
Page 1


TV 'Crjmes~

Reach Peak

: LOS ANGELES (NC)­ TV "crime before nine" to­ taled 223 killings in one week-plus an immeasur-. 'ble amount of greed, hate and

vengeance, it 'was estimated

kre. ~

· The tabulation was made by

Mte evaluation committee of

NAFBRAT (National Association

for Better Radio and Television)

of crime programs before 9 p.m.

on Seven Los Angeles TV sta­

tions during one week, according

to Clara S. Logan,' NAFBRAT


· "Our report indicates that

erime 011 TV has reached an all­

«me peak," she said.

, "The prospect ahead is even

J!Ilore frightening, because the

~etworks have taken the lead

ftom independent producers in

pl'esenting death and sadism on

Programs which reach millions

of youngsters each week."

Mrs. Logan said the crime show situation has become "com­ "letely disheartening." She said that a few years ago Turn to Page Fourteen

_ishop Donaghy ~uys Station From Police · MAIOLI, Formosa-Ghosts ' interfering with police procedure - so the ·cops , moved out and let the Mary­ ~ere

knoll Fathers deal' with some­ thing outside police jurisdiction. · Some of the Maryknoll priests . lit work in the county of Maioli a.:e about to move into a house which was until recently a Police station-and haunted at that. Five years ago a new central police station was built in Mai­ oli. Right from the time the staff moved in, however,' strange .. n d inexplicable phenomena occurred. No matter how securely the police chief locked his office at night, the next morning chairs and tables were upset and papers scattered all over the floor. The chief died suddenly as a ~sult of an attack. The next chief ran into the same office management prob­ lem. Mornings found the furni­ ture thrown about, papers scat­ tered. He became seriously ill and had to resign from the force. His successor was no less a victim of ghostly pranks-though he refused to sit at the former Turn to Page Sixteen

Jesuit to Teach Sacred Theology At University · WASHINGTON (NC)­ Father John C. Ford, S.J., an authority on moral problems in medicine, will be visiting I?rofessor at the School of Sacred Theology of the Catholic Uni­ versity of America here during the 1958-59 academic year. · The university said in a state­ ment that Father Ford, profes­ sor of moral and pastoral theol­ ogy at Weston (Mass.) College, · Turn to Page Seventeen


F\.') " I ~ '\


The ANCHOR ~~1


,,, .. I'j, t. flol,.I'\



An Anchor of the So'Ul, Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL

Fall River, Mass. Thursday, July 24, 1_958 Second ,Cia... Mail Privileges PRICE tOe Vol 2, No. 30 Authorized at Fall River. Mass. $4.00 per Y_ .\


. July 23, 1958 Dearly Beloved in Christ: By long tradition, the first Sunday of August is Peter's Pence Day in the Diocese of Fall River. Follow­ ing the ancient custom of our Catholic forbears, we make our offering of devotion' to the Holy Father on August 3rd. We reach out to him a sensible proof of our willingness to share his burdens, sustain his charities, and support his effort to achieve peace in our time. The weight of spiritual anxiety and respon­ sibility alone conti,nues heavy and hard to bear. We must not consent to have material worries added. We should not wan.t to shorten the reach of his fatherly solicitude. by plaCing cautious limits on the alms he dispenses. We must not permit the world to pass' criticism on us as heedless children of a benevolent father, indifferent to th.e fundamental loyalty that is ours of holding up his 'outstretched arms of prayer and charity. What we do by contributing personally to the support of the Father of Christendom marks the de­ gree of 'our gratitude to .God. What we do for him is an index of our willingness to bear one another's bur­ dens. It is a means of telling the world that we stand loyally by Christ's Vicar on earth, second to none among a faithful following the world over. God knows the world sorely needs lessons of spiritual loyalties and religious values. Let us not fail. to prove our filial affection for Pope Pius XII on Sunday next. Faithfully yours in Christ,

.r>eZ-:cJ-' Bishop of Fall River

Improvement of Catholic Family Life Purpose 'of Convention. . BUFFALO (NC)-They did not come to bury Catholie ' . family life, or to praise it. They came to seek means of improving it. And in trying to do so nearly 1,000 delegates to the National Catholic Family Life convention here they were not without a touch did not sidestep such con­ of humor. .troversial problems as al­ At a workshop on "Extraor­ dinary Family Problems," one coholism, Catholic participa­ tion in communi~y affairs and the attitude of the family in regard to formal education. Priests, nuns and married couples participated in 11 work­ shops dealing with problems in the spheres of family life. Al­ though a 'serious attitude, and at times a controversial one, pre­ dominated in the workshops,

person deplored .the negative outlook some priests have toward the aicoholic. "The.attitude of these priests," he said, "seems to be: 'Why don't you go to Alcoholics Anony­ mous, and I'll pray for your soul.' " Participants in this .workshop agreed that both Catholic and Turn to Page Eleven

POPE OF PEACE: In this larger-than-life-size mural, the Holy Father is depicted standing over the world, his arms extended in benediction. The globe is encircled by the mushroom clouds of nuclear explosions. The 12-foot painting is the work of Sister Cor Mariae Foley, Maria~ite Sister of Holy Cross, a teacher at St. John Academy, Franklin" J,3­ The painting will be presented to Pope Pius XII during the New Orleans archdiocesan pilgrimage to Europe this sum. mer: NC Photo.

Holy Father Urges

Novena of Prayer

In a new encyclical entitled, from its two opening words, Meminisse Juvat-Most Mindfully Recalling-the Holy Father has called for a novena of prayer before the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, for the intention of the persecuted Church. disturbed by deceits, errors and The encyclical recalls that discord, may attain complete the popes have always urged concord and charity in the fuU the faithful to turn to the light of truth; that all who are Blessed Mother in time of danger, when Christian peoples and the Church have been threatened. The Holy Father urges Catholics during this novena to raise up public prayers for the suffering Church. He lists the following intentions for the prayers: that pastors who are kept from their flocks or who are impeded in the free exercise of their ministry may be reinstated as soon as possible; that the faithful,

in the uncertainty of doubt and who are weak may be strength­ ened by divine grace so that they may be ready and willing to suffer anything rather than break away from the Christian faith and Catholic unity;' that individual d.ioceses may have their own legitimate shepherd; that Chrlstian law may be freely promulgated in all regions and among all classes; that youth ia elementary and high schools, in workshops and fields may not be ensnared in the ideologies of Turn to Page Seventeen

Sister Cecilian, Fall River Native, To Address Nuns at Institutes A Holy Cross Sister, formerly from the Fall River Di3­ cese, will be a featured speaker at Institutes of Spirituality for Women Religious to be held next month in Philadelphia and at Notre Dame University, South Bend, In.d. She is the former Cathe- school l,lnd graduated from rine Archard, now Sister Union Hospital school of nurs­ Mary Cecilian, C.S.C. For- ing, Fall River. Her mother, merly' directress of nurses Mrs. Cecilia Archard, and two at St. Joseph's Hospital, South Bend, she is now stationed at'St. John's Hospital, Anderson, Ind. She was born in Fall River, attended St. Joseph's parochial

Five Bernardine Sisters Serve N~w Bedford Polish Parishes

sisters, Helen and now members of parish, Somerset. Turn to Page ..F...........

Theresa, are St. Patrick'. Other family Fourteen

·Ifffi""';·i.k •.•.•~......


By Patricia McGowan • There's a small lawn beside the Bernardine Sisters" convent in the Polish parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford. It's the unusual gift of the parochial school's fifth and sixth graders. . Asked to clear rocks and trash from the convent's barren side yard, the children did, toen said, "Now we're between them a.nd their 211 K:.rakow, Poland, in the fifteenth students. century, Mother ~. Justine, su­ going to plant grass here, so Five Bernadine Sisters of the perior at Our Lady of Perpetual you Sisters will have a place Third Order of st. Francis staff Help, told us. In 1894 the Bern­ tQ sit in the Summer." Not Our Lady of Perpetual H~lp ardines came to the United


only did they plant the grass, school, serving both· its own but they deputized class mem- and St. Casimir's parishes in New bers to water and weed_ it Bedford. The congregation has throughout vacation. been in the diocese since 1927 It was green' and flourishing and the New Bedford oonvent is when we visited the Sisters and its only h\>use here. it spoke to us better than words Founded in Poland· _ the friendly relationship . The sisterhood was' founded iD

StatE!s.and they now have nearly 1,000 members here. Their work includes conducting retreat houses, caring for sick, homeless, and aged, and the operating of schools. ' In . New .Bedford the Sisters . TUl'D io Pace Twe.­


f I


Urges Catholic Fathers..To Assume Personal Du.ties to Family


Thurs., July 24, 1958

Better .Sermons

Institute' Goal

SANTA. FE (NC) - Catholic The Archbishop told the men fathers were exhorted to assume that in assuming the respcmsi­ once again their personal re'- . bilities as true Catholics they sponsibilities toward God and should expect sarcasm, ridicule' WASHINGTON Forty-six

their families by. Archqishop and misrepresentation, especial. priests and seminarians from

Edwin V. Byrne of Santa Fe. IY in their efforts to wipe out all over the couniry are learn­

,In an address to 200 Catholic indecent literature and' in pro-, irlg here how to make their ser­

. men at the annual meeting of testing, immodesty in dress. . mons easier listening for the

the Santa Fe Archdiocesan "Catholic men in Airierica to­ man in the pew.

Council of Catholic Men' here, day need a great fortitud'e;'" They are studentS in the sum=

the Archbishop' declared that deep spiritual strength," Arch-. mer session of the Catholic Uni­

'these responsibilities in a large bishop Byrne said. "Today the 'versity of America here, attend­

measure have been forgotten. layman must not .wait for the' ing the school's Preachers Insti­ He urged the men to renew clergy ~ take the,initia~ive, but ,tute, an unusual entl~rprise in

the practice of family prayer, must rIse to the. hero~sm and pastoral training ·which .began

particularly the family Rosary, valor ~ecessary for. action now. its second quarter century this

in their homes. He advocated CatholIc husbands. a.nd fathers year.

daily attendance at Mass and must reass~rt the s~HrItual stand­ . Over the years the institute has

the fostering of vocations to the ards of their vocations. The lack' helped' some 800 priests from

religious life in the family. o~ .a:-vareness of thei~ responsi-. every state in the Union spruce

A father's personal responsi-' blhtIes as fathers IS a great up their Sunday sermons. its

bility foward his family, besides weakness. .

acting director, .ratheJ: Edmond

leading in family prayer ArchFather Michael Fa,roan, O.P.,

D. Benard, explains that the in­

bishop Byrne said must' be ex- of, St. Michael's College here,

stitute's purpose is to "raise the SPECIAL EDUCATION BOATRIDE: The famed boat­ pr~sSed publicly i~ action protol~ the meri, that a "heal~hy.:

quality of the Sunday-no-Sunday ride around New York's Manhattan Island engroRses the tecting the family against "the enhghtened and pure f~I~'

preaching in church;" attention of' these youngsters, part of a group of pupils moral dangers of obscene liter- shou,ld serve them 'as the pn~JD,

Members of its faculty give sou.rce and' root of all effective

from special Summer classes in the city's Catholic school~, ature and immodesty in dress. attention to both' the matter and . action. the manner of preaching during which have a program 'for the educable rn.entally retarded Poisoned SphereS a six-week course that uses both children. Sister M. Imelda, S:C., and Sister M.· Madeleine, " Father Faroan said that three Self-criticism and the criticism O.P., are ,shown accompanying 'the sightsee.rs. NC .Photo. important spheres of activity ia of others as means to improveIDent. . TOK:Y0 (NC) - Msgr. Henry American life are poisoned "without our realizing it" by O'Donnell, S.S.C., has been ap­ Father Benard, an /impressive, pointed new regional superior selfishness and an un-Christian "mellow-voiced man, points out

spirit. He said these fields are of the 92 Columban Fathers as­

that the institute begins its work

by assessing the strengths and , ST. LOUIS (NC) - Wiretap- be threate~ing the common signed to the society·'s missions business activity and govern­ mental economics; education, weaknesses of its students. Each ping or monitoring' anott\er's good, and (3) the monitoring in Japan. "

Since his ordination in ]941 especially the natural sciences, man re'ads aloud from the Gospel conveFsation by' means of a hidmust be done only by legally Msgr. O'Donnell,-- a native'. of and entertainment. in the presence of the faculty 'den microphone could be mor-' constituted· authority:" father Faro'!n recommended Ireland, has served as chaplain members. The' first few days' ally permissable, but only with. Gives Interview. with the British army, in the a further "expenditure of effort" work is then devoted simply to certain safeguards, a noted F th C II h f 'd h . a er onne, ere or.~ a · in ·the fields of information and improvement of skill in reading. m~ra I th e~ I o~lan sal , er~,. conference with editors, was society's China missions as well adult education through infor­ ' Deliver Sermolilli The prmclple ·t>a~k of either sought out for an interview be­ " as in Japa.n. "mation c e n t e r s, discussion . Next' comes the writing and , wiretapping or. monitoring with cause of the current promi­ groups, days of recollection ,and preaching of sermons. Each stu­ Ordo a . hi.dden . ~icr~ph.0n~ is ~ha~, nence given to the ~ractice of dent is required to prepare sev-' wlthm certain lImitations, It IS "bugging" by stories 'in the FRiDAY -·St. James, A~osile. weekend retreats as a means of attaining a deeper understand­ eral such discourses, Father morall~ permissible, for. a ~eg~l s~cular press. "Bugging" is the Do~ble of II .Class. R~d. Mass ing of the role and meaning of Benard said, and to deliver them authonty to do thIS,lf, It IS practice of listening in on con­ 'Proper; Gloria; Second Col­ . before the institute faculty and necessary to combat some great. versation through the use of a .lect St. Christopher, Martyr; being a Catholic in today'. worId. kllow students. threat to the ·common good," hidden microphone. Third Collect for, Peace; Each member 0'£ the "congre­ The delegates elected' Frank F.ather Francis J. Connell,' ';I'he noted· theologian said he Creed; Preface of Apostles. ',ation" is provided with a pre­ C.SS.H.,. declared. was inclined to think that SATURDAY-St. Anne, MoUler E. McCulloch of Santa Fe all pared form on which to check president of the archdiocesan of the Blessed Virgin Mary. "Bu~ there are three restricmonitoring should be restricted -. off his. evaluation of the speaker council. Other officers' elected Double of It, Class. White. tions: (1) there' must be good. to the police 'authority, i. e., the and to add his own comments: were George Stanley of Clovis, Mass Proper; Gloria; Second reason to suspect the, monitor- executive branch of GovernEvery sermon is tape recorded. vice president; Ted Schippers of Collect for Peace; Common ing will produce' evidence of ment. . The students are later' con­ Albuquerque, secretary, and Preface. action seriously detrimental 'to Asked to cite an example of fronted with. their fellow stu­ SUNDAY-Ninth Sunday After' Joseph' Graff of Albuquerque, the common good; (2) the mat- morally justifiable monitoring dent's 'reactions and with the. Pentecost. Double. Green. treasurer. ter at stake must be grave- or wiretapping, Father Connell recording, during private con­ Mass Proper; Gloria; Second

t~at 'is, some grave harm must· said the Federal Bureau of -ultations with the faculty. A Delicious

. Collect St. Pantaleon, Martyr;

vestigation or the Justice De­ , Father-Benard doesn't claim Third Collect for Peace;

,partm~nt-both legally consti­ Treat miraculous results - "No one Cre~d; Preface of Trinity. tuted and under the executive ever came to us deaf 3nd dumb MONDAY - Ss. Nazarius and branch of the ·Federal Govern­ and left a sel;ond Fulton Sheen" Companions, Martyrs. Simple. ment-could morally take such­ -but he insists that a "vast . CINCINNATI (NC)-"Art in ~ction in grave .cases. Examples Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; . amount of improvement" is pos-' the Parish" will ,be the theme Second. Collect for Peace; of such' cases would be con­ sible in six .weeks' tim,~. for this year's convention of, 'the spiracies to overthrow the Gov­ Common Pniface. . The chief skill to he devel- Catholic Art .Association which' ernment itself. TUESDAY-St. Martha, Virgin. oped, he said, is "not so much will be held here Aug. 15 and 16 ,Simple. White. Mass Proper;

• New Legal Concept the delivery, as a quiility of . at Our Lady of. Cincinnati Col­ Gloria; Second Collect 85.

Dean J. Norman McDonough creative imagination in visualiz- lege. Felix, Pope, and his.Compan­

of the St. Louis University ing the sermon as a unit. The ions, Martyrs; Third Collect

~reat "truths are already. there. The convention MaSs will be School. of Law pointed out that' for Peace; Common I'reface.

We preach the same things year offered Aug. 16, 'by Archbishop so called "invasion of privacy" WEDNESDAY-Mass of Previ­ after year. What's nel.~ded· is a Karl J. Alter, of CinCinnati, .in was a relatively new legal con­ . ous ·Sunday. Simple. Green.

·cept. . '~esh approach to them." the college chapel. . Taking 'part in the C.A.A. sesMass Proper; No Gloria or

While "eavesdropping," per Creed; Second Collect Ss.

sions will be artists, designers, se, has been a criminal act for­ 'architects, pastors, teachers, and centuries, civil action against Abdon and S~nnen, Martyrs;

TROY (NC) - Franciscan parents from all parts of the eavesdropping, wiretapping, or Third ColleCt for Peace; Com­

Father Anselm Sanniola, who country. ' mon Preface.

otherwise monitoring another'. : has been stationc" at St. AnSpeakers will include Miss remarks. without his' permission THURSDAY-St. Ignatius, Con­ . 'thony of Padua parish here, will fessor. Greater bouble. White. leave next month to s,~rve as a Ade de Bethune and Graham' is relatively new, he said. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second '·'There.· has been a' growing permanent 'chaplain' at the Carey" New Eng\and a'rtists Coll~t for Peace; Common .Ask For. Them '~ay recognition of "'violation of Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes;' .' long active in the,. work of the Preface. privacy'," he .said, "but cases France. A native of New York association; Mrs. Mary Reed . Newland, author of. books on vary from jurisdiction to juris­ City, he re~eived his assignment 'from. Franciscan. headquarters Christian. family . life; : Father diction. in Rome. 'thomas Phelan of Troy, N. Y., "From the tort point .of view,

association president.. . dliring the past few decades

SOqle' of the'maj?r,-topics of , there has been growing recogni­

discussion will be: "The Parish, tion that there is a right of

.' FORTY HOURS privacy, which it is civilly Ceqter of Christian Life' and Worship"; "Church Art and the wrong to violate. There seems DEVOTION Care of Souls"; "The Design of· to . be a recognition that' it is a .July 27-St. Stephen, Dodge­ a Parish Church"; Art Teaches natural right of man to be left ville ,and Preaches in the Home," and' alone. It is not, of course, an St. Francis of Assisi, New unlimited right." "The School and Liturgical Par­ Bedford ' From a legal. point of view, ticipation Through Art." Holy Redeemer, Chat­ Dean McDonough added, -the The' program will include 1.45 BRIDGE 'STREET, FAIRHAVEN, Rt. 6 ~ Wy '4~1145 ham practical demonstrations of limits of invasion of privacy in., - techniques. used in making of sofar as monitoring by con­ Aug. 3-St. George, Westport. cealed microphones is con­ icons, chalices,. st,5lined glass, Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven vestments, and in ivory carving cerned, have not ,been sharply 'Aug. lo-St. Theresa, South and silk-screen printing. defined. Attleboro

St. Theresa, New Bed­


The following films are-to' be

Our_ Lady of Victory­

added to the lists in their re­ Centerville

spective classifications:

·Aug. 17-St. .Joseph, Woods .. Unobjectionable for General


Patronage - Fiaming ,Frontier Our Lady of Lourdes,

• BANQUETS • WEDDINGS • PARTIES Wellfleet . Street of Darkness, Tank Force: I Wild Heritage.··· . Our Lady of Grace, • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS Unobjectionable for Adults

'-' North Westport and Adolescents - M;,m Who.

THE ANCHOR. Died Twice, Naked and the

1343 PLEASANT ST. FAll RIVEI Seeond-eJasS mail privileges autborized Dead. at . Fall River., Mass Publlsbed ever;

Unobjectionable for Adults­

. OSborne '3-7780 TbursdaJ at 410 Highland Avenoe. Fall Rive. Mass.. bJ tbe CathoUe Pl'<!tl8 of the Cat on a Hot Tin Roof High . Qioeesf" of FalJ. River ..sub~~rjf\tion· priol ' • mail. J)06tpaid '6.00 per jJeu.· . School Itellcats. .

Columbans in Jap,an Have New Superior


Theologian Ass.erts Wiretapping Permissable WithirfLi'mitcitions



A .A rt ssociation PI a/ns. Meetlng ·


Named Chaplain

Made . Rite Chips




Legion of Decency



Sister-Pilot Says Science Study Should Start in First Grade SAN FRANCISCO (NC) ­ Came the day when U. S. MiP' rines hit the beach in Lebanon and American jets flamed east­ ward toward undisclosed ren­ dezvous points in the boiling Middle East. On the same day a group of newspaper reporters here sat glued through an hour and a half press conference, listening to the observations of a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity. Sister Mary Aquinas, who is science supervisor for the Di­ ocese of Green Bay, Wis., proved to be good copy. She is a regis­ tered pilot - and can fly jet planes, no less - and she is a science teacher. She observed: - I f it's scientists this nation needs to win the next war, American schools can produce better ones than Russia. And ahe is ready, willing and able to .how how it can be done. -.War or no war, it's high time that John Q. Public Jr. was taught in the terms of the 'age In which he lives - the age' of jet flights, guided missiles and , the greatly increased knowledge of God's natural wonders. "Every subject in the school curriculum, and that includes religion," she said, "can and should reflect science and the aie age." Shows Techniques' To Catholic and public sl:hool teachers alike here at the Uni­ versity of San Francisco sum~ mer school Sister Aquinas dem­ onstrated her techniques for un­ locking the world of science for

Eucharistic Congress To Use Esperanto NEUVILLE, Quebec (NC)­ The world interlanguage, Espe­ ranto, probably will be used at several meetings at the IntE:.,r­ national Eucharistic Congress in Munich, Germany, in 1960, it was stated here at the 48th North American Esperanto Congress. Esperanto is an artificial lan­ guage whose vocabulary is based essentially on words common to the chief European laguages. Dr. William Solzbacher of Washington, D. C., said at the meeting here that His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Wendel, Arch-" bishop of Munich and 'Freising, had recently discussed with a Catholic Esperanto committee the details of plans for the use of Esperanto at the Eucharistic Congress. He noted that· successful meetings in Esperanto had been hold at three previous Interna­ tional Eucharistic Congresses: in Budapest (1938), Barcelona (1952) and Rio de Janeiro (1955). Dr. Solzbacher said further arrangements for the use of Esperanto at the Munich con­ gress will be discussed at the 27th International Catholic Es-' peranto Congress, to be held in Vienna the last week of July. Among me~bers on the honor­ ary committee for the congress' are Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Streidt of Vienna and Dr. Hein­ rich Drimmel, Austrian Minis­ ter of Education. Dr. Solzbacher stated that "an estimated 12,000 to 13,000 per­ sons from all over the world will attend conferences and summer school sessions this year at which Esperanto will be the only or the' principal lan'guage used."

young minds~and making the youngstel's like it. Sister Aquinas has been a teacher since 1910. She has a .bachelor's degree from the Cath­ olic University of America in Washington (1926) and a mas­ ter's degree in electronics from the University of Notre Dame (1942). . She learned to fly a plane in 1934 so she eQuId teach aeronau­ tics and she took 168 hours of Army' Signal Corps training so . she could teach radio. She taught navigation, meterology, main­ tenance, rules imd communi<;a-· tions under authority of the Civil Aeronautics Administra­ tion at the Catholic University in Washington in 1943 and' 1944. She has conducted classes at Air Force bases throughout the. U. S., and last year received the Air Force Association Award for "outstanding contributions . to national secutity and world peace.'" Her unofficiai reward for this honor was a ride in a T-33 jet. trainer last September. How c'an young Americans be made science conscious? She ob­ served: "Expose them to science in the right way and in. the right amount, and I'll guarantee that they'll find it the most engross­ ing of all their subjects. Science study should start in the first grade. "It can· be worked into' every subject in the curriculum. "Ideally, I'd say 20 minutes a day should be devoted .to it. At ,a minimum, '60 minutes, a week. I've had some teachers, tell me , that they allotted only 20 min­ utes a week to science. No wonder the Russians are ahead of us!'; . ' The prime techniques in Sis­ ter Aquinas' system are: work- . shop classes, with student mod­ erators handling routine tasks so' the teacher' can be free to teach, guide and assist;. empha­ . sis on "learning by doing"; weekly tests, "preferably on' Mondays so that they won't use the weekend to forget all you've been trying to get across"; merit point grading so "the student who flunks has only himself, not the teacher, to blame."


Religious Groups Aid Maryknoll

J"ORTY HOURS AT CAPE CHURCH: Photo shows Altar of Exposition at St. Pius X Church, South Yarmouth, where Forty Hours Devotion was conducted Sunday through Tuesday. Pastor is Rev. Christopher L. Broderick.




History of Tension-Causing Iraq Goes Back to Biblical Times

MARYKNOLL-Maybe Macy'• doesn't tell Gimbels, but reli­ gious societiell do cooperate in recruiting vocational prospects, a check of the personnel list of one society reveals. A recent check of the person­ nel roster of 766 Maryknoll priests shows that 140 of them have come from Jesuit high schools and colleges and another 3.0 have come from Christian Brother schools. ,Compiled by Father Robert E. Sheridan, Maryknoll Missioner from Chicago, Ill" the survey. also indicates that many voca­ tions come from public schools. A total of 35 per cent or .266 of the Maryknollers attended a public school at one time or another. The ten leading supI1liers to Maryknoll in the order of the number of vocations contributed are: (1) Cathedral College of New York, (2) St. Mary's Sem­ inary, Baltimore, Md., (3) Bos­ ton College; (4) Boston College High School, (5) St. Charles, Catonsville, Md., (6) Holy Cross College, (7) Cathedral College of Brooklyn, (8) Loras College, Dubuque, .Iowa, (9) 'Regis High School of New York, (10) Ford­ ham University. The survey also shows that Maryknollers have come from 207 different Catholic high schools, 54 colleges, 34 minor seminaries, and 23 major semin­ aries located in 43 different states throughout the U. S.

BIERUT (NC) - Iraq, newest torian heretics who returned to hot spot in the strife-torn Mid­ the Church. The Rite's leader, dle East where Arab nationalist Patriarch Joseph VII Ghanima "army officers have ousted the of Babylonia of the Chaldens, pro-Western regime' of King died earlier this month in Bagh­ Faisal II, has more than 200,000 dad. MILAN (NC) - A third na­ Catholics and is tqe traditional Although less than five per tional course of studies for scene of many biblical events. cent of the population of oil-rich movie directors has been held According to reports reaching Iraq is Catholic, the nation has at the summer campus of the here the revolutionists have severt archdioceses, three dio­ Catholic University of Milan in proclaimed a republic in Iraq­ ceses and two independent mis­ the Dolomite Alps. . a part· of the recently established sions. Baghdad alone is the Organized by the Catholic Arab Federation of Iraq and headquarters for archdiocese of Movie Center, the theme of the Jordan-while King Hussein of the Armenian, Chaldean, Syrian course was "Motion Pictures and Jordan has proclaimed himself and Latin Rites. It is also the the Teachings of the Encyclical king of the federation in succes­ site of AI-Hikma University sion to ousted King Faisal, his conducted by American Jesuits. ..'Miranda Prorsus' of Pius XII." cousin. Slightly larger than Califor­ Although communication with nia, Iraq contains the valleys of "COLUMBUS (NC)~The Dio­ the Iraqui capital, Baghdad, has the Tigris and Euphrates rivers cese of Columbus will be the been almost completely cut off, ·where an advanced civilization host' to the 44th annual meeting reports indicate that the revolu­ . existed as early as 4,000 B. C. It of the National Conference of tionistsmay try to bring Iraq became the center of the ancient May Lynch, Manager

Catholic Charities and "the Soci­ ieito the United Arab Republic Babylonian and Assyrian em­ Touris~ - Day or Week

ety of St. Vincent De Paul from of Egypt and Syria, headed by pires, and centuries later became Sept. 19 to 23, it was announced President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Aucoot Rd. off Route 6

for a time the chief city of the h,ere at an organizational meet­ which has been receiving assist­ Mattapoisett, Mass. Moslem world. The Garden of ing. -" ance ·from the Soviet Union. Eden and the Tower of Babel Tel. SKyline 8-252~ More than 2,00.0 delegates are have their traditional sites here. Catholic Minority expected to a"ttend the conven­ iraq, 'a former ·Turkish prov­ tion which will meet in' the ince which gained independence Deshler-Hilton Hotel, according following a period of British to Msgr. William E. Kappes, di­ , , control after World War I, is a ocesan director of charities. predominantly Moslem nation of A religious highlight of the 5,200,000 people. The Catholic convention will be a Pontifical minority of 203,915 mainly be­ Mass offered by Bishop Clarence G. Issenmaim of Columbus in" longs to the Chaldean Rite. Members of the Rite, which St. Joseph' Cathedral on Sept uses .syrian as its liturgical lan­ 21. The sermon will be given by Bishop Christopher J. Weldon of guage, are descendants of NesSpringfield, Mass. .... Theme of the convention will be "Charity and Clarity in Pur­ pose; Competence and Compas­ ~athers sion in Practice."

Course of Studies For Film Directors

Vincentians National Conference Sept. 19

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Prelate Plans Second Visit to Puerto Rico PONCE (NC)- His Eminence Francis C a I'd i,n a 1 Spellman Archbishop of New York, will visit Puerto Rico, fro~ July 29 to August 2, it was announced' here. He is scheduled to place the cOI'nerstone of the new Hospital de la Concepion of San German, built under the auspices of Bishop James E. McManus of Ponce. He will also bless the new 'Aguayo Building of the Catholic University' of Ponce, and preside over a banquet to raise funds for otner buildings for the Catholic college. This is to be the Cardinal's second visit. He was here in 1948 to inaugurate the Catholic Unl­ vecsity of Ponce.

THE ANCHORThurs., July 24. 1058

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Balancing the Books

Characters in M~Laverty Novel 'Marvelously R,eal'

the way, Mich­ ael McLaverty~s The C h.o ice (M a c mill a n. $3,75) is very goo d indeed. T hat mig h t have been ex­ pected, for Mr. MeL a v e r t y, though never rightly appre­ ciated and never in the best seller class, has shown himself a novelist of consistently' high calibre. His books present authentic human beings in natural situations, .credible plots, and a compas-, sionate view-in-depth of the human predicament. -His latest is exceptional in having as its central character a man .' 50 years of age. This i!l Tom Magee, assistant to the sta­ tion master in the Irish town of Rockcross. Tom is a person of probity, a hard worker who keeps the station neat and does wonders with the flower garden at home. . . When we meet him, he in wel­ eoming his S9n Christy, who is returning on vacation from the seminary. Christy is a sub­ deacon, and after ,his ordination in another year will be posted to Nigeria. He has come home early, for his mother is ill. How ill, he has ,not been told, lest he be dis-. turbed at examination time. Tom says to him,. "Christy, son, your poor mother is' fair through." The fact is that she is dying.' the plea'sant cottage, now shadowed and hushed, Christy sees for himself that his mother is at the gates of death. Tom Makes Change About her bed, he is joined by his three sisters: Alice, the youngest, still at home; the wor­ ried and snappish Julia, ,married to a big-talking wastrel; the sad Mag, ,married to a 'cle'rk whose , health is feeble. Another attend­ ant on the dying Mary Magee is her younger sister Brigid, a mas­ terful spinster who keeps a pros­ perous shop and d9tes on her pekinese. With Mary's death, the book's focus is squarely upon her hus­ band'. For years he has wanted to leave Rockcross. But' Mary has held out against a move, con­ tending that it was in the chil­ dren's interest for the 'family to say where it/was. Now T.om is free to do as he choo~es. Or is he? Christy, of course, will soon be leavinj{ the country. But Alice is yet to find her place in life; Julia, periodic­ ally getting money from her father, is dependent on him still; and Mag's state is unstttled because of her husband's sickli­ ness. Then there is Brigid, de­ termined that, .after a dl)cent interval, Tom shall marry her. - Christy, JUli~, and Brigid strenuously resist his determina­ tion to make a change and wh'en, nevertheless, he seeks one, Julia takes action. A crisis ensues. in which Julia's relationship with her father improves.'


Choices Have Consequen(~ell Then Tom and Alice ;et out for Monabeg, s'o perfect in Tom's memory.' The reality proves, otherwise. Although Alice meets a young constable ~hose pro-. posal of marriage she gladly ac­ cepts, Tom, after a fine start with the friends and neighbors of his' youth, incurs suspicion as an informer, is ostracized and made the target of ugly inci­ dents.He 'is determined to ride out this storm, convinced tl1at his name will be cleared and all

choices must have consequences. Make the first and you must bear the second, This is illustrated not only in Tom's history (both in the abiding consequences of fatherhood and in the immediate (!onsequences of his move), but also in those of, others, Christy, for example, has chosen the African missions, and this, as he discovers, entails pangs of parting from his fam­ ily and from" the country he loves. Julia 'and Meg have in-. 'sisted, against their elders~ ad­ . vice, on marrying the ·men of their choice and must endure


South. Africans

"pprove' Policy

By Rt. 'Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy , Last week we considered three novels, two' with Irish, characters and one dealing with African mission life. How better follow up that column than by another treating two novels with Irish characters, in one of which a prominent figure is heading for mis­ will be well again, In this, as in sionary work in Africa? If his ea;lier expectation, he' is' anyone objects on the wrong. , grounds of monotonous diet, Mr, McLaverty's point is that he must be firmly told that there can never be too much of a g~od thing. For 'most of

THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1958

REUNION AT MARYKNOLL: Hubert Valentine, Irish singer and former AmerIcan soldier, renews friendship with two Maryknoll Sisters he knew in the bombed-out Phil­ ippines, 13 years ago. Sister Ramona Maria and'Sister Maria del Rey conducted a mission school near Manilla and spent three years in internment camps under the Japanese. NC Photo.

Televised Mass Ends Ceremonies Marking Opening of Ccithed ra I

the ensuing trials and disap­ pointments. Thames and the counties of Sur­ LONDON (N.C)-A High Mass Denouement Forced televised throughout England rey Sussex, and Kent. The author is keenly observ­ Built with contributions from from St. George's cathedral here ant of human nature, its strength ended a 10-day' celebration many parts of the world to re­ and weaknesses, its varieties and marking the formal inaugura­ place the old cathedral 'destroyed foibles. His people are marvel­ during World War II, its opening tion of the new cathedral. . ously real. Thus, he can depict. Later on the same day more was an international. event the grating disagreeablel'iess of than 6,000 Catholic men gath-. which.marked one of ,this year's Julia, and yet show the good ered at St. George's for a proces­ most notable occasions for the traits in her, as well as her Catholic Church in, England. sion of the Blessed Sacramenl 'realization of her faults and her, .:.. With thousands more kneeling 'Two cardina'ls, 12 ar.chbishops effort to overcome them. and 25' bishops', attended. the on the pavement as they passed, His descriptive power is as Pontifical Mass ma~king inaugu-' they escorted the monstrance telling as ever. In a modest ration of the new cathedral. '. arol!nd the streets in the heart way, without flamboyal)ce or The opening of St. George's of South London where 200 excessive use of figures, he can years before Lord George Gor-, was followed by a 10-day series make a landscape spring up don, an anti-Catholic fanatic, , of ceremonies held in the cathe-' vividly before the eye. He con­ dral, 'with Bishop Cyril Cow­ assembled a mob of rioters and ";eys the simple wisdom of sim­ terrorized the city in protest deroy of Southwark presiding pIe people, their distinctive on each occasion. ' against the passing of the Cath­ idiom, their wit and, humor, , Most impressive of the func­ olic Relief Act, giving the first their habitual recourse to prayer-. limited freedom to the Church tions during these 10 days was My one reservation about The· since the Reformation. the Requiem Mass which the, Choice is that. the denouement, St. George's is the cathedral Bishop offered for the soul of though perfectly in keeping with Of Southwark diocese, which in­ his predecessor, Archbishop what has gone before, is, in' cludes London south of the Peter Amigo, who occupied the execution, somewhat hurried See for more th'an 40 years from and forced. Where the earlier 1904 to 1949. .' Sr. and his relatives she suf­ part of the book has the thrust fered humiliation. of inevitability" this is not as She is a Catholic, and has expertly handled in the latter been allowed to bring up two of part a,s it might have been, given their several children as Cath­ an artist of Mr. McLaverty's WASHINGTON (NC)-Qf 341 olics. Desmond is one of the parts., complaints of discrimination by t,,\,o: He was sent to a high class Above Thriller Class the Fe-deral government against Catholic school in England, with workers because of race or reli,. The other book about' Ireland a view to his being Anglicized. gion during the past two years, is of a different, more violent, But at the school he was derided four' were made by Catholics. less penetrating sort. It is called . as a paddy. • The'· second report of' the Cruel Easter (Pantheon. $3.75), There has always been con­ President's Committee on Gov­ and is ,the work of Michael flict about him and within him. ernmen,t' Employment Policy Sandys, who is of. Anglo-Irish He has never known just where showed that 243 of the com­ 'stock and' became a Catholic he belongs: Perhaps that ac­ plaints (89.7 per cenp came seven, years ago at the age of 34. cOUhts for his joining up with from N e,groes. The Easter of the title is that the terrorists and abandoning of 1956 and is linked' in the nar­ his religion. rative both with the first" Easter Two raids are lengthily de­ and the. Easter of 1916 when tailed in the' book, the' second rebellion against England flared far more ambitious than the in Ireland. first. In the course of prepa­ In the weeks befo~e Easter, rations for, and execution of it, 1956 an I.R.A. unit is engaged in Desmond becomes involved with a series of raids over the Ulster . the daughter of ~an Ulster OIL BURNERS border. Their objective .is to Orangeman. He means to use Also comple'e BoHer-Burner force partition's end and the her cold-bloodedly, but falls in or Furnace Units. Effieien' union of North and South. l love with her. ' low cos, heatinr. Burner and The unit is headed by Matt The ,raid succeeds, but he ill fuel oil sales and service. ' Dunphy, a man gigantic in body caught. In a fast-moving, excit­ and with a genius for ·command. ' ingseries of events he is in and Under him is an odd assortment , 't80 Mt.. Pleasant S'reet out of peril but psychologically New Bedford WY 3-2667 of volunteers. One is a brutish and spiritually too. sadist,revelling in torture and ,By this I mean that he un­ killing. Another is a clandestine ravels the difficulties within Communist who is also' an in­ hi!Tlself, and at Easter (with the former. Liturgy' playing an influential But the book concentrates on part) he is reconciled with the Desmond Stanley Farquahar, Church. Adults will find this • 33, who at one point asks him­ gripping book several cuts above self, "What in the 'name of God the thriller class. are you doing mixed up in a thing like this?" Always Conflict NO JOB TOO BIG A good question. His father is NONE TOO SMALL a p'rotestant man of property who married the daughter of his gatekeeper. From Farquahar

Catholics Complain Of Discrimination


Stanley Oil Co., Inc.

DURBAN· (NCj -Archbishopl Denis Hurley, O.M,I., of Durban has sa'id that "99 per cent of white South Africa ,does not want a solution to the race problem." Speaking "on the function of education in a multiracial so­ ciety," the Archbishop stated that the apartheid policies of the government appeal to the ma­ jority of white South African voters. This simply means that "public opinion is the final ar­ biter," Archbishop Hurley said. "Anybody w1.o wants t4 achieve anything among white native South Africans must di­ reCt his attack on public opin­ ion. He has an enormous task before him." Progress Slow

"I doubt if you could find 30.000 white South Africans pre­ pa'red to support enthusiastical­ ly an endeavor to fas:e squarely the implications of our prob­ lems," the South African pre­ late declared. "Unfortunately progress has been so slow in South Africa that one doubts if enough will be achieved in time. The import­ ance of altering public opinion in South Africa is'so great; and the 'need so urgent that it seem!! as if all those who realize the emergency • * * should make use "of every platform offered them in the religious, cilltural, journalistic, educational, benev­ olent,' industrial and commer­ c,ial spheres,"

Symphony Leader' Enters Monastery JUNCTION CITY (NC) - A former symphony orchestra con­ ductor has entered' Holy Cross Abbey here to become a Bene­ dictine Brother. He is Max Madrid, who served as conductor of the Marshall, Texas, symphony.- Mr. Madrid was also choral director and strings director at Marshall High' School and the Marshall elementary schools. Mr. Madrid, an expert on Gre­ gorian Chant, is expected to continue his studies in this field as a Benedictine.




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Priest Says United ,States Initi~tive in World Affairs Demands More A,ggressive Policy Toward Soviets NEW YORK (NC)....,...A promi­ nent Catholic theologian has urged the United States to adopt a more aggressive policy towa~d the Soviet Union to "seize and retain the initiative in world aflail·s." , Father John Courtney Murray, S.J" declared that "it would be prudent even to create situations of risk for the Soviet Unio~:­ .ituations in which the risk would be too great for it to take," "We may' be sure," Father Murray said, "that the Soviet leadership will not risk the debacle of the World Revolution through a major war tor the sake of anything less than the soil of the ,homeland or the Revolution." Father Murray's statement was contained in a pamphlet on U. S. foreign policy, published here under the title of "Foreign Policy and the Free Society" by the Fund for the Republic. It made its appearance as the Mid­ east crisis was reaching a crucial point. Father Murray, professor of theology at Woodstock (lVld.) College, also insisted that the United States must cease to make "survival" the exclusive iBsue'in its military policy.

3) "Russia is unique as an imperialism ... (Soviet Imper­ ialism) is a loyalty to the Social­ ist ReVOlution; it is 'also a loy­ alty to' the homeland of the Revolution, Russia ... If there must be a single phrase to sum up the intentions of Soviet imperialism, it would be far better to speak of 'world revo­ lution' than of 'world domiil­ 'ation.' " 4) "The Soviet Union ... is the inheritor both of Tsarist im­ perialism and of mystical pan­ slavist messianism ... commun­ ism, whether in theory or in practice, is not a legacy of West­ ern history .. '. Essentially, it came out of the East, as a con­ scious apostasy from the West."

t~e United States to pursue a policy of "disengagement." Com­ munist imperialism, he pointed out, "continually probes for every vacuum of power and for every soft spot of purpose. This is why 'disengagement' as an American policy could not be other than disastrous." On the contrary, he main­ tained, "only the very opposite policy is safe-a policy of con­ tinuous engagement at every point, on all levels of action, by both tactical and strategic· moves." He continued: '~Soviet doc­ trine as ,a whole dictates a policy of maximum security and mini­ mum risk. Risks can and must be minimum because the dialec­ tic of history decrees that the capitalist world, though still powerful, is decaying . . . The Soviet Union cannot be pro­ voked into taking risks that ex­ ceed the minimum; for it does 'not a~ under external provoca­ tion, but under an internal dynamism ... "We may safely invert the Soviet proportions. Our policy should envisage a minimum of security a'nd a maximum of risk. Only by such a policy can we seiz~ and retai'n the initiative in world affairs . . . Moreover, i( would be prudent even to create situations of risk for the Soviet Union-'-situationsin which the risk would' be too great' for it to take."

DEPART FOR FRANCE: Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation board Air France airliner for return to Motherhouse at Tours to make retreat and renew vows. AU members of the nursing staff at St".-A)1I1e's Hospital, Fall River, they are (left to right) Sister Eileen Marie, Sister Mary William and 'Sister Irene Therese.

Soviet Doctrine Considered as a nation, Father Murray stated, Russia is not ne­ cessarily hostile to .tllis countrr. Insteas{, "only Soviet doctrine explains the peculiar nature of Soviet imperialism and shows it to be unappeasable in its dyna­ mism," )\e said. LOVELAND, Ohio (NC)-A This situation-a "great state youthful Belgian nun who first submitting its purposes and ac­ learned about credit unions in tion to the control of Ii dogmatic the public library of Albany, philosophy"-is likely to seem "absurd" to the "pragmatic" N. Y., is hailed,' in ,the little American mind, Father Murray Caribbean island of .Dominica Major Polle,. noted. However, he warned, ,as the author of a peaceful eco­ -rhe major problem put to American leaders must acknowl­ nomic and social revolution. edge the fact' of Sovietdogma:­ American poli<;y at the moment," Mother Mary Aiicia, who tism and realize that a.s a result he asserted, "is the problem that P of it "Soviet leadership is not wears the white habit and wide, &he Soviet Union has already subJect to changes qf heart." flaring headdress of the Mis­ -.,lved in terms of policy, name­ Use of Foree sionary Canonesses of S1. Augus­ ly, how to be prepared to use Thus, for example, when the Fattier Murray admitted that tine, quickly put her new knowl. force on all necessary or useful capitalist world "professes its "the communist will not re­ edge to work eight years ago occa'sions, and at the same tim~ desire to ,be friendly, just, to withdraw 'survival' from the peaceful, cooperative, etc., such nounce force itself. But he will when she encountered the ma­ carefully calculate its uses and terial and moral destitution of issues at stake in the use of' professions cannot but be her first foreign mission station. force." "IJogus" as far as the Soviets are its usefulness for his own pur­ He stated: ':The communist concerned, he said, F,or them, Interviewed at the Grailville poses and on his own premise leadership has no slightest in­ '~'historical determinism will not of policy - maximum security Community College here, Mother tention of making 'surv'ivaI' the permit the capitalist world to Alicia reported that from a and minimal risk" issue to be settled by force of be other than hostile, unjust, handf,ul of men and women who If this analysis of the situation arms ... Survival is the one aggressive, and warmongering." organized the first credit union is correct, he declared, the dan­ thing it is not willing to risk. In Father Murray added that the study club in 1950, the move­ ger of "all-out sneak nuclear contrast, America is not pre­ West can expect communist ment has grown to nearly 20 attack on the United States" has pared to resort to arms until the leadership "to yield only to cal­ credit unions throughout the been "vastly exaggerated." But issue oC 'sut'vivaI' is raised. Sur­ culations of power and success; island, with approximately 4,000 on, the other hand, he continued, vival is the only thing it is force and the prospect of success of the island's' population of "the danger oC limited wars has willing to risk." by its use are the determinants been underestimated.'" 60,000 taking part. The Jesuit theologian began of Soviet action." , Their total savings of close to Father Murray urged that the his analysis of foreign policy by "This expectation would clar­ $200,000- measured in the nick­ Soviet Union "be confronted by pointing <;Jut four ways in which ify the problem of negotiations," els and quarters of people whose power, steadily and at every the Soviet Union is historically he said. "It would suggest that daily earnings are counted in point. But when the question is unique: we'put an end, as quietly as Pos­ dimes rather than dollars-and military engagement, it is quite 1) "Hussia is unique as a state sible, to the Wilsonian era of false to say that the issue is total loans of more than $300,000 or a power. For the first time in diplomacy with its exaggerated have written a new chapter in 'survival.' And American per­ history it has brought under a the history of Dominica. trust in world assemblies and sistence in' thinking this could single supt'eme government the in spectacular international con­ easily reduce American power 210,000,000 people scattered over ferences. to impotence." the 8,600,000 square miles of the "It would further suggest the He ad'ded: "The general un­ Euro-Asiatic plain ... Within it advisability of direct negotia­ easiness among the pUblic-here there is no such thing as the tions with Russia. For instance" at home and abroad-derives 'rule of the law' ... Its theory is if and when any agreement on from an instinctive sense that purely and simply despotism." disarmament is reached, it will America does not know what it ' %) "Hussia is unique' as an be reached directly between the is trying to do ... We are en­ empire, as a manner and method Kremlin and the White House, gaged in the exploitation of of rule ... It is organized and without the confusing aSsistance technological possibilities simply guided in accordance with a rev­ of 25 additional nations." because they are possibilities, in olutionary doctrine • • ; It is : 365 NORTH FRONT STREET: the absence of, any clearly de­ therefore inherently aggressive No Disengagement " fined strategic purposes that _ NEW BEDfORD : in its intent; and it considers it­ The essential aggressiveness • would be consonant with the in­ 8Clf destined to sole survival as, : WYman 2-5534 : stitution of war as a valid in­ an organizing force in the world -of Sovi~t doct.rine, Father Mur­ strument for altering the politi­ 01. politics." ray declared, does not permit cal wiH of an enemy ... "It is doubtless true that military concepts have always lagged behind weapons technol­ Trude Body Builders

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But to Mother Alicia, the real significance of the credit unions lies not in their accounts and ledgers, but in their develop­ ,ment of native leadership and community life. "And they have brought the people closer to the Church," she said. "They have come to know that the Church is interested ill their social and economic wei. fare, as well as in the salvatioll of their ilOuls." ' Mother Alicia's' first credit union, organized the same year she arrived in Dominica's capi­ tal of Roseau, now has more than 1,500 members -and has made close to 3,000 loans total­ ing nearly a quarter of a million dollars. It stemmed from the activities of the Catholic Social Ce~ter, of which she had been placed in charge. After eigpt months of study, discussion and argument, the first ct'edit union among members 'oC the social center began with a capital oC $600 ac­ cumulated from their savings. Within a year the Roseau credit union had 300 members, with applications pouring in, Now it rents an office and engage. two full-time paid workers.




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MEET AT CAMP: Members of Particular Council of Fall River, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, attended a gener~l meeting of the Council Sunday at the Health Camp in Westport. Shown here are, left to right, front, Edward Martin, St. Michael's Parish, Ocean Grove; Jerome D. Foley, Council president; Joseph Kosinski of St. Stanislaus Parish; rear,' John Brown of St. 'Bernard's; Assonet, 'and Manuel Costello of Espirito"Sauto.

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••••••••+++••• o••••••••••••••••••••••++......


TheUnusual In Religion



-THE ANCHOR Thurs., July 2-4, 1958

lVhkh the' Captive?

. Reports have come from the' Spanish village of Jorcas eoncerning 'some alleged §pparitions of, the Blessed Mother to a group of the village children. , · What is significant is not the report itself..:.:-time will tell lIS the truth of the matter-but the action of Church TODAY-St. Christina, Vir­ authorities 'in the matter. They have recommended the gin-Martyr. The dates of her utmost reserve and caution. lifetime are unknown, but she is The fact is that our religion does not need these appar-: said'to' have been a Roman who was' converted to Christianity. itions or, indeed, any unusual manifestation from God. If She destroyed some golden idols God in His providence wills them, all well and good. But which belonged to her father, a they add nothing to what we already believe on His pagan magistrate', For her action authority. ­ she endured tortures, and at There.are, unfortunately, some Catholics who through length was put to death on an island in the lake of B~lsena. ignorance or superstition or strange bent of mind would have Goa put on a religious circus for them from time t~ TOM6RROW - St. James the Greater, Apostle. He was the time. They look for the unusual in l'eligion, the strange, the son of Zebedee and Salome and extraordinary. They do not stop to test, to examine, to the brother of St. John the judge. They are intrigued by mysticaLphEmomena;'they are Evangelist. He was one of three delighted at the reports 9f multiple miracles; they put chosen to be familiar compan­ much stock in chain-letter nov!!nas that promise to force ions of Our Saviour. When he was brought before King Herod God's hand. I Agrippa and accused as a ,Chris­ Now no one would make light of apparitions or miracles. tian, his fearless confession so And no one would diCtate to God about what unusual events 'moved the public prosecutor He may permit. But the fact is thit God has already provided that he declared' himself a· Christian on the spot. Both ac­ very well for the salvation of men's souls. cused and accuser were put to What greater action could there have been than the ~ death for the Faith. Incarnation of the Son of God'? What more extreme mani­ SATURDAY - St. Anne, the festation of God's love thaI) to deliver up His only Son for mother of the Blessed Virgin the salvation of His othet,soris and daughters by adoption? Mary. She was far advanced in And Chr,ist lives on in, His Church, in His Mystic~l. age when Mary was born, She Body, in that wonderful ,and ,mysterious and real union of was the spouse of St.'Joachim. Dr. Barris Position on Pornograp~y Christ wifh all those who have been baptized into Hiin' and SUNDAY - St. Pantaleon, 'remain faithful to Him. Martyr. He was a physician and · The Church holds from God all that is needed for the with St. Luke is patron of med­ . ical men. It is said that early in

salvation of men-truths and grace ap.d rule and holiness. his life he was led into apostasy,

That is why the Church, to . fie true to her ,divine . but later re-embraced the Faith.

Spouse, must be careful when it comes te reports of appari­ By Donald McDonald It is certain ·that he suffered

tions or the unusual in religion: She would be doing a \lis-' Davenport Catholic Messenger m'artyrdom at the imperjal resi­ Ilervice to her Master if she accepted' without question and I had always thought that one of the strongest anti­ ,.:~~c~;5~ Nicomedia between .303 encouraged indiscriminately all the reports of apparitions eensorship argumentS in this country is the argument that that circulate through the world. . , 'f d . .' . MONDAY - SS. Nazarius, ree om is so precious It IS worth allowing some of· our Celsus and Victor, Martyrs. St. Some of these are honest mistakes; ·some are' exagger-: citizens to abuse it ~cause to· prevent that abuse we may' ,. Nazarius, who lived in the first .ations of what is quite :natural; some come from confusing inadvertently 'diminish ~he Dr. Barr's argument' lor no ,,8 pagan Ro!Uan army officer and the ordinary providence of God with, the extraordinary; . 'area and exerci'se the legit:­ legal restrafnts on the pub!ic'3­ embraced the' Christian faith of ilome . with 'wishful thinking ; some are the products of imate' free,dom', by other . tion and distribution of porno-" his mother, Perpetua. Wit~ St. , 'Celsus,' his' youthful companion~ disturbed minds. And some are authentic. , citizens. graphic materials for adults piv­ ' .he was beheaded under Nero at If God is behind these apparitions' a,nd unusual ha~ :I's why I ,was somewhat oted on the fact that since adults . . ,That , Milan. St. . Victor, an A f ncan, penings, they \villstand tJ:le tests that Gpd's Church 0l1; S U r· p r"l' sed' a in this self-governing democ­ , , succeeded St. Eleutherius as racy of 'ours, have the responsi­ ' ", earth will. put them to. But God will not· make these the month 'or' two "ago, while. at­ bility of voting, it would be pre­ Pope in 189 and ruled until 199. rock of sal;vation-He has already provided tl)at ,in, the ten din g the sumptuous: silly and contradict",. ' TUESDAY - St. Martha, of Church and He will not work against Himself. -, . ory to attempt to tell them what 'Bethany, Virgin. She was the five-day sem-, If the Blessed Mother has appeared in Spain to a group inar inN e,w .

they may see and read. . ,sister of St. Mary Magdalene of children, then that is wonderful. But our Faith is'already' York on "Reli

"I think," he said, "there' is 8 'and St. Lazarus. They, enter,:,' vt!ry good case to be made for tained Our Lord in their: home. secure, resting as it does on the word of God. Who cannot ,gion in a Free

Society" (spon­ not le'aving garbage around She is said to have attended deceive or be deceived. , sored . by the small children." Christ in His Passion and re,:, In any question of alleged apparitions, there' must be Fund ,for the Eating garbage is unsanitary Joiced with Him' after the Resur­ eaution and prudence and good judgem·ent. And the Church Republic), to for children, he added, but he •rection. It is said that with her ,must provide the guide. And if the ~pparition is true, then ,hear one of the

:failed to draw what seemed an brother and sister she went to Dr.

obvious conclusiori,namely, that Marseilles and aided in the in­ it must be taken as God intended it-not a's a revelation of speakers, 'eating garbage is unsanitary .for troduction' o~ Christianity iii new doctrine'or as sole proof of an,old truth bUb~s a ,sign' , . Stringfellow.

. ·t" F 'r e . ." .a n c . of God's love for His children aild an added encouragement Barr of Rutgers umver~l y, ,lise anybody, whether child or adult. . WEDNESDAY SS. an entirely differe':lt--:and to me,

And the fact that an adult has Abdon to ~erve Him better. , ' . . '. ." . " the political respsonsibility of and Sennen, Martyrs, They were , ",ery weak~argument for, legal­ ly unrestrained circulation of self-government, voting, etc., Persian nobles, who lived in the .' ",pornographic literature ,among does, not immunize him from' ·third century and were brought , -the . adult,' citizens ~f', th'is . pornographic poison. to Rome as captives of Deciu!!.· The Mid East situation is a tense one. eountry. , . It seems equally obvious, to They devoted themselves to .th~ Stated badly this gives the me that pornography and its' service of Christians and to rev-, The problems 'are many and grave: Arab' nationalism; communist infiltration, legitimate'strivings of people ~or impression that Dr, Barr. is in .accessibility will contribute very 'erent burial of martyrs. When favor of unrestrained adult con-:­ .little to the effective, exercise Decius became, emperor,. ,they new forms of goyernment, fear for .the integrity of peace­ sumption of. pornographic mate­ of one's political responsibilities' "were scourged with lead-tipped ful nations, oi" interests, another aspect, of the cold' war; rial. He is not, of course. and freedoms. . , whips, subjected to other tor­ There are, no easy or pat solutions to these problems . Finally, Dr. Barr's reliance on· tures and finally thrown to wil~ Seems Piau~ible 'beasts in the amphitheater. reason, criticis'1"l and the dia­ that are so intertwined and interrelated. . For one thing, he came out letical process" to protect adult f' A few facts seem to emerge from all the talk and fears: flatly in his address on the side .citizens from contact with por­ differences between the two, and It seems that Russia will not fight a war itself unless· , f d' ' nograp'hy ,appe'ars to me an his summons of it was indecisive. 0 . rea mg of strict censorship the Motherland is attacked. . under t h e e'vasl'on of the problem. Nor did Dr. Barr do his cause matter for people, much good by equating pornog­ No one wants' a nuclear war, and the only thing that voting age of '21. 'And he sug­ Parallel Faulty raphy with non _ pornogra'phic could bring that about would be, one of the incalculable geste"d that the best· restraint . "If a critic says this .book, "trash" which, he said, "is quite factors that no one can control fully. \ on the pornography market 'play, film, etc.) is rubbish,' com­ corrupting", but is 'not the object The integrity of anyone of the Mid East countries would be sharp, intelligent, . ments Dr, Barr, "I car. imagine of censorship. It was' clear to persuasive criticism by people

depends on its ability to block off communist infiltration . whose business it is to review a certain type of, person, who most of his listeners, particu­ comes to trust that critic, who .larly to those who quizzed him and communis~-inspired revolutionary tactics. ' books, motion pictures" plays, .won't . waste time reading it... later, that there is considerable The United Natio.ns inust come to realistic grips with etc. If he says that play is vicious, difference between "pornogra­ this situation as it never did with Hungary. But the fact is that Dr. Barr but it is not really interesting phy" and "trash," I suppose, if one had to put · Finally, we would all do well to pray God' to inspire really sounded so reasonable, except to people who like vicious the fact that he shunned the things, I could imagine a man his finger on the central error not oniy the heads of our own government but the com­ just not 'going ...." ' in Dr. Barr's position, it would munist leaders themselves' that justice. and reason and shrill and inflammatory lan­ guage so often used by contro­ It seems to me Dr. Barr is be 'his unrealistic reliance on peace might prevail in the world. versialists in this matter of free­ evading the problem of what to the inevitability of ·human per­ dom and censorship, makes it do about the adults who love fection, his decidedly Rousseau­ necessary, I believe; if there .is . rubbish and garbage and who ~ istic conviction that reason and error in his thinking, to inspect like "vicious things" and who, .knowledge can ,guarantee the his position more closely. far .from befng dissuadeq by the successful outcome of any en­ I can imagine that a number critics, are unmoved', by such - counter with evil and error. of his listeners or readers of criticism. . There is no room in such • Pressed by participants' at the conviction for the fact of Ori­ his pap~r might be unduly im­ pressed by the seeming piaus­ seminar, Dr, Barr professed ginal Sin and the consequent OFFICIAL' NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ibility of his stand. After all, .he -- complete inability to know what moral weakness and frailty in effect pornography would have human nature. I cannot think Published Weekly by The Catholic Press at the Diocese at Fall River 'did have some intelligent, affirmative things to say about the on the pornography-addict, or too unkindly of Dr, Barr for 410 Highland Avenue

Catholic Index and he refused what effect it would have on his failure to grasp the theology Fall Rivlilr, Moss. OSborne 5-7151

to get excited about such organ- the "dialetical process" in this of Original Sin, though I should izations as the Legion of Decency self-governing democracy. think he would be sufficiently PUBLISHER and the National Office for He tried to draw. a parallel impressed by the psychological Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O.... Ph.D. . Decent Literature which to cer- between. legal restraints on por- evidence of it to take it more ASST. GENERAL MANAGER GENERAL MANAGER tain liberfbrians- and Dr. Barr nography and the, 18th Amend- ,seriously ,into consideration. Re". Daniel F. Sl1allpo, M.A. Rev, John P. Driscoll . described himself as a libertar- ment prohibiting sale of a]coBut neither' can I let him -"get • MANAGING EDITOR ian-are monstrous menaces to holic bev'erages, but the parallel 'by" with his presentation .with­ Attorne)' Hugh J. Golden ,liberty. Wali faulty because of in,trinsic 'out comment. '

Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days


-- ..•

~ducCitor Fails

to Consider

Frailty of Human Nature

A Few Facts'



Socioiogist Says Most Seminarians Come from Middle Class Families


Thurs., July




NOTRE DAME (NC)-A so- two-thirds of the major se~ina­ ciologist has found that the ma- rians, both religious and dioce­ jority of America's future priests san did not do their high school come from middle~class families, studies in a minor seminary," DEER PARK (NC)-Half-daY graduate from a hometown high he declared. sessions - one answer to the school, and have at least one "To put this another way: the shortage of teachers and class­ relative in religious life. high schools of America are rooms-has yielded good results Father Joseph H. Fichter, S.J., twice as effective in' training for pupils, teachers and parents visiting professor of sociology boys who continue on intO the at a parochial school here, it haa at the University of Notre Dame, major seminary as are' the minor been reported. disclosed these findings in an seminaries. They produce twice In this Cincinnati suburb the address on "Sources of Priestly as many priests. It appears to Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Vocations" at the opening sesbe a question of major moment Cross who teach at St. John's sion 0'£ the 11th Vocation Insti- when we discover that the minor school, for the last four years tute here. seminaries on the high school have conducted half day session. He based his conclusions on level are producing fewer priests four separate surveys of young than are the Catholic and public for the first and second grades. men ~ttending major seminaries. high schools of America." The Sisters reported: 1. The smaller classes of two Two of the studies were comTypical Catholic Teenagers sessions daily with about 30 pleted recently under his superSeminarians who began study­ MR. AND MRS DONALD DIETER pupils,instead of a full day with vision. ing for the priesthood at the age Sixty per cent of the semina- of 18 or later experienced much ~in~~s resulted in better discirians are sons of middle-class the same social and"' athletic and upper-middle-class fathers activity as their 'high school I ~I 2. Third grade teachers who , 'I~ U ..~ex Oil have worked under both systems who have white-collar, jobs, or classmates, Father Fichter found. T/Sgt. Donald Dieter ,and his More often than not, it is the -, contend the pupils who have are in the managerial or profesWhile one out of 10 had never wife Colleen will leave' the Bishop himself hemmed in on half day sessions are "just as sional categories, Father Fichter had a "date," one-fifth of them United States Air' Force next all sides by sup~lies for- the mis- advanced" as those who had full asserted. Only one out of 10 of had dated once a week,' and one­ them comes from families that fifth had "practically been going Monday to begin a completely ''sionary, who is at the controls of day sessio'ns, and the h!1lf day have "below average income," steady." ' ' new and interesting life on the the plane. In time, it is hoped students develop "much better that the educational possibilities study habits." he said. ' T h e 'majority of the semina- South Sea Island of New Guinea of radio instruction can also be ,3. Diocesan achievement tests From Smaller Families rians also played on organized as lay missionaries. They will work in the Vicautilized ~mong these stone-age and state. education department Father Fichter, who heads ,the athletic teams in high school,. he "every pupil" tests show that the sociology department at Loyola said. They differed principally riate of Wewak under the direc- villagers. tion, of Most Rev. Leo C. ArkThe Divine Word Missionaries ,pupils of half day sessions more University of the South, New from their classmates, the Orleans, disputed the notion that Jesuit, scholar found, in that feld, S.V.D., and the Divine man two mission territories in than, hold their own with full that region' lying on the north- day pupils at the same grade priestly vocations flourish in they we're "more than ordinarily Word Missionaries who have their New England headquar- east coast of New Guinea which level. large Catholic families. faithful to religious practices." is under the United Nations and 4. Health of the students About half of the vocations, he Father' Fichter's principal ters at Duxbury. Mr. Dieter has ken in the administered by the Australian seems to fare better under the said, come from families that conclusion: "The source of Government. Two Bishops; 131 -half day sessions, with attend­ have four children or fewer. priestly ,'vocations 'is the typical Air Force 'for ,'1.0 Yl.a~s, serving Divine Word Fathers and 38 ance up, fatigue down and the '''The smaller families,'" he e'x:- American Catholic teenager, at Sandia Air Force Base as well as Albuquerque and on Oki- Divine Word Brothers work in classroom environment more plained, "contribute more than who had, all the splendid and nawa: Mr. and Mrs. Dieter are this area. healthful because overcrowding • third of their children to'the exciting qualities of such young­ Aided by Nuns is eliminated. service ot' God, while the la'rgersters, and who has enjoyed and' going to New Guinea on a five- year contract. Durbg their The DiVine Word Missionaries SistE:;r Constance, the school families contribute only about "profited from the normal expe­ 'a 'fifth of their children to the ,riences of the 'modern, youth, in service in the missions they re- are aided b'y the Missionary Sis- principal, said there w~ con­ ceive no pay beyond room, ters Servants of the Holy Ghost siderable objection from parents vocation apostolate'." ; our society." ' Vocations do "run in families," board, medical care and a small (TechI1Y, Ill.) and the'Sisters of when the half-day sessions were monthly allowance. 'Mercy from Australia. inaugurated four years ago, but the Jesuit scholar felt, ,since. two-thirds of" the seminarians

Mr. Dieter is going to New Mrs.' Bieter, the daughter of that "as far as we can seethe Guinea. as a radio engineer. Mr: and Mrs. Paul Mackey of' opposition has ceased .now." ,~he 'surveyed have one or more rela­ ,tives in the priesthood or reli­ Bisnop Arkfeld, S.V.D., of We­ Center Point Iowa- Jis the other said some parents enJOy havmg gious life. ,ST. LOUIS (NC) -'- CathOliC wak, moving' along with the half of -this' team 'which offers ; their children at home longer However, he attributed this school facilities for mentally­ electronic age and ur~ed by not only skill in electronic, deand that the transition into full ,not so much to the personal ex- retarded chirctren in the U. S. necessity, is installing radio, vices but also, a living example sc~ool life "is more gradual and ample and influence of the older have tripled in the last five transmitters' and receivers in' of Christian family life in the pamless under the half day person, but rather to "an attitude years, a national survey indi­ each of his 33 mission stations. middle of a pagan materialistic plan-." or frame of ,mind toward the c~tes. 'Each missionary will be able to atmoSphere where many of the . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... ~onc,ept of vocation among mem- Father Elmer H. Behrmann contact headquarters (Wewak) few whites are not ideal Chris­ at any time during the day. tians. ' bers of a family which' already made the survey for the Arch­ has 'received a vocation.'" diocese of St. Louis after learnBishop at Controls'

It is of interest that this you~g Catholic High Schools lng parochial school facilities This is important since the Couple should find themselves Vocations also '''run in par- for retarded children were not -Divin~, Word Missionaries w'ork­ working with a Divine Word ishes," Fathfrl' Fichter m~in- included in Federal reports. ,ing in New Guinea are often Mission Bishop who hails from , tail1ed, with a' "tremendous va'He said the number of Catho­ isolated for weeks on islimds their home state: I Bishop Ark­ riation" among parochial units. 'lic school facilities for mentally along the ~oast and deep in the 'feld; S.V.D., is a native of NEW BEDFORD "There exist parishes in this 'handica-pped now number 54, as , Panama, Iowa. jungle without means of com­ eountry,some of them est3b- compared with 15 in 1952. munication with civilization. Mr~. Dieter is' an only child lished' for more than 50 years, 'Catholic Brothers and Sisters ,Frequently their only contact while her husband, Don, has two' INDUSTRIAL OILS

·out of which not a single priestly 'operate' institutions for' handi­ with the 'outside' is the mission .siste~, 1\'I;rs. Frank Powter' of, vocation has come," he said. capped children in 24 states, l>lane which, lands at a nearby HEATING OILS

Dubuque, Iowa, and Mrs. George While the parochial school,; 'Father Berhmann's report states. air-strip wrested from the trop­ 'Schultz o~ Van Horne, Iowa. "continues to bea rich mine of. But Father Behrmann said his TIMKEN

ical ,jungle growth. potential vocations, the record . silrvey showed a serious' sho,'rt­ of 'Catholic" high schools looks age in both teaching 'personnel OIL BURNERS

,To Hold Catechetical even better, in Father Fichter's ""and tra'ining facilities for handi­ Chosen "Best 'Buy" opinion. capped children. And realistic Sel'vice Institutes in Europe , The nation's high schools proopportunities for employment , MANCHESTER (NC)-Father Picked No.1' Import Buy

duce more young men who still are an unfilled need: eventually become priests than Largest 'program for retarded Thomas Savage of St. Patrick Backed by Reputable Service

501 COUNTY ST. do the minor seminaries, Father children in the country under Church, . Milford, 'diocesan di­ rector of the Confraternity of NEW BEDFORD Fichter claimed. "We find that 'Catholic auspices, according to 8'1 Middle Street, Fairhaven the survey', is that of the St. Christian Doctrine since 1948, WY 3-1751 WYman 9-6479 ' Louis archdiocese, which has has left here to conduct a series Record Background of catechetical institutes in some 425 children enrolled in 25 For Serra Series, - Europe, if has been announced different classes. ST. LOUIS (NC)- Two staff by Bishop Matthew F. Brady of Noting government figure~ in­ members of the Sacred Heart dicated only some 12 per cent Manchester.. -Father Savage will 'fisit radio and television .programs, of the children needing special which are distributed' world­ education received it, Father Germany, France~ Italy and wide, made a special trip to the Behrmann said the voluntary England to contact :nd train West Coast to film and record role played by Catholic schools Catholic chaplains in 'the armed .forces, and also to train lay per­ 'background scenes for a series in the field has become increas­ sonnel selected by these chap-' 'on Serra International. ingly important.. . , Serra International is an or­ "Special education" is the lains, in Confraternity of Chris­ tian Doctrine theory and prac­ ganization of laymen dedicated term most-often used by edu­ tice. Father Savage will return to fostering vocations -lor the cators to describe specially­ to the United States in mid­ priesthood and to aiding needy tailored classes for children cap­ seminarians in completing their able" of education, but Rot able September. studies. ' to' keep up with normal school Father William K. Schwein­ classes. The term includes those her,- S,J., production manager, with. both mental and physical and Harold Lynch, cameraman, handicaps. of Techniso'nic Studios here, made the trip from the program Businessman Gives headquarters here to the mis­ Bellto' ,Seminary sions of Santa Barbara and San Juan Capistrano and also to BURLINGTON (NC)-A Bur­ Blessed Sacr,ament church in lin'gton Jewish businessman has College Chapel Hollywood, Calif., where scenes donated an antique bell to a were filmed and recordings "Catholic seminary in gratitude - , , made. lor the prayers said for him by HOLY CROSS FATHERS

Two Spanish choral groups­ priests and seminarians during Contractol's the Montezuma (N.M.) Semin­ • serious illness. ' FOUR-YEAR COEDUCATIONAL COLLEGE

ary choir and the Carmelite Charles Samuelson, head at Sisters choir of Alhambra, Calif. the Burlington Paper Stock Com­ For Information, write to: ,/ 464 Second St. -were recorded. Tape record­ pany and the Vermont Scrap ings in English were made of Iron Company, gave the old bell THE DEAN

FALL RIVER the Padre Choristers of Santa to the novitiate of the Society Barbara Mission, the St. Charles' of St. Edmund at Mystic, Conn. STONEHILL COLLEGE

church choir in North Holly­ OSborne 2-2143 The bell weighs iome 600 North Easton" Massachusetts

wood, and the Lennon sisters, pounds and was made more than who are favorite TV singers. 100 years ago in Lyons, France.

Says Half-Day Plan Success

Lay Missionary Couple to Leave For . . . ew G .-nea t M d ay

riple F,acilit,ies, ,For' Retarded T.,





Sales &

'Park Motors "



ELECTRIC CO. Electrical



At Our House

Thurs., July 24, 1958

Presen,ts Various Suggestion,s For Stretching Food Budgef


Nurses Provide Health Care For Camp

By' Mary Tinley Daly Several weeks ago, in the Catholic press, one of our feli The Fall River Diocesan Coun­ low columnists, Msgr. Irving DeBlanc reported a request for cil of Catholic Nurses is pro­ help in "making do" ~ith. an inadequate income in these days viding health supervision and of rising costs. This columnist has received like requests first aid to campers at St. Vin­ cent de Paul Camp in Adams­ from readers. Now, and' on into Fall, a gar­ ville. , "Not by bread alone ••• " 'den is a family's best friend, Two nurses provide this serv': of course, but food is a basic budgetwise; And, even if you ice~each week to the Camp. problem in rearing a family. have no garden of your own, you Mrs. 'Ella McNally of Fall "How do you feed 'em?" one can still profit from other peo­ River ,is chairman of the group of our correspondents writes. pie's' by patronizing the farmers "We have five markets located in most cities which has volunteered its serv­ ices. N~rses 'from Fall River growing chi 1- and the ,roadside stands where helping at the Camp are the dren-and how there are v'egetables, fruits, Misses Patricia Richards, Shirley 'their appetites fresh eggs and poultry at sur­ Brennan, Helena Gould, Angela a l' e growing! prisingly low prices. , . Harrington, Joanne Riley, Vir­ My husband is Milk Costs laid off tempo- As to milk-that bugaboo in , ginia Correira, Arlene Sullivan rarily so that the family budget where there and Katherine 'Nasll, Mrs. Ann it's all outgo are children ~ it's necessary, Fleming, Mrs. Edna Dube and and no income, that's for sure, to provide cal- Mrs.. Kathleen She'rry. Miss Anna Donovan of New', He makes good dum fOF growing ,bones and ,pay when 'he's teeth, and besides, it tasteS so", Bedford and Miss Ruth Fielding of Taunton complete the group working but we ' good. won't h a v e For years, at our house, one of of Registered Nurses giving their services to 'the Camp which is anything left'by the major food items, budget­ the time the company takes him wise, was milk and the milkma,n sponsored by the St. Vincent de F AMIL Y LIFE: Diocesan Chairman of Family and back, unless we retreilch rndicwas the first man who got his' Paul Society of the ,Diocese. Parent Committee of the National Council of Catholic ally. The retrenchment, I figure, check on the first of every month Women; Mrs. Stanley J. Koczera, of New B'edford is shown

is my job. Can you help me?" as the Head. of· the House sat And another: "My husband 'himself down to write those , arriving home with her children, Jan, 4, holding mother's

bas seasonal occupation but. this monthly income-desttoyers. hand; Peter, 6; Kathryn, 12; Carole, 12;, Daniel, 11, re­

year the, seasonal let-off has • We've found" though, that' moving luggage from roof, and Stanley Jr., 13. All attended

Members' of the Fall River eontinued on and on. We h'ave' milk doesn't have to be 'all in to cut expenses at home. How­ the high-priced delivered-at-' Catholic Nurses Guild will be on the National FamilY,Life Convention at Buffalo, N.Y: Paul,

1~·, stayed home with dad, Dr: Stanley J. KoczerCl.. ever, every time I go to the the-back-door cate~ory' to do duty from 10:30 A. M. to 8 P. M. at St. Anne's Shrine on Sat'ur­ grocery store, I spend between its work in ilut~ition. $10 and $12 for our family of There is condensed, cheaper oay, the Feast of St. Anne. The first aid station will be eight an,d the food only lasts' a, by far, which can serve as, few days (this includes milk, cream in coffee, take its place in situated at the rear, of· the main laundry supplies and the like.), cream sauces for vegetables and altar. Nurses will aid the sick Four ,girls from Sacred Heart River Street; Cecile Mercure, How can If help my husband? casserole dishes and, chilled and and afflicted in the processional Parish, North: At1;leboro, will daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George He pretends not, to be worried, whipped and doctored 'vanilla, devotions held several times dur­ take part Saturd'ay in the simple Mercure of 105 Holmes Road; but I know he is." can hold its head as high" as . ing the day. They will also at­ and Lorraine, Sirois, daughter 'of These are but' two samples of whipped cream. And powdered tend., infants while mothers take and 'beautiful profel'ision cerepart in the devotions. "­ m"ony of the Congregation of the Mr; and Mrs. G~ard Sirois of letters with the same tenor: how' milk: mix with your dry ingre­ to keep down the outgo until the dients ,in making cake, biscuits, ' . Miss Angela A. Harrington is Holy Union of the Sacred HeartS 137 Orne Street, will receive their religious names and the income catches up. waffles, pan'Jcakes -add' water in charge of arrangements and in Groton, Mass. Sister Maria Lirida, s~u.s.c.,habit of the Congregation. Supreme Judge and there you are. ' the following nurses will be as­ the former Jeanne Poirier Miss Phyllis Leblanc, now Si8­ Undoubtedly'these women, as With these as' dietary' back- ' sisting throughout the day: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Le~ tel' Marie Philip, daughter of all of us do,' read the women's ,ground.. plus carefully selected . Mrs. George E. Sullivan Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Philip Leblanc of lections in the daily papers, meats, let's take a look, at - thEi Mrs. William Connelly, Mrs. Poirier of 165 West Bacon Street looking for economy tips, until so-called "frills," and the des­ Oscar J. Dube, Mrs. Michael Plainville, will pronounce he~ 207 . Park Street, ,wiU start her first vows for one y'ear. 'She will last year in the Novitiate as time comes when a daily paper serts, the snacks and the "ligh't F-itzgerald. then be given a few days' vaca- Senior Novice, after which' she 'becomes not a luxury but a refreshments" that can make a Mrs; Thomas Fleming,' Mrs. tion in her home parish convent will be allowed t6 take vows for DeCessity. For real help in the buqget sag woefully..' . ' 0 Ed~ard Haponik, Mrs. James battle of the budget, we've found The bakery delights are best Hannon; Miss De~ena Lavagnino, before being assigned,to a teach- one yea~. that the paper carrying' the left to those with small families. ,Mrs. William J. Maloney. ing post in, the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Parish has given weekend food ads is a must. Make 'em at 'home at a 'small . Mrs. Octave Pelletier; Miss Province. nine girls to 'the 'Holy Union There, 'SPread out on your own 'portion of the cost. Potato chips Mary M.Quinn, Mrs. Harvey The three other girls, Yolande' Sisters, as well as"'ten ,others to dining room or' 'kitchen t.able, taste mighty good while, TV \ Scott, Mrs. Frederick J.Sherry, Davignon, daughter of Mr. and different other religious orderi you can study it like a'resl:arch 'viewing or sitting on the porch. Mrs. Dennis Sullivan. Mrs. Wilfrid Davignon of 58 ,of women. ' ' report and a road map. Chain -but they run into mO:ley. ' 'stores and independents are Ever try making' your own? vying with one another for your Or substituting the cheaper but food dollars and you are the ~still tasty popcorn? Or lightly eu IlUpreme judge. fried' and salted cereals? And You are, the comparative ,homemade lemonade (made' mopper and by. careful wdgh­ 'with sugar syrup' and' fresh' ing of. values' and shopping lemons) instead of the frozen; around you can save real money. canned kind?' ' 'These budget hole-plugs may A survey conducted 'by a' metropolitan daily in one 'of our be old hat to many of you. -Now,' larger cities says that "Unof­ let's hear. your pet money­ ficially, chain store 'buyers say saving, tricks and pass them bluntly 'that housewives can along. change the price picture, over­ night if they show even more 'English Youth Plan eustomer resistance." Cycling Pilgri~age Let's take a look at that "cus~ LONDON (NC)-Hundreds of

to!p.er resistance." 1£ "you and, your neighbor, we and our English boys and girls, will

leave here next month and ri~

neighbors, refuse to buy the their bi,cycles across France to

overpriced items,. they will go begging. AutOmatically, they. Lourdes" on the first national

cycling' pilgrimage promoted i,n

will come down in' price and this country.

then they are reasonable, then '(he pilgrimage to the 'Marian we'll buy. shrine is being organized ,for L· students throughout Great Bri­ tain by the Universe, national Catholic newsp'aper.' The pil­ grims will be accompanied on: their tour by a group of chap­ lains, st:minarians and teachers.

Nurses to Assist Sick at Shrine

Four Girls from "North Attleboro'

In Profession. Ceremony SoturQoy

You'llloveeac1.1 flavor best

until you try 'the next "

Clambake at Swansea

,'I J


'j~l ",





ENTERS NOVITIATE: Miss Muriel Lebeau, d~ugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lebeau of Fairhaven, has entered the Novitiate 01 the Congregation of the Saered Hearts in North Fairhaven.

The Holy Name Society of

Our Lady of Fatima Parish,

Swansea, conducted a clambake

for the benefit of the church.

,Rev. James F. McDermott, ad­ ministrator, was honorary chair­ man and Robert Laflamme, general chairman. Awards were giv~n to winners ,of athletic eveI).ts and games. Joseph R. Flanagan was bakemaster and Roger Michaud, ticket chairman.

Circl,e Meets Sept. 2 " Next business meeting of. Hy­ 'acinth' Circle No. 71; Daughfers of Isabella of New Bedford, will be held Tuesday, Sept. 2, a week earlier than the scheduled meet­ ing, ,Mrs. Catherine Letendre, regent, announced.

Every exciting flavor of Coronet by Hood .. is a masterpiece. From the finest buttered pecans to the costliest import'ed chocolate all the. fruits and' flavorings are literally the finest -avaIlable. And the lavish measure of cream in Coron'et ­ b~sides addi?g smoothness and body - acts to bring C?ut a rIcher degree of flavor. , Try all the magnificent Coronet flavors. You'll lov:e each one best; until you try the next!

~he Worlds Fi:r~,est Ice Cream. WATCH "26 MEN" EVERY SUNDAY. 7-7:30 P.M.

Today's Fashions


Thurs., July 24. 1958

Suggests Mid- Town~r· for Gap Between Summer and Fall

Women/sCouncil Issues Book Iet

By Ellen Kelley The change-of-season, Mid-Towner "is in our midst, bridging the gap between Summer and Fall, hot and cool weather, most beautifully, starting no~! It's a dress made of crisp silk-and-cotton with blouson back and 'an unusually full skirt. I admired it only' and-leaf-printed in blue/green yesterday in charming tones or brown combinations, is care­ of royal blue and chocolate fully detailed and shape-reten­ brow'll. It has an elegant, tion-lined to fit 'and flatter­ expensive look, is priced quite modestly and is available in sizes for-just about everybody! Your City-Black Costume for ngfit-now wear in July, "the fashion black month" presents ao problems in upkeep, social Yersatility or fashionable good taste. It is definitely wrinkle­ shunning, made of wond'rous dripdry Dacron and cotton-a fabric that is, incidentally, its awn air-conditioning system! Furthermore, it's an utterly flattering cocktail sheath and has a CQntoured town or travel jacket. ,It is, absolutely, an en­ trance-maker, a mar v e.l 0 u s labor-saver (no ironing!), and is thriftily priced. Junior-beloved for now­ through-Autumn wear is the glorious shirt-dress in an exotic tapestry print. Incidentally, you can wear it all the year long! It's Summerweight, silky-sheen CQtton ~nd in all-year colors. rich with green, taupe or blue tones predominating and comes in junior sizes of 7 to 15 and is low-priced. Tr'ansit,oD Tweed , A fresh-season look is achieved Yia "Trans-Season Tweedery" a transitional tweed-textured cot­ to sheath dress adorned with embroidered red roses. It has a charming bateau neckline that forms a V in the back; has rayon yelvet shoulder bows, short B1eeves. It's available in a cooly beautiful gray tone. The roses are Jacqueminot red and sizes are 12 to 20. The .price? Under' $3{}. A

permanently! Air of'Twenties Have you seen the -new "Chemi-Shirtdess"? It's an eye­ compelling new fashion, features a long, lean bodice, is skirted in a burst of pleating and is a gay young fashion that's receiving plenty of plaudits! It has an air of the twenties, emphasized by today's wash­ and-wear, no-iron cotton ... is available in Shadow"Cool Black, Bermuda Coral, Ceil - Blue or' Taupe tones. Furthermore, it's available in sizes for misses and women and is priced under $6. The nylon tricot slip is a Mid­ Summer fashion favorite! Made of snowy white nylon tricot with a bodice of delicately fluted, permanent pleating, it's fila­ greed with lace to match its hem and the skirt is inset with intri­ cate pleatings. It's lovely enough to be included in a trousseau .. and is priced under $4. For colorful sun-protection at the beach, the terrycloth toga­ robe is your ticket! Yes, have a veritable "Roman HQliday" in this unusual, completely flatter­ ing, dry-off robe! Also wonderful for wear at the pool, or in your own bath­ room the soft, fluffy terry cord with cord at the waist in one size for all adults (men and women!) .. is outstanding!' It's available in vibrant deep, solid colors, in soft pastels, in prints and, perfect foil for a Summer­ time tan-in surf white. The price'? Very modest, indeed! Sung-lass Hat The sunglass hat for your beach life ,is a bit of delicious fashion-nonsense .. yet so pro­ tecting! High fashion teams with down-to-earth practicality in a natural straw sun hat with' its own' built-in' sltnglasses. It is. indeed a boon to sand-witches (such as you!) and a delightful 'attention-getter, besides! Have vacatiol1':"'" will travel? Then do invest in a fashionable "wash'"and~weal',wardrobe\vhicl1" will enable you to look crisply beautiful, at all times and you'll ,sa,ve just hours of ironing into the bargain! . Have a happy vacation-and fUll in the sun-in your favorite vacation-Spot!

"Little Evening" starting in daylight is best served by a billowy-skirted dress of pure silk chiffon in your choice of Continental Black,.' Olive Green or ~Iaine red. It has a softly fitted bodice, cap sleeves and a vol­ uminous sldrt that's a picture in motion. It's yours--to make "your knight's" heart beat, in sizes 8 to ] (i. ' A stat:ld-out fashion that de­ lights juniors an,d all Who wear junior size~ is the 50-yard, 4-tier bouffant ,petticoat! Yes I said "50 yards'!" Here iii a bouffant petticoat that's 50 yards of crisp, billowy nylon net, with four swirling tiers topped with torso-fittilig nylon tricot. It will be a stand­ out fashion under your full­ Award Legion Cross

skirted day or dance dresses. To German Woman

It washes easily, dries quickly MUNICH (NC) -A 61-year­ -no ironing! Its glamorous in old employee 'of German Catho­ frosty white. petal pink or pastel lic Chal'ities' became the first blue in small, medium and large German woman to receive the sil'.es and the price, incredibly Cross oC the Legion of Honor. enough, i~ u,nder four dollars!' one of Fra.nce's highest official Vicuna Popular, ,honOI;S. Fall Fashion introduces fabu­ Anna Stadler received 'the lou$ men's wear Vicuna in a award from Baron Robert de tailored woman exclusive. Need Nerciat, French Consul General I say that never before has Vi­ to Germany, for her work euna been' so popular? Further­ among French war prisoners mOI'e, never before, to my during World War II. .' knowledge, has the sumptuous. Ma'1Y of the prisoners, surviv­ sable-90ft hand of men's wear \ ors of nazi concentration camps, Vicuna been coaxed and pamper­ testified to the courage of the tailored by hand (from the charity worker who is credited inside out) into a woman's coat with saving many. lives with of such cloud-weight warmth packages of food, ,medicines and and supple ek:<ance. ' per~nal nursing care. Fashion-edited with a keen She pel'suaded nazi guards to eye to prophetic fashion for permit her to help the sick and connoisseurs who demand the even defied orders to carry out finest, in nature's own Vicuna her missions of mercy. shade, this elegant coat is lined with Milium, insulates you from cold and chilly weather. Fall's regal Vicuna coat is at the moment available in two Maintenance Supplies

charming versions - the elo­ SWEEPERS - SOAPS

quently elegant, cape-collared DISINFECTANTS

(:()Coon wrap and the double­ breasted, tapered CQat. The FIRE EXTINGUISHERS

price? Under $300. The tellderly tempered tra­ pe7..e dress is your passport to 1886 PURCHASE ST.

fashion-travel in town ---.: Ol' around the world-from now­ NEW BEDFORD

through-Fall! Made of crisp, dis­ WY 3·3786

ciplined cotton, it is subtly rose-

1fr ''jJ . '.. '.'.tr' " 4t:t: .•.',. I' ',tit_ .liIt ir

.' ..•....

CONDUCT SUMMER MEETINGS: of the Summer Sodality which meets in Fall River every two weeks throughout the season are (left to right) seated: Barbara Botelho, Mount St. Mary Academy, secretary; Nancy LaFleur. Sacred Hearts Academy, prefect; standing: Jeanne Plante, Jesus Mary Academy, vice-prefect; Raymond Robillard; Prevost, treasurer; Mildred Midura, Dominican Academy, elector.

Sodalists Hold Biweekly Meetings Throughout Summer 'Season Dur'ing the summer months, all the Sodalists "of the five Catholic high schools An Fall River plus 51. Anthony from New Bedford, assemble at the Jesus Mary Academy for their Sodality meetings for they realize that the Sodalit.y is not an activity but a Way of Life. Those who are really interested find the; means to attend every meeting. The attendance is really gratifying and Our Lady must certainly shower her blessings on' those teen-agel's who willingly sacrifice two hours every two weeks to discuss subjects that tend to help better them and their environment. At the first meeting such subjects as Modesty, Entertainment, Companionship, and Unity were discussed. A survey was sug-

St. Anthony Parish, Plans Annual Picnic St. Anthony of P", ,a Church, Fall River, will hold its annual Summer Family Pienic on Sunday, Aug. 3, at the Holy Ghost Grounds on Sodom Road in Westport. F th . h i t h ve privo:te c~~, ~heo t:':ns~~rtat~on committee headed by Manuel R'; Souza has arranged to have buses lea've Seventeenth Street starting at 10:30 A.M. and every half hour up until 1:30 P.M. General committee chairman is Manuel Domingos.

ges,ted concerning 'the wearing of the scapular medal. At'the secona meeting a report "was given in each Unit and now plans are being put into action to remind the people of the city of the importance of the scapu­ lar and of the promises Our Lady made to St. Simon Stock for those who would wear her brown scapular (the medal may re,place the cloth scapular). The next project the Sodalists attempt to undertake is one of great importance also since it deals. with Stop Shopping on Sunday, a subject Our Holy Father has insisted upon more than once. To create interest for these summer meetings five officers have been elected, one from each of the Catholic high schools of the city. It is hoped that e"very one who will have attended these gatherings will derive much benefit and return to her or his respective Sodality in September eager to continue the work begun with so much enthusiasm.

Supper at Swansea

WASHINGTON (NC)-Seven family education programs em­ phasizing character training in the home and teenage commu­ nity responsibilites are included in "Childhood Education," pub­ lished by the National Council of Catholic Women. The study-action programs deal with prayer and discipline for the pre-schooler; the sacra­ ments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist for the school child; behavior codes; military service orientation, and driver training for teenagers. The 24-page booklet was pre­ pared by the NCe"- Committee on Family and Parent Educa­ tion. Mrs. Emerson Hynes, Collegeville, Minn., the wife of a St. John's University sociology professor, is chairman of the committee. Committee co-chair­ man is Mrs. Mitchell Kulik, Yakima, Wash. The highway safety program, urging cooperation with the President's Committee on Traf­ fic Safety by NCCW's 11.500 af­ filiated organizations, has' also been issued as a separate pam­ phlet, "Speed-Age and the Fam­ ily." It is part of a continuing traffic safety education program initiated by NCCW in ]946 and expanded under annual grants from the Automotive Safety Foundation since ] 953.

Guild Plans Supper A C I II t entra Vi age The Ladies' Guild of St. Job" the Baptist Church, Centrai Vil­ lage, will hold a ham and bean stippper next Wednesday night in the parish hall, with sittings at 5:30 and 7 P.M. The menu will also include potato salad, broo,yn bread, rolls and home made pies. Mrs. Michael Andras and Mrs.. Ar­ mand Letourneau, in charge of tickets, request returns by Mon­ day. The Guild will also conduct a whist party at 8 P.M. Satur­ day, Aug. 9. Mrs. Clarence Kirby is chairman. Prizes will be awarded. • • • • • • • • • • • • •~


EAT. t




Sponsored by the Holy Name • Society and, the C at hQ.1 ic WoT.hat-R-Rich'N'Yellow-Robust. man's Club of St. Michael's Parish, Swansea, a cafeteriaFRESH CUT-UP POULTRY t. style supper will be served in t the' parisll school from 5 to 7 o'clock on the evenings of Satur-. FARMS • day, July 26, Aug. 2 and 9. A Washinglon St. Fairhaveni penny sale will be held in conJust off Route 6 junction with the supper. t . ~ ..



Eat More Swordf.·sh

All types of Portuguese and • American foods will be prepared • . . • •• and served and St.· AnthOny'S.. KING

Band will offer' a concert as

NATIVE part of the entertainment.' Rev.: SIZE Laureano C. dos Reis, pastor,:

suggests jhat families of the LOBSTERS

SWORD parish attend as a unit and make,

it a real family Picnic. All the • Ib

FISH parishioners are invited to attend • . C·

along with the geTicral public., •

he picn.ic, whi.ch will be held .•• .~ ram or shrne. wlll be attended: ,"DC by many well known local a n d . UNION WHARF FAIRHAVEN,' MASS. state personalities. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~





>: <~ . iJ:tfjV£

SPJt =======








See the Specials ·on Our Big Fourth Floor


t I

,..I .

Sage and S a n d .



10 Thurs., THE ANCHOR­ July 24, 1'958'

Cathedral DominotesAltar As .Symbol' of Church . .

Secular Homes

Hurt Vocations

. By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of .Reno

: NOTRE DAME (NC) - The greatest handicap to the accept­ ance of God's call to. the priest­ hood or religious life is. the secularization of Catholic homeS, J3ishop' Albert R. Zuroweste .of Belleville declared here.In the keynote address .at the 11th Vocation Institute, the prel.­ ate stressed that the home hall the first place in fostering voc~ tions. . "It must be Christian, not halJ­ Christian and half-pagan," be said. He' criticized parent.s wh~ promote dating and dances among youngsters in the seventh and eighth grades. Such pr~ mature social activity, Bishop Zur'oweste observed, lessens the likelihood of religious vocations and "must be stopped." , Bishop Zuroweste told more than' 200 priests, Brothers, Sis­ ters' ,and' laymen attending the institute s'essions that they must not' co'ncentrate too much on an individual in promoting religiouS vocations. "Our efforts should be e»­ tended to 'all' who come under our care provided they seem possessed of the moral, mental and physical attributes demand'-. ed.by the Church," he said. "And it ·is well to remember that our personal, ,lives, '~our adheren~ to rule, our practice' of virtues, esp~cially .. chari~y, our o~ d.~~n~e, .our loyalty to Churc~ and, s.uperiors speak louder than W;~J;ds,. ·andhave more lasting eff~"ts than sermons."

This is a tale' of tw'o~cities; The first city is bathed in the'. mellow golden' glow' of art Idealized past. Above its . clustered roofs, rising sharply from the river bank and elimbing its precipi~us streets, there couches the tawney mass of the cathedral,' like some benevolent lion guard­ its nest. . Romanesque or Goth.ie, Renaissance or Baroque, great architecture or indifferent, there . is no' question . of its domi­

by many grave 'and competent authorities, whether by way of rejoicing or of lamentation. :But actually it is by no means clear that this is so, or not,' at any"rate; to the extent that w:e have been persuaded to believe. And was the cathedral, in the day of its unique grandiloquence, nance. It is in altogether' a symbol. of religion/? full con t r 0 1, Is the life insurance building, DISCUSS BACK-OF-YARDS HOUSING: Discussing testifying by its towering in sheer g1ass, apd pur­ problems of new housing construction for .people in the area silent eloquence nished steel, altogether a sym­ to the power of bol of man's rejection of religion \ back of the stock yards in Chicago are (lEift to right) Con­ its symbolism. as'a high concern of 'life? gressman Hugh J. Addonizio of New Jers~y; Jose'ph Meegan; .For it is as a executive secretary 'of the Back of the Yards Social Action symbol that we . Hard to Discard" ~emember' the These are questions which nag Club, and Monsignor Thomas A .. Meehan, former editor of cathedral dom­ at the coattails of our conscious­ the New 'World, Chicago archdio.cesan weekly, arid now inating the 'city. ness, for we are both the heirs pastor of St. Basil's parish in Back of ~he Yar,ds. NC Photo. The other city and the victims of .the past. It .is is" seen as a sky­ particularly diffic·ul.~.fo~ u~ ~h,? . . l,ine of vast towers etched nebu- are of the household'of the Faith ~.Plans Iously against the ~~og.They ··to divest ourselves 'of .the' syrri­ are' 'the towers of induntry and bolism of the cathedral,' for It commerce, apprqpriate.. !?ymbols has' been the unquestioned pat­ ef the wealth that has .~co,!,e tern of our imagination for over PORTLAND, Ore.-The "Cru": Fath~r O'Brien eX~I'ained that the ruling obsession of the '~od- a thou~and years. . .... sade for Souls" conducted in the. lllity, wilt' be enlisted on a ern age. . It is hard for us to discard it the. past several years ·has· ..large 'scllle' as missionaries to .. The cathedral maY··be there without feeling at the same' tim~ brought thousands into the Cath­ aid 'pastors in their work, The . . .h t 1 k that we are betraying something olic Church,' "Father John A:' Catholic' Church has one of t.he too; but you will ave. 0 . 00 almost esSential <to the Faith O'Brien of the University 'of '~fi~~s()~~i~S '; in . the ·.~;orld'7':' sharply for it, its thin' spires' lost· itself: ' ..'; . . Notre 'Dame said' 'here; . ' .. '. " iii the jungle of enormous:paral­ '. Is' "]'t . '." :.' . ge!1l'!rQ~§, devoted ~nd l(»y~I."!, lelograms. For ·as a symbol.the But iii it· true? really. This cens~sa~i:l 'iriform'atlon he sllip. . .; .'. .:. ,r. .., . eathedral has been 'all1'lost; corn-' neces'sary' that.:we shoul~ con": pfognim, "som~time.s, known .. as. .,;;, '.r. ••• Converts·Grow·.,.' ..•. \, , · .. d' th', \\>ould 'tirtue to .buildchurches which '.'0. pe.r,a.'tion" poorbel,l," will, ,b.e,. pletely efface d an' er,~ , are'ba;'se"d '0' n'th'e" ·c··athed··ral c,on-.·.' ··He said that 'inquiry and·in.:·: seem to-be no hope-whatever 'of . ", . condllcted' in the Archdiocese· reeoveriu'g 'its lost eminenc'e' in cept, when -the concept ha~.)it:'. of Portland 'and'the Dioceses 0(, formation' claSSes, win be e'stao-" lished. In one Milwaukee parish: Exiled Bishop Pinger tle' orho .validity for our mod,,: B~ker; Boise,' Great Falls, and which' ,averaged" about 40C6h­ e~~, time. . .'" ern: Jses? Ar'i.·d is there no '?thet ~Helen!1, and is :designed to "ex­ Indianapolis' Vision of Babel,.,; sy'mbol 'by which man"can ein._.. verts;' the number skyrocket~d: ,.. . ., . tend. God's., kingd~m to the INDIANAPOLIS (NC)- Elf­ to' '172 after the program was' I'Or let us suppose;·for.onewild body and 'express. the perman::: . churchless peopl~ of the land," . iled"'Bishop He'nry A. Pinger.., conducted," Father O'Brien ·said. moment, that the cathedral.were'neilce and strengtho('his' reli: Fath~r O'~rien sl!id. O::F.M:; of Chowtsun, China, has Use'!of 'parishioners as lay apos- . to return, by !!Orne rep~tition of·. gfon?' . . ,. .' . taken up residence in the Arcb-' He .outlines aims of the pro­ Toynbee's classic'pl!tte1'n,·an~. 'There' is .no questi.on but 'that tles "rill:lke it' a missionary diikese of 'Indianapolis. The in­ . . th g'ram and methods of carrying er 'ish,'; he said. . . reassert its dominion' o:v. . e man lives by symbols. This is vitation was extended by Arc~' TI it out for priests of the PorUana Working kits, cards and pam­ imag·ination of men, Ie sug- the basis of' our view of the and .Baker dioceses in several ·bishop Pal;ll C. Schulte of In­ ges.tion verges, on .a Venetian·. Church as God's 'house built" .

phlets will be provided for the dianapolis. .nightmare, of something so treupon the Rock; it is the divine sessions around the state. He canvassers, Father O'Brien said. Bishop Pinger will minister 'd' to explained the purpose of the

mendous and over) 109 as . J'ustification of the whole sacra­ Non-Catholics will be invited to to the spiritual needs of the . 1Il0ckall reality. mental system wh.·ereby' man is census and' information program attend a 'series of talks, and fO}ll­ Little. Sisters of- the 1"oor and to '

is to: . How could the cathedral domieriabled to live the· very. life of en-away Catholics will' be given .elderly inmates of the institution,

nate the murky horizon of a God. -Secure a complete, accurate 'a pamphlet entitled "Come Back conducted: by them.

.... census in each parish Home." , .modern Chicago or Los Angeles,. . But. beyond these symbols up-to-d~te . . A· native of Lindsay, Neb.•

so pastors may know who· the vaunting its bulk in the upper which.. are given us as part of , The ,"Crusade of Souls" was Bishop 1"inger has resided at St.

skies?' Its weight would. crusp.; the, deposit of Faith we are per-', people· are 'andwhat they are. started in '1951 by Father.O'Brien·· Pet~r's franciscan 'par:ish in Chi.,.",

ni;uch '~qre than the improbable . mitted a ·wide latitude;.And in . -Secure a complete, accurate;' in the Diocese of San Diego at cago since he was baniShed froOl

pl'es of its found.ations; it woul~ the. case of the .,cathedral there' up":to-date ceflsus ofinaetive or the invitation of Bishop. Ch~rlE!s Chowtsun..bY. th~ Chinese Reds'

ct.ush the very souls of its build.:. is.much evidence to support the fallen~away Catholics.'. . F.Bu~dY. Some' 25,060 iay ~'bfkin:August,1956..

eli;. ' It· is ,a vision' of Babel view: .. that· it included· a' great . ~Ta:k.e a .ce'n·sus of :no~-C:atho,. ers made a' five:'week canvasS. He. said here that his prospecUl: bJ;ought up to date. ,. '" .' deal .more· than religion in . its lics. to. Jind out who have an and.'at'the'·end of the pro'graro of returning to his -flock in China ~:Nowt::tI1ere is a,·st.rangli "com- .:~ 'symbolism;' that it too typified intf~est. in the Catholic, Faith. Bishop J;Juddy reported 1,987 are'~i~. '''The Reds hav!,! st~pped; ment to.'add to this parable. The :: ,,;ealth and ·.po~er and ,down­ . Large' Number converts. and 5,000 fallen-a'~ays.. uP. the per:secutionof -tJ;1e t:hurch . r A'place·m'."e'nt of the cather,lral as i.' rlgt)thl,Jlll an pnde. .., Father O'Brien said priests, reclaimed,' Father O'Bri~n sai~.· in' recenf months," he noted.'

InforP:tation classes' w·eJ:e~Qri-,.,' "Th.ey ,~~m cjetermined to wipe .

th'e symbol of the city mi~ht '. ~tchose bulk and ~ass.and have been astou~ded ~tihe ~um": se~m on casual reflection, to 10- heIght as the appropl.'I ate , ·con-· ber' of fallen-away. Catholics•.. dtiCt~i:t . tw.o 'ilights a 'week ,,"od .:. OUt•. ~very . vestig~of ~eligion.,

:.' ate'the replace'ment .of,' reli,;, commitants' of. its"·imaginative· ,,' .. continue' to be held.on this sch':' .. Thejr establishment, of a n~

dlC lecturer and .. , g(~na~ a domimint motivl! force display; the. greater " the' ~ass The '"author, , . . .c.o.n~ ., edule'thrOllghout the year. The .. : tional. ch.urch·.is a subtle means·

of,)life It has·been sO inten):ret~ and.. the more exalted the ,heIght vert worker . said: "In some. diocese . has. the. highe;t..: ofpr.Om9ting ~his:end."

'! • . " the more· inwressive the,sybol-· pai'ishesas many as: 500 nom.- . eonv'eri 'rate in .the country with' . ~:

inal 'Catholics' have been found' . . . , morethap22 coover~s p~r priest bm .· '.. . .

of whom the pastor. had .. ~

Real Problem ann~allr,' Father O'Brien said. CONTRACTORS"

knowledge. .

, An;this, moreover, had very , "We must make an effort to little relation to actual uses,. for and !lie cathedral. pretty obvioosly reach o.ut'into the 'jungles' that . was .never designed to house'~the constitute many urban parishes BUILDERS family' of God, And the ~n~iave':' to plead with these people to ment.. of the . whole' ",Christi,an come back home," he added. ',.': . world to. the ,sy~liol~~, of.. . ·'the J~hn B. "It is always a source of sur­ .. BOYS WANTED f~r 'h~ ., i~athedralcha.riged aild' ~aiped prise to discover the number of .' ';- the whole ,original' concept 1~f non-Catholics waiting :l'br an in­ Priesthood and Brotherhood• ·.the liturgy as. the act of 'com-­ vitation'to' come to the Cathoiic Lack of func;fs NO. impedi:­ n.iunal worship., '.". '. . ment. . Church. ·We can't write off non­ and 'Sons; Inc.' ;.·Even today, ~henthe ~yhtbol C~tholics as 'not being interested I Wri~to: . . . for 'a11 practical purposes: is ob­ in the· Church." . :OSTERVILLE Box 5742 solete 'and an anachronism, .we Father O'Brien said he had. are' largely committed to the Balti~ore 8, Md. GArden 8-6509 been 'told that the highest per­ .patterns it devised. to modify centage of non-~hurch members that concept so as to fit in with in the U.S. is in Oregon and its demands, . Washington .. , For a thousand years' the .' '''This would' indicate many cathedral has dominated the are :waiting for someone to seek altar as the great symbol of the to interest them in thetea<;hings "00 You Work in a Factory,

Christian church. Such is the of· Christ and the Church/' he -Garage, Machine Shop or

force 'of inertia that it still does, added. ' T even after a century of tQe . Gasoline Station?

PLOMA VATICAN .DI ': liturgical r~vival, and here' in We. pickup and deliver. clean Father Charles· Burton_Mou- .America we are still building' R. A. WILCOX CO.

and'· repair overalls. Also we have ton;.priest of the Diocese of. cathedrals for our' parish 0" complete line of Coveralls. Pants OFFICE FURNITURE

Lafayette, La., has been apchurches, whether they be large . .\ . and Shirts for sale.' ., In Stock for h"mediate IHfiveQ pQfnted attache -to the A pos,. or slJlall, arid still ,relegating'the We reclaim and wash any oily. toIiclnternunciature in ] ran, , altar to its appropriate niche. • DESKS • CHAIRS .. . Here is the real problem of dirty or greasy rags. FILING CABINETS effective .this fall. 'He preChristian art and architecture in • SAFES • FIRE' FILES' Why Buy When We Supply vious!y served the foreign our day, far more pressing than FOLDING TABLES. .ser.vice of the Holy .See ,in. the wearisome questions of. AND. CHAIRS Teheran and is presently a.sstyle or,\, of' modernism' .verll~s sign'ed to the English-.ianclassicism which take ·up . so R. A. W,ILCOX·CO. .. much pf our' ..time. It" is ·fhe· guage section of. the V~tica,n. questioncof:the'.livi,ngsymbolof. 22: BEDFORD. ST. . . \" . Secl~etarhlte .of ·Stat~. NC the JiViri~ 'Ghurch, thecatheqral' FALL. RIVER' 5·7831 . .' 2' Boward Ave~' New Bedford Ppoto~ ',o.i'.:,ihe,alt~r.. ~·· .' , ". '.. :


Priest Crusade., for Souls

In Northwest· Sees of Country





Trinitarian' .Fathers




Attention Mechanics!



,.. •----"':aMe

.-,' _




~t· t~.••~.......' " •• G42:.


Poor Man's IBM Assists Priest Keep Records

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., July 24, 1958

11 ~

Forbid Mail Use For Obscenity

COLUMBUS (NC) ,'"Let's take a look at the record." Al Smith's time­ worn expression has a special

WASHINGTON (NC)-Use of the 'mails was denied to three California firms, charged with distributing obscenity, the Post application at 5t. Bartholomew's parish here, which, is said to Office Department announced have one of the most elaborate here: In the second of its pla'nned parochial record systems in the monthly statements on "fraud United States. and mailability cases," the de­ It started in the fall of 1956, partment listed the firms as shortly after the appointment ()f Regal Art Company, Los An­ Father Patrick Gleason as pas­ geles; Personal ,Film Club, Van' tor. For years he had felt that Nuys, and T-R Productions, Los the average parish did not keep Angeles. All can appeal the ban adequate statistics on its parish~ to Federal courts. ' ioners, But he was convinced , The three firms m~iled films that such data could play an described as obscene by the post important part in his pastoral office department. One of them duties. also mailed photographs and a Father Gleason had to admit second also mailed colored slides. that a busy pastor would not CHEERS FOR THE POPE-FROM U.S. NAVY: His Holiness Pope Pius XII ac­ One of the firms sent direct have the time to set up and kno.wle~'g.es the ap.plause. and chee.rs of the sailors of the United States Sixth Fleet during mail circulars advertising its. maintain the record system that th fie had' in m,ind. He was, ho"Velr VISI t t 0 V a t lcan CI ty, f 0 11 owmg maneu vers in the Mediterranean. NC Photo. wares to thousands of persons ~e~fuctu~~~~i~abk~ ~.ri-~~-------~~----------~------~---~~~~~==~--throughout the country, includ­ ing youngsters. A postal spokes:.. man said, the department's in­ ecuthie at the local Cummins Continued from Page One merciful, all- forgiving, 811­ law firms and business organi-, vestigation of the firm began Engine plant. I " " secular institutions-particularly l~ving." zations in Chicago refuse to take after it received hundreds of Up to Date hospitals-are reluctant to acCivil Affairs men uriless they are graduates of, compiaints from parents about the unsolicited' circulars . sent Both agreed that a record' cept the alcoholic as a patient. The consensus of a workshop Harvard, Yale or Princeton." , their children. . , system was needed which would, Denis McGenty of the "New on "The Family and Community "Many Catholics in these posi­ reflect, the ~'vital statistics" on'. York Commission' on Alcoholism 'Problems" :was that Catholics tions also feel the same way,'! each parishioner, which could, said' that in regard to the 'reare not ,active enough in civil he added. ' , ' be easily kept "up-to-date," Ind, habilitation' of' the alcoholic,' affairs. Crowded Schools which, would quickly provide "AA has ,something the' Church 'Thomas C. Mllrphy of Catho­ Mrs. Char~es J. O'Neill of Mil­ NEW YOR~ '(NC)--fThe eigh~ totals in, ,various :categories' Of' does not have." .. . lic, Charities, Buffalo, said that, waukee, national chairman for annual Russian Mass for worl4. ,classifications. '·"It provides a fellow.ship with' "G,atholicsshouid ,participa.~ .in, the hpme and school unit of the ·t ff" '1 Nationaf "Councii of Catho:l)'c' p~ac~, sponsored, by. the Insti~ "h ' .., ' , .".,' The latter' requirement"" was,' th ose' 'W o' do .not drink;" he, commum y, l! aIrs not on y as of coUrse,. the: most' difficU'lt' stated;' '!This' is' impo~tant' 'be~" Catholics .but as good citizens." Women, said that "unless there, tt,l'te, of, Cont~mporary Russia. hurdle' to' clear.' An electric:. cause otherwise the ~lcoh6ifc ill 'Donald' 'Thorman,' managing is a' drastic' cha~ge financiaUy~', studies and the, Russian Center of Fordha~University, will b&-: couriting machine would 'filltlle' often 'forced'·to, 'associate with editot,,'of Ave Maria,Weekiy' Cath,olic schools are nevergoimi offered today in the Slav~ bill, but was obviously mU'c'il' thQ$e ,.who do ~rink, and thus 'm'a'gazine published at' Notre to be able to take care of pros­ · . ' d' d ' pectivestuderits. ' . . ' , Byzal\tiQe ;R~te, on ,the univer,.' too expensive. put~, ~jmself in ·the occasion, ,of' D arne, In ., sal' Catholics do ',. '. . ' ." ' n o t hav.e enough respe'ct for t'he' ' "We' have to 'keep in mind" sit.y's Rose Hill campus. , • .. , , t " , a nart!nt., ,, . Mr; Murphy found his answer' Sl!'!.: s h"" 1\JI'.. 1\JI' G . ') d 'd tempor,a'l 'order.' e,.. sta,t,e.",d" "that'w,'hen The celebrant will be Father in ~h.e ,Keysort Census Sys,'tem." tr~" ..,.,c ~n y,' assal,e .at w) e-.: th t l "Go'd'm'ade the" 't' , 1 d" dec,ldes to send his chl'ld~ to a Andrew Urussov, S,J" of the· a killd of ~'poQr mal'\'s. 1.B.1\.;(." 1Y. h,e Id, ,concep t ~,on ',a· 1)10~ ; a ' empora or er h I­ Ma~er cards are perforated copo)ic$, ~re skld:,ro~ ,den!zens., with the idea we would worK' no' ':Catnoliccollege; 'he might Russian Center' of the University ." '" He sa'd th t "88t 92 t f out'our salvatio'n' as citizens as be 'making a decision which in-' of San Francisco. Father Cle­ arou'nd the' outer perimeter So',,, ',. I,. a 0 per ceo. 0 ' clud'es . the 'fac't 'the're ar'e' not' " ment Anglert, C.SS,R., of Fordo-' tfiat when a thin' metal rod is alc.opohcs are people who hve', well as Christians,'" he stated.' run through 'a stack of ca'rds ne~t dO,or to you or work next to ,",Man must: respect the integrity enough Catholic schools to take' ham's Russiim Center will give care of' Catholfc students.;' the sermon. any given point'only those ca'rris" you. Th ey are' h idden alcoholics',.. an d d ema~nd s 0 f th e I.emporal' The Mass will be sung in Eng... fitting a particuiar category' not skid row addicts." order. Among ·these demands are Kitchen Table Top lish and Old Slavonic and an remain suspended on the rod'. He stressed that alCoholism is that we should be active in a A Capella quartet under the di­ Thus if Father Gleason would a spiritual as well as a physical civic life as' well as in religious Ancient Altarpiece rection of Father John H, Ryder, like to' determine the number and emotional disease. organizations." WOLFENBUETTEL, Germany S.J., will sing the responses ac­ of parishioners who own their '''The alcoholic can recover," Ivy League (NC)-The old,kitchen table of cording to Russian tradition. own homes or who are involved he said, "if he comes to regard At a workshop on "The Fam­ a family in modest circum­ The 'Slavo-Byzantine liturgy in mixed marriages, 'the answer God in his imminence, a's allily" and ,Formal Education,". stances here has turned out to· is c,ommon to more than 140,-: is available in mil'\.utes. Father, Gleason himself. Statis­ layman charged that. some afflu­ be • 500-year-old painted altar­ .000,000 communicants ent ,Catholics are now' sending piece of great value. Questionnaires' tics of this kind ,are thereby The father of the family re­ Basic information' for 'the' file' kep~ .i,n the strictest~onfide";ce. their sons to "Ivy 'League" col- , was obtained through a' prelim:'; , ' Pastoral ,Work " leges instead of <;:atholic, ones. centlymade a, new kitchen table' ,," " " .' "Many Ca,tho.lics are now ll'v­ . ' . '. and ·decided ,to burn' the old" one Jnaryeanvass of the , parish;' ' ~'rfihd the, re,cord sys~~m ,in,' , If anyone serve

for fiiewo~d. When he turned it Parishioners were' asked' iQ "fili' • valuable from an administrative ing:for the day when their child­ me,. my Father

out and mail in questionnair'es'", standpoint," the" pastor' ',~id.,· ren will go tb'Harvard, Yale a~d' upside, down to remove its legs, will honor him.

he ,found an ancient painting of distributed at'SundaY'Masses:' "But it is l!iso an,as~eLiri.':my' Princeton, rather than a Catholic '" ,John 1~:26 the. Ct'ucifixion on the under Questions'covered routine vitaI'" pastoral work." , .' " school," : said Thomas' Tearney statistics such as name, add're'ss, '., Kno~irig' the age dist.rib~tio'~..'" of the Cana Conference, Chicago. side .of. ,the ,wooden top.· age; telephone number,' and'" airiong' parfshjoners, for' exampie,: "Those am~i.tions ar,e being held Dr. Friedrich Thoene, director marital' status. Space was' 'al- '.' helps' 'nhrr to' determine the 'type ,. by Catho]jcs who are themselves of ,.. the' Wolfenbuettel museum lowed for listing' the naines 'of" of .instructional material' most gra<itiates. of 'Catholic SChool$." declalled it a, fine example of \ JEWELED CROSS children in th'e family, their·dat4!',·.', needed,' FathtirGleasori "p'oiriied,' He asserted that seime of 'them ' COMPANY

, ." are ':' suc.'cessful 'in busi~elis o~'; late Gothic painting;, After 'some 'NO "'~TLUOIO.·MASS.

of 'birth., grade in school, etc'.' , out.' KriowlEidge i:>f the"nijiJ1,?ei: ": ' I research" ,he identified' it as· an .~A~U'Acr'!tllS '.. .' Another. q-uestion covered' resl~l: I of mixed inarriages is also ·,v.ital profe:s~iomillife, 'got a goodedU:':' . altarpiece ·,from a" nuns"clo'ister' , CRUCIFIXl:S ANo 0 ARTICLES Of DEVOTION d t· 1 st I. cation: .i ll · Catholic schools and' D ' , , u: ' . ' ,, \\ in the Harz Mountain region;· en. la .. a us: .. ,C! X~u.' ~~n y~. ,r,:, .', from 'this standpoiri,t, n",a<;t,!l~d; h'av~" poHtic;'I1 'influence and own home or rent? " ' Ih' December of each year Mr. position. ' "The question pnhome own-' Murphy makes' an , ' ' annual':sur-' ' . One ,'reason for their attitude,' ership ' t gives " F us an idea of parish vey"of the' parish file arid draws ';' he continued, is that many ·,top , sa ather Gleason ex- .. : up a comprehensive report. t blli y, plained. ." ' As might ~ iinagined, the reInformation on such matters -' port, which includes, graphs, Catholic Digest as ~nvalid marriage, unbaptized " tables and charts, is an excellent children and the like, are 'placed barometer for determining par­ SIGN and JUBILEE on}he master cards by a secret :::. oehial 'growth and progress code· number known only to;:' during the previous 12 months. . _'Mpgazines _* ...:.-__~:_r.-:-_''''''''''''c---:...:..:..' ;..:'._" '_

~~~~t;.~~:~~~;~e~~r~:~~~fse:~~,"Improvement, of Family 'Life Convention Purpose

Offen Russian Mass for Peace






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5,62 County Street

Opposite St. Lawrence Church New Bedtord. Mass.




Post Office Pharmacy

"':J ;



PRESCRIPTIONS Joseph A. Norris, Jr. Reg. Ph arm. 686 Pleasant St. New Bedford WYman 3-3918

M-KRestaurant 900DFOOD

.,.,...., "'.......,. 'ather! The soothing voices of the ch~irstopp,ed singing The Cfoedo'fi,;e minutes ago." . " .......Su&'ellted bY' Josepn )4ella~' Taunton

Pleasant Atmosphere "ask any~ody· Air' Conditioned 386 Acushnet Avenue New Bedford

Franciscan Fathers-572 Pleasant Street-New' Bedford, Mass.

FEAST OF PORTIUNSULA-Saturday, August 2nd PORT.lUNCULA INDULGENCE-Begins Sat. Noon, August 2nd to SUJ:1day midnight, Aug. 3rd. A plenary indulgence is granted for- each visit to Our Lady's Chapel. beginning Sot. noon and ending Sunday at midnight­ under the usual conditions. For information phone WYman 6-8274. SPECIAL PORTIUNCULAR DEVOTIONS Saturday-12: 1 b noon-High Mass-and all day exposition , 5: 10 prayers, Rosary and Benediction 9:00 prayers and rosary Sunday-Masses-1 :30 a.m., 2: 15 a.m., 5: 15 a.m., 6:00,' 6: 15, 7: 15, 8: 15 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. , Sunday Devotions-3:00 P.M. Sermon and Benediction 5: 10 P.M. Prayers, RosarY and Benediction Confessions are heard' every day continuously from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. al'ld before all Mm.ses.





Flollywood in Focus


Learn to Love All Souls •••

Asserts Movie Discussion Club Experiment Success

God Love You

By William H. Mooring Although there is no lively 'action on the Catholic front to get working the Movie Discussion groups recommended las,t Fall by Bishop ,William A. Scully of Albany, the movie ' peo'ple themselves have ,ulken up the cue. The Motion Picturo Indus­ when he spoke at the Motion try Coi.mcil, central organiz­ Pictures Industry Workshop in ation of all branches of the Hollywood's Fairfax High film business, recently 'put School. &n a Motion Picture Industry ,Workshop at· Fairfax High School, HoIJy­ -wood. A large assem bl:y of secular school teachers, stu-' dents, and par­ ents took part and things werf,! lively. . M 0 vie pro­ ducer: Jerry Wald of 20th Cen­ tury~Fox spoke on the problems of. film making and Geoffrey Shurlock, head of the Movi,e Code, told how the codl: wor,ks. QUler speakers, each expert in his own field, covered various aspects of Hollywood picture production. Even secular. film "'p eriticism was dealt with - and by a Catholic! The experiment, to be:, devel­ oped on a nation-wide scale, was a big succds, Students, particu­ larly, livened up the discussions alth9ugh most of their questions and attitudes took opposite gear­ in'g to what one might expect if we were to get our Catholic Movie clubs going. • If invited, I daresay the movie people would .gladly carry their workshop i~ea into Catholic high schools and college:!, but if they did the weight of their arguments would not be thrQwn en the ,side of the National Le­ gion of Decency about which our Catholic' youths know so little.' . Catholics Do Nothinc, 'By enthusiastic, organiitl1dand ~Kpert persuasion the Hollywood film makers are now out to oesell" ,American youth on 'their own points of view. Meanwhile, as' Catholics, we do • little ,-or nothing to spread our own,.even among', Catholic youths. ' This Motion Picture Industry Workshop 'will propose, among other ideas, the thought that moral'ity o,n the screen -is largely , a matter of public sanction; that the best and only justifiable form of'moral restraint, or "cen­ sorship," is public opinion or public reaction which change constantly "with the times." How do I know this? ,These are views repeatedly voiced to me by the people who are g!)ing to ....n theWor.kshops. Too Many Hitch-Hikers The "sameness" of screenplays about which many of you have , eomplained, is the result of "too many hitch-hikers in motion .., pictures and TV, who ride on ideas started by someone else." Producer Jerry Wald dl"plored Ibis type, of "trend-thinking"

60 YEARS A JESUIT: Father Gerald C. T1'ea'cy, S.J. of New York, former World, W<11' I chaplain and noted pamphleteer observeR the 60th anniversary as a Jesuit on Aug~ ~,<"A promi­ nent writer and lecturer, he is widely known for his in­ terP:r:etat;ons of the Papal ency~lical>: Nr. Photo.

Wald said .that since "The Vikings" was filmed by Kirk Douglas, he has himself received "at least 14 scripts on the same subjeCt." To find success in movies and TV, aspiring young­ sters must learn to think 'in terms of initiating tren~s, not following them, Wald argued. This is: good 'advice even though ,Mr. Wald him"self' no sooner read the glowing box office reports on his own "Pey­ ton Rlace" than he rushed to the sets where his follow-up film" "The Long' Hot Summer" was in 'the making. "Give it the 'Pey.., ton' touch," he urge.d his boys. Trend Thinking The Metalious story, was set in New England, of course, while "Long Hot Summer" was in the South. "Peyton Place" had Lana Turner:, Diane Varsi, Russ Tam­ olyn and 'Hope Lange up top while "Summer" co-starred Joanne Woodward, Paul New­ man, Orson Welles ~nd Anthony ' Franciqsa. You-may agree that as writers, William Faulkner and Grace Metalious have little in com­ mon, apart from a certain, pre­ occupation with sexual passions. Still the publicity blurbs and advertisements for "Long Hot_ Summer" were designed to sug­ ,gest that, for its bold treatment /of sex and violence among the American rural set, this seco'nd Wald production deserved the, same en'thusiastic public re­ sponse' as "Peyton Place." What was this if not "trend thinking?" . Does producer Jerry Waldmean to argue that it is - okay for. ,anyone in Hollywood to copy one film from another: as long as he copies only from =his own?; "Sameness" in the movies is the same whether or not, the' same people are responsible for' it. ' ..


SClenee and Uncommon Fl,. ,Speaking of movie cycles there was Universal's "Incred­ ible Shrinking Man" which stretched Hollywood's 'money­ bags by 'a vast fortune at the popular-priced theaters. It was shortly imitated in reverse by "The Amazing Colossal Man" then "The Astounding She Mo~-' ster" and "Attack of the 50 .:Foot Woman." , The only truly. astounding fact about sush films as these is that ·they let' imagination run wild from the laughable to the ludi­ crous and still draw so many people that Ho~lywood cooks up others like them. Now 20th Century-Fox has made a horror-science-fiction picture 'on a fairly elabor.ate style. Titled "The Fly," it de­ scribes the plight of a young . scientist (AI Hedison) who hav­ ,ing discovered how to disinte­ grate and' re~illtegrate living matter, tries it on himself. Unfortun'ately there is a fly' buzzing around at the time. In the re'-integration process man and fly somehow get their atoms terribly mixed lip: ,The fly gets the human face. and voice. The man still retains, human iriteili­ gence but gets the head and one limb of a fly. It is cleverly done but one marvels most at Vincent Price and, Herbert Marshall. They see it all happen and have to convince us that they believe it!

D. D.' -Sullivan & Sons F"neral Directors 4ci9 Locust St.. Fall River

C?S 2-3381

By Most Rey. FUI1,onJ.Sheen, D.D.

, Sooner or later we enjoy our 'souls. Age whieh ~itbers the b04Y gives the soul a second YO,!1th. George Be,rnatd S,haw once said that it was a "pity youth is wasted on the young,';" Rather, it isa blessing that ~he unreaso~ed immaturities of youth are spent, so that later the soul may recover the youth which the


b~~,y s~ent.

After a' long journey away from the

faith, the bluebird of happiness is found in

our' own home when .we return to it. The

prodigal son after wasting his youth recov­

ered it again in the Father's house. We turn

our back to the Cross and 10, when life

reaches ~ point/where the sun is behind us,

we discover the saving shadow of the Cross


MOTHER GENERAL: An rescued by U. S. paratr9-0pers from a Jap­ anese prison camp in Los Banos, Philippine Islands in 1944, was elected Mother General of the Maryknoll Sisters, at the sixth general • d' chapter held at the mother­ 'house in, Ossining, N. Y. Mother:Mary Colman enter­ ed the Maryknoll Sisters in 1926 from St. Patrick's par­ ish, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. NC Photo. Americ~n -nun

Buffa 10 Group Told'About ,True Love

There are two things we seek to make young again. First, the old civilizations of China, India and japan which are wrinkled in ,the ancient philosophies which warmed the soul ages ago, long before the coming of the Son of God. And then, the old in the United States who , have only ~he memori,es of all the honeyed treasures of the body spent and no 'new life to show. Joys are not outside; they are on the inside. No one ~beginll to enjoy his soul until he has learned to love all souls simply because they are souls redeemed by the Precious Blood of our Savior. ---,0

This is the best Wl'Y to show your love for souls. Cut away a huge chunk of egotism and selfishness by making a sacrifice for the Holy Father, that he may' bring grace to the souls of the East. Ever,. cent you send to his Society for the Propagation of the Faith goes to him. No Diocesan Director. no Bishop maY,touch it. The 'Holy Father alone makes the distribution. Send a sacrifice weeki,. and mak~ yourself young again. GOD LOVE YOU to R. B. for $5 "For the Missions instead of buying' souvenirs," . . . to A. 'C. for $10 "In gratitude for financial allowa~ces and professional promotion': 'the f,irst fruits' .. " to K. F. for $25 "Twenty-five dollar~ more for t1'!e poor of the world; twenty":five dollars less for my vacation," . . . to E. C. ~. for $5 '''Just an offering."

Dr. Karl Stern, chief psychi­ atrist at St. MarY's Hospital, Montreal, and Msgr. Irving, A. DeBlanc, director of the Family Life Bureau, Nati{)p~l' Catholic There are many ways to prove your love and sacrifice is the Welfare Conference, explained . first. You can prove your love for- souls by sending your request that marriage failures are due and a sacrifice offering of: in a large measure to an imma­ $10 for Large 10k gold' filled GOD LOVE YOU MEDAL ture outlook and a lack of prep­ $ 5 for Large, sterling -silver GOD LOVE YOU MEDAL aration for the married state. '$ 3 fQr Small, 10k gold filled GOD LOVE YOU MEDAL Speaking on the psychological' aspect of marriage and the fam­ $ 2 for Sm~ll sterling silver GOD LOVE Y_OU MEDAL ily, Dr. Stern said thaf "the When you. wear the medal Y9U give external proof of the interior most important prerequisite for joy. of having sacrificed for the love of Our Lady and all the souls . the voca tion of marriage is the in Mission Lands. You will 'also inspire,9thers to that same love capacity to love." when you tell them about th~ medal you wear. . . "One could probably reduce or rather trace back all marital Cut out this column, pin your sa~rifice to it and mail'it to the problerhs to one of two basic 'Most ~ey. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for mechanisms: either an undue the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1,N. Y., need for affection 'from the or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV, RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, mal'ital partner or an undue 368 North Main'Street, Fall River, Mass. ' need for possessiveness, for power over the marital partner. These are the two main mechan­ isms which enter into neurotic marriages." , Msgr. DeBlanc criticized what he re[elTed; fo as, "a phantom 571 Second St. love, which frequently cries 'I Foil' 'River, Mass. adore you' because, all that is OS 9-6072 needed is it vapor of passion. 12,3 BROADWAY He told a' meeting of Family' MICHAEL J. McMAHON TAUptTON, I M.ASS. Life directors from some 60 dio­ Licensed Funeral O'irector ceses that "the language of love VAndyke 2-2181 Register~ Embalmer ... ... is 'only us' and eventually 'one me.'"

OIROURKE Fune,al Home ,:

DOLAN Memorial FunerCll, Home




SULLIVAN F"..era' Borne 550 Locust S~. ' Fall River, Mass. OS 2-2391 Rose E. SuIlJvan Jeffre'y E, Sulliva-n


Michael C. Austin Inc. .FUNERAL SERV,ICE



549 COUNTY S.,..



and Surrounding Communiti..

c. P;, HARRINGTON FUNERAL HOME 986 Plymouth Ave. Fall River

. ,OS




OS 2·2000' 1320 No. Main St. FALL RIVER


This Timely Message Is Sponso,ed By The fol­ lowing .Public Spi,ited Individuals and Busi­ ness Concerns Located in G,eate, fall Rive,.,

Bove Chevrol~t Brady Electric Supply Co.

Cascade' Drug ~o.

Connors Travel Bureau

leo J. F. Donovan, C.P.A•.




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The Exterminator Co: .

(Leo LaCroix)

Globe Mar,ufaduring Co.' Kaplan Furniture Co.


Kormon!f"'Water Co. ".<.

MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Meyer and Regan, ".. Accountants


Mooney and Co., Inc.

Newport Finishing Corp.

'Nira Warehouse Mart Sherry Corporation Sobiloff Brothen . Sterling Beverages Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

S'LOW-UP and Let Our

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-.. ... THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., July 24, 1958

The Yardstick

Right to, Work Is, Subject To ,Reasonable Restrictions By


Paper 'Denounces Auto Racing

George G. Higgins


. VATICAN CITY (NC)-L'Os­ servatore Romano has denounced The Saturday Evening Post for July 12 says that "the auto racin'g, which recently claimed the life of' the Italian rank and ,file worker should be protected by law in his driver Luigi Musso at Rheims, 'right to join or not to join a labor union as he is-protected' France, as a publicity device of in his right to choose a church or a chain-store." the motor in<j.ustry. In other words, so-called sanctioned and prescribed by An editorial in the Vatican right - to - work legislation, civil legislation ... what the civ'il City daily compared auto racing which prohibits the union law~ could then command, indi­ with the god .Saturn, who in mythology devoured his chil­ shop, and similar :forms of viduals can now with reason dren. It said "A modernized Sat­ seek . to ob,tain by persuasion, union security, is not only de­ urn, posing now as a captain of bargaining, and contract." sirable, but necessary, to guar:­ industry" contines to devour his antee the free Wrong Impression BISHOP GREETED' IN SPAIN: Leading a group of own sons. e x e r cis e o·f I have cited. this rather pilgrims to Rome, Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of the Diocese what the edi­ L'Osservatore continued that lengthy passage from Monsignor of Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas;' was received by dignitaries , despite their deep mourning for tors of the Post 'Ryan's article simply to show apparently con­ of church and state in Spain. Before saying Mass in Seville's Musso, people have not yet come that, from the point of view of sider one of famed Cathedral, he is shown with Governor Ortiz Valdes to the conclusion that it is time sound social ethics, the princi­ the inalienable pal argume'nt used by the Satur­ ,(left) and Mayor Marquess del Contadero of Seville. NC to say "eriough!" . rights of men. It said that the deaths of auto day Evening Post in favor of Photo: . The Bishops racers become a question of mor­ such legislation is unacceptable. of' Ohio, on .the' ality '·'if we realize that behind I must confess that I had an­ other hand, and every motive or pretext of other reason for quoting SO ex­ many other in­ science or' progress, the immed-. tensively from Doctor Ryan. I dividual bish­ iate concrete incentive for these wanted to.set the record straight ops, priests and LOUISVILLE (NC) The qeveland wilr play host to fatal undertakings is economic in fairness to his reputation. laymen, speak­ week-long meeting of the Interthe convention in 1959, and San and industrial, by which • If you have been following·the ing from the point of view of national Catholic Deaf AssociaFrancisco in 1960, it was an­ speedometer is used as a mea rut ins-and-outs of the contiimin'g social ethics, have expressed t?e tion here was marked by silence. nounced. of' achieving publicity." controversy over right-to-work opinion that right-to-work legIS­ legislation, you will notice that 'But these results were produced: lation far from being desirable -Delegates agreed on the use n~cessary, is regrettable, if a few people have left the im­ of signs for God" Confession, pression in the Catholicb press Dot reprehensible. Communion, ,and other words that Doctor Ryan was opposed , They have s!lid, that the union relating to religion. Words be­ Sister Anthony writes us. "are our history book. In'them we read shop, under present c~mditi?~S . to the union Shop in principle· , ginning with'letters "A" through the horror. of the past and the fears of the future." And Sister cer­ in the United States, IS legIti­ "and therefore, by implication, in "G" . were those' agreed ,upon: favor of right-to~work legisla­ . tainly must know since she" Is In charge mate if not necessary, and con­ . ~Time did not allow, for de­ ,,~:~ t .of a' large' orphanage iii Beirut (Leba­ sequ~ntly should not be' p~o­ tion. velopment of printed f~rms for "oS' non). The continuing troubles 'In this city This ,simplY isn't, true, as even , hibited by law. The same opm-, the. Confession, of the, deaf, but ,~ ~.' have. increaSed the burden on these I'ood ion has also_ been voiced by a -a casual reading 'of his' neglected committe~s were appointed to ..: CII 0 SiSters since so many children now find article in the Catholic Encyclo­ Dumber of Protestant' and Jew­ prepare forms for· adults and 'i r - t , , ' ~. '. themSelves without a .home ••• withllut pedia will amply demonstrate. ish specialists in the field of children.'·, , ­ (:'"""'\:\'",.,. parents ••• wUhout relatives. They have labor relations and labor ,legis­ . ' .-A . workshop for auxilia'ry + I.N,:, ' nothin& in this world but vivid inemoriea latipn. , ' . teachers of the deaf-partiCular';:'./\.' ,o.~: terr~r,fiIled.nigh.ts, days of. panic. The StandardTeac~in~ , ,Continued from 'pa~e One _ly those in' the field of catechetj, " , Sisters are eager to' put up 'With any pliHow are we to account for this'. west~rns accounted for the bulk "leal 'work-will be establish~d , tC:':,,; .;, VatiOD which will aid these· unfortunates ' difference of opinion? If th~ of TV crime statistics. There had next summer, probably at Cath­ ., 'l1x Hoiy'Pathtri Misiion AjJ-BUT-they feel they could do'so much righ't to work .without: ,belong­ been hope then that these shows"" olic 'University . of America, '" '-Iht Ori kJOmrtb more to help these children If they could ing'to a union is, as the editors would run their course and that Washington, D. C. These te'ach­ " r ' m bring them to the Divine Child! This they of the Saturday· Evening Post broadcasters would become more ers Were also exhorted to affi­ cannot do Since they have no chapel at the present time; WllI YOIl co~tend, al). absolute or uncon­ responsible in selecting balanced Hate' with the Confraternity 'of help 'to bring the strength of the Child of Bethlehem to, the cWldreo ditional right comparable to programs. Christia-;;' .Do'ctrine. fif. Beirut? The Chapel will eost$2,OOO. . . , ' • man's right to choose a church, Instead, continued Mrs. Logan, Some highlights of the conwhy is it that so ~any Catholic, the networks have taken the lead ,VEmtion: MASS OFFERINGS BRING FOOD TO MISSIONARY PRIESTS ' Protestant and Jewish. church­ AND, SUPPLY YOU WITH THE S~RENGTH OF liEAVEN. DO in 'presenting' crime. This, she 'Father Thomas Crihbin, New men are opposed to legislation declared, "indicates a continu- York consultor and 'co-chairman NOT FORGET' THEM IN THEIR' PRESENT' NEED. which is" purportedly designed ing worsening o{ the situation of the Association's Mission WHAT'S iN A NAME? Not much perhaps ••• but then again It , to guarantee'the free exercise of nationally." . Fund said the fund assisted 47 . _ay be more than' a mere coincidence that close to &be feast of SL this right? Crime'-saturated TV, she said, priests in the apostolate of the Ann' (July 26) and the feast of St. James the The answer, of course, :is very has been linked by the Ameri- deaf during the past year. " Apostle ,(July 25) we have:ati urgent appeal for simple. The right to work with­ can Bar Association and the "The deaf must help the deaf," ", tWo' nuns, SISTER JAMES MARY and SISTER out belonging to a union is not American Medical 'Association he told the' delegates. MARY ANN who wish to continue their novi­ .an' absolute or unconditional with the incre~singly vi9lent Need More Priests tiate training with the Cladst Sisters in India. right. On the contrary, it is sub­ of U. S. cnme. J 0 h n C arro, II M orns . t own, N . Will you help 'these i'ldIi prepare 'for a life' ject to a number of reasonable nature d I M ·rs. L ogant quo e f rom at e '. . ' h' . t' , WOrthy of the names they have chosen. The . J . Ed :r., preSident of t e assocla lon, f FBI D' 't qualifications or restrictions. t er 0 to I ,.:oo8t' for necessary' expenses "for each Is $300 Irefc o~ .', t fgf~ notetlthe lack of priests equip, It mayor may not be comp.ar­ aw en orcemen 0 1 - .

. ' H oover " for the two, yearS of ttahilng; 'You 'Dlay pay the U~:===~~.!LIll!U able to a man's right to patron:' cers in which· he desribed' the ped to",Instru~t the deaf. In the

money In any 'manner' eonvenien&-' while' yoiJr daughter In Ch.!lsl ize a chain store in preference , volume of movie 'and TV crime southern, states. Advoca~Ing the , to 'the vanishing corner grocery; as an "affront, to our nation31 'pr~parabon of m?re pnests, ~e -, ..·prepares·toserve the ·M7stlcal BodyiJi mlssi~n lanils. ' , ' , . "." said that "more sign classes for - ,IIuNGER CAN CLOUD EVE'r-i THESUNNJEST SU~MER 'DA YSt but surely it is not at all com­ the seminaries will mean more parable to a man:s right to co~sclence. 'r,HE REFUGEES. MUST, EAT. EVEN IN GOOp WEA,THER. . $10 priests for. the deaf." choose a church. .!ILL FEED A REFUGEE FAMILY FOR A' WEEf •• : WILL YOU : There is nothing original Father John F. Hourihan, " , ' ,JIELP1 '.' chaplain of the Mt. Carmel'

about this theory. i[t is standarci Continued from Page One Catholic teaching. The late MonGuild of the Newark archdiO­ sig'nor John A. Rya'n, long-time members still residing in the cese, ann0l!nced tnat a book to Diocese are a brother, William professor of moral theology at teach deaf children how to go_to the Catholic University,of Amer- Archard, lwd another sister, confession is now being pre­ ica and first Director of, the Mrs. Marshall Brisbon, both also pared. A professional artist ~ho NCWC Social Action Depart- of Somerset. is (leaf is working with Father ment; expressed it very' suc.Twelve hundred Sisters are Edward' Ha'yes of Newark in • cinctly almost 50 yc~ars ago in an _expected at the Philadelphia preparing the. book. It will' .be ... article' entitled "Moral' Aspects Institute, Aug. 4-9. Sister Mary published early next year, he""­ of Labor Unions", ill the Catholic Cecilian will address them daily. said. '

Encyclopedia. This artic;;le reads Theme of the Institute is ,"Per­ in part as follows: fection and the Apostolate"; and

Reasonable Circuinstances . the specific topics to be treated

" ... The right ota non-union.- by the'.Fall River "Sister include Perfection in the' Hospital Apos­ GREENHILLS (NC) -;- The ist to work in the same shop with 'tolate;Charity, in Hospital Or­ new Our Lady of the Rosary a unionist is no more unc6ndi- ,ganization; 'Charity in Hospital Church, on which construction tional than the right to strike, to Service; Charity in Hospital Fi­ is .scheduled to begin shortly,

boycott, or to ent(~r any social nance; and Charity ih Education. will be' known as "the church

relation which requires the consent of the other party. It is conSecond Institute of a thousand, cornerstonell" here

ditioned by the circumstances, Overlapping the Philadelphia in Ohio. . / .

and it is valid _only when theSe meeting is. the Notre Dame ses­ That's because. of an unusual

are reasonable. sion, scheduled for Aug. 6-12. ....time-capsule ,memorial program

"In the hypothesis that we are There 800 Sister Superiors, and for. contributors, enabling 'them

considering, membership 'in the Mistresses of Postulates, Novi­ to have. a small brass. plate, en­

union is such a reasonable con- I tiates, and ,ruriiorates will con- , graved with the ·family· name,

dition, while refuBal is .unrea- vene to discuss the general, become part of the interior wall

sonable. theme: "The Role of Authority of the church building. The

"Hence, if the closed-shop ,in the Adaptation of the Reli­ memorial plaque will be at­

policy is necessar~' in order to gious Community for the Apos-' tached to a short brass cylinder.

obtain proper conditions of em- .. ·tolate." , Into the cylinder, for which

ployment for'the body of laborSister Mary Cecilian will fly a brass cap is provided, the fam­

. ers, it will not violate the right from Philadelphia to Sduth ily will place their family his­

of the, non-unionists, even if it Bend to attend the second Insti­ - tory, pictures, arid ~ther iteml

prevents him, from obtaining" tu.te, and will address ,a plenary of family. inter~st. These will be


any employm~nt; for the'rightin :sessioJl of.' attendants on "Pres­ . sealed into the capsule. question is dependent· upon the' ent and Future Horizons in Hos­ The cylinder will be built

contingency that it be exercised pital Work" Saturday, ·Aug. 9. into the interior of the church

within. reasonable 'limits:,: the :"'In'September the Holy Cross in such a mariner that the ex­

closed shop is not an innovation. Sister plans 'a two' week vacaposed polished brass plates bear­ "It was enforced for' centuries tion with her family in Somer­ ing the family names will form

by the guilds, a'nll for a long set. following which she will re­ a pattern appropriate to the in­

time iD. many- ,plac~s it Wa.1i ~urn to hospital duty. teri.or decoration of the church.

Director NCWC Soci~1 Action Department




Deaf Asso,ciation' Delegates Agree On ·Signs for Religious Words



. s (b.' , :v


TV Crimes


Sister •C¢cilian

New Church to Have 1,000 'Cornerstones' ,





Catholics Make

Good Progress

In Reading SAN FRANCISCO (NC) -What Americans read to­ day, America will reap to.­ morrow. The future of the United States as a free society is bound up inextricably with the intelligent use of good books. Such is the opinion of Father Andrew L. Bouwhuis, S.J., of St. Peter's College, Jersey City, N. J., who is serving with four committees attending the con­ vention here of the American Library Association. The Jesuit Father said in an interview that: I) "The whole U. S. education picture is tied in with the library program ..." 2) "There is a strong move­ PRESENTS GIFT TO PARISH: Rev. Herbert A. Phin­ ment to get a central libr.i"ry in ney accepts chasuble presented to St. Mary of the Angel's each elementary public, private Parish, Roxbury, by President L. Paul Marini in behalf of and parochial school-staffed by a competent librarian - and the Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the Vatican Philatelic Catholic schools are taking the Society. lead ..." 3) "There has baen prodigious progress among Catholics with regard to books within the past 20 years and publishers are be­ coming more and more aware Interest in Vatican Philately, the Vatican Philatelic Society running . high throughout the of a critical Catholic market ..." closed a very successful season 4) No matter how good the country as most stamp collectors with a banquet and eXhibition at school library or public library readily admit, is nowhere more St. Mary of the Angel's Rectory, is, "the home is the cradle of apparent than in this area. Evi­ Roxbury. scholarship, and there is where dence of this was shown when Many beautiful frames of the job must be done." the Eastern Mass. Chapter of Vatican stamps were. exhibited, America's space-age education but the focal point was a special future? display from the collection of "Our colleges will be no bet­ Mr. Thomas Boland of Haver­ ter than our high schools, and hill. At his request, the display our high schools no better than was not entered in the competi­ WASHINGTON (NC) -Trib,. our elementary scho.ols, anp our tion. elementary schools, no better 'ute was paid to Bishop Russell A feature of the evening was J.' McVinney of Providence, than the homes from which Uie R. I., on the tenth anniversary the presentation of a chasuble students come." set to the parish as a tOken of of his consecration, in the U. S. "Our biggest problem in the appreciation to the pastor, Rev. Sena.te here by Sen. John O. United States is intellectual James' P. Donovan, who has' Pastore of Rhode Island. sloth," asserted Father Bouw­ "Ten, years may be a brief graciously permitted the chap­ huis. "There are too many peo­ ter to hold meetings at the rec­ chapter in the three centuries of ple who are afraid to think tory for the past two years. Rev. our history," Sen. Pastore said. deeply about many things for Herbert A. Phinney accepted the which they have preconceived' "But is is an im'portant chapter gift on behalf of the pastor, who in the life of a inan who has notions." was unable to be present. lived' a'U his days among the But librarians are encouraged Awards for the prize winning people he was so pre-eminently by the increased interest in exhibits went to Father Phinney, to'serve." reading, Father Bouwhuis said. William P. Quinn of Dorchester The Catholic sce~e is especially The Senator recalled that and Frederick J. Levitsky of promising. Bishop McVinney was conse­ ' "The Catholic, . to be wen­ crated on July 14, 1948, and "has Auburn. formed even about his religion, given to his diocese and to his must be a reader. Otherwise, state a decade of achievements." after he gets out of school he He praised the Catholic charities may mature along other Jines organization built up by Bishop but in matters of religion he will McVinney and said that people always be juvenile. of various religious denomina­ "The attitude toward ideas tions contribute to its support. begins' in the home. A father He added: "Thi~ is reciprocal,' who reads a book to his children because those agencies are ad­ .t home does more good for ministered with no distinction to their intellectual life than' if creed, color or race." those children sat for 20 class­ "In addition to the great hos­ room hours at the knee of a pitals, schools of nursing, boys' magnificent teacher. center and 'activities of these' , "And of course, good reading agencies, Bishop McVinney is will lead to a love, of truth, and noted as ,a builder," the Senaior any contemplation of Truth is a said. "In 10 years he has erected study of God," he concluded. ]5 new schools, 18 new churches and 14 new convents, On the horizon' are 10 new schools, in­ TAUNTON, MASS; ~ cluding two new high schools, and extensions of hospital facili­ THE BANK ON

ties. These are part of the phys­ DUBLIN (NC) - A 99-year­ TAUNTON GREEN

ical contribution to the welfare old Sister, a native of Detroit of the state, a sense of lespon­ who was pronounced "dead" at Member of Federal Deposit

sibility felt by a bishop who the age of 17, has celebrated the Insurance Corporation

knows his state so well and loves 75th anniversary of her religious it So much." profession here. She is Sister Delphine de Paul of the Little Sisters of the Poor and is sti'n active in caring for the aged poor who live in St. Patrick's Home here. . Describing her "death," be­ lieved due to typhoid fever, she said in an interview: "I was actually sealed in the coffin and the funeral procession was about to begin when my sister, overcome with grief insisted on the coffin being opened that she might embrace me once more. Finally the doc­ tors consented." When the' coffin was opened, some sign of life was seen and the young girl was nursed back to health. When fully restored to health, she decided in thanks­ giving to devote herself to God'. service in the religious life. See us for the BEST DEAL in a

A year later, 1880, she entered Ford Car or Truck

the Little Sisters of the Poor in America and later went to the Novitiate in Brittany. She bas never returned to the United FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS States and except for two years 1344-86 Purchase St. New Bedford. Mass. in Italy, has spent the rest of her life in Ireland.

Exhibition of Collections Shows Interest in Vatican Philately

Senator Praises Bishop McVinney




for Bristol County

Bristol County

Trust Compa~y

Unusual Sister Marks Jubilee

Institute to Cite Father of 15

NEW YORK (NC)-Richard T. McSorley, father of 15 chil­ dren, eight of whom are in reli­ gious' life, will be cited here today at the closing session of the annual two-day Institute of Religious and Sacerdotal Voca-' tions conducted by the Fordham University school of education. The citation is awarded each year by,the university to par­ ents who have given five or

















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YOU SAVE OVER 50%1 It's break-resistant, In 6 'mix or match colors. Serving pieces will 1I1· so be' available lit A&P's low, 10-",. pricesl

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MORE FORD in 1958






,Yo tNi:iI

more of their children to the religious life. Mr. McSorley, a Philadelphia attorney, has four sons 'who are priests anei four daughters who are nuns. One of his sons ia Msgr. Frank J. McSorley, O.M.I.. Apostolic Prefect of Sulu in Philippines. Mrs. McSorley, who died ill ]952, was named Catholic MO,ther of the year in 1948.




Deadly Junk

Adm'its Newspo'pers So~nd~. Theatre! Books, T·V- Ugh!


St. Stephen of Hungary IL...

Saints ByInHenry Crosswords M i c h a e l - - - - - -.. ".

By Joseph .A. Breig



Cleveland......Univ.erse Bulletin


Yep, I guess an odd-ball. So many things in our modern world give me' a pain. I don't like the movies. J don't like the plays. I don't like most of the \ magazines ~nd books. I don~t like lot of things about the newspape,rs, And I'm afraid 1 would dis­ thrill, and when to applaud. like TV if it weren't so In the language of the boxing frankly nearly nothing. It ring, all the punches are tele­ graphed-if you can use the is .difficult to dislike noth­


ing-especially when it doesn't,

lIluch pretend to be .anything. I don't like the movies because often they are indece.nt, or at least suggesti ve, or sometimes immodest, or at very least clrooly.

Sometimes, I will grant you, they do succeed in rising to the stature of being merely silly. Am I exaggerating? Oh I sup­ pose so, but not much. Not very lIluch. I don't like the plays be­ eause the legitimate theater lJRlells of 'decomposi.tion. It is dead and unburied. Nobody that .[ can recall has written a drama worth a tinker's dam for years. "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"­ Chat's about the level to which the theater has sunk. And the theater doesn't even have the crllce to blush for itself.

term punches for SVVings and misses.

I don'f like the magazines because at best they are frothy, at worst they are indecent and Impure, and by and large they are the most emptyheaded pub­ lications ever printed on this earth.

What they consider deep and heavy is barely better than'irn-' becilic, and what they mean to be light is heavy-handedly arch and tiresome.. They go in for sex but their understanding of sex is adolescent. They··try their hand at humor but have long' since forgotten what laughter is. And when they turn' serious they be­ come preposterous.

Shrug Off Responsibilities The Books I mean the books that get. all the blurbing and are "discussed'" everywhere, and are read by. all the gum­ chewing girls and bored house­ wives-C1re ugh. . Consider what. these books do to minds. 'Compare that with the· nobilities, the aspirations and the down-to-earth goodness instilled into -read~rs by writers' of the past. Then, I think, you will know what I mean. People used to be depicted as people. Now they are depicted . as animals drooling after one another. Our newspapers have a basic­ soundness, Newspaper people do care about getting the facts ac­ curately for readers. . But they a're forgetting that men and women are entitled. to their good l,1ames. They debase themselves with what they call cheesecake. They' publish such lunacies as horoscopes. They are much too quick to . shrug off their responsibilities and take refuge in;the mindless excuse . that .they are' giving people what the people want. F 0 I k s who are combatting' pornography are. doing a great' work for their <;ountry, fighting off a terrible peril. But who is going to educate us against all the slop and slobber that is not pornography but is deaclly junk?



-l Pr••portiua

Ie_roe to,............

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II BodJ' .. water II StJ'p.i" . chewieal 1'1 Hair. (pren.) til ".IIl"A' m·.h:'lare 1. ,Kind of b .. lit H " fo04

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'109 Laok 110 City In 1. .ly DOW J!( 1 BI""troalo d,,_tla&

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I ~~~~~88i




. aa"';" • Rill WI'" • Y10 Hld_..." II Dll's :relleryft 11 CttrDer Tiny p.rti.... IS Wltbdr.w HE WAil 1& A aamber NAMED FOil 11 Mob med_ THE FIRST...,.. a"bl . Pieeemeal ' , . Ilanl.a Perl04 of mODar,," time B1 Up"". Sieved. foo4 ~ 0. ihe But in.ide TarmoU II Rua .....11' erav.b IS Coof"ei Seulor ooe S8 Store . Kind of 118 11110"". tree (abbr.)


t'I D 51 II . 1M

Ads l)"fe.te4


,Pert.luluC· .. io mor..


*':iti•• ,,_ iJ... OD



55 Tblek 51 Ian...... 61 Aiw,mp. ' a Lair

: •






12 Greek iaU_ 2S Club of Initintes . M : ~,::m&A~ The theater has become the '86 1lI HEAD 88 . IlDlemn plaything of a' coterie ........... PBOl'LII

11 ])e.... n . with time on its hands and bore­ ~f~~'i:ad 18 Angers ' I! SZ Kilh,d tIom in· its soul. lIOKhymin.

1M S40 .Tr..... mhter 8t W.lk be.vU,. Now and then, '8 bewildered SG RoHl nA' .ioek 96 S1 IIIlbli".1 I.nd :: :.:U'.Pbe.... , ,visitor from America does wan­ 91 3D D ... t~ad"-. ' 81 U.S. s.... to Norm.l atate 98 into a Broadway house, but· lI1I Woody til Dloiat..Jtrate. 100 for the most part the audiences .. pereDDIa.I. 10% trI Ilratlly It J.eaYeDinx IDS " (.",roaan ace a special breed-·-bred, you "aKent river lIlight say, for that purpose­ 104 A conUaent to U...t . shelten I l Annual. 50 Snuv8nlr irll~Onle (Fr.) ISg F.ropted and for that breed the plays are lOG .~~':'ab~ form)' :~ ::'IS"'WAND IS Cut of me•• 1S6 r .. rl.. 95 Communist.

108 Adventu", IS A produced. lSIl Flyilllt 99 Tit fur ......_

101 Unutes . GRF.AT ........

at:t:f't""orlf)fI You can see the Bad - reality (abbr.) t4 Sonw ruonen 101 Uistru.

80 DeliheraUve signA! 108 DI.p.tch.... '6 Pos"""sive' in the faces of the' devotees as budy they arrive for the <:eremonies. Solution on Page .Eighteen They know what to expect. They - could have written the play themselv~s if they hadn't been tired. The legit theater is a ki!!-d of club of ·initiates. Indeed it is a letter in swimming in her senior DETROIT (NC)-Blindness is conspiracy among the authors, year.. This was one of the ways just another obstacle in Mar­ producers, directors, players and she proved her independence, garet Smith's road to journal­ viewers. ' for as Margaret said, "I always .ism. • . And she's proving it is Thel'e is an understanding wanted a ·school letter, so I not insurmountable. among them. The audience comes to hear a few naughty words, The 19-year-old junior at worked for it until I got it." She is a trained horsewoman, al·

and to watch some Htaged sin, Marygrove College lacks sight, though she doesn't get to ride interlal'ded with sermonistic but not insight. Or incentive. as much as she wishes. A -loyal juvenile philos~phi7.ing' and These and her 'couarge are the Detroit Tiger' baseball fan, she what e\rery,body likes to call a~ts that won' her a summer 80Cial significance and "com­ vacation job on the editorial' rarely misses listening to a game. She's got a sense or' humor, passIon.:" staff of the neighborhood news­ too. After her first week on the A bystander feels himself paper "The East Side Sh!>pper." newspaper she Dlockingly com­ growing ill .at that word "com­ There she writes feature stories plained, '''It's a wonderful job,. passion." Everybody mouths it and .conducts the social news col­ to mean whatever they mean, GRAZ (NC) - His Eminence umn. Her pieces' ar.e often. but they' won't let me read


if they mean anything, which Alojzije Cardinal Stepinac, Arch­ printed' under her "by-line." bishop of Zagreb,' has under­ apparently they don't. Margaret uses the Brail~e gone e'!1ergency surgery to' re­ stylus' and slate instead of the

Emptyheaded Publications move a bloodclot in his right­ reporter's customary.pencil and The audience comes pre­ leg that was threatening his pad. Most of the information

uSPECIAL MILK pared. The habitues in the seats liCe, according to' reports reach­ for her articles she takes on the

. From Our Own know in advance, by experience ing here. . phone. But she does go out on and tacit understanding, when The operation, which d'octors Tested Herd" assignments .occasionally, accom­ they are expected to laugh, when said appeared to be successful, panied by her parents, Mr. and Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 to become lugUbrious, when to was performed in .... Krasic, his Mrs. Edwin T. Smith. tense, when to feel a shock or native village • Special Milk .

But Margaret doesn't. depend • Homogenized Vito D Milk completely on her parents. .A1J

soon as she knows her way to a • Buttermilk

place, she travels. alone.

• TropicanCll Orange Juice

In the school year, Margaret

• Coffee and Chaco Milk writes for the Campus Reporter, • Eggs - Butter . Marygrove's weekly newspaper.

She- "covers" the four 'floors of

the Liberal Arts~ building for

stories with the efficiency of the

paper's sighted reporters.'

Teaches Braille A member of the Braille group

of 'the 'college's social action. pro­

gram, Margaret teaches Braille

.to those who transcribe the

printed word into a series of

raised dots. She also belongs to

the Quill club of journalism


A ,graduate of St. Martin's

High school. Margaret won her



Bishop Donaghy Continued from Page One chief's table. He, too, died ·sud­ denly. The police moved out and the house went up for sale. New Bedford.;. born Bishop Frederick A. Donaghy, of Wu­ chow, expelled from his diocese by the Chinese communists and now Maryknoll regional supe­ rior for Formosa and Hong Kong, Deeded a central society house. The former police station appeared suitable, and the terms were acceptable since no one wanted the haunted house. "We purchased -the house," says Bishop Donaghy. "I asked a catechist if he would mind staying until we were prepared to move in. He said he did not mind- and would move in that day with his wife and family, provided that he had a crucifix and some holy water. "I asked him the next morn­ ing if he had any trouble. He replied that he had none at a11­ 0 from ghosts. But he slept so soundly that someone entered the garden during the night and stole some flowers. He is quite . sure that it was not a ghost."



-THE ANCHOR Thurs., July 24, 1958

0" T_

Blind' Girl Reports for Newspaper,­ By Taking Notes in' Braille

Cardinal Undergoes Emergency Surgery

White1s Farm Dairy

Father Ke~ny Marks 75 Years, as Jes~it ST. LOUIS (NC)-Father Lau­ rence J. Kenny,. S.J., professor emeritus of history at St. Louis university, celebrated his 75th year in the Jesuit society here. Having studied under one of the 1% Je,suits who .took over the university in 1828, Father Kenny in a link with the uni­ versity's founders. He was' or­

dained in 1900. .

Father Kenny, now 94, was a

teacher for 57 years. He retired

from the classroom in 1952, but continued to be active in aca­ demic . affairs until' a recent illness, He has been at St. Rose hospital here since last winter.








a whale


a drink'"




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,..,' T

NEW ATOMIC ENERGY CHIEF: Following ceremon­ ies in the' Wl1ite ,House, President Dwight Eisenhower congratulates ?t,1rs. John A. McCone of Los Angeles after. bel' hus!>and (center) was sworn in as chairinanof the . Atomic Energy Commission. Mr..:McCone isa Knight of ·,St. GregorY. 'NC' Photo.

. Catholic Sponsored . NEW YORK, (NC) - Nearly

:!!,OOO oC 3,300 Hungarian refugees recently ~ranted visas to come to this country will be sponsore<J . by the relief, agency at \ tile "American "Bish~"


Special Arrangements


. OUTING, TESTIMONIALS AND CLAMBAKES , FOf" Full InfOf"mation (:ontact

'ROLAND GAMACHE -:- WYman 916984 , ' •••••~ •••••••.••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Vatican Radio Beams Broadcasts To Priests Behind Iron Curtain VATICAN CITY (NC)-Nine times each week the studios of Vatican Radio become a semin­ ary for the students and priests of the Church of Silence. If, as you approach 51. Peter's Basilica from the front, you look over and beyond Michelangelo's great dome, you will see it flanked against the sky by the aerials of Radio Station HVJ. The view provides a contrast between the marvels of two ages, one the Christian application of art and architecture, the other the Christian application of mod­ ern technology. " The dome is a symbol" of the long doctrinal arm of the Faith. The aerials are symbols of the new and effective ethereal arm of the Church, 'which is Vatican Radio. It reaches over all "cur­ tains," real and ideological, to preserve contact with Rome. Thus nine Latin broadcasts go ou t each week, especially de­ signed for and beamed to priests and seminarians behind the Iron Curtain. The broadcasts bring them important religious news, keep them up-tO-date on pon­ tifical documents and refresh their memory on pasto'ral the­ ology. Refugees Speak Frequently these programs have speakers who are refugee priests from religious persecu­ tion. One, a Russian priest, has become the regular narrator on Vatican Radio for programs beamed to his native land. Al­ though this program, begun in 1951, is closely monitored by the communists, there is every rea­ son to believe that it is getting through. Father Theodoric. Zubek, a Frandscan priest who escaped from a communist concentra­ tion camp in 1951, writes: "Against the falsehoods of the communist radio, Vatican Radio spreads the voice of truth. I say

Prayer Novena Continued from Pa&,e One materiaiism, atheism and hedon­ ism; that the roads of truth may open everywhere and no one will place obstacles in its way, and that missionaries may return as soon as possible to their people. Ask Forgiveness "Mayall faithful implore these things of the divine Mother," the Pontiff adds.. "But 1c~t them not forget to ask for forgiveness for the same perse­ cutors of the Christian religion in keeping ~ith the impulse of that charity for which the Apostle of the Gentiles did not hesitate to Say 'bless those who persecute you'." The Pope, in the encyclical, notes that only in Christian principles can men establish a just society. He points out that "a state without religion cannot have moral rectitude or order." The pope singles out two facts in the world that give him anxiety. One is the f8ct that many countries do not give Christian principles and pre­ cepts due consideration. He re­ fers especially to films, televi­ sion presentation, and publica­ tions which are morally danger­ ous. Union With Rome The other concern is the pres­ sure brought to bear on the !faithful and clergy ill some countries to break their union with Rome. In this regard he quotes the words of 51. Cyprian: "You can pluck a ray of the sun, but the unity of the light is, not divided; you can tear a branch from a tree, but it can no longer bear fruit; you can stop up a stream from its source, but it will dry up." The Pope also warns in the encyclical that the powerful weapons now at man's 'disposal make possible "universal ex­ termination." He warns that not only the defeated but the victors and the whole of humanity can be' dragged down and s4bmerged in universal ext.ermination by the inhuman power of new weapons discovered by human ~~"'


THE ANCHORThurs.• July 24. 1958

this from my personal experi­ ence, for until recently I was one of those slaves under com­ munist domination who pressed h is ear to the radio receiver like a prisoner to the barred window of his cell. From the Vatican broadcasts, even as masses of others, I drew strength and cour­ age in the hour:s of anguil.h and despair."

Jesuit to Teach

Deplomatic Ties Apart from Vatican Radio's transmissions by voice, there is the station's telegraphic depart-, ment which ties the entire world more closely to Rome through the offices of the nunciatures and apostolic delega tions. From the 1,100-year-old Leonine Tow­ er, around which the Vatican radio facilities were built, coded communications are sent to, and received from, the Holy See's diplomatic representatives. The outside world is brought even more intimately into union with the Vatican by a network of permanent radio outlets througout Vatican City and St. Peter's Basilica, A radio outlet, appearing very much like a wall socket can be found in every important room of the Vatica'n buildings so that almost. every part of the Vatican City'is a potential broadcasting stUdio. 30-Mile Radius Coml" ',g with these' for. greater flexibility are two fully furnished mobile transmitting' units, ,equipped with recording devic'es an,d having a broadcast relay radius of 30 miles. They pick up broadcasts in the basil­ icas and churches of Rome and at major religious gatherings. Master of this ethereal ~arm of' the Church is boyish looking Father Anthony Stefanizzi, S,J., who acquired much of his radio knowledge in the United States. The 41-year-old Neopolitan' was: well on his way to his specialized field with a degree in philosophy and a doctorate in physics even before, he was ordained in 1946. From 1949 to 1950 he did re­ search work in cosmic rays un­ der direction .of Vicor F: Hess, Nobel Prize-winner, at Fordham University. After teaching phil­ osophy and science at the ,Gre­ gorian University in Rome for two years, he was assigned, his present position as Director of Vatican Radio' in 1953.

PONTIFF AND HIS ARTIST: The only artist to paint Pope Pius XII from life, Leonard Boden, a Scotsman and a non-Catholic, is shown with His Holiness following the pre­ sentation of the portrait at the Vatican on the Pope's name­ day. The artist described the Pope as "a wonderful sitter;' and was greatly impressed by "the beauty and eloquence of his hands." NC Photo.

- - _._--------------------

Works 50 Years for Holy See ROME (NC) - His Eminence Cardinal Tisserant, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, .has celebrated the 50th anniversary of his arrival in Rome to work for the Holy See. A reception attended by many import~nt lay and Church digni­ taries was held at the St. Eugene Institute here in honor of the 74­ year-old prelate. A native of Nancy, France, Cardinal Tisserant has devoted almost his enti;oe life to t.he st.udy of oriental culture. At 20 he went to Jer'usalem and in the Domini­ can Convent of St. Stephen per­ fected his biblical knowledge. Two years later he was at the Catholic Institute of Paris, pre­ paring for degrees in Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, Assyrian and Ethiopian. A few months after his ordina­ tion at Nancy, on Aug. 4, 1907,

he was called immediately to Rome as keeper of oriental manuscripts in the Vatican Li­ brary, and professor of Assyrian at the Roman Sl"minary. . With the exception of an in­ terval during World War I, Car­ dinal Tisserant has worked for the Holy See ever since, first in the Vatican Library and later as a Cardinal member' of various Roman congregations.

Continued from Page One, will take over some of the theol­ ogy classes taught by Father FranciS J. Connell, C.SS.H., for­ mer dean of the t.heology school, who retired t.his year. Fat.her Ford, recipient of the 1956 Cardinal Spellman Theol­ ogy Medal given by the Catho­ lic Theological Society, is known for tiis observations on the moral and legal pi'oblems of alcoholism. He has lectured ex­ t~nsively on ~he subject, includ­ ing talks at the Yale University School of Alcohol Studies. He entered the Societ.y of Jesus in 1920 and was ordained a priest in 19:32. He holds I ach­ elor and masters degrees from Boston College; a bachelor of laws degrees from Boston Col­ lege Law School; a licentiat.e in sacred theology from Weston College; and a doctorate in sac­ red theology and a doctorate in philosophy from Gregorian Uni­ versity, Rome,

Boy Wins Nationwide

Magazine Contest CHICAGO (NC)-James Leu­ schen of Panama, Iowa, has ar­ rived here to collect his award as the grand prize winner in the Extension magazine's nationwide teen contest. Recently graduated from St:. Mary's High School in Panama, 't.he youth won top honors in t~ competition open to all Cat.hollc high' school students in the United States. His awards include a scholar­ ship to the college of his choi~ an all-expenses-paid week ­ Chicago as guest of the maga­ zine a round of meetings wiUJ celebrities;, radio and televisiOil appearances.

DAUGHTERS OF ST.fAUL Invite young girls (14-23) to labor in Christ's vast vineyard as an Apostle of the Edifica­ tions: Press, Radio. Movies and Television. With these modern means, these Mission­ ary Sisters bring Christ's Doc­ trine to all, regardless of race, color or'creed. For informa­ tion write to:

Rev. Mother $uperior ill St, Pau". An.• Boatnn 30. M._




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Mi$sioner Tells of Lion Ys. Auto In 'Midst of African Jungle \

Thurs .• July 24, 1958

CrossWord Solution

By Rev. John L. .Thom~s, S.J.

Assistant Professor of Sociology

St. Louis University

'We've been marr'ied six months now, 'and I still can't figure my wife, out. Like the other evening, I knew she'd , been crying about something, but do you think she'd tell me? Some days when I'm tired, she wears out with talking;


'at other times, she clams

MOSH[, Tanganyika (NC)phorescent in the bright lights Nightfall on the east· coast of of the car. They were large and 'Africa, is often beautiful, but they were hungry, for this was "Father Joseph Noppinger, C.S.­ the time of the evening when 'Sp., was not thinking about the iions go in search of food. scenery one evening.'recently. "When they moved their 'He was too busy worrying massive heads, their eyes were about six lions blocking the like balls of fire. Long ago, I ,road. heard that this is so, and, now I was seeing it for myself.• : Father Noppinger, a native of Balt'imore, was returning to his "We were puzzled. We won­ mission station here with Father . dered what the lions would do, . Joseph L. Kelly, a fellow Holy and what we should do. And Ghost Father. They were travel­ while we wondered we waited. ing in' a 1941 Chevrolet.' The It was five 'minutes before the two priests talked as they drove, lions began' to leave the road. then recited the Rosary. I suggested to Father Kelly that .The last -Ave had just been we might let the car gradually completed and the old car had­ move toward the lions-and rounded a bend in the road when when we got abreast of them the headlights fell upon six we could pull away at full li<>ns, - straight ahead. Father speed. Father Kelly put the Kelly' hit the ,brakes. The two, Chevy in second gear and we priests'sat in the darkness be­ began to move. hin4 ,the headlights 'waiting. "'*e wondered who w~re more Father Noppinger later told,whllt frightened, the lions or our­ happened: selves. The car crept closer and ~Two of the lions moved on the lions held their ground. nonchalantly. Two lay on the Then, as we got fairly close to road. The other two were in a them, Father Kelly raced the' crouch as if to attack. Their motor. The lords of the jungle light brown hair seemed phosbounded up like deer and made for the bush. Father Kelly re­ leased the clutch and we roar­ ed ahead. ' "Thinking about it now,' I

VAtICAN ,CITY (Radio, NC) don't believe tI1:at either th'i

-Vatican authorities have an­ lions or ourselves dared look

nounced that His Holin~ss Pope back."

. Pius XU's departure for Castel­ gandolfo, previously set for July 19, was postponed because of recent developments in the Mid­ When it's time dle East (~.risis. to retire . • • B'IY Mid-July is the normal time for the Pope's move from'Vati­ can City to his summer residence in the Alban hills, 15 mile's south of Rome: Vatican sources said however, that the move has bee~' postponed so the 'Pontiff can re­ main ,in close, contact with eventS-, as ,long as there is a crisis., ' .

'In the routine intimacy of mar­ ap and shows no interest inriage they appear' as they really what I want to tell her. These are. are onlyca few examples. Do Hence only in marriage do )'Ou think we're incompatible? couples start getting acquainted YO,u probably are, Fl'ank, for with each other to any marked , . Chesterton degree. The process takes time, HONG KONG (NC) The 'QIlCe remarked,

starting in earnest as soon as the story of a "priest who blessed "Men and wom­ n<;lvelty and emotional efferves­ devils is one of the bizarre tales en are incom­ cence of fiI'St intimacy wears Off. 'brought from behind the Bam­ patible by na-'

In this sense, we can say that boo Curtain by Father Joseph P. lure." It would

marriage really begins only after McCormack, M.M., recently re­ be little short

the honeymoon has failed. leased from a Red China prison. The story go.es back to ShaiIg• crt a miracle if Know Thyself )'011 and your This does not mean that mar­ I hai in 1956. As the 65-year-old missioner tells it, "the commun­ wife always felt riage is a dull, monotonous rou­ ists had been pasting propaganda the 'same way, tine into' which you' have been posters all over the city. A were emotion­ tricked by your emotions. It can ally up or down become such only for' shallo'w ,Chinese Catholic priest named Ding waited patientiy for them OIl the same, couples who make no attempt to to finish, then took ,up his holy days, and felt understand and appreciate each water and walked through the like talking or being silent at other's diverse qualities: ' streets, sprinkling the posters." ;, the same times. Soirie fail to do this' because When they demanded an 'ex­ : Unfortunately, there's been so the f or"" b l' th t th i' much talk' about the flee'd for y 0each ISlny e leve a ey plana'tion, the Chinese priest re'­ know other perfectly '3'1­ plied: "I'm just trying to drive "compatibility" in building a . ready; while others are so im­

successful marriage that many mature and, self:-centered that the devi~s out 'of you,' that's young couples feel they're just they simply ignore the richness all ..." Father McCormack went 'on IlOt meant for each othel' if they and distinctiveness of their par~with his story to say: "Well, they cion't find perfect agreement. ner's ~haracter. / " Necessarily Diffenmt How can you go about getting arr'esied him, of course, and' a In going over much of the better acquainted' with your ~month later he died in prison. But he was a brave lad, and the modern literature on the sub­ wife? Paradoxically, Frank, the jeCt, I get 'the impression ,that first step is to become better people still refer to him as 'the priest who blessed devils.''' _ GIlly two colorless morons would acquainted with yourself. You meet all the specifications' re-' need greater, insight into your# quired for perfect compatibility.' own character, your changillg DUBLlN (NC)-A day, of [0 reality, this thinking is based moods, interests, and' disposi­ special intercession was held CMl a defective psychology which ',tions. ' " assumes that people:havea basic-' Reflect on your own need for here for the success of the Cause personality structure that can't encouragement, friendship, at­ of Blessed Oliver Plunket, mar­ be modified or adapted. tention, and affection. ' Analyze tyr and Primate of Armagh. Hence if husband and wife dis­ your motives, ,your reactions to eover that they have dissimilar success or failure, your own ried life unf<;llds, you will have ;~----~---------~-----; personaljties, they're caught, in emotional ups and downs." many opportunities to see how . \ a hopeless situation and may as Se<;~)Ild, once you have gained ,little you really understand well head for the divorc:e' court some insight into yourself, a;-ply yourself-and your wife. You Eve-ry Thursday : at once. this knQwledge to your wife. will profit from these only if : What does Chesterton's remark Try to put yourself ,in her posi­ you are now aware of your ig­ : 10:00 A.M.· 12:10, : really mean, Frank? Obviously, tion. She too is an individual; norance. 5~10 7:00 8:00 P.M. : : that men and women, as two with 'her distinctive -moods, re- . Remember, you and your wife distinct eJSpressions of human actions, and personal needs. ' represent two distinct human 276 Central St.; Fall River : OUR LADY'S CHAPEL : nature, are rlecessarily different; These are different from 'your images 'of God. Know and re­ and with the French, most of us' own, 0'£ course" but tli'ey make spect these differences and they , : 572 Pleascmt, Street ': OSborne 6·8279 would agree; "vive la differ­ her what she is, the woman you will bcome sources of love; not : New Bedford. ence." But there's more to ~it loved and married. Like your­ ................ - ..,- _........... _............ !. incompatibility. ' t.,han that. No two women-or self, she also seeks happineSs two men-are quite alike, and fulfillment in marriage. Takes Time ,Respect Differences ' Since marriage involves such Third, if"adjustments must be ,eonstant, intimate companion­ made, remember, Frank, 'you OIL CO., INC. ship, it brings out the individual must both make them. In rriar­ masculine and feminine differ­ riage you are helpmates', 'part­ en,ces of husband and wife in ners, support one another; and and full contrast. Dating and court-, helping' to carry each other's ship do this to some extent, but burdens: You can do this from they are relatively shallow asso­ day to day only to the" extent FOR' INDUSTRIAL OR

eiations in comparison with that you understand ea'ch o,ther. ii GENERAL' TIRES • DELCO BATTERIES " Y o u want your marriage to he rnarr,iage. , DOMESTIC SERVICE

• PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS Whether they recognize it or a steady, gr'owth ,in companion­ FALL RIVER - NEW BEDFORD ~ HYANNIS NEWPORT Call 'WY 2-2725-9-6825 not, most couples put on ,their sh.ip. and love. but love' depends best behavior during courtship. upon knowledge. As your, mar-

Brings Bizarre Tale From Behind Curtain

Middie' ,East Crisis. Delays Holy Father'

Pray for Cause




:St.Jude N.ovena:






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THE ANCHORThurs., July 24, 1958

Sports Cha"er

American Athletes Give Lie To Russian Propag,anda ,

Diocese, Builds La rge Arena

By Jack Kineavy

Somerset High School Coach

'One of. the brightest stars in pro golf's galaxy is Worcester's Paul Harney. The' former Holy Cross links leader, Eastern Intercollegiate titlist in 1952 and NCAA medalist that same year, is now in his fifth season (Jll the pro circuit. After he was The Fuehrer's subtle attempt graduated from the Cross to b~r Jewish athletes proved . abortive and Jesse Owen's perPaul en~ered t?eser':lce.. In formance indicated beyond a 1954, hIS servIce oblIgatIOn shadow of a doubt that there completed, Harney launched his golfing career. There followed a .couple of lean years, but in 1956 his fortunes changed for the better and Paul began to roll. That year his earnings tot ale d $7679. His first to u r victory came last Summer when he led the field in the Car 1 in g Open. A second in the Flint Open and another first in Montreal's Labatt Open capped Harney's hot streak and earned for him golfdom's "most improved pro" title. -:-The long ball hitting ex-Crusader has continued to excel and off his performances this year he will easily better his 1957 winnings. Paul celebrated his 29th birthday last week by carding a second round 66 in the InsuranCe City Open at Wethersfield, <::tnn. He has indeed come a long way since he and brother Lolli used to battle it out for the caddy title at Tatnuck Country Club. The current Middle Eastern crisis, with its attendant international implications, lends i,,creased stature to the U. S.-Russia- -dual meet scheduled for Moscow July 27-28. For a time it was extremely doubtful that the U. S. team would be permitted to go, but the squad was given the green light by the State Department last Saturday. The meet results are expected to follow preced.llt with the Americans piling up sufficient points in the dash and middle distance competition to offset acknowledged Russian superiority in the gruelling long distance and weight events. It is felt that the U. S. 'cushion will be sufficient enough, also, to more than compensate for the advaritage which the Russian women are expected to compile. The setting for the games is not unlike that which existed' in Berlin in 1936 when Germany was host for the Olympic games. The Nazi state was then in its ascendancy, steadfastly propounding the fallacious doctrine of Aryan superiority. It was in these games that Hitler's racial philosophy was fractured initially.


STEUBENVILLE (I'fC) - A­ long-recognized need, a diocesan community arena, is now being constructed herer Financed jointly by thl:1 Steu­ benville Diocese and C 'ntral Catholic high school, the arena wiil have a capacity of 8,800 and will be the largest of its k.ind in eastern Ohio. Bishop John King Mussio of Steubenville has called the ef­ ort "another indication' of our continuing confidence in the community." "The field house will supply a long-recognized need for a site for diocesan functions," said Bishop Mussio, "and in addition will complete the high school's physical education plant." The ar""'! ;~ ~ . In he completed for the 1959-60 school term. "The 'planning of the arena is unique," according to Cleveland architect Robert W. Stickle who designed the structure.' 'The public enters at an intermediate level, thus permitting going up or down to their seats, as the case may be. This arrangement . . gives far less walking and climbing into seats than is nec­ essary with the usual type ..." Two other features are the assurance 0:£ daytime visibility without the assistance of arUf)­ cial lighting and the absence of obstructions which makes every seat a good one.

was no correlation between the color of a man's skin and the speed with which he could run. It is on this latter issue that the Russian press is apt to lose face AT PARK DEDICATION: Father Charles R. Smith this coming weekend. The Russian papers have been Playground in the East End section of Fall River was making capital of recent racial dedicated Sunday in memory of the late pastor of Iminacu­ incidents here in the U. S, and late Conceptiort Church. Shown here are Rev. Robert L. the people of the, U. S. S.'R. have Stanton, assistant at the parish, who blessed the field; Mrs. been constantly fed the propa­ ganda that the current status of Thomas C. Newbury and Mrs. Diana Jusseaume, mothers the American negro is hardly of World War II heroes in whose memory players' dugouts any better than t.hat of slilVe were dedicated; and Pete Dumont, president of the East conditions of the 19th century. Yet this weekend, the Russian .End Little League. people will witness in action an American team that is roughly 50 per cent negro working to­ gether in a mommon cause, associating in obvious friend­ Full Season At the Saint Vincent de Paul ship; .and in general, giving the The 1958 season at Saint Vin­ Health Camp in South Westport, lie to everything that has been cent's Camp opened with the said relative to racial conditions 100 boys from the Taunton area' arrival of 100 Fall Riverites on of the Diocese are enjoying a that are said to exist in America. Monday moriling, June 30. They free vacation as guests of the Boon to Nel:'ro League left camp on Saturday, July 12, While on the s(ibject of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of having spent 13 funfllled days their respective parishes. American Negro, it'is interesting Now in its seventh se'ason t.here. to ponder the remarks of' Frank The present group of campers under the supervision of semin­ Forbes, a promotion man for entered camp on Monday, Juiy arian counselors, St. Vincent's Negro American and Native 14, and will leave on Saturday. 'baseball leagues. He contends Camp is one of the .agencies Princely Gift, which benefit from the annual Then the New Bedfordites will 'that the Negro leagues, includ­ MONTE CARLO (NC) .

spend two weeks there, and ing those in the Carribean, will Catholic Charities Appeal of the Prince Rainier III of Mona~­

lastly the Cape Codders.. The Diocese and from the Bishop's 'eventually be baseball's princi­ has donated to Catholic Chari­

camp seas,on closes on Aug. 23. pal source of talent, and that annual Charity Ball. ties a "substantial sum" r~ei­

Everyone is most welcome to Recipients of the .wonderful "within six or seven yean" 35 ved by his tiny principality

visit the camp, on either of the per cent of the big league ball charity of the people of the Dio­ t.hrough . the sale of stamps ..

two visiting Sundays left in this cese of Fall River ~Ire 400 boys players will be colored. camping season. On Sunday, mark the Lourdes centennial.

He goes'on to say that this will from all parts of the Diocese, Aug. 3, and on Sunday, Aug. 17, be so because the Negro is mo;:e with ages ranging from six tol from 2 to 4 P.M., visitors will be . twelve years. The campers are tolerant of poor minor league w,..l'·nmed at the camp. Special conditions than is the white boy. Catholic 'boys who are referred GUARANTEED exhibits are set up by all depart­ Incidentally, Forbes claims that either by the individual par­ meats on those days, and re­ the v~cating of the New York , ochial St. Vincent de Paul Soci­ freshments are sold at the Trad­ territory by the National League eties or by the Catholic Welfare ing Post. The visiting Sunday SERVICE - REPAIRS has proved a boon to the Negro Bureau. \ program is concluded with Member R. T. T. G.

league which is now playing to The Director of the camp, Benediction of the Most Blessed JAMES E. NORTON

capacity ,throngs in the Metro­ Rev. John E. Boyd, is the resi­ Sacrament in the camp's beauti­ politan area. 46 Middle Road

dent chaplain at St. Vincent's ful chapel at 4:15 P.M. The gen­ The Red Sox-Detroit four­ Acushnet. VVY 5-7548

Home in Fall River, as well as eral public is cordially invited game series attracted more than Director of the Catholic Welfare to attend this service. 78,000 patrons to Fenway Park Bureau of the Diocese. The. Rev. + last weekend. Which only goes Donald E. Belanger, assistant 'to prove that it's' the attraction pastor at St. John the Baptist 'The Family ~hat that counts, not the location or Church in Fall River, is the the standing of the teams. camp's resident chaplain during Prays Together The series itself had, every- the summer months. ' thig from the heavy' hitting, Stays Together" . Of the 12 seminarian counsel­ "For Your Protect_

cannonading of Friday night's ors at the camp this summer, Buy From'

10-9 decision, to Jim Bunnings' two are subdeacons, and will be THE stunning no-hitter on Sunday. ordained to the priesthood next Sandwiched in between was spring. Saturday's thrilling extra..,inning 132 Rockdale Ave. tilt which big Ted brok.e up in 9 Junior Legion title on Sunday, New Bedtord '~Ulebor_South Attlebo... the 12t.h with a tremendous sweeping both ends of a double Seekonk home run. Of that type of ball header from Somerset, 4-1 ,and WY 5-7947 erowds are made. 4-3. Charley Carey with four Fall River clinche4 the Zone hits in eight trips led the Staf­ ford rost attack: The news of the death by drowning of team­ mate' Charley Parent cast a pall . SUCCESSORS TO over the field, however. The former Prevost ace left-hander was to have started the °second game of the, twin bill. May' his 'soul rest in P1ace., Anthracite & Bituminous COAL

St. Vincent de Paul Health Camp

Provides Good Example and Fun











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SISTERS-50 YEARS IN RELIGION: Congratulating. each other on their 50th anniversary in religion are two blood sisters, Sister Mary Casimira Bielarz (left) and Sister Mary Alphonsa, both of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis. Another sister, who died in 1942, would have celebrated her 50th anniversary last year.

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Attleboro - No. Attleboro


COMPARE ..0. then ioin ,the


.Sunbeam BREAD


SERVE NEW BEDFORD PARISHES: A . variety of activities is left photo Sister M. Reginald assists Sister M. Lucretia, typist. In secol)d right photo young pupil manifests interest in Sister Lucretia1s explanation included in the dail~r schedule ,of the Bernadine Sisters of the Th,ird Order

· of St. Francis who Btaff Our ~ady of,Perpetual Help School. In left photo. . of text. Sister M. Reginald is accompanist in right photo for Sister ·M• · Mother M. Justine and Sister M. Reginald are busy in sacristy. In second . Lucretia and Mother M. Justine. .

Irish Sisters in Italian Village ...... . Semlnarlans . .. I:..urse A merlcan

New Windows Gift of Late Governor

Polish Parish.es

Continued· from Page One are in charge of the parish altars :. FIESOLE, Italy (NC)-There the little fellow might be" and • and sacristy as well as the ' .. a little bit. of Ireland· in this "look how frightened the poor school. ·Their busY Summer · mountain ·village. overlooking darli~' is," gradually gaining schedule includes conducting - the Renaissance city - of Flor­ supremacy in the conversation vacation school at St. Hedwig's, · ence, . whose Sisters proudly until I -was .told that' "we just New Bedford's third Polish par­ · elaims a half-century associa­ couldn't· .charge· for your short . ish. Their annual retreats must · -lion-with' the students of the . while with, ·us." -.Insistence that' be fitted in, and the 'day we North· American College in . the Sisters· take something· suc- . visited the ~convent, its filing Rome. _ ceede'd . only after agreement system· was being overhauled,- a This little bit of Ireland is'" that half the sum be taken back. major job in itself. ., \ ·.lied San Girolamo Guest House Hi'storie Site We wondered if the Bernard­ and its overseers are Itnownas San Girolamo is a fitting place . ine's, founded in Poland and -the Blue Nuns, or more formally, . a ctive here ,in a Poli~h parish, for the, seminarians,. not.only ··lIte Little Company of. Mary. because of the proximity of cul­ required applicanu, to ~be of ."or more than 50 years the Blue. tural Florence but. because of . Polish' descent. "No," said Sister · Jruns have ,nursed the Amer­ the historic associations of the . M. Lucretia, visiting New Bed­ iean students at their hospital Guest House itself.' San Giro­ ford from a New Jersey convent jn Rome' and have provided lamo has been occupied by the of the congregation. ,"We're a them a quiet place of repose at Sisters for only 59 years.· The merry mixture! Everyone's wel­ San Girolamo. . site itself can be traced back to come." There is hardly a.single newly the' time of Nero, and the house 'Candidates should, however, erdained priest who returns to that the Sisters now use back to " ,be under 30, and in good health. the U. S. after his st.udies in Girls may enter from the eighth to the time of Cosimo de Medici Rome who does not im:lude the in the· 16th century. grade and complete high school hl's fon· dent memo' in the 'congregation's Juvenate. SI' s te rs 'mong a ., ­ It was the· cradle for a reli­ 'nes of Italy. Whatever visions gious' ord,er, the resort of'sev­ Further information may be ob­ his memories ·may recall; it is tained from Mother Provincial, '11 k 'th eral great saints and the home of Mt. Alvern.ia, Reading, Pa. eertain t h a t th ey WI spea WI three blesseds. It was the site . h brogue And l',roba'bly "I'm glad you came to see us," an I r I S . , of the martyrdom of ·SS. Dul­ too, there will be s()methil~g . said Sister M. Reginald as we . h d d cissimus, Carissimus, Crescen­ were leaving the co·nvent. "My about gent1e nurslllg nn s an tius and Marcintianus.· It was I charming Irish wit and maybe "a vacation school children keep . aice pot of tea·in the afternoon." the home and motherhouse of . asking, 'What Sisters do they the· Hermits of St. Jerome, a re­ ,have in The Anchor this week?' San Girolamo is not a hotel, ligious society which governed . When I tell them, they say in­ I and it ,probably ranks ow as a 40 monasteries from that place th t' t dignantly, 'Well, why don't the" . . pension III e many ouns < before it declined and was fi­ _have you?"" ~ guides of Europe, if it rates any nally suppressed. The monastery Now we have. mention at all. It has one eccen­ church was· favored with special °tric elevator which wheezes on indulgences by two popes, and ascent and has a light that blinks church and monastery were re­ fon and off as it wishes. There stored by Cosimo II, Duke of are locks on the bedroom doors Florence. GENOA (NC) :-An under­ water proc~ssion on Aug. 22 will but very few of them work. Its, After 1700 San Girolamo came floor plan is accounted for by mark the fourth anniversary of into the hands .of several pri­ the placing of the submerged after-thought partitions, conver­ vate families and several .reli­ sions and adaptions. Its ,bath­ statue of Christ off the depths ''-': room fi;;tures are not of this gious societies. Finally, in No­ of the Italian coast near here. vember, 1899, it was acquired by The 80-ton statue was cast eentury and its plumbing makes the Blue Nuns. Since that time from, bronze donated by many rumbling noises as though try­ it has been used as a convales­ ing to b!'eak the sound barrier. cent home for patients from nations and was submerged off-., Saving Grace their n·umerous houses all over shore· as a memorial to sailors who lPst their jives at sea. It is The saving grace of San Giro­ the world. anchored in a cement block -lamo is an infectious charm that . resting firmly· at the· botfom of has its roots .in the ·Faith, 'the the sea at a depth of about 35 "sod," and that unique' expres­ . NEW YORK (NC) - The feet. The upturnetl face 'and .up.,. sion of charity that is so well Church of St. Paul the Apostle raised, outstretched arms of the practiced by one who has dedi­ here,. mother church of the Paul­ statue reach toward the sea's· cated her life to God-none of ist Fathers, will undergo a face­ surface. They are visible in the which are included in the norms lifting in honor of the .society's clear water. ef the authors guide books. 100th anniversary this year. The ,Jrocession will consist of These days the off.icial greeter . Fifty tons of white marble a group of underwater swim­ ill Sister Magdalen·. When she sculpture and blue mosaic will mers who will enter the water greeted me for the first time, it be sent here from· ltally to at the nearby Portofilio beach took her three minutes to assign brighten'· up the 82-year-old and swim' to the· eight-foot me 'a proper place in the hier.:. edifice. statue to pray for the dead. archy: "Are you fr9m the Vati­ can? Are you from the North FREE - Audiometric he9ring examination-demonstration A~erican College? Are you a otnonsignor? Are you a Jesuit? Oh then, 'you are a simple priest. Well come now, Father, and we. -~ will put you.in a fine room with' Please send free booklet· to­ World's First and Still Finest a beautiful view ot' the city be­ _ Name ,..~ : ~ __ _._ _ low and there .will be a' bit of EYE GLASS ., tea for you in just moment." Street : .- _ _ An idea of the Sisters' attitude HEARING AID City _ : _ State __ ' toward finances was provided by Sister Patricia. My. inquiry ~ about a bill· was momentarily put aside for the more important "~,J .discussion of what to do with a fledgling that had just fallen from its nest in the garden. Fur­ ther inquiries about the bill FRANCIS 8. FINNI. 8. S., REG. PHARM. ,

were inserted between com­ 'I ROTi:H ST. COR~.ARNDlO NEW BEDfORD; MASS.

ments about "what kind of bird

Mark Anniversay

Of Statue in Sea '

RYE BEACH (NC)- Bishop . at St. Theresa represents Christ Matthew F. Brady .of Manehest~he King's. enthronement and et" blessed sta'inea' glass .win.... dominion over the, world, while dows· given to St.­ T.heresa an·other rose window over the . church here by' Mrs.. Alvan T . . ·entrance is devoted to St. Fuller of Boston and her late . Theresa' 'in t.l!e robes of the husban<l; 'a -former Go.v.e.rnor of CarmelHe nun, with her tradi­

Massachusetts. The, Fuiler fam-·· tional attributes, the' 'crucifix

ily ,has maintained a· summer _and, red, roses. The nave is illum­ . home at· Little Boar's ·Head here . in~ed by 11 groups .. of side

for; many years. " ! . window]J'consisting·of.40 panela

. A',rose window over tbealtar devote4 to the life of, .Christ, '





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