
Page 10

man of Dallas-Fort Worth de­ Bishop Walsh noted in the re­ WOMEN'S COUNCIL ­ clared in his report as epi~copal DECADE 100% GROWTH 'port that the bill containing a chairman of the Press Depart­ provision ,for the exemption of During the last decade, the Continued from Page One ment. private, non-profit schools and National Council of Catholic He also reported that prob­ FAMILY BUREAU ­ colleges from Federal excise Bishop Gorman told the gen­ lems in great number and com­ Women achieved a 100 per cent , taxes has passed the U. S. House AND POORER NATIONS plexity continued'to arise on the , The •tenet that "the United eral meeting that the actual growth, it was disclosed in the of Representatives and is now national scene. States has a moral obligation to voice of His Holiness Pope Pius before the', Senate Finance Com­ organization's annual report sub­ assist underdeveloped nations" XII was heard in this country mitted by Cin'cinnati's Arch­ Archbishop Keough said the' !D:itte.e, lluring the last 12 months, "in a was recaiIed in the Social Action report on NCWC activities for gracious paternal tribute to the bishop Karl J. Alter, episcopal Department's report on its affili­ 1956 had been sent to the Holy SOC"L ACTION .....

work of the, Catholic press"; . chairman of the Department of ate, the Catholic Association for See arid that,.Jn acknowledging RACE TENSIONS

r.3y Organizations. that with five more diocesan or­ International Peace. receipt' of it for His Holiness The NCWC Social Action De­ ,gans established during .the year ' 'Capping the expansion, the re­ The Family Life ,Bureau,be­ Pope Pius XII, Msgr. Angelo 'partment deplored what it called sides rep,orting on the wide scope only 10 Sees in the United States port stated; the NCCW organized Dell'Acqua, Substitute Vatican the "marked decline in commu­ Secretary of State, called it a' nication between the races" in , ,of its activities during the year,' and island possessions are not' the Military Council of 'CatholiC: Women~Europe. Composed of "volume replete ** * with, evi­ the areas of the United States made a number' of cpmments now served" by their own dio­ ' service wives' organizations ami dence of meritorious work ac-' where the greatest racial tension and recommendations. Among cesan publications. them:'" , complished." eXists. ' Turning 'to achievements' in groups of civilians working with ,-"There is an, obligation for ,another "vein, Bishop Gorman, , the,military, the European coun­ In another c()mmunicatio~, St~essing ,the race problem Msgr. Dell'Acqua praised "the 'along with thQse,of inflation, the a father to take out an adequate said the_serviCe had been able cil has nine area councils-six ill Germany, one in Italy and two eager fraternal charity" which 'world march of communism and lIfe insurance policy ,as a Safe­ in the last year to sned the light in France. Groundwork for the guard to his children until he is inspired the Archbishops and labor:"management relations in Bishops of the United States to itsannual report, the department sure that' they are sufficiently of corrective truth on a number, council was laid with the co­ secure and can take care of of stories attacking the Church operation of the National Cath­ send medicines and drugs to the' said: olic Community Service in Octo­ themselves." ' and Catholics, and that its fac­ Holy Father - for distribution "The mediators Qf the p;st are 'ber, 1956, and the council Wall among the needy in Poland. The' silent today. The result is a ten­ -:A ,survey of, prospective tual reporting of the widespread Monsignor called this a "gift of dency to depepdexclusively. family education in the nation's fight against obscene reading established in March and April, 1957. brotherly love." , upon law in a field which should Catholic. se,condary, schools re:' matter had contributed much to ,The report disclosed that the Archbishop Keough said that 'be handled 'from many sides. It 'vealed that'''less than 10 per cent many of the problems confrorit­ would be a tragedy if the leader­ ,had acceptable courses in this the'defeat of this old enemy on NCCW' now has 10,763 affiliated organizations, which include 22 I ing the NCWC in the last year ship of individuals, particularly field." several fronts. became the specific responsibil­ of the do~inant white- popula';' '-"rhough the percentage of Turn to Page Eleven On 'the administrative side, tion, and the action' of voluntary, divorces 'was apparently on the ,Bishop Gorman said the NCWC ity of one department of the con­ ference, but required the collab­ 'groups, were not to manifest increase during the first half of News Service had strengthened oratiop of other departments and itself in "bringing harmony and' this year * .. * we still have rea­ its Rome Bureau; expanded its bureaus dnd the continuing at­ justice in' racial relations." , sons t6 hope that though the first' Rome coverage, and generally half of ,the century saw the tightened and improved 'news ' tention of the Executive Depart­ The report, presented by Arch­ ELECtRICAL

ment in order to be handled most bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of greatest decadence, in Christian coverage both at home and CONTRACTORS

effectively. Washington in 'his capaCity 8S history of our institution of mar- ' abroad., The service employed 95' riage, the next half may see its "foreign an'd 56 domestic, cor­ , EDUCATION DEPARTMENTepiscopal chairman 'of the de­ Residential - Commercial


STUDY OF LAY TEACHERpartment; said tliat current ex- greatest uplift." respondents in the last year, and The Bureau of Health and, its dispatches were going to pub­ A large-scale study of the sta'- posures of ,trade union racket­ 633 Broadway" ~all River Hospitals reported ft had had "its lications in 60 countries and' de­ tus of the lay teache~ in the ;,':eeringprobably will prove "ben­ . OS 3-1691 Catholic school system has been eficial' 'rather than' harmful to usual' ,busy year." The bureau 'pendencies, in ever1 continent. under~a\<en by, the NCWC De- ' the' labor: movement 'and' to 'tiie 'acted ,as a liaison between the . partm~nt of Education, Arch- ",cause ofcoHective' bargaining 'Ford Foundation and, Catholic institutions sharing in the fouri­ bishop. Albert G.Meyer of Mil- and labor-management coopera­ ".dation'ir. ','unprecedented gift" to waukee, its episcopal' chairman" ,tion.'" ' ' nqn-profit hospitals. The foun­ said iQ his annual report. ' Court Decisions . Preserves and Candies Truck BodyBuilders

,dation, it re¢alled, ,has made the As an indication of the signifi" , ", Aluminum or Steel

cance of the project, the Arch-, The" report cited It, as the, ,final 'payments" with Catholic Sold at hospitals receiving $60,385,400 as' bishop noted that in 1950 there' }hin~irig 'of Fat.her fohn f· 944 C,ounty, St.

were 13 Religiolis teachers for' ,,'Cronm, ~,S'" assocIate dlI:~ct?r .of " their :share of the total grant of.' NEW BEDFORD. MASS.

$250,000,000. . • every"lay teacher, but' that in, '~he d~partmentand ,a specI~hst , , WY 2-661'8 1957 the ratio is 5 to 1 , ' , In the, prOblem ,,~f commuDlsm, of New Bedford The bureau also cited its "very , He said the deparb~ent's staff, ' . ,that. ~~~le .tthh7rethare "gemli?e ,active~' study ~f the special train­ .' . A few doors fr~m Our Lady'. C~apel t is being' assisted by a ,special" ,enslOns" WI In, e c0m.mums t ing needed for hospital chap­ committee of school superinten-' world" none of ~hese ~Igns o~ lains, "with particular reference dents in its study. Sqme of the' ,u~rest, spould b 7 mterpre~ed' as, to, Catholic chaplains' in ' men­ Farm subjects' under survey are: an- . portents .of a ~aJo~ ~evolt 10 any tal 'hospitals." And it said' it ' iooks forward toward full co­ nual salary, group insurance, re-' commumst nabon.

IISPECIAL MILK tirement plans, contracts and reAccordmg to Father Cronin, operation in making a' success of From Our Own lationship to the' Religious 'fa- the serili!s of decisions .issued by the First Catholic. World Health culty. , the U: S. Supreme .court last Conference, which will be held' ,Tested Herd" in Brussels in July, i958. The ,'department, 'he added June' on internal security, mat­ ,Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 helped "iii the organization 'of ters "de~ighted" the, American' CATHOLIC PRESS ' "orientation centers" for the' Communist party and "may nar:-' POWER'HiGHEST " ,~ Special Milk Hungarians 'where 'they 'were" row any, g()vernmental' attack ., Homogenized vIt. 0 Milk .•.; '& , , ; The, NCWC News' servi~ has' taught English. arid 'other sub':';' ,: Communism to' areas that el~arly 'carrie~ :for~,a:rd : the r~porting • Buttermilk ' , jects. " i n v o l v e '" espionage, sUbversion;, , power, of the Catholic press "to • Trppicanci Orange .Juice It ~lso made ,an appeal for ,and', t~~ason against the United :8 highe~degree than ever be­ .'·Coffee, and Choc.· Milk llcholarships for these' students.' States., ,fore," ',Bishop Thom~s K. Gor': • Eggs -:- Bufter . , Thirty-three Catholic colleges Father Cronin holds, however, and universities' for men that ':i~ d~fending, the right of, ~"'~""~"~,-~~~----" Falmouth to Chatham

awarded 91 scholarships and 63' the go~ern~entto fight commu- , ~" ~'f ~ Sagamore to Orleans

colleges for wome, offered 'U8 nist subversion, we ,must not scholarships in the response to blind o~,rselves to excesses per­ and. Points Between'

& the department's appeal, he said. "petrateq, by individua'ls'· and : '" LEGAL DEPARTMENT. _ groups carrying the banner of ~~ Big 'Values in' Used" CarS : 62 Barnstable Rd.

~ ~ ,~ INDECENT LITERATURE ' 'anti-c~mmiJnism."· :Thc J report : J,O,HN FIGUEIREI)0 : ',: "795 COl,JNTY STREET' :

Hyannis, Mass.

,. . " A statute or ordinance de­ ~ys als.~thathe <lQes not'bli!lie:ve ~ , MANNY MONIZ ' ~, ~" , NEW BEDFORD ~ ,

~ . ~ ~' .. ~ signed to curb the distributi~n the ,Supreme ,Court rulings i~will tel. Hyannis 4275 , of obscene literature must be necessarily obstrul;t the most· ~ 1640 Cove Rd., So. Dartmouth , ~, WY 7-0381 : ' : ' Industrial Oil Burners: carefully' drawn to survive a ,vital ~reas of anti-communist ': You won't be sorry

cour,t test, tile Legal Deparbnent activity in the United States." ~" ............" .. ~~ .., " ".....! : Sprinkler Systems ,: tomorrow if you call

noted in its report. '~s today

: Piping,' Contractors : The number of court decisions ~, ". demaq.d~ng exactness of the laws DO NOW! INSURANCE; : WYman 7-91~O :' ,indicate the need for careful Service Station preparation, Bishop Emmet, M. ~---~----,~---~-,-~,--~ APPRAISER Wals~ of YoungstowlJ, Ohio;' GAS REA~To.R' episcopal chairman of the, de­ ,Tune-ups and, Brake Work

partment, said. ' 807 Ashley Blvd." eor. Tarkiln

However, he added, the U. S. I OS 2-2000 Hill Rd~; ,New Bedford' , Supreme Court "settled the mat-' Gilbert J. Costa, Prop. 1320 No. Main St. ter" of whether or not salaCious WY 6-9276 FALL RIVER 880 SOUTH MAIN ST~ -, FALL RIVER literature falls within, the' scope of the First Amendment when it ruled in three cases in June that obscenity is not within the area of constitutionally protected FLOWERLAND speech or press. , ' formerly Tiberii Shop Salety-T~sted In regard to Sunday shopping, Floral Arrangements the Bishop declared that "the 1'726 ACUSHNET AVE­ Under per8~nal supervision of Telephone OSborne ,8-5236 open sale of automobiles has Fred Sowle and Doris Sowle , NEW BEDFORD

become an increasing abuse,." 811 Ashley Blvd. Electrical Contractors

New Bedford WY 3-2613 WYman 5-7555

Rita and ,Eddie Galligan, Prope.

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