Independent Herald 05-12-18

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Authorised by Brett Hudson, 29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville

Wednesday December 5, 2018

Today 11-17

Thursday 10-14

Friday 9-16

Sun shines on parade

Saturday 12-20

Phone: (04) 587 1660

By Brian Sheppard

Johnsonville Lions’ Santa Parade on December 1 marked the start of the official run-up to Christmas. The weather was fine, the floats were great and every kerbside was packed with cheering children and their families. The procession was led off from Dr Taylor Terrace by a police car and two fire engines, closely followed by ‘Squirt’, a beautifully-restored vintage fire truck. Continued on page 2. The Little Mermaid Float. From left: Ariel, played by Sophia Stace; Jellyfish, Rhianna Chamberlain and Donnie Budden; and Ursula the Sea Witch played by Lisette Prendé, who cast her spells on the streets of Johnsonville. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver


Wednesday December 5, 2018

Johnsonville Lions Santa Parade

How to reach us

Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661


Glenise Dreaver 587 1660

Continued from page 1. Then came five of our local elected representatives. In disguise. Each year, the floats get better, ranging from displays highlighting the work of local schools and activities to professionally designed feature floats and characters from the world of films. Countless hours had gone into one major showpiece, the De Lorean time-travelling car from ‘Back to the Future’. The Independent Herald had signalled its likely presence in July and it was built at the CKFilmDesign workshop in

Newlands. Keeping the best for last, Santa brought up the rear, waving to the children from his sleigh. The parade and crowds seemed bigger than in recent years, taking a full hour to complete the route along Broderick Road, Johnsonville Road to the McDonald’s roundabout and back past the Keith Spry Pool to the starting point. Well done to the organisers, especially content designer Lisa Woodley and her team, and to the Johnsonville Lions and Rotary. You did a great job in organising the Parade.


Sam Barnes 587 1660

ABOVE: What it’s all about: Santa’s sleigh triumphantly brought up the rear of the procession. RIGHT: Hogwarts’ Professor Sprout with a Mandrake


Steve Maggs 587 1660


Leading off the parade proper: Ringmaster Ohariu MP Greg O’Connor; the Three Musketeers, councillor Peter Gilberd, Deputy Mayor Jill Day, and Malcolm Sparrow; with Mayor Justin Lester in kingly robes. PHOTOS: Brian Sheppard and Glenise Dreaver

Paparangi School’s taniwha made a colourful addition to the parade

This beautifully restored vintage fire truck drew many admiring comments.

The very professionally adapted De Lorean of ‘Back to the Future’ Time Machine. Alastair Mansell played Doc Emmet Brown.

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Wednesday December 5, 2018

Karori project survey draws 350 responses By Glenise Dreaver

Wellington City Council reports that there have been about 350 responses to the Karori public space improvement project. Media spokesperson Richard MacLean says that when submissions on the design team’s

four proposals for improving the centre of Karori closed last week, 350 responses had arrived --online, posted and emailed. The team is still in the very early stages of collating and analysing responses, so no information is yet available, but Richard confirms that the

late bid to include the Event Centre as a fifth option was not considered. “It was not included as a design option. The public exhibitions were simply an opportunity for the Event Centre Community Hall Trust to raise awareness about their

fundraising efforts,” he said. Local councillors and the Urban Design team will consider the feedback over the next few weeks before making the final decision. A summary of the feedback results and the final decision will be available at the end of January.

NZ PostShop campaign steps up a notch By Glenise Dreaver

Simon Pleasants, president of the Johnsonville Community Association (JCA) says their group’s use of the Official Information Act, following a rumour about the closure of the local NZ PostShop, quickly unearthed more information than they could have imagined. What they discovered made national headlines. The closure was confirmed, part of an as-yet undeclared, but nationwide plan for the organisation to shed all its “corporate” outlets. They will be franchised out to third parties to be managed under its other “agency” section. The shop shares its premises with Kiwibank, which has also announced it will be leaving Johnsonville. The JCA is, says Simon, challenging the policy as being in breach of the requirements of the State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986, which governs PostShop activities. “They have to prove that their activities are good business, that they are a good employer and that they are also a good neighbour “It’s that last requirement that we believe the organisation is breaching. “Just because it’s third on

the list, it’s not third in importance,” he adds. “We can’t see that they will be able to offer any assurance to the community, or the SOE, or the minister, on that.” Simon led a group that on Monday met a senior NZ Post’ manager, a meeting he doubts would have occurred without the national exposure. “We asked her what plans there were to discuss Johnsonville’s needs or desires and were told there were no documents on that.” He believes that NZ Post, as it moves to franchise arrangements, really tries to ensure that they are doing things well, “not using any Tom, Dick or Harry”. But some arrangements have not worked well and Simon cites a local shipping container and a failed effort to use a video shop. In Picton, NZ Post and Kiwbank transactions are now both incorporated in a single fast-track supermarket queue. He says it’s not just that the PostShop provides an anchoring place for the community, but that it offers more privacy for personal transactions, including paying bills “or possibly fines”. The group is also unsure what, if any functions will be shed altogether - for example vehicle licensing, or bill paying.

inbrief news Opportunity for girls Johnsonville Rotary is sent looking for applicants to sponsor for the Rotary “Innovative Young Minds” programme in 2019. The Innovative Young Minds (IYM) programme is designed to encourage young women to explore science, technology, engineering, mathematics and high-tech manufacturing – fields called the STEMM sector. The week-long residential programme is open to female Year 11 and Year 12 students and runs during the July school holidays each year. For more details go to

Water tank reminder A reminder that Northern Ward councillors will be selling 200L emergency water tanks outside Churton Park New World from 11am to midday on Saturday December 8. They are $110 each. If you mention your school or church in the northern suburbs in your email there will be a donation of $10 to them from your water tank purchase. Pre-order and pre-pay if you’d like one reserved for you. Email to order.

Better weather expected


onal News onal News onal News


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Simon Pleasants, president of the Johnsonville Community Association which is challenging the move by NZ Post to shut the PostShop in Johnsonville Road. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver

Simon says the JCA is focussing on the NZ PostShop issue. “Other campaigners are

picking up on the Kiwibank closure and we don’t want to dilute that.”

The MetService has forecast that after the showery and humid start to the week, there will be a drier sunnier end to bring in the summer mood. A spokesperson says that southerlies are expected over the country from mid-week, with the winds drying out the humidity and lowering temperatures slightly, though afternoon temperatures could still reach the mid-teens. Settled weather is expected across the country leading into a weekend with warmer temperatures, lighter winds and potentially sunny skies.

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Wednesday December 5, 2018

inbrief news Arts funding for women Women’s suffrage in New Zealand, on Wednesday November 28, was marked by a new arts fund opening on the 125th anniversary of the first election in which New Zealand women voted in 1893. The Suffrage 125 Fund will support high quality arts projects recognising the contribution to women’s rights by women from diverse cultural backgrounds. Grants will enable artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations to research and create work, present and distribute it nationally and internationally and develop skills including mentoring, internships and presentations. Over 2019 and 2020, $200,000 will be available, with a maximum of $20,000 per project.

Young citizens lead the way By Brian Sheppard

Over 100 people packed into the Churton Park Community Centre on November 30 to celebrate the citizenship achievements of eleven primary school students from north Wellington schools. The scheme, which has been led by Wellington City Councillor Malcolm Sparrow since 2015, is based on recommendations of the participating schools. The significance of the scheme is emphasised by the participa-

tion in the awards ceremony of Wellington Mayor Justin Lester and the three Wellington North Ward Councillors Jill Day (Deputy Mayor) Malcolm Sparrow and Peter Gilberd. The Churton Park Community Association is also a strong supporter of the scheme, contributing funds for book token prizes. Justin presented award winners with a trophy, certificate and book token, and an honour shield was updated for each school with the name of this year’s award winner. The school principal and

teacher of each student presented the students and summarised their achievements. Shine Wu, the Head Boy from Newlands College, was the guest speaker, sharing some guidance on recognising your true value in the community. It was encouraging to hear confirmation that the special character of the students is recognised by others. Two prize-winners from Newlands Intermediate had received this award as Year 6 students in their previous schools two years ago: Allana Caldwell at Belle-

vue School and Jerry Vakamoce at Rewa Rewa School. The 2018 pr ize-winners were: Nethmi Paranagama, Amesbury School; Meg Lange Bellevue School; Addison Yee, Churton Park School; Ted Henderson, Johnsonville School; Zachariah Tupou, Newlands School, Allana Caldwell, Newlands School; Jerry Vakamoce, Newlands School; Xavier Overton, Paparangi School, Andrew Mendoza, Rewa Rewa School; Keith Nikolao, St Brigid’s School; Arnav Singh, West Park School.

Origin of Food Act passed Kiwis will finally be able to identify where their fruit and vege come from after the Consumers’ Right to Know (Country of Origin of Food) Act passed its third reading in Parliament last week. Consumer NZ’s head of research Jessica Wilson said the law change was a much-needed first step towards better country-of-origin labelling. She said consumers increasingly want to make informed choices about what they buy, with seven out of 10 consumers backing mandatory labelling. The law change will mean fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables, meats, fish and seafood will be required to display their country of origin. Fines of up to $30,000 will apply.

Wellington North Primary Schools’ Citizenship Award winners, with Deputy Mayor Jill Day at left, Mayor Justin Lester, centre back, and Wellington City Councillors Malcolm Sparrow and Peter Gilberd at right. PHOTO: Brian Sheppard

Unlocking curious minds Research, Science and Innovation Minister Megan Woods has announced $2m of funding for 34 projects across New Zealand through the Unlocking Curious Minds contestable fund. She says the funding will go towards engaging more children and their teachers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. “Curious Minds is all about inspiring our kids, teens, rangatahi and communities from all backgrounds to get excited about science, which will ultimately

help us improve diversity and increase overall number of people studying and working in STEM fields. “This is one of the ways that we will move towards a highly skilled, innovative workforce fit for the 21st century. “There are 34 exciting projects lined up for 2019, which provide hands-on STEM experiences for our future scientists, mathematicians, researchers, technicians, and engineers. “The projects are truly collaborative and community-led,

and will be run by primary schools and tertiary education organisations as well as the likes of Crown Research Institutes and museums.” Among the successful projects scheduled for 2019 are Kaiwhanake Taupanga Maori - Maori Youth Game Development programme by OMGTech! It aims to empower rangatahi in underserved areas to design and develop Maori digital learning games, and improve their skills in computer science and programming.

There is also the Air Science Circus by NIWA, a touring and interactive ‘circus’ of air-themed experiments and experiences for school children and Possums and Pythagoras: How mathematics helps solve New Zealand’s pest mammal problem, by Landcare research. By collecting, analysing and mapping their own GPS data during an interactive field trip, students will learn how mathematics helps us to understand animal ecology resulting in effective control of pest mammals.


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Wednesday December 5, 2018

Combined community Christmas carols

Cargo ship ordered out Last Wednesday, Biosecurity New Zealand directed a vehicle carrier to leave New Zealand waters following the discovery of stink bugs and other pests. Biosecurity officers intercepted three live and 39 dead brown marmorated stink bugs and 69 other dead regulated stink bugs after the Carmen arrived in Auckland from Europe on Wednesday morning. The vessel was carrying a range of vehicles from Europe and the United States. “The interceptions indicated the cargo was likely to be infested with stink bugs. We also believed the ship itself was contaminated,” says a Biosecurity NZ spokesperson.

Ngaio Gorge road strengthening - Ground investigations will begin in early January 2019. The main works are scheduled to occur between early Sep 2019 and October 2020.

The Wellington Youth Brass Band played at the community’s carol service at the Onslow Community Church. PHOTO: Brian Sheppard By Brian Sheppard

rained-off for a couple of years, it was moved from its original home in Cummings Park into the Ngaio Town Hall. But the event’s increasing popularity meant latecomers were frequently left without seats. After the November 2016 earthquake, the opportunity was taken to move to a larger venue at the Onslow Community Church. This year, the hall was filled to capacity for the December 2 function. Families listened to Christmas

As Christmas approaches, the ‘reason for the season’, can be lost in the clamour to buy, buy, buy. For the past 30 years, the combined churches of Ngaio and Khandallah have brought families together to celebrate Christmas through a simple service of popular carols and readings. Helen Moore, from the Ngaio Union Church, has been the main organiser for most of this time. She explained that after being

music and sang traditional carols played by the Wellington Youth Brass, members of the Recorder And Early Music Union, and pianist Helen Pollock. The St Benedict’s school choir sang, and Rebecca Shepherd gave two solos. The key to this event’s success is the way that it reflects today’s Christian community of Ngaio and Khandallah, including the Korean ‘Wellington Good Church’. At the end of the service, a collection was taken for the Christian World Service Projects.

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Wednesday December 5, 2018

Reaching for the stars

Concert arena likely for Kings Wharf

LEFT: Sophie Kennedy, one of the Wellington Year 8-10 girls who are leaving in the coming week to visit NASA. Here she talks through the programme with her teacher Adair Grant from Samuel Marsden Collegiate School. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver ABOVE: Two of the three Queen Margaret College students who will be travelling to Junior Space School in the US this week. From left they are Beatrice Fordham Duncan (Year 9) and Ishta Khot (Year 10). Another six students from the school leave a day later for the Senior Space School. PHOTO provided By Glenise Dreaver

Seventeen young women from two schools in the Independent Herald’s circulation area are bound for a lifechanging experience. Eight students from Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, led by physics and maths teacher Adair Grant, and three from Queen Margaret College, will join a large group of other North Island students flying out to NASA, in the USA, on December 8. They will be attending the Junior Space School. Another six from Queen Margaret College leave a day later for

Senior Space School. By the time the year 8-10 girls return on December 21 they will have spent a week in Houston, Texas, at the Johnson Space Centre working on team and personal development skills, along with a focus on natural science – dissecting sharks being just one element. The second week will be spent in Huntsville Alabama at the US Space and Rocket Centre. There the focus will be more technical, looking at astronaut training and living in space, as well as past and future NASA missions. It will also expose them to some of the brightest minds in the

business. Adair is leading Lucca Bridgman, Olivia and Madison Farrelly, Emma Groom, Sophie Kennedy, Natalie More, Caitlin Stapleton and Tabea Ulrich on the trip. From Queen Margaret College, Ishta Khot and Bella Moult Year 10, along with Beatrice Fordham Duncan Year 9, will be attending. From Queen Margaret, another contingent of six students will attend Senior Space School between December 9 – 22. They are Sam Brown year 13, and year 11 students Isabella Eftimov, Julia Kemmitt, Sophia Hal-

lum Clarke, Lucy Jeffries and Madi Railton. The CASE Space School expedition is being undertaken by the two schools who are members of The Alliance of Girls’ Schools Australasia. The initiative is part of the international focus for schools, universities and businesses to get more women into STEM careers, or take on STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). STEAM skills are considered vital for 75 per cent of the fastest-growing occupations and this is why the Space School programme was created.

Sites for a new indoor concert arena in Wellington have been narrowed down and the most likely spot is at Kings Wharf on the waterfront, says Wellington Mayor Justin Lester. A 12,000-seat arena has been identified as crucial if the capital wants to attract large-scale national and international acts. Five potential sites were put forward to last week’s Greater Wellington Regional strategy committee meeting, including three on CentrePort land. “The Kings Wharf option has been identified as clearly the best location,” the Mayor says, adding it has in-principle support from the region’s mayors. “The market is there in Wellington but we don’t have the offering.” A report from the Gemba sport and entertainment agency, released in April, looked at the constraints of the 6000-seat TSB Arena. It also examined trends in arena development, the competitive landscape and the health of the live entertainment and large event industry. Larger events in a 12,000-seat indoor arena are estimated to attract about $26m in GDP to the region annually. “Bigger acts could make New Zealand a destination by performing at bigger venues in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, rather than tacking us on to the end of an Australian tour,” the Mayor says. “The arena could be the catalyst for a raft of new development in the area, with a mixture of commercial, retail and residential, both private and affordable. “Developing the precinct would be required to offset the costs of a new arena, he adds. “The next step will be working with our partners on the land and looking at the precinct development options.” He says the design concept that has been shown to the council looks great and they are excited about the opportunity. Planning would be done in parallel with CentrePort’s work on a potential new multi-use ferry terminal.

EYE ON CRIME In Johnsonville a flat in Bannister Avenue was broken into through a forced open front door. The flat was rummaged through and a TV and speaker were stolen. In Karori a white Aprilia mo-

ped parked locked overnight in the driveway of a house in Seaforth Terrace was stolen. A grey Subaru Legacy stationwagon left unlocked momentarily in Chamberlain Road was entered

and a bag that had been left on the seat was taken. In Hathaway Avenue, a house that had been left locked and deadbolted was entered, possibly through a window left open for

ventilation. A quantity of alcohol was taken from the fridge. A wallet, containing a driver’s licence and bank cards was also stolen. In Wadestown a grey Subaru Outback stationwagon left locked

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Wednesday December 5, 2018

Kindergarten marks first 40 years LEFT: Bellevue kindergarten children responding to the waiata from Nga Hau e wha o Papararangi. BELOW: The original head teacher of what is now Bellevue Kindergarten, Jean Pavitt (Blair), spoke to the over one hundred people who attended the kindergarten’s fortieth birthday celebrations. PHOTOS supplied

On Saturday November 24, Bellevue Kindergarten, formerly known as Newlands Park Kindergarten, celebrated their fortieth birthday. In conjunction with this they had their new front entranceway blessed. Matua Manuel from the local Nga Hau e wha o Papararangi did the blessing and the welcome, supported by their kapa haka

group and other members of their community. Bellevue Kindergarten children responded, singing Haere Mai and Tutira Mai for all the guests. Those who spoke included Greg O’Connor local MP, Mandy Coulston chief executive of Whanau Manaaki Kindergartens, foundation committee chair Bruce Collins and Jean Pavitt, the first head teacher.

Other guests included northern ward city councillor Peter Gilberd, several of the members of the foundation committee and ex-teachers, along with many past and present pupils and whanau members. The current head teacher Sue Scott says that despite the heavy rain, there was a big turnout. “A great time was had and the day went really well.”


University honour for Sir Bill Former Prime Minister, former leader of the Opposition and former Minister of Finance Sir Bill English is to receive an honorary Doctor of Commerce from Victoria University of Wellington. University Chancellor Neil Paviour-Smith says this acknowledges Sir Bill’s distinguished career as an MP for 27 years, especially his role as Finance Minister. Sir Bill studied commerce at the University of Otago and holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature from Victoria. He was a Treasury analyst and a farmer before entering Parliament in 1990.


Wednesday December 5, 2018

readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street. Q: What do you think is the best place to be for the Christmas holidays?

Helen Rock, Johnsonville “It doesn’t matter about the place. It’s the people.”

Jim Bishop, Newlands “The Kapiti Coast. Nice beaches, and you don’t have to get in traffic queues.”

Tania Wansborough, Churton Park “ Taupo. You drive in and you’re on holiday straight away. Water, other activities and hopefully, sun.”

Sue Wright, Churton Park “Waitarere. It’s just out of Levin and we’ve been going there for years. Biking, beaches, walking. It’s so easygoing.”

Joyce Heath, Johnsonville “It’s about family, so I stay at home. I’ve done my travelling.”

Colleen McLachlan, Churton Park “Kaiteriteri. We’ve been going with a caravan for 30-35 years. It’s a good family place.”

Safe Food campaigner raises red flag By Glenise Dreaver

“What’s really in our food?” asks Alison White of Karori, co-convenor of the national Safe Food Campaign. Not that it’s a question for her personally. Alison’s researched the matter. She knows the answers and she’s deeply concerned. The uncomfortable truths will be shared in a presentation in the Brian Davies room at St Pauls Ca-

thedral on Saturday December 8. An environmentalist of many years standing, Alison developed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the effects of pesticides on people and the environment. Then in 1990, she hosted Professor Judy Carman who stayed in her home at the time of the Royal Commission on Genetic Modification. “She persuaded me I needed to formalise my knowledge.” So Alison studied for, and graduated

as a Master of Public Health from the Wellington School of Medicine. She still teaches English as a second language, but her environmental concerns are now backed up by an in-depth knowledge of the research techniques and analyses that inform much government policy, as well as knowledge of the toxins themselves. In the early stages, there was

a strong focus on 245-T, which was being sprayed both aerially and on pastures and gardens. It’s one of the components, she says, of Agent Orange. “The more we found out about it, the more we were appalled,” she says. “And we know that in Vietnam, where Agent Orange was sprayed, the effects were huge, are still there, and it’s horrifying.” However now, she says that concerns about plastic are overriding

every other issue she’s dealt with. This country’s approach is, she says, much more “softly softly” than can be found in other places. Alison will be aiming to change that, raising the red flag on many of the issues during her seminar on Saturday. What’s really in our food? A look at packaging, pesticides and additives, will be presented on Saturday December 8 between 11.30am -12.30pm

Alison White is ensuring her grandchildren, Gordon Wood (17 months) and Braxton Wood, 4, learn about the need to recycle from an early age. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver

Boost for Bikes in Schools Associate Minister of Transport Julie Anne Genter has announced that the NZ Transport Agency will provide $23m over the next three years to expand Bikes in Schools and cycle skills education. She says the new funding will be increasingly targeted towards low-decile primary schools. “Not every child has a bike at home so this will help ensure kids don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn to ride,” says Julie. “Cycling is a fun, easy way to make exercise part of everyday life. These programmes are about giving our kids space to develop the skills and confidence to safely ride a bike. “In the 1980s more than half of school kids walked or cycled to school; today it’s less

than a third. We want to turn that around.” The Bikes in Schools programme involves installing a riding track within school grounds to allow student to learn and practise riding their bike in a safe area. Schools projects typically also include a fleet of bikes, helmets and bike storage facilities. This programme is expected to give an additional 43,000 Kiwi kids access to Bikes in Schools facilities. The NZ Transport Agency will also double funding for cycle skills training through the new BikeReady national cycling education programme. BikeReady aims to deliver best practice cycle skills training by qualified instructors to approximately 98,000 school students.

Wednesday December 5, 2018

Five years of Plunket antenatal classes By Brian Sheppard

A new Plunket centre opened in Johnsonville in 2012, enabling many Plunket services to be provided here, including antenatal classes which began in 2013. At first, the eight-week-long classes were limited to fifty couples, but by 2017, the number reached 90.

On November 24, past and present Plunket antenatal class families met in the centre for a fifth birthday party. While parents chatted, Fairy Trina entertained the older children with tales from her special fairy world. Party food, donated by the 1841 Restaurant, kept everyone happy and there was also a star-spangled fifth birthday cake.

Fairy Trina tells children tales from her fairy world. PHOTO Brian Sheppard

Counsel in Concert On December 18, the annual Counsel in Concert event is being presented at 12.15pm and 5.30 pm at St Andrew’s on the Terrace. It is this year called All I Want for Christmas and entry is by donation, with all proceeds going to the Child Cancer Foundation. Counsel in Concert is a choir and orchestra of over 60 lawyers and legal staff from throughout the Wellington region, augmented by members of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington. Each year Counsel in Concert performs a large-scale charity concert and this year it has a Christmas theme including Carol of the Bells, Poulenc Gloria, songs from Love Actually, and Jesus Christ Superstar.


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Wednesday December 5, 2018

Advertising Feature

Gardening & OUTDOOR LIVING Groundplanz – Landscaping for outdoor living Summer’s the time to start thinking about BBQs and outdoor entertainment areas – courtyards, decks, paving, seating, pergolas and anything that requires earthworks – like retaining walls and drainage. You can still get away with planting so long as you have a watering plan and use mulch to help retain the moisture. If you need landscaping ideas, or have your own and need guidance, we can help

- with garden layout, structural features and plant selection. We can also provide solutions for problem areas. Use our expertise to create a garden you will enjoy. Groundplanz provides professional landscape design and construction services. Our focus is on providing the right solutions for your needs and the environment you live in – solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

A Christmas story of the Poinsettia There is an old Mexican legend about how the Poinsettia and Christmas came together... There once was a poor girl called Pepita, who had no present to give the baby Jesus on Christmas Eve. As the sad Pepita walked to the chapel, her cousin Pedro tried to cheer her up. “Pepita, I’m sure even the smallest gift, given by someone who loves him will make Jesus happy!” Pepita didn’t know what she could give, so she picked a small handful of weeds from

the roadside and made them into a small bouquet. Although she felt embarrassed, she remembered what her brother had said and she began to feel better. As she placed the bouquet, the ‘weeds’ burst into bright red flowers and everyone who saw them was sure they had seen a miracle! From that day on, the bright red flowers were known as ‘Flores de Nochebuena’, or ‘Flower of the Holy Night’.

Bark ltd - managing our natural resources We believe, working in partnership with our clients, combined with a ‘can do’ attitude, delivers results that everyone can be proud of. The services our talented arborists offer are comprehensive. They can tackle anything for you; from aesthetic pruning and shaping to large tree removal. All work is carried out safely and efficiently, while ensuring the greatest care of your property. Bark is a multi-award winning company specialising in the management and care of significant trees, gardens and grounds throughout New Zealand and has been operating since 1994. Bark is passionate about caring for our natural resources for future generations. We

pink kiss poinsettia flowers of the holy night available now at twigland

twigland gardeners world

240 middleton road glenside open 7 days

have and continue to strive to find practices that reduce our operational foot print. Having managed the properties under our care in an environmentally sustainable manner since 2001, Bark leads the way and has proven high standards can be achieved while managing our natural resources. These practices and products include, composting and green waste management, natural fertilisers, coconut based herbicide and balanced pest and disease management to name a few. This approach has reduced our agrichemical consumption by over 90%. Making the gardens and grounds entrusted to us safer and more enjoyable for our teams and clients.

Wednesday December 5, 2018



Advertising Feature

Watching your water usage over summer Wellington and the surrounding region regularly place restrictions on watering over the summer months. Here are some ways to help with water conservation in your garden. If you are starting a new garden or replacing plants then choose drought tolerant plants. Lavender, Californian poppy,

gazania, marigold and verbena, to name a few, are all tolerant of dry conditions. Many drought tolerant plants such as arctotis and Russian sage, have silver or grey-green leaves which reflect sunlight. This adaption helps the plant conserve water internally. Improve your soil by digging in organic

Never leave your soil bare – mulch with inorganic materials such as stones or organic such as shredded bark, a thin layer of lawn clippings (no sprays) or sacking. Soak your soil before you put on the mulch. The mulch will help stop water evaporation. Invest in a rain water tank and direct your roof water into it.

matter i.e. compost. There are a variety of composts that you can buy or make (if you don’t have a lot of room try bokashi). The best time to add in compost is at planting time but if you already have established plants then side dressings of compost will do the trick. Organic matter helps your soil soak up moisture.


Looking after bees December is when the honey starts flowing in Wellington! Gardens are full of all kinds of flowering plants such as two of bees’ favourites: borage and thyme, and our hillsides are covered with flowering natives such as manuka and kanuka. The foraging bees fly to them from their hives collecting nectar and pollen. It’s thirsty work flying around on a hot day so bees will be attracted to water sources such as your bird bath or even your spa. Try setting out shallow saucers of water with gravel in them to encourage them to drink elsewhere. The stones are there to prevent

the bees from drowning. Honey bees in New Zealand are not bred to be aggressive but if you stand on one in bare feet it will certainly sting you. Apply an ice pack as soon as possible. Honey bees are not to be confused with wasps, in particular German wasps. These wasps are larger than bees and have distinctive bright yellow and black bands around their abdomen, and often nest in the ground. Bees are usually a softer golden yellow and do not ground-nest. Wasps kill bees and other pollinators so if you find a nest ring the council and have it destroyed.

Adding extra space adds value to your home The days are longer so this is a great time to go ahead with those plans to add to outdoors storage space or that extra accommodation! If you need that extra space, Ideal Buildings are the people to contact to make that happen. Ideal Buildings pride themselves on delivering quality solutions for your new garage, sleepout, cottage, carport or garden shed. Whether you choose from their existing plans

or simply use them as an inspiration for your own design, the team will be with you every step of the way to bring your new build to life. Whether it’s the man-cave you have always dreamed of or an extra room for the kids, you’re only limited by your budget and imagination. Ideal can help you realise your vision and advise on those all-important finishing touches.

D of istrib the ut yea or r!

Great for mulching and keeping your garden moist We are also stockists of animal feed Mon-Fri: 8.30–5.00pm | Sat: 9.00–2.00pm

489 High St, Lower Hutt Ph: 569 6655 •


Summer Garden

Now’s the time to really enjoy long summer days and evenings in the garden! Aaron Slight

Manager, Palmers Petone

As holiday mode takes hold, enjoy relaxing evenings in the garden with a hose in one hand and a drink in the other! Gardeners should be working towards harvesting and garden displays for Christmas enjoyment this month. The sun is shining and Christmas is almost upon us but it is still a great time to be planting before the silly season arrives.

Now is a great time to get your outdoor area looking great for all those Christmas gatherings and BBQ’s. We have a great range of new season’s outdoor furniture in store, including café and lounge settings.

For the kitchen garden, December is a month of rapid growth so ensure you pay attention to watering, weeding, feeding and spraying. You can still sow seeds directly into the soil like beans, beetroot, parsnip, swedes, radish, lettuce, spinach and sweetcorn, and sow every two weeks so you can enjoy a regular supply of your favourite veges throughout the summer months.

Love cooking outdoors all summer long? Perfect the art of outdoor cooking with the Everdure range by Heston Blumenthal. This revolutionary range of barbeques, developed by one of the world’s top chefs, with an innovative range of charcoal and electric barbeques, is for anyone who enjoys barbeque cooking.

Tomatoes will be really thriving at this time so make sure you feed your plants at least once a week with a fast-acting liquid feed such as Tui Seaweed Organic Plant Tonic. Remove any side growths (laterals) on tall tomato varieties as they grow, and ensure they are firmly staked for strong, healthy plants.





There’s also plenty of gift inspiration in store for every person on your list. From outdoor games, books for all ages, quirky retro toys, giftware and treats, to terrariums and houseplants that are wrapped and ready to give.

Merry Christmas

from the team at Palmers Petone


Wide range available


WERE $12.99


FROM Plants may vary from images shown Plus more gift ideas in store. Offers valid until 24th December, while stocks last.

15 Victoria Street, Petone.



974 5097 Open 7 days: 8.30am - 5.30pm.


Wednesday December 5, 2018

OUT&about Churton Park Children’s Christmas Party By Brian Sheppard

The children of Churton Park always look forward to the Churton Park Community Association’s free Christmas party, which is funded by the association This year it was held on November 25 at Amesbury School, with support from the local Anglican and Northern Hills churches. Organiser Alison Craig said that it was good to see so many families from such a wide cross-section of the community enjoying the event, which at-

tracted 300 or more people. Santa was the star, arriving in a fire engine and staying through the afternoon so that the children, and their families, could meet him. There was a bouncy castle in the school hall, together with quieter activities of facepainting, making Christmas decorations and enjoying afternoon tea. Outside, children enjoyed bumper ball soccer, a coconut shy, sack races, balloon sculptures and a sausage sizzle. Many very tired children went to bed happy that night.

PHOTOS: Brian Sheppard

ABOVE: Community association members Avinash Shrivistava, Dayandra Hettige, Channa Ranasinghe and Vijay Chandrashekar collect cans of food for the Johnsonville food bank LEFT: Mai Mostafa and Jennat Balaha show children how to make Christmas decorations

Brian Sheppard

PHOTOGRAPHY Family portraits, pet portraits, business and events photography. 021 082 48465 Rev Musa Daba tries his hand at face-painting

Sherine Balaha and her daughter Jannat meet Santa

Wednesday December 5, 2018



Wednesday December 5, 2018

Advertising Feature

What’s hot in the

Events Calendar


Cinderella – Operatunity’s twist on the classic Pantomime!

More accommodation - and bird sanctuary on the Remutaka Cycle Trail If you’re looking for handy accommodation midway on the Remutaka Cycle Trail, Te Rakau Bird Sanctuary is perfect! Stay in character cabins in the form of self-contained converted railway carriages and make a complete nature weekend of it. The Sanctuary is on 13.6 hectares and is a refuge for the many native birds

Masterton Motorplex - Dragstalgia Saturday 5 Jan 10:00am and Sunday 6 Jan 9:00am Wairarapa Biathlon Series Men’s Shed, Henley Lake, Masterton Thursday 10 Jan 6:00pm – 9:00pm Castlepoint Fishing Competition Fri 11 Jan 6:00am

that frequent the garden and trees year round. Owners Dougal and Denise MacKenzie have identified tui, bellbirds, kereru, fantails, kingfishers, grey warblers, shining cuckoo, grey heron, kahu, karearea, ducks, bitterns, pukeko and dabchicks at various times as well as some common introduced garden birds.

Don’t miss your favourite Operatunity artists in their maddest pantomime yet! Come along to see Bonaventure AllanMoetaua and Karl Perigo (the ugly step sisters), Alex Milligan (Prince Charming), Alex Foster (Cinderella) and Lynette Martin (Cinderella’s Step Mother/Fairy God Mother), accompanied by pianist Paul Carnegie-Jones in Operatunity’s last show of the year Cinderella – A Christmas Pantomime! The world of theatre has always had a tradition of presenting a madcap, nonsense style pantomime at Christmas to escape the stress and rigours of the season and bring out the inner kid in us all, and Operatunity’s pantomime will be no different! Using famous songs, overacting, parody and ghastly jokes, repartee, great singing, madcap antics, and slapstick humour, it is going to be Operatunity’s most outrageous pantomime to date! “The hardest part of the Cinderella tour will be trying not to

laugh on stage!” expresses Alex Milligan, who will playing Cinderella’s love interest ‘Prince Percy’. As for the story line? Not too much can be revealed, but with characters like ‘Ronald Rump’ and a donkey prince, this show is sure to encourage silliness, laughter and escapism! Does Cinderella get her prince, or are all attempts foiled by the nastiness and naughtiness of her ugly step sisters? Only by coming will you find out, and only those willing to be seriously silly need attend! Coming to Lower Hutt on 7th December, Carterton on 11th December, and Kapiti on 13th December. Standard tickets $35, group discounts start from 5+. All tickets include a light Christmas lunch after the show!  To book call toll free 0508 266 237, or purchase tickets online at

Specialising in English-style “real” ales


Regent 58’s drop is unfiltered, unpasteurised and naturally conditioned - steering clear of the hoppy trend that currently dominates the craft beer market. Regent 58 offers a balanced type of ale where the hops and malts produce a good combination of tastes, aromas and flavours that are crisp and moreish.

CARTERTON Tuesday 11th December, 11am Carterton Events Centre LOWER HUTT Friday 7th December, 11am Hutt City Church, 22 Marsden street

Brent, Hattie and Greg would be happy to give visitors a tour of the brewery where they’ll explain how they use a traditional gravity fed system. They’ll show you how they brew their ales and give tastings of the over half dozen varieties they produce. Tours are $15.

Museum of Sheep and Shearing - also a great place for Christmas shopping


0508 266 237 | View the Independent Herald online •

Welcome to The Wool Shed Museum. Located just one and a half hours from Wellington, we’re a hands-on heritage museum in Masterton close to Aratoi Museum of Arts and Queen Elizabeth Park. At the Museum you’ll find so much more to stimulate your knowledge of history and actual activities on sheep farms. We are a visitor attraction of

international quality and we welcome visitors from all over New Zealand as well as thousands of visitors from around the world. Top off your visit to The Wool Shed by browsing among the many wool products and souvenir items in our shop. Lots of wonderful ideas for Christmas gifts at very competitive prices. Open 7 days/week 10am – 4pm.


REGENT 58 BREWERY & ALEHOUSE Carterton Real Ales

OPENING HOURS Thursday: 4pm – 9pm Friday–Saturday: 2pm – 10pm Sunday: 1pm–6pm Ph: 06 379 8860 | M: 027 318 3142

• New and historic shearing equipment, sheep farm gear and wool crafts. • The story of shearing – its beginnings and how it became an international sport. • The history of sheep farming. • Live shearing demonstrations for groups can be arranged with prior notice. • Spinning and weaving demonstrations on Wednesdays or by arrangement. • Shop for wool garments and souvenirs.


Midway point on the cycle trail BRING THIS ADVERT FOR HALF PRICE ADMISSION

PHONE 06-378 8008

Self-contained cabins overlooking the bird sanctuary • Half-day fully-guided and personalised bird tours (3-4 hours) in easy accessible locations • Pristine wetlands of the Pounui Lagoons and the spectacular coast of Palliser Bay and Onoke Spit • NZ iconic and rare birds in their natural environment Ph 06 307 7749 • 027 247 1712 •

Wednesday December 5, 2018 Advertising Feature

What’s hot in the


Wings over Wairarapa Celebrates 20 Years Wings over Wairarapa Air Festival 2019 is celebrating 20 years of putting on air shows. To mark this milestone, event organisers have completely refreshed this iconic Wairarapa event. While there will still be the much loved WW1, WWII, modern military, helicopters and civil aircraft on the ground and in the sky, groundside will be like never before. With an emphasis on educating youth about all things aviation, the three day Air Festival will showcase a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) based learning experience. There will be interactive and engaging displays, demonstrations and hands-on activities. Workshops will be offered in rocketry, digital fabrication and coding, circuitry workshops, and people will be able to talk to experts with a range of aviation experience such as engineers, pilots and technicians. Another feature of the STEM groundside activities is nationally and internationally acclaimed NanoGirl, who will be entertaining the crowds. NanoGirl is an explosive, engaging, entertaining and educational live performance programme. There will be opportunities to engage with organisations and programmes that provide aviation training, such as Massey University, School to Skies, ATC, Air Scouts, Young Eagles and Youth Glide. As well as the Careers and Training Marquee,

the combined New Zealand Defence Force (Air Force, Navy, Army) will be out with its Recruitment Bus with staff to inspire and engage. On Saturday 23 February for the first time in New Zealand, Wings will be putting on a Saturday Night Show. The skies will be dazzling with aircraft lit for night flying and feature act ‘Airborne Pyrotechnics’ from the UK will be performing their world famous glider night flying. Pyrotechnics will be installed in the wing tips of the two gliders and they will perform an aerial ballet set to music. Not to be missed. Wings over Wairarapa Air Festival 2019 runs 22-23-24 February.

Chilling at Gladstonebury Gladstonebury, a family festival of live music is back - Wellington Anniversary Weekend Sunday 20th January at the picturesque Gladstone Vineyard in the heart of the Wairarapa. Two stages will showcase fabulous music vibes … the chilled out Acoustic Cellar Door Stage will feature an acoustic duo from the popular Wellington Band ‘Ghost

Who Walks’, ‘Mal Webb and Kylie Morrigan’ from Perth, ‘East of Queen’ from Auckland, Jess Deacon (Wellington) and local Hemi Walker. On the Farman Turkington Windmill Stage we are delighted to welcome back ‘Looking for Alaska’ (Hamilton), ‘Ripple Effect’ (Manawatu), Wellington-based ‘Nation’ and talented inspiring Te Reo Rapper ‘Rei’ (Auckland). Also performing, Andrew London Trio, The Frank Burkitt Band and Western Australia’s ‘Formidable Vegetable’ who are the world’s most unique experiment in ‘ecological electrofunk-swing’. With high-energy live shows consisting of glitchy bass-beets, swingin-ukulele, soaring strings and hyperactive horns, this act has only one goal: to pound simple solutions for sustainability deep into your consciousness in the funkiest way possible! There will be activities for the kids, artisan market stalls, great food trucks, craft beer from Beg, Borrow and Brew as well as stunning Gladstone Vineyard wines. Pack a picnic and your dancing shoes for a fabulous day out! Tickets on sale from Eventfinda or www.

Stonehenge – an insight into your ancestors Although similar in size and appearance to the Stonehenge on Salisbury plain, Stonehenge Aotearoa is not a replica. It is a complete and working structure designed for its precise location in NZ. Situated in the Wairarapa countryside, Stonehenge Aotearoa is a window into

Stonehenge Aotearoa

Phone: (06) 377 1600 | 51 Ahiaruhe Road, R.D.2 Carterton Email: | Web:

A family festival of live music, food, craft beer & local wine

Gladstone Vineyard

20 January 2019 10:30am to 8:00pm

Tickets on Sale Now

Photo credit: Henge Photographic

the past where the visitor can rediscover the knowledge of their ancestors. During December we are open from Wed – Sun, but in January we are open every day. Book your tour @ Stonehenge-aotearoa. or ring 06 377 1600 or email: info@


FEATURING ... Nation Andrew London Trio The Frank Burkitt Band Looking for Alaska Rei Music Ghost Who Walks (Acoustic Duo) Ripple Effect Jess Deacon Mal Webb & Kylie Morrigan Formidable Vegetable East of Queen Hemi Walker


Enerlogic Wednesday December 5, 2018performs

Advertising Feature

4 times better than regular or standard solar window films, and in addition to keeping out huge amounts of solar heat, its primary benefit is maximising heat retention – creating a huge amount of energy savings and value for money. What’s more, Enerlogic Window Films are internationally accredited with the Gold Plus Global Green Tag, proving their outstanding ecofriendly performance. Whereas no other product in the window film or glazing industry has been accredited, Enerlogic 35 and Enerlogic 70 have. This firmly establishes this product as the most technically advanced and eco-friendly window films on the planet. As part of their commitment to the enhancement, preservation and protection of the environment the Gold Plus Global Green Tag Awards Certification adds to Energlogic’s already impressive array of prestigious awards.

YIP ‘Second to none’ Service

So why wait? Enjoy leading innovation, phenomenal energy savings and complete comfort with Enerlogic window films.

Real Estate Extraordinaire William YIP of Harcourts always aims to put his clients first, in a business model which ensures quality service to achieve a fantastic sale result. Often Real Estate Agents sign up a client and leave them to do everything themselves, and only start working when the sign goes up. “We start working for our clients way before they are thinking of selling,” William said. His aim is to ensure no client undersells their biggest asset. “To achieve this, we provide the most comprehensive strategy that doesn’t cut any corners,” he said. film gives you equivalent performance That way when an offer comes in, you know without the huge price tag! you’ve covered everything and that is the best possible price.” He said even once his clients’ houses are sold, his post-market support is ‘second to none’.

Insulate your windows for a warmer house today


RenovatingEnerlogic old homes is not about making them look new… It is about Equivalent thermal performance to double making new unnecessary! glazing but almost 1/3 OF THE PRICE

“We will help you with your relocation, recycle any excess furnishings to local charities, sell any items on your behalf, and rubbish removal is always free.” William YIP’s team has also been running their own community grants for the last two years and have donated significant time, money and support to the local community. William said his team believes in ‘no regrets’ and in doing the best possible job in preparation and marketing, you will get the best possible price in the market. so when they get an offer they know no corners have been cut in the process. “Choosing to work with a comprehensive team like us is your insurance against underselling your biggest asset. Plus it will be easier for you and you will also be supporting the local community as well.”

STAY COOL IN SUMMER, WARM IN WINTER! Window film for both Don’t replace



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Renovate to increase value Renovating can be costly and inconvenient, but can also increase the value and enjoyment of your home. There are two main reasons why people renovate; to add to the comfort, use and value of the home, and to tidy it up to sell. Before you launch into renovations, take time to consider whether the expense and disruption is justified. Consider the tastes of poten-

tial buyers, which really means keeping everything fairly neutral to appeal to a wider range of people. Not everyone likes bright feature walls or pink bathtubs. Renovations that will increase the appeal of your home may include painting the kitchen and bathroom, or putting in some decking to give an indoor-outdoor flow and an increased sense of space or some landscaping.

Wednesday December 5, 2018 Wednesday November 18, 2015

Local heroes honoured at Parliament To Lease

17 13


SECURE STORAGE 14sqm $42 per week. 2m seasoned pine $180 on the Elimination of all Forms of community who have all uniquely children and has volunteered at social issues. Wainui Self Storage, Waiu St, 0274805150. pine store for against Women. Discrimination touched the lives of others,” said many community organisations. Ruth McDavitt of Te Aro 4m is Split 2015 Tradesthe and Injy$330 Johnstone of Te Aro. has Jill.Composed by Tony Watling 11th. Nov. Sisters Johanna and Brittany CosCEServices of Summer of Tech,next a winter Large Bags Kindling $13 volunteered in causes including This year, 322 medals will grove of Khandallah established not-for-profit programme helping ELECTRICAL repairs and Large Bags Dry Pine/ climate action, conservation and be presented nationwide with social enterprise FOR Nope ALL Sisters students and graduates enter the $14 hardwood mix children foster and founded sevthe New Zealander of the Year Clothing in 2016, inspiring social New Zealand IT industry installations by top-qualifi ed electrician within paid eral non-for-profit organisations Awards Gala to be held in Auck- change through clothing. Their internships. record of over fifty years of giving locals the Free Delivery in Wainui land in February. first project targeted breast cancer Marianne Bishop of Newlands including People at Heart, which lowest “around-the-clock” service, justfor over raises awareness of emotional Heroes within pools the Independent and they havecost since has nursed senior citizens Our summer were built byawareness us. phone 977-8787 or 021-0717-674 or email Herald’s circulation include Jeff developed clothing to address 20 years and supports women’s and domestic abuse, Foster Child Blends in well did cause no fuss. NZand andServices an online susSanders of Te Aro, chief executive social issues such sexual abuse, rights through her volunteer Support Trades With hydro slide will cause a splash. of Barnardos New Zealand. His eating disorders and depression. work with a number of national tainability portal She also And to says it many people dash. citation Jeff champions A donation from every sale goes women’s organisations as well as supports Generation Zero, a youthSituation Vacant native bush weoftwist wiggle. theThrough rights and wellbeing all and to organisations targeting specific the United Nations Convention led organisation that champions a From the children brings a giggle. carbon neutral New Zealand. Severn days a week the place is open. Ken Allen of Johnsonville is a Hot summer days we all are hopen! highly respected volunteer in the Wellington community, providing 20 hours of guidance and leadership for Sport StWellington every 46 Waione Petone Public Notice week. His other volunteer roles inPh: 5685989 Open Sat 9am-3pm clude the Newtown Formerly cpa Ethical spares LendOF THE D AY ing Trust, Kaibosh Food Rescue Wainuiomata Squash Club and Wellington Community Funeral Director Trust. AGM Ken is a netball referee and helps N 51. J.K. with administration at local football clubs. Rowling 7.00pm Poppy Norton of Khandallah, a chose the Monday 30th November student liaison officer at Victoria unusual At the Clubrooms University, travels nationwide name helping students transition from ‘Hermione’ Corner of Main Road high school to tertiary education so young and Moohan Streets, Wainuiomata and ensures they are prepared Wellington’s Local Heroes of the Year: Back from left: Justine Hamill, Pera Barrett, Ruth McDavitt, Te Aro: Ken Allen, Johnsonville; Phil girls Waddington, Dr Bill Glass, Sam Polwart (Palmerston North recipient), Jason Osborne, Jeff Sanders, Te Aro; Poppy Norton, Khandallah; academically and mentally. wouldn’t She has already won the Te Putahi Vhari McWha, Holly Norton. be teased Middle row from left: Jase Te Patu, Pani (Jim) Watene, Julie Ann Kamal, Garth Baker, Brenda Strauchon, Karyn Williams, Tracey Mansfield, Atawhai Mentor Award for exlocal news for beingMorahan, Sarah Field, Paula Warren, TonyBringing Rebecca Gaeta. cellence in mentoring Maori and nerdy! Front from left: Gaylene Preston, Bill Sharp, Tamara Olliver, McLaren, Marianne Bishop, Newlands, Shannan Wong, Johanna Cosgrove, Pasifika students and The Rotary to thePeter community Khandallah, Brittany Cosgrove, Khandallah, Injy Johnstone, Te Aro. PHOTO supplied. Youth Leadership Award.

Wellington honoured its “Local Heroes” on Monday night at the annual Kiwibank Local Hero Awards in Parliament buildings. Wellington’s Deputy Mayor Jill Day and Porirua Mayor Mike Tana presented medals and congratulated the recipients. “Our region’s 38 local heroes demonstrate the acts of charity, commitment and selflessness which is what holds a community together. Many of these individuals are inspiring members of our




Situation Vacant

Collection by Wainuiomata Newspaper Ngaio poet Deliverers Ngaio writer Carina Gallegos

Ngaio writer Carina Gallegos has just published her first collection of poems, All of Us, poems around the themes of migration and refugees. Her work is being published in a combined collection with Wellington writer Adrienne Jansen. Carina has worked with refugee-background communiDeliverers Required in ties in the Wellington region for the last seven years and sheArea draws on1: this experience in these poems. Kawatiri Momona, Mohaka, Although she lived most of her life in Costa Rica where she was born, she now considers New Zealand her home. All of Us, and a companion book to be published early next year called More of Us, Poems by Migrants and Refugees, is creating a lot of interest. It is published by Landing Press.



Contact Sandra on 587 1660


A solid

Mail closing dates

New Zealand Post advises Australia closes today, Decemthat closing times for standard ber 5, while other international post and parcels and tracked destinations closed earlier this items for New Zealand Christ- week. International courier to Ausmas mail will be on Tuesday tralia closes on Wednesday December 18. Courier and courier and sig- December 12 (express courier nature items can be posted up December 14) while to the South Pacific, Asia, North until Friday 21. They advise that items going America the UK and Europe to Canada could be delayed will close on December 10 until January, as the Canada (Express Wednesday DecemPost strike action, which ended ber 12). International courier only on November 28, has to the rest of the world closes Applications are available at our recruitment Viewon the Wainuiomata News December 7 (Express Decaused a backlog. office or at the security gate based in the air postage to cember 10). International online Ngauranga George in Wellington. Contact Barry 472 7987 or 021 276 6654.

ACROSS ACROSS 1.Sir SirEd EdHillarys’ Hillarys’previous previous 1. ACROSS ACROSS occupation (9) occupation (9) 1. Result (5-6) 1. Result (5-6) (9) 6.Small Small dogbreed breed 6. dog (9) 7. Scoundrel (7) (7) 7. Scoundrel 11. Bog (5) 11. (5)(5) (5) 11.Bog Pulls 11. Pulls 12. Convertinto intomoney money(7) (7) 12. 12.Convert Deviousness (7) (7) 12. Deviousness 13.Gazelle Gazelle (5) 13. (5) 13. Excellent (5) Excellent (5)towards (3-5) 14.13. Behave cruelly 14. Behave towards (3-5) 14. Alert (9)cruelly 14. Alert (9) 17. Dogged (10) 17. Dogged (10) 15. So (9) 15. So (9) outcast (3) 18.Japanese Japanese 18. outcast 16. Directs (6) 16. Directs (6)(4) (3) 20.African African plant 20. plant (4) 18. Skull (7) 18. Skull (7) 22.Style Styleofofcooking cooking(7) (7) 22. 21. Disorder (4)(6) 21. Disorder (4) 24.Cuban Cuban cigar 24. cigar (6) 23. Racket (3) (3) current (3) 23. Racket 26.Unit Unit electric 26. ofofelectric current (3) 25. Take by by sips (3) (3) 25. Take 28. Common (5) sips 28. Common (5) 27. Stake (4) (4) 27. Stake 29. Knee-cap (7) 29. Knee-cap (7) 28. Artlessness (7) Artlessness (7) 32.28. Dwell onwith withsmugness smugness (5) 32. Dwell on (5) 30. Low chair; Chaise ... (6) 30. Low chair; Chaise ... (6) 33. Pairs of performers (3) 33. Pairs of performers (3) 32. Expert; ... hand 32. Expert; ... hand (3) (3) 34.Diocese Diocese (3) 34. (3) 33. Strange (3) 35. High mountain pass (3) 33. Strange (3) 35. High mountain pass (3) 34. Zealous 36.Stunted Stunted person (5) 34. Zealous (6) (6)(5) 36. person 37.Come Come inagain again (2-5) (7) (7) 35. Ininbrisk time(music) 35. In brisk time(music) 37. (2-5) 38. Tests (5) 36. U.S. state (4) 36. U.S. state (4) 38. Tests (5) 39.Finish Finish (3)vessel 37. Biblical vessel 37. Biblical (3) (3) 39. (3) 41.Vigorous Vigorous (6) 39. Curve (3) 39. Curve (3)(6) 41. 42.Fortress Fortress commander (7) 41. Cupid (4) 41. Cupid (4) 42. commander (7) 44.Spanish Spanish dance (4) 43. Exposed to(4) air 43. Exposed to air (7) (7) 44. dance 47.Expert Expert (3) 45. Female relatives 45. Female relatives (6) (6) 47. (3) 49. Gas mask (10) 48. An endless time(Lat) 48.Gas An mask endless time(Lat) (9) (9) 49. (10) 51.Male Male singing voice (8) 49. Left handed people(inf) 49. Left handed people(inf) (9) (9) 51. singing voice (8)

By Russell Russell McQuarters McQuarters By By Russell McQuarters By Russell McQuarters

55.U.S. U.S.novelist; novelist; Mark Mark......(5) (5) 40.Close Close(4) (4) 55. 40. 56.Angry Italian(5) town(7) (7) 43. Briefinspection(inf) inspection(inf)(4-3) (4-3) 56. Italian town 43. Brief (abbr) (3) 51. (abbr) (3) mineral (3) 51.Evergreen Angry (5) shrub (5) 57. 44. Hard black 57. Evergreen shrub (5) 44. Hard black mineral (3) 33.33. Sphere (3)(3) 52.52. Solidify by by cooling (7) Sphere Solidify 58.Dwelling Dwelling (9) cooling (7) 45.Medium Medium (7) 58. (9) 45. (7) 38. U.S. horse race; ... ... Derby (8)(8) 53. Anaesthetic (5)(5) 38. U.S. horse race; Derby 53. Anaesthetic 59. Private conversation (9) 46. Bird of prey(6) (6) 59. Private conversation (9) 46. Bird of prey 40.40. Restrained (8)(8) 54.54. Humbleness (7)(7) Restrained Humbleness 48.Picture Picturetheatre theatre (6) 48. 42. Casual (7)(7) (6) 55.55. Friendship (11) 42. Casual DOWNFriendship (11) 50. Celestial bodies(5) (5) DOWN 50. Celestial 44. Annual calendar 44. Overhead Annualbodies calendar 1.Baby Baby(7) (7) 52. (5) (7)(7) 1. 52. Overhead (5) 46.53. Scoffs (6)(6)(5) DOWN 46. Scoffs DOWN Register(5) (5) Of sheep 2.2.Register 53. Of sheep (5)(6)(6) 47. Manservant 1. Sound (5)(5) 47. Manservant 1.Urge Sound 3. (6) 54. Light fog(4) (4) 3. Sent Urge (6) 54. Light fog 48. Form of of expression (5)(5) 2. (11) 48. Form expression 2. Sent (11) 4. Eskimo jacket (5) 4. Eskimo jacket (5) 49.49. Water vapour (5)(5) 3.5.Shy (8)(8) of paper (4) Water vapour 3.20Shy quires 5. Of 20 quires of paper (4) 50.50. Gambol (5)(5) 4. public revenue (6)(6)(5-2) Gambol 4. Of public revenue Solution Out-door movie theatre 6.6.Out-door movie theatre SOLUTION SOLUTION 5. Turn outwards (5)(5) (5-2) 5. Turn outwards Wrinkle(6) (6) last week – 289, November 7.7.Wrinkle For For September April 2003 29,2004 2004 SOLUTION SOLUTION 6.8.Constrict (7)(7) 6. Constrict For For September April 9, 2003 29, U.S. NAtional Anthem 8. U.S. NAtional Anthem Solution last week, 11 November For For July April 28, 9, 2003 2004 For For July April 28, 9, 2003 2004 7. Has high morals (8)(8) 7.‘...Has high morals … Banner’ (4-8) ‘... … Banner’ (4-8) 8.9.Reduce (6) 8. Reduce (6) Combine (5) 9. Combine (5) 9. Sanction 9. Sanction (7) 10. Triflers in art (11) 10. Triflers in art(7) (11) 10. Audacity 10. Audacity (5)(5) 15. Hyson (3) 15. Hyson (3) 16. Arrange in steps 16. Apiece (4) 16. Arrange in steps (7)(7) 16. Apiece (4) 17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank ...(7) 19. African bloodsucker; 17. ‘Old Blue Eyes’ Frank ...(7) 19. African bloodsucker; fly(6) (6) (5)(5) 19.19. Competitor ......Competitor fly 21. Garden plant (7) 20. N.Z. Prime Minister 20. N.Z. Prime Minister 21. Garden plant (7) 23.1975-84 Referee (6)Sir 1975-84 Robert Sir Robert ... ... (7)(7) 23. Referee (6) 25. Pear-shaped fruit(7) (7) 22. Boils 22. Boils (7)(7) fruit 25. Pear-shaped 26. Outdated (3-9) 24. Catch 24. Catch (3)(3) 26. Outdated (3-9) 27. Holy (6) 26. Group whales 26. Group of of whales (3)(3) 27. Holy (6) 28. Insurer (11) 29. Topic (5) 29. Topic (5) 28. Insurer (11) 30. Even(poetic) (3) (4-7) 31. Uninvited guest (4-7) 31. Uninvited guest 30. Even(poetic) (3) 31. Deadly (6) 32. Deoxyribonucleic acid 32. Deoxyribonucleic acid 31. Deadly (6)


Wednesday December 5, 2018


School students ‘Pack The Bus’ Samuel Marsden Collegiate School on Monday picked up this year’s Wellington City Mission’s ‘Pack The Bus’ challenge. For 26 years in the weeks before Christmas, a bus travels to schools, supermarkets and businesses all over the greater Wellington region.

Trades & Services

Death Notices

BUILDING/PAINTING prompt service,

COUTTS, William (Bill) Ernest. This is CB’er Wn 40 out. Passed away peacefully on Friday 30 November 2018, aged 84 years, after a second short fight with cancer, at the Mary Potter Hospice, Newtown, with his family present. Second eldest son of the late Bannatyne Ernest Taylor Coutts (of Walls Shetland) and Sylvia Agnes Coutts (of Dunedin). Loved brother to Jim, Leslie, Robert (deceased), Richard, Rosemary (deceased) and Graeme. Our thanks to the staff of Ward 7 South and Ward 5 North, Wellington Hospital and the Mary Potter Hospice, Newtown. In lieu of flowers, donations to The Mary Potter Hospice would be appreciated and may be left at the service. Messages to the Coutts family can be left in Bill’s tribute book at or may be posted c/- P O Box 7123, Wellington, 6242. Bill’s service will be held at The Wilson Funeral Home Chapel, 375 Adelaide Rd, Newtown on Thursday 6th December 2018 at 2pm and will be followed by private cremation. The Wilson Funeral Home Newtown and Karori OAKS, Lynne (nee Whittaker)– Peacefully on 3 December 2018 at Wellington Hospital. Loved mother and mother in law of Tim and Adrienne, Chris and Shelley. Messages to the Oaks family may be left in Lynne’s tribute book at www. or posted c/- PO Box 7123 Newtown 6242. A service to celebrate Lynne’s life will be held at St Ninian’s Centre, Karori Road, Karori, on Friday 7 December 2018 at 1pm, followed by burial at Makara Cemetery. The Wilson Funeral Home, Newtown & Karori - Locally Owned. WALSH, Therese Mary – Peacefully on 30th November 2018 at Wellington Hospital. Loving wife of Tony for 55 years. Messages to the Walsh family may be left in Therese’s tribute book at or posted c/- PO Box 7123 Newtown 6242. Therese’s Funeral Mass will be celebrated at St Benedict’s Catholic Church, 3 Everest Street, Khandallah on Thursday 6 December 2018 at 11am, followed by a private cremation. The Wilson Funeral Home, Newtown & Karori - Locally Owned

reasonable rates. Free quotes. Phone 04 9777850 or 027-451-5005.

The Breeze radio station facilitates this, partnering with the mission to collect food and new toys for families who would otherwise have a pretty tough Christmas. Supporters can text ‘WELLY’ followed by their business or school details to 934,

PROPERTY and Apartment management, tenancy, rents and project management. Call John 022-3588962. KHANDALLAH LAWN MOWING PLUS Experienced garden maintenance

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PAINTING TEAM with own scaffolding

Here Marsden school students, from left, Phoebe Gray, Charlotte Matthews, Sakira Knights and front: Willa McIver, help to ‘Pack the Bus’ for the Wellington City Mission. PHOTO supplied.

Views on future of NCEA released Thousands of New Zealanders’ views on NCEA and its future have been captured in a newly-released Ministry of Education report Compiled by the New Zealand Council for Education Research (NZCER), it analyses the feedback gathered from surveys, formal submissions, workshops, in-depth interviews and focus groups. Earlier this year the Minister of Education put out a call to action for all New Zealanders to have a say on the future of NCEA. “We’ve heard from students, principals, teachers, whanau, business owners, tertiary groups, and many more diverse voices,” says ministry spokesperson Ellen MacGregor-Reid. “We’re delighted that so many New Zealanders got involved, and how passionate people are about sharing their experiences with NCEA,” she said. “Through targeted engagement, we’ve also been able to hear from people who haven’t always been well served by the education system.” Over 16,000 people engaged directly in the review, with over 8000 filling in a survey or detailed submission and around 8000 others attending face to face meetings.

The spokeswoman says the report highlights the things that people like about NCEA, and areas where it could be strengthened. “Similarly there are a wide range of ideas about how we could do this, and what a more future-focused NCEA might look like,” she says. Ellen says that while many like NCEA’s mixture of external and internal credits, and the range of ways students can achieve credit, some noted that there can be challenges with how the qualification is implemented. More focus on learning than on assessment, which could include less emphasis on credit accumulation, was one area mentioned. Changing the number and content of NCEA levels and offering more support around how NCEA is understood and used has been mentioned as an option. “We are working with the Ministerial Advisory Group, Professional Advisory Group, Reference Group, the education profession, students, employers and wider community, to prepare recommendations for the Minister to take to Cabinet in April,” Ellen says. A plan for the future of NCEA will be released for consultation later in 2019.

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Summer is Here!!!

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REG DRAINLAYER Graham Plumbing & Drainage Ltd Call John 970 2409 or 027 457 4999

Situations Vacant

The Khandallah Village Street fair will be held on Sunday 9 December 2018. Ganges Road (between Dekka and Agra Streets) will be closed from 6am until 6pm. Enquiries: Russell Law 021440481

Garage Sale GARAGE SALE. Sat 8 Dec. 8am to 12pm. 9/25 Tacy Street, Kilbirnie. General household items incl. kitchenware, clothing, etc.

Garden Maintenance

Public Notices ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS All advertisements are subject to the approval of Wellington Suburban Newspapers. Advertisements are positioned entirely at the option of The Publisher & no guarantee of placement is given. Applicable loadings apply only to the specific placement of strip or island advertisements. Placement & approval is at the discretion of The Publisher. While every effort will be made to publish as instructed, The Publisher accepts no liability for any loss caused through loss or misplacement. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement considered unsuitable for publication. Advertisements will be charged on the size of the material supplied or the space ordered whichever is the greater. It is the responsibility of the Advertiser or Advertising Agent to notify Wellington Suburban Newspapers of any error within 24 hours of its publication. The Publisher is not responsible for recurring errors. To obtain a classified space order (defined as annual commitment of advertising space or spend) please speak to your advertising representative. (Surcharges may apply if commitment levels are not met or cancellation of a space booking & or contract). Cancellation: neither display nor classified cancellations will be accepted after the booking deadline. No credits will be issued to classified package buys that have commenced their series. If an advertiser at any time fails to supply copy within the deadline, it is understood & agreed that the last copy supplied will be repeated. Specific terms & conditions apply to certain classifications. These may relate to either requirements & conditions set by industry standards for the advertising of certain goods & services, or set by The Publisher. Please speak to your advertising representative to obtain a full copy of these. Advertisers agree that all advertisements published by Wellington Suburban Newspapers may also appear on a relevant website.


Cnr Burgess & Johnsonville Rds, Johnsonville Ph: 04 477 6855


GARDENSCAPE SERVICES Trees, hedges, tidy ups. Ph Roy 476-3368 / 027248-3263.

Executive Assistant Part-time Permanent 35 hours per week, Term time only Refer to Onslow College Website/ current vacancies Applications to be emailed to by 1pm 7 December 2018

Men’s Footwear

Wednesday December 5, 2018



Council staff hold friendly farewell for World Cup-bound club

Orange-clad Wellington City councillors and staff along with Grant Elliot (third standing from left) pose for a photo with members of Team Wellington before their farewell friendly match at Civic Square on Friday. PHOTO: Jamie Adams By Jamie Adams

Team Wellington this week headed off to Abu Dhabi to take part in the FIFA Club World Cup, a tournament involving the top club sides from each of the world’s six continental confederations. Before getting on the plane however, some of their players got the chance to show off their skills against a Wellington City Council team that included the Mayor Justin Lester, councillor Andy Foster and

former Black Cap Grant Elliot. Team Wellington, which plays home games at Miramar, won the right to represent Oceania after winning the Oceania Champions League tournament in May after years of domination by Auckland City. While Abu Dhabi in located in the hot desert of the Arabian Peninsula, being winter now means temperatures will likely be in the more bearable mid-20s. They will also have plenty of time to acclimatise, with their first game, a knockout,

against home team Al-Ain not scheduled until December 13 (overnight NZ time). Nonetheless, coach Jose Figuera admits it will be a tough task for Team Wellington to get through to the next round. “It’s an amateur team against a full professional team,” he says. “Some of them played in Russia [for the Football World Cup].” However the New Zealand side does have players who played in age-grade internationals and are in the All Whites squad.

Clean sweep for bridge team The Wellington Bridge Team played outstanding Bridge at the Bridge Interprovincials held in Auckland on November 23, claiming the Dougal McLean trophy for the top Interprovincial team for the third time running. They won every one of their twelve matches. Nigel Kearney the Wellington Chef de Mission, said it was an incredible feat as the Auckland team, containing four international players, was considered the favourite to win before the tournament. He said that the Wellington Open team made the right decisions in tight competitive matches and also had Wellington Bridge Open team members from left: Nigel Kennedy of their share of luck, which Johnsonville, Anthony Ker of Epuni and Alan Grant of Northland, with the Dougal McLean Trophy. PHOTO supplied. helped them seal the win.

150 years on… a golfing milestone It is 150 years since women attained the right to vote in New Zealand and another milestone has finally been achieved with open entry allowed in Paremata’s prestigious Golden Gate Golf tournament, being held at the Judgeford Golf Course on Friday, December 7. For the previous 28 tournaments, only men could compete. Past organiser and tournament stalwart Wayne Norrie says: “We are delighted to be accepting open entries from this point forward and breaking from tradition. “There were a number of considerations for the past organisers in taking this momentous step.

“We have admired from afar the form of Lydia Ko on the world stage and now accept that she is playing at such a standard she would likely beat any of us, so form was no longer an issue. “Furthermore, we noted Jacinda Ardern’s recent investment of $10m into women’s sport so wish to build on that by creating opportunities for our women. “However, most importantly, the golf tournament is about our community and the spirit within it and our women are very much part of that.” The Golden Gate is described as the area containing Seaview Road, Trevor Terrace, Bayview Road and part of Paremata Road.

If Team Wellington manages to beat AlAin they will be guaranteed at least two more games, with a match against Africa champions Esperance de Tunis followed by either a semi-final match or a match to decide fifth place. Prior to the friendly match, a kitted-out Mayor Justin Lester told them everyone in Wellington had “huge respect” for the team. “It’s great for the country and great for football. We are incredibly proud of you.”

Sports talk

with Jacob Page

Bitter Warriors show true colours with Johnson exit The Shaun Johnson exit from the Warriors has been handled poorly by an organisation that’s never been great at public relations. To start with the positives, they did the right thing by granting their million dollar playmaker a release when he asked for one. There’s no point having an unhappy player at your club. That can get toxic. But that’s where the positive comments end. Wa r r io r s b o s s C a m e r o n George fronted media and when asked where the replacement would come from, like a punk teenager at the back of a classroom, he said: “The phone has been running hot”. That smacks of arrogance and desperation. Anyone who knows anything about the NRL player market knows the odds of landing a marque halfback in December is extremely remote. The statement was a pathetic parting shot to Johnson, who

has now signed a deal with the Cronulla Sharks. A split for both sides is the best option all round. Johnson has a chance to play for a better, more equipped team, though the Sharks have their own financial issues at present, and he can do it away from the Warriors spotlight which has seemed to drain his talent at certain times. The Warriors have never won a premiership since entering the NRL in 1995. With no playmaker, that streak looks likely to continue beyond 2019. Many players have thrived after leaving the Warriors and it would not be a shock to see Johnson get closer to a premiership with a new team. The Warriors have never been short of talent but the culture and back room politics has often been their undoing. This smacks of just another example.


Wednesday December 5, 2018

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