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t eanc 0 VOL. 25, NO. 28



20c, $6 Per Year


July 18 Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will ordain Rev. Mr. Stephen J. Avila a priest for the Fall River diocese at ceremonies to be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 18, at St. Mary's Cathedral. Rev. Mr. Avila is a native of St. John the Baptist parish, New Bedford, and the son of Jos:eph S. and Alice (Guerra) Avila. He has one brother, David. He graduated from New liedford High School in 1973 and from Providence College in W77. In September of that year he entered the North American College in Rome. He holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy ;lnd sacred theology, the latter from the Gregorian University, £lIso in Rome. The ordinand served his dia· conate in St. Anthony's par:ish, East Falmouth. He will offer his first Mass at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, July 19, at St. John the Baptist parish, with Rev. Manuel P. Ferreira, pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, New Bedford, as homilist. Concelebrants will be Father Ferreira; Father Luciano Pereira, pastor of St. John the Baptist; Msgr. Charles Murphy, North American College rect,or; Father Gerard Hebert, a diol:esan classmate and associate at St. Thomas More parish, Soml!rset; other diocesan priests; and Father R. Stephen Vallenga, a North American classmate from the Cleveland diocese. The vesting priest will be Father Joseph Marino of the Birmingham diocese. Tum to Page Seven

------------They' need everything

The Diocesan Department of Social Services, anticipating £1:1'rival of several Indochinese refagee families in the near future, in addition to a family that unexpectedly arrived Tuesday night, has appealed for "everything needed for setting up housl~­ keeping," as well as for "caring American friends" for the newcomers. Mrs. Marylou Mancini of the diocesan department and Rev. James Hornsby, pastor of Sit. Luke's Episcopal Church, Fall River, also involved in resettle:ment efforts, said clothing, furniture, kitchen equipment, bedding an4 towels are prime needs. The refugees will probably stay initially with Indochinese families already in the Fall River Tum to Page Sixteen

SISTER AVELAR with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Furtado and their sons, Marco, 5, Roy 13, Paul 7, Anderson,6 months.

Oldtime religion works fine for her By Pat McGowan

They still make the old-fashioned type convent parlor, com· plete with shiny floor, straightbacked chairs and a Sabbatarian hush. And they still make the oldfashioned type nun, complete with long black habit and a part-time retirement job dusting aItars. That's part of the truth about Our Lady of Mt. Carmel convent in inner-city New Bedford, and 78-year-old Sister Aurora Helena Avelar of the Sisters of St. Dorothy. The other part is less conventional, you should excuse the expression. Sister Avelar, when not dusting altars, is a one-woman welfare agency and that staid convent parlor sees a seven-day-aweek procession of Christ's least brethren, seeking jobs,' housing, clothing, food and motherly, nononsense advice. The tiny nun's approach is

practical. Presented recently with a side of beef, she roasted and froze it, thus providing the makings of dozens of hot roast beef sandwiches to serve the hungry. A teacher for decades, during the school year she starts her day teaching Portuguese to primary tots at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, then "takes care of the things of the church," meaning her duties as sacristan. After that the rest of the day is hers - or rather, belongs to the poor she serves. They are busy days - and often nights. "The priests put me a telephone in the church basement and in my bedroom too, so I don't disturb the other sisters," she explains. In the basement, the phone rings in a large room where Sister Avelar stores clothing, furniture, yard goods and anything else she thinks her poor might need. The needs include holy pic-

tures and statues - Sister Ave- tel's, where she is an interpreter lar's is not a tiptoe approach to and advocate for often bewilderreligion and she unhesitatingly ed immigrants - Cape Verdean, calls a spade by its proper Azorean, Puerto Rican - "anyone in need, I help," she says. name. On errant men, for instance: Humble and simple, she sees "r have told them many times life clearly through her steelthat Archbishop Sheen said 'to rimmed glasses. On the contro· correct a vice, love something versial Kennedy family her opinmore than it.''' That something, ion is clearcut: "I go often to the little nun tells them, is their Boston and Senator Kennedy's families. office is very, very helpful. God Quite a few men have "cor· will reward the Kennedy family rected themselves daily," she because they help the immigrants very much." said. "I know I make mistakes in. On welfare: "We can't abuse English," she continued, "but the kindness of the government. I make myself to be understood." but if the country gives bread The bedroom phone rings far to the needy, it will not be in ;into the night, usually W/ith need; God will bless it." news of domestic difficulties. On drugs: "Many people use "Often there is no peace in the them because they have no home and if we give time and friends to help them." interest we can help the peoSister Avelar doesn't hesitate ple," explained Sister Avelar. Her time and interest frequent· to enlist volunteers in her ly take her to such places as cause. Visiting her, this reportdoctors' and dentists' offices, er was immediately pressed inhospitals, courtrooms and Social to service to' drive her to three Security and welfare headquar. Turn to Page Eight


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981


newl brlefl

people/ placel/eventl WASHINGTON (NC)-Mother Teresa e~posed the abortion problem in Japan during her April visit, according to Father Anthony Zimmerman, executive director of the Japan Family Life Association. In Japan, where abortion has been legalized since 1948, "The average family has one or more abortions," Father Zimmerman said during a visit to Washington. A country with just over 100 million people, less than half the population of the United States, Japan has a million more abortions a year, 2.5 million compared to 1.5 million. Abortions outnumber births by 1.2 to one. "Most mothers want small families because they have to work," said Father Zimmerman. NEW YORK (NC)-Amnesty International has appealed to Iranian authorities to halt the current wave of political executions. Amnesty estimates that more than 1,600 people have been put to death since the Islamic revolution of 1979. "The figure of over 1,600 people executed in the 28 months since the revolution of February 1979 was a minimum estimate, based on the deaths that have ,become definitely known to the outside world," a press release by the New York office of Amnesty said. The appeal was launched June 25, several days before the bombing in Iran of ithe Islamic Republican Party headquarters which killed more than 70 government and political leaders. WASHINGTON (NC)-Catholic dioceses and parishes in the United States have been asked to observe Sunday, Aug. 2, as a day of prayer for peace in Lebanon. The observance was proposed by Archbishop John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis, president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in a letter to the U.S. bishops. Archbishop Roach said it was suggested ,by Archbishop Joseph Tawil of the MelkiteRite Eparchy of Newton, Mass., and Bishop Francis M. Zayek of the Maronite-Rite Diocese of St. Maron in Brooklyn. Since the mid-1970s, Lebanon has been the scene of fierce fighting as political and religious factions have divided over the presence of the Palestine Liberation Organization ~PLO). ERIE, Pa, (NC)-Father Edward Shellito, 29-year-old Maryknoll priest forced to leave the Philippines, said no reason was given for his ouster. But he said he suspects it was related to his preaching on ,human dignity. Father Shellito left the Philippines June 26 after the government refused to renew his visa. "When he asked for a reason, they refused to give a reason," said Father Shellito at a press conference in Erie where he was visiting his family. The missionary was hesitant to talk about the government "because there are still people in the Philippines who would like to continue their work there:'


ROME (NC)-An Italian priest, a leading authority on Freemasonry, has declared there is no truth to rumors that high church officials are Masons. "Only one bishop and priests of low power are enrolled in Italy in regular Masonry," said Pauline Father Rosario Esposito, a historian and journalist. He added that "regular Masonry" has nothing to do with the ultra-secret lodge of powerful and influential Italian figures, the revelation of which recently led to the collapse of the Italian government. BUFFALO, N.Y. (NC) - Mrs. Ann Odre, shot in the attack on Pope John 'Paul II May 13 in Rome, may be released from Buffalo General Hospital by mid-July. A hospital spokesman said that Mrs. Odre, who underwent surgery twice in Rome and then again in Buffalo, was responding well to treatment, although no firm date for her release has been scheduled. Rose Hall, another American woman shot in the attack on the pope, was released from a Rome hospital May 25 after meeting with Pope John Paul and returned to West Germany where she lives with her husband. ROME (NC) - Pope John Paul 1]1 last Sunday sang the Angelus for the first time since the attempt on his life May 13. Hospital officials, however, announced July 4 that Pope John Paul would definitely not go to Lourdes, France, for the International Eucharistic Congress July 16-23. He was originally scheduled to close the congress.

SISTERS IN THE NEWS:'Top, 19 of the 23 Daughters of St. Paul who have entered the community from Massachusetts over the past quarter century. Three are from New Bedford, Sister Denise Cecilia Benjamin, third from left, standing; Sister Patricia Edward Jablonski, fifth from left, standing; Sister Philip Marie Paquette, third from right, kneeling. Sisters Denise and Philip are from St. Joseph's parish, Sister Patricia from Our Lady Qf Perpetual Help. Center and bottom, among recent activities at Jesus-l\fary Mission and Retirement Center, Fall River, have been a Fullness of Life Institute, which presented a week of physical, spiritual and recreational activities to community members, including craft sessions, pictured; and a musical entertainment, offering piano, recorder and vocal selections by senior sisters ranging in age from 68 to 85. Sister John of the Eucharist, 85, was a guest soloist, singing "The Prayer Perfect."

PALERMO, Italy (NC) - Lazar Bojaxhju, 74, the only brother of Mother Teresa of CaIcuHa, died July 3 in Palermo on the nalian island of Sicily. He was born in Kostovo, Albania, in what is now Yugoslavia, came to Italy during World War II and became a army colonel. He moved to Sicily in the 1950s as a drug salesman. He is survived by his wife and a daughter. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul H has formed a 16-member council of cardinals to study problems relating to the organization and finances of the Holy See, a Vatican spokesman announced July 6. The council will have its first meeting on Monday under the presidency of Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, papal secretary of state. Except for Cardinal Casaroli, an ex officio member, 路the council is made up of residential archbishops and includes Cardinals John J. Krol of Philadelphia. Terence J. Cooke of New York and G. Emmett Carter of Toronto.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981


Divorced persons have healing role ""

MILWAUKEE (NC) - Divorced and separated Catholics have a healing role in the church said Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland of Milwaukee. Because they have suffered, divorced and separated Catholics have gained a tool with which to enter into the sufferings of others, he told a support group. "I know it has not been easy for you. But it is my hope, my prayer, my commission to you to move from your suffering into the sufferings of others and minister to them," the archbishop said.

Since· Vatican II, healing is seen more clearly as one of the church's ministries, Archbishop Weakland said. "Since lay people share in all the ministries, they share in healing also." He encouraged the divorced Catholics "not only to be healers of each other, but to move wherever there is a wound." He said he would like parishes to become the place "where people with hurts have a home, but also where hurting people move out to others with hurts and then go even further - to the market. place to transform the world."

SURROUNDED E~Y some of his favorite people, Father Peter N. Graziano bids farewell to youngsters at S1. Mary's Home" New Bedford. He has left the home directorship to become administrator of S1. James parish, also New Bedford, while remaining diocesan director of social services. (Rosa Photo)

Travel Two Thousand Yea·rs

VaticalB newspaper is 120 years old VATICAN CITY (NC) - L' Osservatore Romano, thE! Vati· can newspaper, marked its 120th anniversary with little :fanfare July 1. The front·page of the newspaper's 36,732th edition carried a six·paragraph editorial, signed by Editor·in·Chief Valerio Volpini, noting the anniversaJ'Y. The editorial was also read in full on Vatican Radio. "L'Osservatore Rom ,a no, through the events that have changed the world, in even the most gloomy dramas that have disturbed mankind, in times of waiting and hope, in times both lucky and unlucky, has maintained faith in its program . . . to be at the service of truth, even when it is difficult, and to oppose evil wherever it may spread, with the certain~y that good will triumph in the end," Volpini said. The newspaper's first ledition appeared on July I, 1861, after journalists Nicola Zanchini and

Giuseppe Bastia requested permission from Pope Pius IX to begin a publication "at the service of the church," the editorial said.

EDWARD DAR C Y , a member of St. Patrick's parish, Fall River,· has Jeceived the Distinguished Alumni Award of Bryant College, Smithfield, R. I., from which he graduated in 1951. A member of the Softball Hall of Fame, he was hone ored in 1964 by proclamation of a Ted Darcy Day in Fall River. He holds the diocesan Marian Medal, the Fall River Chamber of Commerce Community Service Award and the Superior Civilian Service Award, the latter in recognition of 32 years service at the Newport Naval Base.

Farm Worker~; organize boycott Representatives of the United Farm Workers of America" AFL· CIO, are organizing Fall River area efforts to support Cl boycott of non-union California let· tuce. Assistance has been given to organizers Doug Kreifel:; and Bob Everts by the Dioceslln Department of Social ServicE!s and St. Anne's parish. The two young men are available to spe,ak to parish groups or explain their program to individuals ancl may be reached through the Fall River office of the Internlltional Ladies Garment Workers Union, 674-5762.

"One hundred and twenty years is a long time; but for the spirit which animates L'Osservatore Romano, for its function· ing, time is relative and is measured by that continual youthfulness - generosity and charity, a spirit of service and love for the church, spiritual harmony with the pope - which is a specific aspect of our being Catholic," Volpini said. "Christ is always the true great inexhaustible youthfulness of man and the world," he added. L'Osservatore Romano (the Roman observer), is published six days a week in Italian. Weekly editions in French, Eng· lish, Spanish, German and Portuguese and a monthly edition in Polish are also published. The newspaper is the main publication of record for the Vatican. It publishes the official text of papal speeches and offi· cial announcements. Its editor· ials and main articles are often keys to Vatican thinking on specific topics.


with the Bible as your guidebook. under spiritual direction of

Father James w.


Veteran International Traveler; Pastor, St. John the Evangelist . Parish. Pocasset

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Holy Scripture comes .llive for you .1S you w.lIk the W.1Y of the Cross. Your f.lith lakes deeper meaninK .1S you pr.ly where stood Ihe st.lble in Bethlehem or kneel in Ihe G.uden of Gethsem.lne. You will Kaze out over the Jordan V.llley from .ltop the Mount of Jericho, \isit N.ll.ueth, C.ln.l, Mount of Be.ltiludes. m.lnY other places.

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[necroloQY) Rev. 1938, River Rev. Pastor,


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I I· Name

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THE ANCHOR-Diclcese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981


the living word

The City Dump The mayor of Fall River announced this week that the city's anti-litter forces are making a special effort to clean up the main thoroughfares. He appealed for the help of every homeowner, tenant, youngster and merchant with this project. The mayor's initiative comes at a time when litter and garbage have invaded our homes, our highways and indeed every area of our living. One can hardly drive a rotary without dodging beer bottles. Crossing the street, one must leap over accumulated guttered garbage. Beach visitors must wear shoes lest they shred their feet on broken glass. Ponds and rivers are polluted by corporate offenders. The countryside is a dump for toxic wastes, the cities are refuse heaps. Many factors havl~ contributed to this mess. At the top of the list, blame should be placed on those corporations who for decades have exploited our natural resources. Here in Southeastern Massachusetts the textile industry has consistently abused our streams and lakes. Abunantly supplied by nature, they have been violated by man, as what you might call the pioneers of accumulated trash have set the example for today's corporations in their defilement of our waterways. The wasteful mentality of big business has infiltrated the general public to such an extent that for all practical purposes we have become a disposable society. Industries have encouraged litter and individuals have followed their example. When you finish with an article, just throw it away, no matter whether you are driving, walking a beach or playing in a park. Somehow, we thought there would always be someone to clean up after us. Cities and towns were mandated to find ways and means of dispo~ing of trash. Incinerators were built and street cleaners purchased at taxpayers' expense. Usually a substantial part of a community's budget was set aside to clean up after the populace. But with the advent of tax reform, Proposition 2~ and other fiscal frugalities, municipalities can no longer render such services. Thus, new ways must be found to cope with man's junk, such as this week's clean-up campaign in Fall River. Yet no matter how effective such programs may be, they are in themselves insufficient. Further efforts should be made to challenge corporate and individual polluters by way of mandated and enforced penalties. People can no longer expect others to suffer for personal callousness or indifference. Before it is too late all should pitch in to make sure that our cities and towns do not become mere city or town dumps. .,

Msgr. John Grant A word of sincere appreciation for the long-continued efforts of Msgr. John Grant in the world of the Catholic press. As he ends 30 years of service to America's oldest Catholic newspaper, The Pilot of Boston, The Anchor staff and路 especially its editor wish to express gratitude for his many kindnesses to this paper and its personnel. His talented pen has been a major contributor to the present acceptability and credibility of Catholic journalism. As he leaves a task well done to undertake new works, we extend our prayerful best wishes that his future days will be as fruitful for the church as have been his past deeds and efforts in her behalf.

the OffiCIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.D., S.T.D.



F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . , . Lelry Press-FI" River

'You shall draw waters with ioy from the saviour's fountains.' Is. 12:3

Welcoming strangers An official olf the National Conference of Catholic Bishops has challenged parishes to "welcome the stranger who is different from the majority: the racial other, the economic路 other, the sexual other, the handicapped person, the homosexual person." In a keynote address at the third Sunbelt Liturgical-Catechetical Conference, Dolores Leckey, secretariat director for the NCCB Cqmmittee on the Laity, discussed the family as an analogue, or parallel, for ch\U'ch, parish lllI1d community, "for God's family." "Can the family," she asked, "trust God enough to: - "Let the gifts and creativity of people emerge, develop and grow, for example, into ministries. - "Admit that failure is not the worst thing that can happen - but rather that families. are places where failure can be risked and, consequently, where creativity can happen. - "Act on the principle that it is more important to be than to seem, that God is found in truth, not in illusion. Unfortunately, in too many of our church settings, polite pretense is more often rewarded than the truth about ourselves and our communities." - Take seriously the teaching of 51. Paul in the first letter to the Corinthians "that diversity does not threaten the unity of the church because the Spirit is in all, uniting all. - "Humbly admit that as a

church we are a company of sinners as well as prophets and saints, and that just as in a family forgiveness is the glue so also in the parish." In her discussion of the theme of the conference "Celebrating the Family of God," Ms. Leckey considered the Old Testament, the life of Jesus and present-day families. She recalled that God told Noah, when the ark was built and the flood was to come, "to bring all his household on board - male and female, clean and unclean - life in all its vast diversity. And it is this community of difference that God calls forth after the flood to begin again." In his youth, Jesus "showed a precocious independence, leaving his parents during a Jerusalem trip to engage in men's activity: Temple dialogue (and he didn't even leave a note!)," Ms. Leckey said. "We know he didn't settle down into the family business like a responsible young man. quite the contrary. The Spirit's call was so intense and insistent that he had to tum his back on all of that to be faithful to who he was, living out his story." Jesus' "relationship witH his mother, according to the Scriptures, is hardly that of the doting son," Ms. Leckey said. She recalled the account in the third chapter of St. Mark's Gospel, when Jesus was preaching to a crowd and his relatives came to bring him home.

"When they arrived for him," she said, Jesus is given a message: 'Your mother and brothers and sisters are outJide asking for you,' and he replies, "Who ~ my mother and brothers?' And looking around at those sitting in a circle about him, he said, 'Here are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does the will of God, that person is brother and sister and mother to me.' "I don't think," Ms. Leckey added, "there is a parent in this room who wouldn't feel rejected by similar words from a son." "My meditations on Genesis and on Jesus," Ms. Leckey said, "highlight for me what to celebrate in family, especially in the collective which we call the family of God. First, I celebrate the strange and wonderful mixture that family is: in the words of Genesis, the clean and unclean, the stable and unstable, the conformist and non-conformist. Secondly, the embodiment of the difference in the life and teaching of Jesus says something about our own families, our own communities, as penultimate values, as pointing toward a mystery which beckons us but which we will never fully comprehend. I celebrate that. "T. S. Eliot said, 'Home is where we start from.' When we truly start out, we find that our brothers and sisters are not only at our dinner tables; they are across oceans and mountains in those persons seelllingly most different from us .in the Christ. But, as we guess, it is a long and arduous journey to such recognition."


The gre'at taboo Last spring Phyllis Schlafly made the startling comment before a congres.sional hearing that sexual h.arassment of women was brought about by their own behavior. Apparently she's never had to walk a gauntlet of working men on a lunch break and hear the crude comments women are supposed to accept as part of their gender. Apparently, she's never crossed the street rather than walk in front of a bunch of leering teens making verbal assessments of women on a scale of one to 10. I wouldn't bother to deal with such an outrageous assel"tion if I hadn't just had some correspondence from a parish family life commission who experienced somewhat the same reaction from their pastor. This struggling new group of coupltes had begun a listening process in their parish to discover the heartfelt needs of their families, many of whom consisted of older ,couples and singles. One recurring theme was that of personal safety. In the middleclass parish, definitely :not located in a high crime area, there had been a number of nssaults and rapes upon women. One modus operandi favored by a re-

peater rapist was that of following high school girls home from school, slipping in the unlocked door behind them and raping them in their own homes. I don't know how Mrs. Schlafly would explain that; possibly that their mothers should have been home in gingham apron to protect them. However, their mothers weren't safe either. Several had been approached in supermarket parking lots and other areas of high density. Clearly personal safety was a high priority need in their parish. The fledging family _life commission decided to sponsor a rape prevention session. They contacted their local police department, which offered such workshops, then approached the pastor about putting a notice in the bulletin. To their astonishment, he refused. Nor would he allow a session in "his" parish. He explained, patiently at first and then angrily, that rape was not a fit topic for a Catholic meeting. The commission explained, patiently at first, that it was a high need, expressed by many families who would be willing to come to the church for such help but wouldn't go to a woman's resource center or

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981




the police station. That's when the pastor became angry and gave his Schlaflyesque retort, "Well, if women dressed and behaved properly, they wouldn't be raped." The couples were aghll.st. What should we do, they wrote me. Sponsor it yourselves, I replied. Borrow a backyard or the community room at the library or space in a nearby Protestant church. Make flyers, phone calls and waves. Maybe Father isn't concerned about his safety, but your families are and they deserve something more than a moral retort. We know that all kinds of women are assaulted - verbally and physically. Nuns, grandmothers, and 8-year-old girls are victims of sex-demented men in our society. They don't ask for it, in spite of what Phyllis Schlafly and the Eagle Forum ladies spout. In fact, that is the ultimate sexual harassment - the statement that women ask for it.

Pro-life measures With attention focused on the question as to when human life begins, it seems a good time to look at the differences between the pJ:oposed human life bill and a human life amendment, as well as at the likely effect of each on abortion and other concerns. The obvious difference, of course, is that the human life bill needs only the majority votes of both houses c.f Congress and the signature of the president. The amendment, on the other hand, needs two-thirds votes in both houses and the ratification of three-fourth of the states. But beyond that dissimilarity, the measures differ in their immediate and long-range eHect on abortion - distinctions which can be lost in the emotional debate often accompanying the abortion issue. The human life bill is for the most part a "states' rights" measure which would allow but not require states to reenact their pre-1973 laws making performance of abortions a crime. By declaring that a per'Son exists at conception, and by linking that declaration with the 14th Amendment's applicability to the states, the bill's proponents hope that the Supreme Court then would uphold state abortion statutes, as it did not in 1973 because states then would have constitutional justificati()D for protecting human life from conception onward. Apparently the bill's immedi-

ate effect would be small: it would prohibit states from performing or funding abortions since the 14th Amendment prohibits depriving persons of life without due process of law. But it would not restrict individuals from obtaining abortions privately. That would have to await passage of new state abortion laws and their approval by the courts. A human life amendment, on the other hand, would have much greater immediate effects by enshrining in the Constitution the establishment of a right to life for the unborn. Constitutional scholars say such an amendment would prohibit abortions as a violation of the constitutional right to life. Laws permitting most abortions - except Qossibly for medical procedures to save the mother's life - would be unconstitutional, performance of abortions could be legally enjoined, and abortionists could be subjected to lawsuits alleging violation of a constitutional right. A question being raised is the effect the two measures might have on the use of intrauterine devices and birth control pills which preven,t implantation. According to a series of questions and answers distributed by the office of Sen. John East (RN.C.), the 'bill would have no effect on such birth control methods unless states addressed such issues in separate legislation. The effect of a human life amendment on such devices,





though, is harder to track. While amendment proponents say they have no intention of dealing with the pill or IUDs, others contend that such abortifacients are equally immoral and a violation of what should be the constitutional right to life. The differences in the effect of the two measures are in part responsible for the disagreement within the pro-life movement over whether the human life bill should be pursued or abandoned. Those who think passage of the bill is not worth the effort cite its limited impact and wonder whether some members of Congress might vote for it just to get pro-lifers off their backs and on the backs of state legislators. There also are questions of the bill's constitutionality, with some calling it an effort to, in effect, petition the Supreme Court to reconsider its 1973 abortion ruling. .IIII1lI>UIIIIIII"""""Il"'II,'IIIIII"""'''''llltl'III1''llllllllllUnI111II1l1I11II~""Ullm_

THE ANCHOR (USPS¡545-G20) Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 bv the Catholic Press of the Oiocese of Fall River Subscription price by mail. postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address ;hanges to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, FaU River, MA 02722








Two people from opposite ends of the earth recently turned up in Washington to launch disparate campaigns against meanness. Mother Teresa, the saintly nun from the slums of Calcutta, is hoping to help the people of Anacostia feel better about themselves. Norman Lear arrived from Hollywood, announcing his intention to change t.~ air in the country, so that people who disagree with the Moral Majority won't be made to feel "un-Christian." Both are encountering considerable sltepticism. If Norman Lear were not the producer of "All in the Family," a, r~markable television series which made bigot Archie Bunker a household pet in America, nobody would pay much attention to his new project, " People for the American Way," a tax-exempt, non-profit educational venture aimed at reminding the citizenry that this is a free country. And, if Mother Teresa's megacelebrity had not made her a sacred persQnage in the mind of a celebrity-struck public, no one would notice that she is establishing a mission, where eight nuns of her order will live and pray in one of the poorest parishes in the capital. People are puzzled by Lear's missionary activity. That's because he isn't doing what liberal organizations usually do. He won't be flogging candidates, pushing bills or trying to¡ coax voters to the polls. How will he know how he is doing, he is asked, with no Nielsen ratings or Emmys to tell him? Well, for one thing, there'll be enrollments PAW has 25,000 members and more coming in at the rate of 1,000 per week. For the rest, he'll have to wait for people to stop doing what they are doing. He'll measure his success by the number of school boards and state legislatures that say no to moral maporitarians who press them to sweep such "offensive" books as "Catcher in the Rye," "Diary of Anne Frank" and "Death of a Salesman" from their public library shelves. Mother Teresa will have even less tangible markers to go by. Her decision to set up a mission in Anacostia occasioned a curious response in Washington. The archbishop, James Hickey, invited her, because he knew the work of her order in Rome. His invitation has caused considerable bridling and the burgeoning of a civic pride not hitherto, and for good reason, on view in Anacostia. There's so much meanness there that recently, a car donated to a shop class in the local high school was vandalized beyond usage.

But the implicit comparison with Calcutta, where Mother Teresa scoops the dead and dying of the streets, ministers to lepers and rescues derelicts, raised hackles. Anacostia has a high incidence of welfare clients, vandalism and despair. The news that it was to receive the ministrations of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize Winner baffled or offended editorial writers and local officials, who noted stiffly that while Anacostia is no paradise, it has no lepers - at least of the medically certifiable kind. Because this is Washington, people wonder what Mother Teresa's game is. The answer is she has none. She doesn't even have a game plan. She is, according to Msgr. Geno Baroni, an aide to the archbishop, going to say "hello" to people. She is going to go door to door, visiting them in their homes, searching out shutins and the abandoned, and those down on their luck, which is a widespread condition in Anacostia. "She wants to give them a sense of their worth and dignity," he explains. Bureaucrats inquire about funds and programs. Anacostia doesn't need prayers, an irate letter to the editor said tartly. One of the houses which Mother Teresa purchased will be devoted to contemplation. We must pray it will not be broken into. What Anacostians need, many fume, is housing - and jobs. Mother Teresa's arrival coincides with massive cuts in social programs, and there is bound to be some disappointment that she does not propose to take up the slack. "She is promising nothing but to care," says Barone. "She wants to look after the lonely and the friendless." Mother Teresa is a heretic by the standards of the Reagan administration. One of her stated goals is "to spoil the poor." The White House believes too much of that has gone on already. Of course, she will do her spoiling with love, which Reaganites may regard as less debilitating than CETA training programs. They would be grateful, of course, were she to persuade them to be rece'hCiled to their lot in life. Norman Lear's weapons will be 30-second television spots which emphasize diversity and the admissibility of different tastes. His goal is also, his glossy brochure says, "to enhance the human spirit." There's no way of knowing how either of these admittedly vague enterprises will fare. The one thing we can be sure of is that they will do no harm, which is more than you can say about a lot of things being undertaken in this city these days.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981

New director Ms. Mary H. Grochmal,. a June graduate of Southeastern Massachusetts University has been named director of New Bedford Birthright. She will be assisted by Al and Betty Rivet, the parents of six daughters. The former director, Mrs. Pauline Riding, will remain active with

the pregnancy aid program. Ms. Grochmal notes that volunteers are needed by Birthright as are baby furniture and maternity and infant clothing. Further information is available at 9966744, also the number to be called by those in need of assistance.

#J ',".. t $, ~

}'ORTY YEARS after graduating from Dominican Academy, Fall River, in the historic year of 1941, alumnae meet again. With Father Maurice Jeffrey, celebrant of a reunion Mass, from left, front, Helen Dupont Wilson, homeroom teacher Sister Mary Thomas, OP, Luella Little Wagner, Virginia Robinson Paquin; rear, Rita Blanchette Provost, Doris St. Laurent Drapeau, Evelyn McCormack Murphy, Sister Kathleen Murphy, OP, Margaret Booth Patten, Mary Fitzgerald Gamache, Helen Munroe Cote. Behind the camera but also an alumna is Sister Gertrude Gaudette,OP.

First .Holy Union Chapter in U.S.


has houses in six countries beFor the first time in the hissides the United States. Sutory of the Religious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts, it,; periors and elected representageneral chapter meeting, held tives from England, Ireland, once each six years, will take place in the United States. Beginning 'tomorrow at Mont 01 Marie Conference Center, Holyoke, and continuing through You can flyaway from the hum-drulll .. _ Aug. 15, it will be attended by float away on a cruise ship. _.rent a favorite six sisters from the Fall River CASCIA, Italy (NC) - More ocean-front cottage ... you call get up and Holy Union province. than 2,000 women named Rita gef away with a Bank of New England They are Sister Marilyn Spellgathered in the tiny town of man, provincial superior; Sister GETA WA Y VACA TlON aUB And. we really Roccaporena June 28 to celebrate Doreen Donegan, director of remake it easy for you. Here's how: the 600th birthday of the saint ligious education for the Fall River diocese; Sister Margaret they were named after. The festivities included a Mass Simply open a BNE GETA WA Y VACATION Donnelly, province coordinator celebrated by Archbishop OttorCLUB for 5S-$ 10- or 520. Put that amount personnel and ministry; Sister ino Pietro Alberti of Spoleto, Ann Marie Phillips, a member of away regularly each week and when you've . Italy, and a candlelight processthe staff of St. James Spiritual completed the club (SO weeks), we'll send your ion to nearby Cascia, where the Life Center, Tiverton. widowed St. Rita entered the GtTA WA Y check to you for either 52S0. $SOO Also Sister Mary Lou Simcoe, convent in 1413. or $1000 pills illterl'st! Think about it! You a teacher at Bishop Connolly Each woman received a bouHigh School, Fall River;' and quet of roses, the flower associacan get up and get away. We're Bank of New Sister Mary LOll Sullivan, a ted with St. Rita. The group inEngland teacher at St. William's School, cluded nine women who bear Baltimore, who bas spent the the same family name - ManWho says yOIl call 'I pili loul' ill a balll{~ past year in Rome as part of a cini - as the saint. preparatory commission working One man with the unusual on new constitutions for the name Rito (the masculine form community. of Rita) traveled from northern 'Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will Italy for the celebrations. join bishops from other dioceses St. Rita, born in May 1381 in in which the sisters serve in Roccaporena, was forced at an a cQncelebrated liturgy at Mont early age to marry a man, known Marie on July 14. for his violence. The couple had Founded in France in 1826, two sons. After the death of her Fall Niver, Massachusetts 02720 the Holy Union community now husband and sons Rita entered the religious life and became well known for her charity and religious fervor. She died May 22, 1457, after a long illness. Other recent events marking the sixth centenary of St. Rita's birth were the consecration of an altar in Cascia last April and ((!MPlETE HEATING SYSTEMS a torchlight procession in May alES & INSTALLATIONS NOMPT DELIVERIES from the sanctuary of the Black DI6EL OILS Madonna in Czestochowa, Po24 land, to Roccaporena.

-Get up and


It was a dav for all Riias


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Wisdom "Wisdom is learning what to overlook." - William James

France, Belgium, Argentina and Cameroon, West Africa, will join the North American representatives at Mont Marie. The main task before the meeting will be approval of the new constitutions, which will serve as a rule of life for the community. Delegates will ~Iso receive reports ,on community activities since the last general chapter in 1975 and will elect a superior general and councillors for a路 six-year term.

usee applauds draft decision WASHINGTON (NC) - An official of the U.S. Catholic Conference said he is pleased with the Supreme Court decision affirming the constitutionality of a males-only draft registration. The official, Father J. Bryan Hehir, associate secretary for international justice and peace, said the court ruling is consistent with a position taken by the .uSCC in congressional testimony. In March, 1980, Father Hehir told the Military Personnel Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee that the usec (the administrative arm of the nation's Catholic bishops) opposed 'both the registration and conscription of women for military purposes. Commenting on the Supreme Court decision, Father Hehir said that the nation's bishops feel that the present practice of mak路 ing military service an option for women but not an obligation has served our nation well. "Last year," said Father Hehir, "in taking a position on the issue, the bishops put the burden of proof on those who would change the present system (of registering only men)."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981


.the man packet letter. .re welcomed, but .hould be no thin 200 word.. The edItor ,.serve.


tilt rI"'t to conden.. or edit, If d'emed ntCllllry. All I,tt,rs must b, .I,ned Ind

Includl I 110m' or bu.ln,.. .ddr....

• Anti-gun ravIngs Dear Editor: The anti-gun ravings (In page 5 of the June 18 issue are not factual and extremely bhLSed. The monies I formerly contributed to the church now go to the NRA, Second AmE~ndment Foundation and Goal. Keep up the good work as there are many who feel as I do and it will build up the pro-gun battle funds. J. M. Arsenault, OD South Dartmouth

'Vincentia~~s Dear Editor: We wish to express I)Ur sincere thanks and apprecisition for the generous coverage y.)U gave over the past six months for our Northeast Region Conference. The Conference was a tremendous success, and we are looking forward to September 1982,

when the Diocese will sponsor the National Convention of the Society in Hyannis. Joseph Tinsley, Secretary 'Diocesan Council St. Vincent de Paul Society

Appeal Dear Editor: I am very concerned about helping a missionary priest trying to build a small church for the spiritual welfare of his flock. I am sure readers realize how difficult a project this is in such high price times. Father Cruz is a ver; devoted priest, who deeply appreciates anything you send Him. He is doing terrific work among these people, so please ask your readers to help, in any small wily, to encourage him. HOMEMADE CREAM PUFFS please three priest-brothers at St. Mary's rectory, FairThe address is: In their first reunion iIi nine years Sacred Hearts Fathers Thomas and Christo'haven. Father Paul Cruz pher Grannell, left and right, reminisce with Franciscan Father Fergal Grannell, center, The Our Lady's Church Irish-born trio concelebrated a Mass at St. Mary's on June 28, the 22nd ordination anniverKannanalloor P.O. Quilon 691 576 sary for Fathers Christopher and Thomas; while Father Fergal's 19th came four days Kerala, India previously. Father Thomas is stationed at St. Mary's, Father Christopher in Japan, while Anna Borges Father Fergal was making his first U.S. trip from Ireland. (Rosa Photo) Somerset

St. Oliver Plunkett honored LONDON (NC) - Th.~ excellent relations which St. Oliver Plunkett maintained with Irish Protestants were emphasized by Cardinal Tomas O'Fiach of Armagh, Northern Ireland, in the sermon he preached at an openair Mass in London Jully 1 to mark the third centenary of the saint's execution at Tyburn on July 1, 1681. Attending the Mass wel'e about 5,000 people. "The respect which th.~ ordinary Protestants of his dio<:ese had for the archbishop wall made very clear at his trial i.n Dundalk in 1680," said the cardinal. The jury at this trial was all Protestant. It was only at his trial in London the fClllowing year, when all nine witnesses who appeared in court against him were Irish Catholic:s, four of them priests, that lite was sentenced to death. The! future saint was accused of subversion against British rule. ''That friendship whiell many Protestants gave to Oliver was returned by the greathearted archbishop," said Cardinal 0' Fiaich. "Indeed, he was Cl)nstantIy accused of too great a familiarity with those of his flock who were not Catholics. I think therefore we can claim him as an ecumenist three centuries before his time." Currently, Northern Irleland is going through civil turm,oil over the issue of British rule. Among Northern Irish Catholics, a minority of the population, there is much sentir.lIent for an end lo British rule. 1be Protestant majority generall~, favors continuing ties with Northern Ireland. The result has been about 12 years of civil strife

with the outlawed Irish Republican Army fighting a guerrilla war against British rule and Britain sending in troops to patrol the region.

Ordination Continued from page one Deacons will be Rev. Michael Thomas of the diocese of St. Maron and Rev. Mr. David Williams of the Hartford archdiocese. A reception will follow the Mass at St. Julie Billiart church hall, North Dartmouth. . Clergy, religious and laity are invited to the cathedral ceremony. Priests wishing to concelebrate are asked to bring amice, alb, cincture and stole, while those wishing to participate in the laying on of hands ceremony should wear cassock and surplice.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981

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THE NEWIEST Legion of Mary praesidium in the diocese is in St. Joseph's parish, Attleboro. Sister Maria Inez Cobos works with members and Father Kevin Harrington (left in picture) is spiritual director. Others participating in Legion devotions to Mary, from left, Aida Hidalgo, Linda Olivares, Mercedes Alicea, Catalina Alicea.


Legion of Mary active in diocese

ou- ........

COlt.". CAOf COO'S . . . LIOJd











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By Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington

Diocesan Spiritual Director Legion of Mary Route 28 It is wonderful to hear of the gradual rebirth of the church in West Yarmouth the People's Republic of China. After decades of bitter persecuTel. 775-8883 548-4842 tion, in a manner still very tentative, Catholics are being per~~PIZUZ"""'''-''''''#7712101t~ mitted to assemble for the celeCLOSED MONDAYS F EAT URI N G bration of Mass and the sacra· ments. LUNCH - DINNER We can be sure that among ,~,~ COCKTAILS those who maintained the faith '. ALSO in secret during the season of THE ~ ,( CATERING TO WEDDINGS fear and reprisal are men and AND BANQUETS women who were formed in their Christian lives through associa. ~ Route 28 tion with the Legion of Mary. East Falmouth In the years preceding the SAT. DINNER 5 - 10 Hosts· Paul & Ellen Goulet SUN. - 12 TO CLOSING Communist revolution, the Legion lUES - FRI - LUNCH 12··2:30 548-4266 or 548.4267 of Mary was extremely active in DINNER 5·9:00 China. In those years when a great missionary effort was made in China, the structure of the Legion of Mary was an inDENMARK'S Pharmacy REGIS~~~~Rr~~~::CISTS valuable tool, enlisting thou~ sands. lnvalid Equipment For Rent or Sale '0 • Surgical Garments - 8ird· IPPB Machines - Jobst There can be little doubt that • Hollister - Crutches - Elastic Stockings during the dark years of pain Surgical & Orthopedic Appliances and suffering which the Body of WHIH • Trusses - Oxygen - Oxygen Masks, Tents & CHAoRS ~.-:-:.~ - Regulators. Approved For Medicare Christ endured in China, many 24 HOUR OXYGEN SERVICE faithful persons secretly and at






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the preaching of the Gospel. On the homefront, the Legion of Mary remains a vibrant organization for' the formation and spiritual growth of members. Here in the diocese of Fall River we have many parish units. Members of these praesidia, as local groups are called, pray together weekly and engage in a wide variety of apostolic works. The Legion of Mary in the diocese of Fall River is, as far as can be determined, the sole Di· ocesan -Legion in the United States to have three distinct language groups among its praesidia; English, Portuguese and Spanish. Those who would like to learn more about the Legion of Mary are invited to send their names and addresses to The Anchor for transmittal to diocesan officials.

A New Feature CROSSWORD PUZZLE See page 10

Oldtime religion



great personal peril literally "kept the faith" by following the spiritual program to which they had been introduced through the Legion. In general, the spread of the Legion of Mary in this 20th century has been quite remarkable. Founded in Dublin on the 7th day of September, 1921, the eve of the feast of our Blessed Mother's nativity, the Legion of Mary rapidly spread throughout the world. The burning spirit of the Legion's founder, Frank Duff, who passed to his heavenly reward on November 7th of last year, inspired pilgrims or "peregrini" to journey to the farthest corners of the world to spread the Faith through devotion to Mary. "Peregrinatios," as such missions were called, touched the lives and souls of countless thousands in remote countries long before it was fashionable to use such terms as Third World countries or emerging nations. In Asia and Africa ,the Legion of Mary was established precisely as a proven, successful element of the process of evangelization,

Continued from page one houses to check on people with problems. The multiple nature of some was illustrated by a home where a mother with emotional difficulties was trying to handle four· year-old twins and a husband out of work due to an accident with a total lack of the English needed to communicate with those around her. Sister Avelar soothed, suggested and was firm, to the effect that the mother, at the end of the visit, seemed once more ready to cope with her -difficulties. The nun said that if no rides

materialize when she's on her taught in East Providence beerrands of mercy, she walks or, fore coming to Our Lady of Mt. armed with her senior citizen's -Carmel parish, where she has pass, hops a bus. been for the past 20 years. How did her one-woman apos"I occupy my time working, tolate begin? ._just the same as when I was "I always like to help people," young," she sums up. "If we she said "and after Vatican II, want to dedicate ourselves to when sisters could do more, I the good of society, we have a took every moment free to help them. Anyone that come to me lot to do." with need I'm very happy to And, climbing out of the reo help because I see Christ in porter's car to squeeze in one them." more visit to the lonely and lost Born in the Azores, Sister before returning to her convent, Avelar came to the United she said by way of farewell, "I States at age 19 and entered the just want to please God and Sisters of S1. Dorothy at 24. She praise God."



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs" July 9, 1981







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981


By Dr. James and Mary Kenny



1• .lndNw'. brotbar _ (Matt. 1,,18) 6. I.uod of tbe ..."UT1V (1 Cbr. 9.1) 8. f .. plaia of _ (GeDu1. 28.2) 10. To aola _11> 11. I _ a t or tree (Ezodu. 21.28) 1). Citr ...... N1_b (0....1. 10.12) 14.Abecgar 16. Partte. (Acta 5,17 " 15.5) 17. gee0lld .... of s.-1 (1 SDu"l 8.2) 19. A K""-cIaD pri.n 21. LArp fi1Jbtla.. bird 22. S1IIbo110 _ tor JaruMln (Iaa. 29.1) 2). Broacbt ap bJ bud .Iao 011 _ 1n .oap 24. ~ tS' ...rtIlla_ (l8""" 27. Inta (MaW- 15 ,17) 28. 1Qpt1. 01V (..... 10.8) 29. ~ttS' .1_ 31. San of 01..... (11.-... 1.11) 311. !h1rd penoa proIlOIDl (MattbMr 1.21) )5. S-.'. 1I1.t. (Jad_ 16.10) )8. Oreal< tor _ )9. SllUeted with wi.. (1 I~ 16.\1) 1&1. CeId-.l of Koell (lIl111bere 21.lS) 42. ~ nrt.. s.-ot (Matt..., 2).211) 4.1. Part of nrb be (.1..-... 14,22) 1&4. A I.T1ta, tatbar of Zar1.1 (110. ).)5) 46. fo p1JI bJ warIdrrJ (1Iagga1 1.6) liS. Storr or t.Ia 49. LaUn ttS' 11017 Sl.4tbtrtb

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Coutal rap_ of ute K1JIor

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apr Olen Boob 1981

, 109








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Come One And All For Fun And Friendship

.'" .

Dear Mary: I am very disappointed In my children. My oldest boy -left college and went into the Air Force. He is painting houses and going for courses at night. The IS-year-old is ooIy interested in girls. I once came bome from a trip with my husband and older son and found the house Uttered with bottles and evidence that the guests had lived in. We do not approve of premarital sex. We do not want to pay tor his college because we feel he wU1 not make it. He feels he has done DOthlng wrong. I wanted a wholesome family. Where did we go wrong? Too permissive? (Delaware) A. You have certainly described well the generation gap. You are ready to give up on your children. They wonder what all the fuss is about. The tone of your letter implies that everything is wrong with your children's behavior. I imagine all parents raising adolescents today have moments when they feel exacftly as you do. However, you, your children and your family can develop and grow only when you focus on strengths rather than disappointments.

Your older son seems admirable. He dropped out of college, probably because he didn't know why he was there or where he was going. He joined the service, probably matured a great deal and developed a sense of direction. Now he is working and going to school. You can certain· ly be proud of him. Your IS-year-old is your problem. He likes girls and he threw a wild party while you were away. While I do not condone his behavior, I can assure you it is quite common. Many nice kids from nice families have thrown wild parties when their parents left for a week or weekend. It has happened to us and to our friends. The availability of an empty house seems almost irresistable to kids between the ages of 17 and 20. The solution is not to give up on your son but to recognize the realities of life with older teens. When you go away, either insist he board with a friend or relative or ask your friends or relatives to live in your house. Your son does not need a baby sitter, but he apparently needs the supervision of someone in the house. You conclude that because your son likes girls and threw a wild party, he won't make it in

college. To me that seems unfair. Instead ask: Does his high school work indicate that he is capable of college work? if you cannot judge, ask a high school teacher or counselor who kno'Ws your son to advise you. Is your son motivated toward college? Does he have at least general goals in mind? Willingness to pay is an excellent indicator of positive motivation. Does he know how he'll finance his college education? Is he willing to work for at least part of his expenses? If you decide to help your son with his college expenses, you have every right to insist he pay part of his expenses and that he get acceptable grades. These requirements alone will limit his opportunities to party. If he fails to live up to your requirements, then you can insist he get his own apartment and job. Don't feel you must hand your son an education (it can't be done), but don't condemn him before he tries. Your older son is doing well. Give your younger son a chance to mature. Questions on family UYing and child care are iDvited. Address to the Kennys c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Papal attacker faces trial

). n .. 4. Ill.lhn.... 5. A tJpa of vbal8 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 1).

A disappointed parent

ROME (NC) - Two Italian not expected to call Pope John judges and six "people's judges" Paul as a witness in the trial will begin hearing evidence July nor to subpoena either of the 20 in Rome to determine whether two wounded tourists, 5S-year. Mehmet Ali Agca, a 23-year-old old Ann Odre of Buffalo, N.Y., Turk, tried to kill Pope John Paul . and 21-year-old Rose Hall, a naII May 13 and, if so, why. tiveof Ayer, Mass., who lives Agca, who was arrested in St. in West Germany. The case is expected to be Peter's Square immediately after the shooting, has been variously based on the testimony of Vatidescribed by Italian and Turkish can and Italian police and of inpolice and experts on terrorist . ternational experts familiar with activities as a rightwing terror- Agca's previous movements and ist, and adherent of Palestinian alleged terrorist ties. Agca, jailed since May 21 at extremist factions and a coldblooded professional killer with Rebibbia maximum security prison on the outskirts of Rome, no political convictions. Agca, a convicted killer who claims he acted alone in the at· has been sentenced to death in tempt but said he was financed Turkey, is charged in Italy with by "friends whom I will not attempted murder of the pope name." In a letter sent in November and two American women wounded in the incident, pos- 1979 to several leading Turkish session of a deadly weapon, newspapers Agca said he was a carrying false documents and Moselem fundamentalist and wanted to kill the pope because lying to police. he saw him as a representative He faces a possible sentence of Western imperialism. of life imprisonment without But Aydin Yaicin, a former possibility of parole, Italy's member of the Turkish National strongest criminal penalty. Assembly and an expert on interPietro D'Ovidio, Agca's at- national terrorism, recently told torney, said he expects the trial the U.S. Senate subcommittee to last only two or three days. on security and terrorism that He was appointed to defend he believes Agca had no religiAgca by the Italian government. ous motivation. He called the Although the crime was com- young Turk "a killer, a professmitted on Vatican City territory, ional assassin." jurisdiction over the case was Beginning July 20, it will be in the hands of Italian authori- the task of the eight-member ties from the moment of his ar- judging body of Rome's Court rest by Italian police in St. of Assizes to sift the conflicting Peter's Square. claims about Agca. They may even agree with A 1929 agreement between the Holy See and the Italian what he told Italian police: "In government gives Italy power to 1977 I was 19 years old and I pass judgments on crimes com- secretly took up relations first with rightwing extremists and mitted at the Vatican. Prosecutor Nicolo Amato is then with those of the left.

Ideology didn't interest me, I was fascinated by action, and I wanted to do something great for the good of mankind."

Prelate endorses Lay Celebration Calling the east coast a vineyard that needs cultivation, Archbishop John F. Whealon has endorsed the third annual National Lay Celebration of Evan· gelization, to be held in Hartford Aug. 21 through 23. "In the eastern and northern areas of the United States are mililons of passive, supine Catholics and unchurched Americans. This is a vineyard that has long been neglected, that is crying out for cultivation. The few evangelization programs so far developed in the northeast USA have shown how ready for evangelization is this overgrown vineyard." Archbishop Whealon added that evangelization is the most important work of the Catholic Church, saying it "stands at the top of the priority list until the end of this millennium and into the future years, decades, centuries, and millennia." Participants for the Hartford celebration, including many from the Fall River diocese, will come from 15 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Over 15,000 people are expected. Registration information can be obtained from Celebration Headquarters, 41 John Street, Waterbury, CT 06708 (tel. 203755-932S).

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., July 9, 1981

ues~tion corner路 By Father John Dietze,n Q. In the Gospel of St. Matthew (Chapter 12:31) Jesus speaks of a sin "against thE! Holy Spirit," which will never be forgiven In this world or III the next. What Is this unforgivable sin? (Fla.) A. This passage alwaY~1 has caused discussion among Christians because it seems to contradict the numerous times Jesus teaches that as long as a sinner is alive there is hope for return to God if the sinner only repents. In fact, the church has officially and formally taught precisely this at least since the year 251, when it condemned a heresy called Novatianism. According to this anti-Christian teaching, anyone who renounced the Christian faith in time of persecution could never come back. The church cl:enied this, saying that repentance is always possible. St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas and many others believed that by the sin against the Holy Spirit, Jesus meant the sin of final unrepentance, which is the refusal to repent of ones rejection of God through a slirious sin, even at the moment of death. ThIs probably is still the most common view, since it is a total final rejection of all the helps the Holy Spirit offers us tel tum away from evil and toward God. Perhaps another way of saying the same thing is that anyone who deliberately and maliciously refuses the help which the Holy Spirit gives us to keep from sin in the first place sins against the Holy Spirit. As St. Thomas says, many gifts of the Spirit are meant to help us avoid s.in in our lives. The gift of hope keeps us from despair. The gift oJ fear of the Lord keeps us from. presuming in the wrong way on God's mercy and love and so on. All these gifts, he tells u,s, are effects of the Holy Spirit within us. When we refuse to hope, when we refuse to acknowledge the majesty and power of God in our lives, we in effect tell the Holy Spirit we don't need,. him and we're in deep trouble. Repentance is impossible because when we're in that frame of mind there cannot be even enough humility for us to admit we have sinned and need repentanl:e at all. Whatever the meaning of this gospel passage may be, thl~ one all-essential truth to reme'mber is that, if we have sinned, God our Father is always there with open arms to receive us back to him, and the Holy Spirit :is always ready to help us go there. Q. I was asked some time ago what was meant by the words. "heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away'" I couldn't answeT it. What Is the meaning of that bibIlcal text? (pa.) A. In this context, heaven does not mean the eternal home of the ~lessed, but the material universe outside of this earth.

Coyle-Cassidy accredited

statement that God created "the heavens and the earth." In other words, the phrase refers to all material creation, which will pass away (at least as we are acquainted with it now) while God's word - his will and his truth -are eternal. The saying of Jesus which you quote occurs in all three synoptic gospels and always in the context of the end of the world. The words were apparently used by people in the very early church as a support for their belief that the end of time would come before the death of many people then alive. (See for example, Mark 13:30-31)

Family Institute. to open in Rome

Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen c/o The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. Mass. 02722.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - One of the goals of the new John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family in Rome will be to study in depth the theoretical and practical aspects of natural family planning, says the institute's president, Msgr. Carlo Caffarra. . Pope John Paul II, who established the new institute May 13, also personally prepared part of its program of studies, said Msgr. Franco Biffi, rector of Rome's Pontifical Lateran University where the institute has been formed.

Bishops deplore divorce law

Archbishop's work examined ROME (NC) - Pope John Paul II will delegate a cardinal to investigate the activities of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's St. Pius X Priestly Fraternity, the Rome daily newspaper, II Tempo, has reported. But Archbishop Lefebvre, 75, suspended from priestly functions in 1976 by Pope Paul VI because he refused to obey papal orders not to ordain priests, said he did not expect an investigator to be appointed until Pope John Paul is fully recovered from the May attempt on his life. Archbishop Lefebvre's troubles with the Vatican began after the Second Vatican Council when he publicly refused to accept council positions on liturgical reform and religious freedom.

parents and friends of the school who have worked very hard to maintain Catholic education in this city." Michael J. Donly, acting principal at the Taunton school, who was evaluation steering committee chairman, commented: We are really pleased and very proud of our school." The accreditation recommendation will be forwarded to the NEASC executive committee for final action 'at their September meeting. Coyle-Cassidy will receive a detailed report on commission findings, which will be used in development and improvement of programs and activities.

Word has been received from the commission on independent schools of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges that Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, has been reommended for 10-year accreditation and membership, the highest given by the association. The recognition followed a one-year school self-study by faculty, students, friends and parents, during which every aspect of its operation was examined and evaluated. Father Richard Beaulieu, outgoing principal, under whose direction the study was completed, said that the accreditation is "a fine tribute to the staff, students,

It is the meaning of the Genesis

MADRID, Spain (NC) - Catholics, 99 percent of Spain's population, cannot in conscience use the country's new law permitting divorce, the nation's bishops said. The first divorce law in Spain in 42 years was enacted by Parliament June 22. It legalizes civil divorce by mutual consent or on grounds including adultery, iengthyimprisonment of one partner or failure to fulfill conjugal duties. "According to their conscience, Catholics cannot make use of the possibilities given them by this law of civil divorce. Those who divorce are placing themselves in an irregular situation before God and the church," the bishops said. They announced that special guidelines were in preparation "to offer orientation according to the Gospel for those in a new situation with whom the church wants to deal as the mother she is."


The institute will offer courses in the philosophical-theological and pastoral aspects of marriage and family life and in the human sciences. Msgr. Caffara said that the basic goals of the institute, to open Oct. IS, are scientific and pastoral. Its basic two-year course will lead to a diploma or a licentiate in theology. It is also open on a full or part-time basis to students who are not working for a degree. A program for a doctrinal degree is to be added later.


TEL. 679-8191 FROM TOP, Sisters Louis Gabriel Cozien and Elizabeth du Saint-Esprit Hebert, 60year jubilarians. and Sister Regina Descoteaux. 50-year jubilarian. recently celebrated those anniversaries of entering the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. Sister Louis served in Fall River 18 years, Sister Elizabeth in New Bedford six years and Sister Regina in Fall River six years. They were feted at ceremonies at the Holy Spirit provincial house in Putnam, Conn. The Great Cause "The person who gives becomes more generous when he feels at the same time benefited by the person accepting his gift; and vice versa, the person who accepts the gift with the awareness that, in accepting it, he too is doing good is in his own way serving the great cause of tlie dignity of the person; and this contributes to uniting people in a more profound manner." Pope John Paul II

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THE ANCHORThurs., July 9, 1981

Lay ministry II

Parish home

By Richard Conklin

By Steve' Gorecki


For the last six years young people and adults in a small northwest suburb of Chicago have been worki.ng toward making their parish a Christian home, filled with love, for all the youth of their community. Called "Branches," the youth ministry program at St. Raymond's parish, Mount Prospect. Ill., developed' from a classroom program into an organization involving more than 300 public and Catholic high school students and some 40 adults. Branches youth minister Barry O'Donnell sees his mission as creating a supportive comArthur and Arlene Quigley with Scouting memorabilia. munity in which to challenge young people and be challenged by them. He also helps youth to reflect together and act in terms of the Gospel. "My main emphasis is on By Father John Castelot the mission involves baptism, There is no denying the clear quality. If we're meeting the not the circumcision of the Jews. Jewish characteristics路 of this needs of the youth, the numbers If the author of the Gospel of will take care of themselves," Matthew used Mark as a re- Such a revolutionary turnabout Gospel, but these flow from its did not take place overnight, it subject matter, such as the relasaid O'Donnell. source, he obviously was writing had to be a gradual, painful pro- tion of the law to Christ, and Branches. is structured, yet after Mark, whose Gospel apcess. the underlying mentality of flexible. The larger organization peared close to the year 70. These are just some of the many of its readers. This blend consists of 19 groups of 10-25 We also should allow some considerations which incline of Greek and semitic traits students of the same high school time for Mark's work to have scholars today to date the Gos- would reflect a rather divided year. An adult couple leads each circulated and become known pel of Matthew sometime in the community, now largely gentile, group, staying with it from and accepted in Matthew's com- '80s, perhaps close to the year but with a considerable number freshman through senior year. munity, which well may have 90. of Jewish Christians. The adults' four-year commitused the Gospel of Mark in its Where would such a group As for the place of composiment builds up a trust which tion, a locality outside Palestine have been located? Probably not enables students路 to talk about liturgy. This would lead to sometime seems most likely. The language far from Palestine. After the fall issues they may not feel free to discuss with their parents, noted around the year 80 for Matthew, of Jewish Christians in first cen- of Jerusalem, many people fled a date confirmed by some pass- tury Palestine was Aramaic, and the ravaged land, but they would O'Donnell. The adults meet with the ages in the Gospel. For instance, our author wrote in very good not have had to go far. Syria Greek. Since the Gospel was di- was just to the north, and Chrisyoung people twice monthly to take the parable Jesus teJas plan activities. The meetings are about the supper the king gave rected to the whole community, tian communities had been there also times when the young peo- for his son. When the guests that community must have been for some time. Tum to Page Thirteen ple can talk over problems or tum down his invitation, the speaking Greek, not Aramaic. king bums their cities. (Matraise questions. Branches meets social needs thew, Chapter 22:7) This may be through activities such as ski a thinly disguised reference to trips, dances, open gyms and the sack of Jerusalem by the ball games. Each month a special Romans in the year 70, with the Mass and a penitential service author giving the impression that they had been jailed in Philippi. By Jansan Manternach are scheduled. The young people it happened some time before. They wondered how the Jewish Paul and Silas were tired. They people here would react. All indications are that Matget together with the larger parish community for parish plays, thew's community was composed had fled from their enemies in "Jesus of Nazareth is the pancake breakfasts and through originally of Jewish Christians, the city of Thessalonica under Messiah," Paul bravely andevoted to the law. But that was cover of darkness. They had nounced. He went on to路 show charitable activities. There are also retreats for the no longer true at the time his walked 50 miles to Beroea. As from the Hebrew Bible that Jesmaller groups as well liS for Gospel was written. Many Gen- they walked into the city they sus was the awaited savior. tiles had become members, with ached with fear and fatigue. Branches as a whole. To his surprise the congregaThey made their way to a "The students have a very resultant tensions and problems tion was not angry. In fact, they positive outlook on youth minis- - all clearly reflected in the friend's house and after a good were excited to hear the good rest to the local Jewish synaGospel. try. They are involved because news about Jesus. By the time we reach the final gogue. they really like it," said O'Don"Paul," an influential man There its leader invited Paul verses of the Gospel, with the nell. The name Branches has a command to "make disciples of to speak to the people. Paul said, "we are impressed with your message. We would like to special history. On a winter re- all the nations," baptizing them, stood up, Silas at his side. hear you again. Maybe you would that what they said Both knew treat one year, students gather- the tension seems to have been ed a bouquet of branches to resolved in favor of a universal might tum the people against meet with us to study the Bible." Paul and Silas were delighted. place on their altar. After the mission - a community reach- them. They had just escaped Tum to Page Thirteen that from Thessalonica. Before ing out to gentiles. Furthermore, retreat, the group decided the program needed a name. One student remembered the symbol at the altar and said emphatically, "We should call ourselves Branches." The name was accepted but never really caught on. Later that winter, the young man who suggested the name died in a tragic accident. The name came to life again as it was realized that it symbolized death, life and growing. Brancltes grows today because young people and adults share the goal of making St. Raymond's a place where they can be at home and grow through Christian love, care and faith. _

When was Matthew written?

For children

know your faith

Arthur Quigley drove home one snowy January day and before pulling into his garage drove up and down the driveway of a neighbor who was away. "No tire tracks invites burglars," he explained. "We try to take care of one another around here." This small gracious act was typical of the 66-year-old University of Notre Dame engineering professor, whose helping spirit for 42 years at St. Joseph Parish in South Bend, Ind., was manifested long before "lay ministry" became a popular term. "Wherever two or more of us were gathered together," recalled one veteran parish activist, "there also was Art Quigley. And if he wasn't, Arlene was." The Quigleys came to social action by a route familiar to many Catholics of their generation, a route that began with liturgy. After the young married couple moved to South Bend in 1942, they were influenced by an equally young Holy Cross priest, Father Michael Mathis. Founder of Notre Dame's liturgical studies program, the priest's efforts presaged much that would come out of Vatican II two decades later. "Father Mathis would gather a small group together on Saturdays to explore the significance to everyday Christian life of the next day's epistle and gospel readings," Quigley remembered. At that time, the Quigleys also were active in the Christian Family Movement, during its formative years. Their four natural children, (they also have been foster parents to six infants and an adolescent) grew up steeped in activities growing from a profound interest in the church's liturgy. The first Advent wreath at St. Joseph's Parish was, for. instance, made by a Quigley. In the wake of Vatican II it was not surprising to find the couple acting as diocesan resource people for churches interested in the new concept of a parish council. Their own involvement in parish activity began with liturgy but soon edged toward social ministry. To both it became ever more clear that love of neighbor had to go into the neighborhood, not stay in the parish hall. The rest is history of service written in parish and neighborhood. Most of the Quigleys work has been done without formal titles, but a brief list of their major responsibilities underlines the scope. They have served as leaders on the parish social justice commission, the Northeast Neighborhood Council, the United Religious Community task forces on neighborhood associations, juvenile and prison reform. The Quigleys also served as members on several committees of community organizations serving the elderly, the poor and the powerless. They played founding roles in parish Boy Tum to Page Thirteen


Ailing archbishop faces uncertain future in China By NC News

Archbishop Dominic Tang YeeMing has left Rome for an uncertain future. In June Pope John Paul II named him to head the Guangzhou (Canton) Archdiocese in China. The 73-year-old archbishop planned to remain at the Jesuit residence in Hong Kong for an unspecified period before returning to Guangzhou. Apostolic administrator of the Guangzhou Archdiocese since 1950, Archbishop Tang left China late last year for surgery in Hong Kong and a lengthy stay in Europe. He received government permission to leave China for a year, but must return within that period. In China, he faces a hostile reception from members of the National Association of Patriotic Catholics, a government-approved body which does not recognize any ties to the Vatican.

-FATHER BILL PETRIE, SS.CC., shown with Mother Teresa of Calcutta at one of her leper refuges in India where he has worked for the past six years, will speak on his experiences at 7 tomorrow night at St. Mary's parish, North Fairhaven. All are welcome to attend.

For children Continued from page twelve "We would love to meet with you," Paul responded. "Let's begin tomorrow." Each day a group met with Paul and Silas. They wanted to be sure that what Paul said about Jesus was true. They studied the Hebrew Bible tl) see if it showed Jesus was the Messiah. Many members of the synagogue came to believe in Jesus. So did many important Greek men and women. The number of Christians in BerOEla grew steadily. But Paul's enemies in Thessalonica heard about all this and sent a task force to Beroea to stir up trouble. A few days later 'When the Thessalonicans arrivEld, they argued with those who had accepted Jesus. They tried to con-

Ministry Continued from Page Twelve Scouts and . PTA and receIved Notre Dame's Niebuhr award for concern for human values. The distinction between the secular and the religious is one the Quigleys have spl~nt much of their life purposely blurring. "To restore all things in Christ has been our motivation," explained Quigley.

vince them that what Paul said was not true. Soon there was great confusion and many people turned against Paul. Paul's friends began to fear that he might be attacked so they provided an escort for him from the city to the sea. There Paul boarded a ship and sailed to safety. His escort stayed with him until they landed at Athens, the most important city in Greece. "Go back quickly to Beroea and tell Silas and Timothy to join me as soon as possible."

Since his appointment as head of the Guangzhou Archdiocese, government and patriotic association spokesmen have made him, the Vatican and the pope the target of frequent attacks. Father Liu Gianchang, a priest of the Guangzholl Archdiocese, '.iescribed Archbishop Tang as "an unforgivable, shameless criminal" because of his nearly 22 years of imprison. ment for alleged anti-government activities under the Chinese communist regime. In Hong Kong, the pro-Peking newspaper, Wen Wei Po, said that delegates from the Guangzhou patriotic association decided to strip Archbishop Tang of his see and his vice chairmanship of the association. Asked to comment, Archbishop Tang said: "I was surprised to hear I was made vice chairman ... because that is an

office that I can never be responsible for. I am more than amazed now to know that they have taken away that title from me." Asked if the Vatican consulted with Chinese authorities about his appointment, the archbishop answered: "Frankly I don't know, But I would say it was extremely unlikely in view of the lack of relations between the two sides." "I am ready to return to China but it cannot be done by me alone." he added. The archbishop, though, said he believes the "difficulties will be overcome." Pope John Paul's appointment of Archbishop Tang was originally seen as evidence of further improvement in Vatican-Chinese relations. He had been expected to become the only active member of the Chinese Catholic hierarchy to be recognized by both the Vatican and the communist government. The Vatican government marked the first time since 1955 that a pope had named a Catholic archbishop for China. There are currently eight other bishops living in China whose appointments were made by the Holy See. They range from 80-year-old Bishop Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei of Shanghai, who has been in prison since 1955, to 71-year-old Bishop Francis Wang Hsueh-Ming of Suiyuan, an ardent supporter of the patriotic association and a married man. The Vatican has had no official comment on the criticism within China of the Archbishop Tang appointment. But the elderly Chinese prelate seems determined to take up his new duties. "After all that time in prison, I don't think anything would scare that man," said a Jesuit official in Rome.


THE ANCHORThurs., July 9, 1981


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Matthew Continued from page twelve In fact, an urban center like Antioch would be a most likely spot. Jewish Christians who settled in rural areas would have been likely to preserve their identity and retain their mother tongue, just as immigrants to our own farming areas have done. But in a place like Antioch they would have had to become Greek-speaking to survive, and here, too, gentiles would have found their way into the community. All of these clues suggest strongly that the Gospel of Matthew was written between 80 and 90 in Syria, very probably in a center such as Antioch.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jvly 9, 1981


A man set ;apart


TORONTO (NC) - Terry Fox, 22, the one-legged runner who raised millions for cancer research by running halfway across Canada, "taught us a lesson that God himself has tried to teach us from the beginning - that your worth is within you," said Cardinal G. Emmett Carter of Toronto. Cardinal Carter's statement was read by Auxiliary Bishop Leonard Wall of Toronto in St. Michael's Cathedral at a special Mass for Fox, who died of can· cer June 28 in New Westminster, British Columbia. Cardinal Carter, recovering from a stroke, could not attend the Mass. The young man, who lost a leg to cancer in 1977, began his Marathon of Hope, an attempted run across Canada on April 12, 1980, when he dipped his artificial leg into the Atlantic Ocean at Newfoundland. He had! run 3,200 miles when he was forced to abandon his marathon near Thunder Bay Ontario, in midsummer after cancer spread to his lungs. "Terry taught us that whatever the odds, whatever the loss, whatever the pain, whatever the defeat, we can manage," Cardinal Carter said. "It is not our suffering that is important. It is what we do about it because of who we are. "Terry Fox was a man set apart. He chose to be the best possible person he could be." A private funeral service for Fox was held July 2 in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, his hometown. Fox was a member of the United Church of Canada. He told cheering thousands in Toronto last July that his marathon was not "nearly as hard as the struggle being faced by hundreds of cancer patients in this country." It was estimated that his run raised $24 million ($20 million U.S.) for cancer research. He was named Canadian of the Year in 1980 by the Canadian press and also became the youngest person ever to receive the Order of Canada, the nation's highest civilian award. In Ottawa, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau said, "Canadians mourn the passing of a YOUDfl man whose courage and awesome determination inspired this country as no one else has ever done." The Canadian gOYemment ordered that flags be flown at half mast on all government buildings in honor of Fox and announced that it would issue a stamp commemorating his cross-country run. The Canadian Cancer Society and ama~eur sports groups scheduled a nationwide "Terry Fox Run" for'Sept. 13 to raise money for cancer research and said they expected more than 3 mil-

on youth


lion Canadians, 12 percent of the population, to take part. Fox was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and raised in the Vancouver suburb of Port Coquitlam. His father is a railway switchman and his mother managed a card shop until recently. In high school Fox shared the Male Athlete of the Year award with his best friend, Doug Alward, who accompanied him on the marathon. At Simon Fraser University, Fox studied kinesiology, the science of human movement and reflexes. Early in 1977, he complained of pain in his right leg and three days later doctors amputated it above the knee. He became a thin boy in a wheelchair until his former basketball coach gave him an article about a one-legged man who ran in the New York Marathon. Then Fox began to build his body and perfect the stride that came to be called the "Fox Trot." Survivors include his parents, two brothers and a sister.

Dean's List Dean's list students at Salve Regina/Newport College include Roger Bisaillon and Richard Maiming, New Bedford; Susan Mis and Lana Jean Moniz, Fall River; Filomena Botelho, Attleboro; Lisa Brazil, South Dartmouth; Karen Pragana, Westport; and Patricia Wilson, Berkley.

By Cecilia Belanger What has remained with me with regard to the shooting of Pope John Paul is his act of forgiveness. That is what coherence of the word of God meant to me in this near-tragedy. The word Christian has be· come ambivalent in recent years when applied to electronic preacher-hucksters. But I think the pope exemplified what Christ was talking about, standing as a person for whom elementary truth has to do with the speedy forgiveness of God. Perhaps the shooting has put into action words that were hanging in the air. Forgiveness of the would-be assassin, referring to him as "br~ther" brought to our troubled times a dimension we have been seeking. Mercy and truth, love and forgiveness seemed arrayed against the evil of principalities and powers. We have been experiencing what some have called "lost dominion," brokenness, violence, indescribable chaos. Pope John Paul seems to have restored identity to the hopeless and the lost. We live in an era when everything seems upside down and inside out, with meanings opposite from what they appear. St. Paul spoke often of the appar-

ent reign of the power of death in the era of the fall. But he also spoke of the power of love, and this, too, the pope spoke of as stronger than hate or death. The biblical witness feels like an alien, often finding himself in a hostile environment. Jesus warned us of this. We encounter wolves in sheep's clothing and we suffer their existence as human beings like ourselves who have to be forgiven. This never means that we approve of their hostile acts, but as Pope John Paul has shown us, it proves that we have learned our Christian lessons well. He has shown us that we must live in a way which transcends the reign of death, the reign of tigers and.wolves, because the resurrection is a hope to be fulfilled for the whole of creation, including the principalities and powers. I think that all these things that have been happening, the shootings, the corruption, are an offshoot of a particular kind of climate in our country. Few people get into a serious discussion of our purpose on earth. "Why am 1 here?" is not a question too often asked. 1 have pondered why this is so. Do we take the question of purpose for granted? Are we

By Charlie Martin

WALKING ON THIN ICE .Walking on thin ice I'm paying the price for throwing the dice in the air Why must we learn it the hard way And play the game of life with your heart. I gave you my knife You gave me my life like a gush of wind in my hair Why do we forget what's been said And play the game of life with our hearts. I may cry ~ome day But the tears' wiD dry whichever way And when our hearts return to ashes It'll be just a sto-o-ory It'll be just a story. "I knew a girl Who tried to walk across the lake 'Course it was winter and all this was ice That's a hell of a thing to do you know They say this lake is as big as the ocean I wonder if she knew about it." written and sung by Yoko 000, (e) 1980. 1981 by Lenono Music, administered by Geffen-Kaye Music

embarrassed to ask such a question? Is it too philosophical or too sophomoric? Or too mushy? "Let's get on with living," most people will say," and never mind asking those questions." Kant however, put three questions forward: Who am I? What can 1 do? What shall I hope for? We could add an old rabbinical saying: "If I am not for myself, who will be? If 1 am for myself only, what am I? If not now, when?" The query "If 1 am for myself only, what am I?" suggests that one's personal future is not merely and perhaps not even mainly one's own; our personal futures are connected to thE: futures of others and it is that connection we must come to understand. T. S. Eliot wrote a wonderful essay on how his own creativity arose from that of all the poets who had gone before him; there· fore no one was truly independent. As prayers continue to be offered for the Holy Father it is good to remember those things he exemplifies: love, forgiveness, and courage. From Jesus he has learned not to be dominated by fear.

BY 'IlI1N ICE is meant the ex· perience of life, which can seem shaky and uncertain. We can understand how the death of John Lennon shook Yoko Ono's stability, but is life really just a perilous walk over a partially frozen ocean-sized lake? This song seems to imply that life is a matter of chance and the singer is "paying the price for throwing the dice." But we can in fact make choices, may· be not always perfect, but by thinking things through we can increase our opportunity to build fulfillment and meaning into life. One who chooses has more than luck on his or her side. Sometimes we hold back from making a choice, perhaps be· cause we have not yet decided what we want. Other times, proceeding cautiously lets us con· tinue choosing. Whatever the case, when we make choices we should listen to both head and our heart. Thus neither fear nor luck will dominate us. Life holds many surprises, some of which will be painful, but we should live with more and more trust in ourselves and God. We are not walking alone, and life becomes a dice game only if we choose to live it that way.

THE ANCHOR ,.. Thurs., July 9, 1981

8y Bill Morrissette

ports watch Spartanettes Dominate All-star Team With one exception girls' tennis all-star team selel:ted by the New Bedford'Standard-Times is made up entirely of Bishop Stang High players. On the singles team at'l~ junior Nicki Demakis and her sister, freshman Lisa Demakis, and sophomore Elise -Bilodeau. They are joined by Jane Sullivan, Somerset High sophomore. The Spartanettes captured both doubles slots. Junior Chris Clancy and senior Mary Johnson make up the number one doubles team while the number two team has junior Desiree Burba and sophomore Julie McLaughlin. It will be recalled that Stang captured the state crown on the number one team's 6-2, 1-6, 7-6 victory over Revere in the final match that gave Stang a 3-2 vic-

tor and the state championship; Miss SuJlivan, the only female on the Somerset High tennis team, had the best record, 14-3, as number two singles player in the Southeastern Mass. Conference Division West. She was named to the division's boys' allstar team. Senior John Sheridan of Bishop Connolly High School was named to the boys' singles allstar team along with senior John Tavares, Somerset High, senior Justin McCarthy of Durfee High and senior Gil Texeira of New Bedford High. The number one doubles team has seniors Joe Fournier and Skip Simmons of New Bedford High with Durfeeites Scott Drewett and John Ducette named the number two doubles team.

Maplewood IseyO Leader Entering this week's play during which the league reac:hes the halfway mark in its regular schedule, Maplewood was setting ·the pace with a 7-2 record. South End, 1-4, was the runnerup, followed by Somerset 5-4, North End 5-6, Kennedy 4-6 and Central 0-6. As the league concludes its fifth week of play tonight Somerset and Kennedy meet a:t 6 and Maplewood opposes Central at 8:15 at Thomas Chew Memorial Park, Fall River. There are no games scheduled, until Sunday night when it wiJ) be Central vs. South Endl, ~orth End vs. Kennedy. The lone game Monday ·night lists Some,rset vs. NOJ'ith End. Three games are on tap for Wednesday night. At Chew Park Central will oppose North End and South End clashes with Maplewood while Somerset is host to South End at Somerset High's Hanson Memorial Field. A highlight of last week's play was the no-hitter pitched by Tony Borosso in North E:lld's 2-0 victory over Central. Borosso

struck out 16 batters in his superb mound effort. Two games last week ended in ties and will be rescheduled later. North End and Maplewood played a scoreless 10-inning game highlighted by outstanding pitching performances by Doug Houde of Maplewood and Steve Ogden of North End. Houde gave up only one hit, Ogden yielded four and struck out 20. In the other tie game it was Cenitral 3 Somerset 3 making the first 'game in which Central did not lose. Incidentally, Ogden, formerly of .Durfee and now at Bridgewater State College, ranked seventh in strikeo\lts in the NCAA Division Three with 10.8 per game. He will again be on the mound ne~t season at Bridgewater and could possibly set a new record for career wins at the college. Already with 11 wins he is only two back of the record 13 by Glenn Chatterton, now an assistant coach at the college.

Some Miscellaneous Bits LAST CALL: Monday is the deadline for pre-entry in the second annual 4.7 mile Mount Carmel Festival road race to be held at 6:30 p.m. July 18 from the Mount Carmel Church grounds, Lincoln Street and ROILite 44, Seekonk. Interested? Contact Frank Mooney, 60 Cynth~SI Street, Seekonk, Mass. 02771 Being a national class karate champion should inspire selfconfidence. One such champion is Ms. Judy Larkins, a llicensed practical nurse on the lrtaff of the Sacred Heart Nursinl~ Home in New Bedford, where :she has been employed for the lust four years. At th~ recent Natioml1 AAU Karate Championships at Barn-

stable High School she was the only competitor in her class, the senior women's advanced division, to win three medals: a Silver In kumite or controlled fighting, a bronze in kata or prearranged forms and a silver in weapons kata or pre-arranged forms using weapons.

tv, movie news Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic: Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectilmable In part for everyone; A4-separate classfficatioll {given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanationl: C--condemned.

New Films "Dragonslayer" is the story of Galen (peter MacNicol), who responds to a plea that he slay a fierce dragon in place of his master, Ulrich the Sorcerer, who dies unexpectedly. The delegation asking his aid is headed by a youth who is actually a disguised maiden, a device hit upon by her father to save her from the dragon's clutches, since he demands a semi-annual sacrifice of virgins. The maiden, Valerian (Caitlin Clarke), soon falls in love with Galen with the predictable outcome. Although this is a DisneyParamount production, a gory sequence involving a death, other violence and some nudity, rate it A3 and PG classifications. "Escape from New YOlk" (Av'CO Embassy): This futuristic fantasy is set in a Manhattan Island which has been turned into a kind of Devil's Island for incorrigible criminals. By chance the president (Donald Plesance) falls into the hands of the inmates, and police. commissioner Lee Van Cleef sends in a cynical, disiUusioned war hero .(Kurt Russell) to bring him out. A dull, derivative, simple-minded movie. Because of its violence, it is rated A3, R. ~For Your Eyes Only" (United Artists): This latest James Bond adventure has to do with a sunken British spy ship, but the flimsy plot is only a pretext to string together a dozen or so spectacular stunt sequences. Roger Moore is in good form as Bond and French actress Carole Bouquet and Lynn-Holly Johnson play two of the disposable women who are a fixture in his world. Also prominent are the usual violence and sophomoric cynicism. Because of these elements, together with an extended underwater nude sequence, it is rated B, PG.

"Fox and Hound" (D1sDeyBuena Vista): A fox and hound

raised as friends confront the consequences of the roles assignWestport High School's soccer ed them by man and nature. For team will meet three diocesan young children, "Fox and schools in Southeastern Mass. Hound" is pleasant entertainConference play in the fall. They . ment. The usual Disney sentiopen at home to Holy Family on mentality and cloying cuteness Sept. 15, entertain Bishop Stang will put off older and more deon Oct. 2 and Bishop Connolly manding viewers, however. A on Oct. 19. Away, they go fight with a huge bear seems unduly violent for' very young against Holy Family on Oct. 22, or very susceptible children. Stang on Oct. 16 and Connolly With this reservation, it is rated AI, G. on Nov. 2.

"Stripes" (Columbia): Billy Murray stars in the latest service comedy spawned by "Private Benjamin." "Stripes" is a mediocre affair with only scattered laughs and an occasional serious bit. Because of rough language, sexual promiscuity and nudity it has been classified R.

Man and Gospel "Everything that has to do with man belongs to the Gospels." - Bishop Mauro MoreJli, Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Films on TV Friday, July 10, 9 p.m. (ABC) - "Robin and Marlan" (1975) Sean Connery and Audrey Hepburn star as Robin Hood and Maid Marian some 20 years after their youthful adventures in Sherwood Forest. Robert Shaw plays the Sheriff of Nottingham. The stars are good but the mood of the picture is confused. Some violence and a sympathetically viewed suicide. A3, PG. Friday, July 17, 9 p.m. (NBC) - "The Other Side of the Mountain, Part 0" (1978) - ' Marilyn Hassett stars as Jill Kinmont, a champion skier crippled in a tragic accident, in this sequel which takes up the events leading to her marriage to John Boothe (l'imothy Bottoms). Like the original, it is too glossy and sentimental, but Miss Hassett's fine performance makes it worth seeing. A sequence involving premarital sex makes it mature material. A3. PG. Saturday, July 18, 9 pm. (CBS) - ''The Manitou" (1978) - A 500-year-old Indian medicine man comes back to life and wreaks havoc in this inept horror film starring Tony Curtis and Susan Strasberg. Nudity and violence. B, PG. ReUgious Broadcasting

Sunday, July 12, WLNE Channel 6, 10:30 a.m_, Diocesan Television Mass. "Confluence," 8 LID. each Sunday, repeated at 6:30 a.m. each Tuesday on CbaJmel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director of social services; Rev. Dr. Paul Gillespie, of the Rhode Island State Council of Churches; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. Sunday, July 12, 12:36-1:00 p.m. (ABC) "Directions," reports on Cardinal Paulo Ams of Sao Paulo and the controversy surrounding his drive to improve the living and working conditions of his people in ''Towards a New Brazil: A Cardinal and His People."


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Grant to Miami MIAMI (NC) - A donation of $100,000 to the Archdiocese of Miami to assist in training Puerto Rican priests has been made by the Catholic Church Extension Society. The archdiocese has been underwriting the preparation of men for the priesthood in Puerto Rico for some time and has about 40 Puerto Rican students in its two seminaries.


II ....... • AIrJIrt lilt)



p.m. in the shrine. Father John R. FoIster, pastor, will be the novena preacher on the theme "Living Stones Built on the Cornerstone Christ."

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fdll River-Thurs., July 9, 1981


.re liked to submit n.ws Items for thIs column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, F.II Rlv.r. 02722. N.m. of city or town should III Includ.d .s w.1I .s fUll dates of III Icllvltles. 1'1.11. send n,ws of future rather than past .vents. Note: We do not carry n.ws of fundralsln, Ictlvltles such IS bln,os, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazalrs. We ar. hippy to carry notices of spiritual prolrams. Club meetings, youth prol.cts Ind similar nOllproflt activities. Fundralsln, prolects may be advertised It our re,ular rates obtainable from Th. Anchor business Office. telephon. 675.7151.

SEPARATED & DIVORCED, CAPE COD AREA Plans for next year's program will be discussed at 7 p.m. Wednesday at St. Anthony's rectory on Route 28, East Falmouth. All former participants and prospective new members are invited.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, GREATER FALL RIVER Members and families will attend Benediction at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 19, at St. Vincent de Paul Camp, Westport. A meeting and refreshments will follow.

HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Father James SMA, will speak this weekend on African missions munity.

Conferences should send ballots for national president to Charles Rozak, 230 Brown St., South Attleboro 02703, by Monday, July 20.

ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER The 40th ordination anniversary of Father Jean-Dominique Pare, OP, will be marked at 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. A dinner will follow at White's restaurant. The annual solemn novena in honor of Good St. Anne will begin Friday, July 17, with devotions held daily at 3 and 7:30

Members are asked to remember the continuing need of secondhand furniture for needy families. Any St. Vincent de Paul '. store may be called for pickup service.



ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Vounteer workers on a tapestry depicting Our Lady of Czestochowa may come to the school to pick up work assignments from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday of next week. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and a holy hour will be conducted from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. each Friday of July in the chapel of Our Lady. ST. ANTHONY, TAUNTON The annual parish feast will be held the weekend of July 24 through 26, with an offertory procession at 6:45 p.m. Friday and the feast Mass celebrated at 11 a.m. Sunday, followed at 2 p.m. by a solemn outdoor procession, homily and Benediction.

ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD A schedule of forthcoming parish events is in preparation and will be distributed at the beginning of September as a planning aid for parishioners. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN !New parishioners are asked to register at the rectory. All are encouraged to pray for the sick and shut-ins of the parish. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Father Francis Ryan, SJ, will preach at all Masses next weekend on behalf of the Jesuit foreign missions. First Eucharist certificates and "family flowers" are available at the religious education office.


--l~4{?' ~0.. .

E. Robertson, at all Masses behalf of the of his com-

ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA Knights of the Altar will spend this evening in Lincoln Park. Choir members will hold a picnic Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cardinal.

CATHEDRAL CAMPS, EAST FREETOWN Rev. Leonard Mullaney, director of Cathedral Camp for boys and Our Lady of the Lake Camp for girls, both day camps, announces that the boys' camp is filled to capacity for all periods except the last, beginning Aug. 17. The girls' camp has limited openings for each of the next three periods. Further information is available at the camp office, 763-8874.




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Everything Continued from Page One area, but will eventually need separate housing as well as assistance in establishing themselves in the community. Most will speak little or no English, noted Mr. Hornsby, but some interpreting will be available. . Volunteers may be asked for such help ali driving, advice on purchases, locating household needs and finding housing. They will assume no legal responsibilities, since the refugees are sponsored by various agencies, including the Migration and Refugee Services of the U.S. Catholic Conference, the largest resettlement agency in the world. The family first expected con· sists of a husband, wife and four children, a young man of 22 and young women ages 21, 18 and 12. All will need clothing and it is noted' that Indochinese are slight of build and require small sizes. It is likely that the newcomers will have stories very similar to that of the eight-member Lim family which came to Fall River two years ago. They range in age- from Chien Chimg, a 69year-old grandmother, to Chin Jouy, 14, who has learned English well enough to enter regular ninth grade classes this September. From 1975 to 1979 the Lims were in a forced labor camp in Cambodia, receiving for food only one-half cup of rice each per day. From there they escaped to a Thai refugee camp where they waited six months to be sponsored for entry to the U.S. Mrs. Mancini said that donations of clothing and furniture may be brought to the Social Services office at 783 Slade Street, Fall River, from 9 a.m. to 5 p:m. any weekday. She added that volunteers interested in helping the refugees personally may contact her at 674-4681.





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