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THE ANCHOR...,Diocese,~ :FelR River-iTihul's., IHov•. ~~, '~962


ILauds F.rankSheed s· Book !u'UnfDagging 'Wonder l

India Bishops A'sk. Sup'po'rt For Govel.,n·men't 'in War BlOME i(iNC) ' - lnCWi's Bishops .have .called on t1leir' Catholics in :a joint paBtora11etter to support :the


:gov.emmentin !the iundeclaredwar between ''India and Red Gr~ ArChbish.op .ofiBomba,y:;iBish.op .ste:ph.en!F1er.r.ando~ ,S.® .R, (of Challenge offered by :6 ,pow.erShillon,g., andiBiBho;p \(i)xeste8 .fu! ,ad:veI'saq. We ,are .sure .that ,all of .you w.ill .collaborate to IVIarengo, ;g.O.B., <of®lbr.u- fbe £ullest with .the ;go:v:ernment

,China. At:the :BRIDe iiime, Wa1erian 'Cardinal

By Rt.~. MsgT• .Jolm S.K1mD.edY

1l.\Iany :readez:s. -of ~ks byF:. I • .she~, <observing 1lis tnsightand skill me1ucidauOll of the Gospels, have wished lI;bat he would doa book primarily devoted til that.UTpGn taking up ibis latestpublicatwn,ToKnow 'ChristJ'esWJ lSheed and Wani .$5), they Peter . gets but passin.g attention may :BUpposevhart he haair.omMr.. Sheed,yet his crisp finally got round to it. ·!But ,occasional commentsontibe iihe supposition willbeshor;t- cl1iefof .:the~0s.tiles do .moreto

,garh .!hav;e TI.eft 'there to :MlH!D 1110 in 11 .spirit ,of lQyaltyaBd ,true ;their ;Sees. patr.lotisnL'" 'The ,decision .toi5sue :the ilet- .. 'The BishQPS .added .that "we iter :and 'for 1thepr-eIates'retunn wish .to express .to kthe ,armed w:astaken :ala .meet'iIlg ':here <Of .Iorces) our Jldmiration .andour -all Indian Bishops ,at:tendingthe ,gratitude ,for ,their ,courage and Ecumenical :Council. sense of .du~ and we assure them that we pr~y constantly .for' 'iIP-oweriWl&lllIverro!!T 'The spor.adicborder <claShes them .and .their lamilies." Prey fOl'*Peaee whiCh :ha;v;e -:taken ,place ~bet:ween :the Indians ;and :,Chinese :com'11he letter stated that ''prayers iIIlunists ;along ·.their :!IiIinuUay:an :and functions 'should '.beorfrontier fors·e,v·er,al ,gamzed lin -all ,churcheg 'm ·the ·erupted mto a major :armed 'con- success of ,army :andfor'Q ,quick flict :inO.ciob,er when :the .and lasting,peace.based ,on jus'Chinese launched ian :offensiv.e. tice ,and mutual understanding. :India~s ,go:v:ernment 'has pro"We ,pray with .redoubledlerclaimed a :state :of :national vor that .the ,prince of Peace, ,emergency and ·.IsgettingU;S. through the intercession ,of Our aid. Lady, Patroness of India, [grants The lndim 'Bishopa ,said :'in the ineffable blessing ,of !peace, their Jetter: .not only lor us :but ,for the whole '"Ulhe ,g,ov~rn·m,e·lll·t ,of ,ou.r world. In .all.of your prayers and -oountrY 1lIl.der ·the leaders~p :of ,supplications, we, ,your Bishops, our :beloved Prime :Min1ster .are with .you in .mind 'and .heart, I(JawabarlalNehru) 'is ·taldng above .all.now in the :hour ,of energetic :steps ttl confront the .daily .sacrifice."

:IU d [n ihiBforeword' he dis- ;make him .11 .livm,g .fl,gure :than . ~. any. such .intention. Ele oo the incomparably longer talls us that :the :treatments. :i,book not a Fore lit a m ;p 1. ;Sheed ,... . . 1 comwonders why 1ihe DlJXaculouB U' 0 :~~ ':1\."ckaugiht <Jf fishes made an. imRESCIHEID: Father R-obert <ZIlen""",.:r' ..'IV .• .' +.. ~ a p:r.essron . ,on .... r.e",,!l', en;gen d el'ed L. Depinent, NLl\!L,an Amer.~l'e 1.s. . "" ".an ~citement,and a fear in him, 'lllllography, and 'i'''*(,';.<t*'.' ,~~ .. 1 had faiJled ican missionary lost in the mus bee au .se . >"l1 'm~" ,,:, which .0 1lher Il1ll':aC es Philippme Sea tforf.ourdays ."'there . ~ too 4':0 {./;{;; ;to do. , , ' . , . Cl U c h ·of ',~lb':' ~t~a Mr. ;Sheed .!llemaI'ks, 'Reading with three ~ino com:' ....,...:st' 1i f e . ..<#f," ~ imlndsand .healing hodies, eV.en panions, was rescued ~ya ~;~ '~ch11Q ".' t;~~'?~~. 'mutsa'k!~,g ~e- sue.h things !lay U.S. Air ·F-or.ce seaplane light faili;f-or 'x '0. lue ~exqllerlence:. -even " d;the acwifhout miracles these' were south ,of- CaPe San August:Ja, ant w'e .... -ve ' mysteries wi:llhPeter. But £ish. tin. NCPhoto. ~s the~ d the ;two~orfuree luminous were.~ .. er~:.. ' .;w 4 ' are wrl1lten by men notabou± !fJish. This nnracle ihit .home '/i6) ;ff l"::. 0 %~:;:ap1uieally ._ minded." !In- w.him:as theo1lhers ihad not.... 1ir ~[p)lliJ1J@J.dl@ml dl;eadihe wants to help .~ Differem.t .'IFooe Continuedfr-om :P.agla ,One 'J?eade'r :see fue iliace <Jf 'Christ as So i~ is throughout ilbe ibook, Among geographical regions, lI:l looks out upon us from the . which follows Christ from the pages of the Gospel, to enable [ncar~ati()n to His sitting at ·.the 'western and southern Europe ffile reader ·to meet :Someone 'right hand of the Father in 'leads in ,the .number of Catholics .about whom, although devoted glory. Whatever .is touched on with 190;064,000. -Other regions with l~ge Catholic .populations ¢o him the reader may know .shows a different face from are South America, 132,448,000; very little. those previously seen. Continued from Page One al90 made to reduce :further the Fr,esb ObservatiOllil In writing of the Incarnation, Eastern Europe and the Soviet liturgical rank of 'some saintEI' martyrs.of the Church. ·First use Union, 57,616,000; Nornh AmerAs is his wont, Mr. Sheed ex- for example, Mr. 'sheedhaa days for this purpose. o! the name will be in the Mass peets the -reader ,to work. One is something to say ·of Our Lady. ica, 51,1121000; :Middle America, '"The opinion was e~pressed 45,421,000; Southeast' Asia, 25,':' for Dec. 8, Feast of the ImmacuIIl.Ot to 'read this book passively, He wond~rs whether she real:.. <that traditional "forms Of penance late Conception. 380;000; the' We s t In die s , but to linger thoughtfully overized that she had always been, and Central Africa, The Council Fathe1'l9 devoted <eaUld be 'adapted 'to the reguiren. And one is also to go to the from the instant of ·conception, 15,248,000; 1'1,286,000. most of the ,17th general con- 'll1ents of -modern -life .and to the Gospels themselves. wholly free from the least trace Behind JIron Curtam gregation to the fifth chapter conditions of particular regionss The author does not .pretend ·ofSin. Greenland has the smallest ·01 the prqject ··.ouilineon ,the :making .use .of ,forms 'of openance ta have exhausted these, and 'he Reasks wllethel' 'her parents cwhichwotild seem 'to correspond insists that the reader delve were !living at the time of the 'Catholic population among the Church\s public worship. A ,better .to the needs ,of ·souls." . nations of the world-seven out .:0aw -r.efer.enees -were made to the mto them with "a totlilconeen- Annunciation, and concludes ·CoUllcil lfi)eakers .also touched of a total population of 31,000. remaining ,three .chapters ,of :the tration -of the mind;'" that they were not, 'Since "'parAndorra, located between Spain. project. Chapter five ,deale -with br'oad!ybut 'not in detail on An example of 'how the Gos- -ents, especially :fathers,were far what ·the 'Communique described and France,is the only countzy the liturgical ;year. ~els ought to 'be read, and with tooimpor.tant among the Jews claiming 1GO per' cent Catholic what profit they can be read, to be 5implyigno:r-ed .lake ,this.'" 'The 'regularCouncl1 Ibulletin as "the -rather complex guestion 'lh affClt'ded by the yield from As he takes -up feature after '-population-6;OOO out ofG,OOO. stated that ''much 'was said of of 'a perpetual calendar and of Among countrieslisted.as hav- the :need f-orreaw.akeningln:the n fixed 'date for Easter." ~em whiCh fbi:!; book evidences. feature of il:he. Saviour's 'niiIiising Catholics .in their' popula- faithful respect for hol;y: ,days By concentration, by reflection, :try, Mr. Sheed has apt and enFather·Frederick:R. McManus tions, Nepal'has the lowest .per- 'af obligation;'" The Council <afthe B,os t,o 'n ,archd1o,cese, and by putting together what is lightening ithings' to ·say. He dialOOund in the various parts of .cw;ses, for example, the objee-. eentage-.007 .per cent ar 700 Fathers .also :noted, the bulletin .American ·bishops' ~ss panel out of a.popUlation total of :said, ,that .respect. for the ,Sun- member -w;b;oas .allturgical lfue New Testament, Mr. SheedfJionto 'Ohrist'smiracles 'ilihat out of a population of 9,407,127. . day observance iamade ·diffi- scholar is one of ,the 'papally apeomes up with an manner of they violate the 'laws ·of nature. Catholics in the .Soviet Unioli eWt by' ·.the :necesSity to .W!Ot!k ,pointed ueJ;Perts" ,of the Coun~esh observations. "A miracle no more· ~olates Manner of 'Speech the laws .0fnatl.U'e;" he says, -are said ,to 'number 10 million- . <ra :Sunday.ll-.not .only :in cl1, saidtbat ,the guestion (of re4.7 per cent of a'· total population highly industrialized Christian f~.the general calendar T() take a sma'll but signal ".than a fieldsman violates· the of 215 million. example, lVIT. 'Sheed has ·studied law of .gravity by catchio,g.a .ball COUlltries, ,butim 'IlOn-Christian and that ,oJ. fixi~ .the date for Canada ,l!I.&nlm mg~ Our Loncl~smanna''Df speech as on its way .to the ground. .He haG eDUlltries too. Easter are quite separate. Be On a percentage basis tbG repor,ted in the ,Gospel, and simply brought into .action ,an'1'Ihe bulletin rej)Ortedsug- ,said .the ,problem of ,a calendar '!points out that no .sentimental o.ther law. That .i..l what ,Good !leadin,g ,geographical ,regiollQ gestionsthat Advent and Lent for universal use is "largel'Y a .from the :standpoint of ,Catholie be restored to their odginal civil question on ,which 'the ,utterance ,can be found in it. The does." Saviour was a ·cool realist. The whole book, .in shod, ;fa population are Middle .America. significance and penitential Chureh might indicate its 'feelWhen, after themir.aculous an unflagging wonder, ·com- 94 per cen~; South America, 92.4 ~araeter. 'TbeJlUggestion WaD ·ings;'" .feedin,gof the .Live thousand by· pound ,of learnin,glight\y worn !per ,cent; West .Indies 74 per the lakeshor.e, the multitude but .shrewdly used, brilliant· .cent; ;western :a '0. -d southern ,Bought him lOut in ,his ,seclusion, common sense, a·grasp ·on ,the , EUl'ope, 5Vl per ,cent; :and East "his manner was not that ,of a mentaU'ty of the typical ·con- A£r:ica, 29.9 per .cent. Nor.th miracle-worker modesUy re- . temporary readet" in its capa- .American Catholiesrepresent 24.9 per ·cent. ceiving congratulations . . . He ,bUities, Interes~, prejudic~, for,Canada ·has ,a <Catholic poputold them that they had come midable skill .in e~planati()n, Iliimplybecausehe 'had filled '8ndmastery of a stYle which, 'lation of ,8,230;000, ·44.2 ,percent of the total population of their .stomachs with .bread." plain 'and 'brisk,is extraordi...1-6;62Q,OOO. There are other instances cited narily powerful. ~ "Jesus' ,l!peechbeing brief, . Excellent 'll'eacbezo to the point, unsentimental." In commenting ,011 the ,wffer.If(J(>>rJ) C£DlJi'il@(BHmHfil JP>Il'Ji~ztt A5@]~ 'Whol1yJudged' ence between St. Mark~s narra,But Mr. 'Sheed observes a dif- tive of the healing tOf the woman 'S~O~@liil Ul1\l'~@fl'Il'\!!l!i'\l@fr® :ferenceoncetheP.as!!i~is'en- ,with .a nux of ,bloo~and ,8t: SAIGON (NC) -A Canadian tared llPon. Thus, durtng the ·LuKe'·s version .of ,the same inRedemptoristhas built up an public miniStry,Judas had been cldent, ,Mr. ,sheed .notesi'hat ,spok«:n to t~rsely, ~ever~ly. .st. .Mark ·reports ,that .af!t.er· organization ·that ·helps 1,200 ThIS was m k-eepmg WIth Our spending all her money ,on phy- '~nmarried 'mothers, deserted whr,es 'and :abandoned ,children Lord's r::£usal to use gentle siciana, "she was .nothing the 'words WIth men hardened in better but rather the worse" 'm Hhouses :1n and near ,this .citY. evil. But when . the . same Jlidas while 'St. ItUke 'simplyputs 'FilltherLuclan 0liv.ier,C;SS.a, consummated hIS :WIcked COU1'5e that '''she 'coUld not be l1ealJ.ed" by betraying his 'Master with a 'Mark, 'he 'says ta:'lks as the re~ who ~starned ,the or,ganizatioll (fouryears'!\go, ,provides ~ kiss, he was greeted :as "friend." -of men have tJ'1ked about doc:some 700 .of ,these ,unfortunatetll Why? .B e c.•~ use, says .Mr.il;onl from -thebeginniqg. Luke? ,in .one ·centerwhich :sells lIigB, S?ee~, -:resushas ,entered Into He was 'a . doctor. And Mr. chickens and fish. In .another his vIctim-condition, .he goes to 'Sheed? 'He ls the teaCher ,par ,center, ,a ,pagan :woman cares for. the slaughter 'lamb-like: there ,is -exce'llenee. . tlOOchildr-en. Trhis w:oman,who lIlO rage :in ihim, -no :!iuclging ,even. was deserted 'by ber 'husband, He is wholly judged." I'N""e'~e§1 Retrea.Ilt ,is under ,instt-uctions for BapMiracle flIits Home 4ism. Many a writer has done a poriB'tnl 'l«:ll!lll@Jl11IlIl'I$)& IDhere have heen 400 Baptisms trllit !of .St.P.eter, on ,the basis ~0ND0N (NC)-A,special ne,in ,the H ·houses since ;the ,organof the IGoSpel ,data. .Some of treat.has .been given for [30 deaf these have been book-length. mute Catholics in the London ization :started and ,11 number of iUnmarriedmothers ,and deserted area in sign language. . wives have returned 'b 'tho jt took :p1ace at ·the Sisters tof sacraments. NOTRE DAME (NC)-Twenty 'Charity convent near Westminpaintings from iIlhe 1liJliiversity .ster cathedral and was ;lHI@!m@IfM@fi't(.yU'$ of Notre Dame gallery will be "preached" by Father W. J. Hayw:ard" .'8 .convert, .who lost biB seen in museums throughout the NAGASAKI -(NC)-Five htmcountry during the coming year hearing while serving in Franee 'red Australlanpi~grimsattended in an exhibition circulated iby in World 'War '1. He received 'ceremonies '<here marking 'the the American ']1edera'tioB ,of :llPe cia1iaciIitiea to be ordained ·centenary·at. 'the canotiizatiOll'c:f a!\a.1ta. JJa a.~ '26 'Nagasakimartyr4i,




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