AUA events calendar 2012

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Event Types

Specialist Events

Within our events calendar we offer several different types of events. These are designed to bring you different benefits, and offer a wide range of events to as many people as possible.

These events are offered in conjunction with our various Special Interest Groups. These professional interest groups helps us to share knowledge and good practice within the HE sector. We bring together experts in specific areas and those with a more general interest, resulting in interesting and practical themed events.

CPD Framework...

One Day Workshops

AUA professional development events are all individually mapped against the AUA Continuing Professional Development Framework. The Framework offers a model of professional behaviours, developed through an extensive investigation project. It builds on best practice in the HE sector and elsewhere and draws on National Occupational Standards to provide a clear steer on key and valued behaviours.

The One Day Workshops offer a single themed day, with various speakers bringing a different perspective on a topic. We offer workshops on topics that are current and relevant within the sector and enable you to keep up-to-date with the latest developments.

The Framework provides benefits for individuals, institutions and the higher education sector. The professional behaviours framework helps individuals to: • Identify the behaviours that are relevant to their job • Identify their personal CPD needs • Develop those behaviours and improve performance • Identify ways to build upon and maximise existing strengths • Seek structured feedback from others • Provide structured feedback to colleagues To find out more please visit

One Day Conferences The One Day Conferences are multithemed, and take place in various regions across the UK. There will be several One Day Conferences taking place this year, which all showcase local talent, new innovative sessions and also take the best parts of our Annual Conference around the country.

Bespoke Events If you feel there is an event we have offered before or you have an idea for a new event that would help you and others in your workplace then please get in touch with us at for more information. We can work with you to put together an event or professional update meeting the needs of you and your staff.

This poster gives you an overview of the events AUA is planning to offer during 2012. We have One Day Conferences, One Day Workshops, Annual Events and more. We offer a range of events throughout the year and across the UK. If you have any suggestions for events that you would like to see happen, or locations you feel should be visited then we welcome your ideas. Please email us at

Welcome to your 2012 Events Calendar…

Event costs…

Booking onto our events… The easiest way to book onto our events is through our website. The website has recently been refreshed, and here you can find more information about each of the events. A detailed programme for each event will be available closer to the event. If you have any problems booking an event or have any questions, then please email us or ring National Office.

Other events… Although we have included as many events as possible for 2012, new events are likely to be added. Occasionally we may need to change venues or dates due to unforeseen circumstances. For the most up-to-date information please keep checking the events sections of our website.

The cost for our events varies depending on the type of event, how long it is and whether it includes accommodation. Most of our events offer an Early Bird rate, if you book early. Keep an eye on our websites for prices and dates of Early Bird offers.

Become an AUA member now! Becoming an AUA member brings many benefits. Not only will you received a substantial reduction to the cost of attending events, often much more than the annual membership costs, but you will also have access to many professional development opportunities. You will receive publications such as our E-bulletin, Newslink, Perspectives and Good Practice Guides. Membership offers you the opportunity to gain an understanding of the key issues and new ideas in higher education management and take advantage of networking opportunities through the Annual Conference and other events.

18 January

Departmental Administrators


9-10 February

Planning Forum



One Day Conference


7 March

Toolkit for Busy Administrators


2-4 April

Annual Conference and Exhibition


9 May

Place of Private Providers


16 May

Organisational Development


23 May

Shared Services


14 June

Devolved HE


21 June

Student Complaints and Mediation



One Day Conference


5 July

Managing Change



One Day Conference



One Day Conference


18 October

International HE Seminar



Annual Lecture



One Day Conference


Key: One Day Workshop One Day Conference Annual Event Specialist Event

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