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Peaceful World



Pope's Pax Romana Talk Hits at Isolationism By Donald McDonald Pope Pius XII's address last week to Pax Romana, the international movement of Catholic intellectuals dedicated to world peace, should quiet, for a while at least, the shriil' :voices of those American Catholic isolationists and xenophobes who have ,been pre, tending, for a number of done this with reference to the ears now that their strang'e further Question of an organized "world community." In other Y notion of in~ernational rela­ words, the Pope does not stop to

tions is the, only one to which loyal Americans and orthodox C@-tholics can subscribe. Despite over­ whelming evi­ dence from the

Vatican to the ~

contrary, such 1-;'

Catholic' publi­ cations as, The

Tidings of Los


Angeles, Wanderer of st. Paul, Tablet of Brooklyn, and periodic editorials by Father Ginder in Our Sunday , Visitor have sought to convince their readers that:' 1) The United Nations is doomed because it, is not a for­ mally Christian organization; 2) ThoSe w 0 l' k 1'n g towards world federalism are nothing but despicable 'one - worldeJ:s' who are -either stupid or traitorous; 3) In any event, Catholics have no business working with nonCatholic and non-religious per­ 80ns towards any kind of even a limited world federation which, like the U. N., is foredoomed to failure because of. its religiously pluralist foundations. Vatican Attitude


As I say, there has been literalIy overwhelming evidence from the Vatican contrary to the above position. The fact that the Holy Fathe~ has given monetar'y donations to various' U. N. welfare agencies; that he has al~ays greeted U. N. personnel warmly and sympathe­ tically and encouragingly; that the Vatican has for years main­ tained official observers in such organizations as UNESCO; and that the Pope has spoken out not only on behalf of the U. N., but also, as in 1951 and again in December, 1953. in favor of a federated world community for the purpose of effectively outJawing international war and armament races _ I say, the fact that such evidence has been both plain and 'abundant has not de­ terred the isolationist sowers of fear and suspicion in our midst. These people simply do not ad­ vert to the Holy Father's ,words' or actions which are nothing more nor less than re-statements of the Church's traditional teaching on the natural law and positive law so far as they relate to international life. 0

Pope's Answer There comes now Pius XII's most recent address to Pax Ro­ mana. Fearlessly. the, Pope asks the critical Question: Can Catho­ lic intellectuals, who adhere to a body of doctrine as given- them by the infallible magisterium of the Church.. collaborate in the service of the world community in institutions where God is not' expressly recognized as author 811d legislator of the universe?' The Pope's answer: Such_Catll­ oIlcs not only can. they must. work toward this world com­ munity which. he says, lsstill In formation. . The Pope distinguished be­ tween various levels of coopera­ tion open to CatholicS in the situation he presents. I am awatt­ ing the complete text of this lmportant talk and when it arrives. I shall pass along here, the Holy Father's distin~tions. Organized World Communi.ty The fundamental point noVl is that the Pope has given a general -affirmative answer to the Q.ues­ ti6n of Cathollcs collaborating with unbelievers. And he has

"argue" whether or not such a world community, is needed. He assumes it is needed. He does not concede that the' world com­ munity issue is any longer argu­ able. From the news story of his Pax Romana address, we can gather some of the reasons advanced 'by the Pope for Catholic collabora-' tion with unbelievers in the cause of'world peace and an effectively organized world community. For the Christian, he says, ';all men are his brothers, not only by virtue of the unity of origin and participation in the same nature. but also in a more pressing man­ ner through their common call­ ing to a supernatw'al life. Valid Common Good "Minds free of prejudices and passions," continues the Pope, "can come ,to an agreement and help each other in behalf of a real and valid common good, for healthy reasoning suffices to es~ tablish bases of the, rights of peoples, to recognize the inviol­ able character of the person. dignity of the family, and pre­ rogatives and limits of publio authority. \ "This ·.is why cooperation of Catholics is desirable in all insti­ tutions which, 'in theory and ,practice,A' respect natural law. They will seek to maintain insti­ tutions in the proper line of action and to play a helpful rOle through their presence." Supernatural M:oti~ation Does anything in his Pax Romana talk contradict what the Pope has said in recent years about, the ihdispensabillty of the "Christian spirit" in world peace ' organizations? I think not. He reminds Catholics that they should always keep in mind "the' highest goal" as they work with others for world peace. "For a Christian, the will of Christ ie the ultimate reason of his choices and decisions .. ." That is, while unbelievers may have their sights 'lowered to a natural horizon. the Christian. with supernatural motivations, can and must collaborate "on be­ - half of a real and valld common good .. ." Catholic Isolationists Though the unbellever may be in pursilit of simply "pure rea­ "son," the Catholic must cooper­ ate with him. And in any event. this exclusive peoccupation with the rational can, reminds the Holy Father. mark the coming of God in the hearts and· social institutions of the unbellevers. In the beginning of t~is piece; I cited. several publications noted for their unbending isolationism. I did so, not to' embarrass those publications (a difficult and pro- ' fltless task), but to remind read­ ers (who may drowsily think the Pope 18 stating obvious truth;;) tl)at a ,vociferous segment of American Catholicism remains unconvinced: And, too often, those outside the Church. con­ fusing loudness with atuhorita­ tiveness. think It 18 this minority segment which speaks for the Church on international matters.


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ST. PETER·S. • WORCESTER (NC) - The SOUTH DIGHTON health of the spirit of the soul Holy Name Society members ,can influence bodily health in' wlll receive Holy Communion, in an important way and degree. a body at the 8:111 Mass Sunday. 'A complete analysis of the heart speciallst Dr. Paul'Dudley problems connected with protect­ White said at a testimonial here ing the lives of people within & honoring Bishop John J. Wright given area was presented the parish men at' their monthly of Worcester. He r said "if we can neutralize. meeting by Lt. Charles Lundberg of the Dighton-Swansea Nike in­ as is certainly sometimes pos­ stallation. Movies were shown to sible, the unfavorable effects of demonstrate 'points of the ofti­ pessimism, impatience, anger, ,cer's talk. grief and pain by the inculcation by churchmen -or anyone else of SANTO CHRISTO. positive virtues, we have one of FALL RIVER the best relationships possible Children of Mary Sodality wlll ,between the psyche and the observe its May feast SundIW soma." with Mass alid Holy Communion .He said that "less is known of at·8. Afternoon ceremonies will the mechanism of the beneficial include a procession, admission influence of the positive virtues of new members and Benediction. and of joyful events on health. Mrs. Carolyn B. Manning, past but we doctors have had experi­ Regent of the Daughters of Isa­ ence with the helpful effects of bella will be principal speaker at such factors as optimism, cour­ the banquet for mothers an'd age,' patience, reassurance, and daughters at 6 in Hotel Mellen. of faith, hope and' charity on OUR LADY OF LOURDES. health and disease." TAUNTON Dr. White declared that "hap­ plly there is an opportunity In Brownie Troop 3:1 observed its southeastern Italy at San Gio­ first birthday anniversary at a. vanni Rotondo to make Ii" study" mother and daughter pot luck of the best relationships possible supper with Girl Scout Troop 6. between the psyche and the , Highlight was the presentation soma, "if it can be scientifically of a I;lirthday cake in the form set up." of a Maypole surrounded by 31 "Next door to the monastery Brownie dolls. Mrs.' Carol SilvIa where Padre Pio (an Italian related the story of Juliette Low. stigmatic) receives and treats Father Oliveira gave the invoca­ ' with his spiritual guidance and tion. cheerful common sense thous­ ands of pilgrims who come to him,-:ST. JEAN THE BAPTIST. from all parts of the world. there FALL RIVER is a beautiful new hospital with Rev. Thomas M; Landry. O.P.• the most up-to-date laboratory was guest speaker at the third equipment for the study and annual Communion breakfast treatment of the physical ail-' sponsored by the Women's Gulll1 ments of the pilgrims and neigh­ following the 7 o'clock Mass Sun­ borhood' population." day. Rev. Leonidas Lariviere gave the benediction.

State Prison Work Gains Conversions ANAMOSA (NC) - Dedication ceremonies for the new chapel at the Imen•s Iowa reformatory here were 'held with Archbishop Leo Binz of Dubuque. officiating. He dedicated the chapel, offered a Pontifical Mass and adminster­ ed the Sacrament 'of Confirma­ tion. The new chapel was necessi­ tated by the increased attend­ ance at religi0!1s services growlni out of the appointment of a r • 8 ide n t chaplain last year. Father, Cyril Engler. chaplain. repOrted the chapel work was done by Inmates of all faiths. All 23 members' of the Confir­ mation class were converts.

Michael E. O'Rourke



Proceeds of a bazaar to be held this Summer by the Women's Guild of the two parishes will help defray expenses of the new' kindergarten to be opened 1n September. Rev. David O'Brien, pastor of both churches and spir­ itual adviser of the guild, has an· nounced 211 chHdJ.'en have been registered for the opening. Other activities of the organi­ zation include a paper pickup

May 18 and a cake sale Ma.y 26

in the new parish hall at Buz­

zards Bay.

OUR LADY PERPETUAL BEI.P. NEW BEDF.()RD Very Rev. Nor bel' t Zonca. O.FM. Conv.. pastor, has an• nounced the purchase of build· 1ngs on North Front Street and Potvin Court for parish use. One building will be converted into a CYO center, another wlll ,be us~d for storage of parish property and a third wlll be razed to make room for a parKing lot. ' ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Elizabeth Giblin and Mrs. Emily Gobeil are co-chairmen of the committee planning a whist party to be held Wednesday. May 22, under auspices of Monsignor Noon Circle. Refreshments wlll be served and prizes awarded. ~ Next regular meeting of the Circle is Wednesday, ¥ay 15.

ST. ANTHONY', OF PADUA. FALL RIVER The 'crowning of a May Queen will be the highllght 'of the May Ball to be sponsored by the Council of Cathollc Women of St. Anthony of, Padua Church at 8 Satw'day night at Stevenson's. Dartmouth. . CandIdates must be attired in formal gowns. Senator Mary L. Fonseca wlll preside. The semi-formal ball is under the chairmanship of Mrs, Ruth Ferreira with' MIss Mary Vas­ concellos as ~ubliclty chairman.

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