Mahurangimatters 02-04-14

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April 2, 2014



Dry summer makes for a good vintage The pizza oven is firing up and the grapes are coming off the vines as Matakana winery Ascension prepares to reopen is restaurant later this month. The winery’s new co-owner, Kiro Gurshin, got out for the first day of harvest to pick the chardonnay. The last time Kiro picked grapes was with his father back in Leguria in north-west Italy. “Making the wine is very important to us,” Kiro says. “In my background my father always made wine for home and I still remember being little and picking grapes. “That’s why I like it — it reminds me of my childhood.” The family harvest would produce around 1000 litres of wine and enough grappa to last the family until the next season, Kiro says. But this is his first

The last time Ascension’s new co-owner Kiro Gurshin harvested grapes was when he was a child.

continued page 2

Sewage leak discovered at Sandspit Sewage has been leaking into the sea at Sandspit, and there is concern other coastal towns may have similar problems but don’t realise it. Sandspit Residents and Ratepayers Association chair Alex Fowler says residents became aware of high levels of enterococci and faecal coliforms, which comes from animal and human faeces, following testing as part of the consent process for the Sandspit Marina. “We were getting really, really worried with the extremely high readings,” Alex says. In early 2013, after rain, one test site had 1100 enterococci and 2300 faecal coliforms per 100ml. Enterococci levels above 280 per 100ml are deemed unsafe for swimming. “If we hadn’t happened to be testing we wouldn’t have had a clue,” says Alex. “Everyone thinks we are swimming in lovely pristine water, but it wasn’t.” Locals had also reported a strong smell of sewage at the waterfront, he says. Water quality improved suddenly last year, but the issue persists following rain. In January, the worst site was found to have 170 enterococci and 200 faecal coliforms. It is believed the sewage comes from faulty or overflowing septic tank systems, and there is concern that other areas may have similar problems. The association has alerted Auckland Council, but has not yet had a response. “We know that continued page 3

off the drawing board this month . . .

new home - sandspit

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Mahurangi Matters

inside Golf miracle

April 2, 2014

contacts Issue 246

Mahurangi man scores an albatross

page 10

Travel feature Matakana family’s amazing adventure

General enquiries: Call 425 9068 PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville St, Warkworth 0941 Editor: Karyn Scherer 021 622 550

pages 20 & 21

Reporter: George Driver 425 9068

Real estate

Advertising: Cathy Busbridge 022 029 1899 Shona Mackinnon 022 029 1897

page 27

General Manager: Jannette Thompson 021 263 4423

Warkworth house prices go through the roof

Mahurangi rugby feature Club celebrates its 25th birthday

pages 33 to 37

Mahurangi Matters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to more than 13,000 homes and businesses.

Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

Dry summer time working with a commercial vineyard. “It’s looking like it will be a good chardonnay.” The new restaurant, Ascension Osteria, is rapidly taking shape, Kiro says, and will offer traditional Italian cuisine, including homemade pasta and rotisserie meats. “Everything will be made on premises and either imported from Italy or made vineyard. “It’s looking like it will be a good chardonnay.” The new restaurant, Ascension Osteria, is rapidly taking shape, Kiro says, and will offer traditional Italian cuisine, including homemade pasta and rotisserie meats. “Everything will be made on premises and either imported from Italy or made from local produce,” he says. “If you spend the time and you’re passionate about it then you’ll make it work. “We love this stuff. Food and wine, that’s our love.” Ascension winemaker and Matakana Winegrowers president Ben Dugdale says a relatively dry, sunny summer has made for an above average vintage, with a higher yield than usual. “It’s looking good. Cyclone Lusi didn’t have much of an impact.” About 85 percent of a wine’s flavour is set before the grapes are picked from the vines, says Ben. The other 15 per cent is trying not to stuff it up in fermentation, he says. So he hopes 2014 will produce a good vintage.

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from page 1 Sales are also tracking up throughout the rest of the region. “There’s been a noticeable increase in winery direct sales,” he says. “As we shift out of the global financial crisis, people are willing to spend a little bit more. “But also people are realising we offer high-value wine in this area which competes with some of the best wine both domestically and internationally.” Robin Ransom of Ransom Wines says the market is really picking up following the economic downturn and there has been a notable increase in cellar door sales. “Last year was a record year for us in sales,” Robin says. Yield was also up this vintage following a hot dry summer, he says. Brick Bay winegrower Brian Breen says they’ve already sold out of last year’s rose, and the pinot gris is down to about one pallet. “Our cellar door sales are quite a bit up on previous years. “The whole area is really humming,” Brian says. “The season has been really good for us, though not as good as last year which was a really spectacular summer. But I’m buzzing. It’s been such a good year.” The huge level of cicadas this summer might also have played a part, distracting the birds from the grapes, he says.

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


Big turnout for public meeting on Araparera Two years after ratepayers started raising questions, Auckland Council has finally fronted up with some answers about its controversial joint venture in the Araparera Forest. Commercial property manager Antony Hobbs was bombarded with questions when he turned up to a public meeting in Wellsford on March 26, but was generally treated with respect by the 100-strong crowd. The meeting was called by the Landowners and Contractors Protection Association, after it became frustrated by the lack of information released about the investment. The joint venture with local Maori was set up by the Rodney District Council in 1984, and until last year collected $1.5 million in targeted rates from more than 7000 properties in the area. Ratepayers were promised the profits would go towards sealing local roads, but have yet to see any benefits. Harvesting of the trees began two years ago but has yet to be completed. Mr Hobbs confirmed that six blocks of land, containing about 4000 tonnes of trees, had yet to be harvested. He admitted there were problems accessing one block, known as Araparera 2, because the Council didn’t own the land. He told the meeting a new road was being built to enable harvesting to take place, and this was expected to be completed by June or early July. Residents questioned the terms of the deal, and raised doubts about whether the Council had chosen the right time to harvest the trees.

Council property manager Antony Hobbs defended Council’s handling of the Araparera deal.

Mr Hobbs admitted that the contractor chosen to harvest the forest had some previous involvement in its management. But he insisted the open tender for the contract had followed the proper processes. He confirmed the final decision was made by Council’s finance and strategy committee, of which

Cr Penny Webster is chair. He denied there were any outstanding debts, and insisted there would be no ongoing liability for the Council once the harvest was over. He also denied that Council charged the joint venture a management fee, but conceded that staff charged for their time. He confirmed there was no provision in the agreement for interest to be paid each year. “It’s an issue that is being looked at but I don’t know the outcome of that,” he said. One member of the audience called out: “I think we’ve been done over, royally.” Rodney Local Board member Thomas Grace indicated the board was also unhappy with the deal. “We’ll have a very fast camel out of town once this is finished,” he remarked. After the meeting, Mr Hobbs told Mahurangi Matters it was currently expected the joint venture would produce a profit of about $3.5 million, of which Council’s share would be about $2.45 million — slightly higher than previous estimates. In December, an interim payment of $250,000 was paid to the Maori trustee to permit the purchase of carbon credits at a favourable rate. Four members of the Rodney Local Board attended the meeting, despite being told not to by board chair Brenda Steele. Cr Penny Webster said she was unable to attend the meeting because she was at a conference in Wellington. Rodney MP Mark Mitchell also sent his apologies.

Sewage leak discovered at Sandspit when it rains, there’s a problem. But I think it’s Council’s responsibility to fix it now,” says Alex. Whangateau HarbourCare treasurer Elizabeth Foster says it is likely sewage is also leaking into the sea at Point Wells, Whangateau, Ti Point and Omaha Flats. “We’ve asked them to conduct testing several times. They don’t seem to want to find out that there’s a problem,” Elizabeth says. During really high tides some septic tank systems are even under the

waterline, Elizabeth says. She would like to see a certification system requiring households to clean their septic tank every two years, and to replace faulty systems. “We also need to test water regularly and make sure people comply.” In a statement issued to Mahurangi Matters, Auckland Council says it does not have enough information to verify there is sewage leaking into the sea at Sandspit. “More tests would be required to confirm either way.” It says steps are being taken to address

poorly maintained septic tanks. It is increasing education, and is encouraging community involvement. Although Council teams regularly test many sites through the Safeswim programme, sites north of Hatfields Beach are not included. “Unfortunately it is not practical to monitor all of the streams in the region, however we are working on a model to better predict water quality in different parts of the coastal area,” it says. The programme will be reviewed this year.

from page 1

Alex says the tests followed Council methods, as they had to follow Council guidelines as part of the marina’s construction management plan. The bacterial group enterococci is used to index faecal pollution in water and therefore an increased risk of water-borne infection. Studies have shown that human exposure to water contaminated with the bacteria can have health effects, including eye, ear, nose and throat symptoms and respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses.

O’Connor Planning Consultants Limited Contact our friendly and professional team for experienced cost effective planning services Ensure you are up to date with how the Auckland Council proposed planning changes could affect you • Resource Consents • Plan Changes • Submissions • Hearings 5 Lilburn Street, Warkworth • 29 Bank Street, Whangarei • • 021 422 346


Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014



Piles of evidence

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A local businessman was explaining his vision for a new website at a local business forum, but a dissenter couldn’t see the benefits of a local chemist shop marketing itself internationally. Finally, the businessman replied: “Well, John [not his real name], next time you’re overseas and run out of your haemorrhoid cream, you’ll be able to order from us online.” Needless to say, there were no further interjections.n



Karyn Scherer, Editor, Mahurangi Matters

Penny Webster, Rodney Councillor, Auckland Council

Seeing the wood for the trees Public meetings tend to be fairly apathetic affairs these days. Many people have become so cynical about public processes they no longer see the value in leaving their homes to hear first-hand what their servants have to say for themselves. But it would appear this cynicism has become so endemic that even the servants are no longer bothering to turn up. At least that was the case in Wellsford last month, with a public meeting called by the Landowners and Contractors Protection Association.(LCPA) For the past two years, the association has been asking questions about the Council’s investment in the Araparera Forest. And fair enough, too. More than 7000 ratepayers have been forced to pay extra rates for the past 30 years for the forest, but have received little, if anything, in the way of progress reports. When Mahurangi Matters raised its own questions last year, Council responded by issuing a press release to the Rodney Times. A promised report never materialised and minutes of Council meetings about the venture continued to be redacted. After being fobbed off by almost everyone, including the Auditor-General, the LCPA finally lost its patience last month and called a public meeting. Rodney MP Mark Mitchell sent his apologies. Cr Penny Webster was in Wellington, and Local Board chair Brenda Steele told her board members not to turn up. Brenda’s excuse was that the Local Board was not involved in the venture. Yet it had received private briefings about its progress, and it will also get a say in how its proceeds will be spent. The manager of the joint venture, Geoff Ward, insisted he was bound by a confidentiality agreement. What’s more, he stated: “I cannot see what there is to be gained by such a meeting.” Well, Mr Ward, as it turned out, quite a lot was gained. Someone from Council did turn up, and answered ratepayers’ questions. Many issues they had spent months trying to investigate privately were dealt with openly and reasonably. Following the meeting, the LCPA finally received a copy of the joint venture agreement they have been requesting for two years, but have previously been denied on the grounds of “commercial sensitivity”. It’s not exactly the end of the matter, but boy, it makes you wonder why it has taken so long.

Progress on roads

At a recent Wellington meeting looking at the Funding Assistance Rate (FAR) from Government for roading, I asked several of the rural mayors how much it cost to seal one kilometre of road. They had no idea, because the only unsealed roads they have are small isolated roads. They were concerned that if the FAR were changed some of their roads would go back to gravel. Auckland Transport recently released a priority list of all the unsealed roads in Auckland, ranked according to vehicle movements, number of people living there, heavy vehicle use, and nearby amenities such as regional parks. It will come as no surprise that other than three roads on Great Barrier, the top 30 were in Rodney. While frustrating to read, at least it highlights what I am saying on a regular basis: we need to fix the problem. At last we have the proof and finally we seem to be getting somewhere. There is an agreement that we don’t need gold plating with kerbing and channelling, just basic seal that keeps the dust down. Along with Cr Cashmore from Franklin, we are getting some headway from Auckland Transport on a cheaper, more strategic way to lower the high cost of sealing (currently just under half a million dollars per km). It proves that if you keep talking and working with people you can achieve a good outcome. This was also the case at a meeting about the Hill Street intersection. Many were concerned when NZTA announced that Hill Street needed to wait until after the motorway was built. Obviously this was not acceptable and the Warkworth Area Liaison Group convened a meeting through our Local MP. At the meeting it was pointed out that the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rodney District Council and Transit signed in 2006 was done without the imminent construction of the motorway. During the discussion, the issue of the Matakana Link Road was canvassed. Finally, there was an agreement that some small changes to the intersection could achieve a lot in the interim. Two years of major construction and disruption may not be necessary if the Link Road can be progressed. I remember the four-laning of Whangaparaoa Road, when it took people two hours to get off the peninsula. Hopefully by working together we can avoid this and get an outcome we can all be pleased with for the future.


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Email letters to

We welcome your letters but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them. Unabridged versions can be read under Opinion at localmatters. Letters can be sent to or PO Box 701, Warkworth

Potluck potholes

Buy local

I, too, happen to live on a metal, dusty, pothole-ridden road — Ahuroa Road. This road starts off very nicely as you travel through Puhoi and onto the Puhoi Cheese Factory, but a kilometre or two after that it becomes an obstacle course fit only for those experienced in all-terrain vehicles and rally cars. As you dodge multiple potholes, you try to keep the dust off your windscreen hoping enough water is in your washer to cope with it before you either get home, or get hit by another car. I travel this route from the very end of Ahuroa Road to Puhoi, and onto Albany, every day — a roundtrip of approximately 20km of metal road. On top of this, when I get to the Albany Bus Station and after a long day at work, I find a $200 “warning” stating that my registration plate is dirty. I have had three of these this year. I find whatever water I can, clean it knowing full well it will be dirty again by the time I get home. Thank you, Auckland Transport, for providing a dusty road to keep your parking wardens in a job writing pointless warnings. Oh yes, my family did choose to live here and yes we did enquire before purchasing land about the resealing of Ahuroa Road. At the time we were told by Rodney District Council that they had plans to seal 1km each end per year. I’ve been here two-and-ahalf years. More potholes, no seal. And from latest reports, no chance of it being done within the next 10 years either. Maybe we should create a Facebook page and name and shame Auckland roads. Rodney district will have enough. Supercity? Super waste of time! Chris Phillips, Ahuroa

Having spent the last eight weeks trawling our local businesses and individuals for support for our annual Feast, Fair and Fireworks fundraiser for Ahuroa School, I would like to take the opportunity to remind us all of the amazing support we receive from our local retail and wholesale businesses, as well as generous individuals. Business owners are asked on a daily basis to dig into their pockets and support the fundraising efforts of our local schools, sports teams and other organisations. Please think about this the next time you need to buy your child a new bike, you choose where to do your grocery shop, you need a new fridge, or it’s time to go Christmas shopping or buy your wife a bracelet. If you choose to spend your money outside our local townships, then you simply can’t expect our local shops and businesses to continue to prop up our school, sports, and community fundraising efforts. On behalf of the Ahuroa School Parent, Teacher, and Friends Association (PTFA), we would like to express an enormous thank-you to all the wonderful businesses that provided sponsorship. The evening was a great success, and it couldn’t have happened without you. Nicky Berger Ahuroa School Parent, Teacher and Friends Associaton (PTFA) We welcome your letters but letters under 300 words are preferred. We reserve the right to abridge them as necessary. Unabridged versions can be read under Opinion at

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters



Theme: “COLOURS OF RODNEY” Venue: Viewing Times: Exhibits: Works: Entry Forms: Judging:

Prizes: Prize Presentation:

Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth Friday 17 and Saturday 18 October 2014, 10am – 4pm Sunday 19 October 2014, 10am – 3pm To the old Masonic Hall, Thursday 16 October between 12.00pm – 2.00pm Only open to Rodney Residents & Ratepayers – work not previously exhibited. with a cheque to be received by the 19 September 2014 to North Rodney CAC, P O Box 243, Warkworth. Work will be selected and judged on theme, quality, originality & craft. Judges decision is final, no discussion or correspondence will be entered into. Over $2,000.00 worth of Prizes for 2 Dimensional and 3 Dimensional entries To be held at 2.30pm, Sunday 19 October 2014 at the Old Masonic Hall

• Registration Entry Fee: $10 per entry • Commission: 30%, all work must be for sale • Display Space: Max 2 entries per person: 2 Dimensional to fit within 800mm x 800mm 3 Dimensional within cube area 600x600x600mm max size overall • Suitability: Swing label with artist’s name, title, price – work prepared for hanging or display. • Insurance: Responsibility of Artist. • Unsold work to be collected at 3pm, Sunday 19 October 2014 from the Old Masonic Hall.

Entry Form

Name: .......................................................................... ....................................................................................... Phone: ......................................................................... Email............................................................................. Address: ...................................................................... ....................................................................................... Title: ............................................................................. Price: ……………………………..................................... Title: ............................................................................. Price: ……………………………..................................... Class: (please tick) 3 Dimensional 2 Dimensional Enclosed: $...............................Registration fee for ............................. (number of works) Cheques payable to North Rodney Community Arts Council Inc, P O Box 243, Warkworth Enquiries to: Joy Bell – Ph (09) 4224957, email: OR Mona Townson Ph (09) 4256121, email:


Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

Matakana’s Seagull Race hits its target

Hundreds turned out to watch the annual Matakana Seagull Race and about $8000 was raised for local emergency services. The Matakana Pub co-owner and event organiser Duncan Anderson says it was a great day with about 32 Seagull-powered craft taking part. “It went really well. Numbers were up on last year,” Duncan says. The money raised will be divided between the Kawau Coastguard, the Matakana Rural Fire Service, the Omaha Surf Club and Warkworth St John. “That’s the main purpose — to hold a community event that raises money for emergency services and for the pub to give something back to the community,” Duncan says. The commentary of Peter Montgomery, the voice of the America’s Cup, was a great addition to the event and hopefully he will be back again next year, Duncan says. “He had a few ideas to expand the event next year, including a rowing race and paddleboard race.” One stand-out raft consisted of a picnic table resting on two paddleboards, Duncan says. “They had a barbecue on top of the picnic table and cooked a couple of steaks as they went down the river. It was hilarious.” But the winners tended to be long and slender designs, he says. Father-and-daughter team the Paihia Pirates took out the racing division, followed by Ramen and Margot Patel on their paddleboard-based craft Ramen’s Racing, while Lambordingi came third. Captain Rex & the Haymakers won the fun division, with the Fun Floozies coming in second.

View more photos online

A range of creative contraptions got out on the water for the Matakana Seagull Race.

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Sports groups forced to move as upgrade closes Shoesmith Reserve

Warkworth’s main sports field will be out of action for five months at the end of the year. The upgrade of the Shoesmith Reserve will put the area out of action from October until April next year and is expected to cost $130,000. Warkworth Athletics Club member Mark Illingworth says although it will be an inconvenience, it will be worth it in the long run. “At the end of the day we can’t complain if it brings the park up to

a high standard,” Mark says. “It’s a mess at the moment. There are too many people using it.” The work includes planting specialised grass, which should be more resilient, he says. The club is looking to relocate to the Warkworth Showgrounds while the upgrade takes place, Mark says. There is talk about a long jump pit being installed at the Showgrounds to accommodate the club, but moving is still a big upheaval, he says.

The club currently has 185 members and has been growing steadily. But the upgrade won’t just affect sports groups, Mark says. “There are a whole lot of people in the community who won’t be able to use their park.” Warkworth School principal Cynthia Holden says Council has not been in contact with the school about the changes. However, an Auckland Council spokesperson says three staff members at the school were emailed about the

upgrade and asked for their feedback. “A typo meant that Cynthia did not receive the email so it has been re-sent to her, along with an explanation.”

Mahurangi College has an athletics day at the park twice a year, and principal David Macleod says the events will probably be moved to the Showgrounds. New floodlights are also being installed at the park, which should be ready for use this month.

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

Geneva Northlink shuffl es its Warkworth staff south A major community healthcare provider in Rodney, which has been based in Warkworth for more than four decades, is relocating part of its business to Albany. Geneva Northlink Healthcare will close its offices on State Highway 1, along from Mahurangi College, on April 13. Chief executive Josephine Wallis says centralising administration in Albany will provide improved efficiencies. The move will affect eight “back room” staff in Warkworth, as well as staff at Geneva’s Orewa and Whangarei offices. No figure is available on how many staff will be affected altogether. “Clinical and nursing staff will remain in Warkworth, but they’ll be relocated to other premises,” Ms Wallis says. “We’re not exactly sure where, but it will be in Warkworth. The lease on the current property expires at the end of April.” Geneva merged with the charitable trust Northlink Health late last year. Ms Wallis says historically, Northlink was run almost as two separate

organisations and this had posed challenges in terms of transparency of information and sharing resources. “Sometimes we’ve been unable to provide staff to meet clients’ needs.” She says a centralised administrative hub will streamline administration processes and people will be better able to access services when they need them. Geneva Health provides home-based care services for all ages, ranging from household management to carer support and rehabilitation services. It also manages the distribution of frozen meals in the area, but this service will also cease this month. Ms Wallis says Geneva can no longer provide the meals because its current storage facility doesn’t meet legislation under the Food Act. “Ceasing this service is quite a separate issue and we are providing clients with information on alternative providers.” It’s understood these alternatives could increase the cost of meals, which currently start at around $7.50, by at least $3.

Don’t forget Daylight Saving

On Sunday April 6 it’s time again to switch clocks back an hour for Daylight Saving, which officially changes at 3am. At noon on the Sunday, Auckland Civil Defence

will also be running the first of their twice-yearly checks of the tsunami sirens on the north and west Auckland coasts to coincide with Daylight Saving.

Drought affects west coast The west coast north of Auckland and Northland has officially been classified as suffering a localised drought and many farmers are reporting conditions are worse than last year. Northland Rural Support Trust (NRST) coordinator Julie Jonkers says some farms hadn’t recovered from last year’s drought and soil levels are drying out to deeper levels than last year. “Some farmers are drying off cattle in March when they usually dry off in May. That’s two more months without income.” The area has suffered drought conditions for four out of the last five years, Julie says, and she is urging farmers to get in touch if they are struggling. NRST can offer support and help them deal with banks and help with other issues that go around the stress of sustained drought, she says.

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Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


Cliff Taylor, author

Cliff Taylor went from a Kaipara farm to an African war zone, and from the Auckland Star to the BBC World Service in London. Now he has settled back home in Leigh and has published his third novel, Swimming To Paris. He talks with George Driver about his experiences travelling the globe.


ou see the best and the worst of humanity in those places. Often the people who’ve been through the worst times are the nicest people — the most generous people. But working day after day with your life in danger takes its toll on everybody in some way. When I was working in Kampala in Uganda, you knew that foreigners would be targets. There were bombs going off constantly in Kampala. Hand grenades were being thrown into crowded restaurants — anywhere there were foreigners. You felt like you were a target. So there was a constant undercurrent of fear. It can make you feel alive and at your peak, but can also be quite paralysing if you let it get to you. It’s about how you deal with fear. I grew up on a small farm in Makarau and went to school in Warkworth. I was an avid reader. I would read anything. Even before I went to school I’d be reading the back of cereal packets. Just anything. At school I’d always be frustrated with teachers thinking I’d copied my work from somewhere else. But when a careers guidance counsellor came to our school, the only job he mentioned that I had any interest in was journalism. So I enrolled at ATI, now AUT, and did a six-month journalism course. I ended up getting a job at the Auckland Star when I was just 17. But I think I was too young. It felt too early to be beginning the nine-to-five routine, so I only lasted 11 months before leaving to do a bit of exploring. I ended up travelling for 15 years, mostly through Europe, Asia, Central America and Africa. It became a real obsession. For a few years I would work for three months at the Mountain Scene newspaper in Queenstown and spend the rest of the year travelling. I must have done about 50-odd jobs along the way. I also did some freelance work and would write travel articles for the Sunday Star-Times. My OE inspired my first novel, The Freedom Junkies. Most New Zealanders have had that sort of experience and had those challenges open their eyes to the world. I also had a real passion for India.

I’ve been there three times and once rode around the country for six months on a classic 1940s-style Enfield motorbike. It was incredible. There were religious riots going on the whole time, and I headed right up to the Himalayas and down to the rave party scene in Goa. Afterwards, I came back and stayed with my brother in Port Chalmers in Dunedin, and while I was wandering around Dunedin with India still in my head, I just had to get it down and write it. My second book, Instant God, is loosely based on that experience, so it’s set half in India and half in Dunedin — the images and memories of India mixed with the setting of Port

The things I was “ seeing were just extraordinary.

Chalmers. It’s a great contrast. ater I ended up in Africa. I was living with my girlfriend in Barcelona teaching English. She got a job on a refugee project in Uganda, so I followed her out there, not knowing what I was going to do. But I started freelancing. There were so many amazing things going on around me. It was a pretty disturbing time. The United States embassy in Nairobi had just been bombed and there was a lot of tension in East Africa. So there was a lot to write about and I started writing for anyone who would take it really. The kids my girlfriend was working with had come out of war zones and some were forced into becoming child soldiers. It was mentally draining work. My girlfriend would be in tears at night after working all day with these kids. But then we said to each other: ‘It’s no good to them if we are weeping and feeling sorry for ourselves’. You just have to harden up really and do your job. But it’s hard sometimes with the things you see. But these people live in these conflict zones and they find a way to cope. So we found a way to cope, too. Then I got a fabulous job working


for an NGO in Uganda. They’d send me around different projects to take photos and write reports. The things I was seeing were just extraordinary. We were going into places where you knew there were child soldiers right there, and they were raiding refugee camps constantly, killing people and taking children away to make into soldiers. hrough that experience I ended up writing for The Independent, working as their Ugandan correspondent. It was the highlight of my career. It had always been my favourite paper in the world. Then I returned to London, and that’s how I got a job at the BBC World Service, working as a senior producer in their Africa department. By going to Uganda, I leap-frogged in my career to a position that would have taken years and years otherwise, by being the go-to person in a certain area. Some journalist once said: ‘You’ve got to choose your war’. A place where there’s enough happening to interest the world, but not a lot of competition covering the area. And that chance has shaped my whole life and career. I wrote my latest book, Swimming To Paris, drawing on those experiences from Africa. When I knew I wanted to write the book I decided to


spend some time in a place called Montserrat outside Barcelona. There was a little, quiet camping ground beside the monastery on the mountain and I thought, ‘I’m going to go up there and not come down until I’ve written it’, or at least have the main idea written down and worked out. So I went up there and wrote every night, drinking cheap red wine and rock climbing during the day, and when I came down I had the basic skeleton of the book. Then I came back to New Zealand for six months and lived in a little cottage on the Kaipara Harbour and finished the book. It was the best time of my life. I’ll definitely go back to Africa. It gets under your skin. It’s a very special part of the world. Very troubled. It can be depressing at times, but beautiful and the people are wonderful. It all seems very far away from Goat Island where I am now. Right now I’m happy living here and working on NZ Doctor magazine. I’ve been here 18 months now. But you just never know where life’s going to take you. I’ve ended up in the strangest situations which I could never have foreseen, but it’s about leaving yourself open to those chances, being positive, and taking those opportunities. So I have no idea what’s going to happen next.


Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

Sometimes a hole-in-two beats a hole-in-one

A once-in-a-lifetime golf round has happened twice for Mahurangi golfer Michael Leggoe, after hitting his second “albatross” at the Warkworth Golf Club. Regarded as the rarest feat in golf, the achievement overshadowed Bryan Hutson’s eagle hole-in-one on the same day, during the Warkworth Men’s Open. This generated some debate in the clubhouse on which was the better achievement. An albatross is the term for scoring three-under-par on a single hole, which Michael achieved in two shots, known as an albatross-2. The odds of hitting an albatross-2 are said to be a million-to-one, while the odds of a hole-in-one are about 13,000-to-one. The 25-year-old electrician achieved the feat on the 424m Par 5 hole known as “The Devil”. “I never even saw it go in,” Michael says. “I was about 240m out when I hit it, and when I looked around the green I couldn’t find it. Then we checked in the hole and there it was. It was incredible,” he says. Michael proved this was no fluke when he made an eagle-3 on the same hole during his afternoon round, coming second overall in the competition. “I just tapped that one in. It must have just missed,” he says. Michael got his first albatross in

2008 while playing tournament golf at the Hokitika Golf Club when he was just 19, although he has never hit a hole-in-one. He has been playing the course since he was 11 and has got his handicap down to four, but he is modest about the achievement. “Two shots doesn’t make a good golfer.” Through his experience he has some advice for those aspiring to hit an albatross: “Shut your eyes and hope for the best.” It is only the second albatross to be hit in the club’s history, Warkworth Club general manager Mike Reid says. The best part was that it was hit in a competition, he says. “Coming second is outstanding, because over half the field had an under-5 handicap. “He’s in the top 1 percent of New Zealand players.” The Open attracted over 70 competitors, a record for the club, Mike says. Mike also hit an albatross in Wellsford in October with the even rarer feat of scoring a hole-in-one on a par-4. “We’ve been talking about which one was better.” Wikipedia lists just five professional golfers who have ever managed the same shot, including Richard Johnson, who scored an albatross at the Michael Hill NZ Open in 2009, and Chip Beck – who scored his albatross at Omaha in 2003.

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Michael Leggoe hit his second albatross at the Warkworth Golf Course last month.

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters




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Winners of the Summerset Golf Croquet Doubles Tournament, Sabri and Bledi Mullaaliu are presented with their prizes by Steven Garner (right).


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Father and son sweep croquet tournament Auckland Croquet Association clubs were well represented in the annual Summerset Golf Croquet Doubles Tournament hosted by Warkworth & Districts Croquet Club. The winners were father and son Sabri and Bledi Mullaaliu from Mt Albert Croquet Club. They were very clear winners having won all seven games. Runners-up were Brian Williams of

Mt Albert playing with Bill Morrison of Warkworth. Players also came from Orewa, Pakuranga and Carlton clubs. Two games were played on each lawn and players had only brief rests between the seven games. Steven Garner, Rodney Local Board member and sales manager for Summerset Falls, sponsor of the tournament, presented the prizes.




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Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

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Warkworth Scoutmaster David Hay also thanked Rotary for its previous contribution which enabled a local contingent of Scouts to attend the 20th New Zealand Scout Jamboree over the Christmas holidays.

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters



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Coloured tubes installed to house bees on a field on SH1 near Mahurangi West Road have been distracting drivers.

‘Bee mating tubes’ stop traffi c on State Highway 1 A local apiarist unwittingly became the subject of art lovers after the “bee mating tubes” he installed in a field on SH1 were mistaken for an art installation. The tubes, which popped up near the intersection with Mahurangi West Road, have since been removed. But the goal of the installation is to attract bees, not praise. Property owners Carlene and Selwyn Tolhopf say the tubes, which housed virgin queen bees as part of a bee mating programme, drew praise from the art community. “One art student said the art installation is the best he’s seen in some time,” Carlene says. The colours of the tubes appeared as

a flash of colour and geometric shapes when viewed from a vehicle travelling at speed along SH1. As the objects were only in view for the blink of an eye, it left many drivers a little bewildered. With about 12,000 vehicles travelling past daily, the tubes were getting the kind of exposure most artists can only dream of. “It’s a wonder there wasn’t an accident with people gawking at them,” Selwyn says. The tubes were installed by Puhoibased honey producers Kiwitahi. Business owner James Harrison says the tubes housed unmated queen bees which leave the tubes and mate with drone bees.

After 10 days the tubes were removed with a mated queen inside, then exported to the US and Canada where there is a bee shortage. They arrived just in time for the northern spring. “We don’t really need many bees here in the autumn, but they use them over there on things like almond orchards,” James says. The tubes were coloured so the bees could find their way back to the right tube. “If they were all the same colour they would get disoriented.” After the 10-day mating spree, one queen can lay about 1500 eggs a day and live for about two years. “It’s a big business,” James says. About 12,000 tubes were installed

in Rodney, and Kiwitahi is running about 1200 hives in the area.

The tubes often attract a bit of attention, James says. “I’ve had people yell out at me when I’m installing them asking ‘what the hell are they?’” Kiwitahi run the programme under contract from Arataki Honey, one of the largest integrated beekeeping enterprises in the southern hemisphere and New Zealand’s largest bee exporter. There is a misconception that there is a bee shortage in New Zealand, James says. “There are more bees than ever before. We now have 425,000 beehives in New Zealand, and that’s because of one thing — manuka.”




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Mahurangi Matters



April 2, 2014




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Environment Christine Rose

Having it all New Zealand writer Rex Fairburn is probably best known for his poetry, some of which discusses the tensions between a wholesome, idealised life on the land versus life among the culturally rich but spiritually compromised city. Particularly in “To a Friend in the Wilderness’, Fairburn reflects on the twin urges to live simply, and to live within the fruitful thorns of the city. There’s much in Fairburn’s writing that’s relevant today. He’s New Zealand’s Aldo Leopold, Henry David Thoreau, our Emmerson — setting the scene for environmentalism, organics, the importance of compost and love of the land. In the modern era, we have unprecedented ability to reconcile the twin drives to live off and with the land, and to access the benefits of the city. Improved technology and transport infrastructure and the subdivision of farms into lifestyle blocks, means it’s easier (for those who can afford it) to live somewhere with rural character and views, a plot of earth and some chooks, while still maintaining access to the best cultural events, urban-style amenities and high society. In Rodney this is particularly true – we can have it all. Fairburn seemed to think so, even when he was writing in the 1940s and 50s, with his understandable love for the Mahurangi (a “hotbed of composting enthusiasts” at the time), which he visited frequently while living in Devonport. His wife said with Fairburn, it was always “Up to Mahurangi, always to Mahurangi’’, and who can blame him. A way of life that provides for both the soul and the mind certainly seems to have appeal when you look at the demand for highly prized and steeply priced properties on the city’s fringes. But living in harmony and developing and maintaining a connection with the land, while also being in the material world, doesn’t just depend on having a couple of hectares in “the country”. Increasingly, community and backyard vegetable gardens; the Out of My Back Yard (Oomby) food movement selling garden surpluses; backyard chooks; street fruit trees; and almost as an act of resource efficient defiance, street berm gardens; all show a modern desire for sustainability, economy, and food sovereignty from those living within the urban limits. Like many of us, according to commentators, “Fairburn sought a ‘religio’, a mode of existence that would confer meaning, uniting body and mind, individual and environment”. Info:



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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


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View more photos online

The working bees, coordinated by Tim Ellison, are creating an island of biodiversity in Warkworth.

Reserve emerges from the weeds The Kowhai Park Scenic Reserve, on Warkworth’s northern doorstep, is being rescued from weeds and other invasive plants in an attempt to re-establish biodiversity in the area. A small team of volunteers, coordinated by Tim Ellison, meets at 9.30am on the first and third Wednesdays of the month armed with gardening gloves and rakes. Their main target is wandering jew (Tradescantia fluminensis), which is smothering much of the undergrowth in the 6ha reserve. “The history and ecology of this patch of bush is remarkable, particularly given its proximity to the

town,” Tim says. “It’s a real asset to Warkworth, but has largely been neglected.” The working bees started last December and already large tracts have been cleared, with the weeds bagged as part of an on-site composting process. The reserve contains an abandoned lime works — one of the earliest examples of NZ’s chemical industry. Built in 1884, the five-shaft kilns burned lime mined on site, which was then transported via a tramway to the Warkworth Wharf where it was shipped further afield. It’s understood the product pre-dated cement and was used in bricklaying.

Several environmental initiatives in the Mahurangi region have won grants from two Auckland Council schemes this year. They are among 166 projects to be awarded money from the Environmental Initiatives Fund and the Waste Minimisation Innovation Fund, and include: n $6382 for the Tawharanui Open Sanctuary Society (Tossi) to help establish a new breeding colony of Australasian gannets; n $9561 for Mahurangi Action Incorporated as a contribution towards a trial of productive riparian reforestation; n $3690 for Tamahunga Trappers as a contribution towards traps and setting tools; n $6999 for Matt Wech Family trust as a contribution towards native plants for a waterway restoration project; n $4655 for Whangateau HarbourCare Group as a contribution towards native plants and site preparation; n $8750 for Manaia Properties Ltd as a contribution towards fencing for continued riparian planting of the Mataia Stream; n $3236 for Sandspit SOS Inc (Ssosi) as a contribution towards growsafe, equipment and materials, and a pest control contractor; and n $3000 for Murmark Holdings Ltd as a contribution towards native plants to protect and enhance the Araparera River.

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Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

locallife >

H E A LT H • B E AU T Y • FA M I LY • L E I S U R E

Quilters will have Mahurangi in stitches The biennial Warkworth Quilters exhibition is being held this month to raise money for the Springboard youth programme. About 100 quilts will be on show at the Quilts Ahoy exhibition at the Mahurangi Community Centre in Snells Beach on April 11 and 12, featuring work from nearly 50 club members. Warkworth Quilters will be running a raffle for the event with a king-size quilt going to the winner. Club secretary Margaret Sinclair says quilts make a great gift, although she’s running out of beds to put them on. “I made one for my grandson, and my son-in-law said: ‘You mean to tell me that you cut up a good piece of fabric to make that quilt?’. “But in a few years’ time he told me all his friends were admiring it.” The group has also donated quilts to local groups including the Wellsford birthing unit, North Shore neonatal unit and rest homes and hospices. Quilts will be on display at businesses around Warkworth in the build-up to the event. Some quilts will be on sale and there will be coffee, tea and treats to eat. Quilter Jean Gardner says the club is also a great chance to get together with others and meet people, and they are always looking for new members. Warkworth Quilters meet on the third Tuesday of the month at the Shoesmith Hall. Info:

Quilters Jean Gardner and Margaret Sinclair will be showing off their wares at the Quilts Ahoy exhibition.


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the right care in the place that’s right for you With the most modern Care Centre in Warkworth, Summerset Falls is able to provide a range of options for those needing rest home-level or hospital-level care. Our Care Centre offers a choice of standard, ensuite and superior rooms. All of these are comfortable and homely, and spacious enough to let residents have some furniture, paintings and other treasures of their own. Our lovely care apartments are ideal for a person who requires rest home-level care, especially someone who values their independence. A generous living space, with a patio, is complemented by a double bedroom and ensuite bathroom. To find out more about the excellent care choices at Summerset Falls, please call our Village Manager Hyrum-Daniel Dennis on 09 425 1200. You’ll find our village at 31 Mansel Drive, Warkworth.






April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters




Grant Clifton, Countrywise Financial

Eugene Sims, Warkworth Natural Therapies

Ownership out of reach? Muscle problems The latest Census results from last year show home ownership rates are dropping, with data showing just 49.8 percent of people own or partly own the house they live in. In the first-home buyer range (ages 30 to 40) it’s even less, with just 43 percent owning a home. Last year’s clampdown by the Reserve Bank on low-deposit loans have added to the decline in home ownership. The new rules were partly designed to slow house price rises but in my opinion, they have not achieved what they set out to do. They have taken the home ownership dream away for many Kiwis and have left the housing stock to be picked over by investors and foreign buyers who either don’t need to borrow or have larger than 20 percent deposits. Banks, too, are rubbing their hands as they can now pick and choose who they lend to and can charge full interest margins, and low equity fees. They now don’t have to give away money for solicitors’ costs or other incentives, as borrowers are just happy to be approved for a mortgage. The result is more large profits heading across the ditch. A recent Trade Me search of Warkworth houses for sale showed the cheapest three-bedroom house to be $369,000, which would mean you would need a $73,800 deposit to purchase this property to reach the 20 percent threshold. However, if you are reading this and don’t yet own a home, don’t despair. Over the past six months I have been able to obtain finance for a number of clients to get on the home ownership ladder. There are still of number of ways to get finance approved without a 20 percent deposit. I recently helped a young couple who had been in KiwiSaver for over eight years and qualified for a mortgage via the Welcome Home loan scheme via Housing NZ. There is a first-home buyer subsidy of up to $5000 per person, plus they could access their KiwiSaver contributions to withdraw a further $35,000. They then had a $45,000 deposit and approval was obtained to buy a property for $400,000 via an NZ-owned bank. If you have generous family or parents, they can also gift you the deposit or add to your savings to get you to the required deposit level. Or if they have equity in a property they can provide a guarantee or just provide the additional security to the lender to make up the required deposit. In some cases you can borrow 100 percent for the purchase of a house using additional security.


I suspect most people are aware of the pain and limitations that osteoarthritis can cause, such as stiff, swollen painful joints with restricted movement and reduced mobility. Unfortunately, few people are aware of the massive effect that the muscles have on osteoarthritis, and even fewer are aware of what they can do to help. This lack of awareness motivated me to write a book on the subject to provide some hope and strategy for sufferers of the problem. The book, How I Achieved Freedom From Arthritis, all began with my seven-year battle with osteoarthritis. Some simple muscle treatments I discovered solved my problems and have since helped many others. Ice is obviously very useful for hot, painful and swollen joints but if ice is applied to the muscle it will often cause it to tighten, and can significantly increase stiffness and pain. It is better to heat the muscle, as long as the heat is kept away from any inflamed joints. The best heat for muscle relaxation is a moist heat such as hot pools, a bath or shower, or mud packs. Although the heat from water is best, care needs to be taken so that severely inflamed joints are not made worse. A qualified health professional can help with this. This beneficial effect of heat explains why so many benefit from soaking in hot pools. Hydrotherapy (exercise in warm water) is also an excellent way to exercise and increase movement and strength, and it often reduces pain for arthritis sufferers. Massage and stretching are brilliant methods to ease the muscle tension around the joint that can significantly reduce the pain, and increase movement. In some cases these techniques can result in a return to pain-free movement and a much greater quality of life. Proper assessment and professional advice should be followed to avoid making any problems worse, but with a carefully managed programme there is often a lot that people can do to improve. Magnesium supplementation can be useful for helping muscle tension. But too much magnesium will usually result in what used to be referred to as “a dose of the salts”. Loose bowel motions after supplementation can indicate that magnesium levels have been exceeded. Glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM can be useful in some cases, and fish oils with a high EPA content can help with inflammation. Anti-inflammatories may well be an option but your doctor should prescribe these. Amy Griffiths, a local physiotherapist from Restart Rehab, is holding hydrotherapy classes. Inf: 021 207 2729 for more details.

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Mahurangi Matters


April 2, 2014


By The Village Bookshop, Matakana

The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld Open 7 Days Mon-Sat 9am-5pm • Sun & Public Holidays 10am-4pm The Village - 2 Matakana Valley Road • Matakana P: (09) 423 0315 • E:


A prisoner sits on death row in a maximum security prison. His only escape from this harsh reality is through stories and the world he imagines around him using the power of language. We don’t know his name and we don’t know his crime but we come to see this brutal world through his eyes. As he hides from sight, he listens to the story of York, the prisoner whose execution date has been set. He hears The Lady who is working to piece together York’s past in the hope of staying the execution. He watches The Lady fall in love with The Priest. Through him we see the evil and corruption as tensions build. This story manages to bring together anger and love, horror and redemption and is a powerful first novel. The author is a death penalty investigator who also works with at-risk youth and in foster adoption advocacy.

Frog Music by Emma Donoghue In the summer of 1876, San Francisco is in the grip of a record-breaking heatwave and smallpox epidemic. Through the window of a saloon, a young woman called Jenny Bonnet is shot dead. Her friend Blanche Beunon is lucky enough to escape unharmed. Blanche, a successful burlesque dancer, is on the run from her ex-lover and desperately trying to locate her missing baby. Over the next three days she will risk everything to bring Jenny’s murderer to justice, if he doesn’t track her down first. The story Blanche tries to piece together is of free-loving bohemians, paupers, a powerful millionaire, jealous friends, and damaged children. It’s the secret life of Jenny herself, a notorious criminal who breaks the law every day by dressing as a man; a charmer who is as slippery as the frogs she hunts for a living. Full of songs that migrated across the world, this lyrical story of love and betrayal captures life in a dirt poor boomtown. Donoghue is the author of Room that was short-listed for the Man

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2 g 4 egg 150g 400g 200g Shave 200g cocoa 175m (or 10

Whisk in ano egg w Make evenly a little cream Cover choco



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Early Childhood Education Centre Cnr Percy & Morpeth Street, Warkworth





Enquiries email: “Every journey has a beginning”


CAB join in y to t you visit

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


Our Commission

Andrea Hinchco, Taste The Kitchen Shop

An Italian indulgence

o also

One quarter of the year has gone already and with the clocks going back this weekend we are now well into autumn. For a cook, autumn is a wonderful time when we can spend more time in the kitchen filing the house with wonderful aromas of seasonal cooking which tends to be more of the comfort variety. Coming into the peak of their season are apples, pears, eggplant, kumara, leeks and parsnips — all of which I love using. Parsnip cake is particularly popular in our house. Easter is late April this year, which means a much better climate for making buns and indulging in chocolate. A MasterChef episode I recently watched has prompted me to write about tiramisu, which translated means “pick-me-up” or “lift-me-up”, due obviously to the large amounts of calories and caffeine in it. This is my favourite dessert. I don’t make it very often, as it is not the healthiest dessert out there, but it is great as a real treat and one I always make at Easter. For some reason, all the contestants struggled to make a sabayon or custard with which to layer the sponge fingers. While there are many recipes for this classic dish, my understanding of the original version is that there is no cooked custard. This does pose a problem with raw egg, and one Italian chef who has made the dish here at a class, sterilised the eggs by dropping them in boiling water for two seconds, however it is not a dish for those who shouldn’t be eating their eggs raw. I believe the best-tasting tiramisu should be simple and traditionally made with quality ingredients, and this recipe is my version of an original.






Serves 6

2 hites egg w 4 egg yolks 150g stor ca r suga 400g mascarpone cheese 200g onge sp ngers fi Shaved Chocolate for garnish (optional) 200g plain chocolate, grated cocoa powder for dusting 175ml strong espresso, cooled (or 100ml coffee plus 75ml dark rum, brandy or marsala) Whisk egg whites to stiff peaks in a grease-free bowl. Beat egg yolks with sugar in another bowl until pale, fluffy and thick. Gently fold in mascarpone, then egg whites. Mixture should be a little softer than the consistency of mayonnaise. Make a layer of sponge fingers in the base of a 1.5-litre serving dish and brush evenly with coffee. Cover with a layer of mascarpone mixture and sprinkle with a little grated chocolate. Continue making layers, ending with the mascarpone cream. Cover and rest in the fridge for four hours or overnight. Sprinkle cocoa and chocolate shavings on top just before serving.

Citizens Advice Bureau Wellsford A hive of information

Volunteers Wanted CAB Wellsford is looking for men and women to join our team of volunteers to assist the people in your community to help them find solutions to their problems. If this sounds like something you might like to give some time to, come and visit us or give us a call Wellsford Community Centre. 1 Matheson Rd, Wellsford Ph 09 423 7333 or 0800 FOR CAB l Email: l Website: Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am-3pm


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Our fees are 2.95% plus $500 base fee up to $400,000 - thereafter 2% plus GST Phone now for a free appraisal

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Italian Chef is Back! The delightful Luca Vallari will be in store to demonstrate his Mommas techniques for the Italian classics of Gnocchi and Ravioli at end of month. Good food, authentic recipes with a bit of opera on the side and lots of stories from our favourite Italian. Luca is a celebrity chef, private caterer, food writer for Taste magazine and cooking tutor and his classes here always sell out very quickly. To be kept informed of such events you need to be on our mailing list. Phone or email us to ensure that we have your details.

16 Mill Lane, Warkworth

09 425 0302


Mahurangi Matters

travel feature

April 2, 2014

Drive from Matakana to

WIN $1000*




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A Matakana man’s attempt to drive 40,000km around the world has had to be postponed because of political tensions between Iran and Pakistan. Leo Nelis, who moved to New Zealand from the Netherlands 25 years ago, decided to drive back to his hometown of Amsterdam last September. But 27,000km into his journey, he was forced to abandon his attempt following the kidnapping of Iranian border guards by Pakistani militants, which closed the border. He hopes to resume his journey in two months’ time. Leo began the trip by shipping his Land Rover Defender to Melbourne, where he and his wife Lily Grace began the drive across the Outback to Perth, and up to Darwin. His wife then went home to hold the fort in Matakana, and Leo was joined by his daughter, Pascale. They continued through East Timor to Indonesia where they camped in the crater of an active volcano and saw a komodo dragon, ferrying between islands. Then it was on to continental Asia, through Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, India and Nepal. They had originally planned to drive via China through Tibet and Central Asia. However, that plan was abandoned after the Chinese border closed following conflict in Tibet. The only other route was through Myanmar, a country notoriously restrictive in providing visas for vehicles. However, a group of

European travellers who also happened to be travelling through Myanmar saved the day. “They had the papers already, so we just joined them. But we had to drive with a government guide who said where we could and could not go,” he says. It was only the third time foreigners had been allowed to drive through on their own, and the country turned out to be a real highlight, he says. “The roads were very, very bad, but it was a beautiful country. “The people in Myanmar are the most happy people I’ve met in the whole world. If someone’s feeling depressed, send them to Myanmar.” Leo wasn’t exactly inconspicuous — at 1.9m tall and with long blonde hair, he became the centre of attention in many isolated villages. “In India especially, they just didn’t have a sense of privacy. “They would surround the car and just look at you — whole groups of people, too, not just children.” When they found out about the issues on the Pakistani border, while in India, they decided to temporarily abandon their plans. “There was no other way. So we decided that this is too dangerous for us.” They drove back down to Kolkata and had the car shipped to Amsterdam. The pair are no strangers to intercontinental road trips.

DREAMT OF TRAVELLING TO AFRICA? Get off the beaten track

Through East Africa with Tasha & Karoma from Mangawhai. An affordable personal safari designed with the mature traveller in mind. 14 & 28 day safaris. Owner/Operators, book directly, save $’s.‘only 7 seats left for Jul & Aug 2014, now taking bookings for Jul-Sep 2015. Keep insects out


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travel feature

April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

Amsterdam hits hiccup

Travel righT Pack lighT WorkshoP

igners gh on ed out

Come to our workshop and see how we get to grips with eliminating everything but those that you really need. You’ll learn how to coordinate colours and styles so that you will have a whole range of garments that will work together, with plenty of helpful hints and tips on packing and keeping safe, also lots of helpful ideas that other travelers have shared with us. Why not get a car load of friends together and have a day out. Travel can be the greatest joy if you travel light and pack right.

but it

most whole essed,

Phone or email to book your place now and Join us in store at Dorothy’s 15 Neville Street Warkworth on Tuesday April 8th at 1.30pm. Cost $10 which includes our new addition of Travel Light Pack Right booklet. Or if you can’t make the workshop send $10 in a stamped addressed envelope and we’ll post you the booklet.

— at e hair, on in

Dorothy’s 15 Neville Street, Warkworth

09 425 8608



r and ups of


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Leo Nelis and his daughter Pascale attempted to drive from Matakana to Amsterdam, but hit the end of the road after the Pakistani border was closed.

Three years ago they drove from Amsterdam to Senegal in a $1000 Renault Scenic, going through the Sahara Desert via Morocco and Mauritania. “There were 50 of us doing it and when we got to Senegal we sold the cars and

all of the money goes to charity.” Leo will fly to Amsterdam with his wife and collect the car when it arrives in two months’ time. They will then continue the road trip through Europe in the reverse order they originally intended.


Come and see us just off State Hwy 1 70 Moirs Hill Rd, RD3, Warkworth

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ust ats

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need a bag to go on holiday? Go into the draw to Win a manhattan W 42l CaBin BaG (your choice of colour) with any purchase made during the month of April



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ASB Building, 17-19 Queen St, Warkworth

Phone/Fax: 09 425 9516


Av AvAilAble fOr AfTer HOUrS AppOiNTmeNTS A


Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

Stained Glass & Leadlights Stefanie Mann

Quality Catering Solutions

Designed and constructed for domestic and commercial buildings.

Phone 425 7723

Restoration work also undertaken, including china cabinet repairs.

Lots of Treasures


Bargain hunters’ paradise! Garage sale every Wednesday 7-11am 2 stores open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm Warkworth Argyll Angle, Queen St behind Gaby’s Wellsford 181 Rodney Street PLUS Garage Sale every Wed 7-11am Hospice House 51 Woodcocks Rd, Warkworth

Call Amanda 09 9311 or TEXT 021040

Top Quality Local Courses For Great Nanny or Childcare Careers NZ Australia London (Level 5 & 3 Full Time Course in Stanmore Bay)

Ashton Warner Nanny Academy

09 424 3055

Sweetappreciation with Chocolate Brown Send your nominations to

This issue’s recipient of a gift basket of chocolates from Chocolate Brown is Keith Cullough of Snells Beach. He was nominated by Karen Healey, who wrote: Keith is a retired man who took my son under his wing when we moved to Snells Beach in 2010. William (aged 9) and Keith spend many hours tinkering in the garage making many things such as model boats, train tracks, swing sets and generally fixing things up. More recently Keith helped William to build, as William describes it, “the best trolley in the world”. Sadly we moved away a year ago, however William still sees Keith and his great nephew Ari (also aged 9) and they all spend time tinkering in the shed. The highlight was the recent Trolley Derby in Warkworth where William and Ari raced the two trolleys they all made together. Keith’s smile was amazing as he watched them both race that day. Know someone who deserves a big “thank you” for their community spirit? Tell us and they will receive acknowledgement and an amazing hamper from Chocolate Brown, 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth. Send your nominations to (subject line: Sweet Appreciation) or post to: Sweet Appreciation, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701, Warkworth.

chocolate brown

p. 425 9535


only the good stuff...

Cafe / Chocolaterie / Gifts Phone 09 422 2677 No 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth

Nanny & More!

Warkworth & District Museum Warkworth & District Museum has created a display at the museum to help celebrate the 160 years of Warkworth. We have attempted to give recognition to the early families who donated generously to the museum and to show how fashion has changed down through the years.

Open 7 Days, Monday to Sunday 10am – 4pm Parry Kauri Park, Tudor Collins Drive (Off Wilson Road, Warkworth) Phone: 09 425 7093 | Email: |

Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014



pirit? mper ons to st to:


Get the right person for the job with our handy service directory, which ensures you can find a local professional or tradesperson, quickly and easily.

Advertise Your Business Here ONLY $48 PER INSERTION (+GST)* *for a three insertion contract Phone 425 9068 for more information or email your advertisement to

Glaziers & Joiners ...................................... 1 Automotive Services ............................... 1 Auto Wreckers............................................ 1 Panel and Paint.......................................... 1 Trellis, Fencing & Supplies ..................... 2 Carpenters, Builders & Roofers ............ 2 Scaffolding .................................................. 2 Engineering ................................................ 2 Construction & Earthworks ................... 2 Tiling, Brick & Block Layers .................... 2 Flooring ........................................................ 2 Electrical ...................................................... 3

Concrete Specialists ................................ 3 Design, Survey & Property Valuers ........ 3 Arborists ...................................................... 3 Lawn mowing & Landscaping .............. 3 Health Professionals ................................ 3 Property & Handyman Services .....3-4 Furniture ...................................................... 4 Painters/Decorators & Plasterers ........ 4 Window Cleaners...................................... 4 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners.............. 4 Water Pump Specialists .............................. 4 Marine/Small Engines ............................. 4 Plumbing & Suppliers ............................. 5

TV Aerial & Satellite Servicing .............. 5 Printers/Design/Website........................ 5 Picture Framing ......................................... 5 Water Supplies .......................................... 5 Water Tank Cleaning & Purification......... 5 Storage ......................................................... 5 Mobility Scooters...................................... 5 Locksmiths & Security ............................. 5 Furniture Removal.................................... 5 Specialty Foods ......................................... 6 Cafes / Restaurants .................................. 6 Beauty Therapy & Nail Creations......... 6 Classifi eds & Church Notices ...... 6-7

Glaziers & Joiners | Auto Wreckers | Panel & Paint | Automotive Services



For all your glass, glazing, and aluminium needs

53 Station Road, Wellsford • Phone (09) 423 7358 Email:


Domestic and Commercial Glazing Glass Showers Splash Backs Mirrors • Cat Doors Windscreen Replacement and Chip Repair

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20 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth 09 425 8678 • 021 952 077

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425 7340 24hr CALLOUT email:


COMPOSITE JOINERY Ltd Composite Joinery Ltd 7 Glenmore Drive Warkworth 0941

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Northland 0800 55 66 00




EDMONDS & MASON PANEL & PAINT Private & All Insurance Work

Ph 425 8723 • Fax 425 9526 Wayne 021 765 706 or Ian 021 977 729 47 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth


Snells Beach


 425 5355

1 Hamatana Road - Snells Beach



WE NEED CARS FOR WRECKING – $$$ PAID 2 Glenmore Drive, Warkworth Ph (09) 425 7835 or (09) 425 7730


Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014

Trellis, Fencing & Supplies | Builders, Roofers & Suppliers, Carpenters | Scaffolding | Construction & Earthworks | Brick, Block Layers & Tiling | Flooring | Engineering

Snells Beach Panel and Paint


Trellis & Fencing Fences - Gates - Screens - Pergola

all insurance work, crash repair, rust repair • courtesy cars available

Phone Bob Moir 422 9550 or 0274 820 336 Email:

ph 09 425 6755

RODNEY TRELLIS Trellis - Panels - Fencing Installations - all shapes and sizes Specialities: Framed Archways – Superior Trellis Pedestrian Gate Frames (mortised) Trellis spray painting / oiling Gazebo's ~ dove cotes ~ pergolas


872 Kaipara Flats Road Ph: 425 7627 • Fax 422 4976

ROOFING NZ New • ReRoofs • Cladding Specialists

Ph: 09 422 2131

Mob: 021 220 5000

470 KAiPArA FlATS rOAd, WArKWOrTH126

Snells Beach • Warkworth • Orewa

• Custom made • Quality material • Quality workmanship

Also see Lance for your supply of Native and Landscaping plants

Fax 09 422 5800

• New Homes • Alterations & additions • Decks & fences • Bathrooms • Outdoor Living


Trellis Guy Ph 09 422 5737 • 027 272 7561

TIM HENRY Mob 021 826 605 • Home 09 425 0941 Email


Covering Rodney in Long-Run Iron Local Quality Guaranteed

Matt Tickle Licensed LBP Mobile: 021356965 Home: 09 425 6311 Email:



Auckland region house of the year 2008 For the construction of:

• Architecturally designed homes • New houses • Decks • Alterations • Fences

Phone: 027 4771 583 email: 152M

CARPENTER-JOINER • Terraces • Alterations • New Housing

• Renovations • Maintenance • Small jobs a specialty


Phone 09 425 5491 • Mobile 027 275 1172

Servicing Auckland - Rodney - Kaipara

Metroscaff Limited

For your safety we have: • Experienced Qualifi ed Scaffolders • Full range of Equipment • Including Alloy Mobile & Builder’s Props

PHONE 0800 622 7929

OMAHA - SNELLS BEACH - WARKWORTH - MANGAWHAI Member of Scaffolding and Rigging New Zealand

MICK BERGER CONTRACTORS Phone: 09 422 0688 • Mobile: 0274 930 806

43 years experience

- Residential & Light Commercial - Quick Stage - OSH Standards - Tube & Clip - Qualified Scaffolders - Reliable Service P 09 425 0300 M 027 4930468 F 09 423 0017

FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION FLOOR SANDING - FLOOR PREPARATION Polyurethaning:- Wooden Floors, Particle Board & Cork Cork Tiles:- Natural & Coloured Enviro Friendly Products available

KAE JAE CONTRACTORS (LTD) PHONE KEN (0274) 866-923 A/Hrs (09) 422-7328 • Fax (09) 422-7329

Footings Hole Boring Landscaping

3.5T Digger 5T Truck

Bob Waata Mobile 021 634 484


Tiling & Waterproofing

• Truck Hire • Metal Supplies • Bulk Cartage

Owner/Driver: Ray Dams ● Winching ● Bulldozing ● Driveways House Sites ● Landscaping ● Earthmoving ● Sub Divisions


38 Coquette Street, Warkworth Ph 422 3450 or 0274 955 566 • Fax 09 422 3451

Bricks • Blocks • Paving

WARKWORTH BRICKLAYING SERVICES LTD Phone Alan Berthelsen 021 780 170 • A/hrs 425 8252


Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014


Electrical | Design, Architects & Surveyors | Concrete | Lawn Mowing & Landscaping | Aborists | Hydroponics | Handyman Services

COASTAL CONCEPTS • Electrician • Gates & Automation t. 09 422 2175 m. 027 497 0464 e.


LAWNS Dedicated Mowers for • Finishing • 4x4 hill work • Scrub clearing

“It’s all in the finish”

Ph Richard Bray Owner/Operator 422 2992 021 842 340


Over 25 years experience in all aspects of residential design THOMAS ERRINGTON Dip.Arch. P: 09 425 0512 M: 027 453 2495 E: W: PO Box 193, Warkworth

Denis 021 945 498 Joel 021 422 592

Foundations • Floors • Drives • Paths • Digger & Truck Hire Concrete Specialists backed by over 30 years experience Established since 1984 MATAKANA


Sub-divisions • R.O.W’s • Excavations Phone George 021 2800 233 • BASED IN MATAKANA


Tree Care

Specialising in:  STUMP GRINDING  Fine Pruning  Tree Removal  Hedge Trimming Ph Kevin on 021 725 757

• Mowing – Residential & Lifestyle Blocks – We can mow anything • Gardening & Design • Hedge & Tree Maintenance FOR ALL YOUR GROUNDCARE NEEDS

0800 276 7726

The Tree

Bears Tree Trimmers

Hedge TRIMMING • tree removal insured - 300mm chipper • free quotes General Tree Work Phone mark 021 492 939 AH 09 425 0252

• Landscape Construction & Garden Design • Specialists in Lifestyle Property Development & Maintenance

• Lawns - contouring & seeding • Top soil • Retaining Walls • Driveways • Paths

Kurt Salmond

• Digger • Truck • Tractor





SERVICING HIBISCUS COAST TO MANGAWHAI JOHN BETTRIDGE (JB) Phone: 09 425 4086 Mobile: 021 665 558 E-mail:


TREE WORKS • Earth Excavation • Tree Felling & complete removal

09 431 5344 • 021 159 7147

TOTAL LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION for complete quality projects

09 422 9514 021 831 938

Digital Freeview Satellite Installation & Repairs

TV • Video • DVD Tuning Additional TV Outlets Phone David Redding 09 422 7227 or 0274 585 457

Phone Bruce 425 7766 a/h I take the hard work out of Landscaping

HOME MAINTENANCE HANDYMAN Phillip Keesing Decks Ph. (09) 422 6036 Fences Mob. 021 045 0132 General repairs Clean ups All things considered General repairs covering a wide range of jobs around the house including decks and fences

WE CAN •Sand•Metal•Shell•Pebble•Scoria •Mulch•Garden Mix•Topsoil•Compost

DELIVER! •Tirau Gold•Pine Chip•Cambian Bark

183 SANDSPIT RD, WARKWORTH • OPEN 7 DAYS! Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Sat: 7am-4pm Sun: 9am-3pm

• Screened Topsoil • Living Earth Compost & Garden Mix • Lawn Mix • Mulch • Bark • Pebbles • Stones • Sand • Drainage • Metal • Sleepers • Pongas • Grass Seed • Fertiliser • Weedmat • Kiln Dried Firewood bagged & bulk plus much more




Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014

Property & Handyman Services | Furniture & Furniture Restoration | Painters & Decorators | Window Cleaners | Carpets | Water Pumps | Marine & Small Engines

For all your property maintenance and small building projects

Do you need a reliable, honest local tradesperson?



We’ll find the right tradesperson for those jobs around your home and property. We’re local like you – from Puhoi to Mangawhai.


Phone to discuss YOUR requirements 021 423 860 - 423 8619 a/h

Contact Linda Robinson p e

09 422 9860

m w

027 526 1146


‘Just one call and we’ll arrange it all’

Bradwood Kitchens

Maungaturoto 2nd Hand





We buy and sell quality 2nd hand goods. Drop in to find your treasure! We have books, kitchenware, furniture, collectables, toys, clothes, tools and more.


145 Hurndall Street (turn left at Brynderwyns)

We also buy Houselots and Deceased Estates

PACIFIC BLINDS Local NZ Family Owned Business

PH 09 425 4370




1576 CALL US NOW! 09 4318440 / 021 125

Your Painter/Decorator with over 25 years experience serving all surrounding areas

Leigh Decorators Painting • Paperhanging • Roofs • Airless Spraying • Stopping (small jobs) • Repaints • New Homes For your Free Quote and/or Consultation phone Gary HOME: 09-422-6695 • MOBILE: 021-024-44941 EMAIL:

Welch Painting & Decorating Mark Welch

• Painting • Paper Hanging • Spray Painting • Water Blasting

Mob: 027 240 8330 A/h : 422 2678 • Fax: 422 2676

Mobile 021 456 429 Email:

Certified Member of the Carpet Cleaning Association of NZ

Spraypainters of quality kitchens Lacquers, enamels, 2 pacs, clearcoats Resprays and Recolours

Phone / Fax Gary 425 7669 Unit 21/30 Hudson Road, Warkworth115



Interior/Exterior n Waterblasting n Roof Painting Airless Spraying n Plastering n Wallpapering Colour Consulting n Decorative Effects Qualified Tradesmen - Honest/Reliable Ph Mandy 09 423 0005 or 021 507 463

Window Cleaning

Sparkling windows is our business Ruth Murray •

021 106 5717 or 021 230 2626 (2007) Ltd

Water - Filters - Underbench - UV - Whole House • Water Coolers • Water Pumps • Sales & Service

0800 787 392

“If you don’t have a filter you are the filter” Call Steve today 027 478 7427 he’s your local

• Water treatment & Filtration • Pumps • Pool & Spas • Waterblasters 7days / 24hours Paul Harris

M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075 E:



Water Treatment


23b Foundry Rd, Silverdale • 426 2979

Pump & Filtration Services

Pumping Systems


Pumps / Water Tanks / Filtration / Treatment Spa & Pool Shop / Pool Valet Service Water Blasters / Sprayers Hose & Fittings / Mobile & Workshop Service

Furniture polishing & respraying • Repairs • Touch ups Upholstery • Colour matching • Insurance quotes We also manufacture one-off furniture items from recycled or new timber. Guaranteed quality workmanship by ‘Old school’ tradesmen Phone Grant or Lesley

itchen Colours and Wood Finishes


Call FREE 0800 022 101

25 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Silverdale (next to BP) Ph: 09 426 9660 • em:

Bright Outlook


Emergency Flood Service Technical Experience 12 years Fully qualified and certified

OUTDOOR FURNITURE Tables to order Chairs • Swingseats Benches • Umbrellas NZ made – quality built to last

• Filtration • UV Sterilizers • Softeners and Neutralizers • Iron Removal

Owen Ward

Phone 021 771 878 • 24hrs 09 425 6002 Email: MoBILe eFTPos AVAILABLe

New Pump Sales Serv ice In stal la tion

Phone/Fax 425-5619 Mobile 0800 733 765



Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014


Water Pumps & Tanks | Plumbing | TV Aerial & Satellite | Graphic Design & Printers | Picture Framing | Water Suppliers | Mobility Scooters | Storage | Locksmiths & Security | Furniture Removal

ABSOLUTE CONCRETE clean. care. repair.



09 4312211

Warkworth: Phone John or Annette Carr

p: 09 425 7477 | m: 027 240 7791 | f: 09 425 7483 email:

Mangawhai: Phil Lathrope 431 4608 | 021 642 668


Mark Sim 021 102 4561


office & Internet services

Freeview Sales & Installation TV & FM Aerials

• Plan Printing, Colour & B/W Photocopying • Laminating, Binding, Fax and Scanning Service • Internet and Email Service

GAVIN BROUGH Ph 09 425 5495 Mob 0274 766 115

TTT Plumbing & Drainlaying Limited

Phone 425 7257 | Argyll Angle, 58-60 Queen Street, Warkworth





0800 66 24 24

• Alarm & CCTV Installation and Servicing • Local Alarm Monitoring • Patrols/alarm Response • Free Design and Quotation

PO Box 487 Warkworth


Household Drinking


0800 GET H20 4 3 8 4 2 6

• Specialist Furniture Truck • Packing & Storage • Caring Owner/ Operator • Carriers Liability Insurance Phone 0274 889 216 • Ah 09 422 7495 y dsa Lin ylor Ta

WARKWORTH PICTURE FRAMERS COMPLETE CUSTOM FRAMING SERVICE David and Pat Little P. 09 425 8143 E. 15 Coquette Street,Warkworth 0910 DAVID LITTLE GCF


Household Water Deliveries 0800 747 928 mobile: 027 556 6111



0800 638 254 OR 09 422 3700


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Phone Cathy or Shona 425 9068 or email your advert to *for a three insertion contract

Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014


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HANDYMAN – THE MAINTENANCE MAN Your one stop fix-it-man. Phone Jim 422 3725 or 021 254 2048 or visit

HAY - NEW SEASONS Top quality, no kikuyu, $10-$12 a bale. Phone 09 4257479 or 0274970980.

LAWNS - Contouring, prepping and laying. Owner/operator 25+yrs experience. For complete quality projects phone Bruce (09) 425 7766.

LIVESTOCK. 6 in lamb ewes, 1 Blackface Ram. All friendly. Elec’ hand piece. Sheep crate for trailers/ute. $1500 (.00) Ph (09) 425 4407 / 021 0343 707

WATER FILTERS Underbench filters & whole house Ultra violet filters – Kill and remove ecoli/bacteria. FREE site visits. Ph Steve 09 945 2282 or visit STEVE’S MAINTENANCE lawns, hedges, waterblasting, rubbish removal, section clearing, property maintenance. No job too big or small. Phone Steve 029 770 7101 or 09 425 9966. Serving Warkworth, Snells, Matakana, Sandspit.


Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street Warkworth, Thursday 10th April at 7pm. Guest Speaker –Kim Boyd “Her role as Manager of Estuary Arts Centre” Everyone Welcome SNELLS BEACH RATEPAYERS & RESIDENTS ASSN INC


Mahurangi East Community Centre Snells Beach 7.30pm, 5th May, 2014

TAMAHUNGA TRAPPERS INC Annual General Meeting You are invited to the Tamahunga Trappers AGM and Presentation of the Tamahunga Restoration Plan, Tuesday, April 8th at 7pm, Matakana Hall Committee Room. Supper provided For more information email




Warkworth RSA downstairs meeting room, 1.30pm start April 2 &16, 30th 2014

WATER PUMPS Low water pressure? Get it sorted. Sales, service and installation. Work guaranteed. Steve 09 945 2282 LAWNMOWING & SECTION MAINTENANCE SERVICE Rubbish removal, weed control, water blasting, decks, drives, paths, fence painting & repairs. Warkworth - Matakana & Beaches. Jeff is reliable and punctual. Phone 027 425 7357 or 425 7357.


WANTED TO RENT L/T. MATURE PROFESSIONAL PERSON. 2 + Bdrms, Rural or Private setting, Garage, Handy WW. 1 quiet aged outside lab + 1 cat. Happy to do Lawns/Gardens/Spray etc. Excel Property Managers Refs. Ph 425 9068 / 022 029 1897



WANTED TO BUY CASH PAID TOOLS & Machinery, Shed & garage clearouts. All things considered. Call or txt 021 161 5139.

WANTED ANIMATORS WANTED After Effects, Maya, C4D animators wanted for Warkworth based Motion Graphics Studio. please email CV and Showreel to CLINIC SPACE AVAILABLE Health practitioner wanted to share large clinic room, Warkworth. Available 1-3 days per week. Ph Madhu 021 418 068. SECOND HAND GOODS - Glenfield Trading wants to buy second hand goods. Servicing surrounding Warkworth area. Ph Graham on 09 443 6013.


RAWLEIGH Products. Ph Pat 425 8851

Ideal as Ideal an extra office. Three as bedroom an extraor bedroom or ofce. Three convenient sizes:- $65pw, convenient sizes: standard 3.6m x 2.4m standard x 2.4m - $65pw, large 4.2m x 2.4m3.6m - $79pw & xtra-large 4.8m & 2.4m - $79pw x 2.4m - large $95pw.4.2m Fullyx insulated with lockable xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m - $95pw. ranchslider, large window, power, security lights, with& even lockable curtains,Fully carpet,insulated smoke alarm a small ranchslider, largerental window, power, deck. Minimum 6 month period. security lights, curtains, carpet, Call to find alarm a Display Cabin in your smoke & even a small deck.area or for6 amonth free brochure. Minimum rental period.


Videos, slides & old 8mm films all on to DVD. Ph TeTotara Video (09) 422 5710.

TV SERVICES & SALES ALL FREEVIEW INSTALLATIONS Dish, Aerial, Additional Outlet .. THE TV MAN IS THE ONE! FREE QUOTE Call JIM THE MAINTENANCE MAN 021 254 2048 or visit www. FREEVIEW TV, Audio, Installation, Faults & Supply. Andrew 021 466 394 or 422 2221. TV SERVICES Aerials, Dishes, Freeview sales, installation and service. Extra outlets. Serving the area for 18 years. Phone Gavin 027 476 6115.

GARAGE SALES MAUNGATUROTO 2ND HAND SHOP maybe interested in buying


your garage sale goods. Phone 09 431 8440 or 021 125 1576.

MAINTENANCE Grading, Rolling & Metalling for rural Driveways. No job to BIG or small. Ph Bruce 425 7766.




A SMART REPAIR Service for F&P

smartdrive washers, F&P/Simpson dryers. Same day service 09 423 9660 or 021 168 7349.

SCENIC FLIGHTS 30 mins $59; 20 mins $49; Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $79. Gift vouchers available. GREAT BARRIER FLIGHTS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $110. Min. 3 passengers. One way flights $115 each. Min 2 passengers. NORTH CAPE FLIGHTS $430 each. Min 3 passengers. Rodney Aero Club 425 8735 or Rod Miller 425 5612 TUITION SINGING LESSONS avail from Beg to Adv and Bands wanting to fine tune Harmonies. 20yrs exp. Lessons in Waipu @ $20 per 1/2hr Lesson. Lisa (09)4320773.

Sudoku 9


the numbers game

4 8




7 2



2 6




4 2 HaRD

7 4 1


Nanny & More! Quality full-time local courses for nanny & childcare careers Call Amanda now for free info! 424 3055

Central Warkworth location. Phone 027 430 8440.

8 9

6 4


9 Solution page 30

Fill in this grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.


Your handy pull-out guide

Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014



Phone 425 8545

Holyname Catholic Church

Holy MassStreet, Timetable: 6 Alnwick Warkworth Sts PeterWARKWORTH & Paul Catholic Church, Puhoi Holy Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street Ph: 425Saturday 8545 Vigil: 6.00pm Sunday: 10.30am EASTER 2014 TIMETABLE PUHOI PALM SUNDAY APRIL 13TH SS. Peter & Paul Church Sunday: 8.30am Blessings of Palms at all Masses (including Sat vigil) Puhoi 8.30am Warkworth 10.30am

HOLY THURSDAY APRIL 17TH Mass of the Last Supper & Washing of the Feet Procession of Blessed Sacrament to Altar of Repose Adoration Puhoi 7.00pm Warkworth 8.30pm GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 18TH (Day of Fasting & Abstinence) Puhoi 10.00am Stations of the Cross to outdoor shrine Confessions afterwards in Church Warkworth 3.00pm Commemoration of the Lords Passion & Death Reading of the Lords Passion Prayers of Intercession Veneration of the Cross Collection of Lenten Appeal & Holy Places Holy Communion Confessions after ceremonies (Fasting recommended till after Vigil) Warkworth 10-11am Confessions Warkworth 7.00pm EASTER VIGIL Easter Fire & Candle Vigil readings Blessings of Baptismal Water Mass of Easter EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 20TH

Puhoi 8.30am Warkworth 10.30am


17th April: Maundy Thursday Service 5 pm Christ Church, Warkworth 18th April Good Friday Service 9.30am Christ Church, Warkworth 19th April Church,the Warkworth CheckChrist out what Easter story 10.30 amisMessy Easter for all ages all about at all welcome. Mahurangi Bring smallPresbyterian plate of food forRoad, morning tea 5 Pulham Warkworth. Easter Sunday – 20th April: 8.00 and 9.30 am: Thursday 17 April 8.00pm Christ Church, Warkworth Good Friday 18 April 9.00am 9.30 am St.Leonard’s, Matakana Easter Sunday 20Angels, April Leigh 9.30 am St.Michael and All 11.159.00am am St. Alban’s, Kaipara Flats & 10.30am Further details available on or 425 8054




Warkworth Anglican Parish Easter Services

Check out what the Easter story is all about at Mahurangi Presbyterian 5 Pulham Road, Warkworth. Thursday 17 April 8.00pm Good Friday 18 April 9.00am Easter Sunday 20 April 9.00am & 10.30am

Mahurangi Methodist Parish Combined Easter Services 17 April : Maundy Thursday Warkworth Church @ 10.30am 18 April : Good Friday Snells Beach @ 9.00am 20 April : Easter Sunday – Snells Beach @ 9.00am


Advertise your classifieds and church notices here for only

$2.95+GST per line or $8.85 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts.


Judy Waters, Warkworth & District Museum

Check out what the Easter story is all about at Mahurangi Presbyterian 5 Pulham Road, Warkworth. Thursday 17 April 8.00pm Good Friday 18 April 9.00am Easter Sunday 20 AprilWilson (with trowel in hand), and Miss Southgate Laying the stone is Nathaniel 9.00am & 10.30am standing to one side, with the partly built wall of the Town Hall behind.

Crowning glory for Warkworth On the day George V was crowned King of the United Kingdom and the overseas dominions, the children of the Rodney district assembled at Warkworth School in Percy Street to hear speakers make clear to them the significance of the day. The Union Jack was raised as a symbol of the unity of the British Empire, which at that time covered more than a quarter of the land surface of the entire globe. A diagram was used to illustrate how the crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick each were present on the Union Jack. After the speeches came lunch and then the children prepared to take part in the Coronation parade. Owing to a soft carpet of mud in the main street, the marchers gathered to the west of the town. The County Territorials under Captain Vipond led the procession, followed by the Town Band, the children and members of the public. The route taken was via Whittaker’s deviation, along Neville Street to the Town Hall. The was the onlyEaster partly built Check outhall what story and the foreman of works had erected a stage lined withisflags to seat the dignitaries. The children took their places around the all about at stepsMahurangi of the platform and sang the Coronation ode. Presbyterian A 5long-time Warkworth resident, Miss Phoebe Southgate, then presented Mr Pulham Road, Warkworth. Nathaniel Wilson with a silver trowel as a memento of the occasion. Mr Thursday Wilson spoke of his8.00pm own lengthy association with Warkworth and how, as 17 April a Good young Friday man, he18had been a trustee of the first public hall built in 1864. The April 9.00am population of the town was then 57, and in 1911 it was more than 700. As an Easter Sunday 20 April old man, he was delighted to 9.00am & 10.30am see the new hall taking shape. It would have many advantages over the old one and would also have a memorial stone. The stone, a block of white marble 17 inches square, had inscribed in lead letters the following: “This stone was laid in commemoration of the Coronation of King George V by N Wilson Esq., Chairman Warkworth Town Board, June 22nd 1911.” After the laying of the stone, the parade reformed and marched to the school grounds where a service was held featuring combined choirs. In the evening a concert and dance in the old hall concluded a remarkable day in Warkworth’s history. Although this took place more than 100 years ago, a detailed account is available on the “Papers Past” website. It has been more difficult to trace the whereabouts of the marble plaque through the years, but I can say with certainty that it has been part of the garden display at the Warkworth Museum for many years, perhaps since the museum opened in 1980.


Mahurangi Matters - 5 March 2014



River littered with rubbish By Emma Foote

From left to right: Jolie Auber and Indigo Hunter are held by Angela Bedford; Scarlett Hunter and Daisy Auber are held by Fleur Auber; Makeen Konate.

Clean-up at Martins Bay Matakana Playcentre parents headed for Martins Bay last month to celebrate Playcentre Awareness Week. The theme of the week was Ma te Katanga Pai — Good Clean Fun, and they decided to have a clean-up. They recovered three full plastic

shopping bags of rubbish, including beer bottles, plastic wrappers, paper and plastic bottles. After the clean-up they had morning tea and enjoyed the playground. Info: For more info about Playcentre phone 422 9070.

Your LOCAL community newspapers in Auckland’s north Roading is always a hot in the north so it wasn’t After many months oftopic planning and construction, surprising that a suggestion that a link road beunveiled built, the Warkworth clock tower artwork was between State Highway 1 and Matakana Road, bypassing on March 29. Read all about it, including theSaturday, notorious Hill Street intersection, drew plenty of photos the artwork andSeveral officialreaders unveiling interest of from online readers. have taken the opportunity to join the forum and contribute their ideas ceremony, at on what are the best solutions for the local road network. Keep coming back for regular updates, picture galleries, videos and chances to have your say on Local Matters. You can also get daily updates and join the conversation on twitter @localmattersnz or Facebook MahurangiMatters and HibiscusMatters

We’ll be launching a new Community in listing the next few Attention community groups: Please Directory check your weeks. you want to an email alerting this change, on ourIfcommunity A-Zreceive directory to make sure you theytoare up-to-date. your club grouporis not with details Ifabout how or to recreational list your group club,listed, then email then email the details to:

As part of a school project, I am doing a WaiCare action plan on promoting public awareness about the impact of pollution in our waterways. My action plan included a rubbish collection along the town stretch of the Mahurangi River in Warkworth. I filled two large rubbish bags with litter, including beer bottles, cans, cigarette packaging and butts, plastic, pie packets, and bottletops. The impact of this rubbish can be damaging to bird and wildlife along the river, not to mention how ugly it looks. It is terrible to think that people alone are to blame for this rubbish. Upstream on the farms, an increasing number of landowners are being responsible for the state of the streams

and rivers on their properties. They are fencing off and planting the riparian margins. However, all landowners need to follow their example for the sake of a healthy river. The planting and fencing is important to prevent stock from accessing and polluting the waterways. It also stops erosion of the riverbanks and prevents “run-off ” of farm fertilisers, which can pollute the streams. We all need to take responsibility for preserving our streams and rivers, for the sake of healthy waterways, that we can all enjoy, all the way from town to the country. Emma is a Year 8 student at Mahurangi College. Top 10 viewed stories in April Top 10 viewed stories in March 1. Hopes for new link road to Matakana 1. Burglary of Mangawhai Surf Shop 2. Fast-track sought for Te Arai development 2. Local Folk: Ailsa Claire Auckland District Health Board CEO 3. Fears raised over new rules for Rodney 3. Rodney most expensive place to live 4. LinesmenDawson flown togiven hospital after electrical 4. Charlotte Matakana farewell explosion 5. Study could point to marine of tidal turbines 5. Hill Street intersection delayeddangers yet again 6. Speaking for Rodneys youthsealing 6. Anger overout 10-year plan for road 7. Kauri new home after 50 years 7. Kiwi snails returnfind to Brynderwyn 8. New motorway winssought strongfor public support complex 8. Tenants still being supermarket 9. Land owners keen farm turned into housing 9. Bus service picksto upsee speed 10. New playground Snells networks Beach Kindergarten 10. Problems plagueformobile

Mahurangi Matters 09 425 9068 • Hibiscus Matters 09 427 8188

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters



27 FEBRUARY - 1 MARCH 2014

Views sought on business levy for Warkworth The Warkworth Area Business Association is once again asking business owners whether they would support a Business Improvement District (Bid) in the town. Five years after it failed to persuade local businesses to back a special levy, the association is trying to find out whether attitudes might have changed. It is using part of a $30,000 grant from the Rodney Local Board to canvass the views of business owners, landlords and managers. A Bid would allow the Council to impose a targeted rate on all businesses, which would then be spent on promoting growth. There are now more than 40 Bids throughout Auckland, including the Hibiscus Coast, and an attempt is currently underway to establish another one in the north-west. A previous attempt to set up a Bid in Warkworth in 2009 failed to get enough votes to enable it to go ahead. However, the association is warning that without more money to pay for people’s time, it could run out of volunteers prepared to do the work. A survey has been mailed out to all business owners, landlords and

WABA chair Rachel Callender says the town needs prepare for future growth.

managers in the Warkworth area, and there are plans to hold face-to-face meetings, as well as follow-up phone calls. It is expected to be completed by mid-April, with results available in mid to late May. The new chair of the association, Rachel Callender, says the aim of the survey is to find out what kind of support local businesses would like. “It’s more about finding out whether a Bid is even something we go for,” she says. But she also says that businesses

cannot continue to expect volunteers to put in huge hours on their behalf. She says volunteers put in many hours developing a submission on the Unitary Plan. Prior to Christmas, key members worked almost full-time on initiatives such as the Santa Parade and the Christmas lights. Other recent initiatives have included the inaugural Trolley Derby and a riverbank enhancement plan. Rachel says the workload is taking its toll, and three committee members,

including the association’s secretary, have recently left. “We are burning on the smell of an oily rag. The association is in great shape and has got some good runs on the board. I’d hate to see it just stop, but the reality is that could happen.” She says a Bid is a “tried and true” method of ensuring such initiatives can be sustained, especially with the kind of growth that is being forecast for the town. “What would Warkworth end up like if there was nothing to support businesses and business improvement and business growth with all these new people and new businesses coming to town? It’s a great opportunity.” Meanwhile, the association has also asked Warkworth residents what might persuade them to shop locally more often. Around 140 people responded to an online survey, which was launched at the recent Rodney Local Board expo. Rachel says the results will provide valuable insights for local businesses, and will also be useful for anyone looking to set up a new business in the town.

Warkworth ANZ team now located under one roof.

See story page 25


Mahurangi Matters


April 2, 2014


Autohaus European Whether you’ve got a Porsche or a Pulsar, the staff at Autohaus European in Snells Beach have decades of experience to help keep your car out of the garage and on the road. Adrian Sutton has been a mechanic at Autohaus for nine years and is taking over the business with his wife Hayley on April 1. Adrian has been working on European cars for over two decades and this passion has taken him around the world, including working as a mechanic at the largest used car dealership in Europe and even doing a stint in Bermuda. European cars are quite distinct from other vehicles so it is important to get specialised service, Adrian says. “You need the right tools and equipment to work on them. We have the tools and the knowledge here,” Adrian says. “Being part of the Bosch Car Service network also means our training and equipment is right up to date to keep pace with the modern motor vehicle.” All Euro Parts Ltd runs from the same premises, importing parts directly from European suppliers. This ensures customers get a good price, Adrian says. Being transparent with customers is essential. “I can take the time to explain in plain English what we are doing and why we are doing it. No one likes spending money on their cars, but if you can understand the process, then people understand the cost.”

Adrian and Hayley Sutton

And this approach has proved popular, he says. “We get a lot of positive feedback that, in Auckland, people feel they get treated as a number. But here it’s a lot more personal.” Autohaus can also provide help before you’ve bought a vehicle with a prepurchase inspection, Adrian says. Recently a customer came in for a prepurchase inspection and discovered about $3000 of work was needed on the car, he says. “He went back to the dealer and got the $3000 knocked off the price.” The previous owners Auric and Lisa would like to thank their customers for the past 16 years.


 CH

Bloom Saloon


Matakana couldn’t be much more different than the Wild West. But award-winning florist Estella MacIntyre wants everyone to know there is a new sheriff in town. At least that is the theme she is enjoying playing with since taking over the popular florist’s shop in Matakana Village from previous owner Lucy Harris. “I’m delighted at the opportunity and committed to keeping Lucy’s exceptional standards,” she says. As a young girl, Estella loved raiding her grandparents’ garden in Hawke’s Bay and arranging her own vases of flowers. Nevertheless, it has taken her a while to decide to make floristry her career. After studying psychology and economics at Victoria University in Wellington, and overcoming some major health issues, she made up her mind two years ago that floristry was her destiny. “I always had a lot of interest in expressing myself creatively, and did art and design through school, but now this is the medium that I most appreciate — working with living things.” She decided to train at MIT Floristry in Mt Wellington, and has also completed two workshops with renowned German florist Brigitte Heinrichs. “It’s far more commercially viable as an art form in Europe and that’s where I really see the potential in Matakana — to make more of that highly creative, artistic floristry available to people,” she says.

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Estella MacIntyre

To test her own skills, she recently took part in floristry competitions at this year’s Ellerslie Flower Show, where her choice of career was certainly vindicated. After an intense week of competing in 11 different challenges, she was named Interflora Young Apprentice Florist of the Year for 2014. “It took about three days to recover. You just don’t realise how mentally demanding it is to focus so hard for six hours a day, doing two competitions that are three hours long. It’s almost like competing in some kind of athletic event.” However, it was definitely worth it, she agrees. “It was my first time at Ellerslie, and my first time competing in a wide-scale floristry competition, so it was fantastic.”


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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters



Fish N’ Dive Snells Beach Fish N’ Dive Snells Beach is changing hands and the new owners are eager to ensure the fish you hook doesn’t become the one that got away. Vance Steen has been managing a fishing store in Silverdale, but when the opportunity to own and operate his own store in Snells Beach came up, he jumped at it. “I’ve been passionate about fishing my whole life and it’s great to help other people do something they love,” Vance says. He does get a little jealous when the store fills up on a fine morning as people head out for a day’s fishing. But it’s great to work in an area where so many people are passionate about fishing, he says. His wife Tania will help run the store and says the locals have been very welcoming. “People have been coming in to introduce themselves and to wish us luck. It’s been great,” Tania says. The couple will be juggling the business while looking after their 7-year-old and 3-year-old sons. “It’s going to be a bit of a family affair. We’ll have our two little boys running around from time to time,” Tania says. Vance has been involved with Fish N’ Dive for three years, and also worked for 15 years in the boating industry.

Branch manager Bridgitte Turner (left) with other ANZ staff. Tania and Vance Steen

“I’ve always been involved with fishing,” he says. This expertise separates the store from some of its rivals, he says. Vance plans to hold a series of seminars later in the year so people can learn about different fishing methods and find out about new gear from some experts and fishing celebrities. But he’s also trying to learn all he can from local fishermen. “We really want locals to come and tell us what they want. And if we don’t have a product, nine times out of 10 we can order it in.”

Support the businesses that support your community newspaper.

ANZ closing one of its branches in Warkworth More than a year after the National Bank disappeared from Warkworth, staff from ANZ’s two Warkworth branches are finally moving in together under one roof. Several staff are moving from the bank’s premises at 41 Queen St further up the road, where they will join more than a dozen colleagues in a newly refurbished branch. The first day of trading for the new team will be April 7, and staff will celebrate with a cake-cutting ceremony.

No staff have been laid off in Warkworth as a result of the merger between ANZ and National. Branch manager Bridgitte Turner says it will be great having the entire team under one roof, including staff with business and personal banking expertise. Its specialists in home loans, mobile and business banking, commercial and agriculture will also be available. There will be no change to the bank’s opening hours, from 9am to 4.30pm.

EMPLOYERS ... with business growth opportunities now knocking at your door are you considering adding employees? Opening Hours: Shop 17 Mahurangi Shopping Centre, Open 7 days a week Mahurangi East Road Mon-Weds 8.30-5.30 Website: Thurs & Fri 7.30-5.30 Email: Sat 7.30-4pm • Sun 9-2pm Phone: 09 4255234

We specialise in the sale of Quality Fishing rods, reels and tackle. BAIT AND ICE We provide the service of air fills and Dive bottle Visual and Hydrostatic testing. Sale and hire-age of full dive gear

The impact of just one new employee joining a small to medium business can be significant. With no room for error, you need to ensure you make the right hiring decision and choose someone who can hit the ground running. • Prioritize the skills and experience - don’t deviate once you get to the interview stage. • Ensure the employee will fit the team - watch for the person who puts their needs ahead of yours. • Take it slowly. Follow a trusted proven hiring plan. • Check references meticulously. Don’t hire until you have all the information.

Do you need employment services or human resource advice? • • • •

Hiring & termination processes? Health & Safety programs and audits? Growing or downsizing your business? Training and development?

• • • •

Restructures and Redundancies? Employment conflict or issues? HR Policies and Documentation? Managing Change?

Contact Joy Paxton on 422-2290 or 0274 815 155 •


Mahurangi Matters

travel feature realestate

April 2, 2014

We’re very proud of the facts... Last year each Mike Pero Real Estate salesperson in Northern Rodney sold nearly three times the average number of properties than other salespeople in the same region. We sold these homes for our vendors, on average, about $7,500 more than the rest of the region. It’s no coincidence that all our properties were advertised on National TV, at no expense to our customers. The audience here was over 40,000 kiwis per property (over and above) traditional advertising methods. We deliver all this and more for less than other brands - typically our rate card comparison means a saving of about $4,800 on commission on an average home. Our team would be keen to list and sell your home. We’re here when you need us. Phone 0800 500 123

Mike Pero Chief Executive

Andrew Steens 021 968 405 (09) 422 7067 Omaha, Point Wells, Leigh

Angela Wain 027 493 6800 (09) 422 7067 Omaha, Point Wells, Leigh

Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)

Jeff Montrose 027 621 3765 09 425 7131 Warkworth

Debra Fokkema 021 168 1821 (09) 423 9577 Wellsford, Port Albert, Whangaripo

Monique Rowe 021 978 877 Kaipara Flats, Ahuroa, Kaipara Coast, Makarau

Carol Kaye 021 474 232 Matakana, Takatu, Sandspit

Valerie Hunter 027 289 9532 Snells Beach, Algies Bay

Ian Bateman Sally Brown 0800 PUHOI 1 (784 642) Puhoi, Mahurangi West



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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

rodney realestate Take advantage of a vendor’s market in 2014


The market today in Warkworth is a significantly different picture than what we have experienced in recent years.


In the 2013 calendar year there were 187 properties sold in Warkworth Township. Compare this to 2010, when that total was 83 properties sold. This shows a significant market change.

Total number of houses in Warkworth

According to the REINZ statistics, the median sale price in Warkworth in February 2014 was $565,000. The median sale price for the same month last year was $423,000.

House prices rocketing up in Warkworth Interestingly the sales volumes in 2014 so far have not risen from 2013 levels. It is clear to us “at the coalface” that the reason for this is the lack of new listings coming on the market to meet buyer demand. There is certainly an abundance of buyers searching to purchase in this area for a good market price.

If you are thinking of selling in 2014 we suggest you get in touch so we can ensure your valuable asset is realised for the premium it deserves in this seller’s market.

Graphic supplied by Bayleys

Sales Volumes by year


23 (to Feb 28)








residential properties sold this month














properties for sale today




Sales values (median and average) by year $700k $600k


$500k $400k $300k


$200k $100k 2014

(to date)











Mackys Real Estate Limited, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2008. Source: REINZ Data.



House prices in Warkworth have risen sharply over the past year. According to the latest statistics collated by the Real Estate Institute, the median sale price in Warkworth in February was $565,000 — a staggering 33 per cent increase on the same month the previous year. Analysis by Bayleys shows that the current market in Warkworth is “significantly different” than it has been for many years, and sales volumes are the highest they have been in a decade. Last year, there were 187 properties sold in Warkworth, more than double the number sold in 2010 and the highest total since 2003, when 200 properties changed hands. However, sales numbers appear to have steadied since then, which Bayleys blames on a lack of new listings. “It is clear to us ‘at the coalface’ that the reason for this is the lack of new listings coming on the market to meet buyer demand,” it says in its latest market report. The streets with the highest number of sales over the past year were Percy Street (10 sales), Hauiti Drive (8 sales), Southgate Road (6 sales), and



April 2014

To receive a copy each month please contact us at: Bayleys Warkworth – Phone: 09 425 7640 Email: Pulham Road (6 sales). we suggest you get in touch so we can Thirteen houses sold in Warkworth in ensure your valuable asset is realised February, for between $392,500 and for the premium it deserves in this seller’s market.” just under $1.4 million. Bayleys says there is “an abundance” Meanwhile, Barfoot & Thompson has of buyers wanting to purchase in noted that prices across the Mahurangi Warkworth for a good market price. & Hibiscus Coast regions continued “If you are thinking of selling in 2014 to stay firm in February, reaching a

monthly average of $540,023. Feburary prices increased by 45 per cent compared to the same month last year, and Orewa, Red Beach and Warkworth proved the most popular investment areas. A Hatfields Beach property reached more than $800,000. Barfoot & Thompson managing director Peter Thompson said the Mahurangi & Hibiscus catchment showed great diversity and good value for money, and it was still possible to get a foot in the door for as little as $270,000 in Mangawhai or make larger investments between $500,000$800,000 in Orewa. However, as far as general Auckland property sales were going, where the average price was $678,533, he exercised caution. “The market remains positive and there is every indication that the economy is stable, and banks are lending. That said, we are seeing a lot more listings and that means sellers will need to be realistic and not overvalue their properties if they want them sold.”

Career in Real Estate in Snells Beach? Recruiting Now! An opportunity exists for a motivated person to join our existing residential team based at our office in Snells Beach. Our attitude at Bayleys is all about employing quality people, providing a quality service and utilising the quality Bayleys brand. Have you considered being part of something that is more than just a job? Do you have a desire to win and a passion to do things better? Bayleys is also offering the opportunity of a Bayleys Working Scholarship to someone in the Rodney District who is looking to launch a real estate career, or to assist existing sales professionals who wish to further their career. It offers a package designed to help you make the transition from your existing business or career into a rewarding, long term business relationship with Bayleys. If a career in real estate is the sort of exciting opportunity you have been looking for, call in confidence.

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Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014


Mammoth work for Kowhai Singers

Colleen Julian (left) holds work by Delwyn Ward, while Maria Collins holds a photograph by Lee Anderson.

Local artworks to help Women’s Centre More than 20 well-known local artists will feature in a special fundraising exhibition at Matakana Country Park this month. Their work will go on show upstairs at the Woolshed from April 5 to April 13, to raise funds to build a playground at the Women’s Centre in Warkworth. Flaxwork, painting, photography, glasswork, jewellery, pounamu and sculptures will be among

the items available for sale from 10am to 4pm daily. Centre co-ordinator Colleen Julian says the centre is grateful to local businesses that have also got behind the event. An opening night will be held on April 4 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The playground is not just intended for children who come along to the centre. It will also be available as a community facility, says Colleen.

Ensure an attractive, functional design that will stand the test of time by calling on the experienced cabinetmakers from Neil Taylor Cabinetmaker & Design. We can provide a cost-effective makeover for existing properties or cater to new homes, with designs to suit your needs. For affordable solutions to meet your unique requirements and budget we are the name to trust in the Rodney district.

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The Kowhai Singers are celebrating their 30th birthday next month with back-to-back performances of Mendelssohn’s Elijah. The performances will take place at Warkworth School Hall on May 3 and at Orewa College Arts and Events Centre on May 4. Elijah was one of the first major works the choir performed and the upcoming concert will commemorate this performance, founding member Beverley Hicks says. The two-hour mammoth work is a real test, both technically and physically, she says. “It’s a big deal. It’s a very dramatic work.” The choir will be joined by the Pohutukawa Singers from Albany and accompanied by cello, organ and harpsichord. Four professional soloists will also perform, including Beverley and three singers from Auckland. It will be the 79th concert for the choir and it has always been well supported, she says. “We’ve always had an enthusiastic following,” she says. The group welcomes anyone who wants to give singing a go, and doesn’t hold auditions. “It’s mostly enthusiastic amateurs. We believe that singing is a very positive experience and we’ve got to involve everyone. And they all get up to a good level in the end.” The group meets at the Methodist Hall every Monday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. New members are welcome.

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


Exquisite stationery Writing Accessories ~ Unique Gifts 2 matakana valley rd matakana t: 09 422 9748 f: 09 422 9768 ponsonby store t: 09 378 8085 e:

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Bill Morris and Hyram Ballard are playing at the Whangateau Hall on April 6.

Duo to play at Whangateau After a sell-out gig in January, organisers are hoping the Whangateau Hall will fill up again for South Island folk artists Bill Morris and Hyram Ballard on April 6. Bill Morris has just returned from a trip through the US where he was filming a documentary about a touring folk band, and says he is full of inspiration from the folk heartland. Hyram Ballard, member of NZ band The Chaps, will be accompanying him on slide guitar and eight-string ukulele. Hyram says the pair is really looking forward to the gig. “I love playing these cool old halls,” he says. Hall organiser Jenine Abarbanel says she was thrilled that 100 people turned up to see Tattletale Saints in January, just days after they won a Tui for best folk act. “There were so many people we had

to borrow chairs from Leigh School.” Jenine says it’s a great venue for acoustic acts and encourages everyone to come along. “We try and make the gigs as family friendly as possible, with free entry for school-age children, and earlier start and finish times.” Tui finalist Chris Priestley and Rachel Dawick are set to play at the hall later in the year. Chris made the finals for his album Unsung Heroes, about historical NZ characters, and Rachel recently released an album about pioneer women from the 1800s. The April concert starts at 3pm. The cost is $15 and under-14s are free. We have a double pass to give away. Email with Whangateau Competition in the subject line. Entries close 3pm on April 4.

Art Gallery THE HOMELY FRONTIER 29th March to 27th April 2014 Frances Hansen, Natalie Guy Anna Sharman, Tessa Laird Emma McLellan 39 Omaha Valley Road, Matakana, RD5, Warkworth 0985, New Zealand Phone +64 9 422 9995 Email OPEN: Daily 11.00am - 5.00pm or by appointment

You can listen to Bill Morris’s music online at


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Mahurangi Matters


April 2, 2014


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Le Award-winning artist Tami Neilson is playing at the Sawmill on April 6 after releasing her third album, Dynamite, last month.

Plenty of variety at Sawmill A wide range of acts are playing at the Sawmill this month, offering something for just about every taste. Everything from accordions to congas will be at full blast when 14-piece band Soul Samba Circus play at the Sawmill on Saturday, April 12. Singer Hellen Robinson originally hails from Puhoi and is excited to be playing one of her favourite local spots. “Leigh was always one of my dad’s favourite places to take us as kids and let us run free. It will be great to play at the Sawmill. I’ve always wanted to play there.” The soul samba fusion group started as a Brazilian drum group in a junk shop in Grey Lynn. “People started bringing more instruments and it started getting more melodic. “It’s become a mix of samba and soul with great rhythms that make you want to dance,” she says. “We’re not doing our job if people aren’t dancing.” The award-winning Tami Neilson is

playing at the Sawmill on April 6 after releasing her third album, Dynamite, last month. Tami was raised on the road, performing in the family band The Neilsons. She now lives in NZ and has released three award-winning albums, taking out the Tui awards for best country album three times. There is still a strong American presence in the music, with country, blues, soul and jazz permeating through. Adelaide multi-instrumentalist Adam Page is playing on Sunday April 13. Adam is known for his spontaneous on-stage symphonies, using loop pedals to live record instruments and vocals to build lush, layered soundscapes. We have two double passes to give away. Email with “Samba Circus” or “Tami Neilson” in the subject line to be in the draw. Entries in Tami competition close 3pm on April 4; Samba Circus entries close April 7.


An exhibition of Fine Art Prints from Kowhai Arts and Crafts Printmakers

Sat. 3 May Warkworth Primary School 7pm Sun. 4 May Orewa College 3.00pm Tickets $25 from Maria’s Florist or Not Just Hats or at the door or Phone 425 4684 or 426 6815

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April 10th to 27th at Charlie’s, Sharp’s Rd Matakana following a series of workshops with leading NZ printmaker Alexis Neal Sponsored by Creative NZ Ever wondered at the difference between a print and a photocopy - come and find out!




April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

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Coastal Walks will show there is more to do in Leigh than activities in the sea.


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The walk will also teach the public about life in the rock pools in the bay and the bird life. Marine biologist Dr Roger Grace will be guiding the Whangateau Harbour walk. Roger has completed decades of research into marine life in the area, so it should be really interesting, Tony says. Leigh farmer Peter Scott is guiding the Mt Tamahunga walk up the highest peak in Rodney, and will tell walkers about the pioneering history of the area and give insight into the geological forces which created the mountain. The walk climbs through native forest before revealing a spectacular view, Peter says. The biggest challenge in organising the event has been Council compliance costs, Tony says. But Council have been very helpful and have given a $2000 grant to get the event up and running and have been easy to deal with, he says. The Leigh Fire Brigade will also be holding an open day and will give a car rescue demonstration using the ‘jaws of life’ rescue machinery. Walkers can register online at The registration fee is $15 per adult, $5 for children (5–16 years) or $35 per family (2

Sudoku the solution


Guided walks to the highest peak in Mahurangi and to the fossil bed of Matheson Bay will be on offer as part of the Leigh Coastal Walks day on Saturday April 26. Tony Enderby has helped to organise the day, and says the walks are a way to showcase the area. Last year about 70 people turned out for the first Leigh walking day, held near Goat Island. But the event has expanded rapidly with eight tracks on offer this year and it is hoped over 150 people will put on their tramping shoes and enjoy the area. The walks include the Goat Island Coastal Walkway, a Matheson Bay Fossil walk, a Mt Tamahunga hike, and a Whangateau Harbour walk. Some of the tracks traverse private land, so the day will be the only chance all year to enjoy them. All walks will be guided by locals, including some academics, which should provide a real insight into the area, Tony says. Peter Crabb from the Leigh Marine Discovery Centre will be guiding the Matheson Bay fossil trail, along with an Auckland University geologist. There are a range of fossils embedded in the rocks at Matheson Bay, including fossilised mako teeth, and even megalodon teeth.

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Leigh’s spectacular walks

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Mahurangi Matters


April 2, 2014


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An auction of the prizewinning fish will be held at the Mangawhai fishing competition with proceeds going towards a new boat ramp.

Fishing competition still expanding in Mangawhai The Mangawhai fishing competition is celebrating its 10th year on April 19 with a range of prizes to get anglers’ lines in the water. The competition has been sponsored by Warkworth Timberworld since its inception and manager John Merrick says it’s been a great way to support the community. It is organised by the Mangawhai Fishing Club and usually attracts over 100 people. “They do a great job organising it at the club.” Club president Rob Cameron says it’s been growing every year and Timberworld has always been a generous supporter.

There are over $4000 worth of prizes, including a weekend for two at the Copthorne Hotel in Hokianga, as part of the $500 lucky ticket draw. Prizes will be given to the three biggest snapper, kingfish, kowhai, trevally and crayfish. There is also a land cast section, women’s section and prizes for highest average weight. If the event is cancelled due to weather, the draw will still be run, Rob says. Fishing starts at 6am with weighin at 4pm. There will be a cash-only auction of the prizewinning fish after weigh-in with proceeds going towards a new boat ramp. Tickets can be purchased at Mangawhai Fish and Tackle.

Quality Marine servicing in mangawhai Don’t waste time and money towing your boat to Auckland or Whangarei for servicing, get quality servicing right here in Mangawhai. At Jackson Brown Automotive + Marine we have the people, tools and training to get the job done. TO The highesT sTandard every Time, we Offer: OUTBOARD SERVICING (INCL FUEL INJECTED 2 & 4 STROKES) • INBOARD SERVICING OUTBOARD SALES • ENGINE REBUILDS • ELECTRICAL REPAIRS AND FIT OUTS TRAILER WOFS AND REPAIRS • NEW TRAILER SUPPLy AND REGALVANISING

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April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


Mahurangi RFC celebrating its 25th birthday


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The formation of the Mahurangi Rugby Club in 1989 was the product of a tumultuous time in New Zealand’s history, as Rogernomics dragged the economy into the free market era and Auckland became a greater focus for Mahurangi. These changes flow through and have an effect on everything — even your local rugby club, Ian Ward says. Ian was involved in the amalgamation of the Kaipara Flats, Omaha and Warkworth clubs to form the Mahurangi Rugby Club. During the 1970s the clubs all had senior teams in the North Auckland competition, and at one point Omaha had three, he says. However, numbers declined dramatically during the 80s, when agricultural subsidies ended as part of wider economic reforms implemented by the Lange government. In that way, Rogernomics was a catalyst to the amalgamation, Ian says. “It was the end of farming as we knew it for this area. There were no jobs for the young players.” Shearers moved from the area, and the younger generation no longer saw their future on the farm and headed

The trophy the teams will be trying to win.

off to university, Ian says. “The junior players would all head off and we’d never see them again.” As the numbers dropped, it made sense for the clubs to merge, he says. There was a long-standing rivalry between the clubs, so going from tackling a player to passing them the ball took a bit of getting used to. “It took about five years for a team culture to develop.” The formation of the Mahurangi

Rugby Club also coincided with the move from the North Auckland union to the North Harbour union. As roads improved in the area and Auckland continued to grow, the focus of the club and the region began to shift south. People became less keen on travelling to Whangarei to play a game when Albany was just down the road, he says. Northland rugby was also in a state of decline as farming became less profitable in the region.

It became quite a bitter split, Ian recalls, as the North Auckland union refused to allow the club to secede. It took a submission to the NZ Rugby Union for the change to happen. But history has shown it was the right decision as Northland rugby has continued to decline, he says. “The economy up there is really suffering, and that has an effect on the clubs.” However, it hasn’t all been positive for Mahurangi. The move to the North Harbour competition resulted in a step-up in the skill and intensity of the game, which made it harder for casual players to go out and have fun, he says. A lot of men with families have since given up the game to avoid getting injured, he says. The professionalisation of rugby, which came with Rogernomics, has also harmed club rugby, Ian says. Money is centralised in the upper echelons of the New Zealand Rugby Union and local clubs are struggling everywhere, Ian says. “All the money seems to go to the top players now.” Ian will be a guest speaker at the Mahurangi Rugby Club 25th anniversary celebrations.

Parklane Kitchens and Interiors Ltd specialise in high quality interiors for new and existing residential and commercial projects both locally and throughout New Zealand. Kerry Dobbyn was a foundation player of the Mahurangi Rugby Club when it formed in 1989 and congratulates them on their first 25 years Phone: 09 425 9095 Web:

‘Kerry Dobbyn Judge for the National Kitchen and Bathroom (NKBA) of the year 2013’.


Mahurangi Matters

mahurangirugby feature

April 2, 2014

New under-19s team boost to Mahurangi rugby Blake Stubbs wanted to play rugby after finishing at Mahurangi College last year, however there was no under-19 team in Warkworth. Only three of his ex-Mahurangi classmates were looking to play this season, so the hope of forming a Mahurangi under-19 team looked bleak. The only alternative for the young electrical apprentice was to travel to Silverdale to play, or join the premier grade. But the step up in size and skill to the premier grade was a bit intimidating for the school leaver. “We’re not quite ready yet. Maybe next year,” Blake says. But Blake’s dad Bruce suggested he get some more people together to form a team. So Blake set up a Facebook page to see who was interested and set a date for a practice. “Sixteen people turned up to that practice. Ever since we’ve had over 20 come and play. “So it went from three of us who would have been playing rugby, to over 20.” It has been four years since the club fielded an under-19 team and many of the players are getting involved in the sport for the first time. The team is coached by internationally renowned coach, and former Warkworth player, John McKettrick. John formerly coached the USA sevens

Over 2 Mahurangi Rugby Club is fielding an under-19s team for the first time in four years.

team and still travels around the world as a guest coach. This year he’s travelling to Chile, the Cook Islands and Rwanda to offer his coaching skills to clubs. He was ITM Cup manager for North Harbour for about five years and also coached the Cook Islands sevens team to the Commonwealth Games in 2002. But he’s enjoying getting back to the roots of rugby and developing the future of the club. “I’ve had a great journey with the game, but it’s still great to put something back into the local community,” John says. “I think it’s quite exciting for the club to

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Proudly supporting the Mahurangi Rugby Club

field an under-19 team in the area. It’s been sorely lacking.” The enthusiasm of the team is promising, John says. “It’s refreshing to see the interest it’s created. There are some skilful young athletes. It’s gaining momentum each week. They’re a very proactive bunch of guys.” Assistant coach Bernie Kose says it’s a real privilege to have John coaching the team. “His vast knowledge and experience is second to none around here. The guys really respect that,” Bernie says. Hopefully it is a sign of good things to come, he says. “

It’s a good group of kids and we’ve got some good talent coming through.” The team is sponsored by Mason Contractors. Mason consultant Alistair Mason says it’s important to encourage youth into sport. “Part of my philosophy of sponsorship is to support young people. I think sport keeps them out of trouble and helps them build confidence. Having so many young people getting involved in rugby is good for the community.” The first game is against Massey on April 5, then a home game against Silverdale at the 25th anniversary weekend.

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mahurangirugby feature

April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

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Over 20 players are now turning up for team practice for the under-19s team.

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Mahurangi Rugby club proud holders of the Mitre 10 Mega community shield. Premier Sponsor’ of local rugby. Mitre 10 Mega Warkworth congratulates Mahurangi Rugby club on their 25th anniversary.


Mahurangi Matters

mahurangirugby feature

April 2, 2014

Bittersweet memories for players Wayne Mason doesn’t remember much about the first match that was played by the newly formed Mahurangi Rugby Club. But maybe that’s because he doesn’t want to remember. “I know we lost both games,” he remarks. Thanks to the NZ Herald, there is a photograph that records the occasion. It shows Wayne, who is now at Edmonds & Mason in Warkworth, hovering in the background as a Glenfield player digs up the hangi put down for the occasion. “I remember that the food was still a bit raw,” he grins. “The ground was too wet, and we had to barbecue it.” In the foreground of the photo is another Mahurangi player, Kerry Dobbyn, who is now at Parklane Kitchens and Interiors. Twenty-five years on, Wayne is still deeply involved in the club, and helps coach the juniors. One son has just left the club and is playing for seventh grade, and another is playing for J3. “The club’s going really well at the moment, especially the juniors,” he says. “There are 190 kids registered this year for the junior club. It’s really strong.” He recalls that the first four years were

Big day planned

Wayne Mason (second from left at the back) and Kerry Dobbyn (bottom left) with the Glenfield players, as the hangi was about to be dug up after the first game in 1989. Photo: NZ Herald

quite difficult, as rival teams from Warkworth, Kaipara Flats and Omaha got used to playing with each other, instead of against each other.


But there will certainly be no hard feelings on the day of the anniversary celebrations. “It should be a big day.”

Mahurangi rugby supporters are hoping to celebrate the club’s 25th anniversary with a win, when all of the clubs team’s play home games on April 11 and 12. The headline event will be the Mahurangi-Glenfield game at 2.45pm on the Saturday. The first Mahurangi premier game 25 years ago was against Glenfield. Club chairman Ian Bradnam says Mahurangi won both the Mahurangi-Glenfield cup and the Mitre 10 trophy when the teams last played at the end of last season. “Hopefully we will have a few wins to celebrate again,” Ian says. The junior teams will play on Friday night and Saturday morning while the under-19s play Silverdale. The Old Boys and the premier two team will also play on the Saturday. The day will end with a dinner at the RSA. Mahurangi veterans Howard Cooper and Tony Rogers will MC the event and DJ Happy Dayz will play into the night. Tickets to the event are selling out fast, so people need to get in quick, Ian says. Tickets to the RSA dinner are available at Warkworth Motorcycles. There will be a golf tournament on the Sunday to finish the weekend, Ian says.

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mahurangirugby feature

April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

New multi-sports complex taking shape in Warkworth New netball courts, a hockey turf and playground are on track to be completed by June as part of the $1.3 million redevelopment of the Warkworth Showgrounds. A walking and cycle track around the border of the grounds is also expected to be completed by June and it is hoped it will eventually go right through to Warkworth. The new playground is to feature a ‘Space Net’ — a tetrahedron-shaped structure with a web of ropes for children to play on. Plans for the multisports complex were recently updated by the Rodney Local Board, following further feedback from sport groups. The latest changes are considered by the board to be minor, but include: n The realignment of rugby field number 4 and future hockey field number 2; n The multipurpose building has been repositioned so that it will be located adjacent to field number 2; n The netball courts have been



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The latest plans for the multi-sports complex.

Contact Wayne 021 765 706 or Ian 021 977 729 Email:

“Proudly supporting the Mahurangi Rugby Club”

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Congratulations Mahurangi Rugby We are proud to be your sponsors for 25 years repositioned to where the multipurpose building was originally planned; An existing shearing shed has been added to the plan; and


The rugby fields have simply been renamed “fields” on the plan.


The complex, which is being partly funded by Auckland Council, is one of the main projects for the region that has been backed by the Local Board.

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Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014





By Richard Cassutt, sport development manager

When do parents take on the role of telling their kids they must play some sort of sport and when do they leave it up to the kids to decide? Who knows best is a good question to ponder as the winter sports season looms for many just before Easter. Let’s put aside those kids that play myriad sports and utilise their parents or grandparents or parents’ friends to traipse everywhere, and consider those who would far prefer to watch TV or play on the computer. Is bribery considered okay if it gets kids out of the house and doing something that develops not only their health, fitness and keeps their long-term medical bills down, but also contributes to the social wellbeing of the community, teaches sound team development and social skills which are of huge value for our young people? What happens when young people are really busy doing homework and it takes every waking breath to see them through their adequate study? How can you drag diligent young people away from their books? We know that sport, recreation and physical activity are actually really good for the brain. We know that regular exercise increases the brain’s capacity for learning and allows better concentration when returning to learning. The next step is getting parents and teachers to convey that information in a useful and informative way that motivates young people with a preference for couch potato activities, who prefer to observe others taking part in physical activity rather than doing the activity themselves. There are key motivating factors that help kids get out the door and into sport. Having friends alongside and as part of the team; unconditional parental support and enthusiasm on the sidelines; and quality, fun coaching with a well organised competition will allow bribery to be much lower on the parental requirements to get kids into sport.

The O 50-60 finalists (from left) G Falconer, R Gerrard, K Glucina, K Martin, and N Paul.

Reid dominates surf champs Point Wells surfer Andy Reid was the stand-out performer at the annual Omaha Boardriders Club Championships held on March 22. Held in good 3-4 foot surf conditions, Reid won both the Open Shortboard and 40-50 longboard divisions. Over 45 surfers took part in the competition which ranged in age from the under-14 juniors through to the over-60 longboarders. The championship has now been running for five years, and club secretary Matt Hunt says its success can be put down to the amazing support of local businesses. “Each year we’re blown away by the prizes donated by the local

community and no-one walks away empty handed”. Takapuna Stand-Up donated a surfboard to be raffled amongst the junior competitors, and Matakana Beach Outfitters also donated a $100 voucher to the junior champion. The Omaha Boardriders would like to thank all the businesses for their support. Omaha Boardriders Club Champions 2014: Junior, J Cunningham; Open Women’s, H Powell; Under-40 Longboard, F Falconer; 40-50 Longboard, A Reid; 50-60 Longboard, G Falconer; Over-60 Longboard, M Gray; Open Shortboard, A Reid.


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Apr 2

3:45am 10:12am Tide 4:10pm Times 10:35pm

Fishing Guide Moon

Apr 3

0.4 4:32am 3.5 10:59am 0.4 4:55pm 3.5 11:21pm

7:34am 7:14pm


2:52am 3:18pm

Apr 4


Apr 5

7:36am 7:11pm

Best At



3:44am 4:10pm

7:37am 7:10pm

Best At


4:35am 5:01pm

5:26am 5:51pm

Apr 7

3.1 12:39am 0.9 6:44am 3.0 1:04pm 0.8 6:59pm

6:38am 6:08pm

Best At



Apr 6

0.5 5:18am 0.6 12:06am 3.2 12:51am 3.4 11:45am 3.3 6:05am 0.7 5:53am 0.4 5:40pm 0.5 12:31pm 3.1 12:17pm 3.4 6:24pm 0.7 6:10pm

7:35am 7:13pm

Best At



Auckland Area Sea Watch Matakana Marine Seawatch

5:16am 5:40pm

Apr 8

1:29am 7:38am 1:55pm 7:53pm

6:39am 6:07pm

Best At


3.0 1.0 2.9 0.9


6:04am 6:28pm

Apr 9

2:23am 8:33am 2:49pm 8:51pm

6:39am 6:05pm

Best At


2.9 1.1 2.8 1.0


6:51am 7:14pm

Apr 10

3:18am 9:28am 3:45pm 9:49pm

6:40am 6:04pm

Best At


2.8 1.1 2.7 1.1


7:36am 7:59pm

Apr 11

2.8 4:11am 1.1 10:20am 2.7 4:41pm 1.1 10:42pm

6:41am 6:03pm

Best At



8:21am 8:43pm

Apr 12

2.8 5:01am 1.1 11:08am 2.7 5:33pm 1.0 11:30pm

6:42am 6:01pm

Best At



9:05am 9:26pm

Apr 13

Apr 14

6:44am 5:59pm

Best At




9:48am 10:10pm

6:45am 5:57pm

Best At


10:33am 10:55pm

11:18am 11:41pm

0.8 3.1 0.7 3.2

Apr 16

1:39am 7:58am 2:02pm 8:29pm

6:45am 5:56pm

Best At



Apr 15

2.9 5:47am 2.9 12:14am 0.9 12:57am 1.0 11:54am 0.9 6:31am 3.0 7:15am 2.8 6:20pm 2.9 12:37pm 0.8 1:19pm 1.0 7:04pm 3.1 7:47pm

6:43am 6:00pm

Best At




Apr 17

2:21am 8:42am 2:44pm 9:12pm

6:46am 5:54pm

Best At


0.7 3.2 0.6 3.3


12:30am 12:55pm

Apr 18

3:05am 9:27am 3:28pm 9:56pm

6:47am 5:53pm

Best At


0.6 3.2 0.5 3.3

1:21am 1:47pm

0.6 3.3 0.5 3.3

Best At


2:14am 2:42pm

First Full Quarter Moon Rise 9:49am Rise 10:49am Rise 11:47am Rise 12:40pm Rise 12:29pm Rise 1:13pm Rise 1:53pm Set 12:39am Set 1:32am Set 2:27am Set 3:23am Set 4:20am Set 5:18am Set 6:17am Set 7:18am Set 8:21am Set 9:23am Set 8:43pm Set 9:27pm Set 10:13pm Set 11:02pm Set 10:53pm Set 11:45pm Rise 2:29pm Rise 3:03pm Rise 3:36pm Rise 4:07pm Rise 4:39pm Rise 5:13pm Rise 5:48pm Rise 6:27pm Rise 7:10pm Rise 7:58pm *Not for navigational purposes.


Good Fishing


Fair Fishing


Not So Good

Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

For the latest wind and swell information for the Auckland area, go to:

50 Matakana Valley Road Matakana • Phone 09 422 7822 • Mobile 021 429 955 Email •


6:48am 5:52pm

Best At






3G Your one stop shop for your marine needs!




April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters


ScoreBoard Sponsored by

TOTALSPAN RODNEY A roundup of sports activities and events in the district Tennis

Opening Day for the Lower Northland Senior Tennis Club (for tennis players over 35 years) is Sunday April 13 at 1pm at Warkworth Tennis Club. All standards welcome. Cost $30 for the season April to September. Info: Beverley Billington 425 7454.

Learn to Swim

The Omaha Classic is fundraising for a new playground for Matakana School.


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Omaha Classic getting close Local runners are getting their training shoes out of the closet as registrations roll in for the Omaha Classic, to be held on Saturday April 12. The event is in its fifth year and includes a 10km run, 8km walk/run, 5km run, 2km kids dash and junior beach dash. Over 450 competitors took part last year and it is hoped this year will break the 500 mark. Matakana School is hoping to raise $10,000 for a new senior playground and for toilets and changing rooms for the school pool. Event manager Kim Scott says the event has been growing every year and they hope to offer a half marathon event in the near future. Hopefully the sun will be out for this year’s event. “We haven’t had a bad day

of weather yet,” Kim says. Event MC and Les Mills trainer Chris Jamieson has been encouraging runners with training hints and routines via the Omaha Classic Facebook page. Food will be available, including Matakana Super Foods Competitors who will receive a 10 per cent discount if they show their racing bibs at the Matakana Pub. There’ll be spot prizes including a glass bottom boat ride voucher, a $50 voucher for Stables Restaurant, a $100 voucher for Sandspit Cafe and a Remedy Room massage voucher. There will also be homemade muesli and coffee available. People are encouraged to register online at

Aquakidz Learn to Swim Holiday Intensive for 4 years and up will take place from Monday April 28 to Friday May 2 at Mahurangi College Pool. $70 for the week, small classes and fun teachers. Info: Cindy 4259924 or 0211635050 or Waka Ama

Tapara L Waka Ama club are holding an 18km Mixed Ocean Race on April 5 at the Whangateau boatramp, all welcome. Waka rigging and briefing 9.30am, race starts 10am. Entry fee $20 per paddler, meal included. Info: Lesley Holmes or Skin Atkins 0211697950. Badminton

Warkworth Mid-Week Badminton is held in the Mahurangi Community Centre, Snells Beach, every Tues and Wed morning from 9.30am. All players welcome, rackets available. Phone Rhondda 422 3565 or Lynne 425 4999. Croquet

Association Croquet is played on Mon at 1pm, Wed at 9.30am and 1pm, and Sat at 9.30am. Info: Anne 425 5211. Golf Croquet is played on Mon at 9.30am, Thurs at 1pm, and Sat at 1pm. Info: Marion 425 6164. All games are played at the Warkworth & Districts Croquet Club, at Point Wells Reserve. New members welcome. List sports news FREE by emailing

229 State Highway 1, Warkworth PhoneHolmes 09 422moved 3149 from When Lesley

Whangarei to Omaha, she feared she 0800 TOTALSPAN might have to give up her waka ama. (0800 868 257) Although Omaha has two wakaTOTALSPAN.CO.NZ ama clubs, and a thriving younger



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| Mahurangimatters 40 Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014



from the

Principal David Macleod

Dear Parents and Guardians Tena Koutou Katoa The updated NCEA results from last year have now been released.

Swimming Sports New Records: 50m Senior Girls Backstroke: Ella Harnish ~ 35.68 50m Senior Girls Butterfly: Amelia Arnerich ~ 32.96 25m Senior Boys Freestyle: Daniel Vaughan ~ 12.40 25m Intermediate Boys Freestyle: Vincent Bubbert ~ 12.30 25m Intermediate Boys Butterfly: Vincent Bubbert ~ 13.93 50m Intermediate Boys Freestyle: Vincent Bubbert ~ 26.31 50m Intermediate Boys Butterfly: Vincent Bubbert ~ 32.59 100m Intermediate Boys Freestyle: Vincent Bubbert ~ 1.01.09 100m Intermediate Boys Medley: Vincent Bubbert ~ 1.11.88 50m Junior Boys Butterfly: Laurens Bubbert ~ 30.12 Champions at all levels can be found on our school website at mahu2/news2.php?area=Sport

Mahurangi National Decile 8 Variation to Pass Rates Pass Rates Pass Rates Decile 8 Pass Rate 2013 2013 2013 Level 1 86.7 81.3 86.2 +0.5 Level 2 89.7 84.8 87.4 +2.3 Level 3 83.6 78.5 81.0 +2.6 L1 Literacy 93.2 83.4 89.6 +3.6 L1 Numeracy 89.5 81.5 88.6 +0.9

It is pleasing to again be above the average pass rate for other Decile 8 schools at all three levels of NCEA. Thank you to our teachers for their hard work and quality teaching again last year, and to our parents, for your support at home. Education always works best when it is a partnership between students, parents and school. The first formal parent-teacher interview evenings for this year will be held in weeks 11 and 12 of this term, Years 7-10 on Thursday 10th April and Years 11-13 on Wednesday 16th April. Information on how to make the online bookings will be enclosed with your child’s Interim Report, which will be issued for all students on Friday 4th April.

Red House Leaders at Inte r-House Swimming Sports: Rose Gannaway and Fin dlay Buchanan

We were very sad to recently farewell Jane Perry from our office, after 17 years as our accounts officer.

Several very successful inter-house activities have already been held this year and we look forward to the Inter-House Haka on Friday 4th April.

Thursday April 3 • Variety Concert - 6.30pm, school hall Friday April 4 • Interim Reports Issued • Environmental Group Bake Stall • Inter-house Haka Monday April 7 • L1 & 2 Group Music Performances • L3 Solo Music Performances • BoT Meeting - 6.00pm start Tuesday April 8 • Mt Roskill Exchange (home) • PTA AGM - 7pm Wednesday April 9 • Yr 11 Market Day Thursday April 10 • Yr 7-10 Parent/Teacher Evening 3.45-8.00pm • Yr 7-8 Orienteering Zone Day Saturday April 12 • Auckland Inter-School Archery Competition • PTA The Great Mahu Bake-off Competition Tuesday April 15 • River to the Sea - Action Plan Evening Wednesday April 16 • Yr 11-13 Parent/Teacher Evening 3.45-8.00pm Thursday April 17 • Term 1 Ends Friday April 18 • Good Friday Friday April 25 • ANZAC DAY 25th April Monday May 5 • Start of Term 2

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We would like to thank Jane for her very careful and thorough management of our accounts and we wish her well in her retirement.

David Macleod, Principal

The Great Mahu Bake Off Saturday 12 April at the Masonic Hall.

Congratulations to the students who broke school records in the school Swimming and Athletics Championships:

The Great Mahu Bake Off is a PTA fundraiser ‘Baking and Cake Decorating Competition’ to raise money for. rugby balls for our school. For more info please see our website or contact Ann Marinus:

Athletics New Records: Yr 7 Girls Discus: Korotaake Tebutokai ~ 19.29m Yr 8 Girls Long Jump: Brianna Cadwallader ~ 4.27m Yr 8 Boys Long Jump: Benjamin Mennenga ~ 4.58m Senior Boys High Jump: Keegan Cole ~ 1.75m

important dates


Keegan Cole competing in Senior Boys High Jump.

Hutchinson Engineering - Senior 5 Netball, Game Gear - 4th Grade Rugby Parklane Kitchens, Senate Nursing Bureau, Warkworth New World and Northern Builders - 1st XV Rugby

Thank you all for you generosity!







Mahurangimatters 41 | April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

Performing Arts Academy 2014

Senior Choir Intensive 2014 Choir Intensive 2014 was one of the best weekends I’ve ever had. This year we spent 2 days working on songs that Mahurangi College Senior Choir will be performing for the Big Sing in June.* On Friday we practised two songs we had been learning at our weekly meetings - “Iona Boat Song” and “The Edge Of Glory” - and we also started learning a new one, “Promise Of Land”. In between practices we chatted, ate, played games, and prepared for our solo/ group performances for the next day. During the practices we were able to develop our performance of the songs to a very high standard and could all see and feel the amazing progress we had made. In the evening the year 13’s set up some games for the whole choir, so we were all playing Murder, Capture the Bottle and King of the Hill. This was great fun and we all had a laugh. On Saturday we did a similar thing, with the addition of eating birthday cake and singing Happy Birthday to one of our members. In the evening the choir performed some exercises we had been working on (and got everyone to sing

she’s Krysana Hanley pretending

in charge!

along), and Iona Boat Song, to our families. We then had a series of group and solo acts (singing, doing skits, etc) which we greatly enjoyed performing and watching. I didn’t want to leave on Saturday evening!! I had a blast and became a lot closer with the other members of the choir. I cannot wait until next year. Also, a HUGE thank you to Jenny Eirena and Mrs Sutherland for everything they did for us during the Intensive. MUSIC TEACHERS ARE THE BEST!!! Louisa Jean Hughes - Y11 Student

Some of the Mahurangi College Pasifika Performance Group joined in the Auckland Libraries Pasifika Month Celebrations at the Snells Beach Library in March. The students performed for the story time group and some children from the Mahurangi Christian School. Mahurangi Kindergarten heard the group and asked them to pop around the corner and perform for them. Both groups were delighted by our Mahurangi Students, and some children joined our group to have a go at dancing “Haoloto”. It was a great opportunity for our students to share some of their culture. C. Weaver

Variety Concert - 3rd April Organised by the Stage Challenge Planning Team. $5. Refreshments available. l

Sing For Life Concert 2014 Mahurangi College singing students entertained an audience of family and friends at a concert on March 9th. Students ranged from Year 7 to 13 and for someit was the first concert at which they had performed. There was a range of songs including a beautiful brother-sister duet of “Say Something” by Alex and Nicole Bindon, “Gimme Love” (by Ed Sheeran) performed by Sam Sutherland and the audience was wowed by Eden Adams’ rendition of “Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again”, from The Phantom of the Opera. A comic highlight of the day was Ashleigh Dick performing Wicked’s “Popular”, involving Mrs Sutherland (joint HOD of Music at Mahu) as her subject - a birthday surprise for her teacher! After all the entertainment everyone enjoyed a shared afternoon tea including a fabulous birthday cake, made by student Jacques Robinson.


The Performing Arts Academy (PAA) at Mahurangi College is for the school’s most active and talented performers in the school. It is designed to support highly achieving artists in the pursuit of excellence in their particular field, by broadening their experiences and opening pathways for their future. The planned events for the year will be a mix of school based workshops and trips to professional performances. The workshops will include drama, drumming, goal setting, LARPing (Live Action Role Play), teaching in the arts and business skills. Professional performances will include the NZSO, Royal NZ Ballet and the APO as well as contemporary Maori dance, and performances by the Auckland Theatre Company. The PAA put on a number of lunch time concerts and perform regularly for their peers. This year’s group of about twenty members includes dancers, actors, musicians, people from Kapa Haka and Pasifika groups and a member involved with the technical side of the performing arts. After two excellent years, Lyn Dashper has left the helm and the PAA is now headed by Jenny Eirena. J. Eirena, Music Teacher

Thursday 3 April at 6.30pm in school hall

Pasifika Celebrations

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A great afternoon was had by all and it was a reminder again of some of the amazing talent at Mahurangi College. J. Eirena, Music Teacher

Achiever o f the Month: Pia Schuster

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Presented by Tom Bethune - Retail Manager, Mega Mitre 10 Warkworth

t Ann

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Proudly Supporting Mahurangi College

• Excellence in Level 2 NCEA • Excellence in Level 1 NCEA • Member of Advanced Premier Debating Team • Member of Mahurangi College Sailing Team which came 3rd in NZ last year • Member of Mahurangi College Sports Academy • Member of the Senior Girls Socer Team


Corner Woodcocks Road & Mansel Drive, Phone 425 8119

Mahurangi Matters



April 2, 2014

Kowhai Connectionn Local buss timetable



Stude n $1.50 ts

per tri


Warkworth • Snells Beach • Matakana

Plus on-request pick-ups and drop-offs to:

Algies Bay • Sandspit • Point Wells • Omaha Weekdays Leaving Warkworth Warkworth

(excluding public holidays)


Weekends (and public holidays)




7.00 8.30 10.00 12.00 2.00 3.40 5.10






7.10 8.40 10.10 12.10 2.10 3.50 5.20




















Snells Beach ▼

Sandspit & Algies








7.30 9.00 10.30 12.30 2.30 4.10 5.40

Matakana ▼

Omaha/Pt Wells Whangateau































8.10 9.40 11.10 1.10 3.10 4.50 6.20






8.20 9.50 11.20 1.20 3.20 5.00 6.30






Return to Warkworth Omaha/Pt Wells Whangateau



7.50 9.20 10.50 12.50 2.50 4.30 6.00

Matakana ▼

Sandspit & Algies








Snells Beach ▼


R = Request a pick-up or drop-off

Freephone 0508 KOWHAI (569 424)

3 ways to catch the KowhaiConnection 1. From a bus stop 2. Hail a ride 3. Request an off-route ride

There was a huge turnout for the Warkworth Tennis & Squash Club working bee last month.

Dusty work at tennis club The Warkworth Tennis & Squash Club looked as if a dust storm had hit it on March 22, thanks to a working bee by members. Over 60 people turned up to help remove the old surface on the top three tennis courts, saving the club $5000 in labour costs.

The working bee began at 8.30am and the job was done by 2pm. A sausage sizzle had to be moved indoors because of the dust, but was moved back outside again when it set off the club’s new smoke alarms. The top three courts are being resurfaced.

Warkworth triumphs in interclub

5 6 9 4 24

0508 KOWHAI •

The winning team: Leonie Meredith, Penny Smith, Keiko Pogoni, Bev Billington, Kat Kayll, and Debbie Beveridge.

Proudly supported by Barfoot & Thompson Warkworth and Mahurangi Matters

Warkworth Tennis Club has once again hit the jackpot in the North Harbour Interclub Ladies Day competition. For the second time in three years since Warkworth first entered interclub teams, the top Warkworth ladies side scooped the 15-week competition’s top prize — the Premier grade.

Finishing on 131 points, the Warkworth Ladies ended the season 14 points ahead of their nearest rival Belmont, with Mairangi Bay on 106 points. Team members were Penny Smith, Kat Kayll, Bev Billington, Keiko Pogoni, Debbie Beveridge and Leonie Meredith.

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what’s on April 2

For links to more information about some of these events, as well as listings through to the end of the year, visit the What’s On calendar online at

Kowhai Park Project weeding bee, 9.30-midday, meet at the footbridge over the Mill Stream to the lime kilns. Bring gardening gloves, morning tea and a big smile. 2 Antarctica - A Year on Ice screening at Matakana Cinemas, 8.15pm. Cost $12. 4 Beyond the Edge showing at Kaiwaka Community Cinema, 7.30pm. Tickets: adults $10, under 16 $5. 5 Art Expo opens at the Woolshed at Matakana Country Park, 10-4pm daily until April 13. Fundraiser organised by Women’s Centre Rodney to raise money for a new playground. 4, 5 Kiwi listening night at Tawharanui regional park, 5.309pm. Numbers limited and bookings essential. Info: 5 Guided walk to the summit of Mt Tamahunga, 10am start. Meet at the track carpark at Omaha Valley Rd. Numbers limited and bookings essential from April 1. Info: Janet 422 7345. Rain date April 12. 5 Waka Ama 18km Mixed Ocean Race, Whangateau Boatramp, all welcome. Waka rigging and briefing 9.30am, race starts 10am. Entry fee $20 per paddler, meal included. Info: Lesley Holmes or Skin Atkins 0211697950. 6 Sunday in the Park with Tossi, Tawharanui Regional Park, meet at the woolshed 9.15am. Bring your working gear and clean solid shoes/boots, gardening gloves, a drink and snack. Free sausage sizzle lunch. Info: Patte 425 9127. 6 Jane Gifford one-hour excursion down the historic Mahurangi River, departs Warkworth Wharf at 11.30am. Reservations not necessary. Adults $20, seniors $15, child $5, family $50 6 George Heaven 5.5km Te Hana Road Race, 1pm start, $5 entry. Organised by Wellsford Road Runners. Info: Caroline Marshall 423 7191. 6 Mary Poppins showing at Kaiwaka Community Centre, 2pm. All tickets $5. 6 Bill Morris and Hyram Ballard perform as part of the Whangateau Hall music series. 3 to 5pm, $15 entry. info: 6 Tami Neilson is playing at the Sawmill on April 6 from 5pm. All ages. Tickets $17 from Eventfinder or $20 on the door. 9 Warkworth BPW Club dinner meeting, Salty Dog Inn, 6pm. Cost $25.Speakers from English Language Partners NZ and Literacy North Shore. RSVP to Sally on 021 425407 by Apr 6. 10-27 “Impressed”, an exhibition of fine art prints from Kowhai Arts & Crafts printmakers, Charlie’s, Sharp Rd, Matakana. 11&12 “Quilts Ahoy”, Warkworth Quilters present an exhibition of their work at Mahurangi Community Centre, Hamatana St, Snells Beach. 10-5pm. Entry $5, children under 12 free 12 Eco-readings in the vines, Heron’s Flight vineyard, 4-6pm. Free entry. Wine, grape juice and pizza for sale, or bring a picnic. 12 Soul Samba Circus at the Sawmill from 9.30pm. Tickets $10 12 Omaha Classic Run/Walk Starting at Fraser Reserve, Omaha Beach, from 8.30am. Info:, or email info@ 13 “Walk, cycle, plant”, walk the Matakana to Omaha walkway/ cycleway with local Trish Allen, and plant a tree along the way, 10am start. Trees available or BYO. Maps and parking available at Morris & James. 14 Warkworth Genealogy Society AGM 10am-noon, Shoesmith Hall, Shoesmith Street. Shared lunch.

April 2, 2014 Mahurangi Matters

th A t What’s O n This M on



Sunday 30th March

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Mahurangi Matters

April 2, 2014

Fine day for Mighty Mahu Tryathlon

View more photos online

Clear skies saw nearly 100 people come out for this year’s Mighty Mahu Tryathlon, which aims to get kids off the couch and into the outdoors. Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation coordinator Ruth Mills says numbers, and consequently funds raised, were a little lower than

expected, but feedback was positive. “It was particularly gratifying to see the looks of pride on the children’s faces for giving it a go,” Ruth says. The triathlon raised about $1100 towards keeping community sport coach Tony Mordaunt in his position as skills coach in local primary schools and clubs.

“His salary isn’t funded by the Ministry of Education. Many people don’t know what’s involved in keeping him but he does a great job. They just love him.” About 250 volunteer hours went into the event, which was a huge help, Ruth says. “Our thanks go to all those involved.”

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