Hibiscusmatters 13-08-14

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Proudly NZ Owned

FREE A division of Local Matters

Your LOCAL Community Newspaper 13 August 2014


Inside this issue Cleaning cuts

DIY beach cleaning begins in parks

page 2

Campaign begins Candidates front up in Orewa

page 6

Ella Garlick of Arkles Bay, pictured, feels as though all her Christmases have come at once. The six-year-old Whangaparaoa School student found out last week that she was one of only four Kiwi children to be appointed as a Toy Tester for The Warehouse. Ella receives up to $200 worth of toys each month to play with, assess and keep. She won the 12-month-long role by uploading a video that showed her reviewing toys. Hundreds of entries were received from children aged five to 10. Ella will document her year as a Toy Tester on YouTube, look for ‘Toy Tester Ella’.

Court hears of systemic failure in Orewa’s Nautilus apartments

The problems with the Nautilus building in Orewa, which were laid bare before the Auckland High Court last week, involve considerably more than leaky cladding. The list of defects also included a leaking Only seven of the 146 unit owners Rodney District Council (now roof, podium and skylights, leaky and who have brought one of the country’s Auckland Council) and others, were unsafe decks, and corroding steel. biggest leaky building claims against continued page 3

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Eddie Law

Home grown entrepreneur Manly business with worldwide clout

page 11

Generous quilters

Coast Quilters get busy for Red Cross

page 17

Westinghouse Top Load Washer WWT6041

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WHANGAPARAOA MALL. PH 424 7870 • 324 MAIN RD, OREWA. PH 426 4439 Waiwera to Silverdale including Whangaparaoa Peninsula and Orewa



2 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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August 13, 2014 Issue 156

Enquiries: ph 427 8188 fax 427 8186 Unit G, Tamariki Plaza, Cammish Lane, Orewa, 0931 hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz www.localmatters.co.nz Next issues are September 3 & 17 - Book your advertising now.

Editor: Terry Moore ph 427 8187 terry@localmatters.co.nz

Design: Lorry McCarthy ph 427 8188 hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz

Advertising: Leanne Watson ph 022 096 8517 sellit@localmatters.co.nz

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Hibiscus Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 19,790 homes and businesses twice a month. Views expressed in Hibiscus Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without editor’s permission is prohibited.

Beachcombers pick up slack for Council

The work of clearing beaches of rubbish in regional parks, including Shakespear and Wenderholm, will largely fall to volunteers due to a reduction in the service levels provided by Council contractors. The change has the potential to Mr Maitland says although park users increase the amount of unsightly respond well to the parks’ No Bins rubbish that can present a hazard to policy, taking most of their rubbish home with them, debris washed in both people and wildlife. Cost savings to ratepayers, as well as by the tide can be hazardous to park “rationalisation of standards of service” users, and plastic can be swallowed by throughout regional parks and local sea and shorebirds. and sports parks, are the reason for Shakespear Open Sanctuary (SOSSI) the change in contracts let in recent chair Peter Jackson says he is confident that volunteers can pick up the slack. months to Recreational Services. Council’s Open Sanctuary coordinator He says anyone walking the beaches Matt Maitland says while contractors is welcome to pick up rubbish as they will still clear rubbish from the see it, but SOSSI is also starting up a main grassed areas of Shakespear roster to ensure volunteers comb the and Wenderholm Regional Parks, beaches thoroughly for rubbish at least the beach and dune areas will only once a week. have rubbish removed over the peak Anyone interested in going on the summer period, tapering off in April/ roster (you don’t have to be SOSSI May. Instead of daily, contractors will members) should email info@sossi.org. clean the beach and dune areas around nz, phone Peter Jackson on 428 7059 or visit www.sossi.org.nz once a week.

Ridding local beaches of rubbish has become a mission for Gareth Rapson of Stanmore Bay. He is pictured at his first Plastic Beaches cleanup – Gareth is in the red shirt, at rear.

Targeting a cleaner coast

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One reason that chiropractor Gareth Rapson moved to the Hibiscus Coast is because of the beaches, so, to keep them looking beautiful, he would pick up a handful of the rubbish he found on the beach every time he went for a seaside walk. Many people walking our beaches remove rubbish in this way, helping keep the area clean, however 28-yearold Gareth’s initiative grew into an ambitious plan to clean up 400km of coastline. This dovetailed nicely with the Landmark Leadership programme that he is also undertaking. “I want my children to be able to enjoy the beaches as I can do now,” he says. He promoted his Plastic Beaches scheme on Facebook, and last month the first cleanup took place. On July 13, around 20 locals walked around

Orewa Estuary and along the beach for four hours, filling 10 rubbish bags. Gareth says he was heartened by the support he received from local businesses and organisations including Pak ‘n’ Save, Destination Orewa, Fishing Direct and Orewa Baptist Church. Emma Wingrove, whose Facebook page, Starting the Change, also focuses on environmental issues and cleanups, is one of those who supported the cleanup and is taking the project forward. However, Gareth says he is also looking for assistance from anyone who would like to take on a leadership role for the Plastic Beaches project. He is hoping to set up another cleanup before the end of the year. Info: email gareth.rapson@gmail.com or phone 09 957 5014, 021 222 6531.

Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 3

Nautilus leaky claim present for the first day of the hearing on August 4. They were outnumbered by lawyers – around 10 in total – and expert witnesses who crowded into the small courtroom where Justice Murray Gilbert will hear evidence for the next 11 weeks. The Judge also undertook a site visit, which included inspecting some of the apartments in the Nautilus, last week. According to the plaintiffs, the extensive problems now apparent in the building stem from a combination of incompetence on the part of Rodney District Council, design issues, and poor workmanship and cost cutting by the builders. Most of the problems relate to the failure of critical junctions between different parts of the structure, allowing water to penetrate. While Downers have taken responsibility for, and will remedy, faults in the waterproof roof membrane, which it applied, builders Brookfield Multiplex and Walker Architects are in liquidation, leaving their insurers and Auckland Council in the gun. In her opening statement, the unit owners’ lawyer, Christine Meechan QC, said although there was no dispute that the building does not comply with the Building Code, none of the defendants accept that they breached any obligations and they also dispute the amounts claimed,

from page 1

including remedial costs. Ms Meechan said Quantity Surveyors engaged by both sides differ by around $1 million on the costs of a fix, and how it could best be achieved. “The fact is the building cost $35 million to build, yet four years later it needed almost as much spent on it to bring it up to code,” she said. She said the plaintiffs maintain that the builder cut costs in order to keep within the agreed fixed price contract that it signed with the developer, entering into evidence a memo dated November 27, 2002 from Multiplex to a quantity surveyor which stated that it would be necessary “to rape and pillage the design to the bone” in order to construct the building within the agreed price. Ms Meechan said this process led to compromises in design and materials that came at the cost of the durability and watertightness of the structure. She said the Plaintiffs relied on the code of compliance certificate issued by the former Rodney District Council and that in issuing the certificate, the Council failed to pick up important faults in design and construction. “Council should have accepted that this was a complex, bespoke façade and difficult to design and build. It ought to have had a thorough investigation and peer review before signing it off,” Ms Meechan told the court.

Nautilus residents leave the Auckland High Court after attending the first day of the hearing into their leaky building claim.

Lawyers for the defence made their opening statement on day two of the hearing and detailed technical evidence from expert witnesses who include residents, quantity surveyors, architects and engineers will take up the bulk of the lengthy hearing.

The claim Interim repairs – to keep apartments habitable for residents: $180,000 Comprehensive remedial solution, tendered for by Prendos NZ: $23,072,707 Consequential losses – loss of rent and ability to use the apartments while repairs are underway: various (different for individual tenants). General damages: various (depending on the distress caused to each tenant). Total damages claimed: in excess of $30 million.

The extent of the problem revealed The unit owners’ list of defects in The Nautilus and solutions/cost estimates suggested by Prendos: 1 The Plant Room, on the roof, is open to the elements and not properly sealed, allowing water to penetrate. The solution is to erect an over-roof at a cost of $354,000. 2 Skylights, “peppered” across the roof leak and must be removed and replaced. 3 The junctions between the composite aluminium panels that make up the roof edge are not ‘tenacious’ and have no drainage mechanism. Replacement is estimated at more than $1.1million. 4 Decks are described as one of the “big ticket” items and fixing the various issues, which include defects in the waterproof membrane, sliding door joinery and poorly designed balustrade on levels 5 to 12, will cost more than $9.7 million. The decks at the ‘fish tail’ end of the building, the northwest corner, have additional problems. 5 Cladding – the other “big ticket” item, makes up the remainder of the remedial solution costs. Composite aluminium panels were to have been backed by marine grade ply and a cavity provided that allowed water to be shed, but this was not done. Water comes in the junctions of the panels. Experts disagree on the effects of this and the type of replacement cladding but it is accepted that it is “an omnipresent problem”. 6 The podium – water is entering around steps on the podium, because of variations in the type of waterproofing materials used. A new waterproof membrane is required, but Council disputes liability and costs. 7 The dividing walls between courtyards on Level 1were not capped, allowing water in. Estimated cost of repair is more than $841,000. Disputed by Council.


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What’s on your mind? Readers are welcome to air their views. Letters may be abridged or withheld. See address on p2 or e: terry@localmatters.co.nz

Less speed, more links

As someone who has dealt with Auckland Transport on various issues, it comes as no surprise to discover that they have placed the opinions of those who drive along Hibiscus Coast Highway above the request for a 60km/h speed limit along the stretch as detailed (HM August 1). A drop to 60km/h past the Silverdale town centre would enable a set of traffic lights to be safely installed at the intersection of Silverdale St/Tavern Rd and once again link these areas together for people other than those in motor vehicles or who are willing to undertake the walk under the bridge. The time difference between 80km/h and 60 km/h along this stretch is absolutely minimal. I would go so far as to say that the entire Hibiscus Coast Highway, from Red Beach to the Rugby Club should be 60km/h. It is no longer a state highway, so should no longer look like one. Bryce Pearce, Orewa

Speed suggestion I wish to comment on Hibiscus Matters story ‘Highway Speed Comes Down’ (HM August 1). I travel this route every day. Fair enough to reduce the speed from 80kph to 70kph. But why not also look at limiting, or hopefully eliminating, further accidents by preventing cars heading north to Orewa from turning right at the Hibiscus Coast Highway/Silverdale Street/Tavern Road intersection, and instead direct vehicles to the business area to turn right at East Coast Road where it is a controlled intersection? In addition, all cars leaving the Kings Plant Barn shopping area should be prevented from turning right into Hibiscus Highway and instead specifically directed behind the shops into East Coast Road to link up with the controlled intersection. It doesn’t seem like rocket science to me! Christine McClintock, Little Manly

Root of problem As an Orewa resident I walk most mornings along our beach and occasionally watch with continuing bemusement heavy machinery moving the sand back once again to the beach where it had been washed away originally, just north of the Surf club. Obviously the powers that be are losing the battle with the erosion, which is winning to the degree that now the big Norfolk pine trees’ roots are being exposed, the trees themselves are only six to eight metres from the two metre drop off to the beach. Obviously its not insurmountable, as the sea walls north and south seem to be working fine. The question is does the council have a plan to secure this part of the beach permanently before the Norfolk Pines are lost? I think we have a right to be told. Peter Denison, Orewa (abridged) Martin van Jaarsveld, Auckland Council’s local and sports parks north manager responds: Council is progressing prioritised upgrades and repairs along the entire length of Orewa Beach, with immediate focus on repairing damage sustained during recent storm events. The current management response for Orewa Reserve is routine sand replenishment following severe storm events, in an effort to provide for improved amenity and public use through a dry high tide beach, which serves as an erosion buffer to reserve land. The effectiveness of this management response is impacted by the frequency of severe storm events. Scheduling contractors to complete replenishment during appropriate tides means that public access from the reserve to the beach often needs to be

restricted for several weeks following a severe storm event, and during this time the appearance of the pronounced scarp and exposure of some tree roots can cause public concern. Longer term management options for Orewa Reserve are currently being investigated for local board consideration and include a seawall in combination with beach replenishment. In the interim, sand replenishment (as required) will continue, while council and the local board progress management options for the area of beach between Kohu Street and Marine View where a narrow width of public reserve and compromised pedestrian access requires a priority response. CONGRATULATIONS to Yvonne White of Whangaparaoa who won a family pass to the Auckland Youth Orchestra’s Heartstrings concert. Thanks to all who entered.

Correction For readers who wondered who these people were on p3 of our last edition (August 1), here’s the caption that we omitted in error: Celebrating the increase in local ferry services are, from left, AT’s ferry senior account manager, Christine Mudford with Andrea Bevan and Michael Webb-Speight of Fairway Bay.

Flagpole down but not out

Not long after the tattered flag on the traffic island at the corner of Whangaparaoa Rd and Hibiscus Coast Highway was replaced with a new one in April, it was damaged in one of the July storms. Auckland Transport contractors removed the flagpole and banner poles last month and it is expected they will be replaced by the end of this month.


4 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

the record

Takes time to strategise

As an example of the time involved in any CCO or Council related process, we liked this quote from a recent Auckland Transport media release on its parking strategy: “Once the submission process closes, submissions will be categorised and grouped to identify key themes. Proposed responses will be developed ready for consideration and review by Auckland Transport’s Board. Once the review is completed, a high level Parking Strategy with a key set of parking principles will be developed. Starting next year, detailed and localised consultation with local boards, councillors, communities and business groups will be undertaken. It is expected this phase may take approximately 18 months to two years but some parts will be quicker than others to implement.”

Bird calls

Election candidates’statements about the environment at a meeting hosted by local Forest & Bird members were frequently interrupted by the musical tones of native birds. While this seemed appropriate, as the meeting took place at night there were a few puzzled looks for the source of the sounds which turned out to be a cellphone ring tone.

A group of Arkles Bay residents campaigning for a bus service to and from the bay have uploaded a promotional clip onto YouTube. Creating the clip was a real community effort and included setting up a replica bus shelter at Arkles Bay (HM July 16). A trial bus service to and from Arkles Bay is proposed as part of Auckland Transport’s alterations to the local bus network, which will begin next year. Look for the Arkles Bay Milk Run clip on YouTube or follow the link from Hibiscus Matters Facebook page.

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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 5

A replica trench was dug into the side of the school field. Pictured keeping an eye on “the enemy” is Jason Dobson.

Trench ‘warfare’ at college The 100th anniversary of the start of World War I was commemorated by Orewa College last week with a battle scene, a replica trench, a fly past and a visit from the New Zealand Defence Force. The battle scene was performed by Ben and Adam Jenkinson, said the Year 13 students, who are in rehearsals re-enactment in the trenches prepared for the school’s production of New them to understand their characters in the play. Zealand play Once on Chunuk Bair. They were joined by Chief of Defence “It gave me a brief understanding of Force, Lieutenant General Timothy what it was like to be in the war,” says Keating, who arrived by helicopter Ben. “With the mud and barbed wire and inspected the trench dug into the and all of the sound in the background there is almost a sense of fear.” side of the school field. “I heard about the school creating the History teacher Kelly Price said that trench and I had to come see what they the WWI commemoration had been had done. It’s outstanding they went in development since February, to to that level,” he said. “Talking to the mark the centenary and create a students in the trenches, it obviously unique learning experience. had a real impact on them too.” Read the full story plus see more photos Twins from Red Beach, 17-year-old and videos at localmatters.co.nz

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More than 100 World War II veterans who are members of the Silverdale & Districts RSA are looking forward to a special event help make that time memorable. to be held in their honour East Coast Bays: 09 479 5956 | Hibiscus Coast: 09 426 on August 17. It’s the first time that the local RSA has office@forrests.co.nz | WWW.FORRESTS.CO.NZ held an event specifically East Coast Bays: 09 479 5956 to acknowledge the World Hibiscus Coast: 09 426 7950 War II veterans. Organiser, RSA Treasurer Mark Harris, says senior personnel from the armed forces will be in attendance, as well as veterans of other conflicts and office@forrests.co.nz family members. There will be songs from the era, and the Cadet Corps will march the flags into the RSA while the Ode to the Fallen is recited and The Last Post played. The veterans will also share lunch. Pictured at the Silverdale & Districts RSA are, from left are World War II veterans Bill Smith, aged 101, John Wills and A mEmBEr oF THE FunErAl dirECTors AssoCiATion oF nZ Joe Pedersen both in their nineties. Bill served in the British Air Force, John in the Army and Joe in the Navy during the war.



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6 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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Applications now open for environment and heritage funding Auckland Council invites individuals and groups working on projects that protect, manage and enhance the natural and cultural environment to apply for funding. Projects previously supported by the council include: • • • •

restoration of historic heritage buildings native forest restoration edible garden projects plant and animal pest control.

Applications to a number of local environmental and heritage funding schemes are open from 17 July 2014 with the first deadline for applications on 22 August 2014. The Environmental Initiatives Fund is an Auckland-wide fund, open to applications for environmental and heritage projects on either private or public land. Applications open on 11 August 2014 and close on 26 September 2014. The scope of each fund is different so please consider the guidelines for particular schemes against your project before applying. For advice, criteria and application forms, contact us today. Find out more: phone 09 301 0101, email environmentalfunding@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz or visit aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/funding


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Rodney candidates, from left, Malcolm McAll, Tracey Martin, Mark Mitchell, Beth Houlbrooke and Eric Bolt with Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird chair Karen Field and Mid-North Forest & Bird chair Tony Dunlop.

Election candidates focus on the environment

Getting excited about the General Election seems a bit of a stretch for many people this year, but that certainly doesn’t apply to members of Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird. Local Forest & Bird members were “cut green tape”. The Greens’ Malcolm first to host five of Rodney’s general McAll and NZ First’s Tracey Martin election candidates in a public countered this by saying the focus for meeting held in Orewa on August 5, the RMA should be on protecting the and around 50 people turned out to environment, rather than commercial hear what the candidates had to say on imperatives. environmental issues. Carbon emissions were also a divisive The Conservatives’ Anton Heyns issue, with Mr Mitchell saying was not invited to attend, due to the National aimed to engage with the real timing of his selection as candidate for carbon emitters, but would not be the Rodney. leader on cutting emissions because it Sitting MP Mark Mitchell gained would punish the economy. Mr McAll general agreement across all the strongly disagreed, saying as a small parties represented at the meeting country, NZ was in a prime position to when he said that New Zealanders are lead by example while Ms Martin said conservationists at heart. NZ First “sits in the middle”, with the The use of the poison 1080 for pest view that NZ should set and abide by control was also given the nod by all our own emission targets independent the candidates, who agreed that while of the rest of the world. Eric Bolt it is far from ideal, it is the best tool said that as the dairy industry is the biggest emitter, it is important that currently available for the job. More heated discussions between regulations include it. those right and left of centre took place Another chance to meet the Rodney around the Resource Management Act candidates is being offered by Orewa (RMA), which ACT candidate Beth Ratepayers & Residents Association Houlbrooke described as “needing a on August 31 – see details in What’s rewrite” as part of her party’s policy to On, p27.

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Barbara Wilkins,Greg Woodd, Sarah Martin and Teresa Heathcote.

Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 7

Viewpoint with Greg Sayers, Hibiscus & Bays Local Board deputy chair, greg.sayers@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Council cuts a key concern It is happening – The axe is being lowered. This month the Mayor will release the details of the next 10-year budget, which includes proposals for major service cuts to parks and community services and to key transport projects. The budget will require the council to slash up to $2.8 billion of new spending to hold rate increases at 2.5 percent. Mayor Len Brown, who made a key election promise to hold rates at 2.5 percent this term, has not ruled out breaking that promise, but insists the City Rail Link is the absolute priority. What does this mean for the Hibiscus Coast? The first concern is around capital spending. As revealed in Hibiscus Matters last edition, the Mayor will suggest “reallocating” the bulk of Auckland’s capital spending to projects south and west of the Harbour Bridge, with Takapuna’s city centre being the only exception. Inevitably this means even less Council spending on the Coast. What’s ominous is that this isn’t being proposed for a year or two, but for the next decade. This is quite different from the promises made when the Super City was set up. It’s not hard to predict what will happen in 10 years if Auckland Council again finds itself short of money. To put it in a nutshell, the proposal is politically biased and fundamentally unfair. Add to this the planned cuts to parks, community services and many projects and the Hibiscus Coast is about to end up with a double whammy – losing future spending for our own projects while simultaneously acting as an ATM machine for the other side of Auckland. The City Rail Link should be delayed and the required investment into this area made now, particularly with so much growth already physically underway. Let’s not forget about the infrastructure and services that we don’t have either, such as Penlink, inadequate numbers of parks and reserves relative to population, no bus shelters for most bus commuters, inadequate seawall defences, few jobs, and our routine up-keep and maintenance not being up to scratch: all this needs to be sorted out before ratepayers should agree to fund others wish lists. Speak up, Coasties. Do not allow a budget that excludes you. The Mayor will formally release his proposed Long-term Plan/ Budget during this month. The Governing Body will adopt it as a draft Budget in December. Once the draft version of the Long-term Plan/ Budget has been adopted it will to go out to the public for submissions.

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8 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

Options considered for protected marshland Silverdale store Open 7 days!

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The damage caused to a protected salt marsh in Stillwater by Vector line workers late last year has got no better in the ensuing seven months, and compensation is still being sought, as well as a way to avoid it happening in future. The salt marsh is on an Auckland had largely stayed out of the picture Council reserve and protected as a until recently, when Council staff met Significant Ecological Area, yet it is Vector representatives on site. also the location of power lines. Mr Wrigley says Council staff who Vector needs access to the lines, had not seen the damage before were and the damage was caused when shocked and said the area was too contractors who had to repair a fault sensitive for any vehicle access. brought their vehicles through the salt marsh, destroying native plants and The possibility of archaeological remains in the area must also be churning up the ground. considered. Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird volunteer Philip Wrigley and lines Vector is currently putting together company Vector have been attempting a discussion document looking at to sort out the issue, with input from options to resolve the issue, which will Rodney MP Mark Mitchell (HM be discussed with Council at the end March 5), however Auckland Council of this month.

More than 30 volunteers, pictured, helped plant 1400 native plants at Dacre Cottage on July 27. The volunteers included members of the Friends of Okura Bush. Two other groups, including around 50 people from the AUT Outdoor Leadership team and 40 from Northcross Intermediate’s William Pike Class also assisted, planting hundreds of trees at the site the week before. Photo, Ursula Cranmer

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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 9


Bob Duncan

Bob Duncan’s work as a partner in a busy law practice had him working 24/7 at times, although he also managed to serve on many boards of directors and with the Chamber of Commerce, as well as becoming a Knight of Justice of the order of St John and fitting in the odd bit of gardening. However, ask the 86-year-old about his life, and he will start by talking about his wife of 62 years, Ngarie… Everywhere we’ve lived, we’ve had a garden, because Ngarie is such a keen gardener. When we got married, 62 years ago, we rented a flat in Mt Albert, and of course Ngarie made a vegie garden on the back lawn. At our next house in Mt Eden we eventually had a vegie garden and a fowl run – everything was grown from cuttings, because we couldn’t afford nursery prices. In the next garden, also in Mt Eden, I built her a glasshouse for begonias and we had fruit trees and shrubs. We brought up three daughters there and, towards the end, to everyone’s surprise, a son. We bought the property in Little Manly, in 1970; it was three acres in total, very overgrown and the house, which was built in 1954, hadn’t been lived in for years. I was a partner in a very busy Queen Street law practice and Little Manly became our bolthole – somewhere to get away from it all with family and friends. I was born in Te Awamutu in the Waikato and Ngarie and I were in the same class at school, ever since Standard 2. We also both went to the same high school – Te Awamutu District High School ­– and so we knew each other well, but it took a long time to hold hands. And we’ve been looking at each other ever since! I went straight into law school, because my father and the local lawyer knew one another at the golf club and it was the only occupation I could find. While I was still studying, in 1951, I joined a firm of two lawyers in Auckland and the senior partner was very ill. He died suddenly in 1955. The other partner was Dr Roy McElroy, who later became Mayor of Auckland. He was very busy, and when I had finished my degree, I was offered the other half of the practice. The practice did everything for people, including commercial work, which I was very interested in. I was invited to become a partner with the expectation that I would start a small commercial practice, so I quit court work to concentrate on building up that side of things. Our largest client was Four Square supermarket. I was working long hours, but this opportunity and all the work I was doing meant that I gained experience that normally would have taken 20 years, in just four years.

Over time we resurrected the bach at Little Manly with Ngarie and our teenage girls and young son helping a lot in the garden. I borrowed someone’s tractor and a chain and dragged out Achmena trees, which had once been a hedge, and cleared the land. We removed a lot of the big old trees, but the original English plane trees and a beech are still here. We sold our home in Mt Eden when the girls had all left home and bought an apartment in The Pines in Epsom. We lived there for 17 years, and had no garden – The Pines had seven acres of landscaped grounds around it with two gardeners employed to look after it. Next door, Eden Garden had begun and Ngarie’s gardening instincts soon took her over there. She helped with the establishment of that beautiful public garden over more than 10 years and we both became life members. She worked there so long that she has a pathway – the Ngarie Duncan Path – in the gardens named after her.

I have a tee shirt with ‘Under Gardener’ written on it, which shows that my role was things like putting in walkways and arbours.

We came to live permanently at Little Manly in 1989. I quit the practice, which by the time I left had 20 partners and 100 staff, and semi-retired, working from my home office. This property had a big vegie garden and recently Ngarie had a few tumbles while dragging a hose around the place, so we brought in a load of fresh soil and built raised beds with a spinner in the middle of each one which has saved a lot of effort. The original shrubbery began with cuttings from Eden Garden and must have had around 300-400 plants in it. We decided to plant a citrus orchard, which we hoped would provide fruit to sell – the idea was to earn enough money to pay our rates. We had experts up from town and orchardists and the Ministry of Agriculture so we were sure to plant the right ones and they eventually fruited. All it took was one big salty North East storm to kill all the citrus, so that was the end

of that. I have a tee shirt with ‘Under Gardener’ written on it, which shows that my role was things like putting in walkways through the garden and arbours. We both joined the Whangaparaoa Horticultural Society in around 1993; Ngarie served on the committee for five years and propagated many, many seedlings in pots to feed the trading table at Horticultural shows. She was also a steward, helping members exhibit at shows. I was made patron 10 years ago and both of us are life members. When I became a lawyer, I joined The Law Society, which held its meetings in the library of the Supreme Court. When the Court was expanding and wanted the library back, I was asked to find a new location, and we found the building in Shortland Street that was its base for around 20 years. I was then asked to find them a new one, and this time the Society shifted to Chancery Chambers in High Street. Because I was instrumental in helping them find those buildings, they named a meeting room after me. I still go down there occasionally and, strangely enough, people still know who I am! During those busy working years I also became involved in a number of other organisations, as well as serving on the boards of several companies that our law firm helped to get started, such as the Giltrap Group and Bob Sells’ restaurants in Auckland, which included The Hungry Horse. Among other things, I became a Notary Public and was chairman, and a Knight of Justice of the order of St John. The Auckland Club was across the road from the practice, in Shortland Street, and some friends of mine persuaded me to join in 1960. I later became chairman. Women weren’t allowed to

join in those days.When Dame Cath became Governor General she refused an invitation to the Auckland Club, because it was men-only at the time and that helped to open the door to women members. I was also involved with the Auckland Chamber of Commerce and eventually became vice chair of the NZ Chamber of Commerce. Doing all of that had left little time for any other interests, apart from family of course. I once belonged to the Remuera Bowling Club, but it was just for social reasons and I never bowled a single ball. Ngarie and I are busy now sorting out the garden and putting things in pots for our next big move, which is to Selwyn Heights Retirement Village in Mt Roskill. Our home there is being built and should be ready to move into in November. We will have a deck, but no garden – but we’re well used to apartment living. Our family are in Auckland and they think we are getting old. They all lead very busy lives, and we will see more of them if we live close by – plus two families have a garden each, so no doubt we’ll be called on to help out there.

10 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

localbusiness I N T RO D U C I N G n

A Taste from Home

Shop-L, 8 Moana Ave, Orewa • Ph: 09 426 4746 em: atastefromhome@xtra.co.nz

28/09/12 11:52


It’s not just about real estate...

I’m passionate about my work and the people I help along the way. This year I chose to sponsor a person on the Spirit of New Zealand.

Martin A4 flyer.indd 1

check them out “New” products in store,

Orewa is becoming a magnet for people from many cultures who are making New Zealand their home away from home. A Taste from Home, which opened inside the Orewa Lotto Shop four months ago, offers a wide range of food and grocery items from the United Kingdom and India, as well as a small selection from South Africa, that will bring back memories of home – for recent immigrants as well as those who have lived here for many years. Owners Bina and BJ Jina are about to take delivery of their second and third container loads of goods imported from the UK to stock the store. Bina, who moved to NZ from India 27 years ago, regularly returns there and personally selects the Indian spices, pickles and chutney for A Taste From Home. She says although there is a lot more cuisine available now from all over the world, there is nothing quite as good as the products you remember from childhood. “It’s lovely to see customers get excited when they see items that they haven’t had for a very long time,” she says.

I bring a fresh, energetic, practical approach to issues of importance that impact on you.

Congratulations to Daniel Greenhalgh of Orewa College who was this year’s recipient.

Tracey Martin New Zealand First List MP

Good Luck Daniel!

Karen Franklin

Residential & Commercial Sales & Marketing Consultant M: 021 779 838 P: 09 428 5635 www.karenfranklin.co.nz

Tracey Martin MP

Last month the work of staff at Northern Arena was recognised with the presentation of the Halberg Trust SportAccess Gold Award. The award recognises sports facilities that offer inclusive opportunities and access for people with disabilities. Only nine facilities in NZ have achieved a gold award since it was introduced 10 years ago. Halberg Disability Sport adviser Stacey Roche says that the Silverdale facility passed the tough criteria with flying colours. Northern Arena has also become a swimming talent hub for Paralympics NZ.

Two businesses bow out



businesses, Laissez Fashions and Nature’s Storeroom, owned by Lorraine Littlefield and Alan Dodunski, both close their doors for the final time at the end of this month. Laissez has been in Orewa for 30 years, providing a personal service with women’s classic fashions, while Nature’s Storeroom opened in Orewa nine years ago, providing natural and organic products. Both businesses’ leases have expired and are non-renewable.

Parliament Office: Freepost, Private Bag 18 888, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6011 P 04 817 8361 | tracey.martin@parliament.govt.nz twitter.com/traceymartinmp | facebook.com/ tracey.martin.16144 nzfirst.org.nz

Brendan Horan

I am holding clinics in Helensville, Warkworth, Wellsford, Whangaparaoa and Orewa. Talk to Tracey For an appointment P: 021 1330 444 E: Tracey.MartinMP@parliament.govt.nz Authorised By Tracey Martin, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Rt Hon Winston Peters

Barbara Stewart

Denis O’Rourke

Asenati Lole-Taylor


Tracey Martin Deputy Leader New Zealand First List MP Richard Prosser

facebook.com/traceymartinmp twitter.com/traceymartinmp

The large range of British products at A Taste From Home include all the favourite brands, such as Hobnobs, PG Tips tea, McVitie’s Digestive biscuits and Heinz soups. A shelf devoted entirely to jars of mouth watering English sweets includes mint humbugs and toffee bonbons. BJ and Bina say A Taste from Home is drawing in new customers to their well- established Lotto shop. “The word is definitely spreading and people are coming here on a regular basis as part of their weekly grocery shopping.” Bina says the next stage is to build up the range of South African products, and they are also working on an online service so that products can be couriered directly to customers.

Inclusive attitude rewarded

New Zealand First Spokesperson for: Communications & IT | Education | Research, Science & Technology Women’s Affairs | Youth Affairs Two Orewa Select Committee: Education and Science Auckland Office: 157A Kitchener Road, PO Box 31-119, Milford Auckland P 09 489 8336 | tracey.martinmp@parliament.govt.nz

Bina Jina

Tracey Martin

Andrew Williams

Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 11


A business that is owned by a local family and based in Manly, is a finalist in this year’s Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Pictured is co-owner Grant Straker.

Manly movers and shakers

travel, stating that it was necessary for councillors “to turn up fresh and prepared to represent Auckland after a long flight”. Cr Watson says that the decision sets a poor example to the community when rates are increasing and services are being cut. He says that in practice a councillor can take a six hour flight, arrive in the afternoon, have a full night’s sleep before conducting their business the following afternoon, yet still travel business class. Fellow Albany Ward councillor Wayne Walker supported the call to remove the business class travel perk, saying that in the first two years of its operation, Auckland Council staff claimed $10.5 million in international and domestic travel. “If there are to be cuts to the budget then let’s start with these corporatestyle excesses,” Cr Watson says.


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An attempt by Albany Ward Councillor John Watson to reduce the amount of business class travel perks claimed by Auckland councillors was narrowly defeated last month. Under the Elected Members Expenses Policy, councillors can opt to travel business class if they are on a flight of six hours duration or more, provided that they have to conduct Council business within 24 hours of arriving at their destination. At last month’s meeting of the Finance and Performance committee, Auckland councillors voted on whether to retain this part of the policy. An amendment put up by Cr Watson would have allowed business class travel to be used only in the event of a health related concern. The vote on Cr Watson’s amendment was tied 7-7 but chair Ross Clow used his casting vote to retain business class



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find us on Facebook

Solution page 21

Business class flights retained

Life Pharmacy, The Plaza, Whangaparaoa Phone 424 7890 • Open 7 days

Fill in this grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.

Straker Translations, a family business that operates from a small office over a restaurant in Manly Village, is being acknowledged as a major mover and shaker, generating millions in export revenue and now making the finals of the Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Co-owner Grant Straker says the programming. company, which provides a cloud As well as the Manly office, Straker enabled language translation service, Translations has a processing centre in met many of the criteria for the Albany and one in Southern Ireland. awards, which include identifying opportunities, innovation and social Last month the company was named as one of 16 finalists in the Entrepreneur and economic input. Of The Year, in the ICT and Services Its global focus has resulted in the categories. generation of around $8–9 million of Winners in each category will be export revenue this year. announced on August 22, reducing It was originally a software company, which opened in 1999, however Grant the number in the hunt for the overall and his wife Merryn soon saw the title to four or five companies. opportunities in helping the world to The overall winner will be announced communicate more freely and in 2010 in September and given a five star trip re-focused the business on speeding to Monte Carlo to represent NZ at the up translation services using computer Global Entrepreneur of the Year.

12 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

localbusiness INTRODUCIN G n


The Eye Place

Cherry Picked

The eyes are a hardworking part of the body that rarely get the attention they deserve, yet having optimal eyesight is something we all value. There are many aspects to eye health, and Optometrist Holly McLean, together with partner Owen Eastell, can help with many of these in The Eye Place in Orewa. Holly, who has worked as an Optometrist since qualifying at the University of Auckland four years ago, previously worked for John O’Connor in Hillary Square and has now reinvented that clinic as co-owner with Owen. The refurbishment features cabinets filled with frames from a wide range of brands. The emphasis is also on making customers feel comfortable and relaxed. This part of the clinic is Owen’s domain – service and sales is his area of expertise, and he says the process of helping customers find the right frame is not only about their facial features, but also their lifestyle. He says there is no doubt that the bold look is back in eyewear fashion, but of course that doesn’t suit everyone. “The advantage of having such a large range of frames is that there truly is something for everyone,” he says. Behind the scenes, The Eye Place has all the latest technology required

A lifetime love of style and fashion flair has come together beautifully in the clothing store Cherry Picked, which opened a few weeks ago in Silverdale Village. For co-owner Jayne-Marie Wells, the store is the fulfilment of a dream she has had since the age of seven when she was inspired by an immaculately dressed and stylish aunt. “Since then I have wanted to be around women like that, and to help women express themselves through what they wear,” she says. Jayne-Marie says she has always been a bit of a magpie, which naturally drew her to vintage and pre-loved things. She has developed a keen eye for quality, detail and uniqueness that is brought into play as she searches for items for Cherry Picked. The range includes pre-loved, vintage and new clothing and accessories. While the majority of the clothes and accessories are made in NZ, vintage items are imported from Europe and the USA. Jayne-Marie says this is to ensure they are on-trend. “I didn’t want museum pieces that women would be scared to wear,” she says. “It’s about looking for pieces that are cool for today’s women. Wearing pieces like this bring out your personality and give you more confidence.”

Owen Eastell and Holly McLean

to properly test the eyes and look for other problems that may require specialist treatment. As well as prescribing the right lens, Holly can take retinal photos, and test customer’s visual fields to pick up problems such as glaucoma. As a therapeutically trained Optometrist, she can also prescribe eye drops to treat conditions such as conjunctivitis or dry eye. More serious problems are referred to a specialist. Holly says the wonderful thing about her job is that she sees the change in people who are better able to read and go about their day-to-day lives after a consultation. An eye examination is recommended every two years, but if anyone has blurred vision, flashes or frequent headaches, it pays to have the eyes checked. Holly and Owen are long-time residents of Rodney, and say they consider themselves lucky to be able to start their first business in Hillary Square.

Jayne-Marie Wells

There will always be something new to discover in the racks, thanks to Jayne-Marie’s focus on keeping the range seasonal. She works with local dressmakers so that items can be adapted to suit the customer. Jayne-Marie’s husband Simon is also a big part of the business behind the scenes. The pair worked together on the store’s fit out, and Simon also handles marketing, Facebook, accounts and administration while keeping the couple’s rural property in Tahekeroa under control. Jayne-Marie left a career that she loved, as a nanny, to run Cherry Picked, but says the time was right, and the Silverdale Village location perfect. “I am enjoying it all – meeting customers and helping them make a selection and even the enormous amount of preparation I have to do when pallets come in from Europe every couple of months,” she says.

The Eye Place OPTOMETRISTS Providing quality eye health care with a strong focus on customer service. 30 Hillary Square, Florence Ave, Orewa admin@theeyeplace.co.nz


Phone 426 0084

• New, Pre-loved, & Vintage clothing & accessories individually Cherry Picked by Jayne-Marie • Regular consignments of affordable, on-trend & wearable vintage clothing sourced from across Europe & USA • Fitting & alterations service available. Tues–Thurs: 9.30am–5pm • Fri: 9.30am–6pm Sat: 9.30am–5pm • Sun: 11am–3pm Phone 09 426 7287 Shop 4, 12 Silverdale St, Silverdale Village cherrypicked@farmside.co.nz • cherrypickedbyjaynemarie

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Artist and teacher Jo Bain, pictured with children from Whangaparaoa Kindergarten, is one of the artists contributing to the mural project.

Kindy mural makes progress Assistance from Bunnings in Silverdale has kick started an art project that has been unable to get off the ground, because of funding, since 2012. Creation of a mural along a fence at paint the next one. Whangaparaoa Whangaparaoa Kindergarten is now School and College are also underway, with contributions from contributing a panel each and Jo is local artists and the parents and children approaching other local artists. of primary schools and colleges. The panels will depict different aspects Bunnings donated eight panels, of local life and culture including the undercoat and brushes. Staff members environment and will brighten and came to the kindergarten at the end of enrich the kindergarten’s outdoor last term to help the children apply the garden area. base coat. Artist and Whangaparaoa Any artists or community groups Kindergarten teacher Jo Bain, who interested in contributing a painting is coordinating the project, says the should contact the kindergarten. input from Bunnings has made the It is hoped that all eight panels will project happen at long last. be in place before Whangaparaoa Jo is currently painting a panel, and Kindergarten celebrates its 20th children from the kindergarten will birthday in November.

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14 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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Fathersday Street SUP comes to Orewa town centre

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With Father’s Day just around the corner, on September 7, here’s a gift idea for dads of all ages – the latest board and stick combination that allows you to practice Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) skills on dry land. The Kahuna Big Stick is described by Nik Sams of SUP Shed in Orewa as “Street SUP”. A board that resembles a skateboard, 1.5m long, is propelled by a specially designed, collapsible stick. Nik says it provides the same sort of exercise as a paddleboard, and can also help people transition from skating to the motion of SUP. The large wheels provide a smooth and very forgiving ride. Nik recently imported the Kahuna Big Stick from America, where he says it is popular as a sport in itself. At about the same size and speed as a mobility scooter, pedestrians should watch out if Street SUP takes off.

Cliff tribute band just in time for Fathers Day

use it


Cliff Richard and the Shadows fans are in for a treat on Saturday September 6 when Shane and the Shadz perform their “Tribute to Cliff Richard and the Shadows” at Silverdale RSA. This is a dinner dance occasion that could make a great Father’s Day present, as well as a chance to put on your dancing shoes and enjoy an evening of nostalgia and great music. Shane and the Shadz have been playing all around New Zealand since 2013. Info: see What’s On, page 27.

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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 15


Health with Tania Adams, pharmacist tania.adams@manlycarechemist.co.nz

Locally owned and operated

Don’t stress

Dewar’s Scotch Whisky

The men of the Hibiscus Coast are looking stressed. It’s that “glazed over” look – the one you might give your wife when she starts talking about shoes or what happened on Shortland St. The one where you are looking at the person speaking to you but not really taking in what they are saying. And the cause is stress. Here are five reasons why you should take action if you are feeling stressed: yy Decreased Facial Attractiveness – yep, it’s a proven fact! Studies now show that higher cortisol levels from stress may be blocking your testosterone levels and thus your appeal to women! While us girls have always known that there’s something attractive about a man who seems relaxed under pressure... it’s actually scientific brass tacks! yy Heart Disease – kiwi men are twice more likely to die from heart disease than kiwi women. A major risk factor for heart disease and high blood pressure is stress. One study showed that employees who had the least control over their work had the highest rate of heart disease. yy Sexual Problems – Simple stress can affect your ability in the bedroom. Research indicates that as many as 15% of cases of erectile dysfunction may be caused by psychological factors such as stress, depression and anxiety. yy More Bugs – stress can decrease your body’s ability to fight infection, so the more stressed you are the more likely you are to pick up man flu! yy Mouth Problems – stress can increase your body’s requirements for vitamin B. Low levels of vitamin B can cause mouth problems such as ulcers, unusual tongue colour or shape, cracks in the corner of your mouth and bad breath. So by now, you might have the idea that it is better not to be stressed. But what can you do about it? Get enough sleep – good sleep can help you to reduce stress. People who get seven to eight hours of sleep each night enjoy better health and live longer than people who get less sleep. Exercise regularly – exercise is key to stress reduction. Not everyone wants to pound the pavement so find something that suits you and get moving. Try magnesium – it’s the relaxation mineral. It can help you with sleep and relax your muscles. Avoid caffeine – it’s a stimulant, so try to limit your intake and you’ll feel less stressed. Enjoy simple pleasures – such as relaxing on Father’s Day and enjoying spending time with your children. Read a book. Make time in your day to chill and be the ‘cool cucumber’ you know you can be.

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16 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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Stanmore Bay School joins Breakfast Club service Free breakfast at local schools is catching on, with Stanmore Bay School the second on the Coast to offer a morning meal to its students. Children who, for whatever reason, miss out on breakfast at home are turning up in good numbers to have a healthy breakfast before starting the school day; around 20 students enjoyed free cereal, fruit, toast and Milo at the first Breakfast Club at Stanmore Bay School on July 29. The Hibiscus Coast Community House funds the initiative, which began at Whangaparaoa School four months ago (HM April 16). It is supported by local businesses, including The Warehouse. Stanmore Bay School teacher Debbie Winks says there are a lot of children out there who are hungry and she hopes they will take advantage of the service, which will be offered twice weekly. Stephanie Witcutt. The Community House provides all the food and crockery for the Students at Stanmore Bay School are breakfasts, so there is no cost to the the latest to enjoy a free feed at the schools. Their volunteers run the Breakfast Club. breakfasts, however this is taken over determine whether it would fill a need by a roster of parent volunteers after in the community. around a month. The Community House is offering Principal Carol Abley says the school to roll out the service to any primary decided to offer breakfast after school or college on the Hibiscus Coast, consulting parents and teachers to with several more in the pipeline.

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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 17


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I want people “to feel good about Red Cross programmes coordinator Rob High collects quilts from the Hibiscus Coast Quilters in Whangaparaoa.

Quilting for a good cause Quilts made on the Hibiscus Coast will provide a warm welcome to refugees who arrived in the country last week. The Hibiscus Coast Quilters have says this can mean showing them been making the quilts at their regular how to wear socks or use hot and cold stitching bees, with many hands running water and a flushing toilet. working on each quilt. “Most refugees arrive with just a suitcase More than 20 lap rugs and a few larger of belongings and to have something quilts were donated to the Red Cross beautiful and handmade for their home last week. Red Cross programmes will be really appreciated,” he says. coordinator Rob High, who collected Hibiscus Coast Quilters has been the quilts from Whangaparaoa Hall, meeting for more than 20 years and was impressed with the generosity of in the past has donated quilts to the group’s 54 members, and their Barnardos, the families of Pike River quilting skills. Mine victims, Christchurch residents The Red Cross provides liaison and CYFS, among others. They meet assistance for refugees to help them twice monthly at Whangaparaoa Hall. settle into their new life in NZ. Rob More photos www.localmatters.co.nz

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18 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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Independent authors unite This week sees a first festival for independently published books take place, with two Hibiscus Coast authors, and one business, taking the opportunity to promote their work. The Auckland Independent Book Festival will be held in Devonport on August 16, 10am–4pm and more than 100 self-published writers and illustrated are expected to take part. One of the organisers, NZ Society of Authors member Louise de Varga, says the popularity of stalls at the event are a sign of the major changes in NZ publishing in the last two or three years. She says this includes the withdrawal or reduction of services by major international publishers, as well as new publishing techniques, such as e-books. She says digital advances have made independent publishing much more economically viable. “The new era has seen a flowering of smaller companies, and the rapid rise of skilled author-publishers,” she says. Local author and artist Stu Duval will be drawing at the festival as well as promoting his latest book The Last Kiwi, and Anaru Bickford from From top, Anaru Bickford. Stu Duval. Whangaparaoa will be signing copies of his first young adult novel Aroha. Victoria Wigzell Design is also taking The story is about an 18-year-old part. Maori girl living in America who The event, which will be held at the becomes humanity’s last hope for St Pauls Chess Centre, includes guest speakers and is free to the public. survival.

Poppy Design carries a range of French chic, beach house and industrial decor for your home.

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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 19

History with Ruth Olsen, Silverdale & Districts Historical Society, randnolsen@maxnet.co.nz

The battle of Woofit In August 1928 the Auckland Star reported that a mock battle was planned for the following February in Orewa. This would be the largest exercise to have taken place in NZ and would include the Territorial forces the Navy and the Airforce. It would be the first operation to include air cover. The Auckland battalion of Territorials would embark on the warships Dunedin and Diomede which were to approach the landing site in darkness. The Territorials would be conveyed to the beach in the warships’ boats, much the same way as was done at the historic landing at Gallipoli. The beach and approaches would be held by the Auckland Mounted Rifles who would be waiting to frustrate the landing. The landing force were to be under cover from the guns of the cruisers. The Auckland Star in February 1929 reported on “the Battle of Woofit” (an acronym for Wilford’s Operation Orders for Intensive Training). The scenario was that an enemy force had landed on Great Barrier Island and was attempting a landing on the mainland. Red Beach was chosen for the dawn landing. With troops coming ashore from warships out at sea and being met with gunfire from the Auckland Mounted Rifles on the beach while field guns posted in the heights made the valleys reverberate, it was a realistic battle. When daylight came, the warships put up an effective smokescreen which hid them completely and the battle on shore continued. A Bristol Fighter flew overhead occasionally dropping weighted messages with streamers attached to the “military headquarters”. The exercise had been well publicised and people came from near and far, sleeping in their cars so they could watch the action. The cars’ headlights were not welcomed by the defenders who were trying to remain hidden. One wandering light which caused consternation turned out to be an aggrieved farmer with a lantern looking for his cows. The military command was pleased with the success of the exercise. As for the hundreds of spectators – they are quoted as “feeling that the war lacked a little in excitement”.

Museum news

Pioneer Village, Wainui Road, Silverdale, open Sat/Sun 10am–3pm. New craft shop now open. September 5, coach trip to NZ Herald and Auckland City Library, $25. Phone 424 8615 to book.

Final 3 weeks! Everything must go

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20 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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Live and blue on the Coast Stanmore Bay singer/songwriter Dean Morris is determined to inject some more energy into the Hibiscus Coast’s live music scene. A fabrication engineer by day, by night Dean can be found playing his music, in the Delta blues style that he loves. He also mentors and manages local musicians, arranges live performances and hopes to start a programme to encourage primary school children to have a go at instruments like guitar, bass and drums. The International Delta Blues Experience – a show that Dean arranged and performed in this summer at Jacs in Whangaparaoa, played to a packed house. This month, on August 17, he is bringing Something Blue, Something New to Jacs. The show crosses many genres, exploring blues, country, and rock, featuring mainly original material – Dean Morris of Stanmore Bay is both acoustic and electric. bringing live blues music to the Coast. As well as an acoustic blues set from Dean, there will be performances Stanmore Bay and Mal McCallum. by his mate Dean Heazlewood, Dean says the show went down well at former guitarist of 80s rock band The Dogs Bollix in Auckland recently The Mockers, sons Jimmy and Pat because it appeals to a broad audience. Heazlewood, Warren Houston on Later this year he will bring a Santana drums and Nick Jones on violin. Tribute Show to the Coast. Guest artists taking the stage will Entry to Something Blue, Something include Andrew McLennan from New at Jacs Trading Company in The Coconut Rough, up and coming Plaza, Whangaparaoa, is free. The singer/songwriter Sky Jones of show is on August 17, 4pm–8pm.


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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 21

Cuisine with Dame Alison Holst www.hyndman.co.nz

Spud surprise Many of the recipes in Popular Potatoes (Hyndman Publishing) are about turning the humble, yet nutritious, spud into something special – worthy of becoming a family favourite. These filo parcels are certainly in that category.

F ilo Surprise Packages

For 2 servings 2 medium waxy or all purpose potatoes (about 300g), cooked 2 Tbsp sour cream or grated cheese 1–2 tsp fresh chopped herbs ¼ tsp salt 4 sheets filo pastry edible ties or string Slice the potatoes and mix with the sour cream, herbs and salt, varying the proportions to taste. Preheat the oven to 180–190°C. Lay two of the filo sheets on a clean, dry surface. Brush each of these lightly with oil or melted butter, then cover each with a second sheet of filo. Cut each of the sandwiched sheets in half cross-ways giving four, almost square sheets. Stack the ‘sandwiches’ so you have two piles, four layers thick, gturning the top layer so that each stack resembles an eight pointed star. Pile the potato mixture in the middle, then gather up all four corners to enclose the filling. Tie up the corners with your choice of fastening (see below) so the package looks like a pouch. Gently fan out the corners. Place the packages in a buttered sponge roll tin, then bake for 20–30 minutes until evenly browned. Note: Edible ties for the potato pouches can be made from long chive leaves, or strips of bacon or ham rind – or you may have your own creative ideas. Alternatively, use string, which should be removed before serving. Hibiscus Matters has one copy of Simon and Alison Holst’s Popular Potatoes (Hyndman Publishing) to give away. To be in to win, write your name, address and daytime phone number on the back of an envelope and post to, Popular Potatoes, Hibiscus Matters, Unit G, Tamariki Plaza, 18 Tamariki Ave, Orewa 0931. Entries close September 5. CONGRATULATIONS to Gladys Voss of Orewa, winner of All New Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes (Hyndman Publishing).

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22 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014


Health, entertainment, sport

Many facets to art of self-defence It’s hard to imagine catching Dwane Morgan by surprise. The Stanmore Bay self-defence instructor has spent more than 20 years learning many forms of martial arts, and passing those skills of alertness, stamina and physiology on to his students. He holds multiple black belts, and combines aspects of different disciplines to provide a strong focus on self-defence in ASD Martial Arts, which he runs from his home studio. Dwane says when he began teaching in the mid1990s, his research led him towards biomechanics, physiology and physics. He gravitated towards self-defence, rather than sport and fight related martial arts, and emphasises methods that make things quick, efficient and simple – it is possible, for instance, to get an attacker onto the ground without even touching them. He was able to use this training outside a pub a few years ago when he intervened after coming across a man hitting his girlfriend. Dwane calls this ‘stay on your feet’ self-defence – but holds, lock downs and restraints are also used when required. It’s an approach that is about taking control of even

Dwane Morgan, left, demonstrates self-defence techniques with student Jack Brewan.

the most unexpected situation – such as a surprise attack – and the skills are applicable to many aspects of a person’s life. It requires being alert to the possibilities and using your brain, not brawn: having said that, a strong, fit and flexible body with good balance is something students strive for. After building up a club in Papatoetoe, Dwane moved to the Hibiscus Coast last year. He offers oneon-one or group self-defence courses for children and adults. He has worked with schools, Women’s Refuge and Rape Crisis as well as corporates and security officers and is currently training local police. Info: www.asdmartialarts.co.nz or ph 021 256 1961.

A ship that spends most of its life taking passengers for a sail in the Waitemata Harbour, the Ted Ashby, has been sitting in Gulf Harbour marina for the last few weeks, undergoing repairs and maintenance. This work is normally carried out on one of the Western Viaduct hardstands, however this year lack of space there saw it transferred to Gulf Harbour for the first time. The scow belongs to the Maritime Museum and was built 20 years ago as a replica of the boats that carried cargo around the NZ coast from the 19th century to the mid-20th century. Scows are designed with a flat bottom so that once the centreboard is hoisted, the vessels can sit upright on a river bottom when the tide has ebbed. This meant that goods such as sand, gravel, coal or timber could be loaded on to the deck, and cattle and sheep persuaded to board. The Ted Ashby is due to be refloated this week.

Leisure Centre tightens its belt

Auckland Council’s manager leisure, Rob McGee, says the Stanmore Bay Pool and Leisure Centre is increasing its focus on finding efficiencies, to ensure ratepayers are getting value for money from the centre. He says the centre has had slightly higher revenue targets set by the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board, and so is focused on ensuring that aspects such as group fitness classes pay their way. This requires filling group fitness classes as much as possible and cutting some “unsustainable” classes. He says Council’s leisure centres across Auckland are being asked to “do more with less” and ensure they use resources such as electricity efficiently. “Now that we have the structure in place, and some stability, we are starting to get more of a structured business model approach,” Mr McGee says. “We are also able to compare the performance of facilities with each other.”


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Tide Times


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Aug 13

Aug 14

Aug 15

Aug 16

Aug 17

Aug 18

Aug 19

Aug 20

Aug 21

Aug 22

Aug 23

Aug 24

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Aug 29

2:39am 9:03am 3:01pm 9:30pm

0.2 3:31am 3.5 9:54am 0.1 3:51pm 3.7 10:21pm

7:07am 5:45pm

Sun Fishing Guide

Hibiscus Matters Seawatch Auckland Area Sea Watch

7:05am 5:46pm

Best At


2:00am 2:27pm

0.2 4:22am 3.5 10:45am 0.2 4:42pm 3.6 11:13pm

7:04am 5:47pm

Best At


2:54am 3:21pm

0.2 5:13am 0.3 12:05am 3.4 12:57am 3.5 11:36am 3.4 6:05am 0.4 6:58am 0.3 5:35pm 0.5 12:28pm 3.2 1:24pm 6:31pm 0.7 7:29pm 3.5 7:03am 5:48pm

Best At


3:47am 4:13pm

7:02am 5:48pm

Best At


4:39am 5:05pm

5:30am 5:56pm

1:51am 7:54am 2:22pm 8:30pm

7:01am 5:49pm

Best At


3.2 0.6 3.1 0.8

6:21am 6:46pm

2:47am 8:52am 3:22pm 9:30pm

6:59am 5:50pm

Best At


3.0 0.7 2.9 0.9

6:58am 5:51pm

Best At


7:11am 7:36pm

2.9 3:45am 0.8 9:52am 2.9 4:21pm 1.0 10:27pm

6:57am 5:52pm

Best At


8:01am 8:26pm

2.8 4:42am 0.9 10:48am 2.9 5:15pm 1.0 11:19pm

6:56am 5:52pm

Best At


8:50am 9:14pm

2.8 5:36am 2.8 12:06am 0.9 12:50am 0.9 11:39am 0.8 6:26am 2.9 7:11am 2.9 6:03pm 2.9 12:24pm 0.8 1:05pm 6:48pm 3.0 7:29pm 1.0 6:54am 5:53pm

Best At


9:37am 10:01pm

6:53am 5:54pm

Best At


10:24am 10:46pm

11:08am 11:30pm

1:30am 7:53am 1:44pm 8:07pm

6:52am 5:55pm

Best At


0.8 2.9 0.7 3.0


2:08am 8:31am 2:21pm 8:44pm

6:50am 5:56pm

Best At


0.8 3.0 0.7 3.1

12:14am 12:35pm

2:45am 9:08am 2:58pm 9:21pm

6:49am 5:56pm

Best At


0.7 3.0 0.6 3.1

12:57am 1:18pm

3:22am 9:45am 3:35pm 9:58pm

6:48am 5:57pm

Best At


0.7 3.1 0.6 3.1

6:46am 5:58pm

Best At


1:39am 2:01pm

0.7 3.1 0.6 3.1

Best At


2:23am 2:45pm

Last New Quarter Moon Set 8:18am Set 8:57am Set 9:35am Set 10:15am Rise 12:01am Rise 1:01am Rise 1:57am Rise 2:50am Rise 3:38am Rise 4:22am Rise 5:02am Rise 5:39am Rise 6:13am Rise 6:45am Rise 7:16am Rise 7:47am Rise 8:18am Rise 8:44pm Rise 9:52pm Rise 10:58pm Set 10:55am Set 11:39am Set 12:24pm Set 1:12pm Set 2:03pm Set 2:55pm Set 3:49pm Set 4:43pm Set 5:37pm Set 6:32pm Set 7:27pm Set 8:22pm Set 9:18pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good




Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

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Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 23

Green scene with Peter Jackson, SOSSI chair info@sossi.org.nz

Volunteers making a difference Shakespear Open Sanctuary nursery volunteers have already started the planting cycle for next year. The seeds are all collected on-site, mostly at different times during November to March but there is a constant watch to see what is flowering and when seeds are ready to collect. Some finds are bit fortuitous, as recently when someone noticed that rain had washed together a pile of treasured kohekohe seeds, which are often hard to find in any numbers. Fleshy fruit, like those of the karaka, first need to be rotted down before the seed can be planted. Then seed trays are prepared, and already we have 85 in the nursery so with luck we’ll have 12,000 of our own seedlings next year. We also send seeds to the Botanic Gardens which then sends back truckloads of seedlings for us – mostly kanuka and manuka, which you might think are easy to grow but are actually relatively tricky. When Shakespear Regional Park was created from farmland some 40 years ago there were only residual areas of native bush in some of the gullies. Since then all the steeper and wetter land has been retired from farming and fenced off and is being progressively planted out. In recent years all the planting has been on the exposed slopes on the eastern end of the peninsula and on the dunes in Te Haruhi Bay, but now the emphasis will change to in-filling the gullies and connecting up some fingers of existing bush. Old photos show a dramatic difference from the private farming days and we’ve now started a photographic record of the more recent planting sites, taking photos at the same sites each year to document the changes. A very busy couple of months have seen a record number of new plantings. Some 17,000 seedlings have been planted out, so many thanks to all the volunteers who came along and helped on our public planting days. There are still about 2000 left to go in, so if there are any corporate, sports or other groups who’d like to volunteer please let us know (email address above). The planting is a key part of developing the Sanctuary, as obviously the wildlife won’t thrive without the ecosystems that suit them. We’re also starting up a beach-cleaning roster. Trash arrives on the beaches with every tide, mostly plastic items and especially evident after storms. Besides being unsightly, and sometimes dangerous to human beach users, it is a potentially fatal hazard to the numerous seabirds and shore birds that live there – plus of course all that plastic never rots and just accumulates. So if you would like an excuse to walk those magnificent beaches please let us know – the email address is at the top of this column. CL

ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of

THE scorEBoArD


Athletics Hibiscus Coast Athletics Club is reforming, based at Metro Park in Millwater. Ages 5 to 14 years can learn running, high jump, long jump, shot put and discus skills. New members welcome. Info: phone Bill 424 5532 or email dion@runnz.co.nz Junior Tag Hibiscus Coast Raiders Mixed Junior Tag teams, Years 1–11. Registration open September 15, 17 and 22 at Raiders Clubrooms, Stanmore Bay, 5.30pm–7pm. Whole teams or individuals welcome. Fee payable on registration (Eftpos available). Season starts October 31. Info: phone Dione 021 119 7299, email: hbcjuniortag@hotmail.co.nz Karate Classes for children and adults in Orewa. Fully matted dojo. Japanese qualified instructor. Info: phone 426 3028 or info@ochiba.co.nz Tae Kwon-Do Dynamic Martial Arts introduces Tae Kwon-Do Tigers classes open to children aged 4 to 6 years. Learn the basics of self defence, discipline, fitness and flexibility. Classes twice weekly. Info: phone 021 214 7204 or email dave@dynamic.org.nz To list sports news email: terry@localmatters.co.nz

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your local trades


Lesley & Grant Silverdale Restorations/Country Charm

Graham Harfield Top 2 Bottom Carpentry Ltd

What your company specialises in: Renovations, bathrooms, kitchens, fences, decks, doors, internal plastering, painting, shop fit outs and much more. What are the essential skills and experience that you bring to your trade/ services? We are certified and licensed building practitioners, with advanced craft Level 4 qualifications in NVQ. We have been carpenters for 24 years and are fully insured, so when people deal with us they can rest assured that the project will be completed to high standards. Ninety five percent of our work comes from word of mouth, so you could say we have a lot of happy customers! What is it about this job that gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you motivated? To me reputation is massive, so getting out of bed and getting motivated is essential, to make sure we get to customers on time. Tell us about your favourite aspect of the job, and/or the key piece of equipment in your toolbox and why you would not be without it. My favourite aspect of the job is that we get to do something different everyday and meet new customers; building a good relationship goes a long way. The key piece of equipment in my tool box is the Multi-Tool - ever since I’ve owned one, I can’t see how I ever managed without it. Customers can count on you because? No job is too big or small; we take on the lot from ‘Top 2 Bottom’! We get our quotes done fast, and free, and we make sure that we are on site when we say we will be on site.

What your company specialises in: Breathing new life into old or broken furniture through restoration, repair, polishing and upholstery. We look after anything from small jewellery or trinket boxes to large furniture pieces. It is very satisfying to see items come in looking broken and forlorn, then sending them home looking fabulous. Many are special family pieces or have interesting history – we love it. Just to recap, since your business last featured in the Trades and Services Directory, has anything changed within your company, such as new staff, products or services? With our two businesses – Country Charm Furniture (Bespoke Manufacturing and Furniture Repairs) along with Silverdale Furniture Restorations we have created a One Stop Shop for customers. Our fulltime staff levels are now at five, which includes our furniture making apprentice who is one year into his apprenticeship, and we also have a furniture polishing/finishing apprentice who began his apprenticeship in December 2013. Our aim is to ensure that these specialised areas remain available and that those skills are not lost. A lot of growth has happened in the area, how has this affected you as a business? We have become busier and busier in the last 24 months and anticipate this to continue with the level of development in the Silverdale area both in the industrial and residential sides. Do you have any plans on the horizon? To grow in accordance with the demand for our services.

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26 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

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HAIRDRESSING CARING MOBILE SERVICE, I come to you. Pensioner rates. Ph Inga 426 0985.

The Hibiscus Coast’s premium community newspaper is looking for a part-time advertising sales rep. This position would suit someone who is professional, confident and likes meeting new people. You will need your own car (expenses are reimbursed), a good sense of humour and competent IT skills. Your duties will involve selling advertising for the paper and online, which includes good record-keeping and customer service. The position is for 28-30 hours a week (days and times to be negotiated with the successful applicant) and is based at the Orewa office. If this sounds like you, then drop your CV in to the office in Tamariki Plaza or email it to: editor@localmatters.co.nz Applications close August 29.

Part-time Barber/stylist

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BUSINESS services

Cutting Edge family cutting salon located in the Plaza, Whangaparaoa requires a qualified and experienced professional to join the team. We offer a large existing clientele, generous pay structure with all employee benefits.

Adept Computer Services, Est 1993. PC repairs at good rates. Ph 421 1039 or 021 114 5517 www.adept.net.nz Need help with your book keeping? Ph: 021 905 979 or email: fiona@balancebooks.co.nz

Phone Nicky 09 428 4346


Experienced Cleaning Contractors Wanted Parttime work – Commercial cleaning • Orewa & Whangaparaoa area • Min 3 years experience cleaning • Very high standards required • Own vehicle and equipment necessary • Evening and weekend work • References required For further information go to www. ecopro.co.nz/about/careers.html or call us on 09 415 9984 during office hours.

CASH PAID Tools & Machinery, Shed & garage clearouts. All things considered. Call or txt 021 161 5139. TO BUY, RECORDS/LP’s Ph 428 1587.

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A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Same day service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349. ALL TURFING AND GRASSING OPTIONS Ph: 021 0273 2626 or email: jeremy@lawnlayingcompany.co.nz At Your Request your local cleaning team is ready to deliver our 5 star shine in your home for weekly cleaning, spring or moving cleans. For a FREE quote call Yvonne 09 475 9716. BAY APPLIANCE REPAIRS Repairs to all major brands of Laundry and Kitchen Appliances small appliances and powers tools. All work guaranteed EWRB registered. Ph 09 947 0333/022 600 9919. BUILDER 40 yrs+ exp semi retired available for property maintenance, decks, fences etc. No job too small. Good rates. Ph Rob 021 1672155 or 426 2960. Builder – Qualified tradesman LBP. 25 years exp. All work undertaken. Free quotes. Ph Paul 021 623 253. Heat Pump Cleaning Specialists We clean all types of heat pumps, can change hrv, dvs filters. Call Neil 0800 225 327, www.heatpumpclean.co.nz PEST CONTROL, Flies, spiders, cockroaches, ants, rodents, wasps. Competitive prices. Ph 426 2253. Plastering, Gib Stopping. All aspects of stopping. Skim coat specialist. 25 yrs exp. Karl 0210 42 42 96 or 428 7127. Plastering, solid, Gib Stopping, Painting/repair work. Small jobs. Trade Cert. Keith 424 8841 or 022 682 4760. TANK WATER TESTING Find out what bad-bugs are in your drinking water. We collect, test and report. Ph Simon at 09 422 9345 or tankwater@xtra.co.nz Waterblasting & Chemical House Washing. Careful service, reasonable rates. Ph 426 2253. Water Filters Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 www. purewaterservices.co.nz

CABINS FOR RENT 3 sizes avail. Carpet & Curtains incl. from $65 pw + delivery. www.justcabins.co.nz Ph: 0800 587 822 or 021 281 2066.

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Guitar Lessons 1-0-1 All styles/All ages Reg Keyworth • Ph 424 8959 Its time to really rock. www.guitarlessons1-0-1.com

Nanny & More! Quality full-time local courses for nanny & childcare careers Call Amanda now for free info! 424 3055 nannyacademy.ac.nz

SeniorNet for Seniors

Computer courses & workshops available. Phone 426 1509. Mon–Thurs 9am–3pm, Fri 9am–12pm www.seniornet-hbc.org.nz

Community notices Hibiscus Coast Grey Power Assn Fri, Aug 29, 1.30pm, St John’s Catholic Church hall, Orewa. Election candidates speaking on their party’s policies. Whangaparaoa Community Centre Project AGM Sun Aug 24, 2pm. Manly Bowling Club. wccp.co.nz

Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014 | 27

what’s on August 2014 9–30




17 17 17



To find more future events, and list your local events, visit our new What’s On calendar at localmatters.co.nz/whatson

Festival of Performing Objects, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa. A month-long festival dedicated to puppetry that includes displays of traditional and modern puppets, workshops in puppet making, story telling and stop-animation films. Info: www.estuaryarts.org Dairy Flat Live Music Club presents DFlat Blues Band and Friends, Dairy Flat Hall, Postman Rd, Dairy Flat, 8pm–11pm. All musicians invited to bring their instrument and perform. Entry $2. Licensed bar with club prices. Free composting courses and online seminars with the Kaipatiki Project Environment Centre, Puhoi, 2–5pm. Venue to be advised on booking. Workshop covers how to compost with traditional bins, worm-farms and bokashi bucket systems. Each participating household receives a $46 discount voucher, which can be used to buy a composting system. An online seminar covering how to use worm-farms and bokashi buckets takes about an hour. Bookings essential: www.kaipatiki.org.nz/ courses, admin@kaipatiki.org.nz or ph 09 482 1172. E waste Drop off, computer, laptop, cell monitor, cable/ wire, cell phone, UPS, IT peripherals, power adaptor and car batteries, etc. ($10 charged for CRT TV/monitor). Red Beach School, 20 Albert Hall Drive, Red Beach. www.ewaste.org.nz Something Blue, Something New, Jacs Trading Company, The Plaza, Whangaparaoa, 4pm–8pm. Live blues, country, and rock, both acoustic and electric. Free entry. (see story p20) Final planting day at Shakespear Regional Park, 10am–12pm. Free barbecue. Meet at park office, bring spade if possible. Kristen School’s Euphony and Harmeny choirs with pianist Sheryl Clarke playing a selection of Billy Mayerl jazz pieces, Orewa Arts & Events Centre, Orewa College, Riverside Rd, Orewa, 3.30pm–6.30pm. Tickets $25 from Priscilla Collins, email clancollins@xtra.co.nz Meet Rodney’s general election candidates. Orewa Ratepayers & Residents Association is holding a Meet the Candidates meeting, Orewa Community Hall, Orewa Square, starting at 2pm. Hear from the candidates seeking your vote, and ask questions. (see story p6) Final community planting day, Weiti Riverbank, Silverdale,10am-1pm. Meet at the bottom of the driveway at the end of Titan Place. Hosted by Conservation Volunteers NZ and the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board. Everyone welcome, but booking essential. Info, and to register phone Debbie, 0800 567 686, email info@conservationvolunteers.co.nz. There will be a barbecue starting at 12.30pm.

September 2014 6

Fabulous ‘50s Dinner Dance, featuring Shane & The Shadz – Cliff Richard & The Shadows Tribute, Silverdale & Districts RSA, Vipond Rd, Whangaparaoa. Dinner from 6pm. Black tie and evening dress. Tickets $35pp available from Silverdale RSA. (see story p14) 6 Hibiscus Coast MMA Battle of the Coast, Silverdale Rugby Club, Hibiscus Coast Highway, 6pm. Tickets: dashtickets.co.nz (see story p28) 12 Fundraising Event: Casino Royale, Orewa Arts & Events Centre, Orewa College, Riverside Rd, Orewa, from 7.30pm. All the fun of the Casino without risking a cent. Play to win great prizes. Dance to live band Rocktane. Tickets $45, includes $1 million casino chips, glass of bubbles, supper and band. VIP table for four also available. Info and tickets: www.hibiscushospice.org.nz or Hibiscus Hospice, 2a John Dee Cres, Red Beach, ph 421 9180. 12 & 13 Hibiscus Coast Orchid Society Spring Show, Orewa Community Hall, Friday, 11am–4pm, Saturday 9am–3pm. Free Entry. Trading Table. All welcome.

I love the many outdoor opportunities on the coast – a fantastic park at Shakespear, so many lovely beaches, and the perfect place to go boating. My favourite day out is on our boat – a bit of fishing and a picnic at beautiful Tiritiri Matangi Island. What more could you ask for – a great day out and hopefully a free meal too. Debbie Thompson

What makes the Hibiscus Coast special to you? Coast Gems uncovers, and celebrates the people, places, businesses and events that give the Coast its unique flavour and spirit. Email terry@localmatters.co.nz (subject line: Coast Gems) with a brief description of your Coast Gem, and a photo, together with your daytime phone number and postal address. Please send photos as a medium or high-resolution jpg. Publication is at the discretion of the editor. Every Coast Gem published earns the person who sends it a $50 voucher to spend at The Plaza.




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28 | Hibiscusmatters 13 August 2014

World title beckons Coast champ

NZ kickboxing champion Ricki Byass, aged 19, likes a challenge, and one of the biggest lies ahead of him – a chance to compete for a world title. The opportunity comes after the Stanmore Bay resident was recently selected for the 10-member NZ team heading to the Unified World Champs in Italy at the end of October. The Unified World Champs incorporates 33 different martial arts federations. It’s the first time an international event like this has taken place and Ricki would be one of more than 12,000 competitors. Some of the best fighters in the world, both amateur and professional, are attending the championship. Ricki is currently spending around 20 hours each week training at Dynamic Martial Arts in Silverdale and runs and does further workouts at home. As he does this, he is focused on the ultimate prize of a world title, however, the $6000 needed to participate in the Unified World Champs is a hurdle he is yet to overcome. Each athlete must fund Ricki Byass of Stanmore Bay has his sights set on a world kickboxing title. their own travel and accommodation costs as well as entry fees and gear – this wins followed and he won the men’s and comes to watch him compete, but means that, without sponsorship, Ricki national kickboxing title last year at cannot afford to fund his world title the age of 18; this was just his seventh attempt. will be unable to take part. competitive bout. “It’s likely that this will be my last Ricki has been doing martial arts since chance, and it would be brilliant to He was headed for an accounting career, he was a child going to karate classes represent my country in a sport that after doing well at school and university, in West Auckland. As a student at Whangaparaoa College, he was inspired however he says his enjoyment of I’m dedicated to,” Ricki says. by a kickboxing demonstration by Gary challenges, especially physical ones, Ricki is setting up a Give a Little Sawyer of Dynamic Martial Arts – his intervened and he has decided to join Account, or, if any individual or business can assist with sponsorship, first full contact fight came a year later, the NZ Army later this year. when he was aged 16. Back to back He says his family is very supportive phone Dave 021 214 7204.

Caring for you

Jake Buksh, right, in his first cage fight last month. Photo, Xavier Wallach

Cage fighting teen prepares for battle Fifteen year old Jake Buksh of Orewa is one of the competitors that will take part in cage fighting at the Hibiscus Coast MMA Battle on the Coast next month – and he can’t wait. Jake first tried the Thai kickboxing discipline called Muay Thai at Hibiscus Coast MMA two years ago. He has since won both his two ring fights and drew in his first cage fight in the last school holidays. Although cage fighting may sound daunting, Jake says the only difference is the space where the fight takes place, which is larger than in the ring. He says he loves the adrenalin rush that comes from the sport. The Battle on the Coast is on September 6 at Silverdale Rugby Club, 6pm. Door sales, or dashtickets.co.nz

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