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1tfE ANCHORThurs.,- Dec. 30,' 1965

Represents Pope At Anniversary Of Abbey

Addition to Make Boston Hospita I Among Larg·est

LONDON (NC) AD atehbishop representing the Pope was present in West­ minister Abbey Tuesday when Queen Elizabeth and the ranking bishops of the Church of England opened the celebra-: tion of the 900th anniversary of the church built by King St. Ed­ ward the Confessor. The leading Roman Catholic attending was Archbishop Igino Cardinale, apostolic delegate in Great Britain. It was on Dec. 28, 1065-Holy Innocents' D,.ay~that the choir and transep1$ of the church were dedicated. King Edward was too ill to be present for the dedi­ cation and ~ied a. week later. But the original abbey church was his doing-in substitution for a vow he had made to go on a pilgrimage to St. Peter's tomb in Rome. Because of trouble in his realm, he had been dispensed of the vow by Pope St. Leo IX, on the condition that he either give the poor the sum he would have spent for his journey, or build and endow a monastery in honor of St. Peter. He chose the' latter, and the Benedictine com­ munityhe installed at Westmin­ ster was a major force in' the re­ ligious life of the country until it was disbanded by Henry ·VIII in 1540.

University Awards' Deqree to Prelate'

BOSTON (NC)-St. Eli~ abeth's Hospital, operated here by the Boston archdi­ ocese, will become one of the

Schedule Charities Writing Contest

the' contest: manuscripts must be typed and double spaced; six copies must be submitted to the National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1346 Connec­ ticut Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036, by May 1; manu­ scripts will not b.e returned un­ less requested; all entries be­ come the property of the NCCC, . and they will be judged by an' editorial board named by' ihe' NCCC.

advancement of these principles. The winning award will be pub­ lished in the Catholic Charities Review, the NCCC magazine. Named for Msgr. John O'­ Grady, who served as NCCC secretary from 1920 to 1961, the competition is designed to stim­ ulate the development of lit­ erary works in the Catholic' If()cial service field. . The following niles govern






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Begins Duties . PANAMA CITY (NC)-Bish­ op Carlos Lewis, S.V.D., Pana­ manian-born U. S. citizen whose hobby it has been to keep track of all Negro bishops in the his­ tory of the Church, marked hi. active entry into office a~ flu",il_ iary bishop of Panama with t~ foncelebration of Mass' with hi. archbishop and 10 other pfiesta,




largest in the nation when • multi-million dollar-- expansion plan, announced by Richard Cap.. dinal Cushing, is completed. The Boston archbishop said a 12-story addition' will be erected to provide 300 more beds and house' additional facilities for radiology and clinical pathol­ ogy. St. Elizabeth's now has 422 beds. Cardin?l Cushing is chair. man of the board of trustees. The new structure will be built on the present site of St. Joseph Hall, a dormitory for nurses. Cardinal's Desire The major expansion plans, first to be carried out since 1947., . reflect the desire of Cardinal Cushing to make St. Elizabeth's the center for the proposed huge complex of all Catholic hospi. tals in the Boston archdiocese. Other major hospitals it main­ tains are St. Margaret's here and the Cardinal Cushing Hos­ . pital in Brockton•. The new building .at St. Eliza­ beth's will in<:1ude 27 l,ab.ora­ tories, a large operating .room: . for experimental surgery 3lld • walk-in incubator as well all t>ther facilities. When it is completed, sayt Cardinal Cushing, "it will serve . to provide quick, efficient ser­ vice for all our sick and poor.-

COPTIC PATRIARCH: His Beatitude, Stephan I Cardinal Sidarouss, C.M., Coptic' . h Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, on his first visit to the United States, receIves an onor­ ary degree from Father John R. Cortelyou, C.M., president of De Paul University, Chi-' eago. In center is F~ther James A. Fischer, C.M., provincial of the Vincenti-an Fathe.r's weste.rn province. NC Photo~

CHICAGO (NC) - Stephan Cardinal Sidarouss, C.M., Coptic­ WASHINGTON (NC)-Com­ rite Patriarch of Alexandria, petition for the Msgr. John O'­ Egypt, received an honorary doc­ Grady writing award which car­ tor of laws degree from De Paul ries a $250 prize will be open University here, and celebrated Jan. 1, the sponsoring National what is thought here to be the Conference of Catholic Charities first Coptic rite Mass in the Chi­ here announced. cago area. The award is for the best The cardinal also visited· De manuscript of 5,000 words or Andreis Theological Seminary in . less on basie Catholic social Lemont and Chicago's Marillac service philosophy' or practice, House Social Center and De Paul and in areas essential to· the Settlement House. ' '..

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