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Prayers of the Church·· Ours



The central tru'th of Chri~ianity is conbtinedin the

words: "And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

The Word is the Eternal Son of God, the SecQnd Person of _

the All-Holy' Trinity. God's plan for man's' Redemption meant the Incarnation, the assuming by God of a human

body and soul that He might live among men and merit salvation for'the whole human race. The approaching feast of Christmas is a reliving in a mystical way of that glorious event of the life of' ChristHis coming into the w o r l d . , , And so the prayers of the, Church during this final week of Advent are filled with anxious.jonging for the coming of the Lord. He is addressed by all His ancient titles from the riches of the Scriptures:, ' " , Wisdom, Who proceeds from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from, end to end, 'mightily and swe~tly disposing all things: come and teach us the way of prudence. Adonai, and leader' of the house, of Israel, Who appeared to Moses in the fire of the burning bush, and gave him the law on Sinai:, come and rede~in us, by 'thy

Thurs., Dec. 18, 1958

Weekly Ca,lenda,r, Of

Feast Days

TODAY-SS Rufus and Zosl­ mus, Martyrs. 'I;hey were martYrs of the early Church, suf-, fering about 109 at Philippi in Macedonia. Their martyrdom is, mentioned by St. Polycarp ill ' his Epistle to the Philippians. TOMORROW - St. Timothy,' Deacon-Martyr. Little is known of him except that he lived in Morocco, Africa, and that in de'7 fense of his Faith was burned to death at the stake.

SATURDAY _ SS. Liberatus

and Bajulus, Martyrs. Little is' certain of the' dates when they lived or where they suffered' martyrdom, 'although it is be- ' outstretched arm. " lieved that they suffered in the, 0, Root of Jesse, Who stanQs as the ensign of the East: Their relics are venrated peoples, before Whom kings shall not ,open 'their .lips," to in Rome.

Whom the nations, shall pray: come and deliver us, tarry SUNDAY St. ThomaS.,

now no more. Apostle He was one of the Sea

, , of Galiiee fishermen and was' Key of David, and Sceptre of the house of Israel: called by Our Lord to be one Who opens and no T?an shuts, Who shuts and no man opens: of His Apostles. After the Res:" come and lead from prison the captive who sits in the urrection he would not believe darkness.. and in the shadow of d e a t h . , the report that Christ had aris- ' Orient, splendor of eternal light and sun of J'ustice: en. At the actual sight of the pierc,ed hands, feet and side and eome and enlighten them that sit in darkness ana in the . co) tQe gentle rebuke of the Sav- : 'shadow of death. ' . ,Hollyw.ood in Focus<~'f '\;~ ~ iour, lle uttered the joyous " King of Nations, and their desired One;, and the , , J ' _words:, "My Lord and My God." eornerstone that makes both one: come and save man Whom After the Ascension, he preach- ; ,Thou did form from s l i m e . ' ed in Parthia and, it is generally accepted tradition that he Emmanuel, our King and lawgiver and Savior of the "" ,... preached in India, where he

nations ; come and save us, 0 Lord, our God, ,' suffered marty,rdom.

The prayers of the Church give us not ,only the precise By WiIIiamH.Moorlng MONDAY St. Francis

and accurate picture of Christ; they' give us' this picture, in In a step, without precedent throughout its 23-year Xavier Cabrini, first U. S. citi­ rich and, lyrical and J·ov.fur way. ' h i s t o r y , the N"at,ional Legion of Decency, Jrom its head- zen-Saint.' Born in Lodi, Italy,

, July 15, 1850, she founded the That is why. ifwould be well during this final week of' quarters, 453. Madison Avenue, New York, "highly recom- Missionary Sisters of the Sacred

preparation 'to let the Church's prayers ,bEi,our, prayers, let ' 'mends to ,the' Catholic patronage of the 'entire family", the Heart in 1880 and came to the

the, Church~s language, drawn from the Word of. Go~' in the , ,29th Century-Fox film, "The herself, seen the film, she under": United, States in 1889. Before'

Scriptures, be our language; let the, person, of ,Christ doJrii;; Inn of the Sixth Happiness". stands that a romance between her death on Dec. 22, 1917, in

" (nl!rI I ' d , C,hicago, the wo,rk of her com­ nate our thoug'htsa,ndprayers not like'a 'plaster statue in. ",ThI·S PI'Ct'ure, made abroad, the w~man mISSIOnary Bergman) and a half caste Eu-, ,munity in, schools, hospital~ a crib, small and colorless and not quite real, but in His full with Ingrid Bergman in the rasion officer of the Chinese and orphanages had spread all dimensions as Almighty Wisdom, Root of Jesse, Key of 'starring rple, is based on, "The. Army (Curt Jergens)', is intro-' over'the nation. She became a ,David-as Emmanuel, Our Lord and Our God. Small Woman", a book by Alan duced. 'U.S. citizen October 13, 1909. , Bur g e s S, i n . This, Miss Alyward insists, is 'Pope Pius XI granted a special which he pur.without parallel in her own life. dispensation allowing consid­ ports to tell the There was a paiticular officer eration of her c~nonization who aided her An her work cause before the canonically reThis time of year is a time of happiness and'merriment. story' of, Gladys Alyward, Prot• among the orphans, but she does quired 50 years after her death. And that is as it should be. What more fitting way to estant mission"; not think Miss Bergman would She was canonized July 7, 1946. celebrate the coming of Christ than in an atmosphere of ary to China. necessarily understand the na- , TUESDAY-St. Victoria, Vir­ contentment and friendship and peace. After being ture of the personal relationship, gin-Martyr. She lived in the

which was not at all what is' third century and refused

Unfortunately, some individuals confuse the idea of officially r e commonly referred to as a "ro- either to sacrifice to idols or

happiness with lack of restraint. And they celebrate jected for for.to accept a heathen as a hus­ Christmas and the coming New Year by throwing off the, eign missionary work, Miss Aly- mance". ward, then a British parlorCritics acknowledge, however, band. She 'was stabbed to death virtue of temperance and letting down the bars of all their maid, saved her meager earnings that the film treats the suggested in the persecution under Decius worthy moral inhibitions. and made her own way, via the love interest delicately, with re., in 250

traint and good taste. ' WEDNESDAY Vigil of

Unseemly parties, foolish talk and action, careless and Trans-Siberian railroad, in t 0 . "The Inn of the Sixth Happi- Christmas. Feast of St. Gregory'

irresponsible driving, ugly family scenes-these are some China. At Yangcheng, a remote but ness", now being released in of Spoleto, Martyr. A priest,

of the disturbing and tragic occurences that often enter into highly fortified mountain town, key cities through the USA, al- who lived in the fourth cen­ the Christmas picture. she did monumental w 0 r k ready has drawn phenomenal tury in Spoleto, Umbria. He They have no place there. among~orphanedchildren, sav,:", cr~wds in England. was tortured and beheaded No matter how, much Christmas and the New Year are ing the lives of 100 of them dur'Belief Led to Death under Maximian Herculeus and , Just before she jumped into a his remains were thrown to holidays, they are above all else Holydays. And a Holyday , ing the Japanese invasion by ;1" must be observed in just that manner-in a holy way. And leading them through a danger- life-boat as the Titanic was 'wild beasts. j.-;: Q ;',:",,, leading them thrpugh, dangersinking during the night of April ' /, .-, I l " • then true happiness and merriment springing from goodness boats, that Irish woman and, I ountal'ns ous m . ' 14-15,1912, Edwina C.Troutt, now will prevail. ' went on the double". Has Superior Value Mrs. James Corrigan of Hermosa .'After five hours adrift in bitIn ,a special announcement Beach, Cal. recalls some. stirring ter cold. a stranp:er's baby in her that "The Inn of the Sixth Hap- incidents not included in Rank's arms, Mrs. Corrj,!an reached the fine movie, "A Night to Remem- rescue ship, Carflathia. T h ere His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, in the address he gave P iness" has been given an Al (Family) rating, the Legion of ber". she learned that all three of the Monday before naming the new members of the Sacred Col­ DecencY,s,tates: "This film's draLooking down to the crowded' lege of Cardinals, spoke sl)rrowfully of the condition of the , matic, artistic and entertai,nment third class deck, she saw three priests had gone down, comfort­ . d ing and praying with the thlr Church and Catholics in China. Like his illustrious predeces- ' values are superior and, its Catholic priests confessing, com-, and steerage passen<t,ers until . t he sor, Pope Pius XII, the present Holy Father is well aware of moving story of the heroic spirit ,forting and blessing a mass of giant ,liner and all aboar d' sl'd I the vital role that China is playing and will play on the world a nd tremendous courage of the kneeling passengers, into the freezing ocean. I " In . missionary portrayed in the pic.Mrs. Corrigan told me her own "Christmas: Lennon Stye stage. t ure, will be a reward,ing expe- story of the unforgettable night, "TV Radio Mirror" (Jan. issue) The maneuvering that is going on in China, the pressure rience for all who see it. over a luncheon given for the ' film's Irish-born non-Catholic makes heart-warmin~, Christthat this great country is exerting even on Moscow, the "Because the film is an inspirmas reading. Many Christians in determination of the Communists to .set up an easily-con­ ing production of such extraor- producer, William' MacQuitty, show business fall in with com­ who incidentally now embraces mercial mteres . t s whIch . d' Iscour­ trolled National Church-all these are indications that the dl'n'ary me',rl't the, Legl'on hl'gh'ly' - Buddhism.' it to the Catholic age celebrities from disclosing, recommends communist ideal is coming more and more into realization patronage of the entire family". "There was no pan~c until the let alone discussing, their reli­ there., ,"~ . . Whether thl'S actl'on bY' the very last", says Mrs. Corrigan, gion conVICtions. The L ennon The only help that the free world can give that is sure Legion of Decency is to b'e re- "because nearly everybody be- Sisters make no secret of theirs. garded as' an exception to the lieveq the ship could not sink, so With humor, humility and abso­ to be effective is.prayer. t P B'n tIlth general rule, or. as indicating a they wouldn't get into the life- I t h 'new pOll'cy to 'accentuate the, boats". u e religion ones y, plays apa in Ithe Lennoll e s e part She might have waited too home. Read it. positive and so complement the , Another Christmas Christo­ necessarily, negative character-of long, and been lost ,with 1,500 the Legion's. moral classifica- others, but an Irishwom,an, sharh L' W lk d t ing her stateroom had been per,' awrence e ,sen s ou tions, must remain to:be seen. a business greetin~ with "Best In either case it is, for various w8,iling from the time they em- Wishes for a HOLY and Happy reasons, certain to arouse wide- barked' that the ship 'would Christmas". Inside he's conduct­ interest and comment never make New York!' ing "Holy Night". The text OFFICIAl. NEWS.,APER OF THE DIOCESE OF ,FAll RIVER spread' among Catholics arid non-CatbPriests, Lose Lives - reads: "This is our wish for you: "Sunday evening;~, Mrs.'Corri­ That the music that came frOID Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dioces,e of Fall River olics. Already it has given rise to gan told me, "I reminded her heaven; And the sl,mg ,the angels , 410, Highlcmd Ave~ue , niuch specuhtt'ion'in Hollywood that we'd both received Holy sang on Christmas nigh't;' Pr~ " Fall River; Mass. -<?Sborne S-7lS1 film c~rcles, where it is gener­ Communion that morning a'nd claiming the birth of the World'. PUBLISHER ally understood that the Legion's should have greater faith. And Redeemer ... may sound an echo ratings are decided according to still I put,on my.,nightdress over in your heart ... always". Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. each film's moral ­ as distinct warm daytime clothing and kept If you think this is not extra­ GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER from dramatic, artistic or enter­ my overcoat handy. ordinary you should see the Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll ' i':When ,the engines stopped tainment-values. cards some Christians send me. \AANAGING EDITOR Miss Alyward has been quoted and they told us we'd struck an Candy sticks to crUde jokes, but Hugh J. Golden as saying that while she has not, iceberg, and we should go to the nothing 'about the Christ Child.








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