The Podium - Spring 2000

Page 18

ΦΜΑ & ΚΚΨ Joint Statement …by the representatives of the largest music organizations for students in the nation. “We believe that there are important roles for both Kappa Kappa Psi and Phi Mu Alpha to fill on the many campuses where chapters of the two organizations now exist or will exist in the foreseeable future. We discourage mutual exclusivity of membership and disavow the existence of any interpretation of national policy requiring such exclusivity within either organization.” “We believe that each group must recognize its own inherent inability to fill the other’s role yet acknowledge in each other an undeniable similarity of purposes. Such awareness leads to the fostering of mutual cooperation and, we believe, will aid in the attainment of our respective goals.” PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA is the fraternity for men in all areas of music. Founded in 1898, it is one of America’s oldest collegebased professional organizations and is the largest, in terms of active chapters, on college and university campuses. Of the fraternity’s five general purposes, the primary one is “to encourage and actively promote the highest standards of creativity, performance, education, and research in music in America.” Further purposes are “to develop and encourage loyalty to the alma mater; to foster the mutual welfare and brotherhood of students of music; to develop the truest fraternal spirit among its members; and to instill in all people an awareness of music’s important role in the enrichment of the human spirit.” Active membership is available, by invitation, to any man who demonstrates a love for music either by adopting it as his profession or by working sincerely to advance its cause. The spirit of PHI MU ALPHA enjoins that the opportunity of becoming a Sinfonian should be offered to as many men as possible who, by unusual interest or talents, can assist in the fulfillment of our fraternal purposes and high musical ideals. The basis of participation in PHI MU ALPHA is meaningful musical activity. Whether a Sinfonian’s primary interest is in performance, education, composition, research, or simple enjoyment of music, he can expect to find an expressive outlet for his talents through his Sinfonian chapter’s projects. Programs of scholarship grants, commissioning of new music, research subsidies, education, and music publication are conducted by the national fraternity and its affiliate, the Sinfonian Foundation. The national organization encourages each chapter to devise and conduct its own activities to the varied opportunities available within each campus community. No area of musical expression is outside the sphere of activity of PHI MU ALPHA SINFONIA. A large membership pursuing a broad variety of musical interests ensures the continuity and expansion of Sinfonia’s role in America’s musical climate. PHI MU ALPHA is neither an honor nor a recognition society. We are an active professional fraternity as defined by the Professional Fraternity Association of which we are participating members.

18—The PODIUM, Spring 2000

KAPPA KAPPA PSI is a leadership, recognition and service fraternity whose efforts are directed solely toward the college and university band, helping it to become an important educational experience, a medium for musical expression, and a positive means of demonstrating loyalty to the alma mater. The primary mission of the fraternity is to provide quality support to the school of music, the college or university band, and the sheltering institution. This support is designed to build and maintain the finest band program possible. Active members must be currently enrolled in the college band or wind ensemble and must have met uniformly high standards of performance, attitude, technical proficiency on their chosen instrument, and shown a definite interest in and appreciation for the best in music. Membership in KAPPA KAPPA PSI calls for an active concern for and a willingness to support the collegiate band movement in all its forms. Through local projects and by direct participation in national programs, KAPPA KAPPA PSI members concentrate on activities of service to the bands where chapters are located. Since 1919, KAPPA KAPPA PSI has served as the social, service, and fraternal society for collegiate band members. National programs include a commissioning program that has added significantly to the repertoire of original band literature. Our national awards program recognizes outstanding contributions to the band movement and has helped focus attention on the band as a vehicle for musical expression. KAPPA KAPPA PSI offers its members the opportunity to develop skills in leadership and organization directed by the stated purpose – to do all that a well-organized and enthusiastic group can do to build and maintain a better band! KAPPA KAPPA PSI is a member of the Professional Fraternity Association.

Articles inside

Alumni News

pages 38-40

ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ Tidbits by Lisa Croston

page 35

Chapter News

pages 32-34

The Results Are In! by Mary Beth Golemo and Michael Golemo

pages 30-31

Are You a Leader or a Follower? by Cecil Crabtree

page 29

Discipline Within the Chapter by Deb Eakins

page 28

The Promise of Leadership by Kirk Randazzo

page 27

Leadership in the College Marching Band by Dr. Bradley P. Ethington

page 26

2001 N.I.B. Conductor

page 25

The N.I.B. Experience by David Hodges

page 24

The Treasures of Your Community by Chaundra Zelinski

page 23

On the Road Again! by Jeremy Thomas

page 22

ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ AEA Scholarship Recipients! by Michael Osborn

page 20

Make a Plan…Work a Plan by Matt Forbis

page 21

Our Fifth Purpose by Clint Benoit

page 19

ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ Joint Statement

page 18

ΣΑΙ ΣΑΙ ΣΑΙ Joint Statement

page 14

Improving Your Membership Education Program by Michael Golemo

page 15

National Intercollegiate Marching Band French Riviera Tour

pages 16-17

ΚΚΨΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ Archives and History Project by Ken Corbett and Scott Stowell

pages 12-13

Success is Addicting! by Karon Miller

page 10

ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ Trustees’ Scholarship Recipient

page 7

ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣΤΒΣ ΤΒΣ Picks First Crider Award Winner as Professional Relations Officer

page 11

Outstanding Chapter 101 by Deb Eakins

page 4

Kappa Kappa Psi Silver Baton Award

page 8

ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ ΚΚΨ Grant Program for Guest Conductors and Performing Artists

page 5

Board Stiff? (Part 2) by Patsy Hejl

page 6
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