Metropol 12-02-15

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FEB 12




2 February 12, 2015 Metropol





14,15 Outside In: An exibition of art without labels 18,19 Lyttleton’s cast-iron sense of community



Front cover Happy Valentine’s Day! “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” - Charles M. Schulz


5 10 35



IN THE CITY 9 9 48

23 37


39 45

12th February 2015 vol 18


Graffiti artist comes to Christchurch Christchurch teens bring Peter Pan to life Sounds in the city




Kiwala celebrates The 10th jewel in Ruby’s crown Lifestyle guru shares his wisdom


42 Bring water to life 42 The Cocktail Chef 44 Fresh, seasonal produce at Shop Eight 46 The Dining Guide



New collection dazzles, sparkles and shines When a standard valentines gift just won’t cut it Establishing good oral habits

HOME 50 55 64 66


Styling creative spaces Time to put a splash in your summer Bold new interiors Wonderful wallpaper revitalises homes

NEW AT ASKO ! The ‘Vasa’ range of living & bedroom furniture Table was $880 now

$695 Chairs were $225 now

$175 Midway Moorhouse

210 Moorhouse Ave

Buffet was $1250 now Ph 366 5678


Christchurch Metropol February 12, 2015 3

metropol THE SHOWCASE MAGAZINE FOR THE BEST Publisher Metros Publishing Group Ltd Managing Director Trevor Laplanche


eeping connected with all that our chic little city has on offer is what makes a life of living here one of quality, excitement and style. Metropol explores our city’s local talent, innovative businesses and entertainment hot spots. It encapsulates our city’s unique culture from fashion to food, destinations to designers, socialising to services and more. Metropol is quintessential Christchurch designed to inspire the discerning. A massive 30% increase in circulation over the last quarter brings Metropol readership to an est.* 180,000 readers. We welcome all new readers and businesses to the ‘Metropol Experience’.


Advertising : Tracey Prince Editorial : Angela Bennett Production : Julian Laplanche Administration : Emma Dyer

Angela Bennett

Photography : Wendy Cook

Ph: (03) 343 3669 Fax: (03) 343 3659 16 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton, P.O. Box 9362 Christchurch, NZ

Metropol Circulation

45,000 Like us on Facebook

ISSN 2382-1841

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ith that most romantic of days fast approaching – yes this Saturday so be prepared – I thought I'd take a look at what love means to people in this day and age. Love is an elusive thing to describe. It's certainly powerful and compelling. It can be quite consuming and it can also be confusing, especially when mixed up with emotions and desire. Because love means something different to every person, here is a round-up of quotes and ponderings on what loves means to various people. Perhaps it will make you rethink what you believe love is… “To me, love means nding someone who brings out the best version of yourself and challenges you to be better.”– Nina R. “Love is the feeling that something is missing when you are apart and the realisation that everything seems so much better when you are together.” — Vanessa S. "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." – Robert A. Heinlein “'You know when, sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them and ve minutes later, they're as dull as a brick. Then there're other people, and you meet them and you think, 'Not bad; they're okay'. And then you get to know them, and their face sort of becomes them, like their personality is written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful.' Ok I stole that from Doctor Who but I have to say it ts, it's like how people you love are never ugly, because you stop seeing their aws and when you look at them you see who they are, not what they look like. Friends, parents, siblings, etc.” – Tom F. “Love can be the most amazing thing or the most terrible catastrophe in your life. Throughout life we're most likely to face both of them.” “Love, in my opinion, is the force that holds and pulls everything together. Love is the biggest, most elastic existence on this Earth. So quick to resume its original shape after being stretched and expanded, always recovering. Larger than all of the strife, struggle, anger, pain, and terror in this world.” “Love is when the least little thing happens and you automatically think of ‘that’ person.” “My 80 year old grandfather squinted his eyes, put his hand up like a gun and said, 'my wife and I are partners in crime. Back to back… against the world.'” “Love is when you would rather have somebody mad at you, than not talk to you at all.” “When two people can be the weirdest versions of themselves and laugh about it.”

Think about it… “I no longer believe in the idea of soul mates, or love at rst sight. But I am beginning to believe that a very few times in your life, if you are lucky, you might meet someone who is exactly right for you. Not because he is perfect, or because you are, but because your combined aws are arranged in a way that allows two separate beings to hinge together.” - Lisa Kleypas

Metropol is published every fortnight and delivered to the best addresses in the Christchurch and Canterbury region. It is also available from many selected stores, Malls, stands, waiting rooms and offices. Metropol is subject to copyright in its entirety. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission will result in legal action.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained within this magazine, however Metros Publishing Group Ltd can accept no liability for the accuracy of all the information. The information and views expressed anywhere in this magazine are not necessarily the views or opinion of Metros Publishing Group Ltd, its editorial contributors, freelancers, associates or information providers.


4 February 12, 2015 Metropol





Kiwala celebrates


In December Kiwala Interiors got into the Christmas spirit, celebrating a huge year for the company with a function for staff, clients and colleagues at JDV Restaurant in Merivale.

1. Kim Gavin & Dr David



McInnes 2. Michelle & Colin Cameron 3. Brendan & Sonya Hammond 4. Warren Clinch, Josh & Melissa Gray, Carol Clinch 5. Dale Smith & Kim Gavin 6. Kim Gavin & Winsome Dormer 7. Dr David McInnes, Pip and Mark Tyrell 8. Leah Herbert, Chanel Robb, Joanne Gallagher 9. Alison Poulter & Darren Allen 10. Geraldine Lane & Darren Clark




Photos by Vanessa G photography - for copies email:

Metropol February 12, 2015 5

FIVE MINUTES by Angela Bennett

five minutes


James Daniel B

to air or playing music (using my guitar) live in the studio, both of which were unusual at the time. I most fondly remember things like Carolling Around the World where we'd call overseas to reunite families over the phone and have them sing a Christmas song (often in a different language). In the late '80s we gave away $1million in (shredded) cash from the Reserve Bank. We would take the cash in a huge clear plastic beanbag to malls and people would be invited to come see the cash and register to win $1million. Of course, those who registered KNEW what they were winning. Those who only listened assumed it was valid currency. Unfortunately we gained a reputation for ne wine and food so restaurants would bring their victuals including drinks (champagne) into the studio. We got suspended for drinking on air.

ack in the days of fast cars, big drinks, fun loving women and big hair, aka the eighties, James Daniels was the toast of the town. Half of the iconic 'James and Ken' duo that reinvented breakfast radio for the Garden City, James was Ken's fall guy; the risk taker, joker, class clown and intellectual inferior. James has come full circle and is now back on air with co-host Hilary Muir, but in-between times he has completed his Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Property Studies, worked as director of Ngai Tahu Property Group, and late last year underwent open heart surgery. I caught up with this extremely colourful character who continues to have broad involvement in the community as a musician, sports instructor, athlete and of course broadcaster extraordinaire…

What initially led you to making broadcasting a career? It was 1978, I was aged 23, living in Orrick Crescent (Avondale) with a mortgage, wife (#1) and two kids. And no job. 3ZB invited applications for budding announcers. Got an audition. And a job. You and Ken changed the face of breakfast radio in the '80s, how was your style so different from other stations and what were listeners craving in radio then?

6 February 12, 2015 Metropol

What did you enjoy most about the industry back then? The loooong lunches and ash cars. Most other announcers relied on 'style' while we proffered 'substance'. They would use their big 'Boss Jock' voices while we just talked 'normally' to each other while accentuating our differences (young/old, brown/white, east/west, athletic/bookish, rufan/rened). Listeners seemed to want entertainment rather than noise. You took risks on radio that no-one had dared explore. What were some of your edgiest stunts or pranks? We were never afraid of putting phone calls live

What do your listeners expect now and how do you keep it fresh? Back then, the Breakfast Show sounded like a party in a pub (noisy, boisterous, irreverent, and raunchy). Now, 30 years later it's more like a pot-luck dinner party (noisey, whimsical, intimate and risqué). In your late 30s you decided to quit radio and go to university; why? My life was too hedonistic. I needed 'time out'. Went to Lincoln University full-time 1997-1999 (B.Com VPM).

What advice would you give others following this terrible health scare? Go to the doctor sooner (men)! You are an avid musician do you still perform? Always performing….

James and Hilary How did you enjoy being a director of the Ngai Tahu Property Group and what were your standout achievements? Proud to have been a director at the time (2001) we approved the Wigram and Tumara Park developments. What were your biggest hurdles at the time? It was early days for the commercial arm of the iwi; the market and sector were wary of our capability. Subsequently successful. Are you still actively involved with the Ngai Tahu group? If so in what way? I sit on the tribal council Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu representing my wider whanau who whakapapa to Wairewa (Little River, Banks Peninsula). What do you think of Ngai Tahu's involvement with the city's rebuild? Being a cornerstone along with central and local government is entirely appropriate and appreciated. What is one thing you would like to see in the 'new' Christchurch? Commuter Cycleway! What is one thing we should ditch in the 'new' Christchurch? Grandiose sports stadia.

Was going back to broadcasting one day always in your long term plan? Apart from the university hiatus I always saw myself being in the entertainment (including radio broadcasting) sector. How has the industry changed over the last twenty or so years? Flasher cars. With social media, there's better engagement/more interaction with listeners. Massive equipment/software/technological advances. How are you enjoying being back behind the mic and working with cohost Hilary Muir? I'm loving being back on breakfast (this version of me is more mature though…). Hilary is the perfect complement to my maleness. Late last year you had open-heart surgery following an irritating cough – can you tell us about your experience? The 90-day cough lasted 150 for me. Eventually I went to my GP Cat Macgregor who insisted I get some chest x-rays which found a virus had damaged my aortic valve. It was three weeks between diagnosis and surgery (just before Christmas). Has the experience changed your outlook on life? It's made me more grateful that I live in this civilised country. I also value and treat my body with more respect.

What style of music do you love and who are your favourite musicians at present? Songs that tell stories; I love lyrics. Willy DeVille, Raul Malo, Carole King, Laura Nyro, Kris Kristofferson, Rodriguez… You have always been very active as both a sports instructor and athlete – what sporting activities are keeping you busy these days? Coast to Coast 2016. What is your proudest achievement? Being a Dad. If you could go back and tell your teenage self something, what would it be? When you get a nest egg, don't buy a bar (humans, cash and alcohol are a bad mix). What were you doing the last time the thought went through your head: 'I shouldn't be doing this'? Coughing… Which is your favourite café, restaurant or bar in Christchurch? Café Valentino and O'Sheas. What are you like at parties? Fun, frivolous and dishevelled. What's next on the wish list? Red 1968 Chev Camaro from the movie Aloha Bobby and Rose.

ph 365 8582 christchurch tauranga Metropol February 12, 2015 7


French Film Festival's Christchurch connection Sarah Reese, Festival Director of the Alliance Française French Film Festival, reports on what there is to look forward to for the Christchurch leg of the event, which starts on 26 February…

Christchurch born and bred: Festival Directo r, Sarah Reese.

There's a lot of excitement happening right now in the festival ofce. The ofcial programme's just been launched and the countdown is well and truly on until we kick off the 2015 festival in Christchurch.

Much-loved French actors François Damiens and Karin Viard star in the 2015 opening night lm, The Bélier Family.


've always had a special soft spot for Christchurch. It's my hometown and I'm so passionate about the city and its people. On 22 February 2011, I was in the majestic Regent on Worcester cinema nishing setting up for the 2011 opening night when the earthquake hit. Ever since then, we've been − like so many other local initiatives − trying to rebuild our project, its fan base and its overall vibe. There has been a lot of love poured into making this the best edition yet. We've added an extra week of screenings to the Christchurch festival and have lined up the most diverse and ambitious lm selection to date. I recently attended the Toronto

Actress Anaïs Demoustier, the 2015 'Face of the Festival', and star of François Ozon's intoxicating new lm, The New Girlfriend. International Film Festival, primarily to source and select lms for the 2015 edition of the festival. My time in Toronto was utterly productive, fullling and inspirational. It was there, in Toronto, where I saw so many vivid images, varying themes and cinematic wonders; many of which we are bringing your way in February. The festival will kick off with Eric Lartigau's unmissable lm, The Bélier Family. The lm follows the story of 16-year-old Paula who is an indispensable interpreter for her deaf family. Family dynamics are put to the test though when Paula's music teacher discovers she has a gift for singing and suggests she participates in a prestigious

13-year-old newcomer Romain Paul steals the show in Alix Delaporte's The Last Hammer Blow. vocal competition in Paris. Other Christchurch highlights include Alix Delaporte's The Last Hammer Blow, François Ozon's scintillating The New Girlfriend, and a special event celebrating the eagerly-anticipated Gemma Bovery starring English superstar Gemma Arterton. A unique series of lms commemorating the centenary of World War One will also be showcased. The Alliance Française French Film Festival returns to Christchurch from 26 February to 15 March 2015 at Hoyts Cinemas Northlands. Tickets on sale now. Visit www.french for more information.

Two professionals in flooring... two very good reasons to visit our showroom

Georgia Kennedy 8 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Jacqui Kuru

Established 1946

The Rotary Club of Avonhead is presenting the annual Twin Rivers Motoring Extravaganza on Sunday 8 March in the A & P Showground on Curletts Road, assembling from 10.30am. Entry fee is $15 per vehicle for the static display and proceeds are being donated to the Child Cancer Foundation. Car Clubs, all owners and spectators are welcomed to enjoy the picnic atmosphere. There will be prizes for Best British, Best American, Best European and Best Japanese car donated by Classic Driver magazine. Prize giving will be at approximately 2pm. For more information phone Graeme McVicar on 027 5341 330 or


Motoring extravaganza


Graffiti artist Tilt comes to Christchurch Amazing French grafti artist Tilt, world renowned for his colourful, bubbly paintings, is in Christchurch to take part in the Spectrum Street Art festival. Following the success of the Rise festival in 2014, Oi YOU! is returning with SPECTRUM which will be ofcially opened on Friday 13 February by Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Hon. Maggie Barry and will run until May 10. The Embassy of France is delighted to be partnering up with Oi YOU! to bring Tilt to the streets of Christchurch. The artist will be presenting two pieces as part of SPECTRUM: Ÿ A new edition of his Panic Room inside French grafti artist Tilt the YMCA stadium Ÿ A semi-permanent mural grafti on a wall of Christchurch, carefully selected to accommodate Tilt's work. Returning for a third time to New Zealand –although a rst to the South Island- Tilt is eager to be sharing his art with the people of Christchurch: “I am extremely happy to be returning, especially since I have not yet discovered the South island which I am keen to explore after leaving my mark on the walls of Christchurch.” Panic Room


Christchurch teens bring Peter Pan to life Anthony Harper Summer Theatre's show, Peter Pan, which is on now and runs until 22 February is a chaotic, cheeky and charming version of the well-known fairy tale. Ben Ashby from Christchurch Boys' High School plays Peter Pan and Kate Hellings from St Margaret's College plays Wendy. Ben and Kate, along with four other 16 and 17 year olds, are part of The Court Theatre Youth

Company where they have received extensive training in acting. They are supported by three professional actors - Vanessa Kumar, who nished her professional actor's training at Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School in Wellington last year; Andrew Ford, who performed in 'The Complete History of Christchurch' for SummerTimes in 2012; and Derek Flores, a Canadian improvisational import who has made his home in Christchurch. Behind the scenes is a team from The Court Theatre including director Daniel Pengelly, costume designer Aimee Reed, set and props designer Oliver Morse, stage manager Alice Pardoe and operator Alex Le Cocq so the show promises to be a high-quality production. Council Events Production Team Manager Chloe Dear says the actors made up their own version of the Peter Pan story "The performance of the show is unique because they don't have a written script. It will be great to see these talented young actors in front of an audience," Ms Dear says. The show is outside Riccarton House on Wednesday to Sunday at 7pm with an additional 2pm show on weekends. This is a free event, so take along your picnic chair or blanket and settle in with the boy who would not grow up, Tinker Bell, Captain Hook and the Lost Boys.

293 Cranford St. St. Albans Christchurch Ph.03 3667137

Metropol February 12, 2015 9






Ruby has celebrated the opening of its tenth store, Ruby Merivale! With a sun-lled courtyard for summertime and a replace for the cooler months, the pretty new store is set to be a haven to browse the latest pieces from Ruby, Liam, Lonely Lingerie and plenty more.

The 10th jewel in Ruby’s crown

1. Kimberley Robson, Sophie



Dinsenbacher 2.Diane Hunt, Lucy Whelan, Louise Moreton, Andrew McPhail, Chris Lewis 3. Katie Graham, Maria Otto, Lauren Colgan 4. Jess O'Halloran, Jordan Dyer, Renee Kereopa 5. Molly Roborgh, Christine Sharma, Katie Gyde, Ashleigh Sinclair 6. Fleur Mealing, Olivia Shackley 7. Greta & Rachel Eaton 8. Karly Martin, Elisa Stampi 9. Minty MacFarlane, Katie Steere 10. Charlotte Lewis-West, Finn Englsh, Julia Miles 11. Evie Burdon, Saskia Broek





Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:


462 COLOMBO STREET SYDENHAM CHRISTCHURCH 8023 10 February 12, 2015 Metropol

03 366 1232

MON-FRI 9.30AM-5.00PM SAT 10.00AM-3.00PM


DON QUIXOTE The Royal New Zealand Ballet opens its 2015 season 'somewhere in La Mancha' with Don Quixote: a timeless tale of adventure, chivalry and love that has inspired one of the greatest works in classical ballet. The RNZB's Don Quixote, rst seen in 2008 and acclaimed for its 'smashing dancing', is a ery, irtatious delight, combining virtuoso choreography with comic air that appeals to all ages. Don Quixote is a ballet that excites new RNZB Artistic Director Francesco Ventriglia, “I'm very happy that in my rst season I can push our young talented dancers to rise to the challenge that this ballet presents to combine brilliant balletic technique with great acting ability. The dancers have a superb story to tell and they will give it their all”. Opening in Wellington on 4 March, the production tours until 1 April with the Christchurch show, (with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra), on in the Isaac Theatre Royal: Wednesday 11 March at 7.30pm, Thursday 12 March at 6.30pm, Friday 13 March at 7.30pm and Saturday 14 March 7.30pm. For more information go to


Chasing the rose Italian author Andrea di Robilant will be giving a talk on one of his favourite subjects – roses – at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre on Wednesday, 25 February. In his latest book, Chasing the Rose, di Robilant tells of his personal quest to trace the origins of a mysterious rose, taking us back to Josephine Bonaparte and into some of the most delightful Andrea di Robilant rose gardens in Europe. Along the way, he travels through the world of old roses encountering collectors, breeders, botanists, scientists and nurserymen. The book can be purchased at the Visitors Centre and there will be a book-signing after his talk. The event has been organised by Heritage Roses in partnership with WORD Christchurch and the Botanic Gardens. Di Robilant's talk will be preceded by a free guided walking tour of the Heritage Rose Garden, which is located adjacent to Christchurch Hospital in the Botanic Gardens, and which has an extensive collection of roses. The tour will leave the Visitors Centre at 4.30pm. Tickets for the talk are available from or 0800 327 484.


Flirtatious favourite:



all it costs is your life Shepherd, written and directed by Gary Henderson at The Court Theatre runs until 28 February. In the remote mists of Fiordland the Shepherd family run their ock, supplying a hungry world. Constantly monitored and harassed by unseen aerial drones, Daniel Shepherd is a farmer with a contract to full, a family to shelter, and a conscience which leads him to risk an unthinkable punishment. Under the looming threat of extinction, the Shepherd family nd the line between humanity and inhumanity becoming dangerously blurred. Award winning New Zealand playwright Gary Henderson (Peninsula, Skin Tight and Home Land) brings us this provocative vision of a world just one step sideways from our own. Show Times: 6:30pm Monday and Thursday; 7:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday; 2pm matinée Saturday 21 February. To Book phone (03) 963 0870 or visit


Seaweek in Akaroa Akaroa hosts Seaweek Events from 28 February to 8 March. The coast has been a great determiner of Akaroa's economy, heritage and culture and in June last year the Akaroa marine reserve was opened. In celebration of all things coastal, Akaroa will host renowned marine expert, Professor Chris Battershill, as part of Seaweek celebrations in March this year. Other Akaroa Seaweek events include a school debate. On 4 March Akaroa Area School and Ao Tawhiti Unlimited School in Christchurch will be battling it out on the debating oor. The topic is 'The Land is More Important than the Sea'. On 5 March an Akaroa Area School Fundraising Seafood Dinner & Harbour Cruise on Black Cat Cruises will take place. The event will feature a seafood gourmet feast, live music and harbour cruise to the new Akaroa Marine Reserve. The Akaroa Orion Powerhouse Gallery will be getting into the theme of Seaweek with a Seaweek Art Exhibition and there are a number of discounted Akaroa Harbour Cruises during the week. Metropol February 12, 2015 11





Lifestyle guru shares his wisdom


He’s known as the ‘Energy Bunny’ with his unfailing passion for tness, and Bevan James Eyles shared some of his wisdom at Winnie Bagoes Ferrymead on Wednesday January 28.

1. Mike Knowles, Esther Vallance 2. Victoria Powell, Mike Knowles


(Winnie Bagoes), Bridget de Goldi, Bevan James Eyles 3. Stacey Cox, Gina Dalley 4. Wendy James, Linda Hitchcock 5. Gill Wainwright, Aleisha Jones, Aileen Sampudton, Thea Manila, Laura Lagan, Bevan James Eyles, Julie Blackler 6. Whitney Richdale, Lucy Goodwin, Levana Di Somma, Philippa Smithson 7. Sheryn Turner, Karen Young, Ali Dewsbury 8. Charli Clark, Nic McNeil, Jacqui Francis 9. Denise Saundercock, Julie Blackler, Jill Bagon, Jody Ewen


Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

12 February 12, 2015 Metropol




By Cheryl Colley

Help Stacey get ‘back on her feet’ Stacey Herbert is a remarkable young woman. She is beautiful and vivacious, but she is also immensely courageous and has had to dig deep into her mental fortitude over the past four years. You see Stacey had both her legs amputated above the knee after being trapped for eight hours under a pile of concrete and steel in The Press building on that disastrous day - 22 February 2011. Her story and how she copes with everyday life featured recently on TV1's Sunday programme.


tacey has New Zealand-made prosthetic limbs, but they are rigid and not comfortable. She feels her best shot at walking again more naturally is to be tted with computerised legs, known as C-legs, from the specialist Hanger prosthetic limbs clinic in Oklahoma, USA. She needs to raise about $150,000 to go to the States and change her life with new legs. So on 7 March the “Shoot for the Stars” charity dinner and mega auction for Stacey will be held at the Air Force Museum, Wigram. This is a black tie affair so it's an opportunity to “glam up” while supporting an exceptional young woman's dream of walking down the aisle to re-afrm her vows to her husband Nick. The evening will be hosted by The Breeze's Sue White with entertainment by Bonita Danger Doll, singer and burlesque artist. Tables of 10 at the dinner are available for $1,650; individual tickets are $165. Bubbles will be served as guests arrive from 6.30pm; then there is a three course dinner catered by VBase whose food is always beautiful to look at and to taste. Throughout the evening the auction will be held with the help of The Mike Pero Foundation. Some truly amazing items have been donated - from a round of golf at the exclusive members'-only Hills Golf Course in Queenstown to ights to Australia, from a KiwiRail train and ferry trip around New Zealand to luxury accommodation and heaps more besides. Further donations for the auction are welcomed at The Mike Pero Foundation

Photo courtesy of Fairfax Media / The Press.

Phone 0800 737 606 or txt 021 198 8895 to obtain your tickets for this very special event. With your help Stacey will be back on her feet.

Metropol February 12, 2015 13


Outside In: An exhibition Outside In is just the right name for the fascinating art exhibition in the Canterbury Museum's Visitors Lounge that questions what art is and also tries to break down preconceived ideas about artists.

Artist Selwyn Cossar with coordinator of the Outside In exhibition, Bev Lowen.



he point is dramatically made by the majority of the 60 exhibiting artists living with mental and/or physical disabilities, and with no indication given of what kind of person created the art on display. To drive the point home even further, the exhibition also includes works of art by prisoners, students, established artists and art tutors. Confused? You won't be, for you can't help but become intrigued by the generally highstandard of work you're looking at – and wondering what kind of person could have created it? For example, there is work by both awardwinning Christchurch sculptor Bon Suter and

deaf-and-blind sculptor Donald Gibson, who Bon has been teaching and guiding for more than 20 years. Outside In has been put together by co-curators Bev Lowen, who is the arts facilitator of SkillWise's community-based creative space, The White Room, which provides a supportive learning environment in which intellectually disabled people can make art; and Gail Batchelor, a fourth-year ne-arts student from the University of Canterbury. “The art is without labels. We want people to look at the art rather than the artist. By eliminating preconceived ideas and labels, we hope the exhibition will break down barriers

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L-R: Sculptor Donald Gibson, student Sean Brown, artist/teacher/sculptor Bon Suter, and sculptor Benjamin Morris. and change attitudes about what constitutes art and who gets to be an artist,” says Bev. Breaking down such barriers is what Bev has been doing at SkillWise's The White Room, in the City East Church Building, at 118 Shortland Street, Wainoni, for the past oneand-a-half years. “The White Room is used by about 60 artists with intellectual disabilities each week. Some other creative people have also asked to share the space,” says Bev. SkillWise developed out of SPAN (Special Persons Alternative Needs) Charitable Trust, which was established in 1991 by a group of parents at a time when many with intellectual disabilities were being deinstitutionalised, bringing uncertainty into the lives of many people.


of ‘art without labels’

By Hans Petrovic


Sculpture by Donald Gibson Art by June Pearson The aim of SkillWise is to provide stimulating and meaningful opportunities for such people to integrate and participate in the wider community. “SkillWise provides support for about 140 people a week. The support team nds employment for them. There are sports and recreation, a cooking group and even a modeltrain group that builds landscapes,” says Bev. “About 60 people take part in arts. They want to do their own stuff. It's a fantastic way to communicate. About 95 per cent want to share their work – they love to exhibit. “I wanted them to have a space where they could work. The White Room was my vision for this. In the process, I also met up with a lot of other people doing similar things. I'm now sharing that passion with others. Why should people with a disability be cut off from art? “The White Room is a developing creative space, and in line with the objective of the

Art by Peter Chou Chi Hsiang

Art by Selwyn Cossar Outside In art exhibition, the ongoing vision is to open the White Room to practicing and learning artists in the wider community, so that people from many walks of life can come together to share ideas, techniques and passion for their artwork, and learn from each other.”

The works in this exhibition were provided by Hohepa, Independence House, Linwood Community Gallery, Our Studio, Idea Services, The White Room, Mental Health Support Services, the Department of Corrections, the University of Canterbury, Bon Suter Stone Carving Gallery and the Canterbury professional and amateur artistic community. “Times have changed in Christchurch. There are so many people keen to collaborate in such work – including this exhibition. We've had the support of the Canterbury Museum, and Arts Access Aotearoa in Wellington.” At the opening of the Outside In exhibition on January 26, Richard Benge, the executive director of Arts Access Aotearoa, said: “Congratulations to all you artists. No matter where you nd yourself in the community or what difculties you had to overcome, you're here tonight.” Outside In runs in the Canterbury Museum until 22 February.

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16 February 12, 2015 Metropol


New year's opportunities abundant By Cheryl Colley

The atmosphere at Grassam Real Estate is charged with vitality, energy and enthusiasm for the new year and its opportunities. “We have had a wonderful start to 2015 with some very good listings,” says director Juline Grassam. “Typically over the Christmas and summer period people decide to make changes in their lives, including moving house. It's certainly a great time to put houses on the market right now with gardens looking beautiful and those little deferred maintenance jobs having been attended to during the holidays.” Styx River Place, Spencerville


ne such immaculate property for sale through Grassam Real Estate is a 230sq metre house in Styx River Place, Spencerville on a beautifully landscaped 1033sq metre section. The house has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two living areas. “The current owners, who have lived at the property for six years, are very reluctant to leave,” says Juline, “but that means a chance for someone else to get as much enjoyment from it as they have.” Grassam Real Estate has a great deal of expertise in the real estate industry to offer vendors. Pauline Grassam is one of Canterbury's top real estate marketing consultants with over 25 years' experience and an enviable reputation for achievement. Pauline's daughter Juline also has a reputation for exceptional standards of professionalism gained over some 18 years. An added bonus of selling with Grassam Real Estate is that they are a boutique independent agency. This means they have exibility about decisions, especially as far as commission rates are concerned and it also means they are able to deliver an even more customer-dedicated and quality service with one-on-one attention from the listing stage right through to the nal sale paper work. With such a favourable outlook for the future Grassam Real Estate is looking to grow its business and to expand its present team of ve by recruiting another consultant – either someone with experience, or someone new looking to get their real estate licence.


Anyone interested in joining this vibrant agency should contact Paul Biddington on (03) 352 8539. You will become part of a friendly and approachable team that works closely together and shares workloads and ideas. Grassam Real Estate are based at Unit 17, 150 Cavendish Road, Casebrook. Their website details the properties they have for sale. Grassam Real Estate also offer property management – a complementary service to their residential property sales.

Real Estate Opportunity

Considering a new career? Grassam Real Estate, a boutique agency is looking to increase their sales team. If you are completing your salesperson's course or you are an established salesperson wanting a change don't hesitate to give us a call. All enquires treated in strict confidence.

Call Paul Biddington Office 3528 539 or Cell 0274 372324 Grassam Real Estate Ltd Licensed Agent (REAA2008) MREINZ Metropol February 12, 2015 17


By Wendy Dunlop

Lyttelton's cast-iron sense of community The February earthquake dealt Lyttelton a body blow, historic buildings crumbled, wharves twisted, houses teetered over chasms, rocks rained down the hillsides and roads became impassable. But what the earthquake couldn't do is overcome Lyttelton's cast-iron sense of community and its desire to restore, replace and enjoy the remains of the old alongside features that are new…


lbion Square opened on Saturday 8 November, providing a new place to gather both recreationally and for civic events. The site was originally occupied by Lyttelton Borough Council and the Albion Hotel – hence the name of the new square. It features a carved entrance way, play areas, a stage and terraces and incorporates Lyttelton War Memorial and the bell of the 160 year old St Joseph's Catholic Church. Timber beams from the wharf have been re-used and paving based on a weaving pattern reects Rapaki and the harbour.


St Saviour’s Church returns to Lyttelton in a remarkable story of preservation. In 1975 after merging with Holy Trinity Church, the West Lyttelton parishioners gifted their St Saviours Chapel to Cathedral Grammar School. When Holy Trinity Church collapsed following severe earthquake damage and Cathedral Grammar's redevelopment required a larger chapel on its city site, plans were made to re-gift St Saviours back to Lyttelton! Designed by Cyril Mountfort and constructed in Lyttelton in 1886, many sailors from Scott's Antarctic expeditions worshipped at the little timber chapel. In deference to its association with Antarctica, the original altar was gifted to the Antarctic Division of the DSIR. Following St Saviours' return home to Lyttelton, the building will be restored with some of the artefacts retrieved from Holy Trinity Church and the chapel will become a place of worship for all faiths. Norman Kirk Memorial Pool is Lyttelton's only public swimming pool and its extensive repairs have been completed and the “Lyttelton Lives On” celebratory pool party is





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scheduled for Saturday 28 February. Work began on the pool site and its retaining walls in mid2014 and involved replacing the pool, the changing rooms plus the ofce, plant and equipment as well as improvements to the toddlers' pool and sun shade installation. Trinity Hall at the Recreation Centre is expected to be complete around now but won't be fully operational because of restricted access until the rest of the centre is nished. Lyttelton Primary School is a 2014 merger of Lyttelton Main and Lyttelton West and while currently operating on two sites, will be accommodated on one new site during 2015. The Bicycle Pump Track is being developed following the recent Lyttelton Urban Downhill Race – a wild ride of 1.2k with 160m drop! If the combination of hills and wheels appeals to you, head for Lyttelton's skate shop Banks Longboarding on Sumner St. Lyttelton Coffee Company recently re-opened following the earthquake strengthening and repair of its London St premises. Painstaking recreation of the café's original signature look incorporates salvaged bricks for the walls, open rafters and

dark stained oorboards. But there's more space inside and out, the kitchen is bigger, some old staff have returned, new staff have arrived, there's artwork on the wall, tempting food in the cabinet, bags of ambience and the same great coffee Lyttelton has craved for four long years! Also re-opened are the supermarket, the Seafarer's Centre and the Police Station operating in temporary premises. The museum awaits a site with money bequeathed for its rebuild and among the other icons of Lyttelton you'll nd Henry's Trading Rooms and the London Bookshop for an incomparable browse. The Porthole Bar occupies the once famous Volcano, there's sushi at Rama's, coffee and cake at Coffee Culture, ne food at Roots and Freemans, fresh fare at the Harbour Cooperative or deli and the ourishing Farmers Market at weekends. Lyttelton's Summerfest is on now and runs until 15 February offering 29 different events encompassing the arts, music and family fun. Brochures are available at local libraries and a detailed programme of events is on

Swim for Life Helping your family build a lifetime of confidence in water Nationally experienced and accredited coaches

Ph. 03 260 2220 Metropol February 12, 2015 19


Premium results for luxury properties By Cheryl Colley

The word “Sotheby's” conjures up images of exceptional quality and luxury. Sotheby's Auction House was established in London in 1744 and the real estate brand, Sotheby's International Realty, in 1976 and currently has over 750 real estate offices throughout the world and some 16,000 sales associates. This prestigious specialist brand is now once again operating from central Christchurch, focusing on the sale of premium properties in Merivale, Fendalton, Cashmere and surrounds.


erivale is the location of Sotheby's International Realty's latest New Zealand office, joining the other 10 operating throughout the country, each privately owned by Mark Harris and Julian Brown, co-founders of New Zealand Sotheby's International Realty (NZSIR). The new office opened just before Christmas at 182 Papanui Road and already is experiencing excellent listings. “Prior to the earthquakes we had an office in Victoria Street, in Fisher's Art Gallery,” says Mark Harris. “In just over a year of operation there we had secured a good percentage of the market for Christchurch properties in the over $750,000 price bracket. Sadly the earthquakes ended that phase of our business, but we are back now, re-launched and seeing the opportunities presented by a recovering city.” Four agents are presently working from the Merivale office, but Mark Harris explains they would like to have up to ten. “We welcome enquiries from experienced real estate 20 February 12, 2015 Metropol

consultants who would like to move their careers to another level. Our South Island Sales Manager, Mary Sharp, would be delighted to discuss what is involved in working for the 'Number One' luxury real estate company in the world. Just give her a call on 021 722 062. They would be joining other high calibre agents across New Zealand all working closely together and with a highly focussed team culture.” NZSIR does indeed have the level of reputation that Mark alludes to. It is a brand that speaks volumes in quality and which engenders trust. Throughout New Zealand Sotheby's International Realty vendors have their properties marketed not only locally and nationally, but also internationally through the company's unique and exclusive relationship with media outlets in Europe, Asia and the United States. “We believe our brand is an excellent t with Christchurch because of the synergies between our company's English heritage and the English heritage of this city.

We are known for achieving premium results and this is what we are looking forward to achieving once again for Christchurch.” View New Zealand Sotheby's International Realty on and the international company on Contact Mary Sharp on 021 722 062 if you are considering listing your property.


By Wendy Dunlop

Options aplenty in boutique village Imagine… living in one of the city's best loved suburbs, getting to know your neighbours easily, making new friends among like minded people and having a warm, safe, friendly place to call home.


ecoming a resident at Fendalton Retirement Village provides you with all the things to make life comfortable and enjoyable. It's also one of the smaller retirement villages, which are becoming increasingly rare, but it offers a more intimate community with wonderful opportunities for residents, staff, family and friends to get together at regular events during the year.

Charne Christensen presents his painting Recently a painting was gifted to the retirement village by artist Charne Christensen who dedicated it: “To the beautiful souls of Fendalton Retirement Village, may it bring you a touch of joy, a swish of colour to your home and may it put a smile on your lovely faces.” He also challenged students of the Art & Company studio and other like-minded artists to “donate a piece of joy and make a meaningful difference to a rest home near you.” The atmosphere at Fendalton Retirement Village is decidedly boutique and offers a range of lifestyle options including independent villas, assisted living studios and rest home level

Charne Christensen with residents and the gifted painting

SURROUNDED BY EXQUISITELY LANDSCAPED GARDENS, RESIDENTS SOON BECOME PART OF A COMMUNITY THAT FOSTERS COMPANIONSHIP AND A SENSE OF BELONGING. care. But with just 35 rest home beds and 14 studios, getting to know everyone is something very special. Studio rooms are designed for those who value their independence and receive the appropriate support to do so. With meals, linen and housekeeping services provided, studio residents have the freedom and energy to enjoy a varied programme of activities and outings. Many residents appreciate taking an easy stroll to the local shopping centre which includes a library, specialty shops and regular bus services. There is a bright welcoming communal lounge to gather for activities, entertainment and conversation, as well as a fantastic morning room which is smaller and more intimate for when families or friends come to visit. With a kitchenette of its own, residents can also make visitors a cup of tea and enjoy their company in comfort. Surrounded by exquisitely landscaped gardens, residents soon become part of a community that fosters companionship and a sense of belonging.

When making the move from the stressful worries of living on your own and maintaining a home and garden, staff at Fendalton Retirement Village are always able to provide support and guidance during the transition time, enabling you to settle into a new way of life with condence. The team of registered and enrolled nurses, together with dedicated well trained caregivers and an activity coordinator, ensure the needs of all residents are met with genuine quality and continuity of care. At Fendalton, they welcome your enquiry where warmth, peace of mind and comfort await! There are current vacancies available within the rest home wing, which comprises 35 larger than standard single rooms, each with an ensuite. A one-bedroom villa is also now available. For further information and enquiries about Fendalton and Elmswood Retirement Villages contact Sales Consultant Donna Monk directly on 351 0974, or 021 241 9979.

Stay with us during your earthquake repairs Treat it as a holiday you know you deserve it, in our fully serviced apartments. Enquire today 03 222 2003 Christchurch Cathedral Junction 113 Worcester Street Serviced Apartments

Metropol February 12, 2015 21







Mashina Lounge’s 1st birthday bash

It’s not a celebration until you pop the bubbly, so despite the Christchurch Casino Mashina Lounge’s rst birthday festivities lasting all weekend, it was the Saturday celebrations which sealed the deal, featuring bubbles, canapés and live music.

8 7


1. Sophie Tapp, Hollie Cantwell, Abbey Malone 2. James Bruere, Logan Munro, Cameron Shotter 3. Helen McGinty, Sharon Neil, Jill Jones, Wendy Iller 4. Judy & Sam Ewart, Sharon Neill, Dillon Cron 5. Anne Shaw, Melissa Benge 6. Adele Aupaau, Cassy Brydon, Richard Wrightam, Julia Geis, Emma Patterson 7. Nikki Ashton, Katie Jenkins 8. Rodney & Denise Chapman 9. Chris Latimer, Jill Jones 10. Adrian Marlinez Againeo, Heather Yaxley, Rachel Christian 11. Leigh Smith, Jane Howe 12. Matt Winter, Laura Pilcher


Photos by Jane Wyles Photography - for copies email:

22 February 12, 2015 Metropol





New collection dazzles, sparkles & shines Inspired by the bustling metropolis that is New York, Kagi's 2015 winter collection epitomises classic style, sophistication and contemporary chic and is arriving in modish jewellery stores now.


esigner and founder Kat Gee says she fell in love with New York after a recent visit and wanted to capture its thriving essence in her designs. Kagi's exclusive Valentine's collection, Eternity, is in stores now and is a fresh and modern take on eternal love. Kagi's Eternity design features a Celtic inspired, oral knot, reminiscent of an innity sign “to this love there is no start or end” it symbolises. Featuring hundreds of handset cubic zirconias in a never ending composition this ring is the perfect way to say “I do, I will and always” this Valentine's Day. The collection features a matching eternity ring and pendant. The Manhattan collection, inspired by the lights of New York's famed skyline, is also available this month. It's designed to capture the essence of cocktails at sunset in Soho, people watching in Times Square, coffee in Central park, or romance on top of the Empire State Building. The collection includes two unique ranges, Times Square with sparkling chequerboard baguettes in clear or black zirconia, mix and match earrings, a matching ring or the opportunity to stack rings together for a multitonal effect. And, Soho, which captures the brilliance of diamond solitaires (in brilliant cut zirconias) can be worn alone or stacked one upon the next for a really striking statement piece. In March the Acorn Drops and Pearl Orbit collections will be released to add to an outstanding 2015 portfolio.

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363 PAPANUI ROAD MERIVALE Metropol February 12, 2015 23


An autumnal nod to the Orient

Hana, Japanese for ower, was the perfect namesake for the ultrafeminine and spirited RUBY AW15 collection that continues on Ruby's pre-fall Eastern Surfer joyride.

Getting Engaged? Want your own fabulous unique ring! We design each ring and back it with a lifetime guarantee.

24 February 12, 2015 Metropol


uby Designer Deanna Didovich explores the ancient Japanese philosophy of yin and yang in a light-hearted way, with dualities such as casual and cocktail, metallic and matte and asymmetry and symmetry. Key colours include ď€ re red, sweet cherry blossom, ocean blue and cool mint, grounded by classic navy, grey marle and black. Metallic pleating, and a graphic herringbone are juxtaposed against this colour palette while the textured Zanshi story, reminiscent of the ancient Japanese fabric technique, is used as a further nod to the Orient. Hana combines the traditional shapes of kimono sleeves, wrapfronts and obi belts with wave-shaped panel lines and signature Ruby detailing. Statement styles sure to become instant favourites of devoted fans include an impeccably cut asymmetric pantsuit, a tie-shoulder cotton voile blouse and a luxurious slouchy mohair sweater. The collection's delicate simplicity blended with a cool surfer spirit speaks perfectly to the RUBY girl.


The RUBY story

New Zealand-based label RUBY is best known and loved for designs that effortlessly embody youthful elegance and adventurous charm.


rom streetwear origins, Ruby has enchanted its audience under the direction of designer Deanna Didovich to become one of New Zealand's most exciting brands. Within mainline and mid-season collections, the Ruby aesthetic cleverly draws on chic prints, fresh palettes and details to create instantly recognisable signature pieces that are playful yet assured. To complement the Ruby wardrobe, the collections are enhanced with a growing selection of footwear, jewellery and accessories. Ruby opened its ď€ rst agship location in Auckland's High St in 2002 and now has eight stores in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, as well as being available at Top-Up in The Department Store and in a handpicked selection of fashion boutiques across Australasia and Southeast Asia.

Ruby's Hana Autumn collection is arriving in store this month.

Metropol February 12, 2015 25


Your daily style indulgence A visit to the hairdresser was a weekly ritual for past generations – the chance to socialise and to have your hair set for the week ahead.


orkin + Friends are bringing the old school charm of hairdressing back to the city with their daily indulgence blow wave special. “You can pop in once a week for a shampoo and blow dry – for $25 it's a side of hair dressing that doesn't have to be a luxury,” says Stewart Corkin. “It only takes around half an hour so you can t it in during your lunch break.” Stewart sees the daily indulgence as an easy addition to a weekly beauty routine, whether it be to style your hair mid-week, or on a Friday to ready yourself for the weekend. The daily indulgence is also a great way to sort out the drying effects of sun and salt water on your hair during the long summer break, with Corkin + Friends offering the addition of Wella infusion treatments to their daily indulgence blow wave for the month of February, for only $35. “The treatments are a great way to put moisture back into your hair,” says Stewart. There are a range of treatments available to suit every hair type, with the treatments an excellent addition to regular hair care. The ritual of a visit to the hairdresser was just what Stewart had in mind when he opened Corkin + Friends just over three years ago. 16 years of hairdressing in New Zealand, Japan and the United Kingdom, had given him the experience to know exactly what he wanted to create – a welcoming and stylish space with a great atmosphere, where you could be assured of professional service and a great hair style.

“I really wanted to be in the city,” says Stewart, with the salon one of the rst new arrivals in the Colombo and Peterborough Street area. “There is a great energy here with lots of new stores opening.” The salon works closely with those within the local industry - styling hair for Portfolio Models & Talents teenage workshops, and sharing basic hair-up techniques with students at Kristen Stewart School of Makeup.

As creative director, Stewart leads the team of stylists: salon manager Hannah, colourist Liv who provides colouring expertise for all of Stewart's clients, up and coming stylist Ashleigh, and Sandy, who rents a chair at the salon. “Sandy's 20 years of experience and knowledge is a big part of the salon,” says Stewart, with Sandy sharing her expert skills such as balayage. This includes training of their new generation stylists Kat and Desiree – Kat will complete her study this month. The salon takes on two to three apprentices each year with a focus on supporting those who have a passion for hairdressing. It is a passion that Stewart can easily recognise, with his own career decision made at the young age of 12 years. He says this made his school years very simple as he had already decided on his own direction, beginning his career as soon as he nished school. For the salon the benets to supporting apprentices is the constant addition of new talent and fresh ideas for their clients, with Kat placed as one of the top three apprentices for 2014 and due to complete her study this month. Stewart and Kat will be travelling to Sydney later in the year for Hair Expo Australia, as part of the salon's continual commitment to provide the very latest in hair dressing techniques. “There are hairdressers from all over the world,” says Stewart, with a range of look and learn and hands-on workshops, and a Trade Show of new look products and equipment. “We'll bring back the newest techniques and trends to the salon.” Visit, or call Corkin + Friends on (03) 371 9297, to talk to the friendly team about your next appointment.

Complimentary Cut & with any colour service with our New Generation Stylists

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Ph. 371 9297

830 Colombo St e. 26 February 12, 2015 Metropol



Photo credits: Photography by Dave Richards; Hair by Corkin+friends; Make-up by Simone Thurlow and Jumee Ward Law. Collection by Sophie Dinsenbacher.


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Phone: 03 359 7816 Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm Sat 9.00-1.00pm Sun Closed Metropol February 12, 2015 27


By Lydia Truesdale

Bold new designer styles online Brand new online fashion boutique Firklover has burst onto the scene with bold designer styles for women. The New Zealand owned brand was established with those who crave their own style in mind, and with the help of an exclusive offshore designer the collections are refreshingly individualistic.


wner Clover Qi is excited to embark on this new adventure. She is a selftaught fashion designer and personal stylist; her multi-cultural background and years of painting and travel experiences shaping her aesthetic vision. Firklover is her window to challenging the current market and bringing distinct new fashion statements to the fore. “I wanted to offer something classic and nostalgic…pieces that remind us of free and leisurely lifestyles and also that oppose fast-changing contemporary market,” she says. Firklover's undeniable point of difference is its use of unique geometries, patterns and prints that pay tribute to the youth and freedom of the 1960s and 1970s. Whether appearing in subtle detail or as an eye-catching, allencompassing statement there is a minimalism meets elaboration look to each design. Working these retro lines and shapes with agreeable colours then elevates the pieces to that next level of chic. Firklover collaborates exclusively with a designer from Seoul who is renowned both in Japan and with American celebrities for her

Photos shot on location at Dose Café

versatile and strictly-not-massproduced designs. Only a few pieces in each design are made, which not only ensures exclusivity but also means that new creations are being designed on a daily basis and keeping them, and customers, at the front of the fashion eld. The collections are not limited to age, rather those with ne taste, being wearable “today, tomorrow and next year”. The sizes range from about 6-12, but this depends

largely on the design and also what type of material is required. Summer-friendly textiles like silk and cotton are worked harmoniously with favourable templates like A-line, box and tunic dresses, whereas for winter wear the likes of blended wools and heavier or more structured materials are used to create both shape and comfort. For those who are still a little hesitant about online shopping, Clover has ensured that as much


information regarding garment size and shape is available, including listing the dimensions in centimetres so customers can check the measurements against themselves. Firklover also has a friendly returns policy where if the t just isn't right, even after selfmeasuring, then customers can swap the item or return the item for their money back. www.

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By Lydia Truesdale

Boutique salon loved by locals Karamella Hairdressing has exactly what you look for in a modern hair salon. This lovely little studio is community-focused and committed to providing a friendly and professionally personalised service in its vintage-inspired location.

Amber, Nickki, Beren


aramella opened its doors on the corner of Westminster and Cranford Streets almost two years ago. Fitted out with luxurious décor to make each experience more comfortable, customers didn't hesitate to make this their salon of choice. Owner Nickki Irvine, although originally managing all the appointments on her own, has since grown the team to accommodate the expanding client database. She is now joined by fellow senior stylist, Beren, as well as CPIT apprentice, Amber, who each bring their own air to the table. Between all three they have over forty years' collective experience that they draw on to achieve results. The close-knit team provides a full range of hair care services but specialise in TIGI copyright colours, “for innite hair colour creativity… providing the opportunity to colour your hair with freedom and expression to enhance your style,” says Nickki. Another specialty is the Keratin Complex

The Main Main Skein Skein The New Pattern from Prudence P

Smoothing Therapy treatments. There are two main Keratin treatment options, the rst of which is more in-depth and lasts up to three months and the second a Blow Wave treatment that lasts up to six weeks, both of which are designed to help with manageability and frizz control and require a trained stylist to administer. Nikki believes that continued training is the key to staying at the forefront of the industry and so regular in-house and industry workshops are completed, enabling them to perform new and leading treatments. Another major drawcard is the fact the salon is open three late nights weekly. Nickki understands that those working full-time are often limited to when they can get to the salon, but with three late nights a week as well as being open each Saturday there is more exible hours for their convenience. As part of their community focus Karamella also offer a loyalty bonus for regulars. Known


THIS LOVELY LITTLE PARLOUR IS COMMUNITY-FOCUSED AND COMMITTED TO PROVIDING A FRIENDLY AND PROFESSIONALLY PERSONALISED SERVICE IN ITS VINTAGE-INSPIRED LOCATION ON THE CORNER OF WESTMINSTER AND CRANFORD STREETS. as the Blow Wave Club, customers are offered their tenth blow wave for free. From children to senior citizens and everyone in between, the friendly ladies at Karamella Hairdressing are dedicated to meeting all customers' hair care needs. A website will soon be available where online bookings can be made. In the meantime, for appointments and enquiries phone (03) 355 2125.

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Unit 2 159 Cranford St Ph. 355 2125 Metropol February 12, 2015 29


Merivale's chic designer fashion Merivale is a fashion mecca in Christchurch. In its numerous stores there is everything any selfrespecting fashonista could wish for – high end fashion and casual clothing, international labels and New Zealand designs, men's wear, lingerie, swimwear, shoes, accessories and jewellery. Everything is in perfect keeping with the style of Merivale itself – an area of distinction, charm and graciousness, beautied with many elegant homes and with a largely well-to-do English heritage.


usiness has certainly boomed in what was once “Merevale”, attracting respected retailers to the Merivale Mall and the surrounding village. The genesis of Merivale's landmark fashion reputation could very well be the establishment of Quinns of Merivale in the early 1970s. It's a specialist ladies' department store - possibly the only shop of its kind in Australasia. From timeless style to modern and edgy pieces, European boots to statement sandals, cocktail dresses to the latest designer jeans, you'll nd two entire oors of designer fashion here with the store looking especially glamorous and sophisticated since the earthquake repairs have been completed. Women from all over Christchurch and then New Zealand were attracted to shop at Quinns. A saying arose “You'll nd it at Quinns,” if


DFUSION HAS LINES RANGING FROM CASUAL AND STYLISH DAY WEAR THROUGH TO SPECIAL PARTY PIECES. TOP BRANDS INCLUDE AUGUSTINE INTERNATIONAL BY KELLY COE, AND BLAK HALO BY BIANCA WAGHORN. someone was looking for a particular garment for a particular occasion. So it was inevitable that other retailers would want in on some of this action. When Merivale Mall itself was constructed around the Quinn's building, more and more fashion retailers established themselves here. Now the options available to customers are abundant. In the mall and along Papanui Road you will nd New Zealand and Australian outlets such as Kimberleys, Max, Witchery, Andrea Moore,


Veronika Maine, Cue, Storm, Vincent, Ruby, Plume, JNBY, 3 Wise Men and Working Style. There are also exclusive Christchurch stores. Sassys of Merivale prides itself on being an independent fashion store for "real women" with fun, vibrant designs from labels such as Zavarucci, Jetblonde, @emgirl, Catalyst, Charcoal, Vassalli and many more. They offer a wide range of looks, from formal, including mother of the bride or groom and race day outts, to shorts and tees for summer holidays

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30 February 12, 2015 Metropol

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and everything in between. For them it's about affordable fashion with a focus on wearable garments for any age. Stolen Girlfriends Club is just one of the top New Zealand designers offered at Rouche, the boutique whose continued success says a great deal about its staff's passion for style. "We love to nd the perfect outt to suit you!" Rouche's other cutting edge designers include the classic look and t of Kate Sylvester, fun pieces from Karen Walker and the popular range of lounge wear from Lonely Hearts. With a look they describe as 'classic with an edgy sense of fun', Dfusion has lines ranging from casual and stylish day wear through to special party pieces. Top brands include the colour and fun of Augustine International by Kelly Coe, and Blak Halo by Bianca Waghorn for its classic chic and effortless look. For men, Colombus & Ware offers

MAX sophisticated fashion, from formal attire to weekend casual for any age. Rembrandt caters to the rened tailoring customer; Cutler & Co to the fashion conscious shirt wearer and GAZMAN to the lifestyle man. A little distance from the mall, but still in Merivale, are two other top Christchurch fashion stores– Soeur Design and Victoria Black. “Soeur” is French for "sisters" and was established in 1989 in Christchurch. If you're looking for something unique, stylish, trendy, a great t and excellent quality, that can't be found in any other place Soeur Design is the place to visit. Victoria Black, housed in a black, historic villa presents European designer women's wear including Dries Van Noten, Ann Demeulemeester and other 'ready to wear' European designer labels. All collections are from the fashion houses of Paris. Look for the new season's autumn/winter fashion coming to all these Merivale stores right now.



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348 7342 Metropol February 12, 2015 31


Planet's most powerful antioxidant is red What is a tiny krill's secret weapon which also gives salmon its leap in rapids, a carrot its orange, and adds re to amingo feathers? It's the red pigment molecule called astaxanthin in the marine micro algae Haematococcus pluvialis.


staxanthin became known as the King of Carotenoids and the planet's most powerful antioxidant about four years ago after Dr Joseph Mercola described its potency in a TV slot on Dr Oz. The effects of astaxanthin were validated in more than 500 scientic studies including 100 human clinical studies: Ÿ 500 times stronger than vitamin E Ÿ 6000 times stronger than vitamin C Ÿ 800 times stronger than CoQ10 Ÿ 550 times stronger than green tea catechins. Astaxanthin is still the most powerful natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger on the planet because, unlike many antioxidants that deal with one free radical at a time, astaxanthin's molecular structure lets it capture and neutralise multiple free radicals simultaneously. Because it is fat and water soluble, it can span the outer and inner membranes of the body's cells, preventing free radicals from entering cells and causing damage. Unlike other antioxidants that, under certain circumstances can become pro-oxidants and behave as free radicals themselves, astaxanthin cannot. Nor can it be converted to vitamin E, which is dangerous in high doses. Astaxanthin is also one of the few antioxidants that can penetrate the eye and blood-brain barrier. Today, science has also discovered that astaxanthin has many other validated benets that almost outweigh its role as a potent antioxidant. Clinical research proves

32 February 12, 2015 Metropol

ASTAXANTHIN BECAME KNOWN AS THE KING OF CAROTENOIDS AND THE PLANET'S MOST POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT ABOUT FOUR YEARS AGO AFTER DR JOSEPH MERCOLA DESCRIBED ITS POTENCY IN A TV SLOT ON DR OZ. impressive results for supporting a healthy heart, healthy HDL (cholesterol) and triglyceride balance; healthy joints, muscles and fast recovery from exercise; stamina, endurance and reduced fatigue; healthy eyes and vision; premature ageing prevention; plus it acts as a natural sun lter for the inner and outer layers of skin. The purest, most natural astaxanthin is manufactured in Nelson, New Zealand at state-of-the-art facilities, where it is sustainably extracted from red micro algae. Astaxanthin is available at Health 2000 stores such as Health 2000 in the South City Shopping Centre, Colombo Street. Resource: Health 2000

Our very own thirst quenching ice tea

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Metropol February 12, 2015 33


Boutique a bundle of joy The word bundle can be used to describe that new bundle of joy you've brought home, or it can be used to describe a collection or quantity of things, which makes award winning boutique retailer EGG's rebrand to Bundle Boutique such a great t.


ecause, although the name Egg invokes images of that gorgeous shape a pregnant woman dons for the better part of a year, it doesn't quite describe the full breadth of maternity clothing, baby gifts and children's apparel the store contains. In fact, half the store is non-maternity, explains Bundle Boutique director Eneka Burroughs. “We've been around for six years now, changing our name from Egg to Bundle just last September,” she says. “The name change has allowed us to meet what our customers want. The perception with the name Egg was that we just provided maternity wear, but now as Bundle, people can come to us with the condence that we have a wide range of other high quality product.” 'Product' refers to a range which extends far beyond just clothing and, although Bundle stocks children's wear up to size 10, there is also a great selection of toys, gifts and even nursery décor. Then there is the wide range of contemporary maternity wear, with brands like Hot Milk and Ripe, featuring a range of ts designed to atter and enhance your growing curves, including tunics, long cardigans, ruched tted tees and even jeans made for comfort and style. “Our iconic brand Rock Your Baby is arriving later in February,” Eneka says. “So we have had some sneak peeks of things which are arriving soon and we're getting a tonne of exciting new product in.” Set in popular Sydenham mall, The Colombo, Eneka says Bundle Boutique is all about listening to its customers. “Our rebrand has been all about taking on board our customers' wants and needs. We're very uid with what we sell, bringing in new stock every week and turning up with what our mums want for their little ones. We work off their recommendations. “It's a competitive market, but we adapt with what our customers want which ensures we stay relevant.” Check out the store at The Colombo, 363 Colombo Street Sydenham, phone (03) 366 6448, or visit the website


Looking for a unique piece of HISTORY? Timeless Elegant Vintage Jewellery Anarkid Organic at Bundle 9ct Engraved Snap and Hinge Bracelet

9ct Rose Engraved Signet Ring

18ct 0.50ct Diamond Solitaire Ring RV $4650




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421 Colombo Street, Sydenham RV – Replacement Valuation Telephone (03) 366 -5475

34 February 12, 2015 Metropol

363 Colombo St Ph. 03 3666 448


By Lydia Truesdale

Idyllic new location, same fab stylists Hidden from the road on a suburban Bishopdale Street resides Studio 295, the modern hair salon of ne-hair specialists' Noeleen Bonner and Clare Bennett. This wondrous little haven is the perfect balance of salon professional and tranquil ambiance.


wner Noeleen moved the salon just two months NOELEEN AND ago from Fendalton CLARE ENJOY Village to a private studio on EXPANDING THEIR Greers Road, which can be found EDUCATION WITH at the end of a quaint garden REGULAR path. Follow this same pathway Noeline, Clare and the coffee machine WORKSHOPS AND around the corner and it will lead UPDATES. SIMILARLY, you to a charming and sunny THEIR ABILITY TO outdoor courtyard for individuals WORK WITH FINE, to enjoy during their appointment. DELICATE HAIR HAS “We're really enjoying being in GATHERED MANY the new location as are the LOYAL CUSTOMERS. customers, particularly the men Noeline with client among them who like not being seen from the street,” says Noeleen. volume and shine. They trust in reliable Having settled in and with summer in full products that are both effective and damageswing the focus right now is on modish cuts conscious to produce fuller styles for ne hair and styles for men and women, and of course without damaging and thinning it further. the studio specialty, hair care treatments for This desire to excel means different ne and damaged hair. products are explored and used depending on Taking notes from the runways and both differing hair types and what kind of look Client relaxes during service continually adding to their portfolio means they is desired, like nifty creation the steam-pod, are able to cater to men and women of all used at no extra charge in a straightening technique for ages no matter their request. Noeleen and thick and/or damaged hair, infusing it with a keratin-like Clare enjoy expanding their education with product effective in de-volumising while maintaining shape. regular workshops and updates from industry The team at Studio 295 take pride in getting to know their insiders and leading brands; an integral part of clients without interfering with their relaxing treatment. They being a modern salon and being able to offer establish what the individual likes and needs over a quick improved solutions. chat and a barista-grade coffee made from the new Similarly, their ability to work with ne, espresso machine. delicate hair has gathered many loyal Studio 295 is located at 295b Greers Road in Bishopdale. customers. Combining their creative skills and With ample, and free, street parking available it's easy for expert knowledge they nd ways to clients to access. personalise styles that atter and increase For appointments and enquiries phone (03) 351 5209.

Christchurch Vascular Surgeon and Varicose Vein Specialists Using the latest technology, results are fast & effective

Evidence suggests less pain and bruising.

Madam Butterfly’s Vintage Style Boutique

477 Ferry Rd, Woolston 0274 594 052

HOURS MON-FRI 10.30am-4.30pm SAT/SUN 11am-4pm

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16 St Asaph St ChCh

Ph. 365 4502 Metropol February 12, 2015 35


New treatments for younger looking skin What if there were a treatment that could slow the ageing process and kept you looking forever young?

clinic. These state of the art lasers include the Forever Young BBL™, an innovative form of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of ageing and sun damage. Their new Sciton BBL™ is a medical grade machine and is the only BBL available in Christchurch, and it is only available through medical clinics. It is described as the “Rolls Royce” of IPL devices. “Patients' skin treated with this regime appears to show little or no signs of ageing over an 8 – 10 year treatment period with Forever Young BBL™,” says Dr Grant Bellaney, of the exciting results he expects to achieve. “It is truly amazing.” Results from the treatment include: Ÿ An increase in elasticity of the skin

Ÿ More ordered and uniform collagen deposits Ÿ Improvements in ne wrinkles, pigmentation and vascular lesions Ÿ Reduction in facial redness and brown spots The treatment has been scientically proven to truly change the structure of the skin, with a Stanford University study showing that older skin treated with Forever Young BBL™ more closely resembled the gene expression prole of younger untreated skin. Once initial improvement is achieved, only 1 to 2 treatments per year are required. This regime can then maintain your skin in its current state for many years as shown by the images below. For more information on this and our other services call the clinic on 0800-LIPOSUCTION or (03) 3560214.

Forever Young BBL

Dr Grant Bellaney

Age 43 Pre - Forever Young BBL

Age 55 Post - Forever Young BBL

Images supplied by Sciton® - Images have not been retouched or altered



What if a treatment could slow down the ageing clock and keep you looking forever young?


After 4 months

Our Specialist Clinic run by Dermatologist Dr Grant Bellaney has treatments for: Hair Removal Brown Spots Redness




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Available for the first time in Christchurch! There is IPL and now there is BBL... the “Rolls Royce” of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) machines has arrived



he Liposculpture and Cosmetic Clinic are pleased to announce the arrival of new lasers to the

Boutique Clearance FASHION OUTLET Fendalton Village Mall, Cnr Clyde & Ilam Roads, Christchurch Ph. 351 4058


When the standard Valentine's gi just won't cut it Flowers, chocolates, jewellery, they are all well and good, but the best gift for this Valentine's Day is someone to get the groceries, put the laundry away, walk the dog and put out the rubbish. While we all love a beautiful bunch of owers and would certainly never turn down chocolates, the best gift in the fast paced 21st century is the gift of time.


nd Tania Armstrong has a solution. It's not a cleaning company, it's not a personal secretary, it's not a dog walking service and it's not a personal shopper – but My Home Exec can do all that and much, much more. “It's all well and good getting owers and chocolates,” Tania says. “But you've still got owers, chocolates and a lot of chores to get through.” This talented team can do as little or as much as you need. Whether it's a one-off special event or a regular service, the company can get your errands done for you. Yes the housework, the groceries, the dog walking… they can do it all. And better yet, with My Home Exec, you can have your chocolates and eat them too this Valentine's Day, with My Home Exec able to leave owers and chocolates in your newly cleaned home or after running your errands. Or if you don't know what needs doing, or what would make that special someone's life easier, why not get them a gift voucher.

Tania Armstrong

Vouchers start at just $40 and can be provided with a gift basket/chocolate especially for Valentine's Day. Available throughout Christchurch city, My Home Exec offers exible payment options including ANZ Fast Pay, bank transfer, credit and debit cards, making errands like grocery runs or gift shopping easy, with pre-determined limits and receipts provided at drop off. Tania and her partner were working in IT, with four children, pets, a house to run, dinner to cook… not to mention all the little curveballs life throws at your to keep you on your toes – birthday gifts to buy, paint samples to collect, prescriptions to pick up. “I began to realise this was a service that there was a very big need for.

“IT'S ALL WELL AND GOOD GETTING FLOWERS AND CHOCOLATES, BUT YOU'VE STILL GOT FLOWERS, CHOCOLATES AND A LOT OF CHORES TO GET THROUGH.” “Why not spend more time being a couple, rather than being a couple who still has heaps of work to do.” For more information on My Home Exec phone Tania on 0800 MY EXEC, email or visit the website


Give the gift of time to your Valentine! Merino funky pants $175 Mohair jersey $160 Hairdressers

204 Papanui Rd, Merivale

P.355 4734

Fashion, art, jewellery & Gi ware 48 St Albans Street, Merivale

Gift vouchers available Light gardening dog walking grocery shopping house sitting gift shopping pet care cleaning room / cupboard organization







Phone Now : 0800 MY EXEC 0800 69 3932 Metropol February 12, 2015 37


By Cheryl Colley

All you need to reinvent your look...

The interior of the Barrington Shopping Centre is cool, stylish and trendy with its broad aisles and white tiling. It's easy to see why the centre's slogan is “Barrington – Love Being Here” when the environment is so conducive to shopping or spending time browsing in the wide variety of beautiful retail outlets that line either side of the mall.



popular fashion trends. Sassys has a reputation for stocking women's fashion and accessories from a range of labels, both well-known and emerging, to give customers the stunning appearance they are after. To ensure you have the right silhouette to enhance the new outts and to take you into the night-time with style and pizzazz visit the staff at Lingerie on Barrington for their free tting service. Even the little ones and their burgeoning love for clothes aren't forgotten at Barrington with the delightful Little Miss and Little Mister outlet. Simple the styles on offer here may be, but the detailing on them is really eye-catching and sets them apart from other children's clothing brands. Clothes sorted – now for the nishing touches. Shoes perhaps – Moda Bella and Andrea Biani have all the latest in


international styles and colours in high fashion and casual, sandals and court shoes. Then of course the hair style needs to be in keeping with the rest of the updated look. Mr Snipps and Fudge Hairdressers will come to the rescue. What about jewellery to complement the new outts? Harrington Showcase Jewellers and On Time are sure to have a piece that will look just perfect. The nal bit of pampering to complete the image might be a nail treatment at E-Nails or a facial with Simply Beauty. The stylish Barrington Shopping Centre is open seven days for all your personal style needs and much more besides.

SURREAL hair & beauty boutique day spa

Want your hair looking healthy & fresh? Call now for Hair Repair Treatment

151 Edgeware Road

Love is...

Ph. 377 8942 E.


Check us out on

Ph. 332 1730

38 February 12, 2015 Metropol

127 Westminster St St Albans

P.365 2215

Barrington Ph. 337 2337


Can’t bear to be without you...


reating a stylish, up-dated and contemporary personal image to reect this ambience is not difcult with so many fashion stores to choose from with clothing for all budgets and tastes. Wild South offers a range of casual, comfortable and high-quality apparel designed to suit the New Zealand lifestyle - a unique interpretation on contemporary casual fashion. Postie has great fashion at great prices, while Jean Jones with 40 years of designing women's clothing, knows what works for the New Zealand body shape. Pagani and Sassys are here too. Pagani is renowned for its distinctive look and style, once again embracing and celebrating the feminine gure and creating a unique and individual look for



Establishing good oral habits From the time their rst teeth cut through, young children around the country are at risk of early childhood caries; a common oral health disease. This February, Colgate, Plunket and the New Zealand Dental Association (NZDA) are working together again to promote healthy oral hygiene habits throughout New Zealand.


NZDA's advice...


n a bid to combat early childhood caries, also known as tooth decay and cavities, Colgate is continuing to donate a toothbrush and toothpaste to be provided to every new Plunket baby at their ve month visit, along with important education on how to brush and care for their teeth. So far over 200,000 toothbrushes and toothpastes have been provided to babies since 2007. "Many parents aren't aware that early childhood caries can lead to tooth pain and infection, adversely affecting children's eating, growth, and sleeping patterns. We want to help our local communities, and decrease the risk of caries amongst our young Kiwis, by providing parents with the information they need to develop healthy family oral hygiene routines,” says Dr Rebecca Schipper Colgate Scientic Affairs Manager. According to the New Zealand Oral Health Survey, more than 40% of 2-4 year olds aren't seen by a dental professional. Plunket nurses see nine out of ten babies across the country and are often the rst port of call for many parents - enabling them to provide important health messages and support parents to enrol those children who are not already registered with their local community dental clinic. Colgate, along with the NZDA and Plunket, endeavours to increase awareness with parents and caregivers of how important it is to establish good oral hygiene habits for their children early on. Communities can support Colgate Plunket Month at their local Countdown supermarket, where Colgate will donate 20 cents to Plunket with the purchase of any two Colgate branded products to promote oral health awareness. At New World stores, customers can receive a free, fun and educational Dora and Diego tooth brushing chart with the purchase of any two Colgate branded products.

How to promote good oral health in children: 1. Brushing teeth twice a day – after breakfast and dinner - with a smear of uoride toothpaste, from the moment teeth appear 2. Enrolling with the free community dental service and having regular check-ups 3. Parents and health professionals 'lift the lip' regularly, to check children's teeth for any signs of decay 4. Children eat healthy foods and snacks that are low in sugar 5. Children drink water and milk rather than sugary drinks

Halswell Preschool ‘WHERE IT’S GREAT TO BE SMALL’

Now Enrolling For 2015

31 Halswell Junction Road, Christchurch P. 322 8727 E. Metropol February 12, 2015 39

in your kitchen

Apple Tart

Pescatore For an evening of fine contemporary dining Pescatore's innovative cuisine will surprise and delight. Simple sounding dishes are unlikely to be as expected as Chef de Cuisine Reon Hobson likes to have a bit of fun with the menu. Private room available by prior arrangement

Teriyaki chicken Don Fresh, tasty Sushi. Come in to our newest shop at 83 Victoria St and choose your favourite Sushi.

Mr Sushi Ph. 03 3746899

50 Park Terrace P: 371 0257 E: Backed up by a Trip Advisor Cer ficate of Excellence! We are a family business using only fresh local ingredients and don’t forget we have available a mobile func on unit. For your next pizza, make sure it’s a...

BASE WOODFIRED PIZZA Find us in Restart - Cashel Mall Balsamic Vinegar & Raspberry macarons……. try something beautiful today

“THE BUTCHERS APRON” Located beside Peter Timbs Meats in Edgeware Succulent Pulled pork in a Bap , BLT's , Bacon Bu es Hot Hungarian and Nuremburg Sausages in Bun. Steak Sandwiches and the Smell of Fresh made coffee We are going gang busters come and get some ! Irish Breakfast Roll and A coffee for $10 WOW!!! Open 7:30am to 3:00 pm Tuesday to Saturday

J’aime les Macarons The Colombo 363 Colombo Street Ph (03) 366 9108

Peter Timbs Meats ltd 70 Edgeware Road, St Albans Ph (03) 3661780

Awesome Taste & Experience Experience authentic Persian & Turkish cuisine with flavours & aromas of traditional style cooking from kebabs to falafel & desserts of baklava & special Persian delights. Dine in & take way. Full licensed

Persian Kitchen Cafe Bar & Restaurant 325 Stanmore Rd Richmond Christchurch Phone 03 389 0400

40 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Tohu Awatere Valley Pinot Gris 2014 – GOLD: NZ International Wine Show Wine; 5 STARS: Wine Orbit Pears, spice and lifted floral notes blended with rich brioche and toasty butterscotch.

Ph. 0800 864 894

Stylish Grimac Italian Coffee Machine in 5 colours and now in chrome! Also a new selection of double walled thermo cups in stock. Available from:

The Crowded House Coffee Company Ltd 2oo Springs Road, Hornby Christchurch Phone 03 348 5089



Unique cra beer tour By Fleur Revell

A unique new tour is set to take Kiwi craft beer lovers to the global hub of hops for a prestigious festival experience.

Glen Armstrong House of Travel Ellerslie


he six-night hosted tour to Portland, Oregon - a city with more breweries than any other in the world - is the brainchild of House of Travel Ellerslie owner-operator Glen Armstrong. It will offer New Zealand craft beer enthusiasts the chance to sip and savour 84 crafty creations at the long-running Oregon Brewers Festival, as well as experiencing the gourmet food and coffee culture of Portland. The tour is well-timed, as the rise of craft beer continues in New Zealand. Figures from September last year showed it was the fastest growing segment of the beer market here, with sales rising about 25% a year, while the volume of 5%-plus alcohol content beers (which tend to be craft brews) consumed was steadily rising. A keen home brewer himself, Armstrong says he believes it will be an experience of a lifetime for anyone who appreciates seriously hopped Pale Ales, IPA's and Sours. “It will certainly be a new experience for many people, a festival of this size, and the city itself is a great place to visit even without the beer side of things,” he says. Scheduled for the nal week of July to coincide with the festival, the tour will be hosted by renowned beer commentator Geoff Griggs, who recently received an Industry Achievement

Portland 2013, Craft Beer Tour, the team about to start a tasting at the Hopworks Urban Brewery Award from the Brewers' Guild of New Zealand. “Having Geoff hosting the tour means not only will people be visiting somewhere that really values and celebrates beer, but doing so with one of the most knowledgeable guys in the country to talk about it,” says Armstrong. While the tour will likely appeal to plenty of fellow male craft beer acionados, Armstrong says Portland also has much to offer for couples who are looking for a new travel experience to share together. “Portland is well

IT WILL OFFER NEW ZEALAND CRAFT BEER ENTHUSIASTS THE CHANCE TO SIP AND SAVOUR 84 CRAFTY CREATIONS AT THE LONG-RUNNING OREGON BREWERS FESTIVAL. known for its food and coffee offerings, and its 'hipster' culture,” he says. For more information, see

Phone 0508 111 001

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Coriander’s Ethnic Indian Restaurant Come in and Experience an Exquisite Array of Delicate Flavours!


222 St Asaph St, City Centre Phone 365-5557

Edgeware 76 Edgeware Rd, Edgeware, Phone 366 7223

Rolleston Shop No 8, 70-76 Rolleston Dr, Rolleston Square, Ph 03 347 2315

Hanmer Springs Shop 5/30 Cnr Conical Rd Hill& Chisolm Ave, Ph 03 315 7616

Kaikoura Order Online or Call 0508 111 001 10% Off on Takeaway Pickups

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17 Beach Road, Ph 03 319 6844 Metropol February 12, 2015 41



Cocktail Mary's mixologist


Mary's Mixologist Scottie Ronalds shares the secret Scottie Ronalds behind making a sensational Red Rose Martini… There are endless debates over how the martini should be made, we are going to keep it bond style – shaken, not stirred. This recipe does include a variation, a splash of rose syrup which gives a delicate red colour and sweet aroma. The perfect Valentine's Day cocktail or maybe just a variation to bubbles for a romantic meal.

Bring water to life We all know how important it is to stay hydrated, but it can be hard to keep up your eight glasses a day. With a SodaStream machine, you can turn plain tap water into exciting sparkling water with the simple push of a button.

Glassware A Red Rose Martini really does belong in a classic martini glass, the Bormioli Rocco Ypsilon 330ml available from Total Food Equipment.

How to make a Red Rose Martini...


45 ml Absolut 15 ml White crème de cacao 15 ml Lychee liqueur 15 ml Rose syrup Splash of Raspberry cordial Methodology 1. Prepare the glassware by chilling with ice 2. Add all ingredients to a Boston Mixing Glass then ll with ice 3. Shake vigorously then strain into the prepared glassware 4. Garnish with lychee at the bottom of the glass and a red rose petal. Where to get Rose Syrup: We use rose syrup which is available in any Arabic or Indian supermarket. Alternatively you can use Le Monin Rose syrup.


Bloody Mary's is now online so check out where they will be publishing all the Mary's Mixologist recipes on their site for easy reference.

xcite the little ones with muddled summer berries and honey swirled through zzed water - add in a few goji and blueberry ice cubes and you have a delicious rened sugar free berry soda! The kids can even eat the berries when they're done for a great antioxidant hit. Whizz diced watermelon and lime juice in a blender, pour into a jug and top with zzed water. Garnish with lime and fresh basil and you have a healthy summer fruit punch - yum! You can even zz cooled fruit tea for a deliciously bubbly iced brew. What's even better is that SodaStream is easily transportable so that means you can pack up your machine and take it to the beach, bach or even camping for hydration wherever you go. For more information go to






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42 February 12, 2015 Metropol

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Discover one of the world's best teas When a third generation tea expert invites you to taste his favourite tea, you sip up and take notice.


hih Yen Chen is the proprietor of Teasme, the attractive modern tea shop in South City Mall. It's a family business, with another shop in Church Corner Mall. “Emerald Spring is my favourite green tea. I can introduce it to customers with condence,” he says as he brings a pot of pale gold liquid. (Green tea from China is golden, that from Japan is green.) “Green tea is generally the hardest to brew,” he explains. “If you don't make it right it can turn bitter and that can put people off. While most people have heard of the health benets of green tea many don't like the taste either because what they have tried is poor quality, or they have used the wrong method to make it.” There is a “golden ratio” for brewing perfect green tea: 2g of loose leaf tea to 250 mls of hot water which should be at 80 degrees C, infused for ve to 10 minutes. But Emerald Spring is very forgiving. It's delicate in avour but it doesn't matter how you brew it. “It's hard to get it wrong,” says our expert. “You can use a teaspoon of leaves, which can be as little as 1.5g to 4 g.” Water temperature is still important as boiling water can burn the tea, making it bitter and killing the nutrients. Shih Yen has a simple method to get it right. “Boil the jug, pour the water into a room temperature vessel, then pour it into the teapot (not warmed) and this will reduce the water temperature, which was at 100C, by about 20 degrees.” And while most teas get bitter when steeped for too long, Emerald Spring can sit happily for hours. Shih Yen, who offers a variety of teas for tasting at Teasme, can make a pot at 10am and even at 3pm it is still full and smooth. Emerald Spring is grown in China, the leaves picked in early spring when they are very young, making it close in quality to the luxurious white

Merivale: 355 5645


tea. While it tastes delicious, green tea is also popular for its health benets. The powerful antioxidant compound it contains is said to help prevent or ght cancer cells developing, improve the brain, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and stop skin from wrinkling. What's not to like?

café & wine bar Metropol February 12, 2015 43


By Hans Petrovic

Fresh, seasonal produce Turning carefully sourced local produce into ne dining is the cooking philosophy on which chef Alex Davis runs his kitchen at Shop Eight Food & Wine, at 8 New Regent Street.



lex estimates 95 per cent of the ingredients he uses come from local producers, for the simple reason that everything is fresher and better that way, and he knows exactly where it has come from. “We don't use anything that's not grown in this region, although the salt comes from Nelson and the sh from north of Auckland. The sh is own down and arrives quicker and fresher than what I can get from Lyttelton,” he says. “I don't use spices because the avours are unique to Canterbury and also reective of the landscape of the local agricultural region.” Alex's menu changes from day to day, depending on the produce brought in to him, and usually ends up with a selection of distinctive dishes, a description of which are printed out on a small menu for the evening. One recent evening, Alex offered the following four:

Ÿ Buttered courgette with swordsh, hazelnut and coriander; Ÿ Mussels in a chicken, chilli, tomato broth with native spinach; Ÿ Potatoes with oyster mushrooms, rocket, sage and red currants; and Ÿ Beans, pak choi, black pudding and slow egg. Each serving costs $20 and Alex


recommends two per person, or three shared by two people, for a satisfying meal. A taste of everything costs $65. “I know what vegetables are in season and will come in every day – kohlrabi and courgettes are around now. But I don't know what else will be brought in. Two of my suppliers are Logan and Dominique, who grow interesting and exciting vegetables. They grow 15 types of tomatoes, translucent beetroot and purple carrots, which taste different,” says Alex. “There's something very real about this stuff, which is grown in rich soil, and is certainly different to the food in supermarkets. “We get goat from Lyttelton as soon as they are slaughtered. We get the offal as quickly as we can because the kidneys taste really good.”




FREE via Diamond Harbour Ferry Service • Cafe • Licensed Bar • Func ons • Group Bookings

ONE MAIN + TAP BEER OR HOUSE WINE $22 23 HUMPHREYS DRIVE, FERRYMEAD P. 384 1326 44 February 12, 2015 Metropol

2E Waipapa Ave, Diamond Harbour Ph 03 329 4880


dictates the menu ALEX'S MENU CHANGES FROM DAY TO DAY, DEPENDING ON THE PRODUCE BROUGHT IN TO HIM, AND USUALLY ENDS UP WITH A SELECTION OF DISTINCTIVE DISHES, A DESCRIPTION OF WHICH ARE PRINTED OUT ON A SMALL MENU FOR THE EVENING. Alex also works on a zero-waste principle for both vegetables and meat. “I don't believe a pig should be killed only for its ribs. There's lots more nutritional value in the liver and heart. A pig's life is celebrated by using everything,” he says. Alex trained in cooking at the CPIT and then worked in Christchurch for a year before moving to a Queenstown hotel, and then the Pacica Restaurant at Napier, where chef Jeremy Rameka taught him the creative aspects of cooking, bringing in Maori techniques, as well as Asian and French cuisine. Next came a stint in London, where Alex worked at “a really cool” delicatessen for 10

months, learning to keep things simple. He got more of the same principle at the St John Restaurant, which helped develop modern British cuisine. “It simply means, don't mess around too much. If you're working with good products, the good products will speak for themselves,” says Alex. Back in Christchurch, Alex also realised he had to work out the limitations of what is available in Canterbury, thus making him think even more creatively. Alex now shares Shop Eight Food & Wine with co-owner Liz Phelan, who rst opened the premises in April 2013 as a café with a simple breakfast and lunch menu, and then extended it into a winery. The ne-food aspect was

This The perfect place for your function or party. From 4 to 44 or more


Chef Alex Davis

opened with Alex early last year, with the restaurant section extended upstairs into a 26seat dining room ve months ago. Still located downstairs, Liz's winery offers the best North Canterbury wines, most of them having been grown and made organically or bio-dynamically. Liz plans to offer a wine special each week at a reasonable price, so that people can discover the pleasures of ne wine.


Enjoy a FREE Cocktail with every main meal

Made with traditional Vietnamese ingredients

*Conditions apply

OPEN DAILY Lunch 11am-4pm & Dinner from 4pm NORTHWOOD SUPA CENTRE 548 MAIN NORTH RD PH 323 5420

RICCARTON 85 Riccarton Road 03-3416608 RICCARTON@TEPPANYAKI.CO.NZ FERRYMEAD 2 Waterman Place Ferrymead P. 348 5644 FERRYMEAD@TEPPANYAKI.CO.NZ


Vietnamese coffee also available

Open 7 days

Richmond Village Fully licensed & BYO Ph.389 999 78 Dine-in /takeaway Metropol February 12, 2015 45

DINING Riccarton



Cookai Style New Sashimi

Sushi & Sashimi Platter.


COOKAI JAPANESE RESTAURANT Perfect Dining for Valentine’s Day The Cookai Japanese Restaurant offers patrons the chance to enjoy authentic Japanese food in a family-friendly, welcoming environment. Our menu includes many Japanese favourites including soft shell crab, tempura sushi roll, grill chicken and much, much more. Our helpful waiting staff can assist you with selecting your meal if you are unsure of what to order. We offer a wide range of Japanese dishes and beverages with a special set menu option for lunch time and a relaxed luxurious dining area and lounge. Fully licensed offering BYO for bottled wine only. We can cater company functions or private functions for up to 40 people. Opening Hours: Lunch: Wed-Sun 11.30-14.00 Dinner: Mon-Sun 17.30-22.00

6 Nelson Street, Riccarton, Christchurch Phone (03) 343 2860

Sandwiches are proudly made from the highest quality, natural wholesome ingredients, Our breads come in every morning from our baker and contain no preservatives, Our meats are all unprocessed, whole food, Our vegetables come in fresh each morning from the market, That's the New York Deli way! Opening Hours: Open Mon-Sat 8am–8.30pm & Sun (& public holidays) 9am–8.30pm

Phone (03) 366 8130





Ocean Cafe & Bar Scarborough is the ideal place in Christchurch to enjoy a casual dining experience, while watching the surfers, SuPs, seagulls and swimmers. Located on Sumner Esplanade, down by the Clock Tower. Owned by locals, Jules & Wal, who have visions of Ocean becoming Sumner’s most popular place to visit

147 Esplanade Clock Tower End Sumner Ph. 03 326 7923

363 Lincoln Road, Addington LICENSED




Sockburn / Hornby



SPECTATORS 7 day Bar & Bistro



$10 Tuesday Each Tuesday our chef whips up a main meal for only $10. Follow us on facebook to nd out what is on offer each Tuesday. Not on facebook? Call us after 10.30am on Tuesday and our team will let you know what the mouth-watering meal is. Opening Hours: Monday – 7.30am til 4.30pm Tuesday to Friday – 7.30am til late Saturday and Sunday – 9.00am til late 65 Jack Hinton Drive, Addington Raceway Phone (03) 339 7915 46 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Your neighbourhood restaurant just got better serving gourmet pizza, steak, salad, pasta and more. Join us for Steak night every Thursday night. Porterhouse Steak with Chips & Salad $17.00 View our menu at Happy hour 4-6pm Fridays. $5 House Wine $5 Tap Beer with complimentary at bread

150 Colombo Street LICENSED

Phone (03) 331 6674


GEORGIO’S CAFÉ and Eats on Klondyke Open Carvery. Hot roast sandwiches and rolls complete with homemade gravy. Full selection of light dining/lunch and catering available. Ofces shouts and Weddings. Full Barista coffees. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 6am till late afternoon Georgio’s Café Unit 8 / 55 Epsom Road Eats on Klondyke 20A Klondyke Drive


Eats on Klondyke

Georgio’s Ph 348 8161

Eats Ph 349 9910

DINING Strowan





Cafe / Bar Enjoy a casual dining experience, that will become your favourite place for friends to enjoy a range of quality food and refreshments from our fully licensed bar.

Happy Hour: Tues-Sat 4-6pm All Beer & House Wine $5 Available for functions Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Asian street food at its best Set your taste buds to 'bam!' when dining at Fusion @ the Asiatique which, true to its name, serves up a killer mix of Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese and Japanese. Sydenham's latest, this fusion hybrid hot house focuses on fresh, tasty and Like as on nutritious food in super comfy surrounds.

FULL LICENSED 7 Normans Rd Open 7 Days: Tue-Sat 8am-10pm Sun-Mon 8am-3pm

50 Wordsworth St Sydenham Open Mon-Fri 9am-3pm

Phone: (03) 355 5299

Phone: (03) 365 0163




St Albans most loved community café, offering it's award winning No 1 fair trade organic coffee, specializing in homemade sweets and savouries incl gluten free/dairy free wares, all day brunch menu and featuring indoor/ outdoor dining, kids area and free baby chinos. Finalist for Best Café and Best barista in the 2014 Christchurch Hospitality awards. Sponsor of Suspended Coffee initiative.

Fine Dining Thursday to Saturday from 5.30pm. Located in the heart of Merivale for over 35 years Brigittes is a warm and inviting place to meet for breakfast, lunch, dinner or something in between. Our staff are super friendly and welcoming. Our Chefs take pride in their work assuring you the best nished product on your plate. Expert Baristas will make stunning espresso for you or choose a glass of local wine. Breakfast daily till 3pm Lunch daily 11am-3pm

Opening Hours: Open 7 days a week (closed statutory holidays) Mon-fri 8.30-4pm, Saturday 9-4pm Sunday 9-3pm

Opening Hours: Mon-Wed 8am-4pm Thurs-Sat 8am-late Sunday 9am-4pm Open public holiday

670 Barbados Street

Cnr of Aikmans and Papanui Rds, Merivale.

Phone (03) 385 8670


Phone (03) 355 6150

70 Kendal Ave Burnside FULLY LICENSED

City Centre


Special 25% discount on presentation of this advert (max discount $25 and not valid on Valentines or Mothers Day)

“Sevantis is very proud to have been voted in the 'Top 150 New Zealand Restaurants' by Cuisine Magazine in 2011" Opening Hours: Day time cafe-Tues to Sun 10am to 230pm Evening-Tues to Sun 530 til close High Tea Hours Tues to Sun 11am to 430pm • Open Lunch, Dinner • Function Venue up to 50 people • Customised set menus

Phone (03) 358 8810


St Albans

SEVANTIS Sevantis offers 'A La Cate’ dining with an option for casual lunch during the day. Sevantis is well know for it's fabulous food , relaxing decor, ambience and friendly professional hospitality. Servantis is rapidly becoming a destination; High teas are a great attraction.

THE SQUARE RESTAURANT & BAR Celebrate this Valentine’s Day with your loved one in the heart of the city. Enjoy a romantic 5-course menu which includes fresh seafood, New Zealand lamb, decadent chocolate and sweet berries. Make the night extra special - book one of our modern rooms or executive suites. For more information or to secure a booking please phone. 03 372 2158.

VALENTINES DAY SPECIAL: 5-course Dinner $59* Per Person Incl GST. Beverages additional, T&C’s Apply. Bookings essential. Offer only valid for Feb 14 2015.


52 Cathedral Square, City Centre. Hours: Mon-Sun, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and All Day Snack Menu. Licensed. Phone: (03) 372 2158 Metropol February 12, 2015 47


Ready for a little bar-hopping and the chance to catch some great sounds? There's plenty on around the city that will appeal to all types and tastes... Thursday 12 February Phoenix Bar: Terra Entertainment present Nel Amore, 7:30pm. Covers, tribute band Sandridge Hotel: Dj Chick, 8pm. Quiz, karaoke Morrell & Co: Salsa Night, 9:30pm. Latin

Friday 13 February Godley Café: The Remnants, 7-9pm Wunderbar, Lyttelton: Splash Alley, 8pm. Alternative, indie Horncastle Arena: Kenny Rogers - Farewell Down Under Tour, 8pm. Country Victoria Square: Heroes and Heroines of Christchurch Concert, 4pm. Music Festival The Shroom Room, Lyttelton: Forleigh, 8pm. Music Festival Dux Live: Left Or Right - Summer Tour, 9pm. Blues Trevinos Bar & Restaurant: In the City, 9pm. Covers, tribute band Becks Southern Alehouse: Absolut, 9:30pm. Covers, tribute band Alvarado's Mexican Cantina/Bar: Dance with Matecito Latin Band, 8pm. Latin

Saturday 14 February St Michael & All Angels Church: Marlon Williams, 8pm. Alternative, indie Orange Studios: Forleigh & The D.I.Y Global-Local Tour with Lizzie Cook, 7:30pm. Alternative, indie The Auricle: French Concession and Othersun, 8pm. Electronica

FOO FIGHTERS Trevinos Bar & Restaurant: Valentine's Day with Nyree, 9pm. Covers, tribute band Dragons Den Social Lounge: Shindig 3 with Greg Churchill, 10pm. DJ Mashina Lounge: Valentine's Trafc Light Party, 6pm. DJ Churchills Live Music Venue: The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, 9pm. Metal The Bower: Inlimbo - Acoustic Duo, 6pm. Covers, tribute band Becks Southern Alehouse: Phaze III, 9pm. Covers, tribute band

Sunday 15 February Christchurch Botanic Gardens: Shayna King - South Island Tour, 3pm. Singer-songwriter The Rock Café: Lynette Diaz, 3pm. Singer-songwriter Irish Society Hall: Christine Olive, 7:30pm. Folk The Porthole, Lyttelton: Sonic Delusion "Newest Toy in Town" Tour, 8pm. Folk

Tuesday 17 February Churchills Live Music Venue: Dragonforce, 7pm. Metal Chats Bar & Café: Quiz Night, 7:30pm

Wednesday 18 February AMI Stadium: Foo Fighters, 7pm. Rock Watershed Bar & Restaurant: Quiz Night, 7pm The Craic Irish Bar: Karaoke with DJ Chick, 10pm Chats Bar & Café: Karaoke, 8pm

recreated enjoy . Our team have to u yo r fo y ad re u en m for more. has an exciting new ve you coming back ha ll Tequila Mockingbird wi at th ica er s of Latin Am rience. the delicious flavour ng shared dining expe xi la re d an n fu r ou in vel Book your table to re

Come and experience the exotic flavours of Latin America produced by award winning Executive Chef Mark Sycamore. 98 Victoria Street. Phone 03 365 8565. Open: Mon - Thurs 4pm till late, Fri 11.30am till late & Sat - Sun 9.30am till late



The latest induction fth generation cooktops are recognised as the fastest and most energy efcient form of stove top cooking.

New generation induction offers inducement S

meg, the Italian appliance specialist, has released a range of these induction cooktops whose new features include full surface cooking technology, automatic zone recognition and double booster power surge. Put simply Smeg's SmartSense induction double booster technology will deliver up to 3700W of power, meaning a litre of water can be boiled in a mere two minutes. Compare this to the six minutes taken with radiant ceramic and eight minutes with gas and the advantages are stark. Another benet of

induction cooking is that temperature changes, via the slider touch control, are reected immediately and not gradually as with other forms of fuel. A further comparison with more traditional forms of stove top cooking is energy efciency – 85 to 90 per cent with induction as opposed to about 65 per cent with radiant coil, 58 per cent with halogen and 40 to 45 per cent with gas. The new Smeg SmartSense induction cooktops, in 600, 700 and 900mm widths, are also incredibly intuitive. Each of the cooktops features multi-zone technology whereby

multiple pans can be used simultaneously anywhere on the surface – there are no 'dead' areas. Place a pan anywhere on the cooktop's surface and the corresponding control will automatically recognise where it has been placed and light up instantly. Each touch slide control has nine temperature levels, a boost and a super boost function plus a timer. All zones can be used simultaneously. In recognition of the growing popularity for white appliances this new range is available in black and white.





Master Builders Association (MBA) had two nominations including

We pride ourselves on the quality of our service, the efciency of installation, “WINNER” the ability to tailor our services “House of the Year Award” to suit your budget and most importantly, commit to perform within the time frames with Window Finishes Designed agreed between ourselves and you, the client. by Kiwala Interiors.


Mobile Service - “Let us come to you.” PH 03 357 4110 Metropol February 12, 2015 49


Styling creative spaces While the art of interior design may be about breaking the mould, pushing the boundaries and breaking a few rules, there is a skill to doing all this in a way that leaves the client thrilled. Styling is having an eye for details, a creative take on a space and what it will be used for, yet the services of a designer are not just for the rich and famous. What they deliver can be the difference between a houseand a home that is a true reection of your family.

Interior designer and stylist Alexandra Weston chats to Metropol about clever design… How has living abroad inuenced your interior design? It's insightful; the opportunity to observe how other cultures interact in their cities and homes is valuable and relevant to what I do. In a smallish country like New Zealand, it's easy for trends and methods to spread fast and become the norm. I constantly call upon international visuals and ideas, then combine them with products from our fabulous Kiwi creatives. Living in Hong Kong, where space is limited, has made me aware of the importance of function, storage and clever design. Now I enjoy the challenge of guring out a small room. Give us some examples of the projects you have worked on since you moved to Christchurch? I'm loving the variety of projects so far. From new-build

Renovating a bathroom can be an exciting project for any homeowner. To make the process as stress free as possible, it pays to talk to experts about the best approach, the options you have that suit your budget and the times frames involved. If you’re looking to do something special with your bathroom, then we can definitely help you.

50 February 12, 2015 Metropol

• •

interior design projects which call for large creative inuence, to scenarios where the owners are condent with their ideas but require some help pulling it all together. The house building exercise can be so lengthy and consuming, so fresh eyes at the end can provide the icing on the cake. Renovation and redecoration are keeping me busy. I thrive on marrying new ideas and products with the existing, and reusing furniture and furnishings where I can. I relish having rules to work with.

Free guide to bathroom renovations Outstanding range of products to suit your project & budget • Free Consultation service to get your project underway • Recommended builder list

Contact us today Call 03 343 2223 7 Washbournes Road, Sockburn PO Box 7551 Christchurch


I have styled a number of Christchurch homes for magazine features and it's nice seeing homes looking their best and celebrated in print. It's very rewarding for the owners. You have stepped into the art arena, can you tell us about your work? I have been beavering away in my studio since moving back, but the process goes back a number of years now. I began making my

artwork available to the public late last year and I'm thrilled with the following I have already. My artwork is all original, one-off pieces. Art really resonates with me and being able to custom make pieces for a specic space is very useful and rewarding. How do you charge your clients? My pricing is 100 percent transparent; I am freelance and charge an hourly rate. Very

simple. I have no reason to be inuenced to use specic products, and I can use my contacts and suppliers based purely on what suits the project, the look, size and budget. I ensure my clients get the best prices possible. I'm always open to chat about your needs and how we can work together. 022 646 8822 or check out my work at


Still able to offer you the finest top quality new furniture Hours of Business: 7am-4.30pm Mon-Thurs Fri 8am to midday or by appointment with Keith 027 566 3909 P. 371 7500


K E I T H H A RT S H O R N E 0 2 7 5 6 6 3 9 0 9

Metropol February 12, 2015 51


Cricket in Christchurch Are we going to end up compromising our biggest asset? Architect Cymon Allfrey reflects on the dangers of developing Hagley Oval…

Cymon Allfrey

Dening the value of Hagley Park is hard. It is to our city, what our garden is to our home, a place in which to relax, enjoy and be free. Should you imagine Christchurch without this vast open space, the measure of value is abundant. As an urban space it is hugely valuable, and without Hagley Park Christchurch is just another town. It sets a special character for our city and offers a sense of space that counteracts the density of the city.


s a city we use the Park well. Putting aside the sports elds, walks and golf, consider our summer festivities, garden exhibitions, Christmas events, music festivals, wine/food and beer showcases and more. The level of amenity Hagley Park offers to us is huge and perhaps that is why there has been so much contention around the manner in which we use it, most notably the decisions made around developing Hagley Oval. The question of putting a commercial activity into the mix has disrupted the ability for people to nd and create their own journey through the Park; and was a big call to have made. You can build the argument that Hagley has historically been a place for us to congregate and watch cricket. The Oval has been there for

what seems like forever and a day, and is widely regarded by many as being the cornerstone of Canterbury cricket activity. As a cricket lover I have spent many days relaxing in the Oval soaking it all in; and so on Boxing Day, sitting there watching the Blackcaps take on Sri Lanka in the new Hagley Oval, with my two daughters and wife in tow,

there was little doubt in my mind that this was it – my ideal day. There were runs galore, a great atmosphere and a wonderful sense of celebration. As we sat on the deck chairs taking it all in, I found myself thinking that while I was glad that the decision had been made to return International Cricket to Christchurch, the reason I was having a great day was because of the atmosphere, the players and the people I was there with. Not because I was at Hagley Oval. I hence, found myself challenged in my own mind. Up until that point I had rmly taken the view that for the sake of a few days a year and minimal impact, our Park wasn't being compromised by this new cricket venture. What I hadn't considered was the reality that an Oval could have been developed anywhere






Wytze Hoekstra Piano Technician ARPT David Salmon Piano Technician ARPT

1025 Ferry Road, Christchurch 03 3844-248 M. 021 373744

We plan & organise everything to make your renova on less stressful One point of contact from start to finish Our planning & advice ensures your renova on adds as much value to your property as possible


A room without tiles is like a body without a soul... For consummate skill in

Wall and oor tiling Complete oor preparation Underoor heating Exterior plastering Earthquake repairs Pool tiling Shower glass solutions 52 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Office: 033556224 Managing Director: 0224229284 Project Manager: 021653033

Visual Diary An Exhibition by Cristina Silaghi Friday 20 February at the Art Metro 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Art Metro Art School 465 Papanui Road


AS A CITY, WE NEED TO BE GREATER PROTECTORS OF OUR ASSETS. IT IS UP TO US TO PRESERVE THEM IN A WAY THAT IS BENEFICIAL TO US AS INDIVIDUALS, AND AS A CITY. SMALL DECISIONS COULD SHIFT THE WAY WE USE OUR PARK AND THE WAY IN WHICH IT WILL BE PRESERVED. in our city. Which raises the question, have we, as a city, made a good choice to commercialise part of our iconic reserve? While Hagley Oval will always be a great place to watch cricket, I am deeply fearful that we have set a precedent that may remove the sense of freedom and openness that Hagley Park offers. Will these fundamentals of the Park have been persevered in fty, or even eighty years? Where to next now that we have taken this rst step? With the Cricket World Cup almost underway we will see Hagley Oval undergo another transformation with the introduction of eleven thousand temporary seats. With the World Cup

undoubtedly set to be seen as a further indicator of the success of Hagley Oval, will we see pressure to accelerate forward and make what was meant to be temporary seating, permanent? Given the commercial rise of sport and population growth, what facilities will be needed to meet the needs of our city? And what pressure will be placed on our Park to meet these? As a city, we need to be greater protectors of our assets. It is up to us to preserve them in a way that is benecial to us as individuals, and as a city. Small decisions could shift the

way we use our Park and the way in which it will be preserved. In my lifetime the transformation of Lancaster Park was dramatic and at times not always positive, is Hagley Oval to go down the same path? While there is no doubt I love cricket, I do believe we could have invested in a cricket ground on an alternate site more suitable to future development. Have we made an irreversible decision that is set to change our most treasured asset?

Portmeirion the latest in For the complete set cookware technology: of essential cookware... ceramic coated cast aluminum.

Improve your 1st Impression Weathered doors given a new lease of life.


mft Total Food Equipment


218 Moorhouse Ave Phone 03 3666912


Furniture or kitchens discuss your options QUALITY FINISH


46 Mowbray St, Christchurch 365 2519

Metropol February 12, 2015 53


Investing in safety has many benefits Zac Reid

Although he has all the relevant bits of paper, Managing Director of Reid Safety Consulting, Zac Reid, believes his real qualication is his experience. From trades' assistant to corporate safety adviser, Reid has worked on both sides of the business and in some of the most high-risk industries. He also has rst-hand experience of the consequences of poor health and safety practices.



ne of my family members was crushed in a gold mine and I have witnessed fatal accidents on site. The real tragedy is that they were simple things that caused them, which could easily have been avoided.” Reid says often companies have good health and safety systems in place and they look like safe companies on paper, but good systems aren't enough. “You need someone to push it and that's where we come in. We can provide that push and really drive a safety culture.” Reid Safety Consulting provides companies that either don't have the knowledge or resources in-house with a long list of services

ultimately aimed at ensuring all staff return home safely at the end of each day. “We create entire safety systems for clients, we advise on ACC compliance and fee reduction, we conduct site audits and facilitate safety meetings. It just depends on how much involvement the client wants or needs from us.” Reid says one of the challenges is that potential clients often struggle to see the value in investing in health and safety. “The problem is that the value doesn't lie in what they are getting, but in what they are not getting. Businesses who invest in health and safety have fewer accidents, fewer staff complaints and fewer resignations. They are less likely to get ned or shut down, and less

Have yo 10% AC u got your C disc sorted ? ount

s back Yup! And itApril to d te da

likely to lose lives. “It's like getting a warrant for your trailer. It may seem like just an act of compliance but the difference becomes clear if your trailer falls off on the motorway. If it was deemed t for use, it's just an accident; if not, it's negligence. “When things are going well, sometimes it's hard to see the benets. But a quick look at the WorkSafe bulletins shows how badly things can go wrong and how often just a small investment of time or money could have prevented them.” For more information about Reid Safety Consulting and how they could help your business, visit


(03) 376 5197

54 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Save On ACC Prepare For The New Safety Laws Safety Meeting And Tool Box Facilitation On Call Safety For Contractors


Time to put a splash in your summer? External affairs with Tim Goom

Summer is in full swing and it’s been a cracker! On a scorching hot Canterbury day, the exclamation “I would love a swimming pool!” is often heard. A pool provides a wonderful focal point for hours of summer fun and socialising, keeping kids and adults alike entertained. Planning and building a pool takes time, so now is the point at which you should take action to be ‘pool ready’ for next summer.


nvolving a Landscape Architect from the outset is vital to obtain a clear understanding of the process involved and any issues which may arise in applying for consent from the council. There are a number of factors to consider before committing to the construction of a pool:

Design The appropriate design of the pool will depend on its purpose and your needs. Is the pool primarily for exercise/recreation? Relaxation or lounging? Or do you envisage the pool will be a hub for family fun and entertainment? Your landscape architect will carefully consider the function of your pool and then advise you on the best option to suit your needs, be it a bespoke or prefabricated pool. The design concept can also incorporate the secondary function of being a water feature. In this regard the placement of the pool and lighting become crucial.

Accessibility Incorporating your pool space in to any existing outdoor living space symbiotically will ensure good ow between the two areas is maintained. A pool will commonly need to have some type of barrier to comply with consenting requirements, however the use of glass fencing is one option to ensure visual continuity is not interrupted.

covers, pump sheds and storage spaces can all be clad to enable integration discreetly in to the overall design. The type of heating used is important. Some form of heating over the summer months is standard however more sophisticated heating systems will enable year round use of your pool.

Paving & Pool Tiles The choice of tiles and paving should complement the exterior of the house. Taking time and appropriate advice from a landscape architect to make careful decisions in relation to your pool tiles and paving is vital. There are many options to consider. Making the wrong decision can completely undermine the aesthetic of your pool area and can be very costly and time consuming to change.



As with all of your outdoor spaces, protecting your pool space by creating shelter will ensure use is maximised. The placement of pool sheds, pumps and fencing can all work to stop the prevailing wind unnecessarily robbing your pool space of warmth. Planting around perimeters or using strategically placed pots can also provide protection.


Often there will be an absence of any planting in pool areas. At times this will be consistent with the design ethos and create modern clean lines however the pool area doesn’t have to be entirely hardscaped. Appropriate planting can help to soften and integrate the pool space. The placement of trees can help create shade for the pool area in the summer although it is important to choose a variety which won’t clog up the pool lter in the winter.

There is an array of options in terms of providing amenities to accompany your pool, from a simple screened area for privacy when changing to a fully enclosed changing room complete with shower, sink and toilet. Pool

Get inspired by the beautiful weather and start planning now. Next summer you could be cooling off in your own watery oasis!

Metropol February 12, 2015 55


Luxe look black & gold Stone Burl Gray range available from European Ceramics.

"What goes on tour" acrylic on canvas by Sandra Duncan $1800

Great selection of bikes available at The Bike Shop Limited edition handmade necklace from Israel. Available from French Blue.

All components and accessories available from Laura Ashley. For more information go to

Unique Bhudda statue. $225,70cm. Available from Bali Hai Imports.


different take on the monochromatic trend of black and white is the new black and gold theme. Traditionally seen in hotels and restaurants, this look is now achievable in any home. Black and gold together, create a magnicent sense of luxury and has the ability to transform an ordinary room into a luxurious and exclusive space, resulting in a blend of masculinity and glamour.

HE B KE SH P XC & Full Face helmets with Go Pro mounts

Ball Planter, comes in 3 sizes, 900mm diameter, 600mm diameter and 400mm diameter. Order in any colour of your choice from Garden Classics. HOMEWARE CERAMICS JEWELLERY EPICUREAN TREATS ESPRESSO CAFÉ


290 Main North Rd, Redwood PH 354 4022 269 Burwood Rd, Burwood PH 383 2114 Hours 8.30am – 5.30pm Mon – Fri, 9am – 4pm Sat

Get boxed in...

french blue 9a Normans Rd Christchurch. Ph/Fax 355 7545

with Garden Classics Custom made Planters

Showroom & Factory:

302 Fitzgerald Ave Christchurch Ph. 03 377 8801

Hand carved Bhudda Faces

387 Brougham St (Corner of Brisbane & Brougham St) Ph. 365 3411 56 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Tile Showroom - 250 St Asaph St, Ph 379-6481 -


‘Hang Ten’ island style

Mirrors Mirrors Mirrors Mirrors made to measure any frame, any size available @ Windsor Gallery.

‘Beach Bovines’ by Tony Ogle instore at Art & Frame

Cricket World Cup 2015 cooler & handled stein glass. Available @ Simply New Zealand Re Start Mall also NZ Gift Store, ground level, Airport.

Make a statement in your home with

Stunning new range of 100% cotton clothing by 'Beanstork' available now@ Baby Belle.

Vintage Oak Dropside table & ne bone china. Available at Dusty Old Things.


ay aloha to palm trees, the high seas and a cool breeze with the latest Island Life edits in store at Freedom Furniture. Take cues from Hawaiian roots and the surf culture of the '60s and transform your home into an island paradise using bold nautical patterns, rugged rope accents and bottle green glass… 1. Hawaii United canvas 45x70cm, RRP$99 2. Tied Up cushion 50x50cm in teal, RRP$29.95 3. Pier Rope oor lamp, RRP$349 4. Hula cushion, RRP$34.95 5. Porto vessel 38cm in olive, RRP$49.95 6. Hermitage armchair in Scottsdale Tobacco RRP$1699



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Metropol February 12, 2015 57


By Cheryl Colley

Cornucopia of treasures


hen someone in Hanmer Springs says they want to lead you “up the garden path” they don't mean they want to lead you astray. Instead they want to bring you to a treasure trove of giftware and homewares in Hanmer's oldest and largest gift shop - Up the Garden Path. This gem of a store opened in 1998 in a beautiful heritage villa in Amuri Ave where you did literally have to walk up the garden path to go inside. Now it is in a modern block of shops on Conical Hill Road right next to its sister store The Majuba Gallery – Inside the store there is so much to look at and choose from. It's a veritable cornucopia of merchandise from the beautiful and elegant to the quirky and bizarre. That's what makes this place so hard to leave. You can spend hours here especially browsing the great selection of greeting cards. Up the Garden Path have now expanded their range to include clothing. Visit their website and their Facebook page to learn more.

Up The Garden Path

Cushion - Deco fan black & gold $41.80 Clock - Wood grain face with white numbers $96.50. Purchase on the web site or call www.upthegardenpath

English garden bench 1200 long, was $695 NOW $487, available at Kenneally Timber Products.

Pour N Strain 4 piece Pot Set by Kitchencraft $447.99 now $223.99. Just one of the half priced items to be found at The Homestore Merivale 11 day sale on NOW.

Mosaic Wall Art from TileMax.

Books dealing with Grief, Gratitude and Dreams by Canterbury women Melanie Mellor and Christine McArthur, available from Shalamar Florist and Gifts, Cracroft, proud to support locals.

Woven Veranda’s ‘Torlesse chair’ is one of the many pieces offered on display. Open weekend Sat Feb 28th Sun March 1st. or 03 183636.

KWILA Outdoor Furniture

SUMMER SAVINGS Daintree 1450 square table with 8 chairs

UP TO 40% OFF!

Maximum Value.

WAS $2595


5 Conical Hill Rd, Hanmer Springs

03 315 7915


5 year guarantee Buy from importer & save

Cnr Wrights & Old Main North Rds Kaiapoi (Up Marshlands Rd at end of Old Waimak River Bridge) Phone 327 2050 Hours:Mon-Fri 7.30am-5.00pm Sat 9.00am-12.00pm

Maximum Variety. Monday-Friday 8.00am-5.00pm, Saturday 9-3pm & Sunday 10-3pm

280 Annex Road, Middleton, Christchurch.

Phone 343 3893

Shalamar Florist & Gifts

OPEN WEEKEND Sale! Sat 28th Feb & Sun 1st March 11 am - 4 pm WovenVeranada at 'Knockdolian' 505 Deans Rd, Dareld Huge range of outdoor & indoor woven furniture on sale.

Ph.03 3183636 58 February 12, 2015 Metropol

11 DAY




Shop 37,Merivale Mall, 189 Papanui Rd, Ph 356 1469

146 Cashmere Road, Cracroft

Ph: 03 339 8146


HOME Like eyes are the windows to the soul, windows can become the soul of the house. The play of light, the glimpse of the view beyond, and the interior dressing of each window will bring together a room with a cohesiveness, uniqueness and style that reects the family who live within.

Ann-Maree and Kay

The best dressed windows C

urtains, blinds, sheers, nets, texture, colour bursts - curtains can make any statement and making the correct choices can be overwhelming. But, as you decide to dress your room, Kay and AnnMaree of Complete Curtains will make the decisions simple, while providing you with the wow factor you desire. With a fully stocked van on the road, covering the greater Christchurch area, the ladies have over 30 years' experience between them. They will come to you at a time and place that is convenient. Most of all, they will work with you, within the budget you have available. Complete Curtains owner, Lorraine says service over and above what might be expected is the mainstay of this business. "Every room should have a personality and our girls will help people select the right fabric, tracks, colour and curtain style to bring the space alive. From the moment we arrive until your curtains are hanging proudly in place, our whole service orientated team is there to help and guide you." Free making, with some simple conditions attached, and complete installation nish off


Ann-Maree and Kay the service. Complete Curtains are also agents for the full Luxaex range. They have dozens of suppliers and if they do not have samples of what you are looking for - they will source suitable options. Add in the options of buying

upholstery fabric - and having a favourite piece of furniture recovered, getting cushions, table throws and lampshades custom made, and your room will come together in extraordinary ways. As for the latest in curtain trends - it's as diverse as the personalities that occupy each home and Complete Curtains cater to every style; modern, contemporary, traditional, classic, retro and working within a client's budget is of the highest priority. Lorraine knows the team can nd the perfect solution for every window - contact them today and let your curtains become the magic in your home. For your complete needs call 0800 811 811 or email

Make an appointment with either Kay or Anne-Maree for your

measure and quote




(Conditions apply)

Our van can call with a huge range of samples for you to choose from

Tracks and blinds are also available

Phone 0800 811 811 Metropol February 12, 2015 59

Edgy, contemporary By Wendy Dunlop

DJ Hewitt Builders has a multi award winning reputation for innovation, contemporary quality and the workmanship of a perfectionist. So what does a bespoke builder build for himself - a home of the future that also enjoys a panoramic bird's eye view of the ocean, the estuary and Southshore beyond!


he design by O'Neil Architecture was specic to the steep location on the same Redcliffs site of Daryl and Tara Hewitt's previous property which was damaged in the February 2011 earthquake. “For the rebuild, our rst consideration was safety so we needed a highly engineered design to produce a strong resilient hillside home,” explains Daryl. There is separation from the internalised retaining walls and the house is supported off strong concrete foundations by steel posts and bracing. Both oors of the design are suspended concrete on steel frames and

incorporate a mix of commercial and residential elements of construction. Dark joinery and stained cedar create the home's unobtrusive prole which is entered at street level or via the internal access triple garage. The entrance foyer provides immediate visual impact combining timber-look ceramic tiles, sea-grass wallpaper and black structural steel stairs and doors for edgy contemporary style. Left of the entrance is the “brain” room for high-tech automated control of lights,

electricity, temperature, computers, music and blinds which can be activated remotely by mobile phone from almost any location. “It's just an example of how technology has become integral to modern high end homes,” says Daryl. This lower level of the house accommodates a guest room, currently being used as a gym and a beautifully appointed marble lined ensuite bathroom. A walk-in cloakroom for outdoor wear is “wonderfully convenient for us and for guests” says Tara.

Now relocated back to 42 Durham Street Featuring 2 refurbished showrooms with all the latest European les.

Ground floor Showroom & Trade desk open for General sales Monday- Friday 8am -5pm and Saturdays 9-12

42 Durham Street Phone: 03 366 8187

Phone: 03 384 7470

w w w. d j h e w i t t - b u i l d e r s . c o . n z


a home of the future Bespoke metal cladding for the stairwell and window shutters were made by Metal Man Bob and are a modern twist on the French country look that Tara admires. Her interior design expertise is often sought by clients building with DJ Hewitt and her distinctive air is evident in every room of this exceptional home. Natural textures alongside a palette of black, charcoal, wheat, white and gold, suits a cohesive blend of furnishing styles with Asian and European inuences. The kitchen's semi industrial look features black and grey cabinetry, a ribbon of stainless steel bench, marble breakfast bar, white subway tiles and a butler's pantry for storage and food preparation. Sliding windows open to a sheltered courtyard with a stone retaining wall, paving, precision planting, alfresco dining and the luxury of a private spa. Casual dining is accommodated with clever diner-style seating around a circular table, which opens to an all-weather terrace where frameless sliding glass windows ensure the stunning views are uninterrupted. There is effortless ow between indoor and outdoor spaces; the formal dining room adjoins a cosy snug for a quiet read or to watch TV, it opens to a covered patio with adjustable louvres for a cool air ow, while the adjacent media lounge offers an automatic drop-down big screen and sound system. “It's my favourite room where everyone gathers to relax, watch a movie or the rugby and still see the view from the patio,” says Tara. The main bedroom and a guest bedroom occupy the remaining space on this level. The guest room overlooks the rear courtyard and has its own ensuite bathroom, while the main bedroom comprises a private suite on the

P H O N E: 03 379 6077

220 Annex Road, Middleton Email:

opposite side of the house. Luxurious and elegantly decorated, the bedroom is complemented by a large dressing room lined with impressive banks of drawers and wardrobes and a marble lined bathroom with egg shaped bath, massive shower and eye catching black twin basins. If there is anything more you could want in a brand new home, it hasn't been invented yet! “The property is soon to be featured in House and Garden magazine and has been designed for our own live-ability, but it also showcases what we can do for our clients and is open for them to view by invitation,” says Daryl.



Building with a difference

NATURAL TEXTURES ALONGSIDE A PALETTE OF BLACK, CHARCOAL, WHEAT, WHITE AND GOLD, SUITS A COHESIVE BLEND OF FURNISHING STYLES WITH ASIAN AND EUROPEAN INFLUENCES. For anyone planning to build a bespoke home of the future that embraces new technologies and site specic solutions, Canterbury-owned, DJ Hewitt Builders with almost 20 years' experience ticks all the boxes every time. For further information phone 384 7470 or visit

TELEPHONE: 03 313 9985 Email:

Phone: 03 384 7470

w w w. d j h e w i t t - b u i l d e r s . c o . n z

B U I L D I N G W I TH A DIF FE R E N CE 76 November 27, 2014 Metropol

Metropol February 12, 2015 61


The pot dealers you can trust The Leighs family knows quality – they have been dealing in pots, planters and urns for over 30 years. Today, brothers Mark and Tom are at the helm of the family business Potteryworld, but on any given day there could be four generations of Leighs pottering around the expansive Harewood property which is home to the South Island's largest range of pottery.


ounder Tom senior (ex-Saatchi and Saatchi CEO) keeps his hand in the company as chairman of the board and it's obvious that his passion for the business has become a family tradition. And according to Tom Leighs, business is good. “Container gardening has always been popular but we are denitely seeing a rise in certain areas. Growing veggies in pots is really popular, maybe because we're not always feeding huge families anymore. Often it's a young pro fessional couple who want to set up a veggie garden on their deck. “That's another thing; the size of sections today can be a bit restrictive so we need to

think differently. Container gardening offers a great deal of exibility and anyone can do it. And if you move, you can always take your garden with you.” Whether you have a sprawling lifestyle property, a sleek new townhouse, a Victorian villa with cottage garden or an inner-city apartment with a small deck, Potteryworld has something to add appeal or completely transform your space. Pots and planters range from small to enormous (so big they have to be lifted by forklift) with an equally wide range of nishes – such as in-glazed, old stone, GRC and the popular chocolate terracotta. Square, round, oblong, tall, short, squat, cube – if you can picture it then you can nd it at Potteryworld. “It seems like less is more when it comes to pots today,” Leighs says. “People are really into feature pots and not so much the olderstyle cottage garden with a menagerie of pots.


The trend is for a more structured look.” “We also can't get enough of the chocolate terracotta and Atlantis range or pots, urns and vases, which look like they have been dug up from the ocean.” According to Leighs, water features are also increasing in popularity and Potteryworld offers customers the opportunity to create their own. Simply pick a pot or urn you love and they will transform it into a water feature for you.

We can support you with a simple 7 step process 1 3 5 7


62 February 12, 2015 Metropol

2 Site Selection Finance 4 Interior Design Design 6 Build it Contract MOVE IN! what else can we say


Tom's Top Tips WATER FEATURES ARE ALSO INCREASING IN POPULARITY AND POTTERYWORLD OFFERS CUSTOMERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE THEIR OWN. SIMPLY PICK A POT OR URN YOU LOVE AND THEY WILL TRANSFORM IT INTO A WATER FEATURE FOR YOU. Potteryworld's convenient location next door to The Little Big Tree Company means even more value-added services for customers – buy your plant next door and get it potted while you wait. If you are lacking creative inspiration or just overwhelmed by the selection, book a house call. A member of Potteryworld's knowledgeable team will visit your home or commercial property and provide advice on the design aspects of your space as well as the practicalities. Or, just bring in some photos and the team will do their best to help

select the best pots for your space. And it's not just pots you'll nd at Potteryworld. You'll also nd outdoor tables and chairs, chimineas, re pits, Yucca plants, and loads more. You can even purchase gift vouchers online - the perfect gift for garden lovers. Check out the latest pottery designs, colours and textures at Potteryworld, corner Claridges and Gardiners Roads (down the same driveway as The Little Big Tree Company), phone (03) 359 2244. Open seven days.

for successful container gardening: Ÿ Choose hardy, dry-tolerant plants that can survive the rigours of container life. Ÿ Always choose the right-sized pot – too small and the plant will dry out, too big and the excess potting mix could cause root rot. Ÿ Use good quality potting mix with a slow release fertiliser and wetting agent. Ÿ If possible, group pots together to slow down evaporation and make them easier to water. Ÿ Hydro mats are a great way to retain moisture and are a natural product to boot. Ÿ Always position large heavy pots and planters before potting them up.

For the best pot deal in town!!! Find us on

Corner of Gardiners & Claridges Roads Open 7 days Ph. 359 2244 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. Sat-Sun 10am to 4pm Metropol February 12, 2015 63


By Wendy Dunlop

Bold new interiors It's not always feasible to revamp your home with the latest furnishings but there are some easy ways to update the existing décor with new colour trends that are stylish and affordable.


any New Zealand homes adhere to an interior palette of neutrals for carpets, wall colours and kitchen xtures. They are undoubtedly versatile and relatively timeless, especially for the rental property and re-sale market, but they can also appear bland. So here are some simple ways to inject colour into your home without spending a fortune! Cushions There's nothing like some bright bold cushions to “lift” the look of a room and the variety of colours, styles, patterns and textures is phenomenal. Choose coordinating or contrasting options, pair a plain and a patterned design or follow a theme that ts with the style of your home or furniture. Bathroom accessories Invest in some luxurious towels to accessorise the white ttings of your bathroom. Currently popular are red, orange, sea green, bright teal


or lively lime. Team them up with some coordinating bottles of fragrance or bath gel and jars of soap. Kitchen appliances Update your kitchen with a new coloured kettle or toaster in metallic red, purple or teal, a shelf of patterned plates either new or retro, or arrange some eye catching storage jars along the bench top. Wall art Treat yourself to a piece of wall art, a big bold mirror or a clock. Paint some frames in funky shades for a display of favourite pictures or photographs or make a wall hanging from a remnant of beautiful fabric. Floor rugs Complement your neutral toned carpet with a vibrant oor rug; plain, striped, patterned, abstract, tufted or even handmade, choose a square, oblong or round shape that suits the room best.

SALE NOW ON! 50% OFF Selected Cushions 50% OFF Selected Lamps 50% OFF Selected Accessories and at least 20% of all other stock

55 Blighs Road Ph. 3511 905


350 Port Hills Rd, Hillsborough

64 February 12, 2015 Metropol

Open 7 Days

P. 332 3302

curtain, blind & cushion making

lampshade making

interior design furniture

soft furnishings

plenty of parking


Splash backs and tiles Put the wow factor into your kitchen or bath surround with trendy new subway tiles or a splash back of glass or acrylic in red, orange, or lime for a fresh citrus statement. Bed linen Change the atmosphere and ambience of a bedroom with the style and colour of the bed linen; serene, sophisticated, feminine, oral, nautical, executive, or bright and playful for a child's room. Storage solutions Stack up some brightly coloured storage boxes in a corner of a room, revitalise a piece of furniture with brilliant paint work or display favourite books and toys on a vibrant coloured chest or set of shelves. Brighten up Brighten and lighten a dark corner with a metallic feature wallpaper or brightly lit wall washers. Put a vase of vibrant owers on a table, make a stunning table runner or cover

an old chair with contemporary fabric. Enjoy the current trend of individually coloured chairs around a plain white or wooden table. In short - be bold! With a little imagination, adding colour and style can be remarkably inexpensive and creatively rewarding.


Metropol February 12, 2015 65

HOME Reinvigorating tired and drab walls can be easily achieved by applying a few sheets of fresh wallpaper. Whether it's refreshing the lounge room with a new feature print or completely updating the bedroom with a dramatic design, adding wallpaper is an inexpensive and easy D.I.Y. project that will transform the look of your home.

Wonderful wallpaper revitalises homes B

unnings National Paint Accessories Buyer, David Woodford, shares his top tips on how to use wallpaper to restyle a space. Gather your tools: You will need a range of different tools depending on the type of wallpaper you are using. Potential tools include a wall-stripper to remove old paint or wallpaper, a roller to apply glue, wallpaper glue or paste to attach the paper, a step ladder to access the hard to reach areas and a utility knife to trim excess wallpaper from the edge of walls. Decide on your look: You can

use wallpaper to brighten the home's interior by playing with bold colours and experimenting with patterns. Get creative by matching wallpaper prints with the room's existing furniture, wall decorations and art work. Retro heroes: Celebrate the nostalgia of the comic book era with Marvel's iconic retro-chic décor wallpaper range appealing directly to the kid in all of us. Create a stylish feature wall: For a sleek, seamless look choose a design that will complement the room's existing colour scheme so that the room looks updated without the change being too

drastic. For a bold, artistic effect choose a wallpaper that contrasts against the room's current colour palette to really make a statement. Refresh furniture: Refresh tired closet doors and wardrobes by applying wallpaper to surfaces, such as the front and inside of cupboards and draws, for a striking nish. Experiment with different textures by using wallpaper that resembles wood, leather or suede. For more information on Bunnings' range of wallpaper and paint accessories visit or speak to an expert team member at your local store.

DO YOU NEED A NEW WARDROBE? Imagine being able to nd everything when you need it. That’s what a well designed wardrobe should do for you

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Metropol February 12, 2015 67

68 February 12, 2015 Metropol

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