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Indust,rial Relations' Field

Lacks Catholic' Scholars

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~eorge HiggiN; Director NCWC Social Action DepL

' By Msgr.

; "

During the past two o~ three years, as the readeris well aware, there has been a great deal of discussion, not only in 'cloistered academic circles but also in the prints, as to whether or not we American Catholics are pulling our weight in the field of scholarship Catholic scholars and a dispro­ and higher learning. ?ortionate degr~e of Catholic 'Th ere are th ose among us mfluence. The field of industrial rela­ who regret and others who tions is .not the most important

'14'::';h~rs~~:~h~~~f9~:~:'~~'·':P&ulIsts ~"G:i~~'~Piilpit"Dicll'og~es Fall River Student

Wins NOMA Award

Miss Jean 'Ng, a senior at. the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, , Fall River, has been awarded 'a Spelling Proficiency Certifi-

apparently resent this continuing field of, scholarship at the pres­ discussion. Indeed there are ent time, but surely it is one of some who seem tremendous concern to the . to regard it al­ Church and one in which Cath­ most as an act olies, of all people, and Catholic of treason to institutions of higher learning '. the Catholic ought to be preeminent. I take cause. it there is no need to argue this T h e·r e are point with anyone who is even rna'ny others, 'superficially acquainted, with however - in­ the social encyclicals ,of recent eluding' t his· popes. writer - who think that this discussion has MISS JEAN NG served a very useful purpose cate by, the local chapter of and that those who initially pro­ CINCINNATI (NG) ' - A na­ NOMA-National Office Man­ yoked it are deserving of our tionally renowned school super­ agement" Association. gratitude and commendation. intendent called here: for "more Jean ·receh'ed a perfect score In the later connection, I am study and less social life" 'in on three consecutive spelling thinking specifically of me.n high schools. tests based on the most difficult like Monsignor Jo4n Tracy ElllS In . addition" Msgr. Carl J. business vocabulal'y.· As a win­ of the Catholic University. of. _ Ryan said, admission to colleges ner, she is entitled to participate America and Father. Gustav should be "by examination only," in a special discussion at a ban~ Weigel, S,J., of WoodstockCo~­ instead of on the basis of high . quet to be held' next Wednes­ lege, both of whom are a Credlt school credits. . day at Stevenson's. to the American Catholic com­ , 'The Cincinnati archdiocesan Jean is the daughter of Mr. munity. . school head, who is. ~lso presi­ and Mrs. Frank Yan Ng, of 357 Usef~l as this continuing dis­ : dent of the National Catholic South Main Street, Fall River, eussion has been, however, it Educational' Association's.. de,­ Mass. could . c onceivably get out ~f • partment of sc~ool s~IM;rmteIJ­ hand as times goes on and .de­ ,.den~, ~~de hlS statements m : generate into a sterile 'and dis- • an· mtervlew. " .; ' . : 'H:' D edifying family squabble. This ~s "H~. ~xpressed the .bo~ ,~~~., Dot likely -to happen, tho,ugh,.if :.the cllffiate of pl;lbhc oplmo~ . PAXTON (NC) French ali parties concerned ·s~r~pl;l- . wOllld';,~hange sothat..pa~e~ts scholar and author Dr. Regine lously'stick to the facts. 'Where .~f?uld ~emand better ed,~catlOn Pernoud will receive the honor­ the"':facts are not, available, it ,at the hIg~ school level. ary degree of doctor of humane behooves us to ferret tIiem out. .Tlme of Study . letters from Anna Maria College . .' , ." . What IS needed today, he sald, . here' on Feb.' 23. It will be the Meanwhile. there 15. at least.. is the ·"realization that high first public conferring of ari one 'field· ,of.. sc~olarshlP. - the school is basically a time of ·.honorary degree by, the college. field of in?ustn~l relatlons re­ study and not merely' of social She is chief archivist of the search - m WhICh we already 'life." He said social pressure Museum' of French History, a have enoug~facts ~o warrant has become so great 'in a number section' of the French National the rather dlSCO~ragmg conclu,. of high'· schools throughout the" Archiv'es.. She has been lectur- . nation that many students have ' ing at Anna Maria and Assump­ • ion that,Cathohcs are not ade­ quately represented. T~at's to .take :jobs to earn sp.ending . tion Colleges since last fall. Dr. putting it as mildly as possIble.. money. '. ~ Pernoud has published nine his­ Evidence in Boo~"

; & fo~ "examination only" en­ torical books. The'latest is "The "''',,;. ::. . ",. 1

trance Into college, Msgr. Ryan Retrial of Joan 'of Arc."', ' .rlJ;~ eyid~nce f?r thls··conc u~ said that under the presE;nt sys­ 1110n,,:1S aVaIlable m a new bo? tem based on high school cre­ "entit1~d, "A Decade of Industna~. liits, "it is possible to get into Relatlons .Research, 1~46-1956. ,college with good grades in May you walk An Appraisal of the LIterature mediocre courses," worthjly' of in the Field" (Harpe~and BFoth~ . ."Entrance examinations," he God 'and , " ers, New York). The:'fitst' in:,;a::':!t'd~'iared, c'wb{jid make li1lot"of',"plelise Him;" series of two volumes sp.ons<;,red ,high school boys and girls with .~ ,;: I . ',"'i;:Col. ;.1:1.0 by the Industrial RelatiOlJ,s Re,,,;,;"}'taleni feally work:" ::A:tlthesame, search Association, this ex- time the' examinations~'would' tremely useful. surv~y,F9vel;"~~~llt"i';Il:~P." out" of ,colleges ,a~:,lot :·of. _.i ':",:' '/' major works pubhshed durmg people who simply cannot do ' the past decade in six different college work," . areas of research in the broad and constantly expanding field of industrial relations. WASHINGTON (NC)' A Of the thr'ee or four hundred.. _Llberian;believ~d to be the fiI:st.' books, monographs, and' schol­ student from his country to.pur­ arly articles which are listed sue 'his theological studies in therein and briefly' appraised by the D. S., has arrived at Queen a panel of experts, only a tiny ,of, Apostles ,Seminary' here. , handful were written by ',Cath-, 'He is 'E'rritrianuel Wolor Topor 915" Acushnet Ave. olic scholars or under the aus­ of Grand Cess, Liberia, who will pices of Catholic institutions ,of , ,reside"' at the "seminary, which ,At Yield· Square higher learning. is maintained by the Society New Bedford Even allowing for a reason­ of African Missions. able percentage of oversights or Mr.' Topor -is scheduled' to New Bedford's Leading


omissions on the part of the ex­ take courses at the' nearby perts who drew up this' com­ Cath(llic University of America, posite list, we are still faced in addition to his regular theo­ with the inescapable cOl1clusion logical studies. . that Catholic scholars and Cath­ olic institutions of higher learn­ ing, far from being adequate.1y represented, are .hardly even' in the running in the field of in­ dustrial relations research. , PLUMBING & HEATING

"irs a whale en a drink'" Of Tremendous Concern 266 NORTH FRONT ST.

This is a sample statement of 17 DEtlCI,QU5 F~VORS NEW 'BEDFORD

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BEST SINCE 1853 to be sure, and froin many points of view, somewhat alarming. Electric Drain & Sewer

WE DELIVER Nevertheless, there is no point Service

in ignoring it or trying to'· CALL'." plain it away ','or: ration:liize, ,it WY·9-6264 ,out of existence. ' and' 9~6265 .The only sensible 'thing to do Is to try to make up for lost time UPHOL~TERI as- rapidly as possi\f.e. In other ALL WORK words, there is Do room for com­ placency about our demonstra­ CUSTOM MADE bly inadequate representation in DAY ~ WY 2-2891 45 SCHOOL ST. a very important field of learn­ NIGHT - WY 4-681Z At So. FirstSt. 'ing in which, .if anytliing, we 426 Believille Avenue might have expected to find a NEW .BEJ;>FQ~D , :. '",,t. {lite."', B~4~Qrd ­ ,,"", disproportionate .• number 'of

Asks Less.' Social 'Life in School

At St. Lawrence Church

St. Lawrence Church, New Catholic Information Center in Bedford, announces ·the opening Boston, the Rev. James E. Dixon, C.S.P., and the Rev. ,Richard D. ., ofa series of ,'!pulpit dialogues" . beginning oil. Sunday evening Payne, C.S.P.; will conduct the March: 23. An invitation is discussio.~s, qne, wil~ advance the current objections and po.pu­ exte'nded to all, regardless of lar difficulties while the other denomination, who are inter­ will defend the Catholic teach­ ested in religious truth. ing on the subject treated. A The pulpit dialogue presenta­ tion affords a new approach to - lively and instructive develop­ the religious question.: Two of ment is assured. The subjects the Paulist Fathers from the covered will be the basic teach­ ings of the Catholic Church, especially in their relation to present day. affairs. The instru'ctio'ns will take Rev. Owen McGrath, S.S.C., place each evening from. Sunday rector of St. Columban Seminary, to' Friday indusive at 7:30·P. M. An invitation to attend is Milton, will be guest speaker extended to' all. Catholics are at the Communion breakfast of '·Thomas McDonough Council 330, urged to attend for their own , KnightS' of..Columbus of North enlightenment and' to invite , Attleboro,' to be held Palm their non-Catholic friends and -Sunday, Match 30, at the Rome 'relatives to accompany them to , Restaurant ·following. the 7 these interesting instructions. o'clock Mass in St. Mary's . Church. DistrictiJeputy John Tucker - ASUNCION,' Paraguay (NC) , will be guest of the council. -Police broke up a public dem­ James P. McNamara, Catholic onstration here during -which a Activities chairm'an, announces priest was expressing criticism that members are to assemble in of military leaders of Paraguay K of C hall be! ')re Mass and for an extravagant and luxuri­ march in a body t.o the church. ous way of life.

St. ColumbanPriest To Address. Kn'ights'

Paraguay Incident


"WE CAN PAY $5000

Author to Receive' onorary egree

Liberian Student



Plumbing - Heating







Hiram Wheaton

and Sons, Inc.

"I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU FED ME •••" How often hjlve you

beard these words? They are often quoted because they are a perfee&

'l1ummary of our relationship with Christ. We =:-.....~-.--,

are one with Him ..• and when we help each

other we are in fact helping Him! He calis to you IS~,

today In hunger and poverty from the refugee. ~'<;;~rrJ:}

campS of the Near East. Will you heed His cry ~

and send Him food? Your sacrifice of $10 will ' ­ send a food p'ackage ~ feed an entire family,

'or a week. / Your sacrifices of Lent can br~.ng:,

the strength of life to an unfortunate family.

DO IT NOW! Father King will send you in gratitude an olive seed l'OSaIT, blessed in the Holy Land. ...... . ,. .. ' .. "" " '


·~:tup OF COLD WATER ..." the Lord tells us will bring Ita reward if It Is given In::.Jlis name. T"e sm~nest tl.ti~g: wc:-do, for; Him ,,,. ,~;, shall be rewarded-what do you think will be the reward of those, who' .bJing' a ,priest to the altar or a nun to the poor-and this In the name of the Lord? You can h~ve a nun or a priest In iour family If you· adopt boy or a' girl now who wishes to follow Christ In this special vo­ cation.-T]lOmas and George are anxious to be­ gin their seminary training in India, BUT, each must walt until a benefactor supplies $600 for the six year course. In' addition to priests the missions have an ever

Increasing need for Sisters to. teach, care for, the sick, for the poor

.: •. Sislers Jeanne and Celine wish to devote "

themselves to Christ In the poor of Lebanon,

BUT,' again each must be patient until a bene­

factor Is willing to give $300 for the two year

novitiate training. Will you give a p,r:iest or a

nUD to the Church In the name of Christ? You

may pay the money in any series of install­

ments convenient to you while your "adopted '"

child" Is preparing to serve Christ in the poor.



,'irith • Joved one ••. .: special friend .. If you wish to make a sac­ .'

rifice for the soul of a dear departed.one you may send your Lenten sacrifice money to reed the hungry ($10 for a food package), OR. you may buy a CommunloB Day outfit for 8 child ($10), OR purchase, an article for a missionary chapel. Our beautiful GIFT CARD wiD tell your' relative or friend of the sacrifice you have . made for the good of their ,souls "nd the welfare .of the missions. We will send a GIFT CARD anywhere In your name and' enclose PRESSED FLaWERS of ·the HOLY have been ILAND;whlch .... . blessed on the Holy Sepulcher. .






Mlgr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y Send all communication. tOi



_.4~~ ~ex.i!'~_t~'!,.~v~;,;~~ 46~I!,~t~· New ~o~ 17, N. Y. ,

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