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State ,HD~h Ccu~t

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Sept. 21,. 1961

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, SALEM (NC) - The Oregon Supreme Court heard . arguments here in a challenge to a state law which

USE TV IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION: The problems eonnected with making the best use of educational television are as pressing in the Catholic school system in some parts of the country as they are in the public school system.

One-half mIIIionpupiIs studied by educational television last, year. A sp~IIing lesson via TV is being given, left. Father John 1\1. Culkin, S.J. of Fordham (right) says ETV "is ~ means, just like books, lectures and th.e teacher."

Stop Besging .~broad, Bis'hap'Tells Af.·ican Catholics

permits lending 'state textbooks to private school students. . The dispute before the high .court centered on the question of whether the beneficiary of the law is the student or the school. " . Backers maintained that it is the student. But opponents argued that it is the school and that therefore, in the case of church schools, the law violates Church-State separation by aiding a religious institution. The Oregon high court heard the case on appeal from a ruling handed down in February, 1960, by Circuit Court Judge Ralph M. ' Holman.. State Supplies Books Judge Holman upheld the constitutionality of the law on the grounds that U. S. Supreme Court decisions in favor of similar legislation in other states are binding in Oregon. But he said he himself disagreed with the Supreme Court's rulings. The present ,case arose when three taxpayers in the Oregon City school district filed suit against the law, ~hallenging the lending of state textbooks to pupils at St. Jol1n the Apostle School. Catholic schools of the Portland archdiocese, which includes Oregon City, use state-supplied texts in all subjects except social studies imd religion.' The taxpayers' suit was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union. Arguing the case on ·their behalf before the state high court was " Leo Pfeffer, a frequent writer and spokesman on Church-State issues. Arguments in favor of the law were presented by Portland attorneys Randall Kester' and Roy Shields, representing Ivan Carlson, an intervenor in the suit. Carlson has children attending 8t, John the Apostle School who benefit under the challenged law.

MWANZA (NC)-An African, the principle that the parish is tration of parishes as well as in all can co'ntribute somethng." Bishop has called it high time an "extended family" and not their financial development. B ish 0 p Butibage Lwamosa the Africans start supporting that of an organization under a '"It is time we in Africa urged the delegates to try to intheir Church and stop asking for manager. " took the responsibility for the stitute this idea of the parish money abroad. He said Catholics in the Mwan- Church," Bish.op Butibage Lwa- council when they return to their Auxiliary B ish 0 p Renatus za diocese help in the adminis- mosa declared. 35 different dioceses. His audiButibage Lwamosa of Mwanza 0 ,Look to Ourselves ence came from Uganda, Kenya; in Tanganyika has told lay~en "We must work for the Churc~. Ny~s~land, ;ahodesia and .Tanfrom East and Central AfrIca ' , ,. .We ourselves must finan<;e it. ganylka. It mcluded Amencans, t~at such dependence on. for'" "I do not like it that we are Eur~peans and Asians as well as eigners "makes us look like a · '. always b~gging in Europe' or Mncans.. miserable people." .CIN.CINNATI (N/::)-A pnest- ·America. It makes us .look like The Bishop' pointed out that He pointed out that in the Dio- histon~n has lauded the rece.nt 'miserable people. It .is our reduring the past two years he had cese of Hwanza all parishes and ~ncy~l~cal of P<?~ ~ohn f<?r Its sponsibility to let the Christians blessed and consecrated' six parish priests are supported by defI.mtely optImIstIc attIiud~ know clearly their ~uty to supchurches built by the people of' Catholics of the parish. He as- toward the future of the WOrl~"port ,and nourish the, pal'ish- .Mwanza diocese. The lay aposserted the diocese operates on ~sgr. Josep~ N. Moody, hIS- . family. ' t o l a t e meeting was called by . t~nan of t~e N~w York arch- Build New Churches Bishop Joseph Blomjous, W.M., dlOces~, sa~~ thIS tone o.f, th~ "I am a son of Mrica. I know of Mwanza, chairman of the Lay ~n~,~chcal, i\1:ater et Magistra, 'What my people have 'and what Apo~tolate Department of the I~ ~n sharp contrast to the p~s:- 'they don't have. A,nd I know that Tanganyika Catholic Welfare .:Slmlsm "of many people, partIcOrganization. INDIANAPOLIS (NC) -,Fr. ularly the non religious." . :;;~".' , Pius Barth, O.F.M., president of . '''The hopefulness ofthe Pope,'" . . UI " WIld Experiences . " ~ the Franciscan Educational Con:' Msgr. Moody .told ain'eeting of Many delegates traveled· hun:" ferenceand former provincial the Cincinnati Medievalists dreds of miles to reach this town . 'of the St. Louis-Chicago Fran- "even extends to the problem of NEW HAVEN (NCh-Fourteen .on· the edge of Lake Victoria.~ ciscan province of. the Saered . the ,world's growing population.. Catholic students at .Yale Unl- . On~ de~egate sIlent the,. nig~t THIS MEDICINE WILL . Heart, has beeq named toa post .. He 'can assert with confidence versity here spent the Sum:lIu:i'r amid wild game· when hIS bus • ~I YOU WE.LL! in Rome.' that this is an 'era in which.' building an adult,educati0 Il' (:ef1-. broke down in, the middle of the, ". 'nUfPRESCA.IPTION ' Father Barth will become . immense, possibilities fOt: good ter in Mexico City.. :Serimgeti· Plains about 80 miles

Lauds Optimism Of Encyclical

Name Franciscan . \To Rome Post

1'4 St.U' dents B -Id :Education Center

president of .the.Franciscan 'In,. are opene.d by the Church.''' . The project was sparked.llist, ternational Institute of Pedagogy 'Most Readllble" Spring by a, sermon given by in Rome 'on Sunday, Oct. 1, it He also praised the encycli- Father Felix McGowan; M.M., ·was anhounced at AlvernaRe- cal for .its .clarity of .stYle and who>wasvisiting atyaie. He em- , treat House here 'where he had said it is "the most readable"of phasized the n.eedfo,r lay' .1111,·Sm.ade~is· headquarters since' the great papal documents." '. sionaries in Latin America and completing,his term as provincial The encylical makes it clear, as a result of his sermon the Yale' in 1960.: ., .... , " . said· Msgr.Moody, that. "no .Catholic Abroad was formed. His a~poi~tment was made by longer can we take for granted Kenneth Luke of Honolulu, Fat h e'r ,Augustine Sepinski, that in some' countries the now a ·senior in electrical enginO.F.M., Minister General of the standard' of living is poorer 'e'ering at Yale, said thl;! students Franciscans, in Rom"e. than our own." , chose as their firSt uridertaking , Teaching Privilege "It 'definitely.· commits Ca'th,;. the building of a school for the The institute, Father Barth olics,". he . stated, "to the duty' poor in Me.xico City on the recwillhe,ad has .been set up for, of, raising the standards of the' ommeridation ,of, tpe Christi,aJ? Franciscan priests' from eve'ry . underdeveloped nations .to' ',the . 'Family' Movement ,there. province .of the order and offers level of. the West-not as.an in-. Raised FUnds courses; toward the pr~paration.." surailce against communism,,, . Funds', for :the projectw.ere and formation of future instruc- but as a positive Catholic obli- raised by selling' books imdso..: tors, 'masters and administrators.' gation." liciting universIty 'alumni;L\lke Those completing the two':'year': said. Members of the CFM in graduate course and defending Congress Asks, Fund Mexico City furnished room a.nd an original dissertation are T F ' board for the students and sup:" awarded th'e generallectorate in 0 ight Delinquency plied building materials.. , pedagogy with the privilege of WASHINGTON (NC) - Con'.'The work was carried 'out in teaching in any Franciscan gress has passed and sent to the ..(\ctipan district, one of SE!Vschool in the world. President Kennedy a bill estab- eral slum areas in Mexico City," lishing a $30 million, three-year Luke said. "The poverty there is Criticizes Proposed! program to fight juvenile delin-· appalling. Some 600 families live quency. in one and two-room mudbrick Merger of Churches The program calls f()r $10 mil- huts' without running water or a BROOKLYN (NC)-The head lion .to be spent annually over sewerage system. At first .we of the Anglo-Catholic wing of the next three years for public thought the children were lying the Protestant-Episcopal Church and private agencies' demonstra-, about their age!r-malnutrition In this country has voiced strong tion projects dealing with delin- makes them appear many yeaFs criticism of a proposed merger quency. . younger 'than they actually ar,~." of that church with several ProtSome of the money will also estant bodies. be used to train personnel and ,~ In a sermon at St. Michael's t() provide technical aid to and St. Mark's church· here, agencies. Canon Albert J. duBois" executive secretary of th'e American Church Union, said the proposed merger "looks toward the disappearance of the Episcopal Church as we know it." Later this month in Detroit the Sales Rentals triennial general convention of West,. HarwicJt the Protestant-Episcopal Church NORTH F~NT $TREE1r . will be invited. to join a union ,ROUTE 28 '" ~. ' NEW BEDFORD with the Methodist Cburch, the HarNich.4-14" ,; . ,UnitedPresbyterian. Churchancf" ,'. ~ifJ..::~(,:~T·/,:,,! ." -.., ,,'.._. the United Ch~ch of. Chrisi.' .. ~.:,: . ..... . ""., . ,. '. - -".'.' "': . ..

.' , .




from here. Another delegate'said

.~e a~ost wrecked his' c~r when

a~hmoceros lumbered of It; ",






'Praises· Educator


:. WASHINGTON (NC),-A Con.;. gressman paid tribute to Father John A. 'Flynn, C.M., former president of St. John's University, Brooklyn, N. Y., who was transferred' last July to· St. Joseph's College, 'Princeton, N. J; Rep. Hugh L. Carey of New York, an alumnus of St.,' John's described Father Flynn as' "a, !:great educator'! in astatement" ~ placed in. the '. Congressional J: Record., '; . '



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