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Feb. 7, 2012

Earphones harm hearing

Signs of hearing loss seen in teens listening to loud music


What electronics do you think harm your health? “A computer because I stare at it every day- I stare at it for 3-4 hours a day for school.” —Lynn Kha freshman

By Christine Tamir Copy Editor

“I think earphones hurt you because they are realy close to your ear and the music gets louder and louder.” —Maryam Hassan Sophomore “My laptop because my head starts to hurt [when I use it].”


Junior Nick Warner listens to his iPod at an appropriate volume to prevent future permanent damage to his hearing.

headphones. “[I listen to headphones on] low volume because I value my hearing more than my music,” senior Leo Leksang said. “[Other teens] turn it sky high; you can hear it out of their ears.” LiveScience also reports that teenage boys play their music louder than teen girls, and that most teens play their music louder than young adults. Although scientific research emphasizes the negative effects of listening to music too loudly, junior Khalid Kamara has found a positive way to use loud music – as a way to focus before games. “It helps me drown out all other thoughts than what I’m focusing on,” Kamara said. “There’ve been lots of studies that show hearing loss could take place if you listen to music at a very high volume,” health teacher Gabe Romano said. “[Teenagers] don’t think about the consequences, just the music right now.”

—Hanan Hassan senior

—Compiled by Kate Grandchamp

How loud?

Tone up with these quick exercises

The average teen listens to music between 110 and 120 decibels (dB). Use this decibel meter to compare the noise level to other common loud sounds and events. —Source:

What’s your perfect lunch? Mostly fruits, vegetables and other light food.

Throughout the day you crave:

You have been sitting in school all day long and now you want to:

Cupcakes, cookies, Twinkies or any baked good.

For breakfast in the morning you are most likely going to eat:

Sometimes; it’s usually around two or three days.

On a scale of one to ten, you would rate your stress level a: Between a five and a ten. You’re constantly worrying about something.

Pretzels, chips, french fries or any fast food.

Mainly meat and carbohydrates.

Throughout the year, you get sick and miss school:

A lot; you’ll miss seven or more days with a fever or cold.


Between a one and a four. You’re usually calm and collected.

Nothing; you’re already running late and don’t have time to eat anything.

Grab your running shoes and exercise for an hour to burn off all your extra energy.

A Pop-tart or something that you can quickly eat.

Some fruit and a bagel, or if you have time maybe some eggs.

Staying after school Going straight to catch up on a to practice for lesson that you two hours before missed when you heading home. were sick.

You should eat... Satisfying Salads First, take a deep breath, when you’re stressed your immune system can be compromised. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits to get the vitamins you need. Scan this QR Code to view a recipe for a Mediterranean chef salad.

Full and energetic, you’re ready to go.

Heading home to check Facebook and watch T.V.

Good; you’re happy with your weight and work out often.

Wow, you exercise a lot. To make sure that you have enough energy during your workout, you should intake more carbohydrates, but be sure to not consume too many calories. Scan this QR Code to view a recipe for a turkey avocado club.



By Betsy Kruse and Esra Gokturk

For a healthy midmorning snack, try these delectable insects to fill up and feel great without overindulging

Wall sits: Start standing with your back against a wall. Your knees should be at a 90 degree angle, as if you are sitting on a chair. Hold the position for thirty seconds. Take a break and repeat two more times.

Stuffed and regret eating so much.

At the moment, you feel that your health is:

You should eat... More Carbs


Go home and relax, maybe even sneak a nap in before starting your homework.

An hour after eating a meal, you are usually feeling:

It is 2:00 and school has just ended. Your afternoon plans usually include:

Flutter kicks: Start lying on the ground with your hands at your sides. Then raise both legs about six inches off of the ground. Alternate kicking your feet up and down, never letting your feet touch the ground. Do this for a 30 seconds, rest, and repeat two more times.

Side lunges: Start standing straight up with your feet spread apart. Slowly bend one knee and move to the side. Hold this position for five seconds. Repeat 15 times and then exercise the other leg.

Not the best; you want to improve your over all health.

You should eat... Smaller Portions

Russian twists: Start in the curl-up position. Raise your feet and legs and hold your hands together. Using your core muscles, twist from side to side. Repeat 25 times.

One easy way to imrove your health is to eat more balanced meals. You should try and make sure that you have a variety of foods on your plate that are smaller than your usual portion. Scan this QR code to view a recipe for pita pockets.

—Photos by Betsy Kruse

Apple Lady Bugs Ingredients Needed: One red apple, 1/8 cup of raisins, one tablespoon of peanut butter, four thin pretzel sticks

Five minute meal recipes

1.) Wash apple and slice in half, remove core. 2.) Spread peanut butter on the raisins and stick on to the back of the apple. 3.) Stick one raisin on the end of each pretzel stick. 4.) Stick the other end of the pretzel into the apple to make antennae. 5.) Place on a plate and enjoy! Serving Size: Two lady bugs Average Calories: 230 per serving Nutritional Grade: B+


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If you had to choose between the two, would you choose a diet of:


The Apple revolution has brought with it the ear bud revolution. Young people everywhere can be seen with the signature white in-ear ear buds plugged into music players, often times listening to music in inappropriate places at inappropriate times, such as while crossing the street. “I’ve seen people almost get run over because they aren’t paying attention and texting or using ear buds,” physics teacher David Tyndall said. According to an article by The Washington Post, 47 accidents were caused by a pedestrian using headphones – in-ear or over-the-ear – crossing the street. The data was pulled from a study conducted by University of Maryland researchers. Surprisingly enough, the majority of the headphone-related accident victims – 70 percent – were male, and over 60 percent of the victims were under the age of 30. 89 percent of the 55 reported accidents (in San Francisco) occurred in urban settings, which are known for their bustling activity. Sophomore Madhav Kumar listens to his music loudly while walking and claims his ear buds “block out all the unnecessary noise” while walking and crossing streets. “That’s what I have my eyes for, to look out,” Kumar said. The report claims that headphones cause “inattentional blindness,” which is the result of one spreading his or her attention too thin and not allocating enough attention to necessary tasks. Not only does it cause “inattentional blindness,” but also “environmental isolation,” which means that headphones of any variety cause the wearer to disregard his or her environment. The effects of headphones extend beyond car crashes and deaths; they also cause ear damage. According to LiveScience, in-ear headphones, including Apple ear buds, are more likely to cause damage than the over-the-ear, old-fashioned

On your smartphone, scan the code above using the application “QR Code” to view a video with step by step instructions to make some of our five minute meals.

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