Hibiscusmatters 16-04-14

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FREE A division of Local Matters

Your LOCAL Community Newspaper 16 April 2014


Free breakfast Inside this issue Neighbours on table at say ‘No’ Coast school

Breakfast is served. From left, Carol Laidlaw and Robyn Nothling of Hibiscus Coast Community House offer free breakfasts to Whangaparaoa School students.

Protests at Link Crescent

Breakfast is being provided, free of charge, to any students who want it at Whangaparaoa School as part of an initiative rolled out by the Hibiscus Coast Community House. The Breakfast in Schools project began on April 4, with around 20 students taking advantage of the free cereal, fruit, toast and Milo in one of the classrooms. Associate Principal Heather Edwards says the Breakfast in Schools programme brings the satisfaction of knowing that any student who has missed breakfast at home, can join others at the school’s ‘Breakfast Club’, enabling them to commence their learning, for that day, on a full tummy. “The programme is already proving to be worthy, and soundly appreciated for its valueadded contribution to our students’ learning and welfare,” she says. The number of participants is expected to grow and Community House chair Carol Laidlaw says the breakfasts, which are currently offered three mornings a week, may need to be extended to five. There is also the possibility of including lunch packs in future. The initiative, which the Community House is funding, is supported by Coast Families, the Coast Youth Community Trust and Police.

page 2

Flag it

Red tape ties up replacement NZ flag

page 5

Winter heating Warming your hearth

pages 17 to 19

Local heroes Silverdale hosts Blues & Chiefs development game

page 26

continued page 2

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2 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

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April 16, 2014 Issue 148

Enquiries: ph 427 8188 fax 427 8186 Unit G, Tamariki Plaza, Cammish Lane, Orewa, 0931 hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz www.localmatters.co.nz Next issues are March 19 & April 2 - Book your advertising now. Editor: Terry Moore ph 427 8187 terry@localmatters.co.nz Advertising: Leanne Watson ph 427 8188 sellit@localmatters.co.nz

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Hibiscus Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated to more than 19,500 homes and businesses twice a month. Views expressed in Hibiscus Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without editor’s permission is prohibited.

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School breakfast service Kids Can is also providing valuable advice. The Community House is offering to roll out the service to any primary school or college on the Hibiscus Coast, at no cost to the school. Carol says the offer of free breakfast is open to any children who, for whatever reason, miss out on breakfast at home. The Breakfast Club has been planned for some time as a result of feedback the Community House received through its foodbank. “There is no doubt that students learn best when they have had breakfast,” she says. “This is to give them an even chance at learning.” “We love to hear those magic words from the kids at the end of each

from page 1

breakfast – ‘I’m full’,” she says. “Seeing them head off to class with an apple in their bag and a smile on their face is very rewarding.”

You can help To secure the future of the free breakfast initiative, and enable it to grow, the Hibiscus Coast Community House needs support: Funding – Business sponsors are needed. Countdown has donated a $50 voucher, but more funding or donations of suitable food are needed. Volunteers – Parents or caregivers from Whangaparaoa School are needed to help serve the breakfasts. If you can help, phone the Community House, 426 3598 and ask for Carol.

Thumbs down for Link Crescent development proposal Whangaparaoa residents have reacted angrily to Auckland Council’s proposal to sell its land at 20 Link Crescent for development (HM April 2). This is one of the first examples in a meeting at the site on April 5, which Whangaparaoa of what the reality more than 65 people attended. of Auckland Council’s drive under “They are unhappy about the potential its proposed Unitary Plan for for loss of views and shadowing from intensification of housing in existing three-storey buildings near their suburban areas actually means on the boundaries and also question who will ground. be using the Family Centre,” Denis says. The suggestion that up to 56 two and The land is zoned Residential High three-storey dwellings could be built Intensity under the Rodney District on the 2ha site has got neighbours up Council District Plan, and ‘Mixed in arms, and ready to hold the second Housing Urban’ under the proposed of two public meetings. Unitary Plan. The proposal also includes a site Cr Wayne Walker, who attended the designated as a reserve and set aside meeting, says traffic in and out of Link for the building of a Family Centre Crescent will be dire if the proposed four years ago by the former Rodney development is allowed to occur. District Council. Feedback on the plans for the site, Denis King, who lives in Elan Place which was only open to neighbours, says residents of neighbouring closed on April 15, however the properties in his road, Rishworth Ave residents are not leaving it there, calling and Wade River Rd, including many a public meeting to be held on Sunday, who are elderly, are anxious about May 4 at Whangaparaoa Hall, 3pm. what the development could mean. Denis says the idea is to formulate an He says several older residents action plan and a quorum to approach approached him about difficulty council departments in an effort to reading the plans and how to make minimalise, or ultimately stop, the submissions and in response he called development from proceeding.

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Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 3

Uphill battle for Wainui retirement village proposal Getting an innovative business project off the ground is proving difficult for Charles Wedd of Country Lifestyles Ltd, who says that Auckland Council planners opposed his idea from the outset. Mr Wedd proposes to create a 20-home retirement The consent was publicly notified and received 29 settlement in the middle of his family’s 17.2ha farm submissions, 24 of which were in support. Among in Wainui and says its many points of difference the opponents are Winstone Aggregates, who own from the standard offering will be attractive to rural quarries in the Wainui hills. Their submission folk of retirement age. focuses on the constraints that having a retirement He says the small homes, duplexes and apartments, village in an adjacent area could place on their future which residents will buy a licence to occupy, will not quarrying operations. be “cookie cutter” mirror images of each other, but A report presented on behalf of Winstones by designed individually within certain guidelines. planning and resource management consultant The surrounding property will provide a sustainable Mark Tollemache states that mineral extraction country lifestyle and activities –it already includes “can generate a range of adverse effects” and may a small vineyard, chickens and pigs will assist with involve “day and night time operations, blasting, waste management and sheep and cattle provide noise, vibration, dust, heavy vehicle movements and meat, fibre for spinning, knitting and weaving and significant changes to natural features”. milk and cream for cheese-making. At present work at Flat Top quarry cannot be heard There will be solar powered electricity and water from Mr Wedd’s property but Winstones says this heating, on-site electric vehicles and an orchard. An could change with the potential re-opening of a amenity centre will include a pub, café, gym and pool. currently closed quarry at Wainui. “Many of these things are environmentally friendly, Mr Wedd says it will be at least 60 years before these but they’re also practical and the type of things rural issues could occur. folk tend to do,” Mr Wedd says. “It will enable “It is not reasonable for Winstones to constrain residents to retain a level of activity they are used another business activity on that basis,” he says. to and be part of the local community, not separate “Rural people are likely to find quarrying some from it.” distance away less problematic than living in a He says while the size of the proposed development retirement village in a place like Orewa or Takapuna is ‘boutique’, prices will be affordable. with urban traffic densities and other noise.” The idea arose as Mr Wedd’s parents looked at their Council’s northern resource consenting and retirement options and were faced with moving compliance manager, Julie Bevan, says a report away from the rural lifestyle they loved. written by planning consultant Philip Brown The plan is a first for an Auckland rural zone and raises areas of concern related to the density and as such has many hurdles to overcome to obtain a appropriateness of the development within a rural non-complying resource consent from Auckland zone and the location of the development within an area of land specifically identified in the District Council. Mr Wedd says while Council planners should be Plan as a Quarry Effects Management Area. unbiased, they appeared to be against the idea from the She says the reporting planner recommended start and told him he would never get to the hearing that the consent be refused, bearing in mind stage; this proved incorrect – a two-part hearing before assessments undertaken by Council and consultant independent commissioners was completed last week expert advisors relating to technical aspects such and a decision is expected this month. as land stability, traffic and access, wastewater and

Charles Wedd

stormwater discharge. Mr Wedd says if the commissioners come to the same conclusion, it will be the end of the road for the scheme. “I can see why it takes a big corporate with deep pockets to get consents through Council,” he says. “Unreasonable barriers are raised by planners that stifle innovation. Auckland Council promotes housing choice and making Auckland the best place to live in the world, but obviously this doesn’t extend to providing rural folk with a sustainable, ecologically friendly retirement option.” Have your say: Is Auckland Council stifling innovation by opposing the building of a retirement village in a rural zone? Or was this never going to fly? Join the conversation at www.localmatters.co.nz

Vector offers way forward in Stillwater power line conflict An attempt to solve the conflict caused by the location of power lines in a protected salt marsh on the Weiti River has been suggested by Vector, however Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird says it is disappointing that the power company has offered no compensation. Vector’s line workers caused considerable damage to the area when repairing a fault three months ago (HM March 5). Phillip Wrigley of Hibiscus Coast Forest & Bird says Vector suggested a working

group be established to develop an access plan for maintenance work at the site. The group would include Mr Wrigley, and Vector and Auckland Council representatives. Rodney MP Mark Mitchell, who attended an on-site meeting last month, says the working group should plan how any future damage is going to be dealt with. “A solid working relationship could extend into other areas where there is this type of conflict,” he says.


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Mr Wrigley says he will be part of the working group, but still feels that compensation is called for and that the Council, as landowner, needs to get involved. “The damage has, if anything, got worse due to the dry summer,” he says. “It would be good corporate behaviour for Vector to make a gesture of compensation. I’m also surprised that Council, as landowner, have not taken any action yet. They should be making their feelings known.”

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4 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014


Needs not met

May I compliment the editorial in the Hibiscus Matters April 2 edition. While it is nice that our Mayor has visited and spent time hand shaking with the locals, no amount of political rhetoric, can replace the fact that our Coast community is not receiving a fair deal when it comes to capital investment. When I visit Browns Bay I see a beach beautifully retained and paved, but when I return home to Orewa beach I see ongoing erosion, unsafe pathways, and empty political promises. Equally our infrastructure requirements for an evergrowing Whangaparaoa population, are not being met. Come on Auckland Council, remember your ratepayers on the Coast, and include funding in the Annual Plan budget for must needed Hibiscus Coast infrastructure. Brent Robinson, Puhoi

More options needed Some questions regarding Council’s proposed sale and development of 20 Link Crescent, Whangaparaoa (HM April 2): 1) Why only two options given? What about option three, do nothing and leave it as open space for the community to enjoy, or option four, build the community centre and leave the rest as open space with maybe an adventure playground? With a little imagination and using the steep contours I’m sure someone could come up with a great design that would only enhance the area and draw more people to our town centre. 2) Where would the money from the sale of the land go to? Bet you a jam sandwich that we on the Hibiscus Coast won’t see it used here for our benefit. If this is the case we should be screaming from the rooftops. 3) Is three-storey shoe-box housing what the locals want for their area? 4) What measures are being employed to ensure that our roading infrastructure will be able to cope with 50 more cars at rush hour going through what is already a major choke point on Whangaparaoa Rd? Don’t even think about another set of traffic lights! 5 What about

What’s on your mind? Readers are welcome to air their views. Letters may be abridged or withheld. See address on p2 or e: terry@localmatters.co.nz the loss of views, light and privacy for existing residents, many of them retired and cannot afford to simply move out? The whole presentation of this proposal is dishonest and rather high-handed as the Unitary Plan that would allow this to proceed is far from being approved yet. Chris Demchy, Whangaparaoa (abridged) Editor’s note: In our story on this issue in April 2 edition, we correctly stated that this land is listed as “cleared for sale” by ACPL. This is not the same as it being on the market. A Council spokesperson confirms that 20 Link Crescent is not currently on the market and a decision will be made on this after consultation has been completed. For more on the consultation, see story p2

School milk is cool Ever thought about those kids who come to school hungry? Well I’m Max from Gulf Harbour School and proud to say the Fonterra Milk for Schools programme is going great and we need to keep it going. The ‘Fonterra Milk for Schools’ says: “Fonterra Milk for Schools aims to give all NZ primaryaged children the opportunity to enjoy the goodness of dairy every school day by offering free milk in schools.” I strongly believe that it is good that we have a free milk programme for children at primary schools. For example if a child came to school without breakfast they would get really hungry when they are working in the class. By having the Milk for Schools programme they won’t be as hungry. We must bring this programme into all schools throughout NZ so every primary school child can experience this awesome scheme. I hope this fantastic programme will run for years to come, and for future generations. In our classroom, The Stadium (year 7/8s at Gulf Harbour School), during the afternoon we drink our milk and tell stories to each other, which is great fun. We also have fun folding the empty cartoon in a special way – a bit like a paper origami exercise for the kids.

Max Richardson, 11, Gulf Harbour Primary

Brief is better I agree with John Watson (HM April 2) that the Unitary Plan is fundamentally flawed. A long term plan is essential for major infrastructure projects and overall vision, but when plans become too prescriptive, planners are unable to deal with applications on their own merits and the results are ‘one size fits all’ solutions that rarely take account of local needs. The original budget for the plan has so far grown from $12.4 million to $28.4 million, a cost that is likely to grow further. A brief strategic plan would cost a fraction of this and, I am convinced, deliver much better and more flexible outcomes. We need less expensive, community focused procurement solutions but unfortunately our Council appears to believe the opposite. With Council debt now costing $1million per day in interest payments, ratepayers can illafford poorly conceived extravagance. Malcolm McAll, Stanmore Bay

Penlink not the answer With every accident causing chaos on the Whangaparaoa Road comes the usual cry of “Penlink Now”. If I make any comment about this project being impractical or too expensive for the small number of vehicles involved, I receive the same old replies that “Penlink is the answer”. I wonder if the people who make these comments have really stopped to make a sensible assessment of what would be achieved if Penlink was approved by Len Brown and his South Auckland biased Council. Mayor Len only sees dollar signs when he looks north of the bridge, so expect no help from there. It now looks as if Penlink will come up for consideration in 2018, with the possibility of a start being made in 2020/21. It will take around five years to complete. Stop and think where you will be in 12 years time. Even if approval was given now it would be at least another six years before it would get you to the morning

motorway tailback seven minutes quicker. If you live on the peninsula you must accept the fact that you put yourself there and will have to live with the travel problems that go with it for many more years yet. Take a look at all that lovely empty water in the Gulf and ask yourself why there isn’t a decent hourly ferry service to Auckland from Gulf Harbour and Orewa? Strange that. I wonder who makes sure it doesn’t happen? Mac Hine, Whangaparaoa (abridged)

Bigger not better John Watson’s Viewpoint (HM April 2) is spot on – the ‘unitary’ plan is flawed. People don’t want uniformity – they want variety. One size does not fit all, hence the origins of rural district councils. What might fit Ponsonby will not fit Te Hana and so on. Uniformity may suit the legion (more than a legion!) of Auckland Council bureaucrats and the Mayor because it should streamline and simplify procedures, processes and decisionmaking. But it doesn’t. It’s worse now than in Rodney District Council days. As Wayne Walker says elsewhere in Hibiscus Matters’ last edition, the Council has screwed up the plan for ‘knowledge centres’ in its quest for more housing. There will surely be more than enough new housing out this way with the massive Millwater development. I guess the Council has figured out how the infrastructure will cope? A word that comes to mind is ‘excrement’. I’d say one pipe out to Army Bay will be hard pressed! John Clements, Orewa (abridged)

Design disappointment I am sure I’m not alone in my disappointment at Orewa Surf Club going back to the drawing board (HM April 2). The design that was published in this paper some time ago caught the imagination and gave me hope that something architecturally attractive could finally replace all that concrete tilt slab we’ve been subjected to. If this is not happening because funders can’t get their head around volunteer labour, as suggested in the story, that will be an enormous shame. David Martin, Orewa


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Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 5

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Replacing this ripped flag required dealing with no less than six Council and CCO departments.

Flag raising raises concerns

A tattered NZ flag that flies at the intersection of Hibiscus Coast Highway and Whangaparaoa Rd will be replaced with a new one before Anzac Day as a result of the efforts of Hibiscus & Bays Local Board deputy chair Greg Sayers. A ratepayer drew the sad condition of several dead end paths, including the flag, which has only three stars of the Property Department and Issues the Southern Cross remaining on it, to Resolution team. Mr Sayers’ attention two months ago. “I thought when I started the wheels He then began a process that involved in motion, that the Council machine negotiating his way through five would whir into action and take me in separate departments of Auckland the right direction, but unless I pushed Council, as well as Auckland it forward, nothing happened,” Mr Transport. Sayers says. “The question arises – The time you have to celebrate a life is precious. Mr Sayers says the process of replacing how many people does it take to At Forrests we will help you make that time a flag seemed to be something out of change a flag?” memorable. left field for Council, and no one was Eventually the phone and email trail The firsT To mind in funeral service sure who was responsible for it. ended at the door of the Events team East Coast Bays: 09 479 5956 | Hibiscus Coast: 09 426 7950 “This is something that happens with (who are buying the replacement flag) office@forrests.co.nz | WWW.FORRESTS.CO.NZ the general public all the time when and Parks, who have confirmed the The time you have to celebrate a new flag will be raised before Anzac they make enquiries and end up passed from one department to the next,” he Day, April 25. life is precious. At Forrests we will says. “It has given me some insight Mr Sayers wanted the new flag in help make that time memorable. into the frustration that ratepayers can place by then because although the experience.” site and use of the flag are East not part Coast of Bays: 09 479 5956 | Hibiscus Coast: 09 426 7 It turns out that Auckland Transport any official Anzac Day ceremony, he office@forrests.co.nz | WWW.FORRESTS.CO.NZ may draw (AT) owns the traffic island where the was concerned that the flag East Coast Bays: 479 5956 East Coast Bays: 09 479 5956 | 09 Hibiscus Coast: 09 426 7 flag pole is located, but that it is not the attention and criticism of local Hibiscus Coast: 09 426 7950 responsible for buying or replacing the veterans as being in an inappropriateoffice@forrests.co.nz | WWW.FORRESTS.CO.NZ flag and in fact does not hold the key and disrespectful state of deterioration. office@forrests.co.nz to unlock the ropes for hoisting and “I’m relieved it’s all sorted now, but the lowering the flag. complexity in achieving something so This key is held by Auckland Council’s simple and important as maintaining A mEmBEr oF THE FunErAl dirECTors AssoCiATion oF nZ Parks department, something Mr a NZ flag has demonstrated problems Sayers ascertained after being led down with an overly centralised Council.”

The time you have to celebrate a life is preciou TheAttime you have tohelp celebrate a lifethat is precio Forrests we will you make time At Forrests we will help you make that time memorable.




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The sign outside the door of the Orewa Community Hall announcing a public meeting with Conservative Party leader Colin Craig bore the message ‘saying what people are thinking’. And so it proved to be, with Mr Craig largely preaching to the converted when he addressed the crowd of around 80 people on April 10. There was not a murmur of dissent as he outlined policies that include requiring people to “get off their bottoms” and work for the dole, raising the drinking age to 20, and repealing the anti-smacking law. Describing living on the Domestic Purposes Benefit as having become “a wonderful pathway for someone to walk down”, he said the choice to work should always be the best choice. The party also supports fiscal responsibility – seeking to reduce borrowing and ensure central, and Colin Craig received a warm response local, government “lives within its at a meeting in Orewa. means”. Russel Norman, one member of the Mr Craig said that he has reason to audience asked whether Mr Craig hope that in this year’s election the is “tough enough for politics, or just Conservatives will get over the five wants to feed the lawyers”. percent threshold required to gain list MPs in Parliament, and could in fact “I have a successful background in get “close to double digits”, as well as commerce, and you don’t get that from being soft,” Mr Craig said. “I potentially gaining an electorate seat. believe in challenging people when “There are 162 days to the election, they tell lies.” and we’re counting down. Potentially we could hold the balance of power,” Mr Craig stood in Rodney last election, but refused to say which electorate he Mr Craig told the crowd. favours this time around. He says the In response to questions from the party is researching the issue and no floor, he said his party’s policy, post- decision has been made. The change election, is to “if possible work with in electoral boundaries means he now the most popular party, as they’ve been lives in East Coast Bays, instead of on given a mandate”. However he says the border with Rodney. some Conservative policies, including Conservative appeal the holding of binding referenda, are Local Conservative supporters include not negotiable. several who previously “swung” Until now Mr Craig has financed the between a range of parties on the right party himself, however a drive has of the spectrum. begun to raise funds. Colin Craig’s Orewa audience included He said it is also important that a policeman concerned about the need Conservative party supporters talk to tighten the drug laws, particularly to their neighbours and go door in relation to synthetic cannabis, and knocking. graphic artist Andy Dunn who says he “Voting decisions are made from one viewed the anti-smacking legislation person speaking over the fence to as “an assault on families”. Mr Dunn another,” he said. says he has previously supported both Referring to Mr Craig’s current National and Act and once stood for defamation against Greens co-leader Bob Jones’ NZ Party.

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 7

Viewpoint with Len Brown, Auckland Mayor len.brown@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Out and about I spent a good morning out and about with Hibiscus Local Board chair Julia Parfitt and deputy chair Greg Sayers recently. It was a stunning early autumn day which was perfect for showing the Hibiscus Coast at its finest. I’m spending time with all our local board chairs at the moment, getting out into their local areas to get a first-hand look at the opportunities and challenges local areas have ahead of them. We visited many of the beaches in the area and I had a close-up look at the challenges of dealing with coastal erosion and a discussion about some of the cost-effective options that may be open to us. We are wrapping up our Annual Plan budgetary round and starting our 10-year Long-term plan budget review and it’s vital that I have a good understanding of what is needed both locally and regionally. For example, funding for a long-term solution to erosion at Orewa, a permanent coastal protection structure, will be investigated through the 2015-2025 Long-term Plan process now underway. The long-term process also gives us an opportunity to closely review Auckland’s finances and funding. We need an informed debate on acceptable levels of debt, its limitations as an investment tool, and how that relates to Auckland’s combined asset and balance sheet. The scale created by Auckland’s unification gives us new opportunities to deliver that investment. We need to have a frank discussion as a community about how we fund our projects and activities, from using Public Private Partnerships for vital regional infrastructure to commercial relationships on a smaller scale, such as sponsorships and commercial partnerships to extend free swimming entry. PPPs are not a free ticket to be clipped by the private sector. We need to use our considerable scale and position to nail down the best possible deals for Aucklanders, learning the lessons from international experience, particularly around retaining public ownership. Penlink remains an ideal candidate for a PPP to deliver real value for money and better outcomes for both Whangaparaoa residents and Auckland ratepayers. Hibiscus Coast public transport is about to go under the microscope as part of Auckland’s New Network. The New Network will allow more passengers to simply ‘turn up and go’ on a system of frequent, connector, local and peak services making public transport more useful for a range of travel purposes. The Hibiscus Coast is second out of blocks for New Network consultation – Auckland Transport is currently planning the routes for Hibiscus Coast and expects to be consulting the public in July/August. For more on the New Network see story p9.

Out of of ink? Out ink?

Debating rates Local Government NZ (LGNZ), which represents all councils, announced last week that it is conducting a review of council funding mechanisms and wants a national debate about alternatives, including suggesting sales taxes, payroll taxes, congestion charges, visitor charges and road tolls. LGNZ President Lawrence Yule said it is common overseas for local government to have a multiple taxing powers in order to fund infrastructure projects without increasing property rates faster than inflation. The review will identify new funding options and alternatives to complement current funding tools. He referred to the challenges of funding expensive infrastructure with an ageing population where the burden of rates falls more on retirees. “Our focus is on developing a strategy and model that is sustainable for New Zealand communities in the long term,” Mr Yule said. To start the process, LGNZ plans to set up a cross-sector working party this month. Auckland Mayor Len Brown welcomed the announcement, saying that the current model of funding through rates is “intrinsically unfair”. “Now is the right time to look seriously at alternatives that are more equitable and that better reflect the complex funding challenges facing Councils. In doing so we should not rule out any sensible options, and draw on international experience of what works well.” For more Viewpoint columns visit our website www.localmatters.co.nz

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8 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

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Honorary Sundance Elder Gil Aguilera (right) shares a hongi with Puawai Ormsby at Te Herenga Waka o Orewa.

Three nations share their knowledge in Silverdale A cross cultural exchange of a unique kind took place this month with the visit of three Native American Elders to Te Herenga Waka in Orewa. The Elders, Gil Aguilera, Ruben Saufkie and Gail Whitlow, came to Orewa as the guests of Marama Winder who invited them here after attending their workshop in Albany last month. Marama organised the day of teaching, healing and ceremony at Te Herenga Waka in Silverdale at short notice; around 45 people took part. The special one-day event included teachings about traditional medicine, prophecies, prayers, ceremonies, meditation and stories as well as Hopi dancer Ruben Saufkie. making Prayer Bundles. the natural world and understanding The Elders, who represent three of the power of water and the elements. nations – Apache, Hopi and Mohawk Gail, who runs a healing centre on Six – have been travelling together around Nations Reserve in Ontario, Canada, the world, learning about other says there has been a loss of knowledge cultures and sharing their knowledge of the old ways among the Native of healing and other ancient practices. Americans, but that young people are This included three weeks in New beginning to come back to their roots. Zealand. “Ancient ways are useful as examples Gil says there are many similarities of how we can find balance and coamong different peoples, such as exist in harmony and peace with each connections in the way they honour other and our planet,” she says.




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Gail Whitlow, centre, in a sacred hoop ceremony.

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 9

Improvements planned for Hibiscus Coast bus services Imagine turning up at a local bus stop and only having to wait a few minutes for the next bus to arrive. This is the stated aim of Auckland timetables and services”. Transport’s (AT) New Network South Auckland is the first area where initiative, which proposes replacing all the New Network will be rolled out. current routes with a new network of More than 1100 submissions were local bus routes. received on AT’s suggested changes The northern area, including the to the bus and train network there, Hibiscus Coast, is the second area in more than half in support, 22 percent Auckland to have its public transport neutral and 21 percent opposed. links scrutinised and re-worked under The changes involved the creation the plan. of new routes, expansion of some The end result will be a region-wide services and changes to existing routes public transport network of Frequent, as well as the removal of one route. Connector, Local and Peak services. Implementation of the changes in The Frequent Network aims to provide South Auckland is planned for midservices at least every 15 minutes from 2015. 7am to 7pm, seven days a week. Cr Wayne Walker says the Network is AT spokesperson Mark Hannan says a constructive way to make an impact planning is underway and consultation on the traffic congestion that this area on the Hibiscus Coast, including is experiencing. detailed route maps, brochures, drop “It’s the fastest, most practical way to in days and website feedback, is resolve the issues we’ve got and take expected to begin around June or July. cars off the road,” he says. “It will He says it’s not about physical work simplify the routes to provide better such as widening roads to introduce public transport within the Hibiscus bus lanes, or even putting on more Coast and from here to the North buses, but “being smarter with Shore and Auckland city.”

He says the proposal is likely to include a loop through the Silverdale Park ‘n’ Ride to Orewa and Whangaparaoa. “The loop will be easy for people to understand and use, and provide the opportunity to switch to a high frequency service into Auckland or the North Shore at the Park ‘n’ Ride. There’s a need for a service, such as an on-demand service, down into Arkles Bay and Stillwater, so I’m looking for some bolt-ons to make that happen.” It is not yet known whether buses will connect with the Gulf Harbour ferry,

Busway progress

Red light cameras on their way

Imagine a society living off scraps. Brilliant.

but AT will seek feedback on that. Cr Walker says changes to bus routes will be favourable for most people, however “in a few localised situations” some may have to walk further to a bus stop. “The concept is a service so regular that you don’t even have to think about when a bus is due, just turn up and go,” he says. Implementation is proposed for next year, and 2016. Info: at.govt.nz/projects-roadworks/newpublic-transport-network/

NZ Police are managing a tender process for camera equipment which combines the latest radar detection methods with wireless data download capability. This includes investigating the benefits of dual-purpose red light/speed cameras. These multi purpose cameras are able to detect and deter high-risk behaviour such as red light running and enable the data to be sent wirelessly to police. Suitable sites in Auckland are being identified for a trial, but so far none are on the Hibiscus Coast. For more news stories visit our website www.localmatters.co.nz

Composting turns waste into food. Food and garden waste is best returned to the soil as compost. So learn how to turn your waste into nutritious compost and in three months your family could be enjoying the results.

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Auckland Council’s second attempt to secure resource consent for Stage 2 of the Silverdale busway/park ‘n’ ride facility is making progress, with an Auckland Transport spokesperson advising the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board that a hearing is likely to take place this month. The consent had to be re-submitted after owners of land adjacent to the facility successfully argued that they should have been notified before resource consent was granted for Stage 2. This time around, the neighbours will be notified. Stage 2 of the project consists of the busway station itself, a 500-vehicle carpark and stormwater treatment pond and is unlikely to be completed until the end of this year.

Changes to Hibiscus Coast bus services are currently on Auckland Transport’s drawing board.

10 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

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Journey Homeopathy The gentle, holistic approach of homeopathy is finding favour with the Coast’s new mums as they seek answers to frustrating issues such as colic and reflux in babies and immune system and allergy issues in toddlers. Homeopathic Practitioner Jacqueline Engelbrecht of Journey Homeopathy says since she set up her home-based clinic in Army Bay and mobile service, the bulk of her clients have been pregnant women and young families. “New mothers feel comfortable about the safety and lack of toxicity of homeopathic remedies so I’ve become a specialist in that area, however because I have a mobile service I’m also getting elderly patients too,” she says. Jacqueline has a three-year-old son Daniel, and says her husband, who is a surgical sales manager with a degree in Pharmacology has become a convert to homeopathy after seeing the remedies in action. “Daniel had ear infections that could have resulted in grommets, but homeopathic remedies cleared those up and meant he has never even had to take antibiotics.” Not that Jacqueline is against the medical establishment; she began her working life in South Africa in medical sales and marketing, and has


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Jacqueline Engelbrecht

a clear understanding of when it’s best to refer someone to a GP or other medical specialist. Jacqueline trained as a homeopath in Auckland – a five-year NZQA certified qualification – after realising she was more passionate about patients and healthy outcomes, than surgical products and equipment. The change in direction was also because of the positive effect homeopathy had on her own life. “I always remembered the way my Gran’s homeopath cured the migraines I had as a child, when many medical interventions had failed,” she says. She says homeopathy treats each patient as an individual so that similar symptoms don’t necessarily mean a similar remedy will be prescribed. It can deal with acute issues such as people recovering from surgery, high temperatures or bee stings as well as chronic or new conditions. Consultations take time, and cover all aspects of a person’s life and wellbeing. She says finding the correct homeopathic remedy enables the body to heal itself, given the right assistance. “It’s like solving a puzzle – there are many aspects to connect as people are so complex,” Jacqueline says.

St John seeks assistance

St John launched its Annual Appeal this month, seeking donations to support its many services. The service deals with a huge range of incidents – from motor vehicle accidents and serious accidents at the workplace, through to cardiac arrests and people injured in their homes. St John uses donations to buy equipment and emergency medical resources. Donations can be made at any ASB Branch, visit stjohnappeal.org.nz or text ‘ST JOHN’ to 336 to donate $3.

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 11

localbusiness INTRODUCING n

beds & more




Maan Harjeet, manager of beds & more

When you spend one-third of your life sleeping, it makes sense to buy a comfortable mattress. That’s the philosophy at beds & more, which opened on Hibiscus Coast Highway, in Silverdale, this month. Owner Sneha Shetty, who has a background in health care, says the focus of the new store is on meeting customers’ sleep needs. “I want to be able to help the people of the Hibiscus Coast and Rodney wake up pain-free, and properly rested and refreshed,” she says. This is Sneha’s first business venture after completing her MBA. She says she chose to set-up in Silverdale because the area is growing and she wants to give people options when choosing their new bed. “Just because a mattress is expensive, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right one for you. Our customers can expect

Land sells like hot cakes

Barfoot & Thompson’s Barry Masefield and Graeme Perigo say Silverdale is hot property. They have recently sold several commercial and industrial sites in Millwater, and industrial Silverdale. The largest of these was 2 Central Boulevard, a 10,320sqm commercial site with frontage to Millwater Parkway. The site was sold to a developer and Mr Perigo is now fielding expressions of interest from retailers wanting a presence in Silverdale. On the industrial side, Barfoot & Thompson also recently sold 27 Forge Road, a 3697sqm site, to an owner-occupier. At a recent auction, a 2008sqm industrial site at 8 David McCathie Place went under the hammer for $602,000 or $299.80psm.

to be asked a lot of questions before we start showing them our range. It’s important that we know their needs so we can give them the right advice.” Sneha says beds & more is inviting anyone who isn’t getting a good night’s sleep or whose mattress is more than eight years old, to a 15-minute sleep assessment session. “You’ll be surprised at how easy and affordable it can be to achieve better health through better sleep.” Sneha says she’s keeping her prices very competitive. “Our selection is unparalleled and our service is superior.” (see ad p6) CL





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12 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 13

Hooping for health

If your middle aged spread is spreading, or you are determined to fit into a bikini next summer, think about taking up Powerhooping. It’s the hula hooping that children can keeping the hoop rotating around the do, seemingly without effort, but taken body – this involves a gentle forward into the adult realm of a fitness tool with and backward motion of the hips, a re-designed hoop and a programme rather than a circular movement. that focuses on balanced, symmetrical Good posture is important when toning for the core muscles. Powerhooping and as well as helping The power hoops are padded, weighted with postural alignment, the activity and wider than the traditional hula tones muscles in the waist, stomach hoop. As well as being rotated around and lower back, the buttocks, hips and the waist, the hoops are used for arm thighs. and leg exercises in an hour-long class. It is recommended as a way of Power Hooping was introduced to improving lower back pain or stiffness. the Hibiscus Coast last January with The Powerhoop programme was instructors Margaret Smith and Jackie designed in Europe and brought to Dwight offering classes in Stanmore NZ by Amy McAuley who moved to Bay. Auckland at the end of 2012. Margaret and Jackie say most people Margaret and Jackie are the only quickly pick up the technique of Powerhoop instructors on the Coast.

Power Hoop instructors Margaret Smith, left, and Jackie Dwight demonstrate the technique.

Classes are held at Stanmore Bay Community Centre in Waiora Rd,

Stanmore Bay. Info: phone Margaret, 428 4817 or Jackie, 0274 447 064.

Easter babies receive special gift from North Shore CMA Babies born at North Shore Hospital over Easter will be receiving a special gift thanks to the efforts of members of the local North Shore Centres of Mutual Aid (CMA). Around 40 members of CMA in Red Beach and Stanmore Bay have been making the ‘nappy baby’ packs for enjoyment this term. The packs include a newborn-size nappy, socks and a flannel in soft pastel colours cleverly designed to look like a wrapped infant. The CMA members, many of whom

are well into their 80s and 90s, like to give back to the community, so supervisor Melissa Jillings suggested they donate the packs to the hospital. They were presented to the hospital midwife manager, Jill Dale, at the end of last month and will be given to the parents of babies born at the hospital over Easter weekend. CMA is a not for profit charitable organisation that provides companionship and fun activities for seniors, aged 65 plus, throughout the North Shore and Hibiscus Coast.

CMA supervisor Melissa Jillings, right, presents the basket of ‘nappy babies’ to acting North Shore Hospital midwife manager Jill Dale.

The aim is to encourage the elderly to remain active and engaged in their community which helps combat social

isolation. CMA offers members crafts, exercises, speakers and much more. Info: phone 09 489 8954.

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14 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

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Carlene Amox-Tolhopf, centre, on a visit to Papua New Guinea.

Garage sale raises funds for PNG orphanage Puhoi resident Carlene Amos-Tolhopf is holding a garage sale to raise funds for an orphanage she started in Papua New Guinea last year. The orphanage has grown to care for The orphanage is in the Jiwaka province 25 children who have been orphaned in the Highlands which is one of the by Aids, and plans are underway for worst affected areas. a new building to house the children. Two Papua New Guinean families are They are currently in a bush house running the orphanage and are trying and sometimes sleep three to a bed. to develop the land, to become self“We’ve got the timber ready to go. sufficient. Now we are waiting to get enough “I’ve been sending back money and bamboo for the walls and thatched seeds so they can grow food but soon grass for the roof,” Carlene says. we will need to buy more land to She started the orphanage in August support the children,” she says. after she headed back to Papua New The project is still in its early stages and Guinea where she had worked as a is currently funded by the generosity missionary for a decade during the of friends and family. 1980s and 90s. Carlene is heading back to PNG In the past 20 years the prevalence in June to help to build the new of Aids in the region has made the headquarters. The garage sale will situation even worse, she says. help fund blankets and pillows for After seeing the suffering of some the children. “I would be so chuffed if vulnerable children in the village, she we got $2000. Then I could afford to send all the blankets and pillows up to decided to take action. the orphanage.” “One little girl looked like she was three years old, but she was actually The garage sale includes second-hand eight. Her grandmother was looking furniture, cooking utensils, clothes, after her, but she could barely look plants, and art and craft. after herself. She wasn’t even getting It runs from Easter Friday to Easter Monday, at 851 SH1, near the one decent meal a day.” PNG has the highest prevalence of intersection with Mahurangi West Rd, HIV in the Pacific – nearly one per from 9am–4pm. cent of the population. According to Visit facebook.com/operationblackopal the United Nations, there are about to donate towards the orphanage or keep track of how it is progressing. 13,000 orphans due to Aids.

Zonta rewards student

Former Kingsway student Sarah Lee is the recipient of Zonta Hibiscus Coast’s Young Women in Public Affairs Award. Sarah is studying towards a degree in law and politics at Auckland University. Her dream is to create an NGO, partnering with agencies to address the effects of first world consumerism on third-world needs. Winning the award on March 25 makes Sarah eligible to compete in the National Award, which has a prize of US$3000. She also won the title of Rodney Youth MP during Youth Parliament.

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 15 Join us for


at The Plaza we have lots of great activities going on!

Come visit The Plaza and check out these great Easter Activities! APRIL

19-26 Mum’s market organiser Christina Galvin (right) and Sarah Nancarrow at the market.

JPs join MP

Around 40 JPs from all over Rodney took the opportunity to meet Hon Chester Borrows, Associate Minister of Justice, and Rodney MP Mark Mitchell on April 7 at Orewa Community Centre. The JPs discussed current issues with the Minister, including Retired JP status, training and JP service desks in the community.



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“Without good reading skills, learning is so much more difficult,” he says. Volunteers are asked to give just one hour of their time, to conduct one-onone reading assistance at the school with the pupil. Training is provided. Whangaparaoa Lions Club is coordinating the provision of volunteers, and is appealing to any Whangaparaoa or Silverdale resident to get involved. Info: phone John Kingdon, 428 3301.

Plaster Painting


6 8

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Solution page 30

After conducting a study into the needs of local primary schools recently, Whangaparaoa Lions Club discovered that several are in urgent need of extra voluntary remedial reading helpers. By listening as school children read, the volunteers assist those who are having difficulties with reading. John Kingdon of Orewa Lions says this a most satisfying and rewarding way that adults with spare time during school hours, can assist the community.


Fill in this grid so that every column, row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9.

Lions on hunt for good listeners

Easter Bunny at The Plaza


Mums market off to good start The lower carpark at Whangaparaoa Plaza was a hive of activity as the first market organised by Mums the Word, with the blessing of The Plaza management, got underway. The market started on Sunday, April 6 and organiser Christina Galvin says she was happy and relieved to see a regular stream of customers for the 30 people selling items from their car boots. While people browsed through the items, which included clothing, toys, jewellery, accessories and books, they could munch on a sausage served as a fundraiser by the Orewa Sea Scouts. Entertainment was provided by Nick Jones playing the electric violin. Christina says there is obviously a demand for a local outlet for second hand and craft items at reasonable prices. The car boot sale will be held monthly, with the next one on April 27, at the lower Whangaparaoa Plaza carpark, 9am–12 noon. The cost is Twin Torbay stallholders, from left $15 per car. Info: contact Christina@ Kahlia and Latisha Trigwell-Achmad, mumstheword.net.nz or phone 021 cleared out their wardrobes for the market. 275 1168.

The Plaza Easter Egg Hunt

16 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014


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As Cyclone Lusi approached, my children watched in some amusement as I scurried around preparing myself for the worst. It seemed that my daughter’s old pink Barbie radio was the only communication into our home that would run on batteries. Many of us bought water and supplies that week. We were prepared! Being prepared is the best chance you will have for an illness-free winter. Reviewing your lifestyle, surroundings, medicines and potential supplements will ensure that you have taken as many preventative measures as possible. Can you build your immunity naturally? Here are the Top 4 Natural Supplements that may assist your immune system: • Zinc supports your immune response and may aid your recovery from winter ills and chills • Research shows that if you regularly supplement your diet with Vitamin C you may reduce the duration of common cold symptoms • Studies indicate that Echinacea purpurea may help you to decrease the incidence and duration of a cold • Researchers have found that if your Vitamin D levels are adequate this may have a protective effect against coughs and colds. Are you protected against the flu? Getting an influenza vaccination is the best way to protect yourself against the flu. The influenza vaccination is available free to eligible patients. Unfortunately viruses are not all we have to worry about during the winter season. Often your cold may turn into a more serious bacterial infection. Oral vaccines are available from pharmacies to provide you with protection from bacterial complications of colds. Is your home warm enough? A warmer and drier home is a healthier one. A temperature of 18°C to 21°C is ideal. Remember to block any draughts as this may lose up to 20 percent of your home’s warmth. Winter can also be a more difficult time of the year if you have asthma, as symptoms are often triggered by changes in temperature. This means that now is an ideal time to review your asthma medicines with your health professional. How well are you sleeping? Studies show that people who don’t get good quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, such as the common cold. Lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover if you do get sick. ‘Be Prepared – it’s an old Scout motto, but perhaps not just for scouts.

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Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 17


Pump cleaning

Seeing double worth the trouble It is well-known that many New Zealand homes are far colder than they should be. One way of raising the temperature is to double-glaze your windows and doors. But it’s important to consider other measures as well, says Murray Wyllie, of Composite Joinery of Rodney. Murray has been in the business all his working life, and says changes to the Building Code, introduced in 2007, have definitely resulted in much warmer homes. While the new code does not specifically require double-glazing, it does require measures that means it makes sense for most people to include it in their plans, he says. While double-glazing is almost a given in new homes, older homes can benefit from it as well. “When people are replacing older joinery they are generally going for double-glazing to better insulate their home,” he says. “But you shouldn’t really do just one thing. If you’re doing double-glazing, you should really put more insulation in the walls and floor and ceiling as well. And if you do the walls, floor and ceiling but don’t do the joinery, you can put in thermal drapes, but it’s not the total answer.” Murray suggests doing just one room

Double glazing makes it possible to have your view, without losing heat from the room.

at a time if cost is an issue. Gail McDowell, from Rodney company Elite Windows, agrees, and says she has noticed a big increase in double-glazing over the past decade. “Generally speaking, double-glazing will add about a quarter to the cost of a building project but it’s definitely worth it,” she says. There are many different types of double-glazing, such as using argon gas between the panes, or using different tints on the glass. Some glass is also particularly good at blocking out noise. A house on a noisy road may need double-glazing only on a bedroom, while a house near the water may need tinted glass only on one side.

Those with wood burners or open fires generally know they need to have an annual visit from the chimney sweep, but according to Neil Duff of Heat Pump Cleaning, owners of heat pumps are often unaware of the need for regular maintenance of the unit. Neil started Heat Pump Cleaning a year ago and offers his services Auckland-wide from his Stanmore Bay base. He says people know they should clean the filters of their heat pumps, but very few know that full maintenance is required annually. This prevents issues such as dust build up in the coils which drain the efficiency of heat pumps and can increase power consumption significantly. Info: visit www.heatpumpclean.co.nz or phone 0800 225 327.

Safe fire use

If the house is shaded by bush, tinting is not a good idea as it will make the house too dark, she says. Both firms say retro-glazing is also popular, but Gail notes that it is usually not worth retro-glazing if you have older aluminium joinery. “It can be almost as expensive as getting completely new joinery, so we tend to say to people that unless you’re doing just one room, it’s better to get new joinery,” she says. And yes, triple-glazing is now common in parts of Europe, but not yet in New Zealand. “New Zealand simply isn’t cold enough, and the frames we use are not big enough to accommodate so much glass,” Murray says.

As people head indoors and activate their home heating, the local fire brigade has some tips to keep you safe: yy Chimneys and flues should be cleaned before your first fire of the season. Birds and rodents are known to build nests here and soot can also build up. yy Don’t use your fireplace for burning rubbish, especially batteries and aerosol cans. yy When cleaning out the ashes, remember they can take up to five days to cool down. yy Have your electric blanket tested before you use it. Electric blankets can be dropped at 100 Percent Eddie Law stores, where staff forward them for testing.

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18 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

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Winter heating feature

What type of heating suits your home best? How you use the rooms that you want to heat often determines the types of heater that you should be considering, says the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA). For rooms that you use regularly, it is well worth investing in suitable, fixed heaters that enable you to heat them effectively and cheaply, it says. Clean, effective forms of heating include modern wood and wood-pellet burners, Energy Star-qualified heat pumps and high star-rated, flued gas heaters. But for rooms that only get used occasionally, for short periods of time, cheap electric heaters can often be sufficient. Heat pumps Good for: low running costs when used properly; producing instant heat; convenience - you can control the temperature and timing with the thermostat and timer controls. Be aware that: they must be sized correctly, for the space and the climate, to work well; some are a lot more efficient than others; they won’t work during a power cut. Modern woodburners Good for: low running costs, especially if you have access to free or cheap firewood; they produce very little pollution and use renewable wood energy as a fuel; heating large spaces; heating hot water in winter through a wetback system. Be aware that: firewood must be dry to burn most efficiently so you need to plan ahead and store it undercover, ideally for at least 12 months; building consent approval for installation is needed and, unless your property is larger than two hectares, you need to use a woodburner on the Ministry for the Environment’s list of approved wood burners. Wood pellet burners Good for: the environment (the pellets are made from waste products and burn very cleanly); heat control

(better than a wood burner); heating large spaces; heating hot water in winter through a wetback system. Be aware that: they won’t work if your electricity isn’t working; building consent is needed for installation; in areas with air quality issues only authorised burners can be installed.

Flued gas (natural or LPG) heaters or fireplaces Good for: you can control the temperature and timing with the thermostat and timer controls; heating larger areas for longer periods. Be aware that: you may have to pay a fixed charge for reticulated gas supply; EECA recommends choosing an Energy Star qualified model; gas heaters must always be installed by a registered gas fitter. Electric heaters Good for: heating a small room infrequently and for short periods only; very cheap to buy. Be aware that: they are more expensive to run than most other heating options; there are different types but they all have the same efficiency; there are different types that deliver heat in different ways; many have built-in thermostats, but generally they aren’t very accurate. Central heating Good for: providing whole-ofhouse heating; you can control the temperature and timing with the thermostat and timer controls; many are zone-controlled so you can control the temperature in different parts of the home. Be aware that: heat can be supplied by a gas or wood pellet heating system, or a heat pump; it is worth choosing a system that has an individual thermostat for each room; they can be very expensive to run if your house isn’t well insulated, or is draughty. Unflued gas (natural or LPG) Good for: back-up heating during power cuts, if your normal heating relies on electricity to operate. Be aware that: unflued LPG heaters are the most expensive form of heating (except for some open fires); it will pollute air with toxic gases and large amounts of water vapour, so you must keep at least one window open when it is in use and never use it in bedrooms; they can make your home damp; portable LPG heaters can be a fire risk, as anything too close can catch fire quickly. Info: bit.ly/1dRA3gl.

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 19

Winter heating feature

Making fire without smoke The comfort of a wood fire has been appreciated since man first rubbed two sticks (or stones) together and made a spark. These days it’s seen as technology that could be on the way out due to clean air legislation, however there are still many ways to enjoy the inimitable crackle of a home fire without polluting the atmosphere – principally with a modern wood burner. Steve and Viv Castle of Peninsula Mowers and Heating in Whangaparaoa sell both wood and gas fires and say the ambience of a wood fire is still popular on the Coast.

“As the cost of power continues to go up, people are looking to wood burners as a cheaper option, and one that can dry and warm the whole home,” Viv says. She says all new wood burners must meet emission standards set by the Ministry for the Environment, that they are energy efficient and have multiple functions. “They can be used for water heating and cooking, making it a smart solution in a power cut,” Viv says. All wood burners operate at their peak using dry, split, well seasoned firewood.

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If you’re in chopping up the firewood mode, be aware that the local Stihl Shop in Silverdale is part of Stihl’s national Chainsaw Safety Awareness week, April 28– May 4. Stihl’s Chainsaw Safety Awareness initiative targets “the Kiwi weekend warrior”, an occasional chainsaw user who may not give proper consideration to keeping themselves safe. With this in mind, Stihl Shop in Silverdale has released the company’s special edition Chainsaw Safety Packs consisting of chaps, earmuffs and glasses. The packs are valued at $242, however for Chainsaw Safety Week they will be priced at $158. This year, Chainsaw Safety Awareness Week is being run in association with St John and a portion of all proceeds from safety pack sales will be donated to that organisation.

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20 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014


Easter brings artworks to Hibiscus Coast Art and Easter are becoming synonymous on the Hibiscus Coast, with local artists presenting their work in Whangaparaoa, at Orewa Community Church and on the Silverdale sidewalk from Good Friday to Easter Monday. Perhaps the biggest creative challenge has been taken on by artist and art teacher Graham Braddock, who will recreate one of his paintings on a 4m x 3m piece of pavement outside The Warehouse in the Silverdale Centre. Although he has worked in chalk before, Graham’s usual medium is oils or pastels. For this, his first venture into pavement art, he chose a work he created after a trip to Israel in 1984, which depicts the Via Dolorosa. He says it’s important to bring art out of the galleries and “into the market place” so that as many people as possible will view the work. At the same time, elsewhere around the Silverdale Centre, Graham has coordinated local artists, and students from Kingsway School who will work on panels. Stella Maris pupils, up to Year 8, will create their own pavement art near Mozaik Caffé. While Graham will be laying out his work on Good Friday, the public can view its progress from Saturday

a craft group of more than 100 women meet each week at the church and there are also regular art classes. Jane says this year the Easter Exhibition is thematic, with art, craft and posters integrated to convey different human emotions and experiences. There will be a separate room for children and youth offering a handson experience of different craft and painting activities. Refreshments are available. The exhibition is open at Orewa Community Church, 235 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, from Good Friday to Sunday over Easter, 10am– 4pm, and the children’s programme runs from 11am–12pm and 2pm– 3pm each day. Entry is free.

Hibiscus Coast artist Graham Braddock will recreate his work Via Dolorosa in chalk on the Silverdale Centre’s pavement over Easter.

morning until Easter Monday. Journey of Hope This is the third year that Orewa Community Church has held its Easter Exhibition and art teacher Jane Jensen, who is one of the organisers, says this will be the biggest yet. Hundreds of art and craft works, including photography by members

of the Hibiscus Coast Photography Club, will be on display and there will also be interactive stalls representing different stages in the Easter story. Alison Holst will exhibit paintings, as well as Neville Bradley, Murray Stuart, April Shin, Rae Lamble and Ursula Cranmer. Orewa Community Church has developed a reputation for creativity –

Tindalls art

A group of Whangaparaoa artists are showing their work in Tindalls Bay over Easter. The artists, Cynthia Archer, Patsy Fisher, Di Hillas, Karsten Kroger and Ray McTeigue will each show several works along with guest artist Lesley Gager. All are painters, whose subjects include buildings, landscapes and abstracts. The Art Show and Sale is on at 1055 Whangaparaoa Rd, Tindalls Bay, April 19– 21, from 10am each day.

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Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 21

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Crispy pancakes Children especially love these potato pancakes – really a cross between hash browns and fritters – from Popular Potatoes (Hyndman Publishing). They can be turned into finger food, the basis for a light meal, or part of a main.

Potato Pancakes

For 6–8 servings (16 pancakes) 2 large eggs, unbeaten 2 Tbsp milk 2 rashers lean bacon or ham, very finely chopped 1 onion, very finely chopped 1 tsp curry powder 1 tsp celery salt 3–4 medium (about 500g) all purpose or floury potatoes, scrubbed or peeled ¼ cup flour vegetable oil for frying Mix together the eggs, milk, bacon, onion and seasonings in a large bowl. Just before cooking, grate the potatoes into the mixture, then add the flour. Put just enough oil in a frypan to cover the bottom. Heat until a small test amount of the pancake mixture bubbles when put in. Drop in dessertspoonsful of the mixture, four at a time, using a second spoon to stop the mixture from sticking to the first spoon. Try to make even-shaped pancakes, flattening them a little if necessary. Cook each pancake for 3–4 minutes per side, until golden brown and cooked through to the centre. As they are cooked, transfer the pancakes to a paper towel on a flat plate and place in a warm oven. Serve alone, or with tomatoes and/or mushrooms etc for a light meal. Or serve as finger food, topped with sour cream and a little smoked salmon (or other topping/s). Variation: Omit the bacon or ham and serve the pancakes with chops, steak, sausages and cooked vegetables or salad for dinner.


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Hibiscus Matters has one copy of Simon and Alison Holst’s Popular Potatoes (Hyndman Publishing) to give away. To be in to win, write your name, address and daytime phone number on the back of an envelope “Following a decade as owner & chef and post to of the Stanmore Cottage Restaurant. Popular Potatoes, Hibiscus is now at Emideli to share his er Jon Matters, Unit G, Tamariki Plaza, 18 Buy any Diann cuisine with locals, focusing on s as gl Tamariki Ave, Orewa 0931. Entries main & get Jon Bayer modern Italian dining. Come share close May 9. CONGRATULATIONS of house wine free the experience with us.” to Caroline Butland of Silverdale, winner of Deliciously Healthy Recipes Breakfast & Lunch: 8am–4pm, 7 days | Dinner: Wed–Sun, 6pm–late for the Whole Family (Hyndman 11 Tamariki Ave, The Nautilus Building, Orewa | Phone 09 421 0435 Publishing).

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22 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

Dining & entertainment INTRODUCING n

C h a nging FAC E S n

Vino Orewa

Mozaik Caffé Silverdale

A local family of dedicated foodies have taken over the restaurant and wine bar in Hillary Square formerly known as Vino Per Favore and are making changes to enhance its reputation as a friendly place to wine and dine. Clive, Mandy and Danielle Hebben took over ownership last month and began by brightening up the interior and changing the name to Vino Orewa. Clive works at Kiwibank and Mandy is a member of Orewa Lions but both also have extensive experience in the hospitality industry, here and overseas. Owning Vino Orewa has given them an opportunity to pass on their passion for wine and food – something they have already achieved with 20-yearold daughter Danielle, who is running the restaurant/wine bar as manager; Danielle has been in the hospitality business since her teens and has already notched up an impressive CV, including a number of local roles. The couple’s son, 16-year-old Cory, will also be helping out in the kitchen. Weeks of tasting local produce has helped provide Danielle, Mandy and Clive with inspiration for what will be a whole new menu to be launched at Vino Orewa’s official opening on May 10. Clive, who has taken on the role of Maitre d’, says the menu will feature

A background in nuclear engineering and a work history that includes introducing the square pizza to NZ, car sales, plumbing, landscaping and owning a Bonsai nursery for 10 years shows that Ron Judd, new owner of Mozaik Caffé in Silverdale, enjoys variety and is always on the lookout for a challenge. He also has a knack for backing the right horse – his square pizza, which he initially sold from a chiller van, was so successful it was bought by Pak ‘n’ Save. Ron moved to NZ from London 20 years ago looking for a new start after working in nuclear power plants. Following the success of his pizza enterprise, he took a series of “two week long” jobs, which eventually led him to buy his first café – a Robert Harris in Takapuna. Ever since he has been happily settled in the café trade. He has owned two Columbus Cafés, including one in Albany Mall, as well as Gina’s Café in Oteha Valley Road and has always been a hands-on owner, running day-to- day operations and ensuring quality is maintained. It was the Mozaik Caffé in Orewa that first brought Ron to the area in February last year at the suggestion of his friend, Mozaik franchise co-owner Alex Isik ; Ron was so impressed with “the unbeatable location” that he bought it two months later. He purchased the Silverdale

From left, Mandy, Clive and Danielle Hebben

seasonal, local produce and wines from around the world. A range of entrée size Bar Bites can be shared with a glass of wine and the needs of gluten-free diners can also be catered for. Mandy’s frequent travels to Australia in her job with a disability equipment company allow her to obtain one-off wines to enhance any special occasion, and wine tastings and “meet the vintner” evenings are planned. Clive and Mandy say they bought the business because they were frequent customers of Vino Per Favore – a case of “we liked the place so much, we bought it” – and so they want to retain the essence of an intimate dining experience that loyal customers enjoyed. Clive says the changes they are introducing are about improving the quality of the food and service. “There are exciting things ahead and we will be taking on board suggestions that existing customers gave us in our recent survey,” he says.

Ron Judd

Mozaik two weeks ago and says the combination is ideal. “What makes Mozaik successful is that it’s not just a cabinet food café,” he says. “It’s really a café-restaurant, with a liquor licence so you can have a wine or beer and it’s comfortable and a great place to meet friends or colleagues.” He says although both cafes are already successful, he is not resting on his laurels. “Having great coffee isn’t enough any more with the amount of cafés around here,” Ron says. “You have to have well trained staff, the right people in the kitchen, top presentation and always maintain a high quality experience for the customer.” Among his plans for Silverdale is the introduction of evening dining. He says purchasing the two cafés, coupled with regular gigs as a drummer with the rock band Blondini, means he is busier than ever. This is which is exactly how Ron likes it.


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Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 23

locallifestyle The Kowhai Singers

Happy birthday Kowhai choir The Kowhai Singers are celebrating their 30th birthday next month with back-to-back performances of Mendelssohn’s Elijah. The performances will take place at dramatic work.” Warkworth School Hall on May 3 The choir will be joined by the and at Orewa College Arts and Events Pohutukawa Singers from Albany Centre on May 4. and accompanied by cello, organ and Founding member Beverley Hicks says harpsichord. Four professional soloists the group began singing Christmas will also perform, including Beverley carols at the Warkworth Methodist and three singers from Auckland. Hall back in 1984. “The solo work is quite extensive, so “We’ve performed a carol concert you need professionals,” Beverley says. every year since. It was the first carol concert that gave us the impetus to get It will be the 79th concert for the up-and-running, and the enthusiasm choir and it has always been well of the choir has kept it going ever supported, she says. “We’ve always had an enthusiastic following.” since,” Beverley says. But as the group has developed it has The group welcomes anyone who taken on more challenging works. wants to give singing a go, and doesn’t “It’s not a challenge for us to sing an a hold auditions. cappella now.” “It’s mostly enthusiastic amateurs. We Elijah was one of the first major believe that singing is a very positive works the choir performed and the experience and we’ve got to involve upcoming concert will commemorate everyone. And they all get up to a good level in the end.” this performance, she says. The two-hour mammoth work is a real The group meets at the Methodist test, both technically and physically, Hall every Monday from 7.30pm to she says. “It’s a big deal. It’s a very 9.30pm. New members are welcome.

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New Zealand


2012 2013

New chef welcomed

Following a decade as owner and chef at the iconic Stanmore Cottage Restaurant, Jon Bauer has joined Emi Deli in Orewa to share his food philosophy and flavours with local diners. Jon’s focus is on modern Italian cuisine to compliment the success of Emi Deli’s casual all day meals and coffee.

Francesca’s show hottest ticket in town

Tickets are selling fast for the Francesca’s Fashion Show – a showcase of preloved designer and high-end label clothing. The fashion parade, which will be held on May 2 at Gulf Harbour Country Club, is a fundraiser for Hibiscus Hospice and is followed by an opportunity to purchase clothing and accessories straight off the catwalk. Tickets are $20 and are available now from Francesca’s in Silverdale St, Silverdale or Gulf Harbour Country Club.

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24 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

History with Ruth Olsen, Silverdale & Districts Historical Society, randnolsen@maxnet.co.nz

Our very own Dad’s army When World War II broke out in 1939 New Zealand troops were sent overseas to fight the Axis powers and later the Japanese. The men left behind were mainly the unfit and those deemed too old for active service. Many of them had already fought and been wounded during World War I, only some 20 years before. These were the men who formed the Home Guard to protect our shores in the event of an invasion. The Silverdale/Orewa branch practised arms drills and training was carried out on the football field where the milk depot now stands, next to Gatman’s Tractor Services. (SH1, which cuts through the township, was not in existence until the 1970s). The disused Presbyterian Church that stood at the lower end of Silverdale Street beside what was then the Bielby’s garage, became the Home Guard headquarters where they stored their weapons and training gear. This included a couple of water-cooled German machine guns from World War I. Simulations of enemy attacks were carried out and “prisoners” were seen being marched down Silverdale Street by Home Guards with blackened faces. Sometimes things got a little too realistic. During one “attack” a guard placed a stick of gelignite with a lit fuse just outside the Bielby’s garage. The resulting explosion damaged the petrol pumps and blew out the windows of the garage. Petrol was strictly rationed and during the resulting confusion the monthly petrol coupons were mislaid and the garage owner was charged in court for failing to account in coupons for petrol sold that month. Fortunately the coupons were later found and the charge withdrawn. There was a strict blackout curfew in place and all householders had to ensure that not a crack of light was showing from any of their windows. Wardens and Home Guards patrolled the streets at night to check on this and Mr Bielby rowed up and down the river checking that no lights could be seen from the water. There were lighter moments, including a submarine scare when a local ‘cow cocky’ put a toy submarine in his water trough and produced a photograph taken on a murky morning. Someone eventually decided that it was a hoax. After the war ended in 1945, the Home Guard thankfully returned to ‘home duties’. Thanks to the Bielby family for their wartime reminiscences

Museum News

Silverdale Pioneer Village open Sat/Sun 10am–3pm. Friday, May 2 Coach trip to Mangere Bridge to visit local historical sites, including Amebury Park and Abbeville. Phone 424 8615 to book. For sale: Makers Of the Wade, $34.99 – History of early Silverdale

ANZAC Day, April 25 – local services yy Silverdale & Districts RSA, Vipond Rd, Whangaparaoa, Dawn Service, 6am yy Silverdale & Districts RSA, Vipond Rd, Whangaparaoa, Remembrance service, 11am yy Silverdale War Memorial Park, Wainui Rd, wreath laying, 12.15pm yy Orewa Remembrance Reserve, remembrance service, 12.40pm yy Upper Waiwera Cenotaph, Werenui Rd, wreath laying service, 2.30pm arts this month APPLY NOW! St 424 3055 Call Amanda 09 9311 or TEXT 021040

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Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 25

Health, environment, sport


Takahe headed for Tawharanui

One of New Zealand’s most endangered native birds, the takahe, will soon be making itself at home at Tawharanui Open Sanctuary, becoming the first significant breeding population on the North Island mainland. Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society Inc (TOSSI) chairman Steve Palmer says initially four or five breeding pairs will be relocated to the sanctuary, but it is hoped this will grow to 10 pairs in the near future. With only around 260 birds left, and just 60 safe breeding pairs, this would make up nearly 10 per cent of the total population. The project is a collaboration between Auckland Council and TOSSI, the Department of Conservation (DOC) and Mitre 10 MEGA Warkworth. It is the first time the sanctuary has had a critically endangered bird, and Takahe will soon make an everyone is really excited, but a little appearance at Tawharanui. nervous, Steve says. “It’s fun and scary at the same time,” ourselves a very ambitious target of The project is part of a wider concerted he says. raising $30,000 to go towards the effort to boost the breeding of these It is hoped the birds could be in Takahe fence and funding to care for endangered birds by introducing them Tawharanui Regional Park by the birds. We’ll also need volunteers to to mainland sanctuaries. September, but there is a lot of work help track them.” Open sanctuary coordinator Matt to be done before then. About 700m Maitland says this is a major milestone The birds will be roaming freely of fencing will have to be put in, and for Auckland Council’s first open through the park, but will be tagged tagging and tracking equipment will sanctuary. for tracking. “We are pretty anxious be purchased, which will cost about not to lose a single bird,” he says. “Tawharanui Regional Park provides $45,000. a safe home; a predator-free mainland However, as the birds are out in Steve says that Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth has agreed to supply daylight, unlike Kiwi, there will be the island sanctuary where we hope materials, but there is still a lot of opportunity for chance encounters Takahe can thrive and breed.” fundraising to be done. “We have set with the public. Info: tossi.org.nz

 Briefs Lifejackets main concern

Nearly 400 submissions were made regarding proposed changes to Auckland Council’s Navigation & Safety bylaw. The majority focused on the issue of whether the wearing of lifejackets on small vessels should be made compulsory. Around 50 submitters indicated they would like to speak at the hearings, which are likely to be held next month, although dates are still to be confirmed.

Boat ramp surveys in

More than 800 boat ramp users responded to the Hibiscus & Bays and Rodney Local Board’s online and intercept surveys, which ended last month. A Local Board spokesperson says the information has given insight into how people use facilities in the area and what could be improved. The most common response is that people want better trailer/vehicle parking and more all-tide boat ramps. Survey data is being analysed to help inform future planning for existing and new facilities. The results will go before both Local Boards for their information and feedback and staff are then expected to make formal recommendations to the boards in June or July. Are you following us on facebook? www.facebook.com/hibiscusmatters

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26 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014


Health, environment, sport

Blues and Chiefs development squads clash at Silverdale Up and coming Blues and Chiefs players took part in a tightly contested game at Silverdale this month, with a crowd of around 300 local supporters cheering both sides on. The match marked the return of one of Silverdale rugby’s own sons, exOrewa College student William Lloyd, who is among the Blues development players, at number 5. Absent from the match was Arkles Bay resident Jordan Manihera, who is also in the squad. He has moved up through the ranks and was among the Blues reserves for their game against the Brumbies in Australia. Silverdale United Rugby Football Club was chosen to host the Blues Development versus Chiefs Development second match of the season on April 2 by the Blues management. Initially, the management team Brandon Nansen, of North Harbour approached the club seeking a training wins the lineout for the Blues. run, but they were impressed with the The game kicked off with Referee grounds and stepped up the request to Brendon Pickerill and Associate a full game. Referees Danny Morrison and Club manager Sue Turner says she was Natarsha Ganley calling the shots. delighted to host the up and coming The first half was contested tightly, with players. the game being close at the end of the She says both teams enjoyed playing first half, 12-3 in favour of the Blues. at Silverdale and there is talk of them In the second half, the Blues continued returning in the future. to build on the momentum of the end Many of the hundreds of supporters of the first half, scoring a further four who came to watch the game are junior tries to one from the visitors: final players at Silverdale and were keen to score 36-10. The teams will next meet on May 1. see some of their heroes in action.

From top, ex Silverdale player, William Lloyd (centre) pushes forward. Tackling commitment from the Blues. Photos, Jennifer Hall. More photos, www. localmatters.co.nz


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Apr 16

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Apr 21

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Apr 23

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Apr 25

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May 1

May 2

1:39am 0.7 2:21am 0.6 3:05am 0.6 3:51am 0.6 4:40am 0.6 5:32am 0.7 12:26am 3.2 1:24am 3.2 2:25am 3.2 3:26am 3.2 4:26am 3.2 5:23am 3.3 6:17am 3.3 12:47am 0.6 1:35am 0.6 2:22am 0.6 3:08am 0.6 7:58am 3.2 8:42am 3.2 9:27am 3.3 10:14am 3.3 11:02am 3.2 11:53am 3.2 6:28am 0.7 7:28am 0.7 8:29am 0.7 9:30am 0.7 10:30am 0.6 11:26am 0.6 12:20pm 0.5 7:09am 3.3 7:59am 3.3 8:47am 3.3 9:33am 3.2

Tide 2:02pm 0.6 2:44pm 0.5 3:28pm 0.5 4:13pm 0.5 5:01pm 0.5 5:52pm 0.6 12:48pm 3.1 1:46pm 3.1 2:49pm 3.1 3:53pm 3.1 4:55pm 3.1 5:54pm 3.2 6:48pm 3.3 1:10pm 0.4 1:58pm 0.4 2:44pm 0.5 3:27pm 0.5 7:38pm 3.4 8:26pm 3.4 9:11pm 3.4 9:55pm 3.3 6:49pm 0.7 7:51pm 0.8 8:56pm 0.8 10:00pm 0.7 11:00pm 0.7 11:55pm 0.6 Times 8:29pm 3.3 9:12pm 3.3 9:56pm 3.3 10:42pm 3.3 11:32pm 3.3 6:46am 5:54pm

Sun Fishing Guide Moon

6:47am 5:53pm

Best At


12:30am 12:55pm

6:48am 5:52pm

Best At


1:21am 1:47pm

6:49am 5:51pm

Best At


2:14am 2:42pm

6:50am 5:49pm

Best At


3:10am 3:38pm

6:51am 5:48pm

Best At


4:07am 4:36pm

6:51am 5:47pm

Best At


5:04am 5:33pm

6:52am 5:46pm

Best At


6:01am 6:29pm

Best At


Last Quarter Set 7:18am Set 8:21am Set 9:23am Set 10:24am Set 11:21am Set 12:15pm Set 1:03pm Set Rise 6:27pm Rise 7:10pm Rise 7:58pm Rise 8:52pm Rise 9:51pm Rise 10:54pm Rise 11:59pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


6:53am 5:44pm

6:57am 7:24pm

6:54am 5:43pm

Best At


7:50am 8:17pm

6:55am 5:42pm

Best At


8:43am 9:08pm

6:56am 5:41pm

Best At


9:34am 9:59pm

6:56am 5:40pm

Best At


10:25am 10:50pm

6:57am 5:38pm

Best At


11:16am 11:41pm

6:58am 5:37pm

Best At



6:59am 5:36pm

Best At


New Moon

12:32am 12:58pm

7:00am 5:35pm

Best At


1:24am 1:50pm

Best At


2:15am 2:41pm

1:47pm Rise 1:06am Rise 2:12am Rise 3:18am Rise 4:24am Rise 5:28am Rise 6:32am Rise 7:34am Rise 8:33am Rise 9:29am Set 2:28pm Set 3:06pm Set 3:42pm Set 4:19pm Set 4:57pm Set 5:36pm Set 6:18pm Set 7:04pm Set 7:52pm Not So Good www.tidewiz.com www.tidespy.com www.ofu.co.nz Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area go to: www.tidespy.com/?place=3005

Phone (09) 424 5556 • 671 Whangaparaoa Rd,Whangaparaoa • Fax (09) 424 1948 craig@gulflandmarine.co.nz • www.gulflandmarine.co.nz

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 27

Gardening with Terry Moore terry@localmatters.co.nz

ToTalspan Rodney pRoud sponsoRs of

THE scorEBoArD


Breaking new ground My gardening excitement levels peak at this time of year because it’s when new gardens are made. Usually April is prime planting time, but because of the dry February, it would be best to wait until we’ve had some decent rain unless you’ve got an in-ground watering system or have been spending a lot of time at the end of a hose. In the meantime comes the really fun stuff – planning how your garden will look and what plants you need to buy or source by division. The last garden I put in, last spring, survived the summer well but needed quite a bit of additional watering and I did lose two small plants. That’s why autumn is a better time to get new plants in – the soil is still warmish and you can pretty much guarantee enough rain is on the way to let plants gently establish a root system through the winter. Of prime importance in thinking about the colour, form and structure of any new garden is what type of edging you use. The choice of edging is a personal statement about your garden’s style and an opportunity to get really creative. Plants are one way to go, with lots of low growing plants that will do the job. In large borders, repeat planting broken up now and then with other varieties, looks impressive up the front. It pays to think about the eventual spread of any mat-forming plants – the information on the plant label is a guide only, so check your plant books or a reliable website before you buy. Some low growing plants seem to go on expanding forever, if they like the conditions, including into nearby grass or hard surfaces. A herb garden put in this autumn by Nikki Davidson of Manly, pictured above, is a fine example of edging that blends personal style with good gardening sense. Nikki sourced a variety of vintage ceramic plates and knives and forks from Hospice shops and local markets to tie in with the edible theme of her herb garden. The edging creates a tidy barrier between a nearby seating area, which is paved with shell, and the garden, and recycled around 30 plates. Larger kitchen utensils have been placed here and there among the herbs and flowers as garden art. Nikki says she chose rustic and earthy plates, rather than pretty porcelain, to suit the Italian style of her home, standing the plates upright in a shallow trench, then filling in around them.As well as being a very low cost option, Nikki says it has added character to her herb and flower garden. “My husband wanted us to use macrocarpa, but this is a lot more colourful and interesting,” she says.


Golf Whangaparaoa Golf Club. Annual fees reduced. Junior membership form $50, 2014 Full membership was $925 now $750. 9 Hole membership was $640 now $525. Call into 1337 Whangaparaoa Rd or phone 09 424 5441. Gymnastics Gymnastics Community Trust, Playgym Classes (pre-school classes): 2-4yrs Tues/Thurs 11am, Fri 10am, Sat 8.30am; Age 4+ Tuesday 10am; Fun Gym Classes: 5yrs+ Wed 3.30pm, Sat 9.30am; 5-7yrs Mon/Thurs 3.45pm; 6yrs+ Rhythmic Sat 10.30am; 9yrs+ Mon/Thurs 5pm. Unit 4-5, 27 David Sidwell Place. Info: Centre Manager 021 216 8083 or 09 443 2795 Netball Hibiscus Coast Netball Junior format game Give it a Go Day, May 2, at the centre, Edith Hopper Park, Manly, 11am–12.30pm. A taster of a Junior programme tailored to players Year 0–2. $5 per child to be paid on the day. No registration needed. Hibiscus Coast Netball Centre Junior Programme, starts May 21. Wednesday afternoons, 4pm–5.30pm at the Centre in Manly. $50 for 10 weeks. Small games with modified equipment and rules for Year 0–2 players. Info and registration www.hbcnetball.co.nz Tennis Masters tennis, 40+ available every day at Hibiscus Coast Veterans Tennis Club 56 Laurence St, Big Manly. Club mornings 9am, Mon, Wed, Fri. New members welcome. Info: www.sportsground.co.nz/hibvets To list sports news email: terry@localmatters.co.nz

ToTalspan Rodney 229 sTaTe HigHway 1 waRkwoRTH pHone 09 422 3149




Whangaparaoa Golf Club

Junior membership: From $50 2014 Full membership: Was $925 NOW $750 9 Hole membership: Was $640 NOW $525

Call into 1337 Whangaparaoa Road or Phone 09 424 5441 for more information

Advertise your business here for only $60+GST per insertion. To enquire phone Leanne 427 8188 or email sellit@localmatters.co.nz

your local trades


Gillian Nixon Freedom Companion Driving Services What your company specializes in: I drive people to and from appointments and companion them on these appointments if asked, at no extra cost. What are the essential skills and experience that you bring to this trade/service? I like meeting and talking to people and I love driving which I find relaxing. I have a nursing background and I have also always dealt with the public. I am very punctual and unflappable. I re sat my licence, which was a requirement for PSL and also a police check was done for me to gain my passenger licence. What is it about this job that gets you out of bed in the morning and keeps you motivated? The people that I meet and make friends with, therefore it doesn’t feel like work. No day is ever the same and I love being my own boss with a good support system behind me. I also love driving. Tell us about your favourite aspect of the job, and/or the key piece of equipment in your toolbox and why you would not be without it. I love the job and do not feel as though I am working. I am a very patient person and do not rush people or get frustrated. I meet the most interesting people, all who have lived and live very different lives, it amazes me to hear what our retirees have lived through, the changes that they have seen and how they manage life now. Customers can count on you because? I am very punctual and I always phone and confirm appointments prior. I am always friendly and willing to do those extra things for example, stay with people on their appointments, take them shopping and assist it they require. My prices are affordable and I am trying to make people’s lives easier.

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To enquire phone Leanne 427 8188 or email sellit@localmatters.co.nz *Conditions apply.

30 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014



HEALTH & Beauty

quiz night Sat April 26 at the Puhoi Centennial Hall, 7.30pm. $10per head. BYO drinks & nibbles and gold coins for raffles etc. Tea/coffee available. Fancy dress for each team is optional (prize for the team who has made the most effort). Ph Fran 09 422 0835 to book. Tickets also available on the night. Fundraising for Puhoi Centennial Hall. Theosophical Society presents April 27 Murray Stentiford “Grasping the Drama of Change” Can we contribute to positive change; is there a wisdom culture emerging amid the chaos? Big picture shows hope and purposeful action. 2pm. Red Cross Hall Silverdale $5 donation inc. tea and cake Ph 428 3691 TREASURER NEEDED The Hibiscus Coast Grey Power Assc. is in urgent need of a treasurer. This voluntary position need familiarity with Microsoft Office including Excel. If you would be interested in serving the over 50s in this way please ph Simonne Dyer 424 1315 or 027 212 8322 Whangaparaoa Rotary Trolley Derby Raffle results: 1st: C.Culpan, Pakuranga; 2nd: G.Brownlee, Dairy Flat; 3rd: V.Younger, Orewa; 4th: T.James, Okura; 5th C.Allen, Tauranga. All prizewinners have been notified.

A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Same day service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349. BAY APPLIANCE REPAIRS Repairs to all major brands of Laundry and Kitchen Appliances small appliances and powers tools. All work guaranteed EWRB registered. Ph 09 947 0333/022 600 9919. BUILDER 40 yrs+ exp semi retired available for property maintenance, decks, fences etc. No job too small. Good rates. Ph Rob 021 1672155 or 426 2960. PEST CONTROL, Flies, spiders, cockroaches, ants, rodents, wasps. Competitive prices. Ph 426 2253. Plastering, Gib Stopping. All aspects of stopping. Small jobs specialist. 25 yrs exp. Karl 0210 42 42 96 or 428 7127. Plastering, solid, Gib Stopping, Painting/repair work. Small jobs. Trade Cert. Keith 424 8841 or 022 682 4760. Roof restoration & coatings, repairs, washing down, recoating, gutter cleaning. Winter’s coming! Free quotation. Txt or phone 027 247 7273. Waterblasting & Chemical House Washing. Careful service, reasonable rates. Ph 426 2253. Water Filters Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 www. purewaterservices.co.nz

Clairvoyant/ Medium Beryl Clarke genuine accurate messages from spirit. For confidential appointment Phone 428 3887



Development of 20 Link Crescent: A public meeting. All concerned ratepayers in the Whangaparaoa area are invited to attend this meeting. Points for discussion: What is Planned • Impact on local residents • Infrastructure strain on Roading/Transport/storm water etc. Sunday May 4, 3pm, Whangaparaoa Ratepayers Hall.

CABINS FOR RENT 3 sizes avail. Carpet & Curtains incl. from $65 pw + delivery. www.justcabins.co.nz Ph: 0800 587822/021 2812066

Hibiscus Matters publishes Community Notices as a free service for the community. A strict first in, first served policy, published subject to space & availability, for non-profit organisations only (conditions apply). All other classifieds are $4.11 per line + GST. Em: hibiscus@localmatters.co.nz (no attachments) Visit: Tamariki Plaza, Cammish Lane, Orewa

COMMUNITY NOTICES a very friendly 60s up group 10am, 3rd Wed of month, Whangaparaoa Ratepayers Hall. Morning tea, speakers, outings, entertainment, luncheon parties etc. Ph Secretary Barry 424 5082. BOATING & FISHING Club nights and meals every Wed. Monthly fishing contests. HBC Boating Club. Visitors & new members welcome. Ph Joanne 424 0952 www.hibiscuscoastboatclub.co.nz ENJOY AN AFTERNOON OF BINGO (HOUSIE) at Bowls Orewa every Fri 1pm. Play 40 games from only $4. 50 prizes avail from $20–$1,000. All welcome. Ph 426 6236/427 4674. Free Bellydance Lessons Tues nights. Pinewoods Motor Park, 8.30 -9.30pm. Red Beach. Learn 3 group dances & perform “I dream of Jeannie” show 20 Sept. Register: 426 1105 www. purplelotusdance.weebly.com HBC Senior Moments provides social activities for Seniors on Monday mornings from 10.00am - 12.30pm at the Red Beach Methodist Church Hall during school terms. Morning tea and lunch provided. Information ph Monique 426 0056. Heartfelt thanks to the 38 wonderful volunteers who helped with the Autumn Working bee of Maygrove Lake and park area.Your support and hard work was greatly appreciated by the Maygrove Residents Association. Hibiscus Coast Widowed Club Meets 2nd Wed of month. Orewa Community Centre 1pm. Interesting speakers, morning/afternoon teas, raffles, outings/trips. Good Company – We care. Ph 424 3757. Ladies Craft Club, Orewa Community Church – Tuesdays @ 10am Come along and try a new craft and make some new friends. A crèche is provided. Ph Carole 426 7023. Morning Fun, Exercise and Companionship for seniors 65+. Meet at Red Beach Wed and / or Stanmore Bay Thu. Volunteer enquiries always welcome. Please call Rachel on 09 4898954 to find out more. OREWA LIONS CLUB Welcomes New Members young and old. Male and Female. Enjoy projects and social meetings. Info: ph Harry Wills 426 6629. partially sighted bowling group, every Wed 9.30am–11.30am for morning tea and fellowship, and a game of indoor bowls. New members welcomed. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Centreway, Orewa. Ph 426 8454. Plunket playgroups (during term time). Under 5s, various activities, ride on toys, bouncy castle, craft work etc. Mon, Orewa Community Centre, 9am12pm, $4 per family. Wed, The Plaza, food court, 9.30am-11.30am $2 per family. Bring your child’s morning tea. Ph 021 173 5525.

GARAGE SALE PUHOI EASTER WEEKEND 19–21 APRIL. Boat, marine parts & things. All part of the estate of the late Capt. RS Thomas. 77 Puhoi Rd - just before the church, turn left into the drive by the Puhoi Museum, continue up drive to the house on the right.

Property for sale APARTMENT LINK DRIVE COMPLEX Last two-bedroom 62m2 on top storey, Pvt Sale, $450,000 Ph 021 324 101.

Sudoku - the solution

3 5 2 8 4 6 1 9 7

8 7 9 2 1 3 6 4 5

4 1 6 9 7 5 3 8 2

7 3 5 1 9 4 8 2 6

6 2 1 7 3 8 9 5 4

9 8 4 5 6 2 7 1 3

1 6 8 4 2 7 5 3 9

5 4 7 3 8 9 2 6 1

2 9 3 6 5 1 4 7 8

SITUATIONS VACANT Delivery person required urgently for paper and flyer distribution in the “Silverdale Industrial area”. This is only that side of the Highway. Ph Julie 021 333233 or email juliemurray@orcon.net.nz Fundraising Volunteers Volunteers needed for Hospice Annual Appeal. Do you have 2-3 hours spare to support Hibiscus Hospice? We are looking for volunteers to collect donations at specific locations in Silverdale, Whangaparaoa and Orewa during the month of May. Please contact Chris See at Hibiscus Hospice 09 421 9180 or email chris.see@ hibiscushospice.org.nz to sign up, or for further information. Restaurant Staff Experienced Indian & European cuisine chef, waiting staff, manager (with LCQ) wanted for a new bar & restaurant in Silverdale. Ph 09 391 7817 Email: wildgypsy@outlook.com Shop Volunteers Volunteers needed urgently for our Hospice shop in Whangaparaoa. Various roles are available: * front counter and serving. * sorting and pricing of goods for sale. * weekdays or Saturdays. If you can help by working just half a day per week, please contact us now. You’ll be part of a fun and lively team, while supporting the work of Hospice in your community. Contact Chris 09 421 9151 or via email chris.see@hibiscushospice.org.nz

HYPNOSIS for stress, phobias, easy Stop Smoking. Bill Parker NZAPH, 424 7610. AUTUMN Special: HandS & Feet Nails cut & filed, includes hand & foot massage. $30 each or 2 people for $50. I will come to you. Phone 424 0676. WISE CHOICES – Counselling/ Supervision Service, Brigitta Rohr (B. Couns., MNZCCA), Stanmore Bay. Ph 021 416 251, www.wisechoices.co.nz

HAIRDRESSING HAIRDRESSER – CARING MOBILE SERVICE, I come to you. Pensioner rates. Phone Inga 426 0985.

DRESSMAKING Sylwester’s Dressmaking & Tailoring for alterations & garments made to order. Ph 426 7559.

Photography PRESERVE YOUR MEMORIES Videos, slides & old 8mm films all onto DVD. Ph TeTotara Video (09) 422 5710.

BUSINESS services Adept Computer Services, Est 1993. PC repairs at good rates. Ph 421 1039 or 021 114 5517 www.adept.net.nz


Guitar Lessons 1-0-1 All styles/All ages Reg Keyworth • Ph 424 8959 Its time to really rock. www.guitarlessons1-0-1.com

Nanny & More! Quality full-time local courses for nanny & childcare careers Call Amanda now for free info! 424 3055 nannyacademy.ac.nz

wanted CASH PAID Tools & Machinery, Shed & garage clearouts. All things considered. Call or txt 021 161 5139. Property – Unusal house, cottage or building. Hibiscus Coast. Ph 424 8224. TRAINS WANTED FOR CASH All makes of Electric Model Railway items. Layouts dismantled and removed. Ph David 021 901493. TO BUY, RECORDS/LP’s Ph 428 1587. Notice to Readers Hibiscus Matters does not insert flyers or any other junk material into its paper. If your issue of Hibiscus Matters arrives with unsolicited mail inserted, please advise us immediately 427 8188 or admin@ localmatters.co.nz

Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014 | 31

what’s on April 2014

For links to some of these events, as well as future listings visit the What’s on Calendar at www.localmatters.co.nz


World War I exhibition, Estuary Arts Centre, Western Reserve, Orewa. Artworks that commemorate the centenary of World War I. 18–20 Orewa Community Church Journey of Hope exhibition, Orewa Community Church, 235 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, 10am–4pm. Children’s programme,11am–12pm and 2pm–3pm each day. Entry free. (see story p?? and ad p??) 19–21 Easter inspired pavement art at the Silverdale Centre with Graham Braddock. (see story p??) 25 Anzac Day services at cenotaphs around the community. (see details page??) 24–26 Children’s bellydance workshops as part of the Out of Egypt Bellydance Festival, Orewa Arts and Events Centre, 76 Riverside Drive, Orewa. Including bellydance workshop for children aged 4-12, stitchers workshop (aged 10 plus) with Tatyana Laptsevich, and beginners’ hulahoop workshop for older children. Plus party on April 26 with Princess Moonjelly. Info and bookings: www.medanz.org.nz/festival/festival-2014orewa/festival-workshops 26 Quiz night fundraiser for Puhoi Centennial Hall roof, at the Puhoi Centennial Hall, Puhoi, 7.30pm. Maximum of six people in a team with fancy dress optional. Prize for the best dressed team. Cost is $10 per head. BYO drinks and nibbles gold coins for raffles. Tea and coffee available. Bookings, phone Fran, 09 422 0835. Tickets should also be available on the night.

May 2014 2





Francesca’s Fashion Parade, Gulf Harbour Country Club, Gulf Harbour, 10am. Showcase of pre-loved designer and top end fashion that is available for purchase after the show. Morning tea included. Tickets $20 from Francesca’s, 20 Silverdale St, Silverdale Village, or Gulf Harbour Country Club. Junior Netball Give it a Go Day, Hibiscus Coast Netball Centre, Edith Hopper Park, Ladies Mile, Manly, 11am–12.30pm. Junior format with small games and modified rules for players in Year 0–2. No registration required. Cost is $5 per child, to be paid on the day. Info: www.hbcnetball.co.nz The annual Bayleys 80s Bash, Orewa Arts & Events Centre, 76 Riverside Drive, Orewa, 7:30pm-12pm. Monster 1980s party with live music featuring AutoMatic 80s with special guest Boh Runga plus DJ ’59 to 1’. Funds raised go to Orewa Surf Lifesaving and Silverdale Rugby clubs. Tickets $40 from iTicket, Orewa Surf Lifesaving Club, Silverdale Rugby Club and www.pitchperfectpromotions.co.nz Kowhai Singers perform Mendelssohn’s Elijah, Orewa Arts & Events Centre, 76 Riverside Drive, Orewa, 3pm. Kowhai Singers celebrate their 30th birthday with this major performance. (see ad p10 and story p16) Dealing Daily with Dementia: a talk by author Angela Caughey at Orewa Library, Moana Ave, Orewa, 2pm. After years of nursing her husband, Angela wrote this book offering advice on how to cope as a caregiver on a daily basis. All proceeds from royalties go to Parkinson’s Auckland, and Alzheimers Auckland.

Local Markets: Orewa Night Market, Nautilus carpark, Tamariki Ave, last Friday of the month, 5pm–10pm • Auckland Night Markets, Whangaparaoa Plaza, every Wednesday 5pm–11pm • Silverdale Markets, every Saturday 8am–1pm. Vegetables, flowers, plants, crafts and much more • Orewa Craft Market & Bazaar, Orewa Community Centre, Orewa Square. Held fortnightly. Info: Annamaria, ph 021 145 0640 • Orewa Farmers’ market, Orewa Square carpark. Sundays, 8am– 12.30pm. Locally grown produce, home-made preserves and soaps, plants, bread, fish • Puhoi Farmers’ market, 8.30am -12.30pm, Puhoi Sports Club, last Sunday of the month. Info: Phillippa, ph 422 0009 • Hobbs Wharf Market, Fairway Bay, Gulf Harbour, every Sunday from 10am–2pm.

House of Travel are now in Manly, as well as still in Orewa! Locally owned and operated, with great team of travel consultants, helping you access all the House of Travel deals – in two Hibiscus Coast locations! Orewa: 1 Moana Ave, Orewa Phone 427 9700 Manly: 60 Rawhiti Rd, Manly Phone 424 1021

32 | Hibiscusmatters 16 April 2014

Club and community dig deep for Optimist Nationals

Manly will be buzzing with visitors over Easter, and Manly Sailing Club will be at the hub of the activity as hosts of the Optimist National sailing event. Locals will see Big Manly Bay peppered sailing, a well-run event, hospitality with hundreds of little white-sailed and showcasing what the club, and the Optimist boats and a fleet of 90 rigid area, has to offer. inflatable boats (RIBs) in support. Among the extras that the club has put The shore will be the scene of on are Perspex trophies shaped like an organised chaos, as boats are rigged, Optimist and “brag flags” for sailors launched and retrieved with the who achieve the best result of each assistance of many volunteers and just day; these are being printed by NZ three tractors and a quad bike. Sign Solutions of Silverdale. Around 250 young sailors and their Volunteers from the club and wider families and supporters will descend community are getting involved Community effort on the area for the event, which runs including cadets from Silverdale St Houses rented to visitors: 72 from April 18–22 and is one of the John and the Navy. Hotel stays: 15 families biggest brought to the Hibiscus Coast Several local businesses have given Campervans: 20 families in recent years. support – they include Fairway Bay, Staying on boats: 15 families Regatta chair Sean Paterson says a which is covering the club’s fuel Local businesses in support: 20 large number of entries came in a rush costs, 100 Percent Eddie Law which Volunteer numbers: 75 on the final day, giving him some nail is supplying TVs to display results, Optimists fill Manly Bay. Pictured, a Support boats: 90, with 180 crew recent Auckland Clubs training day. biting moments. Orewa New World, Manly Park Entries include 27 Australian sailors, Kitchen and Dad’s Pies. – Racing schedule (subject to change) including the Optimist champion, six National sponsors include Toyota who Friday April 18, starts 11am. Three races, qualifying series • Saturday April 19, from New Caledonia and one each are organising some, as yet unnamed, starts 11am Three races, qualifying series • Sunday April 20, starts 11am Three from the UK and USA. Team NZ members to present the races, qualifying series • Monday April 21, starts 11am Three races, final series The club’s priority is to give everyone a prizes. Photos of this event will be at • Tuesday April 22, starts 10am Three races, final series. memorable experience, including great www.localmatters.co.nz

Timetable of events

Tess Paterson

Caring for you

The Coast’s hopes for success in the Optimist Nationals Open event are pinned on just two sailors, Tess Paterson and Sean Herbert. Tess, who is 13, has been sailing competitively for three years and was in the NZ team that took part in the Asian Championships in Bahrain

earlier this month. As part of that team, she has been training under the experienced eye of coach Sam McKenzie. Sean started sailing four years ago, aged eight. He moved straight into the Open Bic class and he has achieved much success in this class, including

winning the U13 class at the Open Bic Worlds in 2012. Last year he took part in the Sir Peter Blake Regatta in an Optimist, finishing 26th out of 80 sailors in the Open fleet and he’s excited to sail in the far larger fleet at the Nationals, in the Bay he calls home.

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