Wednesday, October 15, 2014 - The Daily Cardinal

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University of Wisconsin-Madison

Since 1892

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Board of Estimates debates tourism funds By Irene Burski THE DAILY CARDINAL


Patrick Sims, an interim vice provost, held a town hall meeting with students Tuesday.

Staff needs student input on Diversity Plan By Ellie Herman THE DAILY CARDINAL

After 16 years of minimal change, UW-Madison is witness to a new campus-wide proposal to increase diversity throughout the community, agreed upon by faculty, staff and students in a town hall meeting Tuesday. Collectively called the Ad Hoc Diversity Planning Committee, this group finalized the new plan titled “Forward Together: A Framework for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence,” also known as the Diversity Plan. Interim Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate and Chief Diversity Officer Patrick

Sims explained in the meeting how a set of 30 recommendations will help the group achieve their five goals in the new framework. Sims said the 1998 plan did not include much student involvement, which he plans to change with the new framework. “Some of the things we are going to have to have people roll up their sleeves and get involved because we need your help,” Sims said. “This is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon. There are experiences of things that need to be addressed, certainly through a student perspective.” Sims proposed the creation of six new commit-


Hooked, a mobile app that provides coupons for local restaurants, announced Tuesday it will include UW-Madison restaurants in its limited-time deals. The app offers a variety of discounts in restaurants around the user’s current location. The offers only last for three to five hours, and the user has to be in the restaurant to “get hooked” and use the coupon. Kristian Zak, a Hooked marketing director, said the app helps students spend less money, try new restaurants and decide where to go for lunch. “The app is constantly evolving, nonstop throughout the day,” Zak said. “If you check in the morning, you’ll see coffee specials, and if you check

at lunch, you’ll see lunch, so it knows what you want to see at that time.” The app can now be used at university locations such as Der Rathskeller, Daily Scoop, Badger Market, Peet’s Coffee, Open Book Cafe, Crossroads Cafe and the Sett, giving students the opportunity to find food discounts around campus. Zak said the company decided to bring Hooked to university locations to improve convenience because students have class all day and can’t alway get off campus. UW-Madison is one of only three universities connected with the app. While not every student is aware of the app, most interviewed said they are interested in using it on campus.

Need ideas for Halloween? The best absurd costumes

board page 3

tees to address 12 to 14 of the recommendations to better implement the Diversity Plan throughout campus. In addition to forming committees, Sims encouraged other student organizations to team up and teach each other about diversity. Sims said that UW-Madison gets a “bad rep” for diversity efforts, and although the new plan could “flop,” he said he believes student involvement is the key to positive results. Sims went on to explain it is the students’ responsibility to get involved. Part of the Diversity Plan includes encouraging students

diversity page 3

Hooked app expands to on-campus dining By Megan Gasper

Madison’s Board of Estimates struggled to balance marketing the city’s tourism and economic industries in the budget in their second day of deliberations Tuesday. Representatives from the Planning and Community and Economic Development Office of the Director pushed to fund an increase in staff. According to the representatives, the organization spends “a substantial amount of time” promoting Madison to businesses already in the city. They said more time should be spent marketing Madison to outside businesses. “I believe that the workload in the agency demands additional staff, but that there’s more to be done than just the

marketing,” Soglin said, supporting the increase. However, some alders were reluctant to approve the increase in funding due to agency gridlock, according to Ald. Lary Palm, District 12. In terms of promoting tourism, the Board looked at the proposed distribution numbers for the city’s room tax revenues, estimated to be about $13 million this year. The room tax, a flat percentage applied to all hotels, motels and AirBnb rentals, typically funds the large tourism entities like Monona Terrace and the Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau, with a small percentage allocated toward a general fund for city operating costs, according to Ald. Mike

“If you can check and see what’s on sale, why wouldn’t you go there?” Brandee Easter, a UW-Madison graduate student, said. The convenience of the location feature gives incentive to students to go to the places offering deals because they wouldn’t have to travel far. UW-Madison junior Katie Biester said she sees great value in the app for university restaurant locations if there is an exclusive deal for the customer. “If you see that the Union, for example, had a cheaper deal than Chipotle, I would totally come [to the Union] instead,” Biester said. Zak said he hopes Hooked continues to differentiate itself from “daily deals” apps as it grabs the interest of students on campus.

+ ALMANAC, page 2

Grieves and company


Madison Mayor Paul Soglin argues for increased funding for city operating costs, coming from room tax revenues.

Nineteen-year-old fights, spits on Madison Police Officer at Segredo Police arrested a man for attacking bouncers and police officers early Saturday morning at Segredo bar, according to a Madison Police Department report released Monday. Nineteen-year-old Samuel J. Perkins Hoffman of Grafton, Wisconsin, went behind the bar table at 624 University Ave. and began drinking from a fountain gun, according to the report. When told to leave, Hoffman refused and began fighting with bouncers, one of whom was punched in the face. Upon entering the confronta-

tion, one police officer was kicked in the stomach. The suspect spit in the face of a second police officer, according to the report. Victims indicated Hoffman was “very strong and very angry,” according to the report. He threatened to kill bouncers and directed a derogatory racial insult at a black staffer. MPD arrested Hoffman for multiple charges, including battery to law enforcement officers, discharge of bodily fluids at a public safety worker, resisting and obstructing, unlawful trespass and two counts of disorderly conduct.

+ ARTS, page 6

hype and delight a Madison crowd

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

almanac 2


hi 61º / lo 46º

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 124, Issue 24

2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100

News and Editorial

tODAY: rainy

Editor-in-Chief Jack Casey

Managing Editor Jonah Beleckis

News Team News Manager Sam Cusick Campus Editor Adelina Yankova College Editor Emily Gerber City Editors Irene Burski, Patricia Johnson State Editor Eoin Cottrell Associate News Editor Dana Kampa Features Editor Melissa Howison Opinion Editors Ryan Bullen • Cullen Voss Editorial Board Chair Haley Henschel Arts Editors Cheyenne Langkamp • Sean Reichard Sports Editors Jack Baer • Jim Dayton Almanac Editors Andy Holsteen • Kane Kaiman Photo Editors Emily Buck • Thomas Yonash Associate Photo Editor Will Chizek Graphics Editor Cameron Graff Multimedia Editor Alana Katz Science Editor Danielle Smith Life & Style Editor Claire Satterfield Special Pages Editor Haley Henschel Copy Chiefs Kara Evenson • Justine Jones Jessie Rodgers • Paige Villiard Copy Editor Jess Kostopolus Social Media Manager Rachel Wanat

Business and Advertising Business Manager Brett Bachman Accounting Manager Tyler Reindl Advertising Manager Jordan Laeyendecker Assistant Advertising Manager Corissa Pennow Marketing Director Tim Smoot The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of WisconsinMadison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor-in-chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be word processed and must include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. All letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of The Daily Cardinal. Letters may be sent to opinion@

Editorial Board Jack Casey • Jonah Beleckis Haley Henschel • Cullen Voss Ryan Bullen • Michael Penn Kayla Schmidt l

Board of Directors Herman Baumann, President Jack Casey • Jonah Beleckis Jennifer Sereno • Stephen DiTullio Brett Bachman • Janet Larson Don Miner • Phil Brinkman Jason Stein • Nancy Sandy Jordan Laeyendecker • Tim Smoot Tina Zavoral

© 2014, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398

hi 64º / lo 45º

The best absurd costume ideas Sean Reichard quip pro quo


h, Halloween. More than any other holiday, Halloween haunts you, in all stages of life. Whether you’re a kid trick-or-treating or a college person trying to be creative in their costume choice, whether you’re a parent sending your children into the night or that elderly person on the corner of Elm who thinks that Werther’s Original is exactly what the children want these days, Halloween haunts you. But back to that college person. Picking costumes is hard. I know this as well as you. Which is why (for your benefit) I’ve compiled a few choice/off the beaten track costume ideas sure to impress all those other persons you seem so hell-bent on impressing.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Slap on a big ‘ol bristly mustache, put some forming cream in your hair and let yourself be eternally justified as an aesthetic phenomenon! Or let yourself be misinterpreted by German nationalists! The choice is yours—though not actually!

The Banach-Tarski Paradox

A real humdinger in the field of set-theoretic geometry, this also makes for a great Halloween costume. The principle is thus: given an object (the theorem uses a ball), it’s possible (possibly) to carve the object into disjoint subsets and then (using the axiom of choice) put the pieces back together to yield two copies of said object. Great couple/identical twin costume idea, though you’re more than free to try applying the principle to yourself if you’ve got a free weekend and understanding friends.

An Axolotl

A critically endangered species of salamander, the axolotl (whose etymologic forbearance is “water monster”) is a fasci-

nating creature that originally dwelled in two Mexican lakes. Great care should be taken in the creation of this costume. Bonus points to anyone who can replicate the texture of its skin and gill-lung apparatus!


Dating back to roughly the end of the 12th century, Berlin has a storied legacy within European history and is today a wonderland of architecture, culture and urban life. And now you (yes, you!) can be Berlin too. The key isn’t so much dressing up like a Berlin as it is thinking like a Berlin. People should be able to experience you, Berlin, and be able to enjoy your splendorous Alte Nationalgalerie and carouse through your busy avenues. And if you like them well enough, Berlin, you can let them through your Brandenburg Gate.

prises thirty plus distinct figures. But it also makes for a great crowd/collective costume. Bonus points to anyone who carries this costume out in a fashion similar to the Jorge Luis Borges story, “The Theme of the Traitor and The Hero.”

A Pervading Sense of Dread

This is a very creative costume, since (as we all know) dread takes many guises. Want to express your particular dread? Don’t limit yourself to wearing all black! Go

for some navy blue or a dark forest green. Or maybe some hot pink and hunting orange. Remember: dread is universal!

The Patriarchy

This is a great costume for guys, since they don’t have to do anything differently. This principle also applies if you want to go as White Privilege, Heteronormativity, The Wage Gap and/or Superman. Want some advice on how to pull off the Nietzsche come Oct. 31? Email Sean at sreichard@

J.F. Powers

An esteemed American writer, whose principal subject was the lives of Midwestern Catholic priests, you can take this costume in a few different directions: Maybe go as young Powers, dressed in coat, pipe in mouth, shoveling snow at his St. Paul home. Or maybe the Powers of 1963, when he won the National Book Award for “Morte D’Urban.”

Stephen A. Douglas Dressed As A Deep Sea Diver

A riff on the classic matryoshka doll (Russian nesting doll, babushka doll), you’ll be the envy of your friends and enemies alike, as you portray the 19th century Illinois senator in full diving garb… searching for cowries? You decide! You can also use this costume as a base for further permutations, such as: Stephen A. Douglas Dressed As A Deep Sea Diver Dressed As A Judge Dressed As Robocop Dressed As Marilyn Monroe Dressed As Bucky Badger (my personal favorite).

Eugene Delacroix’s “La Liberté Guidant Le Peuple”

This costume is a feat for a single person to pull off, given that the painting com-

On this day in history... 70 B.C.—Roman poet Virgil is born. His parents really didn’t think that name through. 1844—Friedrich Nietzsche is born, allowing Sean Reichard to use his essence for a column about Halloween costumes in the year 2014 1953—The Brits test their first successful nuclear weapon so they could look tough in front of big bro.

For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an email to

Thursday: partly sunny

2008—The Dow Jones closes down 733 points, making it the best defense to play any game, ever.

Graphic by cameron graff

Redeem this coupon for a free Almanac at participating campus locations! “I hated school. Even to this day, when I see a school bus it’s just depressing to me. The poor little kids.” —Dolly Parton

“I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It’s ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm.” —Mike Tyson


Wednesday, October 15, 2014 3 l

Walker, Burke evaluate transportation spending Gubernatorial candidates discussed policy initiatives intended to combat transportation spending Tuesday with the Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Board. Wisconsin’s Department of Transportation currently has a $680 million deficit for the 2015-17 budget, according to the Wisconsin State Journal. In the meeting, both candidates stated their intentions of dissolving the funding shortfall. Each candidate also noted their individual proposals but neither had a definite plan. Gov. Scott Walker said he might propose the elimination of the fuel tax, where consumers have a 31 cent tax per gallon for motor vehicles. The governor’s methodology behind the tax elimination was to replace the gas tax with a sales tax at the pump so that the state can generate more revenue by reaching consumers of both alternative and

fossil fuel sources. Democratic candidate Mary Burke opposed Walker’s suggestion. “The last thing we want to do is have the transportation budget be subjected to these wild fluctuations in gas prices,” Burke told the Wisconsin State Journal. The former Trek Bicycle executive suggested a potential plan that would reevaluate current projects with an overarching priority placed on “economic development and safety.” She supported her position with information drawn from a report by the liberal Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group that noted a prediction of traffic increase that was disproved. Burke continued her tentative proposals by stating she was also open to adopting the recommendations by the bipartisan state transportation commission WISPIRG also suggested adopting. —Jen Wagman

Wednesday marks last day for early voter registration Wednesday will be the last day for students to register early for the Nov. 4 election, in which voters will decide between incumbent Gov. Scott Walker and challenger Mary Burke, as well as other state and federal representatives. Students can register at the Associated Students of Madison’s office at 333 East Campus Mall with their current campus address and a Wisconsin ID or the last four digits of their Social Security number. Following the Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to block

implementation of Wisconsin’s Voter ID law, students no longer need a photo ID at the polls. After Wednesday, students will need to register at the city clerk’s office or at the polls on Election Day. Madison Vote Coalition, a nonpartisan coalition formed by ASM to register and encourage students to vote, has held many different events around campus to increase student awareness and registrations. More than 2,100 students have been registered to vote as of last Wednesday, according to ASM.


Gov. Scott Walker proposes replacing the fuel tax with a sales tax at the pump.

diversity from page 1 to take their ethnic studies course requirement during the freshman or sophomore year, allowing students more time to build upon their experience

board from page 1 Verveer, District 4. However, this year Soglin proposed that a nearly doubled $4.6 million chunk be redirected into city operating costs. Alders worried about the implications this redirection had for tourism. “We need to think seriously about the policy implications about the kind of transfers we’re

in the class. Sims made clear that diversity is based not only on ethnicity, but also on age, gender identity or expression and life experiences. The Diversity Plan focuses on all of these,

aiming to attract a multitude of students. Students interested in joining a diversity framework committee can email for more information.

talking about to the general fund [from tourism entities],” Ald. Mark Clear, District 19, said. Soglin agreed the question on whether or not to transfer room tax funds away from the tourism entities to the General Fund was difficult, but necessary when weighed against a lack of existing state funds for city operating costs. “We’ve got a real dilemma

here because these funds that we use to facilitate city activities come from the room tax,” Soglin said. “We’re going to have some challenges here, and we hope we have a legislature that understands that.” The Board of Estimates will meet Nov. 3 to consider amendments to the budget, which will then be taken up by Common Council at its Nov. 11 meeting.

Alumni donate to UW-Madison The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation granted $73 million to UW-Madison and affiliated organizations, according to a Tuesday UW-Madison press release. Of that grant, $59 million was directed toward the 2014-’15 fiscal year. WARF is a non-profit organization that helps fund research and investment opportunities at UW-Madison, according to the release. WARF Managing Director Carl Gulbrandsen said in the release the organization exists to benefit UW-Madison. “We support campus competitiveness through our investments of time, expertise and funds, Gulbrandsen said in the release. “The annual grants are one way we’re proud to show our commitment.” The grant funds the Morgridge Institute for Research, the Fall Research Competition, faculty recruitment and retention and graduate fellowships. UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank said in the release that WARF funding allows the university to engage in research which it otherwise would not. “WARF’s continuing investment is critical to our success as a research institution,” Blank said in the release. “WARF’s many contributions help us maintain our excellence.”

Stolen iPad leads to MPD sting and arrest


Weighing in on wages

Protesters gathered outside the Capitol Tuesday to voice their concerns about Wisconsin’s minimum wage before the upcoming elections Nov. 4. + Photo by Yifan Yu

Madison Police arrested a Madison man in possession of a stolen iPad on the 500 block of North Frances Street Monday, although the man denied stealing the iPad, according to an MPD incident report. The suspect, Mondre Hegwood, 30, maintained that he purchased the stolen iPad from a “street person” named “Shorty” by paying $190 for the item, Public Information Officer Joel DeSpain wrote in the report. However, the victim reported messaging with Hegwood to bring the iPad back “no strings attached,” and when Hegwood demanded money, the victim involved police. The victim then collaborated with police to set up a time and place to meet Hegwood outside of an apartment building on North Frances Street, and once the exchange took place, police moved in to arrest Hegwood, according to the report. When questioned by the officers on scene, Hegwood said he was homeless and did not know the iPad was stolen.

life&style Tailgates are better brunch’d together l


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

By Kerry Huth The Daily Cardinal

I have a riddle for you. What happens when you combine one crazy extended family, an 11 a.m. Badger game, bagels and lox, coffee, mimosas, and a whole lot of red clothing? You guessed it: a brunchthemed tailgate. The great American pastime that goes hand-in-hand with football season is, of course, the ever-popular tailgate. I understand the appeal and am all about eating great food before great games but, honestly, the standard tailgate menu has never been well tailored to mornings. Don’t get me wrong -- I will always love a good brat- but that’s not usually what I’m craving at 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Enter the brunch-themed tailgate. Life as we know it is forever altered. Every fall, my entire extended family has a Badger tailgate. Between several aunts and uncles, a set of grandparents, a multitude of cousins and one very adorable dog conveniently named Bucky, this tailgate is always a spectacle on a Saturday morning. Come hell or high water (aka rain or shine), we gather, enjoy each other’s company and most importantly, eat. Now my family is full of foodlovers, so the menu is always

something to talk about. This year, however, the tailgate was especially remarkable. This year, the annual family tailgate was brunch-themed. The family brunch tailgate had a strong foundation of beer and brats, but from there, branched into an elaborate web of brunchful foods. Bagels and lox made a notable appearance; this is a quintessential brunch food. There were also doughnuts of many varieties, French toast sandwiches with ham and cheese, assorted pastries, egg bakes, a “build-your-own” Bloody Mary bar (don’t even get me started), mimosas, coffee and more. Folks, this was a tailgate that surpassed any Brunch’d Together expectations, and I was so proud to call the masterminds behind this feast of a tailgate my very own family. The tailgate brought an unexpected spark of energy into the otherwise relaxed vibe of brunch, and I was completely for it. Unlike anything I’ve recently reviewed or taken part in, this brunch was loud and a little hectic and somewhat random. In addition to family, current roommates and old roommates, students and alumni, neighbors and visiting friends, a couple random people that we later discovered no one knew, all were

welcome at this brunchful table. Now remember, this goes against my very first statement and cardinal rule of brunch -that it is meant to be shared with a couple of close friends. But, you know what? I loved every minute of it. There we were, crowded together on a Saturday morn-

ing before a Badger victory, filling up on French toast and Bloody Marys, chatting with family we’ve known forever and strangers we only just met. But in that short span of time, we were all Badgers, and we were all Brunch’d Together. To have your own brunchthemed tailgate, don’t be intimi-

dated and don’t hesitate to break with convention. Be ready to try new things, bring a griddle along with your grill and like all good and successful tailgates, invite everyone you know. It may just be your best tailgate and brunch yet. I know for a fact it was mine.

Will Chizek/the daily cardinal

Students Will Chizek and Maddie Hartman enjoy a gameday tailgate with plenty of food, friends and school spirit prior to the Wisconsin win over Illinois last Saturday.

Ten lesser-known study spots to ward off distractions By Claire Satterfield and Lexi Mueller The Daily Cardinal

With midterms hitting everyone hard, popular study spots are becoming a little, well, popular. College Library in September seems deserted compared to the crowds that pour in from mid to late October. If seeing all your favorite people and hearing their constant conversations serve the sole purpose of distracting you from getting anything remotely productive accomplished, maybe a new space can keep you on your game. A little off the beaten path but not far enough to require the bus system, these spots will offer far fewer distractions and hopefully allow for actual work to be done.

School of Human Ecology Reading Room, Nancy Nicholas Hall

Space is far from ample in SoHE’s Reading Room, but that’s part of the appeal. In one of the newer buildings on campus, you’ll be surrounded by technological upgrades, never again participating in an outlet grudge match. More than that, there’s inspiration everywhere, beginning with the gallery in Nancy Nicholas’ atrium and continuing into the room itself. It’s kept relatively quiet and is a great place to know about. As odd as it sounds, be sure not to miss the bathrooms here either.

The Education Building, Bascom Hill

Recognized by its iconic red doors, the education building has recently been completely redone.

Because of this, there is now an abundance of tables and chairs with attached desks, catering to students of all majors. I love studying here because of the open concept. The entire back wall is made up of windows with a view of the lake. When it’s nice outside, there’s a balcony full of tables for the taking, in addition to beautiful green space behind the building. Because it’s no more than a thirty second walk away, this is a great place to visit if you’ve tried College Library and have not been able to find space.

The Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

The most beautiful building on Madison’s campus in my opinion, the WID is a great environment when you don’t need to be in absolute silence. Bringing aspects of nature indoors, at least walking through is a must for all students. A con would be the WID’s odd schedule with the events it hosts and its early closing on all days of the week. If studying here when they close, however, Union South is just a short walk across the street.

Discussion Rooms

Whenever in doubt, find a discussion room. If you cannot reserve a study room at one of the libraries and desperately need to be by yourself, find the nearest academic building and hunt down a classroom that’s not being used. Once you close the door, the only way you would possibly be disturbed is if a section needed it. If that’s the case, simply find

another room. My favorite halls to do this are Noland and Humanities. Humanities is bound to have a room not in use, and Noland is lesser-known.

than most people are finished with their work, at 8:30. However, with College Library literally connected, Helen C. White is a great place to buckle down for a solid couple of hours.

ing a friend’s car or moped to reach the location on University Drive, you’ll be rewarded with great food and a quiet space with ample tables and outlets.

Library at The School of Social Work

Central Library - Madison Public Library System

Although Barriques has many locations throughout Madison and dotted around campus, my favorite is located on West Washington just off of Capitol Square. On days without a football game, it’s a great routine to spend the morning at the Farmers Market and then move to Barriques for a study session throughout the afternoon. It’s your typical coffee shop vibe with mellow music, but the two-floor open concept leads one not to feel as cramped. The lunch menu is also worth exploring if you haven’t filled up on Farmers’ Market goodies.

The School of Social Work is a hidden gem in and of itself. Located off University Avenue between Medical Sciences and Linden Drive, the library is even more unknown. Entering on the second floor you find yourself welcomed by a small, yet cozy room of books. The biggest perk of this study spot is that it almost always remains quiet and is never too busy to run out of tables or outlets. The biggest con, if you study best at night or have work after class, is that it closes at 6:30.

Helen C. White

If you’re headed to College Library, but are like me and find yourself stressed when surrounded by a large group of people studying, consider finding a classroom on floors four through seven. Many of the classrooms in Helen C. White offer even better views of Lake Mendota and the capital than the busy lower floors of College—and with more privacy. The School of Library and Information Studies is housed here and has its own library as well. Located on the fourth floor, it always has tables open. Similar to many of the other small libraries on campus, the SLIS does close a little earlier

Located on Mifflin right behind the Overture Center, the Madison Public Library is great when you need to get off campus, but aren’t interested in going too far. Another space that has recently been redone, the library doubled its space and tripled its computers to offer the community a great place to read, learn and study. There are ample amounts of tables and chairs on each of its three floors, but if that isn’t enough, there are 20 study and meeting rooms available to reserve. The floor to wall windows also offer great views of downtown and an incredible amount of light wherever you’re seated.

Panera Bread

Most students view Panera Bread as a place to study only when they’re home for Thanksgiving or a long weekend. The locations on the outskirts of campus, however are just far enough away that a good amount of students forget they’re even there. Known for their business around the lunch hour, the restarant is generally calm and quiet in the late afternoon and late evening. If you don’t mind walking to the location on West Washington behind the Kohl Center or tak-


Washburn Observatory

If you’ve ever wondered what the observatory on Observatory Drive is, here’s your answer: it’s called Washburn Observatory, it houses the College of Letters and Sciences Honors Program and it is open for students to study. The few times I have been here, I’ve been either the only student there or one of two. The people working are incredibly welcoming, which is great because it doesn’t necessarily feel like a place you’d be allowed to study. There’s a large meeting room and small book room with many seats and tables. It’s a great place if you need to get some work done between classes or in the afternoon before they close.


I read it on the internet so it’s probably true: If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will lose its color.

Think Tank © Puzzles by Pappocom

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 • 5

Failed Awareness

Literal Song Lyrics

By Tony Castagnoli

By Sam Marchewka

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Today’s Crossword Puzzle


ACROSS 1 Female hogs 5 Not be frugal 10 Tandoor-baked bread 14 Mormons settled it 15 The “V” in VCR 16 Maroon’s home 17 Pins and needles case 18 ___ a high note 19 Finish third 20 Expressing sarcasm, in a way 23 Nautical journal 24 Caesar’s 3 25 Organized criminals 28 Taking into custody 32 Watch vest pocket 35 Operatic song 37 Spinks who beat Ali 38 Grayish-violet 40 Features of most pro baseball games 43 Memorable soprano Lehmann 44 Mystery board game 45 Adjust, as a motor 46 USNA grad 47 Get from a parent 50 NY summer time 51 Low digit 52 “___ whiz!”

54 Odets play 63 First name in jazz 64 Black-and-white outfit 65 Cover the road 66 A less-than-average tide 67 Glitterati, e.g. 68 Train in a celebrated Duke Ellington song 69 “Beloved” author Morrison 70 Pine product 71 Mongolian tent DOWN 1 Litigious one 2 Director Preminger 3 Make high-pitched, whiny noises 4 Con artist’s accomplice 5 Evil hypnotist of fiction 6 Engine knock 7 Caribbean taro 8 Light on Broadway 9 Fatigued 10 American-born Japanese 11 Far from ruddy 12 Cosmetic additive 13 Headline material 21 Charged particle 22 S, for Socrates 25 Type of tree

26 Hunter in the night sky 27 Posts on a ship’s deck 29 Remove from the game 30 Goblin or bugbear 31 Acquire, as debt 32 Bach composition 33 Microwaves, e.g. 34 Hemmed in 36 Take steps 39 Pantry pest 41 German poet Heinrich 42 Increase or enhance 48 Like some regions 49 Golf bag item 51 African ruminant 53 Ineffective, as a threat 54 Monthly expense, for many 55 It melts in your mouth 56 “___ of the Cave Bear” 57 Raconteur’s offering 58 Geishas’ sashes 59 Arboreal monkey 60 Home to Mount Konahuanui 61 “___ the Rainbow” 62 Not on the rocks

arts Grieves and company hype and delight l


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

By Edgar Sanchez The Daily Cardinal

With the wind of a recent album behind him, Grieves delivered a performance that could not have been found anywhere else with so many bangs for so few bucks on a Sunday night, in front of a packed High Noon Saloon. Aside from the attraction of the Seattle-based 30-yearold headliner, A Different Kind Of Wild Tour features the upand-coming Sol and the highly energetic K.Flay, both of whom brought hyped up performances that featured high and low points but ultimately remained successful in giving an entertaining performance without losing the audience. Sunday’s concert came several months after Grieves’ fourth album, The Winter and The Wolves, which features his crowd-wowing humor, cutting edge sound (thanks mainly to Grieves himself and B.Lewis) and smart lyrics. Alongside Grieves’ performance was a live keyboard and guitar-laden production that, when coupled with his impactful flow, made for a fun and downright enjoyable show. Grieves kept the audience glued to his every movement while keeping them as close to the stage as possible with a clear and well-delivered set of songs from both his most recent and older albums. With the exception of the song “Serpents,” all of Grieves’ songs were easy to follow and his bandmates

played without a single hiccup. One highlight from the performance was a very impressive guitar duet.

While the 20-somethingminute gaps between sets did seem a bit long ... when each artist did appear it was well worth the wait.

As for the first opening act, Sol—who managed to engage the audience on a very personal level—provided a fun and slower-paced show than follow-up performer K.Flay. His ability to transition between songs is still in the making—he dropped the cliché “Have you ever been in love?” question to the audience before delivering a song on that very topic. Regardless, throughout the course of his set he did manage to keep the audience intrigued and into the music. He ultimately claimed that he wanted to “get to your level” and climbed down the stage to embrace audience members as he delivered his closing song. This sparked the crowd into a frenzy of fans singing along and ended the performance on a very high note. Following a 20-minute delay, K.Flay embarked on stage with her live drummer, Nick Suhr. K.Flay’s trademark is going from being gentle and almost in a trance-like flow one minute until the flip of a switch and she

is headbanging to the almost too powerful drummer. It looks like she might be trying to beat a record for most headbangs in a minute. This fun ability to ramp up the energy transitioned well into the audience, who would both slow down and speed up along with her. K.Flay’s one flaw is that her lyrics are clear and easy to make out word-for-word during one song, but are difficult to interpret in the next. This seemed to be the case for her faster-paced raps which seemed to blur the words together. However, her positives do vastly outweigh her negatives. She very impressively switched from multiple roles as her own DJ to live percussionist in perfect flow with her music, keeping the audience invested in her show and wondering what she would pull off next. In one very notable moment during her song “Wishing It Was You,” she followed her lyrics of “Sucking on a bottle of Jim Bean wishing it was you” by producing a bottle of Jim Bean from under some equipment and taking a very hefty swig. By the conclusion of the night both audience members and the artists seemed mutually happy with how the night had progressed. While the 20-something-minute gaps between sets did seem a bit long and only acted as a way to decrease the excitement for the following act, when each artist did appear it was well worth the wait.

Season five breathes new life into ‘The Walking Dead’ series jake smasal smasaltov


round this time last year, I wrote a column about how I thought “The Walking Dead” was the best show currently on television. I was wrong. In fact, I have rarely been more wrong. While still an excellent piece of television in its own right, the fourth season of what is somehow cable TV’s most watched program did its best to make me look like an asshole. While taking literally forever to finally wrap up the Governor’s storyline, it also spiced things up with what may go down as the worst ever use of a Mountain Goats song and one of the most heavy-handed “Of Mice & Men” knockoffs I have ever seen (“Just look at the flowers, Lizzie!”). However, things picked up again at the end of the season when our heroes finally reunited in Terminus, which of course turns out to be an old train station that a group of cannibal cultists call home. This new development left me tentatively excited for the new season, and when it premiered on Sunday night I tuned in for what I hoped would be a solid hour of

Rick Grimes straight murdering the aforementioned cannibals. Boy, was I thrilled. The premiere started off with what might be the goriest opening of a television program in recent memory and it never really slowed down. Part of this might be because it’s hard to slow down when your characters fight their way through what can only be described as a human slaughterhouse and Carol goes straight John Rambo on a herd of walkers and cannibals at the same time. Season five seems to be going back to the basics of what made “The Walking Dead” so appealing in the first place—a bunch of dirty, grimy people murdering zombies and other villainous elements in increasingly improbable and entertaining ways. There’s a plot, but it’s secondary to survival. The show works best when it’s not so trapped in its characters that it forgets that the outside world needs attention too. On top of all that, it seems as though my personal favorite season four plot line is about to take center stage in season five: Eugene Porter, Abraham Ford and Rosita Espinosa were introduced as auxiliary characters in season four, but now their mission to get the good Dr. Porter to Washington D.C.

to find a way to end the zombie epidemic is shaping up to be a big part of the new season. If this is the “Mr. Grimes goes to Washington” season, I’m down. This is not to say that the episode did not have its problems and fall into some predictable tropes. I don’t need strange, evil men who “used to go to church” telling Tyreese that he will die because he’s the kind of guy who saves babies instead of abandoning them or turning them into what I can only assume is something resembling pulled pork. And I definitely did not need the inhabitants of Terminus to serve as another reminder of how cruel and terrible people can be when you take away the laws of society and add zombies, and how generally shitty life is (Spoiler: it’s, like, the shittiest). However, the show has completely recaptured my attention for the first time since the Governor, everyone’s favorite one-eyed dictator, prowled what used to be Georgia. I know I’ll be tuning in religiously for the rest of the season. The reincarnation of “The Walking Dead” is finally upon us. How did you feel about “The Walking Dead” premiere? Let Jake know at

edgar sanchez/the daily cardinal

Seattle-based rapper Grieves, with opening acts K.Flay and Sol, played a packed show at the High Noon Saloon.

RECORD ROUTINE OK Go fail to impress on fifth album ALBUM REVIEW

Hungry Ghosts OK Go By Mary Sullivan The Daily Cardinal

For some reason, I just don’t think I will ever be able to take OK Go seriously. It might have to do with the fact that their first viral explosion—the “Here It Goes Again” video—came out during the peak of my YouTube awareness curve. This being my first impression of the band, I can’t help but group OK Go in my middle school brain with the “Muffins,” “Shoes” and “Old Greg” videos—compiling this time of my Internet life into one big, bad comedy sketch. That being said, I think there’s a point to be made that the band’s music is usually not spoken of without a mention of their multimedia presence. They’ve been making creative and visually appealing music videos ever since they started making records, and now that I listen to their 2014 LP Hungry Ghosts with no crazy visuals to distract me, I find myself unimpressed. The album strays away from what little pattern OK Go had in

their catchy, headbobbable poprock tracks of the past and instead over-synths the crap out of everything. Some tracks are entertaining enough—“Upside Down & Inside Out” is a decent, if not forgettable, opening track; “I Won’t Let You Down” is a catchy disco jam that further proves my point that any song with either clapping or whistling will please most listeners (it’s science); and “Turn Up the Radio” is a Spoon-esque glam rocker with pleasant vocals, pretty lame lyrics and a cool bass line. Some of the slower tracks have positive elements to them as well, but somehow the more I listen, the more I dislike them. The last batch of tracks I have to discuss are the more serious songs on Hungry Ghosts. “Another Set of Issues” is a dark narrative with intriguing instrumentals and a lightersounding melody in the chorus which contrasts the subject matter in an interesting way. “Obsession” is a really, really creepy tune, but happens to have one of the more original productions on the album and a robot guy in the bridge that I inexplicably love. In the end, I hope OK Go has some bitchin’ videos on the way, because if I don’t see middle-aged dudes jumping around on treadmills soon, I do not foresee listening to any of Hungry Ghosts again.

Rating: C-

opinion Polarization hurts political races

MILLER JOZWIAK Opinion Columnist


ome signs of polarization are more subtle than others. Decreases in the number of bills passed, public disagreements between the White House and the Capitol and conservative and liberal splits in the Supreme Court are all examples of the growing gap between the left and right side of the American political spectrum. However, a progressive group based out of Washington D.C. has overstepped the bounds of political polarization. The liberal Agenda Project Action Fund (APAF) has released a new commercial titled “Republican Cuts Kill.” The video features prominent Republican leaders from the Senate and the House saying the word cut in quick film clips, then flashes back to images of health workers in hazmat suits and dead

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7 l

African victims of Ebola. The Action Fund is airing the commercial in Kentucky, North Carolina, South Dakota and Kansas which are the main swing states in the race for the majority in the Senate.

Decreases in the number of bills passed, public disagreements between the White House and the Capitol and conservative and liberal splits are all examples of the growing gap between the left and right side of the American political spectrum. Erica Payne, producer of the ad and president of the group said, “I think that the blame for the situation that we’re in now with the Ebola crisis is 100 percent the fault of Republicans and their fanatical anti-government philosophy,” she then added, “they did this.”

Payne and the Action Fund were also responsible for the “Granny Off the Cliff” video featuring a man in a suit throwing an elderly woman off of a cliff. The 2011 ad was a call to arms against Paul Ryan and his fellow conservative’s mission to privatize Medicare. These two ads illustrate the extreme polarization that is plaguing America. While it is true that the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative’s funding has nearly halved since 2006, entirely blaming Republicans for the Ebola outbreak is a poorly played political card for the midterm. Both sides of the isle are to blame for situations such as this where polarization trumps sensible actions. Americans should be outraged that their country’s politicians are more interested in taking swings at each other rather than fighting the problems facing this nation. The one year anniversary of the

federal government reopening is this Friday, but little work is actually being done. The only accomplishment of the 113th Congress in recent memory was the passage of the bill to arm Syrian rebels until Dec. 11. When a democracy is only able to compromise and pass a bill for protection from the most extreme Jihadist group yet, it is an obvious indication polarization has gone too far.

In this election the informed voter should support the candidate who promises to vote moderately for the good of their consituents.

This country is facing a breaking point. America’s leaders must decide whether their own views, liberal or conservative, are more important than compromise for

the sake of returning the United States to its spot as the premier world leader. If those leaders choose in favor of their own views, they must be voted out. In making the decision of who to vote for this November, voters should be repulsed by ads such as “Republican Cuts Kill.” They should not inform themselves with biased columns and articles bashing the other side. In this election the informed voter should support the candidate who promises to vote moderately for the good of their constituents. Candidates who promote their own views and ideas, rather than mudslinging their opponent’s, should be voted into office no matter what party they’re from. This November vote for moderate progress, not political stagnation. Do you believe that polarization is ruining our nations political system? Please send all feedback to

Gender wage gap continues to persist as a national issue LAURA FINLEY Letter to the Editor


vidently, only men are supposed to ask for raises. Women who do will only annoy their bosses and instead should simply have faith in the system and hope for good karma. This is what Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently stated. Although he later apologized for his “inarticulate” response, the fact remains that his initial answer serves to mask the tremendous gender wage gap that still exists. It also reinforces dangerous beliefs about workplace communication, which research has found already differs in ways that generally disadvantage female workers. It is very clear that women’s wages still lag behind men’s in most every indus-

try. In 2013, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) found that full-time, year-round female workers earned 78 percent of what their male counterparts earned. In the technology industry, women earn, on average, $6,358 less than their male counterparts, and women with at least one child earn $11,247 less than all other workers, according to a study by the American Institute for Economic Research. The AAUW found that female engineers made 88 percent of their male counterparts’ salaries, while women in the financial services industry earn $14,067 a year less than men, according to the AIER. Although there are many factors that explain the gender wage gap, one of them involves exactly what Nadella

denounced: negotiating salary and raises. Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever reported in their 2007 book, “Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation— and Positive Strategies for Change” that men are eight times more likely than women to negotiate their salary. Another factor that likely impacts the wages women receive from the start of their employment as well as through raises is the way that we are taught to communicate. According to linguistics scholar Deborah Tannen, women are taught to seek praise, to apologize for issues that are not their fault and to vent about problems rather than immediately begin “solving” them. While Tannen emphasizes that these are differences and not necessarily disadvantages, when workplaces con-

tinue to be dominated by male leaders, as is the case with the tech, finance, and engineering fields, these stylistic differences may indeed result in challenges for female workers. If male bosses see women venting, or hear a woman constantly say she’s sorry, the impression they may have is that she is less capable than her male counterpart. If female workers constantly need praise whereas males simply do the work, it may be perceived as excessive neediness. Again, the problem is not that females’ communication styles are bad, but that they are used in the context of a male-dominated setting and thus may not be understood appropriately. The disadvantages will only worsen if women are discouraged from asking their bosses for raises. As the National Women’s Law Center points out, clos-

ing the wage gap would significantly improve the finances of not just women but families as well. They found that if women made an additional $11,608 per year, it would be enough to pay the median cost of rent and utilities for 13 months, with $400 to spare, to feed a family of four for 13 months with $300 to spare, or to pay 18 months of full-time childcare costs for a four-year old with more than $300 to spare. So, Satya Nadella, it is essential that women learn to communicate with their bosses and to successfully negotiate their salary and raises! Laura Finley is a professor of sociology at Barry University. How do you feel about the gender pay gap? Tell us how you feel and please send all of your feedback to

Relying on warfare to fix Middle Eastern turmoil remains foolhardy WINSLOW MYERS Letter to the Editor


ince September 11, 2001 the United States, by any objective assessment a globe-girdling military empire, has been sucked into an ongoing global civil war between brutal extremists (often fighting among themselves) and those, including us, they perceive as their mortal enemies. We are rightfully outraged by cruel beheadings videotaped for Internet distribution. The beheaders and suicide bombers are equally outraged by our extensive military presence in their ancestral homelands and drone attacks upon weddings. Meanwhile, though the government of our mighty empire can read our emails and tap our telephones, the worldwide nonviolent movement to bring about positive change somehow flies completely under its supposedly all-seeing radar screens. The peoples of the earth are overwhelmingly against

war, and they want their fair share of the earth’s resources and the possibilities of democratic governance. Academic studies have proven that, overall, nonviolent movements are more effective for reaching such goals than violent military ones. Our media narrows discourse and fans the flames by only allowing U.S. citizens to see through the narrow lens of exceptionalism, polarization and violence. Fear mongers, legion in our culture, insist that adherents of ISIS are hardly human. But we should keep their humanity in our hearts even as we abhor their acts, just as we ought to abhor our own descent into torture and extra-judicial killings. People do not do what those ISIS fighters do without having been rendered desperate and callous by some painful sense of injustice. As W.H. Auden wrote, “Those to whom evil is done/do evil in return.” The question for us is how we can best respond to evil without rationalizing our own evil behavior. Setting aside the blurry dis-

tinction between the sadism of beheadings and the supposed good intentions of those who control the drones, our side and theirs share the conviction that the only solution to this great conflict is killing. If ISIS can kill enough of its enemies, a Caliphate can be established from Lebanon across to Afghanistan, obliterating the despised arbitrary borders created by the colonial powers after World War I. Conversely, if the West can only assassinate enough terrorist leaders in Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria, moderate elements will emerge from the slaughter to renounce the vain and presumptuous notion that Islam is destined to conquer a pluralistic world. But the presumptions of both present American empire and possible Muslim empire are equally vain and closed-minded in their separate ways. Continued mass killing by either side will never resolve the underlying cultural disparities, and so unless we think in new ways, this planetary civil war

will continue, multiplying recruits to terror faster than they can be exterminated—a perpetual motion meat-grinder of violence. We can’t just leave the various extremist groups to fight it out among themselves. We have to lead, but why not lead in a new direction? Amid all the hand wringing about the least bad options, there is a good option: change the game. Admit that the U.S. occupation of Iraq led to some unforeseen outcomes. Call an international conference that includes representatives from as many parties that are willing to consider how to contain and end the violence. Agree to embargo the arms pouring into the region. The possibility that we are already fighting a third world war, having forgotten the lesson of how little anybody wanted or expected to get into the first one, suggests the need to call upon the spirit of figures like King and Dag Hammarskjold, that world ambassador for peace. As we

look down the time stream, it becomes harder and harder to guarantee who will and who will not be able to possess nuclear weapons. Even now some disaffected Pakistani general might be transferring a warhead to some non-state actor with malign intentions. It is equally possible that someone in the U.S. military could go rogue with a nuke, initiating catastrophe. Is a third world war leading to total destruction the intention of either the Christian God or the Muslim Allah? The opportunity is for all parties to accept this possibility and build agreements based on a common desire for human survival—listening at last to the pleas of millions around this small planet who desperately want the madness of endless war to cease. Winslow Myers is the author of “Living Beyond War: A Citizen’s Guide.” Please send all feedback to


Wednesday, october 15, 2014


There and back again in Border Battle By Sam Karp the daily cardinal

Unlike in usual seasons, all 40 volleyball points for the 2014-’15 Border Battle, an all-sport contest between the athletic departments of Wisconsin and Minnesota, are on the line this week when the No. 5 Badgers (14-1, 5-2) take on No. 23 Minnesota (13-4, 3-3) in a home and away tilt. The first game in this backto-back matchup will be on Wednesday when Wisconsin travels to Minnesota, followed by both teams facing off at the UW Field House on Saturday night. This is a new experience for both Badger players and head coach Kelly Sheffield, as back-to-back games against the same team is not something they are used to preparing for. “I guess what it does allow, is that you’re focusing on one team,” Sheffield said. “You get to go back, watch video. You get to train and prepare again and fix some of the things that didn’t go your way the first time and try and make it better.” Sophomore setter Lauren Carlini echoed her coach’s thoughts recognizing that she hasn’t experienced this type of scheduling for a long time but was looking forward to the opportunity. “I kind of like it,” Carlini said.

“Having a whole week just dedicated to one team and depending on how the first game goes you can make adjustments for the second game.” Wisconsin is coming off arguably the easiest stretch of their Big Ten schedule, as they swept newcomers to the Big Ten Rutgers and Maryland at home this past weekend. Now comes another test for the Badgers, as they have lost their last six games at Minnesota. That losing streak has not fallen lightly on the Badgers. “The seniors haven’t won at Minnesota, so it’s kind of just going out there with a chip on our shoulder and showing them this isn’t going to be a one-sided rivalry anymore,” Carlini said. Senior outside hitter Courtney Thomas, who has experienced most of the away losses, was also ready to end the streak. “Winning at Minnesota will be awesome,” Thomas said. “Minnesota is our rival and we’re going to make them our rival and stop them from owning us.” Minnesota navigated through their non-conference barely missing a beat as they went 11-1. However, the losses started to roll in as Big Ten play started. After beating Ohio

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Badger defensive adjustments will be key against a Gopher team that likes to switch formations. State to open Big Ten play, the Gophers lost three games in a row to No. 7 Penn State, No. 15 Illinois and Northwestern. Following these losses, Minnesota had an easy time against Rutgers and Maryland in their next two games, sweeping both teams. Despite these losses, Sheffield knows that Minnesota is still not a team to overlook. “They’re getting better is the

team that I’m seeing,” Sheffield said. “You know, their serving is getting better. Their passing is getting better, their system play is really, really good. It’s a team that’s a lot better than what their record is, and obviously very well coached.” In usual Badger fashion, the team seems cool and ready to handle Minnesota even though the Gophers seem to switch between playing with two setters

and a 5-1 offense. “Whatever happens we know what to do,” Thomas said. “It’s a little more challenging but our team is pretty good at handling the scouting report, so I’m not too worried about it.” Following the game at the Twin Cities, Wisconsin will make adjustments and return home to the Field House for a match in front of the third-most crowded volleyball venue in the nation.


SCIENCE FESTIVAL at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

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