seen where their houses were built, each usually 30 to 40 feet in diameter with a door facing the east. Before building, they dug one to two feet into the ground and then erected a sloping roof held up by six — or occasionally eight — poles protruding from the floor. Each house was home for up to 50 people. A short paved trail with engraved markers gives today’s visitors a sense of the site. But the main exhibit is indoors. In

the active age 1966 a large building shaped much like the lodges was built over one of the original lodge floors. It was excavated with many of the artifacts still in place. Hanging above an altar is a so-called sacred bundle. Sacred bundles were wrapped in bison skins and were never to be opened. They contained objects used in rituals and were guarded by, and passed down by, women. The one now in the museum had a hard trip getting there. In 1875 a deadly fight broke out between Pawnees and Sioux over hunting rights. A Pawnee father gave the bundle to his daughter, tied her to a horse and sent her riding to safety. Both he and his wife were killed, Photo by Bob Rives The Pawnee Indian Museum sits atop a but the daughter was safe and passed the bundle down high bluff above the Republican River in Northern Kansas. through her children. A descendant donated it to of the bluff. A picnic area, including a the museum where it remains today, grill for cooking, is available. unopened but X-rayed to learn what’s For a long day trip, it’s a worthinside. while drive. It can be reached from In addition to the museum exhibits, Wichita by going north on I-135, a short nature trail circles around part staying on US 81 at Salina and driving


Page 11 north to US 36 just outside Belleville. From there drive west to K-266 which ends in the museum parking lot. The museum is open Wednesday-Saturday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and on Sunday from 1-5 p.m. Admission is $3 for adults, $1 for students and free for children under 5. There are worthwhile stops between south central Kansas and the museum. In Belleville, the courthouse is worth a look. It was completed in 1940, and its stark white exterior gleams on a sunny day. Concordia not only contains historic buildings but the Orphan Train Museum which celebrates the trains that brought children from the streets of New York City for adoption in mid-America, often on farms. Within Republic County is Scandia, a tiny town founded by Swedish immigrants that now is home to three mansions, including one south of town that stands five stories high. But the Pawnees were long gone when settlers arrived from Europe in the late stages of the Civil War. The Pawnees of Republic County Kansas and Nebraska later were moved to a reservation in northeast Oklahoma where they live today. Contact Bob Rives at bprives@gmail.com

Page 12

the active age

October 2015

Cuba From page 1

for Fidel Castro, the longtime leader, plus the Cuban government and the Communist party elite who rule it. "There's such hypocrisy with them," he said. When Castro and his supporters took over in 1959, they said the country's problem was with the bourgeoisie, or the wealthy, but then they seized all the wealth and kept it for themselves and their cronies. "Now everyone is poor — except them." Mayans remembers growing up in Havana in the 1950s in a middle-class neighborhood. There was little crime, and life was good. They even took a vacation to nearby Key West, Fla., he said. That all changed with the revolution. It was dramatic, including bombs exploding in the streets, he said. Mayans never saw Castro, but he

Photo courtesy of Operation Perdo Pan Group

Temporary shelters such as this Pedro (Peter) Pan camp in Florida City, Fla., housed children from Cuba in the early 1960s until they were reunited with family or placed in foster homes.

saw the effects of his rule. He said on Sundays firing-squad executions were broadcast on TV. Dissent meant a swift death. He also remembers the failed Bay of Pigs invasion when U.S.backed fighters tried to retake Cuba. "It was chaos. There were Photo courtesy of Carlos Mayans searchlights From left, Carlos, Maria and Rolando Mayans.

and sirens everywhere." Heavy-handed people, known as “block parents,” managed their life. They demanded to know where you were going and what possessions you had in a house. Nothing could be moved without the permission of the block parents. Mayans worries that Americans don't know the full scope of the cruelty that occurred and is still going on.

A shared view He is not alone. Other former residents who left after Castro took over share many of his views. Wichitan Lazaro San Martin, a retired secondary school administrator, said, "things haven't changed there. It's the same dog, but a different color." San Martin left Cuba in 1962 as a young man. Like Mayans, he’s made See next page

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October 2015

the active age

Page 13

Cuba factoids


From previous page his home in Kansas. Many problems remain despite the change in diplomatic relations, he said. They include "prisoners of conscious" -- people who are locked up simply for the beliefs they hold. San Martin is worried that people will forget about them. State Representative Mario Goico is another Wichitan with Cuban ties. He said that while it was hard to be separated from his parents, he found a better future in Kansas. Revolution changes Mayans said the Castro-led government ruined the Cuban economy. "Before it, we were an exporter," he said. Then it became an impoverished client state of the Soviet Union, dependent on it for its very existence. Everything that people had worked for, including their houses, was simply taken over by the government, which now owned it. Restoring diplomatic relations with America doesn't mean people are going to get back what was taken from them, he said. Mayans' parents, Georgina and Jose, both decreased, made it to Amer-

Photo by David Dinell

Operation Peter Pan took 14,000 children away from Cuba. From 1960-62, some 80 of them came to Wichita, many staying at a Catholic-run orphanage called the Mariana Boys Home at 313 N. Seneca. It’s now an office building, but a visitor with a keen imagination can walk down the building’s hallway and imagine the active young boys in their temporary home. ican six years after Mayans. While it was difficult, he said, they adapted to the new land and culture. At one time, some 300 Cuban families lived in Wichita, including three who lived across the street from Mayans. They were hard workers, he said. "They all contributed to making this a better community." The closest Mayans has been to Cuba is when he visits his sister, Maria Grisell, who lives in Miami. His brother Rolando, a bank vice president, lives in Wichita. Mayans said that if there's one thing former Cuban residents have in

common, it's a shared love of America, and the chance it gave them to remake their lives. "This is the land of opportunity," he said. "You have to work hard and educate yourself, but you can do it." Contact David Dinell at ddinell932@yahoo.com

For more about the Cuban children’s exodus, visit http://www.pedropan. org/category/history For more information about the history of Cuba and more photographs, visit theactiveage.com/stories.

The Republic of Cuba came about in 1902, following its war against Spain (helped by Teddy Roosevelt and his Roughriders). In 1952 former president Fulgencio Batista staged a coup, and outlawed the Communist Party. In 1958 Castro’s July 26th Movement was the leading group advocating political change. Batista was forced into exile in December 1958; he fled to the Dominican Republic on Jan. 1, 1960. At the time of the revolution, more than 385 American companies were nationalized, triggering the U.S. embargo, which is still loosely in effect. Cuba’s first post-revolution action was agrarian reform; farmers were given 50 hectares of land. The salary pyramid was inverted; doctors earning 1/3 of taxi drivers. As an example of its compensatory principles and incentives, the biochemist who cured tick fever was given a TV and, later, an old bicycle. Besides rum, cigars and sugar, it exports are nickel, refined sulfur and pharmaceuticals. Tourism is now a significant economic source. — By Ann Garvey



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Page 14

the active age

October 2015

Cuba: ironic juxtapositions, tender people

By Ann Garvey For many years I have firmly believed that Cuba was My Place, and would fulfill a lifetime of dreams. I craved Cuba. I imagined it preserved my childhood’s sweetness and innocence; a patina of colors and outof-reach glamor. To me Cuba encapsulated the brief and shining moment on earth between wars, a time when America exported its dazzling cars and refrigerators, and Hollywood exported its glamour. Twenty years earlier I lived for a time in Siberia, in a similar quest to confront the opposing aspect within my childhood’s spectrum, the regional representation of terror and horror. This is the story of my Cuba. Most everyone is familiar with the iconic images that have enticed and lured us to the Neverland of Chevys and cigars. Each traveler gazes through his or her own colored lens and prism, formed by lifelong perceptions and prejudices. What I observed, embraced and delighted in last May was a place now in search of itself, learning the truth of an outside world so long kept from the Cuban people.

Photo by Ann Garvey

El Malecon Habana (a wide Havana roadway) is an esplanade, road and seawall that stretches for 5 miles from the Bay of Havana through the historical areas to the northwest. Cuba’s 60-year isolation under a suppressive, socially conservative regime has cultivated a country with an inverted economic pyramid and hesitant gregariousness. Yet it is to be admired for its racial color blindness, and its ironic juxtaposition of still-functioning mid-century modernism while standing beside crumbling colonial neoclassical architecture. The late-1950s-model cars are held together with monomer, an acrylic res-

in that keeps pieces of the cars brittle bodies together. Much of Cuba also is held breathlessly together as the world awaits Fidel’s death, and Cuba’s inevitable absorption by the irresistible force of American franchise. The evening of our arrival, we contentedly lounged on the terrace of the splendid Nacional Hotel, a 1930 regal monument to that exultant age. This terrace sits above The Melacon, the broad sweeping avenue encircling

Havana’s eastern bay, often called the Smile of Havana. As evening falls, there’s a parade of resplendent cars, entwined couples languorously strolling and families seeking the renewing ocean breeze as they perch on top of the breakfront. We sank into a thoroughly hypnotic spell, complete with swaying palm trees, ocean air and a calypso trio tottering among cocktail drinkers. As paradise seeped into my pores, I See next page

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October 2015


From previous page sank into the quiet euphoria of having arrived at the place of my dreams. Being in Cuba often remindPhoto by Ann Garvey ed me Fidel’s message: of being Socialism or death. in Russia in the old days, the difficulties in doing simple things such as getting around and communicating with a very limited phone system and internet access. My friends who have been to Cuba often tell me things are greatly improving, and we feasted in some paladares (private restaurants) with excellent food. I had been told it was bland and boring, but we had wonderful meals. I traveled to Cuba with artists and art lovers to see the Havana Biennial international art exhibition, first hosted there in 1962. We visited workshops

the active age and galleries, with exhibition areas ranging from a Colonial Fort to the Pavilion where my friend, Elizabeth Stevenson, had spent termite- and feral animal- infested weeks creating her inventive architectural installation. It is wonderful to meet and listen to artists explain their art and peek into their souls, hear their music, absorb a bit of their spirit. We followed Cuba’s revolution, evolution, tentative and experimental exploration of itself at the national museum, beginning with the earliest “approved” art of the 1940s through present day. In unguided excursions throughout Old Havana, one can’t help but become rhapsodic wandering around the meandering sherbet-colored lanes and venturing through dark entryways that open onto bougainvillea-canopied courtyards. This Latin preference of displaying a more demure public face, discretely hiding the wonders in its heart, protects the intimate pleasure of its inhabitants. Because Old Havana is protected by UNESCO’s decree, it has been preserved and gradually restored. The Cuban revolution is fascinating to me, as well as how the whole charade of communism was manufactured

Page 15

Photo by Ann Garvey

Reid Ashe, former publisher of The Wichita Eagle, stands beside his chosen car, a bright red convertible. and has been sustained for 60 years. see inequities; these are simply human Through my decades of traveling nature and cannot be legislated away. through former Soviet states, I learned One conundrum I’ve puzzled over how deception works on a large scale. is the lack of guile or resentment from A Siberian friend once confided, “We any of my Cuban acquaintances. had been lied to all of our lives.” Although I found a less effusive Che Guevara, that illusive “revolufriendliness than elsewhere in the tionary,” was a wealthy medical doctor, Caribbean, I think perhaps it is a only fleetingly involved with Cuba’s reticence born of 60 years of deprivarevolution. Yet his singular image, tion and a distrust instilled by Fidel’s created by a fashion photographer, regime. instills millions of followers with the Yet there is still that extraordinary emotional fervor needed to sustain an generosity and the willingness to share. irreconcilable system. When asked about my visit to Likewise, Fidel, as he is referred to, Cuba? “It was all I had hoped for and was catapulted to fame as the 33-year- MORE.” old self-subscribed savior, through Contact Ann Garvey at using heroic visual images. Whenever Annieboo69@gmail.com one travels to socialized countries we

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Page 16

the active age

Arts Briefs Art center exhibits

The Wichita National All Media Craft Exhibition at Wichita Center for the Arts will close Oct. 18. This annual exhibition, now in its 70th year, is the Center’s longest running and most diverse show. The 68 imaginative works by 30 artists from around the country feature a great range of techniques and approaches. It celebrates the eclectic, extraordinary and traditional nature of American craft, and showcases ceramics, enamels, fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry, metalsmithing, paper, wood and mixed media. A concurrent show, Our Kansas by Elizabeth Daniel, was the People’s Choice Champion at Versus: A Live Art Battle held at the Center in August. Daniels’s advanced to the finals with her round-one winning piece depicting the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Wichita. Her artwork display also ends Oct. 18; all 11 pieces

Courtesy photo

Women of the 20th Century by Mary Frisbee Johnson, 2nd Place. are for sale. The gallery is open 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Admission is free. For more information visit www. wcfta.com or call 316-364-2787. Alaska: People of the Ice and Snow will open at 1 p.m. Oct. 10 at the

Helping Seniors maintain their independence

Learn more at

Mid-America All-Indian Center, 650 N. Seneca. There are 566 federally recognized tribes in America. More than 200 are Alaska Natives. The numerous tribes also represent many different art styles. From ivory carvings to intricate dolls, Alaska Native art is as varied and unique as the people who create it. Also discover the practical uses for artwork in northern cultures. Explore the techniques that characterize totems, paddles and masks. The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Opening day special admission is $3.50 for 13 and up; 12 and under free. Regular admission is $7 adult; $5 senior/ student/military; $3 6-13 years; and under 6 free. For more information call Sarah Adams, 316-350-3342, or visit www. theindiancenter.org.

‘People of Ice, Snow’

Mid-Kansas Senior Outreach A community gatekeeper program designed to identify and make contact with seniors, 60 and older, living in Sedgwick County, who are experiencing difficulties that threaten their ability to live independently and safely.

October 2015

In-Home Counseling Care Coordination Medical Referrals Abuse Education Gatekeeper Training

Depression Screening Substance Abuse Screening Abuse Intervention Gatekeeper Identification

Merchants of Doubt

“Doubt is our product,” stated a 1969 memo from the tobacco giant Brown and Williamson, “since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact.’ ” Cigarette spokesmen in the 1960s perfected the weakening of public opinion by planting doubt into already-certain science. The 2014 film, Merchants of Doubt, documents those who present themselves as scientific authorities — but who actually aim to minimize known public threats such as toxic chemicals, pharmaceuticals and climate change. The film will show at the First Friday Alternative Film Series at 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 2 at the Murdock Theater, 536 N. Broadway. Suggested donation is $8. The final film this year will be on Nov. 6. It focuses on ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, and its Kansas legislator-members.

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October 2015

the active age

Page 17

Kansas, archipelago have a lot in common By Jay Price Being landlocked in the center of a continent, Kansas may not evoke a sense of anything maritime — except perhaps — the riverboat legacy that created ports along the Missouri and Kaw. Yet, the Sunflower State lends itself to a striking number of parallels to life on the water. Early European settlers on the Great Plains sometimes equated the flatness of the grasslands to the undulating ocean. A number of Kansans have reported being surprisingly comfortable with the openness of the sea, more so than colleagues who grew up surrounded by trees and mountains. Traveling in Kansas is remarkably like being on a sea or ocean. One navigates from point to point, guided by distant landmarks that stick up above the horizon. The grain elevators of Kansas are not that dissimilar to lighthouses, even at night. It is after dark when the parallels are most evident. When flying over a group of islands

Photo by Jay Price

Kansas grain elevators are the lighthouses of the Plains. at night, pockets of lights are separated by vast distances of blackness. Fly over Kansas at night and the view is almost identical. At times, Kansas seems less of a single state than an archipelago of communities, each existing like self-contained islands in a vast sea of grass. (An archipelago is a stretch of water with many islands.) Just as the Caribbean islands have their own heritage — British, French or Spanish — each Kansas town has its own story. One “island” may have a strong Volga-German character, clustered around the prominent Catholic, Lutheran or Mennonite church, while the “island” next door may be French, Swedish, Czech, African American or

perhaps Latino. In real archipelagos, some islands are colonies of other powers, some dominate the trade and economy of their smaller neighbors, and others bear the scars of territorial squabbles. In this Kansas version, county seat struggles more than a century old may remain reflected in the location of the county courthouse or a high school rival. Some towns are tied with almost colony-like economic and cultural connections to distant communities. Some states are marked by distinct regions or sub-regions, shaped by geography, social groups or industries. Not so in Kansas. Decentralization is one of its most significant traits. This

state has 105 counties, each with a strong sense of local pride. Coordinating affairs with the “islands” next door, let alone a whole region of the state, can be challenging. Therefore, consider the lessons and metaphors that arise when thinking about island groups, to get a better sense of this place...where travel required prairie schooners rather than actual ships. Contact Jay Price at jay.price@wichita.edu


Mary Jane Drake will celebrate her 95th birthday Nov. 3. She was born in Salyer, Kan., in 1920. After graduating from high school, she moved to Wichita. She and her late husband, C.L. “Bud” Drake, raised two daughters. Mary Jane now lives at Sedgwick Plaza. Her daughter, Gloria Smith, wants to surprise her at her birthday dinner with a card shower. Send the cards to 2243 N. Bramblewood, Unit 1204, Wichita, KS 67226.


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Page 18

the active age

October 2015

Real Men Real Heroes: Rescuing kids By Gretchen Eick Twice a month on Monday evenings boys in 5th through 8th grade meet at Atwater Center to learn to be Real Heroes. These Future Heroes eat a nutritious meal and are mentored by African American men who have achieved respect and success. They’ve learned the physics of rollercoasters by building them, and have met young men such as Perry Ellis, star basketball player for the University of Kansas, who participated in this program as a student at Heights High School. Real Men Real Heroes was born in late 2006 when entrepreneur Barry Downing sought a way to help African American boys from disadvantaged backgrounds discover that they could have promising futures through career paths other than professional athletics. An article in The Community Voice newspaper solicited nominations of African American men who were role models, reliable and committed to volunteering time to work with boys in the African American community. In 2007 the 32 Heroes were featured on billboards, bus signs, TV and

in age to the children they were trying to help. Five young men and five young women who are high school juniors are selected each spring. Those 10 include students of any race, but they must have a 3.0 minimum grade point. They go into the schools once or twice a week and speak to elementary and middle school students about peer pressure, bullying, making good choices and the importance of academics. In 2010 a high school group, Alpha Esquire, was created. The Heroes work in collaboration with a black fraternity to prepare these students for success in college and the professional world.

radio ads, and sets of Hero Trading Cards that were distributed to 3rd through 8th grade boys. This blitz was so successful that the Heroes formed a board and have helped pilot the nonprofit organization into the program it is today. First they established the Future Heroes program, targeting middle school boys. Teen Heroes was formed in 2009 to provide positive role models closer

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One hundred percent have graduated from high school and go on to college or other post high school training. Many of the founders had come from disadvantaged backgrounds but were able to move beyond their circumstances because of people who believed in them and exposed them to other options. The current president, Sherdeill Breathett, grew up in Chicago, the seventh of eight children in a single-parent home. “I had a speech impediment, a terrible GPA and very poor reading skills,” he said, and when he was young he had a lot of anger. See next page

October 2015

Briefs Learning opportunities

Bethel College Life Enrichment courses in October range from education to entertainment. They begin at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 14, Mennonite Press: Printing, Paper and Pennies; Reclaim Your Brain-Strategies for Recovering From Brain Injury; and a Pine Village Memory Care Program. Oct. 21, What Makes Bunting


the active age Magnetics So Attractive; Return to Tibet: Land of the Dalai Lama, the Snow Leopard and Yaks; and Songs of the Flint Hills. Oct. 28, Native American Justice -- Focus on Kansas; United Way of Harvey County -- Making a Difference; and The Story We Tell Ourselves. The cost is $20 per semester or $2 per week. Classes meet in Krehbiel Auditorium, Bethel College, North Newton. The complete is schedule at www.Bethelks.edu/life enrichment.

From previous page

He met a man who showed him another way. This mentor encouraged him to step out of his comfort zone and helped him set a course for his life. Breathett graduated from college and works as Economic Developer and Administrator for the Foreign Trade Zone for Sedgwick County. “I thought a career in pro ball was my only way out,” he said. “The boys we reach can relate to my story.” Buddy Shannon, past president and current program chair, credits his Christian faith and the man who became his mentor, Ron Matney, co-founder of Tree Top Nursery

and Landscaping, with changing his life. He now helps change other

Page 19

Ranchito sharing program

stories and memories. If enough material is provided, the museum and library hope to present a program using the gathered material. These programs are free; refreshments will be provided. If anyone has material to share but can’t attend the programs, or wants more information, contact museum director Debra Hiebert at 316-283-2221 or email director@hchm.org to arrange a meeting.

lives. Shannon, manager of Tree Top Maintenance Division, supervises 70 employees. The Heroes have formed a partnership with USD259. Each fall they meet with principals and share what they offer, including programs for assemblies or individual classes, They discuss their vocations and give inspirational talks to encourage young men to follow the standards of being a Hero: Be honorable, exemplary, responsible and optimistic. They lead the boys in problem-solving situations preteen and early teen boys face. Positive male role models help to make a stronger community, Shannon said. The men reach about 5,000 children each year through mentoring, tutoring and school visits.

Margaret Mead said it decades ago: “Never underestimate what a small group of committed individuals can do to change the world.” Contact Gretchen Eick at eick@friends.edu

The Harvey County Historical Museum and the Newton Public Library are seeking photos, documents and stories related to the Ranchito housing community in Newton. They are holding a Ranchito Sharing Program at 7 p.m. Oct. 20 and 2 p.m. Oct. 24 at the library, 720 N. Oak. The materials you bring will be scanned and returned. Informal oral histories will be recorded to document


Board Members

Kevin Andrews, Neighborhood Affordable Housing Services; Wayne Bell, Small Business Administration; Sherdeill Breathett – President, Sedgwick County; Ebony Clemons, Westar Energy; Careem Gladney, Cargill; Derek Morgan, Federal Aviation Administration; Hassan Ramzah, Wichita Police Dept.; Buddy Shannon, Tree Top Nursery and Landscaping; Van Williams, City of Wichita.

Page 20

the active age

October 2015

Kinship authors writing follow-up book By Tom Schaefer As they sat together in Sharon Cranford’s living room in north Wichita, the stories of an African American woman and a Caucasian Mennonite-Episcopalian man spilled out in a loving, family way. Cranford and Dwight Roth, who co-authored Kinship Concealed: Amish Mennonites and African-American Connections, published two years ago, talked about their genealogical relationship and the response by others to that revelation. Now they’re looking ahead to writing a new book and to family get-togethers, and they hope the book, which will include personal anecdotes about how their relationship has grown, will have a positive influence on race relations in this country. “The thing we want to convey to America is to stop shrinking from the race question,” Cranford said. “The more we fail to talk about it and the more we fail to relate to each other, the more problems we’re going to continue to have.” The Roth-Cranford family connection was discovered while both were teaching at Hesston College in 2004. Roth overheard a reference by Cranford to a Mast relative. Roth’s ancestors were Masts, and the two began a search for the common link. In the college library, they found a Mast family history book and there on page 672 was the genealogical tie.

ford and her husband, Evies. After book signings and public presentations in Kansas and other states, the two are ready to write the new book. “One of the reasons Sharon and I decided to write a follow-up book or sequel is because so many good things have happened vis-a-vis what’s going on in the United States, in South Carolina with the shooting at the church,” as well as other acts of violence, Roth said. “We live in a racialized, racist society and here all of a sudden we’re Courtesy photo telling the good stories.” Dwight Roth, Sharon Cranford “It’s going to be mainly about us, our experiences,” Cranford said. “It’s “Here it was in black and white,” almost a memoir.” Roth said. “I never heard of this story. Since they’ve discovered their kinIt was not a cool thing then to be ship, both have visited the homesteads related to a black person, but it was of the other’s ancestors: Philadelphia concealed.” According to historical records, two and the cemetery in eastern Pennsylof Roth’s ancestors, Amish brothers Ja- vania where Roth’s family lived, and east Texas where Cranford’s ancestors cob and John Mast, who had emigratmoved. ed from Switzerland to Pennsylvania In 2013, they traveled to the cemin 1750, went separate ways. Jacob was the first Amish bishop to etery in Pennsylvania where some of Roth’s ancestors are buried. A memobe ordained in the United States. John rial celebration of their roots was held left the Amish church and moved to at the site attended by 75 people. Roth, North Carolina. One of his descenwho grew up less than a mile from dants allegedly fathered a child with a the cemetery, said being together with slave girl, Cranford’s great, great, great Cranford and others was quite moving. grandmother. “For these dear friends of mine “People say this is an amazing story. from Kansas and Texas to be at the I have not heard one negative comment about it,” Roth said. “My younger sister has fallen in love with both these people,” Roth said, referring to Cran-

cemetery, literally Sharon’s connection there, was very powerful,” he said. Since the book was published, their families have shared meals together and are planning more get-togethers. None of it would have happened were it not for the discovery they made years ago in a library at Hesston College and the decision they made to write about it. While their story is unique, Cranford said, its meaning is universal. “We’re telling the world we’re all God’s children.” Contact Tom Schaefer at tomary70@cox.net


October 2015


Prohibition in America

Spirited: Prohibition in America, a traveling exhibition at the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum, explores this tumultuous time in American history, when flappers and suffragists, bootleggers and temperance lobbyists, and legends such as Al Capone and Carry Nation, took sides in this battle against the bottle. Visitors learn about the complex issues that led America to adopt Prohibition through the 18th Amendment to the Constitution in 1919 until its repeal through the 21st Amendment in 1933. At 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17, Cindy

the active age Higgins discusses Kansas Brewers and Breweries. As settlers streamed into Kansas, brewers set up their mash turns and wort kettles when making beer was still an art and state prohibition was a bemusing notion. A reassuring fixture in German communities, Kansas’ more than 90 breweries fueled social events and made brewers one of the most influential citizens in town. The museum, located at 204 S. Main, is open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday–Friday, and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. Admission is $5 for adults, $2 for children 6-12 and free for those under 6. For more information, visit www. maaa.org.

Page 21

Stuff the Truck

Donations for Passageways Living Center, a faith-based non-profit that provides homeless veterans with housing and meals, will be accepted by member groups of the veteran community, including Richard Gilbert and Post 256, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 24, at Alpha 1 Drop Zone Army-Navy store, 443 N Maize Rd. The goal is to Stuff the Truck with products in demand at the living center, including paper products, toiletries, laundry and cleaning supplies, small appliances and cash. Individuals, groups, churches and civic organization are welcome to be involved in this event. Stuff the Truck is part of its Adopt

Soroptimist Live Your Dream award

Michelle is a single-mother of two. She got pregnant during her senior year of high school and never fulfilled her plans to attend college. Two years ago, she lost her job at a local bank when her branch closed. Because she had no formal training, getting a new job wasn’t easy. Michelle worked two low-paying jobs; she knew she had to get an education. She is one of more than a thousand women who received a Soroptimist

Live Your Dream award last year. These cash prizes are awarded to motivated women who are the primary financial supporters of their families. It is helping offset costs associated with gaining additional skills, training or education, including tuition, books, supplies, childcare or transportation costs. The overall local winner will be entered in the Region competition. That winner receives $10,000.

If you are interested or know someone who is eligible for the award in Wichita and the surrounding area, contact Dee Mull: email dmullarb@ aol.com or call 316-259-3551. Visit www.soroptimistwichita.org for more information. Application deadline is Nov. 15.

A Hero campaign. For more information visit passagewaysltd.org.

Fall orchid show

The Kansas Orchid Society’s Fall Show is Oct. 31-Nov. 1 at Botanica, The Wichita Gardens. Hobbyists and vendors will exhibit their finest orchids, and the plants will be judged to receive awards, trophies and ribbons. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 31 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 1. Admission is free. Botanica is located at 701 N. Amidon.

Thank you

We asked, and you responded. The active age has received several stories for the Reminisce page on our website, www.theactiveage.com. We also received a photograph of a 9-year-old “photo bombing.” Join your friends and neighbors by sharing a photo or story. Send your story or photo to fran@theactiveage.com

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Page 22

the active age

October 2015

Wichita Community Theatre’s 70th season

Wichita Community Theatre has been called “the little theater,” “the best kept secret” and “the theater nestled in College Hill.” But “Community” is its key word. For 70 years WCT has welcomed all to participate as a volunteer actor, technician, donor or consultant on projects and events. Mary Jane Teall and other like-minded Wichitans established the theater in 1946. Their first performances at the Unitarian Church were often given to standing-room-only crowds. In the 1950s Teall, with assistance from art patrons Martin Umansky, Joan Gouldner, Kathleen Edmiston, Robert Harrison and Leo Malloy, moved the performances to Wichita State University’s Wilner Auditorium. Mary Jane was a faculty member in the drama department. It also obtained its 501(c)(3) non-profit status In 1961 they moved to the former Temple Emanu-El. Wichita’s first Jewish congregation was established in 1885. In 1932 they built an Art Deco-style Temple at the corner of Second and Fountain. The two-story building contained classrooms, the rabbi’s office, a small library, a 125-seat sanctuary and a balcony and choir loft. When the Temple moved to 7011 E. Central, WCT purchased the build-

ing for $26,000. At the christening of the theater’s new Workshop location, Teall, Umansky and about 100 theater friends were joined by Helen Hayes and Isaac Stern. Both were appearing in Wichita. Hayes commented that the commandment inscribed above the Workshop Courtesy photo doors — “Love Mary Jane Teall directing a WCT show. Thy Neighbor as and technicians. For several decades Thyself ” — was appropriate for its it was home to Commedia, a satirical all-volunteer activities. musical and comedy revue staged each In 1963 the Broadway Theatre summer. League dropped Wichita from its The community theater had grown touring stops. WCT stepped in and under Teall’s leadership. In 1989, Cenunderwrote performances of Miracle tury II named the “little theatre” in her Worker and A Program for Two Players. honor. At the theater’s entrance there is When Century II opened in 1969, a plaque and portrait of her. it included a small theater that seated But also in 1989, Teall was forced about 600. This became WCT's home to resign. It caused a rift, and difficult for main stage productions. The Worktimes ensued. There was discussion by shop on North Fountain continued the Executive Board to dissolve the to be used for administrative offices, organization, but the board decided auditions and storage. against it. WCT left Century II for the The Workshop also allowed WCT to diversify its productions by adding a season there and training new directors

Workshop in 1993. It could stage more shows for a longer run and for a lower ticket price, which relieved some of the financial strain. In 1994, Mary Jane Teall was fatally injured in a car accident en-route to Judge Riddel’s Boys Ranch where she engaged troubled boys in writing and acting their own stories. Dr. Lawrence Sifford and his wife, Beth, had been involved with WCT for many years. They worked very hard to stabilize its finances. Their influence was felt throughout the 1990s. Companies such as Boeing, Lear Jet, Cessna and Greyhound Charities were also underwriters for some of the royalty productions. In recent years the theatre has instituted several capital improvements, including sidewalks and ADA compliant restrooms. Currently, the interior is being re-plastered and painted. The 1932 building continues to need care but WCT’s volunteers, donors and patrons help see that each repair is accomplished.

This story was written by Mary Lou Phipps-Winfrey, Dona Lancaster and Teri Mott. Questions? Contact publicity@wichitact.org.

2 WCT shows, a fundraiser

Wichita Community Theatre has three more shows this year. An Inspector Calls, Oct. 14–25. The action occurs in an English industrial city, where a young girl commits suicide and an eminently respectable British family is subject to a routine inquiry in connection with the death. The inspector’s questioning implicates all members of the group in the girl’s undoing. A Christmas Story, Nov. 27–Dec. 13. Humorist Jean Shepherd’s memoir of growing up in the Midwest in the 1940s follows 9-year-old Ralphie

Parker in his quest to get a genuine Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. Goldie’s Bar, Dec. 16-20, is a comedy fundraiser to raise money to rewire the building. It will feature characters that Mary Lou Phipps-Winfrey developed while in NYC performing with the improvisation troupe Shock of the Funny. Shows are at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday; 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are adults, $14, and students, military, seniors, $12. For reservations call 6861282, Visit the website at wichitact.org.

Courtesy photo

Wichita Community Theatre Workshop, 258 N. Fountain. It was built in 1932 as an Art Deco Jewish Temple.


October 2015

the active age

Page 23

Picture-perfect cookies this cook’s specialty By Joe Stumpe Peggy Smith is "that" co-worker -- the one who can be counted on to organize holiday potlucks and bring homemade treats to work. Indeed, she jokes that cooking was almost a job requirement when she went to work at The Wichita Eagle as an editorial assistant 33 years ago. "Do you know how to cook?" Smith says one of the reporters asked her (yes, he was male) "I said, 'I'm a good cook.' And he said, 'Well, we expect brownies.' " She brought brownies to work on Friday -- for 15 years. "I've gone through hundreds of pounds of flour" cooking for Eagle colleagues. Smith, who's been executive assistant to the editor for seven years, started cooking a good percentage of her family's meals by the age of 12. "It's kind of a stress reliever," she says. Recently, one day after work, while her husband Paul worked in their Haysville yard, she whipped up chicken fried steak fingers, mashed potatoes and green beans. "He just laughed and said, 'You've had a hard day.' "

Smith enjoys cooking for big family gatherings and events at her church, First Christian in Haysville. She and Paul have two daughters and five granddaughters. "My husband doesn't stand a chance," she said. Not surprisingly, she has some tips for turning out picture-perfect (and delicious) cookies: * Use large, but not extra large eggs. They can make the dough runny. * Replace your baking soda if it's more than a year old. * Invest in a cookie scoop to keep the cookies a uniform size. * Line the baking pan with parchment paper to help keep the cookies from sticking and burning. * For a chewy cookie, remove the cookies from the oven before the center is completely set. * Let the cookies rest on the cookie sheet about two minutes before transferring to a wire rack for cooling.

Photo by Joe Stumpe

Peggy Smith’s Cranberry Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies Smith prefers an insulated double-layer cookie sheet. "And I keep them spotless. That's going to affect the way your cookies bake."

Joe Stumpe is The Wichita Eagle's former food editor. If you know of a good cook, contact him at jstumpe@cox.net.

Cranberry Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies 2 sticks butter (1 cup) 1 C brown sugar 1/2 C white sugar 2 eggs 1 3/4 C flour 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice 3 C oatmeal 1 C mini-chocolate chips 1/2 C chopped pecans 1 C dried cranberries

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Cream butter and sugars. Add eggs. Mix well. Add flour, baking soda, vanilla and spices. Mix well. Add oats, chocolate chips, nuts and cranberries. Mix well. Drop by cookie scoop or spoon onto cookie sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes. Cool 2-3 minutes on cookie sheet; transfer to a cooling rack.


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Page 24

the active age

October 2015

Classified Advertising

Place your classified ad today

You’ll reach more than 120,000 readers in Sedgwick, Butler and Harvey counties Commercial rates start at $40. Call 316-942-5385 or email Kaydee@theactiveage.com

Deadline for November is October 14. F AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES F


We can repair it! This retired engineer has designed and built a tool and process that can reattach headliners at 1/3 the cost of replacement liners! (We will show you a repaired van) 316-264-6692 (US Patent Pending) CEMETERYPROPERTY PROPERTROP SALE FFCEMETERY FOR SALEFF White Chapel, double space lot, two vaults, two open/close, one casket. Purchaser pays transfer. Value $7,000, asking $3,500. 316-304-7352. Four plots at Penwell-Gabel Cemetery, Roselawn Garden. $950 each or $3,600 for all. Buyer pays cemetery fees. Call 425-415-1002. Resthaven, Christus, space number 9, D4. Value $9,000, asking $2,500. 316-721-6462, 316-2533980. Clearwater Cemetery, eight burial lots, $550 each or $4,000 for all. Call 721-0811. Resthaven, 3 plots together, Bruce Newton Gardens, Lots 41D1 & D2, Lot 41C4. Value $11,085, sell for $6,600 OBO. 316-619-9904.

F CEMETERY PROPERTY CONT F Two plots at White Chapel, Gesethame, value $2,100. Two plots at Resthaven, Garden of the Gospels, value $9,000. Will consider reasonable offers. 573-836-1213. Resthaven, Freedon, 159B-1, spaces for two with vaults, markers. Value $10,000, sell for $3,500. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980. Resthaven Christus, two spaces, section 66C, 2&3. Close to sidewalk and valued at $3,695/ each. Must sell together, $5,400 for both. Call 316-214-8591. Lakeview, Medidation Section, Lot 267B, spaces 1&2, $2,500 OBO. Buyer pays transfer fee, 316942-2394. Wichita Park Cemetery, Roselawn, three plots. $2,000 each or $5,500 for all three. Two air seal vaults, $700 each. Call Bonnie Thornburg at 620-583-2420. Two lots in White Chapel Cemetery , Garden of Atonement. Value $3,400, asking $1,200 each. seller will pay transfer fees. Call 419-528-4447. Resthaven - two burial plots in Freedom Gardens. Market value $3,695 each. Will sell for $2,000 each. Call Debbie at 316-618-5914. Three cemetery plots, Wichita Park Cemetery, Acacia D section. Lot 391 spaces 4, 5, and 6. Valued at $1,700 each, asking $2,000 plus transfer fee for all three. Call Marsha, 267-7333.

Lakeview Cemetery, one plot for sale in the Garden of Gethsemane, row 98, space 5. $2,000. Call Raymond, 806-648-0195.


Resthaven, Garden of Freedom, lawn crypt, space for two. Includes two vaults, two openings/ closings. Valued at $11,000. Will sell for $4,500. Seller will provide deed work. 686-0174.

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Resthaven, Freedom, space 3C-4, vaults, marker and granite. 2 opening/closing. Value $13,000, sell for $4,750. 316-721-6462, 316-253-3980.


Two cemetery lots in Garden of the Last Supper at Old Mission Cemetery. Value $1,922 each, selling $1,800 each. Call 972-253-3076.



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316-264-5183 F FOR SALE F

Guardian Wheel Chair with roho cushion. Reclines 180 degrees. Paid $800, selling for $200. Call 788-1655. 62” LG, $240; 26” new bike, $130; new lawnmower, $130. 440-8959 or 706-9763. Forty-five Roy Rogers VCR movies in original boxes, all or none. Roy Rogers story books, hard back. Call Dennis 316-650-5884. 42” Vizio LCD 1080p, $200; 37” Samsung LCD, $129; 52” LG DLP, $150. 706-9763 or 440-8959. Two barely used 12 inch Moen stainless steel tub grab bars in original boxes. $30. Call 264-9681 and leave message.

F HAIR CARE F Shirkmere stylist is back for in-salon and in-home styling. Call for pricing or to schedule day or evening appointment. Ask for Mike 316-263-8794.

Two lots in Lakeview Cemetery, Veteran’s Field of Honor. These lots are sold out. View of lake. Call 773-2522.

Resthaven Cemetery, Garden of the Cross, sold-out lot. Two plots valued at $3,695 each. Motivated seller. Call 714-970-7090.


Elite travel electric scooter, like new, used less than 20 hours. $450, 316-655-1854.

Maple Grove Cemetery, two lots in quiet south side. Vaults, interment and recordings. Buyer pays transfer fee. Value $5,041, selling $4,700. 316-264-2468.

Funeral plots, Resthaven Garden of Memory. Plots are located in Garden of Devotion, Section 7, lot 80-B, spaces 1 through 4. Asking $1,400 each OBO. Will separate into pairs. Mark, 210508-6912.

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316-794-3632 Wright One Home Improvements Kitchen & Bath remodeling. Painting. Windows. Doors. Siding. All types of flooring and home repairs. Free estimates. 316-409-2160.

October 2015

the active age

Place an ad: 942-5385 Need fence or deck repair? Call Dan for free estimates. 316-516-3949. Insured. Member of the Better Business Bureau. We accept credit cards.

Leaky Basement Repair

Dirt Installation and Siding Repair Courteous, professional repairs. Free estimates. Concrete work. 20+ years experience. Ernie Sponsel, 316-393-5461. STILES MAINTENANCE Heating & Air • Plumbing • Light Electrical Drywall • Painting • Tile Basic Home Repairs Licensed & Insured 25% Senior Discount 316-200-6601

Drywall Repair

Fix all cracks, walls, ceilings and all textures. 32 years’ experience. Free estimates. Senior discount. Duane Ball 316-648-5221. Odd Job Handyman Painting, mowing, yard cleanup, minor household repairs. Free estimates. Call Joel 316-772-8629. Handyman. Plumbing, electrical, heating, floors, doors, windows, screens, walls and more. HVAC certified. Licensed & insured. Senior discounts. Call John 316-650-3013.

Semi-retired maintenance man. Experienced in most phases of maintenance & roofing. Light hauling. Sedgwick County only. Call Paul 316-312-9970


Hauling handyman. Tree, shrub trim or removal. Flower bed, scrap metal cleanup. Fence, deck/ shed, repair/removal. Odd jobs. 316-807-4989.

Marv’s Home Improvements & Repair

Doors, trim, decks, ramps, patio covers, fences, siding, flooring. Basements, kitchens and baths. Painting. Also honey dos. Honest and dependable. Senior discounts. Free estimates. 35 years. License #8691. Insured. 316-737-4646.

Roof Repairs

40 years experience - a Senior serving Seniors. Free estimates. License #7612. Call Jerry 3035713 Handyman RX - We have a remedy for all your ”fix-it” jobs. Yards, gutters, garage cleanup, deck repair, hauling, etc. You don’t want to do it? We will. Call for HELP! 316-217-0882. Free estimates and senior discounts. Molina Electric - Wichita Lic #1364 Comm. or Residential wiring. Service calls. New electric service. Troubleshooting. Business 524-0434, Cell 461-2199.

S & V Concrete

Cowboy Construction

Bathroom and kitchen remodels. Room additions. Garages and sheds. Licensed and insured.

Steps, porches, patios, sidewalks, retaining walls, driveways & garage floors. Also 4-inch steps with 18-inch landings for seniors. Licensed, bonded, insured. Free estimates

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Total yard clean-up, flower beds and bushes, tree trimming and stump grinding, attics, garages and basements. LEAF cleanup and HAULING.

Including all yard debris. 316-516-4630 or 316-838-5709 Harley Painting & Remodeling Interior/Exterior & Odd jobs Husband & Wife Team 316-648-4478

Cowboy Construction

Remodeling, siding, decks, fences, windows, doors and more. 20 years locally owned. Free estimates. Senior discounts.

Todd Wenzel 316-393-4488

Classified Advertising



Steve 992-6884

Don’t Fix it Alone!

Our background-checked, bonded, insured, employee Handymen will fix it for you. Our work is GUARANTEED. We’re looking forward to your call… 316-773-0303




Residental & Commercial

Repairs. Free estimates. 316-312-4391.

Tuck-pointing, foundation & chimney repair. Insured. Free Estimates.

CALL DAN 316-516-3949


Compare Our Prices Weekly Plumbing Specials

Ins/Lic #5803


Carpenter–30 Yrs Experience

Repairs & Remodeling • Trim Work Doors • Cabinets • Sheetrock • Tile Interior/Exterior Painting • Flooring


Page 25

Three Generations of Local Roofers Quality Work – Fair Prices

Siding - Guttering - Windows





Dave’s Improvements

Scheduled maintenance, repair, sales on all garage doors. *Springs-Torsion & Extension *Garage Door Openers, Doors & More

Paul Williams (316) 831-9414 or (316) 650-8807

Stover Heating & Air Conditioning

Repair • Service All Brands Sales – Licensed Trane dealer Senior Discount SPECIAL: Furnace check-up $75*

*Some restrictions, doesn’t include filters, parts License # 7258



A refresher course in service Roofing, siding, power washing, gutter cleaning & installation, int/ext painting.

DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS Roofing – Windows – Siding A Reliable General Contractor Senior Discount


garywilbertroofing.com garywilbertroofing@cox.net


Construction Services General Contractor - Class A, licensed & insured to do it all. We provide the skills, materials, and coordinate the entire home improvement project for you. Sit back as we deliver a product that exceeds your expectations!


Helping Hands Framing, carpentry, decorative concrete, remodeling & repairs, roofing, painting, tree services, exp. working with seniors. We do it all, give us a call! FREE ESTIMATES Matthew, 316-208-3784 Tyler, 316-518-4722


Dave’s Improvements




General home repair. Lic. & Insured, free estimates.

Call for Free Roof Inspection Locally Owned, Licensed & Insured

Painting—Interior & Exterior Doors & Windows Replaced • Siding Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Decks • Ramps • Grab Bars Minor Electrical & Plumbing Repairs General Home Repairs Senior Citizen Discounts!

Hail Repair Specialist Roofing • Siding • Windows Guttering • Free Estimates Senior Discounts 10% off complete job License #7904 • Insured


Custom Cabinets • Refacing (Laminate or Solid Wood) Countertops Rollouts • Accessories • Wall Splashes




Advantage Home Services One call does it all!

Any size project, large of small. You name it. We do it the right way. Licensed general contractor, residential and commercial. 20 years experience.

Stan 316-518-8553 F LAWN AND GARDEN F

P&A Landscaping 316-708-7236 Complete lawn care, leaves and storm cleanup. Any odd job. Residential and commercial. Gutters clean. Senior discount. Business, Home and Yard Aerate/overseed. Mowing/scalping. Fall/Spring clean-up. Snow Removal. If you ever need any of these services, call Mark, 316-214-7579. City licensed/Reasonable rates. Mowing, trimming, yard and leaf cleanup. Gutter cleaning. Exterior painting. If you need any of these services call Perry, 316-619-6126. Dave’s Hauling Services Solid waste removal, property cleanup, tree & fence line clearing, general landscape removal, other lawn and garden services. All fence, porch and patio work. Call 316-832-2201. Do You Have A Project Or Honey-Do? Rototilling, Grassing, Hauling Mowing, clean-ups, leaves, landscaping Hedge, Tree-Evergreen Trim & Remove Window cleaning Guttering - install - clean - repair. Fences Gutter Screen, Wood Decks & Ramps Water Drainage, Dirt Work Spaur Handyman 316-524-2555.

L Hayden 316-806-2591

Can take care of your needs. Garage/yard cleaning. Hauling, mowing. Tree trimming, leaf raking. Pick-up and delivery service. Senior Discounts.


Page 26

the active age

October 2015

Classifieds from previous page F LAWN AND GARDEN CONT F


Mike E. 316-708-1472

Need a ride? Doctor appointments, ride home from hospital, court, casino, mini vacation or family reunion. You name the place, I will take you there. 316-259-6212.

Mowing, leaf and gutter cleanup, tree trimming, hauling, roto-tilling. Chimney repairs. Brick, block and stone repair. JD’s All Trades Lawn and Garden Services Handyman/hauling, tree trimming and removal and much more. 316-347-6663.

Christian Lawn Care

Mowing, verti-slicing, core-aerating, overseeding, new lawns, mulching flower beds, cleanup, shrub trimming and removal, gutter cleaning, hauling. Senior discount. Steve 316-685-2145. Prestige Landscape Management Leaf clean-up, Christmas light hanging, snow removal, residential & commercial. Free estimates. Experienced & professional. Call us at 316-350-4413.

MOWING Spring/Fall Cleanup Tree trim/removal Junk/Snow removal Brock Eastman • 316-765-1677 F PAINTING F Tim Cleveland Painting Interior/exterior, residential and commercial. Two year warranty. 20% discount for seniors. 25 years experience. References. 316-308-2345.

Experienced Professional Painters Residential/business painting Interior/exterior Power washing and deck refinishing Senior discount • Free Estimates Lowest price guaranteed

Call Mike 316-806-3222 F PERSONALS F Intelligent and commonsense man who enjoys conversation, socializing and various activities looking for independent woman 55-65 years who enjoys companionship and shared activities. Height and weight proportional. Please call 316-200-2724. Leave name, phone number, brief message, will reply.


Need help on your electric scooter, power or lift chair, stair or platform lift or hand controls? Call Howard Distribution at 316-648-1694. Howard is a certified service center and dealer for Best Bath walk-in tubs, Bruno, EMC, Golden Tech, Pace Saver, Pride and Ricon. Working for you since 1987. Furniture Repair & Refinish Antique, Modern, or Cane. Reasonable pick-up & delivery. Clark 250-9533 or 788-5805. PEACE2U Errand Service for the elderly and home bound. Grocery and gift shopping, pick up prescriptions. 316-312-7167. COMPUTER HELP in your home. Very patient. Call Norm 778-1487 or email nngentry@aol.com

F THRIFT SHOP F Gently Used Resale (Thrift Shop)

2523 S. Seneca (Westway Plaza) Wichita, Ks. Store & Donation Hours Mon & Thu 9 am-7 pm Tue, Wed, Fri & Sat 9 am-5 pm Purchase with a purpose. Benefits those served by the Bethesda Lutheran Communities to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ. Volunteers & Donations always needed. Like us on Facebook.



Stump REMOVAL & GRINDING Trimming, deadwood, tree removal. Total yard, leaf clean-up & hauling. Also rural and farm areas. Free estimates. Experienced. Good prices. Insured. Tom King, 316-516-4630, 316-838-5709. Bruce’s Tree Service Prompt, Immediate, Professional service. Crown reduction, trimming or removal. Trees, hedgerows, evergreens & shrubs. Residential line clearing and roofs. Bucket truck available. We climb also. Gutter cleaning, yard raking, firewood for sale. Handyman work. Over 25 years’ experience. Sr discounts. Insured. 24 Hour emergency storm damage available. Call 316-207-8047.


Older items of all kinds including: antiques collectibles - costume and turquoise jewelry Boeing and Beeck - pins - pocket knives guitars and amps - postcards - watches cigarette lighters - art glass - metal signs *Contents of attics, basements or garages* FOR FAST FRIENDLY ASSISTANCE CALL DAVE AT 316-409-0992 Over 20 years of assisting folks sell items.

SWF 65 would like to communicate with older men and women 65-85 for companionship and good intelligent conversation. Let’s not continue to be alone. Write to the active age Box #01-10, 125 S. West Street, Ste. 105. Wichita, KS 67213.

Felipe Tree Service Evergreen trimming. Tree removal. Brush hauling. Splitting. Deadwooding. Insured. Free estimates. 12 years experience. 316-807-4419.

Are you looking for friendship? Do you enjoy doing fun things around town? Do you have good old fashioned morals? Looking for companionship, ages 65-70s. Call 773-4825.

Support the active age advertisers. They support the active age

24-hour care provided by courteous, certified staff All levels of care one price

All Private Rooms

Donate your Durable Medical Equipment. Will pick up. Tax credit. Medical Loan Closet of Wichita. 316-200-2005.

Call for information today!

BUYING American, German, Japanese



Military swords, helmets, uniforms, medals, insignias, rifles, pistols, misc items. Also, any WW II paratrooper items. 785-825-0313. Looking to buy a used adult three wheel bike. Call 682-5215.

Pick up your copy of the 2015-16 55+ Resource Guide available at local area Dillon’s newspaper racks. the active age’s 2015-16

55+ Resource Guide Sponsors:

View the guide online at www.theactiveage.com.

When A Nursing Home Isn't the Answer HomeCare You Can Trust And Afford

Estrada’s Tree Service

Trimming, crown reduction, removal. Storm damage prevention. Hauling. Firewood. Free estimates. Insured. Senior discount. Felix Estrada, 316-617-4392.

Adult Care Homes

Want to purchase mineral and other oil/ gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201.

Joe’s Tree Service Tree trimming, removal, stump grinding. Licensed and insured. 316-312-4514.

Lady would like to become friends with an elderly gentleman who enjoys airplane events and visiting. Write to the active age Box 01-09, 125 S. West Street, Ste. 105. Wichita, KS 67213.


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October 2015

the active age

ACROSS 1. Audition tapes 6. More of the same 9. Sound of astonishment 13. Incompetent 14. Ancient Chinese state and major Chinese river 15. Root of iris 16. Japanese-American 17. ENT’s first concern 18. *Hurricane Jeanne’s Greater Antilles victim, 2004 19. *Sudan’s troubled region 21. Pamper and indulge 23. “____ the President’s Men,” movie 24. *Obama____ 25. *Kendrick Lamar’s genre 28. ____ a Sketch toy 30. Antietam happening 35. “I’m ____ ____!” 37. Caviar and Wade’s opponent

39. *”Mad Men” star Hamm completed it in real life 40. Wine 41. Saints’ lights 43. Japanese restaurant staple 44. Run off together 46. Opposite of knit 47. Facial treatment 48. Eye part 50. It prevents objectivity 52. ____ Angelico 53. A in BA 55. One who follows teachings of Lao-tzu 57. *Subject of Russia/Ukraine dispute 60. *Modern self-portrait 63. Trouser fabric 64. Old French coin 66. Type of island 68. “Mad” fortÈ 69. Habitual twitch 70. High IQ society 71. End of grace 72. Member of a “benevolent and protective order” 73. Picture within a picture, e.g.

Answers on page 28

DOWN 1. Clamor 2. Children’s author Blyton 3. ___ Verde National Park 4. Verdi’s output 5. Smother or suppress 6. Type of pitcher 7. *____ Party 8. Approximately, as in date 9. Obama to Harvard Law School 10. Seed coat 11. www.google. com, e.g. 12. Tire measurement 15. “____, ____!” said Piglet 20. Extremist 22. Scepter’s partner 24. Duo at the Sistine Madonna’s feet 25. *Mars vehicle 26. Feeble old woman 27. Can be noir or grigio 29. *Egyptian ____ d’Ètat 31. Short-term employee

32. *These days, he often steals identities 33. Light acronym 34. *Cause of 2014 global health scare 36. Large African antelope 38. Delhi dress 42. Fill with spirits 45. Bewitch 49. Am is to I as ___ is to we 51. sandwich meat 54. Gustatory sensation 56. More than occasional 57. *”Pawn Stars” employee nickname 58. Frost residue 59. Involved in a secret 60. Draw in, as in air 61. Charged particles 62. Other than what’s implied 63. It’s repeated 2 or 3 times to form dance name 65. *Gulf polluter 67. Back muscle, for short



Page 27

Page 28

the active age

October 2015

Calendar of Events

Sedgwick County Senior Centers

BEL AIRE 7651 E Central Park Ave 744-2451, ext 121 www.belaireks.org

Mon: 10 am Men’s fellowship, coffee. Mon & Wed: 6 pm Yoga, Rec Center. Tue: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 9 am Low-impact aerobics, Rec Center. Fri: 9 am Breakfast at Braum’s. Mon-Fri: 8-9 am Bel Aire Walkers, Rec Center. 1st Mon: 6:30 pm Potluck & program. 2nd Mon: 11:30 am Lunch out, call for details. 3rd Wed: 1:30 pm, Book Club. 4th Mon: 6 pm Covered dish lunch, Rec Center. 4th Wed: 7 pm Bunko. 4th Thu: 2 pm Geneaology group.

BENTLEY/EAGLE 504 W Sterling, 796-0027

Open Mon-Fri: Coffee, cookies, exercise. Mon: 2 pm Line dancing, chair exercise. Wed: 1:30 pm Canasta. Sat: 8-9:30 am Breakfast, donation. 2nd Fri: 11 am Senior Lunch Out. 3rd Tue: 7 pm Game night, bring snack. 3rd Fri: noon XYZ potluck, program. 4th Sat: 7 pm Movie Night.

CHENEY 516 Main, 542-3721

Mon-Fri: 10:30 am GNNP meal, reservations required; 12:15 pm Cards, games. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-11 am Exercise program. 1st Tue: 6 pm Potluck dinner. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tue: 7 pm Cards, games.

CLEARWATER 921 E Janet, 584-2332

Mon: 10 am-noon Blood pressure check; 1-3 pm Painting, beginning to advanced. Wed: 9 am Morning coffee. Tue, Fri: 8:45 am Tai Chi; 10 am Exercise class. 2nd Tue: noon Carry-in lunch & program. Thur: 10 am Bible study. 1st, 3rd & 4th Thu: 9 am Help with technologybring your own device.

DERBY 611 N Mulberry Rd, 788-0223 www.derbyweb.com

Regular activities: Exercise programs at low or no cost, foot care, book club. Oct 1: 11:30 am Covered Dish. Community lunch with music by Josh & Sarah Holthusen, $2. Oct 6: 4:30 - 6 pm Tuesday Nite Together. Enjoy a homecooked meal and bring a donation. Oct 7: 1pm Derby Farmhouse discussion presented by Jessie McCamon, historical researcher. Oct 22: 3 pm Speed dating. No cost. Oct 29: 6 pm Barbeque & Salon Show. Barbecue dinner with music by The Delano Dollies Dance Hall Revue. $5. 1st Tue: 11:30 am Friendship Club lunch out. 3rd Tue: Noon Friendship Club; 1 pm Book Club. Reading list at front desk. 1st Thu: 9 am New member orientation.

DOWNTOWN 200 S. Walnut, 267-0197 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Regular activities: Exercise classes, Pickleball, computer classes, foot care by apt. Oct 5: 1 pm How We Hear, presented by The Hearing Group. Hearing screenings to follow. RSVP. Oct 5: 10 am Ray “Grizzly” Racobs will discuss his book, Oro, The Incredible Dog. RSVP. Oct 15: 9:30 am Fun with Scrapbooks presented by Natalie Eaton Byrnes. $8 for day-long crops with $10 membership fee. Oct 15: 1 pm Identity Theft Prevention Workshop by Frank Taylor. Mon: 11 am Lewis Street Singers; 1 pm Bridge; Beading Buddies. Tues: 10:30 am Single Seniors (except for 2nd Tue). Wed: 9 am Spanish class (adv); 11 am Latin Dance 1 pm Spanish (beg), Massage by Ruth Lundstedt. Thu: 9:30-11 am Drawing class. Mon & Wed 11 am Well Rep Excercises. 1st Mon: 10 am Book Club. 2nd Wed: 1:30 pm Senior Legal Adviser. 2nd Thurs: 9 am Wichita Coin Club. 2nd, 3rd, 4th Thu: 9:30 am Drawing Class. 2rd Thu: 2 pm Senior Financial Adviser.

EDGEMOOR 5815 E 9th, 688-9392

Mon-Fri: 11:30 am GNNP lunch, reservation required; 10-11 am Pool, cards, bingo, dominoes, puzzles.

GARDEN PLAIN 1006 N Main, 535-1155

Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise. Fri: 1 pm Cards. 1st Fri: noon Potluck, cards. 3rd Fri: noon Birthday/anniversary celebration.

LINWOOD 1901 S. Kansas, 263-3703 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Regular activities: Computer classes, cards, Pickleball, exercise programs, GNNP lunch. Oct 2: 10:15 am Medicare Open Enrollment What YOU Need to Know by Lisa Hott. Oct 9: 10:15 am Chiropractic Care and Balance by Dr. Sean Hubbard. Oct 23: 10:15 am Comforitng the Grieving by Amber Davis and Dan Floyd. Oct 27: 2:30 - 4 pm SPOOKTACULAR Halloween Party. Costume party and games with prizes, snacks and fun. Oct 30: 2 - 3:30 pm Vein Insufficiency by Erica Hickerson. 3rd Wed: 10:30 am Birthday party. Mon & Fri: 9 am Dynabands; 9:30 am Stretching. Tue: 9 am Brain games; 9:30 am Fit & balance. 10:30 am Bingo. Tue & Thu: 9 am Pickleball.

MCADAMS GOLDEN AGE 1329 E 16th, 337-9222

Regular activities: Open gym, walking, GNNP lunches, dominoes, cards, pool. Sun: 1-3 pm Quilting. Fri: noon-1:30 pm Sewing. Sat: noon-4:30 pm Classes: sewing, jewelry making. 2nd & 4th Tue: 10 am-noon Blood pressure checks.

MT HOPE 105 S Ohio, 667-8956

GODDARD 120 N Main, 794-2441

Mon: 7-10 am Coffee, donuts; 11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch; 1-4 pm Cards. Tue, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise class. Tue, Wed: 10 am-3 pm Crafts, quilting. Thu: 9:30-10:30 am Line Dancing. 1st Fri: Noon Sr Citizens’ lunch.

HAYSVILLE 160 E Karla, 529-5903

MULVANE 632 E Mulvane, 777-4813

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-9:30 am Exercise. 1st & 4th Tue: 9:30 am-noon Cards. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10 am-4 pm Covered dish, cards, dominoes.

Regular activities: Cards, crafts, GNNP lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Silver Foxes exercise. Tue, Thu: 10 am STEP exercise. 1st & 3rd Wed: 11 am Blood pressure checks. 12:30 pm Bingo. 2nd Fri: 5:30 pm Birthday dinner, covered dish.

KECHI Kechi City Building, 744-017, 744-1271

3rd Thu: 6:30-7:30 pm Meeting.

LA FAMILIA 841 W 21st, 267-1700

Mon-Fri: Dance, exercise, pool, dominoes. 11:30 am-12:15 pm Hot lunch. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon, Fri: 9:30 am-3 pm Tax-Aide, by appt.

Senior Wednesdays

The October schedule for Senior Wednesdays activities was not posted on its website, www.seniorwednesday. org, when we went to press. The copy deadline for October’s the active age was Sept. 15, but we waited to send the paper to the printer until Sept. 21 in hopes that the list would be placed online. We also made several attempts to

Tue, Thu: 1 pm Exercise/Ejercicio. Mon: 10 am English Class/Clase de Ingles; 1 pm Line dancing Tue: 10 am Nutrition class/Clase de nutricion. Thu: 10 am Bingo/loteria. Last Fri: 10 am Music/musica; monthly birthdays.

obtain the information but were not able to reach anyone, nor were our emails returned. We apologize for the omission. Perhaps it will be posted by Oct. 1. Check the online address, www.seniorwednesday.org. We also will post it on our website, www.theactiveage.com, as soon as it’s posted. Find it in our Stories listing.

Daily: 7:30-9 am Walk-in gym, coffee; GNNP lunch; computers, dominoes, puzzles, pool, book loan. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Yoga. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Zumba. 2nd Tue: 7:30-9:30 am Breakfast, $3. 2nd Wed: 11:30 am Blood pressure checks. 3rd Wed: Noon-1 pm Blood pressure checks.

NORTHEAST 2121 E 21st, 269-4444 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org

Daily: Dominoes, cards, Wii, pool, GNNP lunch. library, exercise room, computer lab. Oct 2: 11:45 am Learn to Recognize Elder Abuse. Elder abuse Jeopardy game. Oct 9: 11:45 am Employment Services for Seniors. Oct 15: 11:45 am Hearing Screening Education and Testing by the Hearing Group. Oct 23: 11:45 am Public Benefits by the Medical Service Bureau. Oct 30: 2-4 pm Fall Festival. $5 members; $7 non-members. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am WSU exercise. Mon: 12:30 pm TOPS; 1:30 pm Sing-a-Long. Wed: 2 pm Drawing 101. Thu: 10:30 am Jewelry class, crochet class. Tue, Thu: 1 pm Spanish class. Fri: 10 am Crochet class; 1 pm Bridge. 1st Wed: Footcare by appointment.


OAKLAWN 2937 Oaklawn Dr, 524-7545

Daily: 11:30 Red Cross Meals. 1st Thur: 12:30 pm, Golden Agers Meeting. 1st Thur & Fri: 8:30 am-5 pm, Commodities. 2nd Thu: 12:30-2:30 pm, Golden Agers Bingo. $1. 4th Thu: 12:30-2:30, Community Bingo. $2. Every Fri: 12:30 pm Afternoon cards. Every Wed: 8:30 am Sweets & coffee, Panera Bread.

ORCHARD PARK 4808 W 9th, 942-2293 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org.

Regular activities: Exercise programs, cards, pool, GNNP lunch, Wii bowling, dominoes, crafts. Oct 2: 11:15 am Update on Medicare Benefits for Hearing by The Hearing Group. Oct 5: 11:15 am Brain Game to Keep Us All Thinking by Holly Hatten. Oct 9: 11:15 am Preparing Your Home For Safe Retirement by Jessica Brantley. Oct 19: 11:15 am Employment and In-Home Services. Oct 27: 8:30 am Breakfast out to the Copper Oven. Tues: 12:30-4:30 pm Duplicate bridge. Wed: 10:30 am-noon Computer Lab.

PARK CITY 6100 N Hydraulic, 744-1199

Regular activities: Cards, exercise, pool, GNNP lunch. Call for details. Oct 8: 8:45 am- 6 pm Day trip to Wamego, KS. Trip includes lunch at the Friendship House and a tour of the Oz Museum. $48. RSVP required. Oct 19: 1 pm Movie matinee - Tootsie. Oct 14: 10:15 am Balance disorders and brain health presented by Dr. Sean Hubbard. Oct 21: 10:30 am Learn how to get the most out of a doctor’s visit with tips presented by Angels Care Home Health. Snacks and prizes included. Oct 28: 10:15 am The basics of Alzheimer’s Disease presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. Wed: 1 pm Walking; 2:30 pm Line Dance; 7 pm Round Dance. Fri: 10:30 am Dance Aerobics; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 1 pm Pinochle. Tue & Thu: 8:30 am Wii Bowling; 10 am WellRep exercise. 1st Wed: 10:30 am Chisholm Trail Seniors catered lunch, meeting, program. 3rd Fri: 6 pm Fun, food, games.

VALLEY CENTER 316 E. Clay, 755-7335

Regular activities: Home-cooked meals; monthly outings, including casino trip; exercise programs. Mon: Donuts, coffee, cards. Tue: 10 am Brunch, $4, movie & cards; 6:30 pm Pitch, bring snack to share. Wed: 9 am Meet at Methodist Church. Thu: noon Lunch, $5. Games. Fri: noon Lunch, $4. 3rd Thu: Birthday celebration.

October 2015

the active age

Page 29

Butler County Senior Centers

ANDOVER 410 Lioba Dr, 733-4441 www.andoverks.com

CASSODAY Cassoday Senior Center 133 S. Washington, 620-735-4538

Regular activities: Exercise, bingo, bridge, quilt club, dominoes, cards, pool. Daily:11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch (reservation required), $3. Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 am Exercise. Tues & Thu: Special music at lunch. Mon: 1 pm Lunch and Cards. Tue: 10 am Blood pressure check; 10:30 am-2 pm Memory Café; 1 pm Pool & cards. Wed: 1 pm Quilt club; 1 pm Bridge. Thu: 1 pm Pool, cards & Scrabble; 3 pm Dominoes; 7-9 pm Pitch. Fri: 11:30 am Covered dish, meeting & program; 12:45 pm Prize bingo; 1:45 pm Cards. 4th Sat: 7 - 10am Monthly breakfast. $4 suggested donation.

Tue: 10:30 am Round Table. Tue, Thu: 9:30 am Exercise with us.w 1st Mon: 7 pm Game night. 3rd Mon: 12:30 pm Carry-in luncheon, blood pressure checks. Last Fri: 7 pm Movie Night.

Regular activities: Line dance, exercise classes, cards, games, lunch (reservation required). . 1st Wed: 9:30-11 am Blood pressure checks. 2nd Sat: 7-10 am Biscuits/gravy, $3. 3rd Tue: 7:30 am Casino trip.

Oct 23: 4-7 pm Ham & bean dinner, cornbread, ice cream and brownie. $6 ticket available at the door. Regular activities: Exercise, cards, GNNP lunch, $2. RSVP. Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tue: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue, Thu: 9 am Coffee. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. Sat: 6:30 pm Senior activities. 2nd Thu: 11 am Blood pressure check; 6

AUGUSTA 640 Osage, 775-1189

BENTON Lion’s Community Bldg, S Main St

2nd & 4th Tue: 9 am-4 pm, Cards, games, occasional program. Covered dish.

DOUGLASS 124 W 4th, 746-3227

Regular activities: Exercise, quilting, cards, home-cooked lunch, $4 (reservation required). 1st Mon: 6 pm Finger foods & cards. 3rdMon: 6 pm Birthday/anniversary covered-dish supper, bring own service. Cards. 3rd Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Biscuits/gravy, scrambled eggs, $3.

EL DORADO 210 E 2nd, 321-0142

Harvey County Centers BURRTON 124 N Burrton, 620-463-3225

Tue, Fri: 9:30 am Exercises. Fri: 1 pm Table games. 1st Mon: 6 pm Bunko. 2nd Thu: Noon Meal, table games. 4th Thu: 6 pm Dinner, program.

HALSTEAD 523 Poplar, 835-2283

Mon & Wed: Games after lunch. Tue & Fri: 9 am Exercise. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Dine out/activity. 3rd Thu: 6 pm Potluck, meeting. 3rd Fri: 12:30 pm Movie in. 3rd Sun: 1:30 pm Movie out. 4th Thu: 7 pm Penny Bingo.

HESSTON Randall & Main, 620-327-5099 www.hesstonseniorcenter.com

Mon, Wed, Fri: 8 am Stretch bands. Mon & Tue: 1:30 pm Pitch. Tue: 8:30 am Coffee Hour; 9 am Film; 1:30 pm Pinochle. Wed: 6:30 am Men’s Bible Study; 1 pm Bridge. 1st & 3rd Tue: 6 pm Singin’ Seniors. 3rd Wed: 11:30 am Health luncheon; noon, program. Reservations by previous Fri. 1st Thu: 7 pm Bridge. 2nd Thu: 7 pm Movie Night. 1st & 3rd Fri: 1 pm Mexican Train dominoes. 1st Sat: 7:30-9:30 am Community Breakfast 4th Mon: 5:30 pm gathering; 6 pm Potluck dinner, program follows.

Support Groups The Center for Community Support and Research has an extensive and up-to-date listing of area support groups. Visit www.SupportGroupinKansas.org. To add or correct a listing call Angela Gaughan at 978-3843 or 1-800-445-0116 or email angela.gaughan@wichita.edu.

GRAND CENTRAL 122 E 6th, Newton, 283-2222 www.newtonseniorcenter.org

Oct 13: 9-10:30 am Flu shot clinic. Bring insurance card. Oct 13: 6 pm Shared Supper. Bring a dish to serve six. Sharon Entz of Crust & Crumb Bakery to speak. Oct 15: 7 pm Brenda Turner will present a cake decorating class. Oct 20: 10:30 am Health benefits of massage for seniors. Oct 29: 7 pm Medicare insurance information by Betty Lanzrath. Mon: 9:00 am Thai Chi, Get Lighter, Feel Better; 10-11 am Blood pressure check; 1:30 pm Golden Notes choir practice;Tue: 10:30am Computer class; 1 pm Crafts; 7 pm Line Dance. Wed: 1 pm Pinochle/cards. Thu: 1 pm Wii bowling. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9:30 am Arthritis exercise. 2nd & 4th Thu: 10:30 am Bingo.

SEDGWICK 107 W. Fifth, 772-0393

Mon: 1 pm Games. Tue: 7-8:30 am Breakfast. Wed: 9-11 am Quilting. Mon, Wed, Fri: 9 am Exercise. 1st Fri: 7 pm Birthday party. 2nd Thu: noon Carry-in dinner, mtg. 3rd Thu: 5 pm Dinner Night Out. 2nd Fri: 7 pm Pitch party. Last Thu: 7 pm Movie.

Organizations, Dances Clubs and Organizations and Dances are now listed online at www.theactiveage.com. To ensure that the listings are up-to-date, email kaydee@theactiveage.com, call 942-5385 or mail to the active age, 125 S. West St., Ste. 105, Wichita, KS 67213

LEON 112 S Main, 745-9200 or 742-9905

Regular activities: Exercise, cards, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon, Fri: 10 am Aerobics. Tues: 12:30 pm Bingo; 1:30 pm Line Dance; 6:30 pm Prairie Port Singles. Tue & Thu: 1 pm Bridge. Wed: 10 am Back in Balance; 1 pm Pinochle. 3rd Sun: 11am-1:30 pm, Home-cooked lunch, $7 adults, $3.50 children. 745-9200.

ROSE HILL 207 E Silknitter, 776-0170

Regular activities: Wii, pool table, shuffleboard, home-cooked lunch (reservation required). Mon & Wed: 9 am Strong Women Stay Young Exercise. Mon: 7 pm Pitch, games. Wed: 1 pm Bridge. Fri: 7 pm Card game. 1st Fri: 11 am Meeting, covered dish. 3rd Fri: Noon Covered dish. 1st Sat: 7-10 am Scrambled eggs, biscuits/gravy.

TOWANDA 317 Main, 536-8999

Open 10:30 am-5 pm Mon, Wed & Fri Thu: 7 am Breakfast/coffee at Stearman Bar & Grill, Benton.

WHITEWATER Legion Hall,Whitewater

2nd & 4th Tue: noon Potluck, program.

Transportation Sedgwick County

American Red Cross, 219-4040. Free rides for 60+ for medical and dialysis appointments. 24-hour notice. Ambulatory. Donations accepted. Sedgwick Co Transportation, 660-5150, long distance 1-800-367-7298, transportation or services info. 8 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri; closed most holidays. www.sedgwickcounty.org/aging.

Butler County Transit

Weekday transportation in El Dorado, Augusta and Andover. Rides to Wichita on Wed, Thu. Call for information; 48-hr notice required: Augusta, 775-0500; El Dorado, 322-4321; toll free, 1-800-279-3655. $10 pass for 25 rides available. Wheelchair accessible; escorts ride free.

Harvey County

Transportation for medical appointments, shopping and recreational activities. Reservations or information: 316-284-6802 or 1-866-680-6802. Applications for reduced fares for those 60+ or disabled who meet income guidelines. Personal appointments Mon-Fri, 8 am-5 pm. Reservations, first call-first served, must be made 24 hours in advance. Vans are wheelchair accessible. Round-trip fares: $8 in Newton (wheelchair only), $12 in Harvey County, $20 outside Harvey County. Wheelchair escorts ride free. AVI Route: Tue, 8 am-4:30 pm. Transportation to Newton for Burrton, Sedgwick, Halstead, Hesston, Walton residents. $6. Halstead: In-town transportation Mon-Fri, 9 am-3:30 pm. $1.


Food Share

Prairie Land Food: Package of meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, $28. Other variety options available, usually at 50% discount. Accepts Vision cards. Sites in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler Counties. Info: June at 800-998-9436 or at www.prairielandfood.com.

Friendship Meals Aging Projects, Inc. serves a hot, nutritious meal weekdays for persons 60 and older at locations in Sedgwick, Harvey and Butler county communities. Reservations are necessary. For the closest location and reservations, call 620-669-8201.

WEEK OF OCTOBER 1 Thu: Crispy fish w/tartar sauce, macaroni & cheese, spinach, pineapple, apple crisp. Fri: Oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes w/gravy, cooked red and green cabbage, peaches, wheat roll. WEEK OF OCTOBER 5 Mon: Swiss steak, rice, roasted zucchini, apricots, roll. Tue: Turkey chili, crackers, combination salad, salad dressing, blueberries, cinnamon roll. Wed: Chicken & cheese casserole, broccoli, beets, pineapple, wheat bread. Thu: Meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, green beans, blushing pears, pumpkin spice pound cake, wheat roll. Fri: Ham & beans, potatoes w/ onions, parslied carrots, plums, cornbread. WEEK OF OCTOBER 12 Mon: Italian baked chicken, spinach, cottage cheese salad, applesauce, wheat roll. Tue: Liver & onions or beef cutlet, mashed potatoes, broccoli/cauliflower salad, pineapple, bread. Wed: Creamy chicken & veggie casserole, breaded tomatoes, pineapple, wheat roll, gelatin with fruit. Thu: Ham chowder, crackers, copper penny salad, glazed blueberries, brownie. Fri: Tuna patty, cole slaw, peaches, grape juice. WEEK OF OCTOBER 19 Mon: Brunswick stew, mixed greens salad w/dressing, strawberries, cheddar dill bread. Tue: Hamburger w/bun, cream of celery soup, crackers, corn, Mandarin orange. Wed: Ham balls, sweet potatoes, black eye pea salad, pineapple, wheat roll. Thu: Scalloped chicken, broccoli, blueberries, pineapple bread. Fri: Egg salad sandwich, lentil & black bean soup, crackers, carrot sticks, strawberries. WEEK OF OCTOBER 26 Mon: BBQ chicken, cole slaw, peas, peaches, roll. Tue: Tuna noodle casserole, broccoli, pickled beets, pears, wheat bread. Wed: New England stew, green beans, apricot, cook’s choice cookie, bread. Thurs: Mexican lassagna, combination salad w/dressing, cracker, strawberries. Fri: Harvest turkey soup, black eye pea/corn salad, apple slices, pumpkin pie squares, biscuit.

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the active age

Let’s Go

Tom Jones, Butler Community College, 901 S Haverhill Rd, El Dorado. 7:30 pm, Oct 1-3. Theatre production of Henry Fielding’s 18th century novel, Tom Jones. $2-$5. Moreland & Arbuckle, Carnegie Library Centennial Concert, steps of the Carnegie Library, 220 S. Main Street. 5-7 pm Fri, Oct 2. Free. Health Fair and Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes, Kansas Aviation Museum, 3350 George Washington Blvd. 1-6 pm Sat, Oct 3. Enjoy the static aircraft displays and expore health fair vendors and screenings. Snacks and dinner. Donny Edwards, Orpheum Theatre, 200 N. Broadway. 7 pm Sat, Oct 3. Internationally known award-winning, professional Elvis tribute artist will perform his Elvis impersonation show. $20-$30. Woofstock, Sedgwick County Park, 6501 W. 21st. 9:30 am - 3 pm Sat, Oct 3. The biggest fundraiser for the Kansas Humane Society. It has vendors, food and prices. Proceeds provide care and services for animals.

Singing the Cattle North, Community Room, Derby Public Library, 1600 E Walnut Grove. 10 am Oct 3. Professor Jim Hoy will discuss the musical culture of cowboy folk songs. Wichita Geneological Society 4th Annual Conference, Hughes Metropolitan Complex, 5015 E 29th St N. 9 am - 4 pm Sat, Oct 10. Several guest speakers and conference topics, breakfast and lunch. $50-$60. Mt. Vernon United Methodist Church Fall Bazaar/Bakesale, 5701 E. Mt. Vernon. 9am-7pm, Oct. 11. Dinner is served at 5 pm. Art Aid XXI: The Crystal Ball, The Cotillion, 11120 W. Kellogg, 7-11 pm Sat, Oct 10. Benefit for positive directions that helps provide care and prevention services for those affected by HIV/AIDS. The night includes a runway show and performance, auctions and a dance party.

October 2015

Project Beauty Luncheon, Wichita Country Club, 8501 E. 13th. 12:30 pm Thur, Oct. 15. Dr. Patricia McDonnell will be the guest speaker. Lunch $17. Mail check by Oct. 12. The Age of Love, Orpheum Theatre, 200 N. Broadway; 3:15 pm Thur, Oct 15. This documentary follows 30 older adults who sign up for a speed dating event for 70 to 90 year olds. Trail of Tears Memorial Walk, Sedgwick County Park, 6501 W. 21st. 11 am-3 pm Sat, Oct. 17. Short walk, games, health fair, mini pow wow, corn soup and fry bread samples. Free. Moving and Aging Gracefully: Preventative Joint Care Seminar, Downtown Senior Center, 200 S Walnut. 4-5:30 pm Tues, Oct. 20. Dr. Tarun Bhargava, Orthopedic Surgeon. Indian War Stories, Mid-America All-Indian Center, 650 N. Seneca. Noon-3 pm Sat, Oct 24. John Levi and Hollis Stabler discuss their tribe’s warrior traditions and how it influenced them with their military service. McCormick School Museum 125th Anniversary, 855 S. Martinson. Noon-5 pm, Nov. 6; 10 am-3 pm, Nov. 7. More information www. mccormickbellringer.com

Aging Agencies Butler Co Advisory Council For date, location, 775-0500 or 1-800-279-3655.

Central Plains Area Agency on Aging

Advisory Council, 3rd Wed, 1:30 pm. For location, 660-7298.

Harvey Co Advisory Council 2nd Thu, 9 am. For location, 284-6880 or 1-800-750-7993.

Sedgwick Co Dept on Aging Advisory Council 2nd Wed, 2 pm. For location, info 660-7298.

We’re Online!

Read issues of the active age at www.theactiveage.com

Find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/theactiveageks.

INJURIES OF NURSING HOME RESIDENTS I represent persons whose loved one has been injured or dies as a result of improper care in a nursing home. I handle most cases on a contingency fee basis. Please contact me for a free consultation or visit my website for further information.


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October 2015

the active age

Page 31

Vehicle insurance tips to help you save money From Ken Selzer Kansas Commissioner of Insurance Kansans are always on the move. Driving for business, family and pleasure means putting in many miles of windshield time. It also means you need adequate but affordable vehicle insurance coverage

Here are some insurance tips the Kansas Insurance Department has compiled that might be money-savers for you down the road. • Maintain a good driving record: Companies charge safe drivers (those free of at-fault accidents or violations) lower premiums for auto insurance.

WillowCreek Manor Apartments

• Shop around. Compare prices for coverage and dates of coverage that are identical. If you don’t understand the language regarding the insurance, contact your insurance agent or check out our Kansas Auto Insurance and Shopper’s Guide online at www.ksinsurance.org, under Publications. • Review your comprehensive and collision deductibles. If you can absorb a larger out-of-pocket payment, raise

your deductible. If you have a lien, check with your lienholder first. • Discounts might be available if you have two or more cars on a policy; combine your homeowners and auto insurance with the same company; and have airbags, anti-lock theft or other security features. More tips can be found in the Insurance Shopper’s Guide booklet, or call 800-432-2848.

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Accepting New Patients Same Day Appointments Heartland Hillside 551 N. Hillside, #410 Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 686-5300

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Heartland West 9000 West Central Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 773-5300

www.HeartlandCardiology.com Ravi Bajaj, M.D. Husam Bakdash, M.D. Charles Beck, M.D. Assem Farhat, M.D. Hussam Farhoud, M.D. www.theactiveage.com

Shilpa Kshatriya, M.D. Abid Mallick, M.D. Mazen Shaheen, M.D. Wassim Shaheen, M.D. Ghiyath Tabbal, M.D.

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October 2015

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