Issue 7

Page 18


Upcoming Movie Releases


Jan. 18, 2012

Most Anticipated of 2012 This year will feature the return of a popular franchise and the beginning of a new one The Hunger Games March 23

RED TAIL: This film, based on real events, chronicles a group of African-American pilots during World War II. Jan 20

HAYWIRE: During a black ops mission, super soldier Mallory Kane is betrayed by her own, forcing her to run under a determination to evade her betrayers. Jan 20

Student Tweets:

“Taking down the christmas tree used to be such a blower. Now I barely care. #loosingchildhood” ---Medhane Berihun sophomore

Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans After back-to-back amazing performances in Crazy, Stupid, Love and The Help, Emma Stone has proved she can play any role thrown at her. This summer, Stone takes on the role of Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker’s love interest. In his earlier years, Peter Parker, portrayed by Andrew Garfield from The Social Network, battles his human problems while simultaneously battling his budding superhuman problems. Although Spiderman may seem overused, this so called “untold story” has a very skeptical buzz surrounding it. The success of the film will be determined this summer when it makes its debut among tough competition with The Dark Knight Rises coming out soon after.

The Dark Knight Rises July 20

Safe House February 19

--Visoda Heng junior

--Abdel Mohammed freshman

“This Year I’m looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises. I love the action, acting and special effects!

“Safe House, it looks like it has a lot of action and suspense”

--Erika Aguilar sophomore

--Jessica Campinilla senior

–Compiled by Sarah Omer and Allison Illagan

Devil Inside disappoints

--Carlos Reyes sophomore

Director William Bell fails to deliver anticipated fear BY SAMIR SHAH Sports Editor

---Naela Wallace junior

“I just want you to know, You deserve the best, you’re beautiful #bestlineever.” --Nina Caballero senior

New Show: The Finder

On your smartphone, scan the code above using the application “QR Code” to read a review of FOX’s new show, The Finder

AHS’s most anticipated movies of 2012

“The Vow, because it looks adorable and romantic”

“I’m looking forward to The Avengers, because it brings all the classic heroes into one action-packed adventure”

“Count Your Blessings NOT Your Problems;).””

“Jay-z’s song to his newborn daughter>>>>”

Starring: Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds The saying goes ”out with the old and in with the new,” but viewers can hope for the best of both worlds with Safe House. The Change-Up’s charismatic playboy Ryan Reynolds teams up with veteran movie star Denzel Washington in this highly anticipated spy thriller. Reynolds plays Matt Weston, a young CIA agent put in charge of protecting a safe house harboring a feared fugitive. Tobin Frost (Washington). When the safe house is attacked by an unknown party it is up to Weston (Reynolds) to keep himself and the fugitive out of danger. While people continue to assume that any movie starring Washington is a must-see, it will be up to viewers to decide whether or not Safe House meets their expectations.

What movie are you most looking forward to?

“A true friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” --Sophia Jorgenson freshman

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth Last year, several IB English I classes had the pleasure of reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins for free reading, and many admit that it became their favorite novel. When announced it was becoming a movie this past year, the novel was sought out by many as eager readers rushed to finish it before the movie’s release this spring. With an award-winning performance in X-Men: First Class, Jennifer Lawrence scored the major role of Catniss Everdeen, the beloved star of the young adult novel turned film. Although few books made into movies do any justice to their novel counterparts, AHS remains hopeful as anticipation for the movie builds.

Starring: Christian Bale, Joseph-Gordon-Levitt and Gary Oldman It’s been four long years since The Dark Knight was released. It is arguably the greatest movie ever. Viewers couldn’t get enough of its all-star cast and suspenseful story line. The wait is almost over. Picking up eight years after The Dark Knight, the franchise’s third installment features Batman’s return as a terrorist leader named Pave (Tom Hardy) overtakes Gotham City. With tickets for the midnight premiere in IMAX already sold out, the buzz surrounding this film is more than theaters can handle. Although it is unusual for tickets to go on sale so far in advance, the anticipation for The Dark Knight Rises is so large it could surpass Avatar, one of the highest grossing films in history.

ONE FOR THE MONEY: Stephanie Plum, played by katherine Heighl, is a heartbroken, out of luck bounty hunter determined to capture her ex-boyfriend, causing her job and heart to be put on the line. Jan 27

THE WOMAN IN BLACK: Traveling to a deserted town, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliff plays a young lawyer battling the towns vengeful ghost while being chased by his own. Feb 3

The Amazing Spider-man July 3

Scenes of exorcisms taking place, flailing body parts and mindless, psychotic people screaming unintelligible nonsense seemed promising for the type of movie to leave one covered in goose bumps and in shock. Since late 2011, the previews for the Devil Inside had hyped up the film to many prospective viewers. Many theaters had anticipated lines of people waiting to watch the premiere at midnight on January 6th and although the lines didn’t disappoint, the film did. Despite making $34.5 million on its opening weekend, viewers had no positive words for the film. Based off of the 1989 case of Maria Rossi and her homicide spree of three people during the process of her exorcism, she was released as not guilty due to the fact that she was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and sent to an institution in Rome. About 20 years later, her daughter Isabella Rossi makes a documentary based on her mother’s case determined to figure out what really happened to her in 1989. The movie begins and upon arriving to Italy, Isabella takes a class in Vatican City to learn more about exorcisms and ends up meeting two priests who perform unlicensed exorcisms to those who were turned down by the church. After having talked to the priests, Isabella decides to go visit her mother the next day at the Centrino Mental Hospital. Unsure of what her mother’s recollection of events and the validity of them, Isabella tries to get any type of information out of her. During the visit, Maria asks Isabella to leave and when she doesn’t Maria begins act up revealing hauntingly true facts of her daughter’s life despite no previous knowledge of the events. The following day, Isabella meets up with the two priests trying to find out if her mother is insane or demonically possessed. The priests work through the exorcisms, which to them is not only a part of their religion but a science as

This survey was conducted during Atom Time and D Lunch on Monday, Jan. 9. Out of 300 surveys, 274 were returned and counted.

well. Going forth with a different exorcism, Isabella and her cameraman prepare the setting as the priests prepare for the exorcism. The scary effect begins to pick up as the women’s body is shown as one of the priests lifts the covers off of her, the sight of her tangled body brings out a few shrieks from the audience as they cant help but stare at her disturbing contorted body. The fear is palpatable in the theater as the women says Isabella’s name even though it was never said and breaks free from her bed crawling onto the walls. Eventually, they grab hold of her and things settle down. Convinced that her mother may be possessed Isabella takes a chance and its agreed that her mother will be exorcised one more time. All hell breaks loose in the same fashion as the previous woman and the mother appears to be “exorcised” afterwards. Time passes and it’s obvious to viewers that the spirit once within Maria has traveled to one of the priests. As if the film couldn’t be more predictable, during the baptism of a baby the priest shows “signs of possession” as Isabella and her cameramen try to stop the priest from harming the baby. Suddenly, the police come and before you know it, the priest has killed himself and Isabella’s wounded rushed to the hospital. The other priest realizes the demonic spirit travels from person to person and he rushes to the hospital unsure of who is possessed. Already too late, Isabella has gone mad attacking everyone she can get her hands on. The spirit seems to multiply and everyone is becoming ‘infected with the demon’ until the priest is the only one left. At the conclusion of the movie where viewers expect to have a small explanation, we are left only with a website telling the audience to look into for more information of the Rossi case there. Don’t buy into the hype; The Devil Inside is a waste of time and money. The ending only added to the frustration and confusion viewers felt. Its lack of a solid plot and ending the scary effects of the movie alone still don’t make the movie worth watching or waiting for it on DVD

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