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Continued from Page One that children and young people people are impressed and motivated by the religious atmosphere and practice of the entire community. Describing the adult Catholic community in the United States, Bishop Lucker said many of its members "have an imperfect awareness of the foundations of the faith. Many do not accept the teaching of the Church on essential matters of doctrine and morals. Moreover, there has been an alarming decline in Mass attendance, in daily prayer and in the practice of traditional Church devotions. Many have abandoned their membership in the Church. "A good number of Catholics are Catholics in name only. They appear to have never truly given a personal affirmation response to the invitation and gift of Christ. They have, in brief, never undergone a conversion experience. The faith in these instances appears superficial, the result of cultural influence or neighborhood pressure, ,rather than a commitment to Christ and to His Church." Bishop Lucker continued: "One of the major tasks of adult catechesis, as I see it, is to bring about personal conversion and lives deeply dedicated to Christ reflected both in word and deed." Adult catechesis must be regarded "as a journey, not a destination," he said. "It is a constant growing experience in which the adult never fully reaches the goal. There is always more room for being more like Christ, the purpose of catechesis." 'Bishop Lucker cited the example of Jesus, who directed His teaching to the adult community, as a reason for giving priority to adult catechesis. Adult catechesis, he said, takes three major forms: parent catechesis, family catechesis and adult catechesis per se." ·Parent catechesis, which he said is now the most extensive and intensive form of adult catechesis in the United States, concentrates on assisting parents in preparing their children for the sacraments of first Communion first Penance and Confirmation and on understanding the psychological and spiritual development of the young. Recommended support for such catechesis, Bishop Lucker urged also developing "creative new approaches ... built around other key moments - both religious and secular - in the lives of children and youth." Family catechis "is usually conceived and presented as part of a total ministry to the family and is concerned with the physical, psychological, recreational and spiritUal well being of all the members," he said. Adult catechis "should lead to fervant prayer life," the bishop said. "For both adults and communities, prayer means a deepening awareness of the covenanted relationship with God, coupled with the effort to live in total harmony with His will."

7 Observance Here

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Oct. 13, 1977


Hu,man Rights Human Rights and Justice Week, sponsored by the National Council of Catholic Laity, will be observed Oct. (6 through 22 in the Fall River diocese and by schools, parishes, and Catholic organizations across the nation Sister Marion Geddes, RSM, diocesan superintendent of schools, said the week offers an excellent opportunity for teach· ers to combine programs with Campaign for Human Dfivelopment activities. In a letter to diocesan schools, she noted that educators had been challenged by the appear-

TOWARD A PRO-LIFE CONGRESS: Dominican Father Charles Fiore of Chicago is surrounded by five congressmen who have pledged to support him in the formation of a pro-life political action group called NATIONAL PROLIFE PAC. The Congressmen are, from left, Richard Nolan (D-Minn.), Dale Kildee (D-Mich.), Harold Volkmer (D-Mo.), Thomas Kindness (R-Ohio), .and Henry Hyde (R-Ill.)

ance in Fall River earlier this month of Father Lawrence McNamara, national CHD director, and that the Rights and Justice Week was aimed at implementing on a global scale many of the same goals on those of CHD. She said materials available to schools and religious education programs include suggestions for classes, programs, liturgies and campaigns of letter writing to state and national legislators and to persons imprisoned in connection with human rights issues.


Dukakis Veto

porary victory through the exContinued from Page One veto of certain Senators. These ercise of the Governor's veto events have caused thoughtful power, and the ability of a mincitizens dismay and anguish. ority of the Senate to sustain it. The argument has pervailed They should also evoke serious reflection as to their causes and that so long as it is not a crime for a rich woman to destroy their cure. her unborn child, it must be the A brief review of the relavant right of a poor woman to call history is instructive: A decade on the public to finance her exago the advocates of liberalized ercise of the same life-taking abortion were struggling to act. modify the provisions of our The same argument was made criminal law which, for decades in the legislature years ago. Solihas proscribed n«m-therapeutic citude for the poor is equated abortion as a crime,. Thus in with assisting the elimination of 1970, House Bill No. 3756 was the children of the poor. In this introduced by Mr. Dukakis of sophistry the truth is obscured. Brookline (by request), petition Whether the act to be done by of William R. Balrd. It sought the rich or poor, abortion takes the repeal of the existing aborthe life of an innocent, defensetion statute and the enactment less human being. It is iniquiof a new section to read "abortous whether the criminal law tion may be perfonned by any forbids it or the state subsiphysician who has first obtained dizes it. the consent of the female upon It will not do now to wring whom said abortion is to be our hands in anguish and abanperformed." don the defense of the unborn. Legislation of this character Public policy on abortion failed of passage in the Massa- even in the limited area presentchusetts legislature by decisive ly allowed for the protection if votes. Our people would not unborn life by judicial decisions sanction abortion for conveni- has not been immutably ence and on demand. Several fixed. Enlightened public opinyears later, however, when the ion can change public policy. United States Supreme Court Even the narrow area of struck down as unconstitutional available defense of the unborn criminal law sanctions against can be enlarged by constitutionabortion, the effort to make al amendment. The lesson to be abortion a permanent feature learned from recent events is of the American way of life was that advocates of elective aborrevived. tion as a fixture in American In general, the pro-abortion life are tenacious and powerful. forces were composed of the They either do not see, or they same groups and individuals who ignore, the fundamental moral had earlier failed in the Massa- issue. It seems that their allegichusetts legislature. They re- ance has long been fixed. Could ceived a setback this year when it be that their minds are closed? decisions of the Supreme Court Hence, those of our citizens held that there was no constitu- who value life must now be tional requirement to fund elec- more resolute, well-informed and tive abortions. articulate than ever. We believe The effect of these mostre- that they constitute a majority cent decisions was to make such whose convictions eventually funding an issue of public policy will prevail over the temporary to be resolved by the people - setback of the veto power. through their elected represenThus in the months and years tatives. The issue, thus framed, ahead, they will ,be able to corWhere Is Your Heart? searched and tested the value rect and remedy a public policy "It is not a sin to have riches, system of our public officials. oriented to the destruction of but it is a sin to fix our hearts._ In that critical test, the friends unborn life. Otherwise, "God upon them." - St. John Baptist of public funding of elective Save the Commonwealth of de la Salle abortions have achieved a tem- Massachusetts."

October 23rd is Mission Sunday. A reminder that Christ meant all of us when He said: "Go ye, therefore and teach all nations." Yet few of us can. Few of us do. All of us, though, can help the Missions in the Near East. Here are some of the ways:


In the very lands where Christ was born and where His disciples taught, there are over 1,800,000 people living without homes and without hope. Some of them for more than 29 years! Just $20 will feed a family for a month -$525 will build a small but decent home. Only $50 will care for a blind or deaf-mute child for a month-and $1 will buy a refugee child hot lunches for a whole month. How much will you share?





The recent fighting in lebanon and throughout the Near East has left thousands of children homeless. You can "adopt" one of them for only $14 a month-give them clothes, food, shelter, education-and what they need most -love. "Your" child will write to you. You may reply, if you wish. Christ will love you the more for loving one of His very own "little ones." In the Near East, hundreds of vocations are blooming. But many young men and women may never realize their dream to walk in Christ's footsteps only because their families are poor. For just $300 ($12.50 a month for two years) you can help a young girl become a nun. For $1080 ($15 a month for six years) you can sponsor a seminarian all the way to Ordination. Now you can have a priest or Sister in your family.


Dear Monsignor Nolan:

Please return coupon with your offering

Many poor Catholics in the Near East do not even have a church of their own in which to worship. You can help. Where? The mountain people of Kerala, primitive farm folk who live in mud huts, desperately need to replace the ramshackle shed that now serves as a chapel. Just $4000 will give the 185 Catholic families there a modest but adequate church-an ideal Memorial for someone you love.




















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