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Only Two Games Scheduled

On Local School Gridirons

Thurs., Nov. 21, 1963


Asks Government Aid to Education Include Arts

By Jaek Kineavy

New Bedford Vocational at Bishop Stang and the re­ JlCheduled Billerica-Attleboro clash have the scholastic grid !Cene an to themselves Saturday as the majority of teBJDIJ in thi! area enjoy the annual "{)ff" weekend prior to meeting tz:a«!itional. riva1sOD Thankn- l'eIRI1'W of games in this circuit glVJl1g Day. Both Voke ~d durin,g the 1963 season, I'm im­ Stang will complete theIr pressed with. the balanced com­ 1963 season at Dartmouth's petition whicb is characteristic

WASHINGTON (NC) Speaker of the House John W. McCormack of Massachu­ setts said here that aid to

education should assist the arts and humanities as well as the sCiences. Memorial Stadium and off the of the league. It's 80 close that McCormack said that as the Trade's mowing in their last two given the right set of dreum­ nation m a k e s "incomparable outings th i • trtances, a four-way tie could StrIdes" In science, "it must might 'just be' conceivably bee 0 m e reality. move forward with equal steps a f<lOtball game. Right now Case is alone atop the toward a broadening and a C 0 a c h Ton y plle but the Cardinals have a deepening of its cultural and in­ A bra ham's date with Somerset coming up tellectual life." squad winless and this wiU tell the story. But "There is only disaster in in league more of this next week in our e ncO u n _ pre-Thanksgiving game obser. closing our eyes to the arts. as we concentrate on the sciences," 1ers, turned in a vations. he declared. IUperlative efHeading ,up the fare on the fort a I a i n 11 N. E. colegiate gridiron this SatThe House Speaker made his New Bedford a urdq is the 80th game in tbe comments as he received the oouple of weeks Harvard-Yale series which be-, 1963 Cardinal Gibbons Medal ago -then folgan 'way baek in 1885. Described HIGH PAPAL HONOR: Leslie Kirkley, right, director presented by the alumni associa­ low~ 8rls up with an explosive .. -rile Game" .everal wean of the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM) is tion of the Catholic University .'7-12 win ooyer Bishop Feehan ago by Yale publicist, Charle)' of America. invested with the insignia of Knight Commander of the last Saturday. It was Vocation.. Loftus, it ia expected to attract Need Spiritual Strendb al's first successful foray in ,al·, • capacity crowd to Yale Bowl, Order of St. Sylvester by Msgr. John F. McCarthy, as": He described as "most con­ most three years and brought tel weather and T.V. notwithstand­ sistant executive director of Catholic Relief Services­ structive .. a suggestion ad­ an end a victory drought that lng. Harvard, despite a lengthy National Catholic Welfare Conference. The honor was had extended through 22 games. injury list will enter the game conferred on Mr. Kirkley, a Quaker, by Pope Paul VI, in vanced last June by Msgr. Wil­ liam J. McDonald, rector of the Quarterback Jim Ruel zeroed bl the favorite but this in itself is, Catholic University, for' creation recognition of ~outstanding contrik 1•. ., to the welfare Feehan's end zone, but good, often a liability. of a national foundation modeled of humanity." NC Photo. logging l-our toUehdoWDI to B.C.-B.U. on the National Science Founda­ lead Voke's .ass.ault.. Boston College has a Saturda7 tion to assist graduate students Stang, en.Joytng • third IUC- date with downtown rival Boston In the arts and humanities. cessful season under the guid- University and the Terriers Bl­ McCormack said the proposal ance 01. Carlin L7DCh aad his ways come \IP with a good ef­ il "worthy of ~ every consider.a­ able staff can solidif7 its runner- fort against the Eagles. B.C. had tion." up pOlition in BrUtolCounty itl hands full with Virginia last "WhUe we must be powerful by takinc Yoke mto camp. The week while Steve Sinko's squad l militarily, we must also be Spartans edged a .tub~ AttIe_ had a much needed respite. Holy patent 011. "a large twin-hun strong spiritually • •• For deep boJ'o club, '7-0, and Ibis !lOupled Cross tunes up for B.C. against WASHINGTON (NC)-Sever­ N with Coyle's 1081 to Durfee gave . Connecticut a club which pve al years before the Wright seaplane. An examiner in the faith is the affirmative tltrength U. S: Patent Office wrote: that eould well be the difference them IlOle title to tbe league's evidence of' reaching its full ,PO­ Brothers made their first suc­ ''There ill a ruling of the Patent between victory and defeat," he second spot. Their oye-all rec- tential but never quite made it. cessful airplane flight, the Cath­ said. ord read! 8-1, the .angle 10SlI a ,Hig'h School basketball practice olic University of America here Office whim classes with per­ He paid tribute to the Catholic: 8-0 .etback "y J>urLee. RSSions are underway in most had an aeronautical laboratory. petual-motion machines all de­ The UDdefeated-unt:l.edHill- schools and if our weather at It was the first in any school in vices for navigating the air University for providing a "well­ without the aid of buoyant gas. balanced" education in which toppen dosed out their BrUtol present isn't a harbinger of the world. A patent can be granted only both science and the humaniUea The university, which is ob­ County League season with a Winter, we may regard the be­ II included.. ' well.earned 14-8 victory over a ginning of hoop drills as such. serving its 75th anniversary., just when a working model is ex­ Coyle team. that jut never did Man7 clubs have key players recently established a Division hibited." stop trying. A two touchdOwn who will be involved in football of Space Sciences and Applied Backers of Mattunath's inven­ tion supplied funds to build the second period spelled the differtil Thanksgiving, but the interim Physics in its school of Engi­ C.U. Aeronautical Laboratory, ence in this one as the Warrior. period affords coaches some op.. neering and Architecture. NAZARETH (NC) - The Sla­ Orville Wright flew an air­ to demonstrate the technical ters of st. Joseph of Nazareth emerged for the 8eCOnd half uortunity to look over new plane near Kitty Hawk, N. C., feasibility and practicabilit,' of are observing the '75th anniver­ loaded for bear. A ~ained aspirants and get some condi­ drive put the Warriors on the tioning work in for non.footban on Dec. 17, 1903. Aerodynamic Mattullath'. airplane. Unf-ortu­ llRl'y of their foundation here in research began at the Catholic scoreboard in the third quarter playing veterans. natel7 Mattullath died in De­ Michigan. The '7'79 nuns are sta­ University here in August, 1895. cember, 1902, and the seaplane tioned at Nazareth College here, but it took four eradu starting The C.U. research in this field on the one-yard Hue to break studies ended. Aerodynamic re­ six hospitals, 12 schools and in­ wu begun by A. F. Zahm., then Rarch eontinued at C.U., how­ the Taunted Durfee defense. stitutions in the Chicago .and a physics instructor but later in ever, under Zahm. l>etroit archdioceses and ~ D8rfee ChampioD charge of mechanics. Working Lansing,. Saginaw and Grad 'n1e victory br.()Qght with It SAGINAW (Ne) - All inter­ Rapids diocese•• the coveted Briato1 County aa t ion a I organization which for his doctorate. which he re­ ceived from .Johns Hopkins Uni-' crown won by Stang last )'ear. transforms tr'anIoceanic, ehess­ versity in 1898.Zahm established KANSAS CITY (NC) - A ~ The HUltoppers now 1rI.Ill'k time b1' mall games into •• -fonn -of the air resistance to sphezoel Catholic priesteonduc:ted a Bible competitively until their holi­ A FAMILY fltEAT

praTer bas extended an invita­ moving at speeds up to 1,000 feet service in a Protestantchun:h day eneounter with New Bed­ tion to American Catholic chess a second. BARRB-Q CHICKENS

he~e. Father Thomas E. Leavey, ford at Sargent Field. Under tbe players to join. , He did his work in McMahon assistant Confraternity of ChriII­ point-'rating system, it appears Hall In the center of the univer­ The invitation eame from tian Doctrine director in the unlikely that Coach Don MOD- . tIe's C2'eW will unseat MarlboN F.U.J'.H. Witte of Rotterdam, sity campus, stlQotingspheres Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese, from a specially designed can­ read from the Bib 1e and FARMS for the Class C tiUe, thou~ thiI Tbe Netherlands, in a letter re­ .l411 Wa.hington St.• l'aJrhaven non. They passed through a dark eeived by the Catholic Weekly, preached a homily in the Coun­ should aearcely dampen their room, breaking thin ribbons of trTClub Christian church as part • SI1ginaw, Mich., diocesan news­ .Jut off Route • ardor against the Crimson. light enroute. Mirrors and cam­ paper. The club's name in Catho­ of a series of prayer services The picture is anything but lici ad Latrunculos Ludentes, eras measured the velocity and bein~ conducted in the chureh : WY '1-131. settled over in the Tri County which boils down to CALL and deceleration, thus establishing • Wale!" for Siena by clergymen of various denom­ Conference. Lookinc over the roughly translate. into Chess the resistanee. • While out for a Drive inationa. Playing Catholics. • Stop at tb11 DelilbtfuJ Spot America's first wind tunnel Witte said the society was laboratory 'for aeronautic re­ l-ormed in 1953 and approved in search was built 'On the C.U. ATTl.EBOItO'S 1955 by Bishop Jan P. Huibel"l campus in the Winter of 1901. l.eacfing Garden Center of Haarlem, DOW retired. Each This is how the wind tunnel NOJQI TOO" NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Cath­ came into being: Hugo Mattul­ year. he detailed. a MJlBs is of­ oUc, Jewish, Orthodox and Prot­ NONE TOO SMAll estant congregations here are fered for CALL members in SS. lath of New Y«k was seekinC • Laurentius and Ignatius cathe­ cooperating in a "P1'opect Under_ standing" program, dedicated to dral, Rotterdam. South Main & WailS'" the memory of Pope John XXIII,

Councit to further the ecumenical effort PRINTERS among the various faiths. . MIAMI (NC) A .lewis' CA 1-0234 At the invitation of Archbishop Fall River District Council of group here has hailed the draft Main OHice and Plant John P. Cody, archdiocesan ad- the DiocesanCouncll of Catholic proposal submitted to the sec­ ond Vatican Councll on proper ministrator, Jewish, Orthodox Women will hold an open meet­ LOWElL, MASS. and Protestant groups will at- ing and night of recollection at attitudes toward Jews as a "his­ 01852 tend "open house" at 10 Catholic 7:30 this evening at Blessed toric" step toward dissolving 'elephonea..well churches in the greater New Sacrament Church. Services wUl age-old misunderstandings. Orleans area OD Sunday, Dec. include a livin~ rosary. sermon The proposal was "put 1or­ 458-6333 and 457-7500 aOIlCE •. IIOIIllE 29. Rabbi .lulian B. Fibelman, kif Rev. Thomas Neilan, curate ward in a spirit that recognizes .... tIaster ...... 2131 acting for the Rabbinical Coun- at St. Ann's Church, Raynham, the historic values of Judaism Auxiliary PIontl Over 35 Years cil, announced that BJDagogues and benediction. A coffee hour as a living religion and creed," BOSTON of Satisfied Service

and temples of the Jewish de- wUl follow. Participants in the said David N. Fleeman, chair­ OCEANPORT,N. J. nominations will be, -open to living rosary are requested to man of the Greater Miami chap­ ao6 NO. MAIN STRHT

Catholics, Orthodox and Prot- assemble in the church basement ter of the Americaa Jewillh PAWTUCKIT... I. FaU Riv... OS 5-74"

esiant. on Sunday, .Jan., 12. at 7. Committee. ......-



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City's Major Faiths Plan Open House



Open Meeting

Jewish Group Lauds Proposal



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