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THE ANCHORThurs., March 23, 1967


Prelate Starts

ST. PAUL (NC) - The Bible is measured more by what a reader gets from it, than as a spectacle of epic

Education Drive

heroes, big ideas and gigantic € h emes, a professor of theology and Semitic languages said here. Speaking at the College of St. Thomas, Father Roland E. Mur­ phy, O. Carm., of the Catholic University of America, Washing­ ton, D. C., said that biblical spir­ ituality is contained on the read­ er's response and application of word of God more than in Scripture's stories themselves.' Experimenting with his audi­ ence, Father Murphy shouted, "Jonah," and got the immediate ar;lswer, "whale." He said ,that 'this is a typical response, but one which misses the point of the Book of Jonah completely. ,',' He called the book a "satire about a bigoted prophet," and said that he probably would d,is­ agree with those who believed that Jonah actually lived. He said, however, that one has a right to hold this view, and ti!-at the question of private interpre­ tation is' not the issue. ' If the reader is only interested iii" the "fact" of Jonah, Father , Murphy said,' he has missed. t~e

lLOS ANGELES (NC)-James Francis Cardinal McIntyre has started a $5 million Youth Edu­ ~ation Fund Drive to expand high school facilities, reduce op­ erating and building deficits. "Over and above our own school problem" we are con­ cerned for the welfare of our inner city parishes," the cardinal told pastors. "To a growing de­ gree they must, become the re­ sponsibility in brotherly charity of the whole archdiocese." The last such campaign, con­ ducted in 1963, resulted in $15 million in high school construc­ tion, with seven new schools and additions to 15 others. The current campaign will meet some of the $6 million in construction . subsequent to the last drive and help defray last year's $1.6 million operating deficit.




Reader Response Key to Bible


CORN FOR D][NNER: Corn's a popular menu item on both sid~s of the border, Siste'r Claire Marie discovers as she investigates backpack'ofvillag,e.woman in Guanay, Bolivia. Fall River Sister is school principal and catechist in, Bolivian ~ission, has been there since last February.

:~tr;~ ~~n:;o:~y~~o~~::':: :..$ister Clai~e Matw Finds

goodness and mercy of God. ;" ' ,,:, .' Father Murphy, who was. a

"~;~: ~~~::~:;rs~~o~~l~as~~:~~~


M- -




Adventure" ,Aplenty' G B' Z- ­ uanay,,: () f,VUl

S" 'f,n Sister Claire Marie of the' 1VIissi~nary Sisters of the ImMaculate' Conception, daugh- . , ter of Mrs. Josephine Just, Notre Dame parish, Fall River, is an enthusiastic booster of of revelation-Scritpure and tl"ll­ her ho.m.e Diocese, and she ~an~ges t~ fi~d fellow members of it ev~n i~ the far reaches dition." He said that the two co­ of Bohvla. She reports on her dISCOVerIes In, a letter to The Anchor: It IS a small world, here, and that, "one reads the • d dR' tl· book' , ' , In ee.. ecen y lll1 a .. , ][- I"ng J"ust before reachl'ng La Paz the truck stop at 5 p.m. In Boli­ word in the light of tradition. ..,, 'store In La Paz, Bohvla, airport, the highest in the world. 'vian time this could mean earlier met a priest who !knows Fr. ][ shall' never forget our last or it could mean later, so we left James E. Murphy (the first trip by plane. It was probably Gaanay e~r1Y. By the way, th~re "',,,

said the ecumenical council cHd. DOt settle "the question, of whether there arE: two sources

Donates Fogarty Papers to PC

'priest from the Fall River Di- f?rtunate t~at the road c~nstrucocese to, serve in Latin America bon termmated and It was 'a member of the Society of ope~ed w public use. We were , " ~~OVIDENCE (NC) ~ ,'q1e ,5t, ,'fames). I discovered from all ~et.~o go, some 12 passengers ,p';I,lbllc papers, of the late Rep.. ,our' conversation he is also.in ,in ,all,. bu~ the plane would not l d ,I :Boli.~ia but a good distance from" I'ltart, );0, ~ithout further ado, > Jo~n E, .!i'ogartyof R?ode ,Is a!1 were don~ted.to Provldl:mce ql- i"'.ro;, mi~siQn of 'Guanay (also ,~~~ co.""pi~ot. got out, rounded up , l;ege ,?y ,1U!! Wife, ,'.. spelled Huanay).' It's too bad "so~e, ,mell, h':ipped up on the . . ':I'he papers alfld related ll1ateS· t M Th ( f H I wing' wound some rope around ',rials sp'an' the 26-year per~od NIS er a~rheenF 1l0R~as )0. 0 Yt the ~ropeller and signaled the t ';..I', t d' th 'u''' S a m e pans, a lver IS no , I. .l!'ogar y, serve ,me., ' .. J.. i;n Bolivia at present because one ment'O ,puB.' The ,?,o~or st~rt:d. ,'iiouse ~f RepresentatIves III f S·1Ste h' , gOO d Here we were slttmg inSide ,"Washington, dealing particuliltly fo •. o,udr. 't h ,rs w 0 tIS ~ 't 'watching:aii this goirig on. This 'with his longtime work" and clen 0 ers came 0 VISI re­ ".'" "1" " • t I' .' ..,." ; ' . , "1 ·4.'ently.·As, I said, "It's' a small IS th,e, p.an~,we were to rave on. 1;,~~lsla~I~~ III the p~b~lc ~e~lth woll"ld." ,:~~~ .~1;1~e procedure for the s~c.,,'m~,me.d~c~lrese~r~h fl.elds.:, ,; ,d) "" ,: '. "o,n~, rno~o,r: anq. off w~. went. , T.~e,Jeglslatox: died In W,~h- Iii.' <." One. Eye t,",! I,.eisurely Trip ! ing to l1 on Jan. 10, a few hours .. We .are somet~me~ ~erred, to , ,Now 'that thE! road is open the . .,bef«;>re the 90th, .Congress~n-as"t~e~u~nay Slst~rs. When one ,planes s,topped coming because vened. . .. ~~ o~r, Sisters, ,went ,to .stqdy traveling and transporting cargo Father William, Paul ~aas, ,~Pllml?~. in Cochabamba other is much cheaper by road. Now it f).P., Providence College presi- Sister studen~ wpuld come ,to costs less than $3 to travel to La dent said: "The college is most look at.her aski.ng If she were the Paz' This is how it goes Start­ grat~ful for these materials ,·.~~ian'ilY ~ister. After' a while it ing .out from Guanay y~u. w~lk which form a living record of ,~!1'f.Il~don her. that they, th,ou~ht an hour and a half to ~et to the ttie public life and work of John ,;m~,ha~ ,only one eye~ ,' .. 'trtick stop. If you do it this way, I" Fogarty. ,The collection offers " Many thanks, to the people .of "yougo'dc;iwn to the,river and get "unparalleled opportunities 'f!or '"FAil River for the Christmas ' a' ~anoe to cross you. That costs scholars studying the develop­ 'salute which arrived by regis­ "four cents." '"ment of major health programs tered mail and on time. I know You 'walk a hal! hour and III the United States." it represents many sacrifices and cr6s~ another river by canoe. , ", ' ,thoughts of us' who are So far You walk another half hour and . away. ' crosS another river by foot 'Past~r, Criticizes

. Father,Murphy has most likely "bridge~', You walk another half 'told you about the area he is in, hour and you reach the truck JaH Facilities

so I'll tell you about a typical stop. There is no definite depar­ ELIZABETH CITY (NC)-The trip to the big city. It used to be ture time. . When there are pastor of St. Catherine's parish until recently that the only way enough passengers and/or cargo m this North Carolina commu­ to get to La Paz from here was the 'truck leaves. Standard nity has protested the continued by plane. Not a shuttle flight as equipment in addition to luggage use of a 78-year-old jail here, you know it, but something quite is a lunch and a book. called the worst facility in the different. A mining company , You can start out from Guanay state," by a state jail official. uSed to have a two engine army by canoe. If you do it this way Father James P. Robinson, plane come in weekly to trans­ you can reach the truck stop in S.E.E., told county officials that port cargo. Most of the time the a half hour. Or the canoe might "'<even though you are going to . only space available was on develop motor trouble and you bave to arrest and jail people, bucket seats which did not al­ might have to drift down the you can't treat them like aiu­ ways have safety belts. All sorts river. mals." of cargo occupied the center. Recently I made such a trip, In response to a suggestion by It took 35 minutes to reach La sometimes drifting headlong, tan official that the jail was a ,PaZ 'and cost about '$8. The sight sometimes sideways, but we deterrent to crime, the Edmund­ was beautiful ranging from for­ 'made it safely after an hour. ite priest said: "Guilty or not ested mountains to snow-capped I,sound like St. Paul describing guilty, this Jail iii; not fit , . • ranges. You started the trip his'missionary journeys! We had ~ . 'iWeltering and ended up shiver­ bee!A told a truck would leave



is no set t~me for canoes leavmg

Guanay either. They go down

riv:~r when. th~r~ i~ cargo or

passenger~. T~~s ml?ht be .at

6:30 a.m.' or In a little whIle 'which'might turn out to be 9 a.m.. 5~ YOIL see :why'!. said above that a lunch and a book are handy . extras. Patience forestalls frus­ tration: ' ," " ' , , 'A' , 3'." , '. ' " ·,.t 11: 0 ',~.m. we arnved at 'Caranilvi,;where we spent the night with the Charity Sisters,of t S . 'N' A '. Co;nyen ,t~tI~n, e~}ersey. , , Si~er. h,ad ,be~n waltm~ for us because t~~ ~a~ly mi~on broad­ .'cast (had 'hohfied'them that we welJ~ scliedule~ to leave at 5 p.m. '. Thelr,convent,ls a stop-off place' ,.hl our ~rayel~ to ~nd from La PilE , and they are ~lways ready to 'accommodate us;, At 6:30 a.m. we were up and ready to catch the, one and only bus to La Paz. ,The,bus goes;to La, Paz. one day ',and re~urns t).1e next. During the ,6~ hour ride w:eCIimb fr~m 1500 "feet to 12,000' feet arid we pass treacheroUs' placel; that are as .rouch as 2000 ·feet sheer drops. Sinc;e thi!l.is tpe, country we live ' in and the mode of travelling we must live by we do not stop to worry about what might hap­ pen to us on the w~y. We do try to be as careful as IS reaso?able, When we reach the outskuts 01 La Paz we gradu~IlY d~scen.d 10~O ~eet to the Clt~ which IS bUilt In what looks hk~ a mon­ strous bowl. L!1 Paz 1~ a cold place because of the alht~de a~though w?en the sun shmes It can be .qUIte w~rm. From m~ny pl~ces ~n the city' the beauh<ful Ilhmam can be seen, eternally snow-capped. One Big lFamily In La Paz we are welcome at the convent of our choice. All tile Sisters treat one another like one big family. We usually stay at the Sisters of Loretto because they are close to the Franciscan Turn to Page Eight






1001 'Kings Hwy. NEW BEDFORD Open ,Evenings

May' we, be reborn

of the light and the glory and the spirit triunlphal1t over darkness and the grave. Peaee and Joy




Old Red Bank /Fall River Savings Bank IFAIl.l IIUVEIL


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